Ra 2001 Population and Housing Census Results

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Ra 2001 Population and Housing Census Results ÐÐ 2001Ã. زð¸²Ð²Ø²ðÆ ºì ´Ü²ÎàôÂÚ²Ü ä²ÚزÜܺðÆ Ð²Þì²èØ²Ü ²ð¸ÚàôÜøܺðÀ RA 2001 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS RESULTS РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ПЕРЕПИСИ И УЧЕТА ЖИЛИЩНЫХ УСЛОВИЙ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ РА 2001г. 65 ´²ÄÆÜ-CHAPTER-ÐÀÇÄÅË- 1 ´Ü²ÎâàôÂÚ²Ü Âì²ø²Ü²ÎÜ Àêî ì²ðâ²î²ð²Ìø²ÚÆÜ ´²ÞÊì²ÌàôÂÚ²Ü POPULATION DISTRIBUTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL AREAS ×ÈÑËÅÍÍÎÑÒÜ ÍÀÑÅËÅÍÈß ÏÎ ÀÄÌÈÍÈÑÒÐÀÒÈÂÍÎ- ÒÅÐÐÈÒÎÐÈÀËÜÍÎÌÓ ÄÅËÅÍÈÞ ÐÐ í³ñã³ï³ñ³Íù³ÛÇÝ The administrative- territorial di- Îñíñâàíèåì äëÿ àäìèíèñòðàòèâ- µ³Å³ÝÙ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ ÑÇÙù ¿ vision of RA is based on RA law”On ad- íî- òåððèòîðèàëüíîãî äåëåíèÿ ÐÀ ѳݹÇë³ó»É 1995Ã. ¹»Ïï»Ùµ»ñÇ ministrative-territorial division of the ïîñëóæèë çàêîí ÐÀ “Îá àäìèíèñòðà- 4-ÇÝ ²½·³ÛÇÝ ÅáÕáíÇ ÏáÕÙÇó Republic of Armenia” passed by òèâíî- òåððèòîðèàëüíîì äåëåíèè ÁݹáõÝí³Í §Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ Parliament of RA in 1995 December 4-th Ðåñïóáëèêè Àðìåíèÿ”, ïðèíÿòûé гÝñ³å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý í³ñã³ï³ñ³Í- Íàöèîíàëüíûì ñîáðàíèåì 4-ãî ù³ÛÇÝ µ³Å³ÝÙ³Ý Ù³ëÇݦ ÐÐ äåêàáðÿ 1995ã. ûñ»ÝùÁ: Ø»Ãá¹³µ³Ý³Ï³Ý å³ñ½³µ³ÝáõÙÝ»ñ Methodological notes Ìåòîäîëîãè÷åñêèå ïîÿñíåíèÿ ²éϳ µÝ³ÏãáõÃÛ³Ý The de facto population, includes  ïîêàçàòåëü ÷èñëåííîñòè Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÇ óáõó³ÝÇßáõÙ Ý»ñ³éí³Í those individuals who were either per- íàëè÷íîãî íàñåëåíèÿíàñåëåíèÿ, âêëþ÷åíî »Ý Ù³ñ¹³Ñ³Ù³ñÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï manently present or temporarily present îáùåå êîëëè÷åñòâî çàðåãèñòðèðî- Ùßï³å»ë Ý»ñϳ ¨ ųٳݳϳíáñ on the census night, October9/10,2001. âàííûõ âî âðåìÿ ïåðåïèñè, ïîñòîÿííî Ý»ñϳ ѳßí³éí³Í ³ÝÓ³Ýó The permanently present popu- ïðèñóòñòâóþùèõ è âðåìåííî ïðèñóòñò- ÁݹѳÝáõñ Ãí³ù³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÁ: âóþùèõ ëèö. 