The UCSD Guardian L'nivcrsity of California, San Lji(·J.!O / Voiuj11l' IR, Number 6 / Thur..,Dav, Januar} ~O, 19X:{

The UCSD Guardian L'nivcrsity of California, San Lji(·J.!O / Voiuj11l' IR, Number 6 / Thur..,Dav, Januar} ~O, 19X:{

The UCSD Guardian l'nivcrsity of California, San lJi(·J.!o / VoiuJ11l' IR, Number 6 / Thur..,dav, Januar} ~O, 19X:{ 4 going under CHASE .. "~ Economic woes may spell doom for banks B, ~ TEVE STOYANOW . "Iaff ",,'riler With the c1o"e of 19X2. the Tl'\·enue.., from oil cxports t':\pecled art ually amounlt'd to .... Iaunch tht' 11«)\\ "The "Ituatlon IS into\('r ~lex Ican people were faced would amount to bet \\ een $20 Ill) morc than ~JI bdlum (11 ord('1' 'tl <k'al \\ ttl1 I ht able. I \\ III nol allfm t Ite \\ rth an annual tnflatlon rate and S2:l billion. [)ue to thl:; \('cording to l\lI'nl'ltus. 'It cn ... t-.. Cornt'liu... a\" ~I t'. Id country to come apart In m) of 100 percent. zero t:conom it' prOject IOn. Me. ICO, st an 109 In \\ ,h this laq,{l' gap bet \\ l'l'1l \\' d:- .. iorced" t \I aceep d, 4 7 hand.., \\ e \\,111 art wil h gn)\\th, and tht' second the late 1970s. began a expecled and realil.l'd oil bdltlJll bail·out loan from Iht dCl'I"I\l'I1eSS and firmnes" .. highest fon·is.,TJ1 debt In the program of mas"i\'l' economic re\'enues I hat plu nged ~ll'XIC() International \Yonl'lan Fund ~() said Mexico\' President world (behind, SH:~ development, financing 11 b~ mto a Irquldlty cri .... l ... b~ the 11;\1 F I t ' n ion U nal"h fN :\1Igut'1 de la i\-ladrtd a.., he billion. borrowing mas"ive amounts of Slimmer of 19 2," ThiS crisis. \\l'. 1l'u, Olll J1laJOI' • t 'jJLiJat' I' addre"..,ed his nat ion during Ilow did l'lexico reach I hI.., foreign caplla!. which by the (ornt'lllh says, It'd to I h,­ of I he loan agTl't'ment \\'a ... that hiS inaugural speech back in nadir of economIC chaos? Ho\\ summer of 19H2 totaled Sb:~ gm crnment 's· Wit holding of :-tiii <llhtl'ril\ l11t>a .... url' .... h;ld '0 Decemher of 1982. That same did II fall from potentially billion. paYI1ll'nts on the S,:~ blllinl1 Ill' i n t r (l ct II r t' dIn t 0 h t' Itne from \ladrtd's address becom 109 ont' of t he world' ~ To repay these loan:", foreign (itobl. a nd III I he ;\It'xlcan t'l'Onun1\'. lioH-rn \\,.h also used bi Wayne wcal! hler nat Ions In 1977 ~1exico \\as rel}ing on the dt.·\ alual iOIl of t he lOU nt n .... menl ~U1Ndll':- OIl COI1:-U:I1H Cornelius (l rc D profe..,sor of (\\ hen former president Lopel increa..,e in 1111 e:\ports CUITL' nl y. (J he Pt'''O hi!' been good ... clnd . l·n·l n· ... had to I • po It tical sCIence and eitrect or of Porttllo announced the projected back in the lat' devalued four I inw .... !!lee £'Iirninall'd. re:-oult II1g 111 hI hl'r the Program in {·S·Mex Ican d ISC{)\ ery of \ ast re"'erHl!fS of 1970s. Fntel r(';lSlln number Augu"t oi I~), :!.) pri"l'''' ior the ;\Ie ICdll Studies) 10 open a discourse hI' OIl) to bt'mg one of t he most t \\ o. Mex ICO. as \\ ell a" ot het \\ II h tlw dl'\'aluallon l'allW a I lIhtlllWr presented to the Worl d Affairs t'cononllcall\ depn'..,~ed In oIl export ing nat iOIl..,. did not ·'m;]" .... I\ t f1lghl oi caplI.!1 10 :-, lOll' itnanClal e. j>L'rt. CouncIl of San Diego onj an I I . 1~lR:P antiCipate tl1(' \\'orld\\ide uri the l'l1lled Slalt':"." :ltt'(lrdlllg lx·ltt \ t' I ht' :lu ... t ern \' Ilh:astlre Cornelius' presentation. According to Corncliu.." the gl ut thal lx'Ran In (Ie\ dop In to lorneilLh. as \It'x1l',111'" \\ ill hurl t ht' . :\11' ,'ll'an titled "The Mexican Sucre..,· anS\\/:'r IS t \\ of old. FIrst, the summer of 19HI (l'ared I hell' mont·\, \\ C\" nl) ('cl)nunn l'\'cn mort' :"t'\ CI't Iv sion: Problems and Pros· MeXICO antllipated huge Decreas -c\ demand and longer .... afe 111 l\ It'" iZ';lIl ban k ... A rt·Ct'lli Ultsill'::::s Wel'k art leil' pect'>." dealt With lhe increa:-es in government plummellng IlII prices In llw Tn n·"pon .... e tl) this "Ilrght." I.lan, Ill), !'>tale'" "(,xPt'rt~ \ ar {'collom Il problems IlO\\ f al'lng n.'\ enues as ;1 result of \\ (lrlll markel had a dra~tll' t ht )..