



1S6-I SUBSCRIHKKS (Set:. C. W. Rcsl IKN) . £850 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 IlENRV TOLMAN IAV101IT r.noo Prizes for History" and Education. .„,. ( EDWARII WILSON j Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 1(5,1 "( LACHLAN MACKIN.N0N( " 1873 SIR r.EOIIIIK FERGUSON BOW KN 1110 Prize for English Essay. 187S JOHN HASTIE 19,1)11 Ceneral Endowment 1873 GOIIh'llKY HOWITT - ]«00 Scholarships in Natural History. 1873 SIR WILLIAM EOSTEH, STAW1•"LI' . • OSS Scholarship in Engineering, 1STS SIR SAMCEL WILSON : 30,000 Erection of Wilson Hull. 18*1 .U11IN II1XSUN WYSELASKIE 84110 Scliolarships. 1SS4 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON si ion Scholarships.!!! Modern Languages. 1884 SLliSOIUBERS • - ISO Prize for Mathematics in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1SS7 WILLIAM OIL-MILKS KLKNOT 2000 Scholarships Tor Physical and Chemical Research. lss7 KIIANOIS (IRMONII -JO,000 Professorship of Music. 1890 UdliERT IHXSoX 10,837 Scholarships in Chemistry, I'hvsics, Mathematics and Kimineuring. m»n sonsouinERS S-217 OrmoiMl Exhibitions in Music. 1891 JAMES CiKIIROK HKANKY 3900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1894 OAVII1 KAY .... 5701 Caroline Kay Scholarships. hH A UFA CtlVAS (Continued). 1897 SUbSCRIBERS Research Scholarship in Biology in memory of Sir .Tunics MacBain. 1902 ROBERT ALE.XANDKR WRIGHT 101.10 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineering. 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KKRNOT- 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN" HENRY MACKARLAND- 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND - 400 Expenses. 1903 TEACHING STAKE - - " - 11 SO General Expenses. includin:; PROKKSSOR Si'Kscr.R Ji-2r>8 PR..FKKS..IR Gll.KdORY - 100 PROKKSSOR MAI-SON - - 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS Prize in in. mon- of Alexande 1903 GEORGE, McARTHUR Library of ;50o Books. to 1904-f. SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVKHSITY FUND •y, President—JANKT LADY CI.ARKK Treasurer—HKNRY BOTIJKR •i Secretary—COARI.KS BAOK SI'KCIA I, VOUSVM'IOSS— MRS. AUBRKY BOW E.N7 - 500 Equipment of Pathological Mnsellin. IIKN'IIV BOURNES HIOOINS - moo Scholarship for Study of Poetry. DAVID SYMK 3000 Prize for Scientific Research ill .Australia ERKDKRICK SHKI'l'ARD GIUMWAH looo Prize for Technical Cliemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. I'AY.N'E AND Exhibition iii Veterinary Science. MR. AND MRS. .1. W. I'AYNE 400 SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON - (100 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS (IE I1AR ASSOOlATKlN 047 John Madden Exhibition ill Law. SUBSCRIBERS (,SV,-., It. J. LARKIXH) 1055 Chamber of-Commerce Exhibition, id Prizes at • Commercial Kxaminations iJOA'AriOAS OP tlmt ASU UPWAIll). ANDREW CARNLGIlv "-. • , : 1000 Buildings and Equipment. PROPRIETORS OE "THE. ARGUS.:' 100 \IEL AVALTER BLACK , 100 MRS." WALTER BRIDGES 100 JANET LADY CLARKE • . 100 HHXKPACTIOXS (Continued). SIMON ERASER r 100 Buildings and Equipment. SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT. - 100 JOHN GRICE - - - . - r 100 . WESLEY R, HALL - ~ 100 ALICE'MANIKOLD .... 100 EDWARD. MANIKOLD 10(1 WILLIAM T. MANIKOLD - - 100 DAVID ORME MASSON - 100 MELBOUR.VR MEDICAL ASSOCIATION •205 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - 100 WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER 100 GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN- 100 JOHN TRAILL 100 If, WILLIAM WEATHERLY - 105 W MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 100- "3 OTH Hit 1)0.\A'I'IO.\S - 12S0 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL - 1200 Georiie Lansell Scliolarsbip in Mi.tine; Engineering 191)7 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT - WOO Scholarship in Law. O 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - •200 Research Scholarship in Geology. 2 190S SUBSCRIBERS - - . - 110 Equipment of Anatomy School. 190S HERMAN' HENRY SCH1.APP - 400 Oi-c-treatmeiit Plant. 190S SUBSCRIBERS - - - ' • - 171 19119 JAMES STEWART • 25,02-1 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery. 1909 JAMES CUMING 1,000 Prize for Ayricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING - - - . • 1,0110 Kor Veterinary Operating Theatre. 19(19 SUBSCRIBERS ....-- •200 Dublin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS - - - 134 Jamieson Prize. 1910 GEOKGE SWINBURNE- - - - - 150 Kor purchase of j\pparatus. 1910 T. EDWARDS' Machinery valued at £205. 1910 N. GUTHRIDGE LTD. Machinery valued at..i.Hli 19JO PKB II. B. SILBERBERG * COY, • Machinery valued at tisu, donated by p. W, Braun and \\; ;\iliswot'tii & Sons. llBeiHh'A Cl'IDA'S (Continual).

1911 ALEX. COWAN & SON'S LTD. • £1S0 Ore-treatment Plant. CROSSLEY BROS. LTD. .... 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK .... 2,005 At disposal of Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. B. KULTON .... •.Nil) For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - SOU Department of Anthropology. 1911 SUBSCRIBERS 102 Professor Morris Prize. Mil 2 WILLIAM HARBISON .... 2,500 Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship. 1912 MADAME MELBA - 1,000 Melba Hall. 1912 BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED Machinery valued at £100. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER UA1RD CURRIE 000 John Baird Bursary. 1913 J. KARTRAM & SON Machinery valued at ,tl00. 1913 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST SOU Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 022 Phvsiologv Extension. 1013 MISS MARY L. REID 300 Melba Hall. 1013 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 275 Mr. Albert Mansbridge's Expenses to Australia. • ' i 1913 MRS. ROBERT REID - - • 100 Melba Hall. 1913 JOHN GRICE 1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scholarship. 1914 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 500 Clinical Research Kund. 1914 GEORGE ADfjINGTON SYME - 250 . Clinical Research Kund. 19 If. ALEXANDER MORRISON .... 27 S Advancement of Knowledge of Nervous System. 1910 MR. AND MRS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN 1,0011 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 1910 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH LEVI 1,000 Keith Levi Memorial Scholarsliip.. 1910 WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUSTEES 350 p.a. Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS 220 G. C. Mathison Memorial Lectureship. 1917 MRS. ANNIE WILSON .... 750 On jVecount of .€2,000 to found " R. O. Wilson Scholarships." 1917 PRINCIPAL BASE METAL COMPANIES J\ trust formed ior the purpose of awarding in the University of . each year two Bur­ saries in .Mining and Metallurgy. MRS. EDWARD BACK. 1,000 Robert Bage .Memorial Scholarship. ORIENT LINE OK ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS- Three Kirst-Class Return Passages annually from 19(19 to 1910. ^Inivfvsity a! pUlbmttue.




MAT IT PI.KASE YOUH EXCELLENCY, 1 have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of the University Act 1.915, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past- year: —

1.— DEATH Ol-vTHE CHANCELLOR Ou tire lOtlr March the University lost in the death of its Chancellor, the Hon.' Sir Johm Mudde'nl G.OiM.G., B.A., LL.D., D.C.L., one of its most distinguished graduates and one in whose affections the University held a large place. Sir John Madden had been a, member of Council for 39 years, he had held the office of Warden of the Senate for seven years, that of Vice- Clianccllor for eight, and that of Chancellor for 20 years. During this long period he had filled a. very large place in public life, as a leading member of the bar, as a member of Parliament and Minister of the Crown, and later as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of and Lieutenant-Governor, in which latter capacity he filled the office of j\cting- Govcrnor on many occasions. Notwithstanding his otlier distinguished offices and numerous interests, he maintained to the end a keen interest in the University, and a deep concern for its welfare, and he never failed ANNUAL BEl'OBT, 191M01S. CS1. to respond to any call upon liim for assistance in any University effort. His high ideals of University life- and learning, and his courtesy and consideration at all times ensured the respect and affection of all sections of the University, which sincerely mourns his death.

2.—THE WAR. The calls made upon the University for special war- service have continued to contract, although the ser­ vices of a number of members of the staff have been used to a greater or less extent. Two members of the Council are still at the war. They arc Lieut.-Col. Sir James Barrett and Lieut.- General Sir John Monash. Both have been honoured during the year. Sir James Barrett has had the Order of K.B.E. conferred upon him, and Sir John Monash has received that of K.C.B., and has further been ad­ vanced to the rank of Lieut.-General, aud given the full command of the Australian .'Army . Tlie. Council has great pleasure in reporting these facts. Recognis­ ing the important work being done by its absent mem­ bers, it has extended their leave of absence for a further 12 months. iMr. H. R. Seddon, B.V.Sc, Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology, has enlisted, having been enabled to do so by the return of Professor Woodruff. Towards the close of 1917 the Council caused notices to- be posted to the effect that the Council urged upon men students the duty of rendering to the Empire all the personal service of whicli they might be capable; that those of military age and fitness should seriously con­ sider whether they ought not to offer their services at the front; and that no considerations of commercial or professional advantage should be allowed to stand in the way of this plain duty. The question ot the special position of medical students regarding enlistment has been discussed from time to time during the war. It came un again early in 1918, and the Faculty of Medicine decided that in its opinion medical students in' their first, second and third years might- enlist without endangering an ade­ quate supply of medical practitioners for the future? needs of the community. (532 ANNUAL REPORT, lOlM'.US.

The enlistment of members of the University has continued throughout the year, the total number of enlistments having grown to 1724, being an increase of 2-14 over the total reported 12 months ago. The years enlistments probably represent less than 244, many i!a.mes having been added of men who had enlisted some time ago. These figures include those who had undertaken munitions work and the like in Great Britain. During the year a complete list of those enlisted for service overseas has been published and circulated, and this has resulted in many corrections and additions, and the list may now be regarded as reasonably correct and complete. Tlie number who have given their lives has grown from 128 to 177. The list of distinctions conferred on members ot the University now stands as follows: — Knight Commander of the Bath 1 Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George 1

Knight of the Order of the British Empire ... 1 Companion of the 4 Companion of the Order of St. Michael aud St. George ...-. 8 Companion of the Order of the British Empire 1 .Distinguished Service Order 49 Victoria Cross ..' 1 Victorian Decoration 1 Military Gross ... 82 Military Medal ... 9 .Distinguished Conduct Medal -4 Mentioned in Despatches 23 Eoreigu. Decorations 12 With the return of many students who had enlisted whilst pursuing a course at the University, and the , desire of other returned soldiers to enter upon a. University course, the question that some could not pay the usual fees had to be faced. After neo-otiation with the Repatriation Department, and w;ith the consent of the Victorian Government, the Council has agreed. in the case of returned students who need financial help to accept them at half fees, and the Repatriation De­ partment has agreed to pay that half, so that the ANNUAL KBPOKT, ID17-191S. 683

students are free as regards fees. In the case of other returned soldiers who may need assistance, the Council felt that they should be treated with equal liberality, but it did not feel that the University could afford to offer the same concession in the case of what will . probably be a much larger cla-ss. - In addition, attention has been given to Ihe case of . .soldiers who will probably be, detained in Great Bri­ tain for a considerable period after the war; and an Administrative Committee is, with the co-operation of the Defence Department, being established iu with power to deal with the cases of University students or those qualified to become University stu­ dents, to decide what study they can best undertake, and to make arrangements for their undertaking it. The Committee will consist of Assistant-Professor Holme, of the University of , Mr. H. W. Allen, • Vice-Master of Ormond College, University of Mel­ bourne, and of one otlier; it will be given large powers •of discretion to enable it to deal with the variety of •circumstances which arc likely to present themselves to it, and it will consult with the Professors of Aus­ tralian Universities who are in England. Notwithstanding the war the numbers of students in attendance at the University continues to increase, and for the current year, 1918, the total exceeds that reached in any previous year. In 1914, the year of the largest previous enrolment, the. total was 1321, being 1I18U men and 244 women This year it is 1436, being 906 men and 530 women. The growth in numbers of women students and in entries for the medical course, both of which have been previously noted, has con­ tinued. The entrv for first-year Medicine in 1914 was :il6, iu 1917, 163, and in 1918 it is 191.

3.—UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS. The Council must call attention to the significance of these' facts in relation to the equipment of the Univer­ sity. Iu practically every department of the University, the number of studente has outgrown the accommoda­ tion provided. Lecture rooms and laboratories arc over- •crowded, and their continuous use in successive hours make them unhealthy; lectures of one department have, at much iuconvenience and loss of time, to bo 6S1 ANNUAL REPORT, 1017-191S. given in remote buildings belonging tn another depart­ ment. The library is no longer large enough, either as a reading-room or as a house for'the books, and as- it becomes more and more the students' place of study, failure to provide for these needs will very seriously impair the work cf University education. The in­ sufficient provision in lecture rooms, laboratories, and library, is accompanied with similar insufficient pro­ vision of staff and equipment; this is very marked in the laboratory staff on the science side, and on the- arts side, it seriously limits the methods of work. To some extent, the insufficiency of staff is due to war con­ ditions. But, after the war, a position is likely to arise in which the existing provision in lecture rooms, labora­ tories, library, equipment and staff will be so far short of the needs arising from the increase in students, that the University may be compelled in some depart­ ments to limit, the number of students. Apart alto­ gether from the urgent need for establishing new de­ partments of study, and of extending the scope of work in existing departments, the University is approaching a. condition in which it will. be unable to provide for the students desiring to resort to it. These needs- had been recognised bv the Government before the war, and, in 1914, =£21.1,1)00," as a first instalment of X80..000, was placed on the estimates for needed additions. By the time, however, that plans were complete, the calls made by the war led :to the withholding of. authority, to proceed with the work. Tho needs are now more- urgent than in 1914.

•1.-NUMBERS OF STUDENTS. The number of students in each of the last six years is shown in the following Table, in whicli students ot the- Conservatorium of Music are hot- included. The figures include Research Students; Tikiui.' full Year. Course for Taking Total. Decree. rlc Sul.jef-N. 1912 ... 961 260 1,221 1913 ... 973 271 1.244 1914 ... 1,104 220 ... 1,321 1915 ... 997 203 1,200 1916 ... 994 143 ... 1,137 1917 ..." 1.072 132 • ... 1,204 ANNUAL REPORT, 1017-101S. (5S5-

5. STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows tho number of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1917 (including Evening Lectures): —

Schools. .— -J "c -J 'c "J " '£> "•"5 m

Art* • no S!) 67 '- ' -'- '70 sir. 35 Education - - - - - '•- 35 •Science •2-.i ..- IS - ... r. 73 I,aw 81 1(1 10 S - •20 Si Medicine lli3 70 107 5G 77 27 soo Dentistry 13 17 11 10 - - 51 Engineering •24 17 . 2 s 55 Agriculture •2 - .1 1 - 4 Veterinary - 7 4 C, o - - 11) Architecture S ' S - - - •20

Research •- - - - - •"• 6

Totul - 300 iir.ii •267 79 77 13-2 1-204

The number attending Evening Lectures was 61, the- number of women students was 373; the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was—For Education, 37; for Agriculture, 3; for Mining,. 6: for Veterinary Science, 11. There were also the following Free Students nominated by the Advisory Com­ mittee of the University Uigh School—For Arts, 3; for Science, 2; for Medicine, 2; for Engineering, 1.

6.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium of Music are as follow: .•686 ANNUAL REPORT,. 1017-1918

43 L; Course. • .« 13 5." — 'f*

Decree of Mus.Itac. 1 3 Diploma in Music - 20 s 10 44 Other Students SI

Totul - :' Of these 11 were men and 117 women students..

7.—ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The number of candidates for degrees ot Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is showu in the following table: —

Eirst j Second Third Totals. Year. Year. Year. Year.

Aits - S-2 30-2

•Education - 35 37

.Scieneu 26 14

Law - 10 15 11

'Dentistry - -ft 17" 14 10

•En^inet'rinjj:, 13 10 11 5 Architecture 3 - — •20 11 .Agriculture 1 1 - . 1 3 3 Music - 10 — - 43 38 A'eteriuary - e "o -2 in- 12 ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-1013. 687

The following are the corresponding figures of the Divisional Examinations 'in the Medical Course ou account of the year 1917.



5 -a 3 3 3 so u V

Presented . 1

152 11 9S 7fJ 55 72 07 The number who have presented themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees is as follows: —

EXAMINATIONS roit HIGHER DEGREES. Presto ted I'assed Master of Arts 0 . 4 Master of Surgery - - - 4 - 2 Master of Electrical Knginueriii;, ' 1 - 1 Doctor of Letters - 2 - 1 Doctor of Science - - . - 1 - 0 Doctor of iledicine- 3 - 1 Doctor of Dental Science 7 - 0 Doctor of Veterinary Science - 1 - 0

8—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1917-18 including admissions of graduates of other Universities is given below: Bachelor of Arts 64 Bachelor of Science 14 - 10 Bachelor of Medicine and ^ Bachelor of Surgery y 07 «88 ANNUAL REPORT, 11117-1!)1S.

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Bachelor of Mining Engineering - Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Music - - - - Bachelor of Dental Science Bachelor of Agricultural Science - Bachelor of Veterinary Science r Master of Arts - - - 3 Master of Science - - - - 24 Master of Laws - 4 Master of Surgery - - - - 4 Master of Civil Engineering - 1 Master of Mechanical Kiigineering 1 Master of Electrical Engineering - 1 Doctor of Letters ... - 1 Doctor ot Medicine . - .1. Diploma of Education - - - 26 Diploma in Music - o Diploma of Architecture 1

9.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following table shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and who passed the Junior Public or School Intermediate, and the Senior Public or School Leaving Examinations of December, 1917, and February, 1918, and the percentage of passes in each case:— • .

Entries Number to Per- Kxaniinations. of Pass Number centa^e Kutries Exami­ Passed of nation. Passes

DKCKMBIUI. 90 04 0(1.0

School Intermediate •235-2 OS" 41.11 4423 Senior Public 139 71 61.0

School Leaving .. • .. .. J 736 353 47.9 FEBRUARY, . Junior Public . 2S . 15 53.0

School Intermediate .. .. 1 754 47-2 02.6- 1904 Senior Public | 45 •21 4G.6

8411 1-22 50.5 ANNUAL REPORT, 19I7-191S. 089

10.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of subjects entered for and passed at -the Examinations in Music conducted by the Univer­ sity Music Examination Board during the year 1917-18 was as follows: — Entered. Passed. September, 1917 - 2("50 - 2070 May, 1918 - 502 -

Total - - - 3152 - 24li3

11.—COUNCIL. The Council has great pleasure in recording the honour conferred upon, one of its number, the Don. J. E. Mackey, M.L..A., in his election to the high office of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. The honours conferred upon two other of its members, viz.. Sir John Monash and Sir J ames Barrett, are referred to in the .section dealing with War Service. Dr. J. H. MacFarland has been elected Chancellor and Sir John Grice Vice-Chancellor, Tlie scats of the following members having become vacant through elHnction of time, they have been re-" elected tor five vears:—Dr. T. F. Bride, the Hon. Theodore Fink, Sir Harry Allen, Mr. F. Tate, Sir John

12.—OBITUARY. The University lost by death- in March, Mr. H. J. •Grayson. He had been in the service of the University -for 20 years, and had in, recent years been a demon­ strator in connection with the Natural Philosophy De- 090 ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-1918. partment, devoting himseif to work oh a ruling machine7 whieh he had himself designed and constructed. With this he could rule lines on a metal plate to the uumber of 120,000 to the iuch, iu this work achieving a greater success than any secured elsewhere, and becoming known wherever such rulings are used.

13.—PROFESSORS. Mr. Meredith Atkinson, MIA., who was Director of Tutorial Classes in the University of Sydney, has been appointed Director of Tutorial Classes in tlie , with the- functions of a Deau of a. Faculty, and with the rank and title of a Professor iu the University. Professor Atkinson took up his duties iu March last. Professor Tucker has been granted seven months' leave of absence on the ground of ill-health. His duties, have been divided between Mr. W. Kerry and Mr. E. W. Cornwall.

It.—LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS. Dr. W. T. Kendall retired on the 80th June last from, tlie office of Sub-Director of the Veterinary Institute. Dr. Kendall held a unique place in the Veterinary profession) in "Victoria.. For many years he had carried on the Melbourne Veterinary College as a privately con­ ducted institution,' and through it had provided the only means existing in Victoria of education in Vet­ erinary Science. In 1909, on the establishment of the- University course and Institute, Dr. Kendall became Sub-Director and Lecturer in Veterinary Medicine and. Obstetrics, and brought with him the whole ot his- students, and he had been on the University staff for almost 10 years. His retirement was generally re­ gretted, particularly by the body of Victorian trained Veterinary Surgeons, all of whom owed something to- him. Dr. E. H. Embley, who tor some years had been lecturer iu Anaesthetics, and for many years chief Instructor in Anaesthetics at the Melbourne Hospital, found it desirable to resign. His resignation was ac­ cepted with regret, and the thanks ot the Council were, tendered to him for his long services. ANNUAL REPORT, 19I7191S. 691

Lieut.-Commander J. G." Latham, Lecturer iu the Law of Contracts, was granted leave of absence to accompany the Minister for the Navy to the Imperial Conference. Mr. H. C. G. Macindoe was appointed substitute for Lieut.-Commander Latham. Mr. A. E. V. Richardson, Lecturer in Agriculture, was granted leave of absence to enable him to visit America, and Mr. H. S. Mullctt was appointed his substitute. The following new appointments ot Lecturers and Demonstrators have been made during the year:-- European History Evening Lecturer— Mr. E. Sweet-man, M.A. Experimental Psychology—Lecturer— Dr. A. B. Fitt.'M.A. Histology—Lecturer- -• Mr. L. E. Hurley, M.B., B.S. Anatomv—Stewart Lecturer Mr. F. G. Middleton, M.B., B.S. Demonstrator— Dr. G. P. O'Day. Anaesthetics— Lecturers — Mr. L. A. I. Maxwell, M.B., M.Sc. Mr. F. L. Davies, M.B. Veterinary Medicine and Obstetrics—Lecturer— "Mr. E. F. J. Bordeaux, B.V.Sc. Architecture—-Acting Lecturer— Mr. R. II. Alsop, F.R.I. B.A., F.R.V.I.A. Australian Physiography—Instructor- - Dr. T. Griffith Taylor. Geology—Caroline Kay Scholar Miss K. Mclncrny, B.Sc. Pathology—Demonstrators— ' Dr. W. J. Denehy. Dr. C. W. G. Roche. Botanv—Demonstrator— Mr. R. T. Patton, B.Sc. Bacteriology—Demonstrators— Miss I. Lowe, B.Agr.Sc. Miss L. M. Skewes, B.Sc. Chemistry—Demonstrators— Miss M. E. Scott, B.So. Miss Dowden. 4j92 ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-1918.

The usual appointments of clinical instructors at the Melbourne, Alfred, and St. Vincent's Hospitals have been made. Signer Fiocchi, teacher of Italian and French at the Conservatorium, has been granted leave of absence to enable, him lo visit Europe, and Miss Mona JVIcBurney has been appointed locum tenons. Miss M. Sutherland and Mr. L. 0. Laver have been appointed teachers at the Conservatorium as ,nnder- .studics to Mr. Goll. The following new appointments on the staff of the Australian College of Dentistry have been approved: — • Orthodontics Acting Lecturer— Dr. L. Walker. Chemistry- -Lecturer— . Mr. S. Plowman. Demonstrator in Graduation Fillings-^- Mr. P. A. Matthews, B.D.Sc (Acting).

15.—EXAMINERS. The following examiners were appointed: — 1. For the practical examinations in the suliject of Education— Dr. Smyth, Mr. M. P. Hansen. Mr. M. S. Sharman, Miss I. D. Marshall, Mr. J. McRae, Mr. R. Lnwson; 1. For the AleJical Course— Materia Medica — Dr. F. 11. Cole. Anatomy—' Dr. A. S. M. Tymms. Physiology- Mr. I.. A. 1. Maxwell, M.Sc, B.Agr.Sc Regional and Applied Anatomy - Professor Berry. Pathology— Dr. R. J. Bull. . Therapeutics— Dr. T. \V. Sinclair. Public Health-- Dr. C. Bage. Medicine - Mr. A. Lowers. .ANNUAL. REPORT, 1917-11)18. 093

Clinical Medicine— Dr. K. Hiller, Dr. H. Laurie, Dr. R. R. Stawell, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson, Dr. J. F. Wilkinson, Dr. VV. II. Summons. Surgery— Dr. D. M. Morton. Clinical Surgery— Dr. Kilvington, Mr. li. B. Dcvine, Mr. R. G. Brown, Dr. B. T. Zwar, Dr. Julian Smith, Mr. T. H. Boyd. Forensic Medicine— J. T. Brett. s Obstetrics— Dr. II. Cairns Lloyd, "i. For the M.S. Examination- - Surgery— Mr. F. D. Bird, Dr. Glubbe (Sydney). Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Dr. 11. D. Stephens. Surgical Pathology- Sir Karry Allen, Dr. Bull. -4. For the M.D. Examination-- Medicine, including Ophthalmology— Dr. Howard, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson. Mr. ]•;. L. Gault. Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology—- Dr. Meyer, Dr. Fetherston. Diseases ot Children— Dr. A. ,1. Wood, Dr. F. H. Cole, -5. For a Thesis for the degree of Litt.D.— Professor Mitchell, of Adelaide; Professor F. Anderson, ot Sydney, •ii. For a Tliesis for the degree of LL.D. - Professor Moore, Professor F. Anderson, of Sydney. 7. For a Thesis for the degree of M.D.— Professor Osborne, Dr. T. VV. Sinclair, Dr. R. R. Stawell. 8. For Theses for the degree of D.Sc.— Professor F. Donnan (Londou), Col. S. A. SmithclJs (Loudon), Professor Lyle, Pro­ fessor Laby, Professor K. Grarit.(Adt;laide) •9. For a 'I'hesis for the degree of D.V.Sc.— Dr. S. Dodd, of Sydney; Dr. G. Sweet, Dr. J. C. Lewis. 694 ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-191S.

10. For a Thesis for the degree of M.E.E.— Mr. VV. Stone, Mr. E. J. C. Ronnie, Mr. W. N. Kernot. 11. For a thesis for the degree of M.Mech.E.— Professor Payne, Mr. J. S. Dcthridge, Mr. B. A. Smith. 12. For the Music Course — Pianoforte— Mr. Coutts, Mr. Goll, Mr. Homeward, Mr. Smith, Miss Billings, Miss Cocks, Mrs. Nott. Organ— Mr. Nickson, Dr. Floyd. Violin— Miss Delprat, Mr. North, Mr. Zelman. Singing— Madame Jansen, Mr. Sobell, Miss Malyon, Mrs. Patten, Mdme. W;iedermann, Miss Goode, Miss Harrington. Violoncello— Mr. L. Hattenbach. Harmony and Counterpoint—- Dr. Price, Mr. Coutts, Mr. Nickson. Sight Reading and Ear Tests— Mrs. Patten. English Diction— Miss Hemming. Italian and French- - . Signor Fiocchi. 13. For the Dental Course— Chemistry— Professor Masson, Mr. S. Plowman. Dental Anatomy— Dr. 13. B. Nicholls, Dr. J. M. Lewis. Anatomy and Dissections— Professor Berry, Mr. C. R. Lister. Histology— Dr. P. G. Dane, Dr. L. Walker. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Mr. VV. J. Tuckfield, Mr. E. J. Wise, Mr. R. A. Wright,, Mr. F. A. Aird. Physiology— Professor Osborne, Mr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Practical Metallurgy— Dr. G. 13. Pritchard, Mr. A. J. Higgin. ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-1013. 695

Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Mr. F. G. Morgan, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood," Dr. J. E. Nihill. Dental Surgery and Pathology7— Dr. T. Shuttleworth. Dr. J. M. Lewis, Dr. 13. S. Fisher. Orthodontics- Dr. L. Walker, Dr. R. J. B. Yule. Medicine— Mr. T. A. Wright, Dr. J. E. Nihill. Oral Surgery— Dr. W. A. James, Dr. It. A. Stirling. Practical -Dental Mechanics— Mr. VV. ,1. Tuckfield,-Dr. R. J. B. Yule. Practical Bacteriology— Dr. R. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. 1-1. For the D.D.Sc. Examination— Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen, Mr. Mollison. Bacteriology— Dr. Bull, Mr. Mollison. Operative Dental Surgery—. Dr. E. S. Fisher, Dr. E. F. Greenwood. Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield. Dr. R. J. B. Yrrlc. Dental Surgery, Pathology, and Bacteriology-- Dr. J". M. Uwis, Dr. R. V. Hennessy. Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood, Dr. J. E; Nihill. 15. For the Mollison Scholarship in Hindustani— Rev. J. VV7. Burton, Mrs. Mackenzie. 16. For the Syme Prize— Professors Sir Baldwin Spencer, Masson, Skeats and Laby, and Miss McLennan. 17. For the Harbison-lliginbothain Scholarship— Professors Moore, Scott, Ewart and jVtkin- son and Dr. Smyth. 18. For the Public Examination, 1917-18, the follow­ ing appointments were made- Military Science—First Examiner— F. J. H. Goucher. Second Examiner— Captain B. Combes. 690 ANNUAL REPORT, 1917 1913.

For the February, 1918, Examinations— Agricultural Science — Mr. H. A. Mullett, second examiner in place of Mr. Richardson. 19. .For the Public Examinations in Music— Mr. D. J. Coutts, Dr. A. E. Floyd, Mr. E. Goll, Mr. L, Hattenhach, Mr. F. W. Homewood, Professor Ives, Professor Lavcr, Mr. A. 13. H. Nickson, Mr. J. B. North, Dr. VV. G. Price, Mr. 0. F. Sobell, Mr. J. A. Steele, Mr. A. Zelmaii. 20. For the Meat Inspectors' Examination- Professor Woodruff, Dr. J. C. Lewis, Dr. G. Sweet, Mr. H. R. Sed-don, Mr. VV. A. N". Robertson, Dr. T. VV. Sinclair, Mr. Hill," Mr. J. Polack.

11"..- UNIVERSITY' REPRESENTATIVES. The following gentlemen were appionted to represent the University: — Council ot Legal Education -- Mr. Justice Cusscii, Dr. Bride. Council ot .Australian College of Dentistry and Mel­ bourne Dental Hospital— Mr. C. H. Mollison. Council ot Working Men's College— ' Mr. VV. N. Kernot. Joint Committee ot University and Working Men's College— Rev. Dr. Sugden, Professors Masson, Lyle, Skeats, Payne. Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— Tlie Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen, Professor Osborne, Professor Berry. Women's Hospital Advisory Board— The Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen, Pro­ fessor Osborne, Professor Berry. Lady Northcote Permanent Orchestra Trust— Mr. Adamson. Australian Town Planning Conference— Mr. R. II. Alsop, Mr. G. Higgins. ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-191S. 097

17._GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. Although the grant which the Government had made- for a number of years for the purpose ot providing research scholarshijis has been suspended, the Univer­ sity still held some balance of previous grants, and the following scholarships were awarded: — Dr. 13. 0. Tealo (Geology)— '"' The Geology of the Howqua District. Mansfield." (,£75.) Dr. J. L. Jona (Physiology)— •'Fever. Toxaemia, of Pregnancy." (.£10 for expenses). R. T. Patton (Botany)— "The Seasoning of Timber." .£100, plus ,£50 Field allowance.) Miss E. Archer (Botany)— ".The Longevity ot Cut Flowers." (.£50.) M. Morris (Geology)-- "' Mapping of Divisions of Dacite Series in llealesville District." (,£75.) Miss K. Mclnerny (Geology)— " Building and Ornamental Stones." (,£20 for field and laboratory expenses.) C. VV. Joy (Engineering)— "Centrifugal Pump Investigation;7." (,£3','."i- J. K. Roberts (Natural Philosophy)— "Determination of the Mechanical Equiva­ lent of Heat." (,£20 for apparatus.) Grant for publication of Research Work already completed— Dr. 13. O. Tcalc's work and maps on Howqua, Mount Wellington and Nowa. Nona areas. (X50.) Dr. C. A. Fcuner's work, maps and dia­ grams on the Physiography ot tho Werribee River. (£50.)

IS.—STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. An extensive series of amendments has been made dealing with the " completion ot years." All degree courses required students to pass in a number of sub­ jects each year in order to complete that year, and 698 ANNUAL REPORT, IflT'-llllS.

entitle them to proceed with the next stage of the course.' This has been modified so that studente in some Faculties are now required merely to pass in a total number ot subjects, • and are allowed to retain credit towards this total for all subjects they may pass, whilst in some other Faculties there is power lo allow a stu­ dent who has not completed his'year to proceed never­ theless to the work of the next year, in whole or in part, whilst taking again the subjects in whicli he failed. This will operate as a very substantial con­ cession to a fair proportion of students. Another large amendment has concerned the. B.A.. •degree, and has had the elfcct of separating candidates taking that degree into those taking the Ordinary Degree, and those taking the Honour Degree. The course for the former class has been left unchanged, the amendments made being for the nnrpos". of instituting the latter. Candidates for the Honour Degree will be required to take rather fewer subjects than other candidates, but they will be required to declare them­ selves at an early stage ot their course, and to study the subjects they do take at a higher level throughout.

19. - NEWMAN COLLEGE. The Council records with pleasure the completion of the portion of the building for Newman College, which was undertaken as the first section of the full plan. The College has been formally affiliated, to the • University, and was opened to students at the beginning the current academic year. Accommodation is provided for about 50 students.

20.—PUBLIG SI3RVICE. The Council has received acknowledgements of ser­ vices rendered by members of the University staff which have caused much pleasure. (a) Sir Harry Allen's services as a member of the Committee on Causes of Death and invalidity in the Commonwealth were acknowledged in Parliament, and to the Council in letters from the Minister tor Trade and Customs, and from the Chairman of the Com­ mittee, Mr. J. Mathews, M.H.R.. the latter drawing attention to the fact that each of the professional mem- ANNUAL RICPORT, 1917-1918.^. 099 liers of the Committee was a graduate of the Univer­ sity of Melbourne. fb) Professor Laby, having rendered valuable help to the Defence Department in connection with some X ray work, the Department wrote to the Council express­ ing its thanks. (c) Mr. A. J. Higgin having carried out an investi­ gation of a metallurgical nature for the same Depart­ ment, it again wrote expressing its thanks. In addition, Professor Laby was appointed by the Governor-Genera,l-in-Council to assist the Common­ wealth Arbitration Court by investigating and reporting on the functions and necessary qualifications ot the vari­ ous officers in the Professional Division of the Com­ monwealth Public Service.

21.-PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS INT MUSIC. Tn 1902 the University instituted a scheme of Public Examinations in Music. In 190(5 this University aud the University of Adelaide, which had for some time been carrying ou a similar .scheme, joined forces and established a joint scheme operating in the States of Victoria, South. Aiustralia and Western Australia. This scheme gradually secured the adhesion of the Universities •of Tasmania, Queensland and Western" .Australia, so that it embraced the Commonwealth, with the important ex­ ception of . The establishment of the .'.State Conservatoriiiin of Mnsic in Sydney paved the way for the extension of the scheme to tho mother State, and this has now been accomplished, and the examinations of the scheme arc being held in New South Wales this year. 22. PUBLIC SERVICE EXAMINATION. An arrangement has been made with the Public Ser­ vice Commissioner whereby the School Intermediate Examination is in future to be used as the qualifying examination for entry to the State Public Service. It is hoped in (his way to remove difficulties felt by schools in specially preparing pupils for the special examina­ tions hitherto held by the Commissioner, and also largely to increase the numbers of candidates seeking -admission to the Public Service. 700 ANNUAL HUPORT, 1017-1013.

23. — INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE. JV good deal of attention has been given to the- question of the supply of workers in Industrial Science, whicli has been forced on the notice of many members- of the community by conditions arising out of the war. The Faculty of Science took tlie matter- up and prepared outlines of courses with a view lo training persons to take up productive work in them. These courses in­ cluded -Metallurgy, Economic /oology. Chemistry, Forestry, Economic Botany, Physics, Geology, and. Physiography. The question was brought under the notice of the Government with 'a suggestion that the- Advisory Council of Science and Industry should lie- consulted. The University has not been asked to take- any further steps, but it has drawn attention to the mutter, and has laid a foundation on whicli the courses, ca'.i lie built up if it is felt, that the need for training in the directions suggested justifies the additional ex­ penditure which would be. required.

24- UNIVERSITIES' CONFERENCE. In August, 1.917, a conference of representatives of Australian Universities, called by the University of Sydney, was held in Melbourne, and each University was represented. The Conference was called to consider the question of conditions of matriculation and entry; on the several degree courses. The conference adopted resolutions which did not. differ widely from the amended requirements for matriculation, which had recently been adopted by this University; but whilst not asking for quite as much in the matter ot standard, they asked for rather more in the way of special sub­ jects for special courses. Our own requirements having only recently came into force, and no experience of their working having yet been obtained, it was not. deemed advisable to proceed to amend them to removo- thc points of difference between them nnd fhe resolu­ tions of the conference.

25—HOWITT SCHOLARSHIP. The late Dr. Godfrey Howitt left to the University a- sum of .£1000, together with certain collections and books, with a direction to accumulate the fund till it- ANNUAL REPORT, 1917-1918. 701 should produce au income of ,£150 per annum. This- point having been reached, steps have been takeu to establish three • Natural History Scholarships ot £50- each, one in Zoology, one in Botany and one in Geology. Each will be open to conipetition annually at the Final Honour Examination. 26.—PUBLIC LECTURES. During the year several courses of lectures or instruc­ tion have been given, each of which stood by itself and formed no part of the regular work required for a degree or diploma. Professor Atkinson delivered a scries of 12 public- evening lectures in the city on the general subject.. " Reconstruction After the War." Dr. A. fjodewyckx, in his capacity of Instructor in Dutch, has carried on a class in that subject. Dr. A. B. Fitt, as Lecturer in Experimental Psych­ ology, has given a course in this subject at the Univer­ sity and in addition delivered a short course of five public evening lectures in the city on " Psychology." Dr. Griffith Taylor, Instructor in Australian Physi­ ography, is giving a course of 30 lectures on this sub­ ject at the University. 27.—ARCHITECTURE. Mr. R. H. Alsop, the Acting-Lecturer in Architecture, with the supjjort of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects, and of the Faculty of Engineering, has made a proposal for the establishment in connec­ tion with the University course in Architecture ot an Architectural jVtelier. The proposal has been generally approved, and a scheme prepared for the erection of a small building in the University grounds for use as the Atelier. It, is considered that such ah institution will be of very great service in the. training of the younger architects aud senior assistants. 28.—RHODES .SCHOLARSHIPS. No award of the Rhodes Scholarship has been made, the Trustees having decided to postpone selections as all possible candidates would bo of military age. The rights of candidates who would have been eligible are however, preserved. 702 ANNUAL RHPORT, 1917-191S.

29.—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize of ,£100, founded in 1905 by the late Mr. David Svme for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded to Dr. T. Griffith Taylor, ot Melbourne, for his work on the •correlation of Australian Physiography, Meteorology and Climatology, with special reference to the control •of its settlement and industrial development. 30.-RE.SEAKCH. The total number of graduates and research students •(excluding members of the staff) who have been engaged in research in the various departments is 13, distributed •as follows:—Botany, 3; Geology, 5; Physiology, 3; En­ gineering, 1; Natural Philosophy, 1. 31.— BENEFACTi ONS. The Council desires to acknowledge the following donation in money:—• .£1000 from Mrs. Edward Bage, as the capital sum to endow the Robert Bage Memorial Scholarship. • jVnd also the following gifts: — Miss Carmen Delprat—The full score and orchestral parts ot Saint Sacns's Violin Concerto No. 3. Dr. Leeper—Raised plans of Ancient Athens and of the Siege of Syracuse. 32— APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached hereto: — jVppendix ;V.—List of Contributions to Literature and Science. jVppendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. jVppendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the vear 1917. All of which I have the honour to submit for your Excellency's consideration. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant,

j. H. MACFARLAND, Chancellor. 7th October, 1918. APPENDIX A.


ENGLISH. Acting-Professor A. T. Strong, M.A.— "The Story of the Anzacs." Poems.

' HlSTOHT. Professor E. Scott— " The Early History of Westeniport," Parts I. and II., Victorian Historical Magazine, Septem­ ber and December, 1917. '"'Ai Short ," second edition, 1918. Oxford University Press. Essays by Students of the School of History, published under the title of " Historical Studies."

PSYCHOLOGY. A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph.D.— ' " Some Investigations into the Evolution ot the Sense of Touch." Journal ot Experimental Psychology, August, 1917. "The Development of Attention."-

MATIIKMAT;CS. C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc— '' Some Theorems in Four-dimensional Analysis." Qnar. Jour, of Matheniatics. Vol. 48 (1917). " On the Hydrodynamics of Relativity." Proc. of the Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol. 19 (Oct., 1917), 704 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

"Green's Dyadics iu the Theory of Elasticity." Quar. Jour, ot Mathematics." Vol. 49 (1918).

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Professor T. H. Laby, M.A., and Dr. Kaye— Physical and Chemical Constants, Third Edition. Longmans, Green and Co. - Miss N. C. B. Allen, B.Sc.— Magnetic Deflection of B-rays: Tabulation of v against It'll, assuming Lorentz's Theory. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., March, 1918. '

BOTAKT. Professor Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.- - Contributions to the Flora of 'Australia, No. 26. Proc. Roval Soc, Victoria. Vol. XXX. (N.S.I, Part 2. On Chlorophyll, Carotin, and Xanthophyll, a,nd on the Production of Sugar from Formaldehyde. Proc. Royal Soc, Victoria. Vol. 30 (N"S.). Part 11, 191b. Professor Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S., and Miss Olive B. Davies, M.Sc— " The Flora of the Northern Territory " (359 pages pages and 27 plates). Issued for the Home and Territories Department, Melbourne. It. T. Patton, B.Sc- - "Timber Production and Growth Curves in Eucalyptus Regnans." Proc Royal Soc, Vic­ toria." Vol. XXX., Part 1 (1917).

GKOLOGY. Professor 13. W. Skeats, D.Sc, F.G.S.-- " The Coral Reef Problem and the Evidence of. the Funafuti Borings." American Journal ot Science. Vol. XLV., Feb., 1918, pp. 81-90. "The Formation of Dolomite and its Bearing on the Coral Reef Problem." American Journal of Science. Vol. XLV., March, 1918, pp., 185-200. <.'. Fenner, D.Sc.— "The Physiography of the Glenelg River." Proc. Roy. Soc, Vic. Vol. XXX. (N.S.), Part 2, 1918, pp. 99-120. RESEARCH W0I1K. 705

T.L. Stillwell, D.Sc— " The Factors Influencing Gold Deposition in the •Bendigo Goldfield." Bull. 4. Adv. Council of Science and Industry, p. 68. " Replacement; in the Bendigo Quartz Veins and its Relation to Gold Deposition." Economic Geology, Vol. XIII., No. 2, March, 1918, pp. 100-111. .... "The Metamorphic Rock of Adelie Land." Aus­ tralasian Antarctic Expedition Scientific Re­ ports. Series A, p. 230. .13. 0. Tcalc, D.Sc— ••' Soil Survey and Forest Physiography of Kuitpo, South, Australia." Bull. No. 6, Dept. of Forestry, Univ.' of jVdelaide, , p. 19. "

PHYSIOLOGY. "Professor VV. A. Osborne, M.B., B.fJi., D.Sc— " Recent Advances in Physiological and Biochemi­ cal Technique." The Medica! Journal of Aas- (ralia, Nov. 3, 1917. " A. Contribution to the Theory of Cell Structure." Proc. Roy. Soc, Vic. (N.S.). Vol. XXX., p. 153, 1918. ,1; Leon Jona, M.D., B.S.- "An Experimental Study of Duodenal Ulcer." The Medical Journal of Australia, March 2nd, 1918. Dr. S. Pern— "A Method of Estimating Small .Amounts of Cal­ cium. ' Proc. Roy. Soc, Vic. (N.S.). Vol. XXX., p. 137, 1918.

ANATOMY7. Professor R. .1. A. Berry, M.D., Ch.M., F.R.C.S.Edin., F.R.S.E.— ''I'he Menace of the Birth-rate." Medical Journal of Australia, loth.Dec, 1917. Professor R. J. A.. Berry and Mr. S. D. Portcns— "A Practical Method for the Early Recognition of Fceble-mindedness and Otlier Forms of Social Inefficiency." Medical. Journal of Australia, 3rd August, 1918. . TOG APPENDIX TO REPORT.

EKGlXEiRINO. George Higgins, M.C.E., M.Inst.C.E.— Joint Author of the Report of Sludge Abatement Board. " The Lightest Beams of Aiistraliau hardwood to* Carry Various Loads," iu the " Gum Tree," Sept., 1917, and the "Commonwealth En­ gineer," January, 1913. " Town Planning Conference at Adelaide," in thc- " Commonwealth Engineer." APPENDIX B. LIST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARIES.

For the Year Ended 31st July, 1918.

GENERAL LIBRARY. From Governments: — .Australia (Commonwealth): Acts, Bills; Advisory Council of Science aud Industry, Bulletins, Reports; Parliamentary Debates and Papers; Gazette; Statis­ tical Bulletins; Historical Record, vols 10, 11; Jour­ nal of Patents; Meteorological Reports; N. Terri­ tory Bulletins; Papua Territory Bulletins; Trade and Customs, Reports, Zoological Results of Fishing Experiments. Canada: Mines and Geological Sur­ vey, Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports and Maps; Water Power'Branch, Animal Reports; Water Resources. Papers. Ceylon: Report of Marine Biologist. Formosa: J'concs Plantarum ' Formosa-no rum. • Franco: Instruction Publique, Recueil des Lois sur I'Rnseignement Superieur, Tome vii., Bibliographie Scientitiqiie Francaise, Tomes 8-13. Great Britain: Agriculture and Fisheries, Leaflets; Geological Sur-' vcy. Memoirs and Maps. India : Law Reports. Cal­ cutta Series; List of General Statutory Rules and Orders: jVgriculture, Annual Renort, Memoirs; Epigra.phia Indica: Epigrapluiia Indo-Moslemica; Geological Survey, Memoirs, Palacontologia Indica, and Records. Japan: Imperial Earthquake Com­ mission. Madras: Fisheries, Bulletin, Report; Diary of JV. R. Pillai, vols, 5, 6. Netherlands East Indies: Year Book, 1916. New South Wales: Agri­ culture, Bulletins, Gazette; Botanist, Revision of the genus Eucalyptus, Report of the Botanic Gar­ dens, Fisheries, Forest Flora; Mines. Annual Re­ port, Mineral Resources; Geological Maps, Memoirs, and Records; Public Instruction, Annual Report; Technical Education Series: Report of the Regis­ trar of Friendly Societies; Statistical Register, Year-book. New York State: Education Report. New Zealand: Agriculture, Report: Lands, Report; Mines, Geological Survey, Report, Bulletin; Patent


Office, Journal; Year-book. Queensland; Compre­ hensive Catalogue ot Queensland Plants; Queens­ land Flora; Mines, Annual Report, Geological Sur­ vey, Publications. South Australia: Chemistry, Bulletins; Mines, Report, Review; Geological Survey, Bulletins, Reports. Tasmania: Mines, Geological Survey, Bulletins, Records, Reports. United States: jVgriculture, Bulletins, Experi­ ment Station Record, Journal of .Agricultural Research; N. American Fauna; Coast and Geodetic Survey, Annual Report, Sp€'cial Pub­ lications (Magnetic Observations, Precise Levelling, Triangulatioii); Commerce, Bulletins, and Circulars of the Bureau of Standards; Education, Report. Victoria: jV.cts, Bills, Parliamentary Debates, Papers, Statutes; jVgriculture, Journal; Country Roads Board, Annual Report; Education, Reports; Geelong Harbour Trust, Annual Report; Mel­ bourne Harbour Trust, Annual Report; Metropoli­ tan Board of Works, Report: Mines, Annual Re­ port; Geological • Survey, Bulletins, Memoirs, Re­ cords and Maps; Rivers and Water Supply, Report: Year-book. VV. Australia. Report of University Timber Tests, 1917.

