MISSION STATEMENT The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the ATTENTION DELEGATES integrity of its RMegIisStrSy, IpOroNmo ting the spSorTt Aof TpEurMebrEeNd dT ogs and breeding for type and function. ® NOTICE OF MEETING TFohuen Admederiin ca1n8 8K4e, ntnhelAKC Cluba nisd dites daicffailtieadte td o ourpghaonlidziantgio nths ea idnvteogcarittey foofr iths e Rpeugriset brrye, dp rdoomgo atisn ga tfhame islyp ocrot mofpapnuiroenb,r ead vdaongcs e acnad nibnree ehdeianlgthf oarndty pwe elal-nbd eifnugn,c wtioonrk. to protect the rights of all The next meeting of the Delegates will be Fdougn odwedneinrs1 a8n8d4 ,ptrhoe mAKCote raensd piotns saifbflieli adtoegd orwgnaenrizsahtipio. ns advocate for the pure bred dog as a family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all dog owners and 805prom1 oAtrec ore Csopropnosribaltee dDorgiv oew, Snueirtseh 1ip0. 0, Raleigh, NC 276 17 held at the Doubletree Newark Airport Hotel 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 276 17 Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ...... (919) 233-9767 on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, beginning no 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 New York, NY Office ...... (212) 696-8200 Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ...... (919) 233-9767 earlier than 9:00 a.m . There will not be a Fax ...... (212) 696-8299 New York, NY Office ...... (212) 696-8200 Website ...... Fax ...... (212) 696-8299 Delegates Forum. Website ...... BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILLIAM J. FEENEY, CHAIRMA N•PATRICIA M. CRUZ, VICE CHAIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS RONALD H. CMLAESNSA KOEFR 2, 0C2H0 AIRMA N•DR. THOMAS MC.L DAASVSIE OSF, V2I0C2E 2 CHAIRMAN DELEGATES CREDENTIALS PATRICIA M. CRUZ CHRISTOPHER L. SWEETWOOD WICLLLAIASMS OJ.F F 2E0E1N8 EY HAROCLDA S“SR EODF” 2 T0A2T0 RO III Kristina M. Delisi, Runnells, IA, Central Iowa KAROJLYANMNEES MR. DMOCK ATEER PATARNINCI AW AML. LCINRUZ DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN WILLIAM J. FEENEY Kennel Club ROCNLAALDS SH O. MF E2N02A1KER KAROCLLYANSNSE OMF. 2M0C2A3 TEER RITA J. BIDDLE DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN CLASS OF 2019 CLASS OF 2021 DOMINIC P. CAROTA Andrea C. Hesser, Flower Mound, TX, Mid- DR. CARMEN L. BATTAGLIA STREITVAE NJ. HBAIDMDBLLE IN DR. THOMAS DAVIES DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES DADNOIEMLI NJI.C S PM. CYTAHR,O ETASQ. Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa THOAMNNA SW PAOLLWIN ERS THOMAS POWERS RONALD H. MENAKER, ChairmaHnA ERmVEeYri tMu.s WOODING Tracy Pancost, Louisville, KY, West Highland DDEENNIIS B. SPRUNG, Ex Offffiicciioo Terrier Club of America EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DENNIS B. SPRUNG GIINA M. DINARDO JJOSEPH V. BAFFUTO,, JR.. Diane Reid, New York, NY, Briard Club of President Executive Secretary Chiief Financial Offiicerr Chiief Executive Offiicerr America VICE PRESIDENTS VICE PRESIDENTS JAY WAKS KIRSTEN BAHLKE BRANDI HUNTER Senior ExecutiKvIe RSTEN BAHLKEV,i cPeu rPerberseidd eCnotnsumer DemanPdublic Relations & Vice PresidentC & YNTHIA BPEuAreGbLrEeSd, CAosnssiustmaenrt DGeemnearnad l CounseCl ommunications NOTICE General Counsel MARK DUNN, Executive Vice President CYNTHIA BEAGLES DOUG LJUNGREN As a result of an Event Committee determi - ALEXANKDERITAH A FLREASZKIOEVRS, KEYxecuAtivssei sVtiacnet PGrenseidreanl tC, oBuunssienless SuppSoprto rStesr &vicEevsents Executive Vice PresidenSt H& EILA GOFFE , Government Relations nation the following individual stands sus - Chief Growth Officer MARK DUNN HEATHER MCMANUS BRANDI HUNTER , Public Relations & Communications Senior Vice President Deputy General Counsel THEREDSOAU CGH LINJUNGREN, ExecuRteivgei sVtircaeti oPnre & sident, Sports & Events pended of AKC privileges. It should be Senior Vice PresiHdEeAnTt HER MCMusAtoNmUSe,r Deepvueltoyp Gmeennetral CounsMeAl RI-BETH O’NEILL Planning & Operations Sport Services noted that this determination may still be MARI-BETH O’NEILL, S port Services KEITH FRAZIER AIDEN COLIE PAULA SPEBCuTsOinR e, sCso Srpuoprpaotret Services ELIZABETH SOROTA appealed and may be reversed. Upon expira - Senior Vice PresideDnAt PHNA STeRrvAicUeS s,/ BNuCs Finaecsilsit yD eOvpes lopment Marketing Technology TIM THOMAS , Judging Operations SHEILA GOFFE DAPHNA STRAUS tion of the appeal process, an appropriate JAY WAKS, Senior ExeGcouvteirvnem Veicnet RPreelastiidoenns t & GeneBruasli nCeosusn sDeelvelopment notice describing the status of the individ - TRIAL BOARDS ual’s suspension, if any, will appear in this col - APPEALSA TPRPIEAALL BS OTARRIADL BOARTD RIAL BOARD MEMBERS (cnt’dT)R IAL P E BROFAORRDM CAHNACIRES TRIAL BOARD MARTHA FELRTAELNPSHT EDINE,L E DSQE.O, C, EHSAQIR. , CHAIR CHARLES FOLEY THERESAJ DOOSWEPELHL ,B EESNQA. GE, ESQ. umn: BARBARAM WAR. TMHIEAN FEERL,T EESNQS.T EIN, ESQ. ROGER HARTINGER BARBATRIMA PCEANRNWY, IELSEQ, .ESQ., CHAIR BARBARBA RPBEANRNAY, WE.S MQ.I E NER, ESQ. MEDORA HARPER LAURIE RAYMJOONHDN, ERSUQS. SELL DANIEL SMYTH, ESQ. DONNA HERZIG TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS TRIAL BOARD CHAIRS CARL HOLDER ALTERNATES THERESA DROW. KELLA, UESQ A NSELM PERFORMANCE TBRILIALL T EBAOGAURED You can also read the Secretary’s Pages in the CHARLES FOLEY LAURIE MAULUCCID AVID HOPKINS, ESQ., CHAIR EUGENIA HUNTER, ESQ. ROBERT W. MONTLER ROGER HARTINGER DR. ROBERT MYALL TIM CARWILE, ESQ. LAURIE RAYMMEODNOD,R EAS QH.A RPER HON. JAMES PHINIZY JOHN RUSSELL DR. ROBERT MYALL ALTERNATES TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT STEIN BERNARD SCHWARTZ MIKE NECAISE DR. KLAUS ANSELM BETTY-ANNE STENMARK BETTY-ANNE STENMARK SYLVIA THOMAS BILL TEAGUE KATHI BRJOAMWENS WHITE Click here to read the January 2020 issue!


Ms. Linda Kepner (Hickory Corners, MI) NOTICE Ms. Sharon Schutte (Imlay City, MI) Ms. Renee Schmidt (Gardner, KS) Action was taken by the Lawrence Jayhawk Kennel NOTICE Club for conduct at its October 12, 2019 Ms. Jill Baum (Tempe, AZ) Action was taken event. Ms. Schmidt was charged with inap - by the Cañada del Oro Kennel Club for con - propriate, abusive or foul language. The duct at its November 8, 2019 event. Ms. Baum Staff Event Committee reviewed the Event was charged with inappropriate, abusive, or Committee’s report and set the penalty at a foul language. The Staff Event Committee reprimand at a $100 fine. (Norwegian reviewed the Event Committee’s report and Elkhound, ) set the penalty at a one-month event suspen - sion and a $500 fine. (Whippet) NOTICE Mr. Brad Slaybaugh (Colonial Heights, VA) NOTICE Action was taken by the Mid Atlantic Hunting Ms. Stephanie Lindeman (Indianapolis, IN) Retriever Club of Virginia for conduct at its Action was taken by the Alaskan Malamute September 29, 2019 event. Mr. Slaybaugh was Club of America for conduct at its November charged with entering/exhibiting a dog the 1, 2019 event. Ms. Lindeman was charged entrant knew or should have known is ineligi - with inappropriate, abusive or foul language. ble to compete. The Staff Event Committee The Staff Event Committee reviewed the Event reviewed the Event Committee’s report and Committee’s report and set the penalty at a set the penalty at a one-year event suspension reprimand at a $100 fine. (Alaskan Malamute) and a $1000 fine. (Labrador Retriever)

NOTICE NOTICE Ms. Angela Ogle (Valparaiso, IN) Action The AKC’s Management Disciplinary was taken by the Miniature American Committee has suspended Mr. Jim Owens Shepherd Club of the USA for conduct at its (Weaverville, NC) from AKC privileges for September 23, 2019 event. Ms. Ogle was ten years and imposed a $5000 fine, effective charged with violations of AKC rules/regula - December 11, 2019, for creation, falsification tions or club regulations. The Staff Event or alteration of an official AKC document Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s and judging improprieties (the judge him - report and set the penalty at a reprimand and self/herself or complicity with a judge). a $100 fine. (Australian Shepherd, Miniature (Multiple ) American Shepherd)


NOTICE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RULES The Management Disciplinary Committee APPLYING TO DOG SHOWS has suspended the following individuals for CHAPTER 11, Section 8-A – Dog Show one year and imposed a $1,000 fine, for non- Entries, Conditions of Dogs Affecting compliance with AKC’s record keeping and Eligibility dog identification requriements and the The AKC Board has endorsed the following AKC’s Care and Conditions policy (unaccept - amendment to CHAPTER 11, Section 8-A , of able conditions, dogs and/or facility): the Rules Applying to Dog Shows , based on a Effective October 15, 2019 request by Staff to the AKC Board. This will Mr. John Heron (Sicklerville, NJ) Siberian be voted on at the March 10, 2020 Delegates Huskies Meeting. Ms. Kimberly Wolff-Heron (Sicklerville, NJ) CHAPTER 11 Siberian Huskies SECTION 8-A. The preceding portion of this section is unchanged. NOTICE Any dog, that in the opinion of the Event The AKC’s Management Disciplinary Committee attacks a person or dog at an AKC Committee has suspended the following indi - event and is believed by that Event viduals from all AKC privileges for ten years Committee to present a hazard to persons or and imposed a $2000 fine, for conduct preju - other dogs, shall be disqualified by the Event dicial to dogs, purebred dog events, Committee pursuant to this section, a report or to the best interests of The American shall be filed with the Executive Secretary of Kennel Club based on their violation of the The American Kennel Club. The disqualified AKC’s Judicial or Administrative dog may not again compete at any AKC event Determination of Inappropriate Treatment nor be on the grounds of an AKC event Policy: unless and until, following application for reinstatement by the owner to the American Effective October 15, 2019 Kennel Club, the owner receives official noti - Mr. Dustin Young (Avoca, IA) Labrador fication in writing from the AKC that the Retrievers dog’s eligibility has been reinstated.

