Cab; Taxi,Ke3-The5ng-Chhia,計程車

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Cab; Taxi,Ke3-The5ng-Chhia,計程車 calamity caddie cha8p-chhe-a2, go+-lu-huh (phonetic) ki5u- ti5u* e5 ki5u-to5ng, khe2-lih (phonetic) 雜役,球 C 童 cab, taxi ke3-the5ng-chhia 計程車 cadence, tone, pace, rhythm sia*-tia7u, po7+- cabaret koa-thia*, e7-ta3ng kho3a* pia2u-ia2n chiat- tia7u, ki5a*-lo7+ e5 sok-to7+, u7n-lu8t 聲調,步調,韻 bo8k e5 chhan-thia* 歌廳,可看表演節目的餐 律 廳 cadet lio8k-ha2i kun-ha7u e5 ha8k-seng 陸海軍校的 cabbage, Chinese cabbage pau-sim-pe8h-a2, 學生 pe8h-chha3i 包心白菜 cadre, hardcore member of any organiza- cabbage, kale ko-le5-chha3i 高麗菜,甘藍 tion ka3n-po7+ 幹部 cabin, tent lia5u-a2, chu5n-chhng 小屋,船艙 caecum, appendix bo5ng-tn5g 盲腸 cabinet, furniture tu5, tu5-a2 櫥子 Caesar Kha2i-sat 凱撒 - small wall cabinet piah-tu5 壁櫥 café ka-pi-thia*, i2m-si8t-tia3m, lia7u-li2-tia3m 咖啡廳, cabinet crisis lo7e-koh e5 gu5i-ki 內閣的危機 飲食店,料理店 cabinet secretary or chancellor ta7i-si5n 大臣 cafeteria chu7-cho7+chhan-thia* 自助餐廳 cabinet members koh-oa5n 閣員 cafeteria, lunch room, snack bar ka2n-i7 si8t-tn5g 簡易食堂 cabinet, ministry, administration lo7e-koh, kok-bu7-i7* 內閣,國務院 cage, basket, hamper, large basket la2ng-a2, lam-a2, lo5ng-a2 籠子,監牢 cable, submarine cable ha2i-te2 tia7n-so3a* 海底 電線 cage for birds, birdcage chia2u-lam-a2 鳥籠 - to send a cable phah tia7n-po3 打電報 Cain Ka-im 加音 cable car, tram la2m-chhia 纜車 Cairo Khai-lo5 開羅 cable car, simple cable crossing liu-lo5ng 貓 cajole, trick, coaxing ko2ai, ko+-chia5* 誘騙,哄騙 纜 cake ke-nn7g-ko, pi2a* 蛋糕,餅 cable charge, telegram fee tia7n-po3-hu3i 電報 - moon cake goe8h-pi2a*, tiong-chhiu-pi2a* 中秋 費 月餅 cable, to cable congratulations, wire con- - red coloured cake a5ng-ku-ko2e 紅龜粿 gratulations tia7n-ho7 電賀 - rice cake ko-a2 糕點 cable message ha2i-go7a tia7n-po3 海外電報 cake crumbs pi2a*-iu3, pi2a*-sap-a2 餅屑 cable modem cable modem, la2m-so3a* so3+-ki3-ki cake made of sweet glutinous rice ti*-ko2e 年 cable modem 纜線數據機,可波魔電 糕 cable TV iu2-so3a*-tia7n-si7, te7 si3 ta5i 有線電視,第四 cake shop, bakery pi2a*-tia3m 餅店 台 cake stuffed with meat, meat-pie bah-pi2a* 肉 cable, electric cables tia7n-la2m 電纜 餅 cable la2m-so3a* 纜線 cake, to bake cakes sio-pi2a* 燒餅 cable, telegram tia7n-po3 電報 cakes for eating with tea, refreshments te5- cablegram ha2i-te2 tia7n-po3 海底電報 pi2a* 茶點 cache kho3ai-chhu2 ki3-e8k-the2 快取記憶體 cakes made of rice and taro o7+-ko2e, o7+-ke2 芋 cackle sound of a hen about to lay an egg 頭粿 kho+-toa* 母雞啼,準備下蛋 cakes presented by the boy to the girl as cackle sound of a hen, child or woman dis- symbol of betrothal