Publications of Universities, Colleges, etc. In addition to exchange calendars, etc.— University Review. Benares Sanskrit College. British Empire Universities Bureau: Year-book. Calcutta Sanskrit College. California: jVgricultural Publi­ cations. Chicago: War Papers. Columbia: Univer­ sity Quarterly. Cornell: Islandica; Catalogue of Runic Literature. Decc.an College, Poona: Cata­ logue ot MSS. Glasgow: -Geological Department Papers. Grenoble: Annales. Habana: Revista. Harvard : Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. Illinois: Engineering Bulletins. Kyoto: Memoirs of the College of Engineering, and the College of Science. La Plata. Leland Stan­ ford: University Scries. Lisbon: Arquivrs. Maine: Agricultural Bulletins. Michigan: Monographs; Oc­ casional Papers; Studies; Theses. Minnesota: Agri­ cultural Bulletins; Current Problems; Studies in Language, Engineering, Social Science; Geological DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 709

Survey Bulletins. Missouri : Bulletins : Laws Observatory Bulletins; Studies. Oh'oi : Biological Bulletins; Journal of Science. Pisa: Annali dclle Univcrsita Toscane. Queen's University, Kingston: Queen's Quarterly. Rice Institute, Texas: Book of the Openings, 3 vols. Sydney: Reprints of Papers from the Science Laboratories, 1909-1916. Tolioku, Japan; Mathematical Journal: Science Reports. Tokyo: Journal of the College of Agriculture, and the Oollege of Science. Toronto: Studies. Ura- guay: Anales. Washington State: Studies. Memoirs, Translations, etc., fromthe following Societies and Institutions: — Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, India. American Historical Association. American Society of International Law. American Society for Test­ ing Materials. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers., .Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-14. Australian Historical Society, Sydney. Australian Museum, Sydney. Biological Club, Ohio University. Birmingham Natural History aud Philosophical Society. Cambridge Philosophical So­ ciety. Cape of Good Hope Observatory. Carnegie Endowment for Internatinal Peace. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Car­ negie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Trust .for the Universities of Scotland. Carlsberg, Den­ mark: Comptes Rendus des 'Travaux du Laboratoire. Classical Association of Victoria. Eastman Kodak Co. Research Laboratory. Electrical Association of Australia. Eugenics Record Office, Long Island. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Greenwich Observa­ tory. Hawaiian Voleaco Observatory. Historical Society of Victoria. Institution of Civil Engineers, . Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Lon­ don. Instituto Geologico, Mexico. Tnstuto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio Janeiro. International Institute of Agri­ culture, Rome. Jardini Botanieo, Rio de Janeiro. John Rylands Library, Manchester. Library of Congress, U.S.A. Linneau Society of New South AVales. Madras Oriental MSS. Library. Man­ chester Steam Users' Association. Melbourne University Association. Michigan Academy- of


Science. Michigan Schoolmasters' Club. Museum voor land- en Vplkcnkiinde en Maritiem Mu­ seum . "Prins llcndrik," Rotterdam. National Academy of Sciences, Washington. National Mu­ seum, Melbourne. National Physical Laboratory, London. N. Zealand Institute. N. Zealand Do­ minion Laboratory. Public Library of South Aus­ tralia. Queensland Museum. Royal Colonial In- stitue, "United Empire." Royal Dublin Society, Royal Geographical Society of Australia, South Australian Branch. Royal Geographical Society of Victoria, Shackleton Souvenir No. Royal Irish Academy. Royal Societies ot Canada, , London, New South Wales, Queensland, South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, AV. Australia. Royal Victorian Institute ot Architects. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. South .Australian Institute of Engineers. South .Australian Museum, Records. Smithsonian Institu­ tion, U.S. National Museum and National Her­ barium. Tokyo Zoological Society, Annotationes Zoo- logicae ,Tapoucii-ses. Victorian Institute of En­ gineers. World Peace Foundation, Pamphlet Series.

From the British Museum (Nat. Hist.): — British jV-ntarctic Expedition, 1910. Zoology II. (7), III. (2-5), IV. (1). Economic Series, Nos. 3-7. From Authors and Editors: — Borden, Rt. Hon. Sir R.: The AVar and the Future. Black, Hon. G.: Memorial Volume to Mrs. Black. Craig, W. L. : Sterling Decimal Coinage. Cum­ ming, J. G.: Bibliography Dealing with Crime. Hiibcrich and King: Development of German Prize Law. Iluberich and Nicol-Speyer: German Legisla­ tion for Belgium, 7th and 12th Scries; Duitsche Wetgevimg in Belgie, 1st and 3rd Series. Jaggar, T. A.: Results of Volcano Study in Hawaii: Volcanologic Investigations at Kilanea. Janet, C.: Note Prelirni- naire sur- I'Oent du Volox Globator; L'Alternance Sporop.hyto-GametoTihytique. de Generations chez les Algues. Menzies, R. (!.: The Rule of Law7 During the AATar. Mustard, W. F.: Eclogues ot Andrclinus. Proud, E. D. : Welfare. Work. Wliittick, E. A.: DONATIONS TO LIHRARV. 711

International Law Teaching. Wood, H. O.: Notes on the 1916 Eruption of Manna Loa; Further Notes on Seismometric Book-keeping. From the Publishers: - Bergcr-Levrault: Massart, La. Prcsse Clandestine dans la Belgique occupce. Inter-America. Maga­ zine (Spanish and English Editions), vol T. Long­ mans, Green and Co.; Carey, Infinitesimal Calculus Section II. Moliere, L'.Avare ed. by A. T. Baker. Le Mystere d'Adarn, ed. by P. Studer. Russell. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. P. G. Tail:. Mining and Engineering Review, vol. IX. Miscellaneous: — jVstronomical Society of S. Australia: Inglis, New Tide Predictor. " Aurora " Relief Expedition : Re­ port ot Voyage. Australian Town-Planing Confer­ ence, Adelaide: Proceedings. Bank ot New South Wales: Photographs ot Premises, Past and Pre­ sent. Belgian Government (Le Havre). Dejongh and Yseux, Le Droit et la Guerre; Passclecq, La Question plamande et L'Allemagne; Nyrop, L'Ar- restation des Professeurs Beiges. Carnegie Endow­ ment for International Peace: Barclay, New Methods of Adjusting International Disputes; Fiorc, International Law Codified; Proceedings of Oth National Conference of the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes. Central Provinces of India and Berar Government; Descriptive Catalogue of inscriptions. Conference in Australian Timbers, -uelbourne: Proceedings. Coiisiil-Goneral for Belgium (Melbourne): 23 War Publications. Mr. T. Fink: Chitty, Precedents in Pleading: Seton, Forms of Decrees in Equity. French Government: Duhein, Systeme du Monde, III.-IV.; La Science Francais, 2 vols. Mr. F. Gladish: Gould, Birds of Australia. Supplement,, rart A7. Mr. C. S. Harvey.: Gordon, Report on the Trrawaddy River. Mr. C. P. Maxwell: St. Leonards, Handy Book on Property Law; Vescy, Cases in Chancery, 1746-55, vol. II.; Tidd, Practice of K.B. and C.P. in Personal Actions, 2 vols. M. Maurice- Carton : Thiemc, Guide Bibliographique de la Lit- '12 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

. terature Francaise: Spencer, Primer of French Verse. Michigan University: Fuller, Economic aud Social Beginnings ot Michigan. Mr. R. .A. Moles- worth: Brewster, Treatise on Optics: Euripides, Medea, ed. hy Major. Prof. W. II. Moore: Handbook to Victoria ; Midday Commercial Lectures. Queen's University, Canada : AVeir, Evolution of the Sepa­ rate School Law in the Prairie Provinces. Royal Com­ mission of the Exhibition, 1851 : Particulars ot the Science Research Scholarships to 1915. Mr. P. Serie: .Williamson, Purple and Gold: McCrae, Satyrs and Sunlight; Brady, Ways ot Many AV .iters; Esson, Bells and Bees; Church, Poems. Professor Sir W.B.Spencer; 38 Botanical. Volumes. Mr. L. A. Vail: Kennedy, Modern Machine Shop, -t vols.; Encyclopaedia of Practical Engineering, vol. I. AVcstern Theological Seminary: Anderson, Work of the Church on behalf of Unity.

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY (1).—Journals- Albany Medical Annals; Australasian Journal of Phar­ macy: Birmingham Medical Review: Bookseller, Thw British Medical Journal (presented by Sir Harry .Vllen): Canadian Medical Asso. Journal: Cleveland Medical Journal; College ot Medicine, Kyoto; Dublin Journal of Medical Science: Dementia Praoeox; Evars' Journal; Indian Journal of Med. Research; Lancet (presented byi Sir Harry Allen); Medical Journal of Australia: New- Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal; Pacific Medical Journal: Radium: Repertoire de Pharmacie; St. Bartholomew Hospt. Journal; Speculum; Therapeutic Gazette; University Correspondent; Univ. of Tokyo: Mitteilungen a.d. Medizi; Fak der Kaiser, Bande 17, 18. Univ. Imp. in Kioto, vols. II., III. Univ. Kvushu, Mitteilungen a.d. Med. Band, HI.

(3).-. -Transactions and Proceedings. American Asso. of Genito-Urinary Surgeons; American Asso. of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; American Dermatological Association; American Laryngological Association: American Larvn. Rhino and Otolo. DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 71 £

Society: Amerioaii Urological Association;" Association of American Physicians; Chicago Pathological Society; Clinical Society, University of Michigan; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Ir,st. of Chem., G.B. and I.: Phil. Acad, of Surgery; Roval Academy of Med., in Ire­ land. (5)- •-Reports. jVccra Laboratory, Assam Dispensaries, Jail and Sani­ tary; Bengal, Sanitation and Vaccination; Burma-- Hospt. and Dispensaries; Lunatic Asylums; Sanitary Administration; Cancer Commission, 1916-1917; Coll. of Phys. ot Phil.; Commissioners in Lunacy, 13ng. and Wales;. Commissioners in Lunacy, Scotland; Commissioners in Lunacy, Ireland; , Prison Diets Com.; Federal Quarantine Bureau; Harvard Univ. 1916-17; Holland, Public Health Com., 1916; King Edward ATI. Sana­ torium; Local Govt. Board (Lond.); Massachusetts Gen. Hospt.; Massachusetts Med. Soc; Massachusetts Hospt. for Consumptives; Middlesex Hospital .Archives; Neu­ rological In.st. of N.Y.; N.S.AV. Lunacy Dept.; Phila­ delphia Coll. of Physicians: Sanitary Com., with Govt, of India; Surgeon-Gen., U.S.A., Navy; AVest Aust. Govt. (4)—Vital Statistics. A.B.C. of Queensland; Commonwealth of Australia— (a) Official Year-book, (b) Population and Vital; Fiji Government Gazette; Fiji Royal Blue Book; Navy Health of the; New South Wales; Queensland Govt. Gazette; Queensland Vital Statistics; Statistical Regis­ ter of West Australia.

(5)-—Bulletins. Bollettino Sanitario Anno: Johns Hopkins' Hospt.: Lying-in Hospt., City of N.Y.; Public Health and Marine Hospt. Service; United States Naval Medical; United States Public Health Service; University of Missouri ; University De Montevideo ; University ..f Southern California; University of Toronto; University of Washington.

(ii),—Calendars, Catalogues and Registers- Dentists' Register (U.K.); Harvard Univ.; Inst, of Chem., G.B. and I.; Johns Hopkins; London Hospt.; 714 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

Medical Register (U.K.); National Univer. of Ire.; Royal Colleges, Edin.; Royal College Physicians, Load.; Royal College of Surgeons, I'.ngland; Royal Lond. Oph. Hospt.; Rush Med. Coll.; St. Mary's Hospt.; Surgeon- Gen. U.S. Army; Univ. of ; Univ. of California; Univ. of Durham; Harvard Univ.: Univ. of Southern California; Univ. de la Republica del Uruguay.

(7).—liooks. From the Authors.—Burket, AV. C. Bibliography of "W. H. AVelch; Holt, Dr. L. E. Pylorus in Infants; Horne, Dr. Geo., Practical Gynaecology; Muscio, B., Industrial Psychology; i'arkc, Davis and Co., Research Papers; Storm, C. G., Permissible Explosives; Thorn, L. T., Nauheim Treatment. From Professor Berry—(a) Groves, Gunshot Injuries of Bones; (b) Harris, Nerve Injuries; (c) Murphy, Wounds of the Thorax; (d) Power, AA'ounds in AVar; (e) Bawling, Surgery of the Head; (f) Squire, Medical Hints. Dr. Dane— Bosanquet, Spirochaetes. AV. Kerry—Wyllie, Disorders of Speech. J. R. Pound—(a) Duhem, Thermodynamics and Chemistry;' (b) Thomas aud Gauthier, Notions Foiidamentales, etc: (o) Van der Walls, La Continuite Des Etats Gazeux et Liquide; (iHNHttAL ACCOilNf—SfAftiAlENi oi htiCElFIS and EXl'MNblTVUE for tho vear. •V »-3

11)17. RECEIPTS. )17. EXPENDITURE. StsS Jan. 1. Pec. SI. W To I'lilance •t.5,-185 « 10 Bv Salaries . £37,988 10 Dec. 31. House Allowances 30(1 (I ,', * To (lovermiioiit (.li-iiii s . 21,3011 (1 0 Exhibitions and Scholarsliips 1,380 0 o n Vans— Examiners' I'ccs .. 2,737 IS c • I.ecf.iires ., £18.3114 12 0 Kxamination Expenses 1.0S0 IS 9 Decrees .. 1,434 13 0 Examination Tapers 474 4 Certificates .. r.82 18 0 Hooks •174 4 1»1 I'nlilic Exiuii.s .. 8,134 in •3 Apparatus / .. .. 1,342 0 0 Aiiimal Exiiin. .. 1,787 11) 0 Dissections 370 1.1 0 — 30,30.', 2 II Furniture 106 S II Other Receipts — Cleaning and Incidentals 618 17 8 Sale of Calendars (!as ami Electric Light 427 17 4 and K,\am. Tapers IS.r) (i •! Water and Sanitary 141 !) " M Interest .. .. I.fift) S S Wood and Coal 35 ft Trust Kunds(Admin- Grounds 187 8 0 «> istration) .. -Hi ]4 ;'• Printing—including Calendar :".l-2 10 (i Sundries .. .. Oii y 10 Stationery 808 1'2 2 1.SS14 IS 1 Stamps— Postage and Duty I!)l '2 8 Transfers from Departments for Advertising 43 3 0 Administration, etc.— Commencement • 2(i 2 0 Music Examina­ Insurances 192 1 tion Hoard .. ,eliK) (' 0 ({•.•pairs l,or,8 S 1;-0, Conservatorium Transfer to Ceneral Investment (i,500 ll II of Music . JOi 0 0 It-dance .. 2,493 'J 9 Veterinary Department .. Ki.S 0 0 Hacteriology Department .. r»0 0 0

•toK.-lOl 0 11 '


1017. RECEIPT'S. 1917. EXI'KN IHTU'RE. Dee. 31. Jan. 1. To rues- Ilv Balance .£'270 2 4 Lectures £2,(158 15 7 lice. 31. Entrance Exhilis. 25 14 11 Hv Salaries — Oil) 10 1 .. .e2,2u- 9 i; Hire of Music ,, 1 18 (1 Secretarial 21 0 i) Hire ol Melha Hull 23 3 (i Bal. Director's S, ilar.v •!• 14 r, .L-2.TU4 V2 —jt'2,2(in 3 11 Lady Northcote Trust. .. 1»0 0 Administration Charges, etc. 101 (i 0 Transfer from Music Examination lio;ird •12 14 Exhibitions and Bursaries 52 12 0 Sundries .Music, Instruments, Hire, Tun in Ralance and Repairs.. ;-, 239 S Cas and Electric Light.. Hi 1(1 s5 Printing 23 4 0 Stationery and Postages 17 3 :j Advertising 1-2 i ii Telephone 14 2 (i Insurances 17 Incidentals 17 0 r, Interest 29 17 7 Concerts KK1 10 7 Repairs, Furniture, etc. 1)3 4 1 2,005 13 2 Repayment Loan on Melha Hall 83 0 (l


HECKII'TS. EXl'ENIIITl l!E 1917. 1917. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance - Ilv Scholarships .tss 4 II lice. 31. Administration Charges 100 0 0 To Fees Secretarial—(.Irf-unisini;- 280 0 Interest Ortfanisiii}.' Expenses 49 1(4> 2 Royalties and Sales Exam. Tapers Examiners Fees and •2,139 4 2 Travelling Expenses 804 0 8 ••".xaniination Expenses.. 44 15 Kevisin«r Svllalms 39 18 ('0, Printini,' i 8+ 17 9 Stationerv and Postages li:'- 8 3 Advertising 11 0 11 Purchase Government Stock 040 (1 0 Transfer to (Jonscrva- toi-iuni 42 14 '"' £2,250 IS 2 ' 1.212 19 5


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURK. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £200 0 0 Bv Balance £840 0 0 Dec. 31. To jVmouilt transferred from Music Exam. Board . 040 0 0

£840 0 0 £SI0 0


1917. KCEIPTS. 1917. KXPEN'DITIJKE. Jan. 1. Dec 31. To Balance .1:580 11) 1 Hi Salaries £3,611 9 10 Dec. 31. .Administration, etc. .. 105 0 0 (iovernmeiif. (.Jraiit 4,200 0 0 Apparatus,-Materials, etc. 1,070 6 8 Hospital Fees 253 3 3 Special Research 452 ft 0 Lecture and Kxaminationi I-'Fee. s IDS 10 0 Interest ' .. SI) 1) o • Sundries II 7 ti Balance • .. 10 2 2

.tr.,299 2 0 ..25,299 2 0 VETERINARY FUND—INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the year, 1917.

1917. 1917. .Ian. -1. Hoc. 31. T>. Balance . £1,990 II 0 Bv Balance :t 1,990 (I 0

£1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0


1917. RKCEIPTS. 1917. KXI'kNIilTIiRE. ~J: Jan. 1. I lee. 31. To Balance Hy Salaries £2,174 14 II Deo. 31. Less charyed to General J\/' 5011 (I 0 To Department of Health £1,074 14 11 JI. .(£• ,M. Hoard of Works 70 0 Administration 50 0 0 Melhourne City (.'ouin-il 50 0 (I .Apparatus, .Materials, etc. 535 11 9 City of I'rahran 20 I) 0 Telephone 28 5 4 Dr. On- II) 111 (I Balance 1,352 7 10 .Specimens, Examinations of 304 15 0 Wassermaii Tests, etc. 450 19 0 Interest 80 0 0 Domestic Kconniny Class 50 0 0 2,600 12 8

£3,040 19 10 £3,040 19 10 ISACTEItlOI.OItlCAl, l-'UNI)-IS\'EST.SlKiSr ACCOUNT fur tit.: ../cur, 1917.

1917. 1917. Jan. 1. 1 ncc. 3i. To Balance Cl,IKKJ 0 0 i Uv Balance £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1917. ' 1917. Jan. 1. Hec. HI. To Balance .. r.1,107 15 11 By Cash . £13,330 17 2 lice. ;n. Balance 1,053 3 7 To Cash .. 12,910 1 11)

£14,384 ll 9. £14,381 0 9 MEhUoUlt-NH lloSl'ltA), O.tNlCAI. -FEES ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDtTVilE for the year, 1917.

1917. RKCEIPTS 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance. £89 0 1 By Salaries ... £200 5 0 Dee. 31. Tutors'and Lecturers' Fees 1,008 18 9 To Fees 1,775 4 0 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 500 0 0 Balance SO I) 4 £1,804 4 1 £1.804 4 1


1017. UECEIPTS 1017. E.XPF.NDITURK. Jan. 1. Dee. 31. To Balance By-Apparatus £13 11 4 Balance 321 0 5 MELHOURNE HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES CONTINGENT ACCOUNT—ST ATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENVITURE for the year, 1917.

1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £125 0 0 Bv Balance £125 0 0 £125, n 0 I £125 0 0


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENIilTUIll- Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £20 8 4 By Salaries £126 0 0 Dec. 31. Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 120 18 8 To Fees £251 19 0 Balance 20 S 8 £272 7 4 ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES APPARATUS ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1917.

1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. Ta Balance 4U4G 10 B.v Apparatus £13 7 6 Balance 133 9 1


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. ! Dec. 31. To Balance £20 17 11 By Balance £20 17 11 £20 17 11 ST. VINCENT'S UOSPITAL ENTRANCE FEES ACCOUNT—STATEMENT or RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1917.

1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £73 10 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital £84 0 0 Dec 31, Balance 94 10 0 To Entrance Fi 105 0 0

£178 10 0


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. , Dec. 31. To Fees .. £321 0 0 j By Transfer to .\pparatus j\ccoiint £5 0 0 Salaries 50 0 0 j Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 206 6 0


1917. RECEIPTS. I 1917. EXPENDITURK. Jan. 1. i Dec. 31. To Balance £7(i 10 7 f By Balance £S1 10 Dec. 31. To Transfer from Clinical Fees j\cconnt .. £81 10 £S1 II) 7


1917. RKCEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Students' Fees £815 7 0 By Balance £0 7 0 Dec. 31. By .Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee for .Maintenance of Recreation Ground Buildiny-s and Sports Chilis £750 0 0 Amount paid Students' Representative Council ., 40 0 0 Balance .. ,. 24 19 0

£816 .7 0 £815 7 0 CLUB HOUSE FEES—STATEMENT oj RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1917

1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deem. To Balance £42 7 0 B.v Amount paid to CUlli House Committee £400 0 0 Dec. 31, , " Bv Balance 12 2 0 To Students' Fees 309 15 0 _ £412 2 0


RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE. 1917. 1917. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Halance B.v Scholarships £193 15 0 Apparatus, etc. 74 12 2 Balance 496 4 10


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. £11,202 l(i 0 Bv Balanc £17,702 10 0 Dec. 31. To Transfer from General j\ccount 0,600 0 0 £17,702 10 0 £17,702 16 0


1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31 Dec. 31. To Cash £270 10 8 By Salaries £100 13 4 j\pparatus, etc. 14 10 11 Balance 89 12 6

£270 10 8 UNIVERSITY FUNDS—STATEMENT of IIALANCES at 31f( December, 1017

Dec. 31,1917 Fund. Dr. liuUmce. C'i". lialnnce Smnviari/ of Investment*, etc. General Account .. £2,493 U 9 Debentures at Face Value- Conservatorium of Music j\ceount £409 1 0 City of Melbourne Debentures .. £200 0 Mnsic Examination Board .Account 1,21: 19 r> Government Secnreties, etc., at cost- • ,, ,, Investment. j\ccount .. 841 o o Western j\ustraliaii Government Stock 1,202 10 Veterinary Fund Account.. Geelong Waterworks yud Sewerage 1,990 ,, ,, Investment Account o 'Trust Debentures .. 2,105 0 Bacteriological Fund .Account 1,352 7 10 Victorian Government Stock .. 7,475 0 ,, ,, Investment j\ct:ount.. 1,990 0 0 Savinys Bank Credit Foncier Deben­ Suspense j\ccount ... 1,053 3 7 ture Stock ...... 3,980 0 iMelhourne Hospital Clinical Fees j\ccount 89 0 4 .Mortgages ...... 7,500 0 ,, .,, ,, ,, .Apparatus Account • 321 I) 6 125 0 0 Bank Current .Account—General .. 7,035 0 ,, *,, ,, ,, Contingent Account 1 » St. Vincent's Hospital Clinical Fees Account 20 8 8 „ Management .. 100 6 ,, ,, . ,, „ j\pparatus Account 133 9 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, Contingent Account 20 17 11 ,, ,, Entrance Fees Account, 94 Kl 0 .\lfred Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 81 10 7 Sports Fees j\ccount 24 19 II 'Chili House Fees.Account . 12 2 0 Special Research Grant .Account .. 490 4 10' Walter and Eliza Hall Fellowship 89 12 5 General Investment jU'Count 17,702 1(1 0 Total of Credit Balances .. £30,143 12 Less Total of Debit Balances £485 3 8 485 3 £29,053 8 8 £29,068 S 8 TRUST FUNDS—SUMMARISED STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for tho year, 1917

1917. RECEIPTS. 1917. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Bequests and Gifts and other additions to Trust Bv Balance £4,703 15 5 Funds ...... £2,750 9 0 Dec. 31. Sales or Transfers of Investments .. .. 838 0 0 By Purchases or Transfers of Investments 0,090 0 0 Interest ...... 5,981 12 3 Scholarships, Prizes and other payments in terms l* Balance ,...... 5,050 7 4 of Trust 4,313 o Incidental Expenses 119 7 9

£15,232 8 £15,232 8 "7 TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of IIALANCES at Slut December, 1917 — - — ec. 31, 1917. Fund. Inrextmenis. Bank Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Summary of Investments, etc. Anthropological .. £570 0 (I £0 IS S £570 IS 8 Dec. 31, 1917/ Argus 2,001 0 0 40 0 1 2,041 6 1 .Hank Deposits, etc. .. £605 0 0 Bage Memorial 1,1100 0 0 J-.niK) 0 0 Government Securities, etc., Baird 013 14 C, 5 6 0 019- 0 6 at face value— Barry 25 (l II 5 11 3 30 11 3 Citv of Alelb. Debs. .. «,600 0 0 Beaney— Pal holog.v 2,381 0 0 111 19 8 . 2.492 19 8 M. & M. 1.1. of W. Debs. 3(»,88M 0 0 ,, Surgery . 2,150 0 0 26 2 0 2,182 2 (.1 Vict. Gov. Stock .. y0,801 0 0 Bio-Chemisfrv Apparatus 350 0 0 42 0 0 392 0 0 Shire of Caulfield Deb. 100 0 0 Black 2,089 1.0 0 . 51 11 2 2,141 I 2 Government .Securities, etc., Botany j\pparatus.. 40 0 0 2 14 0 41 14 0 at cost— Bowen 110 (' 0 20 10 10 130 10 10 Commonwealth 4i°; Insc. Cancer Research Fund 195 18 8 105 IS 8 Stock .. .. 9,040 0 Chamb. of Commerce 1,022 0 0 1,018 13 11 W. Aust. Gov. Insc. Stock l!,OS0 14 Clinical Research Fund 958 0 0 7 2 I 905 2 1 Vice. Gov. Stock 17,774 15 Cuming .. 1,050 () 0 40 19 1.1 1,090 19 10 Vict. Gov. Debs. ,000 0 Danks Industrial Schol 1 II 0 1 0 0 M. «. M. B. of W. Insc. CC Dixson 1-1,(113 15 0 158 11 9 14,172 6 9 Stock ln,H'2S If) O Dublin • ' 305 1.1 9 305 0 0 M. &M. H.oMV. Debft. 2,802 10 Dwight 0,249 4 9 109 15 4 0,359 0 1 Get-long Waterworks k Fulton .. .. ' 1.000 0 0 33 13 2 1,033 13 2 Sewerage Trust Stock 3,283 8. 0 Grimwade 1,259 0 0 20 IS lu 1,279 IS 10 Geelong Waterworks & Harbison •Higinbothau 2.500 0 0 20 10 0 2,520 10 0 Sewerage Trust Debs. 240 0 0 ,, Publication Fun. 2511 0 0 241 0 11 Savings JJank Credit Harrington CO .0 0 3 11 1 03 11 1 Koncicr Stock 995 0 0 Hastie 20.077 15 0 19,205 17 2 Savings Hank J>eb. SO 0 0 Higgins 1,105 ll 0 7 10 10 1.172 10 10 Shire of Ooburg Deb. 100 0 0 Howitt 3,824 0 0 ,1,8.11. 12 6 City of Sth. Melhourne Jamieson . 100 0 0 814 1 JOS 14 1 Debs. 407 10 0 Kay--Geology 3,325 0 0 30 12 4 3,301 12 4 Mortgages 30,214 0 0 ,, Veterinary 3,320 0 II 9 1 3 3,329 1 3 Properties 50 0 0 Kernot 3,805 0 0 2:1 17 7 3,888 17 7 Property in possession .. 1,700 0 o • Lansell 1,400 ll 0 1 2 10 1,461 2 10 Loans to Conservatorium Laurie Memorial 194 15 0 6 4 0 199 19 0 Students 14 10 9 Leggatt 1,090 0 0 24 0 6 1,114 0 6 Carried forward .. 85,084 14 9 1,021 9 10 7.440 10 6 70,'Jr.O 14 1 Carried forward . £184,788 10 3 Tr, at '•'nnd*~ -Statemnit- of Dataller.,

Fund IiiveHt.ine.nts Hank C linn k Dr Total Summary of Investments, etc. Brought forward £85,084 14 9 £1,021 9 10 £7,440 10 i £79,259 14 1 Brought forward ...... £184,788 10 3 Levi Memorial 1,050 0 0 4 Hi 1 1,054 16 1 Cash— MacBain .. 1,095 0 0 44 10 7 1,139 Hi 7 Dr. Madden 701 0 0 5 14 1) 700 14 (l Hastie a/c .. £7,411 17 10 Mathison Memorial 240 0 0 8 1 5 24S 1 f, Cr. Melvin Memorial .. 1,000 0 0 50 0 0 1,050 0 0 Trust a/c £1,431 2 7 " Mollison .. 0,259 10 II 71 4 0 0,330 14 0 Mollison a/c 71 4 0 Morris .Memorial 115 0 0 IS 5 4 133 4 Sav. Bk. a/e Morrison 275 ll 0 24 15 0 299 1;5, 0 No. 2 .. 57 5 3 Netherlands Ch. Com 30 0 0 7 17 37 17 9 Sav. Bk. a/c Ornion.l Chair 20,410 18 9 09 11 9!) 20.510 III 0 No. 3 .. 195 IS 8 Ormoli.l Scholarship 0,095 0 M 103 2 0 0,79s 2 I) 1,756 10 6 >,05C 7 4 Payne .. 510 0 0 10 19 1 526 19 1 Shakespeare 1,498 0 0 8 2 10 1,489 17 2 Special Prizes 52 ' 5 (i 52 5 0 Stawell .. 1,39(1 0 0 27 7 10 1.417 7 10 Stewart 30,439 0 0 III 10 2 30,449 10 o Sutherland 107 O 0 2 17 7 109 17 7 Syme 3,2011 10 0 129 5 9 3,389 15 9 Wilson (Professor) 141 0 0 14 1 9 156 1 9 Wilson (ll. C.) 750 (i 0 7 17 7 757 17 7 Wright ),2!>3 0 0 0 0 0 .1,299 0 0 Wrixon 720 O 0 • 50 17 10 770 17 HI Wyselaskie- Classics 1,770 0 0 IS 4 0 1,788 4 6 ,, Kng. Con. Ilistor v 2,100 0 0 02 9 6 ,. Tt.,.3 9 C ,, Maths. 2,155 0 0 34 0 2 2,189 0 2 ,, Mod. Languages 1,974 0 0 4S 13 7 2,022 13 7 ,, . Nat. Sci. 2,170 0 0 37 5 2,207 5 6 ,, Pol. F.con. 2,027 0 0 55 :•; (>1 2,082 3 1

£170,010 13 0 £2,003 13 •3 £7,454 13 £170,569 i: 4 Professors' Retiring.a c 8,703 0 II 202 12 "j 8,500 7 7 Cons. Students' l.oan a/c 1.4 10 9 67 5 3 72 2 0

Total .. tlS4,7SS 10 3 £2,000 IS 5 £7,71' 6 ) £179,132 2 11 Total £179,132 2 11 SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY RECEIPTS from till mum* . fur the Year, 1917.

Government Grants ...... £20,858 0 8 Lecture Fees ...... 21,180 18 -4 j\iinual K.vaminat.ion, Degree, and Certificate Fees .. 3,S3l 4 0 "Interest—On Fun. Is available for General Purposes -.. £1,774 3 tl On Trust Funds, for Scholarships and other specified purposes ,. .. .. 5,981 12 3 7,765 15 9 Public Kxaminations Fees 8,134 19 3 Public Kxaniinations in Music. Fees 2,043 3 3 Sundries 2,011 4 0 Sports Fees 815 7 0 ' Club House Fees 309 15 0 Clinical. Fees in Trust for Hospitals 2,463 9 0

£75,493 2 9 Bequests, Gifts, and other additions to Trust Funds, including amounts set aside bv tlie Universitv lor Retiring Funds 2,750 9 0 £78,249 11 9

*The interest on the llastie Fund is included in the interest on funds available for general purposes.

Audited and found correct.

F. IT. BRUFORD, 9/8/18. Auditor-General, The following is a list of Graduates (so far as known) who have fallen in the service of their Country in connection with the War:

1914 ANN EAB, Paul Dal ton, LL.B. 1910 BAGE, Edward Frederic Robert. B.C.E. 1908 BAH'JKY, Guy Brooke, M.B. 1914 BARRETT, Keith Joy, B.Agr.Sc. 1908 BOWEN, Clarence Edward, LL.B. 1898 BROTJGHTON, George Edward, LL.B. 1913 BULLEN, Norman John M.B., B.S. 1910 CAMPBELL, Sydney James, M.B.. B.S. 1908 CARSE, Franc Samuel, LL.B. 1914 CIIR.1STEN.SKN, Christian Pcder, B.A. 1910 OONNOR. John Leslie, B.M.E. 1914 CRESWELL, Randolph William, B.M.E. 1895 DEANE, Edward Wilkinson, M.B., B.S. 1914 DEANS, Arthur, B.A. 1899 DERAVIN, Arthur Francis, M.B., B.S. 1912 DICKSON, Selwyn Rao, LL.B. 1910 DUFFY. Desmond McMahon Gavan, B.A., LL.B. 1915 ELLIOTT, George Stephenson, M.B., B.S. 1909 FAIRLEY, James Fairburn, M.D., B.S. 1914 FENTON, John Wentworth. LL.B. 1907 FINK, Gordon, LL.B. 1916 POX, Alfred Raymond, M.B., B.S. 1910 GARNETT, Wade Shenton, M.D.. B.S. 1913 GILLESPIE, Robert Macgregor, B.Agr.Sc. 1907 GOLLER. Alfred Ernest, B.A. ' 1911 GREEN. Harry Frankly)), M.B., B.S. 1912 GREGORY, Charles Olapham, LL.B. 1915 HAMMOND, Alfred George, B.Sc. 1909 HARPER, Gresley Tatlock, LL.B.

733 1908 HARPER, .Harold William, LL.B. 1894 HEARNE, William Weston. M.D., B.S. 1913 HIGGINS, Mervyn Bournes, B.A. 1914 HINMAN, Arthur Gnrr, B.M.E. 1908 HODGES, Edward Norman, LL.B. 1909 HOGGART, William Ross, B.A. 1915 HOLMES, Edgar Charles. B.A. 1912 HOLMES. Kenneth Woodfull, B.C.E. 1913 HONMAN, Andrew Victor, M.B., B.S. 1895 HORSFALL, Leonard Arthur, B.A., LL.B. 1915 HUGHES, Melville Rule, M.B., B.S. 1915 HUGHSTON, Johnston. M.B., B.S. 1912 HYETT, Alan Newcombe, LL.B. 1905 JAMIESON, Douglas Dunbar, M.B., B.S. 1891 JOHNSON, Frederick Miller. M.D. • 1917 JOWETT, Eric Craven, B.M.E. 1916 KEAST, William Reginald, B.E.E. 1915 KERR, Eric John, M.B., B.S. 1905 LANOLEY. Arthur Wellesley Homan, M.B., B.S. 1917 LECKIE, Walter Alan, B.E.E. 1914 LEVI, Keith .Maurice, M.B., B.S. 1918 LISTON, Rolbert Bruce. B.Sc, 1918 McOUTOHAN, Prank Marsh, B.E.E. 1911 MACKAY, Murdoch Niali, LL.M. 1897 McLAREN. Samuel Bruce, B.A. 1905 MATHISON, Gordon Clunes McKay, M.D., B.S. 1909 MAXTED, Spencer Edward, M.A. j 1911 MELVIN, John, B.C.E. 1914 MERZ, George Pinnock, M.B., B.S. 1909 MILLER,. Albert Guy, M.B., B.S. 1911 NICHOLAS, James Joachim, M.D., B.S. 1909 OGILVIE, Thomas Alexander, LL.B. 1917 OLIVE, William Major, B.O.E. 1903 OLIVER, Charles Joseph, M.B., B.S. 1909 PATTEN, Murray Gladstone, M.A. 1902 PETERS, Owen Herbert, M.D., B.S. 1912 PIRANI. Carl Simeon, B.Sc. 1914 PRITCHARD, Leslie Byrt, B.Agr.Sc. 1911 REID, James Mansfield, B.O.E. 1901 REID, John Cecil, B.C.E. 1912 RIOHARDSON, George Henry, B.A. 1917 ROBERTS, Leonard Edmund Wadsworth, M.B., B.S. 1909 ROBERTSON, Alexander John, M.So. 1912 RODDA, Brrol Edward, Dip, Educ, 1913 ROGER.SON, Edward, M.B., B.S. 1914 ROTHERA, Arthur Cecil Hamel. D.Sc. 1914 SEETJENM EYER,. Cyril Eobert, B.V.Sc. 1916 SEWELL, Philip Beauchamp, M.B., B.S. 1900 STARLING, Benjamin Alfred, B.C.E. 1909 STEPHEN, Kenneth Travers. IJL.B. 1909 STERLING, John Harold, B.A., LL.B. 1914 STEWART, Cedric Alwyn, M.D., B.S. 1911 SUTHERLAND, Dallas, LL.B. 1915 SWINBURNE. Harry Laffer, B.A. 1901 TE.VGUE, Harold Oscar, M.B.. B.S. 1915 T1I0MJ\S. Edward Courtney, M.A. 1914 TOWL, Percy Gilchrist, M.Sc. 1915 WELCH, Edward Ronald, M.B., B.S. 1914 WHEATLEY, Arthur Wilfred, B.JV, 1911 WILCOCK. Arthur B.A. 1908 WILLIAMS, Marldwyu Leslie, M.B.. B.S. 1914 WOOD, Arthur Holroyd O'Hara. M,B., B.S. 1900 WOOD, George. M.A. 1912 WOOD. Harry Vasey, D.D.Sc. 1914 WRIGHT, Leonard Alexander, M.B., B.S.


The date nilixed is that of the first degree taken in this University.

Names. /Mnv,\<. 1901 HIS MAJESTY-KING GEORGE V. (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D. 1914 ABBOT, Charles Greeley (M.Sc, Massa­ chusetts) D.Sc. 1896 ABBOTT, Algernon M.C.E. 1895 A'BECKETT, Ada Mary (nee Lambert) .. M.Sc. 1892 A'BEOKETT, William Gilbert .. (Cam.) .JI.A., LL.M 1886 ABRAHAMS. Joseph .. (Leipsic) M.A. 1910 ADAM, David Stow (Glasgow) M.A. 1884 ADAM, Oeorge Rothwell Wilson M.D. 1904 ADAMSON, John M.A.. M.B., B.S. 1904 ADAMSON, Amy Gertrude Elizabeth .. M.A. 1886 AD.VMSON, Laurence Arthur .. (Oxford) M.A. 1914 ADAMSON, Samuel Arthur Gordon .. .. M.A. 1898 ADENEY, Theodore William M.A. 1882 AGG. Alfred John LL.M. 1911 JIICKIN, George Ellis .. (Cam.) M.A. 1898 JVICKIN, James Lee .. : M.A., M.Sc. 1880 AITCHISON, Roderick M A.. M.B., B.S. 1909 AKBROYD, Joseph M.A. 1887 ALBISTON, Arthur Edward M.A. 1915 JVLEXANDER, Jean Logan M.Sc. 1905 JVLEXANDER, Katharine Logan M.JV. 1886 ALEXANDER, Lilian Helen M.A., M.B., B.S. 1898 ALLAN, Edward Buller .. .. (London) M.D. 1876 ALLEN, Sir Harry Brookes M.D., B.S. 1896 ALLEN, Horace William M.A. , 1885 ALSTON, Arthur M.A. :, ' 1895 ALSTON, Leonard M.A.. Lilt. D. 1911 AMIET, William Albert M.A. 1912 JVNCHEN, John Oscar; M.A: 1886 ANDERSON, Alfred Victor -Millard .. .. M.D., B.S. 1881 ANDERSON, Eugene' Wilton M.D., B.S. 1908 ANDERSON, John Hubback M.D., B.S. 1896 ANDEKSON, Thomas Lyuewblde, .. .. M.D.' 1903 ANDREW. Frank Carl Frederic'...... M.D., B.S'. .1901 ANDREW, John Chapman .... (Oxford) M.A. 1896 ANDREWS. Arthur Tremayne M.O.E. MEMBFJIIS OF THE SENATE. 737

1916 ANDREWS, Dorothy Meares M.A. 1886 ANDREWS, William ".. M.D., B.S. 1911 ARCHER, Francis Henry Joseph .. .. M.A, 1916 ARCHER, Mary Ellinor Lucy M.So. 1910 JVRMITAGE. Richard William .. -M.Sc. 1889 ARMSTRONG; Edmund La Touche .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1914 ARMSTRONG, Henry Edward (Ph.D., Leipzig) D.Sc. 1880 JVRMSTHONG, Tliomas Henry .. .. M.A. 1905 JVRNOLD, Leonard M.A. 1897 ARTHUR, Oeorge Thomas M.A. 1910 JVRUNDEIJL, Patrick M.A. 1892 ATCHISON Samuel M.A 1907 ATKINSON, Charles Watson ...... M.A., Litt.D. 1915 ATKINSON, Reginald Cyril Everitt .. .. M.D. 1892 AVERY, David M.Sc. 1895 AVBKY, Gertrude Elizabeth (n6e Hall) .. M.A.

1875 BACKHOUSE, Edward Littlejohn .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1882 BACKHOUSE, Samuel Burder M.A., LL.B. 1906 BAGE, Anna Frederica M.Sc 1881 BAGE, Charles ".. .. M.A.. M.D., B.8. 1911 BAGE, Ethel Mary .- .. M.A. 1914 BJVIRD, Arthur Leeson D.D.Sc. 1906 BAKER, Mary M.A. 1904 BALDWIN, Edward Earnshaw M.A. 1900 BALDWIN, Joseph Mason M.A., D.Sc. 1889 BALFOUR, Graham Henty M-A. 1817 BJVLLARD, Richard Edward LL.M. 1895 BALMER, Sydney Raeburn M.A., I.LB. 1887 BARKER, Walter Herbert M.A. 1895 BARNABY, John M.A 1905 BARNARD, Dora M.A. 1888 BARNARD Robert James Allman .. .. M.A. 1885 BARNETT, Ernest Judd ... M-A. 1881 BARR.ETT, Sir James William M.D., M.S. 1884 BARROWCLOUGH, Alfred Ernest M.A., B.C.E. 1901 BARTON, Right Hon. Edmund (Sydney) M.A. 1888 BASTOW, Arthur Henry M.A.. M.CE. 1914 BATESON, William (M.A., Cam.) D.Sc. 1901 BAXTER. James Morehead M.D., B.S. ISS9 BEAN, Harold Knowles M.D. 738 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1904 BEARD, Walter Francis (Oam.) M.A. 1885 BEARHAM'. George M.A. 1907 BEE, James (New Zealand) M.A., M.So. 1901 BEHAN. John Oliflord Valentine .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1897 BELCHER, Oharles Frederic M.A... LL.B. 1916 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard M.A. 1875 BENJJVMIN, Raphael (London) M.A. 1904 BENNETT, Florence Penelope M.A. 1906 "BENNETT, Leslie Ernest M.A. 1899 BENNETT, William Ernest SI.A 1886 BENNIE, Alexander Bruce MA., MB., B.S. 1872 BENNIE, Peter Bruce M.A., M.D., B.S. 1897 BBRNADOU, Mary Louise M.A. 1884 BERRY, Digby Marsh (Oxford) M.jV. 1906 BERRY, Richard James Arthur (Ediu.) M.D. 1894 BETHERJVS, John Henry M.A. 1896 BEVAN, David John Davies M.A., LL.B 1893 BEVAN, Hopkin Llewelyn Willett .. .. M.A. 1896 BEVAN, Louis Rhys Oxley M.A. 1910 BIENVENU, Reginald Guerin M.A. 1882 BIRD, Frederic Dougan M.B., M.S. 1899 BLANCH, George Ernest .. .. (Oxford) M.A. 1912 BLAZEY, Clement- M.Sc, B.Agr.Sc. 1910 BLOOM, Solomon LL.M. 1900 BONNIN. Francis Josiah M.D., B.S. 1884 BOOTH, John M.C.B., B.So. 1886 BOTHROYD, Thomas William M.A. 1903 BOT'TOMLKY, William Francis Stamp .. M.D., B.S. 1910 BOWDEN, Heiary Herbert M.A. 1894 BOX, Frederick William M.C.E. 1886 BOYD. William Robert M.D., B.S. 1909 BRADLEY, Charles Martin M.A. 1898 BRADY, Mary Isabella (nee Fraser) .. M.A. 1895 BRASSEY, Rt. Hon. Thos., Baron (Ox.) LL.D- 1896 BRAZIER. Amos William M.A. 1913 BREIDAHL, Harold George Daniel .... Sl.Sc., M.B., B.S. 1908 BRENJVN. Andrew Joseph M.D..M.S. 1892 BRENNAN, Michael Austin B.A., LL.M. 1895 BREWER, Charles Alfred M.A. 1873 BRIDE, Thomas Francis LL.D. 1909 BRIGGS, Walter William Victor .. .. M.A. 1885 BRIS3ENDEN, Edwin Mayhew LL.D. 1867 BRODRIBB, Thomas (London) M.A. 1866 BROMBY, Edward Hippius M.A. 1900 BROWN, Charles John M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 739

1910 BROWN, Clifton Plessay M.A. 1902 BROWN, Edward Byam M.Sc. 1909 BROWN, Edwin Tylor .. M.A., LL.B. 1882 BROWN, Gilbert Wilson ". (Cam.) M.A. 1890 BROWN, Hugh Alexander M.A 1916 BROWN, Jane Kathleen Officer M.A. 1904 BROWNE, Hubert Warner M.A. LL.M. 1910 BROWNELL, Walter Freeman M.D., B.S. 1883 BRUNT, William Egbert M.A., LL.B- 1888 BRUSH, Francis Samuel M.O.E. 1882 BRYANT, Herbert William LL.M. 1903 BUCHAN, James William jVlexander .. M.A. 1908 BUCII-ANAN, Gwymicth Vaughan ., .. D.Sc. 1910 BUCKLEY/, Sydney Leonard M.A. 1877 BULEY, Arthur Alfred M.A. 1896 BULL, Richard Joseph MD., B.S. 1892 BUNTINE, Walter Murray .. M.A. 1889 BURGESS, Arthur Septimus M.A. 1871 BURKE, Richard George M.A., LL.B. 1915 BURNS, Rosina M.A. 1900 BURRIDGE, Herbert William M.A. 1902 BUSH. Hubert Sheppard M.D.. B.S. 1905 BUTCHERS, Arthur Gordon M.A. 1869 BUTLER, Oeorge William Gillam .. .. M.A., LL.B.

O 1914 CALLISTER, Alice M.A. 1914 CALLISTER, Cyril Percy .. ; M.Sc. 1884 CAMERON, Donald Allan ' .. M.A. 1908 CAMERON, Maud Martha M.A. 1909 CAMERON, Samuel Sherwen D.V.Sc 1908 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion M.A. 1878 OAMPBELL, Archibald Henry M.A., LL.B. 1888 CAMPBELL. David (Glasgow) M.A. 1898 CAMPBELL. Frederick Alexander .. .. M.C.E. 1901 CJVMPBEUJ. Frederick Harper D.Sc. 1914 CAMPBELL. Herbert Douglas M.A. 1869 CAMPBELL. James Maitland LL.M. 186.7 .CANTERBURY, Viscount (Manners-But­ ton, Henry Charles) (Cam.) M.A. 1887 CANTOR, Joseph Samuel ...... M.A., LL.M. 1894 CARTON, Fernand Isidore Maurice .... M.A. 1902 CHAMBERS, Herbert Ernest LL.M. • .IS 740 MEMHEUS OF THE SENATE.

