
Understanding the Tendency of Users to Consume Fake

S. Rouli Manalu, Tandiyo Pradekso, Djoko Setyabudi Universitas Diponegoro Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H. No. 1, Kampus Tembalang Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275 Email: [email protected]

Abstract: This research investigates the groups’ tendencies of media users based on age and income level in consuming, sharing, and believing . These tendencies are examined through: (1) an analysis of pattern of media consumption; and (2) an analysis of types of the most trustworthy media platform. Using systematic random sampling based on residences, this study examines the responses of 400 households in Semarang, Central Java with level of confidence of 95%. The result reveals media users in the age group 15-30 years have higher risk to be exposed and believe in fake news.

Keywords: fake news, media consumption, media trustworthiness

Abstrak: Penelitian ini menelaah kecenderungan kelompok usia dan tingkat pendapatan untuk mengonsumsi, membagikan, dan mempercayai berita bohong. Kecenderungan ini ditelaah melalui: (1) analisis pola konsumsi media; dan (2) analisis jenis platform informasi yang dianggap paling dapat dipercaya. Dengan menggunakan systematic random sampling berdasarkan tempat tinggal, penelitian ini menguji tanggapan dari 400 rumah tangga di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengguna media pada kelompok usia 15- 30 tahun memiliki keecenderungan yang lebih tinggi dalam mengonsumsi dan mempercayai berita bohong.

Kata kunci: berita bohong, kepercayaan media, konsumsi media

The discussions regarding fake news and widely shared were the Democrat’s and came to the forefront of public Candidate, Hillary Clinton, who had conversations in many countries in the sold weapon to ISIS, and that Pope had past years. One of the prominent events endorsed Donald Trump to become the that contribute to this discussion was next U.S. President. In the aftermath of the U.S. Election Campaign in 2016, U.S. Election, the situation was even worse where many were distributed when the elected U.S. President, Donald widely without verification. NewsTrump, repeatedly using the term “fake Media Association Report (News Media news” to number of media agencies that Association, 2016) stated amongst those were reporting unfavorable information of unverified information, the most popular the Trump Admiration to undermine their

1 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 15, NOMOR 1, Juni 2018: 1-16 authority. CNN, ABC, CBS, to the election of regional leaders and the and New York Times were among news works of the government. The were agencies that labeled producing fake news mostly spread through (92,4 by Donald Trump. %), online conversation apps like Line, Not only in the U.S., the proliferation WhatsApp, and Telegram (62,8%), websites of hoax and heated discussion of fake (34,9%), (8,7%), print media news also taken place in Indonesia. The(5%), email (3,1%), and (1,2%). trend of sharing unverified news wasThus, online media are increasingly popular started rapidly in the Presidential Election in the dissemination of fake news. With its Campaign in 2014, and then intensified in affordances to spread information rapidly the Gubernatorial Election Campaign of and widely in the vast network of users, DKI Jakarta in 2017. Articles in Harian online media also became the potential KOMPAS stated in its report (Hoaks Politik tool in spreading vicious, deceptive, and Dominan, 2017; Hoaks, dari Era Soekarno fabricated information. Hingga Kini, 2017) that many of those The problem of fake news becomes distributed fake news revolved around consequential when people or media users political issues. It further noted the massive do not recognize some particular news as production of fake news contents which fabricated news, and respond to those news were made possible by such elaborate team as truth. It would have the possibility to works. These teams were in possession lead to the emergence of conflict at various of organized work divisions that involve levels and contexts (Karlova & Fisher, producers, supporters, and followers. In the 2013; Rojecki & Meraz, 2016; Allcot & case of DKI Jakarta Gubernatorial Election, Gentzkow, 2017). Thus, it is important to the report noted that fake news were often understand what news can be counted as contain with views expressing hatred fake news. Allcot and Gentzkow (2017) and manipulation of religious and racial offer a helpful definition of fake news that sentiments. Hence, the sectarian issues differentiates it from verified news. They became the main material for fabricated define fake news as “news articles that are news with the intention to influence the intentionally and verifiably false and could outcome of the election. mislead readers” (Allcot & Gentzkow, A survey from the Indonesian 2017, p. 213). From this definition, we Telematics Society or MASTEL can see there are at least two elements of (Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia, 2017) fake news: (1) form of fabrication, and (2) to 1.116 respondents, reports that people contains with the intention to continuously exposed to fake news in their mislead readers. Thus, one characteristic of daily online interactions. Respondents fake news that almost all people agree on admit that 9,8% of the false news is theythat it has the possibility of misleading received were social-political news relatedothers.

