
The UCSD Guardian l'nivcrsity of , San lJi(·J.!o / VoiuJ11l' IR, Number 6 / Thur..,dav, Januar} ~O, 19X:{


going under


.. "~

Economic woes may spell doom for banks

B, ~ TEVE STOYANOW . "Iaff ",,'riler With the c1o"e of 19X2. the Tl'\·enue.., from oil cxports t':\pecled art ually amounlt'd to .... Iaunch tht' 11«)\\ "The "Ituatlon IS into\('r ~lex Ican people were faced would amount to bet \\ een $20 Ill) morc than ~JI bdlum (11 ord('1' 'tl a .... url' .... h;ld '0 Decemher of 1982. That same did II fall from potentially billion. paYI1ll'nts on the S,:~ blllinl1 Ill' i n t r (l ct II r t' dIn t 0 h t' Itne from \ladrtd's address becom 109 ont' of t he world' ~ To repay these loan:", foreign (itobl. a nd III I he ;\It'xlcan t'l'Onun1\'. lioH-rn \\,.h also used bi Wayne wcal! hler nat Ions In 1977 ~1exico \\as rel}ing on the dt.·\ alual iOIl of t he lOU nt n .... menl ~U1Ndll':- OIl COI1:-U:I1H Cornelius (l rc D profe..,sor of (\\ hen former president Lopel increa..,e in 1111 e:\ports CUITL' nl y. (J he Pt'''O hi!' been good ... clnd . l·n·l n· ... had to I • po It tical sCIence and eitrect or of Porttllo announced the projected back in the lat' devalued four I inw .... !!lee £'Iirninall'd. re:-oult II1g 111 hI hl'r the Program in {·S·Mex Ican d ISC{)\ ery of \ ast re"'erHl!fS of 1970s. Fntel r(';lSlln number Augu"t oi I~), :!.) pri"l'''' ior the ;\Ie ICdll Studies) 10 open a discourse hI' OIl) to bt'mg one of t he most t \\ o. Mex ICO. as \\ ell a" ot het \\ II h tlw dl'\'aluallon l'allW a I lIhtlllWr presented to the Worl d Affairs t'cononllcall\ depn'..,~ed In oIl export ing nat iOIl..,. did not ·'m;]" .... I\ t f1lghl oi caplI.!1 10 :-, lOll' itnanClal e. j>L'rt. CouncIl of onj an I I . 1~lR:P antiCipate tl1(' \\'orld\\ide uri the l'l1lled Slalt':"." :ltt'(lrdlllg lx·ltt \ t' I ht' :lu ... t ern \' Ilh:astlre Cornelius' presentation. According to Corncliu.." the gl ut thal lx'Ran In (Ie\ dop In to lorneilLh. as \It'x1l',111'" \\ ill hurl t ht' . :\11' ,'ll'an titled "The Mexican Sucre..,· anS\\/:'r IS t \\ of old. FIrst, the summer of 19HI (l'ared I hell' mont·\, \\ C\" nl) ('cl)nunn l'\'cn mort' :"t'\ CI't Iv sion: Problems and Pros· MeXICO antllipated huge Decreas -c\ demand and longer .... afe 111 l\ It'" iZ';lIl ban k ... . A rt·Ct'lli Ultsill'::::s Wel'k art leil' pect'>." dealt With lhe increa:-es in government plummellng IlII prices In llw Tn n·"pon .... e tl) this "Ilrght." I.lan, Ill), !'>tale'" "(,xPt'rt~ \ ar {'collom Il problems IlO\\ f al'lng n.'\ enues as ;1 result of \\ (lrlll markel had a dra~tll' t ht )..{\J\ ertlIlIt'nI (11wl1 headtod I hal I ht l;\lF au . t 'fit \ \1exico and the consequtnc('s Illl teased oil export , The effect 011 :\lexicll'''' oil by LOI '/. Portillo) nat IOn a Itl.t'ti program..; - designt.'ti to help thosc prohlems 111Ight bnng gm ernment Cllculatcd that. rt'\('nllt's. J'hc .~2(1·$2S billion Iht' banks (t Iw hrst t line rn deblor' natIon:; get their ilbou t. beglnntng In H1H 1, annual gO\'crnlllenl offkrcd" had I It'xiran hIstory) III Older to pIt'" .. \: lurn to pugt-' Ii

An interview with Roger Hedgecock. pg 5 UCSD athletes of self-motivation. pg 7 The hilariou UCSD artfe t. Hiatu pg 3 Thursday,January 20, J 983 The UCSD Guardia n :~ 2 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 20, 1983 The UCSD Guardian Oliphant Spen:d thousands of dollars to generate ten

By ROGER S IMON to act." i'imm say~. "Your on Ihe .... t· Ihll1gs," he saId . "ThaI "" \\ hy we Illi ...... pell ed "Olll« iJoch \\ ;1" supporting 1..", Anl/elc, Times S} "d.l·"ll· check for $500 or 'even $250 "Whal you gel III Jusl rm er'" it." I'llnm "aiel. "The ..,ton Waller," -Holler .... ald -' Hul I "Your check for $500 or l'\ en would make me extremel\' the m .... h ." ml ~ ",pL'lI l' d II and \\'1' \\ anll'Cl tfl ,,",hn'l pleCt"ed t hl'Y ~ pell ed hi" S250 would make me grateful. - So \\ hv do il ? \Vh\' nlhl' mail out Ill(' .... Ion "() w (' naml' wrong. extremely grateful," I he let ter "If vou can send $100 or $2;; monev if' It I"just gValter's onh chancl'. know \d1at they aregoinglo d;) T he eli ppmg \\' <1.., III \\' a It t'r·.., \'\lU I' bike aftt·r ".-.ml~ml' had \\,,, agt' . .Idl"" h" I'I1". ,I'I 1\ 1 ,II" 1'1"11\11' I (H lh I III 1 It I ':11-7010 ...._ almost. 1 I milli()n, and ends mar).,~n? hongs and roal h clips. Where I I n'1II .... . hll1ll11 , 11m .... ".UII. t d' ,,, till I II ·' ·... \\, ,Ill 11J )t '1\ L ______~ wllh a s ene~ of que ~ tl(H1~ : NDr I.., $11 millIon all thaI do I h 'J go from t hl'te? Till foi I :'.1 all rt'l'll I , h ahilil,,1) ~I , kt 'l lit till tj I HI ;11111 I \I'll \ililid. \ 3:30 p.m, I 4288 Cass St. 483-6721 011 W .IOII,,"G&IIVIN. O D Musl Ihe fee be so large ($12 thi S facility (a sWImming pool makes a dand) 1IIIk PIIX' in '( (]ful',h... ,\I'IIIIl'1i '" leI., \ per quartcn? Must il be \\llh acce .... sories) \\'111 COo.l Ihe timb of de~pl'rat ion . Should .... \lII~ Ilpl 11111 \\ 111 hi '1I.Ilh,! 1.11 requirrd for ~o many year.., students, who will not ('\'en I{eynolcb Wrap be I akcn off .... 111 1" I ql oil I I ; "Id II Photu1!rilpht, • .., ; l III I 1"11 ------t nm' 110\'.. ' wdllhe exIra fune! .... have pnon I'Ii 10 use II (as of I he the Illal kl't ? Also. \\ hal aboul H I I II \ , I ( 'Ill' 1'1'111 JI b(' spent? lasl lim' mformallOn about toilt'l rolls) Cut a hole III ont'. I. , .' \1 . I.", I I{"J, Vol. 48, No.6 t hl'l:'en t cr \q.... made Pll bltL). II ;Ic!d a Ii It Ie fOil hIm I and yoU '" ,,1,1)1., .. 1 I) ' 01' lit II" 1\1 . I. These are mdeed Int('restlllg J\ 1~: 4 '1 l J.t\td f l lllt l I~ ltl l'I"( ' Ii·. IS l'lrt ually inevllable Ihal tilE' h