1899 CHAPMAN, Henry George- M.D., U.S. 1886 CHAPMAN, Robert William M.A., U.C.E. 1903 CHARLES, Lilian Alice Harbison (ncc Webster) M.A7 1892 CHEN HALL, William Thomas M.D., B.S. 1896 CHEONG, James M.A. 1889 CHERRY7, Edith Sarah (ncc'Gladman) .. M.A. 18S9 CHERRY, Thomas M.D., M.S. 1891 CHOMLEY', Violet Ida M.A. 1889 CLARK, Donald M.M.E.,B.C.E. 1913 OLARK, John Kenneth D.D.Sc. 1889 CLARK. Lindesay Colvin M.CE. 1903 CLARKE, Henry l.owtbcr (Cam.) M.JV. 1869 -CLEZY. James M.A. 1901 CLUCAS, Florence (nee Stillwcll) M.Sc. 1892 OOGHILL, Donald Murray Robertson .. M.J\. 1905 COHEN, Prank Simeon LL.M. 1888 COLE, Daniel Fen ton .. .. M.C.E. 1887 COLE, Frank Hobill M.U., B.S. 188U COLE, Robert. Hodgson (M.D., Durham! M.D., LL.B. 1887 COLLINS. Joseph Thomas M.A., LL.M. 1907 OOLLOCOTT, Ernest Edgar Vyvyan .. . M.A. 1888 COLQUHOUN. Arthur Gideon Hugh .... M.D., B.S. 1906 COLQUHOUN, James Ferguson M.A. 1909 COLQUHOUN. Keith Gcmmell M.D.. B.S. 1890 COLVIN, Bazett David (Cam.) M.A. 1890 CONNELL, Maud M.A. 1895 CONNELL, John Henry Onstavus .. . M.C.E. 1911 CONNOR, Joseph Ivan M.B., M.S: 1886 OONNOR, Samuel {Boyal Univ., Ireland) M.D., B.S. 1865 COOK, Walter Edmund. M.C.E. 1885 COOK, William Sym LL.M. 1885 COOPER, Edward Augustus .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1892 COOPER, William M.A. ,1901 COPJVS, Theodora Emilic Johanna .. . M.A. 1908 CORDER, Henry M.A. 1887 CORR, Edwin James B.A., LL.M. 1879 CORR, John Reford M.A., LL.B. 1892 CORR, Sarah Alice M.A. 1896 COUTIE, Barton Montgo'merie M.C.E. 1903 COVENTRY7, Cameron Hilda (Adelaide) M.Sc. , 1886 COWLE, Felix Cecil M.A., LL.B. 1884 CRAIG, Andrew William M.A. 1899 CRIVELLI, Marcel Urbain .. .. (Paris) M.D., B.S. 1905 CROSS, Kenneth Stuart M.Sc, M.D., B.S. MEMUEHS OF THE SENATE. 741

1906 OROTTY, Horace M.A. 1904 OROWTHER, Oeorge O'Dell .. B.A..LL.M. 1911 CROWTHER. Gilbert Russell M.A. 1909 OROWTHER, Heury Arnold M.A. 1893 CROWTHER, Herbert Ii.A., M.O.B- 1903 CUMMING, Alexander Charles D.Sc. 1908 CUMMINS, James Peter M.A. 1902 OUMPSTON, John Howard Lidgett .. .. M.D., B.S. 1910 CUNNINGHAM, Edward Sheldon (Glas.) LL.D. 1861 CURLEWIS, Alfred Olaribeux M.A. 1908 CUSCJVDEN, William George Henry .. .. M.D., BS. 1884 ' CUSSEN, Leo Finn Bernard M.A., LL.B.

ID 1885 OAISH, William Christian MD., B.S. 1905 DANE. Paul Greig M.D., B.S. 1908 DANGLOW, Jacob .. M.A. 1908 DANIELL, Hilda Young M.A. 1906 DANIELL, Mabel Alice Grey M.A. 1903 DATE, John Edward Traccy M.A. 1893 DAVEY. Edgar Robert M.A., LL.B. 1898 DAVIDSON, Arthur Irving .. .. M.A. 1910 DAVIES. Henry Maurice LL.M. 1884 DAVIES, John Oeorge M.A. 1906 DAVIES,. Leslie Bartlett M.Sc. 1908 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman M.A. 1889 DAVIS, Henry Patrick M.A. 1914 DAVIS, William Morris (B.Sc. Harvard) D.Sc. 1893 DAY, Louisa McPhersou M.JV. 1916 DEAN, Ethel Grace M.A. 1895 DEAN, George Edwin M.A. 1891 DEANE, Charles Maslen .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1903 de CRESPIGNY', Constaiitine Trent Champion M.D., B.S. 1904 DE GAKIS, Mary Clementina M.D,. B.S. 1900 DE GRUCHY, Henry George LL.M. 1911 DENEHY, William John M.D.. B.S. 1902 DENNIS, Charles Edgar .. M.D., B.S. 1903 DERHAM, Enid ' M.A. 1890 DETHRIDGE. Oeorge James B.A., LL.M. 1906 DEVINE, Hugh Bcrchmans M.B., M.S. 1893 DEW, Joseph .. .,, M.A. 1864 *DICK, Thomas .Thomson .. (Edinburgh) M.D. .ISA 742 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1870 DICKINSON, Rivers Beacrott M.A. 1899 DICKINSON, Sydney Rushbrook M.A. 1889 DIXIE, Arthur Willoughby M.O.E. 1905 DIXON, Owen MA., LL.B. 1891 DIXON, William Gray (Glasgow) M.A. 1907 DIXSON, Irene Craig . . M.A. 1910 DODD, Sydney D.V.Sc. 1899 DOKE. Albert Richard M.A. 1910 DOSSETOR, Francis Ernest M.JV. 1911 DOUGLAS, Robert Oliver M.B., M.S. 1907 DOWNES, Rupert Major M.D.-, M.S. 1908 DOWNING, Joseph Horace M.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1890 DOYLE, John Patrick McCabe B.A., LL.M.. 1913 DOYLE, Leo M.B..M.S. 1904 DOYLE. "Maurice Thomas .. M.A., LL.B. 1886 DRAKE, Francis John MA., M.B., B.S. 1911 DREW, Royston M.Sc. 1872 DUFFY. Frank Gavan .. M.A., LL.B. 1906 DDGJVN. Charles ClilTord M.A. 1895 DUGUALE, Lawrence M.A., LL.M. 1907 DUMARESQ, Frances Kate Marguerite .. M.A., B.Sc. 1903 DUNHILL, Thomas Peel M.D., B.S- 1885 DUNKLEY. Henry William M.i.., LL.B. 1898 DUNLOP, George Henry M.C.E. 1897 DUNN, Benjamin James M.A., LL.M. 1908 DUNN, Ernest Victor M.A. 1880 DYKING, Carl Peter Wilhelra M.A., M.B., B.S 1914 DYSON, Sir Frank Watson .. (M.A., Oam.) D.Sc.

IB 1909 EAGER, Clifden Henry Andrews LL.M. 1907 EASTHJVUGH, Edith Beatrice M.A. 1910 KDGERTON, James Arthur M.C.E. 1883 EDMONDSON, Francis William B.A., LL.M. 1898 ELDER, Stanley Ernest .. ., M.A., LL.B. 1866 ELKINGTON, John Simeon M.A.. LL.B. 1890 ELLIOTT, Richard Thomas .. (Oxford) M.A. 1898 ELLIS. Constance M.D., B.S. 1901 ELVINS,' Hortense Rita (nee Connell) .. M.Sc. 1910 EMBELTON, David Moore M.D..B.S. 1889 EMBLEY, Edward Henry M.D., B.S. 1899 EMBLING, Sidney Harold Austin .. .. M.A., LL.M. 1884 EVJVNS, Alfred James - .. .. M.A., LL.B. MEMBERS OP THE SENATE. 743

1888 EVANS, Isaac Rencison .. (B.A., Royal Univ. ot Ireland) B A. LL.D 1907 EWART, Alfred James (Londou) D.Sc 1890 EWING, Thomas HI C.E, 1892 EYRES, Sarah Constance M.A.

IP 1897 PAIR-HALL, Alfred Charles M.A., LL.B. 1915 FJVIRLEY', Neil Hamilton M.D., B.S. 1909 PELSTEAD, James Gerald Roy M.D., B.S. 1912 FENNER, Charles Albert Edward .. .. D.Sc. 1885 FERGUS. Robert Morrison .. (Glasgow) MA 1902 FERGUSON, Stewart William ...... M.D.. B.S, 1889 PETHERSTON, Richard Herbert Joseph (Edinburgh) MD 1893 FIDDIAN, James Rowland M.Sc. 1898 FIDDIAN, Samuel .. M.A. 1858 FINN, Peter Thomas ,' M.J\. 1907 FI-NNIS, Horace Percy M.A. 1891 FIRTH, John'Arthur Campbell M.A. 1913 FIS'-HER.. Edward Salis D.D.Sc. . 1904 FITCHETT, Frank Shaw LL.M. 1906 PITZGERAIJD, James Joseph M.A. 1875 FLEETWOOD, Thomas, Falkner (Dublin) M.A^ 1883 FLETCHER, Arthur Augustus M.D., B S 1903 FLETCHER, Hamilton (Oxford) M.A- 1916 FLINN, Isabel Mary M.A. 1882 PLORANCE, James William M.D,. B.S 1914 FOENANDER, Orwell De Ruyter LL.M. 1915 FOLEY, Lillian Mary .. .. M.A. 1902 POOTE, William James M.A. 1878 FORLONGE, William Peroival LL.M. 1913 FORSTER, Catherine Mary M.A. 1904 FORSYTH, Robert Leslie M.D., B.S. 1909 FOWLER, Robert M.D, B.S. 1885 FOWLER, Thomas Walker .. M.C.E. , 1895 FOWLES, Edwin Wesley Howard .. .. M-A. I.I..B. 1885 FOX, Laura Mary (n(5e Moerlin) -. M.A. 1905 FOY'STER, Robert Causton M.A. 1867 FRANCIS. John Patterson Emillius .. .. M.A. 1916 FRANKLIN, Richard Penrose (M.A., Cam.) M.A. 1890 ERASER, Hugh M.A.. B.CE. 1898 PHASER, Sarah Jane M.A. 744 MEMBERS OF THB SENATE.

1900 FREEMAN, Emilie (nee Sonnenberg) .. M.A. 1887 FREEMAN, George Henry M.A., LL. 1910 PREWIN, Ernest Cooper M.A. 1903 PREWIN, John Henry .. M.A. 1884 FREYER, John Kennedy (Royal Univ. Ireland) M.A. 1893 FRIDAY. William Frederick M.A. 1888 FUSSELL, Alfred .. M.A.

GJ- 1899 GALBRAITH, Charles Strong M.C.E. 1908 GARDNER, Mark Clayson M.D,, U.S. 1894 GARDNER, Walter Everson M.A., M.Sc. B.C.E. 1915 GARRAN, Sir Robert Randolph (M.JV., Sydney)7 M.A. 1901 GASON, Edward Ince M.A. 1886 GJVTBS, William Fleming M.A. 1884 GAULT. Edward Leslie M.A., M.B, M.S." 1913 GAULT, Marjorie , M.A. 1898 GAY', Robert William M.A.. M.Sc. B.C.E. 1898 GEAOH, Frank Herbert M.A., LL.B. 1899 GEER, William John M.A. 1900 GHILOTTI, Angelina M.A. 1893 GIBBS, Frederick Herbert M.A. 1915 GIBSON, William Ralph Boyce (ALA., Oxford) M.A. 1911 GILBERT, Noela M.A. 1899 GILCHRIST, Archibald Daniel M.A., B.C.E. 1889 GILCHRIST, Eneas Fraser B.A., M.C.E. 1900 GILCHRIST, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Topp) M.A. 1881 GILLIES. William (Glasgow) M.A. 1909 GILRUTH. John Anderson D.V.Sc. 1891 GLJVDMAN, Philip Howard M.A. 1891 GORDON, John M.D.. M.S. 1912 GRAHAM, Thomas Oswald M.Sc 1904 GRANT, jVIexander Macdonald M.C.E. 1888 GRANT, David (Edinburgh) M.D. 1901 ORANT, Kerr .. M.Sc. 1898 GRANT, Russell Walker .. .. M.A. 1900 GRJVY', John William M.A. 1913 GRAY7, William (New Zealand) M.A. 1879 OREEN, jVrthur Vincent (LL.D., Sydney)" M.A., LL.D. 1891 GREEN, Benjamin M.A. •MEMBERS OF THE SENATE^^. 1 ^ 7454- ! J'j 1908 GREEN, Leila Ada -%... --M.Scr-""nj ''- "•>'>"' 1898 GREEN, William Ilcbcr '':-B:Sc^„:~^' 1914 GREENWOOD, Ernest Freeman D.D.Sc. 1913 GREENWOOD, Richard Hudson M.Sc 1900 GREGORY, John Walter .... (London) DSc. 1890 GREY', Francis Isaac M.A., B.O.E. 1894 GRIBBLE, Robert John M.A.. LI..B. 1912 GRIFFITH, Maurice Edmund de Burgh M.A. 1892 GRIFFITHS, John William M.A. 1901 GRIFFITHS, Phillip Lewis M.A. 1889 GROOM, Littleton Ernest M.A., LL.M. 1891 GROVE, John William M.A..LL.B. 1900 GROVES. Wesley Rainsford M.D., B.S. 1884 GUEST, William Campbell .. M.A., LL.B 1900 GUMMOW, Frank Moorehouse M.O.E. 1910 GWILLIM. Arthur Edward M.A.

HI 1895 HAGENAUER, Frederiok August M.A. 1912 HAILES. Helen M.A. 1908 HAIN, Gladys Adeline (nee Taylor) . . M.A., LL.B. 1894 HALFORD, Arthur Charles Frederick .. M.D, B.S. 1886 HALFORD, George James Archibald Billing M.D-.. B.S. 1911 HALKYARD, Charles Cyril M.O.E. 1886 HALL, Alfred Smith M.A. 1914 HAM, Henry John M.A. 1905 HAM, Wilbur Lincoln LL.M. 1914 HAMBLY, Abraham M.A. 1915 HAMILTON, Patrick Macfarlan M.A. 1908 HAMLEY, Herbert Russell M.A., B.Sc. 1887 HANCOCK, William M.A. 1904 HANEY, Rose Ethel Janet (ncc White) DSc. 1913 HANSEN, Alma M.A. 1898 HANSEN, Martin Peter M.A., LL.B. 1892 HARBISON, David Thomas M.D.. B.S. 1917 HARDWICK, Frederick George D.DJSC 1891 HAROREAVES, William Arthur. M.A., B.O.E. 1893 HAELIN, Mabel Gertrude M.A. 1868 HARPER, Andrew M.A. 1901 HARRIS, James Frederick M.D..B.S. 1890 HARRIS, John Richards .. .. M.D.. B.S. 1887 HARSE, Walter Thomas B.A., M.D, B.S. 74G MEMBERS OF THB SENATE.

1887 HART, Alexander James M.A; 1896 HART, jVlfred M.A., M.Sc. 1887 HART, John Stephen .. M.A., B.Sc. 1890 HART, Thomas Stephen M.A., B.C.E. 1913 HARTUNG, Ernst Johannes M.Sc. 1898 HARWOOD, Marion Fleming M.A. 1887 HASSETT, Jeremiah B.A., LL.M. 1913 HATFIELD, Alfred William M.Sc. 1901 HAWKINS, Herbert Metoalf M.A. 1901 HJVY, Robert M-.A. 1903 HAYDON, Jeffery Frederick Meurisse . M.A. 1878 HAYES: Robert Edward M.A.. LL.B 1916 HAYWJVRJJ, William Isaac M.A. 1892 HEMMY, Arthur Stanley M.Sc 1896 HENCHMAN. Hereward Humfry M.A., LL.B. 1898 HENDERSON, Anketoll Matthew M.C.E. 1911 HENDERSON, Kenneth Thome M.A. 1914 HENNESSY, Raymond Varlentine .. .. D.D.Sc 1888 HENRY, Louis (Wurzburg) M.D. 1897 HENZELL, Arthur Palmer M.D., B.S- 1896 HERMAN, Hyman . B.C.E.. M.M.E. 1886 HEW ISON, Joseph Henry M.A., LL.M. 1894 HEWITT. Herbert M.A. 1899 HEWITT, Joseph Henry M.A. 1897 HEYWJVRD, William Beamont M.U...B.S. 1892 UEYER, Johannes M.A. 1890 HICKFORD, Frederick Thomas .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1888 HIGGINS, George M.C.E. 1874 1UOGINS, Ileury Bournes M-A., LL.B. 1900 HILL, John M.A. 1901 HILLER, Kourad -M.D., B.S. 1906 HILLER, Muriel Kate (nee Davies) ., .. M.D., B.S. 1899 HINES, Elizabeth Josephine Winifred .. M.A. 1911 HOADLEY, Oharles Archibald M.Sc. B.M.E. 1886 HODGSON, Thomas'Cowley M.C.E. 1896 HOGJVN, James Thompson B.A., LL.M. 1895 HOGAN, Joseph Daniel M.A., LL.M. 1892 HOGG, Evelyn Granville .. :. (Dublin) M.A. 1871 HOLLAND, James M.A. 1914 HOLLAND, Sir Thomas Henry (D.Sc, Calcutta) ! .. D.Sc. 1890 HOLLIDGE, David Henry .. (Adelaide) M.A. 1898 HOLLOW, Herbert Stanley ., M.A. 1905 HOLLOW. Victor Sydney M.A., LL.B. MEMBERS OF THE- SENATE. 747

1901 HOLMES, Henry Robert M.JV. 1901 HOLMES, Horace lies M.D., B.S. 1909 HOLMES, Margaret M.A. 1905 HOLMES, Walter Morell M.A., B.Sc 1874 HOLMES, William Tope .. M.A., LL.B. 1868 HOOD. Joseph Henry M.A., LL.B. 1908 HOOPER, John William Dunbar (Durham) M.D. 1910 HORDERN, Harriet May M.A..LL.M. 1883 HORNE, George M.A., M.D.. B.S- 1889 HORSLEY, Sydney M.C.E. 1887 HORWOOD, Edward James M.O.B. 1887 HORWOOD. Joel Henry M.C.E. 1909 HOSKING, Richard- B.A.. D.Sc. 1897 HOUSTON, Robert John .. M.A. 1879 HOWJVRD, Douglas ' M.A. 1883 HOWARD, George Thomas B.A., M.D., B.S. 1900 HOWARD, John M.A. 1914 HOY, Alice M.A. 1907 HUBERICH, Charles Henry (D.O.L. Yale) LL.D. 1902 HUCKELL, Edgar Victor Roy ...... MD., B.S. 1912 HUGHES, Amy Rhoda (nee Slade) .... M.A. 1909 HURLEY. Thomas Ernest Victor M.D., M.S. 1916 HUTCHINSON, Mary Ethel M.A. 1898 HUTCHINSON, William .. M.C.E. 1891 HUTCHISON, Henry Kerr M.A. 1915 HUTTON, Irene Ince M.A. 1914 HUTTON, Mary M.A.

I 1906 INGRJVM, William Findlay M.A. 1882 IRVINE. Sir William Hill M.A., LL.M 1884 IRVING, Edward Hamilton .. (Oxford) M.A. , 1909 IRWIN, Stewart Watson LL.M. 1910 IRWIN, William Henry M.A. 1880 ISAACS, Isaac Alfred LL.M.

vJ 1912 JACK, Andrew Keith M.Sc. 1911 JACKSON, Lilias Charlotte M.Sc. 1897 JAMES, William Arthur M.D.. M.S. 1879 JAMIESON, James M.A. 748 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1899 JAMIESON, Jane Hood M.A. 1905 JAMIESON, William Boyd .. .. (Edin.) M.A. 1888 JENKINS, Daniel Edward JLA. 1908 JENKINSON, Herbert Gordon M.O.E. 1888 JENNINGS, John Charles M.A. 1898 JOliSON, Jeanie M.A. 1900 JOBSON. Nancy M.A. 1867 JOHNSTONE, John M.A. 1891 JOLLIFPE, Charles Easton .... (Cam.) LL.M. 1911 JONA, Judah Leon 11.D., B.S. 1904 JONES. Henry Gywnne M.A. 1889 JONES, Hugh .. . '.. M.A. 1909 JONES, Isaac M.D., B.S. 1891 JONES, Nathamw .' .. (Oxford) M.A. 1884 JOSKE, Alexander Sydney M.D., B.S 1912 JOSKE, Enid M.A. 1915 JOSKE, Percy Ernest LL.M. 1914 JOUGHIN, William Norman Hattam .. M.A. 1887 JULIUS, Churchill (Oxford) M.A. 1912 JUNNER, Norman Ross 3f.Sc.


1883 KEARNEY, Elfric Leofwin .. •• (Cam) M.A. 1898 KEENE, Edgar Horatio Douglas M.A. 1888 KEEP, Ernest Edward (Oxford) M.A. 1884 KELLAWAY, Alfred Charles M.A. 1911 KELLAWAY, Charles Haliiley M.D..M.S. 1910 KELLY, Edwin Clarence Whiteman .... LL.M. 'l910 KELLY, Olof Nicholson M.A. 1884 KELSO, Edgur William .. M.A. 1909 KENDALL, William Tyson '. D.V.Sc. 1893 KENNEDY', David M.A.. LL.B. 1907 KENNEDY, John M.D., B.S. 1888 KENNY', Thomas Irwin M.A., LL.B. 1895 KERMODE. George M.C.E. 1894 KERNOT, Wilfrid Noyce M.M.E. 1890 KERR, James McDonnell M.A..LL.B. 1899 KERR, Richard Alexander M.A. 1899 KERR, Thomas Butler (Dublin) M.D. 1915 KERRY, William (M.A., Cam.) M.A. 1905 KIDD, Leslie Stuart M.D..B.S. 1916 KILLEEN, Michael Joseph .. LL.M. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 749

1898 KILVINGTON, Basil M.D., M.S. 1908 KINCAID, Hilda Estelle D.Sc. 1908 KING, Charles Edgar M.D., B.S. 1903 KITCHEN, Ethel Mary (nee McKinley) .. M.A. 1902 KITCHEN, George Ambrose M.A. 1894 KNIGHT, Glen Alburn M.D., B.S. 1907 KNOWLES, George Shaw M.A.. LL.M.


1915 LABY, Thomas Howell .... (M.A., Oam.) M.A. 1903 LADE, Prank MfA. 1895 LAING, Annie Sutherland M.A. 1909 LAING, John Albert M.C.E. 1888 LAING. John William (Oxford) M.A. 1914 LAMBERT, Henry Arthur Leslie , D.D.Sc. 1900 LAMBERT, Thomas Edwin Llewellyn .. M.D., MS. 1908 LANGFORD, Florence Victoria M.A. 1915 LANGFORD. Walter Gilbert M.Sc. 1886 LANGFORD, William M.A., B.C.E. 1899 LANOLEY, Henry Thomas M.A. 1896 LARKIN, Michael Cormaok M.A, LL.B. 1901 L.VTHAM, Ida Harriette May (nee Wil­ son) M.A. 1897 LATHAM, John Greig M.A, LL.B. 1900 LATHAM, Leslie Scott B.A.. M.D.. B.S. 1886 LAURIE. Henry (St. Andrew's) LL.D. 1897 LJVURIE, Henry M.D..B.S. 1903 LAURIE. Minnie Mabel Monica (nee Hevingham Root) M.A. 1901 LAURIE, William Spalding M.D., B.S 1883 LAVENDER, Bella (nee Guerin) M.A. 1914 LAW. Arthur James M.A. 1895 LAWSON, Richard M.A. 1907 LAWTON, John Thomas M.A. 1904 LEACH; John Albert DSc 1888 LEARMONTH, Percy M.C.E. 1890 IJECK, Robert M.A. 1905 LE OOUTEUR, Philip Ridgeway M.A. 1897 LEE, John Robert M.D., B.S. 1905 LEE. Violet Jane M.A. 1876 LEEPER. Alexander (Dublin) M.A. 750 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1902 LEGGE, Herbert Sutherland ' M.A. 1874 LEON, Samuel LL.M. 1899 LESLIE, Ernest Thomas M.A. 1897 LEVINSON, Bertram Arthur M.A., LL.B. 1891 LEVY, David Cohen M.A. 1900 LEWIS, Ernest James M.A., M.Sc. 1909 LEWIS. Jack Charles B.Sc. D.V.Sc 1888 LEWIS, James Bannatyne M.C.E. 1913 LEWIS, James Monahan D.D.Sc. 1906 LEWIS, Sir Neil Elliott (Oxford) M.A. 1902 LIDWILL, Mark Oowlcy M.D., B.S. 1909 LILLIES, George Leonard ...' M.D..B.S. 1906 LIMBROCK, Lilian Mary M.A. . 1897 LINDON, Leonard Harford .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1910 LING, Lilian M.A. 1914 LISTER, Charles Roy M.B.. M.S. 1905 LITTLE, Millicont Beatrice M.A. 1904 I.ITTLEJOHN, William Still . . (Aber.) M.A. 1887 LIVINGSTONE, James M.A. 1900 LIVINGSTONE. .. (Ox.) M.A. 1903 LI/OYD. Henry Cairns (Edin.) M.D. 1909 LOCKHART, Margaret Daphne M.A. 1895 LOCKWOOD, Frederick Bingham .. . . M.A. 1887 LONG, Charles Richard M.A. 1899 LONG-, George Merrick M.A. 1887 LONG-MORE, William James M.A. 1909 LORMER, Arthur M.A. 1903 LOTHIAN, Elizabeth Inglis M.A. 1904 LOUDON, Minola Janet (n^e Grey) .. .. M.A. 1873 LOUOHREY, Andrew B.A., LL.M. 1875 LOUGHREY, Bernard M.A.. M.B., B.S..- M.C.E. 1889 I.OVn. Ernest Frederick John (M.A., Cam.) M.A., D.Sc 1895 LOW, Vernon Forsler Stanley B.C.E., M.M.E. 1900 LOWE, Charles John .. M.A.. LL.B. 1903 LUBE, Teresa Agnes (nee Noone) M.A. 1883 LUCAS, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (Ox;) M.A. 1914 LUIGGI, Luigi Anthony Hector (D.Sc.-, Genoa) D.Sc. 1888 LUKIN, Catherine Alicia (nee Rennick) M.A. 1913 LUSH, Katie Anna M.A. 1890 LYLE, Thomas Ranken (Dublin) M.A. 1885 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred .. ., M.A. 1894 LYNCH. Francis Joseph M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 751

1896 MACARTNEY, Ross Kenneth .. B.C.E., M.M.E. 1889 McAULAY, Alexander (Cam.) M.A. 1906 MacOALLUM, Mungo William (Glasgow) M.A. 1894 McCAY', Adam Cairns .. M.A. 1895 McCAY', Sir James Whiteside M.A., LL.M. 1896 McCLELLAND, David John M.C.E. 1899 McCLELLAND, William Caldwell M.A, M.D, B.S. 1896 McCOMBE, Josephine (nee McNaughton) M.A. '1905 McOONACHIE, Edith Madeline M.A. i 1889 McOONKEY', Mabel Finlay (nee Allen) M.A. 1908 . McCORMICK, John Thomas M.Sc. 1910 McCRINDLE, Hazel Morell M.A. 1901 MacDONALD, .-Eneas M.A. 1889 McDONALD, Alexander (Edin.) M.A- 1895 McDONALD, Annie M.A. 1901 MacDONALD, George Mann .. .. (St. Au.) M.A. 1893 MacDONALD, George William M.So. 1891 MacDONALD, Isobel Janet M.A. 1895 McDONALD, John M.A. 1898 MacDONALD, John Donald M.A., LL.B. 1899 MacDONALD, John' George LL.M. 1909 McDONALD, Sydney Fancourt M.D., B.S. 1888 McDOUGALL, Dugald Gordon M.A., LL.D. 1893 MacFAHLAN, James M.A., LL.B. 1881 MacPARLAND John Henry .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1916 McFARLANE, Irene Therese LL.M. 1898 McGEE, John Henry (Roy. Uni. Ireland) M.D. 1S9S McGILLIVRAY, Harold Irving M.A. 1901 MCGREGOR, Thomas William .. (Glas.) M.A. 1880 McTNERNEY', Thomas Patrick M.A., LL.D. 1879 McINTYRE, Alexander Grant .. (Oam.) M.A. 1912 MACKANESS, George (Svd.) M.A. 1897 MACKAY, Ada Marion M.A. 1914 MACKAY, Alexander Dudley M.M.E. 1905 MACKAY, Charles Vincent ' M.D., B.S. 1901 MACKAY', John Hilton M.C.E. 1880 MCKJVV, Robert ...... M.A. 1892 MACKEDDIE, John Fullarton B.A., M.D, B.B. 1883 McKENNA, Jeremiah (Queen's Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1891 MACKENZIE, Sara (n(Se Dixon) M.A. 752 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1898 MACKENZIE. William Colin M.D, B.S. 1887 MACEKY, John Emanuel M.A., LL.B. 1906 McLAREN, Charles Inglis M.D, B.S. 1911 McLAREN, Jessie (nee Reeve) M.A 1891 McLAREN, James M.A. 1911 McLAREN. William Walter M.D.. B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Ethel Margaret. M.A. 1895 McLEAN, Robert M.A. 1907 MACLURE. Alfred Pay M.D., B.S. 1907 McMAHON. John Joseph M.D.. B.S. 1909 McNAB, Francis Alexander Dingwall ., LL.M. 1907 MacPHEKSON, Jeffrey • M.A..LL.B. 1910 .McQUEEN, Ewen Neil M.A. 1891 McQUEEN, Neil M.C.E. 1892 McRAE. James M.A. 1667 MACRAE, John (Edin.) M.A. 1898 MacROBERTS, Andrew Hamilton M.A. 1887 MACULLY', Alexander (Dublin) .M.A. 1906 McWIIAE, Douglas Murray .. .. M.D.. B.S. 1893 MADDEN, Frank Cole M.D, B.S. 1879 MADDEN, Wyndharn Monsou .... (Cam.) M.A. 1904 MAHONY, Daniel James M.Sc. 1911 MAIN, Alexander Russell .. M.A- 1900 MAJOR, James Pcrrina M.D.. B.S. 1893 MANCHESTER, Ernest James iheodore .M.C.E. 1911 MANGAN, William Bernard M.A. 1894 MANN, Frederick Wollaston M.A., LL.M. 1883 MARDEN, John .' M.A., LL.B. 1886 MARRIOTT, John 'Thomas .... (Giessen) M.A. 1901 MARSDEN, Charles Edward .. M.D..B.S. 1901 MARSHALL, Alexander ..... (Glasgow) M.A. 1907 MARSHALL, William Douglas M.A. 1897 MARTIN, Charles James .. .. (London) D.Sc. 1885 MARTYN, John M.A. 1885 MASSON, David Orme (Edin.) MA, U.S.- 1908 MASSON, James Irvine Orme D.Sc. 1904 MASTERS, Frederick George .... (Cam.) M.A 1870 MASTERS, Joseph M.A. 1884 MATHEW, John M.A. 1903 MATHISON. Mary Lily (nee McLaren) .. M.A. 1914 MATTINGLEY, Harold Vernon D.D.Sc 1891 MAUDSLEY, Henry Carr .. •.. (London) M.D. 1913 MAXWELL, Leslie Algernon Ivan .. .. M.Sc. B.Agr.Sc. M.B., B.S. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 753

1886 MAY, John M.A. 1896 MEIKLEJOHN. John (Glasgow) M.A. 1883 MELVILLE, William Henry ... M.A., LL.M. 1916 MENZIES, Robert Gordon '.. LL.M. 1887 MERRIN, Arthur Hogg M.C.E. 1889 MEWTON, William Birkin M.A. 1880 MEYER, Felix Henry M.D, B.S. 1904 MEY'ER, Frank Edward M.A. 1895 MICHELL, Anthony George Maldon .... M.C.E. 1884 MICHELL, John Henry M.A. 1917 MILLAR, Ernest George BIythe M.E.E. 1905 MILLER, Edmund Morris M.A. 1896 MILLER,-Lionel Findon M.A., LL.M. 1909 MILLTOAN, Edward Thomas Campbell .. M.D..B.S. 1909 MILLS, Richard Charles I.I...M. 1884 MITCHELL, Sir Edward Fancourt (Cam.) M.A., LL.B. 1915 MOLLISON, Essie Lindsay M.Sc. 1886 MOLLOY, Charley Henry M.D., B.S. 1891 MONASH, Sir John B.A., LL.B., M.CE. 1898 MONTGOMERY', Christina Smith M.A. 1901 MONTGOMERY', Henry Hutchison (Cam.) M.A. 1882 MOORE, William M.D., M.S. 1915 MOORE, William Harrison (LL.D., St. Andrews) LL.D. 1907 MOORHOUSE, William Edmund M.A. 1880 MOORS, Blphinstone MacMahon M.A. 1901 MORRES. Elsie Prances JI.A. 1883 MORRIS, Arthur M.A. 1903 MORRIS, Ethel Ida (m§e Remfry) M.B., B.S., M.Sc. 1902 MORRIS, Luther M.D.. B.S- 1911 MORRIS, Morris M.Sc. 1909 MORRIS. Richard Samuel .. .. M.Sc 1900 MORRIS, William Perry French M.A. 1911 MORRISON, Reginald Herbert (Edin.) M.D. 1885 MORRISON, William (Glasgow) M.D. 1911. MORRISSEY, Olivet Blma ' M.A. 1891 MORROW, William Alexander M.A., LL.B. 1892 MORTON, David Murray .. M.D., B.S. 1902 MORTON, Hugh Gilbert Stuart M.A. 1904 MUIRHEiAD, Martha Bcrgin (n<5e Tipping) M.A. 1899' MULCAHY, John Herbert Joseph M.A., LL.B. 1885 MURDOCH, Patrick John ., (Aberdeen) M.A. 1895 MURDOCH, Walter Logie Forbes M.A. 754 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. ,

1899 MURPHY, John Thomas M.D., B.S. 1885 MURPHY, Thomas M.;V., M.D., M.S. 1891 MURRAY,.Lee Lathrop M.C.E.

CN" 1898 NAIRN. Robert M.A. 1876 NANSON, Edward John (Oam.) M.A. 1898 NATTRASS, John Hodgson M.D., BS. 190U NAYLOR, Henry Darnley (Cam.) M.A. 1911 NELSON, Edith Alice M.A . M.Sc-. 1899 NETHERCOTE, Amy Julia M.A. 1909 NEWTON, Hibbert Alan Stephen .' M.U., M.S. 1913 NIOHOLLS, Edward Brooke D.D.Sc. 1909 NICHOLLS, John Ernest M.A. 1831 NICHOLS, Alfred Cahova LL.M. 1887 NICHOLS, Emily Geraldine (nee Edeson) M.A. 1914 NICHOLS, Reginald Gordon M.A. 1914 NICHOLSON, George Cornwall D.D.Sc. 1900 NICOL, Elsie Ruth M.A. 1895 NICOL, William Jonathan M.C.E. 1906 NIHILL, John Edward (Durham) M.D. 1888 NOALL, Alfred John M.C.E. 1888' NORRIS. William Perrin M.D., B.S. 1906 NORTHCOTE, Henry Staflord (Rt. Hon. Lord) (Oxford) M.A. 1885 NYULASY, Francis Armand M.D., B.S. o 1910 O'BRIEN, Edmund Alfred M.A. 1891 O'BRIEN, John William (Dublin) M.A. 1902 O'BRIEN. Richard Alfred M.D, B.S. 1899 O'CONNELL, James Horatio M.JV., B.Sc 1889 O'CONNOR. Nicholas Lawrence LL.M. 1910 O'DAJ7, Gerald Patrick '.. M.D., B.S- 1893 OFFICER, Ernest .; M.A. 1886 O'HARA, John Bernard M.A. 1888 OLDHAM, Arthur Eggleston .... (Oam.) M.A. 1907 OLDHAM, Edward Percy M.D., B.S. 1894 OLIPHANT, James Glen (Edin.) M.A. 1893 OLIVER, Oalder Edkins M.O.E.. 1894 OBR, William Francis M.D., B.S. 1895 OSBORN, Andrew Rule M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. I DO

1911 OSBORNE, George Alfred M.A. 1889 OSBORNE, John Henry M.A , LL.H. 1904 OSBORNE, William Alexander (Tubingen) D.Sc. 1886 OSTERMEYER, William M.A., M.D.. BS. 1906 O'SULLIVAN, Edward Francis (Roy. Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1890 OUTHWAITE, Edward Walter M.A. 1899 OWEN, Arthur Geoffrey M.D., B.S. 1882 OWEN. Frederick James M .D.. B.S. 1892 .OXER. Frederick Ernest M.A.

IP 1892 PABST. Joseph Charles M.D.. B.S. 1909 PALMER, Janet Gertrude (nee Higgins) M.A. 1882 PALMER, Thomas M.A., LL.B. 1907 PARK, Charles Leslie M.D., BJS. 1916 PARKER. Olga Maude .. M.A. 1914 PARKIN, Arthur Francis M.Sc. 1910 PARKIN, Leslie Clarence M.A. 1909 PJVRNBLL, Hermiene Friederica (nee Ulrieh) M.A 1912 PARRY, Reginald Ezra M.Sc. 1865 PATERSON, Alexander Stuart M.D. 1892 PATON. Frank Hume Lyall .. (Glasgow) M.A. 1904 PATTERSON, Sydney Wentworth M.D., B.S. 1887 PAUL, William .. M.A., LL.M. 1916 PAWSBY, Charles Joseph M.A. 1899 PELLOW, Edward M.C.E. 1910 PERRIN, Kate (Tasmania) M.A 1905 PERRY, Charles Elliott (Oxford) M.A. 1868 PETRIB, Donald (Aberdeen) M.A. 1890 PHILLIPS, Morris Mondle M.A. 1915 PICKEN, David Kennedy (M.A., Glasgow and Cam.) M.A. 1915 PIDU1NGTON, Albert Bathurst (B.A., Syduey) M.A. 1910 PIPER, James Ernest M.D., B.S. 1898 PITT, Thomas Keyran M.A. 1893 PLANTE, Curtis Crowther .. (M.A., N.Z.) JLA.. LL.B. 1892 PLAYER, Charles Richard M.D., B.S. 1894 POOLE, Thomas Slaney M.A., LL.B. 1914 POPE, William Jackson .. (M.A., Cam.) D.Sc. .41* I 00 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1914 PORTER, Alfred William (B.Sc, London) D.Sc. 1915 POTTER, Arthur Henry M.A. 1915 POTTER, Harry Robert .. M.A. 1883 POTTER, Richard Harry M.A. 1909 POTTER, William IjOckyer M.D..B.S. 1874 POULTON, Benjamin M.D., B.S. 1909 POUND, James Robert .. .. M.Sc. 1914 POWER,, Leonard Ignatius ...... LL.M. 1886 POWER. Thomas Francis LL.M. 1894 POYNTON, Edward M.A. 1902 PRATT, Agnes Gertrude Loodye M.A. 1886 PRENDERGAST, James Joseph (Roy. Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1915 PRESTON, Elizabeth Winter M.Sc. 1908 PRITCHARD, Oeorge Baxter D.Sc 1882 PRITCHARD, William Charles M.A. 1915 PROCTER, Henry Adam M.A. 1899 PUTNAM, Philip Timothy M.D.. B.S.

Q, 1877 QUICK, Sir John LL.D.

1891 RADCLIPF, Edward Aquilla M.A. - 1909 RAFF, Janet Watson M.Sc 1893 RAMSAY, John M.B., M.S, 1910 REAKES, Charles John D.V.Sc. 1884 REED, Benjamin (Cam.) M.A. 1894 REEVES, Anna (nee Higgins) M.A. 1908 REID. Robert George (Durham) M.D. 1906 REMINGTON, Catherine Jane .. .. M'.A. 1883 KENDALL, Charles Henry :. .. (Oxford) M.A. 1891 RENNICK, Edward Croker M.O.B 1878 RENNICK, Francis Henry M.A 1906 RENNIE, Edward Henry .. .. (London) DSc 1881 RENTOUL. James Laurence (Queen's Univ.. Ireland) M.A. 1905 • RICHARDS, Edwin Stuart . M.So. 1907 RICHJVRDS. Henry Casselli D.Sc. 1898 RICHARDS, John Kildahl .... (Edin.) M.D 1912 RICHARDSON. Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide) M.A., B.Sc ME.MBERS OF THE SENATE. . 1O1

1897 RICHARDSON, Oharles Herbert M.A. 1892 RICHARDSON, Joseph Richard M.C.E. 1885 KICKAKBY, Frederick Hislop ..' M.A.. LL.H 1905 RIDLEY. Sidney Frederick M.D.. B.S. 1906 RIVETT, -Vlbert Cherbury David D.Sc. 1904 RIVETT, Eleanor Harriett M.A. 1888 ROBERTS, Arthur Gleudower M.A. 1912 ROBERTS, Edward John M.D. 1903 ROBERTSON, Allen William David .. .. M.D, BS 1891 ROBERTSON, Horace Patrick M.O.E. 1881 ROBERTSON, James Lang M.A. 1877 ROBERTSON, John M.A. 1899 ROBERTSON, Robert M.A. 1883 ROBERTSON, Robert Hope M.A. 1915 ROBINSON,' Hilda Marion M.A. 1884 ROBINSON, Thomas Gresham Durnford M.A. 1892 ROBSON, Edgar Iliff M.A. 1888 ROBSON. Ernest IlilT (Cam.) M.A. 1911 ROCHE, Cedric Watson Gray M.D., M.S. 1900 ROCHE, James Edward Miles M.A. 1887 ROUS, Annie M.A. 1899 ROLLAND, Francis William M.A. 1885 ROSBBY, Thomas (Sydney) LL.D- 1911 ROSENBLUM, Edward Ivan M.Sc. 1901 KOSENHAIN, Walter D. Sc, B.O.E. 1894 ROSS, .Alfred Ernest Jones M.A. 1901 ROSS, David .. (Aberdeen) M.A. 1914 ROSS, Dorothy Jean M.A. 1909 ROSSITER, Arthur Lyle .. M.Sc 1899 ROSSITER, Frederick Daglish M.A. 1910 ROSSITER. Olive Blanche (nee Davies) M.Sc. 1882 ROWAN, Thomas (Sydney) M.D., B.S. 1905 ROWE, Marjorie Williatt M.A. 1895 RUDD, Arthur William M.A.. LL.B. 1885 RUDDLE, Reginald George M.D., B.S. 1914 RUTHERFORD, Sir Ernest (D.Sc. New Zealand) D.Sc. 1895 RYLAH, Walter Robert M.A.. LL.M. S 1894 SADLIER, William Charles M.A. 1902 SALKELD, William Llewellyn Davies'.. B.A., LL.M. 1891 SALTER, Charles Neeld M.A.


1898 SANDERSON, Arthur Clark .. M.A. 1894 SANDERSON, William Alexander M.A., LL.M. 1916 SANDNBR, Lily " " M.A. 1908 SANGSTEE, William Clifford M.D., B.S. 1888 SARVAJVS, Johan B.A., M.O.E. 1903 SAWERS, John Buchanan M.A., LL.B. 1891 SAWREY, Ernest Edward Robert M.D.. B.S. 1899 8AXTON, John Tliomas M.A. 1915 SOANTLEBURY, Dorothy M.A. 1914 SOHAPER, Sir Edward Albert (D.Sc, Dublin) D.Sc 1913 SCHMIDT, Ruth Mary (nee Glancy) .. M.A. 1908 SCHOLES, Frank Victor Gordon M.D..B.S. 1900 SCHRODER, Mary Alice (nee Baldwin) .. M.A. 1891 SCHUTT, William John '. .. M.A..LL.M. 1900 SCOTT, Robert (Glasgow) M.D. 1912 SCOTT, Thomas Farrar M.A. 1914 SECOMB, Ada Pearl M.A. 1887 SEDGEPIELD, Walter John M.A., Litt. D. 1867 SEMPLE, William Henry (Edin.) M.D. 1894 SERGEANT, Frederick (Cam.) M.A. 1902 SEWELL, Alice Maude (n(5e Cunning) . M.A. 1905 SEWELL, Sidney Valentine M.D., B.S. 1907 SEYMOUR, Percy Ambrose M.A. 1908 SHANN, Frank M.A. 1898 SHARMAN. Matthew Stanton M.A., M.Sc. 1916 SHARMAN, Percy John M.Sc. 1907 SHAW, Charles Gordon '.. .. M.D., BS. 1910 SHAW, Garnet Eric M.A. 1887 SHAW, John Henry ...... M.A.. LL.M. 1910 SHBLTON. Harry Oorbett Leo LL.M. 1908 SHBRWIN, John Arthur Hopkins .. .. M.D., B.S. 1870 SHEW, Frank M.A. 1900 SHIELDS, Clive M.A.. M.B., B.S. 1897 SHIELDS, Douglas Andrew M.D.. B.S. 1882 SHIELS, William LL.M. 1899 SHORNEY', Herbert Frank M.D., B.S. 1912 SHORT, Beatrice Laura M.A. 1904 SHORT, Robert Edgecumbe M.D.. B.S. 1891 SHUTEB, Richard Ernest M.D..B.S. 1906 SILBERBERG, Montefiore David M.D.. B.S. 1897 SINCLAIR, 'Tliomas Walker M.D., B.S. . 1905 SKEJVTS, Ernest Willington .. (London) DSc. 1901 SKENE, Alexander .., .. .. (Edinburgh) M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 759

1890 SMITH, Bernhard Alexander M.O.E. 1871 SMITH, Oharles (London) M.D. 1900 SMITH, Eustace Lyndon iM.C.B. 1902 SMITH, Frederick Dudley M.CE. 1895 SMITH, John Macpherson M.A., LL.B. 1898 SMITH, Julian Augustus Romaine .. .. M.D., B.S. 1889 SMITH, Richard Ernest M.A. 1885 SMITH, Robert Neil .. M. A., B.C.E. 1881 SMITH, Thomas Jollie .. ..' M.A. 1905 SMYTH, John (New Zealand) M.A. 1894 SNODGRASS, Evelyn M.A. 1915 SOUTHEY, Allen Hope .. LL.M. 1911 SPARGO, Ernest M.D., B.S. 1902 SPENOE, John David M.CE. 1900 SPENCEB, Gertrude Lucie (n6e Burke) M.A. 1889 SPENCER, Sir Wailter Baldwin (Oxford) At.A., Litt.D. 1877 SPICEB, Edward Clarke M.A. 1898 SPOWERS, Edward Augustus M.D., B.S. 1905 SPRING, James Francis M.D., B.S. 1877 SPRINGTHORPE, John William M.A., M.D., B.S. 1899 SPROULE, Walter St. George M.A., LL.B. 1910 STAPLEY', Walter D.V.Sc.' 1887 STAWELL, Richard Rawdon ;. M.D.. B.S. 1898 STEELE, Bertram Dillon DSc 1906 STEELE, Harold George M.A. 1890 STEELE, William Huey M.A. 1898 STEPHEN, Mary Elizabeth (nee .Morris) M.A. 1882 STEPHEN, Reginald M.A. 1907 STEPHENS, Carl Vivian M.D., B.S. 1899 STEPHENS. Elsie Grace M.A. 1899 STEPHENS, Henry Douglas M.D., M.S. 1888 STEPHENSON, Arthur Robert (Londou) M.A. 1912 STEPHENSON, Percival William M.A. '1892 STEPHENSON, Stuart (Oxford) M.A. 1881 STEWART, Alexander (Glasgow) M.A. 1897 STEWABT, Harold John M .A. 1896 STEWART, Hector Joseph M.CE. 1911 STILLWELL, Prank Leslie D.Sc. 1912 STILLWELL, Olive Henrietta M.A. 1906 STIRLING, Edward Charles .. .. (Cam.) M.D. 1877 STIRLING, Robert Andrew M.D., B.S. 1886 STREETON, Charles Henry . . M.A, 1918 STRONG, .Archibald Thomas (Liverp.xil) M.A. 760 -MEMBERS OF THE SKNATE.

1913 STUART, Tliomas Henry M.A. 1906 STUART, Sir-Thomas Peter Anderson (Edinburgh) M.D. 1902 STUCKEY, Frances Helen (n(5o Campbell) M.A. 1887 SUGDEN, Edward Holdsworth (B.A., B.Sc. London) MA., Litt.D., li.Sc 1911 SUGDEN, Ruth . M.Sc. 1905 SUMMERS, Herbert St. John D.Sc. 1869 SUMMONS." Samuel M.A., LL.B. 1901 SUMMONS. Samuel William Henry .... M.D., B.S. 1903 SUMMONS, Walter Ernest M.D., B.S. 1888 SUTHERLAND, Alexander Charles .. .. M.A., M.C.E. 1906 SUTHERLAND, lan MacKenzie M.C.E. 1903 SUTHERIJJVJND. Roderick Tate M.D. 1902 SUTTON, Harvey M.D., B.S. 1898 SUTTON, Hedley John M.A. 1915 .SUTTON, Isabella Mary M.A. 1915 SWAN. Ernest Francis Wiliam M.A. 1910 SWEET. Elizabeth Mary M.D., B.S. 1895 SWEET, Georgina D.Sc. 1915 SWEETMAN. Edward M.A. 1915' SWINBURNE. Gwendolen Hamer .. .. M.A. 1837 SY'DES, Edward John M.A., LL.B. 1881 SYME, George Adlington M.B,. M.S.

