
N SUNDAY, THE STREETS OF will come to life with runners and cyclists and an expected crowd I) of 20,000 spectators. The featured event is a world­ class cycling event through the streets of downtown featuring some of the world's best cyclists. The action begins with the Founh Annual La Jolla Half Marathon at .7 :30 am. The race begins at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and finishes at the LaJolla Cove, with the awards ceremony to be held at the Cove at 11 am. The large crowds are expected to arrive with the stan of the premiere Bud Light LaJoila Grand Prix. The course for the event I...... ~ begins on Silverado near Herschel, heads east to Fay, goes down to Prospect, up to Girard, up to Wall Street, then continues on Wall to Herschel before heading back to · Silverado. Preceding the men's event is a two-lap celebrity race and a 33- lap women's event at 12:30. The men's race begins at 1:15 and will feature ten Olympic medalists, including gold medal winner Mark Gorski, Steve Hegg and Eric Heiden. The race will cover 66 laps, or 40 miles. There will be a shuttle bus to the race site from the University parking lot at the comer of La Jolla Village and Torrey Pines. 2 Thursday, Apn118, 1985 Thursday, April 18, 1985 3 Ne~ • • '\. .', '" • '" ~ ~ " '" • ..)., • y 'l): ...... ,},' ~...... :-: ;..: '" • .,...... '" • ~, ... ·X.~ "

