cdrij i 1111.94rV The Grad Ball- headliners touch down in Juice for a thorough debriefing GANG ATTACK ON HALL PRESIDENT Tetley residents 'WE'RE ALL OFF TO GAY PAREE' stunned as thugs leave JCR chief scarred for life BILAURAVAVIS A HATT. president has been left scarred fur life after intruders viciously attacked him in the mirly hours of Sunday minting. Ian Nutt. JCR president at Tetley Hall, received a huge gash to his forehead when he challenged three men trying to break into the main building. He was decorating the main hall for the annual garden party around 2am, when he noticed the men acting suspiciously outside. They said they were visiting Mends and asked him to le them in, 1 didn't recognise the names of the people they said they had cone tosee and I know everyone at Tetley so I refused. - explained Ian. The men left to try another entrance so Ian went to call a warden. one attacker wre,aled a torch from a warden and used it to strike Ian on the forehead. a blow which has left him permanently scarred. Police were called to the scene but the intruders had already i.caped. Ian was taken to General Infirmary when: he given four internal and PAGE 10 COLUMN FOUR FULL STORY • PAGE 4 GRANTS AND LOANS ARE BEING WASTED ON GAMBLING, SAYS NEW REPORT - FULL STORY PAGE FIVE

2 NEWSDESK 243 4727 Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 INSIDE Testing time over Work halted by TODAY for chemists drunken fiasco

PIONEERING sonware could help testing has spanned more than 20 years, A DRUNKEN prank halted ciinstruction not wish to he named. Alternatives to the software include chemists tact new drugs at lightening a building site in Headinglcy for -The cones and things were just lying outlook using robots in the laboratory. Leeds is on speed. writes Eleanor Penrose. more than three hours. lynxes Richard around and it seemed like a great idea to SECTION STARTS PAGE 15 The programme. designed by the only university to have such a robot. nick them_ But when we woke up in the Professor Johnson said: "These Harvey. researcheis at Leeds University predicts group of five houseman were morning and saw all the stuff we realised advances will change the nature of the A results of tests on compounds used in walking home after a night in the Old Bar how silly we'd been," work that chemists do and remove some drug-making. saving both time and ow melt. when they "horrowed"an assortment of Troubled by their consciences the to the drudgery • and robots can't do Professor Peter Johnson, a member items from a construction site. leas mg houset• ies sneaked hack to the site to -At th irsiment everything." oldie 'research team. said: builders without vital work took. room tl items but they were too tate. The work will prove to he of great it's a numbers game - we're just trying The items included six traffic cones, We Acre really surprised when the interest to phannaceinical companies to shorten the odds," a road sum and the cover of a pneumatic Alms hmueln the cones hack." said The software will also he able to under enormous pressure to de% clip 1. builder. "There was no harm done predict side affects and assess the risk drugs quickly. era really pissed after finishing iii ih - at least we had time fora cuppa The software should he reach for "We of using specific medicines. our exam." said one culprit who does FL work.- The search for a shonctil to drul: •,•iinnercial use within Mire seArS_

San Fransisco: Rebels ousted are you going, because we went PAGES 16-1 PLUS for voting to keep the grant


THE Government's controversial plans to abolish the student grant and introduce tuition fees were swept through parliament this week - despite a significant rebellion by' over 30 Left-wing MPs. Four of the whets. who put their name to amendments which undermined the hill, are to he banned from standing at lain Banks: the the next General fileetion. From September. students will he double—sided tossed to pa!, up to £1,001) per y ear 111V.ZildS their degrees. author But Education Secretary David Blunkett is expected to announce a Juice pages 4 - 5 00m "sweetener packag" to mitten the blow for less well-oft and mature students. The Machina and Higher Education Bill cruised through parliament on the hack of Labour's huge majority but significant damage was inflicted by the unexpected Nuzzo( the breakaway group. Now government whips. angered at the embarrassment Ihe rebellion caused, arc to "name and shame" and deselect the ring-leaders Ken Livingstone, Diane 4 Abbott. Jeremy Corby n and Lynne Jones. 01 LL's: Finance Officer Ales Sobel said the rebels should he applauded and Page 9 not punished. ) "They acted on honest Old Labour principle., and they had an ideal rather than bowing to the market system." And Communications Of Ruth Wilkins stormed: In itself the rebellion didn't work but it shows considerable DEFIANT: LUU'S Ruth Wilkin and Ken Livingston MP (inset) one of the four 'Rebel' group ringleaders WHERE THE discontent wiihin the ranks of the Labour The silver-haired maverick veteran give up thnx years' earnings. When they or 'nature students, sinele parents Party. Tony Beim was amongst those who voted are educated, we benefit." and disabled people. REST IS "These MPs are just the ones prepared against the hill dismissing the argument But such arguments were dismissed Whips were angered because Ml's to stick their necks nut and risk that graduates should pay because they by David Blunkett who accused his who were elected on a manifesto promise COMMENT 6-7 deselection." had higher earning potential. colleagues of protecting the privileged to abolish the grant had turned on the JEFFERY ON FRIDAY 9 She criticised the Labour Party for "Tax them if they are rich. not if they and undernmung real Mons to aid Hulse government once they had been elected. FEATURE 12-13 the decision to deselect the rehelline are educated." he said. in need. They vowed to bar the persistent \l Ps. "II somebody goes to college, they lie confirmed a new package of help rebels from standing for the Labour OUTLOOK 15-19 • 1 Ile spin-doctors ure on ce again Parry in future elections. TELEVISION J17-23 try mg iii steamroller dissent and stifle However an unconfirmed Labour CLASSIFIEDS 20-21 debate. snore hinted at the whips' darker motives "Unfortunately their huge mat tit) The spin-doctors are once again Dying -Wail wants certain NIPs. crushed he SPORT 22-24 means that they can gel ass .1% with the IT wants to pick them ail and replace them to steamroller dissent and stifle debate' with by Aims and political placemen,- Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 NEWSDESK 243 4727 3 SQUATTERS FORCED TO MOVE OUT OF CAFE HOME AFTER COUNCIL ACTION New Aussie pub sends squatter cafe down under

BY LOLA ALMVDEVAR SOCIAL MIMS CORRESPONUENT sot t FIFERS who turned a disttsed college building into a popularcafe were evicted on NIonday to make way for a new Aussie style pub. The eaamg cm Outliners had tirade such a eot xl impression that Inc An College's Principal es en paid for the van to take their belongings away The building. adjacent to the Town and Country Chill on Cookridge Street, had been standing empty for over two years. The group of 30. including many students. rapidly transformed the former an studios into a music venue and the aptly named "Cookridge Street Cale'. Sean Hughes. a local environmental actis istexplained: "Wc wanted to make use of a building which was already there. People had been trying to get something like that forbandsliir years. It just wasn't possible to get the funding. but even: provision was made for big business instead of what people warned. -II doesn't make sense if there are buildings laying around which responsible people can live In and enjoy living in," Holes were fixed in the ceiling and roof. floorboards were replaced. and the kitchen way:I:leaned and equipped, Thr care. became a base for creative an; to take place. Kinds to play and people `It doesn't make sense if there are buildings laying around which responsible people can live in' to meet and discuss collect information Owl cups Cli.h.t1 with home made flapjacks. Art College student Jo Kayen said It's a really chilled out place. people come and sit and put records on. or offer to hclp,- The group, who moved nut as stem as Monday's summons was issued. were still defiant about their right to stay in ALTERNATIVE FOOD: The squatters were meticulous about the cleanliness of the kitchen areas at the College too Pic: Hilly Fox disused buildings: "We're not here for the profit.- said Sean. "And we're not doing 0 to avoid paying rent. "Evers. one has a choice and can look for alter-naives. You can reclaim aspects of your file or rectal:in a building Luke

The Cook odge Street Cafe, on prime real estate. ss ill now make was for an Auslndian theme pub. calloi the Walkabout Inn for Leeds. But many oldie squatterssuspect Iltal if it wasn't for the lucrative deal ss ith the pub chain the college's Principal would have let them slay rim' longer. They are now determined to repeat their sucesss. Scan continued: "Were looking to do it again. but this time with more reseateh so it lasts a hit longer:" ifs shown me that things can Ix donc- it'C1Ust a question of putting what U na believe into practise. It lust takes as like-minded people to get U 1,+gethci. INSIDE AND OUT: One of the squatters - and art college student Jo Kasen - inside the cafe, pictured above Pic: Wily Fox 4 NEWSDESK 243 4727 Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 They'll be having a ball

13__YKAILLEDILAALA April. SIX win precious "We were trying to get tickets on SIX fans arc jetting oar to the World Cup the phone line and after we didn't get after their football skills won them an World Cup tickets any Dan and 1 were going to France to all-expenses paid trip of a lifetime to try and pick up tickets on the black learn mate Dan Bicknell was woken Paris. market." The group of second years were up with the news of their dream priic. He said: "II took a while to register. I The lads won the Leeds competition crowned champions of the Budweiser was (trimming of the World Cup anyway." of the sit a side tournament by being human table football challenge held Some of the team could not bekive strapped to bars in a giant inflatable outside LUU last month. the news of their win. David Carlisle version of table football and won the And on Tuesday they got the call to final u- I despite has ing a player sent off. thought that when pals told him the floss tell them that their names had been drawn Mick Cos, the Old Bar manager who they were pulling. his leg. from all the regional winners and they organised the competition praised the "I took the call and thought it was a were going to France_ Winners. "It was a good night and it was prank because I had heard that the Team member Dan Lee said: "When played in a friendly spirit. Everyone had Nottingham team had v. on u so I was I heard I couldn't stop laughing. I was a good laugh. even more surprised. All ins mates back so chuffed. "The lads deserved to win and it's all home. in Belfast were jealous." "It's amazing. they are pitying for worthwhile when we do a promotion and The victory was especially sweet for everything - beer, kind, Eurostar travel. some of our students win a hit; prim. I ' of Tom Kelly who had tried in vain to buy 5-star hotel and the pine at ihc Stade de tickets through the World Cup hotline in made up for them.- France.-

EURO STARS; The lucky winners show off their skills Pic: Gully Fox Massive facelift for local cinema BY BEN EAST SXI( )1 N cinema bosses in i leading19. have reacted gidekly to the prospect of new multiplex complex by announcing plans for a multi-million revamp of their own. The family business which owns the Lounge cinema on North Lane has submitted planning permission for a 1:2m Moss Bros facelift. The move is designed to counter competition 55 Albion Street from the Warner Village REST LAID PLANS: MP Harold is delighted with proposals development uhich opens a vilinderlid idea." he said. of lteadingley Network. in October. "It's a joy to find people Students were more A cafe bar and prepared to put something encouraged by Associated restaurant are to be Leeds, LS1 5AA bock into and Tower Cinemas Limited's included in a bid to lure this is a massive step in announcement. cinemagoers away front the right direction," "It is a wonderful place Warner's nine screen But the plans have to see a film. and these cinema. Telephone improvements are going come under fire from local But the decor of the residents as_Nociations, who to make it all the better." historic 81-year-old fear the cinema will said Tim Christie. a Lounge will remain become a centre for late Biology fresher at Leeds 0113 2455 669 untouched. night rowdiness. University. Harold Best, Labour If the cafe bar is "It is so handy to have MP for Leeds North West, such a cheap place right hailed the news as being thenlimited It to will cinemagoers, be more on my doorstep too," he of great value to the area. acceptable." warned added, "I think in essence it Is Trevor Ravage, secretary Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 NEWSDESK 243 4727 5 PAPER REPORT SAYS STUDENTS ARE GAMBLING AWAY GRANTS Course in 41* jpi good spirits Jr: • ---

WHISKY will again hc a young pct plc's drink thanks to a marketing leant from P.M.' The group of 30 Service Sector Nlatiagetnenr students partnered ■ United DisillIc► in an attempt to teverse the declining traditional whisky market they had to make it appeal to to I year r,ld boozers sues le.3.1C1 Jim Jackson said l ht gimp looked al tat eel markets, suburbs and market shah: and ads co ',sin c. media and creaitt hriels. ' 1tt woe all very enthusias- tic about the protect.- The lour students with the best ideas were awarded prizes includ ing hurtles of rare malt whisky. (sepal{ winner Jonathan Brown scooping a visit to the Blair Athol Distillery al Pitilichry Teaming up with Europe

LEEDS boffins are to co-ordinate Europe-wide research into imaging tehnology which could he used in the industrial sector. THE SHOCK OF DEBT: The YEP say students are tearing their hair out with the pressure of debt so much they are turning to gambling The project innvolves businesses and universities from all over Europe• and will be co-ordinated by Professor Brian Hoyle from Leeds The network of institutions will exchange their experience, along with software and trials of .tomographic sensors'. Us gambling? Professor Hoyle said: "This new technology offers the promise of more efficient design and flexible operation of many industrial manufacturing processes. through high qua laity information concerning their actual internal state. Through its collaboration with the Vniv ersity of Leeds, the Don't bet on it European Thematic Network will also make use of the virtual science park. ANGRY students have BY LAURA DAVIS "Not that many students gambit slammed claims that then numbers of students are taking up seriously. Most ,jusi do it for a hit of a are gambling away their gambling to reduce their debt," she laugh." It's an ugly And Arra.. AIL a second year grants in local casinos and added. Physiology student. agreed: "Most racetracks. The Evening Peru spoke to three students who confessed to a bettine students don't have enough money to kid show An article in Tuesday 's throw around especially on major oi.shire Et Truer; Poo habit. Nicholas Woolley, a first year stated gambling. AN extraordinary an exhibition is that a gambling craze is History student is addicted to casino "It' students do then it's usually small opening at the LM11 art gallery next sweeping Leetis. universities gambling. "I go to the casino about three or het. among iriends on football matches [Ilona But man) are upset by these - not in casinos," he said. claims which they say damage four times a week and spend most of Named "The Ugly Show" it aims my money there. I have lost track of Kathy Rounihas, Wel fare Officer at Ci(311131e photography of the hotly the reputation of the w hole IAA', dues not see gambling as student body. what I have won and lust but I realise and the "crisis of looking-. that I am down," he admitted. exclusively a student problem, "This Exhihits will include the photographic And Exec base affects people in the general population Grosvenor Casino on Merriun Way work of lead i lig artists Roberta Graham. dismissed the report saying as much as it does students. I. Infonunately that it represents only a is one the most popular venues for Melanie Manchot, Jenny Saville, Glen student gambling. there will always he people who cannot fraction of students studying deal with casual gambling." she said. 1.tichford and Richard Sawdtm-Smith. in Leeds. It is probably the worst time in your The Ugly Show stem hum the nsxnt life to get into financial trouble - if Richard Osbourne. a second year Ruth Wiikin. saio -Mks Bodies.' sattnal oil Chum 0:I there is a problem,- stressed spokesman Civil Engineering student. summed up Communications Officer, 4. Nigel Sibley. the thoughts of the majority of student arned: "It may he an over The art ssts w ill attempt to challenge Helen Dudson, a second year who do gamble. reaction. With a large "I gamble at Grosvenor Casino all traditional perceptions of the human population of 23,000 Management and Maths student, said •••• •••■•• body in a variety of ways with Melanie •••. ••• ..•••• that if students arc gambIng in numbers the time. but not out of need for money. •••_.;;;; • ••■■•• ••• students there's bound to Me and my friends do it for pure Mancha chanting her ptegnanr-y through be some instances of this it is hardly a new craze. r •••• • ••• • ••• .•••• •• "It's not as though students base enjoyment. photographs and Richard Sawdon-Smith 11.1 kind of thing. =I% IMO • never gambled in the past. 1 wouldn't "I've never met anyone there who's utilises his HIV positive status toques:non ••• =••• •••••,.. "We think it extremely vea •,=•••••••■■ =I •••••••0. ,-.0. - •...•• •••••■••••••• • • • say it's really much of a problem either." gambling because they need to, they're prejudices about illness and disease. • ,■•• • • unlikely that large 4... doing it because they want to," he said. OWN. • mom she added,

5 6 Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 COMMENT It's the Graduation Ball tonight. Will you get lucky? Leeds Student Hayley Hamburg says it's best with someone you love OPINION Tuition fees battle now has a new beginning o a Labour government finally signalled the end of S free higher education in the United Kingdom this week. Despite minor protests from backbenchers., Blair's spindoctors cunningly passed all their tuition fees legislation late in the evening to avoid any embarrassment in the news bulletins of Monday night. It has been a trying year for all those involved with the tuition fees protest. Hamstrung by a truly awful National Union of Students campaign led by Douglas Trainer and his Blairite cronies. protestors huge found themselves unable to generate the kind of national action that could have made a difference. It was hardly their fault. Many students were lust as ‘tpathelk• as usual. Because in the end vs hy should they worry'? As we all know by now. if you're reading this you won't he pay Mg anyway. Another cunning piece PILLED UP: But all sex and no love can make you a Tequila Slapper. of manipulation by David BItinkett's office. an someone please Next year it is vital that those of us tell me what safe w ho are still here don't V.i \ c up the sex is? fight. and that we join the proiesis of C I know about using those who are ha v mg to softer untie' condoms and not making the burden of an f I.000 klebi bete n: cocktail. out of bodily !1 they es c n attend one lector.: . fluid.. 1 knov, what the university. slogan means. It's bandied Blunkeit has idreadv made a number of concessions. primarily to about enough. But does o condoms mature. students and the fess well-oils following the rules mean II the tees protest works well enough you're safe? Take the word in the future be could he forced II) out of context of the health make more. campaign and suddenly its a Nevertheless. the students' unions whole lot more trick) than .1 the Leeds universities can hold their simply remembering to slip heads up high. Their action has been a three pack in your first class. and as we come to the end handbag. of another academic year. you can ruin your Forget, for a moment. count on Leeds- Student to hack the notions of high-risk groups of campaien for free edueation. sexual partners. of high risk Let's hope the tleNy crop of NI \ behaviour, It seems to me that executive members do much bet ter sex itself is a high risk. High than Trainel 's lacklustre efforts. risk because you could be disappointed. humiliated or Four years on and still physically hurt. High risk because you might start to rare love life? Leed-ing the way tor he cared about ). High-risk because you may discover never gone to bed with someone doesn't trouble you. just as he's getting going, admit things about the pair of you that s Leeds the kind of place just to boost our ego, or to poise to There is another way. It's corny, Your insecurities- slap on the you'd you'd rather not have known. like to stay in after you've ourselves that la e can really get its predictable. les what your chocolate body paste. tell him I high risk because sometimes someone? mother told you you should do. there, not there_ have boring sex. graduated? According to a new saying -yes- is far. tar easier If only there was a condom for Sleep with someone you love, silly sex. downright bad sex, /survey more graduates than ever than saying -no-. the heart - a light lubricated. Really love and trust, And the without assuming that it's all over. are choosing to rind work here. Above all. high risk because sex impermeable barrier against an funny thing is. the more Sex with someone you love Those of you who've done four Year can mysteriously. unaccountably emotional vents, Until somebody emotionally safe this kind of sex is. gives you confidence, relaxes you, change everything and because in invents this wonderful device. is the mote unsafe lovemaking allows you to he yourself without courses; just take a few minutes to look often seems a way of getting and there any way at all of having sale becomes. fear at criticism or bcing hack on the Leeds of your first year. The confirming affection. sex? Steeping with someone you misunderstood. And because the difference is quite incredible. Cool bars, We's e all, from time to tune, don't care about. someone you MAINE a tightrope stretched danger is symbolic. played ilia nice shops, still a number of fantastic viewed sex in this say, It starts in don't even like. You won't feel ov er a huge. bouncy safety net. according to established rules, is clubs. those pubescent years when you disappointed. you won't feel used IWhen you first start having sev safe. Love protects. Leeds has transformed itself into one i it think perhaps. just maybe. perfect t you probably won't feel much of with someone. before you're sure But then hoss do you kilo* it he Britain's most vibrant cities. It's a superb Paul in the filth year will let you be anything at all ). What about of anything, you're up on the really loves you! He nay tell you place to Its e. Enoueh to make y on think hislid friend if you sleep with him. sleeping with your best friend. an tightrope. But sex w ith wine one one hundred times. You can choose twice before you nits back home, isn't it? As you get older this kind of trade- ex-lover or somebody else's you really love is sex in the safety to believe it, act on it and hope it's off becomes more suhile. but no boyfriend - then you know front net. And because you don't have to true. But in the end, there are no less fraught. Does he still find me the start the relationship has keep perched primly up above. you guarantees that it won't all change And finally... attractive? Why doesn't he want nowhere to go. That could work. as ran do almost anything. Take all - can you ever really understand ,tix all the time then? How utter: is long as you're willing in risk kinds of risks. Remove your the heart of another'! enough? How many times did we destrOying an old friendship. Or if clothes under a harsh light. confess Safe sex'! I guess there's no lir C h do it last month? Sex suddenly you don't mind raising the grim your secret fantasies, dress up rand such thing. Perhaps there was starts to look like it measure of how ghost of an old relationship. Or if down). role play. get handy with never meant it) he such a thing. much you hive yourself. How the prospect of hanging around knots and blindfolds. say "slimy, And perhaps that's the whole point many of us can .honestly say we've waiting for him to leave her but I've, urn, changed my mind."

Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 LETTERS) Over here urray prints Otley fun Dear Editor. HOtir LONICT Dear Editor.

I CANT 91 by and let ail the HAVE 70U SEEN like to thank foreign students in university any both. who, met me while. accommodation 7', Off Its doing the 01 les Run last normal first-years. EATINC; SHE_EP'S Sittinday es ening. I 447,1% OK, we dont h.o.e. lit pal.!. dressed as an Afghan warrior y cNIFS WW1 dying 0011111N. and extremely dntnk u this but at s011le point durn 5ZA1N5 ? (depending on where you met year I did del some work. and II me alone the route i wasn ' t helped by loud Jilli Somewhere ;maim' the Socarnings‘soining both froin Original Oak 0' I ly tie Park. my liircign flatmate and the started ask ine helpless .tssoned legions of the United thinkers and passers by tin Nations of Montague Burton mime) for the Nu:tints of the When I applied for my flat recent Afghanistan all I read was that Monty B's valthquake. I also ;Asked in was close to urn and big. With epWle a lot of take away shops the greatest respect to foreign from Hyde Park Corner down students none of us living there to the union Bar. At the time I were informed ever that the flats were 75-80'4 foreign or mature looked like a rude, drunken students roe in many cases, student. but thanks to certain foreign and mature!). people who believed whatever

I have got nothing personal crap I was saying. 1 woke up against foreign students. but the nevi afternoon with about Leeds Universtty needs to sort £15 in donations. I have Out ies portfolio of therefore donated CS to the accommodation and advertise hind. and thank anyone who them correctly. so that future saw lit to give me their money students don 't make the sante THE EXISTENCE OF MAD FOOTBALLER DISEASE IN THE ENGLAND SQUAD WAS mistake a. tTtC Adam itlenford KEPT FROM THE PHYSIO FOR YEARS NallI• and address supplied

Dalt. It is 'nimble that in their time. 'resurrected the image of the However their relegation to the grants are given nearly o .ieroney. Still here each work en counieterf was the hack pages is the editor's decision Unfair thousand pounds a year hi the Union's punishment is media thlu jumped to this and nin ours. waste on fancy hulida% tear Joel Rickett. s. bused on the asstrmptitin that we assumption. Whets we revealed that You ohs Musty led you are Dear Editor. sieresis 1.r drugs', ha% e damaged Lateris s ' we had not spent any of the money equipped make judgemotts I hate snuggled tht.mgh yr 11 ..„11,1 +Acre boring • then reputation. We beg to (fillet We and that the project was the end about art. Would this he the I' NI SICK of the way student this ‘ •.11, St tilt 01\ 1•1■411 .Ind. v.11. v. Inc ,INnyt have rec'eised internatir mai result III nnYnths of nierkutitus with elle:m.4n students, se e iouns ;tre used hy well net C(1111111 rc l iii ii ai With a hi I 11-,11s. the value of congratulations, attractinentitre planning. we hoped that people wonder'? We can't quite hi !,,t1 middle class student, ti par mule of ihrs 'foie It.oucs Diet %%Nell CUll et-dienn titehes than the university .(old reassess their initial proclaiming this isn't chemistry.' hit hi 'Inlay. in exotic pease. Ii,. 1;0 t. Ji. ,‘.1111/4s.J:11 .111 the pnvess of c( iu1.1 et er &Find h is sad that judgements. with tlx saute staled in So wio, Sitike the start ia the think iii iii cwIsh.lvtnn.2 .1 Lhalleneinc art 1. nu:woe it. Its ,oinething which could he so We :Ire ;kit the int:dia. It is do you lissome this ..IttIthlrity with I' ve inell people ,_Wing 14) ‘11..111, 1: .1111,1■11IN .duction 11 we St CR' 1,, iv...seise for Leeds stutkins is [nude' completely hypocritical ulna :,•'0t1 an? places for the sumach hell 014•1S1,111,.1 ,ti ,t0,1,11ty )01ir ntle[ptI.:1A1ion art a held nol into something negative. persi ma! cotit • ttn the publicity we hale I led cheated that l ll be St, ill 1-11,1. 17,11,C ,t t1111.HI ha% c pi. M.: poor 01 and hate. It seems thin the unit in eauscd. whitst contrihuting tit it The Leeds 13 wasiing my summer tit a over 1.11011- poorer Ihnhailip 11 artist. had stuck to the gar mere: C011%C.11•3.6‘'e than yourself. You make a %partials Ilittp://wu cheep- dip plant in Scunthorpe colleague e.tahlislled code. tit 11::111.111.1 la um% era% ollicials, Lonnuent about students in Jakarta. Vent How eau it he right. thin Michelangelo. an fristor. ‘1.'a , lalim that we has e tthitse Sion sac allegedly rept:teed people win( don' t yue 1is tor Jimmy ntlerson De% or Ilitte positive(' a lvlonet in a

As the last Leeds Student hits the The Editor fax: 10113) 246 7953 We reser% e the c_ce (Afar the letter Union, don't he sad. You will only Leeds Student e-mail: leeds.student@ right to edit have to wait until this September I.LIU, PO Box 157 letters. Views may ^ul_k.) of the week for your nest %Hal fix of fun. Bye. Leeds LS1 11:1-1 of LNIUSI. (11.1 Site not he the editor's.

Casual Sex: Your Say to wear. There ;lie so many things to take into account from the tact that it MAW he Shun so that we don 't trip. Minerva's to the Nitwit' which !noir 11.,It ow pins through it. and must Ito amaringly gorgeous as it's the one photo that "I've no problem with will he treasured on the mantlepiece in my parent ". that sort of thing, so moan house lift the w hi tie world to see and admire. Must long as no animals such hook the personal shopper at Harvey Nicks. Provided I as gerbils, lamas or do actually graduate. Saw my tutor this awning. and sheep gel too involved. he ,Wiled it inc, which could he it good positivity vibe. As for dogs or your it could he a smile out of sympathy. The tension parents. each to their mount, Jon Puler own is what I sass ' lust realised that have %vaster! loads of space ski h ole onnplete and liner crap when actually .111141 First Tear 7ceet:tdair: I think it's all it ()War winning Russian nearly is Receive in results this he Is mine in% final memos my son or IS I pis' "('all nie a neanderthal if afternoon. and .11T1 waiting. hung nails. speech. nos famous last words. The problem you want, but where's the chewing hair and generally being pretty don 't Iccl catty enough. Sull tee) sixteen years old. revolting•Have been pretty revolting all Should Mank all those people who made it possible love in a chance encounter s oitl% me. Si It 1.11.1yOne %%ante tot week really. either lying in bed with vs ins and ilia: but that ' in a hot, sweaty. club? 1, , o, 11/•A•I,;• • vowel bottle. its simng in pub with Wine glass. .0:11d 1.111t{ild Women pioneered the c drunk more Chablis than there arc Shield ph.ITRItti luturc venture., but ha% e none Should praise all sexual revolution, which vineyards M France. The time to sober up is I hut this is a Ito gave men what they nigh thoueh. Soon student day s ill end. the operapon Oh. yes must mention rea;ler. 1 trio i nil. hugect sit 1.•r wanted, but now. they sun still ths.appertt the dole queues will tom. Richard put ern' here I inn today . Well Simon Enderby put me v. het e I :MI ProdA4. So thank tilt complain that they want and Judy shall 110 More shine on my screen, working Philosophy & [01 V% elythitie. love." asn secretary Mr some fat lawyer will • radoalls seem Psychology As a 114 wi script my darlings. all I can say is, it you inure appealine than watching Neighhi nos twice a miss me loads. then y tin can read my debut noted "I used to he well into casual clay. acid LonAitily more appealing than squeeiing spots met pon ions III tries loan MacDontilds. ...inning out sometime in the future. read my witty stuff, and everyone called me Means% lute id couNe, I hate graduation .1111t!les in [harpers and Queen, sec me flaunting my luscious legs on Digiud Tv. or spy on me slipping in a male slut. But then I met lit get din nigh. Thrinive or proud parent. spilline my girlfriend, and even champuene down their smart chitties. cheering IS Ilarvery Nicks. Knightsbridge. though I'm still a lad, I'm their precious child steps up to receive a rolled up Pauline :Ill that. %ou mieln witness in) return to Si' And that. totally in love and she's piece of paper. and weeping as the child's hat blows these vets pace. I he 1114HIC Is tamed me quite a lot. off when the camera clicks. s hal a hiree. Doors and I ihe% sat. is Mo. 1 Mod a'. all Lit,ei. are already agonising over %%hal on earth we're going Elliot Muscant Everyone's just got to keep Theology looking!"

