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Madison Jewish News 4 December 2015 Kislev-Tevet,5776 Inside This Issue Jewish Federation Upcoming Events ......................5 Partnership 2Gether in Pictures ......................16-17 Business, Professional & Service Directory ............25 Simchas & Condolences ........................................6 Jewish Education ..........................................22-23 Lechayim Lights ............................................27-29 Congregation News ......................................10-11 Jewish Social Services ........................................24 Israel & The World ........................................30-31 1,018,000 950,000 A Letter to the Madison 900, 000 850,000 800,000 Jewish Community 750,000 $755,713 Thank you. For 75 years, it has been there has been an attack; and so much To everyone who has already con- 700,000 Donated you, and those who came before you, who more. tributed to the Jewish Federation of Madi- 650,000 So Far! are and have been the pillars – the very Locally, your one gift benefits Camp son’s 75th anniversary campaign, thank 600,000 foundation – of our vibrant Jewish com- Shalom; Midrasha: Madison’s Hebrew you. As of 11-24-15 munity. Without your financial support and High School; the Hilde L. Mosse Gan If you would like to increase your gift – 550,000 Deadline is commitment to the work of the Jewish HaYeled Preschool; Israel programming; another thank you. 500,000 Federation of Madison it is no exaggera- five beneficiary agencies; our exceptional If you have not made your gift yet, Dec. 31, 2015 450,000 tion to say that the Federation would not Outreach program, which successfully in- please do so right away while remember- exist as we know it. tegrates newcomers into our Jewish com- ing all that your one gift does here and 400,000 Your support enables the Jewish Feder- munity, family education programming, everywhere. 350,000 ation of Madison to do so many good and more. Thank you for your generosity, support 300,000 things all around the world and right here Your one gift helps support all of these and loyalty. The Jewish Federation of at home. Your one gift benefits so many, initiatives and so many others. Madison remains strong because of you. 250,000 including securing the lives and safety of What happens in the next month will 200,000 the Jews of Ukraine; protecting and advo- determine our direction and capacity to B’Shalom, 150,000 cating for the far too many Jews who face meet the ever-growing and critical needs Dina Weinbach, Executive Director an onslaught of anti-Semitism; helping to of our Jewish community here in Madison, 100,000 settle thousands of Syrian refugees through in Israel, and throughout the world. At the 0 the JDC and HIAS; supporting the Fund time this article goes to print, we still need Please donate online at or contact for Victims of Terror, which provides direct to raise $262,287 in order to reach our Lynn Kaplan at [email protected] or 608-442-4076. and immediate assistance to Israelis after goal. Eric Schwartz Receives Ben Minkoff Volunteer Service Award This award was presented by Jordy Minkoff Volunteer Service Award. Eric Nagila Jewish community picnic and record-keeping, the Hillel capital cam- Loeb, the 2014 recipient, at the Federa- is a long-time Madisonian. He grew up other community events. paign, and the management of the build- tion’s Annual Meeting in Chicago, came to college here, loved Eric’s many leadership contributions ing, kosher café and meal program. Eric it, and has lived here ever since. He grew include serving as a Board member and was chair of the finance committee at The Ben Minkoff Volunteer Service up in a Jewish family in Chicago but an officer for UW Hillel. He was instru- UW Hillel and was responsible for im- Award is named in memory of former they were not active in the Jewish com- mental in the area of finances, financial (Continued on page 4) Jewish Federation of Madison president munity. and founder of Camp Shalom, Ben Eric became involved in the Madison Minkoff. The recipient of this award Jewish community through his close and Annual Meeting Report must have a record of committed service dear friend, Larry Shapiro. Eric admired to the Jewish Federation of Madison and Larry’s involvement in and dedication to the Madison Jewish community stretch- Jewish life in Madison. Larry truly in- of the Executive Director ing over a period of time doing volunteer spired Eric to become active, an example work beyond its usual definition. Tradi- of kindness and generosity in the Jewish Editor’s note: Dina Weinbach, Exec- tism right here at home – our Federation tionally, the identity of the award winner community. After Larry died, Eric car- utive Director of the Jewish Federation is ready to respond and is committed to is kept secret until the Annual Meeting. ried on as a tribute to him, with the same of Madison, gave this speech at the ensuring the