Creating Sporting Opportunities in Every Community
Creating sporting opportunities in every community York (City of) Council Environment and Development Services 9 St Leonard's Place YORK YO1 7ET 25 October 2011 Our Ref: Y/YC/2011/26086/S Dear Application Number: 11/02581/OUTM Site Address: WATER WORLD & HUNTINGTON STADIUM Kathryn Avenue York YO32 9XX Proposal: Outline Planning Application for a Mixed-Use Development Comprising,The Demolition of Existing Buildings and The Erection of a 6,000 Seat Community Stadium with Conference Facilities (Use Class D2), a Community Building (Use Classes D1 Non-Residential Institution, D2 Assembly and Leisure and B1 Office), Retail Uses (Use Class A1), Food and Drink Uses (Use Classes A3/A4 & A5) and a Further Development Plot which Could Accommodate a Petrol Filling Station, Food and Drink Uses (Use Classes A3 and A4) or a Hotel (Use Class C1) with Associated Vehicular Access Roads, Car Parking, Servicing Areas and Hard and Soft Landscaping Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above application. It is understood that the site forms part of, or constitutes a playing field as defined in Article 10(2) the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 (as amended by SI 1996/1817 and SI 2009/453), in that it is on land that has been used as a playing field within the last five years, and the field encompasses at least one playing pitch of 0.2 ha or more, or that it is on land that allocated for the use as a playing field in a Sport England, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, LE11 3QF T 020 7273 1777 F E Creating sporting opportunities in every community development plan or in proposals for such a plan or its alteration or replacement.
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