~------~------~I I I UCSD ,..." rally planned ~ ,. I"'" r =tW jl"r" " I. , ~ .... ~:.. I~ I ' I' I,t. ~ 1...tiI ...til I . ~ IJIIII II ... • .. ""III" ,..... I" ., ...... !II --~ - I "' k' 'I I,,,re- Thousands at Cal protest apartheid I fl. L I'l. r, I'. • • ~ ,... Fl' University of scientists Much of the book is based on the have acquired an unusual computer Ellison family's correspondence-the By SEAN WAGSTAFF, News Editor capable of performance approaching only known surviving letters by a free News: Thousands of Berkeley students have demonstrated NIVERSITY POLICE Tuesday ensure that campus rules are observed. resisting arrest, also a misdemeanor. three primary goals, according to AS that of the most i1dvanced black family wri[[en during the years their desire for UC-South African divestiture in the past few arrested more than 160 ann­ "The main doors to Sproul Hall have About 80 of those arrested identified President-elect Mary Rose Alexander. to supercomputers, but at a fraction of the surrounding the Civil War. U apanheid demonstrators at UC now been barricaded. The building has themselves as students. achieve UC divestment in South Africa, cost. Most deal with everyday matters­ days. Also, UC lecturers go to the capitol to complain, the Berkeley, where they were protesting been plastered with signs in clear The Regents are scheduled to to move the Regents' vote on divestment The powerful "array processor" will business transactions, town gossip and California Review has won, at least initially, a battle to get on­ University of California i{lvestments in violation of campus rules. consider South African dIvestment in from late Jlme to the May meeting and allow researchers to address a wide family activities-that closely parallel campus space, although the fight isn't over yet, and Adam companies with South African interests. "The vigil has been turned into a June. to move it from the Santa cruz campus those of Southern whites. variety of problems in theoretical After the arrests, at least 2,500 people campout. The ASUCSD Wednesday night to the Berkeley campus, and to have the In Bla ck MaSlers , Johnson and Roark Scrotum and Betsy Breast are back, wtih cancer, on a campus physics previously unapproachable due gathered at Sproul Hall, administration "Protests on this campus must be allocated funds for a rally on Revelle treasurer make a full report to a public describe the small number of Southem to limited computing capabilities. near you. building for the nine UC campuses, to both legal and within the rules. We shall Plaza Wednesday, April 24 , from noon hearing on the UC's investments in blacks who worked in skilled trades, The researchers are testing the denounce the arrests and the UC's closely monitor this demonstration. If it to 1 pm. South African businesses. This last goal making enough money on the side to Opinions: A reprint of the UC Berkeley Daily Cal's editorial computer [0 determine if it an proVide investments in various firms doing continues as it now is, we shall take According to AS PreSIdent Marc was achieved by the protestors purchase their freedom and pass it on an economIcal alternative to on the apanheid walk-outs, the results of the referenda business in South Africa. The amount of action to open the doors of Sproul Hall , Boroditsky, the AS is asking students to Wednesday night when the UC supercomputers for some university as a binhright. voting, a viewpoint on America's favorite pastime, plus letters those investments has been estimated to to take down ·the signs and to end the wear red ribbons, symboliZing African Administration agreed to the request. research problems. Johnson says that while some readers camping out." bloodshed, in support of divestment According to Greg Arnold , vice and Doonesbury, be as high as several billion dollars. Funded by a $440,000 grant from the might be disturbed by the Elhson's Despite the arrests, speakers at the Those arrested were charged with and to boycott classes during that time. president-elect of external affairs, the National SCience Foundation, the Star slave-holdings, the research makes a rally , including Mario Savio, who led the trespaSSing, illegal lodging, or blocking a The boycott request extends to extent of UC investments in South valuable contribution to black histOry. Perspectives: Two stories in the Guardian's Emerging Technologies ST-100 array processor is Free Speech Movement in 1964, urged public thoroughfare , all misdemeanors. instructors as well. Africa cannot be determined until the "The Ellison \c[[ers show that black housed at UC Santa Barbara and shared Writers' Series explore memories-a universal day and the protestors to continue. On About 30 others were charged for The demonstrations at Berkeley have treasurer's repon is made. ~ by SCIentists at the IrVine and families during the Civil War era weren't photographic images. Plus, "the writer's i" discusses the fruits Wednesday, about 7,000 people again all impovenshed slaves. They restore the campuses marched at Berkeley. co mpleXity of black life and demonstrate of our wide, wonderful, big blue beautiful marble. Funding for the project coincides A University-wide demonstration is that great differences eXisted in thIS with the five-year NSF program to create scheduled for Wednesday. group as in any other." Sports: Santa Barbara is still in the infantile stages of supercomputer centers at four of the The Berkeley arrests came afte r nation's leading unlversmes at the cost recovery after UCSD made another appearance at the annual Lecturers seek new contract o repeated requests by the Administration of $200 millIon The director of the Carnegie tournament, and women's HD polo players are unwilling for dispersal of the demonstrators, many By JANE ROSENBERG, Sacramento Corresponiknt Both mlliatives represent the federal Institution of Washington, Department of whom had been camped out on the characters in "The Drowning Pool." HE FEUD BETWEEN the and Means Subcommittee on Education sCIence agency' effon to promote of Embryology, will gIve the annual steps of Sproul Hall since last quality of undergraduate education. University of California and its that lecturers were being denied a say in research usmg advanced computer WIll tam D. McElroy DistingUIshed Hiatus: Who bener than the phenoMadonna to grace the Wednesday. One of those requests was But Gregory thought Frazer had technology to satisfy an oveawhelming T 2,236 lecturers heated up last academic decision making. promised the subcommittee that UC LectureshIp an Bi ology at 4 pm addressed from Berkeley Chancellor Ira pages of Hiatus ' special collector's issue. Additionally, week as the two sides met before an Gregory also asked the subcommittee need among UniversIty SCIentists for Thursday, Apnl 25, an Liebow Michael Heyman to the campus would create a systemwide panel, to Assembly subcommittee. to require UC to conduct a mcreased computing capabilities, AudItorium, the BaSIC SCIence Buildmg, Wyman Marsalis and Kun Vonnegut come to campus next community on Monday, April IS: include lecturers, to report to the The lecturers, represented by the comparability study on lecturers' wages. accordmg to Roben L. Sugar. UCSB UCSD. Regents on the issue. week for your music and lecture listening pleasure, and a "Eve nts in South Africa continue to American Federation of Teachers (AFT), phYSICIst and a researcher on the Donald D. Brown, MD , will talk on Both Gregory, a visiting UCLA lecrurer Gregory proposed the systemwide eulogy for the late "Adventures with Paradise" show on 91X. show the cruelty and shame of have been negotiating for their first proJect. 'The Role of Stable Complexes an the apartheid. About this there is no for 11 years, and Hal Geiogue of the panel follOWing the release of the comract with administrators for almost a Seven UC sCIentISts WIll study Activation and RepreSSIon of Eukaryotic Legislative Analyst'S Office said that the reports, which included a study of the disagreement in our community. year. theoretclal problems in ondensed Gene ." University'S reply to a Senate Association of American Colleges. That COVER DESIGN BY JOHN ASH LEE "The issue within the University The union, which has also been matter and high-energy phYSICS A graduate of the Universlry of subcommittee inquiry on lecturers might review stated that universities had mvolves its investme[u poltcies set by fighting for a voice in academic policy Capable of performmg up to 100 Chicago MedIcal S hool, Brown is a the Regems. I believe groups on this be inadequate. relaxed their course requirements so mtllion addittons and multipltcatlons of at the bargaining table, recently won a much that "almost anythmg goes" for leading researcher In the area of campus should be heard on that subject, UC Vice President for Academic eIght dIgit numbers per second, the regulatlon of gene expressIOn dunng important role of research by and an officer of the Business Brokers promise from a top UC official that some degree requirements. and I shall facilitate bringmg those lecturers would be consulted for a UC Affairs William Frazer wrote the Senate array processor works at approxImately development. He is a pioneer in his independent scholars, UCSD recently Exchange, will direct the seminar. Hoyt Without a systemwide panel, non­ views to the anemion of the Regents. study on three reports critical of Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee the same speed as the ongmal Cra> 1 field, having made a number of granted expanded library privileges to speclalizcs in the transfer of established Senate faculty comments could be lost in "T he protest on Sproul Hall steps, undergraduate education. on Education that chanceUors would be supercomputer. Significant discovenes which include all full members of SDIS . Further San Diego County businesses to new a maze of correspondence between the however, has become illegal despite asked to include non-Academic Senate Although the ST-lOO, which works the first Isolation of the RNA genes in information about the meeting or owners. But on April 9, AFT Chief Negotiator repeated efforts by the Administration to Marde Gregory told the Assembly Ways members in their discussions on the > CONTlNUED ON PAGE 7 > with a host computer, IS slower than the the late 1960s, and pnmary Independent Scholars is available from The course meets at UCSD Extension most advanced supercomputer now on mvestlgation on the transcriptlon of the Alice Marquis of La Jolla , 453-1878, or from 9 am-4:30 pm on Saturday, April 20. The fee is $75. For further details, the market, "its relatively low cost gives 5S genes. membership chairman Aline Hornaday, also of La Jolla, 459-5748. call UCSD Extension at 452-3400. It a dIstinct advantage for some classes Brown is the recipient of many o of problems," Sugar saId science awards, including the US Steel o "Both represent enormously powerful Foundation award m Molecular Biology, Pulitzer Prize winner C. Vann The UCSD School of Medicine has computing systems that allow scientists the Ross G. Harrison ISAB Prize in Woodward, a Sterling Professor been