T 1912 TAIT, Alan Taylor M.A. 1865 TAIT, George M.A. 1911 TAIT, John Thomson M.D., B.S. 1901 TAIT, Thomas "(Glasgow) M.A. 1903 TAIT, William M.A. 1905 TANSWELL, Thomas Morrin M.A. 1913 TATE, Dorothy M.A. 1888 TATE, Frank .• -.. .. M.A. 1912 TAYLOR, Alexander Peter M.C.U. 1905 TJVYLOR, Marion Grandison M.A. 1907 TEJVLE, Edmund Oswald DSc. 19U6 TENDALL, Alethea Collis (New Zealand) M.JV. 1901 TENNYSON, Hallam (Lord) .. .. (Cam.) Litt. D. 1833 THATCHER, Grifflthes Wheeler M.A. 1897 THOM, Gordon William M.C.E. 1899 THOM, Sarah (nee Anderson) M.A. 1907 . THOMAS. Frederick William M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 7G1

1897 THOMAS. Herbert Sebastian " M.A.. LL.B. 1876 THOMAS, Thomas Bggleston -.. M.A. 1864 THOMPSON, John Henning M.A. 1913 THOMPSON, Leslie Muir M.A. 1893 THOMPSON, Stephen Percy .. M.A., LL.M. 1685 THOMSON, George Alexander M.A. 1911 THOJMSON. Hedley Barry (Edin.) M.D. 1878, THOMSON, John Rae Menzies M.D., B.S. 1901 THOMSON,. Robert (Aber.) M.A. 1903 THROSSBL, Arthur Graham M.A. 1910 THWAITES, Alexander Hopkins M.Sc. B.V.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1903 TISDALL, jVlice Constance Muriel .. .. M.A. 1889 TISDALL. Herbert Walter Leyster .. .. M.A..M.C.E. 1911 TOLHURST, Ella White M.A. 1895 TOOHEY, Thomas Joseph B.A., LL.M. 1867 TOPP, Charles Alfred M.A., LL.B. 1913 TOVELL. Charles Mitchell .. M.Sc. 1907 TRINOA, Alfred John M.D.. B.S. 1892 TUBES, Henry Arnold (Oxford) M.A. 1886 TUOKER, Thomas George (Cam.) M.A. 1909 TULLOH, Alexander M.A 1904 TURNBULL, Henry Hume M.D., B.S. . 1900 TURNBULL, John LL.M. 1895 TURNER, Ellen (nee Whyte) M.A. 1875 TURNER. Sydney Charles B.A.. LL.M. 1865 TURNER, William (Edin.) M.D. 1911 TYMMS, Athol Stanley Mortimer .. .. M.D., M.S. 1890 TYSSEN, Josiah M.A. TJ 1902 ULRICH, Edward Darling ..' M.A. 1909 UPJOHN, William George Dismore .... M.D., M.S. 1910 UPTON, Tliomas Haynes M.Sc, B.C.E. 1914 URQUHART, Hugh Campbell M.Sc. 1899 UTHWATT, Augustus Andrewes M.A.. LL.B. "V 1913 VANCE, Eric Smith LL.M. 1890 VAN DER WALL, Charles William (Cam.) M.A. 1912 VAREY', Joseph Walter Leslie M.Sc. 1909 VINES, Ernest Harold M.A. 1901 VOGLER, William John M.A. 762 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. w 1893 WALKER, Henry Kennedy McGill .. .. M.A. 1900 WALL, Maximilian Eugen .... (Munich) M.D. 1915 WALLACE, Ernest Stanley D.D.Sc. 1916 WALLACE, Robert Strachan (M.A., Aber. M.A. aud Ox.) 1914 WALLER, AVilliam Alexander M.A.' 1904 WALPOLE, George Stanley ...... D.Sc. 1914 WALTHER, Johannes (Ph.D., Jena) .... D.Sc. 1891 WARD, William Carey (Oxford) M.A. 1903 WJVRDBN, Abigail Brown M.A. 1877 WARE, Samuel M.A. 1884 WASLEY, Josiah Stephen B.A.. LL.M. 1914 WATERS, Clive Guilfoyle M.A. 1914 WATSON, Alberta. Olive M.A. 1871 WJVTSON, George Rolleston .. (Dublin) M.A. 1913 W.VTSON. Roy Fallowes M.D.. B.S. 1911 WATTS, Frederick Elmore M.A. 1882 WJVY. Arthur Sanders (London) M.A. 1912 WBJVTHBRBURN, Charles Ernest (*y.l.) M.A. 1902 WEBB, Jessie Stobp Watson M.A. 1904 WEBSTER, Percy Samuel .... (Durham) M.D. 1911 WEBSTER, Reginald M.D., B.S. 1907 WEDD, Evelyn Mabel M.A. 1880 WEIGALL, -Theyre a'Beckett LL.M. 1895 WEIIIEN, Albert Wallace M.A., M.D., B.S. 1889 WELOHMAN, Robert Samuel M.A. 1914 WELLS, John Stanley . M.A. 1915 WHEAT, Alice Edith M.A. 1862 WHEELER, Robert ' (Dublin) M.A. 1915 W.HBEN, Agnes M.A. 1899 WHITE, Alfred Edward Rowden .- M.D., B.S. 1907 WHITE, Edward Rowden M.D., B.S. 1900 WHITE, Edward John Bernard . .. .. M.A. 1887 WHITE, Helen Francis Mary M.A. 1891 WHITLEY, William Thomas (LL.M. Cam.) LL.D. 1888 WHYTE, Elizabeth M.A.' 1883 WIGHT, Neville M.A. 1892 WILKIN, Frederick John M.A. 1905 WILKINSON. Harold Launcclott M.CE. 1885 WILKINSON, John Francis M.D, B.S. 1916 WILKINSON, Loo Easton .. ..' M.A. 1888 WILKINSON, William Camac (London) M.D. 1889 WILLIAMS, Alfred Henry M.A. 1900 WILLIAMS, Amy Roberta .. .. M.A. MKMBKRS OF THE SENATE. 763

1901 WILLIAMS, Charles Emmanuel M.D., B.S. 1888 WILLIAMS, Cyril Gower Voss M.C.E. 1916 WILLIAMS, Michael Sydney LL.M. 1914 WILLIAMS, Olive Leete M.A. 1897 WILLIAMS, Susie Jane M.A. 1888 WILLIAMS, William Henry M.A., LL.B. 1906 WILLIAMS. William Henry .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1886 WILLIAMSON, John McMulleu Bombie.. M.A., LL.M. 1880 WILLIS, Thomas Rupert Henry .. .. M.D., B.S. 1893 WILSMORE, Leonora Jessie (nee Little) M.Sc. 1890- WILSMORE, Norman Thomas Mortimer.. DSc. 1886 WILSON, Ambrose John (Oxford) M.A. 1911 WILSON, Arthur Mitchell M.D., B.S. 1898 WILSON, Eustace Edmund M.A.. LL.B. 1882 WIIJSON, George .. M.A. 1901 WILSON, Hugh Campbell M.A., M.B.. B.S; 1875 WILSON, John Purves M.A., LL.D. 1889 WILSON, Louisa Alice M.A. 1899 WILSON, Mabel Aileen M.A. 1908 WILSON, Mary Dunstan .. .. (Sydney) M.A 1913 WILSON, Percy James M.A. 1908 WILSON, William M-A. 1907 WILSON, William Edgar M.D., B.S. 1896 WINGROVE, Bessie M.A. 1913 WISEMAN, Hubert Dallas LL.M. 1905 WISEMAN, Marion Elizabeth (nee Syme) M.A. 1913 WISEWOULD, Percy Andrew M-A. 1887 WOINARSKI, Casimir Julius Zichy .... M.A., LL.M. 1884 WOLLASTON, Sir Harr.v Newton Phillips LL.D. 1885 WOOD, jVrthur Jeffreys M.D., B.S. 1885 WOOD, William Atkinson • M.D., M.S. 1900 WOODFULL, Alfred Holmes LL.M. 1882 WOODWARD, Frederick William Morris M.A. 1901 WOODS, (Edin.) M.D. 1910 WOOLLARD, Herbert Henry M.D., B.S. 1894 WRIGHT, Charles Panton Farie M.CE. 1894 WRIGLEY, Leslie James M.A. 1883 WYNNE, Edwin Percy LL.M. IT 1890 YOUNG, Mulia Hannah M.A. 1899 YULE, Alexander M.A. 1895 YULE, • John Sandison M.JV., M.D., B-8. Zi 1899 ZWAR, Berhard Traugott M.D., M.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

Names. _^^_ Deoreeit-

1911 ABBOTT, William Norman M.B., B.S. 1890 A'BEOKETT, Thomas Archibald B.A. 1913 ABERDEEN, Kenneth Oeorge McKay .. M.B., B.S. 1891 ABERNETHY', James M.B, B.S. • 1904 ABEAMS, Fanny B.A. 1906 ACLAND, Robert John LL.B. 1893 AOTON, Frederick Charles M.B. 1916 ADAM, John Paterson B.A. 1915 ADAM, William B.D.Sc. 1912 ADAMS, Agnes Alice B.A. 1914 ADAMS. Frederick Reginald ...... B.A. 1904 ADAMS, Thomas Lamont LL.B. 1915 ADJVMSON, Ern. at Bedford B.D.Sc. 1913 ADDISON, Arthur Stanley M.B., B.S. 1912 ADENEY, Alexander William B.V.Sc. 1909 ADEY, John Kellermaun M.B., B.S. 1913 ADKINS, Charles B.A. 1910 AHERN, Edward Dennis M.B..B.S. 1914 AHERN, Eugene Kevin B.A. . 1914 JVIRD, .Frederick Andrew B.D.Sc. 1883 AITOIIISON, Alexander Smith M.B.. B.S. 1917 AITOIIISON, Robert Douglas M.B., B.S. 1895 AITKEN, William Lewis • M.B., B.S. 1917 ALBERS. Otto Jansien B.A. 1918 ALBISTON. Harold Edward B.V.Sc. 1918 ALBISTON, Norman Arthur M.B.. B.S. 1912 ALBON, Olive Mus. Bac. 1915 ALEXANDER. Kenneth Bain M.B., B.S. 1912 ALLJVN, James Stephen Macdonald .. .. M.B, B.S. 1901 ALLAN, Leslie Stuart M.B..B.8- 1882 ALLEN, Arthur Wigram '.. B.A. 1916 ALLEN, Charles Ernest B.D.Sc. 1916 ALLEN, Frank Albert Victor ' B.D.Sc. 1909 ALLEN, Joseph Hollins B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 765

1897 ALLESTER, Edwin Marston .'. M.B. 1896 ALLPORT, Evett Gordon (Cam.) B.A. 1910 ALMOND, William Thomas BJV. 1895 JVLSOP. Charles James M.B. 1883 ALTMANN, Oharles August M.B., B.S. 1885 AM ESS, James .. M.B., B.S. 1908 AMPT, Gustav Adolph B.Sc. 1917 ANDERSON, Archibald Goldie McAra .. B.M.E. 1915 ANDERSON, Archibald Simpson M.B., B.S 1916 ANDERSON,' George BA. 1918 ANDERSON, George B.A. 1911 ANDERSON, George Grantham M.B., B.S. 1906 ANDERSON. James Robert Valentine .. B.M.E. 1917 ANDERSON, Joseph Ringland M.B.. B.S. 1891 ANDERSON, Joshua Thomas Noble (Roy. Univ. Ireland) B.A. 1893 ANDERSON, Robert Hodgson M.B., B.S. 1913 ANDERSON. Robert Stirling .. B.M.E. 1912 ANDERSON, Wilbur Strnan LL.B. 1916 ANDREW, Myrtle Annie Eileen B.A. 1917 -VADREWS. Ronald Sydney M.B., B.S. 1871 ANDREWS, Thomas Richards B.A., LL.B. 1911 ANDREWS, William Algernon MB., B.S. 1915 APPLEFORD, Sydney Theod'ore M.B., B.S. 1899 APPLETON, Ethel Sarah B.A. 1890 ARGY'LB, Stanley Seymour M.B..B.S. . 1912 ARMITAGE, Lilian Mary B.A. 1916 ARMSTRONG, Alexander McDonald .. B.Agr.Sc. 1891 ARMSTRONG, George M.B..B.S. .1892 ARMSTRONG, George William M.B..B.S. 1911 ARMSTRONG, Lucy (nee Calcutt) .. .. B.Sc. 1916 ARMSTRONG. William Louther M.B., B.S. 1912 ARTHUR, John Andrew B.A. 1889 ASHWORTH, Louis Naish B.A., MB., B.S. 1913 ASKEW, Gladstone r B.O.E. 1892 ASTLEY, jVrthur B.A. 1915 ATCHISON, Francis Gregory B.A. 1911 JVTKINS, Oharles Norman M.B., B.S. 1910 ATKINSON, George M.B., B.S. 1916 ATKINSON, John Lee .. M.B..B.S. 1890 JVTKINSON, Llewelyn .... B.A., LL.B. 1900 AURICHT, Johannes Friedrich Theodor M.B., B.S. 1906 AVERY', John Goodall M.B., B.S. 766 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

IB 1881 BACKHOUSE, John Burder M.B., B.S. 1913 BACKHOUSE, Nigel a'Beckett Talworth B.A. 1901 BACKHOUSE, Thomas LL.B. 1917 BACKHOUSE. Thomas Clive .'. M.B..B.S. 1898 BADGER, William jVlfred B.A. 1917 BJVGHBL, David B.D.Sc. 1918 BJVGOT, Victor Claude LL.B. 1911 BAGSTER, Lancelot Salisbury B.Sc. 1901 BAILEY, jVnnie Isabel (nee Bullivant) .. B.A. 1895 BAIRD, Adam B.C.E. 1914 BAIRD, George Mackie B.A. 1883 BAIRD, John Chalmers B.A.. M.B, B.S. 1912 BAKER, George Ashton B.O.E. 1910 BAKER, Henry Howard jVcworth LL.B. 1917 BALDWIN, Aloe Hutcheson M.B., B.S. 1902 BALDWIN, Mary MB., B.S. 1892 BALFOUR, Lewis John B.A.. M.B , BS, 1910 BALL. Hilda Nenna Pickering B.Sc. 1918 BALLANS, Harriett jVnn B.A. 1887 BANPIELD, Samuel Blackmore , B-A. 1906 BARBER, Alice Mary (nee McLean) .. .. M.B., B.S. 1915 "B.VRBER, Charles Stanley B.M.E. 1898 BARBER, John jVndrcw B.A. 1884 BARBER, Lydia Amelia (nee Harris) .. B.jV. . 1914 BJVRBER, Norman Charles M.B., B.S. 1916 BARBBTA, AloysiuB M.B., B..S. 1908 BARKER, Gilbert William M.B., B.S. 1895 BARKER, Henry James Thomas B.A. 1916 BARKER, John Norman .. B.D.Sc 1908 BARKLEY, Ernest B.M.E. 1915 B.VHKMAN, Prances B.A. 1900 BARNARD, James Pox M.B., B.S. 1916 BARNES, Albert Edwin Bennett B.D.Sc. 1916 BARNES, Lo!s Florence .. ." B.A. -1918 BJVRNFJVTHER, Herbert Leslie B.A. . 1907 BARRATT, Norman Wilson LL.B. 1916 BARRETT, Alfred Horne M.B., BS. 1892 BARRETT, Edgar Alfred M.B., B.S. 1901 BARRETT, Edith Helen M.B., B.S. 1916 BARRY, Albert Milton B.A. 1913 BARRY, Louisa B.A. LL.B. 1906 BARTEL, August Karl BC.E. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 767

1918 BARTHOLOMEW, David Law B.A. 1887 BARTLEY,-Joseph Francis M.B., B.S. 1910 BJVRTRAM, Roy Douglas B.A., M.B., B.& 1916 BASSETT, Richard Constantine M.B.. B.S. 1916 BJVSSETT, Walter Eric BC.E. 1887 BATH, Alexander John B.A. 1891 BATTYE, James Sykes B.A., LL.B. 1916 BATY. Violet Ada B.A. 1915 BAYFORD. John Airey B.A. 1882 BAYLES. William James B.A., LL.B. 1918 BAYNES, Constance Dorothea Eyres .-. .. B.A. 1913 BEAMISH, Francis Teulon M..B.. B.S. 1899 BEAMISH, William Abraham B.C.E. 1911 BEECK, Edith Helena B.A. 1889 BEGG. William B.A. 1916 BEHREND, Oscar ' B.D.Sc. 1908 BEISCHEE, Albert Ludwig B.D.Sc. 1909 BELL, Arthur Francis M.B., B.S. 1887 BELL, James Lawaluk M.B., B.S. 1908 BELL, James Burleigh M.B., B.S. 1896 BELL, James Leslie B.C.E. 1917 BELL, James Riddell M.B., B.S. 1902 BELL, Richard Percy B.C.E. 1915 BENNETT, Annie Lister M.B, B.S. 1918 BENNETT, Athol John B.C.E. 1910 BENNETT, Donald M.B., B.S. 1913 BENNETT, Eric Thomas B.D.Sc. 1912 BENNETT, Frederick Norman B.Sc. 1913 BENNETT, Gershon Berendt B.D.Sc 1898 BENNETT, Harold Vincent M.B.,'B.S. 1914 BENNETT, Herbert Percival B.A. 1901 BENNETT, James M.B., B.S. 1905 BENNETT, Margaret Emily B.A. 1917 BENNIE, Roy James B.C.E. 1913 BENNIE, Victor Charles B.A., B.Sc. 1907 BENSON, George Fritz B.C.E. 1889 BEVAN, Llewelyn David .. .. (London) LL.B. 1908 BEVAN, Sibyl Oaridwen M.B..-B.S. 1915 BICKART, David M.B., B.S. 1911 BIGNELL, Francis Lawrence M.B., B.S. 1884 BIRCH, Lewis John M.B., B.S- 1911 BIRD, Dougan M.B., B.S. 1885 BIRD, Edwin Jeffery M..B. 1884 BIRD, William Joshua .. M.B., B.S. 768 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1914 BIRNIE, George Alexander M.B., B.S. 1915 BIRNIE. Robert Kenneth •.. M.B..B.S. 1915 BIRRELL, William Alexander Hamilton M.B., B.S. 1904 BISHOP, Albert Edward Kemp M.B'., B.S. 1914 BISHOP. William James .. B.A. 1901 BIJAOK, George Murray B.C.E. 1910 BLACK, James Jamieson MB., BS. 1912 BLACK, Jonathan Percy Moss MB., B.S. 1914 BLACK ALL, Alice Kato B.A. 1906 BLACKBURN, Maurice MoCrae B.A., LL.B. 1897 BLACKBURNE. George Hugh Spencer .. M.B..B.S. 1904 BLAUBAUM, Athol M.B., B.S. 1906 BLAUBJVUM, Hubert M.B.. B.S. 1909 BLAUBAUM, Otto B.D.Sc. 1915 BLOGG. Kendrlck Valentine B.D.So. 1902 BLOMFIELD, Alfred Leslie .. B.C.E. 1889 BLOMFIELD, Charles Edwin ...... B.C.E. 1887 BLOMFIELD, Herbert Marsh B.A. 1915 BOAKE, Christopher Basil Hatton .. .. B.D.Sc 1917 BODYCOMB, David Henry M.B.. B.S. 1903 BONA, Evan Gwynne LL.B. 1901 BONA, Percy Arthur M.B., B.S. 1915 BOOK. Clifford Henry LL.B. 1904 BOOTH, Edmund Holloway M.B., B.S. 1893 BOOTH. Mary (Sydney)- B.A. 1913 BORDEAUX, Edward Francis Joseph . B.V.Sc. 1918 BORRIE, Edwin Fullarton B.C.E. 1914 BORROWMAN, Jame's Kirk LL.B. 1913 BOSSELMANN. Roland Dredrich ...... B.D.Sc. 1917 BOTHAMLEY, Allan John .. M.B.. B.S. 1891 BOTHROYD, John James .. B.A. 1907 BOURKE, Hugh Stanislaus M.B., B.S. 1915 BOURKE. Margaret Theresa B.A. 1918 BOUVIBR, Frederic Albert M.B., BJS. 1918 BOWDEN, Gertrude Sophia .. B.JV. 1906 BOWMAN, Amos Walter M.B., B.S.- 1909 BOWMAN, Ellen B.A. 1909 BOWMAN, Vernon Leopold M.B-.B.S 1915 BOWMAN, William Arthur M.B., B.S. 1892 BOX, John ." M.B., B.S. 1904 BOX, Matthew Henry M.B., B.S. 1890 BOYD, Tliomas Hugh M.B..B.S. 1897 BOYD, William .. B.C.E. 1884 BOYES, William Isaac B.A.. M.B., B.S.. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 769

1897 BOYS. Robert Douglass B.A. 1889 BRAOBWELL, Walter Hansford M.B., B.S. 1909 BRADSHJVW, Prank Meeten ...... B.D.Sc. 1918 BRADY', Oliver John B.A. 1918 BRAITHWAITE, Frances Marie B.A. 1913 BRAKE, James B.Sc. 1916 BRAKE, John B.Agr.Sc 1892 BRAY, Ernest B.C.E. 1898 BRAZIER, Charlton George .. B.A. 1913 BRBN.VN, John Joseph B.D.Sc. 1909 BRENNAN, Anna Teresa LL.B. 1914 BRENNAN, Clare B.A. 1909 BR.BNN.VN, Edward Tliomas .MB., B.S. 1901 BRENNJVN, Frank LL.B. 1904 BRENNAN, John Patrick B.C.E. 1900 BRENNAN, Thomas Cornelius LL.B. 1916 BRENT,' Lindsay Peregrine M.B.. B.S. 1915 BRETHEETON, Albert Wilber M.B., B.S 1914 BRETT, Kathleen Joan B.A. 1903 BRETT, Percy Gore M.B., B.S. 1902 BRIDGES, Eleanor Lilian (nee Simpson) B.A. 1914 BRIGGS, Arnold Archibald Fitzroy .. .. B.A. 1917 BRITTEN, Ernest Harold M.B., B.S. 1914 BROCK, Marion Margaret B.A. 1898 BROCKET, William LL.B. 1862 BROMBY. Christopher B.A. 1900 BROMBY,. Wilfrid B.Sc, B.C.E. 1892 BROOKES. Herbert Robinson B.C.E. 1898 BROPHY, John Joseph (B.A., Roy. Univ. Ireland) B.A., LL.B. 1916 BROWN, Ailexander Ross B.D.Sc. 1894 BROWN, Alfred Austin M.B. 1893 BROWN, Austin Graham B.A., LL.B. 1902 BROWN, Edgar J abez M.B, B.S. 1909 BROWN, Gilbert Twentyman B. Mech. E. 1917 BROWN, Harold Gillbce M.B., B.S. 1892 BROWN, Balph Charles M.B., B.S. 1892 BROWN, Thomas William M.B., B.S. 1915 BROWN, Vernon Carlisle M.B.. B.S. 1905 BROWN, William Gillbee M.B., B.S. 1916 BROWNE, David Dorey M.B., B.S. 1913 BROWNE, George Stephenson , B.A. 1915 BROWNELL, Herbert Percival ' M.B, B.S. 1911 BROWNING, Denhy de Courcy M.B., B.S. 770 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1895 BRUCE, Oharles William M.B. 1917 BRUMLEY, William. Leslie B.A. 1918 BRYANT. Christina Wilson B.A. 1918 BRYCE. Lucy Meredith B.Sc. 1895 BUCHANAN, Aelfrcda Hilda (nee Gamble) M.B., B.S. 1916 BUCHJVNAN, Alfred Johnson LL.B. . 1910 BUCHANAN. Duncan M.B., B.S. 1875 AUCKLAND, John Vansittart B.A. 1900 BUCKLEY, Edward William M.B., B.S. 1865 BULL, George .. .. (Cam.) M.B. 1911 BULL, Lionel Batley ., B.V.Sc. 1915 BULL, Noel Tracey .. M.B., B.S. 1907 BULLEID, William Henry BA. 1895 BULLIVANT. Hugh Edward B.A.. LL.B. 1898 BULLOW, Jane Elizabeth B.A. . 1881 BUNNY. jVrthur George Benedictus .. .. LL.B. 1915 BURCHILL, Gilbert Anderson LL.B. 1909 BURPORD, Albert Arthur Mus. Bac. 1917 BURKE, Maria Lodivia B.A. 1912 BURNS, Francis John M.B., B.S. 1913 BURRAGE, Thomas Allan B.V.Sc. 1914 BURRELL, James Blanksby B.A. 1909 BURSTON, Alfred William Charles .... B.CE. 1910 BURSTON, Samuel Roy M.B., B.S. 1918 BURTON, John Wear B.A. . 1876 BURTON, Joseph Grindy B.A. 1914 BUBVILL, William B.A. 1915 BURY, George Chadweli M.B., B.S. 1916 BUSH, Albert Melville B.D.Sc. 1888 BUTCHART, John Elder B.A. 1905 BUTLER, Edward Villers B.A. 1898 BUTLER, Frederick Stanley M.B., B.S. 1910 BUTLER, Harry Nairn M.B., B.S- 1915 BUTLER, Violet Mary B.A. 1913 BUTT, Leonard Charles B.D.Sc 1908 BYE, Tliomas Joseph B.C.E- 1880 BRYNE, George Robert LL.B. O 1899 CADE, David Duncan M.B., B.S. 1900 CAFFIN, Melbourne Shrivalle B.A. 1903 CAHILL, Arthur James M.B., B.S. 1908 OAHILL, Henry James M:B„ B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 771

1903 CAIN, Robert Cobbold LL.B. 1901 CALDER, James Bennet LL.B. 1915 CALDWELL, James B.A. • 1901 CALHOUN, James M.B,, B.S. 1875 CALLAN, John Bartholomew B.A., LL.B. 1908 CALLANDER. Robert Scott M.B., B.S. 1910 CAMERON, Ewen Carlisle LL.B. 1915 CAMERON, Frank Osborne LL.B. 1902 CAMM, Thomas Carlyle Leichardt .. .. M.B., B.S. 1917 CAMPBELL. Alexander Stewart .. -.. .. B.D.Sc. 1903 CAMPBELL, jVrchibald Brown M.B., B.S. 1857 CAMPBELL, Colin (Oxford) B.A. 1911 CAMPBELL, Colin M.B, B.S. 1878 CAMPBELL, Colin Hamilton LL.B. 1897 CAMPBELL, Donald Albert M.B., B.S. 1912 CAMPBELL. Frederick William John .. B.Sc. 1911 CAMPBELL, James Lewis Maitland'.. .. LL.B. 1914 OAMPBELL, Jessie Florence B.A. j.909 CAMPBELL, John Charles M.B., B.S. 1916 CAMPBELL. Percival James JI.B., B.S. 1896 CAMPBELL, Richard jVdderley B.A. 1912 CAMPBELL, Robert Burns Cunning .. ., B.D.Sc. 1907 CAMPBELL, Sarah Maud M.B., B.S. 1907 CANTOR, Morris Emanuel Lamen .. LL.B. 1909 CA.NTOR. Stanley Jacob .. M.B., B.S. 1916 CAPELL, William Ambrose ., .. B.D.Sc. 1905 CAPBLS, Timothy William Joseph .. . LL.B. 1914 CARLILE, Hildred Irving '.. .. M.B., B.S. 1910 CARROLL, William (Syd.) .. B-A. 1911 CARSO.N, Martha Blspcth B.A. 1901 CARSON, Thomas John Knox B.JV. 1867 CARTER, Francis John Charsley (Ox.) ' B.A. 1917 GARTER, Harold Edwin B.A. , 1916 CASSIDY, William Ewart Vincent .'. .. LL.B. 1913 CASTIEAU, John Gilbert Buckley .. .. LL.B. 1907 CATARINICH. John M.B., B.S. . 1899 CJVTFORD, Harold Robert M.B., B.S. 1917 C-VTO, Edwin Thomas M.B.. B.S. 1915 CAULFIELD. B.D.Sc. 1910 CAVE. Myllos Wyamarus M.B., B.S. 1915 CERUTTY', Leonard James B.A. 1893 CERUTTY, William Morphctt B-C.E. 1917 CHAMBERS, John Ferguson M.B., B.S. 1912 CHAMBERS. Roy William MB., B.S. .SO 772 GltADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1891 CHAMPION, Edward M.B., B,S. 1914 CH.VMPION, Rachel .. .. M.B., B.S. 1894 CHANTER, Arthur Mus. Bac. 1897 CHJVPLIN, William Watkin Winne .... M.B., B.S. 1897 CHAPPLE, Frederic John MB., B.S. 1914 CHARLES, Joseph Henry B.A. 1884 CHASE, Arthur Pelham B.A. 1875 CHATER, Richard Britten BA. 1914 CHECCHI, Cyril .. M.B., B.S. 1895 CHENHALL, Alfred Nicholas M.B., B.S. 1912 OHENOWETH, Richard Willmore B.A., LL.B 1910 OHENOWETH, Thomas Oswald M.B'., B.S. 1910 CHERRY7, Charles Cummins B.V.Sc. 1918 CHERRY', Thomas MacFarland B.A. 1883 CHBSNEY, Charles Alfred (Queens Uni. Ire.) B.C.E. 1918 OHILVER.S. Beatrice Jean B.A. 1907 CHIRNSIDE, James Iver Mclvcr M.B., B.S. 1902 CHIRNSIDE, Thomas LL.B. 1883 CHOMLEY, Charles Henry B.A.,'LL.B 1890 CHOMLEY. Henry Rawdon Francis .... B.A., LL.B. 1909 CHRISTIJVNSEN, Wilhelm B.A. 1895 OIIRISTIB. Charles M.B., B.S. 1916 CHURCHWARD, Clerk Maxwell B.A. 1892 CLANCHY, Bridget Adeline B.A. 1915 OLARK, jVlice Newsom (nee Bage) .. .. B.A. 1915 CLARK, Ilea ton Carr B.C.E. 1912 OLARK, Wendell Inglis MB., B.S. 1908 CLJVRKB, Cyril Lowthcr ".. . M.B..B.S- 1904 CLARKE, Ethel Stone St. John B.A. 1900 CLJVRKE, John Lea LL.B. 1897 CLARKE, John Woollier B.A.. LL.B. 1916 CLARKE. Raile:gh B.V.Sc. 1913 CLARKE. Reginald Morley MB.. B.S- 1889 CLARKE, William John Turner .. (Ox.) B.A. 1889 CLEMES, Edith Emma B.A. 1911 CLENDINNEN, Leslie Jack MB., B.S. 1909 CLUCAS, Elizabeth Emily M.B., B.S. 1903 CLUCAS, Herbert Joseph B.C.E. 1884 CLUTTERBUCK, Alfred Oharles Ern?3t.. B.A. 1910 CLYNE, Thomas Stuart LL.B. 1906 COAKLEY, Thomas Henry .. B.C.E. 1883' COCKSHOTT, Harold Murray LLB. 1876 COFFEY. William Henry (B.A., Dublin) B.A., LLB. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 773

1910 COHEN, Basil Walter M.B., B.S. 1894 COHEN, Henry Isaac B.A., LL.B. 1912 COHN, Alexander Samuel • B.D.Sc. 1915 COLAUAN. Frederick John Orr .. ,. !. M.B., B.S. 1886 COLE, Francis M.B.. B.S. 1913 COLE, George Edward M.B., B.S. 1882 COLE, Henry Samuel LL.B. 1916 COLEMAN, Loris Cecilie B.A. 1913 COLES, Alfred Dudley B.D.Sc. 1918 COLLINS, Prank Vernon B.V.Sc. 1914 COLLINS,-William Henry M.B.. B.S. 1911 COLLINS, William Michael Gerald .. .. B.A. 1914 OOLLISON, Nora Winifred B.A. 1916 COI.LOPY'. John Florens LL.B. 1916 COLLYER, Waiter Henry ..' BSc. 1914 COLVILLE, Henry Cecil M.B., B.S. 1892 CONNELL, Egbert John M.B., B.S. 1899 OONNELL, Lucy Mary B.A. 1913 CONNELL, Roydon Herbert Minton .... M.B,. B.S. 1894 CONNELLY. Arthur Waldo .. M.B., B.S. 1910 CONRICK, Horatio Victor Patrick .. .. M.B., B.S. 1898 CONSIDINE, William Desmond LL.B. 1905 COOK, Alexander M.B., B.S. 1916 COOK. Alice Priscilla .. ..-.. .. B.A. 1866 COOK, Charles Henry Herbert ...... B.A., LLB. 1914 COOK, George Alfred B.Sc. 1913 COOK, Leonard Roy ' .. .. M.B.. B.S. 1918 COOK, Thomas Henry B.M.E. 1912 COOK, William Reddish LL.B. ' 1916 COOK. William Stanley B.V.Sc. 1915 COOKE, Alma Grace -.. B.A. 1901 COOKE, James Douglas ..... M.B.. B.S. 1912 COOKE, Reginald Mackenzie B.Sc. 1900 COOKE, Thomas Fleming BA. 1916 COOKSON. Isabel Clifton B.Sc 1898 COOPER, Claude Tidswell M.B., B.S. 1916 COOPER, Florence May .. M.B.. B.S. 1867 COPELAND, Samuel BA. 1903 COPLAND, Maurice Osric B.M.E. 1918 COPPIN, Arthur .. B.D.Sc 1917 CORBETT, Archibald Gladstone M.B..B.S. 1877 CORBETT, Thomas Francis ..-LL.B. 1910 CORDNER, Edward Rae M.B.. B.S.: 1909 CORDNER, Henry M.B.. B.S. 774 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1899 CORKHILL, Henry Robert LLB. 1896 CORMtCK, John Phillips . B.A., LLB. 1911 COSTEI.LOE, Michael Joseph M.B., B.S. 1893 COURTNEY, Richard Edmond B.A., LL.B. 1880 COUTIE, John Thomas Copeland .. .. B.JV. 1881 COUTIE, William Henry M.B, B.S. 1894 COUTTS. Agnes B.A. 1895 COUTTS, David John .. Mus. Bac. 1914 OOUTTS, Donald Dunbar M.B., B.S. 1892 COUTTS, John B.A. 1917 COUTTS, Milton Leonard M.B., B.S. 1918 COVERLID, Dorothea Rebecca B.A. 1892 COWEN, Alfred M.B., B.S. 1911 COWEN, Joseph Ivan ". .. M.B., B.S. 1916 COWEN, Stewart Osburn M.B..B.S... 1913 COX, jVthol Claude Mason , B.D.Sc 1908 COX, Frank Elton M.B., U.S. 1896 COX, Jane Cromwell B.A. 1916 COX. Leonard Bell .. M.B..B.S. 1898 CRAIG, Edith Isabel .. B.A. 1910 CRAIG, James Chambers M.B., B.S. 1914 CRAIG, Robert Fulton M.B., B.S. 1913 CRAIG, Robert James B.Sc. 1916 ORA1G, Stanley Earles ., M.B., B.S. 1887 CRAIG, Walter Joseph .. M.B.,B.S. 1895 CRAIG, Walter Lennox B.C.E. 1914 CRANSTOUN, George Elliott M.B., B.S. 1909 OR.VWOOUR, Esther B.A. 1918 ORAWCOUR, Sydney .. .. :. M.B., B.S. 1913 CRAWFORD, Francis Bartlett M.B., B.S. 1916 CRJVWPORD. Harold M.B.. B.S. 1911 CRAWFOitD, John Hamilton M.B., B.S. 1917 CRAWFORD, Norah Helen B.A. 1911 CRAWFORD, Victor Gordon B.M.E. 190), CRELLIN, Bertram M.B., B.S. 1916 OKISP, Ralph Harry M.B., B.S. 1913 CRIVBLLI, George Marcel B.Agr.Sc 1913 CRIVBLLI, Louis Pierre Urbain M.B, B.S. 1916 CHOKER, Frederick Stanley B.E.E. 1869 OROMPTON, William (Sydney) B.A. 1908 CROOKE, Arthur jVlhert M.B.. B.S. 1918 CROOKE, Kathleen Victoria B.A. 1864 OROOKB, Robert ,. (Dublin) B.A. 1913 CROOKS, Arthur Augustus M.B.. B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.. 775

1911 CROOKSTON, Robert Melville MB.,B.S. 1909 CROOM, Smart Patrick M.B., B.S. 1882 CROSBIE, William Barry LL.B. . 1886 CROSS,'John B.A. 1891 CROUCH, Oharles Stanton B.A., LL.B. 1893 CROUOH. Herbert Caaely B.C.E. 1913 CROW, John William Stuart B.C.E. 1910 CROWE, Valentine Francis M.B., B.S. 1916 OROWLBY, Arthur Herbert MB., B.S. 1892 CROWLEY, Cornelius George B.A., M.B., B.I 1916 CROWLEY, Cyril William Michael .. .. LL.B. 1890 CROWLEY, John Henry Joseph M.B., B.S. 1884 OROWTHER, John Russell B.A. 1916 CROWTHER, Mary Helen ,. B.A. 1910 CROWTHER, W7illiam Edward Lodewyll Hamilton M.B., B.S. 1901 CUMMINS. Richard Howard LaBarte .. B.Sc 1894 CUNNING. Joseph M.B.. B.S. 1918 OUNNIKGHJVM, Charles M.B,, B.S. 1908 CUNNINGHAM, Francis William BA. 1893 CURRIE, Henry Alan B.C.E. 1914 CURTIS, John Arthur .. .. B.A. 1888 CUSSEN, Gerald Eugene M.B., B.S. 1915 CUSSEN, Maurice Leo LL.B. 1914 CUTHBERT, Henry Headen LL.B. 1892 CUTTER, Charles Christopher B.A., LL.B.

ID 1915 DABB, John Henry Miohell B.A. 1917 DAFF, Charles Griffith Swallow B.A. 1895 DALE, William Kelynack MB., B.S. 1914 DALEY, Oharles B.A. 1914 DALEY, Oharles Studdy B.A. 1912 D.VLY. Lionel Braim MB.. B.S. 1889 DAMMAN, George William M.B., B.S- 1909 DANIEL, Charles John M.B., B.S. 1905. D'AR BY, George Robert M.B, B.S. 1912 DARBY, Leonard M.B., B.S. 1917 DARE, Joseph Howard B.Sc. 1901 DAVEY, Eva Frances Elizabeth B.A. 1906 DAVID, Tannatt William Edgworth (Ox.) BA. 1906 DAVIDSON, Helen Irene BA. 1912 DAVIDSON. John Murrison B.V.Sc. -lib . GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1876 DJVVIDSON, Raleigh-Gilbert LL.B. 1895 DAVIES, jVlfied Bbcnezer B.A., LL.B. 1911 DAVIES, Cyril Walter LL.B. 1894 DAVIES, Edwin Zcrubabel M.B., B.S. 1915 DAVIES, Ellice Jean M.B., B.S. 1903 DAVIES, Francis Lethieullier M.B., B.S 1911 DAVIES, George Forrest LL.B. 1916 DAVIES, George Vernon M.B..B.S. 1899 DAVIES, John Murray B.A. 1890 DAVIES, Leslie M.B., B.S. 1909 DAVIES, Maurice Charles M.B, B.S. 1886 DAVIES, Thomas B.A. 1880 DAVIES, Walter LL.B. 1902 DAVIES, Wilfrid Norman M.B..B.S. 1892 D-VVIES. William Edward M.B., B.S. 1891 DAVINE, Milo B.A., LL.B. 1872 DAVIS. Alfred B.A. 1915 DAVIS, Clayton Edginton LL.B. 1914 DAVIS, John Leslie M.B..B.S. 1903 DJWIS, Jghn Reginald M.B., B.S. 1892 DAVIS, William M.B. 1918 DAY, Arthur Frederick Cephas M.S., B.S". 1916 DAY, Arthur Joseph M.B. B.S. 1916 DJVY, Ernest Clement .. B.A. 1915 DEAN. Arthur LL.B. 1886 DECK, Henry O'Brien M.B.. B.S. 1916 de CRESPIGNY. Francis George Travers Champion M.B.. B.S. 1908 DEEBLB, Arthur Vivian B.A. 1903 DEOENHARDT, Albert M.B., B.S. 1915 de LACY", Olat Francois M.B., B.S.. 1898 DELMER, Harold Charles B.A. 1916 DENNERSTEIN, Nathan M.H.. B.S. 1902 DENNIS, Charles Edgar .. '.. M.B., B.S. 1895 DENNIS, Geonro Ernest M.B.. B.S. 1891 DE RAVIN, Ernest Alfred M.B., B.S. 1907 DERAVIN, Garnet Wesley M.B., B.S. 1887 DERAVIN, Hugh Alexander M.B'., B.S. 1903 DER.WIN, Walter Eugene M.B, B.S. 1918 DURHAM, Alfred Phiraley M.B..B.S. 1395 DERHAM, Francis Reginald B.A., LL.B. 1916 DERRICK, Estelle Mary B.A. 1892 DESAILLY, Julian Gilbert M.B., B.S. 1914 DEW. Harold Robert M.B., B S,. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. Ill

1916 DEWSNAP, Joseph Heary '. B.A. 1914 DEXTER, Walter Ernest (Durham) .. .. B.A. 1913 DICKINSON, Campbell Guest B.V.Sc. 1914 DICKINSON, Thomas Egerton B.A.. LL.B. 1915 DICKSON, Andrew Norman M.B., B.S. 1882 DICKSON, Frederick William •. LL.B. 1917 DIGGLE, James Leslie ' .. M.B.. B.S. 1879 DILLON, Edward Emmet B.A., LL.B. 1917 DINWOODTE. Coiler M.B.. B.S. 1916 DI9HER, Harold Clive M.B., B.S. 1918 DIXON, Bessie Ursula B.A. 1880 DIXON, Joseph William .. LL.B. 1913 DIXSON, Zoe Craig .. ... B.D.Sc. 1886 DOBBIE, John Alexander B.A. 1911 DOBSON, Arthur Frank-Stanley LL.B. 1897 DOCKER. Wyatt Bristow M.B., B!S. 1897 DOCKERY, Luke James B.C.E. 1894 DODDS, William Bruce B.C.E. 1907 DODGSON, Maad .. ' M.B., B.S. 1915 DOIG, Keith McKeddie .. M.B., B.S. 1894 DOM BRAIN, Ernest Arthur M.B., B.S. 1917 DONALD, Joseph Alfred B.A. 1914 DONALDSON. Amelia Roberta M.B.. B.S. 1913 DONALDSON, Hedley Thomas Stanford B.D.Sc. 1918 DONALDSON, John Ralph M.B., B.S. 1905 DONALDSON, Robert Johnstone B.C.E. 1896 DONALDSON. William Henry M.B. " 1917 DONOVJVN, Francis Gerald M.B., B.S. 1909 DONOVAN, Gustave Thomas .. B.D.Sc. 1915 DOOLEY', Norval Henry LL.B. 1903 DOOLEY, William Henry B.jV. • 1915 DORM AN, Stanley Herbert B.A. 1915 DOTT, William Alexander B.D.,Sc. 1916 DOUB.LBDAY', Jack Lindsay B.D.,Sc. 1905 DOUGHARTY, Isabel Elizabeth B.JV. 1903 DOUGLAS, Campbell George LL.B- 1897 DOUGLAS, Francis John M.B., B.S. 1906 DOW, Edmund Burnett B.M.E. 1912 DOW, John B.M.E. 1893 DOWL1NG, Patrick Paul M.B. 1912 DOWN, Charles Harold B.D.Sc. 1917 DOWNBR, Harold George M.B..B.S. 1904 DOWNEY, Michael Henry M.B., B.S. 1907 DOWNING. Harold David M.B..B.S. 778 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1914 DOYLE,'Gerald Vincent Francis B.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1890 DREW, Joseph Milton D'jVmer M.B., BS. 1916 DREW, Joseph Harold D'Amer M.B., B.S. 1901 DREW, Thon.as Mitchell -• M.B., B.S. 1915 DROUGHT, John.Smergcr B.A. 1914 DRUMMOND, Alexander Peter M.B, B.S. 1917 DRUMMOND, Hilda Elspeth B.A. 1880 DUFFY, Charles Cashel Gavan LLB. 1911 DUFFY', Frank Brendan Oavan LL.B. 1918 DUNCAN, Eva Margaret Stace B.Sc. 1910 DUNI/OP, Gertrude Clemes (nee Buzzard) M.B., B.S. 1914 DUNLOP, Morton LL.B. 1899 DUNLOP, John Wightmcn B.C.E. 1895 DUNN, Bessie Maud (nee Phipps) .. .. B.A. 1898 DUNN, Edward Perchard B.Sc 1909 DUNN, Henry Francis B.A. 1910 DUNN, John Herbert B.So. 1918 DUNOON, Mary Millar B.A. 1918 DDNPHY, Annie Catherine B.A. 1912 DUNSTJVN, Ambrose Hedley .. M.B., B.S. 1914 DUNSTAN, Harold Fleming M.B.. B.S. 1908 DYASON, Edward Clarence Evelyn .. .. B.Sc. B.M.E.

IE 1912 EADIE, Cli\e Menzics MB., B.S. 1882 EADIE, James M.B., B.S. 1886 KACLESON, James B.A., LL.B. 1913 EAKIN, Robert Agnew M.B.. B.S. 1880 EASTWOOD, Francis Hudson M.B., B.S. 1897 EJVVBS, Ethel Mary Vaughan (neV Cowan) M.B,, B.S. 1908 EBSWORTH, Richard Henry M.B-.B.S. 1918 EDDY, Evelyn Mary B.A. 1917 EDDY', Leslie John B.A. 1912 EDMEADES, Thomas Roy M.B., B.S. 1918 EDWARDS, Alfred William Thomas .... B.A. 1907 EDWARDS, Edward B.M.E. 1907 EGGLESTON, William Moulton B.D.Sc. 1908 ELCOATE, Robert Leslie Cough M.B..BS- 1906 ELLIOTT, Harold Edward LL.B. 1914 ELLIS, Alexander Donaldson B.A. 1897 ELVINS, Henry Francis Herbert M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. i i V

1913 EMBELTON, George Pearson B.A. 1882 EMBLING, Herbert jVugustus M.B., B.S. 1915 BMPEY, William Arthur B.A., B.V.Sc. 1900 ENGLAND, Egbert Francis Scott LL.B. 1901 EBREY, William B.A. 1911 ESSEN, Hilda Wager (nee Bull) B.Sc* M.B.. B.S. 1918 ETTELSON. Phillip Wiudmiller LL.B. 1913 ETTELSON, Zara Henrietta B.D.Sc. 1907 EVA, Cyril Herbert Vyvyan B.A. 1897 EVANS, Harold Maund M.B.. B.S. 1914 EVANS, Herbert M.B., B.S. 1887 EVANS, John Herbert M.B., B.S. 1916 EVANS, Mattie Kathleen B.Sc. 1915 EVANS. William B.A. 1915 EWART, Violet Louise .. .-. Mus. Bac. 1910 EWERS, Percival Francis B.A.

1911 FARGIE, Arthur James McKenzie .. .. M.B.. B.S. 1887 FARLOW, George Robert B.A., LL.B. 1891 PARMER, Paul Ward M.B, B.S. 1917 FARRELL, John Patrick M.B., B.S. 1915 FAY, Frank William M.B..B.S. 1901 PEARNLBY, Warren Jan.es M.B., B.S. 1898 FEILOHENFELD, Edward MB., B.S. 1915 FENTON, Geoffrey M.B.. B.S. 1877 FERGUSON, Daniel LL.B. 1903 FERGUSON, Wiley Driiinmond JI.B, B.S. 1908 FERRIS, Frederick Allan M.B., B.S. 1916 FETHERS, Bernard Denton M.B., B.S. 1918 FETHERS. Geoffrey Ernest li.V.Sc. 1915 FETHBRSTONHAUGH, Trevor Gayer .. M.B-.B.S. 1897 FFROST, Albert Ernest. M.B., B.S- 1908 FIELD, Otto Albert .. M.B., B.S. 1909 FIELDER. Laura Gouldsmith B.A. 1916 FILMER. John Francis ". B.V.Sc. 1916 FINCH. Valentine B.C.EV 1913 FINLAY, George B.D.Sc. 1884 FINLAYSON, John Marshall LL.B. 1916 FISHER, Allan George Barnard .. .. B.A. 1912 FISHER, Winifred Annie B.A. 1876 FITCHETT, William Henry B.A. 1915 FITZPATRIOK, Samuel Charles M.B, B.S. 780 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1838 FLAN.VGJVN, Patrick James MB., B.S. 1903 FLEMING, Charles William Henry .. .. M.B. 1913 FLEMING, John M.B., B.S-. 1901 FLETCHER, Elizabeth Eleanor (nee Weld) M.B., B.S. 1896 -FLETCHER, Marian Elizabeth Diggle .. M.B., B.S. 1915 FLOCKABT, Alan Pearoe B.C.E. 1907 PLORANCE, Ellen Elizabeth (nee Henry) M.B., B.S. 1908 FLOBANOB. Paul Lewis M.B., B.S. 1891 PLYNN, John .. .. (Roy. Uui. Ireland) M.B. 1912 FLYNN, Julia Teresa B.A. 1912 FOG ARTY. Joseph Patrick M.B'., B.S. 1897 FORBES, Catharine Ellen Mary B.A. 1909 PORDYCE, William Cleveland B.A. 1901 FORGE, Herbert Christopher LL.B. 1878 FORLONG, Robert Rochtort B.A. 1900 FOBMBY', Henry Harper M.B., B.S. 1913 FORREST, Herbert Shine M.B., B.S. 1901 FORSHAW, William Joseph M.B., B.S. 1895 FORSTER, Arthur Edward Blackett .. M.B., B.S. 1906 FORSTER, Karl B.A. 1899 FORSTER, John B.A. 1918 FORSTER, Wilfred Richard M.B..B.S. 1895 FORSYTH, William Alexander M.B., B.S. 1904 FOSTER. Bryan M.B-.B.S. 1911 FOSTER, Francis Henry BC.E. 1915 FOSTER, Frederick B.D.Sc 1906 FOSTER, George Williams M.B., B.S. 1898 FOWLER, Herbert Thomas B.A. 1889 FOX. John Raymond M.B. 1889 FOX, Melbourne George Griffin B.A., LL-B. 1912 FOXCROFT, Albert Broadbent B.A. 1905 FOXTON, Harold Vernon M.B, B.S. 1915 FRAENKEL, Poul Hermann . B.E.E. 1897 FRANCIS, Harry Vivian B.C.E. 1904 FRANKLANDS, Herbert William .. .. M.B..B.S. 1912 FRANKLIN, Marie Naomi B.A. 1906 PHASER, Alexander Clow B.A.. M.B. B.S. 1911 FRASER, Douglas Martin LL.B 1916 FRASER, Robert Ernest B.D.Sc. 1911 FRASER, Simon B.M.E. 1917 ERASER, Simon William B.A. 1885 ERASER, William B.A. 1911 FRASER, William Angus M.B..B.9. GRADUATES NOT il EMBERS OF SENATE. 781)

1915 PRAZER, George Thornton B.A. 1917 FREEMAN, Ada Elizabeth .Mus. Bac. 1914 FREEMAN, Lancelot Arthur B.D.Sc. 1881 FRIEDMAN, Henry M.B.,B.S. 1916 FRIEND, Colin M.B. B.S. 1915 FULLAGJVR, Wilfred Kelsham LL.B. 1915 PYS'HE, William Charles Mns. Bac.

