Manston Airport - Proposed Night-Time Flying Policy
Manston Airport - Proposed Night-time Flying Policy Background 1. In 2009, following the potential start of dedicated cargo service by British Airways World Cargo, Thanet District Council (TDC) asked Manston Airport (MSE) to develop and submit to the council a Night-time Flying Policy, per clauses 1.2 and 1.3 of the Second Schedule to the Section 106 agreement dated 26 September 2000. An initial proposal was put forward on 17 August 2009, from which TDC requested further information. Subsequent discussions with members and officers have lead to this current proposal. 2. For airports to prosper and fulfil their potential in stimulating economic activity, they must be in a position to serve the needs of the markets in which they operate. Equally importantly, the operation and development of an airport must be acceptable to the resident and business communities within which it is located. 3. Clearly the issue of night-time noise is significant for residents in close proximity to the airport. This is the reason that many airports have specific policies governing, and sometimes limiting, their activities between the hours of 2330 and 0600. Master Plan 4. National Aviation Policy is set out in the Future of Air Transport White Paper (FATWP) in 2003. The key strategic policy set out was that most effective use of existing runways should be made, in order to delay or remove the need for either new runways or, indeed, new airports. The incoming Coalition Government has stated that new runways will not be built at any of the major three London airports - Heathrow, Gatwick or Stansted.
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