established as one of six QultWastJng Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic and PHOTO PLAQUE XEROX to study problems we could not have Developmental Biology and the Rosentle1 Emeritus at Yale UniverSity, will talk on ... custom designed, or dirtct from your original, a unique process enables you to attempted a few years ago," he added. Treatment Centers in the state by the 24 HR. 7 DAY Your Award in Basic BiomedIcal SCIence. "The Dangers of Writing HiStory," have documents, certificates, photographs, newspaper and magazine articles or "The ST-lOO WIll nOI replace the California Department of Health Wilham D. McElroy was installed as Wednesday, May I, at 4 pm in the any other copyable. item duplicated and transposed onro polished brass or Time & Money supercomputer, but we think It will chancellor at UCSD on Nov. 28, 1972, a Humanities Library Auditorium. Sciences. The center, which will open June 1, aluminum and mounted on a handsome walnut plaque. Your original is provide an alternative for some position he held for eight years until he Woodward is being brought to UCSD by Our career profile always returned. situations." resigned in August 1979. He is currently the University of California Graduate will be an extension of UCSD's Seniors ~ testi ng program wi II Supercomputers, which cost in excess a UCSD faculty member in the Seminar in Southern HiStory, which also Only Comprehensive Assessment and percopv DEGREES YOIume jobt of $10 million each, are generally used Department of Biology. includes faculty members at UC Irvine Retirement Evaluation (SOCARE) deserve more recognition ... bring oLit how to solve problems that could takes years During McElroy's term, he established and UC Riverside. program. UNIQUE YOU ARE on conventional mainframe computers. the UCSD Board of Overseers, a group Woodward is best known for his The $80,000 grant will enable Because they are extremely expensive, of promir,ent San Diegans who advise landmark study of the advent of SOCARE to expand its services for -COLlATING Call Ed or Barbara at 459-7342 they are few in number and access to the chancellor; and enlarged the segregation in the work, The Strange diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, - PAIIIONG Day or Night them is hmned. according to Joe Ramsdell, MD , associate FREE - PICKUP/ DELIVERY Chancellor's Associates, another Career ofJim Crow. He is also the author (with minimum) Array processors have not been community adviSOry group. He is also of a biography, Tom Watson: Agrarian adjunct professor of medicine and ~ LeARNiNG widely used because they are difficult to responsible for the expansion of the Rebel, a study of the Southern Populist SOCARE director. A diagnosis of WE COPY Alzheimer's disease can be made only program, but the very high speed of the visual arts, performing arts and the pany leader. 1601 6th Ave. SD. ~ ceNTeR new generation machines make the humanaies on the campus. Still unsurpassed an its field is after a thorough physical, neurological 231-1676 investment of programming time For more information, contact Woodward's history of the South and and psychological evaluation. worthwhile for "computationally Alixandra Williams, 452-3120. the nation, Origins of lh e New South, The UCSD School of Medicine is one intensive" research, Sugar said. 1877 -1913 , which discusses the period of five Alzheimer's Disease Research Funding for the host computer that o between Reconstruction and Centers in the country, established last works WIth the processor has been A social scientist, a pediatrician and ProgreSSIvism. fall by the National Institute on Aging. International Living at UCSD provided by the Xerox Corporation and a college administrator will discuss Woodward won th e Pulitzer Prize in Directed by Roben Katzman, MD, the the Du POnt Company. "Teenage Pregnancy: A Problem wllh No History in 1981 for his book, Mary center encompasses basic research on on campus housing at Beagle Hall, Solution," at the next meeting of San the course of AlzheImer's disease, as o Chestnut 's CIVil War. Revelle Campus A history professor at the University DIego Independent Scholar~ , April 24 at The Graduate Seminar in Southern well as patient studies which examine of Cahfornla, Irvine, has co-authored a 7:30 pm in Room I11A, Chancellor's HIStOry is a year-long course open to the psychological and behavioral • multi-cultural setting Complex, UCSD. graduate students at the Irvine , Riverside components of the disease. book chromcllng the hfe of one of the • fRf:NCH, SPANISH, Gt:RMAN Suites richest black men In the Old South. The meeting is open to the publac and San Diego campuses of the AlzheImer's disease is an incumblc Blach Maslers tells the story of Wtlham and admIssion is free . University of California, and offers an form of senile dementia that affiicts an • special programming supportive of language/cultural learning Ellison, the son of a white plantation The study, commiSSIoned by the unusual concentration of scholars of the estimated twO million mdividuals in the owner and black slave who worked hIS Center for Women's Studies and American South. . Victims experience way out of bondage and became a Services at San Diego State University, o memory loss and progressive mental APPLY /YOW TOR TALL 1985 respected craftsman and landowner was completed recently by Gwendolyn UCSD Extension will hold a one-day detcrioration unnl they become The book offers a revealtng family Alexander, who will present it at the seminar April 20 titled "How to Buy and completely helpless. itppllcatlons now available at your college's Resident protralt of an Important but generally meeting. Dlscussmg her findings will be Sell an Established Business," aimed at A complete evaluation of these Dean 's Office or the International Center unknown group in the South-the free Mananne Fehcc, a UCSD Medical prospective buyers and sellers. A patients IS necessary in order to rule out blacks who were pro~perous, well­ Center pedlamcHln and Carol Counsel, thorough explanation of the legal and other causes of memory loss and • application deadline Is April 23, 1985 former dIrector of the Cemer for educated and sometimes slave owner~ finan cial consequences of a successful dementia whi ch are treat"ble. Patients in further Information at 455~15 7 or 452-3025 themselves. Women'!> Studies and Services transfer will be given, and the methods the early stages of Alzheimer's disease Black Master~ was wrlllen by MIchael San Diego lndependent Scholars IS used to determine th e current "real arc also being sought for a long-range Johnson of UC Irvine and James Roark part of (I nationwide movemem to world " value of that busi ness will be study beang conducted through the U•• VI .. ITY _ ••11IRI of Emory Umverslty an Atlanta. It was organize mdlviduals who do scholarly outltned. Florence Riford C1imc, the research lANGUAGE HOUSt: published recently by the W.W. Norton work and may not be affiltated with a !-red W. Hoyt, J business broker wah ce nter' clinical program. COMPUTER CENTER universIty. In rccognit.!,.on of the r.OW TO AU UCSD STUD~rrrs Co. the San DIego-based Abbott-Hoyt Co. - Renet Wenrick .a52..a91 onr. T h ur~,Ap nl 18. 198~ 5 4 Thu rsday. Apnl 18. 1985 D'>INI~ .' ,"... • .. v • ~;,: • ~ , - x ... ~ -, " ... , x . x> Viewpoint Fans get the high hard one When circus mogul P.T. Barnum was asked how he grin" at various public functions. If yo u've eve r tic ket for all 81 home games costs up to $560, or $7 a could get away with charging such nOloriously high wondered why Garvey always looks like a mill ion, now game. Incredibly, stadium authorities repon they've ticket prices to attend his overpriced shows, he was you know the rea SO n. But players are by no means the already sold a record 25 ,000 season tickets as of April said to have replied : Because "there's a sucker born only ones comfortably riding baseball 's gravy tra in . In 12 . thus collecting advanced ticket-sales for CuUy half every minute." Were old Barnum alive today, no doubt fact, America's giam sPOrts complexes not only look the seats ava ilable for the entire at-home season. Last he'd be in the basebaU racket. Indeed, America's like the Pentagon building itself, but they operate in a year, fewer than 14,300 season tickets were sold favorite pastime has become America's sports similarly inefficient manner. Indeed, places where altogether. Profits in 1985 are poised to soar to record entrepreneurs, players and agents favorite legal ripoff. management of the citizenry's supportive dollars has heights, while consumer service has deteriorated to all Ticket prices to games, along with player salaries, evolved into a highly competitive art, with each arena time lows. continue escalating astronomicaUy. regardless of vying for maximum bucks, while striving to supply Seemingly, every profit-rnotivated entity is hopping inflation rates, player perfonnance or public demand minimum seJvice. on the bandwagon to rip off hapless fans. Servomation, Berkeley sticks its chin out and ... for tickets. In just ten years, the average player's wages San Diego-Jack Murphy Stadium just hiked its the stadium's.contracted food seJvice concessionaire, is admission prices again this year to the tune of 56.50 ~--~------, has increased more than eightfold, from SfD,839, or charging $2 for a lousy 26-ounce cup of beer. An The Jo llowing editorial was obtai ned courtesy oJThe Daily Californian, $240 per game in 1974 to S329,'KJ8, or S2 ,900 a game to $7.50 for a decent seat. In addition, they're ordinary hOt dog, with such condiments as sauerkraut, Wedn esday, April 17: this year, based on 1985's shonened 162-game season. demanding $2 for the priviJedge of parking your car in is now commanding $2.40. How long w~ 1 consumers Worse, this incredible salary is doled out whether the their asphalt desen for a couple of hours. A season > CO!l1T1NUED ON PAGE 6 ) Don't go to class today! Show the University Administration you won't guy stands in left field or relaxes on the bench. If the suppOrt their investments in South Africa. Show the University we will current trend of salary increases continues unabated, not allow our friends to be herded off to jail when they stand up for the average player paycheck will be S2,635 .264 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU moral and ethical behavior. annuaDy, or S16,250 a game by 1995. The Administration treats students like children. When protests It was ex-San Diego Padre Cito Gaston who started the ball rolling back in 1974, when he refused to threaten to bring about real changes in public opinion, the accept the club's offer of $42,000 and held out for an Administration suddenly d eclares them illegal. They want "student input" even S50,OOO. At that point was born basebaU's newest only when it's non-controversial. position, the wage arbitrator, who gOl Gaston his The University belongs to the students. If the Regents are going to demanded $50,000 and then some. create policies that are morally repugnant-like investing in South Today, even "losers" in the negotiation process emerge as "winners" in almost