1911 GALBRAITH, Alan Love B.C.E. 1915 GALLJVGER, Frank B.A. 1917 GALLAGHER, Patrick" B.Agr.Sc. 1915 GALWJVY, Victor Edward .. Mus. Bac. 1912 GAMBLE, John Frederick R.A., LL.B. 1917 GANDEVIA, Eric Neville Harle M.B.. B.S. 1895 GARDINER, James Morison M.B., B.S. 1895 GARDINER, John Peden B.C.E. 1916 GATEHOUSE, Ronald B.D.Sc. 1918 GATES, Eileen Fleming B.A. 1900 GAUNT, Clive Herbert LL.B. 1893 GAWNE. Frederick John M.B. 1912 G.VZE, Ethel Elizabeth Victoria (nee Summons) B.Sc. 1917 OEORGE, James Raymond B.A. 1912 GEORGE, Thomas Edwin M.B.. B.S. 1915 GERMON. Samuel Leslie M.B.. BS. 1905 GERHARD, Norman James M.B., B.S. 1903 GIBBONS, Anna Agnes (Roy. Univ. Ire.) B.A. 1918 GIBBONS, Dorothy Mary B.A. 1903 GIBSON, Arthur Horace M.B..B.S. 1916 GIBSON. John Edward Sladen B.D.Sc. 1916 GIBSON. Stuart Galloway MB., B.S. 1901 GILBERT, Henry ... M.B-.B.S. 1910 GILBERT, William James Oarticl.1 .. .. MB., B.S. 1909 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramley B.A. 1906 GILL, Hubert Baldwin M.B., B.S.. 1900 GILLESPIE. Leslie Thomson M.B-.B.S.. 1915 GILLIES. Abraham Murdoch BA. 1917 GILLIES, Robert Murray B'.D.Sc. 1917 GLASS. Constance B.A. 1915 GLASSFORD, Eric MaoAllan Gordon .. MB., B.S.. 1897 GLEESON, Edmond Francis Gerald .. .. B.C.E. "782 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1887 GLEESON, Edmund Joseph B.A, M.B., B.B 1910 GLOWREY, Mary M.B.. B.S. 1914 GODBY, William Heitlaud M.B. B.S. 1893 GODDARD. Margaret Mabel B.A. 1896 GODFREY, Herbert Cecil B.A., LL.B. 1911 GOLDSTEIN, Alexander M.B., B.S. .1906 GOOD, Ethel M.B., B.S. 1907 GOOD, Robert Norman Scott M.B., B.S. 1897 OOUDY, Arthur ;. .. B.C.E. 1892 GRAEHAM, Arthur Edward B.A. 1891 GRJVIIAM, Austin Douglas B.A. 1892 GRAHAM, Charles Sydney B.C.E. 1895 GRAHAM, Edward Alfred M.B.. B.S. 1913 GRAHAM, Henry Charles M.B., B.S. 1902 GRAHAM, Herbert levers LL.B. 1915 GRJVIIAM, Howard Boyd M.B., B.8. 1917 GRJVIIAM, William Arnold M.B..B.S. 1916 GRANO, Paul Langton LL.B. 1880 GRANO, Theodore George LL.B 1910 GRANT, Alexander McGregor ...... M.B.. B.S 1893 GRANT, Charles James BC.E. 1893 GRANT, William.. B.C.E. 1915 GRATTON, Norman Murray Gladstone .. B.A. 1915 GRAVES, Eric Ivo Lowther M.B., BS. 1894 GR.VY, Colin M.B, B.S. 1907 GRAY, Herbert John M .B., B.S. 1912 GRJVY', James Taylor BC.E. 1913 GRAY, John M.B., B.S. 1907 GRAY, Joseph Alexander B.Sc. 1896 GREEN, Arthur William B.A. 1911 GREEN, Augustus Ian M.B.. B.S. 1910 GREEN, Frederick John B.A. 1903 GREEN, Frederick William M.B., B.S. 1917 GREEN, John Sydney M.B..B.S. 1901 GREEN, Richard Arthur .. B.A. 1901 GREEN, Stanley Button LL.B. 1895 GREEN, Thomas Ernest M.B., BS. 1910 GREEN, William Bertram Lloyd B.V.Sc. 1858 GREENE, George Henry B.JV. 1911 GRBENHJVM, David Peter M.B., B.S 1909 GREENSHIELDS, Hilda Adella M.B., B.S. 1906 GREER, Claude .. M.B., BS. 1889 GRB6ERSON, William Jens M.B..B.S. 1901 GREGORY', John Stephen BCE- GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 783-.'

1901 GREGORY, Robert Henry LL.B. 1912 GREIG, Ernest Howard B.M.E. 1903 GREIG, Grata Flos Matilda B.A., LL.B. 1895 GREIG, Jane Stocks M.B..B.S. 1895 GREIG. Janet Lindsay M.B., B.S. 1884 ORENFELL, Sydney B.A., LL.B. 1871 GRICE, John B.A., LL.B. 1916 GRIEVE, John Whyte M.B., B.S. 1914 GRIFFIN, David Charles B.A. 1916 GRIFFITH, Henry Hunter M.B., B.S. 1913 GRIFFITH, Justinian Valentine M.B., B.S. 1905 GRIFFITHS, jVda Isabella Valentine .. M.B., B.S. 1861 GRIFFITHS, James ...... (Dublin) B.A. 1915 GRIFFITHS, John Leslie Irwin B.A. 1918 GRIFFITHS, Marjorie Helen .. .. B.A. 1901 GRIMWJVDE, Wilfrid Bussell B.Sc 1903 GRINDROD, William Campbell M.B, B.S. 1910 GROSS, Rachel Henrietta M.B., B.S. 1902 GROVE, Frederick Thomas B.A. 1913 G ROVER, Harley M.H., B.S. 1911 ORTjTZNER, Frederick William M.B., B.S. 19U0 GUBBINS, Francis Roche LL.B. 1914 GUEST, John Victor Hume .. B.Sc, M.B., B.S.. 1912 GUNDERSEN, Gunnar . B.Sc. 1912 GUNDERSEN, Sara Elizabeth B.Sc, 1908 GUNSON, .William Norman B.A. 1913 GUTTERIDGE, Brio Wilkins • M.B., B.S.

SI 1879 HACKETT, James Thompson B.JV. 1915 HADDOW, James Douglas B.A. 1895 HAGENAUER. Gustave Alfred ,' M.B., B.S. 1914 HAILES, William Allan M.B., B.S. 1912 IIAIN. Reginald Edric LL.B. 1893 HJVINS, George Myer M.B., B.S. 1913 HALE, George Ernest B.A. 1877 HALEY, Frank" M.B., B.S. 1876 HALEY, George M.B., B.S. 18S5 HALFBY, John Carr B.A., LL.B. 1912 HJVLKYJVRD, Arthur John Stanley .. .. B.D.Sc. 1886 HALKYARD, Charles Samuel B.A. 1914 HALKYARD, Francis Percival M.B., B.S. 1888 HALL, Arthur David B.A 784 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1918 HALL, Doris Winifred B.A. 1895 HALLEY, Ida Gertrude Margaret .. .. M.B., B.S. 1915 HALLORAN, Henry Marco James M.B., BS. 1916 HAMILTON, Dorothy Jean B.A. 1897 HAMILTON, Oharles . LL.B. 1905 HAMILTON, Edward James .. LL.B. 1902 HAMILTON, Henry Talbot .. .. 1 M.B., B.S. 1913 HAMILTON, Malcolm Talbot M.B.. B.S. 1906 HAMILTON, Robina B.A. 1885 • HAMILTON, William B.A- 1914 HAMILTON, William MB., B.S. 1914 UJVNCOOK, James McCrao LL.B. 1913 HANDLEY, Edgar B.Agr.Sc. 1914 HANKIN, Tliomas Henry B.V.Sc. 1911 HANLIN, John Francis Yeldham B.A. 1917 HANNJVN, John Peter .. ..' LL.B. 1913 HANSEN, .Vlbert Valdemar Roy M.B., B.S. 1398 HANSFORD, Alfred Howard B.A., LL.B. 1915 -HARBECK, Leonard B.D.Sc 1918 HARBISON, Eric Fitzgerald M.B..B.S. 1880 HARBISON, James Alexander B.A. 1882 HARBISON, John Wesley M.B., B.S. 1888 HARCOURT. James Richmond B.A. 1904 HARCOURT, Clive M.B., B.S. 1905 HARDIE, .Vndrew Oswald B.A. 1900 HARDIE, Elsie Denham ". B.A. 1913 HARDMAN, James Gordon .. .' LL.B. 1882 HARDY, Oharles Henry William ...... M.B., B.S. 1915 HARDY, Gerald B.A. 1917 HARE, Mary Irene B.A. 1918 HAROREAVES, James Thomas B.A. 1905 HARKER, Alfred Edwin M.B.. B.S. 1897 HARKNBSS, Andrew B.C.E. 1901 HARPER, George Craig M.B..B.S. 1915 HARPER, John Claude Mosely M.B., B.S. 1917 HARRIS, Alison B.A. 1917 HARRIS. Bessie Margery Godwin ., .. B.A. 1913 HARRIS, Clement Gordon .. .. B.D.Sc. 1918 HARRIS, Edward Chapman B.A. 1880 HARRIS, Henry Louis M.B., B.S 1917 HARRIS, Hilda Florence B.A. 1914 HARRIS, AVilliam John B.A. 1906 HARRY, Arthur Hartley .. ..(Adelaide) B.A. 1916 HART, W.illliam B.M.E. 1915 HARTKOPP, Albert Ernst Victor .. .. M.B., BS. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SKNATE. ibO

1912 HARTRIDGE, Oliver Keith ' M.B, U.S. 1830 HARVEY', John Thomas (Edin.) M.B. 1831 HARVEY, Richard" Richards .. .. M.B., B.S. 1907 HARVEY, William Wyatt B.C.E. 1914 H.VTELEY, Ernest Joseph B.A. 1903 HAWKINS, Ethel May M.B., B.S. 1894 HAWKINS, Samuel Melville B.O.E. 1915 HAWKY'ARD. Edward Francis B.Sc 1887 HAYBALL, Alfred Harry B.A., LL.B. 1918 HJVYDON, jVmicie Eleanor Kathleen .... B.A. 1911 HJVYDON. Claude Meurisse Mus. Bac, 1916 HAYES, Esmond Vaughan .. LL.B. 1907 HAYES, Frederick James Borley B.A., LL.B. 1887 HA YES, Horace Frederick M.B., B.S. 1910 HAYES, Reginald Howarth LL.B. 1911 HAYES. Thomas Francis M.B., B.S. 1917 ILVYES, William Ivon M.B., B.S. 1917 HAYNES, Myia Clare B.A. 1917 "HAYNHS. Nellie Winifred Cranwell .. M.B.. B.S. 1915 HEALY, Eugene Francis LL.H. 1904 HEALY, Robert Gartly M.B.. B.S. 1883 HEARD, Charles de Wolfe .... (McGill) M.B. 1898 HEATH, Henry John LL.B. 1917 HEATH, Henry Stiles B.A. 1903 HEDDBRWIOK. Bruce Pitcalrn LL.B. 1906 HEDDBRWIOK, Doretta Mary .. B.A. 1918 BEDDING. William Alan B.Sc. 1904 HEDEN, Ernest Charles Burgess (Syd.) B.M.E. 1911 • HEFFERNAN, Edward Bonaventure .... M.B., B.S. 1911 HEMSLEY, James Cameron M.B., B.S. 1883 HENDERSON. Arthur Vincent M.B., B.S. 1916 HENDERSON, James Mann M.B. B.S. 1891 HENDERSON, John Leslie M.B., B.S. 1906 HENDERSON, Mary Anketell M.B., B.S. 1914 HENDERSON, Mary Josephine B.A. 1911 HENDERSON, Neil Raoul M.B., B.S. 1901 HENDERSON, William B.A. 1915 HENDERSON. William Alfred Leslie Harrison M.B.. B.S. 1918 HENDRY. Thomas Muir M.B..B.S. 1913 HEPBURN, Edward Andrew B.O.E. 1916 HEPBURN, Mary Elsie B.A. 1874 HEPBURN, Thomas Robert B.A-. LL.B. 1918 • HERBERT, Desmond Andrew B.Sc. 1913 HERBERT, Frank Tyson B.D.,Sc. 786 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1902 HBRLITZ, Hermann .. M.B., B.S- 1913 HERRING, John Pelhcrstonhaugh .. .. LL.B. 1914 HERRING, Margery B.So. 1896 HERRING, Millicent Bell B.A. 1911 HESLo.-, George Gordon B.V.Sc 1833 HEWITSON. William B.A. 1905 HEWLETT, Herbert Maunsell '. M.B., B.S. 1897 HICK, Ernest Henry B.A., LL.B. 1916 HtOKEY, Glenloth Victor M.B.. B.S. 1915 HICKMAN, Arthur Alexander B.C.E. 1918 HICKS. Frank Iredale .. B.D.Sc. 1918 HIOOINS, Esmonde Macdonald B.jV. 1890 HILL, Arthur Machen M.B..B.S. 1881 HILL, Charles Herbert B.A., M.B., B.S 1914 HILL, James Frederick B.A. 1891 HILL, Samuel B.A. 1901 HILL, William Henry Freer B.C.E. 1915 HILLAED, Robert Irvine LL.B. 1915 HINMJVN, William Frederick LL.B. 1913 HOCKING, Boyns Hedley B.D.Sc, 1898 HOCKING, Joseph '. B.A. 1892 HOCKING, Richard Eva B.A. 1881 HOCTOR, William Henry De Burgh .... M.B. 1870 HODO BS. Henry Edward Agincourt .... B.A. 1899 HODGKINSON. Claude Fulton M.B., B.S- 1909 HODGSON, Robert Percival M.B., B.S. 1916 HOGAN, Ita LL.B. 1894 HOGAN, John Edward B.A-, LL.B. " 1915 HOGG, Robert Welton M.B., BS. 1914 HOGGARTH, Thomas Whitccross M.B., B.S. 1885 HOLCROFT, Edgar (B.A., Cam.) B.A., M.B., B.S. 1883 HOLDEN, Albert Thomas B.A. 1897 HOLDEN, Patrick John LL.B. 1913 HOLLAND, Edwin Archibald M.B:, B.S. 1899 HOLLOW, Joseph Thomas M.B., B.S. 1909 HOLMES, Arthur Richard B.A. 1916 HOLMES, Lyall Stanley B.A. 1908 HOLMES, Mervyn John M.B., B.S. 1915 HOLMES, Rupert Robinson B.D.Sc, 1892 HOLROYD, Spencer Edward B.A. LL.B. 1910 HONMAN. Carl Sidney .. .. B.M.E. 1891 HOOPER, Selina Rutherford .. B.A. 1906 HOPE, George Bancroft B.M.E. 1890 HOPE, William Waugh M.B., B.S. 1889 HOPKINS. Alfred Nicholas .. (Adelaide) B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEJMBKRS OF SENATE. 787

1914 HOPTON, Arthur James B.A. 1891 HORAN, John Francis B.A. 1902 HORDERN, Arthur B.O.E. 1909 HOEGAN, John Patrick M.B., B.S-- 1898 HORN, David B.A. 1891 HORNE, Robert Alexander .. - M.B. 1917 HORNBMANN, Henrietta Emilie B.A. 1893 HORSFALL, Alfred Herbert M.B., B.S. 1898 HORSFALL, Ernest Richard B.C.E. 1902 HORSFALL, William Nichols M.B., B.S. 1917 HOSKING, John Benjamin Oswald .... B.Sc, B.C.E. 1907 HOUSTON, Alexander Sommerville .. .. B.A. 1909 HOUSTON, Jan? Selkirk B.A. 1911 HOWARD, Mary Wilson B.A. 1902 HOWDEN, Reginald M.B., B.S. 1904 HOWELL, Marguerita (nee Booth) .. . • B.A. 1894 HOWISON, William Archibald LL.B. 1888 HOWITT, Godfrey M.B., B.S. 1918 HUDSON. Emily Jeannie Burgoyne .... B.A. 1895 HUDSPETH, Wilfrid Hugh B.A. 1912 HUGHES, Albert Henry Aloysius .. .. M.B..B.S. 1887 HUGHES, Ernest Selwyn ' .. B.A. 1914 HUGHES, Ernest West B.Agr.Sc. 1915 HUGHES, Florence Ida .. B.A. 1891 HUGHES, Frederick William B.A. 1913 HUGHES, Stephen Henry B.A. 1893 HUGHES. Wilfrid Kent (London) M.B. 1893 HUGHSTON, William John B.A. 1903 HUME, Alice Maud B.A. 1914 HUMPHREYS, Stanley Elder M.B, B.S. 1917 HUNT, Harriett Ellen Louisa B.A. 1899 HUNT, Minnie Isabella B.A. 1916 HUNT, Ralph Alec B.C.E. 1899 HUNT, Sidney B.A. 1916 HURLEY, John Patrick Garvan M.B., B.S. 1917 HURLEY, Leslie Everton M.B.. B.S. 1914 HURREY, Herbert Grindell M.B.. B.S 1895 HURST, John Daniel M.B. 1888 HUSBAND, Powys Jasper B.A..LL-B. 1906 HUTCHINGS, Margaret (nee Jamieson).. M.B. B.S. 1908 HUTCHISON, Harry Stuart LL.B. 1909 HUTTON, Florence Mary B.Sc. 1916 HYETT, Harold Rupert M.B'., B.S. 1914 HYSLOP, Kenneth Gordon Maxwell .. .. B.D.Sc. .51 7SS GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

I 1898 1CK, Edwin Thcophilus Jesse M.B, B.S. 1899 INGHAM, James Herbert M.B..B.S. 1917 JNGLIS', Edgar Montgomery Herbert .. M.B..B.S. 1917 INGLIS, Lindsay Ballantyne Anderson M.B., B.S. 1899 INGLIS, Tracy Russell M.B. B.S. 1907 INNES.. Fannie Blanche (n6e Cray) .... B.D.Sc. 1911 IRVINE, Arthur John .. B.A. 1904 IRVING. Harold Alfred Cardale M.B., B.S.

J" 1887 JACKSON, Alfred Henrick (Victoria Un.) B.Sc 1881 JACKSON, Ernest Sandford M.B., B.S. 1908 JACKSON, Herbert Alfred BCE. 1893 JACKSON, James Kennedy M.B. 1917 JACOBS, Hubert Sydney M.B;. B.S. 1909 JACOBS, Morris M.B., B.S. 1893 JACOBS, Philip Acland. B.A., LL.B. 1915 JAGGEiR, Thomas Ross .. M.B., B.S. 1903 JAKINS, George Frederick B.C.E. 1915 JAMES, Albert Victor George ...... B.A., B Sc. 1906 JAMES, Eric Lisle BC.E. 1916 JAMES, Frederic HoTjart M.B., B.S. 1915 JAMES, Howard Maxwell M.B., BS. 1913 JAMES, Hugh Bowen M.B.. B.S. 1888 JAMES, William Howard M.B. 1915 JAMIESON, Florence. Margaret BA. 1918 JAMIESON, Nelson Love B.A. 1894 JAMIESON, Stanley Ccnnebee M.B, B.S. 1914 JAPP, Hermann Asmus H.A. 1918 JHPPERY, William jVrthur .. H.A. 1914 JBLBART, Oharles Ellis B.Sc, M.B., B.8. 1914 JENNINGS, James Davies B.Agr.Sc. 1887 JERMYN, Frederick David M.B, B.S. 1889 JERMYN, Walter Herbert M.B, B.S. 1916 JEWELL, William Ralph B.Sc: 1904 JOEL, Benjamin M.B, B.S. 1897 JOEL, Simon M.B..B.S. 1912" JOHNS, William Carter B.A. 1913 JOHNS, William George Samuel B.A. 1911 JOHNSON, Alan Syme M.B, B.S. GRADUATES NOT ME-MBERS OF SENATE. 7^9

1894 JOHNSON, Alfred William B.C.E- 1893 JOHNSON, Arthur Livingstone B.C.E. 1897 JOHNSON, Edward Angas M.B, B.S. 1915 JOHNSON, Edwin Robert B.A. 1913 JOHNSON, Frederick William B.Sc. 1910 JOHNSON, George Edward B.A. 1873 JOHNSON, John jM.B. 1918 JOHNSTON, Leonard. Walter M.B., B.S. 1914 JOHNSTON, William Wallace Stewart .. M.B., B.S. 1909 JOHNSTONE. Robert Nairn B.V.Sc. 1914 JOLLEY'. Alan Franklaud M.B., B.S. 1911 JONA, Jacob M.B,, B.S. 1914 JONES, Ellen Honslow B.A. 1916 JONES, Irene Mary B.A. 1914 JONES, Ivan Humphrey B.D.Sc. 1910 JONES, John Clark ; B.A. 1918 JONES. Llewellyn Camm B.A. 1890 JONES, Robert Henry JM.B., B.S- 1905 JONES, Samuel Percy B.C.E. 1915 JONES, William. Aeron B.V.Sc. 1918 JOBD.VN, May Dorothy Mns. Bac. 1899 JOSEPH. Henry Gabriel .. LL.B. 1882 JOSKE, Ernest Ouzer LL.B. 1916 JOSKE. Esmond .Shirley M.B., B.S. 1911 JOSKE, Lorna B.Sc. 1889 JOYCE, Alfred Fleming M.B., B.S- 1915 JOYCE, Arthur Herbert .. M.B., B-S. 1890 JOYCE, Caleb M.B., B.S. 1907 JOYNT, Oswald M.B., B.S. 1917 JUDD, William B.A. 1895 JUTTNER. Prank Julius Edward .. .. M.B., B.S.

IKI 1918 KAY, Jean Grigg B.A. 1910 KEANE, Francis Esmond M.B., B.S. 1903 KEANE. John Thomas B.V., LL.B. 1898 KEENAN,.Francis Joseph .. '.. B.A., LL.B. 1878 KEILY, John Nicholas Joseph (Queen's Univ.' Ire.) B.A. 1915 KEKWICK. Mary Hazel B.A. 1911 KELLAWAY, Gwendoline Jane ...... B.A. 1915 KELLAWAY',. Kathleen B.A. .SlA 790 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

1899 KELLY, Daniel M.B., B.S. 1867 KELLY, Edmond (Dublin) M.B. 1913 KELLY, Elma Mary B.Sc. 1908 KELLY, Frederick Lome B.D.Sc. 1914 KELLY, George Dalziel LL.B. 1891 KELLY, Hubert McOormack B.A., LL.B. 1902 KELLY, James Patrick .. ..' M.B., B.S. 1917 KELLY, John Joseph M.B., B.3. 1892 KELLY, Matthew Francis M.B., B.S. 1902 KELLY', William Ryton M.B., B.S. 1874 KELLY. William Trench Clifford .. .. B.A. 1917 KliLMAR, Erwin MB.. B.S. 1898 KELSALL, Arthur St. John B.A. 1914 KELSEY, Helen Frances Marion M.B., B.S. 1917 KELYNAOK. Philip Thomas B.V.Sc. 1876 h'BMMIS. Arthur B.A. 1897 KEMP. Charles Herbert B.C.E. 1902 KEMP, Walter LL.B. 1910 KENDALL, Elverene Park B.C.E. 1911 KENDALL, Ernest Arthur .. B.V.Sc. 1917 KENDALL, Hector B.V.Sc. 1903 KENDALL, Hilda Winifred B.A. 1896 KENNEDY'. James Charles M.B., B.S. 1889 KENNEDY, Johanna Elizabeth B.JV, 1918 KENNEDY'. John Aloysius M.B., B.S. 1912 KENNEDY, Thomas Aloysius .; LL.B. 1888 KENNEDY', Thomas John Moore M.B., B.S. 1876 KBNNISON, John Alexander M.B. 1885 KENNY', Augustus Leo M.B., B.S. 1913 KENNY, John Philip Louis : .. B.O.E. 1893 KENNY, Thomas James William M.B., B.S. 1884 KENT, Charles George M.B., B.S. 1916 KEOGH, Lesbia Venner LL.B. 1904 KER, Thomas Campbell M.B., B.S- 1913 KERB, Frank Robiflon M.B., B.S. 1918 KERR, Frederick Thomas B.M.E. 1895 KERR, John Beatty B.A. 1912 KERR, Richard Alexander B.Sc. 1917 KERSHAW, Hilda Burn M.B.. B.S. 1914 KBWISH. Percy Douglas B.A., B.So. 1916 KEYB3, David Tyrrell M.B..B.S. 1900 KIDDLE, John Beacham LL.B. 1886 KILPATBICK, William M.B..B.8. 1918 KING. Emily Amy B.JV. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 791

1878 KING. John Riddoch B.A 1918 KIRKHOPE, Elizabeth Kilgour B.A. 1891 KITCHEN, John James M.B., B.S. 1915 KITCHIN, Frank Barnsdale .. B.O.E. 1905 KNEE, Arthur Wilton B.C.E. 1906 KNEEN, Edgar Albert B.O.E. 1915 KNIBBS. Norman Victor Sydney B.So. 1914 KNIGHT, Andrew Thomas B.A. 1890 KNIGHT, Percy Norwood .. (Adelaide) B.A. 1916 KNIGHT, Rupert Grenville B.C.E. 1917 KNIGHT, William Oharles B.D.Sc. 1904 KNOX. Robert George B.A. 1898 KRAKOWSKY'. Christina Love (nfic Goode)-. M.B., B.S. 1910 KRONE, Berthold Henry Charles B.A. 1908 KYLE, Rose Hartley Mus. Bae.

L 1913 LADE, Leonard Oyril M.B., B.S. 1913 LADB, Raymond Freear LL.B; 1915 LAING, John Kidd Collier .. M.B., BS. 1909 LAI/OB, Peter Anthony Bichard M.B., B.S. 1885 LANE, Oharles Timon M.B., B.S. 1913 LANE, Edward Geake B.D.So. 1916 LANE, John Hawke B.D.Sc 1915 LANE, Mary M.B., B.S. 1917 LANE, Mary Louisa B.A. 1902 LANE, Roland Mastou M.B-, B.S. 1916 LJVNG, Alexander jVllison M.B., B.S. 1900 LANG, Patrick Henry M.B., B.S. 1918 LANGFORD, Walter Gilbert B.M.E. 1889 LANGLANDS, Francis Henry '.. M.B., B.S. 1909 LANGLEY, Arthur Theodore M.B., B.S. 1905 LANOLEY, Francis Ernest M.B-, B-S. 1905 LANG-MOKE. Percy Vance .... (Edin.) M.B.,B.S. 1885 LJVNOTON, Bennct B.A., LL.B. 1903 LATHJVM, Eleanor Mary (nee Tobin) .. B.A. 1906 LAURIE, Andrew St. George Wilson .. LL.B. 1908 LAVARACK, Alice Muriel MB., B.S. 1916 LJVVER, Laurence Otto Mus. Bac. 1916 LAWRENCE. Arthur Poole .. M.B., B.S. 1902 L.VWRENCE, George Douglas LL.B. 1916 LAWRENCE, Robert Wreytord M.B, B.S. 792 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1913 LAWTON, Frederick Donald Herbert Blois M.B., B.S. 1918 LAZARUS, Samuel Clement B.A. 1914 LEACH, Edwin Isaac B.A. 1895 LEADBBATER, James George B.A., LL.B. 1918 LEOKIE, Thomson M.B.. B.S. 1911 LEE, Harrie Bertie M.B..B.S., 1890 LEE. Henry Malcolm B.A.. LL.B. 1860 LEE, Richard (London) B.A. 1913 LBEDMAN, Charles Herbert .. .. M.B., B.S. 1904 LEEPER, Adeline Theodora Allen .. .. B.A. 1907 LEEPER, Alexander Wigram Allen .. .. B.A. 1909 LEEPER, Reginald Wildig Allen B.A. 1912 LE-GG. John :. .. B.Sc. B.V.Sc, 1915 LEGGATT, William Watt B.A. 1904 LEGGE, Frank Robert M.B., BS. 1895 LEITCH, Emily Bertha (nee Main) .. .. M.B,B.S. 1910 IJilTCH, John Black B.V.Sc 1900 LEITCH, Oliver M.B., B.S. 1917 LE LIEVEE, William John B.A. 1901 LEMON, Ferguson jVugustus M.B., B.S. 1910 LEMON, Robert Dillon M.B., B.S. 1909 LENNON, Brian William B.M.E. 1913 LENNON, Kevin Francis B.D.Sc. 1905 LEON, John Howard M.B..B.S. 1912 LESLIE, Percy Robert B.Mech.E. 1915 LE SOUEP, Albert Wadesou M.B., B.S. 1911 LE SOUEP, Ernest Albert .. B.V.Sc. 1914 LE SOUEF, Hilda B.A. 1917 LE SOUEF, Ronald Farquharson ...... M.B.. B.S. ' 1903 LB SOUEP, Sebert Gordon B.M.E. 1895 LETCHER, Herbert Richard M.B., B8- 1910 LEVI, Rupert Nathaniel LL.B. 1898 LEVY', Ernest Charles .. LL.B. 1913 LEVY, Leopold r LL.B. 1873 LEWELLIN, Augustus John Richard .. M.B., BS. 1904 LEWERS, Beatrice Mary B.A. .1913 LEWERS, Hugh Bunnett M.B., B.S. 1889 LEWERS, Richardson Wakefield M.B., B.S 1880 LEWERS, Tliomas Ross M.B., BS. 1884 LEWERS, William Charles B.A., LL.B. 1875 LEWIS, Alexander Thomas ... .. LL.B. 1915 LEWIS, Athol Hugh ..- LL.B. 1897 LEWIS, Edith Louise B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 793

1901 LEWIS, Eliot Tremearne B.C.E. 1900 LEWIS, James Brook M.B.. B.S. 1917 LEWIS, Phyllis Cardin B.A. 1893 LEY', George Joseph M.B. 1907 LEY, Mark Aloysius M.B., B.S. 188? LIDDLE, Percy Herbert M.B..B.S. 1916 LILFORD, Algernon George Rowley .... M.B.. B.S. 1914 LIND, Edmund Frank M.B., B.S. 1903 LIND, William Alexander Tcao M.B.. B.S. 1912 LINDON, James Hemery BC.E. 1903 LINDSJVY, Samuel James .. B.C.B. 1884 LINEHAN, Michael Joseph 111. 1891 LINES, David Henry-Edward M.B, B.S. 1895 LINK, Joseph Selby B.C.E. 1868 LISSIONOL, Eugene Adolphe ..(Prance) B.A. 1896 LISTER, Harold M.B. 1916 LITTLBJOHN, Euan Ironside M.B..B.S. 1892 LITTLEWOOD, Frank Ernest M.B., B.S. 1883 LIVINGSTONE, Robert B.A. 1889 LLOYD, Mary (nee Roberts) B.A. 1917 LLOY'D, Winifred May Mus. Bac. 1912 LOCKHART. Norman Edmund B.D.Sc. 1915 LONG, John Frederick B.A. 1913" LONG, Olive Murray (nee Rivett) M.B, B.S. 1892 LONG. William John M.B.. B.S. 1907 LOONEY, Prank Harold MB., B.S. 1916 I.OOSLI, Robert B.i ram M.B, B.S. 1886 LOOSLI. Robert James .. M.B..B.S. 1913 LORD, Percy Oswald .. M.B., B.S. 1916 LORDING, Howard Woodruff M.B., B.S. 1911 LORIMER, George Norman M.B., B.S. 1917 LOUBET, Ellen Mary Kent M.B., B.S. 1897 I.OUGHNAN, James Robert M.B., B.S. 1904 LOUGHRAN,. Henry Gerald M.B., B.S. 1912 LOUGHRAN, Lorna Rose .. .. Mus, Bac. 1906 LOUGHREY, Oeorge Ernest B.A,, LL.B. 1910 LOUOHREY, James Charles B.A. 1896 LOVE, Archibald Albert M.B. 1907 LOVE; Joseph M.B., B.S. 1918 LOWE, Irene Myrtle B.Agr.Sc 1895 LOWE, Robert Ernest .. B.C.E. 1892 LOWE. William M.B., B.S. 1895 LOWRY, John Oharles B.A. 1915 LOXTON, Oharles Arthur B.V.Sc. 794 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1917 LUGG, Vida Alice Mus. Bac. 1917 LUHER, Rudolph Ernest B.A. 1917 LUKE. Walter Andrew M.B..B.8. 1910 LUMSDBN, William Joshua B.D.Sc 1913 LUTH, Harold Christopher.. .. ' LL.B. 1906 LYALL, David Murray B.A. 1895 LYELL, Oharles B.CE. 1903 LYNCH, Maurice Edmund M.B., B.S. 1896 LYNCH, Percival Blake Ridley B.A., LL.B. 1916 LYON, Alexander Victor B.Agr.Sc 1916 LYONS, Oharles Michael B.M.E. 1892 LYONS, Martin Moylan M.B., B.S. 1914 LYTTLE, Elsie Victoria B.A. 1913 LYTTLE, Samuel Percival MB., B.S.

JVC 1915 MCJVDAM, Cecil Gordon MB., B.S. 1917 MACANSH, Kathleen Mary .. B.A. 1903 McARTHUR, Arthur Norman M.B., B.S. 1912 McARTHUR, George Alexander Douglas.. M.B..B.S. 1882 McARTHUR, William Gilbert Stewart .. LL.B. 1891 MACARTNEY, Edward Hussey Burgh .. B.A., B.C.E. 1879 MACARTNEY, AVilliam Donnelly LL.B. " 1890 MACBAIN, Smith B.A. 1896 McBURNEY, Mona Margaret Mus. Bac. 1917 McCALLUM, Frank M.B, B.S. 1914 McOANCE, Olive Margaret B.A. 1918 MCCARTHY, Michael B.A. 1902 McCAY, Walton Heywood B.CE. 1916 McCOLL, Neil ' M.B., B.S. 1917 McOOMAS, Ethel Thorpe B.A. 1912 McCOOK, Hannah Harvey (nee Simpson) B.A. 1915 McCORMIOK, Kathleen Curme B.A. 1915 McCOWAN, William Gladstone B.C.E. 1916 McGRF.ERY, Charles Arnold B.D.Sc. 1914 MCCRISTJVL, William John M.B., B.S. 1901 MCCULLY, John B.A. 1912 McCUTCHEON, . Alan Bothwell • M.B., B.S. 1905 MACDONJVLD. Archibald M.B., B.S. 1915 McDONALD, Edward M.B..B.S. 1901 MACDONALD, Ethel Mary Cumming .. B-A. 1899 McDONALD, James Edward Fancourt .. M.B., B.S. 1917 McDONALD, John MB., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 793

1877 MACDONALD, James Middleton B.A. 1902 McDONALD, Leslie John B.A. 1874 MACDONALD, Middleton Balbirnie .. .. B.A. 1910 MACDONALD, Norman B.V.Sc. 1900 MACDONALD, Olive May (nee Williams) B.A. 1893 MACDONNELL, Adam John Fettigrew .. B.A. 1876 MCDONNELL, John Louis B.A. 1916 McDONOGH, Eliza Christina B.D.Sc. 1903 M.VCDOUGALL, John Patrick B.A. 1917 MAODOUGALL, Leslie Stuart B.A. 1890 McDOUGALL, Percy Raymond .. .. '.. B.A. 1916 MACE. Arthur Reginald B.A. 1904 McEWEN, Hugh Gordon B.CE- 1907 MACFARLAN, Ian Robert .. LL.B. 1880 MACPARLANE, Archibald Martin .. .. M.B., B.S 1871 MACFARLANE, John Horton B.A. 1914 MACGILLICUDDY, Cyril Plorance .. .. M.B., B.S. 1887 MACGILLICUDDY, Daniel Florance .... M.B., B.S. 1917 MACGILLICUDDY, Reginald Patrick .. M.B..B.S. 1891 MACGILLIVRAY', William David Kerr .. M.B., B.S. 1897 McGOWAN, Arthur Gerald M.B., B.S. 1895 MACGOWAN, Ernest Thorburn ...... M.B., B.S. 1881 MccGWIRE, William Walter M.B., B.S. 1918 MclNERN.Y, Kathleen Margaret Maria B.Sc. 1909 McINTOSH, John Herbert Carlyle .. .. B.A. 1912 McINTOSH, Ronald Dingwall B.A. 1916 McIVER. Gordon John Kennedy MB., B.S. 1909 McKAY, Arthur Adrian M.B., B.S- 1918 MACKAY, Dorothy Adelaide .. .. ,. B.A. 1888 MACKAY, Edward Alan M.B-.B.S. 1915 MACKAY, Eric Keay M.B., B.S. 1882 MACKAY, Francis Hugh LL.B. 1890 McKAY, John Gilbert M.B., B.S. 1915 MAOK.VY, John Shaw .. M.B., B.S. 1915 McKAY, Lucy May B.A. 1913 MACKAY, Norman John M.B., B.S. 1914 McKBNNA, Cyril Thomas B.V.Sc. 1915 McKBNNA, Maurice M.B., B.S. 1897 MACKENZIE, Andrew Hardie M.B. 1897 MACKENZIE, Catharine B.A. 1893 MACKENZIE, Donald McRae B.CE. 1891 McKENZIE, John B.A. 1901 MACKENZIE, John Forbes Cock M.B., B.S- 1915 McKENZIE, Roy Valentine LL.B. 796 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1904 MAOKIE, David William Hartnell .. .. M.B., B.S. 1891 McKIE, Mary Alice Ethel (nee Doyle) .. B.A. 1914 McKIMM, William Harold Thomas .'. .. B.A. 1875 McKINLEY, Henry B.A. 1892 MACKINNON, Kenneth John .... (Cam.) B.A. 1887 MACKNIGHT, Conway Montgomery .. .. .M.B, B.S. 1914 MACKY, Frank M.B., B.S. 1914 MACKY, Stewart M.B., B.S. 1909 McLAREN, Marjory Bruce B.Sc 1906 McLAY, Robert Galloway M.B., B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Donald M.B., B.S. .1904 McLE.VN. Douglas B.CE. 1900 McLEAN, John Barr M.B., B.S. 1895 MACLEAN, Roland M.B., BS. 1915 McLEAN, Kenneth Arthur M.B..B.S. 1901 McLEAN. Thomas Alexander M.B., B.S. 1913 McLENNAN, Allan Neil B.A. 1914 McLENNAN, Duncan '. B.A. 1915 McLENNAN, Ethel Irene B.Sc. 1909 McLENNAN, George Cameron B.V.Sc. 1917 McLENNAN, Harriett Jessie Constance B.JV. 1918 MCLORINJVN.' Henry M.B..B.S. 1910 McI.ORINAN, Margaret Harkness .. .. M.B.. B.S. 1917 MACLURE, Noel Armstrong MB.. B.S. 1915 McMAHON, Frank Fitzroy M.B.. B.'S. 1915 McMAHON, Leo Luke M.B..B.S. 1914 McMEEKIN, Ralph Parker M.B., B.S. 1882 McMEEKIN, Samuel B.A. 1906 McNAB, Colin LL.B. 1904 McNAB, Duncan Donald B.C-E- 1912 McNAB, Leslie Murdoch B.Agr.Sc. 1912 McN.VIR, Gilbert Beith B.D.So. 1871 MACNAMABA, Melbourne John B.A. 1913 MACNEECE, John Moore B.A. 1909 McNEIL, Frederick Douglas B.CE 1917 McNICOL. Daniel Alexander Clyde B.V.Sc. 1889 McOWAN, John B.A. 1897 McPHBE, Robert George M.B.. BS. 1908 McQUEEN, Malcolm B.JV- 1907 MACRJVE, Frederick John Learmonth .. B.A. 1916 McRAE, John B.A. 19i4 McSHANE, Albert Joseph M.B..B.S- 1909 McSHANE, Cletus M.B., B,S. 1898 McSWEENEY', Michael Stanislaus .. .. M.B., B.S- GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 797

1918 McSWEENY. Jeremiah Bercbmans .. .. B.A. 1904 McSWINEY, Paul .. LL.B. 1889 McWILLIAMS, George Frederick M.B., B.S- 1906 MADDEN, Guy Ross LL.B. 1917 MADDER, Gwendoline Ellery •-.. B.A. 1917- MAGEE, William Crozier B.A. 1887 MJVGILL, Martin M.B., B.S- 1879 MAGUIRE, James Richard B.A., LL.B. 1916 MAHON. Austin L'Estrange M.B..B.S. 1883 MAILER, Melrose M.B., B.S. 1915 MAILER, Melrose Uollom '. .. .. MB.. B.S. 1884 MAIN, Harry Findley .. M.B., B.S. 1901 MAKIN, Frank Humphrey ...... M.B., B.S. 1910 MALCOLM, Robert Allan Gordon .. .. M.B., B.S. 1905 MALONEY, Jeremiah James M.B., B.S. 1910 MANCHESTER, Lewis Lilburne B.V.Sc. 1915 MANLY. Richard .Vrthnr M.B., B.S. 1866 MANN, Thomas B.A., LL.B.. 1909 MANNES, Philip B.A. 1908 MAPLESTONB, Philip Alan M.B, B.S. 1918 MARKS. Jonah .. B.A. 1895 MARKS. William (Loudon) B.A. 1915 MARKSON. Ernest M.B..B.S. 1918 MARLOW, Christopher Claver B.A. 1908 MARSHALL, Crawford Clclland M.B., B.S- 1918 MAR-SHALL, Doris Hamilton B.A. 1900 MARSHALL, James LL.B. 1879 MARSHALL, John Horn B.A. 1916 MARSHALL, Hay Blyth B.A. 1889 MARTELL, Horatio Percy M.B., B.S. 1891 MARTELL, Margaret (nee Whyte) .. .. M.B., B.S- 1915 MARTIN, Colin Hasler M.B.. B.S. 1898 MARTIN, Edward Patrick :. B.C.E., B.M.E:. 1917 MARTIN, Francis Crawford B.Mech.E. 1909 MAR-TIN, Frank Beauchamp M.B., B.S. 1909 MARTIN, Fred Russell Beauchamp .... LL.B. 1884 MARTIN, Herbert Sumner .. .. B.A., LL.B. 1917 MASON, Edith Shaw B.A. 1897 MASTERS, Francis Hedley M.B., B.S. 1899 MASTERS, William Edward B.A., LL.B. 1915 MJVTENSON, Maurice • •• M.B..B.S. 1911 MJVTENSON, Philip M.B., B.S. 1915 MATHEW, John Mortimer B.M.E. 1916 MJVTHBWS. Norman Reginald M.B., B.S- 798 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1889 MATHEWS, Robert Humphrys B.A. 1918 MATHIAS, Doris B.A. 1909 MATSON, Thomas Rhodes B.V.Sc. 1899 MATTHEWS, John Thomas B.A.. MB, B.S. 1914 MATTHEWS, Percy Arthur Joseph .. .. B.D.Sc. 1913 MATTHEWS, Rupert Mackay Tyeon .. .. LL.B.. 1909 MATTINGLEY, Percy Frank Cuthbert .. B.D.Sc, 1915 MAUDSLEY", Henry Fitzgerald M.B., B.S. 1902 MAXWELL, Oharles M.B., B.S- 1890 MAXWELL, George Arnot B.A., LL.B. 1917 MAY, Donald Greig M.B..B.8. 1897 MBJVD, Gertrude Ella M.B., B.S. 1913 MEADE, Frampton Garnsey MB., B.S. 1917 MEAGHER, Franoie Richard M.B..B.S. 1887 MEAGHER, John Sheehy .. B.A, LL.B. 1912 MB.VOHER, Leo Garden LL.B. 1894 MEARES, Robert Chancellor" ' B.JV., LL.B. 1896 MEEK, Robert Augustus M.B. 1913 MELD RUM, Prank B.D.Sc. 1918 MELROSE, Bryden Stewart B.D.Sc. 1914 MELVILLE, Alexander Hugh M.B., B.S. 1910 MELVILLE, Theodora B.A. 1904 MENDELSOHN, David M.B., B.S. 1916 MENDELSOHN, Harris M.B..B.S. 1889 MENDELSOHN, Lewis (London) B.A. . 1917 MENDELSOHN, Mendel -.. B.D.Sc 1915 MEREDITH, William Charles B.A. 1892 MEHFIELD, Miriam Sarah B.A., LL.B. 1887 MERRILBES, .James Frederick M.B., BS. 1866 METCALFE, George B.A. 1909 MEYERS, Oharles Norman B.V.Sc. 1889 MICHIE, John M.B.. B.S- 1913 MIDDLETON, Albert Edward B.A. 1918 MIDDLETON, Frederick George JI.B., U.S. 1916 MILLER, Francis Julian Bowyer .. .. M.B.. B.S. 1887 MILLER, Joseph John .M.B.. B.S- 1901 MILLER, Lindsay Stevens M.B., B.S. 1900 MILLER. Norman Albert LL.B. 1882 MILLER, William Francis M.B., B.S. " 1896 MILLIARD, Harriett Ellen .' BA. 1868 MILLIE, Alexander B.A. 1916 MILLS. Alexa-nder Bud LL.B. 1918 MILNE, Barbara Wilson B.A. 1903 MINOGUE, John Patrick LL.B. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 79f>

1879 MITCHELL, Henry St, John .. (Oxford) B.A. 1911 MITCHELL, Hugh William Fancourt .. M.B., B.S. 1909 MITCHELL, Leonard John Cole M.B., BS. 1908 MITCHELL, Percival Harris (Adelaide) B.A. 1903 MOLINE. jVrthur Howard Pritchard .. B.C.E. 1884 MOLLISON, Crawford Henry M.B., B.S. 1895 MOLI.OY', Arthur Irvine .. B.A. 1883 MONTGOMERY, John Park M.B., B.S. 1910 MOODIE, Charles George Gordon M.B., B.S. 1890 MOORE, jVlexander Henderson B.A. 1897 MOORE, jVltred John James B.C.E. 1915 MOORE, Keith Bussell MB.,B.S. 1911 MOORE, Malcolm Stewart '. B.C.E., B.M.E 1910 MOORE, Margaret B.Sc. 1917 MOORE, William Harold James .. .. M.B., B.S. 1914 MORAN, Frederick Harold M.B., B.S. 1918 MORBTON, Frederick Ewart B.E.E. 1908 MORGAN, Arthur William M.B., B.S. 1916 MORGAN, Frederick Grantley M.B.. B.S. 1911 MORGAN, John Wyndham M.B..B.S. 1913 MORLET, Claude M.B., B.S. 1913 MORLET, Jack M.B.. B.S. 1896 MORLEY, Alban Cyril B.A., LLB. 1903 MORRIS, -Arthur Edward M.B., B.S. 1897 MORRIS, Charles Jepson B.C.E. 1913 MORRIS, David John B.A. 1903 MORRIS, John Newman M.B., B.S. 1893 MORRISON, jVrthur Robertson B.O-E. 1897 MORRISON, Donald Clive B.A., LL.B. 1917 MORRISON, Nelly Jessie B.A. 1892 MORTON, Jamc"s Charles M.B., B-S. 1908 MORTON, Reginald Lonsdale M.B., B.S. 1895 MORTON, William Alexander M.B., B.S. 1902 MOSS, Matthew Kasner M.B., B-S. 1879 MOULE, William Henry LL.B. 1887 MOYNAN, Joseph .. (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.O.E. 1899 MUIR, John Clark '. .. M.B., B.S. 1889 MULLER, Charles Albert M.B., B-8. 1894 MULLER. Oscar Rudolph Percy M.B., B.S. 1913 MULLBTT, Hubert Arthur B.Agr.Sc. 1910 MUNRO, David Dunlop B.A.. 1895 MUNT, George Alfred B.A. 1912 MUNTZ, Alexander Jamison .. ..-.. .. B.C.E. 1894 MUNTZ, Edward James B.O.E. "800 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1913 MUNTZ, Mabel Josephine Mus. Bac. 1892 MURDOCH, David M.B, BS. 1898 MURDOCH, Thomas B.CE. 1889 MURPHY, James Katupna B.A-, LL.B. 1884 MURPHY, William Patrick M.B., BS. 1901 MURRAY. Russell Mervyn B.CE. 1915 MURRELL, William Lee B.O.E. 1882 MY'EHS, Isidore B.A. 1915 MYLREA. Edward Alexander B.V.Sc. 1915 MYLREA, Ernest Wallace ' B.A.