le2-pi2a* 禮餅 puting or talking too loud ko8k-ko8k-ki3o, cakes, biscuits, pastries, cookies pi2a* 餅 ko8k-ko8k-lia7m, chhi3o-hi-hi 咯咯叫,喋喋不休, calabash, ladle made of dry gourd or one 笑嘻嘻 piece of wood pu5-hia 匏杓子 cackling sound of a hen after laying an egg calamity thian-chai, chai-la7n, chai-iong, chai- phah-ko8k-ke 喀喀啼,母雞下蛋後的叫聲 ha7i, chai-pia3n 天災,災難,災殃,災害,災變 cacophony sia* bo5 ho5, chhoh-la5ng-hi7*, cha8p- - all sort of calamities thian-chai te7-pia3n 天 im 聲調不和,刺耳,雜音 災地變 cactus sian-ji5n-chio2ng 仙人掌 - avoid calamity pi7-la7n 避難 calamity cadaver si-si2u, sin-si, si-the2 屍首,屍體 103 call - meet a calamity e3ng-hu3 thian-chai 應付天 calibre of person, He is a man of great cali- 災 bre. u7 cha5i-che5ng, I chin u7 cha5i-che5ng. 他 calamity caused by fire ho2e-chai 火災 很能幹. calamity caused by water chu2i-chai 水災 calico pe8h-po3+, mi5-po3+ 白布,棉布 calamity stricken masses chai-bi5n 災民 California Ka-li7-hok-ni5-a, Ka-chiu 加利福尼亞, 加州 calamity, affliction, be suffered ho7an-la7n 患 難 calisthenics ji5u-lo2an the2-chhau, kia7n-sin- chhau 柔軟體操,健身操 calcareous, containing calcium chio8h-hoe- chit 石灰質 call a person ki3o, chheng-ho+, tia3u-chi8p, pa3i- ho2ng 叫,稱呼,召集,拜訪 calcium ka3i-chit: kha-lu-si2u-muh (phonetic) 鈣 質 - to pay a call pa3i-ho2ng 拜訪 calcium phosphate li5n-sng-bia2n 燐酸鈣 call a taxi hia3m chi8t ta5i ke3-the5ng-chhia la5i 叫一 輛計程車來 calculate sn3g, ke3-sn3g, ke3-so3an, chhui-sn3g, phah-sn3g, ke3-o7e 算,計算,推算,打算,計劃 call a workman ki3o sai-hu7 請師父來 calculate mentally, make rough estimate call aloud, to shout hia3m 喊,叫 chhui-sn3g, sim-sn3g 推算,心算 call and select tia3u-so2an 召選 calculate on the abacus, to be calculating call animals kho+ 呼,叫 tak sn3g-po5a*, tiak sn3g-po5a*, phah sn3g-po5a* call back the souls of those who have died 算珠算 away from home i2n-hu5n 招魂,引魂 calculate, settle accounts, get even with call but get no response ki3o be7 i3n 叫不應 person sn3g-sia3u 算賬 call chickens kho+-ke 呼雞 calculate the fee sn3g-chi5* 算錢 call for or invite someone to go together calculate too small a total kia2m-sn3g 少算 sio-chio 相邀 calculate wages by the day not by the call for workers in an emergency tia3u kang- month sn3g-ji8t 按日算 la5ng 召工人,調工人 calculate, consider, arrange tia3u-to7+ 調度 call girl e3ng-tia3u-li2-lo5ng 應召女郎 calculate, reckon thui-so3an 推算 call heaven to witness tng-thi* li8p-se3 當天立誓 calculating machine ke3-sn3g-ki 計算機 call in to participate in a TV program kho+-in2 calculation, to reckon ke3-sn3g 計算 (phonetic) 叩應 calculator ke3-sn3g-ki 計算機 call of God Thian-chu2 e5 se3ng-tia3u 天主的聖召 calculus, math