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Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 9 The dirty half-dozen tiome of m• column:- that never saw the light of day mixed with some from the nationals that dwaldn't (hut did). A RETROSPECTIVE 'I've always thought that it nothing acts faster than Anadin. then why not take nothing, •Let's Mil mince words here. It's high time for Culture Secretary Chris Smith to pack up his red hoses and go hack to his helm ed poetry. Ills 'iamb) -pamby ing has gone on long enough. -Huse you el er oundered what happened to those eine animal pictures they used to advertise the RSPCA with - now it's all malnourished donkeys try ing to make us feel guilty for being human. The Truth •Men were Diana's Achilles heel. If there was And so the end has come a weak. tally. cavalier man in a roomful of l're reached the final column strong. silent, sexy saints, she would go for the But more, much noire than this 11,7 first type - the heel. I did it ify War • •Why is it always the ugly girls handing out THIS popular lyric, pastiched for the high °Mule world of student condoms during Healthy Sex Week? Are the► journalism to a team of crack postmodernists, represses thoughts close to trying to put us 011? the heart of every columnist and opinion maker - what In do when the • live Peace a Chance is an anthem for pin- party 's over. heads who think that all we have to do is light There are two alternatives: to carry on as before and add a valedictory up a giant joint and shower one another with slating how much you've enjoyed the yy hole thing, and sad it's ending; or rose petals. Ominously. it's been chosen as an to dedicate your final offering to the memory of greatness past and a anthem for the Northern Ireland peace survey of your own inimitable w it and humour. agreement. I have taken the second option and interviewed myself, reproduced a -Louise Woodward - who cares? XI least fen outtakes and remembered sonic choke moments front the year. Enjoy going to prison would give her the chance to a little of the man behind the masthead. stork out a hit. '1 always hated Frank Sinatra for raking the W'here did it all begin? not me. rill not 'WOW s,int it bore +crummy state of being a class...\ bully to high Well. I'd been venting for the Lced.■who's only interested in himself and art. so I w as really pleased when he died. Si !WI or li,r J while - ori gi na I lv a has the ATTOValICe think other column from Spain • but my First people ate equally Inv:mated. N.; incarnation on this page was the question. • shonlived -Sulam Jeffery" Column Do you consider yourself famous which began on September 26 and and, if so, how do you cope with ended it week later The first the attention? critieised the marketed eionpassion Nu. I don't consider myself famous I nail.: death !hr hut I have been recognised a few. • • if, ked it,. 1 •7. , dor. 1,141, times, Once I was Sa fen ay buying ;hod- some trout on switch when the checkout girl recognised no name Bed-bound revolution: 1,0 r A. 0 iti,' j,111..1 and lace and pin two and two a tale of two earn USDA I" 11I Ili MCNV,tgt!,. I III ' II I, iogether and mentioned d u, rile. Fin , I I '-■UC, Just glad I n asn't buying anything Jci icn On Friday - prove' too embarrassing like toilet roll. started tin October 10 With a 1, Other than that people come up and cheaprokes at the expense !lic talk to me ahout the column. which itow nsi red Tory party. How c% cr. this is nice. quesuns. II you ring Labour they I never allow Iii pron. take your name. puhlicalion and • nit: title from a shortlist of ... but surely it's not all positive? Okay. so let's go through a few of Inity question and phone hack with an the page was nearly called No, I do get some hate neut. Most of your favourite things official statement abt nit why Blair is It's a Clary World- and the Leeds it's pretty fair and I rend to agree but Well, that will he quite hard because an department even went as the people's PM. or whatever. .Student some of if can gel nasty - worst. I it's several years since I last saw laf as to cOttlftliSsi011 a suitably ivember 2$i within an hour. The Words of think. was a letter which suggested I Mary Poppms. terrifying and guninting individual Tories are open oat of office hours should he castrated. However. 1 No, that Is not what I meant at all. for the logo thelowl. Since then I've hot know nothing - to the March 6 made a note 01 the address so - paper they couldn't find the names Let's assume you have quite citvered just about everything - TV. whoever wane it - 1 know n here you housing. polities. metal& - and it's of their front bench team. unexceptional tastes and go on to Wisdom your greatest influences? always been my mug at the nip Speaking of politics, do you have What's been the most revealing No one in particular butt get a lot of Here I present some highlights from the year - [low do you react to charges of any political commitment? moment? my ideas front the people around snippets of truth to learn by heart and trot our egotism? None what st ?ever I do to vague know the maturity of my opinions me. So I'd just like to thank Joel. at parties. )1, I think that'sa ridiculous - I'm ideas of human rights and freedom helore t write them so a lot of its not Alex. Chris, 'antra, Nateed. Malt. of expression. but I'm much too 01 the least egotistical people that interesting for me - for instance. Trevor. Anna. Ruth and intim' who, any party. *There's a unique university time period - the could meet. I've had this I'd suspected that Staying In was the cynical to support have been lucky enough to find ersat ion over anti over again II Especially now. Doss -which in length the closer it gets too its New (Jiang Out for quite some time some Of our CooSTI'Salions in print. antithesis • the Deadline. I May 8 t99K i nihst idi,ii! it ,Iiie of my But surely there's more to life More I announced it as such on So at the end of it all has it been favourites 11,111. %, hat it comes down than cynicism. more than ripping •On NVednesday of a national university December S. The hest hits, though. worth it? to is that, !II kit w- if !here's some apart. shutdowns certain thing; became political. If have been phoning up political Yes, I think so. people out there who Possibly. Actually. I have this quilt: you had a hangover and missed a nine parties and getting them to give Thank you for your time. o'clock. that's political. If you stayed in to appreciate my god-like stature. well. serious answers to exceedingly silly generouc side to my personality that it's them who've got the problem That's I gay watch Light Lunch - which, beginning at (2.311 is a Chit Guevara of revolutionary apathy compared to New Labour's Big for Look a li kes... maybe dog's) Breakfast - well, that's political too. (March 6 199K) I've had a few •Nen labour lack an easy going, sex obsessed One of the innovations ol" Clinton equivalent hut. in Peter Nlandelson. Jeffery On Friday has been have discovered a man hies fanatical the consistent use of images devotion to the Millenium Dome demonstates that are not my own. From that key members of the goverment are not left to right the fresh faced without humour. (May 1 199Ki from Jeffery. On •The future just isn't as exciting as it used to Graduation; the old man be (October 24 19971 from Jeffery On Deadlines; •Here's fun. Doesn't Michael Jackson hear an Charlie Kray from Jeffery uncanny resemblance to Cherie Blair? To the On Trial: and the guntoting hest of my knowledge the two have nes cr mad man commissioned been seen together in pubic. Is Tony not for the stillborn "It's a telling us something? Is this how he learned to Crazy World" column. get in touch with '`the kids'".11March 13 1991.11

9 ▪

Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 Gang attack on hall president

coNTINtmo FRAIMPAAEVICE .:II oiraleril .rrc pr„cnlcd with advise on 15 external Med adVhel Peitf A Leeds ',This etsli sp.,k oroan commended Ian Inr his brave' -We 1.1,tking 101,, this incident 1,, appreciate that Ian acted inc.uneri vet) to cii,ore that all our Procedures +AA:rein place protect his colleagues and their properly arid that there susanywnetiatrrdhiiainnngeicttdnonatprtaerecletnlento:thnlides His reaction In the situation aPpcars brave and ,;e1- Hess. "How ever, we would of our students.” remind students that Our `Ian acted Ian remains upset 1.n, the firm ails. ice has alwars attack. "Although I am line been. and will continue instinctively to in civil:tithe injure is vcr). to he, that security stall serious. The hospital said and/or police should he it went tight through to the notified intmedimeIN about protect his sk ull." hc said. suspicious incidents co i he ale people. Stride tit.; should colleagues. His desiribed as three while refrain trout racklinc males The attacker is aged intrudets thenisel% reaction to the around sec !eel tall with Piiiicc arc InVeslligattllg a nigh! player's build. He Ore incident but hake N itas blonde'. -brow n hair in 1.t -U1s.l' students celebrate competition on the strident to make an!. arrests \ situation was a l reach crop, a wide, flat still) their boozy 11040 radio station. spokeswoman warned, ise and a SI11111:: northent alter Hies scooped a crate Vaal( Samson donated brave' We're all :M♦ Samson hitter the risers or booze to the jc:cettil1.1, .w .as wearing a dark each in an 1..SR competition in conjunction 0.11)1o. t Sherman style shin and competition. with !SR. 0;11, .0 .111 ■.1111111..' ■ospiLiou, Ole!, k si..colid man is around 5'ts" 28 fiirtunate ',sinners I.Sk returns to the ' 11,1110 111,11S,l.11A1C1'.. 12t:1 . I ‘1,11 s I air lit hlimile hair and mereing trim loth Leeds air-wales in October and 111.: es r Ni...•aring a !ISO bitter off universities stun a crate hopes to het a full time t .:1.1111!• evert, gi:1y in a phone-in licence nest sear. ! Your best chance to get a job! IT Come to the West Yorkshire Graduate Recruitment Fair Tuesday 23 tune 1998,10.00am — 5.00om Sports and Exhibition Centre

Jobs, jobs, jobs: Be There! • Every organisation attending will have vacancies for Get further information on bookings from: graduates • Prospects ler the Realist. Issue Number 6, available from Higher Education Careers Services. • Wide range of opportunities available, spanning a variety of occupational areas • Our web address Check it out regularly: • Apply to many different organisations on one day • Make face-to-face contact with recruiters • The West Yorkshire Fair helpline on 0113 233 5298 between 10_00am and 4.00pm, weekdays. Easy for you: • The free guide available at the event • Centrally located in Leeds Around 80 companies will be there! • Easy to travel to by rail or car They could be talking to you! • Excellent lacliilles. including disabled access !nine - there is no attendance fee and no charge for Companies like Arthur Andersen, Accurate Plc, Asda, Bass. Betty's and vacancy information or brochures! Taylors Group, BOC. BY, Cabinet Office. Coopers & Lybrand, Courtaulds Textiles. Decathlon, Eltec. Field Packaging. Filtronic Comtek. FKl High quality event: Engineering. GCHQ. GEC Marconi Avionics, GPT. Glyn wed. Graduate Link. ISA. KPMG• Lever Bros. Lucas Verity. Magnet. Majestic Wine • Well established the premier event of its kind in the region Warehouses, Miller Group. Mountfield Software, Net info. Northern Foods, • Professionally organised by the Careers Services of the Phenomenex, Police. Pnce Waterhouse, RM, Rank Haws Royal Sun Universities of Bradford and Leeds Alliance. Syntegra. Teacher Training Agency. TT Group. United Biscuits, • Designed to provide the best possible event for you - the job- VSO Welcom Software, West Geophysical, Wilco International . seeking graduate And Many, Many Morel Leeds Student, Friday Juno 12 1998 NEWSDESK 243 4721 Late library Ruth's got sax appeal hailed a success LNION oasis declared the trial I.La S.,\XOPHONLST RuthIlanuramd Scott's jar, club in FLY_SHAHOH ASHLEY shows that from among 2li4t other hopefu ls opening of the Beckett,. is celebrating her success in the London, narrowly perserverance representing the best of Britain's Park learning centre a Young Jazz Musician of the Veer missing out on a residency in Sew really pays off." young string players. complete 511t: competition. . Another talented musician Cara also made It to the The library was kept The Leeds College of Music The contest was held at the was Clara Berridge. also a student quarterfinals of the 1998 Shell open until midnight graduate came second In the finals Shepherds Bush Empire in at Leeds College of Musk. who LSO Music Scholarship and will during ex= period for on Friday missing top spot by London. reached the semi-finals of the he travelling to lltscany with the keen sweaters. only four points. Competition spokesperson Young Musician of the Year Leeds Youth Orchestra next L.MUSL1 extended the sales} minibus hours until Ruth sere iped a .£5011 cash prize Jon Sellars said: "This is the third competition. month to perform Elgar's Cello the centre closed. plus a week's residency at Ronnie ear that Ruth has entered. so It A keen cellist. she was picked Concerto. President Jerome Jeans said: "It is so goad the student union and the university can still work together effectively to achieve valuable objectives for our students. "This trial has come from a he of hard work by not only this executive team but by several years rinhaous.- LMUSU officials see the trial as a break through in working towards full 24 hour opening of the library. Uni play their Workbooks offer careers advice CAREERS advisers are urging graduands to take advantage of a new service. LW has produced a set of seven open learning workbooks Wald choosing a career and communicate cards right more effectively with employers. The hooks offer practical advice and information BY STEVE Irelt H A II- on a range of topics including Gil to know yoorself, Career% for the 21%1 Century and Career Derision SECUR1TI. chiefs are changing :Waking. union cards that can he faked Um) Philip Marsland. Careers Service tanager said: easily - and all thanks to your The books are designed to improve the support number one Leeds Strident. we offer students in terms ef careers guidance and. Our Teem] undiatxwer investigation cruicially, in lob hunting. Lest vancate pencil that LAW:University's "We have an excellent graduate employment Carib could be forged. rate and we hope that the Nooks will further improve The feegtalcartla wan allowing those services and help LW: students stay a step ahead who purchased thenoo net mutton only in the careers market." diarouia: and mailed emitter it Unit For further details cantata the careers service buildings and University libraries, on 214 3 599$. The investigation.o..11 owed hot on the heels of news Of a burgeoning blaelonarket trude in the student cards Computer test which were lacing sold in pubs in the city. And its now been revealed that centre at LMU new style cards will he introduaed next 5te.u-- incorporating hok)grama and Rte. new European Computer Dri v ing Test is sa forge resistant ink and paper after a LVdti - and LAILI will he the first test centre in the city. -art' iew of security issues'. naires Akita .4h. A spokesperson for the University The test aims to accredit an individual's PC skills for suet "We acknoa ledge the concerns use in the workplace and is an EU wide recognised raised by :students in the past and have qualification. acted tattle them by making the cards The licence provides a clear definition of essential hank!' to forge. computer skills and dispels and vagueness about PC 'The atudent oniee will month a the experience and expertise. success of these improvements and Large multi-natitatalahave already adopted the licence. maim them next year.- setting it as the perlormance benchmark they expect Sciaairy mandarins were shocked to from their employees. The modulea will test practical skills rat her than theory consisting of tests based on typical day-to-day computer `The new cards operations. These include word processing and spreadsheets as well as the haste concepts of information technology and are a far more databagea. The tests can he taken in any order over a scale of sophisticated three years. An LMIlapiikesrsaaini said their staff will he :tuitional type of security' the first to level it. discover that thecards could be so easily tinged and laid to act quickly after mains Charity walk for that there was a growing black market for faked union cards in Lavds. Credit cant style card.a are already in tribal Bushmen use in a kit ol them:rattles mid have proved 7 to he a lot Nadia. td d Ions than the ones THE plight of the Bushmen of the Kalahari is being currently being u:cal at Leeds. addressed lo the charity Sunival For Tribal Peoples Raymond. \ spinal!. Dinxiort (Cant with a series of walks orgunieed forJuly, writeJ Anchor! Dispenser UK. w hiah dionbutes security Ihimphrep. cards to firm% throughout the e ►untry The walks will show concern at attempts of the believed the new cards were a big Botswana government to force the remaining Bushmen improvenient. 113 off flick ancestral lands in the Central Kakthuri (dime • ~dm. 'I asst n•es filb•••61/ Reserve, He salt. "Thrace new cards are a fur tires Iletteerrkti .. el The charity a arks will Asa raise urgent fund• for the name sti ►lwicated hem tit' sevurita than 144111.• the laminated type." Survival's stork a it h uihal people like the' Bushmen. But the aew vitals at I eeds Univelaity The charity walks are being supported by ex-ITh. will still use phi thigrapha attached to the newscastur Sandy(.all who recentlt further forgeries next Vt1.1141;` card: in the same inanner as last year cards 111p:event The walks are being held all menthe cumquat of July not using the magnetic strip that other :ear.- 19 in Banbury. Bath. Cantlyridge. Dartmoor. Hull. 1 tic registration process will still cards hate. I .uralun, :'slid•Purbeck dills, Sheffield. Yuri: and be completed in the same time as in NiM^ the leas the U /11\1.11ity still hope CARD SCHOOL: The union card (inset) which is being the Yorkshire Dales. prel'it,LI!, years with no extra wailing that the c hat atis they have made al union replaced and a reconstruction of biackmarket card dealings For further inhirmation call Richard (,upside or time for students Elizabeth (Albert on11171 242 1441. lI 12 Leeds Student, Frid Trying hard to avoid quoting `My Way' I PAUL WILSON, GRA II S and five other end-of-the-roaders, get a bit misty-eyed as they reflect on their time spent in Leeds

• i'se learned that I'm not the shortest or hmssnrit person in the world, coming as I do loan Stevenage

put my foot through a window on my 21Ith birthday party„t; I lightly tapped on it. I ended up in tItsualty with eight stiteht% Tlw bloke who's window it was. he was very nice. he took mt. to hospital. but he was embarrassed because he'd been playing with his pet snake. who was frightened by the whole affair ill I wish I'd dont, more things like join valetas and go to the library more. Do those kind of hensible student things

JUN/JUL/A UG/SEP RATES* I wish I hadn't pal my foot din High the w indow, liecause ['se DIRECT FLIGHTS got a big scar now irtn torn ATHENS fr 169 MUNICH fr 117 t ;cuing caught on camerain the car park of the %let, erm, with ►uneune. doing something after OT1 on Valentines Day 370 NEW YORK/BOSTON 369 in my first year I was quite tint nk. and I'm afraid I threw up ATLANTA on the poor bloke's shoes BOGOTA/CARACAS 359 ORLANDO 422

BOMBAY/DELHI 469 OSLO 169 In first year. a little bloke who lived in halls with us came ti and said he needed a haircut. k couple of us said we knew DURBAN 489 PHILADELPHIA 370 how to cut hair. He had huge hair. and we cut it all off. It HOUSTON 415 RIOISAO PAULO 399 looked really horrible JOHANNESBURG 479 SEATTLE 429

LA/SAN FRANCISCO 419 TEL AVIV 169 r Spending all of my student loans on trip. to Nepal. Thailand MADRID 1S9 TOKYO/OSAKA 514 `I wish I and Japan MEXICO 319 TORONTO/MONTREAL 399 hadn't MOSCOW That is definitely when my house went up in names and my 259 WASHINGTON/CHICAGO 415 maimed bedroom burning down in second year. Not very nice 'STUDENTS (UP TO 34 & ISIC HOLDERS) & YOUTH U26 CARD

my friend HOLDERS. MUST BE BOOKED & PAID BY JUNE 17th '98. ALL 9 ) DEPARTURES FROM LONDON. SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY . 8e1 on a fold- (.etting more sleep last year would's e been nice. since I spent 18 BA PREFERRED STUDENT/YOUTH OPERATOR. most of my days and nights working at ISR. I'm bloody glad sa,

OL I did though. because it was a lot of fun. But I shouldn't have YHA Adventure Shop N1 out bed told my doctor I was filling asleep in Whirrs - brain scans, 13 AT 117-121 Vicar Lane, Leeds LSI 6P, 0113 246 1155 with a blood tests and genetic mapping at IA:I were not great Inn 3GO LTD Ultra Travel e Bodum University of Leeds, Union Building Nly one regret is maiming my friend on a fold-uut bed with a d Il Madam coffee maker a few days before she went to France at IONAL

PO Box 157, Leeds LSI I UH aJ 0113 231 4213 coffee the end of last year. She's coming to visit soon. so Lu - please d- AT forgive me u maker I TERN xes Pt N just %II the various fancy dress vombinations. including clintdilm. a I s lb marslunallows. nineteenth century ballgowns, see) Ian shots, IT before she suspenders, and not forgetting my hoL smoking pistol. Not all US CLEM at once. of course student & youth travel taut went to IATA IKE= France' Bad things': NW! I've been a good girl_

I 'T. 12 lain Banks Embrace Teen TV Monsters! Tel 230 4949 169 Cardigan Road, Leeds, LS6 1QL still have a wide selection of properties available for rent.Here is just a sample of houses

5 BEDROOMS 6 BEDROOMS Brudenell Mount, Leeds 6 £41.50 Cardigan Road, LS6. £47.50 All very big bedrooms. Close to Universities. All big bedrooms with double beds. Decorated to a Cardigan Road, LS6 £45.00 very high standard. Enormous bedroom. Double beds. Good Location. Chapel Lane, LS6. £47.50 Hartley Avenue, LS6 £37.00 To be fully refurbished. Excellent location in Lovely house. Large kitchen with lounge combined. Headingley. Kelso Road, LS2 Hyde Park Road, LS6. £48.50 £46.50 A magnificent house with lots of facilities. Overlooks Two mins from Uni. All double beds. Nice. the park. Broomfield Terrace, LS6. £43.50 Burchet Place, LS6. £42.50 Headingley. Good House. Two bathrooms, two kitchens. Big bedrooms. Winstanley Terrace, LS6 £46.50 Wonderful house. Off Victoria Road. Lovely house and area.. Meanwood Road, LS6 £40.00 Big bedrooms. Dinning kitchen. Large lounge. Good bus routes. 4 BEDROOMS Brudenell Avenue, LS6 £41.00 2 BEDROOMS All big bedrooms. Very close to Uni. Brudenell Grove, LS6 £58. 50 Brudenell Road, LS6 £37.50 Ebberston Terrace, LS6 £43. 50 Royal Park Road, LS6 £39.50 Ridge Grove, LS6 £50.00 Kelsall Grove, LS6 £47. 50 Top quality. Suitable for professionals. St. Johns Terrace, LS3 £44. 50 Caberry Terrace, LS6 £37.50 St. Johns Terrace, LS3 £55. 00 Tinshill Road, LS16 £48. 50 3 BEDROOMS Vinery Road, LS4 £57. 00 Brudenell Grove, LS6 £38.50 Hessle Avenue, LS6 £65. 00 Easterly Avenue, LS8 £43.00 Magnificent throughout. Suit professionals. Available August. Extremely nice, semi-detached. Park Lane, LS8 £47.50 1 BEDROOM Suitable for professionals. Top standards. Ash Grove, LS6 £85.00 Woodsley Road, LS3 £38.50 Brookfield Road, LS6 £78.50 Burley Road, LS3 £72.00 9 BEDROOMS Hyde Park Road, LS6 £115.00 Archery Road, LS2 £39.50 Suit professional couple. Gorgeous. Very close to Leeds University. Spring Road, LS6 £77.50 7 BEDROOMS St. Johns Terrace, LS2 £82.50 Vinery Road, LS4 £81.00 Burley Road, LS4 £45.00 Woodsley Road, LS3 £85.00 Headingley Mount, LS6. £46.00 Beautiful flat. Well maintained. Central Headingley. Close to all pubs & the University Kelso Road, LS2 £80.00 Hyde Park Road, LS6. £49.50 Richmond Road, LS6 £75.00 Exceptional property. Brand new everything. Kirstall Lane, LS6 £95.00 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, fire alarm, washing machine, dishwasher. lovely!! Friday June 12 1998 COMENTS 3

Ru° in pieces

lain Banks 4/5 OR is it lain M Banks? We're confused. But we care not as we lind the science fiction it's okay to like 6-8 Clubs THE year in clubbing. A balanced, well-adjusted critical analysis. And Templehead again, most likely Arts 9 WE dive into the murky waters of Hollywood, where things get decidedly reptilian

10/11 Television BRAT-pack on the box - Dawson's Creek, Party of Five and a cast of thousands wallow in teenage angst

12/13 Space SPACE Balls, and every other ball related pun under . Juice interviews Spaceman Jamie Murphy on the eve of the big ball bash

Reviews 14-16 Snag of Snagging FOR the last time this term the experts tell you what to your your best go buy, watch, listen to and read Dreams _FL mate DEEP breath. this is it. louse one last chance. Ever. PRI:NI:VIVRE celebrations. Ines Rabb, catastrophic Come nest year. nr next 'goods') they'll be la around the world consequences. A hazy memory. CacSoc. A familiar face. .A as you shutfte back to Billion for your budding career at Safeway. tingly feeling. A longue in your mouth: And it's all gone This is the biggest opportunity you'll ever halt. And the most horribly Pete 'hong one last time. 17-23 Listings drunk vou'll ever. ever be—so go for it. And it won't matter in the morning. For at least two seconds. l'ou ma) have eschangiii glances in 1:f13. or stared lustily at the No-one saw us, did they? They slut have. There was nobody hack of their neck in the library. Whatever, mm 's the time to else there. Just get your clothes and sneak out. After the ball, the blow-ouL The essential guide for make that move. But then there are the Looks. fiw coin ersations that halt your final few days in Leeds, for this term at least Tonight's the night to stop pouting on the sidelines. get with the abruptly when you enter. The innuendoes and the nudges. program. and make the Grad ban an absolute snottathon. VW then you realise. Eeerybody knows.l.nd you can't bring It's better to regret something you have done, than something you yourself to ring him/her. let alone look them in the eye. haven't. 'Slake hay while sun shines. Carpe them ms son. This could be the end of a beautiful friendship. 4 Juke BOOKS IIII

II:3 an ( ng On int Acclaimed both for his science fiction and his more 'serious' literary novels, lain Banks has the best of both worlds. talked to him about literary life for a sci-fi fiend cum mainstream success story LL the best people o:freshing change from the usth0 another. leading toconstant this boundary simthern drawl proclaiming writi4 to distinctions between genre and hint I, intentional- It's not live two lives: Clark he a god- g oen hit till-Cofimooine gat, 'serious' fictions: inlennottal. il's just that I want to do Close-up Kent also got a it's not that Banks is lacking in "You need sever= genres and whales cr I w ant. and riot he reStrieted buzz front wearing contidence though The 1011mi-ills labels, so that's no had thing. I mean, by htwndarics, ti's qutte selfish Banks story is that when he w as Its definitions arc a useful way to really.' So a hat of the common his underpants over and still very much at ,.chuol, he wrote describe things. It's when one genre perception that Kinks- work is on Sci-fi ■gem:tads More intelligent than the Ahis trousers.. the Scarlet in his passport that his occupation was gets seen 41; better than others, so you Pimpernel was an 'writer', on the basis that it was a ten have these ideas of superior kinds if average inkling' Is this intentional or year passport and he was hound to books, which are usually 'character • is it ;nth:lent and subeoneions! If Mary Shelley was great- aristocrat who found that have made it as a writer before he novels. so that it becomes awkward." "Well it's quite flattering to think grandmother of sci-fi. J.R.R being an action man in his reached his 3tith birthday, Needless to So what then does he think of the that it might he inherent. It's certainly 1)(92-1973) must or spare time was a great say_ passpnri control wasn't very current pessimism that the novel is on very flattering that people see my work as intelligent. I mean, I have course be the gmadtadscr of fantasy. impressed, and his twenty-sixth the way our? Could sci-fi, with its babe magnet. and.•ric IS birthday passed without any of his futuristic outlook. be the salvation of certainthin:4 S 10say,v, but WS tun thus Semi-medics-al adventure 'liw heal Bananaman. The literary Work beimg the literary form? "I think the idea of critique of social/intergalatte f■f rltr Rheas is still the most pinata world is not short of these one type writing is fading- away is meaning,"" hook in Great Britain. S0 he chameleon-like figures doesn't sec the either. violence and By day. lain Banks is the `I spend a lot of time weirdness of his hunk, as quiet. it slightly controversial reflecting our author of such mainstream doing absolutely world then. it". all novels as The liiisp Fueiory. By a hit of fun night however, he is lain M. "Fun's perhaps nothing' lain Banks not the right Bunks. the enigmatic author of word. but it's fiendish sci-fi novels. In some. ridiculous, I mean. people didn't stop certainly very interesting to write space is as accessible as painting when the camera was about. I mean. there is a lot of violence Headingley. yet as dangerous as Invented. Perhaps the novel isn't as and weirdness in the world. but there H.G. Wens t1846-1946) truly Hyde Park. In others. medieval- published. cutting edge. or boundary breaking as are plenty of people out there whose Ina the Nctence into science &lion. What would Banks be doing now if it used to he. But that doesn't mean lives don't contain any violence or stylc cities rule countries which whatever I just prefer not to write Fascinated by 617W-travel. space, and his literary ship had tuner come in? people are going to stop reading ur are nut quite as we know them. about that so much." A man who minims. Wens' rands (including "I'd definitely he in Scotland. writing. There well always he This romantic view 01' Banks preferably doing some kind of job mainstream fiction published." knows what he wants then, and usually The Mir of the Worlds) show nature was quickly brought down to earth where I wouldn't have in think about it gets it too. ready to assen itself at any when I phoned him at his alter I left each night.- t'T with all opportunity. B sumptuous hotel only to find out Science Fiction is usually cited as this talk of Banks's lirst love so it seem, strange different that he was in the process of Isaac Asimov(t920-t992) that his first published novel was The genres, it was the hankst vo irking man in wi- checking out. Only slightly, Wasp Filetory, his mainstream hit of mustn't he thought ll. churning out specuteulm' material_ perturbed. Banks plunged into a 1984. Banks is quick to explain this that Banks' works His major winks belong lit the high speed interview in which we seeming discrepancy 7 "I'd written live arc clear cut Foundation senes (telling of the spoke so quickly that we sounded set-li novels, that'', a Million words. examples of sci-fi Ii was just decay of a galactic civilization) or the like the Smurfs on acid. Having before The Mop Furrow. and mainstream that that was the one to get published fiction. flue Wisp Robot series in which mIxas exist to produced 17 hooks in 14 years, first. IC's u case of it beta; caster hi get Factory is pretty verve mankind Banks must he pretty used to this kind of pace. mainstream fiction publ intent and weird. Mainstream literary fiction is a whilst his latest He reflected that maybe he ought to Arthur C. Clarke actually had of Banks' life, Ile claims iki sci.11 novel. slinv dawn, but didn't really see why large part an academic science background and enjoy reading authors like Gunther int'CrAlOTO. may be lie should since he enjoys what he WW1 predicting technological Grass and Franz Kafka. On the siIrvieet stk ord and does, -I am quite disciplined. I write advances like the use of mobile of influences he says there are a hit {it sMiel) rim el. but 0,000 words a week, whether it's a people like Jane.Austen and Leo is Banta Ili111,C11 phones in 194.5! His finest hour was ser-ti or a mainstream novel. but in Tolstoy that he'd like to he mil ucirccil says, OIC perliaps his eollahorati.ku w ith tact I spend u tot Ol time doing by but prohably isn t let it does skitcery in it and Stanley Kubrick fob the film I A absolutely audit ng:' This kind fit annoy him a little that I WC type tit not many swords 1,1 mish-acce Wed honesty- makes .I writing can he seen as helici than either.-

;IZS 'AU' L man's' s•i-fi. so r •' / C CI-Flifantasy: you loom the that once the ■■story. A bloke. preferabls with a •••••II S lain M. Banks excitement of the Scandinavian sotmding name. A FALL Of Inversions plot has worn wears a lot of bather. wields an MOONDUST Orbit £1 6.99 off, the reader is alisolutely nuts-Axe sword. and saves his left deeply kingdom Irian the had guys. CORSCIOULt. of the Now banish these preconceptions parallel narrative set in another atmosphere of • kingdom is a simiarily misunderstood from 'otir mind and address lain M. love and loyalty hero ailed I)cWar. De War is not only Bank.' latest sci-fi extravaganza with that Ian-trays the possessor ilia nante w ith the Space tklv an open-mind. Thermions is the set-fl nit through symbolic subtlety of a sledge hammier. novel you'll enjoy even if the very idea rnse-tinted but is also an OtINC%Sh C hut extremely. New ho,, Jeff Noon brings conjures up images of adolescent boys spectacles but successful bodyguard. to the v...11.4101 the everyday with his Waving Dungeons and Dragons. rather The mysterious, but action-packed Mancheste•so novels, F. xplonne the Banks takes time to create MO main through a [dolt grips the reader's attention and protagonists that everybody can relate kind of htitinilaries betv.eell n:ality and although the secrecy at the core (tribe to. The Doetor is the Geri lialliwell of disturbing imaginatit xin's suing point is namdiye demands full conivntrat km. his lattgaikee 'winch takes akk as the I laspidu.s. She's it %Ionian in a man's puke-green world. deeply misunderstood and Banks masterfully coaxes this dishirthe cruige tailor sli.olien lonnd m this alienated. y et fur superior to her commitment out or the reader: 'this is still sers much the 'thinking genic \ i •olleagues. At the centre of - the Linden Thornton tr

Friday June 12 1998

£ a ,, td : •Wile ideological enslavement. So ilr, FICTION t ht are they bothorintt ttrth FICTION lain M. Banks ,Itte dead planet 'filch (Ink one lain Banks Consider Phlebas v„ , The Wasp Factory o .kh.c .:111,,11,11 Orbit £6.99 Abacus £6.99 - t 111:,11I Lai iir r. ,tad 11, I I ed hilt still Jerrdc.l b.... a rrio a-1o, ill C1114 .1110. / i Lli , PO. lied the inipulatinn lire %Nth-tin I lse HE kid Frank had .101 .1110 filth The T'S galactic war, ships, extra `+.1 nand. tilt the his halls ripped off nianl:kt space and planets %%here ptif\IIII_ by the pet Bulldog aIIcin.,l 1, . I nuunr coil 111 swearwords still sun live the hest ill Batik; while the mother het; it T but tin: depict •t the hard teas gising birth In Paul. despite the development huntan poictinat I h."--pc. I IN,' ,1,1‘.1.-. Later Frank set Paul up Is of a truly communist u'ikut_ ,•n either penpeLII io kill himself. in society run by machines 24g 1 ( \hi t:1;111,,..:1; retaliation. an explosion 'no power hunger you see). hang depth. w. le. plat and read. with kerst" the Idirans, united interesting carbon and silicon of parts and rock down ,I•mc nasty 10[10,, %wank 1 ,:latillike by their faith in bawd lite Iiirrns. on the beach. Such huilit Air and .in epileptic III destruction and a war that has violence rages an ending Yun ttun't put it lasted nigh on 4N ycars. Peter Stubley I hroughout I he book. Godless cviingeliqn againq Peter Stubley 6 Juice CLUBS Friday June 12 1998

