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Copyrighted Material BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 347 Index Abbott, Greg, 46 An Engineering Mind (video blog), 80 About pages (on blogs), 243 Apollo 12/Playboy Playmate auction, Accenture, 192 288–291 Advertising: Apple, 314 by automakers, 3–5 Apps (applications), 209–210, at Century 21 Real Estate LLC, 218–219 26–27 ‘‘The Art of the Sale’’ video, 256 at, 104–105 Association of Tennis Professionals old rules of, 6 (ATP), 209–210 print, 310 Athletes, Web sites of, 118–119 product-centric, 100 ATP Live Scoring App, 209–210 search engine, 298, 300–301 Attachments, email, 294 on television, 4, 7–8, 26–27, Attention, generating, 313–315 28–29 Attention Interactive, 119 via email, 198 Attivio, 257–258 on websites, 112 Audacity (software), 259, 260 Advertising agencies, 310–311 Audiences: Agilent, 299, 300 for blogging, 245–246 AIIM, 161 niche, 29 Air New Zealand, 79 for online media rooms, 284 Alacra, 54–55, 73–74 for press releases, 11 AlacraBlog, 73–74 on social networking sites, 233 AlacraWiki, 54–55COPYRIGHTEDAudio, MATERIAL 81–86 Albrecht, Alex, 75 Australia: Alexa, 97 blogging in, 249 Allison-Shane, Heidi M., 269 Brisbane floods, 129–132 Alternative Routes, The, 219, 232 Authenticity, 220, 233, 237, 17–19, 24, 62, 129, 231, Automakers, advertising by, 3–5 245 Auto Repair-Trouble Shooting, Amdocs, 128 230 Anderson, Chris, xxix, 17–18 Away messages, 220 BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 348 348 Index B&H Photo-Video, 48–50 by employees, 70–72, 240–241 B2B companies. See Business-to- getting started with, 237–238 business (B2B) companies in global markets, 248–250 B2C (business to consumer) and long tail of PR, 23 companies, 20 micro-, 221–222 Background information, in online return on investment (ROI) for, 58 media rooms, 278 software for, 242 Badges, 113 tips for, 241–244 Baked Relief, 129–132 video (vlogging), 80, 256 Banerjee, Pushan, 104 Blog(s), 37, 57–74 Barak, Jeff, 128 about, 59–60 Barger, Chris, 69 at Agilent, 299–300 Batterson, Mark, 315–317 audiences for, 245–246 Beating Gout (Victor Konshin), 32–33 and buyer personas, 30–31 Beating Gout (website), 32–33 commenting on, 66–67 Belisle, Lani, 105 companion, 261 Bell, Steve, 151, 152–153 customer dissatisfaction on, 45–47 Bellaposa Collections, 216 customizing, 242, 244–245 Bell Helicopter, 117 Evotional, 316 Belniak, Allen, 234 Little Green Footballs, 62 Benchmarks, 176–177, 200–201 at McDonald’s, 72–73 Best Job in the World, The (contest), in media relations, 287–288 77–79 for media relations, 288–291 Bias, 53 misperceptions about, 61–63 Biden, Joe, 167 monitoring, 64–66, 74, 97–99 BitDefender, 192–193 at National Community Church, Bivings, Group, The, 43 316–317 Bligh, Anna, 131 negative connotations with, 60–61 Blogger days, 69 for nonprofit organizations, 26 Bloggers: Open for Discussion, 72 blogger days, 69 and organizational goals, 145 influence of, 213–214 password protection for, 242 journalists vs, 61–63 Perform Better Golf blog, 30–31 in online media rooms, 281 pimping out, 244–245 pitching to, 287–288 politics and, 67–68 reaching, 68–69 posts for real-time outreach, working with, 67–69 124–126 Blogging, 237–250 PowerLine, 62 becoming comfortable with, 250 power of, 73–74 BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 