

Colifomio Medical Assoc., Colifornio Nurses Assoc.,

Health Officers Assoc of , California Dental Assoc , California State Psychologtcal Assoc., Hemophilia Council of California, California Assoc. of Hospitals and Health Systems, Health Policy & Research Foundation of California

FOF^ IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Don L. Volk f.;oveinbGr 2, 1988 213/278-9355


U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said that the essential provisions of Prop. 102 would set AIDS research back five years. "It would drive people who could participate in drug trials away from research and underground. Everything we have done may step backwards five years." With reference to the mandatory reporting provisions of the Initiative, Koop added, "There is no one in public health who supports this measure. It is contrary to every principle of public health I know." Presidential AIDS Commission Chairman Adm. James D. V7atkins said, "On the whole, passage of this [Initiative] will hinder and not improve our ability to control the HIV epidemic." Both the Watkins' statement and Dr. Koop's prediction directly contradicted statements made by the Initiative's proponents at a Sacramento press conference today. In response to allegations that Prop. 102's provisions are in line with the Presidential AIDS commission, Kristine Gebbie, a member of the Presidential AIDS Commission and Administrator of the Health Division of the State of Oregon, said, "This [Prop. 102] approach to public policy making around the HIV epidemic is not an appropriate one. The anti-discrimination legislation is the basic foundation upon which all the other recommendations of the Commission were based. In other words, the non-discrimination has got to come first." J,mm -1 Gebbie concluded, "Furthermore, the Commission's report clearly calls for prioritized partner notification. And such reporting and notification must clearly be based upon confirmed laboratory tests, not simply suspicion as outlined in Prop. 102." The proponents of Prop. 102 are purposefully misrepresenting our highly-acclaimed California AIDS responses program, according to Dr. Robert Andersen, MD, former Medical Chief of the AIDS Section of the State Health Depa rtment: "AIDS cases are already reported to public health and partner notification programs are already in effect. We have made great progress through medical research toward

9060 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite #106, , California 90069 (213) 278-9355 finding a vaccine and effective treatments. We have significantly reduced transmission of this disease hrouijli education and voluntary testing," contiriued Dr. Andersen. "For the proponents to claim that the public h«r'ilth community is not able to treat AIDS like any other communicable disease is simply untrue. We know th>.it we did not eradicate small pox, polio or curtail syphilis through mandatory reporting or partner notification. We did so through research to into vaccines and treatment and education to reduce risks," Anderson concluded. "The health professional community has, ^fter considerable debate, determined that, in the absence of a vaccine or treatment, it is not-cost effective or " i-easoiiably necessary" to reouire reporting of known or suspected cases of HIV infection, and require mandatory contact tracing. If this Initiative passes, it will create a very expensive arid tragic double standard where we will be treating HIV infection with draconian measures not rationally applicable at this point in time to any other disease in history. Appropriately, when we have a vaccine or treatments we will undoubtedly reconsider the situation," said Dr. Marcus Conant, co-chair of Gov. Deukmejian's California AIDS Leadership Committee. "We have to do all we can to encourage research, prevention education and voluntary testing. This initiative will do the opposite. It will grind AIDS research to a halt, dismantle our statewide network of testing centers, and force government to re-allocate scarce funds from prevention education programs which are demonstrably successful to fund the Proposition's questionably cost effective reporting and tracing programs," Marilyn Rogers, RN, MS, President of the California Nurses Assn. "Prop. 102 would cause public health officers to embark on a useless witch hunt, with a price tag as high as $1.76 billion in the first year alone," said State Controller Gray Davis. "Physicians and health professionals who are supporting this initiative are not involved in AIDS treatment nor are they involved in AIDS research. They are way out of step with mainstream medical opinion on AIDS, as demonstrated by Drs. Bostick and Summers' remarks at today's press conference," said Dr. Michael Gottlieb, who discovered the first cases of AIDS in California seven years ago. J.J"**..i SENT BY: FRI EDMAr , SQ' r'ScCRAME 11- 2-88 8:51AM ; 6192321042^213 657 7926 ;« 8

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..V •■- .■ iW;,^>peiMdf an unfortu- reijjrned ^mj^oTCoirnty,^^ nata'controyeny haa arisen in the i where''J^», hid; ™ ' '' {iipV ^ medtcid . coil^ au-. ^ithorddp " b^uae 'pf /the ^aendtivity of She a doctor't coat and vv some of the iwea raiaed, ao 1 do not