HE end of the dear is or arid, check out Templehead when it us and as a result restarts next year. A small club with u upon friendly atmosphere. you will PHIL LINDFIELD we must look back and be hurd pushed to nod a more up for it night consider the moments of anywhere in the city. and NICK WEIGHT our nightlives that made A new addition to the Leeds club weft is the famed Swidissential North. Catering to us jump for job. wrap our almost any taste, musically or otherwise. 014 arms around our heads and fall review the year T night is here to stay. Another equally well down into the gutter revealing Litt115'11 club is Hard Times which remuim in club land, cast our darkest secrets to a bloke in NATO and shows no sign of a wane in popnlain). II you like your garage. you'll find a leotard. h snot Ramillies! and Co. ready and willing to their eyes over This has been a year that has sets n.e vow needs! Back is Back. Rack to marked the dawning of a new era in Basic,. dial Is They lime 'tinned It new night al \111I1( ft/1\ int.: the SWIM' formula as their Commander Tom Leeds clubbing. It has gone fully incarnations. This is lull on house tut the the best that commercial urn the one ..,old Udell dist:ell-ling In lose head. Noom hand while the true underground has (In the BASIL'• theme, Dave Beer ipronitmet remained so - even to the point where ot 132B) and Arthur Baker !record maker) have 111“ Aro, Leeds has given Joined forces to firing Leeds its ov.n version or •. 4 ,0, 1 :::, no-one knows about it. We have seen ■ the teknowned Elhoss Rooms. Originally "1,..k“! . 1111111pur, the true money spinning potential til !lased in this p1)01 \ \11116.1,11,1k k'1,111 '%t us, and look the super-club with the hideous ego 1111/1/1c.oituram/harktut, has formed ii solid fan Ill :I iT11.1:11 and trappings that conic w ith it whilst base Jou, n south. and it would he a foolish ( 11s, forward to the at the same lime man who'd het against num, doing seeing people the same up here Thomas Chrome next 12 months whose hearts are This one opens on in the music Ihe June 211. Loop making their The eclectic nature of this mighty this rumbling monster will h. . nights work and mixes of city means that we leaf and trepidation into am set having the This merits! does not slop. Using spin ',tic-c.c.s. that back, uirdl rt:Vcr:cd -samples to nu/cif:HMI effect, Jny sell respecting iekliniv tan 0, ill they richly partly vu IIIst deserse. Every style of music is now t4)12C11., Tall Paul catered for in this C lull city. We bake '1 finCNI Limn and has,. White Label arguably the hest tectino club in the . .i„ t' I the of her side or the 'Tall LI-I —C.0.11'1;111 del it itst ...I: ttml tt country situated a Ialci rick away_ while ,t Ilic t ill Ilk: (WWI. with H t.:Md he plays ifl-ePt' 45 cckeiid 11110 Is ihtimpine the truism in demand DJs in the IMINille ,, k- and ltimpin II i I play in our town centre. For the more t, I. 1 !,•,1 \.‘,J “iti t 1.111 hr ,lisappointed. • mentally disturbed amongst you. the 'I I irm ,s1 c; I,'. h. prtie inusi mtddlo..Also %souh a m•ntitio is Ilic lolhm Orbit will pros ide all the [Mtn° madness %.11 toil his inid• up single Dur) Barn week Ili:' Board. These nights that you can handle and still have plenty hiring kill the op•,' op itorit in dance music lets for everybody else. With CtiiiSi'llerillY and should he congtaisilated on their Various Artists thirirt:,Ni \ e line ups week in. week out braveness: you w'on'! find 111,1i1", featuring the likes of Mills. Clarke. and headlining Judge. Jules tine NS .:ok and LTJ Beltran). this really is worth the trip ow Bukem the nest. Tidy Trutt of town. II you prefer your tew.hno Hosing further away from Tliis coniptlattoi kicks oil the series in with a healthy dose line style. providing tout funky. hard 7411 SONO IMO OS SOO Si 1108WPM IOW OMNI+. OS house classics trteluding the immortal MOM, -Funks, (iroose' cchieh is gellin 0 10 POPO 101111. 11111 time in clubs nationwide. 0 0111110 we fowl 3mm •p1.1

Johny 1('106 II IMO MIK MO 111 NI MONO° NW wow XL . creamy smooth drum 'a' h,iss r;t,.- 1... 061.611• Mk swoops anti break's with the ht:•;I them. Ben includes elements of SWUM By Nick Weight and Phil Lindfield


the dance music held the DIG family have provided us with much entertainment this year Their Casa Latina. Cooker and Yardturd SI,Itt• `We have seen the true money nights have provided Leeds with enough ot lit, alternative to give us evenings of quality 114Id gliallliiy. Notable evenings were the Fut City spinning potential of the super-club, records oan and the hammund skills of Charles Farland and his small keyboard. The base for the DIG family. the Underground. has also whilst at the same time seeing people -AranZEIR come up trumps with the iitnatillg11 NiIrthetil Soul night, Mine On Up. and it whose hearts are in the music making t lulled out swinging partner, the Lava Ltitinee; ii you haven't been yet you should. their nights work' HE FAVERSHAM has proved to he the pub venue of choice where the others Klub hills a fond farewell, having never really lawn. In the end, ii seemed unable 1, kccp lip have failed. The Fav's promoters in found ti's feet. This could be due to the closure with the pace it had set itself over the Tresidence. Illustrious has e provided the of one of Leeds most prestigious night clubs, and many will point towards the mute names to match the posturing. Their nights The Pleasure Rooms, which has played host to weekly event us being as final dow mull stilt. LyL. Deep Couture and East Village Cafe have Back to Basics, Up Yet Ronson, Goodlife. and those first monthly Thursday nights will he made a name for themselves as a cheap way lo The Mile High Club. And perhaps the most sad talked about for years Io come. relax and go out. This years events culminated departure this year must have been Its Nevertheless, there is sine to he a in the Garden Party and die Three Fresh Obvious This was a truly groundbreaking club replacement in the wings come October_ li•s Muthaluckas DJ competition which has given for many yems • certainly the North's answer this kind of diversity which makes Leeds such a much needed outlet for local DJ talent, to London's Heavenly Social - and many will a great place to he. Until then. enjoy the Sadly, with the arrival of the new, we base remember the nights when Depth Charge. Jon summer and get ready to party all over again! to kiss goodbye to the old. Amsterdam Sex Carter, Ninju Tune and Wall of Sound came to Friday June 12 1998 mviewclubs 1 cells CLUB Casa I..atina C Sumlissentail Underground Club Uropa Thursdays Sundays .1

e donned our dancing ypical, really typical, how the shoes and dragged our sun shines and the heat rises at !bur left feet down to times of much work and stress. Casa Latina at the Just as the weather demands Wunderground on Thursday your being outside in shorts and night. After a few stiff drinks to sung asses the exam period starts. loosen our hips we hit the dance Year in year out it seems to be the floor where Tanya, the same, revision and projects are done underground's own Colombian in the sunniest few weeks that the dance diva taught us a few of the year as seen. basic steps which helped us B what makes it worse is the prepare for a night of funky imm-diate dissipation of the summer when you are in a position to Latino rhythms. wea er just enjoy it. Just as surely as the good 11) our surprise the dance floor was weat er arrives to greet stress, so the grey packed with both Salsa -s irein' like ourselves and these ss ith more cloud arrive to celebrate under. With the experience for natural flair!) After an sun c u mes a general lifting of spirits and hours lesson we wen: qualified to every me seems to be smiling, sometimes afl merengae with the hest of them. when it see that the grey weather takes of El Equipo. a new London salsa this a iay and all of the smiles also go. comho took the stage_ The six piece Bu this is not true. just like everything resemble, plus special guest else in the bad weather, it just moves inside. and S ndissential is where to find it. The trumpeter Harahan') provided the most • tracing aspect of Sundissential in the Hispanic heats which are an essential North is the atmosphere in Club Uropa, and it ingredient for the friendly and can be compared very favourably to the easy sociable atmosphere. air tha comes with the arrival of the summer. Each week a different hand plays in a Just a. in times of good weather. there different style ranging from booga100 appe. s to be smiles and an easy approach to 1111•1111110' through to salsa. latin-Iuu and with life ju t what is needed when the grey clouds preceding dance classes to compliment greet ou for celebration. the particular flavour of the evening. Sundissential is all about fun and I challenge and spacious with very fresh air is just what the and Carnival Queens in those massive elaborate Throughout June Casa Latina is anyon, to go and not have it. The dance floor is hot tired Sundissential goer needs from time to outfits! celebrating the Latino love of football alive k r I2 hours with smiling bouncing laces and time, and the clock there on the hour is something Everyone who comes to Sundissential is in with a couple of special events including even tl e bouncers appear to have a good time. that has to be seen to he believed, very bizarre. search of a good time, and everyone who goes to Columbian and Brazilian bands. sImpin. easily into the parry air that seems to seep Sundissential is always in a celebratory mood. Sundis.sential gets just that. With such an pnifessional dancers and r111/1 throng every single pore. Even if there is no special occasion, then it is a atmosphere, pumping hard house tunes and some pm mullions. Ma den the club s promoter. can always he celebration of life, of clubbing, and of people. And of the world's hest Ins in constant attendance. make the s„ ..,Iwevel you are „t tV hatever you arc.ii seen c ailing to his guests or DJs or dancing. it is the people that club into the event nothing else should ever be extx.-eted. When you ,ou ‘+ ion to have fun while trying somettonE makin • sure that everyone is having as good a time that it is. Dressing up is highly encouraged, and go to Sundissential mot if) always remember io ,hlierent, then Casa Latina may be the night at his c ub as they ought to. and enjoying his makes loran interesting spectacle. from smile. to entertain and to be entertained, and the tor you' creatio to its lull. as everyone else is invited to do. pantomime bull complete with matador, to beach rest looks after itself. Sec ya Sundays! Claire Phillips and And with the inclusion of the most ideal chill out parties, fully decked out in bikinis, shorts and Emily Baldock} room. is hopes will I'm sure be fulfilled: large grass skins with a paddling pool. via fire eaters Matt Shanaha

Jay Denham. by looks or sound. He plays funky techno. always keeping it hard and The Orbit raw. a sound that others would do well to 10 After Dark emulate. The crowd. comprising of many regulars. recognised the quality and skill Saturdays of mixing from the Black Nation Records - powerfully supremo and responded appropriately. The imaginative dance floor rocked. We've seen the Orbit ■new production' 71 411.• e couldn't let the year fuller but the little extra space went a long finish without a final way. It just goes to prose that every week National Tour trip to every techno is worth going to and that you don't need Sponsor fan's favourite historic to wait for big. name Oh such as Jeff Mills Wtown. Morley's Afterdark club or Carl Cox to witness The Orbit on form. The line up until the end of June includes hosts The Orbit, one of the best C.J. Bolland, Luke Staler, and Dave Angel, all underground nights in the well worth a k kit country which will hat, e been Jon Tidey and Beth Roberts running for seven years this summer. Despite our usual plan of arriving for 8.tiOpm. highly recommended when someone popular is playing. SVC opted for a queue free 9.30pm entry, Faithful resident Nigel Walker. acting as a warm up DJ, already had the crowd's full attention. Playing his own unique mix of hard electro and chunky team) the dance floor was soon filled. Toes 30 June - Sat 4 July 1998 By eleven, and nearing the end of Walker's set you'd he forgiven for thinking; that it was the end of the night. The crowd proving they were. theatre&tR114 01)eral House. Leeds1.- as always, up for it. and Nigel showing why people argue he's the Box Office: (0 113) 222 6222 best resident in the UK. There's no mistaking the presence of Friday June 12 1998 Juice ARTS 9

Jr."1 11 ill re' Classic Creature Features

JAWS Noel; si). The best film eve, made about a fish. this early effort from Steven Spielberg remains the yardstick by which all ocean adventures will be judged. Overflow lag with truly classic scenes and thrashing along to that terrifying "dur-dun... du r-durn.., der-DUNI!" score. it's Under the beautiful blue oceans live creatures which horror movie absolutely directors can only dream about. ELEANOR MAWREY snorkies down to the Royal Armouries to discover the terrors of the deep unknown GODZILLA , Rotand Nomench. 199:41

ombine Jaws with animated models. You can where less,men- ha% e gone than thing. Jurowl, Park could even control their have visited the moon!) it there are more or these a school trip to creatures swimming around. movements yourself to .Before you swear never to even the Natural sit in the bath again or go paddling The exhibition gets everygoi. History Museum simulate their breathing and at Blackpool there is some Involved with interactive CD and Monsters of eating. The exhibition takes consolation. Their hubbies are ROM. 1.ideos and experiments. Childish impulses seem to come the Deep is the result. you right through the ages, worse than their bite! Only 1-2 from giant dinosaurs to shark attacks a year are fatal. over everyone there, as they whereas us humans kill 100 suddenly find themselves stampim The exhibition currently recent discoveries at the showing at the Royal mill it +n of the creatures annually. their hands with funky sea cretituo' bottom of the Ocean with big There arc certainly no records of a prints. This Summer's hot ticket as far as crap Armouries is both sections on whales and Killer Whale chomping on a The exhibition could have it Hollywood blockbusters go. this promises the informative and slightly sharks human. 011 a little cinema and. apart exciting prospect of a Massive monster rising the token gesture at the entralk • The vital statistics of harks. unfonu mei) for them, Itotn the depths and doing the disco stomp all unnerving and will these Iwo lonely looking fish - sonic sea monsters dwarf their have 1- host of useful parts for over Manhattan. Sounds strangely to certainly make you wary which humans are prepared to more tanks containing the teal Hollywood imposters. with the S the eliding of last year's Lim' Morld but, with of choosing a beach kill them. Apart from the obvious thing would not have gone anio.• Giant Squid's eyes measuring the makers of huieperidence had at the helm. holiday this summer. Mod delicacies their tissue Big electric eels and piranhas up to a startling 40cm across provides crucial ingredients didn't even get a mention which n, we can at least expect sonic stunnine. visuals. The realm of horror and tentieles of up to 21 metres required to make certain antihunics doubt will have damaged their normally left to the movies long! Blue Whales. which are and is also needed to help in street creel under the waves as creatures not to be messed with. becomes a terrifying reality mammals rather than fish. are human cornea transplants. Llosa. 19961 The importance of conservation ANACONDA (Louis as large teeth and tent icles the largest animals in the world One of the most interesting facts was the recent discovery of a was clearly stressed but with no A giant snake swishes around the jungle are reproduced as ginormous (well of the ones we know fanaticism, which made a anyway. you can never be sure sea creature believed to have swallowing B-movie actors in this become extinct millions of years refreshing change. No pressure,- inexplicably brilliant horror Mtn. High body what lies at the very sign petitions or give all your ago. Scientists were very chuffed tilde depth of the sea /Wiley away. count. ace computer animation... and any to discover that the models they that offers the sight of lee Cube being had made, based on old lossils, The message was simple: worth were surpnsmgly accurate understand these creatures, squeezed to death by a reptile has to be when compared to them with respect - of they will the price of admission. the Teal come and get you! Only joking... or am t''

It's eaten Terry Nutkins!! THE LITTLE MERMAID thihn Clements. 198O) MIK

The music that heralded Disney's return to forin after two decades of bok office flops and sub-standard animation. A massive hit and deservedly so. this joyous adventure boasts cracking songs. a scary octopus villain anti a uzggae-singing rastufarian crab called Sebastian. Ross Horsley

sal• .•...-••••-•••••-••••••••••154 /0 Juice TV Friday June 12 1998 ■■ ■■ ■FLICKERS ■ Coming soon to a TO • screen near you... • a U en The Wild Bunch Te ■Pots of tun ■ 9pm Saturday, BBC2 Dawson's Creek, the new signing on C4 is just another in ., ■ ■Pil:k1111p,th 1111111.111.11T r"Hid 1oghuris play mu Clare Lister examines the incestuous relationship between p.a.! %%III, pieces (■I cartoon Unit ■■ owADAys Dune teenagers take • Just deserts • themselves very 9pm Saturday. C4 Nseriously. The latest U pal Id I.!, itch brings iis rinks and • teen drama, Dawson 's :iiks 111 1.11131.11.111:rdiell ■and !Ili Creek. follows the trend of L11111k. i ins Sun: in imps' • 111 a My So-Called Life, Party Of Fire and Hollyoaks. in • The Gauntlet a which the teenagers act Big glove more like adults than the 10.45pm Saturday, ITV ■ ■ adults, and articulate their I n; n , 0 1,1 numerous problems as if I lilt tiCNOI U U I., ill If oiti they have had more therapy than Woody • 11 Allen. ■The Boy Who Could Fly "fter may he a hunch of • precocious. moaning. and Now with wings . 2.30am Saturday night. C5 moral minors. but for sonic ■• reason the are far more kitom..n lit reduce members of the appealing than the eighties / c•d,, teal c. ihi• ■ a read•ilir-title N, Aaron Spelling generated %%hti %%;ints Io 11) ‘k Whim a plane. plastic Barbie doll tr pes of ■ Beverly Hills 9(02/0. also recently re' 'talked in the The Plano eighth series. as the teens • Tinkling about a 9pm Sunday, C4 reach their twenties looking thirty and acting twelve. • laic Canipitin presents a steamy • Dct•.von's Creek i: relatively oldie thriller in which Holly Hunter new on the screens this side of the tries to get her hands on Har-ve. ■ ■ Keitet's inistrunieni Atlantic. but in America. it is the number one drama for teenagers. • ■ reaching more than five million Terminal Velocity homes. Not surprising. one might Speed whores • 9pm Monday, ITV 111 ■ins in its rare klircciot's cut. ■ this rornainic coined!. inexplicably leatures scene alter scene of ■explilsions and parachute salmis. •■ ■Purple Rain ..Purple rain ■10.55pm Monday, C5 ■ 'shod-Jew ps■chological thriller ■ ■e %amines the after-efteets of Rihrtia pollution CM a aesually-dev iant ■midget from Minnesota. ■ ■Delicatessen ■ Oltally good ■10.55pm Tuesday. C4 ■ Ilse Brnish Beef crisia reaches nee ■heights of terror and sill-milled ■ •upense as lutunsoc French people hip each other op with c14.-a%Cf■ ■■ Were No Angels • Bad habits • 11.35pm Tuesday, BBC1 ■ • 114 Ron I:1 ■■ Circle 01 Friends • Kiss my ring • 9pm Thursday. C4 ■■Well, it's your last Vita/ Signs of the Joyous The latest Ametican import Ally Di Ivy] \ 1311 Cumming academic year and we can hear you AleBeal (Wednesday lOpm, C4) may have had I Vital crying into your colostomy bags from even more hype than Godzilla but. for once, we (oh. and Chris • (]ii 1,,i1 old hat based on a \ • here. Will things ever be the same suspect it's worth it. Tune in for witty visual Itrutlw jasSIR: Signs again? Rubber gloves at the ready... gags, quirky characters and a smart script. ■ • Friday June 12 1998 71/Juice 11

Transfer a long line of emotionally charged teen dramas from across the Atlantic. the team members; the stars, the writers and the plotlines think. due to the three million and within Dawson 1 Oren itsrlt. the until the sun sets. Joey. Duwson's shop. and alcoholic teachers hashing iS inewei ic aced and not so sure of dollar marketing campaign. with characters film an amateur horror female When Hurry Met Sally hest their slimming-pill•taking daughters their next step." Teenagers are the trailers in cinemas, on billboards. movie in the style of Wes Craven, friend. is also based on fact, The real all in the same week.) only age group who have the liberty buses. and Blockbuster video Kevin Williamson aside though. Joey, a Miss Fannie Norwood, is now /Jail-von Creek appeals beeatise to freely discuss their angst, taking the cast of Dawson's Creek is still obtaining her doctorate in it is so simple_ Four kids live the stores to the Rine of Paula Cole's their intuitional lives seriimsly, relatively unknown. James Van Der anthropology at Berkeley. Likewise stresses and hormone altering because they have nothing else to do. "I Don't Want To Wait". This Beek. given an even worse name in the most controversial storyline of moments of everyday life for all to No jobs, no children, no hills to pi* unollicial use of the pop star the show, Dawson Leery. has at least the chow, a Mrs Robinson type see. Most of the show is about sex. Their emotions are their living. finally became official days proven he can act. Starring in liaison, is also based on fact. A but not so ninth doing it as talking Although disguised as a teen show. before the first screening. and has Finding The Sun by Edward Albee. teacher at Williamson's high school about it. Al fifteen, what else is there this programme diNCUSNCS in depth all since stuck as the show's title he showed talent from an early ages did have an affair with a pupil, to discuss!Whether it's losing your our insecurities, It's like comfort song. although his hair will although whether virginity, admiung you had lost your eating. it's better than seeing a Paula Cole. though. is not the only never last in they had sex while virginity many years ago and shrink. attribute of the programme. The Hollywood. Surprise. being videotaped or therefore are a little ahead tit your However, one hour is quite creator and scriptwriter is well surprise, though, the not may he poetic peers. dealing with your mother's enough. No-acne makes an known in Hollywood, not for his incest continues with `Teens reach licence. infidelity, falling in love with your appointment with their therapist for millions like Aaron Spelling. but for his latest appearance Perhaps because hest friend, or re-inventing yourself the whole afternoon. Williamson may his ability to write for a teen in I Love Km,. 1 Loss the show is more as someone else just to get that guy. have cornered the market in teen audience. Kevin Williamson has been }au Nut with Claire their realistic than the Dawson 'r Creek labours it all_ Nut to speak, but he has no concept of voted one of the most creative talents Danes from My-So- other teen dramas it mention the Mrs Robinson affair, 'time's up'. He is currently in Hollywood after scripting Scream. Called Life. Katie twenties has more appeal. which rivals Lolita for sexual developing another drama, Seream 2 and 1 know What You Did Holmes, as Joey may Beverly Hills 90210 tension, ltiratelAnd• "Take these Dawson's last Summer. These links indicate only he eighteen but was doomed from Of course. the show is designed kids, age them by eight years and that teen drama becomes increasingly has already flirted looking thi the start. since half for teenagers us a way of both move them to l.,/a without u clue." incestuous as the years roll by. with stardom by f America and entertaining and educating the So, as Reveries- Hills gave birth to Jennifer Love Hewitt made her name appearing in The Ice certainly the younger generation on how to deal Melrose Place. vn Dawson'z Creek will he given a cacsareatl section and in Party Of Five, as did Neve Storm and now looks and acting majority of with infidelity. jealousy and an array of emotions which would oval sprout Wastel.Atul. Likewise Srreom Campbell. and duly went on to star in set for further England's teens Gascoigne's. For the inure mature leading to Scream 2 will now lead to the above films. There are numerous developments, as do were struck dumb at twelve' audience. the twenty-somethings who Scream 3. and more pretty little references within Wes Craven's films the rest of the cast. the slick, beautiful secretly watch it in their bedrooms, cheerleaders will grin on our big to each other, as well as to the actors people and their amazing ears and the show's appeal lies not only in screens in the latest Williamson of the teen dramas. In Scream 2. awson's ("reek is may he more deciphering the same problems project. Killing Mrs Tingle. No Neves character from Serrant is faintly autobiographical. based clothes. Hollyoaks realistically set in the small town of which are still troublesome at an surprises here - it's all about high played in a film-within-the-film by D on Williamson's life in Oriental. Chester. with struggling teenagers older age, but also the intense school students plotting to kill their Tori Spelling; while Courtney Cox North Carolina - an idyllic setting. dialogue_ As Williamson admits. "My teacher, and will probably star the makes more than one reference to her complete with an intercoastal making a living waitressing or in a video store, but killing half the cast teenagers are self-aware and smart whole lot. Katie Holmes. James Van oh-so-beautiful co-stars Jennifer waterway For fishing and a tranquil and they talk like they have ten years Der Beek. Neve Campbell, Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer. aura. Dawson, based on Williamson's in a car crash seems just a little fatalistic. Not to mention death by of therapy and they have all the Love Hewitt. Claire Dimes. and a hit Dawson's Creek has also jumped own childhood. has a penchant for leukemia. teenage girls giving birth answers. But their behaviour part for Tori Spelling. Now there's a on the bandwagon. The leading Spielberg. dreams of becoming the all by themselves in the hack of a contradicts all that. Their behaviour teenager taking herself too seriously. actors receive bit pans in Scream 2. next Spielberg and talks Spielberg



Tues 9th - Sat 20th June Jaded Remetuner how frail Channel 5's The Jack Jelly-brained Whit tux hell gave itiega nth is e s ram •. Doeherly Show itso.1 to be! Well. now they've re-done Chris Evans the licence to go round the country' anfol. Guest host indulging his golfing habit for free in C4's Re Time the entire format - and it's completely Box Office (0113) 222 6 222 Melinda Messenger filled in when Jack went Oil holiday (Mondays tipm)? Well, whoever they were. all we can and she was better. Something very wrong there... say is that they must be totally. totally jelly-brained. Marie & Open Nouse, Lends 46 New Briggate, Leeds LS1 6NZ

23 12 Friday June 12 1998

"Students make far a better place. If Liverpool was just full of sullies

e MUSIC Friday June 12 1998 13 The countdown to the Grad Ball has begun. As event headliners SPACE make a re-entry into the charts, we discuss the really important things, like knickers, baked beans, students and The Verve. : JENNY WOOD 66 W 1,: • I4F, too jolly! Too happc with where the hand are at the moment.- jolly! Go tell that to Fie adopts yet another precarious seating position and continues, almost apologetieally. someone who wants -People say to mr. 'You're tuckin' arrogant' I'm to kill themselves, nut arrogant, I'm nut out of order to anyone. vouknoworrimean? knoworrimean? Fm loud but I'm not 'orrible to anyone. I'd never tell anyone to fuck all unless Ginger Space, aka Jamie Murphy. they'd done me 'cad in." Richard Ashcroft take e.tlitarist, is backstage at the T&C, note. teetering dangerously on the edge of a Do the hand object to the 'nice-hut-weird- tag swivel chair, legs akimbo. As he talks. they seem to have acquired over the past couple of years? "Well. people see us as a hit wacky. but he fiddles with his shirt tails. exposing we're not. It's 'Cos Tommy (Scott. Sinutra-style his midriff with alarming regularity. vocals) fuckin' smiles all the time, innit? Dues Up for discussion are recent claims in the me Nuke head in. that." music press that the current miscrabilist But they dosing about knickers, Walimot music climate leaves little room for Space Weeklv and baked beans in the same breath.,. 'Oursongs and their are black wacky/joIlykrazy "How many bands have you comedy. (delete as sinister appropriate) heard who put out the same comedc Hut attitude. Jamie is it s. not on a roll. over and over again, but FawIty -Don't tell me Towers. Oh. i hat "Me and You vs so maybe The World" is too with different words? I'm from it's Frantic lolly. Don't tell me (Griffiths. that fuckin"-Toin Liverpool, I believe in value for keyboard's( Jones" 'sillily. and tech Don't tell me that money. Bands have gotta wIzardt -Avenging Angels" then- putting IA littil Wily, change" them stupid wit, 's just lazy, noises and people. lazy journalists If you listen to the lyrics sounds all over the top of everything, That's why quite cad actually." people call its wacky. Blame it on Franey So. what's the opinion in the Space Camp on 1-rum the moment "Female of the Specie:' the deep and meaningful likes of Spiritualizecl launched them into orbit around the top ten, these and The Verve"' "I don't like The Verve. I think "stupid noises" have become the Space signature. he's a tit. Knowurrimean? They're massively. Yet the hand have shown they're capable of more massively overrated. What the fuck's a than simply twiddling a few knolls on a fancy bittersweet symphony anyway? sampler. Their latest offering. Tin Planet. -Take a hand like the Super Furry Animal.. features influences from disco to twisted team) for instance. They're fucking brilliant. They're and twenties dancehall.


