• N SUNDAY, THE STREETS OF LA JOLLA will come to life with runners and cyclists and an expected crowd I) of 20,000 spectators. The featured event is a world­ class cycling event through the streets of downtown featuring some of the world's best cyclists. The action begins with the Founh Annual La Jolla Half Marathon at .7 :30 am. The race begins at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and finishes at the LaJolla Cove, with the awards ceremony to be held at the Cove at 11 am. The large crowds are expected to arrive with the stan of the premiere Bud Light LaJoila Grand Prix. The course for the event I....... ~ begins on Silverado near Herschel, heads east to Fay, goes down to Prospect, up to Girard, up to Wall Street, then continues on Wall to Herschel before heading back to · Silverado. Preceding the men's event is a two-lap celebrity race and a 33- lap women's event at 12:30. The men's race begins at 1:15 and will feature ten Olympic medalists, including gold medal winner Mark Gorski, Steve Hegg and Eric Heiden. The race will cover 66 laps, or 40 miles. There will be a shuttle bus to the race site from the University parking lot at the comer of La Jolla Village and Torrey Pines. 2 Thursday, Apn118, 1985 Thursday, April 18, 1985 3 Ne~ • • '\. .', '" • '" ~ ~ " '" • ..)., • y 'l): .... ... ... ,},' ~... ......... :-: ;..: '" • .,...... '" • ~, ... ·X.~ " ~---------~----------~I I I UCSD ,..." rally planned ~ ,. I"'" r =tW jl"r" " I. , ~ .... ~:.. I~ I ' I' I,t. ~ 1...tiI ...til I . ~ IJIIII II ... • .. ""III" ,..... I" ., ...... !II --~ - I "' k' 'I I,,,re- Thousands at Cal protest apartheid I fl. L I'l. r, I'. • • ~ ,... Fl' University of California scientists Much of the book is based on the have acquired an unusual computer Ellison family's correspondence-the By SEAN WAGSTAFF, News Editor capable of performance approaching only known surviving letters by a free News: Thousands of Berkeley students have demonstrated NIVERSITY POLICE Tuesday ensure that campus rules are observed. resisting arrest, also a misdemeanor. three primary goals, according to AS that of the most i1dvanced black family wri[[en during the years their desire for UC-South African divestiture in the past few arrested more than 160 ann­ "The main doors to Sproul Hall have About 80 of those arrested identified President-elect Mary Rose Alexander. to supercomputers, but at a fraction of the surrounding the Civil War. U apanheid demonstrators at UC now been barricaded. The building has themselves as students. achieve UC divestment in South Africa, cost. Most deal with everyday matters­ days. Also, UC lecturers go to the capitol to complain, the Berkeley, where they were protesting been plastered with signs in clear The Regents are scheduled to to move the Regents' vote on divestment The powerful "array processor" will business transactions, town gossip and California Review has won, at least initially, a battle to get on­ University of California i{lvestments in violation of campus rules. consider South African dIvestment in from late Jlme to the May meeting and allow researchers to address a wide family activities-that closely parallel campus space, although the fight isn't over yet, and Adam companies with South African interests. "The vigil has been turned into a June. to move it from the Santa cruz campus those of Southern whites. variety of problems in theoretical After the arrests, at least 2,500 people campout. The ASUCSD Wednesday night to the Berkeley campus, and to have the In Bla ck MaSlers , Johnson and Roark Scrotum and Betsy Breast are back, wtih cancer, on a campus physics previously unapproachable due gathered at Sproul Hall, administration "Protests on this campus must be allocated funds for a rally on Revelle treasurer make a full report to a public describe the small number of Southem to limited computing capabilities. near you. building for the nine UC campuses, to both legal and within the rules. We shall Plaza Wednesday, April 24 , from noon hearing on the UC's investments in blacks who worked in skilled trades, The researchers are testing the denounce the arrests and the UC's closely monitor this demonstration. If it to 1 pm. South African businesses. This last goal making enough money on the side to Opinions: A reprint of the UC Berkeley Daily Cal's editorial computer [0 determine if it an proVide investments in various firms doing continues as it now is, we shall take According to AS PreSIdent Marc was achieved by the protestors purchase their freedom and pass it on an economIcal alternative to on the apanheid walk-outs, the results of the referenda business in South Africa. The amount of action to open the doors of Sproul Hall , Boroditsky, the AS is asking students to Wednesday night when the UC supercomputers for some university as a binhright. voting, a viewpoint on America's favorite pastime, plus letters those investments has been estimated to to take down ·the signs and to end the wear red ribbons, symboliZing