Letters to the Editor A bad year... The UCSD Guardian Page 5 Thomas Rankin, News Editor News January 20, 1983 continued rr om page 3 trying to adapt to a lillie world went to sleep on the edge of the which wouldn't grow up to Muir held a trivial trivia contest interview --- field, He folded his arms over him, 1 remember the first time his chest, crossed in I saw him WI ap his hands Editor: Four judges tried to keep quest ions was horrIfic, morluarial repose, making the around a voll eyba ll , seemingly track of twenty,eight consisting almost entirely of Roger Hedgecock s~rinking it down to soft ball We . the "Enlightened cartoons and baseball. and undertaker's job that much Despots" of B·house, are contestants, and at one point, a By J OHN BRICE easier. This was his dramatic size. split decision as to who had ignoring such noble subject s When Tree was younger, all thoroughly appalled at the as geography, music , slarr Writn statement. "I am here." he raised their hand occured. San Diego will soon go to the t he unincorporated areas of of his bones and mucles manner in which the Muir presidents, and, of course. probably said, in druggish trivia contest was held, The whereupon one team was IXJlls to decide who will take our count y. delirium, "but I am dead." managed to grow at the rate sCIence! With great indigna· organizers appeared compo randomly given the right to control of themayoral vacancy " I have been pushing And he dead, when, the next hi hormone wanted. But respond, There should have tion we subjected ourseh'es to tender thing'. like hearts and letely ignorant of the proper created by Pete Wil son's geothermal development since morning. a jogger pas ed him been an elimination system in this s hameful excuse for a election tc' the l 'S Senate, 1977 and the plant in Heber, kidneys, didn·t. Nitrous OXIde testing of trivia knowledge, tri\'ia contest. At least there by; thinking he wa. re ting or The questions were, for the which the teams competed in There are several candi· \\ hich is going to get thinking. The man's pose, or is an anest het ic, bad for heart s pairs, With all teams could have been a prize for best most part, far too easy. and dates i' the field for the underway in Imperial Valley the dew on his face and clothes like all anesthetics, Bad for compet ing at once. a si t uat ion costume, mayoral race. One of t he first nex t year for SDG&E IS a Tree, He had a heart attack. without a proper buzzing Tom Quirk bothered the jogger. for on hi~ of complete anarchy was to announce his ca ndidacy \\ a~ direct resull of our lobbying slumped over, while inhaling system, the so·called trivia created, The Never Agains next lap around. he stopped to contest was turned into a hand ex·cily attorney for Del Mar, efforts along With SDG&E, look, then to call out. then to nitrous. The LJCSD Police (formerly the "Enlighten­ raising speed test. Furthermore, c hoi ce of Roger Hedgecock, who is "I ha\'e also been veri shake him, By then the body interrupted a student giving ed Despots") currently sen'ing his second strong in trjing to make our was very pale, and probably CPR to carr} Tree down four term as a meml r of the county butldings reflect this stiff and no longer only corpse­ flights of stairs and put him in County Board of Supervisors et hic. this conser\'at IOn el hlC , ltke, It was just a corp e, a a van, not an ambulance. but a from the Third Di ~trict, We have built the South Bay trau rna to its mot her, a shock van. for God sakes, Tree died, Hedgecock recently granted Regional County Center in of course. More swimming pool dissatisfaction to t he jogger, a delay for the The Gllardian an interview 111 Chula Vista, and it has the Lesson #1. Never interrupt lawn mower man, a feast for which he presents his policies 10\\ est BTl! per square foot the ants, Just a corpse, CPR, Anybody with any CPR continued from page 2 in such socially worth\' (suc h as establishing on ci ty gro\\th, off·shore oil consumption of any building knowledge at all knows that. I don't recall the details of $12 per quarter fee will be prujects as incresecJ inve cooiJerat ive housing, to cIte drillll1g and the de\ eloprnent 111 Caltfornta, and prubably 111 But not the UCSD Police. ·r· the third suicide. I may be rai sed to meet ri s ing ments in raci ~t Sout h Afnca). just one example), of the renewable e n erg~ the nation: I don't know - I imagining it. There was a Everybody wanted to escape maintenance costs during the This facilitv - and. more We would all do well to look industries in San Diego, ha\e not checked, It woman who ran away, Ihat year. It was a bad year, I fee's 30·year life. And - import antly. t'he fee to pay for at the history of how the guess, hI March 0/1977, YOII lold II incorporates 'cogenerat ion,' though, She was also a grad should the facility not have it - was rammed down recreation facility was mate ad·hor commitlee tlillt steam and solar \\'ater heatll1g student. he di~appeared, and fallen into total disuse during students' throats by the developed and shoved down YOll opposed offshore oil drilt/llg and open able windows and a couple of days later, this period - it is certain that administrat ion wit hout regard students throats (t hrough four Ihal was propos('d /01' Ihe u'alas consen ational techniqucs of a Student., gathered on Revelle quadrangle :'tlonday to ex pre.,., their di.,pka... urc \\ ilh nc\\ Iy· "omebody noticed, Maybe it a new fee would be instituted for the effects that steadil y consecut iv e referenda). and off of Sail Diego COllllty. Wilh variety of kinds. We have also elected governor George Dcukcmejian's budget cut." was her students whose to contll1ue funding t he center increasing fees have upon the begin to develop strategies for this ill milld, holt' do YOlt been promoting lots of ot her <;ection she hadn't shown up after the expiration date of the ability of poor and minority ensuring that studenls gain respond to the Secrelary oj alternatives. We deregulated for, or maybe It was her $12 fee, The bulkofthis money s tudent s to attend the control o\'er st udent fees: to Interior 's remarks in Sail Diego w1l1d energy in places 111 the YOII !('('}'(' (rI.'o the alltlior, ur ordinance In 197t-1 Lreallod such impact on the attrctl\cne" to Far away begin to fight for the right to a market (..,oJ that compallle.." wholesalers and retaIler ... boyfriend, The) found her will go to pay the lJC Regents University; and no attention 011 jan/lary 13; " Thae will be back country \\ here it is a archilect, 0/ 'lte Otay .1ICS(/ after a week or so, though. She close to market rates on a loan was given to the IXlssible make ourselves the decision s rigs off here (San Diego)"? Also, potential energy , del'c/opmcllf plan III 1977. Do both local and national \\ are h 0 u 'i InK and t h () " e made too many misl akes. they issued to build the facility alternat ive uses t hat such that affect us, whaf can vou do about sucl! an "There IS no regulatory YOH Ihill!.- tltal till' sular lind ((;rurnman AIrcraft. ALeD, IJ1tert'>ted 111111\ e:,.tingand It I" Withdrew mone\' from her fast food (doubtless. the Regents will funds, if they must be UCSD Progressive Coali­ issue as niayor? agency. We arc just letting related /IIdll.~tllCS can be and others) that wanted to get a pefeet marnage lkt \\ een the account. cashed checks, drove 1I1\'t'st their handsome profits collected, might' be u~ed for tion "As mayor, I would cont inue people do \\' hat t hey can do del'e1oped there {/II(/ H'O lk III mto the ~olar industry located land now available 111 Ot a\ :'>le'iil and solar Indu..,tn" . t he same car, The\' tracked her Editor: to inSist on the position that with that. We have tried In create L'lIIploYIIIUlt lIl/{l (J cleall, their \\'arehou~es here, Before " ~()t only \\,111 gl)\(:'r'nment do\\'n in Oregon, She probably Regardmg yuur "Golden we have taken on the Board of every way to invest money in It reneu'abl(' fIIergy SOli rrc,) CVII Itl I he great inlerhl rat I.' jump 111 tax credit>.; and the II1centIH':­ \\'anted to be found, A n\Wa\, Tnangle" article (Thurs, Jan, lax credils be prOl'idt{/ llll" 1979, we had about three Supervisors, and was taken by and deregulate to try to help, but abo \\,orld·\\ide ~he didn't make good on her 13). 1 don't thmk commercial Can the Europeans give us Guardian Mayor Wilson and Congress· encourage the job and the capilal illl'/'Simenl 10 (!nhan('e hu ndred jobs in I he ~()Iar pri\'at l' demand,. parllcu larlv escape, ~o ~pe lo~t the game, de\·t'!opment would bother me, Ihe area (ur the attractioll oj II1dust ry, man Lowery. That is that the energy <;avings that will come in the Thtrd \\ orld Pholo­ turned in her little tll1 doggy ThiS campus IS prubabl~ I he 26 near· shore tracts off San from this kind of a strong local business? . " 0 \\ hal we do at the local \'01 all' ener).,,! \\ ill creatt- a and all her iake mone, and onl} geo!-,'Taphlc location III t hc stream of consciousness? Diego should not bethesubjec( policy," "Ye;., the ... olar mandate le\ cI doe'i ha\'e a ddmitt' "ltUallon surh I hat lJ~' the) ear finished c1as~. . cunt i nen tal l 'Il l ted St at l'S of drilling, They are too deep • 1 :WOO solar \\111 be une of I he from which one must go fiw At least shf''s not dead, like Editor: Immigrants and refugce,,? Erratulll major II1du>;(rie.., ot the \\ orld, Tn-e Tree didn't \\ant to die, miles to gel to a l\1( !)onald's and too close to the shore. The 1 EUIOPl' C 11 e e set s goa s Can All11'n ra afrol d anot her Bona fide immigrants? it will ccrtainly pas" nuclear he dldn't \\ ant to run away, hp and eighl to find a '/ I I. I.as t ;\lond,I\'" art ide Oil foreign war? What do \\'e get IS the \\'orld\ most densely ~:~~e~~~~ t:a~i~~ tt<;e~;;r~~~ 0 ege r v W energ) 111 m\ \ie\\ III the nt'xt ju..;t wanted to e"cape WI;en a Bruce :'.-1. Binder parkll1g (page 1 ) l'ITOnCllll'.;1\ lrom EurOPl' III return for the populat ed cont inent. 1t cannot imat ely 70 to 90 miles out. are By EILEEN MORRIS is not a wastefu I syst em and more part iCIE~~lOn 111 the fe\\ decade",' couple gU\" 111 m~' dorm rippcd ~t at ed thai t h(' ,\ ~ has not IrilluJI1s \\ l' "pt'IHl {)11 It and t hl' compete with tcn cent an hour shallow and suceplible to the StaU\Vrilcr asserts that students are alloltment ofF I Es. temp()rar~ Whal IS .\'VI/I PlJ~il/(}1/ 1)11 oj[ a bottle, a big ho"pltal appol1lt('d a Il'prl'S\'lltat i\ e to \\'ar~ 111 \\ IIII' h \\ I' engagl j workers unlt',,!,> It l'i reduced to technologies that we have, UC D'" co llege system benefitted ju:-t a 0..; much _ facult\·, At , pre..,.ent, the Ihe til !'('/opmoll (Jf m(lS, liallsit ••••• \ bolt Ie 01 nit roll:- 1)\ ide from t hl t hl' ad\ I~OI IXlarci of t Iw LoaF' Food' 11'11"-' Clothll1g' thell' \('\'el . . WI1\' do the Also the currents are not distinguishe ~ it from most perhaps more _ b) thl... Program Re\ le\\ Cummltte<: 11/ Sail Diego? f:'dillli.' f.tI'Olfill/>h'I ' Parking ;\lil'rn;lt i\ (' tr(1nslt Vcteran" Administration Sut, Thr' Lumber' IJlat11OIlmIT'ltted to the Ea:-t EUROPE! companies," first in·depth examination of the svstcm ha" met tho!'>e passed up n the ment, re\ Il'\\'i Count\' l'XU'n'lllll alld an e\. t ens Ion IIH'r III I he d I rpt)rt PRECISION , Budget Fares to most Speaking be/()}'e fliat salll£' the su bjec!. goals,' "The college "yslt'm ~111ce the) ha\c ht t Ie time to do destmatlOns' Se/late ad·I/01' COn/millee, \'IJ/! A commonly held bclid,- proVIdes Significant support re"edrch, l on"l~lut:'ntly. after from dO\\ nl()\\ n 'ill that HAIRCUTS \o~ dllwnto\\,n can rCCl'I\e It.., lull LONDON cat/cd for Ihl' del'elupm£'lIi u/ and the major complatnt for students," he said their term 01 of lice the) return ~~ Revelle g(!othermic energy alld solar voiced about the college ThecommIttl't'\\ a;.. a .... ked to toh<'mgprofessor'iata,.,alaIY pOlent lal a, a job center and as $355 ow $599 rt a trUl' communlt\ \\"Ith AMSTERDAM el/ergy, Are you slit/ illl'Olt'l'd ~y , tern _ is that It creates address itself to problems that thaI IS, much lowcr t.han their willt llil' issue of ren(!INlbll' higher costs, that duplicat ion are uniqul' to l'CSI)'s college jcars 111 the lInt\erslty \\ould hou'iing, . hOPP1l1g. ioun"m. for women $324 ow I $598 r.t Students ~~~ I!1lergj sources.' of various offices makes the !'vstelll and tn suggt'"t pred1l't and so (Ilrt h " &men PARIS "Yes, I am an even stronger cos t per student greater. Upon s'llullom" (herl'nrullment m major ... IS "Rut perhap~ morl' $399 ow { $789 r,t ~ advocate today, 1 have had comparison of LlCSD to lJC 1' 11" CIJ I111111'tt'w, mead" thrut' a problem not cal,Nod b~' the Imp()rtantl~ 111 tIlt' coming FRANKFURT solar heat i ng . on my house .. ,,~~, d 1 I decadc, it I" Import anI to plan $395 o,w / $569 r t Applications are now oeing since 1977 and it hasne\'erhad In'lI1e, howe\'er, the commit· such 'iuggestHms, FIr,,!. the) college "y"ll'm Irl'\'t y. )tit 110\\ for l'\ It'ns inn of t h(' t rlllh­ tee found "no evidence of an suggest plans lor College Fl\e one thaI ha" been neglt~.lt'd MADRID accepted for 11 Revelle Orientation mtll ~(}Jt h Cit v. 1 bl.'llc\ t' th:lt $334 o,w, / $665 r.t ~af~~~~~l'V ~()~~~.el ~~~~e ~~~ in creased cost per student be dr;n\ n up and implemented , t h(' coml~lIttel' belte\ CS. rh~: ;llong l he ni ajm (ree\\ ay my own pe'rsonal money into under the U C S J) co Il ege In order to kel'p pcrsonal IS a one. ATIlENS Leader positions. O,L.'s w ill assist in a I~roblem p.~t:'{!lCtablt' rtlutt':'- t-- and 1:;, tht, trolly system," f1a\or 111 'iludl'nt·admlnl..,' ,chultl :-.ays, It ~ dt~b'Taceflil 1 $398 O.W. ,I ~7~S r t introducing incoming freshmen and investing in low ·cost At UCS)), the provosts' tration relation'i, the that neIther the Acadl'mlc s\'itelll ought til Imk all the •Eur aUpasses issued on condominiums and apart· offices and the deans' offices t'omlllittel' bl'lle\L's that Sellate nor th,t', a.dJ1l1l1Istralllln nlain pllrtlon:-. of our count~ . 11 , the spotl their parents to Revelle College. Must ments that have solar I 1·...1 ~ d not tho;;!' Irl't'\\a\' '"' \\ ill LlJOLLI (heating), and some of my provide many student enrollment 111 all) stngle 1a ... SOH'II!. "II1l'estl! l'nts "lI11pl~ dcgent'rat l' mt ll t hl' \.0" out our booksalel be availa ble June 23 - July 2 and be tenants have uttltitv bills of senice!i, Thesesame'icnlces cullege~houldnotl·\rel'd:!.:i(}(} do not ;!pply totht'lrmajOl':-.at Angeles·lype free\\ il\'''; 111 a 'le CONTACi: to 3.S00, III returning to UCSO next year. Pick up twentv-four dollars a month, arc prO\ ided at other schools l 'eS}) and can mcljor an~ ven :-hort period ot time .. COli'DfD COUNCIL " I h ~l\'eput m" mon y where b\ dl'partments \\'Ith other job Secllndl\, the comm itt ee "ub)l'ct. ('{'rtalll malor" art' III 1917. u'htll Ih. C,II' (I referral slip in Student Employment nw mouth is te: make it clear ti'tles and each offt'r~ similar suggl''ih t'hat thl' role of the O\l'r, ~T(l\\dl'd ·\t prt'~l'nt & l ollllcil ) dcdcd till' .\'01111 CI;I' CDaaur 1"$i thlo C FOK o~E N WOM EN \ V; TRAVEL th~lt 1 feel that San Diego "ervices 011 sinl1lar budg-ets A pro\'o:-.h be c\.pandecl and A\lI',S C1ilssl's tudt'nh, acl\ls('s r('~p(lI1slhlttlt'~ Iht' l"Omtlllttt't' sludent .... more hlllds and prc...... ull' anclJame" \\al t \\ hn I Perm $29.50 fOi 456 1815 I authorl'd the "an1l' laws for contllluation of the college suggest ... adding to the lantlt\ ht' allocated thl'",e expires 2/3/ 83 'i\\imming pools and spas in systel11oJ1thegrouncl"that It pr()\ost .... a hl ',\(I~ long It;..t I... IO\\l'l dl\\..,lnn rla""I'" plt'"",\, lUI n to lJa~l' II 6 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 20,1983