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Fallis (2015, p. 402) also makes a The distribution of information is no longer contribution to the identification of inaccuratesimply in the hands of news media agencies news content and defines two categoriesand of professional , but it could misleading news or misleading information. also be in the hands of various new actors, The first category is , which whichis made possible by the affordances information that is deliberately created and of information technology. This lead to distributed in order to deceive others. Most a situation which is known as hybrid forms of disinformation such as fake news news system, where there is a process of and are misleading information amalgamation between the old and new because the of information intentionally information channels. The conception aims to deceive others. The second category of the hybrid news system is proposed of misleading information, according to Fallis by Chadwick (2011, 2013) in his study (2015, p. 402), is , which is of political news in British. Chadwick information that is incorrect or inaccurate as a (2013, p. 21) describes the characteristics result of errors, omissions, and biases. of current as “a The categories proposed by Fallis set of competing and overlapping logic (2015, p. 402) provide distinction of fake of the media”. Chadwick (2013, p. 159) news based on the intention of the creator mentions this current hybrid news system or the disseminator. Disinformation is a is characterized by high interdependence deliberate creation of fake news, while between old elites, new elites, and non- misinformation is negligence or accident elite participants who construct as well without a specific purpose. In addition, as challenge meanings of the messages disinformation and misinformation does that flow and spread through the different not seen from the effects or the resultchannels of of information. the information, but from the substance In the hybrid news system, according of the information. Disinformation to Chadwick (2013), media are and misinformation are not misleading under transition where they strive to adapt information only when someone is the presence of new technologies. This successfully deceived by that information. transformation not only limited in adopting Disinformation and misinformation new technology for their information are still misleading information based channels and news delivery, but it is also on the substance of information that is updating journalistic practices by utilizing not describing the actual situation and digital technology. The dissemination of containing errors and inaccuracies that information no longer relies solely on deviate from the actual situation. conventional channels, but also via the One of the driving forces that foster the to spread information virally. proliferation of false information of fake Politicians are also quickly adapting to news is the change in media ecosystem. the complexity of information flows.

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Many politicians use diverse types of Changes also manifest in the ways readers social media to communicate directly or media users consume the news. The to their audiences or their constituents practice of sharing or disseminating without any mediation from conventional information from various sources now media or journalists. This type of political characterizes information consumption. communication is straightforward without The ease of distributing information by any filtering, gate-keeping, or framing copying and pasting information hyperlinks process from the media. It is not uncommon in social media is a common practice in for public officials, such as the presidents, reading news nowadays. News-readers ministers, politicians, and parliamentarians can become news-spreaders. Thus, there to use their accounts to convey is information abundance because readers information, personal views, and comment can also be a source or disseminator of on the latest issues in the community. These information (Hermida, Fletcher, Korell, & accounts can be official accounts related Logan, 2012). to public office (as part of an institutional Information abundance that is available social media account), as well as personal in various channels prompts newsreaders accounts (often declared as personal votes to select the information to be consumed and views, and not institutional views). and disseminated based on their personal In this hybrid news system, to extent assessment of the quality and truthfulness Chadwick (2011, 2013) arguments, the views of the information. According to Giglietto, of politicians conveyed through their social Iannelli, Rossi, and Valeriani (2016, p. 10), media accounts have become part of news evaluation of the truthfulness of information for . Short opinion pieces from in the current information ecosystem politicians are not uncommon end up to be can be based on three elements: (1) the news, and it could even go further as part source; (2) the story; and (3) the context of the headlines in various media outlets. of the information they obtain. In term of Journalists themselves also use the social evaluation of truthfulness of the source, media to add comments or personal views media organizations with good reputation which they could not convey via media are often regarded as credible information channels where they work. This kind of channels due to verification and check and opinions could also shape people perception re-check mechanisms. However, the issues on particular issues. These complex flows of media concentration and conglomeration of information not only exist in developed by a group of capital owners often make countries, such as countries in North America news content on and Europe, but also took place in the context suspected of containing particular interests. of political news in Indonesia. The emergence of is Changes not only happen in the way increasingly becoming reference because it news media agencies produce news. is considered more independent and has no

