Copyrighted Material
506 Index Figures are indicated by italicized page numbers. a Africa Aberdeen Breviary 126, 127–128 decolonization and the export abolitionist movement 6, 246–250, 247, market 389 249 Heinemann’s African Writers academic market. See scholarly publishing Series 391, 425 and monographs; schoolbooks, Macmillan’s Pacesetters series or textbooks, primers paperback romances and thrillers The Academy 295 in 425 An Account of the Growth of Popery 170 OUP publishing in 390–391, 425 Ace Books 411 popularity of light fiction in interwar Achebe, Chinua 391 years (1920–1940) 367 Ackermann, Rudolph 258, 299 publishing exports to 361 Act Against Superstitious Books and textbook sales to 424 Images (1550) 102 Afrikaans 361, 390 Act for Preventing the frequent Ainsworth, Harrison Abuses in Printing (1662) Jack Sheppard 275 168–169, 171, 172 Old Court 315 Act for the Encouragement of Learning Ainsworth, Henry 132 (1710) 201–202 Ainsworth’s Magazine 296 Act of Six Articles (1539) 118 AK Press 450 Act of Supremacy (1534) 102 Alain de Lille: Anticlaudianus 53 Act of Union (1707) 126 Albatross Books 355, 356, 382 Adams, Alexander: RomanCOPYRIGHTED Aldington, MATERIAL Richard 330 Antiquities 239 Aldiss, Brian: The Brightfount Addison, Joseph 178, 181–183, 220 Diaries 395–396 Adult Education Committee 345–346 Aldred (provost of Chester‐le‐Street, adventure stories 367, 395 c. 970) 36, 37 Ælfric of Eynsham 70 Aldus Pagemaker 1.2 443–444, 444 Aelred of Rievaulx 52 Alfred the Great 14, 43, 90 The Book in Britain: A Historical Introduction, First Edition. Edited by Zachary Lesser. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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