have to be "widespread rioting officials for most forms of which will severely restrict and ot her form . of civil corruption. This law stems the future development of di order." and the current from a campaign developed by Mexico. But. Cornelius adds. government wou ld have to De la Madrid common ly ca lled Mexico's success not only MEXICO convinci ngly demonstrate "Renovaciol1 Moral"; relies on its domestic success; that it had lost total control of - A law establishing a it depends heavi lyon the continued from page 1 Mexican economy to become the country, But. Corneliu cabinet-level department recovery of the worl d economy econom ic hou es in order purely ocialist in nature. adds. this i ' not to "imply that cal led the "Controloria," as well. If the world economy cou ld plunge the borrowers In addition to these legal there i no po ' ibility of a which is basically the overseer does not significantly improv'e into deep reee ·sion ." mea ·ure• . one non-legislative breakdown of the Mexican of the Ren ovacion Moral. within the next six years. In a nut hell. Mexico's and controversial action taken political system. These are Cornelius describes it as a economic recovery in Mexico current economic cri~is by the government asked Its times of great danger in "super watchdog"; may fail. re ulted from the government foreign creditors (some 1.400) Mexico." - A banking law t hat would Closing his address. embarking on a massive and to change Mexico's "short­ Accordmg to Cornelius. in all(1\\ 3~ percent of the shares Cornelius told theCounetl that expen. lve development term" debts into "medium order to strengthen the of all nat iOl1al banks to be t here is current Iy an all itude crusade. based on 0\ erlv term" debts. This would allo\\ country's IXlhtical stabIlity. pm atel) owned. De la Madrid among the people of Mexico optimistic otl revenue Mexico to pay the int erest on the amount of government belieH's thi~ WIll more or less that " We 're all in this projections. C o rnelius those debts due bet\\een 19 2 corru pt ion pre\' al en t under "democrat il('" t he ban krng toget hel. " But he \\ arm'd also summed it up In two short and 1984 (some 20 billion ) Lopel Port illo mus t be svstem . t hat if De la Madnd fads, he phrases: "MeXICO had been over a period of eight years. reduced. He iX)ll1ts out that the . Cornehus ~tat('d that e\'en If mm turn out to be ":\lexlCo's It\ ing beyond its mean~." and with a four year grace pellod. De la :\ladnd admll1lstration Dc la :\ladrid's programs lasi constitutional prcsid 'nl." ·· ... government planners The contr()Ver~v lies in has alread\ undertaken such a succeed m s tabil izing the Con\ersely. Cornelius mo\t~ too far too fast." asking for the "short term" task. SOllw of 1 he more :".1t'xica n eCOI1Ol1n. thecountn ex pressed ho'pe t hat If De la lIpon his electIOn. PreSident debts to be changed to SIgnI ficant measures taken to will ~t III have to' face its huge l\1adnd !->ucceeds 111 overcom­ De la Madrid. in order to deal "medIum term." effectiveh redu ce gO\ ernment corrupt ion foreIgn debt And t hat the Ing the c urrent l rt~I S. with the economic crtsis. asking for a moratorium on include: interest on thiS debt alone will condit ion s may be created that implemented certain meas­ paying its debts. So far. foreign - A la\\ making it easier to consume nearly three- fourths will allow for a"long period of ures designed to bring the banks have given the Mexican prosecute government of the 1983 oi l export revenues, political stability." economy back under control. government a moratorium on ome of the more important its debt ince August of last ones were: year and the cou ntry has not - The dismantling of the paid its cred itors since that byTim Downs currency exchange controls time. Some financial analy ts implemented by the Lopez believe that uch morator­ Portillo administration and iums. in the long run. could be the e tablishment of a free detrimental. market exchange rate. The One analyst wa quoted in administration hope this will Busi'less Ii-'eek a stating. elim inate the black market "The most unnervi ng scenario competition for American i that of major debtors dollars, hard currency that the declaring a moratorium on government drastically needs payments. Mexico ha already in order to pay the foreign a ked for a grace period on debt ; interest payments. Dimini<;h· - The liftingof government ing oil revenue and worsening price controls on 4.700 of the poverty could yet prompt its 5. 0 or ' 0 commodltle. under leader. orne obseryers fear . government control. Thl ~ was to apply the moratortum welcomed by the pri\ate solution to it s entire debt business sector because of the load ." prtce advantages subSidies If Mexico \\ ere to declare gave to state-ow ntxl busines­ that it I..\'as not going to pay ses: back its loans (although thIS is - A 15 percent increase in unlikely), man) fear the $8:~ the Value Added Tax. a form of billion lost would thro\\ the sale~ tax that accounts for \\ orld into a severe depression. slightly under half of all much like t he one of the 19:30s. government tax re\enues. Those concerned WIth This was done in lteu of l\lexlco's economIC stablht) raising per'-,onal and corporate have expressed concern about income taxes: how that economIc stablht, - A con'>tltutional will affect the cou ntry 's amendment '>tatlng that politIcal stability . There has MexIco will mamtain a "mixed been wide dIscussion as to economy," ensuring that parts whether economic conditions of the economic sphere Will be wi ll get so bad as to \\ arrant a resen cd '>peciflcally for possible take-o\er bv the pri\'atc enterprise. CorneltUS milttary. . poinh out that thl'> amend­ Corneltus expressed the ment dre\\ strong criticism \Ie'\, that Mexico IS still"very from :\lexico's polttical left far" from a mllttarv take·over. becau'>e It \-Irtuall\' closed the He be li eves that for a mIlitary dIKJr on any chance for the take-O\ er to nccu r. there wou Id

The discoveries continue. . . PLEA presents: Bughes The Uncut Version Summer of Story. (42

In 1947 a man flew the FlYing Boat The company's long history of Hercules" - the largest airplane In technological firsts including the first Hughes Story Write yourseff In the world work ing laser, first 3-0 radar and first synchronous·orblt spacecraft pOSition Hughes Corporate College Relations The man was Howard Robard Hughes Hughes as a world leader In today s Oept NC . 81dg C2 8178 HIS Ingenious Ideas and explorations electroniCS Industry Company-w,de PO 80x 1042 Thursday brought new discoveries In opporturlllies EI Segundo CA 90245 aerodynamiCS , communications, r --, January 20 aVioniCS , electroniCS • Eleclrlcal , Mechanical. ManufactUring Hughes representatives or Industrial Engineering . Materials February 4 And the early years of Hughes Aircraft • Computer SCience • PhySICS will be on campus Company • Industrial/Electronic Technology Tonight at ReqUirements may vary Check With ,See your placement office for a_n _.1 appOintment) _ Today, Hughes your placement office for more details 8:00 pm no longer buUds Find out how you can be part of the continUing Hughes Story In Iwelve [UUdl Ooponun.,y e mployfH USB 2722 airplanes but the discoveries Southern California locations and U S CIIIIp.nC)h'U ReQlJ Irer1 and exploration of Ideas continue Tucson . Arizona r("011"11----- Q Mit Itorld------, I