Effective November 11, 2019 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RULES Ms. Donna Keller Lee (Effingham, SC) APPLYING TO DOG SHOWS Multiple Breeds CHAPTER 9, Section 2 – Superintendents and Show Secretaries


The AKC Board has endorsed the following proposal by the Delegate Dog Show Rules amendment to CHAPTER 9, Section 2 , of the Committee. This will be voted on at the Rules Applying to Dog Shows , based on a request March 10, 2020 Delegates Meeting. by Staff to the AKC Board. This will be voted CHAPTER 14 on at the March 10, 2020 Delegates Meeting. SECTION 5. Event Committees shall be CHAPTER 9 responsible for providing suitable equipment SECTION 2. Any qualified person may meeting all AKC requirements for determin - make application to The American Kennel ing eligibility with respect to height and Club for approval to act as Show Secretary of weight at every show. Event Committees may a dog show. There is no limit on the number delegate this responsibility to of Specialty Shows for which an individual Superintendents/Show Secretaries. All- may be approved Show Secretary. An individ - shows shall be required to have at least one ual shall be approved as Show Secretary for complete set of wickets (two sets for shows the show or shows of only one group or one with entries of 1,000 or more) and at least all-breed club and any group or all-breed one digital scale with a platform of sufficient show held on the same day and site of the size to safely accommodate all weighable club in a calendar year. An individual must breeds. A certified and stamped weight is also hold a license from The American Kennel required. Specialty Shows and Group Shows Club as Superintendent in order to be where measurable or weighable breeds are approved as Superintendent for more than entered shall provide the appropriate one group or one all-breed club and events wicket(s) and/or a digital scale with a plat - held the same day and site with the club in a form of sufficient size to safely accommodate calendar year. all breeds that might be measured or weighed at the event. A certified and stamped PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RULES weight is also required. APPLYING TO DOG SHOWS CHAPTER 14, Section 5 – Measuring, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BEAGLE FIELD Weighing and Color Determinations When TRIAL RULES AND STANDARD PROCEDURES FOR Factors of Disqualification in Breed Standards BRACE, SMALL PACK AND SMALL PACK OPTION or Eligibility Under the Conditions of a Class FIELD TRIALS AND TWO-COUPLE PACK HUNTING or Division of a Class Cancellation of Awards TESTS The AKC Board has endorsed the following CHAPTER 6. Section 4 – Field Trial amendment to CHAPTER 14, Section 5, of Committee, Field Trial Secretary, Premium the Rules Applying to Dog Shows , based on a Lists


The AKC Board has endorsed the following sult, it should be understood that any such amendment to CHAPTER 6, Section 4 , of the correspondence will be made available, upon Beagle Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedures , request, to the judge or judge applicant. based on a recommendation by the Beagle Advisory Committee and supported by the It is the responsibility of all Conformation Delegate Field Trial and Hunting Test and Junior Showmanship judges to notify the Committee for all types of field trials. This Judging Operations Department of any will be voted on at the March 10, 2020 changes or corrections to their address, Delegates Meeting. phone, fax or emails. These changes are very CHAPTER 6 important because they affect your judges’ SECTION 4. The last sentence in this sec - record, the web site and the Judges Directory. tion. The premium list and/or announce - Please notify Judging Operations by email at ments for each licensed or member field trial [email protected]. shall contain all the information set forth on the official AKC Event Application form as APPLICANTS approved by the American Kennel Club, The following persons applications have except the addresses for the judges, trial been submitted for the breed(s) specified but chair and club officers need only include the they are NOT eligible to accept assignments. city and state. The premium list shall be of official size. NEW BREED JUDGING APPLICANTS Ms. Dorothy M. Barrett (101073) CA CONFORMATION JUDGES (619) 248-1727 Letters concerning judges and provisional [email protected] judges should be addressed to the Judging Op - Cavalier King Charles Spaniels erations Department at PO Box 900062, Ms. Janene Borini (107692) CO Raleigh, NC 27675-9062. Letters concerning (719) 651-0855 Agility, Obedience, Rally, Tracking, and VST [email protected] applicants should be addressed to the Com - Great Danes panion Events Department in North Carolina. Ms. Melanee Clark (107776) OK (605) 670-1889 The American Kennel Club will, at the re - [email protected] quest of a judge or judge applicant, provide Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, Rhode - that individual with copies of letters received sian Ridgebacks, Papillons, Shetland Sheep - regarding their judging qualifications. As a re - dogs, JS


Mrs. Celine-Marie Tews (107749) CA Chow Chows, Norwegian Lundehunds, (209) 918-7672 Schipperkes, Tibetan Terriers [email protected] Ms. Kathryn Cowsert (17121) CA Siberian Huskies (925) 672-1765 [email protected] APPROVED BREED JUDGING APPLICANTS Balance Non-Sporting Group (Bichons Dr. Azalea A. Alvarez (97321) FL Frises, Coton de Tulear, Dalmatians, Finnish (954) 434-0318 Spitz, Poodles, Tibetan Spaniels, Tibetan [email protected] Terriers), English Toy Spaniels, Japanese Basset Hounds, Cavalier King Charles Chin, Pugs Spaniels, Chihuahuas, Havanese, Italian Mrs. Dawn Cox (97685) PA Greyhounds, Miniature Pinschers, (717) 965-5971 Pekingese, Pomeranians, Pugs, Shih Tzu, [email protected] Yorkshire Terriers, French Bulldogs Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Mr. Gary L. Andersen (6176) AZ Mrs. Beth Downey (102539) MS (480) 991-7485 (410) 829-2455 [email protected] [email protected] Balance of Hound Group (American English Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Akitas, Anatolian Coonhounds, Azawakhs, Black and Tan Shepherds, Bullmastiffs, Doberman Pinsch - Coonhounds, Bluetick Coonhounds, English ers, Giant Schnauzers, Komondorok, Por - Foxhounds, Plott Hounds, Redbone Coon - tuguese Water Dogs, Rottweilers, Samoyeds, hounds, Treeing Walker Coonhounds), Standard Schnauzers American Staffordshire Terriers, Border Ter - Ms. Alessandra Folz (102109) RI riers, Cairn Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terri - (401) 397-3459 ers [email protected] Mr. Timothy Catterson (5032) IN Balance of Sporting Group (Lagotti Romag - (765) 529-5500 noli, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Curly- [email protected] Coated Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Curly-Coated Retrievers, Boykin Spaniels, Retrievers, Irish Red & White Setters, Clum - Field Spaniels, Giant Schnauzers, Australian ber Spaniels, Irish Water Spaniels, Sussex Shepherds Spaniels, Spinoni Italiani) Mrs. Sandra S. Coffman (96285) KS Miss Linda George (100634) WI (785) 582-5186 (262) 542-3213 [email protected] [email protected]


Papillons, Pomeranians Miniature Schnauzers Mr. Edward W. Hall (0881) NH Ms. Tina Leininger (101522) PA (603) 889-5823 [email protected] [email protected] Siberian Huskies Balance of Working Group (Cane Corsos, Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes (6515) CO Giant Schnauzers, Standard Schnauzers, Ti - (719) 749-0232 betan Mastiffs) [email protected] Ms. Cynthia Hutt (95461) CO Balance of Toy Group (Affenpinschers, Brus - (720) 933-8328 sels Griffons, Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, [email protected] Italian Greyhounds, Japanese Chins, Minia - Bergamasco Sheepdogs, Canaan Dogs, ture Pinschers, Pekingese, Toy Fox Terriers, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Old English Sheep - Yorkshire Terriers) dogs, Pyrenean Shepherds, Spanish Water Ms. Edweena “Teddy” McDowell (17411) KS Dogs (913) 620-4578 Mr. Robert E. Hutton (15138) KY [email protected] (502) 494-8619 Airedale Terriers, American Hairless Terri - [email protected] ers, Border Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Dandie Balance of Working Group (Alaskan Mala - Dinmont Terriers, Norfolk Terriers, Skye mutes, Anatolian Shepherds, Cane Corsos, Terriers Chinooks, Kuvaszok, Leonbergers, Neapoli - Mrs. Debbie L. Melgreen (98655) IL tan Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Tibetan Mas - (309) 358-1233 tiffs), Australian Dogs, German [email protected] Shepherd Dogs, Old English Sheepdogs Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, Bri - Mr. Steven A. Kirschner (97109) IN ards, Icelandic Sheepdogs, Pulik (219) 746-8499 Dr. A. Todd Miller (96991) MO [email protected] (573) 560-3383 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Curly-Coated Re - [email protected] trievers Basset Hounds, Black and Tan Coonhounds, Mrs. Cindy Lane (65098) GA Pharaoh Hounds, Chinese Cresteds, Maltese, (864) 316-6351 Pomeranians, Yorkshire Terriers [email protected] Mr. James A. Moses (93094) MO Balance Non-Sporting Group (Bulldogs, (770) 329-4768 Coton de Tulear, Finnish Spitz, Keeshonden, [email protected] Norwegian Lundehunds, Tibetan Terriers), Lagotti Romagnoli, Nederlandse Kooiker -


hondjes, German Shorthaired Pointers, Ger - [email protected] man Wirehaired Pointers, Chesapeake Bay Balance of Sporting Group (Brittanys, Ned - Retrievers, English Setters, Irish Red and erlandse Kooikerhondjes, Pointers, German White Setters, American Water Spaniels, Shorthaired Pointers, Chesapeake Bay Re - Clumber Spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, trievers, Spinoni Italiani) Irish Water Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels Mr. Jay Roden (104891) OH Ms. Mary C. Murphy-East (36967) MN (513) 207-4937 (763) 291-2263 [email protected] [email protected] Portuguese Pondengo Pequenos, Anatolian German Shorthaired Pointers, Nova Scotia Shepherds, Boxers, Rottweilers Duck Tolling Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Mrs. Vicki Seiler-Cushman (100265) OH Welsh Springer Spaniels, Vizslas (513) 638-1585 Mr. Richard Powell (17447) PA [email protected] (717) 496-5033 American Eskimo Dogs, Bulldogs, Dalma - [email protected] tians, French Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Poo - Balance of Toy Group (Brussels Griffons, dles, Norwegian Lunderhunds, Shiba Inu Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, Havanese, Mr. Johnny Shoemaker (19267) NV Italian Greyhounds, Japanese Chins, Mal - (702) 834-6557 tese, Miniature Pinschers, Papillons, Shih [email protected] Tzu, Toy Fox Terriers) Black and Tan Coonhounds, Grand Bassets Mr. John C. Ramirez (1814) CA Griffons Vendeens, Greyhounds, Otter - (310) 991-0241 hounds, Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens, [email protected] Scottish Deerhounds Cairn Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers, Sealyham Mr. Jon Titus Steele (55162) MI Terriers, Shiba Inu, Old English Sheepdogs (989) 860-9677 Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer (2711) MI [email protected] (734) 449-4995 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahuas, [email protected] Chinese Cresteds, Havanese, Italian Grey - Brittanys, Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Ger - hounds, Maltese, Manchester Terriers, man Shorthaired Pointers, Flat Coated Re - Miniature Pinschers, Pomeranians, Poodles, trievers, English Setters, Gordon Setters, Pugs, Shih Tzu Weimaraners Mrs. Helen Winski Stein (6484) FL Mrs. Meghen Riese-Bassel (39151) GA (941) 218-1058 (404) 663-4485 [email protected]