survival, well-being and We are thrilled to announce that Eric sort of energy and devotion. Annual Meeting on November 15, 2015. continuity of the Jewish people in the Schwartz is the 2015 recipient of the Ben Eric is also passionate about Israel. Madison area, in Israel and throughout He and his wife, Sara, have traveled to It is both an honor and privilege to the world. Israel frequently. They have been major stand here as your Executive Director for Every year since its conception, the donors to the Jewish Federation of Madi- the 75th Annual Meeting of the Jewish Jewish Federation of Madison has re- son annual campaign for many years. Federation of Madison. As I reflect on mained strong and has added to its ac- They were early supporters of the Good- all this organization has accomplished complishments. This past year, the 75th PAID man Campus, advertisers in the Madison over the past 75 years, I am in awe, I am anniversary, was no exception. High- Madison, Wis. inspired, and I am reminded what this lights include: Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 1341 Jewish News, plus donors to the Hava amazing community can do when we • A building plan for the Federation work together. Headquarters, thanks to the Building Our founders did an extraordinary job Headquarters Committee expertly co- establishing a solid foundation for what chaired by Eric Schwartz and Joe Shu- was then known as the Madison Jewish mow. Both Eric and Joe are here tonight Welfare Fund in 1940. They were in- if people would like to talk with them sightful and intelligent in creating the about the proposal. foundational documents and in respond- • $250,000 in improvements to the ing to the extraordinary crises then facing Goodman Campus, thanks to a grant world Jewry and our own community. from the Irwin A. and Robert D. Good- Our community and world Jewry con- man Foundation. The Goodman Founda- tinue to face crises, and our Jewish Fed- tion has been a true partner and supporter eration continues to address them today. of many of the projects carried out by the Whether it’s an earthquake in Nepal, fires Federation. They have our utmost grati- in Houston, terror attacks in Israel, reset- tude and appreciation for their consistent Eric Schwartz and family tling refugees from Syria, or anti-Semi- 6434 Enterprise Lane Madison, Wisconsin 53719 Change Service Requested JEWISH FEDERATION OF MADISON JEWISH FEDERATION (Continued on page 10) The central information source for the entire Madison Jewish community Jewish Federation of Madison expresses its sincere appreciation to these businesses for their generous support of our website. SILVER SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR Madison Computer Works M Fast on-site and in-store service M Desktop, notebook & tablet sales M Data backup & recovery M Malware protection & removal M Notebook repairs & upgrades M Network setup & troubleshooting M Wireless networks and routers M Cloud integration & security M Cisco Select Certified Partner M Microsoft® Office 365 SMB Champion [email protected] 317 E. Wilson Street, Madison • 608.255.8998 Ph: 608.231.8000 Fax: 608.231.8019 670 S. Whitney Way, Madison • 608.274.5575 353 Island Drive Madison, WI 53705 Promote your business by becoming a Federation website sponsor The central information source for the entire Madison Jewish community Three annual sponsorship opportunities available: Platinum $10,000 Gold $5,000 Silver $2,500 Website sponsorship offers you the opportunity to promote your business among our community’s 6,000 members. In addition to making a valuable business choice, you’ll be supporting vital services that serve both the Jewish and general community. The Jewish Federation of Madison website serves as the central information source for the entire Jewish community. More than 2,000 individuals visit each month. Members of other Jewish communities who are planning to move to Madison also depend on the Federation website for information about where to live, work, and shop. As a Federation website business sponsor, you’ll receive the following recognition in appreciation of your support: ■ Your business name and logo will be prominently displayed on the Jewish Federation website homepage. Your business logo will also link to your website. ■ Your business will be featured in an individual recognition announcement in every issue of the Madison Jewish News, which has a monthly circulation of 2,600 households and 6,000 individuals. The announcement will be given preferred placement and run in full color in the first few pages of the newspaper. The announcement will also include a photo of your choice, which you can change as often as you choose. ■ You’ll be invited as our guest to the Federation Annual Dinner, our November event attended by our community’s leaders. You’ll also receive complimentary passes for the 5,500 square-foot Goodman Aquatic Center pool.
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