Write yourself in. ~UGM£ C; ,, 1t::lC u.~ l' (OMP""" . Thursd ay, J a nuary 20 , 1983 8 The UCSD Guardian Thursd ay, J a nua r y 20, L983 Thc UCSD Guardian Guardian Sports Line Running Thoughts By MIKE GREENBERG and JEFF SAVAGE TRITON SP ORTS SHORTS By MIKE GREENBERG di pute. Fouts will spend the lag. Apparently one obtains -Slaft Wril~r~ laft Wriler year fish ing in Oregon, while such a disease when he WHAT'S GOING ON HERE DEPT. Fullll'e Scenario: 8:46 MEN'S BASKETBALL - ,£,C filII slun' 1111 pUKe San Diego wi ll trade its two accumulates over 10,000 mi les Athlete pm Friday evening. Triton Pavilion. J ,041 packed to the rafters UCSD losl a 96-80 decl ..,lOn on the road at Southern Callfurnla Collcg{ last Tu('"day mght. The loss brought the Triton..,' season record below the 5{)O ICYel once agam at ';'-H, Instead of proclaiming my nu mber one draft picks to in one year. for Spirit Night . 6:42 mto the first half, Fresno PacifiC at I he line predictions for the upcoming Baltimore for the first pick in - A race ca r driver at the shooting a one-and-one. "It's up, around the rim and off. 22 III their conference. Fnda~ night IS SPIrit Night at the gym (no admi"~I(Jn WIll be charged) ao.; the c1u b agam tne.., to ('\,{'n 110.; m:ord, t hiS I im(' agalll"t Fn'..,ntl l'arlfic '11jJ year (after all a prediclion is the draft, and then selectlohn Indianapolis 500 wi ll die when of the MeG uire up the ladder for the rebound ... Outlet pass toGoodman something one thinks mIght Elway from Stanford. trying to qualify in the at midcourt...Right side to FlinL..20 foot rainbow on the off is at 7-:30 pm. happen), I will now tell all that - The San Diego Chargers' preliminaries (at 200 mph). A way ... GOOD!!!" Nine point Triton leae\.. Time out, Fresno WOMEN'S BASKETBALL - is going to happen in t he sports hierarchy wi II take out an spokesman for the race wi ll Pacific. After the fan s settle back into their seats their is nothing Thl" IS a hot team . No\\ 11 ·7 after \\'Innlllg four "t raight, [Il SI) WIll fau' CIan'!Tllmt Week thl~ gaIN' world in the year] 983. insurance policy with L10yds say profoundly, "That's what but an eerie hus h in the crowd ... silencc .. .l-Z-Z·Z.z-Z. Where's at 5 pm Friday precedmg the men'.., game. Agam, admiSSIOn to the IS frec - Steve Garvey will hit .320 of London, so that every time makes auto racing so exciting, the fight song? Nothing pumps a crowd up or enhances school Saturday night the club head" to the l'nl\'er"lty of Redland" to (omplet(·lh weckend in the first two month of the running back Chuck Muncie the risk of taking one's own spi rit more t han a fight song. On this day,January 20th, 1983 , we action. baseball season, and then fumble ' they will receive a life. " officially propose a UC D fight so ng. We want to hear from you! FENCING- lump the rest of the way, dividend, - After the San Diego DIANA CHARLES Send your entry to RU1/llil/g Tho lights , c/o Th e Guardian, B·016, After an extended period of inart 1\' 11 y, I hefl'ncl'r;. go 10 Bt" rkde~ t I) com pet t' lilt h{' All winding up at .260 with 12 - Thomas Benton of Clippers 10 e 70 contests this Women's Swim or drop it off at the Guardian offices. Cal Tournament t hl~ \\ eekend. homers and 69 runs batted in. Charlolle, North Carolina, season, Owner Donald T. NOT TO BE BELIEVED DEPT. Although the men's SNOW. KI- - In turn, the Padres will Diana was an instrumental force in her team's upset of who i trying to be t he first Sterling will move the team up the seventh ranked Di\ ision II team, the University of basketball team is receiving most of the publicity, it is the The "klcr<, hold an()t her "Ialom 'giant slalom e\ ent t hI'> weekend on J une ~lt start off strong, lose ten in a person e\'er to wal k around the north to and put women lhal have performed eXf'ept ionally well. The Lady SWIM- row , at which time Manager Idaho. he won three e\'cnts in the meet: the 200'yard world (he said it will take him up billboards and advertise in Tritons are fl yin ' high on an 11 -7 record and a four game winning The men's and \\'omen' 0.; -.w 1m t ('am" head to t hl' lIart'IlIlJ!1 t C ollegl'''' flit I heir ~l'l'md Dick Williams will say he has backstroke, the 500·yard freestyle, and the 1000'yard five years), will drown newspapers and on television freestyle. In the latter she sel a school record while streak. Wh et her it was because the student s were forced to pay a meet of IYH3. The meet Ix'gllls at ~ pm Fndav been too tough on the young 'ometime in September. a very familiar slogan: "Los wlwle dollar, or they ju"t feel that women's basket ball is simply a lads and will ease off for a Qualifying for the Nationals to be held during March in MEN'S VOLLEYBALL - - San Diego Soccer great Angeles, I will make you proud Canton, Ohio. Equally remarkably, she swam two of the ho·hum affair, only 3:i patrons found the time to show up last After placlIlg third In lht' :\11 Cal Tournament i1x'hllld powerholhl'" I 'CL\ and while. San Diego will continue Julie Veee, who playes almost of the Clippers." Saturday night at the Pavilion to see this class act demolish to plummet. and will fintsh three event· almost back to back. Coach Bill Morgan t rCS B). the Triton" come home for their f1r~t art Ion. Thl' alumnt \\ III provldl tb' 100 games a year if you - I mmortal baseball great describe' here as a "very deserving, hard working, and Whittier College by 35 points. WAKE UP! This product is good. comp~tltlOn. and the malch geh undt'r \\ay at 7::m thh Satunl;J\' fourth behind the Giants, com bine indoor and outdoor Marv Thronberry. who was Go out and buy it. Braves, and Dodgers. Upon the consistent player, who will probably do well at the schedules, will be the vict im of infamous for hi s atrociolls National s. WAIT A MINUTE DEPT, Masochl"m loves masochIsm. season's conclusion, Williams a new athletic disease - foot please turn to page 10 will tate that if he wasn't so Welcome to the "Liz and Dick" affair, Part 111. The sporting oft during t he Padre " world's answer to Elizabet h Taylor and Ri chard Burton I~ Billy downfall, they wouldn't ha\'e Trotters Martin and George Stelllbrenner. [n Billy's third time as the Tri tons get "homered" to dea th finished where they did. Yankee skipper, he has his work cut out for him. Inexpltcable trades, mediocre players Signing multi·million dollar contracts, Bv MIKE GREENBERG TUt'"da\ JlIght 111 Lo" :\ngl'I{'~. came Iron: the LIll-, The homl - Williams, who called an - ~Iarf \\ rilt'r coming to and an abundance of talent causing fruslrated st arts to sit on the one thing's fur sure' Sout ht'rn team, \\ hie!' had aH'r Jgt'd II Diego Union Sports Editor .. The v/.llcia/iIlK is such Caltforl1la College\' 9f).('(J \\ in on h t \\ (J more f n:t' ! h 10\\ Barry Lorge a "chicken .... " pine have all made the New York Yankees a catastrophe. As political j{({11 II , /10/1', WI' would II( strange as it may seem, this catastrophe \',ill win the pennant. \\()uld haH' l)('l'n a 101 c\o-.el atll'mpt" t han II ~ oppon\.'nt , when Lorge ran a column last San Diego belter (lj{ 01/ thl' hUII()} sJ':; /nl/ If there e\ er \\' a" a con Ie;,t gilt 21'> mure than the \ I~ltm~ ummer criticizing the San THEY ASKED FOR IT DEPT, Year 'round football. Fans - UCS[) POll1t guard Bob that was won on the fuulltnl. "('nton,. ralo.,lng ",hpicl{)n..; Diego manager, will apologize have been saying for years that they can't get enough football. G(xJdman this one \\a-. It ('CSlJ about t hl' COllllJl'tt'II('\' )1 during Spring Training, only The Harlem G lobet rotters, They are bored in the spring months \\ hen all they have IS the A Itkely ..,capegoat \\ hen a commit ted an inordlllate lea).,'1le offl 'Iat 109. America's Magici an!> of to call him an .... hole" so middle of pro basketball, college hoop, hockey , and baseball's team succumbs to defeat IS the amount of foul" (:3:i), and ... ent Currentl~ the tern for poor Basket ball, will appear at the eloquently the minute Lorge spring training. Enter the United State~ Foot ball League. The officialtng. A coach \\ III the \' angua rds to t hl' hnl' oft en reft'H't'lng IS "homt'llng criticizes Williams' strategical San Diego ports Arena on league opener is March 6, and ABC and E PN WIll . televise typically ~ay, "If It weren't for enough for t hem ttl adopt t ht' tlll'anll1g that offiClab art' Friday, January 28. Tip·off for decisions. numerous ballgame'i. Not many people even kno\\' the diVISIOns, the officials, we would ha\(~ chari!) ..;tripe as their second IIlflut'n(L'd b\ the crowd and the Globetrotter match with - Ted Giannotllas, better so we will gi\'e a rundown. PACIFIC - Los Angeles, Dem'er, won," when In realttv, hlh her hOllle. The Un()fflnal..,tatl~tlcs Kin' t he home r1u b an edge on the Washington Generals will known as the San Diego Oakland, Ariwna. CENTRAL - Tampa Bay, Chicago, team would ha\e I(lsi al1\\\a\. Indicated thaI I.,el \\il" L'\o.,e calk E\t'n If the Tnton" Chicken, will sell out all 16 be 7:30 pm. Other events Michigan, Birmingham. ATLANTIC - Philadelphia, Boston , Alt hough it IS too difficult to precise on 32 of their "'ea..,on had not been "homered." the\ contehts in which he is during t he evening include an Washington, New Jersey. If the league's owners are patient judge whether the people who hIgh ~8 attempts, \\ hIll' the ~ttll would not ha\(' been scheduled to appear in this all·star variety s how of enough to endure two years of financial hardship, the USFL \\ III keep optomet I' i;, [0.; in buo.iness TriU)JlS downed 1:2 of t hl'lr I~ \·lCt()rI(lLI~. On thi, particular 'eason, and oon t hereaftf'r unusual juggling acts during nouri"h. By the way, where',; San Diego's team? Ohhh that's cost the L'CSD men'" opportunitites In facl l~l of I1Ighl sec \\ a-. -.upt'rlor and Padres President Ballard half timc. fight, this isn't a f(xllball town. ba~ket ball team a \'lCtory the Vanguard'.., final I:) point... pka"l' tUln 10 pa~l' 1 () Smith will sign him to a six· No sports team has played year, nine·million·dollar no· more games in more cities cut contract with an before more people than the attendance clause, making Globetrotters, who are now in him the highest paid Padre. their second half·century of - Ralderh owner AI Davis delighting crowds With their will hhock the sports world by unique blend of basketball ~ PHOTOGRAPHERS:~ announcing that he is moving magic and comedy. the club to Sioux City, Iowa to The Trotters have played The Guardian is now accepting capitalize on the growing cable more than 1600 cit ies in ;-,jort h teleVision market. In addition, America, thrilling audiences applications for ne~t' Davis will say "he loves the from coast to coast. ince their fans of Los Angeles but was first tour in 1927, they have photographers. forced mto the move," logged more than three million - Chargers quarterback miles and have played more Dan Fouts, who sets NFL than 15,000 games before passing records as often as nearly 100 million fans. Ronald Reagan goes on For inform ation on ti ckets, TEAM OF THE WEEK \acatlon, WIll retire from pro ca ll the Sporth Arena at 224- foot ball over a cont ract 4171. The Miller Brewing Company -.~ and Mesa Distributors are proud to :, bring you the intramural Team of Registered Students ****** Jlic S'ogurt ,,11lair the Week. This weekly column wdl Seniors and first year feature a picture of the Mdler Team and Post Doc's grads f and names of its players, We will be who ,m~ California resl­ ! frozen 25(: off / "Cover your Bod" with looking for teams that have dt'nts and will attend a yogurt a n y purchase CalifornIa UnlVl'rslty 1983- ~ superior athletic abihty and team Sickness and 84 arl' l'lIgihle to apply for \?""J1.:r-~-"7 ~reations of $ 1.00 o r m o re \, work and also those teams that the California tate exemplify the spirit of intramurals Accident '.' ,/ I ' ~ 1030 Torrey Pines Rdl ~ develop & print negatives Graduate Fellowship. by showing commeraderie, exhibi· Insurance Appitcatlons art' avadahk' J..... at Herschel ' ting good sportsmanship and ~ shoot sporb . ~ " La Jolla If you can- In tudent FtnanClal AIJs drinking lots of Miller Beer. - 1 ~ work under deadlines Student Premium $4O . 7 ~ OffIce (2 \3 AC) and the , ~ one p er c u s t o m er I..} So even teams that have the speed of Scooter Berndes, the Spouse $51 .40 StuJIC5 ~ & handle the mass amounts O(fic,' of Gra,IU:ltl' hands of Jeanette Mi chalczuk, the jumping ability of Mike Hipp Children $51 .40 and Rt'sl'arch (103 AC). ~J ~ .~\.AJ of money you'll be making per quarter ,-:-: ..... and the shorts of Kevin Bateman can be picked as a Miller ,'(J -, I/:~ .~:,~ ~. ' Y ·_~~.'.:: " Deadline is: "t" .' '/'. -.~,' ~- - . _ Team. At the end of spring quarter all the teams selected will be Information and applications are available at 2/9 / 83, honored at a "Welcome to Miller Time" party sponsored by Coup~~~;~fe~ J;{~ 24, ' :983~' » ;-- ~..-/ ' Then come to the staff rnectin.g Student Health Center Q-039 Miller and the intramural department. So warmup that Insurance Representative's Hours ~ - St~d;n'i ------'Z:t:s·· -_. · -----1 jumpshot, strengthen your soccer game, stra1ghten out thaI Thursday, January 20, 4:15 pm Mon thru Fri, 1-4, 452-2123 slap shot, roll those 300 games and lift those 12 ounce curls. Perm And remember the famed words of Gary Haynes, intr,ln"lurlll at the Guardian office. Please Mote: Revised descriptive brochures are I : Haircuts . $10.00 $35.00: Indude;: hampoo & Blo"dr> Indud .. " CUi , SIvle . CondltlunN I immortal, "Hey yo, it's Miller Time." avaIlable at the Student Health Center. The new I Rp~. $15 & $18 brochures replace any prior brochures describll1g the 1982-83 UCSD Student Insurance Plan underwritten bY I I~------. Thursday/Friday Only Special: ------~Both Only I Bring your portfolio Atlanta International Insurance Company, under Policy I Pa y the regular price for your first haircut Pedicure $ 0 : No. AH 01842. Any brochure that does not have the I ($15 Men , $18 Women ). imd get your & 19 0 notation Rev. Bro, Ed. 12/82 AH 01842 is no longer in I second one for 1/2 pnCl'. Includes shdmpoo • I TEAM OF THE WEEK THI MEETING I MANDATORY F R ~ effect. I and Blowdry Manicure I SPONSORED BY mE MI LLER BREWING COMPANY 1...1 1 ALL STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ~ · I., I...... 't"e",,f, V,,/,d 5566 La Jolla Blvd. HfUJl ,nO,3L1?1O 454-8646 W/( 011"0" ()"/~ 10 The UCSD Guardian Thursday,Ja nuary 20, J983 Thursd ay.January 2 0 , J 98:3 f he UCSD Guardian 11