anybody's book. Seanle Africa- then they'll do it without our support. We're not going to attend. Mariner Julio Cruz. for example, who lost his bid ror a The student strike is backed by several local unions, AGSE (Associated contracted $500,000 yearly salary in 1983 and had to Graduate Student Employees), fac ulty members and almost the entire settle for a paltry S425 ,OOO instead, said: "I could have spectrum of campus organization s. We urge you to boycott your classes been one richer Puerto Rican . but now I'm just a rich and attend the teach-ins. Pueno Rican." Still, the object players lust over the most is the highly coveted long-term comract, where athletes are guaranteed to reap annual bonanzas up to ten years into the future . Sports lIIuSlrated repons that Bruce Sutter, of the Atlanta Braves, recently Signed a Six-year contract ••• here are your mandates wonh S9.6 million; Chicago's Rick Sutcliffe signed a five year one for $9 miUion; Baltimore's Fred Lynn signed for 56.8 miUion over five years; and Boston's Jim Rice Signed a four-year, S1.5 million contract with REFERENDUM #1 (b) The UC SlUdem Lobby, supported increase per qua Iter per student as REFERENDUM #+ "escalating extension" clauses, that will likely fatten his (a) The Associated Students Activity Fee through fee monies, lobbies the Slllte co llege council constitutional lock-in? Do you suppon the UC Regent and already bloated paycheck even further. Interestingly, a IS the fundmg source that supportS legislature , the UC Regents and the UC o YES, I suppOrt a $0.50 activity fee the UCSD divestiture from the apartheid 1980 study done by Kenneth Lehn, a researcher­ student programs, activities and Administration for students' nghts and increase fo r college councils. government in South Africa? economist at Washington University in SI. Louis, into seJvices. The present fee of $8 has not needs. The lobby has been effectively o O. I do not support a $0.50 activi ty YES-1568 NO-695 the perfonnances of 188 players after they signed been changed In four years to maintaining a mi nimum fee level. Do fee increase fo r college councils. REFERENDUM #5 lucrative long-term contracts, found that injuries accommodate growth and inflation. Do you suppOrt a $1 activity fee increase YES-1319 NO-I095 Do you suppon the creation of on­ increased by 165%, within three years after signing. you suppOrt a $4 activity fee increase per qua rter per student constitutionally "For pitchers," reported Lehn, ... .. post-contract locked in for the UC Stud em Lobby? REFERENDUM #2 campus, student-owned, student­ WIth the follOWing per-quarter, per­ ope rated cooperati ve housing? disability soared by more than 300% ." And overall student constitutional lock-ins? D YES, 1 support a $1 fee increase fo r Do you support ending the use of YES-1973 NO-H2 percentages of players on the disabled list jumped the lobby. student registra tion fe es for th e purpose from 13.8% in 1976 to 21.8% in 1980. KSDT, , ...... SI .IO o NO, I do not support a $1 fee of on-campus recruitment by the REFERENDUM #6 This year a record 36 players are paid in excess of Studem Services ...... $1.40 increase fo r the lobby. milita ry. the CIA, the Secret Service, the Do you suppon a chapter of CalPIRG S1 million to play six months of basebaU, and this Alternative Media ...... $1.50 YES-1367 NO-I032 FBI and INS? (the California Public Interest Research doesn't even take into account additional windfaUs Total Increase ...... $4.00 YES-158O NO-80 Group) at UCSD, which will be funded compiled from a smorgasbord of extras, ranging from (c) The four college councils (Muir, REFERENDUM #3 by a voluntary $3 per-quarter fee? The cash bonuses used to entice players into signing overly o YES . I suppOrt a $4 Activlty Fee Reve lle, Third and Warren) provide Do you support the UCSD Associated CalPIRG fee will be included in all fee generous contracts, 10 low-interest loans, stock optiOns, increase. programs and deal with issues on the Student Bod y's participation in the totals on th e registration form , and each 'IV residuals, guest appearences and pay for writing D NO. I do not suppOrt a $4 Activity college level. Presently they are funded national sanctuary movement for Ce ntral studem will have the option not to pay drivel in columns for cenain community newspapers. Fee increase . by ve nd ing machi ne reve nues. American refugees? the fee at the time of fee payment. In 1983, San Diego Padre Steve ("Mr. Clean") Garvey YES- 13fO NO-l160 Do you sup pOrt a $0.50 activity fee YES-1391 NO-926 YES-1710 NO-879 was awarded $1.850,000 just for performing well at his first base perch. He made countless additional thousands simply from displayin~ the famous "Garvey ~®frtb:~lf~n®ilit®lf~n ®W®rr~n ®frfr®rr~ll®frfr®rr~n®till®rr~ n CO/IITINUED ON PAGE 6 > AB EOITOP.: PttUP L.AJ.aJ\ ,_Iii..... NEWS ~ SEAN W.t.GSTNf A51gtJA1E NIWS ~ PI«. '4IlJM CONTMUIlNG NIWlIDITOMr II.'fIMIiCOr. AEHt£ ""1UClC C OPINIONS EOITOA: fotATTHE\I J. CRONIe fOSIIIC1MS EDm:o».a ~=~= COPY EOITOP.: JAN I-WlSEN PHOI'O EDITOA: A08 FPaI..... 31 ART5 EDITOR: ANCNW KEELEI\ AS50CIAlE AIm IDIIQI. nail ~~ ...... :;:".:.:: .. :::: ..7.:::: ...=;.J::'l" __ ~~:~~~,;"-"""'" -Resumes - Reports - Letterhead GMPHIC ARTISTS: JOHoI ASK.£( TQJ.\ PLONAA PHOTOGMPHW: JOHoI ASK££. K£VIN FOLEY. DAWN~ . P.CGI' NOiIQt; MHIIKM - Flyers - Coupons -Forms 5OFTl.EY. J05tu. .... STAffWMUS: IMTTADAMS.WMlWJIENomG OEIIICOHfH.~fOMBrnG.NGIaA tI.I. • Newsletters - Graphs - Charts D'. leT[D I T 011 FlOYD GA'fNEY CHO" I OOaAH4( O IV KINNETH G"UN 'VAN H~5ON . Qfl.ISTlNA KALJS, ACOfJ\Tt.fONE . ~ LlrSOIf. lMMICIM. JOIfof SCHACHT. KATH LEfN SCHOU.. ~ STE.WlS. JU!NI SI.UJVAN. lAlJNE \QMftI. OMIM April 20, 1985 8 pm WAANNEI\ ...... , ...... Mande.nlle Center Auditorium PASTE -UP ARTIST5: )(HoI ~HL£E.1.AlNN rotNAV. 10M McDONALD. SKW)N ~L 4.A6CJN PINSI<'(. 5Wt kinko·s· WKB/IIf Srudenu $6 • F«/St4ff $8 • General Ad. $U 1"'tP£SE'fTW: jf,(N f\M. .W4 ~...... LIUlM. DtfIIta ~ 457·3775 For tided .nformation and/or fUenlCltimu caU .f5Z·l10l BUSIteS *-~ HNI1DWt.,...... _~a.. 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr. (Near Ralphs & Sav-On) Ticlceu aVCIUable cae UCSD Be. Offke .fSZ..f559 and Tic:Jcmon 0NddI 6 Thursday, Apnl 18, 1985 Thursday, Apnl 18, 1985 7 N€"-lS D'>INf'* '" ...... ~.. .~ . ' : :-..~ . ~ ~::- . . . ~ "~ . '. ,,~. $300 subtracted. The California Review as a springboard for news media. As it projected an income of $3,700 for the is, we barely have enough funding." now while the space markings can be opposite now." agony. Such is the case here. ttit\elf~~\e{t{b:err~n \eilit~lr 1984-85 academic year. The Cal~ornia Review plans to pursue repainted at the time of the regularly For months the embattled, embittered 'Cal Review' wins America's finest city deserves to have In 1985, the California Review has its SUit against the UniverSity, though no scheduled re -striping. mayor has fought in court to vindicate rrln\eilit~lr~ll~frfr\err~n~ America's finest mayor presiding over it. already exceeded its prOjected income. date has been set for the trial. The system worked for two weeks, but himself from the serious crimes a grand And Hedgecock has proven quite clearly Last year its income was more than Crocker said, "We wiU cany the suit without constant reminders, it soon jury indicted him on and the district n~frft," spaces. It is had the audacity to say "If I felt that it compared to a lingering toothache. bottom, by doing exactly what the , chancellors and the Academic Senates, could come about later from that. To do cancer, genital cancers (including breast Yuwiler, "Skin cancer is a problem in essential that these markings, unlike the was hurting the city more to go on with Often. the only way to relieve thaI players did last year-boycott the Gregoty said. that now would be putting the cart cancer, cervical cancer and testicular this area, and this is something you can current markings, be visible at night. We this than to fight for the principles toothache is to extract the particular games. "1 found the letter to be in non­ before the horse." cancer) and skin cancer. Tables will be prevent .... Time your exposure (to the feel that the signs need to be installed involved, I'd resign. But I feel JUSt the rotten tooth which is causing so much - PelEr Quercia compliance with my motion," Gregoty Frazer was more supponive of set up on the Revelle Plaza from 11 am- sun) and wear protection. There are said after the hearing. "It's our feeling Gregoty's proposed comparability study. 2 pm on Monday, April 22, at MOM other things you can do in terms of UC is in a state of educational crisis, which was referred to the Assembly from 11-2 on Tuesday, April 23, and prevention, and there will be people This feeling is not shared." Ways and Means Subcommittee on outside Peterson Hall from 11-2 on there at the Exploratorium to talk about "That letter is not in full compliance Employee Compensation. Thursday, April 25. that." AVIAnON OPPORiUNITlES with what the Senate asked for ," Gregoty said her proposed study Free lung capacity tests ale also For more information, and to discuss Do You F•• Geiogue told the Assembly would compare the earnings of UC planned. "For the genital cancers, well questions about anything that has been Make the break, try something different. PILOT, NAVIGATOR, subcommittee. lecturers with those at the same eight have models of the American Cancer presented during the week, a panel MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT positions available, no Geiogue, who acts as 'the non-panisan comparison institutions used for setting Society's 'Betsy Breast' and 'Adam discussion moderated by Dr. Roben experience necessary, Excellent pay-be1eftts pkg., world-wide Selective Service advisor to legislative fIScal committees the salaries of tenured professors. Scrotum,'" said Yuwiler. "Betsy Breast" Daigneault from SHS will be held on education issues, said the Senate was developed, added Yuwiler, ·so you Thursday, April 25 , from 1-2 pm in the travel. College Seniors and recent grads through age 34 (age These universities include Harvard, is ready even if you are not. subcommittee might ask UC for Yale, Cornell, the University of Michigan can feel what is a cancer lump, what is North Conference Room . Guest speakers varies by programl. clarification or funher action when it and the University of Wisconsin at a rib, what is just muscular tissue, what are Dr. Mel Green, who has taught the Call TOLL FREE reconvenes UC budget hearings in May. Madison. A study of their salaries is a non-cancerous lump, because one Biology of Cancer course at UCSD in NAVAl MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS in Califomia Find out your legal rights & responsibilities Frazer said he was surprised by the resulted in the proposed 8.8% hike UC of the major ways of finding breast the past, and joseph Garcia from the comments of Gregory and Geiogue. "It's is now pushing in the Legislarure. ~ cancer is throul!;h self breast American Cancer Society. ~ 1-8()(}222-6289 Secure your future today. with KathyGllberd, Military Task Force, Peterson 104,4/18,7:30