Balance of Sporting Group (Lagotti Romag - PERMIT JUDGES noli, Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Ameri - The following persons have been approved can Water Spaniels, Boykin Spaniels, English on a Permit basis for the designated breeds in Cocker Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Wire - accordance with the current judging approval haired Vizslas) process. They may now accept assignments and Ms. Lee Whitter (18526) WA the fancy may still offer comments to Judging (802) 369-0380 Operations. [email protected] German Wirehaired Pointers, Cocker NEW BREED JUDGES Spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, Sussex Ms. Cynthia (Cindy) Collins (107395) MI Spaniels, Spinoni Italiani, Wirehaired Point - (810) 919-2306 ing Griffons, Azawakhs, Dachshunds, Grey - [email protected] hounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Otterhounds, Golden Retrievers, JS-Limited Plott Hounds Ms. Gidget R. Hagan (104587) AK (907) 699-9902 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JUDGING APPLICANTS [email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Dycha (104685) IL Alaskan Malamutes, Great Danes, Shiba Inu (815) 761-5784 Ms. Bella Thompson (107246) OH [email protected] [email protected] JS Shetland Sheepdogs Mrs. Doreen Luhrs (104893) NC Ms. Erika N. Wyatt (107433) IL (201) 264-2940 (773) 609-3647 [email protected] [email protected] JS-Limited Sloughis Mrs. Cathie A. Turner (95598) CA (818) 519-2141 APPROVED BREED JUDGES [email protected] Mr. James S. Albrecht (100017) MA JS-Limited (603) 770-6933 Ms. Leigh Ann Yandle (82616) GA [email protected] (704) 904-8129 Australian Cattle Dogs, Bearded Collies, Bor - [email protected] der Collies, Canaan Dogs, Norwegian JS-Limited Buhunds, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Pumi Mrs. Valerie J. Brown (6082) WA (509) 554-1669


[email protected] Mr. Edward Fojtik (104757) IL Balance of Toy Group (Affenpinschers, Brus - (847) 254-62166 sels Griffons, English Toy Spaniels, Italian [email protected] Greyhounds, Manchester Terriers, Pomera - Golden Retrievers, Alaskan Malamutes, Box - nians, Shih Tzu), American Staffordshire ers, Bullmastiffs, Doberman Pinschers, Great Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, Stafford - Danes, Great Pyrenees, Portuguese Water shire Bull Terriers Dogs, Rottweilers, Standard Schnauzers, Mrs. Connie H. Clark (65733) CA Miniature Schnauzers (831) 685-3934 Mr. Randy Garren (17218) NC [email protected] (919) 362-9799 Chinese Cresteds, Havanese, Italian Grey - [email protected] hounds, Papillons, Pekingese, Pomeranians Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, Giant Schnau - Mrs. Bergit Coady-Kabel (100809) CA zers, Great Danes, Rottweilers (818) 768-4297 Ms. Krista Hansen (95865) NY [email protected] (585) 535-7549 American Staffordshire Terriers, Australian [email protected] Terriers, Bedlington Terriers, Irish Terriers, Australian Shepherds, Bearded Collies, Kerry Blue Terriers, Lakeland Terriers, Man - Berger Picards, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, chester Terriers, Norfolk Terriers, Parson Finnish Lapphunds, Norwegian Buhunds, Russell Terriers, Russell Terriers, Sealyham Spanish Water Dogs Terriers, Skye Terriers Mr. Duff M. Harris (91790) CA Dr. Daniel W. Dowling (5972) ME (714) 425-0454 (207) 785-4494 [email protected] [email protected] Norfolk Terriers, Norwich Terriers, Russell American Eskimo Dogs, Boston Terriers, Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Skye Terriers, Soft Bulldogs, Chinese Shar-Pei, Dalmatians, Coated Wheaten Terriers, Welsh Terriers, French Bulldogs, Lowchen, Schipperkes, West Highland White Terriers Shiba Inu, Tibetan Terriers, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. Patricia (Pat) Hastings (5928) OR Mrs. DiAnn Flory (102063) VA (503) 642-3585 (703) 408-5088 [email protected] [email protected] Afghan Hounds, Basenjis, Basset Hounds, Airedale Terriers, Lakeland Terriers, Nor - Beagles, Cirneco dell’Etna, Dachshunds, folk Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Sealyham Greyhounds, Harriers, Irish Wolfhounds, Terriers, West Highland White Terriers Norwegian Elkhounds, Rhodesian Ridge -


backs, Whippets Mrs. Sharon Marples (97846) ID Ms. Dianne Kroll (44743) OR (208) 660-0589 (971) 221-7623 [email protected] [email protected] Black Russian Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, Ti - American Foxhounds, English Foxhounds, betan Mastiffs Norwegian Elkhounds, Petits Bassets Grif - Dr. Camille McArdle (66682) MN fons Vendeens (612) 743-7329 Mr. Thomas J. Latta (91010) MO [email protected] (816) 655-2142 German Wirehaired Pointers, Gordon Set - [email protected] ters, Irish Red & White Setters, Sussex Bullmastiffs, German Pinschers, Giant Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Vizslas, Schnauzers, Kuvaszok, Samoyeds Bullmastiffs Mrs. Chris A. Levy (6368) OR Ms. Sylvie McGee (95341) WA (503) 390-4864 (360) 705-1233 [email protected] [email protected] Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, English Set - Afghan Hounds, Otterhounds, Pharaoh ters, Irish Setters, Irish Red and White Set - Hounds, Portuguese Pondengo Pequenos, ters, Boykin Spaniels, Clumber Spaniels, Anatolian Shepherds, Saint Bernards English Cocker Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Mr. Malcolm E. Moore (23275) AL Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, Wirehaired (334) 312-3900 Vizslas [email protected] Mrs. Yolanda D. Lininger (99933) WI Weimaraners, Miniature Schnauzers, Shet - (715) 325-6661 land Sheepdogs [email protected] Mr. Richard Mullen (3052) TN Australian Shepherds (865) 679-9124 Ms. Kathryn Madden (92226) NY [email protected] (516) 885-4860 American Eskimo Dogs, Bulldogs, Chow [email protected] Chows, French Bulldogs, Shiba Inu, Tibetan Balance of Herding Group (Bearded Collies, Terriers, Xoloitzcuintli Briards, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, Ms. Lori Nelson (32409) AZ Finnish Lapphunds, German Shepherd (480) 488-3801 Dogs, Icelandic Sheepdogs, Polish Lowland [email protected] Sheepdogs, Spanish Water Dogs) Brittanys, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriev - ers, Irish Water Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels,


Spinoni Italiani Ms. Pamela Waldron (56812) WA Mrs. Donna R. O’Connell (81640) TX (360) 770-2403 (214) 724-6629 [email protected] [email protected] Dalmatians, French Bulldogs Curly-Coated Retrievers, Welsh Springer Mrs. Sherry Webster (6863) TN Spaniels (901) 289-6239 Ms. Linda L. Reece (90740) VA [email protected] (757) 508-1795 Vizslas, Beaucerons, Belgian Malinois, Bel - [email protected] gian Sheepdogs, Belgian Tervuren, Canaan Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Clumber Dogs, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, Finnish Spaniels, Spinoni Italiani, Wirehaired Point - Lapphunds, Icelandic Sheepdogs, Old Eng - ing Griffons lish Sheepdogs, Spanish Water Dogs, Mr. Allan Reznik (103211) AR Swedish Vallhunds (949) 929-5760 Ms. Sally Wynn (99295) TN [email protected] (615) 893-7910 Borzois, Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens, [email protected] Whippets, Xoloitzcuintli Portuguese Pondengo Pequenos Mr. Jeffrey Ryman (93219) WA Mrs. Lisa Young (43070) SD (425) 876-2213 (605) 390-1135 [email protected] [email protected] American Eskimo Dogs, Boston Terriers, Basset Hounds, Greyhounds, Norwegian Finnish Spitz, Keeshonden, Lhasa Apsos, Elkhounds, Whippets Shiba Inu Mr. Gary Stiles (51717) WA JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE (360) 387-3045 Ms. Lori Baumann (107308) WI [email protected] (303) 257-7250 Balance of Toy Group (Affenpinschers, Brus - [email protected] sels Griffons, Chinese Crested, Italian Grey - hounds, Pekingese) RESIGNED JUDGE Mr. Gregory Szynskie (46166) CO Professor Douglas C. Taylor (303) 807-3768 [email protected] DECEASED JUDGES Samoyeds Mr. Richard Camacho Mr. Eugene Haupt


Ms. Eileen C. MacLennan Mr. Ronald E Seeley (18975) FL Mrs. Sally L. Vilas (772) 971-4151 [email protected] PROVISIONAL OBEDIENCE/RALLY/TRACKING Obedience – Utility JUDGES COMPLETED Dr. Jill Warren (94859) NM The following persons have completed their (505) 670-5590 Provisional Judging assignments and their [email protected] names have been added to the list of regular Rally – All approved judges. Mrs. Laura J Delfino (5212) CA EMERITUS RALLY JUDGES (925) 917-9008 Janice Carpenter (FL) [email protected] Obedience – Utility REGISTERED HANDLERS Ms. Denise Lacroix (18254) MA Letters concerning registered handers and (508) 612-8202 handler applicants should be addressed to the [email protected] Handlers Department at 8051 Arco Corporate Obedience – Utility Drive, Raleigh, NC 27617. The American Kennel Club will, at the PROVISIONAL OBEDIENCE/RALLY/TRACKING request of a registered handler applicant, pro - JUDGES vide that individual with copies of letters The following persons have been approved received regarding their handling qualifica - as a judge on a Provisional basis for the tions. As a result, it should be understood that class/test indicated in accordance with the any such correspondence will be made avail - Provisional judging system. They may now able upon request, to the registered handler accept assignments. or handler applicant. Ms. Linda F Morris (101667) MD It is the responsibility of all registered han - (410) 430-7275 dlers to notify the Handlers Department of [email protected] any changes or corrections to their address, Rally – All phone, fax or emails. These changes are very Dr. Brenda Riemer (104082) MI important because they affect your handlers (734) 474-8900 record, the Web site and the Handlers [email protected] Directory. Obedience – Novice Please notify the Handlers Department at (919) 816 - 3884 or Email [email protected]


NEW REGISTERED HANDLER APPLICANTS LILYOAKS – Australian Shepherds – Kayla D. The following persons have submitted an Hartlage application for the Registered Handler ORIONVENTURE – Cavalier King Charles Program. Spaniels – F. Wayne Emberton Mr. Adam Bernardin SANDIA’S – Labrador Retrievers – Jaclynn R. 29 Pumpkin Hill Road Robertson Chaplin, CT 06235 SERENDIPITE – Poodles – Patricia A. Elliot Ms. Katie Bernardin SMOKY MOUNTAIN – Cavalier King Spaniels 80 Penry Road – Ingrid Eyler 29 Pumpkin Hill Road TAMARI – Rhodesian Ridgebacks – Linda A. Chaplin, CT 06235 Shue WATERFORD – Poodles – Maureen J. Hallow - APPLICATION FOR BREED-SPECIFIC REGISTERED ell NAME PREFIX The following applications for a breed-specific REGISTERED NAME PREFIXES GRANTED Registered Name Prefix have been submitted to The following applications for a breed-specific The American Kennel Club. Letters in regard Registered Name Prefix have been granted: to these applications should be addressed to AUBRIDGE – Golden Retrievers – Robin E. Gina DiNardo, Executive Secretary: Baker BELLALUNA – Australian Shepherds – BOONDOCKS – Cane Corsos – Medesta D. Pigg Jacqueline M. Frazier BORN FREE – Newfoundlands – Eve Caimano CELESTIAL JEWELS – Poodles – Megan L. CABOCHARD – Great Pyrenees – Ellie Schultz Owen CAZADOR – Vizslas – Roger K. Poole CALI GOLD – French Bulldogs – Josh D. Diaz DESERT HIGH – Shih Tzu – Melody A. Camp - E’MARIE – Collies – Eva Marie Taylor bell & Edward J. Campbell FLYING D – Australian Cattle Dogs – Kristy D. DREAMERS – Pekingese – Katherine Torchia Dykes & Catherine Danielson HEARTHMORE – Giant Schnauzers – Cher - FLAMINGSTAR – Chow Chows – Cathy Clapp lann M. Ambrose FREESTYLE – Australian Shepherds – Vicky L. HOFFENMILLER – German Shepherd Dogs – Farrell Warren M. Miller GOLDENSOUL – Golden Retrievers – Nancy KAZURI – Beagles – Sarah Sweetman C. Lewine & Jennifer A. Cochran LAZY VL – Lakeland Terriers & Giant Schnau - OBSIDIAN – Australian Shepherds – Danielle zers – Mary Moe Porter R. Jaszewski