.1915 NALL, Eric Lindsay •• B.A. 1913 NANCE, Francis Lyth M.B., B.S. 1918 NANCE. Gertrude Hardy B.A. 1907 NANCE, Winifred Margaret B.Sc. 1908 NANKIVELL, Arthur Youl M.B., B S. 1884 NANKIVELL, Hugh Calvert LL.B. 1017 NJVTTRJVSS, George Wilfred B.D.So. 1905 NAYLOR, Mabel Gertrude Sutton (nee Crutchlield) M.B., BS. 1913 NEAL, Leo Augustine M.B., B.S. 1906 NEIGHBOUR, Arthur George Lloyd .. B.CE. 1907 NELSON, William Horner M.B.. B-S. 1906 NBSBITT, Mortimer Durnford M.B., B.S. 1915 NETTLETON, Percy B.A. 1904 NEVILL, William Frederick B.C.E. 1904 NEWELL, John Adrian M.B, B.S. 1885 NEWHAM, Arthur .(Cam.) B.A. 1885 NEWHJVM, Daniel Courtney .. B.A. 1910 NEWING. Sydney John M.B., B.S. 1882 NEWING, Thomas Henry B.A. 1916 NEWING, William Joseph M.B..B.S. 1880 NEWM.VN, Fossey James M.B., B.S. 1894 NEWMJVN, Francis Alexander M.B., B.S. 1917 NEWNHJVM, Joseph Edgar B.A. 1917 NEWTON, Geoffrey Liddiard B.C.E. 1915 NEWTON, Wilberforce Stephen M.B., B.S. 1891. NICHOLLS, George Gray M.B. 1912 NICHOLLS, Mary Alice Jessie .. B.D.Sc 1908 NIMMO, William Hogarth Robertson .. B.C.E. 1901 NISH, James Alexander David M.B., B.S. 1897 NISH, Samuel George B.C.E. • GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. SOI

1894 NOLAN, Henry B.A., LL.B. 1909 NOLAN, Vincent Patrick B.A., LL.B. 1917 NOONAN, Michael John B.A. 1910 NOONAN, Thomas Patrick M.B., B.S. 1912 NOOTNAGEL, Albert Herman (Adelaide) LL.B. 1916 NORRIS. Prank Kingsley • M.B., B.S. 1918 NORRIS. .Ida Florence B.A. 1912 NORRIS, John Drummond B.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1913 NOTT, Frederick John Mus. Bac. 1899 NOWLAN, Daniel jVloysius .. B.C.E. 1891 NYE, Edward B.A. 1916 NYE, Percival Bartlett B.M.E.

o . 1908 O'BRIEN, John Aloysius M.B..B.S. 1917 O'BRIEN, John Phillip M.B.B.S. 1914 O'BRIEN, Owen B.Agr.Sc. 1915 O'BRIEN, Robert B.A. . 1915 O'BRYJVN, Norman John Gerard LL.B. 1897 O'CONNELL, Daniel Joseph Patrick .... B.C.E. 1902 O'CONNOR, William Laurence M.B., B.S. 1884 O'DONNELL, Nicholas Michael M.B. 1918 O'DOWD, Amcrgin Oisin B.A. 1891 O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick B.JV., LLB. 1892 OFFICER, Charles Graham Weir B.Sc. 1697 OFFICER, Edward Albert M.B., B.S. 1912 OFFICER, Frank Keith LL.B. 1891 OFFICER, Henry Suetonius .. .. B.A., LL.B. 1918 Officer, Jean Catherine B.A. 1882 OFFICER, William LL.B. 1918 O'ORADY', Vincent Michael M.B., B.S. 1892 O'HARA, Elizabeth Alice Maude M.B., B.S. 1902 OHLSON, Ada (nee Sayer) B.A. 19)6 OLDMEADOW, Louisa Devereux B.A. 1906 O'LEARY. Ralph Daniel M.B-, B.S. 1916 OLIPHANT, Marie Claire B.A. 1914 OLIPHANT, Tliomas Glen M.B., B.S. 1913 O'NEILL, John Joseph. M.B., B.S. 1913 O'NEILL, Matthew Valentino LL.B.' 1906 ~OPIE, Archelaus James ...... M.B. 1898 ORCHARD, William Henry .. M.B.,B;8. 1889 ORME, George Alington Cave .. (Cam.) B.A. 802 GRADUATES iVOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1892 O'ROURKB, Frederick William B.A. 1897 OKR, Vivian Bernard M.B., B.S. 1916 OSBORNE, Amy Alice B.Sc. 1894 OSBORNE, Ernest Charles .. .. (Cam.) LL.B. 1917 OSBORNE, Irene Hetty /.. Mus. Bac. 1915 O'SHJVUGHNBSSY, William Thomas Ber­ nard M.B., B.S. 1912 OSMENT, Victor Septimus Henry B.D.So. 1913 O'SULIVAN, Michael Brendon M.B., B.S. 1916 O'SULLIVJVN,, Mitchell Henry M.B..B.S. 1909 O'SULLIVJVN, Richard Francis .".-.. .. M.B, B.S. 1883 OVEREND, Ernest Knight M.B. 1900 OVEREND. Harold Acheson B.A. 1917 OWENS, George Lewis B.A.

IP 1912 PALMER;, Henry Hersee B.A. 1913 PANTING, Arthur Ernest B.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1884 PABDBY, James Mclmery M.B., B.S. 1906 PARER, John Ignatius .. M.B., B.S. 1911 PARER, Philip Aloysius M.B., B.S. 1897 PARK, Alexander .. .. (Roy Uni. Ire.) M.B. 1916 PARK. Roy, Lindsay .. MB., B.S. 1910 PARKER, George Edward B.A. 1909 PARKER., Gordon Nelson B.C.E. 1914 PARKER, Henry Walter B.A. 1897 PARKER, Margaret Alice (nee Bartrop) B.A. 1902 PARKER, Philip ii Morley B.C.E. 1918 PARKINSON, Charlotte Ethel Violet .. Mus. Bac. 1900 PARRAMORE, George William B.A., M.B., B.S. 1911 PARRAMORE, William Arthur B.D.Sc. 1912 PARRETT, George Alfred James B.D.Sc. 1910 PARRETT, Frederick Stanley B.D.Sc. 1886 PARRY, Albert Alexander M.B., B.S. 1917 PATER, Doris Ferguson B.A. 1901 PJVTERSON, John Edward B.A. 1906 PATON, Gordon Andrew M.B., B.S. 1918 PATTEN, Reuben Tom B.Sc. 1889 PATTERSON, Samuel (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.A- 1915 PATTERSON, William John B.D.Sc. 1912 PJVTRICK. James Finlay M.B.. B.S. 1914 PEARCE, James Vine M.B., B.S. GHADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 803 • 1914 PEARCE, William Bastion LL.B. 1893 PEJVRT, John Joseph B.A. 1916 PEDERIOK. Ernest Boswell .. , BlA. 1916 PENNY'OUICK, Ronald Stewart B.D.Sc. 1912 PENROSE, Joseph Sanders B.V.Sc. 1894 PERCIVAL, Wilfred Ernest Holtzendorff B.A. 1897 PERL, Mathias Michal M B.. B.S. 1909 PEBRINS, Reginald Bishop M.B., B.S. 1896 PERRY, Charles .. .. M.B., B.S. " 1868 PERRY'. Charles Lindley B.A- 1906 PERRY', George Leslie .. M.B. 1918 PETERS, Gladys Miriam B.A. 1916 PHILLIPS, jVlfred Edwin B.V.Sc. 1914 PHILLIPS, Frederick Beaumont LL.B. 1913 PHILLIPS, Gilbert Edgar B.A. 1916 PHILLIPS, Isabella Ada M.B., B.S. 1904 PHILLIPS, Marion B.A. 1907 PHILLIPS, Samuel Henry M.B., B.S. 1897 PHILPOTT, Albert John William M.B., B.S. 1903 PHIPPS, Kathleen Elizabeth B.A. 1901 PICKEN, Samuel (Tasmania) B.A. 1911 PIDGEON, Brian Francis LL.B. 1914 PIG DON. Douglas Clelland MB., B.S- 1882 PIGOTT, Louis James FitzGerald LL.B. 1914 PINCUS,'Cecil B.D.Sc. 1916 PINCUS, Paul B.D.Sc. 1891 PINNIGER, William Wilkinson Boothroyd MB. 1908 PINNOCK, Dudley Denhara M.B., B.S- 1913 PIPER, Noel Wedgwood B.Agr.Sc. 1888 PITCHER, Josiah George LL.B. 1910 PITT, Ernest Roland B.A- 1916 PITTMJVN, Randall Thomas B.A. 1910 PITTS, Grace Elaine B.Sc. 1911 PLACE, Francis Evelyn B.V.Sc 1907 1'LANTE, Thomas Halkett B.Sc. 1897 PLUMMBR. Violet May M.B..B.S. 1917 POD6EB, Hugh Dobson B.D.Sc. 1915 PO LACK. Joseph _. B.D.Sc. 1915 POLGLAZE, William Henry '. B.A. 1913 PONSFORD, Claude Hugh Silvester .. .. B.D.Sc 1908 PONSFORD, Frank William Augustus .. M.B., B.S. 1918 POOK. Percy Thomas LL.B. 1906 POPE, Mary Eleanor (nee Edelsten) .... M.B., B.S. SOi GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1916 PORTER, John Rees ' M.B., B.S. 1915 POSTLE. Herbert Tliomas .. B.A. 1913 POULTON, Albert Norman B.D.Sc. 1912 POWELL, Arthur Hunter M.B..B.S. 1898 PRAAGST, George Daniel M.B..B.S. 1916 PRAAGST. Howard Francis M.B..B.S. 1887 PRAAGST, Lionel Francis M.B.B.S. 1904 PRESTON. Anne Eliza LL.B. 1907 PRICE, Walter Thomas • .. B.A. 1916 PRICHARD, John Lewis B.D.Sc 1915 PRICHARD, Nigel Lovat M.B.. B.S. 1891 PRINGLE, Lilian Jane Wilson .. .. B.A. 1915 PRIOR. Alfred Stanley B.D.Sc. 1914 PRYDE. Alan M.B., B.S. 1914 PUOKLE, Hugh Noel Murray M.B..B.S. 1892 PULLAR, William Murray BC.E. 1916 PURNELL, Kenneth Claud -.. M.B., B.S. 1885 PYNE, Charles Henry LL.B.

Q, 1891 QUAYLE, Edwin-Thomas B.JV. 1918 QUEAI.Y, Matthew Joseph B.D.Sc. 1904 QUICK. Balcombe M.B..B.S. 1889 QUIETER. John MB.

1916 RABL. Siegmmid M.B. B.S. 1916 RABL, Victor B.D.Sc 1914 RABLINO, Harold B.M.E 1915 RAE. Frederick James B.Sc, B.Agr.Sc. lyl5 RAFF. Eric Maitland Kirk B.A. 1904 RAIL, John Andrew Angwin M.B,B.S. 1908 RAIL, Wilton Henry Francis M.B..B.S. 1895 RALEIGH, Hubert William (B.A., Cam.) B.A.. LL.B. 1912 RAMSAY", James Morrison LL.B. 1898 RAMSDEN, Samuel Henry .... (Oxford) B.A. 1897 R.VNDEI.L, Allan Elliott M.B., B.S. 1914 RANKIN, Donald Hamilton B.A. 1884 RANNARD, David Alfred LLB. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 805

1882 RATTEN, Arthur B.A. 1911 BATZ, Martin William M.B., B.S. ' 1915 READ, Albert Leonard LL.B. 1913 REJVD, Pitzwalter Maurice M.B., B.S. 1897 READ, George Somerset B.C.E. 1893 READ, Stanley James Docker M.B., B.S. 1891 READE, Maud (nee Higinbotham) .. B.A. 1916 REED. Frederick Arthur B.D.Sc. 1914 REED, Joseph Stanley M.B..B.S. 1918 RUED, Vera. May B.A. 1914 REEVE, Edward Raymond B.D.Sc. 1908 REID, Christina Hamilton .M.B..B.8. 1895 REID, Stanley Spencer B.A. 1912 REID, William Brcmner B.D.Sc. 1912 REMFRY, Maurice Austin BC.E. 1917 RENPREY, Arthur Banks LL.B. 1916 RENNICK, John Gordon Reginald .. .. LL.B. 1914 RENNICK, William Henry .. ".; M.B..B.S. 1916 RENNIE. Hilda Mabel M.B., B.S. 1905 RENTOUL, Annie Rattray B.JV. 1914 REYNOLDS, Edward Russell Thomas LL.B. 1908 RICHARD, Evan BC.E. 1910 RICHARDS, Benjamin Robert M.B., B.S. 1909 RICHARDS, James LL.B. 1916 RICHARDS, John Ellis B.D.Sc. 1917 RICHARDS, William B.A. 1909 RICHARDSON, Aubrey B.A. 1912 RIDDELL; Consctt Carre B.Sc, B.M.E. 1699 RIDDELL, James M.B., B.S. 1891 RIGBY, William Henry M.B., B.S. 1896 RILEY. Alfred B.A. 1915 KINTEL. Horace Lisle B.A. 1916 RIORDAN, William Patrick B.D.Sc. 1894 RITCHIE, Robert Henry M.B., B.S. 1917 RITCHIE. Thomas Reid -.. B.A. 1907 RIVETT, Stella (nee Deakin) B.Sc 1890 ROBB, Alexander Francis Maldon .. .. B.A., LL.B. 1912 BOBBINS, Ethel Lucy B.A. 1912 ROBERTS, George Norman B.D.Sc. 1887 ROBERTS, James Baylee B.A., LL.B. 1918 ROBERTS, John Keith .-. B.Sc. 1893 ROBERTS, Llewellyn William M.B., B.S. 1918 ROBERTS. Thelma Beryl B.A. 1910 ROBERTS, Thomas M.B., B.S. 806 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

,1914 ROBERiTSON, Alan Thomas B.D-Sc. 1904 ROBERTSON, jVndrew Stuart M.B., B.S. 1901 ROBERTSON, Annie Susan M.B., B.S. 1885 ROBERTSON, Duncan Struan .... (B.A.. Dublin) B.A., LLB. 1905 ROBERTSON, Ernest M.B., B.S. 1910 ROBERTSON, Prank George B.V.Sc. 1915 ROBERTSON, Gordon Ochiltree M.B., B.S. 1882 ROBERTSON, Home James .. : B.A. 1907 ROBERTSON, Jean Gray B.A. 1917 ROBERTSON, Jack Rail MB., B.S. 1912 ROBERTSON, Margaret Helen Urquhart M.B., B.S. 1909 ROBERTSON, Robert Affleck M.B., B.S. 1915 ROBERTSON, Walter Whitburn B.C.E. 1882 ROBERTSON, William M.B., B.S. 1911 ROBERTSON, William Apperley Norton B.V.Sc. 1913 ROBERTSON, William Lincoln M.B., B.S. 1892 ROBINS, William" Mosette B.A. 1905 BOBINSON, jVlice Louise B.A. 1918 ROBINSON, Oyril James LL.B. 1914 ROBINSON. Edgar (Adelaide) LL.B. 1884 ROBINSON, Frederic Gordon B.JV. 1895 ROBINSON, George jVugustine Aloysius (Roy. Uni. Irel.) B.A. 1914 ROBINSON, George Seaborne M.B., B.S. 1916 BOBINSON, Jack Harry Moore B.A. 1885 ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel B.A., LL.B. 1909 ROBINSON, Matthew Edward ".. M.B., B.S. 1871 ROCHE, Alfred Frederick William .. .. B.JV. 1912 ROCHE, Gertrude Mary .. ..' B.A. 1915 ROOHE. Hcrmia Winstanley B.D.Sc. 1891 ROCKETT, Patrick Joseph Aloysius .. .. M.B., B.S. 1394 ROCKETT, Richard Napoleon Francis .. M.B., B.S. 1914 RODDA, Errol Edward .. B.A. 1903 KODWAY,- Frederick Arthur ...... M.B., BS. 1914 ROE, John Edward LL.B 1917 ROEBUCK, Leslie Norman • B.D.Sc. 1885 ROGERS, William Warrington LL.B. 1910 ROOERSON, Henry M.B., B.S. 1915 ROOERSON, William : .. .. M.B., B.S. 1910 HOLLAND, Robert Monteith LL.B. 1910 ROLLASON, Geoffrey Mallin B.So. 1914 ROPER, Mary Teresa B.A. 1906 ROSE, Walter John B.M.E. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 807

1911 ROSENBERG, David M.B., B.S. 1917 ROSENBLUM, Alec Armstrong B.Sc. 1917 ROSENBLUM, Vera Annie B.A. 1897 ROSENPIBLD, Reuben Laman M.B.. B.S. 1892 ROSENHA1N, Flora B.A. 1901 ROSENTHAL, Jacob M.B., B.S. 1909 ROSS, Cecil Napier ". .. B.M.E. 1898 ROSS, Oeorge Percy B.O.E. 1917 ROSS. John Oharles M.B., B.S. 1912 ROSS-SODEN, Harry LL.B. 1914 ROSS-SODEN, John Leslie M.B,, B.S. • 1903 ROSS, Thomas Gordon M.B., B.S. 1911 ROSS, Trevor Wilson B.M.E. 1885 BOSS, William Ohisholm M.B., B.S. 1908 ROWAN, Christopher Paul M.B., B.S. 1911 ROWAN, Francis Joseph Hamilton .. .. LL.B. 1910 ROWAN, James Ignatius M.B., B.S. 1911 ROWAN, John Stanilaus Reginald .. .. LL.B. 1915 ROWAN, Justin Fitzgerald LL.B. 1916 ROWE, David Randle B.D.So. 1902 ROWE, George .. B.A. 1893 ROWE, John Charles .. B.A. 1893 ROWED, Augustine Bithray B.O.E. 1915 ROWBLL. Joseph Addison B.A. 1914 RUBINOWIOH, Abraham Solomon .. .. JM.B.,B.S. 1895 RUDALL, Charles Scot B.C.E. 1888 RUDALL, James Ferdinand M.B., B.S. 1901 RUNDLB, George Arnold LL.B. 1917 BUNDLE. R-ccve Palmerston M.B., B.S. 1897 RUPP, Herman Montague Rucker .. .. B.jV. 1917 RUSH, Gerald Vincent B.Sc. 1913 RUSSELL, Aubrey William B.A. 1887 RUSSELL, Charles Donald M.B..B.S. . 1914 RUSSELL, Ernest B.A. 1907 RUSSELL, Prank Arthur LL.B. 1899 RUSSELL, Herbert Henry Ernest M.B., B.S. 1906 RUSSELL, Kenneth B.D.Sc. 1906 RUSSELL, Leslie Frederick LL.B. 1903 RUSSELL, May Victoria B.A. 1918 RUSSELL, Walter McRae M.B., B.S. 1907 RUTTER, Hubert B.C.E. 1907 RUTTER, John Hemphill M.B..B.8. 1879 RYAN, Charles Snodgrass .. .. (Edin.) M.B. 1884 RYAN, Edward M.B., B.S. 808 GRADUATES NOT MEMBBRS OF SENATE.

1917 RYJVN, Mala.chy ..- '. LL.B. 1882 RYAN, Martin Joseph M.B., B.S. 1913 RYAN, Raymond William M.B.B.S. 1886 RYAN, Thomas Francis M.B., B.S. 1898 RYAN, Tliomas Joseph B..V., LL.B. 1881 RYAN, Timothy Bernard M.B., B.S. 1909 RYAN, William Bernard M.B., B.S; 1915 RYAN, William Owen ;. BA.

S 1893 SABELBERG, Charles Joseph ...... M.B..B.S. 1896 SADLER, James Thomas B.A. 1895 SALTER, Alexander George M.B., B.S. 1909 SALTER, Algernon Claude Herbert .. .. M.B., B.S. 1883 SALTER, Arthur Edward M.B., B.S. 1909 SALTS, Richard M.B., B.S. 1880 SAMSON, Henry Augustus M.B, B.S. 1899 SANDERS, William Monckton M.B., B.S. 1909 SANDIFORD, Norman William West .. LL.B. 1889 SJVUNDERS, John Harry M.B-.B.S. 1918 SAVIGE. Harold William M.B..B.S. 1910 SAWERS. William Campbell M.B., B.S. 1916 SAWYER, Evelyn Collinson LL.Bi. 1883 SAWYER, Osbert William LL.B- 1915 S^ANTLEBURY, George Clifford M.B,, B.S- 1914 SCANTLEBURY, Vera M.B., B.S. 1914 SCARFF, Charles Thompson B.A. 1903 SCHMETZER, Ellen May B.A. 1908 SCHOOLING. Eobert Andrew LL.B- 1904 SCHUTZE, Harrie Leslie Hugo M.B., B.S. 1881 SCOTT, Andrew B.A. 1877 SCOTT. Charles Henry M.B., B.S. 1868 SCOTT, James B.A. 1896 SCOTT, John Daniel King M.B, B.S. 1839 SCOTT, John Melby .. M.B., B.S. 1917 SCOTT, Julia Burn Mus. Bac. 1914 SCOTT, Leigh B.A. 1909 SCOTT, Margaret Emellie B.Sc- 1907 SEARBY, Claude Henry B.A. 1879 SEABLL, Charles Thomas LL.B. 1918 SEBIRE. Irene Beatrix M.B..B.S. 1912 SEDDON, Herbert Robert B.V.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SRNATE. S09

1910 SEELENMEYER. Adolph Henry M.B., B.S. 1911 SELWOOD, James Lee M.B., B.8. 1906 SEMPLE, John M.B., B.S. 1882 SERJEANT, Tliomas Wilson B.A. 1879 SERJEANT, Percy Pye LL.B. 1907 SBRPBLL, Katharine Emily (nee Friend) B.JV. 1913 SEXTON. Clarence William Newsome .. B.C.E. 1892 SEXTON, Hannah Mary Ellen M.B., B.S. 1900 SEYMOUR, Henry James .. B.C.E. 1915 SHANASY. John Alexander M.B..B.S. 1911 SHANKLY, Norman John LL.B. 1904 SHANN, Edward Owen Giblin B.A. 1916 SHARP." Clifford Carre B.D.Sc. 1913 SHAW, Eric Delbridgc B.C.E. 1916 SHAW, Frank Maundrell B.C.E. 1901 SHAW. Helen M.B, B.S. 1917 SHAW, Robert Mervyn M.B.. B.S. 1893 SHEEHAN, James Edward B.A. 1895 SHELLEW, Charles Francis Henry .. .. B.A. 1915 SHELLEY. Joseph Eustace M.B., B.S. 1907 SHELTON, John Grantley Vincent .. .. M.B., B.S. 1910 SHELTON, Percy Gerald M.B., B.S. 1917 SHIELD. Carrie M.B..B.S. 1904 SHIELDS, John Warburton M.B, B.S. ]£97 SHIELDS, Oswald Clive Graeme M.B., B.S. 19:5 SHIELDS. Stanley Wilson M.B..B.S. 1915 SHIELS, Douglas Oswald B.Sc. 1910 SPIELS. Norman Lyndhurst B.M.E. 1915 SHINKFIELD, George Samnel B.A. 1911 SHORT, Francis John M.B., B.S. 1909 SHUGCi, Edward Henry McLean .. .. B.A. 1916 SIBTHORPE, Ernest Barrington B.D.Sc. 1917 SICKIJEMORE, Cedric B.D.Sc. • 1877 SIDES, Richard M.B. 1911 SILBBRM.VNN, Colman M.B., B.S. 1911 SILVERMAN. Isaac Judah M.B., B.S. 1909 SIM. Hedley George B.A. 1915 STMCOCKS,'George Alfred BA. 1905 SIMS, Florence Isabella Emerson .. .. B.A. 1896 SIMS. Charles Frederick B.C.E. 1866 SINGLETON, .Marsliall B.A., LL.B. 1915 SISSONS, jVltrcd Thomas Stanley B.Sc. 1901 SKENE, John McKellar '.' B.C.E. 1900 SKEWES, Samuel Grenville M.B..B.S." 810 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1876 SKINNER, Alan LL.B. 1911 SKINNER, Amy Gertrude Maud ...... B.A. 1918 SKURRIE; Ivy Ellen B.A. 1906 SLADE, Francis William B.A. 1916 SLADE, Leonard William .. B.A. 1880 SLADEN, Douglas Brooke Wheelton (Ox.) B.A., LL.B. 1917 SL.ATER, jVlice Margaret Mus. Bac. 1918 SLATTERY, Agues Alma B.A. 1904 SLEEMJVN, Benjamin M.B, B.S. 1899 SLEEMAN, George Francis M.B., B.S. 1915 SLEBM.VN, James Garnett M.B., B.S. 1891 SLEEMAN, James Henry M.-B., B.S. 1915 SLEBM.VN, Joseph •• •• B.A. 1908 SLEEMAN, Launcelot Osbert .; M.B., B.S. 1907 SMART, Charles Pyne .. .. B.C.E. 1911 SMEAL, Glcuny B.Sc. 1913 SMEAL, James Alexander M.B., B.S. 1911 SMITH, Christian Jollio Brynhild Ochiltree LL.B. 1907 SMITH. Fergus Voss B-.M.E. 1904 SMITH, George Oliver .. B.M.E. 1918 SMITH, Harold Raymond M.B., B.S. 1916 SMITH, Mary Grace B.A. 1917 SMITH, Eobert Tait B.A. 1884 'SMITH, Eobert William .'...... LL.B. 1892 SMITH, Sarah Selina B.A. 1871 SMITH, William (London) M.B. 1909 SMITH, William Kennedy B.A. 1898 SMITH, William Purves B.C.E. 1874 SMYTH, John Thomas B.A. 1888 SMYTHE, Carlyle Greenwood .. .. I. .. B.A. 1901 SNOW, Frances .. M.B., B.S 1890 SOILLEUX. Garnet M.B., B.S. 1909 SOUTH, Arthur Eustace .. M.B. 1897 SOUTH, Harold .. M.B., B.S. 1913 SOUTHEY", Marcus Vicars M.H.. B.S. 1910 SOUTHEY, William George .. M.B., B.S. 1915 SOUTHWELL. Bertie Charles Sydney Stedman B.A. 1915 SOUTHWIGK, Michael Harold M.B., B.S. 1884 SPALDING, John James BA. 1908 SPEIRS, Norman Lennox M.B, B.S. 1893 SPENCE, Herbert .... M.B. 1912 SPENCE, Roderick Macdonald B.V.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OK SENATE. 811

1915 SPOWART, Alfred Peter Hamilton .... B.A. 1918 SPRAKE, Edward James B.A. 1910 SPRING, Edward Ernest Joseph M.B., B.S. 1903 SPRING, John Patrick M.B, B.S. 1898 SPRING, William' Ambrose M.B., B.S. 1910 SPROULE, George Moore B.A. 1911 SPROULE, Theodora May B.A. 1917 STAFFORD, Clarence McClelland Thompson B.A. 1917 STANBROOK, Agnes Alice Mui. Bac. 1918 STANG, Eleanor Margrethe M.B., B.S. 1914 STANHOPE, Reginald Alfred Browning.. B.V.Sc. 1918 STANLEY', Oharles M.B., B.S. 1897 ST.VNLBY, Henry Riddell M.B., B.S. 1914 STANTON. John Joseph B.D.Sc 1883 STEEL, John M.B.. B.S. .1893 STEEL, William Hart .. B.A. • 1907 STEELE, James Alexander Mus. Bac' 1915 STENNING. Arthur Ernest M.B..B.S. 1914 STEPHEN, Clive Travers M.B., B.S. 1914 STEPHENS. Lytton Vernon B.D-Sc. 1918 STEPHENS, West-more Frank M.B., B.S. 1910 STEPHENSON, Dorothy .... (Tasmania) B.A. 1918 STEPHENSON, Keith Arnold M.B., B.S. 1916 STEVENS, Floyd Lawrence B.D.Sc. 1913 STEVENS, Percy jVlcxander iVi.B., U.S. 1897 STEWABT, Percy Bloomfield MB., B.S- 1906 STEWART, John McKellar B.A. 1906 STEW.VRT, Margaret Grace Stuart (nee Bothroyd) B.A. 1916 STEWART, Mervyn Athol M.B..B.S. 1915 STEWART, William B.A. 1915 STEWART, William Edward B.Agr.Sc. 1901 STILLWELL, Effie M.B., B.S. 1918 ST. LEDGER, Anthony Waddington .... M.B., B.S. ' 1887 STOKES, Nellie Henrietta Owen (nee Wilcox) B.A. 1893 STONE, Emily Mary Page M.B, B.S. 1912 STONE, Francis William M.B., B.S. 1891 STONE. Grace Clara M.B., B.S. 1918 STOOKE, Floris Merle B.A. 1910 STOREY', Elsdon B.D.Sc. 1897 STOTHBRS, Nelly ".. B.A. 1918 STOTT, Ronald Guruey .. M.B., B.S. 812 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1915 STRACHAN, James Ford LL.B. 1892 STRAHAN, Edward Alfred,. .. .. M.B. 1911 STRAHAN, Frank B.A., LL.B. 1900 STRAHAN, Septimus George .. .. M.B., B.S. 1913 STREDWIOK, Henry Thomas B.D.Sc 1874 STRETCH. John Francis B.A.. LL.B. 1894 STRETTLE, William Stratford B.C.E. 1916 STRETTON Leonard Edward Bishop .. LL.B. 1893 STRONG, Robert Henry M.B., B.S. 1914 STUART, Gerald Eugene Macdonald . M.B.. B.S. 1916 STUBBS, Charles William Oswald .. .. B.Sc. 1916 STUOHBERY, Harold Morton B.V.Sc. 1918 SULLIVAN. Oharles Frederic B.Sc, 1907 SUMMONS. Viva St. George (nee Sproule) M.B., B.S. , 1911 SUTOL1FFE, Ernest' Weston M.B..B.S. 1860 'SUTHERLAND, Alexander M.B, B.S. 1903-.SUTHERLJVND, Bertram Milne MB,B.S. 1908 SUTHERLAND. Breuda B.Sc. 1918 SUTHERLAND. Ian Hugh B.A. 1899 SUTHERLAND, Katharine Margaret • Edwards B.JV 1895 SUTTON. jVnuic B.A. 1887 SUTTON, Charles Stanford M.B., B.S. 1893 SUTTON, Ernest Robinson . M.B. B.S. 1904 SUTTON. George M.B. B.S 1916 SUTTON, Robert Esmond B.A. 1909 SUTTON, Theodore Carlton .. B.Sc. 1909 SWAN. Ernest Ashby B.A. 1895 SWEET, William Sidney B.Sc, B.C.E. 1914 SWEETMAN. Sarah Kate B.A. 1907 SWEETNAM, Herbert William M.B., B.S. 1912 SWINDLE!', Alice Margaret B.A. 1382 SYME. Herbert John LL.B. 1915 SYMONDS. Stanley Leplastrier ...... B V Sc

T 1900 T.VIT, Catharine Munro 'B.A 1916 T.VIT. James Blair LL.B. 1872 TAIT, Lithgow B.A 1899 TAIT, Mary Ethel B.A. 1912 TAIJJOT, Norman Charles M.B..B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 815

1880 TAYLOR, Arthur Bertram B.A. 1915 TAYLOR. Charles Anthony B.Sc. 1897 TAYLOR, Godfrey Unwin M.B., B.S. 1900 TAYLOR, James Boyne B.A. 1901 TAYLOR, John Stewart B.A; 1913 TERRY. Claude Herbert B.D.Sc. 1917 TEVLIN, John Michael Joseph .. B.A. 1900 THOM, Agnes Deborah (n6e Thomson).. B.A. 1910 THOM, Leslie Niven B.Sc. 1910 THOMAS, Elsie Lillian MB., B.S. 1898 THOMAS, Frederiok Michael M.B., B.S. 1900 THOMAS, John B.A. 1907 THOMAS, Lewis B.A. 1909 THOMPSON, Bryce John B.D.Sc. 1908 THOMPSON, Charles Oeorge M.B., B.S. 1918 THOMPSON. Charles George Laufear .. B.M.E. 1913 THOMPSON, Clifton Leonard B.D.Sc 1898 THOMPSON, James MB., B.S. 1896 THOMSON, John William B.A. 1911 THOMSON, Norman Francis Joseph .. B.Agr.Sc. 1884 THOMSON, Peter B.A. 1898 THORN, Frances Elizabeth Mary (nee Remington) B.JV. 1907 THORNE, Albert Eli B.A. 1917 THORNE. Albert Robert M.B..B.S. 1913 THWAITES, James Alexander B.D.Sc. 1887 THWAITES, Johnstone Simon M.B. 1893 THYNNE, Alexander William B.A. 1858 THYNNE, Robert B.A. 1915 TILLEY, Edith Garner B.A. .1896 TINDALE, Edward .. B.C.E. 1907 TIPPING, Frank M.B., B.S. 1914 TIPPING, Patrick Joseph B.A., LL.B. 1900 TISDALL, Henry Frederick B.C.E. 1915 TODD. William Clark B.D.Sc. 1917 TONKIN, Henry Lycett B.jV. 1918 TOOHEY. Patrick John LL.B. 1875 TOWERS, Arthur Wellesley B.A. 1916 TOWNS, Reginald Whyte B.D.Sc. 1914 TOWNSEND, Edward Henry B.A. 1904 TOWNSEND, Leonard Sizar B.A. 1888 TRAILL, John Cuthbert B.A., B.C.E. 1915 TREACEY, Ambrose John B.D.Sc. 1901 TREGEAR, William George Herbert .. M.B., B.S. 814 GKADUJVTES NOT MEMBERS OK SENATE.

1916 TREGONNING, Donald Rupert Charles M.B, B.S. 1917 TREMBATH, William Richard M.B., B.S. 1917 TBEYVAUD, Frank Alfred B.JV. 1901 TRIJVDO, Antonio Joseph James .. .. M.B., B.S. 1917 TRIGGE, Hubert Hedely B.A. 1915 TRINCA, Francis Louis M.B..B.S. 1879 TROOD. Charles John M.B., B.S. 1914 : TROOD, Thomas Victor B.D.Sc 1916 TRUMBLE, Hugh Compson M.B.. B.S. 1917 TRUMPY, David Ernest M.B., B.S. 1911 TUCKER, Adelaide Thelma B.A. 1903 TUCKER, Cecil Finn M .B- 1912 TUCKER, Clifton Eric M.B.. B.S. 1917 TUCKER, Henry B.V.Sc. 1908 TUCKER, Kate Agnes B.A. 1915 TUCKER, Richard Stanley B.C.E. 1897 TULLOOH, Sylvester Stephen Gregorie B.C.E. 1897 TULLOH, Colin Alexander B.C.E. 1905 'TULLOH, William Edward M.B., B.S. 1904 TUOMY', 'Clare Dorothea B.A. 1896 TURNBULL, Edmund George BCE. 1918 TURNBULL, Mary Ijotte B.A. 1898 TURNER, Gilbert Ramsay Cumming .. BCE. 1915 TURNER, Leslie Fielding B.A., LL.B. 1915 TURNER, Lindsay Robert LL.B. 1904 TURNER, William Charles Blanchley .. M.B..B.S. 1914 TWEBDIE, Marshall Gordon B.D.Sc 1913 TYERJ3, jVlexander Mackenzie B.O.E. 1916 TYMMS, Albert Oscar Vincent B.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1894 TYMMS, Herbert George M.B., B.S. 1910 TYRIE, Edwin M.B., B.S.

TJ 1878 ULBRICK, John Charles Frederick .. .. B.JV. 1911 UTBER, Prank Leslie M.B., B.S. 1914 UTBER, Walter Bird M.B..B.S.

"V" 1894 VALE, Grace M.B., B.S. 1917 VAN BJVBR, Ludwig Joseph August .. .. B.A. 1894 VANCE, William Booker MB., B.S. GRADUATE.S NOT MEMBERS OK SENATE. 815

1915 VAN NOOTEN, Oharlotta Margaretha Hoola .. .. B.A. 1884 VASEY, George Brinsdeu B.A., LL.B. 1884 VAUGHAN, Alfred 1'urdrre M.B., B.S. 1912 VERDON, Lucy B.Sc. 1913 VINES. Alice Rebecca B.A. 1896 VIRTUE, Florence Emily B.A. 1906 VOGLER, Henry Hale M.B., B.S. 1895 vo.N HAAST, Heinrich Ferdinand (N.Z.) LL.B. 1914 VROLAND, John Wilfrid Scott LL.B.

"W. 1914 WADE, Edith Eliza Theodora B.A. 1918 WADE, Isabel B.Sc. 1913 WAITT, Grace Elizabeth Foster B.A. 1918 WALKER, Doris Maude B.A. 1918 WALES, John B.A. 1900 WALKER, George Harold LL.B. 1915 WALKER. Leslie B.D.Sc. 1912 • WALKLATE, Cyril John B.A. 1918 WALL, James jVugustus M.B., B.S. 1916 WALLACE, Esther B.A. 1901 WALLACE, Helen Eveline B.A. 1906 WALLACE, Patrick John .. B*A. 1918 WALLACE. Victor Huco M.B., B.S. 1890 WALLEN, George B.A. 1915 WALLER. Arthur James B.A. 1894 WALSH, Alfred Ernest M.B., B.S. 1900 WALSH, Gerald M.B., B.S. 1902 WALSHE. Denis Byrne M.B..B.S. 1915 WALTERS, Robert Love .. B.D.Sc 1915 WALTHAM, John Bromby B.A. 1915 WANKLYN. Douglas Endell .. LL.B. 1913 WJVNNJVN, William Ijewellen Fearn .... LL.B. 1896 WARD, Edith Mary B.A. 1914 WABD, Harold Whitfield M.B., B.S. 1907 WARD. John M.B., B.S. 1916 WABDLE, Robert Norman B.V.Sc. 1904 WARNE, Edith Melora B.A. 1915 WARNE, James .. .. M.B., B.S. 1885 WARREN, Arthur Joseph B.A. 1912 WARREN, John Henry B.A. 816 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1895 WASSELL, James Lake B.A., LL.B. 1915 WATERHOUSE, Arthur Robert' M.B.. B Si 1918 WATERS, Horace Stanley M.B., B.S. 1917 WATERS, James William B.A. 1911 WATKINS, Arthur Moorhouse M.B., B.S. 1901 WATKINS, Mary Annie B.A. 1910 WJVTSON, Amy El'izabeth (nee Beard) .. B.A. 1916 WATSON, Charles Eric M.H., B.S. • 1911 WJVTSON, Charles Gilbert Marriott .. B.A. 1918 WATSON. Francis John .. B.Sc. 1911 WJVTSON, Lindsay George Herbert (Sydney) B.A. 1891 WATSON-LISTER, Annie (nee Lister) .. B.A. 1914 WATSON, Mary Margaret B.A. 1906 WAWN, Royle Newton M.B., B.S. 1908 WAY, Inman M.B.. B.S. 1894 WEBB, Arthur Bridges M.B., B.S. 1888 WEBB, Francis Edward MB.. B.S. 1914 WEBB, George Sydney B.A. 1889 WEBB, James Ramsay M.B..B.S. 1867 WEBB, Thomas Prout .. ..' ...... B.A. 1916 WEBB, Vernon George M.B..B..S. 1914 WEBBER, William Hamilton .Mus. Bac. 1898 WEBSTER, Charles Franklin Garcia .. B.Sc, M.B.. B.S. 1916 WEBSTHK.Olaronce William Willoughby B.A. 1912 WEBSTER, Leslie Cyril B.D.Sc 1899 WEBSTER, Bdgar Ernest M.B., B.S. 1914 WEBSTER, Norman Leslie Douglas -.. .. B.A. 1914 WEBSTER, Robert Marriott William .. M.B..B.S. 1905 WEIGALL, Albert .. .. M.B., B.S. 1892 WEIGALL", Gerald Carl M.B., B.S. 1885 WEIGALL, Reginald Edward M.B. 1902 WEIR, Albert Antliff M.B., B.S. 1906 WEIR, Laura M.B., B.S. 1879 WELCHMAN, John Arthur Cromwell .. M.B., B.S. 1915 WELSH, Alexander Carl .. B.A. 1871 WEST, John Dobbyn (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.A. 1913 WEST, John Melville B.Agr.Sc. 1870 WEST, William Henry B.A. 1889 WESTACOTT. John Bayley B.A. 1867 WBSTBY, Edmund Wright ., ..(Cam.) LL.B. 1911 WESTON, Edward Alexander B.V.Sc. 1906 WBTTENHJVLL, Roland Ravenscroft .. M.B., B.S. 1914 WHEATLJVND, Frank Travis M.B., B.S. GRAUU.VTES NOT MEMBERS OK SENATE. 817

1917 WHITAKER, John Grieve M.B., BS. 1917 WHITBY, Claude Raymond B.D.Sc 1910 WHITE, Augustus Branstone B.V.Sc. 1895 WHITE, Douglas Oakley M.B., B.S. 1895 WHITE, George Vincent M.B., B.S- 1917 WHITE, James Munlock B.M.E. 1889 WHITE. James Purvcs M.B. 1917 WHITE, Laura. Margaret B.Sc. 1916 WHITE, Newport Benjamin B.JV. 1903 WHITEHEAD. Louis Murray B.CE. 1915 WHITEHEAD. Percy Newall- M.B..B.S. 1898 WHITEHEAD, Trixic Geraldine B.A. 1911 WHITPORD, Raymond Stanley M.B..B.8. 1914 WHITLAM, Harry Frederick Ernest LL.B. 1916 WIIITTAM, Thomas John Kevin .. .. M.B., B.S. 1888 WHITTY, Harold Palmer .. . (Cam.) B.A. 1918 WHJTWORT1I, Stanley Howarth B.V.Sc 1916 WHYBKOW, Lilian Avis B.A. 1917 WHYTE, John William B.A. 1909 WIOKENS, George Henry M.B., B.S. 1914 WICKENS, Hugh Frederic M.B., B.S. 1884 WIGHT, John Cam M.B., B.S. • 1915 WIGLEY. John Edwin Mackonochie .. .. M.B., B.S. 1873 WILKIE, David William Balfour .. .. M.B. 1901 WILKINSON, Annie Jean (nee Simpson) B.Sc. 1886 WILKINSON, Arthur Mackenzie .. .. M.B. 19)3 WILKINSON. Dorothy Irene B.A. 1905 WILKINSON, Isabella M.B., B.S. 1914 WILKINSON, Jeffrey Wilmott M.B., B.S. 1896 WILKINSON, Thomas B.A., LL.B- 1910 WILKINSON, William Stanley B.D.Sc. 1894 WILKS, Joseph .. ." B.CE. 1904 WILLIAMS, Adela M.B..B.S. 1910 WILLIAMS, Clive Morrice LL.B. 1882 WILLIAMS, Ernest Thurston B.A. 1891 WILLIAMS, Hartley Eyre B.A., LL.B. 1911 WILLIAMS, Henry James M.B., B.S. 1916 WILLIAMS, Ida Nellie B.A. 19)5 WILLIAMS. John Rhys M.B.,B.S. 1900 WILLIAMS, William B.A- • 1696 WILLIAMS, William Ernest M.B..B.S. 1898 WILLIAMSON, William John LL.B. 1915 WILLIS. Carl Bleackley B.D.Sc. 1915 WILLIS. Horace Ernest B.D.Sc. 818 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1911 WILLIS, Jack Rupert Law M.B.. B.S. 1915 WILLIS, Ruth Selina B.A. 1913 WILLS, Eric Wilfrid B.D.Sc. 1907 WILSON, Alfred Roscoe B.A." 1899 WILSON, Charles Ernest Cameron .. .. M.B., B.S. 1890 WILSON, Charles William B.A. 1900 WILSON, Egbert James .. B.CE. 1913 WILSON, James Beith B.D.Sc. 1914 WILSON, John Raymond B.A. 1901 WILSON, Matthew B.A. 1894 WILSON, Mercy Jane M.B., B.S. 1906 WILSON, Norman Leslie Galloway .. B.A., MB., B.S. 1910 WILSON, Reginald Charles B.Sc. 1892 WILSON, Thomas Alexander M.B., B.S. 1917, WINDMILL, Annie Winifred M.B..B.S. 1896 WING ATE, Hamilton More .. (Glasgow) B.Sc. 1900 WINGROVE, Bobert Lindsay B.A., LL.B. 1917 WINN, Thomas Worley -..' B.Sc. 1897 WINNEKE, Henry Christian B.A., LL.B. 1908 WINTEBBOTHAM, Lindsey Page .. .'. M.B.. B.S. 1915 WISEWOULD, Gweneth M.B.. B.S. 1915 WITHERS, Muriel B.A. 1902 WITHERS, Violet Muriel B.A. 1914 WITHINGTON, Ernest Edward B.A. 1899 WITHINGTON, Robert Oharles M.B.. B.S. 1916 WITTMANN, Ronald Erlau B.D.Sc. 1879 WOINARSKI, Stanislaus Emil Antony • Zichy M.B., B.S. 1892 WOINARSKI, Victor Joseph Emanuel Zichy M.B., B.S. 1910 WOOD, Bertha ' B.Sc. 1904 WOOD, Oastalie (nee Coblyn) B.A. 1874 WOOD, Oharles B.A. 1904 WOOD, Francis Aldersley M.B., B.S. 1887 WOOD, John James O'Hara B.A. 1917 WOOD. Mona Veronica B.A. 1913 WOOD, Percival B.D.Sc. 1917 WOODHOUSE, Mortimer John B.Agr.Sc. 1905 WOODROFFE, Leonard Charles Hale .. B.C.E. 1916 WOODS, Eric William Bereslord .... M.B., B.S. 1915 WOODS, Robert Grieve M.B., BS. 1912 WOODYJVRD, Irene Winifred jVnna Hunt (n(5e Paten) LL.B. J917 WOROH. Desmond Chisholm '. .. M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENJVTE. 819

1884 WRIGHT, David ". B.A., LL.B. 1915 WRIGHT. Ellen Maud (nee Balaam) .. M.B..B.S. 1916 WRIGHT, Robert Adrian B.D.Sc. 1915 WRIGHT, Thomas Alfred M.B., B.S. 1893, WRIGHT, William B.A., LL.B 19i7 WRIXON, Harold B.O.E. 1915 WDNDERLBY. Harry Wyatt M.B.. B.S. 1913 WUNDBRLEY, James B.D.Sc. 1918 WYNNE, Thomas Gillis M.B.. B.S.