African Administration agreed to the request. research problems. Johnson says that while some readers camping out." bloodshed, in support of divestment According to Greg Arnold , vice and Doonesbury, be as high as several billion dollars. Funded by a $440,000 grant from the might be disturbed by the Elhson's Despite the arrests, speakers at the Those arrested were charged with and to boycott classes during that time. president-elect of external affairs, the National SCience Foundation, the Star slave-holdings, the research makes a rally , including Mario Savio, who led the trespaSSing, illegal lodging, or blocking a The boycott request extends to extent of UC investments in South valuable contribution to black histOry. Perspectives: Two stories in the Guardian's Emerging Technologies ST-100 array processor is Free Speech Movement in 1964, urged public thoroughfare , all misdemeanors. instructors as well. Africa cannot be determined until the "The Ellison \c[[ers show that black housed at UC Santa Barbara and shared Writers' Series explore memories-a universal day and the protestors to continue. On About 30 others were charged for The demonstrations at Berkeley have treasurer's repon is made. ~ by SCIentists at the IrVine and San DIego families during the Civil War era weren't photographic images. Plus, "the writer's i" discusses the fruits Wednesday, about 7,000 people again all impovenshed slaves. They restore the campuses marched at Berkeley. co mpleXity of black life and demonstrate of our wide, wonderful, big blue beautiful marble. Funding for the project coincides A University-wide demonstration is that great differences eXisted in thIS with the five-year NSF program to create scheduled for Wednesday. group as in any other." Sports: Santa Barbara is still in the infantile stages of supercomputer centers at four of the The Berkeley arrests came afte r nation's leading unlversmes at the cost recovery after UCSD made another appearance at the annual Lecturers seek new contract o repeated requests by the Administration of $200 millIon The director of the Carnegie tournament, and women's HD polo players are unwilling for dispersal of the demonstrators, many By JANE ROSENBERG, Sacramento Corresponiknt Both mlliatives represent the federal Institution of Washington, Department of whom had been camped out on the characters in "The Drowning Pool." HE FEUD BETWEEN the and Means Subcommittee on Education sCIence agency' effon to promote of Embryology, will gIve the annual steps of Sproul Hall since last quality of undergraduate education. University of California and its that lecturers were being denied a say in research usmg advanced computer WIll tam D. McElroy DistingUIshed Hiatus: Who bener than the phenoMadonna to grace the Wednesday. One of those requests was But Gregory thought Frazer had technology to satisfy an oveawhelming T 2,236 lecturers heated up last academic decision making. promised the subcommittee that UC LectureshIp an Bi ology at 4 pm addressed from Berkeley Chancellor Ira pages of Hiatus ' special collector's issue. Additionally, week as the two sides met before an Gregory also asked the subcommittee need among UniversIty SCIentists for Thursday, Apnl 25, an Liebow Michael Heyman to the campus would create a systemwide panel, to Assembly subcommittee. to require UC to conduct a mcreased computing capabilities, AudItorium, the BaSIC SCIence Buildmg, Wyman Marsalis and Kun Vonnegut come to campus next community on Monday, April IS: include lecturers, to report to the The lecturers, represented by the comparability study on lecturers' wages. accordmg to Roben L. Sugar. UCSB UCSD. Regents on the issue. week for your music and lecture listening pleasure, and a "Eve nts in South Africa continue to American Federation of Teachers (AFT), phYSICIst and a researcher on the Donald D. Brown, MD , will talk on Both Gregory, a visiting UCLA lecrurer Gregory proposed the systemwide eulogy for the late "Adventures with Paradise" show on 91X. show the cruelty and shame of have been negotiating for their first proJect. 'The Role of Stable Complexes an the apartheid. About this there is no for 11 years, and Hal Geiogue of the panel follOWing the release of the comract with administrators for almost a Seven UC sCIentISts WIll study Activation and RepreSSIon of Eukaryotic Legislative Analyst'S Office said that the reports, which included a study of the disagreement in our community. year. theoretclal problems in ondensed Gene ." University'S reply to a Senate Association of American Colleges. That COVER DESIGN BY JOHN ASH LEE "The issue within the University The union, which has also been matter and high-energy phYSICS A graduate of the Universlry of subcommittee inquiry on lecturers might review stated that universities had mvolves its investme[u poltcies set by fighting for a voice in academic policy Capable of performmg up to 100 Chicago MedIcal S hool, Brown is a the Regems.
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