{\J\ ertlIlIt'nI (11wl1 headtod I hal I ht l;\lF au . t 'fit \ \1exico and the consequtnc('s Illl teased oil export , The effect 011 :\lexicll'''' oil by LOI '/. Portillo) nat IOn a Itl.t'ti program..; - designt.'ti to help thosc prohlems 111Ight bnng gm ernment Cllculatcd that. rt'\('nllt's. J'hc .~2(1·$2S billion Iht' banks (t Iw hrst t line rn deblor' natIon:; get their ilbou t. beglnntng In H1H 1, annual gO\'crnlllenl offkrcd" had I It'xiran hIstory) III Older to pIt'" .. \: lurn to pugt-' Ii An interview with Roger Hedgecock. pg 5 UCSD athletes of self-motivation. pg 7 The hilariou UCSD artfe t. Hiatu pg 3 Thursday,January 20, J 983 The UCSD Guardia n :~ 2 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 20, 1983 The UCSD Guardian Oliphant Spen:d thousands of dollars to generate ten By ROGER S IMON to act." i'imm say~. "Your on Ihe .... t· Ihll1gs," he saId . "ThaI "" \\ hy we Illi ....... pell ed "Olll« iJoch \\ ;1" supporting 1..", Anl/elc, Times S} "d.l·"ll· check for $500 or 'even $250 "Whal you gel III Jusl rm er'" it." I'llnm "aiel. "The ..,ton Waller," -Holler .... ald -' Hul I "Your check for $500 or l'\ en would make me extremel\' the m .... h ." ml ~ ",pL'lI l' d II and \\'1' \\ anll'Cl tfl ,,",hn'l pleCt"ed t hl'Y ~ pell ed hi" S250 would make me grateful. - So \\ hv do il ? \Vh\' nlhl' mail out Ill(' .... Ion "() w (' naml' wrong. extremely grateful," I he let ter "If vou can send $100 or $2;; monev if' It I"just g<lIng 10 dp('Jd l'ci 10 mi ........ pl, 1I il on "II tl1t'~ gl'1 tfl thl pO In I \\ here I h('\' m'ed u" or Walter, Opinion say .... or $in it mlghl make the Cll\ er t hl co"t of rai"ln l.!; pu rpo.., t· ,,0 \ \ '( wou ldn 'l I don'l doubt it. Checks like difference lx'l ween freedom mont·\ ? di"agl(t· wit h Iht· ..,tor~." Ih(:n \\ e'n bt'l'(Jnw lIl\'oh ed. that would make me grateful. ,Illd .... l,wer\' for Waiter" " Wt'lI, hopefully we \\ill 'I ha t may n!)1 be Illl'gol)lil'''1 BUI Tll\ be"l gU t',,'" I" thl" I .1 V IlSiglled edilorials represelltthe Opill iolls of Ihe ed ito rim board of Ih e ue D 100. The yAF i" not a fll bv make some mom'\." Plllllll I hlllg It·\ l'r heard bu. It ('I,me" harrnk· ... " tlfon tha! I" lI!,1 GuardiOJI. The editorial board is comjJosed of Scoll YO/mg, Lisa !,OPIll. alld Tom gomg an~ \\ hert . The man \\ith all that nigh t ()u I fi l. II ha.... iJl'en ~aid "~O!11U Imt· " I 'flU mak!' a I n a ('Io ... ! "t'('1md Rankill. All olherarlieles ill this serlim, are solely Ih eopill ion of Ihe u'riler allli do 1101 hull' ' . f' 1I11m "iI\" hi ... Intenllon, necessarily reprcselll the !'ieU's of the Guardiall . ilsediloriol board, ils advertisers. or gratitude is Sam Plmm. arou nd for mort' I han 20 vcars " \\ l lat l'r changl'd our and claims a mclllbcr .... lilJ) of And hOl\ 1l1 11 l h IS I hI '" an I'nl tre" hl/JiIl!",:"I!.' /Ie<:;!\ ... Ihe Regfllis of the Ulliversily of Californ ia. executl\e dIrector of Young nllnd ...... 1'!l111ll ";lId ..."nd \H 90.0()O 111 6jU local chapll'r..,. mailing t()~ lll1g ? hl think lhl I a "great Americans for Freedom. an ' 111)\\ ..,ptll mg It (Orrl'! th .. YAF . a well known BUI I wa s \ ery .... uq.Jll sed to " I don 'l kno", \\ hal I hl' cu .... t ... projl'll" for YJ\F lit· .,.!~" II 'j[ r consen'311\'e group ..... ay" It ha" hear It \\',1'- raising lllonpl' f(lr are." Plllllll ~ aicl. \\ ,.lter·" .tltl'l nt\S ('on't hI' pt'r (llIdll. ' lanllila \\ tth maded oul a couple of hundrl'd Walter. Rut \\ hal I" I he llloney IX'll1g \\ ant til In-..ult illl\.,lll· \\ hI) I~ \\ I1lt'r la I'. t hou .... and leiters as ki ng Pl,(lpll' Wall er's law\ ers not on" spent on ? I)n I he -..Idl· of I Ill'lr ,lltlll. But I a"kerl 1'1'l1 If 1-( h .. d l \e" By popular dentand fre(';, "We hm l' placed an ad m on Ill\' () I hl'r h;1 nd I he) dl'll t 1111'1 \\'altl'r for munl'\' III urder to "s;nc" are representing him fo r r Walt er Polo\'chak. bUI I he~ ha\'c .... penl t hou ~ and .., SC/( '., W()rld ." Plllllll "aie\. want 10 elllbr<lu' lund ;, "'lIlg ':-\0." ht, "aid But I d lIH Walter IS the 15·vear-old out of Ihelr own poch·I..,. ;\nd "A nd \\ e hope 10 place 01he r"." ellOrl ..

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