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KAPAN ã.Êàïàí 2 ù. ²·³ñ³Ï t. Agarak ã.Àãàðàê 3 ù. ¶áñÇë t. GORIS ã.Ãîðèñ 4 ù. ¸³ëï³Ï»ñï t. DASTAKERT ã.Äàñòàêåðò 5 ù. Ø»ÕñÇ t. MEGHRI ã.Ìåãðè 6 ù. êÇëÇ³Ý t. SISIAN ã.Ñèñèàí 7 ù. ø³ç³ñ³Ý t. KAJARAN ã.Êàäæàðàí 8 ·. ²·³ñ³Ï v. Agarak ñ.Àãàðàê 9 ·. ²É¹³ñ³ v. Aldara ñ.Àëäàðà 10 ·. ²ËɳÃÛ³Ý v. Akhlatyan ñ.Àõëàòÿí 11 ·. ²ÕÇïáõ v. Aghitu ñ. Àõèòó 12 ·. ²Õí³ÝÇ v. Aghvani ñ.Àãâàíè 13 ·. ²Ý·»Õ³Ïáà v. Angeghakot ñ.Àíãåãàêîò 14 ·. ²Ýï³é³ß³ï v. Antarashat ñ.Àíòàðàøàò 15 ·. ²ßáï³í³Ý v. Ashotavan ñ.Àøîòàâàí 16 ·. ²é³ç³Óáñ v. Arajadzor ñ.Àðàäæàäçîð 17 ·. ²ñ³íáõë v. Aravus ñ.Àðàâóñ 18 ·. ²ñÍí³ÝÇÏ v. Artsvanik ñ.Àðöâàíèê 19 ·. ²ñ¨Çë v. Arevis ñ.Àðåâèñ 20 ·. ´³É³ù v. Balak ñ.Áàëàê 21 ·. ´³ñÓñ³í³Ý v. Bardzravan ñ.Áàðäçðàâàí 22 ·. ´ÝáõÝÇë v. Bnunis ñ.Áíóíèñ 23 ·. ´éݳÏáà v. Brnakot ñ.Áðíàêîò 24 ·. ´éáõÝ v. Brun ñ.Áðóí 25 ·. ¶»Õ³Ýáõß v. Geghanush ñ.Ãåãàíóø 26 ·. ¶áÙ³ñ³Ý v. Gomaran ñ.Ãîмàðàí 27 ·. ¶»ÕÇ v. Geghi ñ.Ãåãè 28 ·. ¶»Õ³í³Ýù v. Geghavank ñ.Ãåãàâàíê 29 ·. γñ¹ v. Kard ñ.Êàðä 30 ·. ¶»ï³Ã³Õ v. Getatagh ñ.Ãåòàòàõ 31 ·. ¶áñ³Ûù v. Gorayk ñ.Ãоðàéê 32 ·. ¶áõ¹»ÙÝÇë v. Gudemnis ñ.Ãóäåìíèñ 33 ·. ¸³íÇà ´»Ï v. David Bek ñ.Äàâèò Áåê 34 ·. ¸³ñμ³ë v. Darbas ñ.Äàðáàñ 35 ·. Þ³Ùμ v. Shamb ñ.Øàìá 36 ·. ¸áíñáõë v. Dovrus ñ.Äîâðóñ 37 ·. ºÕ»· v. Egheg ñ.Åãåã 38 ·. ºÕí³ñ¹ v. Eghvard ñ.Åãâàðä 39 ·. ³ݳѳï v. Tanahat ñ.Òàíààò 40 ·. ³ëÇÏ v. Tasik ñ.Òàñèê 41 ·. È»Ñí³½ v. Lehvaz ñ.Ëåãâàç 42 ·. È»éݳÓáñ v. Lernadzor ñ.Ëåðíàäçîð 43 ·. γí×áõï v. Kavjut ñ.Êàâ÷óò 44 ·. Øáõë³Éɳ٠v. Musallam ñ.Ìóñàëëà÷ 45 ·. ÈÇ×ù v. Lichq ñ.Ëè÷ê 46 ·. ÈÍ»Ý v. Ltsen ñ.Ëöåí 47 ·. Èáñ v. Lor ñ.