bi5-chek-hun, bi5-chek-ha8k 微積 call on superior chi3n-ki3an 進見 分 call on formally, pay courtesy call chham- calculus of the bladder, bladder stone po5ng- pa3i 參拜 kong kiat-chio8h 膀胱結石 call on heaven but get no answer ki3o thi* thi* Calcutta Ka-ni2-kok-tap 加爾各答 be7 i3n 叫天天不應 caldron, broad, round, shallow, metal ves- call on, to visit, go to visit superior pa3i-ha7u sel used as rice boiler or frying pan, 拜候,請教 wok ti2a* 鍋 call oneself chu7-chheng 自稱 calendar, almanac la8h-ji8t, ji8t-le8k, ji8t-chi3, ji8t- call others to do something khi2-la5ng, tia3u- thiah 日曆 la5ng 發動人馬,召集自己的人 - church calendar chiam-le2-toa* (Catholic) call out, to shout, to yell ho+-ho3an, ho+-hia3m, 瞻禮單 ho+-ki3o, to7a-sia* ki3o 呼喚,呼叫,大聲叫 - lunar calendar ku7-le8k, lo5ng-le8k 農曆 call the committee together tia3u-chi8p u2i-oa5n- - solar calendar sin-le8k, kok-le8k 國曆 ho7e 召集委員會 - calculate fate according to the calendar call the doctor chhi2a* i-seng 請醫生來 kho3a* la8h-ji8t 看日曆 call the dog kho+-ka2u 呼狗 calf, young cow gu5-a2-ki2a* 牛犢,小牛 call the roll loudly chhia3ng-mi5a 唱名 calf, back of leg kha-to2+, kha-au7-to2+, kha-to2+-ji5n, call to mind, recall memories ho5e-sio2ng 回想 si2o-thu2i 小腿,小腿肉 call call to mind, think, remember si7u*-khi2 想起 calibre of a gun kha2u-ke3ng 口徑 104 can call together tia3u, tia3u-chi8p 召集 camcorder, VCR VCR, lo8k-ia2*-ki, lo8k-ho3ng-ia2*- call together members of team to disband ki 攝影錄放機,VCR the group siu-tu7i 收隊 camel hair lo8k-to5-mn5g 駱駝毛 call, visit, pay visit to ho2ng-bu7n, ho2ng-mn7g camel, idler, lead an idle life, idle one's time 訪問 away, loaf around lo8k-to5 駱駝,遛蕩,偷懶, called, known as ki3o-cho3 叫做 摸魚 - What is this called? Che ki3o-cho3 si2a*-mih? camellia oil te5-a2-iu5 茶油 這個叫做甚麼? Camellia, a tea plant te5-hoe, te5-chhi7u, te5- caller ID la5i tia7n hia2n-si7 來電顯示 cha5ng 茶樹 caller, one who calls in to participate in a camera chia3u-sio3ng-ki, hip-sio3ng-ki 照相機 TV program kho+-in2 e5 la5ng (phonetic) 叩 camershutter kho3ai-mn5g 快門 應的人 camouflage gu7i-chong, mo5a-phia3n 偽裝,欺瞞 calligrapher su-hoat-ka 書法家 camp ia5*, lo7+-ia5* 營,露營 calligraphy su-hoat 書法 camp marshal, field marshal lio8k-kun sio7ng- calling tia3u-chi8p, tha5u-lo7+, chit-gia8p 召集,職業 chio3ng 陸軍上將 calling card, name card mi5a-phi3*, be5ng-phi3*, camp, encampment, barracks ti7n-ia5* 陣營 be5ng-chi3 名片 camp, temporary home for refugees siu- calling fees, phone call charges, airtime io5ng-so2+ 收容所 thong-o7e-hu3i 通話費 campaign so2an-ki2 u7n-to7ng, chhut-ti7n, chhut- callosity, dead flesh si2-bah 死肉,胼胝 cheng 運動,出陣,出征 callous, hard-hearted, ruthless