All typlng- specl(Jllze In sclentJRc and Fancy yourself a cook? Test It In the Food Dave NO, Dl! ... e's not here I He went to technICal IBM TYPING BY DOT IBM, fast Cookoff. Get detailS In the Food Co-<>p Rose Canyon to play FREE racquetball & Sports line: expert, reasonable Researc'h pape ~ (1/24) JacUZZI tomorrow night He went early to '1 and others. Nellrtly, M-F, 9-4. 452-0237 To the bear I saw ndlng 0 bike through Sl!ve a plllce from 8-12 Skip (1/20) predictions Classifieds (3/10) the Intersection ot third and to Murphy Timmy Happy 21st blrthdayl Love )Our NEED A HAIRCUT 71~ eed to save money> It's a - (Neill, Stan), mhy thongue 15th two favonte cheerleaders (1/20) t'ontinucd (rom page 8 Call Ree at 457-2839 for an excellent bhurnt Just wllnted to say "hi" 8J hcllrcut for only $5. (3/10) (1/20) . Paging Dr. Delln. You 're wllnted JlIn. 26 at play in the fie ld, will be Robin - ourya ru eta nda ourya althfulfa Announcements the Revelle ClIfe. Will provide willing PEDERSON TYPING SERV. Theses, term honored next December. The nla lIa hatta ouya odll, ouryo neoll fOil interr'iew audience foronly $2. Cheap! In return tor papers, resumes Fast turnaround. 460- affair will not work oul heta rllndestga IrtllSga hereta ... erea a great time. ( 1/ 20) 4654. ( 1/ 27) however, because when a IISWll Oga Igmasa lIPPllkti. (1/20 ) IEEE Computer Society w ill hll ...e a HELP WANTED Auntie Fey Ag'cy starting Typing of term papers 1.50 per page. group of former New York lisa - Whatever else life offers, IITVaCIOUS ~oger sener,,1 meeting lind a HANDS-On UNIX new prof. babysitting service. Training One day sel'Vlce & rush jobs. Call Cindy eiVl!S you often understate HlIPPY Met. try to throw Thron­ WO RKSHOP given by Phil Cohen. TodllY, and placement FREE. 453-2268. ( 1/ 24) oVLGee at 27(}()843. (2/15) continut'd (rom page .] berry the party, he will drop it. Thurs. Jan. 20 in APM 6438. This IS your Initiation ( 1/20) SUMMER J08S AVAILABLE . Camp Counsellng/Psychotherllpy. Sliding fee i~ the ,\ orst Sel ret an IJf - There will be anot her chance to join the club and learn how to Betty lightstone LPOO8727. ClIlI 232- like to play 1M soccer, havepotJucksllnd use UNIX. (1/20) counselors, child care, athletIC directors, sponsor fun things like cookoff5? Be a Interior 111 the historY ti that baseball strike in the summer. entertainment directors & more. For 1251 . (1/24) department, I;' t he ""~Ike"man except it won'L be the fault of At Illst an X-rated film tht doesn't leave part of the FOOD CO-OP (1/27) "Just around the cornerl " information call AJLUMNI & FRIENDS 452- for the POInt of \H:W thaL the owners or players. This you with a tunny atter taste. Americlln Pie 4490. ( 1/ 24) Meet me In thePll!za nextweek(1/24 FrI Jan 21, USB 2722. 8pm, 10pm, 1211m. 1/ 28) at noon For II time that you wont claim" we mu~t pa\ e 0\ er Lime the fan s will [)(J) cott the 8873 Villa La Jolla Drive, La Jolla, CA Must be 18. Tickets $2 at Box Office. For Sale forget!!!! Love, Flti Ha ...e questions about e\ ery inch and tea up e\er} stadiums. It seems t hat the (1/20) God? Ask them In the Plaza next wek" tr('(' ancl expllJit all mineral .... 455-0662 fans were flabbergasted when Dr Delln is back to Ilmaze lind delight Travel ( 1/24 - 1/28) at noon (1/20) guard Ray Banal"" gol them. f\l\\ ~::O(~:· · Rent a Video Recorder new fashion sunglasses. Hundreds of the examination. patient the Tritons even at S9 all, " E\l'r\"on(' nn our team IO\'e:-­ TRITON HOOP-LA: (h/,' latest sunglass looks for men and training. follow up, Banalas fou led out. and ..,oon for per night to plm \olll'\Il;i1I, ' ~" Id t h(' 19 //(/,1 I" /1'flJ/rI,) I< iiI' /!I", Ii tlll/lI'l .,/flll' ~\~~.(t\.:::(\e. $9.90 chemical Cdre kit \'ear [;Id bl(;logy major. "and SCC W~h lin top again Thl'v rlO/m /I" I, IJIPll "I 11i(' IIIj[liil I'(UI rI ~GG. $3.00 per movie with recorder rental women, And for a limited time only we and fitting reeled off seH'n st ralgh-t (fI"/nll( lifJ/ /1 /JI'r'rIlll<' "b/'W/IS llilll I//.\ Cl \\1' wnt to \\111. but \\l' aj..,o of~er them at 30 o off our regular low point-.. ald ('d by ca ll s against I"'liI 'm.' b/lilJ!WIIKhi Ill' IJ/ :'(l.\ ,1,1, EXTENDED WEAR LENSES pll kl'eI t h" :-.chool to <.;t ucl\. We I< rIi 'nIH ·Three free movie rentals given to new club members l f C S 1> : I n c Iud I n g t \\. [) "I pI", 111,1 tI, iii f'f/n/ . .. 7 Iw\' pnces. ONLY $295.00 a II rca II/tel t hat pr('..,~ II r~' \\ a ... 1I1l 1I 'Iuuk Imm lImi I " I/lJIIldlm', tl <1\ e1ll1g \ 1()lall()n~ and I w[) gOll1g to Ix: here whel1 \\(' cho ... (' .,lfllI nl dOli JI IIIl />/' 11,/1((11" h/lrl/;'.II/' "'aId t hn l I hl're \\ ('1'(' t lllH'''' I hal (by t h e Yogurt Affair) HydrocuNe extended wear lenses available tlPp('d In 1\\001 hi ... 11 pomt" 111',1 III).! K'/III' 11/ I< 11111", //luI Ilk,

IV 1.1 '1: V /'r,( aSnaaz .

. .,

... • .to\ $50 0'.5 ,. ~ COUnt There is, One free Evelyn Wood Reading all the reading you're expected to do and know,nOWb e'nft· Dynamics lesson will prove it to you. Today take plus still have time to do what you want to do. Offered the free Reading Dynamics lesson and you can dramatically increase your reading speed in that Today you can increase your reading speed, one free lesson. dramatically at the free Reading Dynamics lesson. You 've got nothing to lose but a lot of Why let the responsibilities that college cramming and sleepless nights. Reading Dynamics. demands deprive you of enjoying the college life? Now you know there is a better way. Take the With Reading Dynamics you can handle both- free lesson and kiss your " No-Snooze" goodbye.

Location SCHEDULE OF FREE LESSONS La Jolla Villas.. Inn Thurs. 1/20 .. 3:00 pm, 5:00 pm, &.7:00 pm (Interstate 5 at La Jolla Fri. 1/i1 1:00 pm; 3:00 pm, & 5:00 pm Village Drive) Sat.1/2i . 11:00 am & 1:00 pm .. For shuttle to and from campus call (619) 453-5500. ChOose the day and time most convenient for you. Reservations are not necessary. For further Infonnation call 1-800-171-3585. ~ EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS , The Good Humor Men "Video/TV:Humor/Comedy" exhibit at Mandeville