on one level. here. (points to the ceiling) and The "How many hands have you heard that put out hand prepared for that all-important first clack at from it all. Verve are down there (Jamie's hands brush the the same album over and over again, but just with the USA, Jamie was hospitalised with "But it is necessary. Look at Oasis. What's carpet tiles). What's going on there? And different words on it? I'm from Liverpool. I depression. The strain of going from nowhere to that new one. Be Here Now?•hat's shit innit? Catatonia, they're the hest hand in the world. believe in value for money. Bands have gotta chart domination in hit record time seemed to Yet What's the Story... was fuckin' amazing. I They're miles better than The Verve. The Verve change anyway_ have claimed yet another set of victims. think all bands need a year off at some point." are absolute shite." "Things have come a long way. Look at the "We didn't want it to happen like that. We had He leans forward sheepishly. "But I'm not And Radiohead? "I like Radiohead. But just Beatles. People say 'Oh. we're like the Beatles'. an idea what would happen and it did happen. I slagging anyone off though - I don't mean to." 'cos the music's melancholy it doesn't mean they like Smaller for instance. Bullshit arc they like went fuckin' mental: Tommy lost his voice; we Apart from The Verve? "Well, apart from The are all the time. But you listen to that (Urban the Beatles! The Beatles never had any album all wanted to split up. We all needed a break. Verve. I love slagging them off !" Hymns) and say. 'So you're depressed. fuck off'. that sounded like the last one. They moved on. People who've got 9 to 5 jobs get our of it. from Moving swiftly on, why have Space decided He's just a lurking prick — - That's what it's all about, innit? It's 5 at night to 9 in the morning. they get time off. to grace The Leeds Universities Graduation Ball !rum Wigan. Where about progression. Whatever We don't get that." with their presence this week? "You can't turn the fuck is -.....,you wanna do, it's all the money down, youknowarrimean? You'd be Wigan?!" change, its not WELVE months on, does the shin flapping. an arschole. III was a millionaire. I would, but Does about writing the seat shifting. yet still smiling Jamie sec the the money we get paid fur them gigs, it's like 12 this same album 10 break as a necessary evil? After all, plenty grand each, youknowarrimean'? You can't turn it times over and of their mid nineties contemporaries (The down." T At least he's honest. So at the end of the day. Bluetones, Kula Shaker) claim to have henefitted different title." from a hit of a rethink relaxation wise. will Space be secretly slagging off the hordes of The fresh "That's a hard question. I dunno. it was pissed up, pushed up students at the Ball _.....mopisoi000sosooeillgivingoutlook ofit thea necessary with us. I don't wanna go on about it. tonight? "Nah. I've got no problem with , cockiness new album, and but in a mad way. it was a good thing, That gave students. They make for a better place. don't belie a hint the band in general us the edge, going through all that shit. they? If Liverpool was just full of wallies, you of jealousy could have much to do "The only thing is. people say we're making a know, people would just be getting stabbed and every five minutes. They're not perhaps? Jamie shakes with the fact that Space have been comeback now. Fuckin' hell! 21 years of age and shot and all that that had." his head. "Let's put it this may. l'vc absent from the general music scene, in Britain at I'm making a comeback. It's a bit stupid moil'? gut more money than Richard Ashcroft_ I'm least, for the last year or so. Last year. as the Just cos we spent several months getting away Quite. ou know, people would just be getting stabbed and shot every five minutes" rreVieiMb0016 Friday June 12 1998 IIN 1992, Approaching the McCabe FICTION realms of Magical Patrick McCabe wrote a book Breakfast on Pluto Realism- the book is a joy Picador £15.99 to read. The rhythm of about a young the wording is gorgeous, Irish boy who, the sentences masterful unknown to Told as a lira person lEN all you have Ls an himself, has a nervous pychotherapy journal. Pussy's infertile clinging to the breakdown and does weird transformation from small Irish boy to couch of achileseenee gluten:rt. up trrinsgendered debutante Is WA% ith y our girl, saving and unpleasant things. Called hilarious. beautiful and treated with up the 111rMiwies to blast it out The Butcher Boy, it was humanity. Weed humour is integral to the at home. von may not 1/1ant to plot. making what could he read this hook. everything fans of a very tragic and self- weirdness had ever indulgent chore easy on the `The rhythm mind. hoped for. But it isn'tfitnny. In 1998, McCabe of the McCabe is making a has written a book savagely direct comment on about a young Irish wording is the Irish Troubles. boy who, unknown to Juxtaposing the swixa- smelling. kissyikiss flower himself. has a nervous gorgeous, of Pussy with the rancid breakdown and does stink of mum tairpses. shot weird and unpleasant the and hacked to death by the things. Called IRA and UDE. McCabe RreaktOst on Photo. it makes telling points on sentences personal and public tragedy is what McCabe wants and him it can affect us all Olit!.. Aidi is an insecure girl. the one to be. Possibly. masterful' very deeply. who Ripped fora time when Alex just Patrick 'Pussy' Pain( wanted to go into steady before the Braden is the bastard S. ultimately is the downfall of the k row months was over and she jaunted offspring of a Catholic priest and an novel. The humour. whilst needed, is off to the United States. In Alex's unknown mother. imdfostered by highly inappmprime. The mentally M c Cabe constant thoughts were Martina who Whiskers Braden in the hell hole of disturbed do not make a good was in serious trouble with the pollee. Naves rcomedic subject. The laneuage used is hut it was Aidi most of all, who was Rat Trap Mansion. Unloved. be Yery strong and the deseiliptions of torture undermining his psyche by making Ireland to pursue his passion for and executions are distubing in their • by showing how ludicrous hint tide up the hill every day to see Dusty Springfield wigs. women's blandness. It makes for grisly fare. jarring Carrh 22. situations of tenor and war can be. but not touch her..Meanwhile Martino clothes and rock steady men on the you repellently away (as intended) from gassed himself while Alex hit the D. streets of London. Unfortunately for Pussy mincing around London and However it doesn't even touch the genius of those two classics. minus in centrifugal physics; a him. it's 1971 and the IRA are provincial Northern Ireland. The McCabe is working on his different man from the one-time conclusion is so inconsequential, it is like own bombing the hell out of the mainland territory now: experimental, inventive and straight-A boy who kept his mouth in earnest_ there isn't one where there should he. shut while drawing. is a dark and with a keen inten..g in language. Its just a BrealOst 'n Pima is similar to 17w Btrukfitst an Plato You can feel far way he gets prolbundly serious novel, unconciously pity that this novel was not better Butcher Bals in that McCabe uses all his Phil Hanlon melancholic with the Smiths and literary prilAke*.S to the full again. and going along with American Piyilmand crashes out to the Chilli Peppers (though Jack's left the band). Living without worrying, but still feeling the MOST The frustration for Aidi. Jack Fnisciante long FICTION changes has Left the Band is about how these sci-f1 George Foy seem privileged degenerates, maybe Enrico hooks Contraband almost himself, skip class because they kiwis Bantam £5.99 organic, no the stuff already. can write novel% at these days are sudden just trite wish- nineteen, asking where the hell last leaps to a summer got to while parents don't let projection. peppered lightly world of moonbases or with absurd conspiracy their children out for fear of panthers. aliens. Just a bleaker picture "Another two or three eenerations of theories so, the odds were actinic and credit, disease panthers and an Italian team won't and narcotic. Where many against this book. The cover even win the UEFA cup:' cyher-punk writers dwell on claimed this was different: Enrico Briui sets his story up like SOLD set-li with a point. Which the increasing distance the film Kids minus the sex. but between rich and poor. this immediately Puts the without the continual attempts to cynical writer in a hook slowly manoeuvres to shock that first novels usually depend confront a vast middle class. merciless, predatorial on. Instead it relies on style, humour It is for this middle class and love. So it's a hit pretentious and frame of mind. But this that the world has been made book is a surprise - it doe; self-conscious but so are teenagers so sale. with fascistic themselves, With an international have a point. policing of crime whether bestseller nding high on popularity. Joe 'Skid' Marak is, a organised or not. The Enrico is being compared to it smuggler in the very near future. civilised world is being Sulingcr from Bologna with a Polish Foy's descriptions are crafted into a vast suburb translator they why not blame the deliberately misleading at the whose inhabitants need feel manslation for its faults o. though beginning. One expects hi-tech no fear. no imxiciy. no need. ain't quite in that class yet, hov. fantasy. But no the Pilot. as Swelling corporations, Mantis is known. flies a rickety shelling techutilogics. Peter Stubleyi old Cessna. 0101111g hcaqt As the Knits untold', the consmicied tti numb the wader penxives a world c,insu titer destructive nature. hut also :thout disturbingly sit mlar lo +air own. The pilot discovers people and about feeling. this the hard way. alter first It's a lot cleverer than I a painful childhood in expected. Frei:trading is a way of . Eastern Europe. then a life avoiding boundaries: of avoiding of smuggling in which the restrictions, in a world authorities' technology is increasingly- policed in the ways pursuing and killing all his we conduct both public and friends - and all the personal life, a world where even •freetraders'. This reaches a extreme feelings ate frequently critical point at which the considered undesirable, or at pilot is almost the only least not respectable. Smuggling smuggler left, and he is emerges as a way of providing wanted. an alternative. A life with feeling An American 'journey and with meaning can be of discovery' ensues, obtained. just so lung as we involving various break a few harriers. characters and adventures. This is a good, fun book. Each time it teeters on the gripping. often amusing. erge of the stereotypical. occasionally surreal. It's well though. Foy makers sure written. It's intiarmative. Foy the reader can see he knows what he's doing And 11,. knows what he's doing. has a point_ Ibis is a hook about AmeritAt, about William Paton

2(3 Friday June 12 1998 miewmusic

1C=1) Embrace (BALI:ran Van 3000 The Good Will Out Glee (Hut) (Capitol) (Single of the Week) www, I feel like such a sucker, o date. Canada has like I've let the not given us much in Aside down, like the way of musical things have finally got treats. Swish airlines on top of me. T and cool, crisp beer yes, You see, I really but music no. wanted to slag this to high Indeed. you would he for- heaven. Because I hate given for avoiding this like Embrace. I hate their he plague bearing in mind easy, stupidly memorable heir compatriots Celine Dion name. I hate their pasty, Ind Bryan Adams' crimes neglected faces, and their against music. greasy. overgrown hair. II 11 )I)LEI.. skINNER anti But the 'Van (and please- try I hate the perception of and forgive them the terrible Northerners taking on all I I id t I Is ess amt also), are different ThQ, •so3a Ilk 11111111,119 hi/1111'2.11111111M 1.111, 1,114 ,.. comers, with a bag full of Verve, or the Slone Roses. or But when Embrace slow it Ire leaders. of the nu skool of 31l! 11 !!:1311.1 I 1111.:11. great tunes and an overblown Public Enemy.. or Massive down, they're often close to Canadian hip-hop I again. try not Attack. And I wish magic. attitude. I hate the way to lalighl. anal they (hods i rock. wholeheartedly that I could say "Higher 31101,11 1 •111!111t. 'Pc ,,,,! urn L r,1 vn. \, they're old before their time. Sights" and "Now their album was utter shitc. But 131k, 11112111!2 lace 1.11111 already obsessed with the You're Nobody" are retro•, it's not. unadventurous, trad-rock ballads. WIWI; the B1111111I11C11, SrICIC, CI 31 Clio .1S Beatles and the Beach Boys- A lot of it is, of course. Like but they're still gorgeous. And plas est at lleintsley and linuidre there's no sign of any youth 'The Last Gas", or "One Big "Fireworks- miraculously equals tune the ticker land yes. the!, e proharth. here at all. Family". when their "The Drugs Don't Work". There it LLtgdlt Culp ticket. int 11 r ,01.1L111111-riU. Embrace's 'homecoming attempts to are few records you'd rather fall England's quest tot aloe, 111 1-1:111lX. triumph' at the T&C last rock-out asleep to (alone or otherwise). year was the worst gig I are Moments of The Good Will have ever seen. In my whole laughable. Out arc near unlistcnahlc, but BEA.SCIE BOYS life. And I've seen Corner. Danny moments come close to Van kl•_RG !Grand Royal? Never before have I had McNamara Morrison. (iris ot Me most cagerlx awaited singles 01 the the urge to pelt someone wailing like When all you need is a tune year naind these p:111%. altd _insirenili, the with a beer glass. What the donkey and a voice. and there's no-one made it worse was that are 'nil> releasing it on a ins S. sus rhos .n.2 ,,iot like Ian Brown around to laugh at you, they'll they believed. actually ibis is awesome - stop the 6041.%, never really make you warm, and bfliered. they were "The was. ho. you never thought it Best Band in the hrother nut possible that Embrace could win BERNARD Bt "rLER World • . hall' the you Oyer, there's comfort here in CHANGE 011 HEA.RT (Creation, Well. ler s set that guitarist he admitting defeat Alter proving such at perminahlc and articulate straight. Embrace an• not. will reckons to he, Joseph Cairns chap no Jo Whiley's TV shim compared to the nos cr he. a tenth as gorto as the utterly dense Gisldie, plus having a superb L.P. Ikniard is the pick it the non-footy crop this tnitlpnlu(Is Ns kal gymnastics tin rare Acct. -Change of Heart" is a classy suing-laden cotters. And yet. for all those years The It.C:419i HiS. such aN.scorching opener affair that simply ewes with the genius of the ALBUM "Binhday " and the tut that pit away. Sugareubes, in Stork. had one of flamer Suede axe hero. C.The Sugarcubes "Regina". Great Crossover the most original, scarce, For moo of the little, the songs. are LODGER Potential beautiful. fragile. unique voices in less than remarkable, and the lyrics are 'MAYS ROt IND DERE (Wand) You may already know the single (One Little Indian) music - all at the same time. matte nonser,s sit-al than rainsense. At Second single front Husband-and-sync team "I)rinking in f. A-. which is pleasan And so. unsurprisingly. comes one Isoint it sounds like Eljork's enough in an ISITV-friendly' kinds Danny from Supergrass and Pearl (ex-oaf Oldie h., the irony. The the definitive Sugatenbes best of. singing "my breast pushes through my way. but it doesn't esen hint to the chuneets Powder) plus Ned Cahill of folks at One Little Tlu, Great Cit wove,- Potential. juniper". and hell, she probably is. and musical breadth and width contains-. Delicatessen. There's about three dillezent songs it probably was-• The an's whimsy here_ in here, with Gorky's-like monks and a hit of a Indian must have a 'Much. thanks to Bjork's cardigan and slippers Indio produced GOT covers all bases. from old- Nick Case sound amongst others vying 4)1 phenomenally - me or humour. by the hand is dull skool hip-hop, to bollocks-slut rock -1'm Leaving" hut successful solo ;mention. Not as cork? as Over the years spent the extreme. via a cover ell "Cum Oct Feel The nevertheless. one rn pleasantly mess with the career, is bound pushing a hand that, in d Belle and Noise" That will make you crintat it mind. to do brisk basuan ithey best truth. neveerr really business. /1:k my world kir There's ruppin' and scratehin' MOLOKO achieved much fame for The songs here tire) do it 50 much aplenty, but it all sounds just a little EDE FLIPSIDF. irEcluo too pre-meditated, ton contrived. thiaigh,einly mer themselves or fortune for like they 're really trying to appeal t. Molt dm return after the fair success of the 010%. (Use HiOrks When Finer Like My Tight all da Kids, he they hip-hop head/. delisiously titled "Do you the record company tans 'dueling' with cable-nourished tuck junkies in Dees. Sweater- with Raisin Murphy sounding more like iork the result is Beth Portishead than ever Pretty much picking up of their next fix. or English skaier and of like late Ball dudes looking for the next scene in where they left off with dim eclectic ele•uonica, n shouting match 'he Flipside" gently suites rather than sets the Oh finis - This \sill he massiNe in America. world alight. ipleasant in the moderate in linlain. ,mil. hearim.: in extreme. mind du: musical preketcnces ol Doulst less, the !under ire 'Cube fans [hell home Ininut: in BESE k RILNI)(Parlophonei will alroaly own all the material here. Canada. ow.i-ih.a. are a Unfortunately overlooked up tar u probably scattered tierras a Ica perky dure•piece who ply a neat trade in cractano and several of those old Joe Downi p p • • lis ee 'Nsilurne- ipilatilin•altsums• with-a-frecataxik. which now rrlatt an I ERY record shop tot' Lass; , swill 01I-101.1s. the sugatermas we undeniably an inipsiorin1 _aid unusual

I it .h... ;i, 111 1 1 ni 11• intr. ,041 "I'm a phony \ ihere's inotp21111,1,. I. , keep the yassi.11 and Grad Ball en! listerci sausiied let the nag :trie about the process ol pullutg I1os. HIM teclire lemains that aonhas .lion; new single will nrcesse art ainlig at I. (Mies-ton Hail hut ilk! 111111, 1lasa-.1 as thousands (1•1 tarred ins lest:tiers svul Ix 11111 awns. at hen Ill Licl 11 It • -inkling all sons ul tactics tit one lac/ Lain clIon 110,..; acre u.aid in Ilk- ai ()Lit. milt that hoy/girl that they've alsaays either Seine. like t he [Re lansired. All a hit flamenco with castanets and mune. sweeping strings cr. la. Joe Downie Andy Robert .?"

"ewatis Friday June 12 1998 FILM The Wedding Singer 1- FILM WildF LTThingshings Dir: Frank Coraci Din John McNaughton The General Stars: Neve Campbell Stars: Drew Barr ymore Dir: Stars: Brendon Gleeson Ruhik (Tubes, leather tits. hy are Malt Dillon, Dead or .1live. All Kevin Bacon and memorable relics ( thank ohn Boorman, the highly WNeve Campbell in this god 1 of the '80s, and thus acclaimed director of lihn? Personally I have no prime fodder for the film jPoint Blank and idea. world. Deliverance has already gained WM Things is basically soft But we've had "70s movies ad critical success with his new pi gm ( wet T-shirts, girls working naustwin, let's just hope that lh• film The General, winning the ap a sweat and some steamy Bedding Singer doesn't inspire a award for Best Director at the ilavesomesi thinly disguised as a crock of '80s ones too. Cannes Film Festival a few complicated nix/murder/fraud Because the tihn. white bong quite weeks ago. plot. funny in aself. relies tar too heavily on Written in a disjointed style In The film is a modern gangster said leather nes and really awlul hair which is supposed to keep you Nrhirl, a's tar too oryv to make films like movie and follows the real-life story guessing about this and it shouldn't be allowed. of Martin Cahill a.k.a The General. character. subtly portrayed by the the plot, it actually magnificent Oleestm. Boonton, in Just Iii cap it all off, The Mylditik, gives you the impression that the () an Irish rebel conveying this central character't shy production guys missed out a few S ;Fryer descends into the worst kind .:I legend from his childhood in the John Boorman cheesy '80s love story hell possible_ away from his dangemu.s. vitiknt nature scenes and then tried to fit them in at while al the same time showing him to he a h From the very• moment Drcw Dublin slums to an inevitable life of the end. loveable, witty trickster and a devoted tee- Barry more and Adam Sandler meet 4' ten crime. CLASSIC It's ridiculously overplayed: the Pournites into the film i the wink lihn total family man. Cahill's relationship with He and his gang (most notably his wife Francis () \\,...., Excalibur audience witnesses conversations like becomes so blindingly obvi4 ins, and Adrian Dunbar) carry out numerous the one where psycho/sex pot Kelly ridiculously irritating, to hi sit. and her sister Tilla (Angeline Ball) with armed robberies, the highlight being Kith of whom he had children is dealt with completely unique tDemse Richards) cues out convincingly Yet why is it still an enjoyable film ; the stealing of a collection of old Probably something to do with the faet sensitivity and warmth. take on the King "I nuns daddy so much" to which her masters. Tin' Genrral is contrasted with mother replies "Well he didn't have to that 1,140 other people who had paid This overall challenging of rthur legend, this National Cinema Day rates weir policeman Ned Kenny (the great Jon Voight AA kill himself did he dear" with the utmost conventional values and successful evasion with a very convincing Irish accent) who laughing too, ti was kind ola lavish fantasy is stronger sympathy and sincerity.. This could be of the police leads up to Cahill's both admires and despises him. and through communal experience lor those who Beverly Hills 90210 moves assassination outside his house in 1994. the course of the film the boundary between on dreamlike imagery in Honda. remember the ItOs. . Cahill is a them blurs. This is a film which shows the than plot but grips solidly Some blokes (mentioning no names) But let's face ii The '80s were fascinatingly questioning of the authority of the law. the will pmbably say this is a great and complete and utter crap. the only good in its own bizarre way. complex chtinh and political groups. police intellectual film. The girth will nut he things to come out of them being The Helen Mirren (in the days convinced. Smiths at the man and The Stone Roses behaviour is seen as particularly brutal. 77w General is an intelligent and befoire she became TV's hottest Louise Sherwood at the end. The '90s on the other hand. thought provoking. but also very tiftysomething hard gran) have been brilliant. So let's live in the entertaining film. that plays Morgana to Nigel Terry's present. shall Vie Ben East manages to mix serious Arthur, embroiled in the search issues. violence and humour. Assembly It is stunningly shot in black for the titular mystical sword. and white. emphasising the not to mention some old cup Leeds Grammar e•• documentary feel, which thing called the Holy Grail. School I mins the violence is not They're supported by an t the undue amount of glamorised and Cahill's" incredible British cast. featuring A,ier outrage6tus actions art set against among others Gabriel Byrne. media coverage and seen as a product of the Liam Neeson and Patrick Stewart. -urrounding the recent corrupt. uncertain society in which Third Year Fine Art holiday (FILM he lived. At almost two-anti-a-hall hours, ix Days, Seven Night it's slow and strange, hut you =illy fiasco, it only scents natural to haven't scen anything quite like this Dir: Ivan Reitman Hannah expect this year's finalists to before: Catch it on BBC' this Sunday Stars: Harrison Ford N Joh struggle in competing for McLeod at i CLAIM; Easy-faders Ross Horsley attention. in Dublin ( But maybe it also acted as a arrison ford is not too publicity tool, as there was a good old to go frolicking in ay Mellor, is not only main rusaiessr'.: arc capitalising upon turnout for the opening night of the Htropical lands and woman of the moment her. and It is beginning to tire and bore degree show. seduce beautiful women people. --rhe exhibition atmosphere tt a+, K with the near release of Queen It is moreover too close to recent relaxed. with a prevalent use of music to and he still does it with her film Girls Night, but her West Yorkshire history. accompany viewers and encouraee tremendous style. However Playhouse discussion • Jail played in the main hall one woman show in Jude Lauren and in some runs of the exhibition this film fails to go any Kelly's Queen shows that she exhibitors, inctudinp Jon Lazarus and further. play in a completely difterem light to th shkin Julian Andrejezuk. integrated music and can still keep her audiences next. It can only come together by each VILIntl as part of their instalments. The action sequences have all attention on the stage. member of the audience bringing his 0 Perhaps the most enjoyable aspects of been done before. including imagination to Mellor's words. the exhibition was its interactivity'. The people falling down Queen is an hour and a half of We imagine her with her former low works winch actively engaged the viewers attention most, tended to he those which underground tunnels. Goonies' Kay Mellor. Mellor on the stage. 'chocolate eyes'. a snob, we envisage h batty, asylum committed noodle. her 'r were physically impressive. or utilised as style. Mellor on the screen, Mellor many senses as possible. tempting the laughing. Mellor crying. It is a off with a younger woman' father, the viewer to touch objects and ensago their The romance too is predictable birth of her illegitimate son Martin. all sort of Talking Heads meets the uriositv. Dim Bennett's 'Self Format and surprisingly tame. A woman through the talented words of one wont No.LtS.:f0' took advantage of the and man who hate each ether, et stage. and it works brilliantly. The play's appeal depends 011 its classmom space, and Pippa Shaw's stranded on a beautiful island and Mellor's play. directed by Kelly, is delis erance. its witty script. id% Inch joins Paeoda in the main hall. acknowledged hey. surprise surprise they tall in a simple idea. One woman. a soap together both humour and pity. does in g the cultural clashes between tradition and love. actress. talking directly to the cosier immediate success. tl is Mellor's commercial capitalism throneh the feel for her words which brings this abou combination of material arteracts. Six Dais, Seven Nights, despite all The exhibition made good use of its-faults. is surprisingly entertaining Only someone who believed in her space within the school. challenging the and a good way to pass a lew mindless lunacter. who really identified with belief that an needs to he appreciated hours on a wet summer's afternoon. usan Heaven, could hope to learn all within the traditional museum space, Harrison Furl has some great one these lines. FOr un hour and a hall' Katherine Oliver, for example. used a liners and Anne Hectic is lovable in a Mellor only made one mistake. She stairway for a slideshow. Meg Ryan eh ppy y■,-iy 'iv, itch it) and said she had to go 'to the strunach Howes cr. although overall an because of a sick Doctor'. Apart from enjoyable experience the works were unemotional. They didn't touch this minor slip up. Mellor's certerally the soul as we'd expect an to do, hut were r Mawrey performance was infallible. mostly renditions of repeated ideas. No doubt she had (Inc avid fan. w ho 'Assembly' mattes us aware that an I directly behind us. She did not slop embodies more than just typical 'art' skills laughing truth stall to finish. Not out) like painting or sculpture lea is able to was this fan herself a 'Queen' of t1112 A utilise other media.; and doctrines, Queen of soaps. but she also happened 1.• be including physics. It's just a shame that Mellor's sister. the Soap working with more unusual medias hasn't made it any mane inspirational for the (!aura's only tailing was in &alit:• Opera t Jett cr. on ih• subject of Diana. AI this time too tunny LI • • a • JUNE 12 IfyrfilvAir Spin City - 9.3Opm C4 Spin City seems to belong to a select group FriKineners. and Blue In Mt. kat c. The 1.1.1. of I, sitcoms (others being C,vbil, Ellen. of attention seems most odd given the Dharma And Greg. and Pannem that have a well-drawn characters. believably hectic distinct flavour that seems to be lost on situations and intelligent humour. Seinjeld • • • • • • • • • gill • MO many people. Perhaps [lie reason here Is Mat and The• SuntIrrs Show have newt they still see Michael J. Fox as the teenage really found much of a British audience hero of the Bark To The Future films and not either, perhaps becauce people just don't as the 'plop& actor he is; the acting here is 'eel themes about American society. Ihdr Park I% run. Itn,p, i 245 25.45, Via doctor tlkhrrrl J Fgn as :wild as that found in Frasier. and he's Try broadening your horizons and giving 275 211451 tker 1 111. Ill !y, had recent film S1.1., 1,1 C, 111, successes with The something different a chance. Couto Drumaylluctillytii4rrs. 9 IC 11, Firtu, I l.ts (.111..1..111W. I 0,0. • 25. 5 ls.".

(.1,4111 de Road 1275 laeai 1.oungei213 10611 BBCI BBC2 ITV C4 Pig I erwss ski the Wrsillter Sings r, it 211, 11derms (7A.11)2.101 Shirslciase 141924 42411711 ., 11.40. Iliad 1)t. l'prei 1 5.00 Business Breakfast, 7.00 6.35 Visioning In Action, 7.00 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 This Morning' 5.55 Sesame Street, 7.00 The Big it017,11 (o1;11 It. 001.; 1011) Aeres. Sexte4 Rook, r, BBC Breakfast News; 9.00 A Teietubbies. 7.25 The Flintstone 9.30 Vanessa. 10.10 This Breakfast, 9.00 Schools. 11.30 Here s Wtilt111of nail (iii, 41,1 (inc I Made Earlier, 12.00 Sesame Vss-rt• Uurrscir Date With Fate 9.20 Kilroy. 10.00 Comedy Shave 7.50 50150, 8.15 Morning; 12.15 Calendar News: Street: 12.30 Light Lunch, 1.30 The rilews Kc,luuutici. uteri:: The General: 10.30 Can't Cook, Funky Phantom. 8.35 Pulp: 8.45 Weather: 12.30 ITN Lunchtime Three Stooges, 150 FILM:The Day Of Wild ThuiNS Vlonselsora Won't Cook, 11.00 News: The Record; 9.10 Belief File. News: Weather. 12.45 The Outlaw t 959). 3.30 A Splash Of Regional News: Weather, 11,05 Believe It Or Not. 9.30 Watch Emmerdale, 1.15 World Cup 98 Colour, 4,00 Fifteen To One. 4,30 The Really Useful Show. 12.00 Homes Across Europe: 9.45 Live: Paraguay v Bulgaria; 3,35 Countdown; 4.55 Ride Lake: 5.30 Pet Rescue 8.00 TT I Friday iidedres, News Regional News: Weather; Come Outside. 10.00 ITN News Headlines: 3.40 7.00 News: Weather .11111.7. . IA1 dap, 12.05 Call My Bluff: 12.35 Teletubbles, 10.30 Look And Calendar News: 3.45 Animal 7 55 The Political Slot 1..1 .1111 i • Wipeout, 1.00 News: Weather Read: 10.50 Folk Dance; 11.10 Stories, 3.55 Berna, War: ; 8.00 Screaming Reels. Shark, KtrAhroi Arai r Is, lit;[ 1.30 Regional News' Weather: Landmarks - Coping With The 4.15 Sabrina, The Teel i.,ge 8,30 Brookside. (11141.1.ropai 1.40 The Weather Show; 1.45 Climate: 11.30 Teaching Today. Witch: 4.40 Gel Wet, 5.10 Home 9.00 Cybill. in 1111411 44111 9.30 Spin City. carter expetiences 1.111411- Neighbours. 2.10 Through The Job Bank - Architect 12.10 12.00 And Away; 5.40 ITN Early a racist incioent TiI New Volit. W111111(1,5. It0.1111 and 1 p /to RPM.. Luna ISM" Keyhole: 2.40 FILM: Puzzle Job Bank - Paramedic, 12.30 Evening News: Weather. 5.55 Central Park See pariei WI fly el .,5111 i I .10pin ihiohf 4.10 World Cup 98 Live: Saudi Working Lunch: 1.00 Calendar News: Weather; 6.20 10.00 Frasier. Frasier trie5 to hook Mika+ E51, Arabia v Denmark F unnybones; 1.05 Bananaman: Tonight up with an amareive new III acquaintance Criekpi1 6.30 News: Weather 1.10 Alias Smith And Jones, 2.00 6.50 Take Your Pick 10.30 King Of The Hill. Bobby llovliran ere ea i,,c mid r. 7.00 Regional News Tennis. 4.00 The lelliest Pet 7.20 Coronation Street. There eecides ha wants to be a Nis sn4 indiv wile; the band 7114 Magazines Shop; 4.10 Bailey Kipper's POV: is trouble brewing at the stand-up comic ES I trim-loan tZly,fure l ism:: la unc, 7.30 Top Of The Pops. This 4.35 The Mask; 5.00 Newsround Maltetts' as Judy ponders 11.00 TV Offal vtiniL 11:11 Dry Dock week's best-selling singles. Euro-Stars', 5.10 Blue Peter. 5.35 a confession to Gary. And 11.30 TF1 Friday 12.35 Jo Whitey t)1.,.r ns, unit klr. Plsrei live performances and pre• Neighbours, 6.00 The %mesons Sally faces a shocking rev- 1.20 Board Stupid charl exclusives. 6.25 Star Trek. A landing party elation as she and Kevin 1.50 FILM: Revenge Of Fulen‘tuuls lInus "rime I &rpm 8.00 EastEnders. Roy gets a becomes the quarry In a are sucked into Sam's vor- Frankenstein (1958).Harni1W1 ktrrlrtb \I •,-; shock in the men's loos. deadly game of chase tex of ties. ,Rocker with Peter Cushinn litl Pith 111.51:1;1 3.30 FILM: Devil.ShIp Pirates 8.30 The com- 7.15 Lost In Space. This pro- 7.50 World Cup 98 Live: 111. 1 r .111 .pl..,•:.1 , Biankety Blank. (1964). Starring I lir Pleamsre Hoorn edy quiz game, with guests gramme looks at the con- France v South Africa. Christopher Lee efts 11.1.1rmeHi VI, ■with hug Quayle .111% Including Les Dennis. Mike tinuing story ol Blake's 7. Bob Wile.on presents live 5 05 A Modest Proposal ("Cyr IK.kilnk "mistress Weals...Jail Smith and Liza Tarbuck. 7.30 Quantum Leaps. The coverage of the host coun- Lr Phionttio 9.00 News: Weather story of the pioneers of the try's opening game. I Vigra ;no, I haul, 1.1.1,1, 9.30 Invasion: Earth. In the painstaking art of x-ray against South Africa in the to: unit 71Is reek front line. Reece and his crystallography, Including Stade Velodrome. C5 s. 1.4quid lOrnir. him team must risk everything the remarkable persever- Marseilie. with commen- I. dug Chreho, isu. tunic. r2p., scut to save the human race. ance of the scientist who tary from Brian Moore and 8.00 5 News. 7.00 Weseworid; 7.30 fill' hill and will Teen & cumin" Club 10.25 FILM: In The Mouth Of spent over 20-years map- France start Milkshake,. 7_35 Wind In The Willows. Diud,.,piiiirurition% In- I 111111 Le.riv pnit+.1.qtchilert ills Ji'o Madness (1995), Chilling ping the molecular struc- the tournament as second 8.00 Mavakazoo 8.30 Dappledown t 54,4 thruilxis and NUS. ldpin-lun cut, Bruin.. Ovid. 9 *1(m1.24iii. tr? ture or haemoglobin. favourites. while South Farm. 9.00 Realm DI The Polar Bear, drama about an insurance 1.NiV51! Tile Underground Africa have qualified for 9.30 The Oprah Winfrey Snow. 10/0 investigator who finds him- 8.00 Wilderness Walks Sunset Beach. 11.10 Leeza 12.00 s; %AK liflildiateragrarC Co,gArr • “:ifi self embroiled in a night- 8.30 FILM: Heart And Souls lhelinals for the very first News At Noon; 12.30 Family Aftaii. Li .ft.trAik101.71 .50 011 dl. .I s ,S. Ili mare world when he fol- (1993). Lighthearted come- time 1.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. 1.30 iOnal-231h lows clues from a missing dy drama about four ghosts 10.00 News At Ten: Weather Sons And Daughters 2.00 Open be iltrarthuu ,. horror writer's last book, who have the chance to tie 10.30 Calendar News: Weather House With Glona Hunniford, 3.00 3.30 FILM. Stand h.' / ter. Bose. fuck. 71% vihe..Lt fr'r 41/Pik/Ill leading him to end up In a up loose ends belure mov- 10.40 Fantasy World Cup Gotd; (13371, 5,10 °prat, Winfrey Sr, supposedly-fictitious loca- ing on to the afterlife. 11.15 FILM:The Owl (1992). 6.00 100 6.30 Family Affairs tion populated by mutants. Starring Robert Downey Jr. Following the violent mur- 7.00 5 News Starring Sam Neill Charles Gratin and Alfred der of his family, a man 7.30 Wildlife SOS. 11.50 World Cup 98 - Match Of Woodard who is then unable to 8.00 FILM: Things That Go Bump 1)111.L1,, 1, rust. A beauti- 1 'or 10.10 Ruby's Celebrity Bash. sleep, works through the In The Night (1989). The Day. ful, wealthy law graduate. night dispensing his own introduces highlights of the Highlights of Ruby Wax's reluctantly agrees to retain to Nee ROWigle hosts' opening game in encounters with stars in brand of Justice to victims the courtroom to defend an old 1111.1111... Group C as France meet their bedrooms. In need classmate who is charged with South Africa. Plus cover- 10.30 Newsnight 12.45 Nash Bridges. A group of murdering her husband. age of Paraguay's clash 11.15 Ulrike In Euroland gangsters terrorise 9.50 C-18. Tragedy strikes Chinatown 10.45 FILM: Prince Dine City with Bulgaria in Group D 11.55 FILM: Climbing High (19131). Police corruption in Ihe 12.50 FILM: Curse Of The (1938). A rich man dons 1.45 Club Vision 60s Starring Treat Williams Crimson Altar (1968). the disguise ol a male 2.30 Fantasy World Football 1.50 FILM: The Great Dictator British horror tale about an modeler win the heart of a 3.00 World Football (1940). 's satin- Civic Tiselitre lie' 247 6942i Wed Yurluatire PleLetiouse expert in the supernatural girt he lancies. 1.15 3.25 ITV Sport Classics cal take On the leaders of the her, 044 2111i 3.35 Vanessa Third Reich Spend Spend Spred' who collects torture Space: Above And 4.05 Night Stand - The Affirmative Queen devices. Starring Boris Beyond. Communications 4.10 Baywatch Action Show Karloft from home bong a variety 5.00 ITV Nightscreen 4.40 Prisoner: Cell Block H 2.15 BBC News 24 of news and concerns. 5.30 ITN Morning News 5,30 100°:.