"5T 1897 YELLAND, Alfred Charles William .. M.B., B.S. 1906 YOUNG, Andrew Stewart M.B., B.S. 1898 YOUNG, Gerald William B.C.E. 1913 YOUNG, John Wilkie M.B., B.S. 1914 YOUNG, Eobert Percy M.B., B.S. 1895 YOUNG, William Henry B.C.E. 1910 YUILLE, Alan Neil M.B. B.S. 1914 YUILLE, Max MB.; B.S. 1909 YULE, John Smythe M.B., B.S. 1915 YULE, Robert Eric B.D,,Sc

1913 ZERCHO. Charles Henry B.A.

List of Civil Engineers. ASKEW, David Christopher '. .. .. 1882 BARKER, William 1873 BENNIE, John 1874 BROWN, William 1880 OHASB, Lloyd Heber 1882 CORNISH, Alfred 1877 PITZHERBERT, Edward 1882 PHASER, James Hamilton 1880 HADLEY, Arthur Capel 1881 HUTCHINSON, Jeremiah 1873 JOHNSTONE, James 1873 KING, Herbert Alexander 1881 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred 1885 McKENZIE, George 1883 MURRAY, Thomas 1883 PJVRRY, Edward William 1884 PJVUL, Arthur William Leake 1879 RENNICK, William Robert 1884 SHAW, Ebenezer ...'...... 1887 SIMS, William 1889 WALKER, William 1883 WILSON, David MoHat 1881

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma in Music. BELL, Christina 1907 BLAUBAUM, Meta 1898 BOEHME, Emily Amanda .. ..- 1899 BOWLEY, Mary 1894 BRAITHWAITE, Annie Louisa 1912 BROCK, Grace Hope 1906 BROMBY, Phyllis 1913 BBOWN, Emma Nodin (nee Wilcox) 1908 BROWNE, Constance May 1E97 BRUCHE. Minnie Dorothea 1900 BYRNE, Catherine Creily Alice 1905 CAMPBELL, Eobina Ellen 1913 CAPI.ES, Agnes 1910 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 8L'I

CJVRTON, Alice Maurice 1699 CHJVPPBL, Josephine .1 1907 CHRISTOPHER, Elsie Vaughan 1905 CLUTSAM, Fred '. 1896 COCKS, Annie Edith 1898 COLLINS, Florence Ellen (nee Towl) .. 1897 CONNELL. Jeannie 1898 DARKE, Frances Kildahl 1911 DONOVAN, Adelaide 1900 ELVINS, Harold Stanley 1899 FORTUNE, Agnes Isabella 1910 FRANCIS, Winifred 1906 FRANKLIN, Myrtle Ruth 1915 GILCHRIST, Elizabeth Mary 1896 GILIJ.VN, Margaret 1918 GJVRLICK, Marion Isobel (n£e Skinner) 1908- GRJVY', Ruby Oonatance 1899 HANSON, Elsie Muriel 1906 .HARDY, Edith Alary 1918 HARLIN, Enid Margaret ,. 1899 HARTRIOK, Laura Elizabeth 1906 IIELEY, Beryl 1909 HENRY. Eleanor Mary 1907 HOEE, Maria Elizabeth 1912 KENNEDY, jVnnie .. 1906 KENNY', Garrett Cyril 1913 KNOX, Isabel 1908 LAMPERD, Ellis Mary 1917 LIDDY, Myrtle 1918 LjVNGPORDi Rose 1910 LILLEY, Constance Louise 1906 LONG, Mabel Linda 1899 LOUGHRAN, Laura Rose 1909 LUSH, Mabel Mary Hailes 1905 LYHANE, Lily 1905 MACDONALD, Margaret (nee Sugden) 1900 McKINLEY, Elizabeth. Jennie 1906 MACMASTEE. Dorthea Eileen 1918 MACNEIL, Ella Waverley 1908 MAPLESTONB, Doris Ethel 1906 MASON, Elieabeth Amy. Brookes 1912 MITCHELIJ, Ruth 1917, MOCKRIDGE, Myrtle Edith 1915 MOSS. Irene Rita 1918 822 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

NIGHTINGALE, Amy Lirum 1906 NOTT, Jessie Watson (nee Elliott) 1898 PEABD, Edith Fleetwood 1905 PFJVNNBNSTIEL, Ketty 1914 PIEECBY, Ethel Beatrice .. 1917 PLEYDELL. Amy A 1915 PROUT, Ettie Louisa .. .. 1906 RAFF, Edith 1910 READING, Fanny 1914 RITCHIE, Jean Isabel 1907 ROSS, Ethel Isabel .. 1908 ROWAN, May Cicely 1907 SEWARD, Irene Victoria 1905 3I8SONS, Madge 1912 SMITH, Amy Matilda 1900 SMITH, Grace Marion 1913 SMITH, Harold Oinclair 1900 SMITHBES, Herbert Welsford 1913 STEELING, Ida Gray 1910 VALE, Hazel Ruth 1913 WHITLEY. Elizabeth Viney 1900- WINGPIELD, Emmie 1904 YOCNG, Jessie Stewart 1899

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Education. ABEiRCROMBIE. Hannah jVbercrombie 1917 ADAMS, Agnes Alice '.. 1912 ADAMS, Alfred Ernest 1906 ADAMSON, Samuel Arthur Gordon 1917 AHERN, Eugene Kevin 1910 AKBBOYD, Joseph 1907 ALIJINSON, Frederick William -1916 ALMOND, William Thomas 1910 ANOHBN. John Oscar 1909 ANDREW, Myrtle Annie Eileen 1916 ANDREWS, Dorothy Meares 1918 ANKER8EN, Sarah 1912 ARCHER, Francis Henry Joseph .. .. 1913 ARMITAGE, Richard William 1912 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 823

BAKER, Mary 1909 BARKMJVN, Frances .. 1909 BARN.VBY", John 1914 BJVRNES, IjOis Florence 1916 BARRY, Albert Milton . 1916 BARTELS, Margaret Mary Joseph 1911 BARTHOLD, BIsa Evelyn 1911 BARTLBY', John Norman 1916 BATY, Violet Ada 1912 BAYFORD. John Airy 1908 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard ; .. 1909 BENNETT, Herbert Percival 1907 BERNADOU, Mary Ijouise 1915 BIENVBNU,'Reginald Guerin 1907 BISHOP, William James 1914 BLENKIRON, Ernest William 1917 BOURKE, Margaret Theresa 1913 BOWDEN. Gertrude Sophia .. .. 1914 BRADLY, Charles Martin 1906 BRENNAN, Clare -.. 1910 BRIGGS, Arnold Archibald Fitzroy 1910 BROCK. Marion Margaret 1915 BROWN, Jane Kathleen Officer 1918 BBOWN, Jean Gladys , .. .. 1912 BROWN, John Heury 1914 BROWNE, George Stephenson 1913 BULLEID, William Henry 1909 BURKE, Maria Lodivia 1913 BURNS, Margaret Josephine 1912 BURNS, Rosina 1914 BUTCHERS, Arthur Gordon .. 1913 BUTLER. Violet Mary 1916 BYRNE, Henry William 1907 CALDWELL, James 1917 CALLANAN. Eileen Elizabeth .. 1908 CALLISTER, Alice 1914 CAMERON, Maud Martha 1911 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion ".. .. 1910 CAMPBELL, Frederiok William John 1913 CAMPBELL, Jessie Florence 1916 CARDIFF, Mollie Josephine 1914 CARNB, Alfred Oeorge 1915 CJVRSON, Martha Elspeth 1911 CARTER, Harold Edwin ^ .. 1914 824 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

OE RUTTY, Leonard James 1914 OHBNEY, Gladys Muriel George 1918 CLJVYTON, Reginald George 1917 COOKE, Alma Grace 1916 COOKE, John Beggs 1917 CRAWFORD, Katharine Norman 1912 OROWTHER, Henry Arnold 1911 CUMMINS, James Peter 1915 DAFP, Charles Griffith Swallow 1910 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman 1910 DEAN. Ethel Grace 1917 DBBNEY, Dulcie Vida 1911 DERRICK, Estelle Mary 1916 DIOK, Norman Paterson 1911 DICKINSON, Sydney Rushbrook 1915 DICKINSON, Thomas Edgerton 1912 DONALD, Joseph Alfred .. ..' 1917 DRUMMOND,. Hilda Blflpeth 1917 DUNN, Ernest Victor 1911 DUNN, Henry Francis 1909' DUNPHY, Annie Catherine 1918 EDDY, Leslie John .. 1916 EDWARDS, Alfred William Thomas 1917 EMPEY, William Arthur .. .. .' •• .. 1915 FAIRLIE. Ernest Robert 1912 FJVRRELL, Winifred Imelda .. ; 1911 FENNER. Charles jVlbert Edward .. 1913 FLINN, Janet 1912 FLYNN, Kate Elizabeth 1907 FOLEY. Lillian Mary 1917 FORBES. Catherine Ellen Mary 1908 PORDYCE, William Cleveland 1907 FORSTER, Catherine Mary 1911 FOWLER, Madge : .. .. 1911 FRASER, Simon William 1918 FRAZER. George Thornton 1916 FRUSHEE. Ada Maud .. 1918 GALLAGHER. Edward 1911 GEORGE, James Raymond 1915 GAULT, Marjorie 1915 GILBERT, Noela 1915 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramley 1908 GLANCY, Ruth Mary 1913 GLJVSS, Constance 191S GRADUATES NOT .MEMBERS OF SENATE. 82.;>

CODING, James Emanuel 1912 GRAHAM, Thomas Oswald 1913 GRAINGER. Olive May 1915 GRATTON, Norman Murray Gladstone 1913 GRIFFIN, David Charles 1915 GRIFFITHS, John Leslie Irwin 1911 GROVE, John AVilliam 1914 GUY, William ..' 1912 GWILLIM, Arthur Edward 1909 HADDOW, James Douglas 1913 HAILES, Helen 1912 HAMLEY', Herbert Russell 1913 HARDY, Gerald 1915 HARE. Mary Irene 1917 HJVRRIS, Alison 1917 HARRIS, Bessie Margery Godwin 1918 HARRIS, Hilda Florence 1918 HARRIS, William John 1911 HAWKYARD, Edward Francis 1915 HAYWARD, William Isaac 1911 HEALY', Eileen Mary 1916 HEBBARD, Frank Furneaux 1915 HENDERSON, Kenneth Thome 1912 HEPBURN, Mary Elsie 1917 HOBBS, Wilfred Melville 1917 HOLMES, Arthur Richard 1907 HOLMES, Edgar Charles .. 1915 HOLMES. Margaret 1911 HOPTON. Arthur James 1912 HOWARD. Mary Wilson 1912 HOY. Alice 1915 HUGHES, Florence Ida 1913 HUNT. Harriett Ellen Louisa 1916 HUNTER. Clara 1915 HUNTER, Grace 1913 HUTCHINSON. Mary Ethel 1917 HUTTON, Mary 1911 IRVINE, Arthur John 1907 IRWIN, William Henry 1910 JAMES, Albert Victor George 1909 JAMIESON. Nelson l/ovc 1918 JAPP. Hermann Asraus 1911 JONES, Paul 1912 JOSKE. Enid 1913 JOSKE. Lorna -. ... 1916 826 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

KEKWICK. Mary Hazel 1915 KELLAWAY', Gwendoline Jane 1911 KELLAWAY. Kathleen 1915 KELLY, Emma Ellen 1915 KIMLIN, James 1913 KNIGHT. Andrew Thomas 1910 LANGFORD, Florence Victoria 1911 LANGLEY, George Furner 1914 LAW, Arthur James 1914 LEAOH, Edwin Isaac 1912 LEE, Violet Jane 1912 LE LIEVRE, William John 1916 LE SOUEF, Hilda 1915 LEWIS, Ernest James .- 1915 LOOKHART, Margaret Daphne 1911 LOEMBR, Arthur 1914 LOTHIAN, Elizabeth Inglis 1914 McOANCE, Olive Margaret 1914 McCOOK, Hannah Harvey (nee Simpson) 1910 MoCOWAN, Jeannie 1912 McORINDLB, Hazel Morell 1912 MACAN3H, Kathleen Mary 1918 MACDONALD, Ethel Mary Gumming 1912 MADDER. Gwendoline Ellery 1918 MCKJVY, Lucy Mary 1913 McKAY, Mary Hilda 1909 McKIMM, William Harold Thomas 1913 McLACHLAN, Dugald 1906 McLEAN, Ethel'Margaret 1914 McNICOLL, Walter Ramsay 1912 McRAE, James 1906 McSWEENY, Jeremiah Berchmans 1918 MJVRKS, Jonah 1918 MASON, Edith Shaw 1913 MATCHES, Alice Lilian 1910 MILLAR, Leonard James 1916 MORRISSEY, Olivet Elma 1913 MOSCROP, Charles 19)4 MULCAHY', Mary Rosina 1914 MYLRRA, Ernest Wallace 1915 NALL, Eric Lindsay .. . 1913 NETTLBTON, Percy 1913 NOOTEN, Charlotta Margaretha Hoola van 1914 O'BRIEN, Edmund Alfred 1911 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 827

O'BRIEN, Robert 1915 OLDMEADOW, Louisa, Devereux 1918 ORTON, Albert Robinson 1916 OSBORNE, George Alfred 1909 PARKER, George Edward 1907 PARNELL, Hermiene Friederica (nee Ulrieh) .. .. 1913 PAWSEY, Charles Joseph 1916 PERRIN, Kate 1911 PETERS. Gladys Miriam 1916 PHELJVN, Thomas Joseph Pierce 1918 PHILLIPS, Gilbert Edgar 1912 PITTMAN. Randall Thomas 1915 POLGLAZE, William Henry 1917 PORTER, George Alfred 1912 PRICE, Ethel Ernestine 1911 PRITCHARD, Ernest William 1917 RANKIN, Donald Hamilton 1910 KEVELL, Harry Heathcote 1912 R INTEL, Horace Lisle .. ..- 1913 RITCHIE, Thomas Reid 1918 RIVETT, Stella (nee Deakin) 1908 ROBINSON, Alice Louise 1913 ROBINSON; Hilda Marion .. ..- 1918 ROCHE, Gertrude Mary 1913 ROSS, Elizabeth Annie 1915 ROWELL, Joseph Addison 1912 RUSSELL, Aubrey William 1908 RYAN, William Owen 1908 SANDNBR, Lily 1917 SCANLAN, Margaret Mary 1913 SOARFF, Charles Thompson 1911 SOOTT, Thomas Farrar 1909 SEARBY, Daisy 1915 SECOMB. Ada Pearl .. 1914 SHANKLY, Daisy 1913 SHANN, Frank 1912 SHARMAN, Percy John .. 1916 SIMCOCKS. George Alfred 1915 S1SSONS. Alfred Thomas Stanley 1915 SKINNER, Amy Gertrude Maud 1913 SMITH, Mary Grace 1916 SMITH, Robert Tait 1917 9PR.VKE, Edward James .. .. 1916 SPROULE. Theodora May 1912 STAFFORD, Edith Ermyn Willielma 1917 828 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

STERLING, Edith Jane 191Z STEPHENS, Botha Mary 1912 STILLWELL, Olive Henrietta 1914 STOCKDJVLE, Henry 1917 STUART, Thomaa Henry 1911 SWEETMAN. Edward 1915 SWEETMAN, Sarah Kate 1911 SWINBURNE, Gwendolen Hamer 1917 SYME, Eveline Winifred 1914 TATTAM, Eunice 1914 TJVYTJOR, Alice (nee Brokenshire) 1910 TAYLOR, Dora Beatrice 1913 THOMJVS. Frank Emerson 1913 THOMAS, Frederick William 1907 THOMPSON, Leslie Muir 191S TILLEY, Edith Garner 1913 TIPPING, Martha Bergin 1912 TOLHURST. Ella White % 1912 TONO WAY, Samuel John .. ..' 1917 TONKIN, Henry Lycett 1915 TOWNSEND, Edward Henry 1909 TREMBATH, Richard Henry 1915 TREYVAUD, Frank Alfred' 1907 TURRI. Edna 1911 VAREY, Joseph Walter Leslie 1915 VEAL, Mildred Bartram .. 1916 VERDON, Lucy 1914 VIAL, Stanley Browning 1908 VINES, Ernest Harold 1912 WALLACE, George Gilbert 1907 WALLER. Arthur James 1915 WALLER. William Alexander 1913 WANNJVN, William Lewellen Peam 1916 WATERS, Clive Gnilfoyle 1907 WATERS, James William 1918 WATSON, Alberta Olive .. 1910 WATSON, Mary Margaret 1914 .WELSH. Alexander Oarl 1912 WHEAT, Aiice Edith 1915 WHEEN, Agnes 1913 WILKINSON. Dorothy Irene 1912 WILLIAMS. Ida Nellie 1917 WILLIAMS, Olive Leete 1915 WILSON. Mary Duustan ' 1908 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.' 82i>

WINGROVE, Bessie 1907 WITHERS, Muriel 1914 WITHINGTON, Ernest Edward 1910 WOOD, Mona Veronica 1918 WOODLOOK, Edmund Sabas 1913

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Public Health. GBEIO. Jane Stocks .. 1910 JOHNSTON, John ' 100ft PARK, Charles Leslie 1915 SUMMONS, Samuel William Henry 1911 SUMMONS. Walter Ernest 1908 THOMSON, John Rae Menzies •• 1909

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Analytical Chemistry. OOLI.tE, Oeorge 1914 McOORMIOK, John Thomas 1910' PARKIN, Arthur Francis 1915 URQUHART, Hugh Campbell 1915

List of Persons who have obtained the License in Veterinary Science. ANDREW, Charles Edward 1910 BISHOP, Francis Alin Chartres 1912 OLARK, Alwyn Leslie McKenzie 1912 FAULKNER. Henry Andrew 1915 FBTHERS. Geoflrey Ernest 1918 FINNEY, William Henry 1914 GRANT, Ross 1910 HEYWOOD, Reginald Harrdman 1916 S30 GRADUATES NOT MEMBBRS OF SENATE.

HORE, Reginald Mitchell 1911 JONES, Frederick Murray 1911 KELLEY", Ralph Bodkin 1914 LUKBY, Edgar Jabez 1911 •MACGRBGOR, William 1915 MAOINDOB, Robert Hall Forman 1911 MOUNTJOY, Stanley Allin 1912 PHILP, Robert Oharles Tasman 1911 REYNOLDS, John Thomas .. 1917 ROBIN, Alan Hugh 1914 RUDD, John Arthur 1914 8HEEHAN, James Barry 1912 TALBOT, Robert John de Courcy ..... 1911 WOOD, Elwea Frederick Browning 1912

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Agriculture. WOODHOUSE, Mortimer John 1914

List of Persons who have obtained the • Diploma of Mining. LEWIS, Keith liannatync ".. .". 1913

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Architecture. BILLSON, Edward Fielder 1915 COKDER. Ernest William 1918 SUTHERLAND, Gordon John 1917 SCHOOL LEAVING, S3I



CLASS LISTS. ENGLISH. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Charles Herbert Murray. Eobert Cecil Bald. Kathleen Bessie Daly Jack >1.ct'iirlaue Fone J Equal. Marjorie Howard Cole Bryant Valentino Alexa Leeper •• Equal. Itobert Samuel William Thomas. Christine Rodger. Thelma Lilian Beatrice jVsche Frank Barton Nicholls > Equal. William Jeftery Trende Harry Uxbridge Best Tom Allistair Falconer Heale | Equal. Marjorie Jean Service. William McLean Borland. Annie Doreen Hensley J Equal. Stephen Henry Roberts Donald Edward Barry Wood | Equal.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit). John Edward Dunn jVdelaide Gertrude Gault Jessie Mona Stuart Grant Hilda Bay ward Beatrice Sharwood }- Equal. Jack Thomas Strachan Phyllis Emmeline Tregcar William Edmond Clair Treyvaud John Francis Williams. €32 EXAMINJVTION RESULTS, 1017-1913.

Edith Margaret Winter Asliton Reginald Bowell Kathleen Gordon Browne Russell Hallel Keou Cohen John Richard H anion Equal. AVilliam Prout Holman Philip Denis King William James O'Lougliliu Ercil Eyres Baynes • Equal. Herbert Ross Blair Allan Wesley Dawes Richard George Hemmy William Andrew Merrylecs Brenda Victoria Rhodes .Equal. Thomas Joseph Ryan Reginald Richard Slioll "Geoffrey Francis Wright W7illiam Armstrong Morris Ashkanasy Beatrice Muriel Berry John Michael Frawley Margaret Josephine Morris Kevin John O'Day ^Equal. -Vrthur Augcll Phillips Helen Fraser Pigott Ruth Rosenberg Robert Reginald Taylor Esther Marion Williams May jVnderson Gertrude Catherine Barrett Alberta jVgnes Bottcrill Charles Byrne Oatharin.; Elizabeth Eales Armagh Robert Grayson •Equal Mary Theresa Morganti Dora Helen Powley Pauline Pusterla Jane Bondfield Stephens Michael John Ennis Adelaide Winniford Hunt Evelyn Mason Langslow Amanda jVnnie Gertrude Licbort Eileen Mary Mardliug • Equal. Norman James Parker Alfred Thorpe Stirling Mary Elizabeth Waite SCHOOL LEAVING. 833

William George Frean Gertrude Wilhelmina Jj'urphey Constance Mary Quirk Henderson Basil Frederick Roberts Stafford J- Equal. Mildred Irene Vial Elizabeth Daisy Wallace Hertha Dulcie Stuart Young .Amelia Gladys Brew Walter Mario Butler Doris Lexie Friend Thomas King Alary Catherine Neilson [-Equal. Henry Pynor David Lewis Gordon Thomas Ethel Victoria Wilcox

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Margaret Lorn jVlston. Howard Lyel) Andrews. Howard Rothwell Archer, llarley Scott Baird. Alice May Bales. Reginald William Bartlett. Charles Algernon Baumgartncr. Beryl Charlotte Beggs. Mavis liracher Bell. Ada Mary Hazel Betts. Rae Bland. Lucille Mary Bloink. Iva Carmen Boniface. William Hortcn Browne. Eileen Ruth Burton. Stella Francis Byrne. Alexander Stephen Callil. Mary Brigid Cantwell. Ivy Gertrude Carroll. Florence, May Chan. Harry James Patrick Charleton. Kathleen Mary Clancy. Ursula Mary Clinton. Charles Balmain Cotes. Andrew Ernest Cromb. S3 1 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1917-10IS.

Mavis Sarah Cuddihv. Joseph Davis. Dorothy Francis Dunn. Cecil Rrnest Eddy. Gerald William Elliott Daisy Ellen Ethcrton. William Antonio Fazio. Ethel May Foster. Wilfrid Henry Frederick. Ralph Arnold Fremlin. Wesley George Catchlove Godbehear. Alfred Mattliew Goldsmith. Adrian Patrick Gorman, riorric Grant. Ernest William Greenluilgli. Charles Edwin Harris. Gerald Hawkins, Sybil Jean' Hawkins. Ernest Henry Hoinanu. Laurance Seymour Horton. John Archibald Hunter. Edward Emanuel Jones. Joseph Francis Joyce. Ellen Frances Ketels. Francis Patrick Kissane. Eleanor Victoria Krome. 1 William Gordon Livingstone. Edwin George Ludgate. ' Tliomas Everett McCann Lumb. John Ramsdcn Lyall.- Kathleen Mary Mardling. jVda Annie Rose Marum. Francis Alfred Ross McBain. Carlyle James Vernon McKeown. William Xeil McKie. Christopher Ralph McRae. Eva Maude Minto. Theresa Mary Monahau. William Morris Muutz. Reginald Ac'lioson Must. Arthur Joseph Nelson. Daniel Joseph Nolan. Douglas Percy Phillips. Ida Abbie Phillips. SCHOOL LEAVING. 835

Florence Mary Pitt. George Oswald Reid. . Frank Conrad Hope Ross. Hazel Marion Scoullar. Eileen Shortill. Mary jVlfreda Skewes. Mary Veronica Smith. Geraldine Adelaide Propsting Storrs. Katharine Maud Sugden. Imelda Tanner. Winifred Margaret 'late. Phyllis Margery Towsley. Doris Tong Way. Alan Berkeley Towler. Alice Kathleen Travis. Joyce Lesley Wat-kin. Nina Wallis Whclpton. Jane White. Vera Gladys Williams. Victor Merrell Wright.

LATIN. First. Class. (Iu Order of Merit). Francis jVlfred Ross McBain. Frederick Baden Langford. John Archibald Hunter } „ , Frank Barton Nicholls | equal. Harry Uxbridge Best. William. Neil McKie. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Robert Cecil Bald Christopher Ralph McRae > Equal. Alfred Thorpe Stirling Charles Herbert Murray ") ., , Kevin John O'Day \, iiqiial. Annie Doreen Hensley. John Gerald Edward Hayden. William Thomas Greening. Joseph James Hurley. 83G EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1017-1913.

7 William George Frean > j, ,.liai Joseph Francis Joyce __ ) Dora Helen Powlcy. Gerald Hawkins. May Anderson. Jean Victoria Odgers. Walter Mario Butler William Keanc Clements /. ,,.. , William Benn Fleming i Jl' Patrick Joseph Scanlan .) Third Class. (tn .Vilphabetical Order). James Latham Baillieu. John Edward Dunn. William Antonio Fazio. John. Michael Frawloy. Edwin George Ludgatc. Reginald Acheson Must. William James O'Loughlin. Valerie Vuna Paling. Florence Mary Pitt. Tliomas Joseph Ryan. William Roy Shields. Vera Gladys Williams.

GREEK. First Class. None. Second Class. Frederick Baden Langford. Third Class. James Latham Baillieu.

FRENCH. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Margaret Josephine Morris Hilda Ravward J Kqual. SCHOOL LEAVING. 837

Evelyn Mason Langslow. Harry Uxbridge Best Charles Herbert Murray { Equal. Francis Alfred Ross McBain. Charles Byrne. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Marjorie Howard Cole Bryant Constance Mary Quirk Henderson '' Equal. Ruby Monk Christopher Ralph McRae '• Equal. Marjorie Jsbol Ramsay Kathleen Mary Clancy Dora Helen Powley ( Equal. Jean Maggie Robertson F.da Holland j\ddcrlcy Herbert Ross Blair Equal. Frank Barton Nicholls Brcnda Victoria Rhodes Beatrice Sharwood } Equal. Justin Hiuton Stevens Beryl Jean Bryce Doris Lexie Friend John Richard Hanlon Mary Veronica Lynch •> Equal Helen Margaret Outhwaite Alfred Thorpe Stirling Beatrice Muriel Berry Lucille Mary Bloink Stella Frances Byrne William Keane Clements [-Equal. John .Archibald Hunter Klcannr Victoria Krome Jane White May .Anderson Muriel Mary Atkyns Amelia Gladys Brew Joseph James Hurley Edna May Morgan Equal. Rupert. Isaac Petschack Christina Rodger Marjorie Jean Service .SU 838 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1M7-191S

Albert John William Ahern 1 John Michael Frawley Elsbeth Greta Alma Gorier [•Equal. Hilda Cecilia Hill I Eileen Mary Mardling J Rae Bland V William George L'rcaii Joseph Henry Sims James I Evelyn Alice Overall \ Equal. Victor Solomon Stone Imelda Tanner Third Class (In Alphabetical Order). William Armstrong. Reginald W:illiam Bartlett. Athelstan Rupert Bicske. Marjorie Kathleen Booth by. Sheila Mary Brady. Alexander Stephen Callil. Mary Brigid Cantwell. Ursula Mary Clinton. Allan Wesley Dawes. Jennie Donovan. Maxwell Edward Dunn. Phyllis Dureau. William Antonio Fazio. William Bcnn Flouring.. Adelaide Gertrude Gault. Frank Mackenzie George. Walter Joseph Groves. Irene Mary Halpiu. Gerald -Hawkins. Richard George Hemmy. Frank Harry Hempel. Kathleen Mary Mardling. Carlyle James Vernon McKeown. William Neil McKic. Mary Theresa Morganti. : Nellie Mulrooney. Reginald Acheson Must. Enid Constance Creighton Neate. Ruth Evaline Newton. Mona Jenny Hazel Nugent. SCHOOL LEAVING.. 839

Kevin John O'Day. Beatrice Parsons. Margaret Mary Payne. Douglas Percy Phillips. Helen Fraser Pigott. Florence Mary Pitt. Margaret Geraldine Phoebe Reed. Thomas Joseph Ryan. Patrick Joseph Scanlan. Rebecca Enid Shuter. Mary Veronica Smith. Jane Bondfield Stephens. Katharine .Maud Sugden. Mary Alice Sullivan. Robert Samuel William Thomas. Madge Charlotte levers Tivey. .Man Berkeley Towlcr. Hilda Florence Tricks. Evelyn Charles Tucker. Mary Elizabeth Waite. Margaret AValsh. Ethel Victoria Wilcox. Esther Marion Williams. Geoffrey Francis Wright.

GERMAN. First Class. Eleanor Victoria Krome ) ,-, , Jean Maggie Roberston j, ^l™1-

Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Hilda Rayward. Christina Rodger. Evelyn Mason Langslow. Marjorie Isbol Ramsay. Ruby Monk. Margaret Josephine Morris. Constance Mary Quirk Henderson. Tmclda Tanner. Tom .Mlistair Falconer Healc. 840 EXAMINATION7 RKSULTS, Kil7-l'JlS.

Third Class. (Iu Alphabetical Order). Jennie Donovan. Elsbcth Greta Alma Gorier. Eileen Mary Mardling. Clarice Edna Niewand. Helen Fraser Pigott. Jane Bondfield Stephens. Mary Elizabeth W"aite. Goretta Mary Warne.

HISTORY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Robert Samuel William Thomas. William Andrew Mcrrylees. Herbert Ross Blair > „ , ' Wesley George Catchlove Godbehear j '1 '• • Howard Rothwell Archer ) Robert Cecil Bald [• Equal. Michael John Ennis ) Tom jVllistair Falconer Healc. Mildred Irene Vial. Joseph Davis ) j. .-, Stephen Henry Roberts . J I 'l • Reginald Henry Boyt "^ Russell Hallel Jveon Cohen | Adelaide Gertrude Gault [-Equal. Douglas Percy Phillips | Beatrice Sharwood J Reginald Bowel 1 l . Charles liynie > Equal. Annie Doreen Hensley. John Gerald Edward Hayden Charles Herbert Murray | Equal. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Howard Lyell Andrews •) Thelma Lilian Beatrice Asclie [- Equal. Daniel Joseph Nolan ) Frances Mary Bennett l _ , Norman Frederick Mitchell ) hciual- SCHOOL LEAVING. 841

Marjorie Howard Cole Bryant } Emial Joseph James Hurley ) Kathleen Gordon Browne \J- Equal. Jessie Mona Stuart Grant Gertrude Catherine Barrett -~| • Amanda Annie Gertrude Liebert | Kevin John O'Day [Equal. Stanley Charles Rosier Geoffrey Francis Wright J Thomas Everett McCann Lumb > p., ,,,.i Marjorie Isbol Ramsay j J 1 ' • John Clanchy. Ida Abbie Phillips. Jack Thomas Strachan. Albert John William Ahern ") ' Margaret, Geraldine Phoebe Reed f- Equal. John Francis Williams j Kenneth Francis O'Donnell. . John Richard Hanlon. Basil Frederick Roberts Stafford. Edith Margaret Winter jVshton ~] Alary Brigid Cantwoll j Gerald Hawkins I L., , in -..- 1-. • i-- • r-.qual. Phillip Denis King ' Arthur .Vngcll Phillips | Christina Rodger J Thomas Buchanan Dodds i ,, - . Allan Roderick Henderson ,» M,,al- Morris Ashkauasy ) i? i John Michael Frawley \ Muni. William Antonio Fazio. Charles jVlgeruon Bauingartner ~| Ada Green | Bertram Lionel Higgins [• Equal. Hilda Cecilia Hill | Edwin George Ludgate J Ernest William Grecnhalgh. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). James Burt .Vitken. William Armstrong. Reginald William Bartlett. 842 EXAMINATION7 RKSULTS, 10171018.

Beatrice Muriel Berry. -Arthur John Betheras. Athelstan Rupert Bieske. Lucille Mary Bloink. . Effie Jean Blyth. Iva Carmen Boniface. Alberta Agnes Botterill. Walter Mario Butler. Harold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge. Harry James Patrick Charleton. William Kcane Clements. Ursula Mary Clinton. Hugh Russell Coldham. Edward Peter Connolly. Charles Balmain Cotes. Margaret Law Cuming. John Edward Dunn. Maxwell Edward Dunn." Hilda Dreyfus Evans. Ethel May Foster. AVilliam George Frean. Wilfrid Henry Frederick. Ralph Arnold Fremlin. Anthony Gerard Kyiin. Constance Mary Quirk Henderson. Adelaide Winniford Hunt. . Edward Emanuel Jones. Joseph Francis Joyce. Conrad Michael Ley. Joseph Henry Lockwood. Dorothy Clarice Mathcson. Francis .Alfred Ross McBain.' William MacDonald Melville. AVilliam Norris Muntz. -Arthur Joseph Nelson. AA'illiam Thomas John O'Connor. Denis O'Halloran. Norman James Parker. Pauline Pusterla. Brenda Victoria Rhodes. . Ralph Southcott Riches. Ruth Rosenberg. Patrick Joseph Scanlan. Marjorie Jean Service. SCHOOL LEAVING. 843

Eileen Shortill. Alfred Thorpe Stirling. Tnielda Tanner. Robert Reginald Taylor. Vida Mary Thomson. Phyllis Eniineline Trcgear. Hector Wallace. Malcolm Mcintosh AValter. Nina. Wallis AVhelpton. Vera Gladys Williams.

ALGEBRA. First Class. (In Order of Merit). lan Robert Coto. John Samuel McCann. jVIan .Andrew Lorimer. Blanche Chittick. Ralph Southcott7 Riches.

Second Class. (Tn Order of Merit). Donald Leslie MacDonald. Clyde Cornwall Fenton. .Alexander Hay Hedley. Neil Bannatyne Lewis "} Julian Johnstone Searby [ Equal. Victor Solomon Stone j Kenneth BiJinst.ui Burwood "1 Jean Victoria Odgers > Equal. -Alan Douglas Ross ) Eric Alexander Richards. Alan Charles Bede Kelly. Kenneth Francis O'Donnell. Alec William Bond. Gilbert. Munro Membrcy. Henry George Judkiiis "V Mary Veronica Lynch -\ Equal. Dominic Victor Slreil. 1 844 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1017-1019.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Athelstan Rubert Bieske. Harold William Blackwell. Catherine Mary Agnes Blake. James Mayo Buchanan. John Clarrchy. Kathleen Mary Clancy. Andrew Ernest Cromb. Albert Charles Fleetwood. Charles Melbourne Fockcn. Jack McFarlanc Folic. Ethel May Foster. William Thomas Greening. Michael Hosking. David Love Lewis. George Augustine Graham Lightfoot. William Gordon Livingstone. Lionel Lockwood. Alexander McDonell. David AVilliam Neville. Denis John O'Donoghnc. Rupert Isaac Petschack. Ida jVbbie Phillips. Ernest. Roberts Stanhope Ryall. Leslie Edwin Stevens. Richard Clifton Tuck. Charles Frederick Williams.

• GEOMETRV AND TRIGONOMETRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Jack McFarlanc Fone. John Samuel McCann. Andrew Ernest Cromb ) „ . Alan Andrew Lorimcr j flun " Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Ralph Southcott Riches. Beatrice Parsons. SCHOOL LEAVING. 84->

Ian Robert Coto Thomas Wilson French Richard Clifton Tuck Harold Howard Craven AVilliams jVlexander Hay Hedley Dominic Victor Shell Alec William Bond John Adrian Fargher Jean Victoria Odgers Kenneth Francis O'Donnell Denis John O'Donoghue Erie Alexander Richards. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Clement James Baker. Alice May Bales. Athelstan Rupert Bieske. Charles Melbourne Focken. William Thomas Greening. Norman Thomas Harding. Michael Hosking. Sidney Pringle Hurrey. Henry George Judkins. Alan Charles Bede Kelly. Harold Guyse Kinsman. George Augustine Graham Lightfoot. Lionel Lockwood. John Ramsden Lyall. Mary Veronica Lynch. AA'illiam Pellow. Rupert, Isaac. Petschack. Alan Douglas Ross. AVilliam Fletcher Routlcy. Victor Solomon Stone. Gordon Ross Upstill, Charles Frederick AVilliams.

MECHANICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Clyde Cornwall Feutou. Charles Melbourne Focken. Denis John O'Donoghue. 846 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1017.WIS.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Leslie Edwin Stevens ^' Equal. Gordon Ross Upstill jMec W'illiam Bond "l George Augustine Graham Lightfoot j 1 ' • Alan Charles Bede Kellv ^ r, i Ernest Roberts Stanhope Ryall ) ^quai. David Imrie Fitzpatrick \ John Samuel McCann :• Equal. Alan Douglas Ross )

Tliird Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Ian Robert Coto. .Andrew* Ernest Cromb. Raymond George Durston. Alexander Hay Hedley. Michael Hosking. Keith Philip Henry Lawrence. David Love Lewis. Ralph Southcott Riches. John Wolscley Strong. Richard Clifton Tuck. Charles Frederick Williams. Harold Howard Craven AATillianis.

PHYSICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Kenneth Branston Burwood. Neil Bannatync Lewis. George Ormsby Higgins ") "Keith Philip Henry Lawrence > Equal, David AVilliam Neville ) Lionel Lockwood t F • i al Julian Johnstone Searby j ,J '. ' Thomas AVilson French ~) ,, , Ernest Roberts Stanhope Ryall \ rj1nal- Jean Maggie Robertson. SCHOOL LEAVING. 847

Second Class. (Tn Order ot Merit). Gilbert Munro Membrcy. Henry George Judkius. Charles Melbourne Focken Equal. Alan diaries Bede Kelly Alexander Hay Hedley Donald Leslie MacDonald Equal. Harold Frederick Stokes Arnold Adcuey John .Adrian Fargher David Inirie Fitzpatrick Albert Charles Fleetwood - Equal, Norman James Parker Eric Alexander Richards Gerald Raleigh Weigall Raymond George Durston Laurance Seymour Horton I. David Love Lewis Equal. J ol i ii Wrolseley Strong ) Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Howard Rothwell Airchcr. Ernest Keith Bayley. Gerald Douglas Broorne. AVilliam Langley Carrington. Lancelot Maynard Clark. Leslie Francis Frecmantle. Wesley George Catchlove Godbehear. AA'illiam Prout Holnian. Hugh Dynmyrne Macinries Lathrop Murray. Dominic Victor Slreil. Francis Richard Southby. Leslie Edwin Stevens. John Francis AVilliams.

CHEMISTRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Neil Bannatyne Lewis David William Neville Equal. 848 EXAMIN'JVTION7 IlKSULTS, 1017-1018.

Norman James Parker. AATilliam Prout Holinan. AVesley George Catchlovc Godbehear. AVilliam Langley Carrington. Lancelot Maynard Clark. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Howard Rothwell Archer. Gerald AVilliam Elliott } Laurance Seymour Horton ' L-,.,..,] Lionel Lockwood C Harold Frederick Stokes J Howard' Lyell Andrews. Julian Johnstone Searby. Donald Leslie MacDonald. Norman Frederick Mitchell > ., > •Francis Richard South hy ji J ' ' ' Joseph Davis \ „, . , Raymond George Durston j "' a" AVilliam Jeffery Trende. Reginald Henry Hoyt ) Kmvil Doris Lexie Friend \ '' Frederick Harry Ether Baker "( ,-, . i Eric Alexander Richards A Jl' Leslie Francis Frecmantle. Morris Ashkauiisy ~\ Henry George Judkins i Equal. Laura Grace Trickett ) Sidney Kadish Crownson. Marcus Charles Bcresford "J John AVolscley Strong ' Equal. Sinclair Jeavons Thyrie ) Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Ainslie Francis Agnew. Norma Muriel jVllan. David Beriiian. Frank Nethercote Hetheras. AVilliam McLean Borland. Kenneth Branston Burwood. ,:• Daisy Ellen Ethcrton. SCHOOL LEAVING. 849

.Albert Charles Fleetwood. Wemyss Gordon Grant. • Armagh Robert Grayson. Douglas Tan Hart. Alan Boswell Hewitt. George Ornisby Higgins. Herbert AVilliam Leonard Hunt. . Frederick Haden Leinann. David Love Lewis. Leslie Anderson Love. Ralph Mcintosh. Noel Vernon Mc.Kenna. Philip Crosbie Morrison. Hugh Dynmyrne Macinncs Lathrop Murray. Ernest Roberts Stanhope Ryall. Dominic Victor Sheil. Basil Frederick Roberts Stafford. Thomas Geoffrey Sullivan. Stuart Gifford Taylor. David Lewis Gordon Thomas. AVilliam Edmond Clair Treyvaud. Minnie Frances Varley. Gerald Raleigh Wcigall. John Francis Williams.

GEOGRAPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Leslie James Trcwin. Henry Patrick Kelly. Harold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Cecil Ernest Eddy. Albert Edward Hopetoun Parker. Euphcinia Brown Richardson. Justin Hinton Stevens. Bernard Palmer Sutton. 850 EXAMINATION7 RKSULTS, 1917-1018.

GEOLOGY. First Class. Henry Pylior. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Justin Hintou Stevens }iv,...i T 1 • T .11 ^ Ej.llUil, Leslie James irewin ) ' Ralph Arnold Fremlin. AA'illiam Joseph Aldus. Third Class. (Iu Alphabetical Order). Thomas Everett McCann Lunib. Bernard Palmer Sutton. * BOTAiNY. F'irst Class. Ercil Eyres Baynes. • Secoud Class. (In Order ot Merit). Valentine Alexa Leeper. Enid Claire Morres. Third Class. Mona Margaret Blanch.

ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. (In Order of Merit). Sybil Jean Hawkins. Valentine Alexa Leeper. Second Class. Ercil Eyres Baynes. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Edith Margaret W7inter Ashton. Mona Margaret Blanch. Blanche Chittick. SCHOOL LEAVING. 851

DRAWING. First Class. Harold Guyse Kinsman. Second Class. (In Order of Merit). Eileen Rlake Pearcey. Mary Veronica- Read. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Percy Clarke Heathershaw. Dora Membrev. Olive Mary Plur. Henry Pynor. William Gordon Rees. Arthur jVlexander Smith.

MUSIC. First Class. None. Secoud Class. Joyce Lesley Wat kin.


ENGLISH. Charles Herbert Murray.

LATIN. Francis Alfred Ross McBain. GREEK. Frederick Baden Langford.

•FRENCH. Margaret Josephine Morris Hilda Ray ward { Equal. 852 EXAMINATION7 UKSULT'S, 1017-1918.

G ERMAN. Eleanor Victoria Kronie Jean Maggie Robertson ] Equal.

HISTORY. Robert Samuel William Thomas.

ALGEBRA. Ian Robert Coto.


MECHANICS. Clyde Cornwall Fenton.

I'rtixiinfi acci'.ssit. Oharles Melboui'ne Focken.

PHYSICS. Kenneth Branston Burwood.

CHEMISTRY. Neil Bannatvne Lewis 'I ,-. , David William Neville ) I'.quai. Vinxime ocenssit- Norman James Parker.

•GEOGRAPHY. Leslie Janus Trowin. GEOLOGY. Henry Pynor. BOTANY. Ercil Eyres Baynes. SCHOOL LEAVING 8-53

ANIMAL MORPHOLOGV AND PHYSIOLOGY. Sybil Jean Hawkins. Proxime accessit. Valentine Alexa Leeper.

DRAAVING. Harold Guyse Kinsman.

MUSIC. Joyce Lesley AA'atkin.'

CORNEILLE EXHIBITIONS. Doris Lexie Friend. Evelyn Mason Langslow. Dora Helen Powley. Marjorie Tsbol Ramsay. 854 KXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1017-1918.




EXAMINATION BOARD'S EXHIBITIONS. Doris Rosette Mendoza (Pianoforte). Joyce Lesley Watkin (Pianoforte). Ernest Harvey Pettifer (Clarionet).

ORMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. 1. Madge Carleton (Pianoforte). 2. Doreen Rose Aralantine (\riolin). 3. (Open) Cecil AVilliam Bois (Pianoforte).

CONSERVATORIUM EXHIBITIONS. Marion Sinclair (Pianoforte). Ida Raiment Suckling (Singing). Dorothy Evelyn Taylor (Violin). Inez Mary Hayres (Singing). CLASS LISTS. 855




GREEK.-PART I. First Class. Alexander Boyce Gibson (Trinity). "William Keith Hancock (I'rinity). Second Class. None.

LATIN,—PART I. First Class. Alexander Boyce Gibson (Trinity). AA'illiam Keith Hancock (Trinity). Second Class. Kenneth Albert Lemon (Ormond). Frederick .Alexander (Trinity). Tliird Class. Charles Stanislaus Dunne. Paul Joseph Carey. Oedric Ernest Park (Trinity). Mary Sampson (Teachers' College).

ENGLISH.- PART I. First Class. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's). Gavin Laver (Ormond). Alexander Boyce Gibson (Trinity). James AA'illiam Elijah. Second Class. Keith Alexander McKenzie (Ormond). Mary Killeen (Queen's). 856 EXAMINATION UESULTS, lUH-WlS.

Constance Mary Varley. Margaret Lindsay AValker (Teachers' College). Vera Crowther Jennings (Trinity). Stella Mary Langford (Queen's). Muriel Alison Adams (Trinity). Florence Winifred Bisset (Queen's). Third Class. Dorothy Stewart Robertson. David Edward Trickett (Orinond). Ethelwyn Gladys Bates (Trinity). Iris Shield (Trinity). Frederick AVilliam Robson (Ormond). Jean Hawthorne Hutchinson (Trinity). Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers' College). Kenneth Albert Lemon (Ormond) Dorothy Beatrice A typo. Neville Hawthorn Smith (Trinity).

FRENCH.—PART I. First Class. Vera Crowther Jennings (Trinity). Frederick Alfred Louis Callil (Trinity) i ,, . Adela Lardi " ^ Mual. Second Class. Brigid Bourke'. Frances Mary Noel Cresw'oll. AAriuifred Isabella Lee Mozley (Teachers' College). Mary Sampson (Teachers' College). Annie Isabel Hamilton (Trinity). Doris Pittard (Trinity). John' Regis Cusack. Stella Mary Langford (Queen's) ") .-, , Constance Mary Varley ' > hflimL Mary Killecn (Queen's). Charles Stanislaus Dunne. Lila Victoria McDonald (Queen's). Essie Margaret McKinnon ((Teachers' College). Kenneth jV-lbert Lemon (Ormond). Tliird Class. Paul Joseph Carey. Iris Shield (Trinity). CLASS LISTS. 857

GERMAN.—PART I. First Class. Mary Killccn (Queen's). . Adela Lardi. Second Class. Vera Crowther Jennings (Trinity). Marian Hamilton Weigall. Lila Victoria McDonald (Queen's). James Alfred Broben. Third Class. Stella Mary Langford (Queen's).

MRIT1SH HISTORY. PART I. First Class. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's). 'AA'illiam Keith Hancock (Trinity). Alexander Boyce Gibson (Trinity). Margaret Lindsay Walker (Teachers' College). Second Class. Frederick Alexander (Trinity). Ethelwyn Gladys Bates (Trinity). Theaden 'Nancie Brocklebank (Trinity). Gavin Lavcr (Ormoud). Herman Phillip Levy (Ormond). Doris Nellie Armstrong. Christina Mary Officer Brown. Wilfred Clarence Busse (Queen's). Ada Constance Duncan. Keith Alexander McKenzie (Ormond). Dorothy Stewart Robertson. Tliird Class. AA'aldemar Guckenheimcr. Doris Mary Hooker. Jean Hawthorne Hutchinson (Trinity). Frederick jVlfred Louis Callil (Trirritv). Frederick William Robson (Ormoud). Francis Keith Sampson (Trinity). Raymond Frcnchani (Teachers' College). Frederick Holmes (Teachers' Col lew). David Edward Trickett (Ormond). 858 KXA.MIJNATION" RKSULTS, IOIV-IOIS.

ANCIENT HISTORY. First Class. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's). Arthur Campbell Garnett. Second Class. Leslie Moira Henderson. Leslie Clair McCallum. Third Class George Anderson. • AValdcmar Guckcnheimcr. PSYCHOLOGY.. LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class. Gavin Lavcr (Ormond). Frederick .Alexander (Trinity). Arthur Campbell Garnett. Cedric Ernest Park (Trinity). Percy Hensby Dicker (Trinity) "i -^ Beryl Enlalie Mackay (Teachers' College) • s, Margaret Lindsay AA'alker (Teachers' College) ) 3 Vera Crowther Jennings (Trinity) ") -r, , Iris Shield (Trinity) ) i.qual. Second Class. Euphcinia ('•athcrinc Ross (Teachers' College). Winifred Isabella Lee Mozley (Teachers' Col.) | "g Olive Amelia Townsend Smith (Teachers' Col.) ) % Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers' College). Raymond Frencham (Teachers' College). Wilfred Clarence Basse (Queen's) \ v -, Marian Hamilton Weigall ) Equal. Frederick Holmes (Teachers' College). Esther Jessie Gcrrand (Teachers' Oollge). Jean Meldrmn (Teachers' College.). Leslie Clair McCallum. Third Class. Kathleen Teresa Kelly "• .., , • EllaMaigaretKcartou McLean (T'ch'rs'Col.) ) l'J,l,mI- jVda Constance Duncan. Frank Reid (Ormond). Neville Hawthorn Smith (Trinity). CLASS LISTS. 869

PURE MATHEMATICS.—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Charlton James Harnicr (Queen's). 'Tliird Class. Ruby May Mercer. Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers'Col.) ) v , David Hugh Eakins (Queen's) " J 'J

MIXED MATHEMATICS.—PART I. First Class. Ian AVilliam Wark (Ormond). Second Class. Theodore AA'illiam Tobe (Queen's) ) „ , John White Traill (Ormond) ' j b1»ml- Tliird Class. David Hugh Eakins (Queeu's) ( .,. , Charlton James Harnicr (Queen's)) '''u< "

GREEK.- PART IT. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Tliird Class. Francis Florance D'Arcy,

LATIN. PAfRT II. First Class. None. Second Class. .Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood (Ormond). Herbert Russell Hudson (Teachers' College). Annie Hill. Third Class. Francis Florance D'Arcv. 860 KXAMINATION RESULTS, H>I--I»IS.