4 S. Rouli Manalu, et all. Understanding the Tendency... economic interests that must be protected. only take place on the side of media users. But this does not necessarily solve the Professional actors, such as journalists, also problem because at the same time there have possibility to experience information is an emergence of information sources overload that lessen the ability to assess that seems reliable but actually only truthfulness of information. In the wake of disseminates information that cannot be terrorist attack or natural disaster, media justified as truth. This phenomenon raisesorganizations and faced deluge the amount of information that contradicts of information in the short amount of time each other and requires the reader to digest (Giglietto et al., 2016, p. 13). Thus, from and to compare information. these three elements (i.e. source, story, and In regards to evaluation of news content context), we can see there are number of or story, Giglietto et al. (2016) state that factors that determined users’ perception of individual tends to believe news that is not information truthfulness. in contrary to his/her vision of the world as Another important factor that well as his/her personal beliefs and further shapes pattern of information selection reinforces existing beliefs. This is because and consumption is age or generational individual would pay more attention to this difference among users. Marchi (2012, kind of information and because it is easier p. 248) notes that younger generation of to comprehend (Giglietto et al., 2016, p. media users, have the ability to monitor 12). This often leads a person to only read multiple media sites simultaneously, while and disseminate coherent information the older adult users put more attention to with his/her beliefs and worldviews of onethe source of news at one time. This pattern world. Therefore, there is a tendency oftenthat misunderstood by older generation as users who are disseminating informationa reflection of inattention (Marchi, 2012, p. through social media is often based on 248). If younger generation easily bouncing personal motive to reinforce her/his beliefs from one media to other media channel and influencing others to have the same and have a broader knowledge (albeit belief. sometime superficial) of various issues, Furthermore, in relation to evaluation on the other hand, an older generation of information truthfulness based the context would rather focus on smaller number of of information, in the current situation that is topics with more in-depth comprehension characterized with ‘information overload’, of those topics. Furthermore, Marchi Giglietto et al., (2016, p. 10) suggest that (2012, p. 248) notes difference also can people would tend to have limited ability to be found generally in the immediacy of process the content of information, and less information consumption. While older capacity to evaluate whether they would get generation prefer to have particular hours negative impact or benefit from particular of the day to consume information, younger information. This kind of situation is not generation choose to get the news instantly

5 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 15, NOMOR 1, Juni 2018: 1-16 whenever they want (Marchi, 2012, p. ability is not equally strong in evaluating the 248). Communication technology, such as truth value and the credibility of the content. the Internet and mobile phone, enables this In short, the proliferation of fake, false, type of media consumption for younger or fabricated news cannot be separated generation with all-time connection with from the complex transformation of sources of information. information ecosystem. It was driven by However, younger generation’s ability the use of information technology and the to obtain limitless information in the current Internet in news production, distribution, Internet era is not always followed by their and consumption. The shifting practices of ability to evaluate the quality of information. media production by news agencies as well Research shows that age also an important as shifting practices in media consumption factor when it comes to tendency in believing by newsreaders or media users make room or sharing false information. A research from in production and distribution of unverifiable Stanford History Education Group (2016, p. information. 10) reveals that middle school and high school This study focuses on the side of the students in the U.S. have a low ability to newsreaders or media users to see the users’ differentiate fake news from real news. When characters who have tendency to consume students are presented with several different and distribute fake news, particularly articles, they are failed to differentiate the among the media users in Indonesia. sponsored contents from the real news stories Building on previous studies, this research (Stanford History Education Group, 2016, p. use age as determinant factor which added 10). Most of students also accept photographs with the level of income. This tendency is presented in the study as portraying reality investigated through the examination of or fact without verifying the source, or the pattern of news consumptions and the asking further where the pictures came from assessment of news channel that is perceived (Stanford History Education Group, 2016, p. the most trustworthy or most credible. This 17). Surprisingly, many students also show study will yield media users’ profile with low ability to notice the difference between propensity of consuming and distributing real news accounts from what looked like fake news. similar news account on social media. Students also have a low ability to determine METHOD sources of tweets and to evaluate the validity This study is part of a broader study of information contained in them. Hence, this that is funded by competitive research study shows although there is a general belief grant from Faculty of Social and Political that young generations are fluent in using Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. This social media and many internet applications, research aims to investigate fake news in and that they are relatively savvy in producing three different fronts. This first part is to and appropriating various digital content, their conduct audience profiling with tendency to