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wirzsztairr JUNE 13 Clueless - 9pm BBC2 Nke. e had el to 7111/4; +1/4 ith 14 1 1)/1h:4A hill 111111.1..4t 0111 arid 1111 ire 7-ttIN tit. it. al 111//y, hut if >riu itiwertaittl+ her 1/4e1/4. Shc'a 111,111iptslare..c le-4,1Hz lot i+ hi ceder:1511/4e nil 1/4citi1/411 u1111.1 ieniainine irtil1/4 levabic • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :lull e;i1/411+ ile.23'.%.11 .1114-1 I1l11114:toki4. 1,11111.1:1'- IIII.i111 2,4:1•4 it itoIit 1, • 1 d •• ele+1/4.1 ceincil 1,1111i CINEMA ) etillene III sill. ++.1nJLalid erelieJs I 11'(- 1 lakees \+bulb lea,. es, , liNe 111:tt t:IT:1\ agditty Pieter( Ilou.rt- lrif .24'; titeilkett teinal1/4,.- tit J:ine Austen', r ,rrN. you Leek! itel 375 31451 .C111 i'1,101iL• Is the Ltirr mei ;ea ).ith it_ Llutrill/r 1Lovre!. \IYAticii- • In 'I 04, {1 1, ■ 111141.4'1104141,:.74 16144, p ungt .2-F 111611 Hi. I.hlw BBCI BBC2 C4 p ( uttriu 124 1 Shunt ..1,4 1111424 4211417I /1• ,,LID‘ I 0,1 I 11, In NI A..• 'Ark! I 7.00 Tile Munsfers. 7.25 News: 6.10 Open University, 7.00 6.00 GMTV. 9.25 Mashed: 11.30 5,20 Terryronos; 5.40 Inseklors, 5.55 4,y F..;,? Sesame Slr eet I s Weather: 7.301111:No1.1d, 7.40 Uncertain Principles: 7.30 Was The Chart Show, 12.25 ITN 6.55 The Neverendlng ,a r •inct Sexy, 7.25 40 'Immo k 12.30 Calendar Super Marro Brothers.7 ii,,,.. Vrjshiii 1,,icr. Free Willy: 8.05 Raccoons: 8.30 Anybody There?, 8.00 Weekend News. Weather; First Edition. 8.00TfauSweild Scen, Snip To Shore. 8.55 Bruno The 24; 9.00 Open University Open News; Local Weather: 12.35 9.00 The Morning Lane, 10.00 Ter: Kid. 9.20 Charlie Brown And Saturday: 10.40 News Review, World Cup 98 Special,1.10 Time:10.30 Pita Hunt Fishing Snoopy Show. 9.45 Grange 1-1111 10.55 13eechgrove Clippings: FILM The Man In The Iron Mask Adventures, 11.00 The Great 11.10 Film 98 With Barry Norman; 11977): Cartoon Time : 3.25 Outdoors, 11.30 NBA 2417. 12.00 10.15 Student Bodies; 10.35 3.10 Australia Wad Antipodean Animal (*orhpit Mann earrh Trooping The Colour: 12.17 11.40 FILM: The Heiress (1949): ITN News Weather: 3.40 . The Tall Men Semintine Night 61.'t Antics; 12.30 FILM HI, 4 :47,44.t• Weather: 12.20 Grandstand. 3.45 1.30 Tennis Calendar News Weather, 3.45 (19551. 2.50 Channel 4 Racing, 5.05 „It'd Mr 11'11 71)4 .44i111 tlighr icutun nit 1)J Slinky R., A. FILM: George And Mildred (19801: 5.45 Trooping The Colour. In Oddballs Brookside 6.30 Friends I lugey 7.00 Dawson's Creek. The conflicts 1hr Fitsil hphiutird Nt S Ana 0-141\ du n,p7,i 5.15 News: Weather: 5.25 highlights of Ihis morning's 4.15 World Cup 98 Live. Bob Wilson presents live cover- that have been brewing ruin!, :Pad, Regional News and Weather 5.30 military spectacle, Eric between Dawson and his atm/ 11401. wuh ilen■Ilre ROOMS age at the Group E match ■ Big Break Robson describes the friends erupt during detentlon DI, 1•”v11. Soul 1,[..1,1- between South Korea and heiic .11111.01071411,,,' 6.00 Due South, When Fraser. scene in which the Queen 7.50 News and Weather 8.00 The Sci-F1 Files. The genres Liquid Ini,L5 S Ray and a TV camera crew took the salute when the Mexico. N ,,rui.,1 110,2 •ti. Input 1.1111 witness a man saving a 1st Battalion Welsh Guards 6.30 Don't Try This At Home. obsession with technology. 9.00 Dark Skies. Political intrigue. 0,11 r)e.m WI11117 and t 1111 M.zn Fly in trooped their Queen's Darren Day and Devine Queen% t "tutri young boy's life, all are anx- alien cover-ups and murder ious to thank him. But why colour McCall present a show in 10.50 Reggae Boyz, Lent which ordinary people are N.11.1(c7ri , is Bruce Spender proving to 7.00 The Secret An Of 11.50 The Sundays. Joining host •ths•44S's ,01.../111 • y1111141.• be a reluctant hero? Government. challenged to perform dan- Melvyn Bragg and regular pan- ellist Ricnard Littlejohn In 'SO 7,41:SA-1 Think Tank 6.45 The National Lottery Big Documentary about the gerous acts this itth I ik,of iive talk-show are panelist Ticket. Anthea Turner and government's art collection 7.30 Stars In Their Eyes Live Luna Iltar \ t'S: Final. Matthew Kelly hosts FrancislNheen and presenter thy lice) J3ullr'r Patrick Kielty host the - one of the country's best- and DJ Jo Whitey. the nail-biting final of the V. ill, 1)ase !Rev .140 I3 Llc, kcsid‘mls -Ewes 44 Country (lull entertainment show which kept secrets. 12.50 Beavis And Butthead show that gives amateur ).,aril' features this evening's 8.00 Windrush. Documentary 1.25 Hill Street Blues (,... I NI,11( singers the chance to 2.20 Si Elsewhere 3.10 Helicopter MAitmlyt National Lottery draw, senes tracing the changes Simpl, ,ligyr‘tyl MIMIC their favourite star. 3.45 Crysiai Aquarium 4.15 Over 7.30 World Cup 98 Live. brought about since the first C amp eri, al ,I.111‘c 9.00 Breaking The Magician's The Rainbow 5.10 Soul Seercnin9 L5 before 111 Wpm, uJict 2,.- ii Lun Coverage of Holland's major influx of people tram Code: Magic's Biggest rl Ulpill•t:1171 meeting with neighbours the Caribbean to Britain. thVICnitererourie Secrets Finally Belgium in Group E from 9.00 FILM: Clueless (1995). The %%int et, Kredhird Sin Iv Revealed. The Masked 11111,i t ilp and chi; the Stade de France Comedy about rich-kid C5 11.rws 142,ident Magician reveals more Lescj,..r1 teenagers in the exclusive ()mail) k14 use 10.00 News: Weather secrets of how some of the A'rth,Rttilitt tIG Jame, t_Ait mc.-rilx-r. Los Angeles suburb of 10.20 FILM: Black Rain (1989). world's most famous 6.00 Dappledown Farm, 6.30 r member...Iv Ittput -4uitt Beverly Hills. Cher is a Havaltazoo, 7.00 5 News And Sport. Stylish international crime magic tricks are per- thriller in which a hardened young woman with money 7.30 Milkshake!: 7.35 Wind In The Nlrlu archntbr formed. %/y, .1 (hor. 11 and friends who sets out to Willows:8.00 Alvin And The /erns Time, New York cop and his new 9.50 ITN News: Weather Chipmunk uujr temiletil% [tot Irt,foti Fotsulot, 8.30 Wishbooe: 9.00 partner pursue a Japanese win over a clueless new 10,05 Stars In Their Eyes Live Makshaker; 9.05 Land Of The Lost Day. •1 ,111i1: Ill schoolmate to her hip .4.1,1, mobster into a violent world Final -The Result. 9.30 The Incredible Hulk. 10.30 The Pepsi Gtutrt. 11.30 where he holds all the litestyie Starring Alicia Matthew Kelly reveals the Kabiane, 11.00 USA Hain. 12.00 The Mag, 1.50 r1 aces The poltceinen are Silverstone. 1998 winner. 10.30 The Fear of God - 25 titt.e4S A.147 Sport 2.00 FILM. What given the job of escorting 10.25 FILM: Kickboxer ill; The Litu:YtAi7 1:197Y1, 3.20 Suoaer Beaco: the captured cnme boss Years Of The Exorcist. Art Of War (1992). Martial 5.55 5 Nde.'5 600 Pieilit Blue from New York City to Documentary tracing !ha 6.55 Xens Warrior Princess arts film about a lockbox- 11614-114.4,4. ttnire strange history of The 7,45 5 News And Sport Osaka, but once the ono 11;11 champion who fight:10 4.1,q1,4.,14.1111 14,4, r... have arrived in Japan, the Exorcist. tram novel to film. 8.05 num: Hard Evidence f1994. - h• ...10p. art evil criminal who K.311' JOCASCIfl :hers au a Since Its release 25 years feekhorre villain escapes, and the se is voring girls into pros- t&-reldry n•r 11114411 contused detectives are ago, the movie t.5 stilt con- titution. Starring Sasha 13055 a - - .1 forced 10 follow him Into the sidered to be one of the Mitchell, Dennis Chan, ruthless criminal I'rinre (K Y1ultri dark and dangereus most terrifying over made Richard Colmar. 9.55 FILM: Dog Day Afternoon • sib. rob- 11-411I and is outlawed on video tn (1975). Two amateut bank Japanese underworld. 12.10 World Cup 98 Encore! bers enter a Brooklyn bank and Starring Michael Douglas. the UK Jim Rosenthal presents what was Owed as a stmple 12.20 FILM: April One (1993). 11.35 FILM:The IVIephisto Waltz the latest news and ariary heist suddenly becomes a Suspense thriller about the (1971). An orilnary couple SIX bizarre nightmare. Starrttro Al relationship that develops Lind themselves caught up Show Paclno and John Carafe 1.10 The Jerry Springer 12.15 FILM: ■ Woodstock -Three hi. thriate It'l 247 696.20 tA, lnrkrhite linthnuw between a desperate ex- in a web of sorcery and 1.55 FILM: Survive The Save Days Of Peece And Music. i344 21111 con end his female black magic Sea (1992). Fact-based Four hours of footage showing St,-11,7 1.20 FILM: The Seventh Victim 3.30 Box Office America Ihe bands and pertertners who itt 11rirlit4,1243 1011/Xi hostage. Starring Stephen Shellen, Janet Sears and (1943). Eerie chiller about a 4.00 The Chart Show played at This legendary music ,Mill. I N-1 fey (viii woman who arrives in New 4.45 Cybernet David Stratham. 4.15 Night Stand 1.45 Top Of The Pops York to search for her van- 5.10 ITV Nightscreen 4,40 Prisoner Ceti Block H 215 Joins BBC News 24 ished sister, 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.30 Whittle LIACKYS LJACKYS 4 Voted Not Pizza takeaway by Voted Not Pizza takeaway by Leeds Student 1996, 1997 Leeds Stu,'.-ic t 1996, 1997 freephone 0500 11 33 45 freephone 0500 11 33 45 open 7 days a week 5 till late open 7 days a week 5 till late



JUNE 14 SainaffiWil. Deconstructing Harry @ Hyde Park Picture House %%tied,. lien's tercet !din [eke, us iin .1 si lent h I i hiah hilarriiiis eitremel■ jeurne,s, into his mind - and. while intelligent. ()IL ism! thoroughly Nee leiere. probahl■wieuldn't want to lire there. it Indeed. emu.' of the crue ' Jticeguide certainie a grew place to visit. wisecracks in tile ttlrll hoer: ti, he Item • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Witede pia) s a nihilistic atelier with he belie% ed. and the deelain erid■ other'shis lek whir resin t' (11( ire than just appeal. IU lekk Itu funiale Omelet Invitation when lichen ;mil re:dee elite, lo liordeue on dreisniiing. Still. due is a him and his literate Lriertiiim hteralb: come monumental :eldithin in an weer/m:4 hi V.A. I'., 1.. 1.1■,,i/n1./li r ecce' In lit•_ 1-he rr.ullrnr Ill hl iif Fantasy and teen one of the eerittiri gash t, I Red hi,: eerie( iiierie lie. pile nice lite hesis of riters Ravin ifereee

BBCI BBC2 'TV C4 /O.,. :4 .1.2 41

7.30 Model Mahe, 7.45 6.05 Open Unreersity, 6.35 Citizens 6.00 GMTV, 8.00 Diggit 9.25 Art 5A0 NBA Pak 6.30 Pine Panther, 6.55 Teietubbies: 8.30 Breakfast With Of The World , 7.00 Le Corbusier Attack-, 9.50 Are You Afraid Of The Chigley; 7.15 Hullabaloo, 7.30 The Pest, 9.30 The Good Book Guide. Ferais:EL00 Mere On Earth Is Cemicri And The Villa La Roche:7.25 The Dark?: 10.15 The Story Keepers; Sari Diego'', 8,25 The Odyssey 8.50 gA5 First Light 10.15 See Hear - Napoleon Effect:8,15 Suenos - 10.45 Morning Worship; 11.45 Link. Calikenla breams. 9.25 Saved By The 'Behind The News; 10,45 Touched World Spans:tr. 8.30 Brum. 8.40 12.00 St Margaret Mary's: 12,30 Bell The New Cease 9.50 Sister Serer By An Angel: 11.30 CountryFele-. Prince Of Allanus, 9.05 The World On A Plato; 1.00 ITN 10.15 Warr up 10.45 The W011onet (CLUBS' 12.00 On The Record. 12.30 The Adventures Of Shirley Holmes:9.30 Lunchtime News National 11.40 Holly/mks Ominous. 12.45 DrarrsanS Cieek. 1.40 Babylon 5; 2.10 111.1nouriplikilo E Files; 1.00 EastEnders, 2.25 Fulty Booked: 12.00 Weather; 1.10 World Cup 98 Lee. The Simpson; Brest; Athletics- 3.05The Reggae 130#1. Columbo: 3.36 Cartoon, 3.45 A 12.25 Sunday Grandstand: 1,00 3,35 FILM Flash Gordon 119801 4.05 FILM: Allanhis. The Lost Continent Ponce Among Men Regional Programmes; 1.30 5.30 Coronation Street (196116.45 FILM. Jules Vernes Recital 4.15 World Cup 98 Live. Sunday Grandstand; 5.15 BBC 6.25 Calendar News And MO* Moonilee71 Comedy starring Desmond Lynam introduces Sport: Local Weather Terry-Th:11ms and Young Musicians 98 - Eurovision 7.30 Jazz Heroes live coverage of the opening Final 6.35 ITN News: National 8.00 Clear My Name. Group F match between 7.00 Whatever Happened To Weather 8.30 French Express Yugoslavia and Iran The Likely Lads? Terry 6.50 One In A Million_ Phalle 9.00 Cradle To Grave: Pennies 6.25 News: Weather Schofield examines remark- From Bevan. A nlar.)1!,,,3!,., ! helps Bob move his most piCUrafTrint:;, iii f Ills ■th'.1■,t 6.45 Regional News treasured posSesS1005 horn able true stories from the f'.4 )1 it 6.50 Rolf's Amazing World 01 his Oki house to the new one around the world. ,:f NH.; Animals. Family entertain- Thelma does not approve_ 7.20 Coronation Street. Sarre; 10.20 FILM: House Or Cards ri993) ment snow in when Roll we el Res is unwoven by Ketteniceel Turner 014y, 7.30 The Money Programme. 11rt thwk er-tt {herrn- Harris celebrates rho spe- Des, Natalie and Kevin er iii an aulr511E: rnird %„„il„, News stones heel the world 12.20 Cheers. I•Ina l home II Is, 1011 ..f• a tilt h,r .Laul cial bend between humans of busInMs and work. Gary's disappearance is 12.50 FILM: The laseieineer (1989j. and animals 8.00 Fraudbusters. masked by an enxioue Judy Sauer-el release, 7.20 Songs Of Praise. Pam 7.50 World Cup 98 Live. Bob 225 FILM: A Private Affair i1992). ■■■■ Documentary series looking THE ABOVE SCHEDULE IS 4.• Rhodes explores the gar- at the Serous Fraud Office. Wilson presents coverage eie 4i! pi. .111E1,11 dens and scenery sur- SUBJECT TO CHANGE FROM Britain's most controversial from Lens of Group H 12.30 AM. rounding the Tudor town of match between Jamaica crune-fightthg organisation, 3.55 Little Angels Nantwice in Cheshire. and Croatia. with commen- 4.50 Lonely Planet founded ten years ago. 7.50 Only Fools And Horses tary by ChveTyldesley and 8.40 Survival Guide. A series of 8.40 Berkeley Square. It is Ron Atkinson and analysis short educational documen- Correlation Day ana a from John Barnes and Barry taries broadcast throughout tragedy in the nursery m- Venison. C5 the week to help parents NH!, hnum. eets Hannah towards a des- 10.00 ITN News: National understand the symptoms of lug 24-t :t1 Ii i perate plan Weather childhood Illnesses. This pro- 6.00 Miring It: 6.30 Hayek-Lie: 7.00 9,30 Close Relations. Drama 10.15 Fantasy World Cup. Live Dappleduwn Farm, 7.30 Milkshake, senes about a family facing gramme tackles meningitis. comedy and sketches with 7.35 Wind In The Willows; 8.00 The which is notoriously difficult disintegration. Pru accuses David Baddiel and Frank Agony Hour 9,00 LA Rai 9,15 Pito% And Run. 9.30 The Incredible Hulk, Stephen of using her to recognise. strikes quickly Skinner• plus an internation- and can kill II also looks at 10.30 Mirror Moor.11.00 beepwater Maddy realises she is no al star guest. Black.11.30 LISA Hign:12_00Tne longer happy with Erin. septicaemia 10.45 FILM: Afterbum (1993). A Mag. 1.10 Marietta Frostrons Brunch 10.20 News: Weather 8.55 FILM: Trapped In Space distraught Air Force widow is 1.40 5 News, 1.50 Exch./safe:3.10 Pass That Job Interview 10.35 Everyman. Documentary (1994). Sci-fi adventure not saesfted with the official Family Affairs about a container ship which 5.25 FILM: Avalanche Express 1 , .1 niw4, •I1%.., 05,- ),.in which lakes a look at the explanation of her hus- uppc,,,- Is hlt by an asteroid en route (1979). Staring Lee Marvin intvl 1, 2,-111. re.ronAlIC ogle• peapie who work in the band's death on a routine 7.00 Ferry Tales. Beerreiehe-scenee ■ bereavement business in to Venus. When the damage flying mission in Korea. and en cross channel (ening has been assessed. the five- Brighton and Hove embarks on a courageous 8.00 Shadow Of TheWhale. s. .114+10111y „fanny man crew are shocked to hunt for the Incur Starring 9.00 FILM: Women Of Valour ■ 11.25 World Cup 98 - Match Of ■,Lottlf ,1111IN 11..1.C1)1/ :: Gary Lineker learn that the ship has only Laura Dern (1984 7, i•P• -• -• • The Day. PIK 67 ,11 introduces hIghlights tram enough oxygen left for three 12A5 FILM:The Oblong Box a Waal, • . ..11•. ■:111: .1 .111.1.1 _111, -11.11 , 11.1i•!I, I ..,r ,..A! 11.1110 the opening games from people to survive the trip to (1969). A British ansiecrat's Ihe PP ni ppu vu hinny Ilie group Venus Staring Jack Wagner brother kept iced away Se end World War When nAr. 12.25 FILM: Cops And Robbers 10.20 Alexel Sayle's lAerry,Go- atter being mysteriously hired by invades,' Jar:ante:le (1973). Two cops devise a Round. Aiexai Sayle nas mutilated hi Africa. escapes tongs, they Nut Their OrTkliti the globe in and seeks revenge atter lives am turned upside down . plan to steal $1Q million been traveling 10.50 Fee:Heel Of Fun. from a Wall Street Invest- search of universal truths. being inadvertently buried 11.25 SportsTe le with Steve Scott. ment company during a 10.50 FiLM: Excalibur (1981). alive in an attempt to spint Taw weeke mare sports eeeee parade of visiting astro- Lavish and often violent pro- him away from prying eyes 12.05 Major League Baseball Live nauts, figuring that every. duellon of the King Arthur Starring Vincent Price. 2.25 World Cup 98 one will be too distrected to legend. Starring Nigel Terry. Of I fI,, .01 ...1111.1, J111 .1•11%1,1. Mind the store. Starring Helen Mirren, Nicholas Clay, 4.10 Fantasy World Cup Live 4.40 Monsters :IT, .1.111 Gorman Chene Lunghi and Paul 4.45 Jobfinder 5.05 Throb 1.50 BBC News 24 Geoffrey 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.30 Whittle THE 4 ►1 FINAL 111:0F r Every Friday at Leeds Malt_ Uni it LEEDS ME Claczors 9.30 - gr £3.50 Door MOEN 410' 4' el £3 AC1V from Jumbo, Crash 8. Virgin Ma • astcare 9P in the back room - 17TH gAPPY g001111? ,oe _017 .s;"\• Giveaways Every Friday - including V98 Tickets! JUNE ▪ Mt WIWAIF JUNE 15 i NYPD Blue - lOpm C4 Back with a new series .0 w hat seems like a The end of the last series saw the two cops very long time is this superior American police Simone and Sipowitz_ superbly played by Jimmy Smits (right) and Dennis Franz. in deep • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • drama. More romanticised than the equally good Homicide: Pi' On The Surer, the trouble, with one being framed by the FBI and pleasure here comes from the king-running in danger of losing his job. and the other themes which concern our characters. It's the possible murderer. The two storylines are both interaction between them that is so compelling - perhaps too easily resolved - but that's a rarity I lycle 114141•0• tit( 1245 16651 a staple feature of Stephen Boceho's other in this series. Be prepared for plenty of ups and 1111 275 111451 creations. including Munkr One and 1-4. dow ns 111i5 \trritty triV , NOVINIV. 7 111). Dn. ono rmting 1611 • ■•11 • 4 ., Comm: Reed 1275 161)6, Tlic Tait Lrhows1.1 Lounge IZ'A that hletin 24? 67-1111 BBC! BBC2 C4 Sharreave (0192.1 4200711 fluid 13c. Low, Suit Upper Lip, Acrv:.Scsirlet Tuna. The 6.00 Business Breakfast: 7.00 6.10 The Golden Thread, 6.35 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 This Morning, 5.30 Terryroona. 5.55 Sesame Street, Wedding. Sailer. Dark Co. Sun tike 740 The Big Breakfast BBC Breakfast News: 9.00 All mages Of Education: 7.00 9.30 Vanessa, 10.10 This 9.00 Schoots: Deep Impact, Rot Comer. sliding 11.30 Here's One I Made Earlier. 12.00 Over The Shop; 9.20 Kilroy: 10.00 Teletubbies; 7.25 Goober And The Calendar News Deur., Witlinutatel. Titanic. Scream Morning; 12.15 Sesame Street, 12.30 Light Lunch: Will Thing, NintimMuni The Genera); 10.30 Can't Cook Ghost Chasers; 7.50 Blue Peter; And Weather, 12.30 ITN 1.30 The Lmng Sea, 2.00 FILM The Won't Cook; 11.05 The Really 8.15 Yogi's Space Race; 8.35 Lunchtime News: Weather, 1.00 Iron Curtain (1948): 3.30 Watercolour Useful Show: 12.00 News Teddy Trucks; 8.45 Harry And The House Hunters; 1.25 The Jerry Challenge; 4.00 Fifteen To One; 4.30 5.30 Weather, 12.30 Regional News. Hendersons; 9.10 Teaching Today: Springer Show; 2.10 Coronation Courrbdown, 4.55 Monter Williams Pet Rescue 6.00 Boy Meets Wont OW its art! Naha Weather. 12.35 Neighbours. 1.00 9.45 Storytime: 10.00 Teletubbies, Street; 2.45 Shortland Street: Snrik, ):•,,r cleanN Wm./et/and 6.30 Hotlyoaks World Cup 98 Live: 3.35 10.30 Words And Pictures; 10.45 3.15 ITN News Headlines; 3.20 PUPIL. sotli and 7th tiShet• A night of citutniab Coil Britannia 7.00 Channel 4 News and Weather tzlehraimg thy hat 411 Belize tuna% Bananaman, 3.40 Playdays; 4.00 Job Bank; 11.00 Look And Read; Oddballs: 3.50 World Cup 98 Live 7.55 The Windrush Years 1)lehy'ul..en'g. Bar Itrailetflk from the ttOir and 91 t. The Littlest Pel Shop; 4.15 Casper; 11.20 Zig Zag! Danger Defectors; 6.30 ITN News: Weather 8.00 To the Ends Of The Earth. • a stolenlfarly annottphere. 4.35 50/50: 5.00 Newsround: 5.10 11.40 Landmarks - Coping With 6.50 Calendar News: Weather Five teams of balloonists battle Free before I Optit: F2 alter Lug Beat. hip hup. garage. drum&baas Blue Peter: 5.35 Neighbours The Climate: 12.00 Opening Up 7.00 Wheel Of Fortune. John to be the first to fly non-stop 2 pints nnlv 1.50 Spill.211t0 around the world 6.00 News: Weather Technology. 12.30 Working Lunch; El 14 In 'hurtle* Leslie presents the popular 9.00 Secret History. The 1918 CI awry letfare lOpm, f I 50 alto Planet Earth 6.30 Regional News Magazines 1.00 Cake Doke; 1.10 Consuming gameshow. assisted by influenza pandemic. which t•11,411rt Fahrdot. 7.00 EastEnders. The wanderer Passions; 1.15 FILM-. Hell Boats Jenny Powell, Three con- xiiied an estimated 40 million Faversham Siudant in-my returns. but there is hardly a (1970); 2.50 News: Weather, 2.55 testants attempt to solve namplt, wr.,1,1-wide Di, and Jrnikk pninmo-in, Free fill I Inin NI L. r • • warm welcome at the Top Gear Motorsport; 3.25 News: the word puzzles on the 10.00 NYPD Blue. see pans' I 5.0 altrr II 114,11, 10.55 Drop The Dead Mitchell household. Roy's Regional News: Weather: 3.30 The board and spin the big Donkey. PfineogrldPitique Hirers i220.1 all nitlre 11.30 Beg To Differ. London. 1 locue- 11red Li.tgcribinci pints I iit heartbreak prompts Barry to Victorian Kitchen Garden: 4.00 wheel which could bring Glasgow, Winchester - these 411cfnote.c. rock and itidw.hial Envest 51 it reveal some home truths Real Rooms. 4.25 Ready, Steady, them a brand-new car or a are the places to be and with DJs Yoogy awl !•eak 7.30 World Cup 98 Live. Cook: 4.55 Esther, 5.30 Today's cheque for £20,000, according lo Blair's government 1E1 RiALC(ie, before !WINO' s Queens C. curl 1.2 Desmond Lynam introduces The Day 7.00 Coronation Street. Tiger Britain is the place to be seen ( -ern On ((means: in? Cool Bmannial Or is it? Liquid Maly snippets and camp untlieo.• live coverage of Germany's 6.00 The Simpsons pounces on Sam's deceit. Space 1999. Intergalactic 12.00 Under The Moon Swett RS.V1.,1,1 first game in Group F, as 6.25 And Sally issues Kevin with 2.05 Babylon 5 Stock Exchange Extremely rkipulat fuqinn..11sild %knot they take on the USA at the adventures of the space- an ultimatum. 2.55 For The Love Of... funk, said, hip-hc p. swing and Thr Piii. Is RfOil Parc des Princes in Paris. travelling Moonbase Alpha 8.00 Bramwell. Return Of the 3.50 Greentide Chests drinks' with resident Ale Kunle, TIM team. drama series about a 4.00 Schools Valentine et. Fluid 1151) NUM: I cn 10.00 News: Weather lupin-2am The 1. ttderarnand 10.30 Inside Story. Documentary 7.15 They Who Dare. female surgeon in the f Co/t•at Ctuil following Times newspaper Extraordinary sporting activi- 1890s, While Eleanor Lunar Bar columnist and broadcaster ties. Bramwell and Joe Tour John Diamond through the 7.30 Computers Don't Bite Witham make their wed- C5 hotoor and dun liiun in Paul VoloUord year that changes his life for 8.00 FILM: Sommersby (1993). ding plans, the second ever Diagnosed with throat Romantic period drama campaign of the Boer War 6.00 5 News and Sport, 7.00 cancer in March 1997, John about a man who returns to starts and the country is WideWorid; 7.30 Milkshake', 7.35 Wind In The Willows. 8.00 Havakazoo: broke the taboos surround- his home town after a gripped with war fever. 8.30 Dappledown Farm, 9.00 Wildlife ing the illness by writing with lengthy absence spent fight- 10.00 News At Ten: Weather SOS. 9.30 Russell Grant's Postcards; honesty and wit about the ing in the Civil War. Starring 10.30 Calendar News And 9.35 The Oprah Winfrey Shaw. 10.25 disease which threatened Richard Gere. Jodie Foster. Weather Sunset Beach. 11.10 Leeza, 12.00 5 his life. Bill Pullman. 10.40 World Cup 98 - Encore! News al Noon. 12.30 Family Affairs. 11.30 Film 98 With Barry 9.50 Survival Guide. Every year 11.40 FILM: Blue Heat (1990). 1.00 The Bold and the Beautiful: 1.30 Norman. Barry Norman millions of children suffer A dedicated LAPP veter- Sons And Daughters. 2.00 100% Gold, 2-30 Open House with Gloria looks at the latest film temporary deafness due to a an. who heads a tough. Hunnilord. 3.30 FILM: Soldier In The releases, including. City of condition known as glue ear. fearless undercover nar- Rain 11963) 5.10 The Oprah Winfrey (;ruse Inn Angels. in which Nicholas 10.00 I'm Alan Partridge. Sitcom cotics squad, uncovers a Show 6.00 10Cr; 8.30 Family Affairs. FIrciric lam audit Cage plays a love-struck about a former chat show ruthless and sophisticated 7.00 5 News. guardian angel, Savoir, star- host, Since Alan is the only drug ring with connections 7.30 Hot Property. The housing ring Nastassia Kinski and guest on Saturdays at the to the law enforcement Marker today 8.00 FILM: The Counterfeit Dennis Quaid; and A Linton Travel Tavern. the hierarchy, the DEA and the Contessa (1994). A working- Thousand Acres. with manager decides to close it city's most powerful busi- class Brooklyn woman (Tea Michelle Pfeiffer and Jessica for refurbishment nessmen. Suspended from Leona becomes infatuated with Lange. based on the 10.30 Newsnight the force when they get too a wealthy businessman. but he Pulitzer Prize-winning novel 11.15 Made In Manchester. close to the truth, Daly and is oblivious to her existence unit she is transformed Into a of the same name. Documentary series about 41:11.1:74 his men are forced to oper- glamorous beauty for a depart- 12.00 FILM: Rio Conchos (1964). the people of Manchester. It ate outside the law to bring ment store fashion show We./ Yarkshirc l'10 house When an Apache burial is Lubhna's first time on the the crooks to lustICe. 9.50 Dr Fox's Chart Update. (W) 244 21111 party is cut down by a bar- beat, and the Darbar Starring Brian Dennehy. 10.00 FILM: The Doors (1991). tirtnilSperid :id' Oliver Stones biography ol Jim f)ticrii rage trom the Spencer rifle decides to put its curries into 1.35 World Cup 98 of a mysterious marksman. sandwiches. 3.20 World Football Morrison, starring Val Kilmer 12.35 Live And Dangerous. a US cavalry paint is sent to 11.45 Natural Born Footballers 3.50 Club@vislon Live spoils magazine investigate. 12.00 The Midnight Hour 4.20 Jobfinder 4.40 Prisoner: Cell Block H 1_45 BBC News 24 12.30 BBC Learning Zone 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.30 T00% Kashmir Restaurant is recommended in the 1998 'raj Good Curry Guide Kashmir Restaurant Pizza Maria & Take Away Tel•245 3058