PRAIRIE CHASE – Labrador Retrievers – Tommy R. Chesbro ROCKYMTNNORFOLK – Norfolk Terriers – Rebecca S Sheely & Joseph S. Sheely SERAPHIM – Australian Shepherds – Leslie L. Seraphin STEADFAST – Australian Shepherds – Jen - QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE DELEGATES nifer L. Jennetten OF SUNWYST – Havanese – Anne Stevenson & THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Debbi D. Foust DECEMBER 13, 2019 SWISS BLISS – Bernese Mountain Dogs – Ko - reen M. Speegle Dennis B. Sprung, President TIMELESS FARMS – Shetland Sheepdogs – PRESENT 312 Gregg J. Foglia & Linda M. Foglia ZANECA – Australian Shepherds – Connie L. Abilene Kennel Club— Melanie Steele Dilts Afghan Hound Club of America, Inc.— Ms. ZOLAROZA – Black Russian Terriers – Kaye Constance Butherus Shipley & Layne S. Townsend Airedale Terrier Club of America— Aletta L. Moore Alaskan Malamute Club of America, Inc.— Pa - tricia A. Peel American Black & Tan Coonhound Club, Inc.— Robert Urban American Bloodhound Club— Mary Lou Ol - szewski American Bouvier des Flandres Club, Inc.— Patte Klecan American Boxer Club, Inc.— Sharon Steckler American Brittany Club, Inc.— Mrs. Terri Hilliard American Brussels Griffon Association— Mr. Mark F. Jaeger American Bullmastiff Association, Inc.— Alan Kalter


American Chesapeake Club, Inc.— Timothy Beaver County Kennel Club, Inc.— Phyllis Bel - Carrion castro American Fox Terrier Club— Connie Clark Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, Inc.— American Foxhound Club, Inc— Harold Miller Mary G. Buckwalter American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc.— Don Hanson Belle-City Kennel Club, Inc.— Carole A. Wilson American Maltese Association, Inc.— Ms. San - Berks County Kennel Club, Inc.— Eileen Nar - dra Bingham-Porter ieka American Miniature Schnauzer Club, Inc.— Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, Barbara Donahue Inc.— Sara Karl American Pointer Club, Inc.— Mr. Danny D. Bichon Frise Club of America, Inc.— Mrs. Toby Seymour B. Frisch American Pomeranian Club, Inc.— Dr. Geno Black Russian Terrier Club of America— Susan Sisneros Sholar American Rottweiler Club— Mr. Peter G. Piusz Blennerhassett Kennel Club, Inc.— John Mc - American Shetland Sheepdog Association— Cullagh Marjorie Tuff Boca Raton Dog Club Inc— Ronald Hammond American Whippet Club, Inc.— Karen B. Lee Borzoi Club of America, Inc.— Prudence G. Anderson Kennel Club— Laura A. Rockwell Hlatky Anderson Obedience Training Club, Inc.— Boston Terrier Club of America, Inc.— Mrs. Ms. Patricia A. Sample Kathleen M. Kelly Ann Arbor Kennel Club, Inc.— Anne R. Palmer Briard Club of America, Inc.— Gerard Baudet Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.— Ann Wallin Bryn Mawr Kennel Club— Victoria Glickstein Atlanta Obedience Club, Inc.— Gail A. LaBerge Bull Terrier Club of America— Ms. Jan Dykema Australian Cattle Dog Club of America— Joyce Bulldog Club of Philadelphia— Elizabeth H. Rowland Milam Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc.— Burlington County Kennel Club, Inc.— Daniel William I. Christensen J. Smyth, Esq. Basset Hound Club of America, Inc.— Dr. Cairn Terrier Club of America— Pam Davis Norine E. Noonan California Collie Clan, Inc.— Mrs. Robette G. Battle Creek Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Kathleen Johns Ronald Cambridge Minnesota Kennel Club— Mr. Bayshore Companion Dog Club, Inc.— Gloria Wayne F. Harmon Marshall Canaan Dog Club of America— Pamela S. Ros - man


Canada Del Oro Kennel Club— Dr. Sophia Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia— Michael Kaluzniacki Houchard Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, Cudahy Kennel Club— Mr. Don H. Adams D.C., Inc.— Dr. Joyce A. Dandridge Dachshund Club of America, Inc.— Larry Carolina Kennel Club, Inc.— Jaimie Ashby Sorenson Carolina Working Group Association— Cath - Dalmatian Club of America, Inc.— Dr. Charles leen Rubens Garvin Catoctin Kennel Club— Whitney Coombs Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America, Catonsville Kennel Club— Beverly A. Drake Inc.— Karen Dorn Cedar Rapids Kennel Association, Inc.— Robert Dayton Dog Training Club, Inc.— Barbara L. E. Tainsh, M.D. Mann Central Florida Kennel Club, Inc.— Julian Dayton Kennel Club, Inc.— Sandra Groeschel Prager Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc.— Brenda Central Indiana Kennel Club, Inc.— Sally Allen A. Algar Central Ohio Kennel Club— Jon Green Delaware Water Gap Kennel Club— Dr. A. D. Chain O’Lakes Kennel Club— Barry D. Rose Butherus Charleston Kennel Club— Terri Hallman Dog Owners’ Training Club of Maryland, Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club, Inc.— Inc.— Nancy Zinkhan Mr. John J. Lyons Duluth Kennel Club— Leah R. James Chattanooga Kennel Club— Mr. David Gilstrap Durango Kennel Club— Donald E. Schwartz, Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America, Inc.— V.M.D Marge B. Calltharp Durham Kennel Club Inc— Linda C. Wozniak Chow Chow Club, Inc.— Margaret DiCorleto Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Clackamas Kennel Club— Tami D. Worley Inc.— Robert Rynkiewicz Classic Toy Dog Club of Western Massachu - Elm City Kennel Club— Dr. Gregory J. Paveza setts— Dr. Stephen Lawrence English Setter Association of America, Inc.— Clearwater Kennel Club— Daniel T. Stolz Mr. John P. Nielsen Clermont County Kennel Club, Inc.— Marjorie English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Associa - Underwood tion, Inc.— Susanne Burgess Cleveland All-Breed Training Club, Inc.— Mrs. English Toy Spaniel Club of America— Heather Maureen R. Setter Reid Colorado Kennel Club— Mrs. Louise Leone Farmington Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Terrie Colorado Springs Kennel Club— Douglas John - Breen son Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc.— Teresa Vila


Finger Lakes Kennel Club, Inc.— Margaret B. Golden Retriever Club of America— Ellen Pough Hardin Finnish Spitz Club of America— Mrs. Cindy Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc.— Nance Stansell O. Skoglund First Dog Training Club of Northern New Jer - Grand Rapids Kennel Club— Carol L. Johnson sey, Inc.— Mary D. Curtis Great Barrington Kennel Club, Inc.— Dr. Ellen Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America, C. Shanahan Inc.— Neal Goodwin Great Pyrenees Club of America, Inc.— Dr. Forsyth Kennel Club, Inc.— June Guido Robert M. Brown Fort Lauderdale Dog Club— Eduardo T. Fugi - Greater Clark County Kennel Club Inc— Ms. wara Karen J. Burgess Fort Worth Kennel Club— Harold Tatro III Greater Collin Kennel Club, Inc.— Barbara Framingham District Kennel Club, Inc.— Gale Shaw Golden Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club— Patricia French Bulldog Club of America— Mrs. Ann B. Staub M. Hubbard Greater Miami Dog Club— Dr. Azalea A. Alvarez Galveston County Kennel Club, Inc.— Cathy De Greater Philadelphia Dog Fanciers Associa - La Garza tion— Mr. Jerry A. Berkowitz Genesee County Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Greater Sierra Vista Kennel Club— Ms. Char - Cindy Collins lotte I. Borghardt Genesee Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Virginia Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, Denninger Inc.— Catherine Cooper German Shepherd Dog Club of America— Dr. Greenville Kennel Club— Gloria Askins Carmen L. Battaglia Greenwich Kennel Club— Donna Gilbert German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Amer - Harrier Club of America— Donna Smiley ica— Mrs. Barbara N. Schwartz Harrisburg Kennel Club, Inc.— Sandie Role - German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America, naitis Inc.— Ms. Patricia W. Laurans Hatboro Dog Club, Inc.— Sally L. Fineburg Giant Schnauzer Club of America, Inc.— Chris Heart of the Plains Kennel Club— Patricia M. Reed Cruz Glen of Imaal Terrier Club of America— Jo Heartland Dog Club of Florida— Linda Pheas - Lynn ant Glens Falls Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Bonnie Hockamock Kennel Club, Inc.— Nancy Fisk Lapham Hoosier Kennel Club, Inc.— Karl H. Kreck


Houston Kennel Club, Inc.— Thomas D. Pincus Kennel Club of Riverside— Sylvia A. Thomas Hungarian Pumi Club of America — Marilyn Kennesaw Kennel Club— Bud Hidlay Piusz Kettle Moraine Kennel Club, Inc.— Jacquelyn Huntingdon Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Dick Fogel Blair Komondor Club of America, Inc.— Michael Huntington Kennel Club, Inc.— Ms. Marile A. Harman Waterstraat LEAP Agility Club of Central Massachusetts— Hutchinson Kennel Club, Inc.— Barbara A. Noreen Bennett Penny Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.— TONY EMILIO Ibizan Hound Club of the United States— Lackawanna Kennel Club, Inc.— Ms. Kimberly Michelle Barlak Van Hemert Idaho Capital City Kennel Club, Inc.— Robyn Ladies’ Dog Club, Inc.— Gale K. Cummings Foust Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America, Inc.— Illinois Capitol Kennel Club, Inc.— Ann L. James Talbert Cookson Lake Shore Kennel Club, Inc.— Diana Skibinski Ingham County Kennel Club, Inc.— Rita J. Biddle Lakes Region Kennel Club, Inc.— Deborah L. Irish Red and White Setter Association of Kreider America— Christopher M. Orcutt Land O’Lakes Kennel Club, Inc.— Jan Croft Irish Setter Club of America, Inc.— Ms. Langley Kennel Club— Ms. Dianne E. Franck Karolynne M. McAteer Lawrenceville Kennel Club, Inc.— Robert N. Irish Water Spaniel Club of America— R. J. LaBerge Rubin Leonberger Club of America— Don James Irish Wolfhound Club of America— Eugenia Lewiston-Auburn Kennel Club, Inc.— Sue Gold - Hunter berg Japanese Chin Club of America— Victoria Los Encinos Kennel Club, Inc.— David M. Pow - Dovellos ers Kanadasaga Kennel Club— Christine Cone Louisiana Kennel Club, Inc.— Luis F. Sosa Keeshond Club of America, Inc.— Richard Su Louisville Kennel Club, Inc.— Debra H. Owen Kenilworth Kennel Club of Connecticut, Lowchen Club of America— Lisa Brown Inc.— Doreen Weintraub Magic Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Ruth Crumb Kennel Club of Beverly Hills— Thomas Powers Mahoning-Shenango Kennel Club, Inc.— James Kennel Club of Buffalo, Inc.— Margaret Doster P. Henshaw Kennel Club of Northern New Jersey, Inc.— Dr. Manatee Kennel Club— Mr. Daniel R. Dahlberg Suzanne H. Hampton Marion Ohio Kennel Club, Inc.— Lynn Garvin


