Links Between Italian and Polish Cartography

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Links Between Italian and Polish Cartography ACCADEMIA POLACCA DELLE SCIENZE BIBLIOTECA E CENTRO DI STUDI A ROMA CONFERENZE 83 STANISLAW LESZCZYCKI LINKS BETWEEN ITALIAN AND POLISH CARTOGRAPHY IN THE 15TH AND 16TH CENTURIES OSSOLINEUM ACCADEMIA POLACCA DELLE SCIENZE BIBLIOTECA E CENTRO DI STUDI A ROMA Direttore : Bronislaw Bilinski » 2, Vicolo Ooria (Palazzo Doria) 00187 Roma Tel. 679.21.70 \ / Accademia polacca delle scienze BIBLIOTECA E CENTRO DI STUDI A ROMA CONFERENZE 83 \ STANISLAW LESZCZYCKI LINKS BETWEEN ITALIAN AND POLISH CARTOGRAPHY IN THE 15TH AND 16TH CENTURIES WROCLAW • WARSZAWA . KRAKÓW . GDANSK . LÓDt ZAKÌAD NARODOWY I MIEN IA OSSOL1NSKICH WYDAWNICTWO POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK 1981 CONSIGLIO DI REDAZIONE Alcksander Gicyszton ' presidente Witold Hensel Mieczyslaw Klimowicz Jcrzy Kolodzicjczak Roman Kulikowski Leszek Kuznicki Wladyslaw Markiewicz Stanislaw Mossakowski Maciej Nal^cz M i rostaw Nowaczyk Antoni Sawczuk Krzysztof Zaboklicki REDATTORE Bronistaw Biliriski The first contacts. Contacts between Italian and Polish cartography can be traced back as far as the early 15th century. Documents have survived to show that in 1421 a Polish delegation to Rome presented a hand-drawn map to Pope Martin V in an effort to clarify Poland's position in her with the Teutonic dispute Knights. The Poles used probably a large colour show map to that the Teutonic Knights were unlawfully holding lands that belonged to Poland and that had never been granted to them. The map itself is unfortunately no longer extant. An analysis of the available documentation made , by Professor Bozena Strzelecka has led her to helieve that the could map not have been made in Poland as cartography in fact did not exist there at that time yet. It must have probably been drawn in Rome with the participation of Poles, for instance, members of the dele­ gation such as the Rector of Cracow University Pawel Wlodkowic and an Italian Jacopo Paravesino, resident at Cracow. As maps were at that time often used to resolve frontier problems or for military purposes we can safely assume that the map mentioned above had a similar character. It that the means map showed the river network (with names of individual rivers), mountainous areas, the coast-line, and names of localities. How the map may have looked can be also surmised from the. sketches of two maps that have survived, in the Codex of S?dziwój of Czechia (Sondek de Czechlo), which represent Western Pomerania and the lands occupied the by Teutonic Order. The first map shows the lands of the Teutonic while the Order, other, which is more detailed, depicts a fragment of the Baltic Coast (Map 1). It shows the network of rivers, marks the names of the rivers Vistula, Pregola, Ossa and DrwQca, lists the Polish rìàmes of towns and castles) and marks the coast of the Sarmatian Sea" (that is, of the Baltic) by a double line. The manuscripts of Ptolemy's Geography. In the 15th. century, at the beginning of the renaissance of classical works in Italy, various works by Greek philosophers began to be translated into Latin and, since the 16th century, into Italian too. The wave of the classical renaissance carried STANfSLAW LESZCZYCfU 4 ' h : ; vi£/ - * ' ,'. W>. ' I 1 Ì -i. v ; '" • ; ; f' A" )«. - »' .- • ' Tr , ^ «?> v, ^"s • -'. •' . • Sy. * • <7.. • s '• ' - «», • -. • . , < . *V , ; .*-•? ; ' 1 ; • v. *» (4 • - '4- '• y- . : "t m / 2 " ?/ / i J : - 4 . O i 1 ° * ' ' : - : 4 ? i « ' • •-, 8 V-.. &?-> , r-v - \ W- l< -V- i 3 , - . - : j v© / /V ; M& /v : r vo < rr ' ' '" ' '• V J( lJ" \ ? • 1 V '* - . ' r. e. •* J. _s .' •>. * . > . S • • • -r % t i - n , - . v c. s4 . if- -. ± . «• |. < « ' s .3 rj_ r Vv _ r >' ' ' r' i ' k • . k*» » .. .