A New Species of Buprestis Subgenus Akiyamaia from South-Eastern Tibet, China (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestini)

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A New Species of Buprestis Subgenus Akiyamaia from South-Eastern Tibet, China (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestini) Zootaxa 4007 (3): 389–398 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ Article ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2015 Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4007.3.5 http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C2CB5691-4F10-45CE-903A-646EA9BE22AB A new species of Buprestis subgenus Akiyamaia from South-Eastern Tibet, China (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestini) HAO HUANG1 & ZHAO-HUI PAN2, 3 1503, Unit 1, #1 Dongtinghu Road, Qingdao, P.R. China. E-mail: [email protected] 2Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet University, Linzhi 860000, P.R . China. E-mail: [email protected] 3Corresponding author Abstract Buprestis (Akiyamaia) intercostata sp. n. is described from Chayu, south-eastern Tibet. It is characterized by the presence of three additional longitudinal carinae inserted between the elevated suture and the three normal costae commonly found on each elytron of the previously known species of Akiyamaia. Key words: Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Buprestinae, Buprestini, Buprestina, Buprestis, Akiyamaia, new species, Tibet, Chi- na Introduction A male specimen of Buprestis subgenus Akiyamaia was unexpectedly collected by the junior author from a subalpine forest in Chayu area, south-eastern Tibet, belonging to an undescribed species. Considering that nearly all species of the subgenus Akiyamaia are very rare in nature and additional specimens are unlikely to be available in the near future, the authors decided to describe this new species. The subgenus Akiyamaia Kurosawa, 1988 (type species: Buprestis mirabilis Kurosawa, 1969) was originally established as one of the four subgenera of the genus Cypriacis Casey, 1909 (type species: Anchylocheira lauta LeConte, 1854 = Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus, 1767) (sensu Kurosawa 1988). Cypriacis was established originally by Casey (1909) as one of the three subgenera of the genus Buprestis Linnaeus, 1758 (type species: Buprestis octoguttata Linnaeus, 1758) for classifying the North American species; it was upgraded to generic rank by Richter (1952) who established two more subgenera for the Palaearctic species of Buprestis. Kurosawa (1988) rearranged the generic and subgeneric classifications of the genus Buprestis and its allies classified by him as the Buprestis generic group, which were historically included by Obenberger (1941) in the genus Buprestis (sensu Obenberger 1941) but were recently accepted by Bellamy (2003) as the subtribe Buprestina of the tribe Buprestini after the removal of Neobuprestis Kerremans, 1903 (type species: Strigoptera australis Blackburn, 1891 = Stigmodera peroni Castelnau & Gory, 1838). The genera Neobuprestis (with Balthasarella Obenberger, 1958 recently revised by Levey & Bellamy, 2013 as its subgenus) and Zulubuprestis Bellamy, 1991 (type species: Zulubuprestis reliquia Bellamy, 1991) were partly or totally considered as members of Buprestini (Cobos 1974, Bellamy 1986, 1991) or the Buprestis generic group (Kurosawa 1988, Bellamy 1994); it was subsequently suggested by Volkovitsh (2001) that they constituted a separate generic group of tribal level, based upon a comparative morphological study of antennal structures using scanning electron microscopy; Levey & Bellamy (2013) described the genus Burnsiellus which belongs to the Buprestinae and may be relatively closely related to the Aglaostola branch of the Buprestinae, pointed out the similarity in the exposed anteclypeus between the Epistomentini, Zulubuprestis, Buprestis and its related genera, and did not think it is possible to draw any firm conclusions regarding the relationship of Neobuprestis to the Epistomentini and Buprestis and its related genera without a thorough cladistic analysis of the subfamily Buprestinae as a whole. Hołyński (1993) regarded Buprestina to be monogeneric subtribe containing a single genus Buprestis with a number of subgenera including Accepted by B. Levey: 12 Jun. 2015; published: 28 Aug. 2015 389.
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    Procrustomachia Occasional Papers of the Uncensored Scientists Group 3, 2: 17-42 Milanówek 10 VI 2018 ISSN 2543-7747 ___________________________________________________________________________ Supplementary review of the genus Philocteanus DEYR. s.l. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestini: Chrysochroina CAST.) Roman B. HOŁYŃSKI PL-05822 Milanwek, ul. Graniczna 35, skr. poczt. 65, POLAND e-mail: [email protected] Introduction The S- and SE-Asian buprestid fauna contains an interesting group, traditionally classified as a series of separate genera divided between the “subfamilies” Chrysochroinae CAST. and Chalcophorinae LAC., but recently (HOŁYŃSKI 2009) – as a result of several rearrangements [see HOŁYŃSKI (2016) for the history] – recognized as subgenera of the single genus Philocteanus DEYR. of the subtribe Chrysochroina CAST. (tribe Buprestini LEACH). General characteristics of the subtribe, genus, and subgenera can be found in my (HOŁYŃSKI 2009) comprehensive elaboration of the Chrysochroina CAST., also some of the subgenera [Micropistus THY. (KUROSAWA 1990), Szentendreya HOŁ. (HOŁYŃSKI 1981, 2016), Cyalithus THS. (HOŁYŃSKI 2014)] have been specially treated in earlier publications – the aim of the present paper is to supplement them with species-level review [keys, description of new species, short diagnoses of other species-group taxa, data on geographical distribution, remarks, photographs] of the remaining ones: Pseudocallopistus OBB., Philocteanus DEYR. s.str., Chrysopistus THY., Epidelus DEYR. and Asemochrysus DEYR.; I also use the occasion to introduce a replacement name for a homonym in Cyalithus THS. Conventions and abbreviations Like in my other publications (unless “corrected” by editors...), I follow the very useful conventions of applying (of course, except wordly citations, where the original form must be retained) SMALL CAPS to all [irrespective of context and full vs.
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