© Copyright by Milton Luiz Torres 2008
© Copyright by Milton Luiz Torres 2008 The Dissertation Committee for Milton Luiz Torres certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Christian Burial Practices at Ostia Antica: Backgrounds and Contexts with a Case Study of the Pianabella Basilica Committee: __________________________ L. Michael White, Supervisor __________________________ Ingrid Edlund-Berry __________________________ Karl Galinsky __________________________ Penelope J. E. Davies __________________________ Joanne M. Spurza Christian Burial Practices at Ostia Antica: Backgrounds and Contexts with a Case Study of the Pianabella Basilica by Milton Luiz Torres, B.A.; M. A. Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin May 2008 Dedication To Tania, Kérix and Krícis “Todos vamos embarcados na mesma nau, que é a vida, e todos navegamos com o mesmo vento, que é o tempo; e assim como na nau, uns governam o leme, outros mareiam as velas; uns vigiam, outros dormem; uns passeiam, outros estão assentados; uns cantam, outros jogam, outros comem, outros nenhuma cousa fazem, e todos igualmente caminham ao mesmo porto; assim nós, ainda que não o pareça, vamos passando sempre, e avizinhando-nos cada um a seu fim; por que tu, conclue Ambrósio, dormes, e teu tempo anda: tu dormis, et tempus tuus ambulat.” Padre António Vieira, Sermão da Primeira Dominga do Advento. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge all the encouragement that I have received from my family, especially my wife Tania, my children Kérix and Krícis, my mother (in memoriam), and my sisters.
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