I'l buttcmed -. |9 the noelL ": -f^^thatye acted Inhidlclously." „ iercM a^noCnni^ o ji. ^ife Clawit FrWiifi

thr.trlcki of the /tnidei Talk in 7"Yr , '«•' ^ wrote, was "non-salaried asdsi - LnAnflciHTiiim ^clinical ap^dtOca. give examples, animate '' profeesor without ad- youri^volee. Walcher 'told them. Controvtrsial tax therapist minietrative responsibilities." r^-»» talk*.11. i...^ ..... philosophy because yoii Theriau .Crenshaw acJdr^sses . His letter waa followed by one yoOT .iiiaence.j^Be poaiUvtflroupm SiaDiego In 19M. .from Crenshaw noting that the -■ Wgasine had . gotten her title i ^grphg. lln2!co&nuRiGatloDS with J Theresa cai^ht on CrviaMW to . her^col- ithw^UCSD officials ^ho contact pne\taokj_tp _ ,widaly leagucSiV''. vthe magazine, v'the magazine around ^ Diego. :There were 41 ^!n ^uguat. knowledged that it had znlsc J' tB^' in 1^, CrenShaw'an- ^S^/ilcne (aaohlllated (ki^haw*! vttot L\< ividually in 4Sfrte- resumentn fact stateo , uli ^^dTrpaga im tdtaf 1. She spwe at Churches, of the diviaion hogdta]8,'^;c^e^ i|phooIs, local Gnrenoeirs 8pot,",the sd-'^aa Q' ; Of hprnarsexipfty in the Depart Bodeties, even *$tj^,Spot t^yed by some ;to be. a' \2meht; of ^d^ductive ,Medl qpedBTfrog^ous zone |p1thg;yagl-:^;^v<^''-rthe iam tlUe that appe;^

^^'i'^fthe* Jackef of her 19S3 oo "^de^Mannertj Your' Quids

. i^aoie SO." Lat^ would cmmeiDoiu-;^^ IwbUcAi^,"^another Sehod of Medidns hA, MervGri^inbre t|ak;ih6wi, '^ Dr.-Jeffrey^-isaid recenify that there is not and rtdq and.Ty fl?ecials, ahdaDe!ws-';'|^PoUen,Meel|hed 'tb'jc^^ been such a di in papwcolum ^dicatcdby Cofdey^^CMpy^hen diked, about tha'maw ;;^i^thin.the department.i Service.'V-.v/CoUeaguekjay Crenshaw's iocal Her .topics ran the igamiiti^&ex >7^^, miirepc;^Utidn«'sth^ ties have not been' ■^erapy/^ sex education,^ seanikl

snual dysfuhetioii; % _ mS^ ihj , , . aeveral county tu .. sex 'after rmtarnationil at the.time said Pol-V.^.' P&*vifldre suggested naming Cren- ftavaslqn;-sexual manneii.^'^lchiWhi^likeCreiiahaw,%^ke^ county's AIDS task' 's«,and the ;cblliiethe.UC San Dlegb'.S^dol of.Mcdiilufon^earlier. t^ Vear,' the iocal we w.Tvaaws ; and;the wvsa|y ^igj aa/cwu*' .■ ^^AI4USS9NBai«HwiiU (■UV ddcWsWlfeVV'1^.(^,^^'6hij^ fpnm any. ttj^ii^..u •l^pyytl^fKii^iyWiiiHaify Qf ^ thenr .; 'got;'the hangJof;ii/yi^^i^lation about;the^^Q Spbt'^aiKl' .|g I ^eled.Walcher/whd presaed ^indignation'liat \lj)r.wsse^^ went out (d ita way &t of PR^wprk]^^ Th§:San^jDi^%i^ fo^ ^erapy and. Bdu(iatlon:;y)yotjjto

Mm see CRENSHAW. Page S SENT BY: FRIED. ■RAME ft ;ll- 2-88 8:45ftM 61923210424213 657 7926 # 7