6 S. Rouli Manalu, et all. Understanding the Tendency... consume and distribute fake news based on the level of sub-districts (kelurahan), then to the pattern of media use and the assessment the level of sub-kelurahan (RW), and finally of news channel/media platform credibility to the level of neighborhood (RT). and trustworthiness. The second part is to The data analysis is conducted by map out characteristics of false news and to using descriptive statistical analysis. By trace the sources that are used to spread the using this analysis, this study can reveal the information. The third part is to understand pattern of media use based on age and level the behavior of audiences in the consumption, of income. The data is further analyzed to production, and reproduction of information see the perception of media trustworthiness through the media. This article presents the based on age, and level of income of the result of the first part of the study. respondents. The data used for this study was collected FINDINGS using survey method. The research population is resident in Semarang city who actively The result of the survey shows the use media, both mainstream media (i.e. composition of the respondent based on television, , , radio) and gender is male (40%) and female (60%). alternatives media (i.e. social media, weblogs,This composition was obtained naturally Youtube, etc.). The sampling technique which means gender composition of the which used is systematic random samplingrespondents is not predetermine before by region. The number of respondents of this survey, but it was solely based on the study is 400 that is determined with a level availability of the household member that of confidence 95% and a margin of error of responded to the surveyors at the time 5%. The determination of the respondents the survey was conducted. Meanwhile, is done through several stages: from the respondents’ composition based on age determination of 5 zones (namely North, are categorized into seven age groups (as South, West, East and Central Semarang) to shown in the Figure 1).

Figure 1 Composition of Respondents Based on Age (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

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The largest proportion of the respondents The survey was able to obtain responses are in the age group of 41-50 years old (23%). from respondents from different income Although it is not significantly different groups. The largest proportion of the compare to respondents in the age group of respondents’ income start from Rp. 1.000.000 31-40 years old (20%) and 21-30 years old to Rp. 2.000.000 per month reach 45,8% (19%). In short, the survey was able to obtain (as shown in Figure 2). Information about responses from young and adult population in this income is related to the respondents’ the group of 21-50 years old. The age group preference and consumption of media to get of the respondents will be relevant to see the their information will be explained in the next ways in which they use different information section. channels and different types of media. The age The inquiry regarding pattern of group of respondents will also show different media consumption uncovers the ways, and preference of media and their perception of through which channel, the respondents media trustworthiness and credibility. obtain their information and how different

Figure 2 Composition of Respondents Based on Income Level (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

Figure 3 Respondents’ Pattern of Media Consumption Based on the Types of Channel (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