Maryland Kennel Club— Gary Sarvinas North Shore Kennel Club— Richard F. Coletti Mastiff Club of America, Inc.— Rebecca Camp - Northeastern Maryland Kennel Club— Joyce bell Engle Merrimack Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Jeannette Northern Kentucky Kennel Club, Inc.— Dar - Nieder leen Knapp Mid-Del-Tinker Kennel Club, Inc.— Mr. Billy J. Norwegian Elkhound Association of America, Price Inc.— Lori Webster Mid-Hudson Kennel Association, Inc.— Gayle Norwich Terrier Club of America— Jean Kessler Bontecou Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club Middle Tennessee Amateur Retriever Club— (USA)— Alyson Casper John Russell Oakland County Kennel Club, Inc.— Dr. Barry Miniature Pinscher Club of America, Inc.— R. Wyerman Joanne Wilds Obedience Training Club of Hawaii, Inc.— Minneapolis Kennel Club, Inc.— Ralph Hogan - Beverly H. Conroy camp Obedience Training Club of Rhode Island— Mississippi Valley Kennel Club— Gretchen James M. Ashton Bernardi Old Pueblo Dog Training Club, Inc.— Felice Mount Vernon Dog Training Club Jarrold (MVDTC)— Martha L. Beckington Olympic Kennel Club, Inc.— Betty M. Winthers Mt. Baker Kennel Club, Inc.— Jane F. Ruthford Orange Empire Dog Club, Inc.— Burton J. Ya - Muncie Kennel Club, Inc.— Susan Thrasher mada Myrtle Beach Kennel Club— Sylvia Arrowwood Orlando Dog Training Club— Mary L. Jensen, Nashville Kennel Club— Anne Gallant Ph.D. National Beagle Club— Eddie Dziuk Otterhound Club of America— Joellen Gregory, National Capital Kennel Club, Inc.— Norma D.V.M. Ryan Pacific Coast Bulldog Club, Inc.— Link New - National Shiba Club of America— Maggi comb Strouse Pacific Coast Pekingese Club— Frank Meister Nebraska Dog and Hunt Club— Gary Kavan Papillon Club of America, Inc.— Miss Arlene A. New England Beagle Club, Inc.— Blaine Grove Czech New England Old English Sheepdog Club— Pasco Florida Kennel Club— Patricia Lombardi Mrs. Jane C. Ogg Pekingese Club of America— Steven Hamblin Newnan Kennel Club— Willie Crawford Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Norfolk Terrier Club— Thomas Graham Inc.— Mrs. Anne H. Bowes


Penn Ridge Kennel Club, Inc.— Dennis J. Gal - Sahuaro State Kennel Club— Rita L. Mather lant Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club— Karen Cot - Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club of Amer - tingham ica— Helen Ingher Salisbury North Carolina Kennel Club— Bob Pharaoh Hound Club of America— Dominic P. Busby Carota Samoyed Club of America, Inc.— Mr. John L. Philadelphia Dog Training Club, Inc.— Larry Ronald Wilson San Antonio Kennel Club, Inc.— Nancy J. Shaw Piedmont Kennel Club, Inc.— Dean Burwell San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club— Anthony Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado— Vasquez William E. Ellis Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Keith Port Chester Obedience Training Club, Inc.— Hicks Kathy Gregory Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club, INC.— Mr. Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, David J. Peat Inc.— Robin Burmeister Saw Mill River Kennel Club, Inc.— Mimi Win - Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers, Inc.— Frances kler Stephens Schipperke Club of America, Inc.— Betty Jo Pyrenean Shepherd Club of America— Mrs. Patrick Nancy-Lee H. Coombs Scottish Terrier Club of America— Helen A. Queen City Dog Training Club, Inc.— Erica Prince Behnke Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association, Inc.— Dr. Ramapo Kennel Club— Jeffrey D. Ball Dawn Schroeder Redwood Empire Kennel Club— Johnny Shoe - Shenandoah Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Sharyn maker Y. Hutchens Reno Kennel Club— Ms. Vicky Cook Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange Richmond Dog Fanciers Club, Inc.— Jan R. County— Susan L. Hamil Gladstone Siberian Husky Club of America, Inc.— Ann Roanoke Kennel Club, Inc.— William L. Totten M. Cook III Skye Terrier Club of America— Mr. Stephen P. Rockford-Freeport Illinois Kennel Club— Bar - Hersey bara L. Burns Skyline Kennel Club, Inc.— Gloria Shaver Rogue Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Paul Bodev - Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Amer - ing ica— Robert Bergman Rubber City Kennel Club— Cathy Gaidos Somerset Hills Kennel Club— Harvey Goldberg


South Hills Kennel Club— Raymond P. Harring - Susque-Nango Kennel Club, Inc.— Laura ton Trainor South Shore Kennel Club, Inc.— Linda C. Sussex Hills Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Florence Flynn Duggan South Windsor Kennel Club— Mrs. Laurie Tampa Bay Kennel Club— Mary Stolz Maulucci Tennessee Valley Kennel Club— Mrs. Richella Southeast Arkansas Kennel Club— Ricky Adams M. Veatch Southeastern Iowa Kennel Club— Marilyn R. Terry-All Kennel Club, Inc.— Ms. Sonja J. Os - Vinson trom Southern Adirondack Dog Club, Inc.— John V. Texas Kennel Club, Inc.— Dr. Michael Knight Ioia Town and Country Kennel Club, Inc.— Aubrey Southern Oregon Kennel Club— Warren Cook Nash Space Coast Kennel Club of Palm Bay— Glenda Trap Falls Kennel Club, Inc.— Christopher L. Stephenson Sweetwood Spinone Club of America— Karen Luckey Trenton Kennel Club, Inc.— Karen Gunzel Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.— Dr. Thomas M. Trinity Valley Kennel Club— Debby Fowler Davies Troy Kennel Club, Inc.— Mr. Donald S. Gillett St. Croix Valley Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Debo - Tualatin Kennel Club, Inc.— James S. Corbett rah J. Wilkins Tucson Kennel Club— Dr. Kenneth H. Levison St. Joseph Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Frances H. United States Australian Shepherd Associa - Colonna tion— Jeff Margeson Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America— United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.— Amy J. Schwoeble Mr. Carl C. Ashby, III Staffordshire Terrier Club of America— Jean - United States Lakeland Terrier Club— Maria nette O’Hanlon Sacco Standard Schnauzer Club of America— Dr. United States Neapolitan Mastiff Club— Ms. Harvey Mohrenweiser Margaret R. Wolfe Steel City Kennel Club, Inc.— Miss Susan M. Utah Valley Kennel Club— Kelly D. Reimschiissel Napady Valley Forge Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Carol Suffolk County Kennel Club, Inc.— Mr. Robert Fisher Eisele Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association— Sun Maid Kennel Club of Fresno, Inc.— Marcy Lorraine Ebdon L. Zingler Virginia Kennel Club, Inc.— Mrs. Sandie Friend Superstition Kennel Club, Inc.— Nancy Perrell Vizsla Club of America, Inc.— Elise Wright


Washington State Obedience Training Club, Inc.— John J. Cadalso, Jr. Waterloo Kennel Club, Inc.— Cindy Miller Waukesha Kennel Club, Inc.— Mary A. Es - chweiler Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America, Inc.— Richard Rohrbacher QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE DELEGATES Welsh Terrier Club of America, Inc.— Ereign OF Seacord THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB West Highland White Terrier Club of Amer - DECEMBER 13, 2019 ica— Thomas H. Barrie Western Fox Terrier Breeders Association— Dennis B. Sprung, President in the Chair, Torie Steele called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Western Reserve Kennel Club, Inc.— Janeane (National Anthem played.) Cappara Westminster Kennel Club— Mr. David W. Had - Mr. Sprung reminded the Delegates in atten - dock dance to sign in at the computer stations out - Whidbey Island Kennel Club Inc— Dr. Karen side the meeting room and that the three M. Ericson newest AKC Lifetime Achievement Award Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Associa - winners would be honored during the tion— Mrs. Karen Mays Delegate luncheon following the meeting. Woodstock Dog Club, Inc.— Adrienne Soler Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc.— Clau - The Chair introduced the persons seated dia M. Grunstra-Pierro with him on the dais. Chairman, William Feeney; Vice Chair, Patricia M. Cruz; Professional Registered Parliamentarian, Joan Corbisiero; Gina DiNardo, Executive Secretary; Tony Rolland, the Court Reporter.

The Executive Secretary read the report on the Nominating Committee and the report on additional nominations as follows:

Ms. DiNardo: Pursuant to Article VIII of the


Bylaws of the American Kennel Club, the Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, German Shepherd Nominating Committee: Mrs. Anne H. Dog Club of America. Bowes, Chair, Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America; Ms. Constance Butherus, Afghan Mr. Sprung: The Bylaws state that nomina - Hound Club of America; Ms. Sally Fineburg, tions may not be made from the floor, there - Hatboro Dog Club; Dr. Geno Sisneros, fore nominations closed on November 15, American Pomeranian Club; Ms. Marilyn 2019. In accordance with the Delegate Vinson, Southeastern Iowa Kennel Club, Standing Rule, each candidate is allowed appointed by the Board of Directors at its July three minutes to address the body. Keith 2019 meeting has nominated the following Frazier will indicate to the candidates when Delegates as candidates for such vacancies on three minutes have expired. The Chair will the Board of Directors as are to be filled at introduce the candidates in alphabetical the next annual meeting of the club on order, and no questions from the floor will be March 10, 2020. entertained. The candidate for the class of 2021 is Dr. Thomas Davies representing There are three vacancies for the class of Springfield Kennel Club. 2024 and one vacancy for the Class of 2021. Class of 2021: Dr. Thomas Davies, Springfield Dr Davies: Good morning. The year 2020 is Kennel Club. upon us, as amazing as that sounds. With Class of 2024: Jeffrey David Ball, Ramapo each new year our collective responsibility is Kennel Club; Dr. Michael Knight, Texas to move our sport and our organization for - Kennel Club; Karolynne McAteer, Irish Setter ward collaboratively. Let's not forget that Club of America. we're a community. If we all set out to do everything, we can to achieve our goals, we Pursuant to Article VIII of the Bylaws of the can make tremendous progress for our pure - American Kennel Club, the following bred dogs. Working together everybody wins Delegates have been endorsed in writing by and ultimately the dogs win. Our priorities the required number of Delegates as a candi - are to increase registrations and entries, grow date for the vacancies on the Board of the number of breeders producing litters, Directors for the Class of 2024 to be filled at encourage our Juniors, and advance the the next annual meeting of the club on important work of our clubs. The world is March 10, 2020: changing, but as dog fans here we must Carl C. Ashby, III, United States Kerry Blue remain true to our core values. The future of Terrier Club our sport depends on our commitment to