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Emerging Writers' Series which they looked. As she watched the fruitful motherhood. She threw herself black figures rushing around in the with a petrified cry into her husband's noon glare and raising their clenched stocky arms, unconscious and heavy as hands in pitiful supplications, she truly a laden branch snapped from a tree. Bough breaks believed (with an old, childlike Even today she wears a startled and credulousness) that the end of the world uneasy expression, and carries herself had come and caught her unawares. She with a self-consciousness born of frailty. By TANYA MNA THOMAS was utterly unprepared for the Her children were all born pale and y MOTHER WAS A GENTLE of the village below. The hot air of Apocalypse. The flowery days of her listless, timidly raising weakly clenched willowy Australian descended midday was as still as a held breath. married life were just beginning and she fi sts in the air to protest the Doctor's looked forward in anticipation of her M from a race of shepherds They heard a disorganized murmur, blows. Il:3 Emerging Writers' Series attuned to the slow change of seasons rising from below, and suddenly the and the faint bleating of sheep. She was townspeople rushed out of the taverns on her honeymoon in Greece when into the dusty thoroughfare. Crowds of John Kennedy ~s assassinated. women wrapped In bTack shawls Her solid, precise husband held her clutched each other and moaned open­ stood over him, talking with another run food over scanners. The people hand and made careful architectural mouthed into the sky. Kennedy had lady. The negatives taken at age 12 were were therapy for his inner loneliness Fotografias observations as they climbed a steep been their great hope. by far the most vivid; he would get since that doomed summer. The street. Rounding a comer they were My mother was astonished and goosebumps whenever he recalled them. photographers at the nightclub stunned into silence by the white glitter terrified by the inexplicable scene over There were a lot of scenes in his performances allowed him to step out photographic memory. As a kid, for a moment and look at himself as a By FRANCISCO CUEVAS building an underground fort in the hills total stranger. He became confused. RI VING SOUTHBOUND 0 163, visit her?" He certainly remembered that across the street from his house with his for four years a blonde girl protected The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, in cooperation with the he passed by Sharp Memorial summer. He seemed to finally realize what three friends, and then camouflaging it him, shielded him from his past. They National Center for Paralegal Training, offers an intensive DHospital. QUickly, he was going on around him. He was going with tumbleweeds so the surveillance were J)'!rfect for each other-she was 14 or 36 week LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM . This turned 01I the car radio to mentally hear to junior high in September, and he was planes would not spot it. The Boys' Club born in Barstow. He had a picrure in Program will enable you to put your education to work as Gilbert O'Sullivan's "Alone Again, going to have his own locker. He years of 13 through 18, when the board his mind of a neighborhood he had seen a skilled member of the legal team. Naturally." He didn't want to think of remembered the horror of seeing her of directors used him as a token of as he was leaving Barstow, along 1-15 on • Spec.. It ... onered In the followIng flelcR: the song, but it was no use trying to with her head shaven. The twisted success and inspiration to the other his way to Las Vegas. It looked a lot like Generalist (Evenings only) Estates, irusts & Wills ignore it. It was there on that stretch of crying on her face the day he and his boys; when they handed him trophies Tijuana where he was born. He would Litigation Corporations & Real Estate as he stood in front of the social elite, tease her. about being born in Barstow, • ABA Approved highway. It didn't matter if it was day or sister brought her a wig. Then the • tntemlhlp night when he crossed that stretch of relatives: tens of people gathered around flashbulbs flashing. But the photographs saying that it looked exactly like • Employment .....t.nce highway; the song was there haunting her in the viSiting room. He walked never showed the lump in his throat as Tijuana. They went to a LaJoila For a Ir" brochure about this c.reer opportunity call him with his past whenever he drove away without anybody besides her he stood there-it was the same lump university together, they took pictures (1119) 280-4579 or mall the coupon below to: through it. noticing the lump in his throat, and the that was born in the visiting room at the together, until they split up .... watery eyes. He took a mental . hospital. He knew it was as the He pictured her. She was inside the * * * t Unl\er .. lly d O&In Drego building lying on a bed in a sterile photograph of the wig scene. He also newspaper reporters photographed him He was awakened; as he was driving Lawyer's Assistant Prolrlm room, her head almost completely took one of the visiting room scene, while the Boys' Club preSident handed southbound on 163 he was awakened. (8) shaven. She was 36 years old, but lying along with every other one that occurred him trophies; while the Rotary Club The lump in his throat was now there, alone on the hospital bed she looked In the 12 years following the summer of board members handed him plaques choking him as he drove along listening 12. and told him how well he was doing in to the song that lived in that stretch of like a litlle girl, like a child unaware of ______State _ ___ her surroundings. At whim, he would review the long school, though he knew he really hadn't highway. His eyes were burning and Strip of scenes one by one, like a roll of worked very hard because he had wet, as if somebody was continuously SYmrM' Olr 1_ [] Phone ______He remembered* th*e summer* of 12. exposed negatives, usually beginning something the other students did not­ photographing him with a very bright June 3 - Augu" 30 The day he hit a grand slam during a with the one of him at age two, lying on a photographic memory. flash . In his mind he was standing on O SPring Olr 1_ crucial game; the news upon arrivi ng his back while playing on the floor of a He remembered the new wave band the hood of the moving car looking in February 3 - May 16 boutique somewhere in Tijuana, looking he used to play in. So many people. at himself, alone, crying; a child drivin.s.. SPring E_ing 1_ home- "Your mother IS sick, she's been O FeorU1'Y 25 - NOYeITIr.t' 18 taken to the hospital. Do you want to go straight up into a lady's dress as she And the supermarket where he used to southbound on 163. Ii:II The UniYer.lty of San Diego does not dlKriminale on the basis of race, ".'. color, ,8190". age, natlOna' origin, anentry, Of handicap in rc. poUe ... and Pfow.ma. thQ wrltgr'g 0 If you're thinking of The labors of our fruits a professional career By PHIL IAVDER ilr this seminar is for you. 'M SITTING HERE In my living room, 1 like bananas, but some people ripping its skin off. Then I would try to come from when I go to to eat my my feet up on the dining room chair worship the things. A friend of mine split open the bruised and tom result, apple. I (my living room is also my dining eats five or six a day-every day. One and I would crush the thing even more Peaches, apricots and nectarines are The Warren Faculty Fellows Program room), contemplating the pain in my steps very carefully when one enters his and acidic juice would spray onto my also good when they aren't bruised­ stomach. It is a rather dull pain, nOl violent kitchen-or living room , or bedroom, or clothes and into my eyes, and I would and really lousy when they are. There's presents a seminar on the but just there enough to get my attention. It bathroom .... If Central America ever get angry and hand the mess to my something about the skin of peaches­ is the dull pain of minor hunger. goes on strike, this man is history. Five rowdy friend, who would stand up and the proverbial peach fuzz-that does I do nOl wish to eat a real meal. Even or six a day-that'S a whole lot of splat the thing against the auditorium strange things to my mouth. I react the -hnpact of WOlllen if I did, 1 do not wish to fix a real meal, potassium. I don't know anyone who wall and laugh a lot. way most people do when they hear but that's another subject altogether. gets fanatic with other fruits. Who eats I am beyond that now. Peeling fingernails on the chalkboard, and a chill My eyes travel across the room and five or six pineapples or watermelons a oranges has become a game. I always try surges down my spine. That's a shame, too, on the Professions- into the kitchen, where they encounter da)'? to get the peel off in one piece, one because I like the damn things. a wooden bowl full of fruit. My stomach I've always had one question about long spiral piece of art to proudly Melons are great. Melons are messy, smiles, my heart softens, and li fe is bananas, though: Those strings, are they display to my friends and relatives. tOO, but they're great. Ask the people good. who drop them off seven-story Fruit was a great invention. My buildings. They're great. compliments to the chef. Everybody I've always had one question about bananas, The only berries one sees eaten with Today, Thursdav, April 18 doesn't like something, but nobody any regularity are strawberries. which 8-10 pm doesn't like fru it. Fruit is the all-purpose though: Those strings, are they part of the banana, are fairly fabulous fellows. Berries are food to appease the masses. They're or part of the peel? Nobody eats the peel, so if they found more often in the form of flavor Warren Apartment Commons good and good for you- the best thing rather than in their natural state. to eat when you're low in energy. Or are part of the peel, then I've been screwing up for Raspberry, blueberry, boysenberry, and when you're lyi ng around your living blackberry make great yogurt flavors and . room contemplating a dull pain In yo ur many a year, and I'm upset. great pies, too, but at 49¢ a berry they stomach. aren't tOO economical. Most of us have one particular part of the banana, or part of the peel? look, see, this is what I can do-take I could spend a few hours going -Guest panelists­ favorite fruit. Mine is the banana. Nobody eats the peel, so if they are part that. After I have displayed my artwork, through all the various fruits around, but Maureen O'Connor Bananas are wonderful. The th ing I hke of the peel, then I've been screwing up I'm usually nOl quite sure where to put we all have better things to do, don't Former San Diego Democtratic Party Ma)lOl'al Candidate most about bananas is thei r package. It for many a year, and I'm upset. it , but many people offer me their kind we? Allow me to mention just one more just doesn't get any easier: zip, zip, zip, Next on the hit parade for me is suggestions. I have not tried them yet, group of fruits that intrigues me and, by Melinda Lassiter chomp. No complicated peeling, no apples and oranges. Why do we always however. extension, certainly must thrill you too: need to wash yo ur disgusting hands. group apples and oranges together? Apples are good too. I am nOt a big exotic fruits . By exotic I mean, well , President, San Diego Chaprer, American Bar Association And when you're done , Just throw the They don't look alike, they do n't taste fan of mushy apples; what they lack in exotic-you know, papayas, mangos, peel on the fl oor so someone can trip alike, they don't wo rk alike - what is the firmness they make up for In lack of pomegranates, kiwis, passionfruit, Officer Katherine Blakeney and fall . deal? flavor. The best apples are firm and casaba melons, quince, guavas, loquats, WE'RE WAITING UCSD Police Department Bananas are cheap, they're easy to Oranges are muc h more dynamic tart- and unbruised. Bruises suck. I crab apples, litchis, that sort of thing. Carol Giesecke use, they're clean, and they taste good­ than apples, with a vibrant-colored spend several minute~ in the store when Exotic. I have no idea what a quince or Bowling is one of America's most popular sportS. At UCSD it is no different. not tOO sweet, not tOO bland . They aren't outside and a tangy sweet Inside. But I am buying apples, feeling each fruit for passion fruit looks or tastes like; the Every Sunday night In the Winter Quarter UCSD students invaded the Chief Execu ive Officer, Enter Computers aCidic, which is good news fo r someone you have to peel the damn things. What soft spots and rejecting anything with lauer sounds very intriguing, and I'd like Clairemont Lanes. like me who gets cankersores in his a pain. I used to dread peeling my any hint of brown. Then I throw the to try it someday (soon). Kiwis are the mouth every other day. And they are oranges when I took them to school good ones into a plastic bag, which gets weirdest fruits I've ever seen. Way Pictured is this year's champions We're Waiting. I guess the waiting's now high in potassium, which IS very back in sixth grade. I had these small tossed into a brown bag at the checkout, weird. Fuzzy on the outSide, fuzzy on ove r for them as they swept through the playoffs undefeated. I hear their next Everyone welcome important If you're low in potassium, things with thin peels, and the fruit whIch gets hurled into my car and the inside, looks weird, smells weird, match is bemg arranged against the Miller Lite All -Stars. They don't have a c whic h of course you wouldn't be if you would always be mushy like a thrown onto my kitchen counter, and I tastes weird, is weird. Weird. hance against We're Waiting. Refreshments provided ' ''' ate bananas hke your momma told you. marshmallow by the time I was through can't understand where those bruises I think I'm done. Bye , ~ Thursday, April 18, i985 11