349 Index 349 in PR, 9 Budweiser, 6 press releases and, 70 Bush, George W., 62, 148, 165 reader comments on, 64 Business casual video, 252–253 and real-time marketing and PR, Business goals, 33–34 123 Business-to-business (B2B) companies: responding to, 46, 47 buying process at, 188 reverse chronology aspect of, 245 jargon at, 179–180, 182 RSS feeds for, 243 marketing and PR for, 20, 28 search engines and, 58, 65, 246 senior executives of, 144–145 selecting topics for, 238–239 video marketing, 79–81 Sharpie Blog, 247–248 Business-to-consumer (B2C) tags in, 60, 243, 247 companies, 20 as thought leadership, 174 Business Wire, 265 topics for, 238–239 Buyer-centric web content, 190–195 trends in, 65 Buyer persona profiles, 141–144, uses of, 64 145–146 value of, 60–61 Buyer personas: video (vlogging), 80 in 2008 presidential campaign, 165 wikis vs., 55 compensation in, 176–177 Blossom, John, 288 content for, 150–153 Blue Sky Factory, 206 in marketing and PR plans, Bluewire Media, 153 140–144, 310 BMW, 256 messages for, 148–150 Bosses, pushback from, 314–315 planning template, 153–157 Boston Globe, 294–295 reaching buyers with, 29–31 Brander, Brooke, 292 at RightNow Technologies, 151–152 Branding, 34, 116–118, 223–225 at Starbucks, 119 Braverman, Melissa, 78 and thought leadership, 169–170 Brewer, Lynn, 147 video based on, 257–258 Bricks-and-mortar industries, PR for, and viral content, 106 19–21 in web marketing, 145–146 Brisbane, AU floods, 129–132 on websites, 29–30, 189 Broadcast messages, 3–5, 285–286 Buyers. See also Reaching buyers; Brochures, white papers and, 171 Writing for buyers Brogan, Chris, 43 continuing dialogue with, 198 Broshear, Nathan, 291, 292 dating analogy, 157–158 Brosnan, Pierce, 113 information for, 28–29 Browsing, 18–19, 277–278 in interactive communities, Bucas, General, 306–307 199–201 BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 350 350 Index Buyers (Continued) Clinton, Bill, 165 interrupting, 167 Clinton, Hillary, 165, 167 media and learning styles of, Clip books, 12, 157–159 190–191 Clips, as metrics, 138–139 niche, 6 CMSs. See Content management online media rooms for, 273–274 systems (CMSs) questions from, 198 coBRANDiT, 257 relationships with, 182, 183 Coca-Cola, 98 segmenting, 144, 188–190 Coercion, in World Wide Raves, 100 solving problems for, 137–138, 150, Collaboration, 28, 90, 116–118 167 Colleagues, pushback from, 314–315 understanding, 140–141, 148–149, CollectSPACE (online forum), 51–52, 157 54 vested interests of, 168 Colleges, 29–30, 141–142, 150, 197 video created for, 257–258 Comments, on blogs, 60, 66–67, Buying cycles, 196–197 242–243, 244, 310 Buzz marketing. See Viral Web content Commodity products, video for, 77–79 Communication: Cablog, 249 in emergency situations, 283 Calls to action, 281, 305 as goal of marketing and PR, 13 Captchas, 243 internal, 73–74 Century 21 Real Estate LLC, 26–27 on landing pages, 305 Cervelo Cycles, 15–17, 24 Companion blogs, 261 Cessna Aircraft, 117 Company names, in search engine Charmin, 209 marketing, 302–303 Charts, 174, 278 Compensation, 176–177 Chat rooms, 37, 38 ComScore, 215 Chilean Miners crisis, 127 ‘‘Concept of Noise, The’’, 116 Chrysler, 3 Concrete5 (company), 199–200 Cincom Expert Access (e-zine), 176 Concrete Network, The, 20–22, 24 Cincom Systems, Inc., 176 Conference