Ëîð 48 ·. ʳɳç v. Khalaj ñ.Õàëàäæ 49 ·. ʹñ³Ýó v. Khdrants ñ.Õäðàíö 50 ·. ÊÝ³Í³Ë v. Khnatsakh ñ.Õíàöàõ 51 ·. ÊÝÓáñ»ëÏ v. Khndzoresk ñ.Õíäçîðåñê 52 ·. Êá½Ý³í³ñ v. Khoznavar ñ.Õîçíàâàð 69 53 ·. Êáï v. Khot ñ.Õîò 54 ·. ̳í v. Tsav ñ.Öàâ 55 ·. ÞÇßÏ»ñï v. Shishkert ñ.Øèøêåðò 56 ·. ÌÕáõÏ v. Tsghuk ñ.×ãóê 57 ·. γÕÝáõï v. Kaghnut ñ.Êàõíóò 58 ·. γñר³Ý v. Karchevan ñ.Êàð÷åâàí 59 ·. ÎáéÝÇÓáñ v. Kornidzor ñ.Êîðíèäçîð 60 ·. ÎáõñÇë v. Kuris ñ.Êóðèñ 61 ·. гÉÇÓáñ v. Halidzor ñ.Àëèäçîð 62 ·. гñÃ³ß»Ý v. Hartashen ñ.Àðòàøåí 63 ·. гñÅÇë v. Harjis ñ.Àðæèñ 64 ·. гó³í³Ý v. Hatsavan ñ.Àöàâàí 65 ·. Òáñ³ëï³Ý v. Dzorastan ñ.Äçîðàñòàí 67 ·. ÔçÉçáõÕ v. Ghjljugh ñ.Ãçëäæóõ 68 ·. ֳϳï»Ý v. Jakaten ñ.×àêàòåí 69 ·. Øáõóù v. Mutsq ñ.Ìóöê 70 ·. Ü»ñùÇÝ ÊÝÓáñ»ëÏ v. Nerqin Khndzoresk ñ.Íåðêèí Õíäçîðåñê 71 ·. Ü»ñùÇÝ Êáï³Ý³Ý v. Nerqin Khotanan ñ.Íåðêèí Õîòàíàí 72 ·. Ü»ñùÇÝ Ð³Ý¹ v. Nerqin Hand ñ.Íåðêèí Àíä 73 ·. ÜÛáõí³¹Ç v. Nyuvadi ñ.Íþâàäè 74 ·. Üáñ³ß»ÝÇÏ v. Norashenik ñ.Íîðàøåíèê 75 ·. Üáñ³í³Ý v. Noravan ñ.Íîðàâàí 76 ·. Þ³Õ³ï v. Shaghat ñ.Øàõàò 77 ·.Þ³ùÇ v. Shaki ñ.Øàêè 78 ·. Þ»Ý³Ã³Õ v. Shenatagh ñ.Øåíàòàõ 79 ·. ÞÇϳÑáÕ v. Shikahogh ñ.Øèêàîõ 80 ·. ÞÇÝáõѳÛñ v. Shinuhayr ñ.Øèíààéð 81 ·. Þí³ÝÇÓáñ v. Shvanidzor ñ.Øâàíèäçîð 82 ·. Þñí»Ý³Ýó v. Shrvenants ñ.Øðâåíàíö 83 ·.ÞáõéÝáõË v. Shurnukh ñ.Øóðíóõ 84 ·. ²ÕμáõÉÉ³Õ v. Aghbulagh ñ.Àõáóëëàõ 85 ·. Ôáõñ¹ÕáõÉÉ³Õ v. Ghurdghulagh ñ.Õóðäõóëëàõ 86 ·. ö³Ûï³Ùß³ÏÙ. ·áñÍ. ÏÇó v. Paytamshakman gortsar. kits ñ.Ïðè Äåðåâîîáðàá. çàâ. 87 ·. àñáï³Ý (¶áñÇëÇ ßñç.) v. Vorotan ( Goris d. ) ñ.Âîðîòàí ( Ãîðèñский р.) 88 ·. àñáï³Ý (êÇëdzÝÇ ßñç.) v. Vorotan (Sisian d. ) ñ.Âîðîòàí ( Ñèñèàíский р.) 89 ·. â³÷ÝÇ v. Chapni ñ.×àïíè 90 ·. ê³Éí³ñ¹ v. Salvard ñ.Ñàëâàðä 91 ·. ê³éݳÏáõÝù v. Sarnakunq ñ.Ñàðíàêóíê 92 ·. êÛáõÝÇù v. Syunik ñ.Ñþíèê 93 ·. ²ñ½Ý³Ï v. Arznak ñ.Àðзíàê 94 ·.
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