10 Thursday, Apnl 18, 1985

will foree the squad to not rely only on one person, but to depend on the team as a whole. Whether this is true or not, the Triwns will definitely be glad w have Lowe , her leadership and her scoring threat return. CONTlNUED FROM PAGE 10( < While the defeats obviously hurt the tied in the championship game, 4-4. team's pride, the competition marked Finishing third was Sunset San Diego, experience gained which, as the season followed by Santa Barbara , Commerce progresses, will benefit them. Bregman, and UCSD, which dropped w 2-5 on Shoen field and Givens all related the the season. positive aspects of the tournament. All Several rlayers voiced concern over felt that the team improved and that , in the loss 0 Lowe, who may be Out for as the face of strong competition, is long as three weeks. "I'm frustrated," important. said Givens, who was literally pounded The Tritons travel to Palo Alto this all day long at TWO meters. "It's mentally weekend for the Stanford Tournament. Ruggers descend on Santa Barbara hard without her." "She's our On Wednesday, April 24 at " pm they communicator," added Annie Gayle. will host Pomona Pitzer College at the The UCSD women 's water polo team caught a rare moment out of the pool. Bregman stated that the loss of Lowe Canyonview pool. ~ Rucking Amuck

too many spectators. Thi ngs get busier as the sun gets stronger. The Tritons seemed to put things together during this tournament, playing By ALICIA AGOS, Sports Editor smoot hly and steadily as the subs went HE BUS RIDE UP is almost a in and out. Santa Clara's game was stuck stol)' in itself. Last Friday, 3 I at an 8-8 tie until Ri ck Guardino drop­ T UCSD rugby players packed kicked UCSD w vicwl)' in overtime. themselves, their coach and a generous Rousseau commented, "People were supply of beer into a Santa Barbara­ more united this year. The older guys bound bus. They wound their way up gOt along with the new guys. There were the scenic coast, singing, dri nking and a lot of new players thIS year who were psychmg themselves up for TWO days of really enthusiasti and willing w learn ." rugby, rugby and more rugby. Late Sunday aftern oon, the ruggers "Rugby kmd of takes over Santa collected their coach, their beer and Durante's Barbara ," said club president Mark themselves. piled into the bus and hit Rousseau, who has been a pamctpant m the road for home. It was on this REMOVED three of the 20 Santa Barbara journey that electi ons for the 1985-86 PERMANENTLY Tournaments held Rugby does take over offices were held . Todd Clyde is now hair the coastal and festive anta Barbara the proud occupIer of the office of the by reg,stered. protesSlOnOI elecfroiog,.ts branch of the UC system. I know. I've president, Josh Weil will act as vice seen It. There are ten rugby fields filled preSIdent, Ted K. Chough I will repeat WOMEN.MEN ~ WIth young rugby players, old rugby hi's duties as secretary-ueasurer, Brian Gentle Treatment , players, beat-up rugby players, sleeping Sunkel is equIpment manager, and Air Desensitizing rugby players .. . It's amazing, but a lot Rousseau, now a lame-duck president, • Medical ApPfO\led of fun. has been entrusted the responsibilities • CoIIIOl'nlo licen MId Lookmg vel)' sharp-clad In thetr long­ of so ng leading • Tax Deductible awalled, authentically ew Zealand Club sports are usually poor, and AlEE CONSULTAnON rugb y shms, the Tritons posted a rugby is no exception. Thts club has, doys-evenlng5-S aturday~ J somewhat respectable record of 2-3 on however, managed to raise some money ADVANCED METHODS the weekend. Some strong come-from­ this season and, with a few more ELECTROLYSIS CLINICS behmd character was shown by UCSD fu ndraisers, hopes to pa y a $1,000 in the games against Gonzaga and Santa salary to coac h Tom Butler. Butler, said LAJOUA IAl.IOA PARI( Clara , as th e team scored close vlcwnes Rousseau, "doesn't want to see rugby die in both games here. This is the best year of rugby I've 1464-12421 1589-9050 1 An incredible amount of rugby gets played here. Tom is encouraged by that 1'1110 Villa La .lotio il<1¥. _AYe. packed IntO the dayhght hours on and he thinks the program has Lo JoIlo 11111_ "'01. elf 6111 AYe. _ CIt. Saturday and Sunday of the tournament. potenttal. The firs t games of each day are "I thmk elections went we ll . People scheduled for the harshly early hour of took them seriously. They're a 7 am . At that hour, there are a lot of responsible group of guys , and I think The UCSD rugby team played Its first game of the Santa Barbara Tournament against the old boys. bleal)'-eyed players and coaches, but not they'll work well together." ~ 5 & 10 RENT-A-CAR • STUDENTS. STAFF • The drowning pool • FACULTY. WELCOME By DUNCAN MILLAR QUALITY "I THINK WE MISS Janell vel)' back in the pool against Santa Barbara, PRE-OWNED CARS much," UCSD water polo coach who had defeated the Tritons the CREDlTCARD Denny Harper previous week in Isla Vista 9-3. While -OR­ exclaimed after the first of three losses UCSD matched up better phYSically at the Triton/ Sunset Invitational last against the Guachos than against CASH weekend at the Canyonview pool. Newport, the results were not too CALL TODAY FOR INFO. • JaneU Lowe , UCSD's leading scorer different. UCSB, playing its first game of through the first four games of the 1985 the day, quickly opened up a 6-0 lead. 280.. 9336 season, nursed tom ligaments in her San Diego made an attempt to get back nght shoulder as her teammates lost to 10 the game with goals by Karin Kalk club teams from ewport Beach, Santa and Karen Bregman , but Santa Bamara cAMSTERDAM Barbara and Commerce en route to a regained momentum and cruised to an last-place finish in the si x-team field . 11-4 win . ~ LONDON The Tritons started against Newport, With that loss , the Tritons failed to WNDON .. " .. $(;49 which boasts several national team qualify for the championship round, NON ,TOP 7<7 players, and lost 12-3. Newport opened and were left to tl)' to salvage the AMSTERDAM ... $(;75· methodically with a 3-0 lead before weekend against Commerce in the fifth­ IlIREC'T IlC 10 Into WNOON, s 00 Karin Givens drew a kick-out which led place game. But once again, UCSD faced Out of AMSTERDAM, , 7 to a goal by Michelle Carroll . However, a more experienced, more aggreSSive Into AMSTERDAM, Newport, scored three more goals within team which pushed to a halftime lead of Out of WNOON , .. ,5700 a two-minute span, all on cou nter-a ttack 3-1, stretched the advantage to 6-1 , and opporrunities, to lead 6-1 at halftime. hung on for a 7-3 win. It appeared that - In the second half, the Stol)' was the Tritons would make a run at much the same. Newport co ntinued to Commerce when Allison Shoenfleld and dominate wtth a strong pressure defense Bregman scored back-to-back goals with and relentless counter-attack which 3:40 left in the game, but a turnover and accounted for five goals in the game. a counter-attack goal by Commerce Newport's defense was anchored by ended UCSD's hopes. national team goalie Sue Perkins. On So a long day of water polo was over. The hackers from UCSD. including PaUl Herr (above), got some cxpenen ce (but also a offense, national teammate Debbie Witt Hackers of Long Beach and Newport coup/t de/tars ) th IS past weekend. put in three goals. " An hour and a half later, UCSD was >CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 ) Claalfted adwrtlslng space Is sold In Must sell: Great tri-fin surfboard; 6-foot Congratulations to the Sigma Nu p/~ 100-chanlcter Increments. Each "Shred-Craft." See to appreciate. Call class: Chris, Petro Jon, Paul. Diem, PO. letter, pw1ctuatlon mark and space anytime 453-3907. /4/18/ W~Icome to our fra~rnity . (4/181 between words Is considered a character, with capital letters Nordica GPX ski boots sz. 8. Top of the DG EIa}'1e Fowler, Your cousin Brad counting as two characten. The rate radng line. New S300, skied once SI00. says "Hi." He's a really funny guyl Is $1 per 100 charatten for s1Udents 457-0724. (4/181 Top Drawer Secretarial reports, resumes. Someone from Sacto. (4/181 and S3 per 100 characten for non­ '65 \IS Bug, engine only 3 years old, runs Manuscripts. Student rates. Word Sun loving male seeks other swim-suit s1Udents. You must come by the o,"ce processing. Diane 481-4160. (6/61 or mall In )'Our ad, as we require strong, clutch needs work. S700 OBO. optJonal males for day sailing on 41 ft. payment In advance of publication. 481-6571. (4/181 TYPING/\XIORD PROCESSING: many sailboat. Sill 560-6877. (4/251 Deadlines are 5 pm Tuesday for Tennis racquets. Prince Graphite S125. type styles to choos~ from, spelling and Massage: Relieve stress, sooth Thursdays paper, 5 pm Friday for Head Graphite Edge saO. Demay punctuation errors corrected, pick-up athletically tired muscles. Free and delivery, quality 'M>rk, FAST/II Monday's paper. For more Graphite Borg 560. All 4-1/2" grips and Introductory Off~r . Tim 560-2998. 452-3466. S2/page (double spaced). Call Information call The in good condition. 457~724 . (4/181 (4/251 Guardian, UCSO, 8-016, La Jolla, CA Interactive Micro Systems at 452-9949. 92093. Selling MADONNA tickets; two left; call (6/61 Scampi-I think we could hatch that Mike 453-6059. (4/181 eggl Mushroomman. (4/181 Super typing, IBM. spelling corrected, Ufe Nature Ubrary, 25 volumes: S40; reasonable rate, rush job, 16 yrs exp., Larry D.-Just want to welcome you History Ubrary: S35; more; call for price near UCSO, call Fery 452-1393. (4/181 aboard. I'm psyched about beng your list: 58~168 . (4/18/ big brol I hope you ~joy biking I Ed Racket Stringing and Grips-Low prices, (4/18) Portable computer w/amber screen, 2 24-hr. servic~ . Call Andy at 458-9269. disk drives, modem, printer, complete (5/161 Congrats ZBT Gamma pledge classl All set of software. S1300 or best offer. Ask the guys are looking forward to an Typing: IBM/rush jobs/editing/fast, Violin, viola, prep for 32 or just for fun. for Giorgio at 259-8708. (4/18/ excell~nt fun-fil~ quart~ with you professional results. 453-0656 or 296- Individual or shared lessons . Helen guys. You'r~ HOT! (4/18/ 7333 Shari. (6/61 Martin, 457~67 1. (6/61 Typewriter-Olivetti Lettera 35, two color portable. Excellent condition. Call TOM HAW POOR TOM HAllI Don't WORD PROCESSING: Fast service. AM.E.S. Professor Alan Schneider will John 452-6164. (4/18/ 'M>rry. Tom. Getting herpes at a Model speak on and discuss A SYSTEMS SI.50/page. I pickup & ~I~r. Andy U.N. conference isn't the end of the APPROACH IN BIOMEDICAL 1980 Puch Moped. Approx. 3,400 mi. Laurence 279-8056. (6/61 'M>rId. Bob Schwartz. GA /4/181 Excellent condo S300. 299-0356. Matt. MODELING & OTHER APPLICATIONS PROCESSING-For all (4/251 TYPING/WORD *Thank You UCSO* For your help in the IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE. This Friday, April }Our typing call Barbara at 454- needs T1use needs summer return if found-gr~at s~ntimental housing: Sublets, rentals, roommates. LookiQg for a career in mod~/ing7 value. Kelly 481-6571. 14/22/ Agreements signed. Call Carol 452- Third COIIeg~ Fashion Show is a good iIIIIIH~I IJ 1 6760. (6/61 place to start. Sign up in the Res. lost. 8ro\Nrlleatherjacket Tuesday night Dean's Off. by 4/24. This could ~ the April 9 in front of the Ubrary or at Surf Roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom beginning of a promiSing care~r for Club rTftting. Please call with any Smitt1-Corona electric typewriter. Hardly South Mesa apt. Non-smoking medical }Oul (4/22/ information. Da\Ad 455-0510. /4/22) used for only SI00. Call 45171. (4/181 or graduate student only. S215/mo. & V2 electricity. Availab~ April 26. Call Rob at Party Timel Looking forward to seeing all Found: watch outside of USB2722 on Now's }Our chance to learn how to 755-1836. (4/18/ ~ Gr~~ks at Friday's Gr~k Row Partyl 4/9/85. Call to Identify. 453-0179. windsurf. 2 sailboards for sale. S375 or See}Ou ~rel AOlls. /4/18) /4/18} best off~r . Call 483-2337, ask for Paul, House want~ . 2 PhD's w/excellent Hey Z~-You ~r watch out. ~ leave a message. (4/181 references. Coastal a~a. reasonabl~ lost: 4/16/85, beige, wool cardigan price. Please call 755-7092. /4/18) Gammas a~ her~ and ~ a~ strong. swea~. ~~ ~rn to EDNA or call Adorable animal rubber stamps. Cats, AtfKtiona~Iy, ~ P-300·s. /4/18} 755-7752. G~at sentimental va~. kittens, ~ars, pandas, birds, penguins, Housemate wanted for large house In Male UCSD stud~nt looking for /4/25/ unicorns, ~ . etc. I Free catalogl Send UC. Own room. Wa~r & trash paid. companionship. N~ ~ to have 5.A.S.E. /.391 to: Critter Car~ C~~r, P.O. Laundry fadlities & microwave available. Lost: In Revelle Defi. Black and whit~ fun and ~njoy nonstudying hours Box 77, Solana Beach, CA 92075. (4/29) 4-5 miles from school. S235/mo. CI~an, my Adldas s~at jack~t last ~~. call non-smok~rs only. Call Jim at 453-1997. with. I am shy but get along very well T~IU 453-2196. (4/22) Wanna see MADONNA7 call 453- ~ase leave messa~ . /4/18/ with people I know. I am 6 feet tall, 0856, ask for BILL (4/18) blond hairM, brown ~ and active in lost: Paperback book at APM2113 Mon. Roomma~ sought to share 3 BR condo sports. I ~joy dollar night. dancing and (4/15/ morning. It was Stephen R. Hewl~tt Packard 41-CV with with St~inway grand off Gilman. Oui~t. ~ating out. I don't smok~ or do ~avy Donaldson's \IChII~ Gold Wielder. My recharg~abIe batt~ry pack. S70 or best male non-smok~r, pref~r grad. studMt. drugs. Contact ~ at PO Box 16163, La na~ is on the ftrst page. Please call offer. Evenings 455-5839. (4/18) Call 450-9583 or 452-6187. (4/181 Jolla, CA 92037. /4/18} Doug at 452-7992. /4/25) An Arts Magazine SeNing the UCSD Community