listings, 280–281 Cingular Wireless online media room, Conferences, and social media, 282 233–234 Cisco Systems, Inc., 93, 255, 313 Contact, encouraging, 194, 197, 198, ‘‘Cities I’ve Visited’’ (application), 233, 244 218–219 Content: Citizen journalists, 166 for mobile devices, 204–205 Ciulla, Vince, 230, 232 in online media rooms, 276 Click-fraud, 107–108 proprietary, 278–279 BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 351 Index 351 reaching buyers with, 31–32 Customizing, of blogs, 242 for thought leadership, 169–170, Cyber graffiti, 210–211 175–176 of web vs. print advertisements, 310 ‘‘Dancing Baby’’ viral video, 96 Content management systems (CMSs), Davis, Lisa, 238–239 16, 60, 199–201 DbaDIRECT (company), 264 Content-rich websites, 111–119 Deadliest Warriors (TV show), 80 collaboration within businesses on, Death Sentences (Don Watson), 116–118 180 in global marketplace, 115–116 Defren, Todd, 270 in marketing and PR strategies, 115 Delamarter, John, 117 for political advocacy, 112–114 (blog search engine), 113, of Sasha Vugacic, 118–119 264, 270 and website design/technology, Dell, 236 111–112, 187 Demopoulos, Ted, 190–191 Contests, 77–79, 98, 257 ‘‘Diet Coke and Mentos’’ experiment, Control: 95, 96, 98 in blogging, 60 Digg (website), 75–76, 113, 243, 264, of content, 99, 100, 103–104 270 Convergence, of PR and marketing, 24 Diggnation show, 75–76 Cooperation between marketing and Digital Photography Review (DPR), sales, 162–163 48–49 Copyright, 103–104 Direct-to-consumer news releases, Corporate websites, coordination on, 21–22, 89–92, 145 116–118 ‘‘Direct to Consumer Press Releases Craigslist, 38, 62 Suck’’ (Steve Ruebel), 88 Create a Safety Buzz! (James ‘‘Skip’’ Disclosure, on blogs, 241 Ward), 172 Discussion, guiding, 233 Creative Commons, 103–104 Disney, 183–184 Credibility, 50 Dissatisfaction, customer, 45–50 Credit, on blogs, 241 Distribution, 213–214, 265–266 Crismani, Danielle, 129–132 Dore, Philippe, 209 Crowdsourcing, 129–133 Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group,, 268–269 181 Cuk, Vladimir, 119 Dow Jones Factiva, 87 CumminsNitro, 78 DPR (Digital Photography Review), Customer dissatisfaction, 45–50 48–49 Customer-generated video, 76 Dresden Dolls, The, 226–227 Customers. See Buyers Drewien, Kathy, 104 BINDEX 06/22/2011 14:5:47 Page 352 352 Index ‘‘Drones: America’s New Air Force’’ Evotional (blog), 316 (60 Minutes), 291, 43 DuMars, Bert, 248, 249 Executives, in marketing and PR plans, Dunne, Jennifer, 121–122 144–145 Experimentation, on social networking eBay, 38, 62, 105 sites, 233 E-books, 151, 160–162, 171–172 Expertise, 27–28 Eclectic Mix (podcast), 82–83 EContent (magazine), 8, 286 Facebook, 213, 215–219, 223, 229 TheEdge (newsletter), xxvii in 2008 presidential election, Editing, of podcasts, 260 166 Editorial plans, for reaching buyers, apps for, 218–219 31–32, 150–151 crowdsourcing with, 130, 132 Edmunds, 4 different uses for, 215–216 EDN (magazine), 300 Facebook Places, 207 Education, as goal of website, groups/pages, 216–217 16, 21 mashups and, 103 eepybird (website), 95, 97, 98 for mobile marketing, 206 Egyptian revolution, 132 nonprofit organizations on, 8 Reasons You Need a Strategy for 25 Managing Information—Before It’s promotion with, 41 Too Late (AIIM), 161 U.S.
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