< ^ \ • ^ s v ' (: u . : -. \ *. } E \ , l cV o tU : Pn *4* J i ; ? X^ k 1 o a ; •> V f . &«« K-» -Xi ; 2 v!: . l r. s - - ; ; X ITALIAN AND POLISH CARTOGRAPHY IN THE 15TH AND I6TH C. 5 with it Ptolemy's Geography too. Toward the end of the 14th century. Palla di Strozzi had brought a Greek copy of Ptolemy's Geography to Florence. The translation into Latin was done by Manuel Chryioloras and Jacopo d'Angelo da Scarperia. The Latin manuscript was completed at Rome in 1406 and handed to Pope Gregory XII. Another copy, known as the Codex was to Alexander V . Urbinas, presented by Angelus Pope in 1415. More and more copies of the Geography, which was often referred to as Cosmography, were made at Florence and in Rome. The maps appended to these versions were often latinized so that about the mid-fifteenth cen­ tury Ptolemy's Geography could be obtained with maps in Latin. The work of Ptolemy attracted the attention of Cardinal Guillaume Fillastrea (1347-1428), an expert at the Vatican in the Polish-Teutonic dispute in 1421. He bought a Latin copy of the work without maps and sent it as a gift to the cathedral at Reims. As one of the oldest manuscripts in Latin it is known as the Codex Vaticanus Latinus 5698, and it was made to the model of the Codex Urbinas Graecus 82. Several years later, in 1427, Cardinal Fillastrea came into the possession of-another Latin copy of Ptolemy's work which included 27 maps and the text by Jacobo d'Angelo. It is kept right to this day at the Municipal Library at Nancy. That copy already included new maps (tabula moderna) -, the fourth of them was a of entitled Germania and the map Europe ,, Magna" eight one depicted the European Sarmatia, roughly comprising the lands in­ habited by Poles. Attention must also be paid to the map on which its Danish author Claudius Clavus Swart showed the northern territories. His map was probably prepared during his stay in Italy on the commission of Eric the Pomeranian, then king of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Copies of Ptolemy's Geography wandered all over Europe and reached Poland too. Jan Dfugosz, the canon of Cracow, a historian and author of a detailed geographic description of Polish territories, brought a copy of Ptolemy with him from Rome to Cracow about the middle of the 15th century. That copy is kept at the Jagiellonian1 Library at Cracow. It con­ tains 27 old maps, including one of the world and another of Sarmatia. This latter lists 12 names of localities on the Polish area, but unfortunately only one could be identified (Calissia is today's Kalisz, a province centre with a history going back almost 2000 years). The comparison of the Cracow manuscript with the copy at Reims shows that the former derives from the latter, as evidenced by the similarity of the maps, among them the map of Europe (No. IV). 6 STANfSLAW LESZCZYCKI rrTT 2 4u £ SZZ ~h>i SI zH l£ y 2>^ u, . O 4A vyif j! *3 ' 5 % A 53 IS v> s ss ; -*.MS rt » «w V ^- a '. j % . ' cs/ te -s fa z a _ V) £ HCO [> *J É 5?v?j& S 3 ' U) V « t* *•*[ i t: ; V5 Jij i(i % a; 3 5 1 •a tr V5 *.1 3 ) *A H ttL X *S5 V «O ^ ta • - f 1 1 V-c A S iA l • 'f• Ì } il P / H' » -t i - * ^ l -V ^ Vv^ ff-§>V Ufc J ,1 flVY< | 1 >1 , >v / > J ? 1 <• *" J ' ^i-L K \JJ 5- « f? h - v £ \ yc£ . ' * / Uv 5' < PV.q e^ - \ | f'f f k^5 >*..'Ct1 <f* >•" ! > A l ^ V. ', V > fn J ^ I i , J. 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SOB «- STANISLAW LESZCZYCKI VZ'- m «l3 SawssHHsR mmsm wmm ià3 zz m yrt * •» m vt x ?£ BSmAÌS «s >®Ìfesj I #à ?*W m fcH BJ}3= *1^ Ir rW E8 K«% ? ;£> <© >S3* piti St»; *^^-<^1 • »5p^ ^Bj&SfSSgjS ispìr :& ^S| *£P5 3=-4vrn.g$7.ù : O^-WN- rfxvj :ì*1 > * *tL ' J- ^mn ; ? iTU* H j flC r^tSf, Sera '•ÌS . V-i> i Lfl M rp r}i >. *! 3* I fì* ,-r» mìs M m -35 r OW 85 V'ì*' SrS Se: i q*? £8 rT7 \*M .v5 8 k.; ^ €s SS! x ^ *«ò -v.-* .m«P?rCg ' ! •? : 'aì5 ; <«4 '*K£[ *kA^«v*2& Ei 38W *5fc i;$S ,-s -fi PI èjsS irt ort* irf - E fg ts* Ss =W I *& »S1^ 1 Sì as >i ^TSV ìY-if J', -V,vr.-; *S $5 ft aì' «»** 5. *' m Jt m m :*«V> -ìrQ Crisis' ^1 it •jSiitA.^ t. nz * 3 lÉitS X'tr. p*; WV'- : ^K<233?S «»« wisi ti S#** ftfi sat-t i$Àw£i e; f I &.
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