8 S. Rouli Manalu, et all. Understanding the Tendency... age groups prefer different types of channel online channels (i.e. news portal, website, of information. The result of the survey , etc.). Many respondents mentioned shows that overall respondents used that they use more than one social media predominantly television as information in their daily use, even small number of the channel to acquire their information and respondents mentioned that they use five to entertainment. This medium is still the most six social media. These social media can accessible channel of information, in which be Facebook, , Instagram, Path, overwhelmingly 70.8% of the respondents and a number of mobile chat applications, said that television content is the most such as Line, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. consumed information in their daily life. Respondents who use the combination of The majority of the respondents these two media counted up to 23% of the mentioned two types of television watchingrespondents. As for others respondents, a pattern based on the time spending in small group of them mentioned that they watching. First, the group of respondents used radio (3%) and (3.3%) who spend four hours on average watchingas the most consumed media to obtained television in a day (20%). Second, the group information and entertainment. of respondents who spend more than seven If we look closely to the pattern of hours on average in watching television consumption based on the age groups, in a day (21,5%). Large numbers of the it can be seen that the largest number of respondents also asserted that they have respondents who mentioned that television more than one unit of television in their is the most consumed mass media are home, for several respondents it is even in the age group of 41-70 years old. It up to three to four units. The placement of seems that the older generation prefer this this television can be in living room, family medium as their source of information room, and bedroom. This indicates that and entertainment. This fact is somewhat television has a very close connection with contradictory to the younger age group respondents’ daily and family life. The fact (15-30 years old), where most of them use that some respondents spend seven hours social media and other online platforms to watching television means watching TV get information and entertainment. is counted one-third of their average daily For those who are in the age of 21- activities. Among many television channels 30 years old, both online media and social that can be watched nationally in Indonesia, media are the most popular media. Looking the top three that is reported as the most closely to the 23% of respondents who frequently watch is Indosiar (20,5%), said that they predominantly used online ANTV (18,3%), and RCTI (15,5%). and social media to get information, The second medium that is become almost half of them are in the age group the most used to obtain information is the of 21-30 years old (43,8% and 40,8%, as combination of social media and other shown in Figure 4). The next age groups

9 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 15, NOMOR 1, Juni 2018: 1-16 who rely on online and social media are something to access and read information the group of 31-40 years old and 15-20 on the newspaper. With the abundance of years old. Therefore, this survey conforms information available through online media with general knowledge that the younger and television that can be obtained for free generations are those who are use and (although users have to pay fee for Internet consume information distributed through connection, this fee is not necessarily seen social media and various online platforms. as cost to access information/news but Generational gap also clearly shows through also cost for other communication and the result of the survey, where among 23% entertainment purposes), less media users of the respondents of the research who said are willing to pay for information they get. the users of online and social media, only Another possible explanation is related less than 10% are from the age group of 41- to the less practicality of newspaper to 50 years old and 51-60 years old, and even be read compare to online news media or smaller in the age group of 61-70 years old social media that can be read anytime and (1,3%). anywhere through mobile devices. For the other types of conventional As for the explanation of the lack media (i.e. radio and newspaper), it is of use of the radio, it is possible because interesting to see that the age group of a large number of radio channel in 15-30 years in the survey no longer use Semarang are predominantly contain with newspaper and radio to access and to get entertainment with less proportion of information. There are several possible news content (although there are a small explanations for the lack of newspaper number of channel with news specialty). and radio use, as reveals in this research. This situation causes many radio listeners One possible explanation is because see this medium as merely the source of media users have to buy or have to pay entertainment, and not the source of news.

Figure 4 Respondents’ Pattern of Media Consumption Based on the Types of Channel (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

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The other possible explanation is because respondents have that one media channel the less practicality of radio as compare to delivers honest, accurate, and sound online media that can be accessed through information. It also means that they would turn mobile devices. to that particular media in the situation where If we further look on the ways in which uncertainties occur. The result of the survey the pattern of media consumption different shows that large proportions of respondents based on level of income, we can see that asserted television is the most trusted media respondents with lower income level (up to to deliver information, which accounted for Rp. 4.000.000) largely depend on television 78,8% of the respondents. Not surprisingly, for their source of information. As for the newspaper also considered as also one of groups of respondents with higher income the most trustworthy channel of information level (> Rp 4.000.000) are starting to see (7,8%). online platforms and social media as the Meanwhile, although relatively large alternative source of information, although proportion of media users utilized social most of the time they rely on television as media and other online platforms as to access source of information and entertainment. their information, the level of confidence of The result of the survey shows the these channels of information is relatively increasing number of the higher income low. Only 4,5% of the respondents admit level group no longer use television as the that social media is the most trusted source dominant source of information. Instead, of information and only 5,8% assert that they turn to online media as well as social online platforms as the most trusted source media to fulfill their need of information. of information. The level of confidence The perception of media trustworthiness of radio is even lower, as the survey indicates the respondents’ level of trust the result shows only 0,5% of respondents