By KOMHU ding to general categories. The most popular glasses and fedora hat, playing his drum­ In "Art Punks," a video performance of these programs is the one on ticks all over the city - on telephone piece by Ernest Gusella, the degenerate­ Musial/Comedy. Most of the works are short, booths, on gates and doors and signposts, looking leader of a three-piece band ex­ from about two to eight minutes, so this is and on the sidewalks and streets. He goes plains in a catchy little tune that he will do an especially good program for sampling a along, drumming out intricate rhythms anything for a good review. He will jump variety of video artists. without ever missing a beat, until he finally out of twelfth story windows, crawl through The first piece on the program, "Guitar goes bopping off into the sunset - a cool, broken glass, drown or generally maim him­ Piece" by Pier Marton, is two and a half upbeat performance if there ever was one. self, just as long as he can see his name in minutes of a man smashing himself over the Some pieces had good music: "Selections print. Gusella may not do all those things head with a guitar. When the instrument from 360" by Julia Heyward, for example, or himself. but as a director/ performer of video finally breaks, he then begins hacking at the Twinart's "Instant This, Instant That," (Music comedy, he certainly deserves the good re- little pieces, until he's left gnawing on a by Taste Tests) which shows a set of identical views: his pieces are hilarious. single string. "Ear to the Ground" by Kit twins going through a day of "push a button, The same can be said of the rest of the ex­ Fitzgerald and John Sanborn takes a more processed food, turn a dial, instant mood" hibit at the Mandeville Art Gallery, "Video/ positive approach ,to music: it features a and putting Sugar Twin in their identical W:Humor/Comedy," now being shown until modishly dressed man, complete with tinted instant coffees. Followers of nouveau music January 30. There are almost eight and a may be familiar with the Residents, a San half hours worth of video humor, organized Francisco group who contribute four by John Minkowski for Media Study/Buffalo Francisco group who contibute four with support from the National Endow­ "Minute Movies": " Moisture," " Perfect ment for the Arts. The selection ranges Love," "The Act of Being Polite," and "The from slapstick to sophisticated comedy, Simple Song." In laurie Anderson's " lan­ from. off-the-wall to downright bizarre. guage is a Virus," a punk-looking person And though individual performances with a dubbed-in baritone voice prom­ might not appeal to everyone, any view­ ises some "Difficu lt Music"; "So sit bolt er who stays for an hour or so will find upright in that straight-backed chair! something genuinely funny Button up that top button!" Then the The eight-plus hours of tapes are di­ voice delivers such profound lines as vided into separate programs, accor- please turn to page 4 -----~ Good and bad taste highlight Vladimir VissOtsky the hilarious UCSD Artfest '83 Hy ROM HU- Artfest '83, currently showing the show in~ide stands just as There are those people who at the Mandeville Annex Gallery well on it:; own. first. upon entering the The Magazine Contents ~ BOe He TaK, BPC# Bee, KaK BCer;lla, think that art should maintain a (downstairs in the Mandeville complex). is billed in the press gallery, each visitor is presented of the '80s 'n) JIll! HeOo - onRTb ~, sense of humor. that art shouldn't be a dry, lifeless release as " the ultimate parody with a free sculpture of Abraham ToT u nee, TOT )Ie B03,QYX H Ta )I(e BQJl:l, Uncoln (a penny). Then viewers Cover: Comedy comes to the concept understood by a few of institutional gallery shows." fAlltor 'l'anbKO OH He sepHY1ICR H3 tSoR. Well. Artfest may not be the are invitd to regIster to win a Mandeville Art Gallery with elite. Then there are those who ANDRfW K[[lt:R feel that art and humor have "ultimate" in anything, but it door prize (guess what? an Video/1V:Humor/Comedy, over 8 MIle TeI1eP He nOHJ1T& - KTO ll(e rrpaB eib1n H3 HaC certainly is a good time. In actual car door) or one of Assoc. fAlltor nothing in common. and that hours of the funniest videos B HilIIlHX t3e3 CHa H JDKOfI, several non-functional TIM AUGUST aJJPaX any attempt at satire or, God addition to what was inside the you've ever seen. Rona Hu takes a MIle He crano XBaTaTb ero TQ1lbKO CeNac, forbid, slapstick I is sacrilegi­ gallery, there were jugglers, appliances. or minkS. ermine and beaver furs (small bits of Contributing f:cIltors look at what you'll see there. kor:Q,a OH He BePHYCR H3 6JR. ous. Luckily, Gregory Redmond balloons. a wandering gorilla. GRfGORV CHAPt:LLt: each) or even a working, new and Ma~orie Mowry. students at and a huge "Space Pillow" TIM KASSOU NI washer and dryer (1'11 let 011 MYNaJl HeBI'D1a,Q H He B TaKT no,wIeBa71, UCSD, belong to the former, And trampoline for the Monday you MIK[L TOOMBS Arttest ., ..... , ...... Page l Artfest '83. for which they are opening of the show. and a figure that one out yourselves). Art students Greg Redmond and 011 BCer~ roBOPWI npo .DPYIUe, Writers Organizer and Chair, respectiv­ promise of classic comedy films The show itself is dedicated Marjorie Mowry appear to be OH Mia c:naTb He .IJlBaJl, OH C BOCXO,IPM BCTasaJ1 to Don Diego. familiar to San MA~ BELMER. JAN BRfSIAUER. ely, is definitely not for the after 6 p.m. These gimmicks responsible for this hilarious farce of A INepi1 He BePHYn=1'l H3 Ci<:m. CANOIL. JOHN CARROLL KACE latter group. enli'Jened the atmosphere. but Diego area residents as the EZZEr. MARTHA nSHER. DAVE an art exhibit which will be at rather annoying host and fILMINGER. JOAN fORSBERG. Mandeville Annex Gallery through To, 'll'O nyCTO Tenepb - He I'1X> TO pa3 rooop, mascot of the annual Del Mar AMY HALLMAN. TUESDAY HOO. fair. Don stands near the RONA HU. PAUL JONES. THOMAS friday. ~ 3aMB'l'II11 II - HaC eiblno .nsoe, lARSON . MICHELLE MORRIS. AnR Mia, Oy,ttro Be'1'PCM 3a.z:tYno KOCTep, Another look atArtfest entrance with one of the " fairest the Fair." in what the JOHN NEE. LEE RAY. KATE Review ...... Page 5 IGJIJil OH He aepHY1ICfI H3 (3a:[. Of SIMPSON. KIM VAN PELT. JACOB By JAPlrs RALPH rArr artists claim is not an Juggler [dward Jackman will perform at noon friday on the plaza. WfLUNGTON, Music critic Mikel Toombs finds What other people merely bubbles In a frame is hung uncharacteristic position, Rank and File'snew LpSundown the _ ~, cncmHO HS lVleHa, BeCHa, fAlltorial 452-3466 conceptualize, the 1983 under the heading Pop Art. The gimmicks and puns don't best of country-western, reggae. and Do CJIIIOKe CKIIIU1HY1I ero II: Redmond and Mowry Advertising 4S2-3468 Artfest accomplishes. lbe Next to that hangs Pop Art. stop in the exhibit proper either. Art," " Pop Art" repre en ted by a rock-all at oncel summed up the shoy. by saying -~, ~ ~1 A B 01'BeT THlIIIHa, question naturally asks the Identifying card of which " The Great Out Doors," a series framed bit of bubble Hiatus is published every one " A group of children who came .- Of ..... ~ HS &H. Is "Why bother7" lbls Is a reads, "I wouldn't eat this If I of Iifesize painted doors - all encapsulated packing material. Thursday of the school year as a 111 here loved it. but the nuns Red Wedding...... Page 6 serious. not a satirical were you. Hetty Crocker." labelled "Out." of course - are and ' Pop Tart · by Betty (rocker supplement to the UCSD that came by didn t. ' But for all GUAmIAN, Reproduction or use One of the most exciting bands to Behind a\l this blares from Redmond's 1982 showing, with the warning I wouldn't eat questIon. The Artfesl brings its goo fi ne.s.s, the Artfest has at without written permission of any come out of Los Angeles will bless together the finest collection mood music, inlcudlng not and supposedly are " back by this if I were you." One of the least one serious concern The portion of this magazine is a no­ UCSD with an appearance Saturday. only Alvin and the popular demand, " Then there funniest groups is the no. We welcome unsolicited of visual puns west or Monty 'art pieces' will be auctioned Python. of things Chipmunks (their Christmas are visual puns like " Brush with "Primitive Art" section. which letters. manuscripts and artwork. Be there. the sort off on Friday with proceeds but assume no responsibility for number). Under hypnosis I Death on Wheels" by Redmond , includes a nose ornament by which usually occur only In being donated to San Diego s the return of such, Send phrases. "WOuldn't It be was also brought to 'Typical WASP Honeymoon in Jessops Jewelers of New Guinea, Tops in Pops Page 5 ,..... uace xaarano BI1OnIfe, Nazareth House Child care information to: hilarious If ..• ?" But Is It remember the speakers Niagra falls" by Mowry. who a debutante mask from fflATU5 At the Movies Page 7 ~. 111R c&Ix, Center. Friday also marks the worth our money. the disgorging the sound of a even took the care to put one Pasadena. 1979 A.Do, and a piece 1Hl16. La Jolla closing of the exhibit. with a - 'l'OJ1YCO ~ MIle, discretionary of our fees, grown woman with an a\l wasp's tiny arm around the identified as Zapotec Girl Ca .. 9209.3 part return of the jugglers, clowns ~ H3 (0[. male chorus singing, "My other, and "Six O'clock Evening Scout: to transfer the puns from and such , and free rides on the fflATUS logo design by Debbie fox their highly polished form In doilies have the Du, boohoo Nose." which no one would take The exhibit also includes ReprInted wItb pamlssloa rrom Vol. 2 of the IIInIfaae ..... boohoo boohoo:' Where dId credit for. several guest artists. only one of Space Pillow. the Imaginations of Gregory Everyone is invited to the ~iIIl lDnllltloa III tallow next Wftk... they get It7 Perhaps the most Another bit of downright wh ich can be confirmed to be an Redmond, Marjorie Mowry closing celebration party at striking work Is a silliness are the relabelled actual peson, Betty Garland 5 and their fellow artist­ p.m. with the drawing for modernistic sculpture of a soupcans: "Chicken Gumby" contributes about ten rather comedians to the imperfect prizes, an awards ceremony. and chicken, which at selected with accompanying ditty. and good black and white world of physical media? even refreshments. Artfest may I am not going to answer times during the day has a "Chicken Poodle Soup.' billed photographs. some of which are MATINEES DAilY AT All PACIFIC THEATRES . Free Trip to Mazatlan, Mexico not be art in the -"trkt sens e, or real chicken posing as "Doggone good I among humorous, as the picture of two Bargain Malinees Monday through Friday for all those questions (Isn't that any sense of the word but it'", During Spring Break 1983! (aesthetically) on the top. them. tennis players simultaneously performances starting before 5:30 P,M.• Saturday 1st infuriating?) Instead. I shall fun and it s free , and it s all in pertormance only . subiect to seal availability. at all tell you what I saw and heard, Now you see why I did not Redmond and MOWry take a jumping the net. and one of Pacific Theatres elc!JIt Cinema Grossmon!. No Bargain Last year Wl' took over 5,(X)() stuJents ill 8 want to commit myself. stab at museum groupings with \\hich is supposedly interpret­ good humor. and you may love me "for the The Mande ville Ann ex is open "'atinees on Holidays . Ample free at all Thea're~ Color Blind? weeks from 110 colleges and uniwrsities. We Neither did the judges. Prizes their categorie of different able as being offensi, e -=:rT'IT'::I"'I"'rI_ dangers I had p~'d." (That from noon until 5 p.m. from Gro.. mon' Shopping Center If you are color blind we need reps on your ca mpus that are willing to range from $2,00 for first forms of art. There ' s although Two Men and a ExclUSive Engagementl Storts Tomorrow work JUring their spare time in rdurn for a is from Othello, Chem Monday until Friday for Artfest ' will pay you $5,00 per prize to 75¢ for sixth. "Conceptual Art ' with its share Pelican' may not be to most 70 MM and 6 Track Dolby Slereo students). A sheet of plastic hour to participate in free trip. The trip for UC San Diego is March of blank wall, " Lost Art, " "Found viewers. '83. GANDHI perception experi- COLLEGE 27-April2. For more information ca ll Tony or Dolly - 1200, 400, 800 (PG) ments on the nature of Dennis on our toll free watts line at 1-800· ~,;==~ Sony No Posses or Prices 80, Office opens 10 om color blindness. TOURI 528-6025, &e you in Mazarlan! h is work has bcen ~hO\\ n in Lo~ U y Ave. near College Three artists on the faculty at Angelr'> , Long Beach , cw York. Exclusive Engagementl 7th Weeki For more into contact: U(SD hav e been awarded grants NEA awards grants to UCSD faculty San Francb(o and at other gal ­ Kathy Purl or Al Nagy at from the National Endowment 48 HOURS photography, applied to ocial Lonidler has taken the title of Icrip,> .md mll~cllm~ 452-4762 between 9:00- for the Arts. mentations over a period of sev change. His w9rk has been cJlhi­ his installation from the words telllmetl ha been \\orking noon, Monday - Friday. Louis Hock. assistant profes­ eral days or weeks . for the la.,\ two )-ear., on a Iragc Hock is currently editing a bited in Los Angeles. Oakland of one of the \',Corkers: " I Like • Villa La Jolla Dr . (N . L.J . sor in the Department of Visual photo 'tnt prqjccl about thc two-hour videotape concerning Long Beach, San Francisco. Nc\\ [verthing othing But Union: Alt LJ. Village Programs Start Frldayt Arts, has been awarded a Public p ycholoqilal and physiologi ­ Mexican immigrants. based York and elsewhere. Phil Steinmetz, associate pro­ Media Grant tor $12,000. eftec­ cal meaning~ of the idea of upon his years of living in the Lonidier is completing a pho fessor of art. was awarded a HE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER tive January 1983, to work on $5,000 photography grant by " community" in 50uthcrn Cal i­ 12 30. 230, 4 30, 630. 835. 10 35 Guardian non -traditional film presenta­ Mexican community within to/text installation for the San Diego/ Imperial Counties AFL the NEA, fornia Thc majorit)- of the pho­ tions in public spaces. Solana Beach. tograph in this work depict Display Ads fred Lonidier, associate pro­ ClO which shows portrai~ of Steinmetz has been the pho· KISS ME GOODBYE Hock's recent work has peoplc and places in San Diego. 1235.2404'40.645.845.1045 (PG) fessor of art. received a photo­ union members at work. Quota­ tographic collaborator for a SElll focused on cine-murals, multi­ The text.<. range trom dc cripti\c graphy grant from the NEA for tions from the ubjects on the period of years on thc work') of projection produclionsin large San Diego artist Eleanor Antin. statistics to ficitionalizcd narra­ $5,000. labor movement. the govern­ THE VERDICT spaces. Projected in an urban He has tudicd \~ith Ansel tives about the people who 1235. 300. 530. 800, 1025 (R) Lonidier's work deals with the ment and the economy will landscape, they exist as large Adams and Bennett MC}cr and make up a communit} : 452·3466 format environmental docu - socioloqical possibilities of accompany the photoaraoh. TIMERIDER ADVERTISING 1230. 225. 420. 615. 815. 1010 ( PG ) JEREMY IRONS '" Life Insurance Million • I • at Stadium Way All Center Programs Start Frldayl C()MI/'IIj(3 Prderred Rate!> Miguel t\ T'lVt\t:TI()/'IIjS THE VERDICT Ramirez-Cardenas, /GI/1iI(f!r- 100. 3 25. 5 55. 820. 1045 (R ) you have the talent. Krzy,:lol Lin"", (.,km~ >lei<- Wafd,,) " the' :B~ THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER compassion, und"pull,,1 1.'".I,'r 01 Pol.m,I,· ",lnl'm" of n1<",' I unn·,I." hut ( Free Haircut Il/ Ll'IS Al:LE 1230.230. 430. 630. 845, 1055 (PG) intelligence, unlr~,' \'(/,')eL, "h" .HI,·m!,I' to ponr,IV., "h"I.' . Age Ml'n Women il ITL 1111 SIIfI rem /11('( I/Ollf/ofy OJ nit II(/ Il 1('01/.'.,) 20- 4 $134 9 ,97 STILL OF THE NIGHT ENIGMA GO fOR IT, KlDDO! L.t. .JVLL" ...." :j~l · JI 3 1( 1 2r 11 2~ I r; ~ 1 f) '; 0"'; 15 ( pr~ January 20, 1983 Hiatus 3 2 Hiatus January 20, 1983 Walker, a respected video artist. Revolutionary Cocktail. sipped hours. so if you have some time was a little obscene and not very through a straw from a blender every day at the same time, you Music and comedy funny. the running joke having that's still going. Perhaps the are likely to see different videos Rising up to the top to do with hunting "fresh water piece could be improved by each time. videos at Man. show mermaids" using blow-up party shortening it (it currently lasts The Mandeville Art Gallery js dolls as decoys. almost half an hour) or by open Tuesday through Sunday. with the.Rank ~ file cutting out some of the more from noon until 5 p.m. oontlnued from page 1 Stories," a long piece I was disappointed most with Sy IIIIKt:L TOOIIIBS lengthy dialogues between the Admission is free. The viewing "I opened the door/With my interspersed with shorter gags. "Test Tube" by a group called country feel. but certain ly not Color Bar scientists. or by seats are comfortable and there bare hands." Very strange but is one of the best in the show, General Idea : they start out with Sundown what you would call a " Nashville concentrating less on the bald are programs complete with very funny. Besides " Giddi Up Travel a good concept. but the piece is Rank and file sound." If anything. it harkens artist. running times of all pieces There are also pieces with Agent. " Michael Smith produces too long and relies too much on Slash back to the music being created These flaws are few. however. (although there i1) at least one humorously awful music: "Scale "Driving," about the rules ofthe "in" art jokes about a at Sun Records in Memphis baldheaded artist who muses and minor. Overall. " Video/TV : very funny bit called " Dancing flop" by Ernest Gusella road explained to a beat by the If someone asked you to nearly three decades ago. when that future generations will call Humor/Comedy" is an excellent Man " not covered anywhere on lIIustrates a masochistic do-re­ marvelously goofy- looking name a record that combines country and blues styles were this her " blue period." show. genuinely funny with the program). In conjunction mi. and " Eight Days a Week " by Smith. and "Secret Horror," elements of rock, reggae and melded into rock and roll by the the Kipper Kids is the absolutely where the befuddled main country-western. and couples likes of Elvis Presley. Carl worst version of the Beatles' hit character. wearing a MI K[ belt them with a social conscience. Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis. I ever hope to hear. Musical buckle. is confronted by a you might well mention a recent Rank and File's sound seems comedy can be silly, as in glowing ceiling. a talking iron. a Clash album. especially akin to the stripped­ Michael Smith's "Giddi Up constantly ringing phone, and a But if you were asked to name down country of Sun artist Travel Agent." or obscure, as in set of improbably tall. sheet­ a record that accomplished all Johnny Cash and the Tennessee " Songs for Swinging larvae" by draped spooks who ruin Mike's that in the sme song. you'd Two. whom it salutes (along Graeme Whifler with Renaldo dry-cleaning, eat the chocolate probably be stumped - and with Hank Williams and Letty and the Loaf, or even a little off his bridge mix. and kidnap more than a little skeptical. Frizzell ) on the album's title gross. as in Dale Hoyt's him to a stupid game show, There is indeed such a record. song, " Dancing Death Monsters. " Mike ends the piece by strutting though: it's Sundown. the Sundown is especially lIIembers of Rank and file - which shows, among other in and out of the fallen frame of remarkable debut by Rank and impressive for how unforced the new roc.JGlbilly sensation things. hacked up chicken. his suspended ceiling to the File on Slash Records, And jf and downright fresh its music from the great state of Texas, bloody extracted teeth. and a music of Neil Young. someone asked me to name the sounds, Rank and File's reggae Tops in Pops small child crying " Pleasel Louis Grenier and Teddy best album of 1982, I'd pick this influences, for example. are Pleasel " "Song of the Street of Dibble both have short one. assimilated almost invisibly portrait of the plight of the Below is a list of the top at UCSD and around the the Singing Chicken" by Kenn programs of selected works: Rank and File. which was into " Rank and file," and in illegal alien. concentrating on country, These ratings are based on sales and furnished by :-;:. Beckman is for those who find Grenier with sight gags in formed in and " Coyote" the instrumental the personal rather than the Assorted Vinyl and Billboard Magazine, ~.' tight c10seups of chickens " Caught" and " Pass Debris," now makes its home in Austin, "dub" break is startling yet political aspects, The song's "ere inherently funny. and Tony Dibble with "Secrets l'II Never has some strong local roots. perfectly appropriate, intelligent lyrics are driven 1. Business as Usual Men at Work Columbia Oursler's " Till Ya Know Me " Tell" - naturally, he never tells Brothers Chip and Tony Kinman. " Rank and file" and "Coyote" home by Chip Kinman 's 2. Trans !"Ieil Young Geffen failed to get anything but them - and "Cough ," wherein a who share vocal chores and play both demonstrate the extent of harmonica and Tony Kinman 's 3, Plastic Surgery Dead Kennedy Virus puzzled expressions from most poor actor is commanded by a guitar and bass respectively. the group's social concern. commanding vocals, 4. Dig the New Breed Th e Jam Polydor of the viewers, demanding director to produce formed an innuential punk band " Rank and File" is a show of One last strength of 5. Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel Geffen Some of the best video artists everything from a "dry hack" to ca lled the Oils in 1977 while support for the American (hard) Sundown lies with the vocal are represented several times in "emphysema" to "black lung," they were living in Carlsbad. worker; it points out the painful harmonies of the Kinman There several categories, Mitchell Another thing that "Video/ Gu itarist Alejandro Escovedo. injustices of " working for the brothers, Tony's strong. 1. Business as Usual Men at Work Columbia Kriegman and William Wegman W: Humor/ Comedy" proves is I'Ilchael Smith In Ciiddi Up Travel Agent Induded In l'Iandeville Gallery comedy/musk: video exhibiL who was in San francisco's boss. never stop(ping) to distinctive baritone and Chip's 2. Built for Speed Stray Cats EMI have appeared on " Saturday that excellent videos can be Nuns. is also a one-time San wonder why," but in such somewhat whiny tenor 3, H20 Hall 8r oates EMI Night Live," so their humor is produced on a very low budget. Diego resident. while drummer rousing fashion that it makes complement each other 4. Get Neroous Pat Benatar Chrysalis considered more accessible " Video Rover" by Brad "Test Tube " jumps from the parts that are side-splitting, with ' Video/TV: Humor/ Slim [vans is the group's token you eager to 'Join the rank and extremely well, most notably on 5. Thriller Michael Jackson Epic than some of the others. Stensberg is a good example; in artist and her life. to three men There are many videos that I saw Comedy" there is also an Texan, file." the Everly Brothers-styled Wegman puts his faithul dog it, the artist treats his camera drinking "culture cocktails" at only parts of or missed entirely. installation called " The Sundown has a predominate "Coyote" is an evocative ballad " Lucky Day," Man Ray through his paces. like an unruly dog. and we see the "Color Bar Lounge," to but the titles sound promising: Telephone Stories" by Mitchell while Kriegman stars in his own the entire scene from the dog's commercials for concoctions " Generic Video Art." "Don 't Kriegman, where the visitor productions. point of view, from the same " Color Bar Ask," " Int'I Whistling Contest." becomes part of the piece by Kriegman's "Turkey Dinner." .-c..-c.-c Lounge," Most of the comedy is " Wit and its Relationship to the simply picking up the phone ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• about the experience of being In a show ofthis quality. very found in these commercials. Unconscious, " The eight and a and listening in, There is a ignored In a relative's house. is few videos fell short of the which include pitches for Nazi half hours are shown different humorous narrative Tired of feeling you're being mildly amusing. and his " Likely others. " Lure Detour" by Will ie Milk. Liquid Assets, and continuously during Gallery each day, uMooned" by Ronnie Reagan & Jimmy Watt??? THE New on campus ... INSANE Well now you can I for you! S Strike Back! BE A WARREN 6~pRf.S ~~rl RESIDENT ADVISOR The new Ronnie Reagan and I'm Sid E. Slicker, and I am James Watt Dart Boards are l\1!n~~~~~~n~f~~:.t':*..:~p~i,!'~~~~~~~~~ pleased to offer for \ale a limited cA\.\. II (,dition of BROOKLYN BRIDGr. designed to ease your frustrations Certificate of Ci:.RTIFICATES OF OWNERSHIPI APPLICATIONS WILL BE while sharpening your darting SkIlls , Each 1 I" x 15" two color certificatt' grant~ thc right in nubibus to onc TAKEN THROUGH FEB. 4 . uncommon ,harc of thl' Brooklvn Bridge with all the right~ and ' Great conversation piece in home, l Call pn vi k ge~ lhal entails. APPLY THROUGH THE office or dorm, and a tru Iy Whelher you are a collegc ~lud('nl long distance TaE Bl\OOIlLY N SlUDGE or a corporate' ('x('(utivt' you WARREN STUDENT thoughtful gift for that unemployed cannot find d better inve'~tm('nt n. • •• ,f'''. t. __ ...... "'" ... ,...... ~ .. ,.. .. ,,-,, ~ 0 N It - ....,...... t .. ..' , - • • ... . for yo ur humor portfolio than one • ... .. -...... to ... I~ .. """ .. .. , ... • ... . _ .. . . or bankrupt friend. Dial direct to the 50 stales of these signed, numb6 red . and EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ana tal k for .. k . . .. "n •• " ...... ' .. . .. JoO. _ ... Ao •• ...... ; ...... '..0 .. .. ~ .... ,0 ... ''\0 , ... "'- r('giMcrcd certificates. Puerto RICO and the U S r- ''''''' . - ...... "'". ,, _ '" ,. . ' 30 d ~, • .• " ", 01, .,...... ," ~.... "...... • • • ~ ._ ... f .. t llo • • " .. 'I' ...-' -p • ..."... I,"t""" . ,_ ... _ ... 00\ ' Virgm Islands Just enoug~ 1 , ...... P.. ·. ..._ ,...... ,,1111, .,. . ., ...... 0,... ~ ~ .. seeo n s y~.s , ~,d' 1 INdlli to buy ,he Brookl;l1 lime to say hi sweetheart BI "lg"1 ~"nd me __c"ufj, ...,,) 1 QUESTIONS: call 452-4581 Specify either the Reagan or Watt h mom and dad passed my haw "nriosed $5 00 for "d' h reru fit.1O f 50 ¢I ( ) I I'll.! ) for d total of $,--:---:-:---:- finals send money miSS you board, only $10.00 each, or both 0 r 1\.1 .. h rrsllit-nt' .del dl'phtdble 'dieS tax ~'(lII5I(ntfOrt guaralilt'ed arrived OK • _ ...... _ ...... ~ ..... _ ,, 1 _ _ _ " " . • ..... ,...... - . ... ~ 'r-...... ··· .6ti'fI . t, • . • • • -...... -f •• • for only S18.00. Call now - •- ~ ...... ~.... 4IW •• .•f ~ ." ...... " .... c .. ,H"., • ... - ..... ~ " : ..... '. ," :":... ~ ...... ' •..- •• • • .- ".Hue., • • Look lor the bright green phone With the Express Ca ll Sign /1M , Locations at Univer si ty of Calif ... .,,"I1,.u _ .. . .. _ .. ~ ...... __ I""" THE Central Library MUIr Cafeteria Human ities Library : " ...... ~IAH 1,IP RESIDENT ADVISORS Liberal Arts Publishing . .. M • • .. ~ • !It •• • • '-)t'J1C1 t oupuo or t,.j( 'IIrnlir to P.O. Box 771 t BROOKLYN BRIDGE Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 Commodilies Exchange @ Bell System P ,O, Box 1882 Dearborn, M14812l ...... ------~ " Hiatus January 20, J 9H3 January 20, 198 Hlatu 5 Concert Line UCSD hosts premiere of award­ ~AT THE MOVIES--- Red Wedding offers around town , winning _Polish film "Constant" • dli progrdms stdrt fnddY' By CLYDt:Nt: N t:t: gained both critical acclaim and within his hero so well that it is real music to UCSD This campus is indeed praise outside of their native truly a great film. CENTER CINEMAS GUILD Fashion Valley By JOHN Nft: fortunate to be able to host the land. and have given audiences Along with this is a look at San Diego San Diego Premiere of Krysztof a unique look at the problems the corruption that exists 297-1888 295-2000 It DAVt: fILI"IINGt:R 1 ) THE VERDICT Zanussi's film Constant that exist in the lives of the among Polish bureaucrats. and MOONLIGHTING promoting. 2) THE MAN FROM SNOWY It is a truly rare occasion (Constant factor), which won Polish people. the inablility of various when meaningful music is Musically, Red Wedding RIVER LA JOLLA VILLAGE THEATER the Jury prize for direction at Constant tells the story of a institutions in the state to 3) BEST FRIEND La Jolla Village Square brought to our campus. So far opens new avenues of Cannes. The events in Poland young man seeking to parallel provide the basic necessities 453-7831 psychedelia. Their use of CLAlRfMONT this year such bands of dubious duri ng the past two years have the achievement of his father, a that we take for granted to the 1) THE MAN FROM SNOWY feedback is reminiscient of that Clairemont Mesa musical quality as the Missing brought greater awareness to famous mountaineer. The Polish people. RIVER used by such psychedelic 274-0901 Persons and Oingo Boingo have the American people of the barriers that keep him from The film will premiere with 2) TIME WALKER institutions as Love and the 1 ) THE TOY/ WHOLLY MOSES graced this school with their problems that exist between the doing so exist both within his English subtitles next Thursday. 3) THE VERDICT Strawberry Alarm clock. Beyond 2) ENIGMA/STill OF THE presence. Polish people and the own character and the society in January 27. in Mandeville 4) KISS ME GOODBYE beingjust a psychedelic revivaL NIGHT While both shows were a government in power. Polish which he is a part. Zanussi uses Auditorium at 8pm. Tickets are Red Wedding integrates a COVE The VCSD Vocal Te<:bnlques t:nsemble will be featured this week In the On Behalf of l'Iuslc series. tremendous success from an films made by such directors as his subtle art of cinemato­ $2 at the University Events Box LA PALOMA economic standpoint. the music clearly new sound into their La Jolla EnCInitas Andrzej Wajda and Zanussi have graphy to portray this conflict Office In the Student Center. 459-5404 that has been purveyed by bands music. 436-SHOW LA BON MIRAGE of their like has shown little in Their use of keyboards gives NOT A LOVE STORY Zany vocal outfit to play Wed. terms of quality and certainly their music a solid base as well IJ Museum to highlight "Heroines" fiNE ARTS no true artistic motivation. It as voicing the melodic theme. Pacific Beach SPORTS ARENA More importantly. Red Wedding 274-4000 San Diego Madrigals" by William Brooks, Roger Reynolds, Joji Yuasa. seems that for any band to gain " Heroines of Hollywood." a who does battle with a Supporting Actor (Sanders ). Braininess. zaniness. does not use hooks and cliches XICA 223-5333 "Pastoral" by David Jones. " Not Robert t:rickson have written popularity with the masses. unique. four-month film series calculating, treacherou~ Best Costum'e Design. and Best combine with vocal virtuosity found in other bands of their FLOWER HILL CINEMA 1) STill OF THE NIGHT/SIX a Soul But Ourselves" by Roger pieces expressly for [VTE. Their certain concessions in terms of begins Tuesday, at the la Jolla newcomer played by Anne Sound Recording. On february WEEKS and wit to produce a program of genre. By being a new band they DelMar Marsh, Harkins and larson in research activities include quality and originality must be Museum of Contemporary Art. Baxter. Marilyn Monroe is seen 15, Carol Lombard stars in 2) BEST FRIENDS amazing sounds with the UCSD enjoy the freshness of having 755-5511 " Piece for Trumpet and Dancer" collaboration with theater. made. The new series, featuring briefly in the film in the role of Twentieth Century, with John 3) ONE DARK NIGHT Extended Vocal Techniques • • • true musical freedom : and 1) THE MAN FROM SNOWY Ensemble on the "Wednesday and " Requiem" by Deborah video, film and dance artists, as films produced during the the young protege of a waspish Barrymore in a fast-talking RIVER 4) ONE DOWN, TWO TO GO This Saturday the band Red unlike bands that have risen on 5) THE TOY Evenings on Behalf of Music" Kavash. well as voice scientists and 1930s, 40s and 50s, will be critic played by George Sanders. comedy classic about a 2) TIME WALKER/ AIRPlANE II Wedding will be presented in the new wave of muzak. Red 6) CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON Series. January 26 at 8 p.m. in The group. Deborah Kavash , neuroscientists. The Ensemble shown at 2 p.m. on the last Joseph Mankiewicz directed theatrical impressario and his 3) THE VERDICT the Rec. Gym. The closest that Wedding is not bound to the Mandeville Auditorium. Linda Vickerman , Edwin presented concerts, lectures, Tuesday of every month from this 1950 cinematic version of young protege. this band could come to a constraints of mainstream UA GlASSHOUSE 6 MANN CINEMA 6 The Extended Vocal Harkins. and Philip larson. has workshops and broadcasts January through April in the high theatre which won Oscars Admission to " Heroines of San Diego classification would probably radio. University Town Centre Techniques Ensemble was been praised by contemporary throughout Europe, Canada and Museum auditorium, with the for Best Director. Best Hollywood" is $1.50. For more 223-2546 452-7766 be psychedelic. Their sound is • • • formed 10 years ago as an composers and critics for the . including the exception of the february Screenplay. Best Picture, Best information. call 454-3541. 1 ) THE DARK CRYSTAL 1 ) BEST FRIENDS very new yet danceable. Having Overall this show could be experimental research and developing a range of vocal Paris A. R.C .2 festival, the movie. which will be shown on 2) KISS ME GOODBYE 2) DARK CRYSTAl just completed a tour that took the best possible thing that performance group dedicated to musical materials previously Bourges GMEB festival. the the third Tuesday. 3) AN OFFICER AND A 3) ONE DARK NIGHT them to opening dates with could happen to bringing good developing a sonic vocabulary unknown. demonstrating once Koln festival of Contemporary film heroines include such GENTLEMAN 4) TIME WAlKER Public Image Umited and Bow music to UCSD. Hopefully with 4) ENIGMA based on study of various more that the human throat is Music. the Holland festival. and stars as Bette Davis. Anne Coming next issue. • • 5) AN OFFICER AND A Wow Wow, Red Wedding has the success of this show it will 5) THE VERDICT GENTLEMAN musical cultures. Wednesday's the last frontier of the musical concerts series of New Music in Baxtor, Marilyn Monroe and also managed to complete and no longer be a neccessity to go Ia!t week SIll music scene got a shot in the 6) TIME WAlKER 6) STill OF THE NIGHT program offers the culmination avant-garde. Chicago, Toronto and Carole Lombard. ""5 E.P. which their current tour is off campus to enjoy good music. with of their research : " Three Many composers. such as Vancouver. Davis stars in All About Eve, arm t. URVeiIIng of the "new" 91l. We will look In­ the series first film, playing a depth at the "Rock of the 80s" as well as the new video • thedter 'Istlngs subject to Change' powerful though aging stage sensation, MTV, which Is a savior to the record industry. actress at the apex of her career UA BRISK, CHEERFUL COMEDY~' THERE"S A NEW MIchael Sragow Roiling Stone ROOMER IN TOWN Interested in Programming McIjOrs ' ? in the Student Center? I' A~ntion-communications I ROOMS* I ClUl1y~cenes Want to have input as to CAREERS IN of'll1nter • the events chosen? COMMUNICATION Umled ArtlslS ClaSSICS -a panel discU5sion- I shoWS, Eves. 7:00, 9.00 Matinees Sat & Sun 300, 5.00 If so, join the Student Center ------I =CORT·s= Programming Sub-Committee of the Student Center Board! I