sim chin nge7, campaign promoting national language kok- bo5-che5ng e5 心腸硬,無情的 gi2-ho3a u7n-to7ng 國語化運動 callous and cruel, cold blooded, merciless campaign, military battle chia3n-e8k, chia3n-ia8h in heart and deed sim to8k chhi2u loa8h 心 戰役 毒手辣 campfire ia5*-ho2e 營火 callus lan, kiat-lan 繭,結繭 camphor chiu*-lo2+ 樟腦 calluses on the hand chhi2u-lan 手繭 camphor oil chiu*-lo2+-iu5 樟腦油 calm che7ng, an-che7ng, tia7m-che7ng, pe5ng- camphor tree chiu*, chiu*-chhi7u 樟樹 che7ng 靜,安靜,恬靜,平靜 camphor wood chiu*-chha5 樟木 calm a child io5 e*-a2, e*-a2 io5 ho7+ tia7m 哄嬰兒安 camporee, jamboree to5ng-chu2-kun to7a-lo7+-ia5* 靜下來 童子軍大露營 calm and unruffled sea hong pe5ng lo7ng campus ha7u-ti5a*, ha7u-hn5g 校園 che7ng 風平浪靜 campus queen, school belle ha7u-hoe 校花 calm mood sim pe5ng khi3 ho5 心平氣和 can be done, may be done e7-e7ng-tit, e7-sa2i-tit calm oneself le2ng-che7ng 冷靜 可以 calmness, coolness, presence of mind, can be eaten, edible e7-chia8h-tit 可吃的 calm, cool, calmly, coolly, composedly, serenely le2ng-che7ng 冷靜 can be said, people would say ko2ng-e7-la5i 會 說,說得來 calorie jia8t-lio7ng, kha-lo2+-li2 (phonetic) 熱量,卡 路里 can burn, can be enkindled or set on fire e7- to8h 會燃 calumniate hu2i-po3ng, tio3ng-siong la5ng e5 be5ng-i7 譭謗,中傷人的名譽 can carry, strong enough to prop up or support cha3i-e7-tia5u 載得住,撐得住 calumny hu2i-po3ng, ko2ng la5ng e5 pha2i*-o7e 譭謗, 講人的壞話 can distinguish kho3a*-e7-chhut 看得出,能辨別 Calvary Ka-ni2-oa2-lio8k-soa* 加爾瓦略山 can do it cho3 e7 la5i 做得來 Calvin Kheh-ni2-bu5n 喀爾文 can do it all cho3 e7 khi3 做得了 Cambodia Ko-bia5n, Ka2n-po+-sa3i 高棉,柬埔寨 can get, can attain e7-tio8h 會中 Cambridge University Kia3m-ki5o Ta7i-ha8k 劍橋 can hold or maintain frontline, position, chastity, regulation si2u e7-tia5u 守得住 大學 can 105 canned can not be believed, cannot believe, do not cancer vaccine ba7n-io7ng ga5m-che3ng e8k-bia5u believe be7-si3n-tit 不能信的 萬用癌症疫苗 can not be fully told, can not enumerate all cancer, to get cancer ga5m, to8k-li5u, ga5m- of them ko2ng be7 lia2u 講不完 che3ng, se*-ga5m 癌,毒瘤,癌症 can not do it, unable to accomplish pi3* bo5 cancer, tropic of cancer pak-ho5e-kui-so3a* 北 lo7+-la5i 做不來 回歸線 can not escape successfully cha2u be7 li7 來不 candid, frank, straight, honest tha2n-pe8k, 及逃 che3ng-ti8t, tia5u-ti8t 坦白,正直 can not express it properly, can not speak candidate for an office ha7u-po2+-chi2a 候補者 so as to accomplish the purpose ko2ng candidate for election ha7u-so2an-ji5n 候選人 be7 la5i 講不來 candidate for the mayoralty chhi7-ti2u* ha7u- can not get up.
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