AKC GAZETTE 24 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES one another. While on the Board my every Club's thoughts on issues. I would listen and intention is to keep all eyes on the prize, a be accessible. I would seek renewed emphasis flourishing sport of purebred dogs in on the AKC mission to guide our decisions or America. We need more teamwork and less directions. My goals would be to increase our bureaucracy, more common sense and less visibility engagement with the dog-owning complaining, more solutions and more ideas. public through registrations, event participa - I have proposed that we conduct a compre - tion and public outreach to assure our clubs hensive study of the issues facing our clubs are getting the support they must have as the and our shows. During my tenure I will take volunteer backbone of AKC. Make no mis - this on and I hope that you will all join me as take, I know that policy flexibility is neces - we seek solutions and remedies. We all have sary, that some policies are outdated, and the passion to affect the changes we need. We that the time for action is now, and to do owe it to our sport and surely to our dogs to everything possible to rebuild our legacy try. Thank you. event such as Conformation. These are the foundations of our mission and the future of Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Tom. The first candi - purebred dogs bred to a standard. We must date for the class of 2024 is Carl C. Ashby, III, have new approaches to solve old problems. representing the United States Kerry Blue Staying in our “comfort zone” has not moved Terrier Club. us forward as many of the old problems remain. We must find solutions that embrace Mr. Ashby: Good morning. During our brief the new reality that surrounds us. During my time together this morning I'd like to share professional career I was asked to lead organ - with you the kind of Director I will be. My izations facing difficult challenges. I found decisions will be driven by the mission of the ways to meet those challenges. The skills I American Kennel Club. I would get things used then would serve you well in the AKC done. I would question to gain insight and boardroom. I'm not the star at a cocktail understanding. I would listen to and respect party, but that's not where the work gets other points of view. I would be a team player done. The work gets done in the boardroom, – striving to bring people together to solve and it gets done in the boardroom and in problems. I would bring creative thinking relationships around it. I build relationships and innovative ideas. I would work to make and that is why I have been asked to serve AKC the voice of dogs in America, all dogs, and lead so many community organizations. I with an increased public relations presence. hope to talk with many of you in the weeks Most importantly I would value you and your ahead. If you have a question or concern,

AKC GAZETTE 25 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES please call me. The best candidate informa - In fact, they project 40 percent of the tion is always from the candidate. If elected I Fortune 500 companies will not exist in ten would bring as a past Board Vice Chair a years. They will fail for different reasons, but working knowledge of AKC, extensive experi - one of the main causes is they fail to change. ence in multiple dog clubs including leading Society is continuously evolving and there - events, successful bottom line business expe - fore forces change. Competition comes in dif - rience, and an unwavering commitment to ferent forms and we need to adapt. A prob - the mission of AKC. All are required to be an lem we have is there is still a disconnect with effective AKC Director. Please allow me to the public as well as many of the fancy itself. serve you and your club with your vote in Either they do not know who AKC is, they March. Thank you. have the wrong impression of AKC, or they think of AKC as "them" and not "us". The Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Carl. The second truth is we are all AKC. To properly correct candidate is Jeffrey David Ball representing this problem, we need the help of the clubs. Ramapo Kennel Club. There lies the bigger problem. Clubs are struggling. Without clubs, AKC is just a reg - Mr. Ball: Mr. Ball: Good morning. Everyone istry or another business. AKC is a club of in this room has two things in common: clubs first. We need to look at our policies Their love of the dog and a knowledge that and understand what works for one does not the success of the American Kennel Club is work for everyone. Different size clubs, differ - vital to the well-being of our dogs. The public ent regions in the country, there are many feels the same way about one of these items. variables to consider. We need to learn to be They love their dogs. In 2000 there were 68 more flexible. My goal would be to help us million dogs in America. It has climbed to 84 collectively make a change. First, we need to million in 2018. Approximately 56 percent of help our clubs. We cannot build internal sup - the homes have dogs. The public spending port if we have internal struggles. We need to on their pets went from 17 billion in 1994 to be more accommodating and have a lot more $72.5 billion in 2018. These figures should be flexibility and give the clubs and fancy owner - great news for AKC, but there is problem. We ship of the AKC. Once clubs are stabilized, we are not growing. Our registrations and show can begin to reeducate the public. As the entries are down. Clubs are struggling to fancy and public realize who we really are we recruit members. It seems as if our breeding will once again begin to grow. I would love and show rights are under attack every day. that opportunity to work with all the canine Many companies and organizations struggle. experience and knowledge that we have in

AKC GAZETTE 26 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES this room. We can use creative thinking and Committees. I am a current PAC and Reunite innovation to revitalize the clubs and help Board member and chair AKC’s, Dog them assist us in continuing our mission, Detection Task Force whose mission is to upholding the integrity of the registry for the help increase the supply of detection dogs purebred dogs and breeding, as well as that are needed to protect the country. With improve the canine lives as well as the fami - that said, my background in business and in lies, and responsible ownership. Thank you. the dog world had prepared me for the many projects I would like to finish. For example, I Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Jeffrey. The third chaired the committee that developed the candidate is Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia repre - DNA system we have today and streamlined senting the German Shepherd Dog Club of the requirements for importing dogs. I was America. on the board when we added the select title in conformation and the 1 + 1 program. I Dr. Battaglia: Good Morning, in the 3 min - helped improve the obedience point sched - utes I have, let me begin by saying I have ule. Achiever dog was a proposal I brought to twice been President of both my Parent Club the Companion Events Committee which and my local Specialty Club, I am an active generated over 66,000 entries. We have many member of the Atlanta Kennel Club, a good things to talk about, the AKC Museum breeder of German Shepherd Dogs, and have of the Dog is in now in NY and doing well; finished several himself. AKC.TV is growing and beginning to make a I judge the herding and working Groups, sev - difference. These are on some of my accom - eral sporting breeds and remain an active plishments, but there are other problems fac - Breeder of Merit. I have authored many ing AKC. Conformation is in its 15th year of books on dogs and published more than 70 declining entries. Shows, clubs and breeds articles which have appeared in Veterinary are suffering. The cluster has become the Journals, and in many of the leading dog route for most clubs to survive; 50% of the magazines. I was the Assistant Dean at Emory stud book are now low entry breeds, and only University and the Regional Administrator 41% of our pups are being registered. Our for the US Department of Education. I served clubs are getting smaller and the greying multiple terms on the AKC Board of effect is taking its toll. We have come a long Directors, chaired countless committees and way and I would like to work with the board was liaison to the: Parent Club, Bylaws, to focus on these compelling problems. I like Canine Health, Companion Events, Herding, to think of our problems this way, we have the Earthdog & Coursing Events Delegate willingness to fight and the talent to win. I

AKC GAZETTE 27 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES will need your vote in March. I am convinced and the teachers to give us an hour in several we can make things better. of the junior highs. We chose junior high kids because they're not thinking about college Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Carmen. The fourth yet. Seniors are thinking about college or spe - candidate is Dr. Michael Knight representing cialty schools, so we backed up and went to Texas Kennel Club. junior high schools to talk about dog shows and being a handler or being a breeder, Dr. Knight: I spent three weeks writing my because juniors haven't made decisions about speech and then I tore it up last night and college yet. They're not thinking about what decided just to talk to you. I am probably the they want to do with their lives. Their parents least-known person running for this office quite frankly aren't pushing them yet to make and what I've heard is "who is that guy?" So, those decisions. I asked the local schools, one my name is Michael Knight, I have a Ph.D. in in particular which like I mentioned earlier human resources, a degree in banking and there are 49 junior high schools in Dallas and finance, a degree in human resources, a Fort Worth, to please come to our dog show. degree in psychology, and a master's in psy - We expected a few kids to show up. Three chology. And I was taught to be a fundraiser school buses showed up, 96 kids came, they by my grandmother. That's part of what my took a tour, they had a great time. We're family does. I own a staffing firm. I am very going to go to the other 49 schools and offer familiar with working with a multimillion-dol - the same thing. And we then had a class on lar budget, I do it every day in charity work our programs about being a handler. We had and with our company. I cannot tell you who 19 children show up with their parents, com - I will be, I can just tell you who I am already. I pletely enthusiastic about this might be some - am the guy who will listen. I am opinionated. thing my kid would love, even though the I have a point of view. I think we need to children brought the parents. They all left make changes now. I think that AKC needs to with a lot of knowledge about what AKC is, make some changes, but I think it's already in what AKC could be to them, what our local process. I would like to hurry that along cluster could do for them. We have grown because I think we're running out of time. I our show, like I said, to 36 specialties. We think band aids don't work. We need serious help them financially. We take our Purina changes now. In our local area, in our cluster, sponsorship money and sink it into the and I've said some of this before. If it's a Specialties because we want to grow the treas - repeat to you, I'm sorry. I took a tour of our uries of the small clubs because without the junior high schools and we got the principals treasuries they're going to go away anyway.


We have helped them with volunteer work. dog lying down next to you in front of the We help find people to help them. We don't hearth, and it includes the one going around care if you're in the club or not, just if you a group ring. Our way to communicate is to want to volunteer, we will let you help us and get to the general public, and that's my per - we will help you join us. Thank you. sonal mission. So that is what I've been focus - Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Michael. The fifth ing on in the four years that I've sat in place. candidate for the class of 2024 is Karolynne I coordinate the live streaming for this event, McAteer representing the Irish Setter Club of so you'll see me on the floors for daytime, America. and at night I'm hidden in a truck choosing Ms. McAteer: I have one piece of paper camera shots, so I'm hoping the general pub - because I too tore up what I thought I was lic gets to see all that, and I've done that for going to say. I am from the Irish Setter Club 15 years for Westminster. I am vice president of America and I am a 50-year breeder of of Moore County Kennel Club which I told Irish Setters. I am in conformation, hunting you about when we were all talking, a small and field trials, and I am also the chairman of club with the same issues all of you are hav - a small rural all-breed club, so I think it's safe ing. However, we have found many ways to say I'm in it with all of you, and I'm experi - around those issues and to grow ourselves, encing exactly what you are. I thought it and I would look forward to sharing those might be more interesting to tell you what I with the small clubs, in discussion. I ask for have done in the past four years since I had your support so I can finish some of what I the honor of your votes to win a board seat. started and because I do want to be a part of Since I stood before you four years ago and what I see as much needed change, so thank earned your support, I have joined the Board you all. of the AKC CHF with an emphasis on com - Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Karolynne. munications. I am a founding member of the AKC.TV with the idea that as we celebrate The Chair called on the Executive Secretary our second birthday of that wonderful grow - to read the names of the Delegates seated ing entity, we are really starting to reach out since the last meeting: to those beyond our own fancy; that is where Jennifer Amundsen, Cottage Grove, our growth is going to come and it's where Wisconsin, to represent Badger Kennel Club the saving will come of purebred dogs. I serve Christine Cone, Ontario, New York, to repre - on the board of the PAC and focus on ways to sent Kanadasaga Kennel Club communicate to the public that we do not John Cornell, Richmond, Vermont, to repre - want to lose what we love. That includes the sent Champlain Valley Kennel Club