ENGLISH.—PART IT. First Class. Alice Lightfoot (Teachers' College) ( „ . Jocclyn McCallum > ."'^ Margaret Mary McCay (Trinity). Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood (Ormoud). Second Class. Aileen Mary McCance (Ormond). Mary Lightfoot (Teachers' College). Catherine Maud Wade (Teachers' College). Third Class. Enid Annie Ward Moore (Ormond). Dorothy Lush Derham ) -., , Esther Marian Levy j '''()"-r'-L Edith Margaret Luke ( p , Henry Douglas Gordon Melville > M""1- Alma .Adderley Cameron (Teachers' College).

FRENCH.—PART II. First Class. Esther Marian Levy. Dorothy Isabclle AVebster. Sybil Miriam Levi. Aileen Mary McCance (Ormond). Second Class. Ellen Victoria Coverlid (Teachers' College). .Alice Lightfoot (Teachers' College). Mary Lightfoot (Teachers' College) ) ., . Sara" Richardson ' Ji,l,u"- Jessie Isabel Eastman (Teachers' College). Alice Median (Teachers' College). Third Class. Aileen Jane Robinson. Lionel John Stark. James Li-.. Harty. jAlnia Adderley Cameron (Teachers' College). Herbert Russell Hudson (Teachers' College). Sylvia Adeline Price (Teachers' College). Laura Mary Inez Sexton. Jean Aitchison Campbell (Teachers' College)- CLASS LISTS. 8GI

GERMAN-.—PART II. First Class. Aileen Mary McCance (Orinond). Second Class. Dorothy Lush Derham.

SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Francis Florance D'Arcy.

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. „ First Class. Samuel Clement Lazarus (Trinity). Harold Percy Down (Queen's). Frank Edward Grieve. Second Class. Henry Hnic? Stewart (Ormond). Reginald Tnncs Morris (Orinond) ^ AA'ilfrid Joseph Ryan '. Equa Cyril Stanley Shaw Yarwood (Queen's)) Tliird Class. Ethel Agnes Lane (Queen's). John James AValter Scott (Ormond).

ADVANCED LOGIC. First- Class. Samuel Clement Lazarus. (I'rinity). Tliomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond). John Wear Burton. 802 KXAMINATION IlKSULTS, " 1UI7-1D1S.

Second Class. Harold Percy Down (Queen's)') „ , Louis Voumard ((Trinity) j 1 ' • Henry Bruce Stewart (Ormond). Norma Lobb. Cyril Stanley Shaw.A'arwood (Queen's). "Tliird Class. Reginald Innes Morris (Ormond). Ethel Agnes Lane (Queen's).

PURE MATHEMATICS.—PART II. First Class. Edwin James George Pitman (Ormoud). Second Class. None.

•MIXED MATHEMATICS.—PART II. First Class. Edwin James Georgo Pitman (Ormond). Second Class. None.

BRITISH HISTORV. PART II., AND CONSTITU­ TIONAL HISTORY AN'D LAW, PART I., AND PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW. First Class. Frances Eileen Penington (Queen's). Jack Wasscll Claringbold (Teachers' College). Hilda Marie Shannon. Ronald Isaac Lowenstcrn. Second Class. Lucy Doris Kellaway (Trinity). Louis Voumard (Trinity). Geoffrey Urie Nathan (Ormond). C'eorge Timothy Joseph Ryan (Queen's). CLASS LISTS. SG3

Beatrice Olive Victoria Dodd (Queen's). Harry Kearns McCleery. Lionel John Stark. Leslie Moira Henderson, Third Class. John Isaac Mudford. James l.eo Harty. Alan Stewart Marshall (Queen's). Kathleen Alice Syme.

NJVTURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. First Class. Frank-Macfarlane Burnet (Orinond) ) ,, . Ian AVilliam AVark (Ormond) ' J M11-""-- John Packer (Ormond) \ .. . Theodore William Tobe (Queen's) ) 1,'

John Packer (Ormond). James Buchanan Alexander (Orinond). Donald Geddes Stewart. James^Moore Andrew (Ormoud). Second Class. George Simpson (Ormond). Clive Gowan Williams (Orinond). Harold Sclby Link (Orinond). Charles Eric Glasson Beveridge ((Trinity). Valentine Charles Podger. • Third Class. Geoffrey Alfred IVningtou (Queen's) ) ., , Leo Michael Tigh.i (Orinond) ) '"l""1- Douglas George Reiiton (Orinond). .Arthur Gordon Abbott.

ZOOLOGY. -PART I. First Class. None. Second' Class. Kathleen Elizabeth Hall. Harold Sclby Link (Ormond). 'Third Class. Charles Eric Glasson Beveridge (Trinity). Alan Stewart Marshall (Qucoirs).

BOTANY.—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Kathleen Elizabeth Hall . ) „ . Harold Selby Link (Orinond) j ™TU111' Frances Eileen Pcnington (Queen's). Third Class. Charles Eric Gla.sson Beveridge (Trinity). CLASS LISTS. 865

GEOLOGY. PART I. First Class. Olive -Vineli'a Townseiid Smith (T'ch'rs' Col.) "( ,-, , George Kenneth AVilliams (Queen's) 3 ' *'' Second Class. Tliomas Herbert Jenkins. Third Class. Irene Crcspin ' v i William John Davy | Ji'lll,lJ' BIOLOGY.—PART I. First Class. Kate Isabel Campbell (Trinity). Secoud Class. Stewart Clifton John McRae (Ormoud) i h. , Rupert Allan AVillis (Queen's) j equal. James Buchanan Alexander (Orinond). James Moore Andrew (Ormoud). Frank Macfarlane •Burnet (Orinond). Third Class. George Simpson (Ormond). Geoffrey Alfred Feuington (Queen's). Clive Gowan AVilliams (Ormond). • Florence Marjorie Hughes (Trinity). Maggie Uewitson (Trinity). .Arthur Edwin Ernest Grounds (Oimond). Leo Michael Tight (Ormond).

PHYSIOLOGY.—PART T. First Class. None. Second Class. Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity). Constance Rosalind Piper. . Third Class, Edith Gwendolen Stillman. Charles Wason Nye. Harold William Bennetts. 8G6 KXAMINATION" liKSULTS, 11)17-1!I13.

N.VJTURAL .PHILOSOPHY.—PART II. First Cla»s. Charles Patrick McCarthy. Second Class. Ernest Kirsner (Orinond). Mark Ashkenasy. Edmund Arthur O'Connor (Ormond) ^ p , Edwin James George Pitman (Ormoud) ) J' Hedley Heywood Champion (Teachers' Col.) ) ' Horace AValter Xorburnc Crebbin (T'ch'rs" Col.) ) , Third Class. Ronald Daunatyne Lewis (Queen's). Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College).

CHEMISTRY.—Part II. First Class. Edmund Arthur O'Connor (Orinond). Second Class. Frederick Alexander Singleton. . Hugh McGregor Campbell (Teachers' College). Hedley Heywood Champion (Teachers' College), Tliird Class. Ronald Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). Reginald Frank May

ZOOLOGY. Part II. F'irst Class. Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity). Secoud Class. Mark Ashkenasy. Edith Gwendolen Stillman.. Ernest Kirsner (Ormond). Constance Rosalind Piper. jVnna Katrina Peterson (Trinity).

BOTANY.—PART II. First Glass. None. CLASS LISTS. 867

Second Class. Robin Dickinson Collmann (Teachers' College)"» g Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity) > ,2" Anna Katrina Peterson (Trinity). Tliird Class. Constance Rosalind Piper.

GEOLOGY.—PART II. First Class. Frederick Alexander Singleton Reuben Tom Patton. Second Class. Reginald Frank May.

CHEMISTRY.—PART III First Class. None. Secoud Class. Francis John Watson Robin Dickinson Collmann (Teachers' College). Third Class. Kathleen Margaret Maria McTneriiv. William Alan Hedding.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.--PART III. First Class. John Keith Roberts. Second Class. None.

ZOOLOGY.—PART III. First Class. Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity). Secoud Class. Cora .May Mead. 868 EXAMINATION IlKSULTS, 1017-11)18.

BOTANY. — PART III. First Class. Reuben 'Tom Patton. Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity). Second Class. None.

GEOLOGV.—PART HI. Firs"; Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Kathleen Margaret Maria Mclnorny.

LAW" OF AVRONGS (CIVIL AND CRIMINAL), ANI) CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY AND LA W.--PART IL First Class. None. Second Class. Clarence McClelland Thompson Stafford (Queen's). Tliird Class. Henry Grattau Bernard Grinson Llewellyn Camm Jones -Alexander Joseph Moloney (Ormond) Basil George Robert Murphy Equal. Herbert Howell Roberts Guido Wertheim (Trinity)


Second Class. " None. Tliird Class. Basil George Robert Murphy. Henry Grattan Bernard Gunson > „ , Llewellyn Camm Jones. > r* la " Guido AVertheim (Trinity).

GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. First Class. Theodore AA'illiam Tobe (Qne?n's). Frank Vernon Smith". Lewis Ronald East. Second Class. Norman Tregonning Jewell. John White Traill (Ormond).

SURVEYING.- PART I. First Class. Allan Terence O'Meara. Second Class. George Henry Clifford Nicholls. Ronald Bannatync Lewis (Queen's).

STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. First Class. None. Second Class. jVllan Terence O'Meara. George Kenneth AVilliams (Queen's). Tliird Class. Ernest Leslie James. Albert Vincent Cohen. 870 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1917-1013.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,, PART I., ENGINEER­ ING DESIGN JVND DRAWING, PART I. First Class. Allan Terence O'Meara. George Henry Clifford Nicholls. Second Class. None. Third Class. Henry George Cain.

HYDRAULICS AND HYDRJVULIC ENGINEERING.— PART I. First Class. None. i Second Class. George Kenneth Williams (Queen's). Tliird Class. AVilliam John Davy ) ,,. , Thomas Herbert Jenkins j ''I"'11-

CIVIL ENGINEERING.—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. William John Davy

SURVEYING.—PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. AVilliam John Davy.


Second Class. None. Third Class. Albert Vincent Cohen.

EDUCATION. First Class. None. Second Class. Norman McHutchison. Martha. Mary O'Neill. Simon AA'illiam Fraser. .

Tliird Class. Angelique Prudence Hamono (Teachers' College). Vera. Annie Rosenblum. Gladys Muriel George Cheney. Amelia Mary Patrick ('Teachers' College). Annie Hunter. Blanche Baddcley Rusden (Teachers' College).


Second Clajs. Harold Edward Albiston. 872 KXAMINATION" IlKSULTS, 1D17-1D1S.


FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Florence Marv Elsworth I — , Violet AVoolcock l" ^flU!U- Second Class. Frederick John Morton. Doris Frances Davcy. Agnes Florence Finlay j Estelle Maud Gardner ( ..., , Dulcie Leslie ^ J-qiuu.. Beryl Eleanor Mayfidd,) Tliird Class. Edith AA7eedon Bellhouse. AATinifred Letitia Mitchell.

SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC AND FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC. First Class. Florence Mary Fawaz. Second Class. Elsie Eraser. AA'inifred Eleanor F'one. Mary Catherine Mack | ,, . Ida Gwen Roberts | M111"- Grace Kathleen Fiuegan.

THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Agnes Vera Gillespie ~» — , Lorna Bolton Stirling (Queen's) \ ATual- Second Class. Gladys Anne Smith. Tliird Class. Dorothea Eileen Macmaster. Edith Marjorie AVadelton. CLASS LISTS. 87;>


GREEK.—PART I. Alexander Boyce Gibson (Trinity)

LATIN.—PART I. Alexander Boyce Gibson ('Trinity)

ENG LTSH—PA RT I. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's).

FRENCH.—PART I. Vera Crowther Jennings (Trinity).

GERMAN.—PART I. Mary Killceu (Queen's)

BRITISH HISTORY'.—PART I. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's).

ANCIENT HISTORY. Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Queen's).

PSYCHOLOGY', LOGIC AND ETHICS: (Hastie Exhibition). Gavin Laver (Ormond). I'rtU'iinc ncws-iit. Frederick .Vlexander (Trinity).

PURE MATHEMATICS.—PJVRT I. Charlton James Harmer (Queen's).

MIXED MATHEMATICS.—PART I. Ian William Wark (Orinond). €74 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1917-191 .

GREEK.—PART II. Not awarded.

LATIN.—PART II. Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood (Orinond).

ENGLISH.—PART II. Alice Lightfoot ('Teachers' College) ~) .-, , Jocelyn McCallum _ jejuni.

FRENCH.—PART II. Esther Marian Levy.

GERMAN.—PART II. Aileen Alary McCance (Orinond).


HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Exhibition). Samuel Clement Lazarus (Trinity).

ADVANCED LOGIC. (Hastie Exhibition). Samuel Clement Lazarus (Trinity).

PURE M.ATHEJAT.AJTTCS.—PART 11. (Dixson Scholarship.) Ednin James George Pitman (Orinond).

MIXED MATHEMATICS.—PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) Edwin James George Pitman (Orinond). CLASS LISTS. 875


NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.—PART I. (Dwight Prize.) Frank Macfarlane Burnet (Ormond) ) v , Tan AVilliam Wark (Ormond) ) iquai.

CHEMISTRY.—PART I. (Dwight Prize.) Frank Macfarlane Burnet (Ormond) ") „ . Ian William AVark (Ormond) ) aqnai.

ZOOLOGY.—PART I. Kathleen Elizabeth Hall.

BOTANY.—PA RT I. Kathleen Elizabeth Hall. ) ,, , Harold Sclby Link (Orinond.) j''I"'11-

GEOLOGY.—PART I. Olive Amelia Townseiid Smith (T'ch'rs' Col.) '"j -p. -, George Kenneth Williams (Queen's) 3 -.qua .

BIOLOGY.—PART'I. Kate Isabel Campbell (Trinity).

PHYSIOLOGY.- PART 1 Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity). i NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.-PART II. Oharles Patrick McCarthy. 876 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1917-101S.

, CHEMISTRY. -PART II. Edmund .Arthur O'Connor (Ormond).

ZOOLOGY—PART II. " Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity).

BOTANY.—PART If. Robin Dickinson Collmann (Teachers' Col.) ) ,,. , Jean Holbrook Shannon (Trinity). ) '"

GROLOG Y.-PART II. Frederick .Alexander Singleton.


CHEMISTRY.- PART III. (Dixson Scholarship.) Francis John Watson.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.—PART III. (Dixson Scholarship.) John Keith Roberts.

ZOOLOGY.-PART III. Lucy Meredith Bryce ('Trinity).

BOTANY.—PART III. Reuben Tom Patton.

G F/OLOG Y—PART III. Not awarded. CLASS LISTS. 877

'TH'E°LJVAV OF WRONGS (CIVIL AND CRIMINAL) AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY JVND LAW.— PART II. (John Madden Exhibition.) Clarence McClelland Thompson Stafford (Queen's).


GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. Theodore William Tobc (Queen's).

SURVEYING.-PART' I. . Allan Terence O'Meara.


MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART I.. JVND EN­ GINEERING DESIGN A'ND DRAWING, PART I. , (Wright Prize.) Allan Terence O'Meara. I'l'tij'ittii', ncrcxni-t George Henry Clifford Nicholls.


CIVIL ENGINEERING, PART I. AA'illiam John Davy. SURVEYING, PART' II. William John Davy. 878 EXAMINATION UESULTS, 19171018.


EDUCATION. (Dwight Prize.) Norman McHutchison.


ORMOND EXHIBITIONS IN MUSIC. FIRST YEAR. Florence Mary Elsworth Violet AA'oolcock Frederick John Morton SECOND YEAR. Elsie Eraser Winifred Eleanor Fone Mary Catherine Mack .") ,-, , Ida "Given Roberts ) J"!"'"-


Agnes Vera Gillespie ) v , Lorna Helton Stirling (Queen's) ) M"*1-


THE ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND PRIZE FOR ENGLISH. Alice Lightfoot. (Teachers' College) ) ,, , Jocelyn McCallum ^ Equal. CLASS LISTS. * $7i>

THE PROFESSOR WILSON PRIZE FOR MATHE­ MATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond). THE BRUNNING PRIZES FOR BO'TANY, PART I. First Prize. .Frances Eileen Penington (Queen's). Second Prize. Charles Eric Glasson Beveridge (Trinity). THE AVRIGHT PRIZE FOR INSTUMENTAL MUSIC Ida Gwen Roberts THE MAUDE HARRINGTON PRIZE FOR ACCOMPANY'ING. Dorothea Eileen Macmaster.


CLASS LIST. FOURTH YEAR BACHELOR,OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. First Class. Harold Edward jVlbiston (Queen's). Second Class. AVilliam Arthur Empey. Stanley Ilowarth AVhitworth. EXHIBITION. THE PAYNE EXHIBITION. Harold Edward Albiston (Queen'b). 880 EXAMINATION HI5SULTS, 1017-1913.


CLASS LISTS. DIVISION II. ANATOMY INCLUDING' HISTOLOGY. First Class. Norman Anderson Longden (Ormond) "i „ . i Clifford Henry ('oonicr Searby (Ormond)) ""' ' " Leslie James Middleton (Ormond). George Eric Mackay '(Ormond). Byron Lionel Stanton. Second Class. Dclwyn Araughan Rocs. Third (Mass. Edwin Thomas Meagher. Herbert Gibling Furnell (Trinity)~( ,,. , Charles Hugh Hembrow y "T EXHIBITION7. Norman Anderson Longden (Ormond) * F nil Cl ifford Henry Coomer Searby (Ormond) \ ""* ' ." i'mrime accessit- Leslie James Middleton (Ormond). PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. Clifford Henry Coomer Searby (Ormond). Harold AA'illiam Harbison. Gerald Joseph Kennedy (Newman))., , George Eric Mackay (Ormond) j Squill. Second Class. James Newman Shelton \v. , - Byron Lionel Stanton \ _''1 '' 'Third Class. Sydney Bernard Hudson (Ormond). EXHIBITION. Clifford Henry Coomer Seart.y (Ormond). » CLASS LISTS. 881

DIVISION III. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOGY AVITH BACTERIOLOGY. First Class. None. o Second Class. Charles James Officer Brown (Ormond) )-r,.' ol Keith Douglas Fairley (Trinity) J r.quai. Winifred Edith Kennan (Trinity). Edward Holbrook Derrick (Queen's). Third Class. William Anselm Collopy! Charles Ernest Sandford Jackson "(Trinity) ,} p i /elman Schwartz (Queen's) ) ^'l1""- Noel Alexander Lewis Anderson (Orinond). Eric Eccles Mackay (Ormoud). Carlvlc Sandford Wood 1 v . Wilbam Ernest Hewitt. J ^'l11'"- Ernest AA'esley Chenoweth (Queen's).

EXHIBITION. Charles James Officer Brown (Ormond) 1-p , Keith Douglas Fairley (Trinity) ) Jiqual.

THERAPEUTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. First Class. Keith Douglas F'airley (Trinity). Ernest Wesley Chenoweth (Queen's). Second Class. Hugh Gilmour Wallace (Trinity). Third Class. Edward Joseph Prendergast (Newman). Alan Edward Lee (Ormond). Edward Holbrook Derrick (Queen's). Robert Southby. EXHIBITION. Keith Douglas Fairley (Trinity).



MAKCH; liM8.


First Class. Wilfred Richard Forster. Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell.

Second Class. Keith .Arnold Stephenson (Queen's). Alfred Plumley Derham. Horace Stanley Waters. Thomson Leckie. Anthony Waddingtoi St. Ledger- Frederick George Middleton (Ormond). Victor Hugo Wallace. Thomas Gillis AVynne (Ormond). Charles Stanley. CLASS LISTS. 88S



CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Class. Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Emma Christina Tonks (Trinity and Teachers' College). Second Class. Kathleen Victoria Crooke (Ormond and Teachers' College). Third Class. Emily Amy King (Trinity). HISTORY AND ECONOMICS. Tirst Class. None. Second Class. Clarence McClelland Tlionipson Stafford (Queen's). PHILOSOPHY. First Class. v AVilliam Arthur Jeffery (Queen's). Second Class. John AArear Burton (Queen's) / „ , Joseph Edgar Newnham ; aquai. lan Hugh Sutherland (Ormond) Tliird Class. Henry Lycctt Tonkin.

MATHEMATICS. First Class. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond). 88+ EXAMINATION KKSULTS, 1017-1013.

Second Class. None. ENGLISH. First Class. FToris Merle Stookc (Queen's). Doris Mathias (Queen's). "} ]-;,.„.,j Ludwig Joseph August van Baer) * Second Class. Harriett Ann Ballans. ( r , i Thelma Beryl .Roberts (Queen's) ) JV1"1:LI' Myra Clare Haynes (Queen's). Hilda Florence Harris (Queen's). Third Class. Harriet Jessie Constance McLennan.

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERArTURES. First Class. 1891 Dorothea Rehecca Coverlid (Teachers' College). Second Class. Ainicic Eleanor Kathleen Haydon. Otto Jausscn jVlbers. Ivy Ellen Skurrie, (Ormond). Barbara Wilson Milne (Ormond).

GEOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Albert Victor George James.

LAWS. First Class. None. Second Class. Cyril James Robinson. Percy Thomas Pook. Third Class. .Esmond Aratighan Hayes. SCHOLARSHIPS AND PKIZKS. 885




CLASSICAL PHI 1,01.0.1 V. Constance Dorothea, Byres Baynes (Trinity)

HISTORV AND ECONOMICS. Dwight's Prize. •Clarence McClelland Thompson Stafford (Queen's)

PHILOSOPHY. Hastie Scholarship. William Arthur Jeffery (Queen's) Laurie Prize. • " Not awarded MATHEMATICS. Dixson Scholarship. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond) ENGLISH. FToris Merle Stpoke (Queen's)

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES. Dorothea Rebecca Coverlid (Teachers' College)

CHEMISTRY. Dixson Scholarship. No Candidate GEOLOGY. Albert Victor George James .57A 886 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1D17-1013

LAWS. Cyril James Rohinsou


MEDICINE. Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship AViltred Richard Forster

Proxime Accessit. Leslie-Algernon Ivan Maxwell

SL'KGEKY. Beaney Scholarship. AVilfrcd Bichard Forster

OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. Fulton Scholarship. AVilfred Richard Forster ~i Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell [ Equal. Horace Stanley AVaters )

CLINICAL MEDICINE. Jamieson Prize. Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell


CIVIL ENGINEERING. Argus Scholarship. No Candidate

MINING ENGINEERING. George Lansell Scholarship. No Candidate SCHOLARSHIPS-AND PKIZKS. 887

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Dixson Scholarship. Not awarded

MECHANICAL EGINEERING. Dixson Scholarship. No Candidate

ENGINEERING. Stawell Research Scholarship. No Candidate

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Wrixon Exhibition. No Candidate

AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. James Cuming Prize. No Candidate



MATHEMATICS. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond)

NATURAL SCIENCE. Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity)

POLITICAL ECONOMY. Ronald Isaac Lowcnstern (Trinity) \ -p -, George Timothy Joseph Ryan (Queen's ) 1ua " 888 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1017-191S. /

MODERN LANGUAGES. Floris Merle Stooke (Queen's).

Proxime Accessernnt. Doris Mathias (Queen's) ") „ , Ludwig Joseph August Van Baer ) ^






GEOLOGY. Kathleen Margaret Maria Mclncrny



GEOLOGY. -Albert Victor George James










22ND DECEMBER, 1917.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. William John Le Lievre. Thomas Reid Ritchie. John William Whyte.

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Miriam Sarah Merheld. Malachy Ryan. In absent id. -Arthur Banks Renlrcy.

.BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OP SURGERY. Alec llulcheson Baldwin. James Riddell Bell. Ernest Harold Britten. Harold Gill bee Brown. Milton Leonard Coutts. James Leslie Diggle. Coilcr Dinwoodie. Harold Georgo Downer. Erwin Kelmar. Ronald Farquharson Le Souef. Reginald Patrick MacGillicuddy. Frank McCalluin. Noel .Armstrong Maclure. John McDonald. Jack Rail Robertson. John diaries Ross. Robert Mervyn Shaw. Nellie AA'inifred Cranwell Haynes. Ellen Mary Kent Loubet. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1D171S. 891

In 'ahsentid Carrie Shield.


James Murdock White. (

BACHELOR OF DENTAL . SCIENCE. David Baghcl. Alexander Stewart Campbell. Robert Murray Gillies.

MASTER OF ARTS. AVilliam Norman Hattam Joughin. Reginald Gordon Nichols. Edward Sweet-man. In absent-id. Henry jAdam Procter.

MASTER. OF .SCIENCE. In ahsentid-, Arthur Francis Parkin.

MASTER OF LAAV.?. George O'Dcll Crowther.


DOCTOR. OF MEDICINE. Gerald Patrick O'Day.


1"!TH AVRIL. liHS.

BACHELOR OF A.BTS. Harriett Ann Ballans. Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes. Gertrude Sophia Bowden. Frances Marie Braithwaite. Christina Wilsou Bryant. Beatrice Jean C'hilvers. Dorothea Rebecca Coverlid. Kathleen Victoria Crooke, Bessie 'Ursula- Dixon. Mary Millar Dunoon. Annie Catherine Dunphy. Evelyn Mary Eddie. Eileen Fleming Gates. Dorothy Mary Gibbons. Marjorie Helen Griffiths. Doris Winiirid Hall. Ainieie Eleanor Kathleen llavdon. Myra Clare Haynes. Emily Jeannie Burgoyne Hudson. Jean Grigg Kay, Emily Amy King. Elizabeth Kilgour Kirkhop?. Dorothy Adelaide Mackay. Doris Hamilton Mar.-hall. Doris Mathias. Barbara Wilson Milne. Gertrude Hardy Nance. Ida Florence Norris. Joan Catherine Officer. Gladys Miriam Peters. Vera Mav Reed. Thelma Beryl Roberts. Ivy Ellen Skurrie. Agnes Alma Slattery. Floris Merle Stooke. • Mary Lotta Turnbull. Doris Maude AValker. George Anderson. Herbert Leslie Barnfather. David Law Bartholomew. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1«17 IS. 893

Oliver 'John Brady. John Wear Burton. Thomas MacFarland Cherry. Alfred William Thomas Edwards. Jinnes Tliomas Hargreaves. Edward Chapman Harris. Esmonde Macdonald Higgins. Nelson Love. Jamieson. William Arthur Jeffery. Llewellyn Camm Jones. Jonah Marks. Christopher Olavcr Marlow. Michael McCarthy. Jeremiah Bcrchmaus McSwecny. Am erg in Oisin O'Dowd. Edward James Sprnke. Ian Hugh Sutherland. diaries Henry Zercho. Iit.,aJisrntid,. John AVales.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Lucy Meredith Bryce. Elma Mary Kelly. Kathleen Margaret Maria Mclncrnv. Isabel AVadc. " AVilliam Alan Hedding. Desmond Andrew Herbert. Reuben Tom Patton. John Keith Roberts. Francis John AVatsou. In ahsentid- Eva. Margaret Stace Duncan. Percy Douglas Kewish. Charles Frederic Sullivan.

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Victor Claude Bagot. Thomas Egerton Dickinson. Phillip Windmillcr Ettelson. Percy Thomas Pook. Cvril James Robinson. S94 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1917-18.

Patrick John Toohey. Leslie Foilding 'Turner.

B.VOHELOR OF MEDTOINE -AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Irene Beatrix Sebire. Harold George Daniel Brcidahl. Charles Cunningham. Arthur Frederick Cephas Day. .Alfred Plumley Derhani. John Ralph Donaldson. Wilfred Richard Forster. John Aloysius Kennedy. Thomson Leckie. Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell. Frederick George Middleton. Vincent Michael O'Grady. Charles Stanley. Keith Arnold Stephenson., .Anthony Waddington St. Ledger. Ronald Gurney Stott. James Augustus AArall. Victor Hugo Wallace. Thomas Gillis Wynne. In absent-id. Norman Arthur .Albiston. Horace Stanley Waters.

BACHELOR. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. In ubsen-tid. Edwin Fullarton Borrie. John Benjamin Oswald Hosking.

BJVCHF.LOR OP MINING ENGINEERING. In absentid- Walter Gilbert Langford..


BACHELOR OF MUSIC. May Dorothy Jordan. Charlotte Ethel Violet Parkinson. BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. In ahsentid- • Frank Iredale Hicks. Matthew Joseph Qrioaly.


MASTER OF ARTS. Dorothy Meares Andrews. Jane Kathleen Officer Brown. Ethel Grace Dean. Isabel Mary Flinn. Mary Ethel Hutchinson. Olga Maude Parker. Dorothy Jean Ross. Lily Sandnor. • John Oscar Anchen. William Isaac Hayward. Arthur James Law., Charles Joseph Pawsey. Ernest Francis William Swan. In ahsentid, Gertrude Leonard Bcndelack. Arthur Henry Potter. Percy Ambrose Seymour. Leo Easton AVilkinson.

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Mary Ellinor Lucy jVrc.her. Percy John Sharman.

MASTER OF LAWS. Percy Ernest Joske. Robert Gordon Menzies. Michael Sydney AVilliams. 896 DEGREES CUXFGRRKD, 19171S.

MASTER OF" SURGERY. Cedric Watson Gray Roche. Charles Roy Lister. MASTF.R- OF CIVIIJ ENGINEERING. Alexander Peter Taylor. MASTER- OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. AA7ilfrid Noyce Kernot. DOCTOR OF LETTERS. Charles Watson Atkinson. DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Dorothy Mcares Alidrcws. Jane Kathleen Officer Brown. Gladys Muriel George Cheney. Annie Catherine Diniphy. Simon AVilliam Eraser. Ada Maud Frusher. Constance Glass.. Bessie Margery Godwin Harris. Hilda Florence Harris. Nelson Love Jamieson. Kathleen Mary Macansh. Gwendoline Ellery Madder. Jonah Marks. Jeremiah Bercbmans McSweeny. Louisa Devereux Oldmeadow. Thomas Joseph Pierce Phelan. Thomas Reid Ritchie. Hilda Marion Robinson. Frank Emerson Thomas. James AA'illiam AA'atcrs. Mona Veronica Wood

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Margaret Gillan. Edith Mary Hardy. Myrtle Liddy. Dorothea Eileen Macmaster. Irene Ritai Moss. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1017-18. 897


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Robert Bruce Liston.



BACHELOR. OF ARTS. Charles .Vdkins.

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. In nhsi'iitid- -Athol John Bennett.

BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. Harold Edward Albiston. Frank Vernon Collins. Stanley Howarth Whitworth. In absentia- AVilliam .Arthur Empey.

MASTER OF ART'S. In absent id- Harold George Steele.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. In absent id. James Irvine Orme Masson.



BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND. BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Frederic Albert Bouvier. Eric Fitzgerald Harbison. Thomas Muir Hendry. Leonard AValter Johnston. Henry McLorinau. AValter McRae Russell. Harold AA'illiam Savige. Harold Raymond Smith. Westmore Frank Stephens.

In ahsentid, Eleanor Alargrethe Stang.

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. In absentia- Thomas Henry Cook. Frederick 'Thomas Kerr. Charles Goorgo Lnnfear Thompson.

BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Dryden Stewart Melrose. In- absentia. jVrthur Coppiu.

BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. In absentid Geoffrey Ernest Fethers.

MASTER OF SCIENCE. In ahsentid- Hugh Campbell Urquhart. DEGREES CONFERRED, UH7-1S. 8991

MASTER OF LAAVS. Richard Edward Ballard. Michael Joseph Killeen.

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Charles Leslie Park. Roy Fallowcs Watson.

DTPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE. . Ernest William Corder.

7TH OCTOBER, 1918.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. Samuel Clement Lazarus.



SITTING AND ADJOURNMENT OE THE SENATE. 1. The Senate shall meet at the University or at some central place in the city. 2. The Senate shall meet for two Sessions in each year iu the montlis of June and October commencing on the third Tuesday in each of these months or if any such Tuesday be a public holiday upon the day following. 3. The hour of meeting of the Senate shall be halt-past four o'clock but the afternoon sitting shall terminate at half-past six and an evening sitting shall begin at half- past seven. No fresh business shall be called ou after ten o'clock. 4. Until the Session be closed the Senate shall meet from day to day but on the close of Friday's sitting the Senate shall stand adjourned until the following 'Tuesday afternoon. 5. T'he Warden may at any time convene a special mooting ot the Senate. 6. Upon tho requisition of twenty members of the Senate setting forth tho objects for which they desire the mooting to be convened the Warden shall convene a special meeting of the Senate within fourteen days and not loss than seven days from the date of the receipt by him of such requisition. 7. The Senate may adjourn any meeting or debate to a future' sitting. 8. A Register ot the addresses of Members of the Senate as supplied from time to time by Members shall be kept by the Registrar. 9. Notice of the opening of every Session and of the business to be brought on at its opening shall be given by circular posted or delivered fourteen clear days before each Session and notice of every special meeting and ot the business to be brought on thereat shall be given by circular posted or delivered seven clear days before such meeting to the address of every. Member which is on the Register. 10. The Warden shall take the chair as soon after the hour of meeting as twenty Members are present. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 901

11. If, after the expiration of half-an-hour there be

21. The order ot procedure on a proposed now Statute or' Regulation shall be—1. Reception of the Statute or Regula­ tion by the Senate. 2. Committal to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee. 3. Adoptiou.of the Statute or Regulation by the Senate as amended by the Committee. 22. But if it is not desired to make amendments iu the Statute or Regulation it may be adopted without reference to a Committee and any proposed Statute or Kegulation may bo recommitted. 'The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now received may not be amended. The question that a proposed Statute or Kegulation be com­ mitted to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee may be amended by the substitution ot Select Committee for Committee of the whole Senate and vice versa but not otherwise. Tho question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now adopted by the Senate may be amended in order that it may be committed or recommitted but not otherwise. All amendments in a proposed Statute or Regulation shall be relevant to the subject matter thereof. 23. No Member shall make any motion initiating a subject for discussion except in pursuance of notice duly inserted on tho Notice Paper for that day. 21. A motion may be amended by the mover with leave of the Senate. 25. AA'hen a motion has been made and seconded the question shall then be proposed to the Senate by the 'AVarden. 2i>. ADV motion not seconded shall not be further discussed and no entry thereof sliall be made on tho Votes and Proceedings. 27. A Member who has made a motion may withdraw the same by leave of the Senate such leave being granted without any negative voice. 28. A question may be superseded— (1) By the motion " That the Senate- do now adjourn." (2) By a motion " That the Senate proceed to the next business." (31 By the previous question vi-i. "That tb» question be now put" being proposed ana negatived. STANDING ORDERS OF THI" SF.SATK. 903

29. If the previous question be resolved in the affirmative the original question shall be put forthwith without further ••amendment or debate. 30. A motion for " proceeding to the next business" and •ilso for " the previous question" maybe superseded by the adjournment of the Senate. 31. Tho debate upon a question may bo interrupted— (1) By words of heat between members. (2) By a question of order. (3) By a motion for reading any official document relevant to tho question. 32. The Senate may order a complicated question to be divided. 33. So soon as a debate upon a question shall bo concluded the AVarden shall put the question to the Senate and if tho same should not be heard shall again state it to the Senate. 34. A question being put shall bo resolved iu tho affirma­ tive or the negative by tho majoi'ity of voices " Ave " or " No." 35. The AA'arden shall state whether in his opinion the "Ayes" or the "Noes" have it and unless his opinion be acquiesced in by the minority tho question shall be deter­ mined by a division. 3G. No motion shall be placed on the notice paper or question be proposed which the AVarden shall rulo to be the same in substance as any which during tho same meeting has been resolved in the allirmative or the negative.

A MENDMENTS. 37. Any member proposing an amendment shall deliver the same in writing to the Warden. 38. A question having been proposed raay be amended by leaving out cortain words in order to-insert or add other words or by inserting or adding words. 39. An amendment proposed but not seconded shall not l..e entertained by the Senate or entered ou the Votes. 40. AVhen a proposed amendment is to leave out certain •words the AA'arden shall put a question " That the words proposed to he left out stand part of the question " which shall be resolved by the Senate in the affirmative or the negative as tho case may be. 904 STANDIVG ORDERS OF THE SEVATE.

41. When the proposed amendment is to leave out certain words in order to insert or add other words the AVarden shall put a question "That the words proposed to bo left out stand part of the question " which if resolved in the affirma­ tive will dispose of tho amendment but it in the negative and there is no motion before the Senate for amending the proposed amendment another question shall be put " That the words of the amendment be inserted or added instead thereof " which shall bo resolved in the affirmative or the negative as the case may be. 42. When the proposed amendment is to insert or add' certain words the Warden shall put a question " That such words be inserted or added" which shall be resolved in the affirmative or the negative as the case may be. 43. No amendment shall bo proposed iu any part of a. question after a. later part has been amended or after an amendment on a later part has been proposed unless the proposed amendment has by leave of the Senate been with­ drawn. 44. No amendment sliall be proposed m any words which the Senate has resolved shall stand part of a question or- shall be. inserted iu or added to a question except the addition of other words thereto. 45. A proposed amendment may by leave of the Senate be amended ov withdrawn by the mover. 46. Amendments may be proposed to a proposed amend­ ment as if such proposed amendment were an original question. 47. AVhen amendments have been made the main ques­ tion as amended shall be put. 48. AVhen amendments-have been proposed but not made the question shall be put as originally proposed. DEBATE. 40. Every member desiring to speak shall rise in his place and address himself to tlie AVarden. 50. AA'hile the Senate is dividing Members can speak only to a point ot order and by,permission of the AVarden. 51. No Member may speak to any question after the samii has ben put by the AVarden and the voices have been given iu tho affimativo aud the negative thereon. ' STANDINf' ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 90-r>-

52. AVhon-two or more Members rise to speak the Warden shall call upon the Member who first rose in his place. 53. A motion may bo made that any Member who has risen " be now heard " or " do now speak." 51. By the indulgence of the Senate a Member may explain matters of a personal nnture although there be no question before the Senate but such matters may not bo debated. 55. No member may speak twice to the same question before the Senate except in explanation or reply. 58. A Member who has spoken to a question may again be heard to explain himself in regard to some material part of his speech but shall not introduce any new mutter. 57. A reply shall be allowed to a, Member who has made a substantive motion to the Senate but not to any Member who has moved an amendment. 58. Any Member may rise to speak " to order" provided that if the AVu-rden after a point: of order has been raised state that it has boon sulticientlv discussed ho may forthwith declare bis ruling thereon. 5U. No Member shall use offensive or unbecoming words in reference to any Member of the Senate. CO. AVhen any Member shall object to words used in debate and shall desire them to be taken down the AVarden if it be the pleasure of the Senate sliall direct the Registrar to take them down accordingly. 01. Every such objection shall be taken at the linns when such words are used and not after any other Member has spoken. 62. Any Member having used objectionable words and not explaining or retracting the same or offering apologies for the use thereof to the satisfaction of the Senate shall be censured or otherwise dealt with as the Senate may think fit and any Member called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain. 63. Order shall be maintained in the Senate by the AVarden. 64. AArhenever the AA'arden rises during a debate any Member then speaking or offering to speak shall sit down and the Senate shall be silent so that the AVarden may bo Hoard, without interruption. •90<) STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

05. It the AArarden desires to take part in a debate he shall vacate the chair for the time and another Chairman .shall be appointed. Divisrois'S. 66. No Member shall be entitled to vote in any division . unless he be present when the question is put. 67. Every Member present when a division is taken must vote. 08. When a division is called for the AA'arden shall direct tho "Ayes" to the right and the "Noes" to the left and shall appoint two tellers for each party. Oil. T'he vote of the AVarden shall be taken before tho other votes without his being required to leave tho chair. 70. In case there should not bo two tellers for one of the parties the AA'arden shall forthwith declare the resolution of the Senate. 71. -An entry of the lists of divisions iu the Semite shall be made by the Registrar in the Aroies and Proceedings. 72. In ease ot confusion or error concerning the numbers reported unless the same can bo otherwise corrected the Senate will proceed to another division. 73. If the numbers have been inaccurately report oil to the Senate the Senate on being afterwards informed thereof will order the Votes and Proceedings to be corrected. 74. In case of an equality of votes the AVarden shall give ii casting vote and any reasons stated by him shall bo •entered in the Arotes and Proceedings. 70. No member shall be entitled to vote upon any ques­ tion in which he has a direct pecuniary interest and the vote ot any Member so interested shall be disallowed.

COMMITTEES. 76. In committee of the whole the AVarden sliall preside and subject to the provisions hereinafter contained tho same quorum mode ot deciding questions and order in debute sliall be observed as in the Senate itself. 77. In committee Members may speak more than once to the same question. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 907

"S. A Committee of the whole Senate will be appointed by resolution " That the Senate do now resolve itself into a •Committee " or " That a proposed .Statute or Regulation be now committed to a committee of the whole Senate." 79. A motion made in committee need not be seconded .and no motion for the previous question can be mode in committee. 80. A Committee of the whole may at any time report progress aud upon such report the Senate shall be declared resumed. 8). AVhen the business called on is a proposal which has been partly considered in conunittee of the whole the AVarden shall declare the Senate in committee without question put. 82. AAThen all matters referred to a Committee of the whole have been considered the AVarden on motion made and carried " 'That the Senate do now resume " shall declare the Senate resumed. S3. The quorum and convener of every select committee ihall be named in the motion appointing the committee and its report shall be signed by the chairman and may be delivered to the AA'arden whether or not the Senate be then sitting and may be printed and placed on a Notice Paper without an order of the Senate. 84. Subject to the direction of the Senate the procedure in Select Committees shall conform to the procedure in •Conunittee of the whole Senate or as near thereto as may •be possible.

ELECTIONS. 85. The office of AVarden shall become vacant annually on the first day of June. 86. The AVarden shall hold office until his successor is •elected. 87. In all Elections by the Senate the Registrar shall .act as Returning Officer. 88. Not more than nine weeks before the occurrence through effluxion of time or upon the occurrence through •any other cause of any vacancy in the office of AVarden or in the Council of the University the Returning Officer 90S STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENJVTE. shall forthwith issue a circular'to the Menibers ot the Senate whose addresses are on the Register stating the occurrence of such vacancy and that he will receive nominations of Candidates which may be duly sent tc- hini on or before a day not less than fourteen days- from the date of such circular. 89. Nominations of qualified persons shall be made by two members of the Senate and shall contain the written, consent of the Candidate to his nomination. 90. The Returning Officer shall hold an Election- within fnrty-nine days and not less than forty-two days- from the latest day ior. receiving Nominations. 91. It one Candidate only be nominated the Returning Officer shall publish his name on the Board at the Uni­ versity and shall extend the time allowed tor receiving- nominations seven days beyond the date first fixed. If no further nominations are received the Returning Officer shall declare the Candidate duly elected. 92. If more than one Candidate be nominated votes shall be given by Voting Papers only. 93. Within seven- days after the latest day of Nomina­ tion the Returning Officer shall post to each member of the Senate whose address is on the Register a Aroting- Paper a Form of Declaration and three envelopes one envelope to be marked " Voting Paper" a second to be marked " Declaration " and the third to be ad­ dressed "The Returning Officer, University. Melbourne." 94. Every Voting Paper sliall contain the names of the Candidates for Election and sliall be marked by the- Returning Officer and no Voting. Paper or Declaration otlier than that officially issued as aforesaid sliall be accepted provided tliat in any case any Voting Paper or Declaration has. been lost or destroyed a Duplicate shall be supplied .on written application to the Registrar. 95. Every A'oting Paper shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say: —

DIRECTIONS. The Voter shall write the figure 1 opposite the name of the Candidate who stands First in his order of pre­ ference the figure 2 opposite the name of the Candidate- who stands Second in his order of preference and so on. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 90!>


• Numerical Order of Voter's (Names to be inserted in the Alphabetical Order I'refei-eiiee. of Surnames).

No sit/nature is to be written on this Voting Paper. 96. Every Declaration shall be in the form following- or to the like effect that is to say: Tn the lietuniing Officer of the Senate of the Vnivcrsitij of Melbourne- . I tho undersigned declare that I am a member of the Senate of the University of Melbourne and at the election of Warden (or of a Mem­ ber or Members of the Council to fill the- vacancy or vacancies caused or to be caused by [here insert the cause] as the case mav be) which is to take place at o'clock on the day of 19 do hereby vote in the manner showu in the accompanying Voting Paper. Sit/nature nf Member Date- 97. Each member of the Sen'ate shall post to or deliver at the office of the Registrar his Voting Paper aud his- Declaration each enclosed in a separate and distinctive envelope. Tliese envelopes shall liotli be enclosed in a third or outer envelope which shall be addressed to the Returning Officer. . '910 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

98. All such envelopes addressed to the Returning •Officer shall remain unopened until the close of the Poll. The Returning Officer shall then ih each case open the •outer envelope and also the envelope containing the Declaration of each voter. If the Declaration be duly signed the Returning Officer shall place in a Ballot Box provided for the purpose the accompanying envelope containing the Voting Paper. AArhen all the Declara­ tions have been examined the Returning Officer shall mix the envelopes containing the Voting Papers open the same and ascertain the result of the Election. 99. Each Candidate shall be entitled' to nominate a Scrutineer to assist the Returning Officer. 100. Neither the Returning Officer nor any Scrutineer -slmll in any way whatever directly or indirectly divulge or disclose or aid in divulging or disclosing for what •candidate or in what manner any Member ot the Senate voted at any election. 101. Except as aforesaid no Member shall before or .after voting transfer or part with his Voting Paper or Declaration to or permit it to be used by any other person. 102. No Voting Paper shall be used at any election unless it be received by the Returning Officer not later than the hour fixed "for the Election which shall be •stated on the Declaration. 103. The Voter shall indicate the order of his pre­ ference by numbering the names of the Candidates con­ secutively commencing with the number 1 and any Voting Paper on whicli more than one name is left un­ numbered shall not be used in the election. AVhen one name only is left unnumbered the Returning Officer shall insert the, number omitted. 104. If on the report of the Registrar or of a Scruti­ neer the AA'arden be of opinion that any Voting Paper is substantially defective such Voting Paper shall not "be used in the election. 105. If there be more than one vacancy to be filled at any Election the vacancies sliall be filled separately in the order of their occurrence and as each vacancy is filled the name of the successful Candidate shall be •deemed to have been erased from .each Voting Paper STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 911 and the names which remain to have been re-numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., according to the order in which they stand in the voter's order of iircference. 106. One or more scrutinies shall be made by the Registrar and Scrutineers each of the latter being the representative of one Candidate according to the follow­ ing rules: — I. The first scrutiny shall be made iu the follow­ ing manner: (a) The figure written opposite the name of any Candidate on any Voting Paper shall be deemed to represent so many votes against tho said Candidate. (6) The number obtained by dividing the total number of votes by the number of Candi­ dates shall be the average for the scrutiny. (c) Every Candidate whose sum total is not less- than the average shall be rejected. IT. Any subsequent scrutiny shall be made in the same manner as the first scrutiny, provided that the names of all Candidates rejected at any preceding scrutiny shall be deemed to- have been erased from each Voting Paper and the names which remain to have been re­ numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., ac­ cording to the order in which they stand in the voter's order of preference. III. AVhen upon any scrutiny all the Candidates but one have been rejected that one shall be declared elected. IV. If upon any scrutiny all the Candidates have the same number of votes recorded against them the Warden shall by a casting vote reject one of them. V. If upon the first scrutiny it, is found that any Candidate has an absolute majority of the total.number of first votes polled he shall be- declared elected. 912 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

107. The AA'arden shall subject to the provisions herein contained determine conclusively all questions of detail •concerning the Election. 108. In all eases not herein provided tor the rules and usages of Parliament shall, be followed so far as they may be applicable.

INTERPRETATION. 109. Wherever the word '"' AArarden " is used in these Standing Orders it shall mean '" The AA'arden or in his absence the Chairman " unless the contrary is obvious from the context.

Library Digitised Collections

Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1919

Date: 1919

Persistent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11343/23470

File Description: 07_Annual report

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