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AIDS conmiission warnings are lost Bf Ifceren L Ckvutuiir • Eai^ diaghasia for treatment and prevention As AZES conliiwcs Its Kteatkn Commentary • fiicoDragiqg physlckins to test qneail acnai the , Uie r^pdaiij Ptqldent*lt Cmnmtssfon oi AIDS re- fie UdM wcksnMs CQOUocntiirlei hrani III rendenL Subnliiioos toiMldhe • Use fd one's oiwn Mood, tiiclnding port, submitted last Jane, tra^icaUy typed, tomUe-ipieed, aid not mine thui 751 words. latomintioB cmael be btood redrcaiatk^ devices tor sor- b akeadljr befimiDg to laltesr dust provided OS tadlvMaal oommentailei hecsne of tocir dally TslttDe. lignlrtes The geiy whenever po^Ufl abont ihAUc Is virbnn^ snairare el • Proteotlon of bealtlMmre and thcn^ therefore, shooU.net be made. Mamcripti wfll art be retnned. toe reports importaat ranrnimenda- cmerigency-respiiiise perMsnd toHs; while gpranuoent and bealUi • llandidiKy toting of sex ofiend- cffldals are In fact, in most states, indudiiig ported to the PHUic Health Dqnrtr. aavUllng or unalile to en with Dotificatlnn of their mVjrtar' Galltomia, meat (only AIDS ^ biow how canytoemont tamtovictinn partner notlDicatioa ol IsX Tb^ is especially had news for sexual partners is forUdden fay law. many peo|de were infected five to San DlegQ, whicfa Aar the eecoad In adtotkm, the rq^ recocn- A doctor csold go to Jail for teUng ten yean ago, not bow many carry highest inddeace of AWS in the juh mendh "redefidng AIDS as HIV hh someone tds partner has AID& Only the vifis today, flat memiB fnlly 96 tkKL J fection, with confidential rqnrtiag spouses caa be infoniied, and even percent of those infected dbirT evea f The same tnfighliqg aniopg the ex¬ of all HIV infection to the pnUic- that is optional kaow fi and are probably spffeadiogl T perts and' political coofrmitatioo heallh dqiartmentaL" Sdected exoep- Id aiWtkni, umiecessary tiansfii- the disease to othkx >-• [ - among extremist groaps that has tfoDB to ooofidntialty would alkiw suns are often given when a pa- Current California law preveittsi bairflcan)^ the AIDS fight for toe notl^jriiig sponses or sexual partners Clenfls own idood lost dur^ snidery chUdro) and women who are vktfana of sex past eijhl jears is still a pn)bleni as vest as bealth-care worfcers or conld be recycled. Eqinipment tor crimes from findhig out the ! today. emergency penonnel who have this procedare is available in nuny HIV stain of UwV attache Doc-' cfloae In oontad with Infected local ton and uimes Gdtlog lost in the squabUiag are bodily hospitals, but approximate^ a treatiiig patients are , coinmtwtan xeeooiiiieiidatioaa Qiat fluds. year ago^ the San Di^ Blood Bank torhidden to koow^the HIV test re- could save Utcl Among tfaeou These ate sound medical mea¬ was still fanportliig UcnhI firam San sulb of thdr patieite If the patients ^ # TOeygfld volwtary tesfiqg sures, yet no one Is bearing ohoat Ftaodaco for use here. wish to withhold this huforoiation. aid partner ootlfiGaCfon them. . Became HIV Inlectioo Is not re¬ The prestdential commlssloD's SENT BY: FRIEDMAN J JftY8.CRAME A ;ll- 2-88 8:35AM 61923210424213 657 "926 ;n 5

Wedncaday, October lg» 1988 flyJNBBIqattMalcn B-7 1 ill bureaucracy ; flaal repcrt addressed all cf these ia- next - insuring an imlnfected geoer- sues while adiievlng a balance be- atlon, twm the rights of those infected 1 While society has a rs^iomdbili- ' and the rights of those who are not ty to nurture and care for those who infected are already infected, those who are Ooe of the commissioo's roost lig- infected have a not to nificant accoznplishroents was that it infect others, respiu^bility succeeded in reaching consensus The presideDtial comroisslon has where most others have failed. Tbir- set a course for HIV ' teen preventioa, commissioners, bolding widely treatment and research that will divergent views, negotiated and guide society throt^ these danger- found common ground, providing a ous tiroes, but only if its reconunen- realistic role roodd lor s^ety. dations become policy and the The AIDS virus has many succeeded obstacles in Its path are overcome, until now because It divides and The public needs to caU or write conquers. This coqditioD need not their representatiyes and urge th^ coutinne. There are several points on to push for implementatioQ ci the re- which everyone can agree; port 1 va .hA , cannot afford to let the recom- mendatleasbeputwiasheifandfor- i gctt«.°AIDS mK adalt or chndfSkor white, old « young, homoeeinal or heterosexual J^ttle without these vital weapons. 1 Faced with the HTV epidemic, Ot* CSnsostew ii a member ottke ^ I adults of this gaterati<» must do ev- PnsMeaiiil CnmmHtkm ea tbe MV I erything in their power to protect the