1 62a Woodhouse Lane, Leeds 2 (opposite Parkinson steps)

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Back ler a repeat i ue is this L a+ :see it ..• I lie ,:pi-Axlestank hit and II Ids's_ with inspired by the Luc Bessott .oatmeal turhead nonsense one week and A voting homeless wiratan felayed In the si:nmisly entertaining drama the nest. But • • • • • • • • • absurdly attractivc Pcla Wilson blamed iceguide• • • • • • • ha a series that gets NMI ie. it Wee - with the 4 murder she didn't commit oral jailed. makers playing mon: and more on the impressed by her good loolo; and and ability to elements which work best (such as the anal kill in cold blood. it secret government anti- clothe,. sense r rt style. great music and sexual terrorist organisation recruit, her ti a tension). Too unlike!) for its own good? 11,4c l'urk INcturr If ins* snot' 1245 2655i 1.1c1 275 26451 prt)lessional killer. I• 141141.J. 10) 4 40 Almost. Cool escapixin? Nes. Chris Courc,- '.fly. 111,44... I gi.k. I :S. S Sit. x Is 1 /....siiistrad. ling I tarty, 91" Res! Clime, 12 •1J I itts.• 114g, • • I''.11110 Ritual 164141 iv Hr.! I.,fm,s 1...rwt., 2'' 11 5.1 BBCI BBC2 ITV C4 I Mani 124.3 0-101 eol, 1.1 dil And. ..hruitcrow tiii9?4 420071 • 1 1,. ; ,f! ir 6.00 Business Breaklast, 7.00 MO Slaves And Noble Savages. 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 This Moen; 6.00 Sesame Seed. 7.00 The Big BBC Breakfast News; 9.00 All 6.35 Serleant Musgrave At The 9.30 Vanessa; 10.10 This Mar; 4t:g. areal:1aq 9.00 Setec,S. 11.30 Pcw.•!r Over The Shop, 920 Kilroy. 10.00 Court, 7.00 Teletubbies, 7.25 12.15 Calendar News And Mauve, 12.00 Sesame Street, 12.30 Light Lunch. 1.30 Wrests Gong On The General: 10.30 Royal Ascot: Goober And The Ghost Chasers, Weather, 12.30 ITN Lunchtime Frank,: 1.45 FILM' It's Never The Late 11.05 The Realty Useful Show: 7.60 Blue Peter, 8.15 Yogi's Space News: Weather; 1.00 House (1956t. 3.30 Weiefcelout Charienge, 12.00 News: Regional News; Race; 8.35 Paddington Peas, 8.45 Hunters, 1.25 The Jerry Springer 4.00 Fifteen, To One 4.30 Countdown. VVeather, 12.05 Wipeout; 12,35 The Record; 9.10 Job Bank. 9.20 Show; 2.10 Coronation Street: 2.45 4.55 Hick, LakE, 5.30 Pet Resole 6.00 Roseanne 11.-ourl:turd Neighbours. 12.55 Turning Points. ,Job Bank. 9.30 Pathways 01 Waffle. 3.15 iTN News Headlines 6.30 Rome Improvement Belief: Judaism, 9.45 Numberiirne, 1.00 News_ Weather; 1.30 3.20 Calendar News; 325 7.00 Channel 4 News, Weather IlruiAlwais.144igkr. alum 4' h...• ).Regional News Weather: 1.40 10.00 Teletubbies 10.30 Watch; Potamus Park, 3.35 Jamboree 7.55 The Windrush Years MU 8,2121111in vailifIl!staiLos Morn Royal Ascot; 3.30 Bananaman: 10.45 The Geography 3.50 World Cup 98 Live. Bolo 8.00 Tee Tilne, In Ina last in the Ira oat). drrrL, prole+, series Chris Evans indulges 335 Arthur. 4.20 Mr Wymi; 4.35 Programme; 11.10 Zig Zags 11.30 Wilson presents coverage anm.1 Iprli his passion for gull. ■■ Teaching Today; 12.00 Key Skills The lAsrrIto sur , Round The Twist. 5.00 Newsround: of Scotland's second Group 8.30 Brookside Len-% Illor :5.10 Bright Sparks 5.35 Study Skills. 12.30 Working A match, against Norway in 9.00 Identical Twine. The story of e Neighbours Lunch; 1.00 Bump; 1.05 Mouse Bordeaux separated-at-Direr Mins wbu Sr41114.91 And Mole; 1.i0 Beautiful Things, 6.30 rTN News: Weather meet at the age of so -lit 8.00 News: Weather 10.15 Eurotrash Euroballs '98 1.20 A Passion For Angling. 2.10 6.50 Calendar. Christi ArScroyd I.unar Her 7 14plon 6.30 Regional News Antoine De Caunes pledges to vire Cr 'gm, '7.00 Summer Holiday. Travel Today's The Day, 2.40 News! and Mike Morris with all the totally ignore football and poke 0,11.1e4M magazine with Jill Dande. Regional News: Weather. 2.45 days news from across the his nose and perhaps tome With t1, ifs •irlik 7.30 Keeping Mum. Andrew Westminster With Diana Madre region other appendages into the cus- toms oil 6 world Cue countses 3.25 News: Weather, 3.30 Royal 7.20 Chris finds It NIgiesiyck wants his new girlfriend to Emmerdale. 10.45 Friends Yr. • PA.., stay the night but Peggy dis- Ascot. 4.45 They Who Dare difficult to get on with his 11.05 FILM: Cyrano De Bergerac his ahisixift motet approves 5.00 FILM: Seven Brides For new neighbours. And Zak (1990). Avec Monsieur Gerard f 4141 1111, 8.00 EastEnders. Robbie is box- Seven Brothers (1954). and Butch make a grisly dis. Depardieu CI S/ toieeie. i2 Ain Musical starring Howard cowry 1.40 Under The Moon ' ,Anti "(US,: h,lrii,in .1%41 ing clever, but Tony is the 2.55 Football. Faith And Flutes hero of the day. Keel arid Jane Powell 7.50 World Cup 98 Live. Jim 3.50 URN Plural Furth 8.30 Children's Hospital. Real- 6.45 Heartbreak High Rosenthal presents live 4 00 Schools I „, hied, life medical drama from the 7.30 Home Ground. A series coverage of Brazil's second 15,11M: 113 th wards of Aide, Hey showcasing the best of the game in Group A, against Stuck &wimp. Children's Hospital In BBC's regional documen- Morocco in the Stade ae to Tfor Joss n ii1Whi Liverpool. taries. Beautorre, Nantes, with C5 8.00 One Foot In the Past. commentary by Clive Chen.- Ian !-.0 orr,r tliru Sow, h.. 9.00 News: Weather I be limed Her are lily Rciplyawnivnt kil lrn 9.30 Crimewatch UK. Nick Ross Kirsty Wark argues for a Tyldesley and Kevin 6.00 5 News and Bond. 7.00 Train and Jill Panda invite view- meaningful monument to Keegan, and analysis from WideWorid 7.30 Milkshake'. 7.35 Wind bon-0 and 1)1% ers to help the police shed Diana, Princess of Wales. John Barnes and Barry in the WillOwS, 8.00 Havakazoo: 8.30 Oappledown Farm: 9.00 Realms Ot The light on unsolved crimes. 8.30 The Antiques Show. Venison Polar Bear. 9.30 The Oprah Winfrey Francine Stock investigates 10.00 News At Ten: Weather 10.15 999, True stories of a hero- Shaw: 10.20 Sunset Beach, 11.10 10.30 Calendar News: Weather MITI presented by Michael elegant dining customs of Leuze; 12.00 5 News at Noon. 12.30 Buerk and Donna Bernard, me past 10.40 Fantasy World Cup Live. Family Affairs. 1A0 The Bold And Tlie 11.10 Crimewatch UK Update 9.00 Children's Health. Live comedy and sketches Beautiful: 1.30 Sorts And Daughters 11.20 World Cup 98 - Match Of Evocative documentary on with David Baddiel and 2.00 Open House With Glen Hurveford 3.00100% Gold. 3.30 FILM. The Day. Gary Lineker the work of pioneering pae- Frank Skinner. The Underworld Story, 5.10 The Oprah introduces highlights of the diatncians and doctors, 11.10 FILM: Blade Runner (1982). Film noir meets sci- Winfrey Show 6.00 100%620 Family second set of games in from the 1930s when child Affairs 7.00 5 News Duchers Irk•it 'mire Group A. as Scotland take mortality statistics ran to ence-fiction when a 21st- 7.30 Realm Of The Polar Bear. lit ern.ciiL f.".ouriu• Allen _end flasinAtio 1-101.r. Pie hiir on Norway in Bordeaux. one in twenty. through the century ex-cop is given the 8.00 Switched At Birth. Based oo lob of hunting down a gang and Morocco lace the development of antibiotics, ihe true story or two Florida girls 14antliut mighty Brazil In Nantes to the creation of the NHS of replicants - genetically who were swapped by ar.cnient osteilkorg 1:1‘.• at birth and raised by the wrong 12.20 Royal Ascot. Highlights of and the test premature engineered androids with a limited lifespan - who have parents fur a decade. Starring the first day's racing action baby unit. Bonnie Beclella 12.45 FILM: Almost (1990). An 9.50 Spoonface Steinberg. Lee mutinied and returned to 9.50 FILM: Night Owl (1993) inventive, amusing tale of a Hall's award-winning radio Earth seeking to override Jenerfer Beals stars as a woman Sydney-based factory work- play about a young autistic their mortality. Starring struggling to keep her husband er who dreams of escaping girl's fight against cancer. Harrison Ford from the eerie clutches of a her mundane job and bor- 10.30 Newsnlght. 125 World Cup 98. vampish fantasy figure known as %Sint Yorkshire VIA 111,141•K• Citic I'lenshrti.41 0621 the Night OW i let 2441111.1 ing husband for a lite where 11.15 Made In Manchester. 3.10 Fantasy World Cup Live 3.40 Best of British Motor 11.40 The Jack Oocherry Show. Void Spend Spcis.1' romance and glamour are Schoolboy Kevin longs to 12-20 La Femme Nikita. See panel Osixte ilti3 59981 Sport regular fixtures. Starring be a champion boxer. 1.15 Live and Dangerous tlic t inul7.aee Show Rosanna Arguette, Bruce 11.45 Natural Born Footballers 4.05 Soundtrax 145 Asian Football Show Spence and Hugo Weaving 12.00 The Midnight Hour 4,20 Jobfinder 4.40 Prisoner: Cell Block li 5.30 tow. ref 2.10 BBC News 24 12.30 BBC Learning Zone 5.30 ITN Morning News

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golfEZPARESD"▪ JUNE 17 Ally MclEleal lOpm C4 few pails L.A. Law and one part 1): earn that's purely 'nice' again. On, this slightly wacky new American Newcomer Calista Flockhart (right) is just Juiceguide import beguiles with a cast of quirkily peachy as the eponymous young lawyer •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • appealing characters and a neat line in who might he a radical new female role hlink-ancl-you'll-miss-it fantasy sequences. model (shockingly. she punches people who OK. it's cute - very cute - hut. after the push past her in the street' but really just CINEMA increasingly Ntornach-churning. Wella- dreams of having bigger bt.yobs. When male 111:■do Park Picture 11..ew ARC 1245 260.5 sponsored smugness of Friends. it's fantasies are this charming, though. it's brawl. ion, ...lip I lel 275 20451 reassuring to he able to enjoy something difficult to resist. Ross Ilorslry Mghe up yourAtly Nc,wbcn. i.rh1. $I:117fig Dthotv, 1 00, +.25 : 5p. 5 Iletorpouctani liArr>,11.1E Rolt- t, /40, 5 AI (.law Hair. 110, 125 4. 15,x ettaar Reid 1275 16010 Mc Bi?•,,ki I"Luigi , 1275 11141/ UdYall 1 .243 4.231i ■ BBCI [BBC2 ITV C4 1111,124 4190711 11,1:1 D.' I ", I I 0.. III, • N. r1.• I 6.00 Business Breakfast: 7.00 6.10 Packaging Culture; 7.00 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 This Morning; 6.00 Sleeve Street 7.00 The Big Breakfast: 9.00 Schools. 1120 Powat BBC Breakfast News: 9.00 All Teletubbiee, 725 Goober And The 9.30 Vanessa 10.10 This Morning; :Dyer The Shop, 9.20 Kilroy: 10.00 Bright Sparks, House, 12.00 Sesame Street, 12_30 Ghost Chasers: 7.50 12.15 Calendar News And ugtri Lunch: 1.30 FILM: What Prigs Tile General, 10.30 Royal Ascot: 8.15 Yogi's Space Race; 8.35 The Weather: 12.30 ITN News. G7 I1 9521.130 watercolour 11.00 News: Regional News. Greedysaurus Gang, 8.45 The Weather; 1.00 Home And Away Co.-ve coo Fineiei To 010.4.30 Weather; 11.05 The Really Useful Record; 9.10 Landmarks - Coping 1.25 the Jerry Springer Show; Come/own, 4.55 Rine Lilies: 5..a0 Pei Show: 12.00 News. Regional With The Climate: 9.30 Pathways Of 2.10 Einmerciake 2.45 Wattle; 3.15 Rescue 6.00 Party Ot Frye 5.50 Frteh Pop 7.00 Nees-Weatee Wipeout: Belief. Judaism. 9.45 Words And News' Weather: 12.05 ITN News Headlines: 3.20 7.50 The Windruse Veers 1.1111.1 12.30 Neighbours. 12.55 Turning Pictures; 10.00 Teletubbies; 10,30 Calendar. 3.25 Potamus Park; 8.00 The flatten Kitchen. Tonight Numbertme. 10.4.5 Marsalis On solo Points: 1.00 News: Weather: 1.30 3,35 Tech. 3.45 Slim Pig; 4.00 Rum Rogers and Rose Gray Regional News. Weather: 1.40 Music:11.40 Watch Out 11.55 Chatterhappy Ponies. 4,10 .nt.e.rrata vegetabin •,II![ Ole c.a I. 1111111 • Royal Ascot Teaching Today: 12.30 Working Garfield and Friends 4.25 Waller 0.30 Brookside 9_00 Cradle To Grave. This ten is a 4 1,0141 S 1 OA. 4.00 World Cup 98 Live. Gary Lunch', 1.00 Barney, 1.05 Me/on: 4.50 How 2:5.10 Home ■Ir. Capsule aria a rare rinarlill 45 lI Ifs/ , :17: 1.:-.1,.(11. Icr Lineker introduces live cov- Bananarnare1.10 Beautiful Things: And Away, 5.40 ITN News: BI I( N:111. 11,11,, e see the entire 50-year history 4111..ersuior!.. erage of the Group B game 1.25 Gowees Cricket Monthly; 2.10 Weather at the NHS through the even- Ptt, of nOcht'S, f or • 01 • between Chile and Austria. Today's The Day, 2.40 News. 5.5 Calendarlender one hospital Yid 716, mei ill -ihtrig 6.30 News: Weather Weather; 2.45 Westminster With 6.20 Tonight 10.00 Ally McBeaL See pawl 10.55 Jo Whitey. Pre. icey V./ 1111 tv,r4ents chattel Alta RICII Diana Madill: 3.55 News: Weather: 6.50 Emmerdale. Betty discov- dierxission. Firth 7.00 Regional News 11_40 Weekly Planet. Jon Snow looks Phew; 4.00 Royal Ascot. 4.35The Demon ers the truth about Tara and Filth r tipl.urd Fri li; t ■f.ik Magazines at contentious global issues from Headmaster, 5.00 Newsround: 5.10 ▪ IC 7.30 Auntie's Blg Bloomers a truly international perspective 151 .,.4 4'11 nut., th.44, 7.50 EastEnders. Robbie is on Blue Peter 5.35 Neighbours 7.20 CoronationBit Street. Sally's 1 15 FILM: A Day in The Death OS bog und ,4 frr 1)4u .• I 1/1 11./1111, the ropes, but someone is 6.00 The Simpsons guilt over Greg prompts a Joe Egg (1971). Powerful Peck I • 1'1 t1.1,,. !pm-2tint! 6.25 The Simpsons comedyeirama starring Man eep4 shin not playing fair. suggestion to Kevin. And tiro. slAti.n. %%bilk) 6.4.5 Star Trek: The Next Bales and Janet Sunman 8,20 The National Lottery Natalie learns Judy's terri- 3.15 FILM: Nothing ButThe Best Draw. Carol Smillle pre- Generation ble secret (1964). Stamng Alan Bates sents the midweek draw, 7.30 Leviathan. Mark Urban pre- 7.50 World Cup 98 Live. Bob 5.05 Trans World Sport • Schedules may be subject 8.30 Children's Hospital. Real- sents the series which exam- Wilson presents live Dever- to ines how history has shaped change from 1. t5 am. Think Lell, lite medical drama from the age from Montpellier as events currently making the I Al, wards of Alder Hey Italy meet Cameroon in a 11.•ilmtc1 news V1113.11' 117,11%1 Children's Hospital in Group B match. with com- A N.:w.f.'''. 8.00 The House Detectives. mentary by Clive Tylelestey Nil .1 s)1111. Liverpool. C5 9.00 News: Weather Senes revealing the secrets and Ron Atkinson. and that are hidden behind the analysis from Ruud Gullil 9.30 Out Of Hours. Daniel 0.00 5 Nees and Spot! 7.00 walls of houses and . Plus treats a young Bosnian WideWorld: 7.30 Milkshake! 7.35 WI a .1 8.30 Home Front. Three young the goals from loday's other refugee and Paul disap- in The Winews• 8.00 Havakazoo. 8.30 The I. mien:round designers cumantly working Group B game between 'f• pears Wide on a call. Dappledown Farm; 9.00 Realms Of Tow in the feed of Interior design, Chile and Austria Polar Bear: 9.30 The Oprah Winfrey .1,...111 A NL.dal -Os vo,l, 10.20 The Human Body. This ■ face the Challenge of trans- 10.00 News At Ten: Weather Show. 1020 Sunset Beach 11.10 111111,11 11 1111.1 n..rrltcli, .,tilt programme examines the E t V I , .111116 forming empty spaces into 10.30 Calendar News: Weather Leen 12.00 5 News at Noon: 12.30 human brain, the most cutting-edge living rooms 10.40 Wednesday Night Live, Ferrety Maas; 1.00 The Bold and the \ I . complicated object in the Beautiful; 1.30 Sons And Daughters: 9.00 Children's Health. Lively late-night debate known universe, 2.00 Open I-louse with Gloria Hurinifere Documentary following two hosted by Nicky Campbell 11.10 World Cup 98 - Match of 3.04 100% Gold Gloucester health visitors. and Maly Nightingale. the Day. Gary Llneker 3.30 FILM: Snow Job (1972), 9.40 Children's Health. Children. involving the biggest and Entertaining oddity from trig introduces highlights of parents and professionals most controversial news early Ms earring Olympic Ski iou Italy v Cameroon. With GIGS take a look at the difficulties stones of the week champion Jean-Claude Key, Mark Lawrenson and and misundetstanoings of 11.40 Midnight Caller 5.10 The Oprah Winfrey Show. and Martin 6.00 100%. The gamestvaw mew a I Nr•si R1,, of living with dyslexia. 12.45 FILM: Full Moon In Blue O'Neill host Or any remotely rtemeeling 9.50 Children's Health. Water (1988). Drama about aspects. 12.10 Royal Ascot. Highlights Documentary looking at the a self-pitying man languish- 6.30 Family Affairs from the second day of high incidence of childhood ing at the wrong end of the 7.00 5 News Royal Ascot. asthma. slippery slope - until a 7.30 The Pepsi Chart 8.00 Switched At Birth. Conclunion 12.35 FILM: Blind Spot (1993), 10.30 Newsnight woman Sets him on the A US congresswoman's 11.15 :it the twu-part trite story, 1: Made in Manchester. road to recovery Starring 9.45 Stag Arid Hens; Folkeving three } brilliant career is jeopar- Documentary series about Gene Hackman. Ten Garr parties as they go through their '.cnI ).011.0111-4- tbolthv 4 i1 11. I la....orc rOors2 ■dised by family scandal as the people of Manchester. and Burgess Meredith. differing prenupfed ceineratiore .1014.1 . she prepares lo face her 10.45 The Jack Clocherty Show. .11.11,; . 11.45 Natural Born Footballers. 2.30 One Summer In Whitby biggest and most Important 11.25 Compromising Situations. 0416,1 S111111. 1 hiAil. 2(14 :;.1.14 The biggest names in foot- 3.00 Vanessa I, arcifessional challenge yet. ball talk about their greatest 3.35 Cybernel Late-night erotic vosokE.11., 12.00 Weer League Baseball - Live Starring Joanne moments 4.05 Sounchrax 4.40 Madman Of The People Woodward, Laura Linnet', 12.00 The Midnight Hour 4.20 Jobfinder 5,05 Throb Rey-, ! Diamond 12.30 BBC Learning Zone 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.30 100% Kashmir Restaurant is recommended in the 1998 raj Good Curry Guide Kashmir Restaurant Pizza Atria &Take Away Tei•245 3058 162a Woodhouse Lane, Leeds 2 (opposite Parkinson steps)


Buy one curry get another one FREE With any pizza Buy any balti dish & get another same Offer applies to same price or less dishes price or less free. Valid until end June. Delivery or collect orders only. \Valid until end June on eat in cash orders only./ \Not in conjunction with any other offer.1 per delivery Valid until end June. FREE HOME DELIVERY on orders over £5 after 5.00 pm within 3 miles radius £1 delivery charge before 5pm within 1 mile radius delivery times Sat 11.30am - 3,00 am Sun 11.30 am - lam 00IWOUSE -81.11111-11E 4111.61E-1J1TILLONDON-RE(KE TS PARA - L110)1)000 110111.1G01 H ILL - 0E1 MORE AREA --LEPTON FLITS PARA - ATRASTALL SUGARI( ( 01 HT )111) --1101(111.1 7,4 JUNE 18 israSi,1111r The Real Art Show @ Laserquest, 2.30pm r

You “: heard about tail exploits in the national the darkened walls ol Laserguest ith our Media. now come and see the actual show. And high-powered plastic toy weapons. this time tt really is 'Or real. Really it is. This is sure to be a treat considering the Again, were exploring the boundaries of art amount of work that has gone int,' the •••••••••g11.1•00 by not 'creating' the kind of art that you would preparation. We've already :Alerted CNN, expect from talented undergraduates at a red Asn•rirer OnLine and Aitr FM and expect the brick university. whole media circus to be there to see Like Ghosibusters we'll he try ins not to cross us make complete dicks of ourselves all Marls Park l'icturr Aar 245 2berSi Hal 275 211450 141 Introit: 1 011 V 110 laser beams in order to make prett■, patterns on over again. 5.4nahrry.11111. NII■Drig l)“, , I 101 I:. .11 A DC1,1115.1fIlL 1111F Dairy IN! Flnl ( 1: 40, 5 15 Carat Harp. r ISi. an. 5.45. a 15 CrIttaiga Kiwi 1:175 IOW Thr 1%i? 1.41,tra•41,1 Lounge t275 11160 I lir Wrikiing Sluga7, et,20 X 41 I3BC1 BBC2 ITV C4 (Marra t143 162301 one fee dead., dr the mils Shormoct01914 4200711 Ionia, no fill 111.1 otA.44,1 tierce 1)5 Lest_ sue l'perr tam. 6.00 Business Breakfast. 7.00 6.10 Insect Hormones. 7.00 6.00 GMTV. 9.25 Mashed, 9.30 8.00 Si.aire Street, 7.00 The Big I COLliel MUM. The News; 9.00 All Over the Shop. Breakfast: 9.00 Schools 11.30 Power Wedding Mega, Dark City. Star kid. Teletubbres. 7.25 Goober And Vanessa. 10.10 This Morning: House, 12.00 Sesame Street; 12.30 Light Deep IMMO. gert Career. Moire 9.20 Kilroy; 10.00 The General. The Ghost Chasers, 7.50 Blue 12.15 Calendar News And Lunch, 1.30 Shaw. 1.35 FILM The Dikes, welerreeer, Thank. Scream . 10.30 Royal Ascot; 10.40 News Peter; 8.15 Yogi's Space Race; Weather; 12.30 ITN News: Rebel ( 1960);3.30 Watercolour wow ThIns.s, 1412. i.clit1111 Weather, 10.55 Cricket - Second 8.35 Hairy Jeremy: 8.45 The Weather. 1.00 House Hunters; Challenge, 4.00 Fifteen To One: 4.30 Test; 12.30 Neighbours: 12.55 Record, 9.10 Go for In. 9.25 Job 1.25 The Jerry Springer Show; Countdown, 4.55 Ride Lake: 5.30 Pet Rescue 6.00 Rosewine 5.30 Hohnaks Turning Points, 1.00 News: Bank. 9.45 Come Outside; 10.00 2.10 Emmerdale; Waffle; 2.45 7.00 News and Weather nine Weather. 1.30 Regional News: Telelubbies; 10.30 Storytime, 3.15 ITN News Headlines; 3.20 7.50 The %goldrush Years. maws IVorkrysrl Virarra I r Weather, 1.40 Royal Ascot and 10.45 Teaching Today: Science Calendar News; 3.25 Potamus Stewart recalls how she arnved liter lei ,m'nrNen Cricket - Second Test; 4.00 And Technology: 11.15 Zig Zag: Park; 3.35 The Riddlers; Britain, aged 19, determined to 3.45 4)iin Da,e the Nui:ithum be a nurse. Revers American Tails: 4.25 Mr Danger Detectors; 11.35 Disney Cartoon: 3.55 Zzzapl Tonigitr'' klittative Cunt= peittino, SAO Ceiebrity CountdCreen. The last Wymi: 4.40 Goosebumps: 5.00 Landmarks - Coping With The 4.15 World Cup 98 Live. Live Courtyard Frey before 10par. EA enter programme in this series has a Climate; 11.55 Llleschool; 12.30 coverage of the Group isUrzzorstal kis rsil Sdlixwil 11?A;•r1fISN Newsround: 5.10 Record satirical theme with Cream. Funk icor rk mrul '4prn-'_am Breakers; 5.35 Neighbours Cricket - Second Test, 1.00 The match between South Garden and Alan Goren pitting 6.00 News: Weather Family Ness; 1.05 Working Africa and Denmark thou wits against each other. Fivieneitun mutt hulk Lunch, 1.35 Cricket - Second 8.30 Real Gardena. 6.30 Regional News 5.30 ITN News: Weather 1 risf I., ,un g. Kr, 1 I Oh.' Xlh 9.00 FILM: Doc Hollywood (1991). Test; 3.50 News- Weather 6.50 Calendar With re-iiilent ill lemplehrad Magazines Comedy starring Michael J Fox 3.55 Royal Ascot. Cricket - 7.00 Emmerdate. Pollard is furi- T1111216 'Teak 7.00 Tomorrow's World. as an arrogant young doctor who 114 Phalle Sub Dub Second Test and Tennis. ous when he discovers he Scientific and technological crashes his car in a small meal Bash Sihret 'Natal doh. mon au Clare Balding and Willie has been conned. 11.00 Cradle To Grave, breakthroughs, presented likbr rustic hard-wepper. Carson introduce the 4.20 7.30 We Can Work It Out. In 11.30 Dr John Special 1344 Nils vion 2.1In by Peter Snow and Philippa 12.15 Michael Hayes Cork and Orrery Stakes. this edition, presenter Judy [Amid Forrester. Featuring a may 1.10 FILM: Joe Macliteth (1955). A Harlon Bait, r. ad. thetioderenrund 6.45 Star Trek: Voyager. The Finnigan investigates the scientist with a radical taSonating gangster update of Live rink) jazz Caw buf crew respond to the dis- compensation offered Shakespeare Macbeth new approach to land a L4 NI 15/L5-. lOpraaron Bar:a.rdr Puget Mama -es tress call of a Kazon war- when travel companies 2.45 Mai: Eye Witness (1958). Hut Latin ceunds LA/0 ....etunaette reclamation t;r aisn Ihrillerwith Donald Sinden ship. cancel holidays. 1.11' Drink. mime Mimi-lane 7.30 World Cup 98 Uve. 420 High Interest &Mir 7.30 Regional Programmes 8.00 Bramwell. Already faced France v Saudi Arabia. 5.00 Animal India %mad,. gjvc4uays And 1hr mural: The Warr:home 8.00 Looking Good. with a personal dilemma. 5.15 Heaven lieu! And Suburbia hots • tllssts f 1 trytur ?Worths Desmond Lynam Intro- Happy Compilation of the fashion Eleanor finds herself con- t: 1 I r eight 1,1141.1rfi•ruelltA 11Crr.1L.. 1,1 duces live coverage of and beauty series. present- fronting the world of child t2 nrclutrci,JE1 90trt France v Saudi Arabia from l.utta Bar ed by Lowri -Rimer. prostitution the Stade de France. With Orr,' 8.30 All the Right Moves. 10.00 News: Weather C5 11110e U1111 muse Jana Ricky Alan Hansen and David Quentin Willson introduces 10.30 Calendar News and Ginota. plus commentary Weather the consumer properly 6.00 5 News And Sport. 7.00 from John Motson and betire series providing an incisive 10.40 Fantasy World Cup Live. WideWorld, 7.30 Milkshake!, 7.35 wine Chris Waddle, Plus brief I happy has unit parage 'I 141pm- :am took at buying, selling and Live comedy and sketches. in The warms, 8.00 Havakazoo; 8.30 highlights of the Group C Farm. 9.00 Realms Of owning homes. 11.10 World Cup 98 - Encore! Dapoodown The Rater Bear Followed by Russell game between South 9.00 Doctors at Large. Jim Rosenthal presents Grant's Postcards. 9,30 The Oprao Afnca and Denmark, highlights of France v Documentary series. Winfrey Show. 10.20 Sunset Beach, 10.00 News: Regional News: Would-be surgeon Fey Saudi Arabia and South 11.10 Leen; 12.00 5 News at Noon. Weather Probst's career has stalled. Africa v Denmark. 1230 Family Affairs. 1.00 The Bold And The Beautiful, 1.30 Sons And 10.30 Smith And Jones. And radiologist Nick 12.15 The Jerry Springer Daughters: 2.00 Open House with Comedy and sketches from Hollings must sit yet more Show. Followed by ITN Gloats Hunruford: 3.00100°•° Gold: 3.30 Mel Smith and Grifl Rhys News Headlines. exams. FILM Wyoming Mari (19501, 6.10 The !Walt, bane Ian Jones. 9.30 Survival Guide. Explaining 1.05 FILM: The Swiss Crean %foray Snow 8.00 Mire Th. I 11.00 Question Time. the immunisation schedule Conspiracy (1975). 6.30 Family Affairs 7.00 5 News 7.30 Realm 01 The Polar NC. RIK, 0% 12.05 Royal Ascot. Highlights offered to preschool chil- Thriller about a private Bear 1,111.1:11 Mystery. The discovery of a 40 I I. , from the third day of Royal dren. detective hired to investi- million year old fossilised forest Ascot introduced by gate the blackmailing of 9.40 Let Them Eat Crisps (But 8.00 Water Rats. An armed robbery Richard Pitman. Only Sometimes). customers at a discreet at some whartside lattices 12.30 FILM: Father, Son And Examining what changes Swiss bank. An ex-federal 9.00 FILM: A Deadly Silence