Figure 5 Respondents’ Perception regarding Media Trustworthiness (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

11 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 15, NOMOR 1, Juni 2018: 1-16 considered radio as the most trustworthy On the contrary, the younger generations media channel. It is important to note that media users (age group 15-30 years there is also a group of respondents that old) believe on social media and online have no confidence on either type of media platforms as the most trustworthy source on to deliver trustworthy information. They information. Although there are large number see that television, social media, online of respondents in this age group who still platforms, radio, or newspapers cannot be consider television is the most trustworthy depended on to deliver honest, fair, and media, but significant proportion admitted accurate information. It can be said that this the trustworthiness of social media and group of respondents has a fundamental online platforms as compare to different age skepticism on mass media. groups. Among respondents who admitted Regarding the perception of media that they have trust on , the highest trustworthiness of different age groups,proportions are in the age group of 21-30 the survey shows that different age groupsyears old and 31-40 years old. of respondents have different confidence In relation to the level of income, level on mass media. As predicted, the the groups of respondents who have the respondents in the older age groups, from 41 level of income from Rp 1.000.000 to Rp years old to above, have more confidence in 3.000.000 (relatively low income level) television and newspapers compare to other see that television is the most trustworthy types of mass media. Further, there is no mass media and have more confidence single respondent in these age groups (41 to with the information this medium presents. >70 years old) that considered social media However, respondents with medium and and various online platforms as trustworthy. relatively higher level of income (Rp

Figure 6 Respondents’ Perception regarding Media Trustworthiness based on Age Group (Source: Researcher data, 2017)

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4.000.000 up to > Rp 5.000.000) are not event from social networking sites such as trusting information on television as high as Facebook, YouTube, and various blogs. the previous group. Although some of them One of the reasons is that this medium of have confidence on information on TV, information allows them “to connect and reasonably numbers of people with higher contribute to ongoing conversations about income have more trust on newspaper and news via posting comments and/or content other online media. on social networking sites and blogs”. With this opportunity to provide feedback and DISCUSSION commentary to the current affairs, reading The survey data shows the terms or watching news on the Internet become of media pattern of consumption, the more engaging activity compare to just majority of the respondents are still rely passively watching news on television. heavily on television as a primary source Another reason for younger generation of information. This is especially true in to seek information through the Internet the group of older generation, particularly and social media is because teenager prefer of those who are above 40 years old. On to “self-tailor” their news, and because they the contrary, less media users are relying on see traditional news outlets “force-fed” the radio and newspaper as the main source of stories to them, which they find boring and information, particularly those who are in less interesting (Marchi, 2012, p. 252). the younger age group of 15-30 years old. Teenagers see that the Internet and various There are even some of media users that social media also provide rooms for firsthand admitted they are no longer use these media experiences and diverse perspectives (that (i.e. radio and newspaper) and obtain their also can be seen on the comment section), information from other sources. which they could actively seek if they are However, although television is still interested. Being exposed to many types the primary source of information, the of stories and different perspectives allow group of younger generation (particularly teenagers to consider their position on an the group of 15-30 years old) stated that issue and further develop their opinion they rely on social media and various on that particular issue (Marchi, 2012, p. online platforms to get and to fulfill their252). Nevertheless, Marchi (2012, p. 253) need of information. The vast amount and also acknowledge this “a la carte” news the diversity of information available on the consumption among young generation Internet is indeed one to the strong features raise a new concern that it could lead to of this medium as compare to others, the emergence of “” in which which attract this group of younger mediaindividual only exposed themselves to users. Marchi (2012, p. 252) has indicated information that match their own believe a number of reasons of why teenagers or and strengthen their own conviction. This younger users prefer to learn about current concern is become more significant in the