Judy McMaster Descutner, Hickory, online Gazette and the complete transcript is Pennsylvania, to represent Western posted on the delegate's portal on AKC's web - Pennsylvania Kennel Association site. There were no corrections and the min - Loretta ‘Sandie’ Friend, Glen Allen, Virginia, utes were adopted as published. to represent Virginia Kennel Club Mr. Sprung advised that the Chairman's Leslie Jaseph, Crownsville, Maryland, to rep - report would be distributed to all delegates resent Columbia Terrier Association of via email following the meeting and would be Maryland available on the Delegate Portal and on Steven Lisker, East Rockaway, New York, to represent Akita Club of America Mr. Sprung delivered the President's Report Susan Olsen, Chicago, Illinois, to represent as follows: Park Shore Kennel Club I'd like to congratulate everyone as we join Chris Reed, Port Allen, Louisiana, to repre - together celebrating America's National sent Giant Schnauzer Club of America Champion in Conformation, Agility and Joanne Wilds, Chesapeake, Virginia, to repre - Obedience. With over 11,000 entries, this is sent Miniature Pinscher Club of America the largest dog event ever held in the United States. Additional good news to share is that The following Delegates, who were attending litter registrations are increasing for the fifth their first meeting since approval were intro - consecutive year, and individual dog registra - duced from the floor: tion is up for the sixth consecutive. The num - ber of unique breeders continues to grow. Alyson Casper to represent Nova Scotia Duck Aggregate entries through October are plus Tolling Retriever Club, USA 60,000. Together, we are on target to achieve Christine Cone to represent Kanadasaga the highest number of entries in AKC's 135- Kennel Club year history. Show breeders are the pillars of Chris Reed to represent Giant Schnauzer our sports, and in support of that AKC's Club of America Board of Directors designated 2020 as the Loretta ‘Sandie’ Friend to represent Virginia Year of the Breeder. I am happy to announce Kennel Club that we will offer a free litter registration to Joanne Wilds to represent Miniature Pinscher the winner of Best Bred-by at every All Breed Club of America and Group show and each Parent Club's national specialty. In October I emailed to The minutes of the September 10, 2019 the delegate body research on All-Breed Delegates Meeting were published in the shows, and last month shared with each of

AKC GAZETTE 30 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES you a report about our public relations initia - bring people to purebred dogs, and I'm really tives which keeps enhancing our brand and excited to share with you two of our initia - reputation. I'll continue to provide you with tives. The mission of AKC education is to ongoing information. On December 2nd the bring dog fanciers, dog owners and the gen - social media department reached their goal eral public quality education about purebred of 300,000 Instagram followers. This huge dogs, the sport of purebred dogs, and the growth enables more conversations, educa - ongoing importance of the relationship tion and engagement with fanciers and the between people and canines. It's that rela - dog loving public. We are experiencing ongo - tionship and our commitment to it that con - ing success with our educational outreach on nects us all. The first initiative I'd like to talk many fronts. to you about today is AKC Math Agility. AKC Mr. Sprung called on Ashley Jacot, Director Math Agility is a mobile app that was of Education, to deliver a presentation on launched on December 9, 2019. It's aimed at two current Education initiatives. children five to eight and it features math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication Ms. Jacot: Thank you so much so having me and division. It introduces children to up to here today. I'm really looking forward to 60 breeds and the sport of agility. Its purpose telling you about two of the many initiatives is to be designed as an educational tool that that education uses to share our mission. will introduce a new audience to purebred William Butler Yeats once said that dogs and the sport of purebred dogs. So why "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the a children's app? Fifty-two percent of mobile lighting of a fire." I was a classroom teacher app users under the age of 18 are ages five for several years before working for the through eight, and nine out of ten parents American Kennel Club and I've seen the fire believe that educational apps will play an that's lit in children when they learn some - important role in their children's learning. thing new. I've been fortunate to see that It's a great way to reach an audience that's again in my work with the American Kennel very important to us. Little 10 Robot made Club. I've seen children come to their very this app for us. They were founded in 2017, first dog show as a part of our AKC Patch and they have created many learning apps for Program and leave wanting to be a junior. children. In addition to their library they've I've seen their parents meet a breed that they also created apps for the Walt Disney never even new existed and ask how to find a Company. As of August 2019, Little 10 breeder in their area. We believe in the Robot's apps have been downloaded more power that our educational programs have to than 2.2 million times and have reached

AKC GAZETTE 31 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES more than 850,000 classrooms all over the (Video played) country. So how does this app work? Players will tour the country competing in the AKC Ms. Jacot: Thank you. We're very excited agility events as they work their way to the about this. The next program I want to tell AKC National Championship. Players will you about is the AKC PupPal program. The take 12 different tours across the map and AKC PupPal program provides children in eventually end at the AKC National Agility need of uplifting with a photo of and a letter Championship in Perry, Georgia. The math from a canine friend. Any child is eligible to facts that they choose will determine where in receive a note, including children who are the country they go. The game will feature 15 struggling with illness, those who have lost a playable dog breeds, and the children can parent or a sibling, children who are missing unlock up to 60 additional breeds using a a deployed parent, or who otherwise are motivational system. The more challenging struggling through a difficult time. Our levels they play, the more breeds they will department seeks from dog owners photos of unlock. Players will be able to practice math their dog and information about them. We facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication utilize that information as well as information and division, and as the math facts appear on provided by the child's parent to match chil - the screen, the faster the children answer, the dren with dogs that share similar interests faster the dog will complete the obstacles. As and personality traits. We then write the let - the player dances through the game, they ter and mail it to the child on behalf of the unlock additional breeds. Each card features dog. This is Leo whose picture and informa - information about the breed as well as two tion is being shared here with permission different angles of the dog. Sixty total breeds from his parents. Leo has a very serious were chosen ranging from the most popular chronic medical condition. He requires con - to the more rare. Little 10 Robot created stant treatment. He was paired with Darla, a these dogs using geometric shapes and chihuahua who also has a chronic medical researched each breed's standard for accu - condition. Leo's mom sent us this picture and racy. As the player dance advances through told us that Leo received his PupPal after a the game, the dog will travel more challeng - very difficult day of treatment and when he ing obstacles such as A frames and weave opened it and saw Darla, that was the first polls. And once the course is finished, the time he had smiled that entire day. We have results appear on screen with scoring that is received more than 250 requests from chil - correct to the sport of agility. I have a little dren just like Leo, some who are struggling preview here for you. with illness, some terminal or chronic, those

AKC GAZETTE 32 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES who have a missing parent, a deployed par - involved in this program. Parents can submit ent, these who have just recently lost a parent their child, and dog owners can submit their or a sibling. The children who have been dog online using a simple form on the AKC assigned to PupPal range in age from two to PupPals website which you'll see right here 15, however, any child is eligible. They're fac - on the right-hand side of the screen. If you'd ing very serious issues, and a PupPal really like to sign your dog up this weekend, you helps to brighten their day and help them can come by the public education booth on make a connection to someone when they're Saturday and Sunday. Children receive their needing it the most. So, who are our dogs? letters in seven to ten business days, and dogs We've received more than 2,000 submissions who participate receive a certificate in the for dogs. We receive approximately 75 per mail as well as a bandana. You can see this is day, and this is just since this program my dog Boone wearing his PupPal bandana. launched in late September. Eighty-one per - So how do these initiatives help us accom - cent of the submissions represent 142 recog - plish our goals? They help increase aware - nized breeds. Seven percent are FSS or mis - ness to purebred dogs and the sport of pure - cellaneous -- excuse me -- twelve percent are bred dogs amongst parents, teachers and FSS and miscellaneous, and seven percent are children. They help provide us an opportu - All-American dogs. The dog owners represent nity to combat the negative message that ani - a really diverse group of individuals. Forty- mal rights groups spread in schools and in five percent have previously or currently com - our communities. And they provide us an pete in AKC sports. Fifteen percent have a opportunity to make an impact on children dog registered with the AKC but have had no and their families and share with them the further interaction. Two percent are other, value that purebred dogs bring to their lives. meaning that they may have attended a dog Thank you so much for your time today. show or seen one on TV. And then 38 per - Please feel free to reach out to me, and also cent are completely unfamiliar with the please feel free to grab an AKC Math Agility American Kennel Club, and the PupPal pro - flyer when you turn in your registration gram is their very first time interacting with badge. Thanks so much. us. Where are the dogs from? We have dogs from all 50 states, the District of Columbia Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Ashley. The Chair and Puerto Rico. We also have dogs from called on Joe Baffuto, Chief Financial Officer Norway, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, to give the Financial Report. Wales and Croatia, and we get more every day from all over the world. It's really easy to get Mr. Baffuto: Good morning Everyone! Thank

AKC GAZETTE 33 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES you very much for joining us here today remain optimistic in our objectives and as we amidst the celebration of events that com - approach the remaining two months of the prise the AKC National Championship pre - fiscal year, our ambitious goals remain to sented by Royal Canin! Before we continue to exceed milestones of 250,000 litters and enjoy in all the festivities with such great peo - 580,000 dogs which both would mark ple and most especially the wonderful dogs improvement over the 2018 year. from all around the world – I am here to pro - Let's measure our Major Revenue Sources vide you with unaudited standalone financial and their increases year over year. results of The American Kennel Club Registration related items. Specifically, Dogs. through October 31, 2019. We have recorded an additional $482,000 in Taking a macro review, I’ll begin with our revenue this year which is a 3.2% increase year to date revenues and expenses. Through from 2018. Our Litter Revenue increase of our most recent month-end closing, we have $287,000 dollars reflects an even better recorded nearly $65.0 million dollars in Total growth at 4%. Reg Transfers have garnered Revenue and $60.7 million dollars in Total an additional 14% or $193,000 dollars above Expenses, for an Operating Income of almost last year. Pedigrees also have displayed a mod - $4.3 million dollars. In comparison to our est 2% increase which has equaled $87,000 prior year audited results where we recog - dollars of additional revenue. Outside of nized $62.0 million dollars in Revenue with Registrations, our next largest areas of rev - $62.4 million dollars in Expenses for an oper - enue increases include a number of various ating loss of just under $500,000 dollars. programs throughout the organization: A key headline to specifically showcase is that AKC.TV year-to-date has produced added rev - our total year to date revenue comparison enue of $614,000 dollars which we expect to presents an overall increase of $3.0 million positively continue through the end of our dollars or 4.8% from that of October 31, fiscal year. Royalties & Sponsors have gener - 2018. Let’s discover where our finest suc - ated an annual increase in revenue of more cesses have been. than $480,000 dollars supporting AKC pro - Core Registration Volumes through October grams. Our Ecommerce platform has con - 31. We have registered grand totals of tributed an increase of $106,000 dollars year 215,000 litters and 499,000 dogs over 10 over year, and our Marketplace program has months this year. Our litter volume has increased $60,000 or 5% above 2018 level. increased by 3% from 209,000 in 2018, while Next, we will focus our analysis on the year’s our dog registrations have risen by 1.5% from success in our Sports and Events programs. 492,000 at October 31, 2018. We continue to Comparing year to date activities in Sports

AKC GAZETTE 34 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES and Events, there have been more than expect to match last year’s support efforts by 19,700 events representing a 5% increase calendar year-end. from the 2018 period. Our events have Aside from our operating results analysis, we recorded greater than 2.8 million entries, will briefly glance at our investment portfolio which reflects a 2% increase from last year. results. For the 10-month period ending These successes have directly reflected a 5% October 31, 2019 our portfolio has unreal - or $760,000 dollar increase to Revenue across ized gains of $12.7 million dollars or a 14.6% all of our Sports and Events. Congratulations return. The portfolio has outperformed its to everyone involved!! benchmark of 13% by 1.6%. If this perform - Let’s next measure the cost side of the equa - ance continues through the balance of our tion. Through October 31, 2019 our total fiscal year this could very well afford us expenses have declined by $1.8 million dol - record breaking results. lars or 3% as compared to the ten months of The Balance Sheet of the AKC still exhibits 2018. plenty of financial strength and capacity. In reviewing our Expense fluctuations year With $153.4 million dollars in Total Assets over year, we note Payroll and Benefits have and $84.1 million in Total Liabilities we are declined by $468,000 dollars this notwith - successfully sustaining just over $69 million in standing a minor 2% increase in Headcount Total Net Assets, this remains unchanged from 2018. Monies spent on Consultants have from last quarter’s report and just under a decreased by more than $1 million dollars $20 million dollar increase from our since our prior year. This is primarily due to December 2018 audited financial results. the relocation of both our AKC headquarters Thanks to everyone on the Board, and AKC Museum of The Dog that took place Management and Staff, and the Delegate during 2018. Our AKC.TV program which is Body for contributing to these exceptional flourishing tremendous growth during 2019 results throughout 2019! has incurred increased costs of $825,000 dol - I look forward to providing you a full year lars this first full inaugural year. Equipment report on 2019 at our next meeting in March. and maintenance costs have been controlled Enjoy this wonderful weekend ahead, and to by $486,000 dollars or 40% as compared to all I wish a Happy Holidays and Healthy New last year. Postage and supplies costs company- Year in 2020! wide have declined by greater than $385,000 Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Joe. over the first ten months this year. Our year- to-date contributions are comparatively below The first vote is on Rules Applying to Dog last year by $305,000 dollars. However, we do Shows, Chapter 3, Section 22, Dog Show