The Mistress (1992). can be made to stop obese agent is charged with mast. A seemingly average: man with an average family is Cynical farce about an children becoming obese unravelling a mystery that gunned down Starring Mike eccentric, self-made mil- adults. involves matte hil men and Farrell and Sally Struthers a host of shady characters. lionaire's attempts to 10.20 Survival Guide. The 20.50 The Jack Docherty Show 11e41 NorLahlre la hnmi-' Chit [brain i 247 09621 reunite his family by giving symptoms and treatment of 2.40 Box Office America 11.30 Hotline. A vengeful prison ∎ I 4-.14.16.m. Dilagerctere% - iii 2442111.1 his fortune and moving 3.10 Fantasy World Cup Live security guard disguises her up Attention Deficit SIKII41 Spend' self in order to seduce her back to his old neighbour- Hyperactive Disorder. 3.35 We Can Work It Out ul/C1211 Studio Theatre (2113 59961 commanding officer 4.05 Best 01 British Motor The Raul Year Sting: hood. Starring Jack 10.30 Newsnight 12.05 Live and Dangerous. Sport Lemmon, Talia Shire and 11.15 Cricket - Second Test Live sports magazine_ Joanna Gleason. 12.00 The Midnight Hour 4.30 Jobfinder 4.40 Prisoner: Cell Block H 5.30 ITN Morning News . 2.00 BBC News 24 12.30 BBC Learning Zone 5.30 100°

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16 St Annes Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 3NX Tel. 0113 274 6746 FAX 0113 278 0251 e-mail [email protected] day jun. 1 2 la" 13 ()EVER it was that said Wil Being at univertity is about the people 'school days are the best who've shared it all with you, about the things days of y 4 air life' was a) you've done with - and, if you're lucky, in lying and b I obviously never some eases, to - them. %o recollection is went on to get a degree. complete without the faces of the people who There can't be a better were there with 3 use, It's inevitable, and it's period in any life than that spent at fantastic. lbw w torsi thing that can happen now is for ottiveraY- Not just because drinking yourself senseless regrets to creep In. Everyone moves on at some stage, and it is an end of an distinct on (I(i on any weeknight becomes not a ge but a right. or that buying records on period of life. but feeling had about it is the privile wnmg way .‘ lintdovs becomes part of the routine. Living, to go. Getting alcoholically ihe Vllikill life' is a large part of the emotional► is acceptable. but only once, and ima., - enjoyable and essentially hassle- make sure you sheepishly laugh about it in the eltKl nun-Mug. its it is - hut it's not the whole story. free Nliss onr and Coe-Soe, miss football and Neither does the whole story entail Ilse males' thing university offers its But. considering that never, ever again will vending endless hours in libraries trawling frisbee in Hyde Park, miss slaving up sate students is freedom. Freedom to do, we he afforded so much time. there had to talking. We will, and we're right to. Miss these I iiiigigh journals and wehsites i w by does essentially. what the hell you want. when you have been better ways to have spent it. \nd if things. but with a grin and the intention of n so-called 'search engine' have its spark es e want. With apologies to medics, dentists and you think about it. most of us will have spent getting in touch with sr silicone who will know removed or sugar poured into its virtual plugs lawyers. having to attend a few hours a week that time wisely. If you leas e Leeds with a exactly' ulna you're feeling and why. OK, sn bloody petrol lank ). Worthy- though getting a of lectures and assorted classes is not a st rain dozen or so phone numbers 11f people that y otl didn't really vs ant to have to put in the hit that alond degree is. that is not the greatest thing on anyone's time. All that time left over is really want to ring over the summer and goes 'it's not the end. it's a new beginning,' but anynne should take assay from their years at totally at your disprmd. Spend it all being a beyond. then it's gone pretty well. ()rename. 1 van% avoid it. Because it is. So there. Enjoy - though letters alter your name will university. lizard and lounging in bed if you like - if there'll be smite people who at present are whatever it is you're going to do. I certainly I( II On )4 mr everyone-gels- Derek pretty damn et you're happy. and the sheets get changed at part of everyday stuff but will never be seen intend to. and these five certainly seemed to it -vs entualb headed notepaper. least as often as your posters. that's fine. again. That's part of it, unfortunately. hat e a hall while they were here. `Miss things, but with a grin and the intention of ringing someone who'll know exactly what you mean'

kissed (icing with the people that I did. because il mad everything *I put my else more amusing and bearable, some of foot I came hack to Leeds after the holidays. hut I'd len my keys at my hone. So I rung a locksmith from the station and met him at through a the house. lie hmke in, charged me 131t for the privilege and girlfriends began to crack on I co me - and he was a y err Large and hornhle guy's man. Su I managed to get rid of him, and had a haok artound at the the rest of the house. All the a arthritics were empty, we'd been window - burgled attain. I went back down-Jain:. only to find the hack halls ball, door wide had been forced wide open. The lovely locksmith it and the 041 had been totally unnecessary just to frightened I could have made better me of the facilititN, gone to more his pet show off siocieties. that sort of thing Easily. that's accepting the offer to live with seven blokes really. We Sociology (if Race snake w hohop respect and think the world of. I can't think of a single event that stands out because there's been so manv got Sociology. Theories id I le t clopment who he of them...Millie stuff wet e draw. like going out together thrown At Pyjmna Jump legendary Sheffield night of Mild was debauchery tin my second y ear. things definitely got a bit mud. In terms of illegality. it's got to he the time we went nut and out, and After losing no friends, and snugging a Vele, Of The Meet playing poached Euro 96 banners fnom the lights lining the ring photographer. I ended up stint a biker. l le wasn't taking pan road near %ciliation. especially a hen we lomat out they an. we're not in the Jump. and was plumb looking fora shag. I was cold and with at the worth 115 quid each very drnk. I went hums %sins him because' 1 had nowhere stay really to go. and we ended up in his bed. Ile proceeded in remove his time shirt. revealing as tattoo that emered his entire hack. Then I This year. I wish 1 hadn't spent so much time in the library. noticed his studded tongue -1 was sepulsed, and left swiftly and because of that, being so distant with my Malt's. Apart welcome from that. I've got no major regrets there Swigging Ortfriends at my hall hull - to ;many their boyfriends firstly. then just to slum toff - when 1 was I cheated on no girlfriend in lira year. which is wanker's now' supposed to he working behind the tow. The starden threw behaviour. Anal I'd like to reassure my current, limoutiful us out. We're not malls wdcumc there nosy and anewing girlfriend that I'm not like that. Please put that in. I'm not going to do it again There isn't one best thing, because I've had an all-nound brilliant time `We were "lhat has goo to be my housemateN 21st party. I downed a bottle of wine pretty quickly, well really quickly. Then. after singing that came a fair amount of vodka and finally, a jar of Getting burgled. The bastards took ev erything but we didn't Chicken 'ght_ I was sick, surprisingly, and legged my notice for an hour. I was hots) bring drunk and rolling round ley Jude' other housemate Charles not to let me die. I thought I was on my kitchen floor going to under the Let more Imo s soot their seed in me the heel. Also, I w ouldn't table Paul. a friend on my cottme. thought my name was Simmi have ninnkti robbing a bank • purely for the money for some reason - he must have herd It u rung. So I strung him along for months. Eventually he cane to me and said whilst "Simon. I've heard yaw-real name is Jason." I said -No. my friends call me Jasun."That was a bit tight really- Chosen Psychology as my degree. because all psycholtadsts some an %tient. random `At my housemates' 21st, I Singing 'Hey Jude' whilst sat under the kilclwn tuble, listeuing bloke was to the sound of wine random bloke pissing through our letter downed a bottle of wine, hos and then setting the lire alarm off. I still donut know how pissing followed by a fair amount of they managed to do that. Ta otz through Actually. I've been an angel throughout my time in Leeds.lf vodka, and finally, a jar of anyone has any incriminating photographs to the contrary', the letter however. I am willing to pay a substantial amount for their Chicken Tonight' &strut:lion box' 37 CLASSIFIEDS Leeds Student Leeds Studenr Is All I nikivilLklit nev4srgitier Quadruple Vodka £2. Bottles of Premier l cols Stcmpnlaail I 'no, croi Univcrlit) and nuxr Lager Lowenbrau and Oranjeboom £1.50 STUDENT ACCOMMODATION CollegaN in and up mind LcAI' per bottle. STRAWBERRYFIELDS Upstairs All ,sur Arikk STUDENTS LOOK! 1998/99 code Or vPndluct, 1101 if 500 11.1% Bar every evening Doubles £1.10. 40% of Essays, CV's. Theses. dissertations, R. PSOF 6A D any pmhk'tns, plea.e 01.111,10 rhe all main courses 6-7pm at StrawberryFields (also in foreign languages). faxing, Edam C. poloolis ,,,nn shop ins laminating. binding, letters, and helptal ctInt,n, .0, is lied. Bistro. Mon to Sat evenings. Can't cook, Quality gas central heated shared hous- envelopes, mail shots, colour print- es in popular locations LS4/6 and 18 Editor won't cook. eat out. ing. (Horsthforth - suitable for TA.S,C, Ben Lust ROOM FOR RENT Students) Full service offered Separate Lounges. 1)eputy Editors Room available for male/female student I can collect and deliver. Alex (iiihrha) Rents 07_50 to £39.50/ Bond £120 Clare Lime, in a fun. relaxed house with three third Student discount. UNIPOL "CODE OF PRACTICE' years (two male. one female). Features Registered Juice Editor Evenings and weekends no problem, Contact 0113 250 5570 Joe Downie and Joe Cairns include or Mobile 0385 306 316 (10am to 10pm) - Modern. four bedroomed house in a All work is kept on disc - updates and Outlook Editor Paul Wilson quiet residential area reprints no problem. - 10 mins walk from both universities. 20 SECTION F.nrroRs Call or fax Nicola on 258 6961. mins from city centre Arts Eleanor Maw re!! - Double Glazing, central heating. PJ Sheard Properties 1.atiren Pushkin bath/shower Headingley/ Hyde Park Areas Louise Sherwi-nid - Washing machine, microwave. TV, LEGAL HELP WANTED Books telephone, smoke detectors I am planning to sue in Ihe High Court for Good quality self contained Phil Hanlon damages for libel .end slander. I will conduct Helen Morrisses - Rent £35pw flats, flatelets, bedsit rooms Linden Thornton - £150 bond, half Summer rent the case myself but I need help with the in the Headingley/Hyde Park preparation of the pleadings to the Court and areas Cartoonist Phone Phil on 0973 306192 if interested. related library research. I inn seeking the Murray Wallace assistance of a student 1 tinder grad or post Telephone grad it doesn't matter so long as you can do 01274 594 572 Evenings Clubs Phil Lindficld the job and it can wait until after this years 0468 305 085 Daytime Nick Sargent examinations) to help me with these matte' - or visit our website Payment hr arrangement. Columnist Simon Jeffery Please telephone Dr. Seymour Chissick on 2s9 3143 between the hours of WM) am and Comment Dress for' Philip Bannon 100 pm Alex Cameron Need to earn some Joel Ricketi a) Less Fashion money this summer? Haylc!, Jones

@ The Salvation Army Minimum £4.00+ per hour Features • Paul Wilson Charity Shop Pickard Properties Shift work available • Food anti Drink www.pickard—properties,co.tik Weekends available 175 Meanwood Rd fermana Sisson, • Local work Leeds 7 Tel 244 2960 4/5/6 bed quality houses in Leeds Listings • Large variety of work Ross Horsle Open Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat 9.30 till 4 • Music Check out our wehsite Interested' Contact Conrad/Chris Friday 9.30 till 12.30 (Closed Wed) inc Cairns between 7am-6prn Mon-Fri also furniture, books, bric a brac or contact us on 250( 101 Joseph l) V.1111.! 0113 2205530 Robby Elsint records and tapes or E-mail its at Jenny Wood nickard('pickard-propertics itt.tik News CVs Dissertations Word Proccessing Laura Davis Matt Cienever 0, 0 Naveed Raja ($) SUPERB HOUSE of Edticat ion Correspondent Students! Discount Rate 0 Catherine Burt in TO LET 8 TO LET Pictures n. CVs. DISSERTATIONS Sarah Dad is I. Dan 'Thuhron WORD PROCESSING etk. 0 5&6 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSES Close to Hyde Park Politics Work carried out 13% Appointment SHOWER CENTRAL HEATING 5 mins from LU campus 0 to meet Your deadlines FULLY ALARMED Exceptional condition Proof Reader ARCHERY RD Chinny Li Contact Toni on 0113 230 41 56 -0 Newly decorated to I MIN FROM UNIVERSITY Spo to 424 bout anslAerphone available 2 MINS FROM THE DRY DOCK & TOWN Newly furnished Chris Straw 0 11EADINGLEY Assistant co. TEL: 0370 614 424 Highest standard of security Paul Brown 5 UNIPOL CODE OF STANDARDS 0 co Large 18ft lounge Science CVs Dissertations Word Proccessing £3850 PP MEEK + DEPOSIT £166 tit) Tel points on each floor Michelle Flaiman 2 bathrooms. shower 3 v,,cs Television Diane Leeming Microwave & fully equipped Ross Horsley LIGHT REMOVALS kitchens Dan Thuhn in Trait el AND STORAGE ..J 9 bedrooms Indira Das-Coipt., 4_• 18 LANE LEEDS LS5 313H BANDS/PROMOTERS/AGENTS Editorial hotline: CHEAP RATES (01 13) 243 4727 VJ WANTED Tel 0113 262 -1-14 I Editorial Fax: CALL PETER NOW for live music bar. seven nights a week. or e-mail info@ k (0113) 246 7953 full P.A_ monitors & lighting equipment email VJ ON Available' 1st for 52 leeds.student@ provided. D.I.Y. nights & parties encour- 0961 896 042 aged. 274 3995 Advertising hotline: ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOME. CALL...10 ON call Catherine Barton 0113 295 0508 on (0113) 231 4293


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DID I NOT WEAR THAT THE FASHION YEAR'S I [ti k AND LOWS INSIDE •• I iTi PEOPLE - SILLY SEASON AT WESTMINSTER 39 16 outlook frame Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998

Imagine a world where it doesn't rain as you finish your last exams. VICTORIA COHEN celebrates in style by sinning her way around sunny San Francisco

IN ISFIINC.; your exams plea - to redeem my indolence. hailed a big old yellow taxi to take me earlier than your friends was the chosen one. lo the centre of town. The ride .tans is not a very popular task'' fo spend a weel, without here. We soon discover that the driver knows someone from near past Lime. However. it committing those inheient Hato, s where I live 11,4 IWO') Then conics the doe, not register as kommttn to 1.144 -In-L1:14 .11.:11‘ 114.. to realisation that the link is altogether Fhighly on the unimpressive i1;:111111!414 the seven deadly Nuts My wcak. as the cabbie'. triend is from scale as not inning any exams at 141Cal II " San Franitseil Igo w tih ate in Ihis one 1 MN, .1•■■[Heel Ural - alter all, Europe is so small that all. Thus. as I sat in my room Pitt and not end op with my head in a evil-1.11-unit neariashi. So I stniot to trying to kill time. from the box. tuycelt, pay the man and agree to depths of my And No thirteen hoar. several films 'Have a nice day.- Under the imagination came a and undigestihle plane meals Inter. I Californian son, it would he difficult bellowing voice. found raysclf in one III America's most to do othem a calling - v !Nan( antl exciting cities. Ignoring Laziness is not an option here either as thew are so many things to almost my lei l.11-2 and forgetting the rstuncrOuN di.cover. With the Golden Gale a cilleUes Fit stood in berme es en heIng alloWed lo leave the airport building. I bodge so graceful and inviting. the Your best chance to get a lob! Come to the West Yorkshire Graduate Recruitment Fair Tuesday 23 lune 1998,10.00am — 5.00pm University of Leeds Sports and Exhibition Centre

Jobs, jobs, jobs: Be There! • Every organisation attending will have vacancies for Get further information on bookings from: graduates • Prospects for the Rang Issue Number 6, available from • Wide range of opportunMes available, spanning a variety of Higher Education Careers Services. occupational areas • Our web address. Check it out regularly: • Apply to many different organisations on one day http://www.leedsncak/careers • Make lace-to-lace contact with recruiters • The West Yorkshire Fair helpline on 0113 233 5798 between 10 OOam and 4 00pm, weekdays. Easy for you: • The free guide available at the event • Centrally located in Leeds Around 80 companies will he there! • Easy 10 MINI 10 by rail or car They could be talking to you! • Excellent facilities including disabled access • It's free - there is no attendance fee and no charge for Companies like Arthur Andersen, Accurate Plc, Asda, Bass, Betty's and vacancy information or brochures! Taylors Group. BOC, BT, Cabinet Office. Coopers & Lybrand, Courtaulds Textiles, Decathlon, Eltec. Field Packaging, Filtronic Comtek, FKI High quality event: Engineering. GCHQ, GEC Marconi Avionics. GPT, Glynwed, Graduate Link, ISA KPMG. Lever Bros, Lucas Verity. Magnet, Majestic Wine • Well established, the premier event of its kind in the region Warehouses. Miller Group. Mountfield Software. Net Info, Northern Foods, • Professionally organised by the Careers Services of the Phenomenex. Police. Price Waterhouse. RM. Rank Hovis, Royal Sun Universities of Bradford and Leeds Alliance, Syntegra, Teacher Training Agency, TT Group, United Biscuits. VSO, Welcom Software. West Geophysical, WIlco International • Designed to provide the hest possibie event for you - the job- seeking graduate And Many. Many More! Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 travel outlook 17


one end'of the bay. the glorious Golden Gate Bridgst at the other. Alcatraz • tit •1 an 1t1r,.1), hi ti. 11 r.r M..j1k. order of in hoick 1,.:1 1,c'+,% • an acro., it and eiiihracc Ilia L:liv ., actruived lasie which e. riot that easy skyliiie roam its halm. !OA:: Ito to acquire mistake, its hug Zfilli its long. It also While louring the city. II', a must sways quite noticeably and it you to get a eahl0 cur up one of the many stand near the edge with the clear hill, not only for convenience and to blue has stretched beneath you. its gist: your over-sv diked legs a break. strangely tempting to jurnp. but for the experience and the views. Thankfully signs remind you to They are easy and efficient to use and concentrate on gazing ant the famous only cost a couple of dollars. bon Sao Fran horizon instead. can mount wherever you wish and if you are game, or after a cheap thrill. F 03111M:, the serums problem hang off the side specially provided you taee is w here to start the hats as the ear ascends. You feasting. America stands for appreciate them all the more after serious eating. so my french toast and treks like the one lo Lombard street. pretzel-lined road to gluttony is a 'the erookedesi street in the world ' It very straightforward one. San is what it says • crooked • depends Francisco boasts almost 30(X) what turns you on I suppose - but the restaurants: for the more traditional. the sharp incline does offer a superb there is a Planet Hollywood. a Hurd perspective of the hay. if you can Rock Cafe and more fast food stand up by the nine you have eslahlishmenis than you care to climbed Russian Hill to get to it. imagine without feeling greasy. For Take a cable car there and toboggan 3 more unique eating experienee. home. venture to Pict 39. a two-levelled On the was hack to the hotel. I theme park on the hay. devour a had a wander around Haight Ashbury. huniungons plate of cajun shrimps in the hippy quarter This area has a the fluhha Gump Shrimp Company colourful history and the streets are Restaurant, and sink into the world of littered with posters. shops and Forrest Gump. It's cheesy. it's houses Mille:doe of its erealis ity and verging on the nauseous but it's tasty divetsuy. There are funky record food at reasonable prices and all a hit stone, stocked .soh rare grooves and ut fun just the way Forrest would sou cannot 'get a pun between the amount of little In Nordstrom. the walk past the Ritz Carbon. one of the sated, interesting and alnr Once have done a, cheese cloth shirts and middle nine level %lmpily; mall with city's hest hotels. Unlike Michael you return to grey rainy Leeds. you'll For something more specialised partings. Famous residents of the sngemousla curved escalators. but Douglas in The Game. tin budget lust for the warmth of the West food•wise, venture to Chinatown, an Haight included The Grateful Dead my 'must-haves' weren't bargains. only stretched to the Iliad Coast. But here I stand at the gates of experience in itself, and choose loom and Janis Joplin. Brutus Gold and the Buy from the Gap and have the Californian. a cheap motel around the Saint Peter awaiting judgement day. an array of American-style Chinese seventies revival. Frisco Disco satisfaction of a fasourable corner. It was short-lived however as Haring sinned my way around San eateries. Aim for something small included. owe a Iva to this ai comparison of SS hat yunl'N•C cot s ale ■10%8 Iv SV•Itni.: place had perfect Francisco, a hat gill its punishment made the nustake of doting in an tiOtt Especially look out tor the City inflated English jukes. and trial vie ws of Macy and Saks tut 5th NI' The clouds par I to Bully 's ■ scaler. high-rise restaurant The Light. Book Shire v here you can sit elierytmc coot knot., to (.7.1I% in KIVIn Avenue nothing like a hit ot special prize, an eternity in Alcatraz. Empress of China) whose size and with a cup of ens lee and read poetry pants at only SS (approximately t.5 1, window shopping last thing at night. hoar ride and guided tom included. It magnificence took precedence oxen and prose capturing the spirit of hut stop there. Or he consumed by There is plenty of reasonable is situated on an island off the hay, is fond quality_ For the local delicacy. decades gone by. greed as I was and spend your aceommodatitill On Offer but surrounded by sharks and no one has how's about clam chowder in As for any preconceptions of student loan. Ai the end of a busy day ayailahiliry can be limited en the htuh ever escaped 'lila the tale. sourdough howl? That would he bargain trainer purchases in America. relax with a show - take your pick season. so its best to 114-“Ik at least Condemned to u life of The Rock. something resembling a hollOwed out don't bet your last dime on it. Being from a vast choice including Cats. couple of nights in advance. Murder in the First and The Birduum bread roll filled with an anaemic fish a large commercial city. San High Society and Phantom of the of Alcatru, and the distant sound of mixture., which appears to already Francisco has it large selection of Opera. Otherwise catch a film. R.A.Ni I,: Sinatra 'left his heart in laughing from the mainland. have been digested once. You can shops but is far from cheap. I reselling in the satisfaction of its pre- ',,,, i Francisco' and d is something Definitely worth hooking in for n buy it on street corners. you can managed to spend an extensive UK release. Jealousy sets in its you F ,...isi iv done. It's a fabulous place: stay Clam chowder in sourdough bowl • an acquired taste not that easy to acquire

18 outlook politics Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 Forget Paris - this Ms Westminster 98 For those of you who yearn for conflict lasting beyond the World Cup, then make sure you watch the following figures pretending to know what they're DAVID BLUNKETT. Does this man even know doing. NICHOLAS GREENHALGH picks out the Ronaldos from the Rees-Moggs what he's doing 7 sindern's las twits. politician will he spending v. ill cause its much amusement. ANNE WIDDECOMBE the summer trying to remember which party he 'There is an outside chance of feuding Currently soaring ahead as the most inept is supposed in belong to, This season should between him and Donald Dover. Scottish member of the present crop of Cabinet Check this lady out! Lunatic right-wing he the quiet before the storm that is inevitable politicians. His current form has hen a Secretary, the latter\ wife having left him for ,political views coupled with a had attitude come the autumn. Particularly amusing to pleasure to watch. his gaffes have included a Irvine many years ago. Whilst this issue has make this woman cult viewing. Recently made watch will he his justifications for at a drop in not resulted in any public feud as yet, the two Shadow Minister for health. Anne will he one cock-up in Israel and confusion in Sierra Leone. Rumours abound of his being stitched student applications to university. hi the are known to be less than friends. With of the summer's most prominent politicians. up by the old boys network in the Foreign transferring of tuition fees revenue to other Scotland's Parliament coming ever closer. :w tic betide_ all those who oppose her, sectors of education/the country and c) the Dewer. whose ambitions he with that Her early performances gave us a taste.of Office, but Robin's nun speciality would inevitable screvi, up ol the administration Parliament, may start to become a little more w hat to expect: much of her wrath will be appear to be playing a key role in his current surrounding lees. Expect both late and flippant towards Lord Irvine, directed at the Health Minister Frank Dobson downturn of fortune. Alleeedly nicknamed 'Mr inaccurate assessments of fees. Look forward At the very least we can expect statements regarding Labour's election pledge to bring A4' by his staff on to saying "I told you su Das fit to make you cringe and with any luck some down the hospital waiting lists. account of his condescending comments about Tony being his Anne will he Frank Dobson's superior in refusal to read protege.. iscrywas. and by October should have briefs more than PETER MANDELSON inflicted some fatal blows. There is also the the length of one entertaining possibility of her helm: central fur side, Robin Cook This man will continue to walk on water fur THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY intiehtine within the Consen e Party. is the man for the whole season. nothing sticks to this boy The most likely outbreak ++t political whom the term Where are they I know it's only been a year 'cock-up' was except his halo. feuding will he het tk cell her ,'Ind her former but COME ON! The party we all love to invented. Disaster The master ol spin. the power behind the boas Michael How:lid. IA hose career she ridicule has disappeared. The fun can only wailing to happen throne. the Prince of Darkness: whatever sou spectacularly sabotaged by saying there - was begin when this lot reappear from the about him. rating! iii call hint. you can't avoid him. Britain's "something of the night - ,,kimethinv they're desperately I avourite spin doctor will he spending the Singularly the most entertaining politician tailing to do Aside from the goddess that is DAVID summer promoting the Millennium Chime to a on TV. Anne, will make vim laugh. but Anne WilleLoinh, there is a lack of anything BLUNKETT ROBIN COOK: still sceptical public. lichirzi t he scenes parr remembet to hike cover. inang on here. been on their best Hot tip for a Will of eourse he plaint the semi s Wain!. Commits' , , • Summer screw-up hehas 111111 and ssecii none of their pas( 111,111111L11;11111.e! the news and IS power chaotic antics There Is a chance of fun ROBIN COOK Look out kin his inflictor in Ihe lorthomung concerning internal efforts to stop Lord Archer ....Thum reshuffle. Tn itie hi stork out who is ni het-riming the Conservan ye candidate for the JIM out of LIN stir %1 1111 the Mandclson camp pia hi ail 11.111d still he the ridilk- di tinkles M1,1 V,' task 11's all the inure entertaining and ruthless if it's task i‘a HARDWORKING? his own side. JOHN PRESCOTT THE CABINET RESHUFFLE

:nil p•.‘, cars, ay for ENTHUSIASTIC? has mg water thrown over him in.. hang on It's all up in the air V.1111 es et.y thing to pl that's lilt he does. John ss ill he pros iding ns as Lahour eabinia menthers light it with the good old 'ashamed practical comedy avoid relegation. I larnei [Linnet' and Das tit THEN READ ON Clark are almost certain for the sideways element IA ;Itch him let loose by Mandelson for a day. and Sec what he does. Please Peter. just shuffle. Brow n and Straw arc certain Ill MINIM don -I put him near anything delicate or put whilst the surart money's tin a pi1n110tion aluable. fit sorts for Mandelson. Unfortunately New Labour are far too well behaved to allow any of the real behind the the scenes angst In come o hrir LORD IRVINE to the lure. Do expect po-faced expressions and barely disguised glee from the winners and losers on reshuffle day. Don't expect a Cabinet One of Labour's most intellittent assets has place for anybody with talent or heaven forbid.. turned into one of their most embarrassing independence. REQUIRES mouthpieces. From his self-styled comparison to Cardinal Wolscs to his hitarre relish lot eapensisc interior del:oration. this IS it titan whose eau knows no hounds and inesiiably STEWARDS


INFORMATION SHEETS AND APPLICATION FORMS AVAILABLE FROM THE LU U PORTERS DESK John Prescott (centre) lacks professionalism, not to mention rhythm Leeds Student, Friday June 12 1998 16 outlook fashiou

Of this trend I have already extolled the We can thank the Spice Girls for something. They have contributed to society virtues. I love combat pants, the colour, in their own, small way with my favourite design of shoe. At last, footwear the fit. the pockets, the fact that you can that elevates without crippling. Face it, you're either a heel-girl or you're not; buy them in other than Army Surplus try as I might my 5'3" frame does not like high heels, medium heels or even nylon. I also love the super-practical short heels. Oh yes. I can walk quite comfortably around Schuh or Shelly's in body-warmer in co-ordinating khaki three-inch two-tone square-toed groovy loafers, but the moment that any green that is fitted not to make you look money actually changes hands they contort and mutate into masochistic like the Michelin Man. However, I think torture devices that rub, pinch and blister. But platform trainers; they're that its all gone a little hit too far. It platforms and they're trainers - aah. the simplistic beauty of it all. started with Manolo Blahnik's combat stiletto. There's an oxymoron if ever I've seen one. Now the high-street has gone military mad. To go with your combat strides, you can buy halter-necks and Someone call Mulder and Scully; there's something seriously unnatural going on all bikinis in army camouflage print, just the over the country. When I was a kid, turn-ups were something to he laughed at because job if you're going into battle and you it was a blatant statement that your trousersro were too long. This indicated that they want to catch some rays. You can even get were either hand-me-downs or that you were a chuhster and the only trews that would camouflage-coloured eye shadow if that fit around your lardarse would he approximately two-and-a-half feet too long. Now. warpaint just doesn't give you the lasting what do I see but girls wearing turn-ups on trousers that are actually the correct coverage that you need in battle length anyway thus resulting in some freaky semi-capri-pant affair. Clearly there has situations. For the more stylish of been some subliminal brainwashing going on within the pages of fashion mags skirmishes, combat maxi and mini-skirts perpetrated by calf-fetishist aliens and/or secret goy ernment departments. Be afraid, are also available. Conflict-chic at its __.,, very afraid. ) l'hat Was The Fashion Year That Was Since the beginning of the academic year we have been keeping a beady eye on the world of fashion. HAYLEY JONES looks back at some of the weird and wonderful trends of '97-'98. The burning question as ever: Does my bum look big in this?