Vol. 9. No.3 April 11. 1915

What is it IiI~e to be a eno ado Contents Post-Poem

Editor Cover: Starlet spotlight on ANDREW KEELER the marvelous Madonna as The signs speak Coming to AAociate Editor she waltzes through two a different language: CHRIS YOUNG moview and two albums, the defense Contributina &liton squirming and sprawling her ETHAN FEERST, JOAN of Madonna FORSBERG, RONA HU. way to the top. See page 3. That is their right JAM~ RALPH' p~ We have relied too much Staff BiS Week ...... paae 4 By MIKEL TOOMBS MIKE A,HN , RODDY on their ambiguity, "Madonna makes it very difficult B0UAWA, ANDREA University Events brightens for people to take women seriously. HARMON, KRISTIN KALA, up next week with a concert by KAREN KELLEY , JEFF But 1 love the record" (Oo'Oo's MUNIC, JOHN NEE. ART trumpeter supreme Wynton Now we are insulted serious drummer Oina Schock, on SALAZAR, CARL STATER. Marsalis and a lecture by long Madonna) . . ROGER STEPHENSON and silent. Once again However much one is a fan of the time writer artiste Kurt Editorial: 452-6580 Madonna, it is hard to argue with Advenillns: 452-3466 Vonnegut. Schock's statement (All I would say we sit tight is, a couple of stand~ut cuts aside, Hiatus is publisht:d I!wry 91X ...... pqe 5 Maddy's debut is not an especially th~ on Thursday of academic ye:ar strange seats and wallow impressive album). By the same as a suppleme:nt to rh~ UCSD A touching eulogy for 91X's GUARDIAN. Re:producHon recently cancelled show, resignedly in mountains of paper. Much token, though, couldn't it be said or uSt: without written that Prince, no matter how much one po:rmission of any portion of "Adventures with Paradise," rhymes again, is a fan of Purple Rain (the album), this magazine IS a no-no. We the ongoing saga of the beat makes it equally difficult for people wdcome unsolicited ldt~rs. manuscripts, and artwork, but generation, prings tears to our to take men seriously? assume: no responsibility for ears. which a few years ago seemed Still, the Madonna's coy Boy Toy tht! r!!turn of such. &nJ ploy can be rather troublesome, if information to: to us misspoken. you take it at all seriously. I, for one, Hiatw' lawr dUc04ler')l Madonna Louise Ciccone doing what she does Mr. HIATUS Goings On••• page 7 don't see how anyone can, given the 8-016, Lu Jolla, CA. 92093 by Michael Krueger ridiculousness of her video­ CarulO••• page 7 projected image. For starters, her tTanslated by M. Ludke's German Poetry Class video for "Lucky Star," a rather roman~ic song in a kindergarten sort And the film's not bad either of a way, shows her engaging in some of the most ludicrous modern By RONAHU becomes intrigued with this real-life stylish French film of 1982. Much of Translation of this poem was given as an assignment in Professor "dancing" imaginable, rolling on the It's unfortunate that Desperately fantasy romance. One day she finds the cinematography of this latest Ludke's German poetry class to 30 students. They combined their floor and pouting shamelessly Seeking Susan is being billed as the that jim and Susan will be meeting in film seems inspired by the New interpretations to be faithful to the original piece. (Obviously, the Madonna doesn't Madonna Movie-unfortunate, New York. She abandons the Julia Wave bravura of Diva and there are This Hiatus is dedicated to Kurt Glwdy subscribe to the maxim of [genuine] because in doing so, Orion Pictures Child video cookbook, the pink even scenes (such as Dez's ravaged sex-throb Debra Winger, that is losing a large potential audience wallpaper and her hot-tub-selling apartment) that are lifted directly "Obvious is not sexy"). Sillier still is that would have enjoyed it. Herds of husband, and sets out to follow the from the French film and seem to the one for "Like a Virgin," which lace-scarved, ratty-haired, gum­ desperados through the streets of the serve no other purpose than to pay musically has "hit" (or some very chewing Madonna-wannas in city. homage to it. There are also plot similar word) written all over it, even fingerless gloves and fishnet need no An series of events parallels berween the rwo movies. if its best "line" is Maddy's giggled further encouragement to see their follows. Roberta buys Susan's old Both Roberta and Jules, the main Kim 98 tr UCSD University tvenl5 OffIce welcomes "Hey!"-just as the best utterance in idol; they may even be disappointed, jacket at a thrift shop, and shortly character of Diva, are innocents who "Lucky Star" is her pouted because the Maligned Miss M is not thereafter gets conked on the head get caught up in the fantasy of other "yeah ... " (John Fogerty, no the real star of the film. But for and wakes up with amnesia. jim's people's lives and get in trouble for Madonna fan he, deemed "Virgin" people who cringe at the thought of friend, Dez, told to keep an eye on it. Both films have incredibly "hot," but John Hiatt insisted that two hours of pouting and preening the wayward girlfriend, mistakes persistent villains and a feel for street its composers be put in "songwriter (and who are not particularly Roberta for Susan and helps her scenes, especially at night. jail"-which hardly seems comforted by the fact that the real piece together her new identity. She Madonna's character could be just necessary, since they are already star, Rosanna Arquette, was the is promptly outfitted in Susan's ex­ an American version of Alba, Diva's prisoners to the cliche). inspiration for a hit Toto song), be clothing and junkie jewelry, street-smart, shoplifting sex-symbol Anyway, in the video the assured that this is not an extended including the large and gaudy who lives by her wits and the seat of Madonna is exploring the love canals rock video. Desperatley Seeking Susan earrings of Nefrodite. Susan has her pants (literally), and who also (the video's pun, not mine) of is actually a funny and entertaining, innocently lifted said earrings from enjoys taking photos of herself. Venice (the one in Italy, MTV Vjs altogether enjoyable way of spending the pockets of her latest one-night­ (She's a slut, but ... so what?) had to tell viewers), cavorting with a Tuesday Dollar Night. stand, who had stolen them from a lions-she does have a nicely leonine Rosanna Arquetre plays Roberta, museum. As a result, Susan and However, Desperately Seeking pride in her stride-and only a New jersey housewife who aVidly Roberta/ Susan find themselves Susan is not quite in the same class as achieving true spontaneity when, reads the personals while getting her pursued by the murderer who wants Dioo in the art of eye candy. It's a bit having seemingly exhausted all her hair done. Her favorite classified the jewels, the police, and Roberta's like comparing a Hershey bar to a patent~ Madonna shtick, she jumps involves a couple of wanderers, jim husband. chocolate truffle, though both are up in the boat and executesajoyeous and Susan, who keep in touch across Perhaps the strongest point of sweet and devoid of real nutrition. sort of shimmy (in slow motion, of the country with ads in the Daily Df!5perarel:y Seeking Swan is also its Still it's an undeniably good time ... course). MirTO!'. Bored with being a beautiful major flaw: namely, that it is and maybe a Hershey bar movie is wife in a beautiful house, Roberta obviously derived from Dioo, the just what you need this week.

UCSD Thedtn prat.us------, The Wtst COGSt pmnitrr of By William Hauptman NOIICITO SIUDINTS Direct£d by Copla of the UCSD Student Conduct Code ere available at no Robert Woodruff cherge at the following locations: Regents' Lecturer 8. OftIce of the VIce Chancellor tor Undergraduate Affai's "a staring portra~l of the b. Student Lega' ServIces OfIIce 1964 'Tucson Murders' c. OfIIce of the Student Center DRctor story" d. Otnce of the Student Organizations May 2-.5. 9-12 e. College Dans' OfIIces f. Resident Dans' OfIIces • (May 1 preview) 9. The Graduate Student OftIce APRIL l', Tuesday, 8:00 P.I'I. 8pm/7pm Sunday h. Otnce of the Student Conduct Coordinator I'IAND[VlUL AUDITORlUI'I $.5-$8 I. Otnce of the Student Atralrs Dan, ~• .cdk:aI Schoot GoA. $15.00, UCSD ST. $10.00 • Mandell Weiss ee.r for die Performina Arts Inqulria regarding student related campus regulltions may be Umousines COUrtesy of WXVRY UNOOSlrlf.S UNITf:D - u Jolla Village Drive and ToM)' Pines Road- clrected to the ucso Student Conduct Coordinator, C..aU 452·4574 for tickcts and information. lWSpecieI Center, Center Bldg. level @TlCKETPtDN ' ~~....,...... ~ UCSD BOX Offla: 4~1-45~9 Tickets availabk at Weiss Center Ticket ornce and ScMca Student B, lower University Events Box Office. or call