Classifications, which would allow dogs regis - Section 20, which allows for a National tered with an acceptable foreign or domestic Walking Gun Dog Championship for registration to participate in Miscellaneous, Weimaraners. The amendment was proposed making the language applying to registration by the Weimaraner Club of America and numbers consistent with Chapter 11, Section brought forward with the approval of the 1. The amendment was proposed by staff with AKC Board of Directors. support from the Dog Show Rules and the Parent Club Committees and brought for - There was a vote with two-thirds in the affir - ward with approval from the AKC Board of mative and the amendment was adopted. Directors. There was a vote with two-thirds in the affir - The Chair called on the Executive Secretary mative and the amendment was adopted. to read the proposed amendment to the Rules Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 9, The next vote was on Rules Applying to Dog Section 2, Superintendents and Show Shows, Chapter 11, Section 8-A, which Secretaries. removes the requirement for an injury to have occurred for an Event Committee to dis - Ms. DiNardo: This amendment to Rules qualify a dog that has attacked a person or Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 9, Section 2, dog at its event, and it believes presents a haz - Superintendents and Show Secretaries, which ard to persons or other dogs. would allow for an individual to be approved as a Show Secretary for the events held by Without an objection, the vote was withdrawn one all-breed or group club and any addi - so that Staff circulate a comprehensive Q&A tional events held the same day and site as and also respond to Delegate inquiries about the club in a calendar year. This amendment the process to follow if the rule change was was proposed by staff, approved by the AKC adopted. Board based on a request by a member of the The amendment will be republished in two board of directors. The amendment will be issues of the AKC Gazette and the Delegates published in two issues of the AKC Gazette will vote on it at the March 2020 meeting. and the Delegates will be asked to vote on it The full text is on the worksheet previously at the March 2020 meeting. The full text is emailed. on the worksheet previously emailed.

The next vote is on the Rules and Standard The Chair called on the Executive Secretary Procedure for Pointing Breeds, Chapter 14, to read the proposed amendment to Rules


Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 14, Section Ms. DiNardo: This amendment to the Beagle 5, Measuring, Weighing and Color Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure for Determinations When Factors of Brace, Small Pack and Small Pack Option, Disqualification in Breed Standards or Field Trials and Two-Couple Packing Eligibility Under the Conditions of a Class or Hunting Tests, Chapter 6, Section 4, removes Division of a Class Cancellation of Awards. the requirement to show the street address in the premium list for the judges, trial chairs Ms. DiNardo: This amendment to Chapter and club officers. 14, Section 5, Measuring, Weighing and Please note this change also applies to the Color Determinations When Factors of following: Disqualification in Breed Standards or • Beagle Field Trial Rules and Standard Eligibility Under the Conditions of a Class or Procedures for Brace, Small Pack and Small Division of a Class Cancellation of Awards, Pack Option Field Trials and the Beagle Field which eliminates the italics, rewords the sec - Trial Rules and Standard Procedures for tion to add language to specify that all equip - Large Pack Field Trials, Chapter 6, Section 4 ment must meet AKC requirements and • Field Trial Rules and Standard Proce - inserts it into the rule. The change also gen - dures for Dachshunds, Chapter 6, Section eralizes the wording for wickets to eliminate 4 the need to modify in the future and clarifies • Field Trial Rules and Standard Proce - expectation for a number of sets of wickets dures for Basset Hounds, Chapter 6, Sec - and scales that must be provided at all-breed tion 4 group or specialty shows. The amendment • Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure will be published in two issues of the AKC for Spaniels, Chapter 7, Section 1 Gazette and the Delegates will be asked to • Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure vote on it at the March 2020 meeting. The for Pointing Breeds, Chapter 7, Section 1 full text is on the worksheet previously • Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure emailed. for Retrievers, Chapter 7, Section 1 The amendment will be published in two The Chair called on the Executive Secretary issues of the AKC Gazette and the Delegates to read the proposed amendment to the will be asked to vote on it at the March 2020 Beagle Field Trial Rules and Standard meeting. The full text is on the worksheet Procedures for Brace, Small Pack and Small previously emailed. Pack Option, Field Trials and Two-Couple Packing Hunting Tests, Chapter 6, Section 4. The Chair acknowledged the Delegates who

AKC GAZETTE 37 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES have served for 25 years. funds now and we are earmarking who is going to receive those funds running for Mr. Sprung: This medallion is in recognition office at the first of the year. Election is com - of meritorious and long-term contributions ing in the late fall of 2020, but we have to to the sport. The program enables us to rec - have our donations out earlier than that in ognize our core constituency and allows a order to help them impact their election grateful American Kennel Club the opportu - campaign. We are strictly authorized for the nity to honor our own. Federal Election Commission to only look at a candidate's view on canine issues, and that's The following Delegates were called forward: what we do in choosing those we support. I James S. Corbett, Tualatin Kennel Club (in want to say something, and I am, Michael, I attendance) am stealing something you said when you James R. Dok, Gig Harbor Kennel Club (not spoke this morning. He talked about how present) children can't speak for themselves. Your Daniel J. Smyth, Esq, Burlington County dogs can't speak for themselves, and they Kennel Club (in attendance) depend on us every day to protect them, and one of the ways that you can protect them is The Chair called on Gail LaBerge of the to support the PAC and support us in helping Atlanta Obedience Club who spoke about to elect those who think like we do on legisla - AKC PAC initiatives as follows: tive issues. If you don't want to do the carica - ture, we're more than happy to just take a Ms. LaBerge: Good morning, everyone. At donation. I said to the Board at a meeting, the request from many of you for our carica - "What we really need to say is trust us on this, ture artist that would draw you and your dog we're protecting you and your dogs. Give us is back this year – it can also be done from a your money." They thought that was a little picture if you do not have your dog with you. direct. Sheila is at her table outside – I don't This is the last opportunity for a caricature as know what we'd do without Sheila Goffe, she we have something new scheduled for next is an amazing woman, and she will take your year. The artist is there today through donations. Sunday, go over, sign up at the AKC PAC booth, which is next to the AKC Government Ms. LaBerge: Thank you. Sheila needs to Relations booth. This is a fundraiser for the hear that. She works really hard for all of us, PAC and a $50 donation will receive a larger and loves the dogs as much as we do, and is a drawing than last year. We are raising our great breeder herself. If she is busy you can

AKC GAZETTE 38 JANUARY 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES give your donations to me, I'll make sure it thanked those Delegates who contributed to gets to where it needs to go. Please don't for - the December issue. He offered printed get to donate. Thank you. copies for those that could not access it online using the Delegate Portal. Don Mr. Sprung: Thank you, Gail. announced that a special January edition of Perspectives would concentrate on the candi - The Chair informed the Delegates that the dates for the upcoming Board election in Tuesday, March 10, 2020 meeting would be March. Submissions for the regular March the annual election of the Board of Directors issue are due on January 15, 2020 to coordi - Class of 2021 and the Class of 2024, held at nator Sylvia Arrowwood of the Perspectives the Doubletree Newark Airport hotel. Travel staff. Lastly, he apologized for the uninten - options are emailed and posted to the tional omission of David Hopkins (Delegate Delegate Portal in early January when they for English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Club become available. of Illinois 1997-2019) from the Perspectives column in tribute of Delegates who have The following Delegate spoke during New passed away. The online version of the issue Business as follows: was corrected.

Warren Cook, Delegate for Southern Oregon Pat Laurans, Delegate for German Kennel Club: Wirehaired Pointer Club of America: Warren commended the Delegate Body for Pat shared the success of the AKC Pet forming a subcommittee to focus on the Disaster Relief program. She reported that as immediate issues facing small dog shows. He of December 1, 2019, 410 clubs were partici - advocated that dog sport events should be pating. $1,812,927 in donations have been treated as a business and cautioned about the received. $450,000 was funded by AKC acceleration of a decreasing market. He Reunite, for total funds raised $2,262,927, encouraged the subcommittee to take fast resulting in 72 trailers that have been deliv - action on this initiative. ered to 28 states. Currently 6 trailers are in the pipeline to be built which would total 78 Don James, Delegate for Leonberger Club of trailers. Pat thanked the Delegates and their America: clubs for their donations and praised the Don spoke on behalf of Sylvia Thomas, the Reunite staff for the program and hard work. Editor of the Perspectives Delegates maga - Karen Gunzel, Delegate for Trenton Kennel zine who was on a judging assignment. He Club:


Karen announced that on May 3, 2020, and the AKC Patch Program. Trenton Kennel Club will host its 100th All- Breed Show. The show will be held at Mercer Donna Smiley, Delegate for Harrier Club of County Park, West Windsor, New Jersey which America: is approximently 30 minutes from the AKC Donna thanked AKC Reunite for their service Delegate meeting site in Newark, New Jersey. during multiple earthquakes in Southern Club member Deanna Lonabaugh will act as California. She explained that she lived in a Show Chair for the 30th year. To mark this little desert town called Ridgecrest, milestone all Best of Breed winners will be California. On July 4th, 2019 they were hit by awarded a commemorative Trenton Kennel a major earthquake followed by a larger 7.1 Club medallion. This 100th show medallion the next day. will also be awarded to all group placements Despite no loss of human life, there was dev - and best junior and to the fastest dogs in our astation to the town and its livelihood. Their lure coursing events. The Best in Show tro - two local veterinarians left the area. The peo - phy will be presented by Trenton, New ple without a place to live couldn't keep their Jersey's Mayor, the Honorable Reed Gusciora, dogs. This rescue group, East of Eden K-9 and (it is hopeful that) AKC President, Mr. took them in but was struggling. As an AKC Dennis Sprung, will present the Best in Show Delegate, Donna contacted the Delegate's medallion. Attendees will enjoy trays of cook - group on Facebook and asked AKC to help. ies and beverages from morning through AKC Reunite sent $5,000 via PayPal to East of lunch. During group judging at ringside a Eden. When the East of Eden K-9 Founder, full buffet will be available to all. Each and Linda Miller found out that there was relief every exhibitor will receive a special gift from money she broke into tears. Donna was able the Trenton Kennel Club. With the assistance to convey the message that AKC supports of AKC Delegates and Staff, one of the AKC ALL dog efforts. Reunite disaster relief trailers will be on dis - play (Jeffrey Ball, Delegate, Ramapo Kennel Hearing no further business, the Chair Club). The entire day will be covered by adjourned the meeting. AKC.TV (Gina DiNardo, AKC). Event notifi - (Time noted: 11:42 a.m.) cations will be sent via email blast (Glenn Lycan, AKC). Vintage photos will be featured The opinions expressed by the speakers may not on the club Facebook page and website (Bud necessarily reflect those of The American Kennel Buccone, AKC). The Trenton Kennel Club Club. 100th show will also offer Trick Dog, CGC