13 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 15, NOMOR 1, Juni 2018: 1-16 pervasiveness of false information on the authority of news and information is still Internet and social media nowadays. perceived closely related to professional If we refer to the previous studies journalists and institutionalized media that that asserted online and social media have are considered have gone through several large share for distribution fake news sites editorial steps in preparing the information (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017; News Media before delivering it to the readers/media Association, 2017, Masyarakat Telematika users. However, an important note worth Indonesia, 2017), then the groups of these considering is the tendency of the younger young media users have the higher risk to be generation (15-20 years old), who are most exposed to false information. It also means likely still in the school age, to believe the they have higher susceptibility to read information from social media. The level of and distribute fake news, with or withouttrust of this group age to the social media realizing it. In conjunction to this possibility information are considerably high compare of high exposure to false information, the to other age group. This research see that it is tendency of younger generation to have lack quite concerning that relatively significant of ability to differentiate false information proportion of respondents in the age of 15- from the real one (as shown in the finding 20 years have confidence on information of the Stanford History Education Group on social media and consider it as the research, 2016) make them prone to trusting most trustworthy channel of information, unverified information without further given that many unconfirmed sources and effort to do some cross-check. In addition unverified information is flooding a number to this age factor, this research also shows of social media platform. that media users with high consumption of Giglietto et al. (2016) and Marchi information through online media and social (2012) concern about echo-chamber which media are those who have medium to high could be a logical explanation for this level of income. Therefore, based on these finding, in which they explain individuals two factors, profile of media users with would give greater attention and tendency to consume false information are consideration to what is familiar with them those who are relatively young in age and since it is easier to understand. Consumption with moderate and high level of income. of information are done insofar it is feeding Thus, if one were to conduct anti-fake news and sustaining their views of the world or or anti-hoax campaign, these two factors understanding of a particular issue. Thus, should be taken into considerations. the information on social media would Furthermore, in terms of perception sound factual and convincing if it is in line of media trustworthiness, the largest with users’ interests. The fact that many proportions of the respondent still have times conventional media (such as TV confidence on conventional media, such channels and newspapers) in Indonesia as television and newspaper. The sound of rather obviously support some particular

14 S. Rouli Manalu, et all. Understanding the Tendency... political agendas lead to skepticism. This is of information as well as in consumption side where is playing roles, although of the information. This research observes it does not mean it is equal to spreading a number of previous researches that false information. The high confidence to investigate the tendencies of media users in information in social media and various consuming and distributing fake news, where websites could also lead to spreading the factors such as age and personal beliefs those information to closer networks, even are some determinant in consuming fake sharing it publicly. This is part of the cycle news. This research, then, aims to examine in circulation of false information. the ways in which age and level of income Therefore, it is important to recognize were determining tendency to consume fake that if the younger generations’ dependency news. on social media for their news consumption, The research result shows that based and confidence to the truth-value of the on the pattern of media consumption, the information on this platform increasing, media users in the age group of 15-30 years then, it is increasingly consequential old have the higher risk to be exposed to to provide literacy to these younger fake news. It also means that this age group generations to differentiate the fake was news the media users with tendency to from the real one. As Stanford History consume (and most likely to distribute) fake Education Group (2016) noted, the fluencynews. Meanwhile, based on the perception of the younger generation in using social of media trustworthiness, this research also media is not necessarily meant that they finds the younger group of media users, also easily assess credibility of information. particularly the age group of 15-20 years Thus, the younger age groups are the media old, was the age group who has tendency users who have the highest tendency to to believe on fake news. The result of this research, therefore, provides important consume fake news. This situation leads to the urgency to provide digital literacy information regarding who are the media users that should be targeted for literacy to this group to help them possess more program to reduce, or even to eliminate, the ability to recognize the information worth distribution of fake news in public space. considering and worth believing. REFERENCE CONCLUSION Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media This study finds that the proliferations and fake news in the election 2016. Journal of of fake news are relate with the complex Economic Perspectives, 32(2), 211–236. transformation of that brought Chadwick, A. (2011). The political information about by the affordance of digital technology cycle in a hybrid news system: The British and various internet applications, particularly prime minister and the “bullygate” affair. social media. The shifting practices have taken International Journal of Press/, 16(1), 3-29. place in both production and distribution side

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