UCSD Alumni will be on hand to I First meeting is Tuesday , Jan. 25 answer questions and provide at 5 pm in the AS Conference information about career options Room, above the Student Center. and strategies. If you are interested but can not Wednesday, January 26 attend leave your name and 11:00 - 12:30 number in the Warren Reps Box In the Student Center Office North Conference Room (behind EDNA desk). (Student Center)

*'NCLUDES Soto & malchmg ch(l.r cockto,1 toble end 'S CoMPANY It DANCERS IN CON CERT loble lamp 5 pc } j I j dinette. double bE'O WIT H GUEST ART IST nlghl sland lomp TIM WENGERD sponsored by the Communications ond C~8\I I (FORMER PRINCIPAL DANCER WITH MARTHA GRAHAM) It's your Student Center JAN. 20 & 21 AT 8:00 P.M. Department in conjunction with Career MANDEVILLE AUDITORIUM U.C.S.D. so get involved and Planning and Placement and SEED (Students SAN DIEGO KEAIlNY MESA OCEANSIDE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TH E U CS D BOX OFFICE 452-4559 for Employment and Educational I f 1Q~ Unillers', r 1(' t1t>4' (nr y Cj 1719 OceanSld.., Alv,j So OR CHAR GE BY PHONE 296-95U have some input... I 583·2981 292·6057 439·0111 TICKETS: $7 & $9 STUDENTS & SENIORS: $5 & $7 Develop~ent ) • I A LL SE ATS ARE RE SERVED

6 Hiatus January 20, 1983 January 20 I 83 Hiatus 7 . " -

Lee Ritenour February 5, Saturday, Juilliard String Quartet Two Shows! 7:30 & 10:00 p.m . January 29, Saturday The UCSD student athlete: Tickets also at Ticketron o utlets a study of self-motivation

By (.l ~ S.\;\ TO'\'O From France "tall \\ nl"r Imagine taking Hi Ul1lt s oi maintain a 2.0 grade pOint uppcr di\,i"'JOn cour"e" at a\crage requIred b) the :-':C:\A llCSD. ranked 131 h among t he for eligibIlity In Intercollegiate natlOn's univer~ilies acade· -athlelH.>-. Ifan educallon Isthe ;JI=...,.-======--=_==--mlcally. The pre"..,ure number one rea..,on for - tnvohed would crush bricb. attending I 'C::,[). what is the On top of this add daily lwo· motivation for the over BOO hour practIces and the athletes who participated in pressure of wInnIng ,in Intercollegiate~") Intercolleglatc athletIC'" 1 he "It's refreshing to have a end result? A person locked dl"cipllne oUl"ide of the Into a wo,rld \\ here \Irtualh booh." explain" Ste\ e KIelty e\'er) mInute of tIme I... member oi the L'C D track squeezed for maximum u..,e. team and a hI tory major and lehure becomes a very currently managing I uppl·r· rare occurrence. di\hion unll". "In "l'hool VOl! Pres~ure such a.... t hh 1'-0 ha\'e to \\ ait nIne week .... before face? by most ..,tudentathll'te~_you gaIn an:; ... en ... e 01 The Chieftains ______------at l CSD Although man) ol accomph"hment It· ... worth the "tudent·athlete.... areableto whIle to accompli .... h "ome· February 2, Wednesday .... lInultaneousl:> cope with the thing \\' Ith Immt' diat\: pres .... ur~" of at hlet IC'o and re:-ou 11'-." Compagnie Philippe G enty R~'a~emlcs. the dItflL'Ulty ot CoachL'''. rL'alIlIng that the The Puppet Revue " Round uS u Cuhc" l CSD cour"es make It hard academIC pre ... "ure at l·e. [) I'" ______tor "ome of them_____ to be able to hIgh.to help do whatL'\erthe ..,tudent I.... pO""'lble·at h1et e February 1, Tuesday perfIJrm well in the da ... "t"

A ll perfor mances (except Lee Rite n our) a t IIO Ib 8:00 p.m . in M andeville Audito rium Wh,te 8"" '" aD Only Tickets at UC 0 \ Central Box Office Home Made Soups All You Open Seven Day. Phone 4 52,4 5S9 or 4 ';2,4090 Giant Salad Bar . Can Eat! kinko's copiczs Sandwiches & Quiche, Breakfast 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr. ~.lIurd.IY .lIId SUlld.,1, Ralph's Shopping Ctr. Fresh Muffins , Beer & Wine 700 100 MOlld.,y I rld:,v It 009.30.. ..17 r.·.,r! 51 45 AI 3453 457-3775 8 Hlalus Jan uary 20, 198.3 Sdl & Sun t2 00 9:JO t .1 joti ... C 1\ 'r'?II.1, ~- " ..