"■ iniii ''V li S'^IO PutII/Siiiidar.Octoba'4,1987 J * JSP- ^ PAysie/ao'sS.S-tkme» Camcuhm Wtaa

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I Ik,TimeMOtenahM:w'8cwrri^ local phyalciaDS who oecasHmaiUy and 1979-80^ dltiana a Alao Hated under the "Oonault- bm wdgbt In ai^ 6L5 ouno& iBiitin tFaintngmedfeal of Who's Who In, j». Ing" headiiig is the San FVanda- It'f the (bfekiieM erf a covering atenogn* •Under the heading lWI-4. co-based cloUilng firm, Eapiit. pber'a pad—naarly 50 pagea leea^" Onenabaw Hating Uali the Commit¬ • Under the heading '^Consult¬ Evan Oreniten, an SSqirit De Coip eaerytUog than Uie tee on preaMeD^ of ESducaUon with the Ameri- ing." Crenshaw iadaded the San spokeaman in the pilblic the American Aaan> erf Sex ESrfuca- image can-Foundatlan CorAIDS Reaearch, Dlc^ Board ol Education "AIDS dtepartinent, aaid Orensliaw worked ton; Onwiariewa and Theragrfata to a New York Oty-bMed group educathxn and infonaatlonu" Ed .wtth the ftcm on a two-day AIDS every courae Crenalunr haa taken involved In Inereaatng public un- fletcber, director of health sexvie- awazeneat aemtnar fm enqdoyeesL ^enacitatioiL tncardkipuliiKi . deralandlng of AUkS and raUdng ea for the chatrict, aaid Orenduiw In a aenae, we did consult; with It tncladtt ^talla erf her ' aupport for reaearch waa one of aeveral participants in bee," Orouten said. "It's kbid of medical tndcu *ery oenirae Rick Wddner. AlfFAR'a direc¬ an AIDS workahop for sd^ ad- half yes, half no. It wooldiit be aod aympottv haa ever tor of oooimunituUlaiut aaid AM- mlnlBtrators in i98& "She really r wrong to say ihe was a oonaidlaiiL taiiu^it It aiiHii 213 lecture FAH haa no oomnittee on educa¬ had no official cqwdtywith us," he On the other hand, we didnt pay engageoients and ITS 'WeUa en- tion. He aald the direetar may have said. "... That waa the her" aod she Is not on the gagemeiiits,'* ettent of oompa- inchidlng evoy^atop mentioiied to Crenalunr that one her ny'sitaCt en her ]S83 book offeringa to ubl" tour. might eventually be formed, but And ft nakea a heodM df clabiiB "the oonunittee has not been that appear to he half-true eir not tormed, therefore dm oottldnl be tnieataU. on it" An enmlnidion erf the reaunie of •The reaume alao hats member- the 45>jear-o]d phyalcian and In- irtilp in the Society kr the Sckntiflc terTiemi with ofOdalt of aome of Study of Sex, a profearional the. aodety ocganiiatfana Hated auggeat baaed In FUiadelphia. The that CHreuhaw society'a pitaatated ereddn- oAtoe, however, said Oenahaw ia liafai and opveratated aoeooiplUi- not ttated aa a member and baa auttta never beenone. ^ Crenahaw declined to be Inter¬ •An official of the-San viewed ortoaddreai the dlacrepin- Coisity UedHcal Society aaid the deaonthereeord. society Is atlll proceaaliig Cien- ...•Under the headbtg ahaWo November, 19B8. appUea-' Appointmeaatai'' the reaume tlon for roembenhip and wfll not thai Qreaabaw worked In the grant it until die retunu to full- partment erf Rcprtxhictfve ICedi- time practice. However, Crenahaw dne at .nC San IHego Sdioot ofj lists herself as a member. Medicine aa an "aaslatant pnrfea- •Qrendiaw states In the resume aor^'-a poaitiaa on the fidl- that die has been Hated In Harquh^ ftonlty that la paid and on Who's Who In American Women lenwetTick. wamiPiP" from "1976 to the' present" and lit fact, Crenahaw nerved imEil Who's Who in the West '1977 to IflM aa ar "aaBhrtant dfarfeal the pro- TM-esenf* Jean Dooneily, a feaaor," aaid LeaUe Frana, a Hbranm with the DUnois-baBed ipokeawciiinan kr DCSIX That la an firm, said Crenahaw was^Uated in unpaid poaftkoi on the chiiica] fac¬ two consecutive votumea of WboTs ulty, a gro