This is a tricky one. Are they a jolly good It all started with those damn cutesy-pie girls like Helena idea for summer. Christensen and Drew Barrymore in their lacy thrift- practical yet funk) store chic. They decided that they didn't look quite and I'm just slightly sickeningly sweet enough and so adopted Baby Spice's *sugar and candy wouldn't melt in my mouth' look with bitter because when I've tried them on pink. Then the catwalk took control and funked the look like I have two colour up a bit. Not enough in my hook, if there's a trend extremely juicy KFC that makes Anthea Turner look like she's got her pwetty drumsticks for ickle finger on the pulse of fashion then I'm well out of it. thighs? Or are they Pink is for wimps. an utter fashion nightmare, one of the worst ideas to be lapped up by the gullible public and Top Shop. the high street giant has finally lived I the designer gods are up to its name in more ways than one. Top as in laughing heartily really quite good but also as in upper-body Cow-girl chic. What were they from on high at the garment. Yes they're persistently groovy, not too thinking of? foolishness of us expensive and no Mum, I don't mind that it'll fall mere mortals? apart before next season. But nor does anyone Choose your answer else and that's rather the problem. How many accordingly times this summer am I destined to hump into depending on someone wearing the same slash-neck floral- David Beckham with blond hair physique and motif tight T-shirt? It just won't do, it's enough and in a skirt. Has the world gone propensity to believe to make a girl revert back to charity shop mad? conspiracy theories. 'wacky' individualism. _) Illustrations by Ursula Dinnis 4:3


mt. ,„a 5.1u4k buys with sour hump lop and lug re] mull, the batty of Me hunch I dunk, and certainly we'll see . whin Harry Duane says dr,ras flunk. tear. pent so much then Mae% Toni, nutm)... lull IV11Ig 4 In 1111,1111 Po iihri the ou pa enthosionc. line day you Will smoky kast tansy Picture re. !tit Yolk ale +try nice wilco! Swats Dan Ili. I 11.11 I) ci,er .4% Ina always had meg things hi haw roddlarr luinic tit it .es en I. licn both out II hest !mud ill uollc,l 11110 one. and ism ittnishar Lunen lags fit hawser dui mans' I and manse the talntaly inentrined yotri and most recently Calls. sou say to. nit • voiCte minx axe Ahltte, the rest pirrovii . aniuring 1 that S4inly '11 iglu Say o look ■ when l tang Catty day. to Intk uts nee not much tangly swaic try u leitatpfteihic urnciu the calm it no to volunteer line all heenlifessunsineltJAderer) wisek.and I hire queer Who thunglit Me paper was rum to .wart with or" 11% been !affront: lute nklit divettssions, Alum earl Dad I've *smut you stupid this year, Old I Id,: Iv ,ado things' Fancy dinner.' • you chi spc and I'll ye it %mese lett ,oppnaltairil (imam phsm o maple and and then ma as as.411 as 1101% I I'm joking I. I'm ptitud early morning barna and ry,:g stingers me kiekiii 1111,111 IAr hi do a again. I don't know w hal I wean pct a trait meat!ilumola tt cm:amp n uundertully VESA ' pew tondka pint *hp, O1 you anal t wish I still lived in the same area ra the 21on the Play station • o eft, two om of there 'inn" wankl haw drone Pothole pas encouragement, Alt kc ),,.sp. interesting section but I slat nue my Rama reetpe . 'ale one and imlec Climily Li I think you It- per ittohl}- esaintry Love you tots, thanIcs fur all ow supple"' and and praise. Lave you 4.11% been a lot mom than getting 48 pages out. 10 A mill am. million thankys ara to the fierion with ivrtvaps had etkanit Of MPy an111.1)dtighattliolspelling eterphing thanks fur dieennp the office up wham you paw lily Witch ltea MwmAtry. Adepuryridnoriere limn trawl) psi. laid a rant talk year. thanks In the main to yini. the wand Iota in the wraid on the papa, Ron, I cumin wrong melte mininaloisil so es' t do it eons _peotnive 'While di .11111 Matt and 00, WI many mint boys Thanks he everything bastierdly. We carrying out my thinagh you're starting yowls too carts and behest you nest' maa eomolatned talprwgh you did I don't think anyhely Ins ever put so many hours Into anymear an at Thank. for ringing nor upend- laughing -.Worn:, for loving the penance of a wire when I'd Insi !mangiest onion for hnIsin* kmiga Quartais spit on the screen true.. I and II's a fine to:Stamen! WO wpm Leeds Student without a single Nylon: timid ails of my sleeping panerns Place a cr.d World Cam ass enough of mole coming In saying they 'Ws mally uthaterer it is you're la to - yon nit. Thal your brilliant wrung skill. that Flavours ut the Day or week L I truly appreciate what you've done • we'd he lucky tastaffl. Zoe, lye pm horn mkt we've iell out know what aodion' they wionaltn write Mr. You hardly ldelielwalitast the twee-fuming mere issiunintuncei a became vault tat reading. What yrni all Think becume dew without yew Anil that Pia hies Ashoddy.pnia image your Lt,l talc St wry. lint !hunks so much fur doing it and oral wishing hick for neat year, till he brilliant, mp watt friends is Intr. Thanks fin making irwMtill ta Ilse Rimiest part of the paper and IltailV section- well of Vaud votherthettiortle under yotlr sitelhnzaWalenetn far hemp Zale art chit phone. Ifs haler In see you again You'll love it I've loved it. and t love all of you lot id morels letting nit finish Franc,. 98 'whim to pa what can I say I wen. -are dreamed that II %walla he I know this isn't ppl1SARIr terralsa hump min )4. di no th.tuodo. wts !sr mule it Use btu sear of my life sou. introducing MP NI PC IPA o lilies of 'On The As pond as it luau &rot cwry simple week. If only you roan:redo wool 'hop Ttn wIstrer.a halt efts' and counting', making me see sense tut maid have had colour niter so+u...then you would 1.414C I am. tt is fact' all kinds of Ramp and bas many other things to led [Wen 11C7fee1 101.' Stdt. Nell mots sometime al Warner Tlt. boy Strata WIWI rowan do you piety. W tin knmosone Jas ill pet that weekly Val.:grin Harwich winds trap films which you'll loins ss ant then' I can't relieve tent asst awp will he ours for the doing, Good hid. in HAM. I es erything about aircaly, arki remind vas-penes olLSR your pages have been all you - made FOR ALL YOUR think the Iran pies front pup North in Mown there Wings and the fan that absolutely' huispanv in OhsPits tow when Ilratilo do it' liaO lethal Nandi- Leeds net Sunday Alin fun we'll hoc does he do that" You tell me omit I, BIG BALL NEEDS £29 p.p.p.w. lti.lbt.IM dm*. 'none loge! up them Malts. Wilson Mesa ich I/ Ipswich Well Dan, you hal pan moment you didn't actually L Maniki tot doing c.a. I ce this .1 ho. late Ben/ hiles. yru wmavartuadly' or glory and there waft flu Shaine ohyhruoy rugml never had to cheLi., tie Linos!, mg Modern House 4/5 students Hope dchul peter ineryour elm-clarions. -Should D. wasn't enough for y ott, and you turned Into it it tehlinereh Clty pan halm lune think ors. Mr ands, liat ReatIntarthrentr lut mayor plarnaapher mussonlinahe Thanks tor Assays hemp to time tilt inkenewing irt a wont to keep ptaei acorn .1 ItIea* hie !seen askInf my tutor if oncnll, for knowing about the umetaap rah, Indic fur irporliliull tip lop. hr &Pa% Mr THE FINAL CURTAIN backs onto Middleton Park. ins muoirch unghtlakerneloenerhrulgelso more lynx hands as me and fin writing gran things alnedulatly a-variant: amtagmmunl Ball gowns from £15 All amenities. 1,, ,$) mote Chnmy Catch me on Which leases...that other TV editor, who didn't like 'l'y Wiled cup pullout Thal I had Mather htigdithunslateolosting ranti-011I11): and never waichrd d. Well. not knowing:my-Rift atom In JO with Thanks for ese-ty dung Also 1 room to your rupsnever did nranyhartu in ofito Plantation I can ykal hear:he Yittlaut I in tact Arai it, Tuxedos from £20 let in post !halters. DI. tactfq I wrong) raps. vial WOW I, Noes. power, hi ha bus I didn't cacti imaa who you were at disco whom. named by a MR. ill open Monday - Saturda) world ...up pull, tunk hn:erg hlosia...runton tc,,t..ah:d I the Jars ol dor yrn std DOW here Near all 1111 to Shale of Leeds United. erad/student house £29,00 skiver.. SP,14: (tutu the Itsi ctiuld pa on limner and 1011, berme I Nailed our Ph, ),,o'sv bent a ,,,norn, Oahu* stahimrlio Indira and Sehellei 1, 11-6pm HIM NYC III g1.1 two hullo. later and Jo Monier std Wier 11{11.11.all IX:rum 1 hilt year a luesaser. n thinker • what a year Ripe you've sursisni p.w. (plus £5.00 hills) day'', win*. NU 4 )Cal C' yr hal. orivelsznet p".. pear woo. u glen ideas. mr t auto* and Fealusemumuure rue hong picky Indira. misting you 17 Headingley Lane fnizenc,strinellrrit-s. it's been frankly intim ro.s. kit Bur pserything. And rued yini"le a great friend tins which already. Anne rectum from Ferrifillig contact Steve 0113 225 0635 mind all Tvc made sOrne past friends. nAa 10 Ida tW makes d a pony h. mtrs yew it }eau at me ltortkadarlin'. tonal And Miehelie fend% N.:Whin, Hyde Park Corner ironer $1011propleandsse se nuke is rue prat nrUNIalyll: I'll nuts you loud, and locals- prison W as always ping lo get all pis Sty firal of all. well done to every hotly Yi to' c 411 heen Maw km Sorry ha being tar her clown with the kids plantains. and you rin, what with stir mining. and the paper titrigil) rt Ilt I I lid ve been Mine for ms ,non gissl lin a maw minor du heart and you cuperfarry animals and hay layer WM! with= your superb commitment. damn well Imam la, hull promise !didn't nick humility done BM I think we ought to 'Hut naming [hunt!: . don't Well. not that many You had orrythIng an Clare Lister. Shame I haven't awn yen"First up it's Pleance A needy shit. between Lauren'. cYLiul el mkt need and mow: None or yeas like Van Haien you inure this year • Use Missed yarn mod &Wilmer liA itb mix and .otuse -.general tomtit:, all of you like the L. FS lap arl Irian Robby wwho only Orlin' BM What yin ware wax Mort Kim of that ham' I you had the hear tanectu“ Leeds liket the Tequila hall 11at is Cancel, ante of you class, without pinup the game away SPACIOUS HOUSE FOR SIX sludeni has care seen wad Lauren - ihe woman 01 from F-4ia ,me of &sal knows ha. and has *hunt to anybody win J1.10041'1 la tow prt hi thrift"' '4:111.1dM • Istrwytmlastol the course floss cord things like !lip hop, filrm and the ncith Men. anonhet Is Mill reading duo eatn:mely hortng IN HEADINGLEY know. list rphrialy haul in ran up with my hail moods ha. VI Cy: on the 1 I MO Mame.. tout only when jar's gostortat God link mall yowls. kap non, dual anytiocelie, and then when you did 1 s lunged .11 any hoMMI them for c..whe hat. another smokes In mooch and keep luring sultry' (Queenswood Road) the haus airs ay Mao he one 'Jay you I I lo not. and lags cats slUgh, buys clothe. for £4 and writes pea Mason Judie Forkrin lught say. you's,: we'll twee k a lunch i i H.uh n edit. es ol 1..44 Finn and ful craw team who Robert Fleck Peen law u LISSOM me You &Mil Six nice rooms all with new Totd Idiot Oka one+ (tin MN 1r11111) nwidll I 'patronises'. Illeperfeet combination in many Ways gel 11W0111.110.11ip M 111: mt. hut to Is,- EXIT 23 double-beds. he complete without the one and ly I .ae Sherwts The gresanitmiphnbhu tetra give you ka to that Intel' etest youlnight ^well Moe-ham fin limn the nrsl Mangum! to the Let Sit:Donal:3a hrealiast I could have done your job apitn, but it wouldn't have the past months I don't knani where 45 Queens Road.hyde Park. Leeds you've heuristic n true trend I don't think II se cwt ham hall as paid an your peps this vear In lie wr vacs Munn well hesitates Leeds Student Being improved, so mostly new decorations, car- Tel 0113 275 3175 met anyour with such a sapaoty lo Weak hones o the tomtit-0(111y Mary-Ann. the wrttmmg wasfonnork. 'Asada hat C horn trimenesible withdraw Next to the Royal Park Pub web a capuetous svantrohe Inure you ever worn the find w hen I your pages, I two hitemoraghing seep Thanks for our Lite night Chats. bl ur pets and furniture. Direct routes on foot to stung dr idles us Ice i n this Olio!" I think oral I roUnne I alum. know,. how k. quell that with excitement I egg real loam refries, for oirtaip rrarl!.. Headingley centre (10 mins) and Beckett Park hive lP Al Shout at you al 5 talent hi Tease you about ovc all ist yuu, 1 really Jul. Plosselarp in to gorily every wenon m tir paper, tor sins II to Records Menenunhe c)Fall asleep awl rout lrel diTake. pro. so I can attempt to nay down with those kid., here ridiculous hours wtain yvu had campus (6 mins). Frequent buses to Leeds New & Collectable Vinyl CD's Int of Suede mermen again, lake cam' PLEASE.' And on the dual dir/ awl night there was ritrAS Lawn, degree lit do, he 41 71 to .1: University and City-centre. Large dinning Bought, Sold& Exchanged. reser he able to Outnk you Crash essay week Mom of all Rectos Leiden -1 con Ipss. It was inc W11• TM 11)11 formica 1,, Mali and Stored 1 Mail Big Beat, Jazz, Funk, Indie Hip Hop. Drum n fx.sw,vhs h,s,a„ thu.t years ulna Hu worry as 1.1 • :OW crsatiak Vous, is a !WRAY., task dew: there .vas Otte for all that PlaySitu inn soul! r in Mere kitchen. Oft-street-parking. 2 showers. bath Bass, Techno, Punk. Industrial Space Rock, lull is alitelst mei Mondays boa won't he the but Windrow we anotaged it. Pl=re tell ire ran Ilke in .1 large part because tar soot 2wcs, gas•central-htg, dble-glazing. fridge with es %rut Ian pps aril bubbly dertsr.srour ale fists hutting ding IL malls'. erecuragement ma FIFA Maar is.aboit freezer, burglar and fire alarms. Kraut Rock, Psychedelia. 60's, 70's. New Age, to Alb Ben, idiscsmc don't ;rake me shave if nice Fret 1.411r4. NVe all ((while you weir iming in ha the Sessions Come and wet, for Future, Ambient, Easy Listening, Exotica. & hour, liner "[rah is yae'sc hew, al/solute!, Mann verailsie one 'low wrong we were .. The amouru oil Oral eun he bothered to do a 0-4 ering Soundtracks. yrar'• even made me ?rid hoky_ l• ye esen %rutin Umm view-40W though, naThusday von wassaiewele kmier !nu lazy togind lents St-macro and garden maintenance Many new releases in stock ahoutthcm. in die end Ill misay ow I Ideal I thought hut Wit won: always they. nal the one time weren't, 'nukes great fricisho ono people. nod Washer-dryer soul wry a rintu asthma who gol sat with the lot, In e got hoaxed Wm' se had b! put up withwith no sleep, rule one uf the greaten. Krep w much included IMO The IN. umal I NOV you on Minute. I W11 om sow loraharl. smells boys in oak-mutt Wedrocttlays, the Full treaty I need to swap le.ahallwatiers Clothes unfit intros . possibly the upbeat man in dye world kl. may 4Ircrirrolla tat! 1. And yea yoo've never Ima you' arid you need 10 go ro mime F.-withal! Retro and Redesigned Clothes Have a losely nine M Bahamas you deserve II. worm. I unnetiow t, twitters and Whiled hnliinndy and gmunds in the South 'Mat. Available July 1998 £43.50 p.p.p.w Club Wear.Shoes.Accessories Phil. Respect is rte: after an =lel rya, lad out thing. when I've lei you You are a Use OK. I hal% wally owyone fiefur you Which Phi lea*, (Half rent July) and Much More disappinniment yew wrote some fintwatie ankles and and (luis that fall estop lout want to do dot ()war became perhaps the (tidy &mks Edna*. in the nadir,- Mate the only 'nen in thr world to tweeting! yellow tyir thing Thanks toSmithy for entlms Garage £5 per week if required. lir little who imoWs how to work a computer lyokei Mins as much as 111C • Dress Agency Available - we sell your second ell moo, the Staartna-stemikiautpack music lessons although mint ha ae Unipol registered. hand clothes at good rates of commission art It Monday alterranat . land oft now appeared on the Contact Mr. Robinson on nont page id a sweican CHEAP INTERNATIONAL CALLS Manz+. Prink_ Like Pale before you, purr 'monde Open: Mon - Sat 10.30am - 7pm. plume- has nuty tveuine your none. I guarantee when rnmspaper. I 4km's d (0113) 261 1480 or 224 9879 you're toil in the office prank A.4 after you us Mu C■Cf !urgent 04.11e Sun 12pm - Spm kl.Prints %Loch perhaps la the I ins+a costtpfitnew any II itillher 21. and 0800-074-0404 Switch & All major credit cards accepted of us can give Your cartoons luny been absolutely unitehow I doubt you stunning • as have your :intends ind diaries' Without will either Tice tri4 11 KAI H i &rale the finest carton u rn Lands Student Marry • sl with the worm luta-sin the world is just sou will go on to much Curt durum 'Nun idiom tall I his oral. •Phar Phil tancIlleld and 'Nice' in the jury sum of pelt!, I Intl.) the world teasel,' r Nick &agent. Another {seellcra ecru win 4' ve itinewspatans vonh roo had to put up wall me saadong my hug illumine in Hunt• problems one day, :1 dues n lx1 to he the third inswi read verism till 1W Tallier? you tkai !inert Vole., tiro Mutt, lochelpitle 2nd Hand Q ~O y rC. Pmhably 'cud, nun' . kyr, you ply s one whew Os Y. ,4) rock Thanks for keeping sane altos c all ,else rt, ! When PR Warr: mom dubs all orcn Leeds a who Furniture Bargains we talking ablut ante won't lease ors, Situ'- Piny •••• • • r. 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I I I l) t ost Calls gra closer an the !hushing pow •our•nuer in Bath and 0113 275 0275 22 SPORT FOOTBALL Leeds Student, Friday 12 June 1998 Premier passion or Nationwide fashion? Which division is in a league of it*own? WHAT a Did he think they tti iiI,I refreshing ani1pele : the change it was to superior Australione1 11 r es. he see England is a ;haw fudge of Ito. controlling a n by nti earth nen: we playing Test match in If) die first peace'' N. molter the nay they did against the Veb(l'N hi the team. the hare Smith .Africans at EtIghastnn facts an: Hen our national rode last neekend. wen.- humiliated and did not And tt hilsi it was a shame even get one porru on the that rain intervened with the match so finely poised. it was In Iris reign as coach. hardly surprising that the Eneland have made no weather would deny England siendkant ae.hievvinems. and after they had fought so hard Clive Wit∎tdward has show n lar llw previous four days. proof that he call manage the From the first session on int. rnaliunal side. Perhaps "Thursday when [-latish: I ianse woOltt till .t h•it•.i t oh Crinkle inserted the hosts in conditions that offered plenty COTLAND the brave. for the hassling side. England Scotland the got their heads down and courageous. Scotland batted for victory. Sthe... well. totally It was also good to see Alec predictable. They just can't Stewart able to set attacking shake off that had luck curse fields that allowed Dominic - and you know that they'll go Cork and Angus Eraser to out on goal difference too. PREMIER CLASS OR NATIONWIDE ARSE: Will flash cars and foreigners win the day, or good old-fashioned grit and pitch the ball right up to the For long periods of guts? hat, forcing South Africa to Wednesday's World Cup play their was nut of trouble. curtain-raiser, the plucky PREMIERSHIP IONWIDE LEAGUE Although they did manage Scots held the elegant world that to some extent. there champions to a respectable I- were plenty of encouraging I draw, and even threatened Alex Gubbay Ben East signs for England - in fact. it to lake the lead. was probably going too well. But that cruel deflection WHATEVER the sport. A FLAWED argument? 1 setback was bound to off Tom Boyd cost them a whatever the league, one Maybe. Every body knows CARLING occur. and indeed, Darren vital point that they could rule pervades all - the top A, P11111.1111HIP1 that when it comes to pure Gough broke his finger. well need in ten days' lime. division is the place to he entertainment and pure Nationwide Gough will now mks the It was just another one of and to be seen. Sure, there skill, the FA Carling Second Test as well to prevent those despairing incidents to are all manner of practical required Ira national recoenita». Premiership is the league to him lining up alongside Cork add to the list that prey Washy The Premiership is not perfect the real football ideals still exist. and idealistic reasons why Ife in. Every single A club like Macclesfield can and Fraser in England's most ended with Jim Leighton's we should all be perfectly hi, a long way. Financial clout supporter of a Nationwide spillage against the same ecinthund all usual footballing potentially dangerous happy supporting Local remains too concentrated with League side wants to see howling attack in t ears. No opponents in Turin eight a few mega-clubs who capture maxims and an from playing doubt that by the time he years ago. ('loggers F('. But given the the hest talent and inflate prices their team riding high in the Kiddiernimster to Manchester returns. Fraser will have been As fur Brazil - they choke. I defy any fan not tor the others. Fans hceoine Premiership. City in the league comixtition within two years. injured in a bust-up on showed glimpses of their true to plump for a place in the increasingly anxious about being Hut just hold on a minute. With Sky coverage has Wine pension clay at the post office ability but disappointed in Premiership. alienated and losing out to the Dow Trans teams can actually and Cork will he out for the same waiy they did In Or coarse. you normally have stock market in the battle for win English football's biggest corporate demons like sou wouldn't believe in the months with laryngitis after their warm-up matches. no choice to the matter. control of their clubs. priee'.' There's your Manchester one too many 1.8W appeals. Having said all that, it was nprincipled glory-hunters aside. But the Premiership is where Unitas and your Arsenals, sure. Premiership. We haven'tcawr gra to the stage where -a-s MOM by far and away the best till make do with what you are it's at and no mistake. Nationwide but that's about it. Long gone are about money than football'. but `1 ( fNE else notice that opening game in years and elven and hope for the hest. football has its place, but the the days of the early '40s when we're certainly on the way. And England's mgby union we actually had more than No argument there. nor with the game has never been more teams like Norwich and QPR team had lost 76-0 to one goal too. obvious joy of that burden heing fashionable or popular. and that could have a fair stab at winning with it we lose the beauty of the game - if only because its Lomita the other day'' Whether France 9th will easied by success. especially is above all thanks to the hue/ the league. AA increasingly expensive to sec any Conveniently swamped by maintain that momentum or against the odds. and excitement generated br It's all very different coverage of the cricket and the not remains to he seen. but However. the question is one Premiership matches. The "downstairs-. The leagues an: all game in the top division. build-up to the World Cup. there are four glorious weeks of quality.. and on that score. separation of the top domestic far more competitive. and thus far Nobody is saying that the the Clive Woodward's side ahead of us. no Nationwide nonce can argue. division focused attention on all more interesting. The quality is 'real' falls ones who follow 1, •%ter division sides. But .hooped to the heaviest defeat Money and massive media aspects of the garlic. mare widespread so that e:cr suffered bh un English ND as well as that exposure have bought superficial the result is a far Sunderland and Ipso ich can tot sometimes It s hard nut to assume learn. there'll he more rocket. glitz and glamour, but in addition. superior product. up huge 111111111111S of points, this is the way of things now. A Ever. Wimbledon. and helbrc foreign superstars whose silky attracting huge crowds, and still Premiership match I went no No-one has deserved to you know it, the tootball skills light up more not win promotion. recently was full of people who A But perhaps the most didn't really seem to care that wear the white jersey less. Yes. season will be hack. entertaining matches they were a second-string side • It's so tempting to sit hack at the greatest and important factor is the lack of much about the game. talked we knew that in and watch all the hours of safest grounds in the money that pervades much of' the ahl ail nosiness deals and advance when ; previews. lice cokerage arid world, The Premiership Nationwide League. It means that constantly went to get food from the squad was hiehlights. But .. oh w hat the has undoubtedly oven teams gel to where they are MeLeedslInited below. I found named. But 711-01 hell. there Mr no buts. 1)raw English football a higher through pow managerial skill. myself caring more passionately :tad the% (ail Ihe curtains. turn profile and restored its Take Barnsley. or more about a team I just fancied seeing ihrmselers the answerphone reputation in the world galore recently' Charlton. rhey than the man in the official piqessimils! on and get that Surely this can trot) he lose two fantastic replica jersey soling beside me. Inevitably. cathode ray tube benefit.ial lot grass Toms maliagerh in Dann) I'm sure that kind of thing many questions warmed up. disehipment as V. CIL and lot the Wilson and Alan happens in the Nationwide. It's need answering. It's another More Ire ihe natilrnai gamc The Curbishley who have just that okay. I adroit it It's just Why are the lop ,aritiner it sport 5, higher standards in the top Bight wheeled and cleated in that a tut tut the time the football players not out there .1,11 ! ;,:t ..,01 IIICI, has e honed hall skills and the lower reaches of the is so had you'd have In he mad. representing their ,I.1, 111.11M 4."!tp , , ti ra wined players into athletes. league and unearthed or at true Ian. to go every week. country? if they are trio 1 'Wit ■00 ,1.1111,, S4laiding ihe emergence of a nets some quality players And the Pnaniership dohs tired. why this sear and IkaSTI .1 physical bond breed of youag prodigious talent hel'ore moulding them into would do well to remember that not in the past'? What did with sour ,..1,1 Alex Ferguson ma) not .coop a team that could challenge the husinessinen will find a new W'oodwani think he the popularity jackpot. but his for. and eventually win. toy soon enough and the top could achieve by tio:that-2111 United kids led the was mereatmg prormaion, echelon of the game will hint selecting the players CS a new benchmark for domestic in short the priced its potential he did? success and the ability and fitness Nationwide League is where generatiial it real bins out ol ite

46 Leeds Student, Friday 12 June 1998 FOOTBALL SPORT 23 CRICKET FIXTURES

Thurs 11 • Mon 1 5 June

Britannic Assurance County Championship

Iran are there. So are Jamaica, Austria and Durham v Northamptonshire Essex v Surrev South Korea. But, once again, Wales failed Glamorgan v Worcester-Ant,: Ciloucestershire v Whose ickshire to qualify for the World Cup. Something for Lancashire v Somerset Leicestershire v Kent their manager Bobby Gould to ponder, then Yorkshire v Hampshire

N Monday. England will face Tunisia in their opening World Cup match. It will be the Interview by same Tunisia - or CHRIS STRAW perhaps with a few. 0changes - that thrashed Wales 4-0 last week. Italy and Denmark. It 's t,uc ot the more Whilst it was still a heavy and enjoy aisle aspects of the job. which sees him covering it tot of miles up and down Wales. disappointing defeat. it was hardly one looking lOr and trying to promote new talent that rocked the football world. Had Bizarrely. this search has even seen the that scoreline appeared five or ten Welsh FA produce a form on their website years ago. there would have been an which you can fill in and submit VI you Want 10 outcry and heads would have rolled. play for Wales. Sounds easy. but there Is a rigorous selection procedure along the lines of it is a massive indictment of the state of Name, Date of birth. Grandparent's Date ol Welsh football that people just shnieged Birth, Continents their shoulders at that result. Yes, the team is in a slate of transition - but this was a T'S an unensioos position to Ise in. but there humiliating experience that will provide are some positive aspects to the job that yet another headache for the Wales Gould draws on. revealing that his heart still manager Bobby Gould. Ilies on the touchline rather than the He certainly has a tough job! Wales ha ,:tt't boardroom or any where else 'Upstairs.' qualified fin the World ('up limits since 1958, 'The best thing Is being involved with the and have never made the latter stages of the team - when you've actually gut the players and European Championship. They have even you're working wil.h them My role includes working with the 'A' and •B' teams as well as

YOUNG BLOOD: Norwich City `We're trying to run Wales like a club... it's youngsters (lett and below), along with the only way a team in such a small Leeds United's Matthew Jones, are some of the young players that Bobby country can survive' Gould (above, in his West Brom playing days) hopes will revitalise Welsh footballing fortunes dropped our of the top IOU countries io the in the future FIFA rankings. the under-2Is, under-18s and under-16s, Linheliesahly. its something that doesn't "Being with the teams and seeing the won-v Gould: "I call them Mickey Mouse youngsters coming throueh gives me the most 'rankings] - you're not telling me that the pleasure. We're trying to run it like a club Americans are higher than the Dutch. When the realty. so that by the time the lads make it rankings come out. I turn a blind eye and a deaf through to the full squad. I know them and they car because I don't think they hold any know me. That's the only way the team in 0 credibility whatsoever." small country like Wales can survive." With so much to do. Gould recognises his Upbeat as ever. Gould refuses to identify any most pressing task7 "We have to learn to not disadvantages to his job. and clearly enjoys concede so many goals. Defending at national being hack in the dressing room. But he's not and international level is greatly underrated and the teacup throwing type, apparently: we need to defend properly." —You mellow out as you get a little hit older Something that they have still to learn it ask questions. Why? You invite answers. Arid scents, especially in the wake of the Tunisia international players have the ability to give game. It is clear that the problem lies deeper. you answers," and Wales have to encourage a better quality of And that is w hat Wales need. Genuine. high youngster coming through the ranks. quality international players. Ian Rush. Mark Players like Norwich's Craig Bellamy and Hughes. ., all top-class footballers Chris Llewellyn and Leeds' Matthew Jones arc capable of gracing any stage - none have ever picked out by Gould. who outlines his plan for made the finals of any tournament. the future. Today, the experience of players like John "It's all about PC1-4 really. Plant. cultivate Hanson and the youth of Bellamy and the rest and harvest - and that's what we've been trying need to break Wales' embarrassing international to do in Welsh football lor the last few years." duck and this must be Gould's aim. Qualifying More immediately. Gould will he out in for t=aro 2000 micht prove beyond them, but France spying on Wales' Euro _IOW opponents the future could well he in sate hands.


Leeds Student Ibt tsnd twitiom•I Anti rtni•-1-.1:c I spoRT GOING FOR GOULD ri EPL Interview with Wales anager Bobby - Page 23

20.‘ Amor


7 .1

—J •Tig. .Mrar _.1.111fr =r46.7....1... • - 4 14 -w••

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