Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCLXXXVIII Botanika – Steciana , , - ISSN - CEPHALANTHERA RUBRA L. RICH. ORCHIDACEAE IN MID‐WEST POLAND WIELKOPOLSKA DISTRIBUTION, ENDANGERMENT AND CONSERVATION STATUS RADOSŁAW SAJKIEWICZ, MACIEJ GĄBKA, PAWEŁ M. OWSIANNY R. Sajkiewicz, Department of Plant Taxonomy, Institute of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska , - Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected] M. Gąbka, Department of Hydrobiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Umultowska , - Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected] P.M. Owsianny, Department of Geomorphology, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Dzięgielowa , - Poznań, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected] (Received: March , . Accepted: September , ) ABSTRACT. A signifi cant decline of the population of Cephalantera rubra has been observed in the NW territory of Poland. This endangered species is legally protected in Poland: it has been included in the Polish red book of plants (category EN) and in the national and local Red lists (Red list of vascular fl ora of Wielkopolska – category EN). In June , two sites of this rare species has been found in the Notecka Forest (Karwin Forest District – north west Wielkopolska). This paper presents the results of verifi cation of the new sites of C. rubra and shows present state of knowledge of conservation, distribution and threat degree of the mentioned species in the area of the Wielkopolska and Ziemia Lubuska regions. KEY WORDS: Cephalanthera rubra, Orchidaceae, distribution, threatened species, ATPOL, conservation status, Wielkopolska, Poland INTRODUCTION , NOBIS and NOBIS ). This species was only rarely recorded in anthropogenic habitats (e.g.