2 HiatIU April 18, 1985 April 18, 1985 HicI&au 3 San Diego has lost a true tAdventure' Bv ROBIN SCOTT They say too much a good thing is called it, "music afficionados." The bad. Well, in San Diego we have had show's coordinators as well as disc too little of a good thing and now we jockeys, the Rev. and, until about a have even less. The last installment month ago, Sal Paradise, of the radio program "Adventures occasionally broadcast from unusual with Paradise" or, as it was most locations, such as a carnival in recently titled, "The Wide and Mexico or a neighborhood party, in Wonderful World of Music," was order to heighten the sense of broadcast last Sunday evening on unpredictability that they liked to 91X. The show will be replaced with propagate. The show also served to something the programmers of 91X expose local talent that other deem has a similar format, hosted by commercial radio often avoided. Pam Wolfe and Kevin "The Dead Every Sunday evening, from 11 pm Dog Kid." to until 2 am, the general listening It appears from all the fervor public had an accesible and exciting surrounding the event, that alternative. "Adventures with Paradise" had The loss of the program signifies more of a following than the station an increasingly conservative trend had estimated. Last Sunday, the among commercial stations. Mad program broad casted numerous Max, the program director for 91X, recorded messages from listeners cited the departure of Sal Paradise as elte tria to who had called in to comment on the the cause behind the decision to take ALIS plays the trUmpet. Everyone wonder i5 situation. Most of the responses the show off the air. Sal quit the WYNTON MARS call th 23-year-old musician a boy lik were bittersweet; angry at the show's show about a month ago because he play that T:ment. He has been picking up aram:::t. dismissal, yet thankful for the many felt the show was not being provided ina~nt. ~ The inwnli~ programming ofJim Call. aka The Rew!Tend. looks for a new home. an enormous ':t:played with every jazz superstarH:; Flowers. hours of enjoyable listening it with enough financial and moral = provided. support by the station directors. loose change a . in support of his third album ndeville Tuetday is currently tounM'!atis ~ntet will perform adt Ma. and $10 for For two years, "Adventures with It is no secret that for quite some the lips of Sal, the Rev. and guests. been talk of the show resurfacing on The Wynton Tickeu are $15 for general a mission Paradise" provided the public with a time, the powers behind 91X have Whatever the reason behind the another station. Until then, unless night a 8 ptnth' box office. wide range of rare and often amusing been at odds with the nature of the program change, one thing remains one has access to a college radio stUdents at e recorded music. It specialized in the show. Comments on the limited clear: The absence of "Adventures station, Madonna and company just eccentric, the unusual and the tendency of commercial radio, with Paradise" means a great loss for might prove that silence is golden obscure. It was a show for, as they including 91X, often slipped from the music connoisseur. There has after all.

For students and professionals in the fields of 5 international affairs and business R 198 p~R15· 5\JN\N\~u1YI-A"_4 AIIDoupcing the European Business/Cultural tudics !'rogram - EBCS OffcTtxi by European University of America

• Four-week conference and lecture series at the Sorbonne Ont' Way Round Trip • Eight-day Study Tour of Europe From Mi. 'r/ MeIdl flaMMlity From • Three-day excursion to Bordeaux and Loire Valley • Contact with working professionals in business, $648 economics, journalism, advertising, marketing, finance $327 I'rubloll .,'e eMU fo, _ $U (trg. $18) and government l'IeebIcM ,,'e eMU fw _ .. "0 (trg. $1') (l\vo-pa rt lecrure .eries conducted in English: European l3u mess and $399 -$738 DlrecUoul perwu $15 (trg. $«J) Scul,c_1I ""'II (,." Ht) $18 (trg. $40) EconomIc Environments; French Culture and Civihzanon. plus $ trg. trg. $15) ------April 18------I'fMlcure • l'edlcure U I $18) ec',.,..,.e $15 I Introduction to Conversational French) $429 $738 One Itou,,.'" _ $1. (trg. U5) CABARET NIGHT AT THE PUB One Ito., ...... e .. _ U5 Itrg. $J5) For further d~tails contact: The Pub $379 $698 5p«i.IiSU in bYe/( IMi, EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA Free $798 A full xllliee IN/on LONE MOUNTAIN CA MPUS N/A 7608 Linda ~.fCi1 Rd. ("'eIY College Dr. lit 163) 16lJ-aa65 2130 FULTON STREET !few Mloll (formerl!J W JoIy Cwltlng Co.) 737 /Url Sl ,, ~ JoIy SAN FRAN IS 0 , CA 94117 (415) 668-0064 ------May 1-5 & 9-12------. $3'99 $738 456·1170 .56-1.15 EBCS SUMMER 1'MSl'11rolJmcnt IS opcn to Upper IAvtSion HEAT Gradwtr Stud.,."nrs (lll dlSClplult5~ and. profCSStonMs. Directed by Regents' Lecturer Robert Woodruff MANDELL WEISS CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 8:00 pm/ 7:oo pm Sunday $,5 • $8 in the Student Center Co unCI l Travel is the travel division of ClEE.

------May8-11------~ ANGEL CITY by Sam Shep(lTd AMERICA'S OLDEST CHARTER COMPANY UCSD THEATRE 8:00 pm $3 .00 "A DEBUT AS SCARFYINGLY ASSURED AS ANY SINCE ------May22-25------~ MUD by Maria Irene Fornes ORSON WELl FS." UCSD THEATRE JAZZ FANS -Richard CorlIss, TIme Magazine 8:00 pm $3.00 "A thriller that 's fresh. "The most IrIvrntivr and jrighuning and jiendishly Original thnller In many-a · Come hear the sensational funny." moon. " David Ansen ------M.y30-- June2------~ Peter Travers Newsweck UNDERGRADUATE THEATRE FESTIYAL People Magazine "Ella Ruth Piggee" "A triumph! One oj the mosl UCSD THEA TRE $.99 at the door "A true sleepe r. a bold mid brazenly self-Cl5 sured dlftC­ (Times TBA) slnkmg film . " lorwldebuls In Amencanjilm Friday, April 19, 1985 Rex Reed hIstory." DaVId Denby Triton Pub, 4:00-6:00 New Yorh POSI N. Y. Magazine STARTS FRIDAY Joel and Ethan Coen's CALL 452~574 FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION. MANN UNIVERSITY PACIFIC'S TOWNE CENTRE SWEETWATER BLOOD SIMPLE Tickds a""ilabk at Wew Center Ticket Office La Jotia Village Drive ' 452·7766 Ewnu 8 THEATRES and Vniwrlity &x Office. MANN SPORTS ARENA Town & Country Center, 3350 Sports Arene Blvd . • 223·5333 1-605 at Sweetwater' 474-6571 MANN BIJOU THEATRE 5th & G, Downtown' 235-6084 flllWfR Hili \ll>,ifMA ~ EXCLUSIVE SAN DIEGO RANCHO BERNARDO ENGAGEMENT 11740 Bernardo Plaza Ct. • 485~1 FRONTIER DRIVE·IN 3601 Midway Drive' 223·5535 ' ·5 VIA DE U VAlLE. DEL MAR STARTS FRIDAY PACIFIC'S SANTEE DRIVE·IN 755·5511 1:303:"56.00 8:15 10:00 CINERAMA THEATRE 10990 WOOdside, Santee' «8·7447 5889 Un iversity Ave. near College Ave . • 583-6201 4 Hiatus April 18, 1985 April 18, 1985 Hiarw.s 5 •

~-- Goings on Caruso

Madonna Tonight on the entertainment If you like Alms, but not thOle France, the Netherlands, etc. front, or for this Instance, the shown at UTe, you can see a demonstration front, will be a special screening of Ousmane • • • Third and Final Phase continued {Tom page 3 In his lecture, "How to Get a free demonstration of Carl, the Sembane's De ... Blaek Girl at Job Like Mine," on April 24 in computer music system at the the Educational Cultural THE No, the title of her latest the UCSD Gym, authof Kurt Center for Music Experiment, at Complex located at 4343 Ocean VonnelUt promises to "discuss "Virginal" hit aside, I think the 8 pm, 408 Warren Campus, 10 View Blvd. in San Diego. Madonna is essentially an my own work in a whimsical PINES OF LA JOLLA you computer musicians, or vice Sembane's Aim was the first manner, touch on current events Immaterial Girl. The only way she versa, or simply interested African feature film ever and give the best advice I can to /.0 .JolI(l S(,rI Im'I'zc's lind Ellrop('oll lil'inf/ should really be taken seriously is in parties should not miss this one. produced, and was a milestone in those who would like to become ('( /T('S.<; you III //11' Pines o f U / ,JolIlI. Pools. spus. her role (model) as a kind of generating International writers." Whew. Call 452-4090 S(/(/II(lS (llIri ((/('(/w'/I)ol/ court I'n/ertuin ~)()U . Everygirl, which seems to be the If you are •at home• • tonight and attention for African cinema. It is for more information. I:lIcl1(1/1/I n O Itulilln f/urdc'IIS. sn"plllr!'s. conception legions of fans and can tune in KPBS, or at a friend's presented as part of the "Journey IOull/nills rind ('our/y(/rds wlox YOti. Etln II )('UII clones have of her. This is the for that matter, you can flip on across Three Continents Film * • • ('0/ liIlC'/f!.) 11/)( / other C/('("orlllo r li'wlIfC's (( '('/n 111)(' Festival" by the Contemporary In the Mandeville Auditorium Madonna who has but a bit more Jean Shepherd'. America, a 1)0(1 /0 ~)()lIr OIlC' Of(U'O I we/roc)ln /lOnl.' \ 'isil our Black Arts Program of UCSD, on the 24th, tne UCSD ability than you-well, me at least, humorous look at the "richness Department of Music presents S(//<'s O 'II/c" tod(/y and diversity of America." It Third World Newsreel and the probably less than you-but who Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ali Akbar Khan in a program must be funny because it's a 13- of North Indian classical music at VA. F IlA, uses what she has to get what she part series starting tonight at 8 For more program information, Convcn (I o n

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8 HiatIU April 18, 1985