SAN DIEGO COUNTY OPINION Sunday, April 19,1987 Qofi ^me»


Attack on AIDS Task Force MayHelp Such a complex, sophisticated approach By RICK MOORE is not likely to be developed by volunteers AIDS requires a who Steal time for a task force from their The County Regional Teak already busy lives. It will require hundreds, Force on AIDS has been drawn into the of hours of work and lots of money. i . Bpotlighl by Dr. Thercaa Crenshaw, a local comprehensive health It is also a problem that vdll not be solved sex therapist, who has criticized the group care strategy for not doing enough to atop the AIDS ttot by publidty-aeekers who use the media to intimidate county government and who epidemic. maximizes available Crenshaw offered her services, and last seek positions in order to advance their :own careers. Let us not forget that it was week the Board of Supervisors voted to , resources in an approach Crenshaw's testimony In September, 1985, enlarge the task force to 25 from 24' members, apparently to allow Crenshaw's similar to the county's that provided weak-willed board rnembera appointment. of the San Diego Unlhed School District just the ezcuM they needed to bar Though it was certainly not her motlva- , students with AIDS from tion, Crenshaw's attack on the task force plan for emergency classrooms. (The board has since reversed its decision.) Her advice may have actually been poaitive. The medical services. attention she has drawn will certainly help contradicted overwhelming evidence, even then, that the virus was not San Diego area residents tmderstand that transmitted by casual corta-i: : an immense assignment has been handed to prey for criticism that not enough has been a group of volunteers who have not been done to prevent the spread of the disease. i It was IdO Crenshaw who. after the

provided the resources to answer the . This was the contribution offered by Dr. (iMSSflsr 2-1 defeat of the LaRouche AIDS challenge. . v ' ; ' Crenshaw. She struck at the soft und#"hei- fnitiaUvet told KSDO radio listeners that it San Diego's governmental response to ly, the spot where anyone could o "Was too ^d, that Proposition 64 had been - acquired immune deficiency syndrome be* score a hit and draw blood. He ^ m a ''the right legislation brought by the wrong

gan in the summer of 18^. On the urging of volimteer agency with no funding to people." _ _ - We should also ^ote that Crenshaw has gay activists, led by Dr. Brad Tnux. hght a major epidemic? then-Mayor Roger Hedgecock appointed Actually, the task force has done an never attended ft ir ^ting of the task force " the area's first AIDS task force. Unlike or any of its ommitteea, has never amazing job with little help. It has been ' today, the syndrome was then limited able to continue the very important job of submitted wriTien Input about any of its almost exclusively to the so-called "risk making people and agencies aware of the programs, and aid not express any Interest groups"—homosexual or bisexual men, in¬ growing list of resources available to fight in *wo pS this month because of such coopera¬ can to communicate and coordinate their actlv- • help develop the sophisticated public tion. The American Cancer Society, con¬ health ities. policies needed to deal with an ducting a routine fund-raizing program, epidemic. Last year, the mayor's task force dis¬ was asked to add AIDS information to the Rather than allow the task force to banded itself In favor of a more compre¬ packet being distributed. The San Diego become embroiled In a public controversy hensive effort by San Diego County gov¬ County Dei^tment of Health Services over inclusion of questionable aspirants, ernment, initiated by Su ervisor Susan provided the brochures using state funding, supervisors should consider provid^g the Golding. Health carf^ is, by state statute, a ^e task force made it happen. st^f neceraary to meet the real challenge county resjxinsibUity. i ■'•glonai task Drapite Its successes, however, the San force has proven to be ^ x>sitive step. presented by AIDS. Diego County Regional Task Force on ■ There is no time to waste on Theresa Though still a volunteer effort, the group AU^ wili not be able to meet the challenge Crenshaw's empty criticism. There is an now involves more people .md addresses a posed by the epidemic without paid stw. way broader range of ssues It now has a AIDS epidemic under that demands atten¬ requires a comprehensive health tion, and funding, immediately. r -^ half-time staff care strategy that maximizes available Of course, a voluntc-. -roup with mini¬ resources in an approach similar to the Aidle Jfoore tcHfes frequent^/ on pay-let- mal paid staff is not equipped to fully deal county's plan for emergency medical ser¬ bioninuef. with a problem such as AIDS. It is also easy vices.