Amadeus Pro is a powerful Much better than using multitrack audio editor supporting a variety of Garageband or formats including MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, Wave and many others. I prefer to use Amadeus Pro for editing the wave form because I don’t have drag the sound to rejoin it after I have made a cut and deleted an portion of sound as you have to in



I tell people that Amadeus is like Audacity but prettier and works better. I did try Audacity but it is no where near as good See the audio file as AmadeusPro. characteristics Apart from editing wave forms of audio you can also use the batch facilities. I used it to convert a pile of crappy WMA files to mp3 the other day and once I had it set up it was a simple drag and drop.

Multitrack editor Amadeus Pro is a fully featured multitrack editor. Each track can have its volume adjusted independently from the others. Amadeus Pro fully supports multitrack WAVE files and allows you to render sound on up to 5 different loudspeakers simultaneously.

In the past when I wanted to something from my Mac I have been using an application called Wiretap Studio. Unfortunately, this application did not make the upgrade once Mountain Lion arrived. In fact, it is so long since I actually used Wiretap Studio that it may have got broken with Lion. I used this application all of the time for recording podcasts from Skype. It was very good, as I could have the recording put my own audio from my microphone on one track and the recording of the other person in the interview which was coming from Skype, on another track. It was very easy then to be able to split these two tracks and to be able to clean up the audio recording of the interview ready to publish. I did know that it was possible to record directly into Amadeus Pro , but I had never got around to actually doing it.

I have been a fan of Recording internally from Amadeus Pro, the excellent sound recording the Mac by using Sound application for the Mac, for some years now and Flower I’m always happy to It is a quite simple download from a website and an install of recommend the some free software that is called SoundFlower , although it application to anybody does require a reboot of the computer. Then all you need to looking to create do is to go to the sound settings for your computer, which you podcasts. can get to from the or by using the on the menu item at the top right of your screen. I usually prefer to hold down the option key and click on the speaker icon in the menu bar and then I can choose where I want to send the sound to. I am always changing this setting

!2 GOOD AND GEEKY MAC20Q depending upon which application I am using, sometimes I use the large speakers which are connected to the headphone port of the Mac and sometimes I use the USB headphones that I use for Dragon Dictate .

So what you need to do is to choose the output as being Sound Flower (2ch) in your sound settings. This will direct the sound from your system to SoundFlower. Then you go into the settings within Amadeus Pro and choose to record from SoundFlower (2ch). That is all you need to do to have the sound from any other applications working on your Mac be directed into the Amadeus Pro application. So you can start the other application doing its stuff after you have first pressed record within Amadeus. It may well be that when you first do this, that you do not hear any sound from your Mac, and this is right as you have sent it to Sound Flower. To be able to hear what it is that you’re recording, you have to put a tick in the box for passthrough.

Working with your audio in Amadeus Pro Amadeus Pro is a marvellous multitrack audio recording application that you can use to organise the elements of sound. In many ways I prefer to use Amadeus Pro rather than use Garageband , especially when it comes to making podcasts . Garageband can be much better if you are creating musical tracks, certainly this is the case if you’re going to use the loops that are available within that application.

So there you go, that is all you need to know to be able to record audio from your Mac into Amadeus Pro. It is also very easy to set up your Mac so that you can pump audio into the Mac from external sources and also be able to send that into Amadeus Pro. Amadeus pro is a good application to use to get vinyl records to CD or iTunes .

Vinyl records to CD or iTunes - Analog to Digital Amadeus Pro There are quite a few of us old dinosaurs around that still have vinyl LP records, possibly a couple of EP records and maybe even the odd single. I know that I have one or two vinyl albums around, from too many years ago that I care to mention. You have to decide whether you want to go down one of three routes. You can either buy the songs again in iTunes , just forget about listening to that old


again, or maybe you can decide to convert those songs Hardware and into digital. software needed to do the job If you don’t have too many of those albums that you want to get into digital format, then maybe the best option is to just buy those songs again. Another reason why this might be the best It may well be that option is if you don’t like to listen to the clicks, pops and you have an old crackles that you get from dragging a needle in a groove at 33 rpm. I do know that there are some people that like this, as it record player that still gives a certain feeling of authenticity. has a good needle in You could of course do a bit of a mix and match, by re-buying it and also has a way some of the best songs in the digital format, assigning one of that you can connect two songs to a forgotten history and maybe using some hardware and software to convert some of the favourites. a lineout from it to your computer. If this is not the case then Splitting your sides you might want to So then you need some software to deal with the problem of invest in buying a splitting the tracks of each side of the album into separate files. When you make your recording, you will record an LP to the A- USB turntable. What side and the B-side recording tracks. Software such as you could do is to Amadeus Pro can be set up so that it will automatically find the convert all of your tracks based upon the silence in between songs. This is not always successful and sometimes you find there are moments LPs and then sell on of silence within a song which will confuse the software. With that USB turntable, there not being that many tracks on one side of an album, I find once you don’t need that it is quite easy usually to look as the waveform in the software and see where each song starts. Also with Amadeus it any more. Pro it is possible to add the markers that you use to split the track up while the song is playing. All you have to do is to press one key on your keyboard to insert the marker and you even get the opportunity to add the name of the song as the name of the marker.

Amadeus Pro Tutorial - Vinyl to CD or iTunes

It is really quite easy for you to add the meta data for the album, so that when the songs are split up they will all have the name of the artist and the name of the album as well as each individual song title. If you love your music, then you’ll probably find it worthwhile to spend the time doing a proper job of the conversion from analogue to digital of your old vinyl albums.


Using Amadeus Pro as a really good voice recording application on your Mac There has recently been a new version of the software created by the developer, which added a few new features including one called Smart Editing. What it is the smart editing feature does, is to take your selection and extend it slightly, so that the start and the end is exactly where the waveform crosses the zero point of the wave. By using this smart editing tool within Amadeus Pro you will always know that you are not adding clicks and taps into your sound file as you are deleting areas of audio. In the old version it was possible to do the same thing, but it needed to be done manually with a keystroke combination before you clicked on delete. It does make it so that it is a little bit quicker and easier now that you don’t have to think about that.

While Garageband is a good audio tool, it is more for the musician even though Apple have added tools which are podcaster oriented. What I don’t like about Garageband is the mess that it makes of the audio when you delete a clip within a track. It is very tedious and time- consuming having to close the gap afterwards. With Amadeus Pro it is super simple to do a rolling edit, so that or gaps are not introduced when you are editing your audio clips. Garageband is an easy recording software, but I would suggest that you look to Amadeus Pro and just download recording software which is inexpensive and very good.


Sound Recording Program Use Amadeus Pro as a voice recording Program. It is a good idea to pay attention to the levels of the gain that you apply to the recording, so that you don’t have audio which is clipped at the top of the audio wave. If you let the clipping to take place you will have horrible sounding audio, but it is very easy to set the gain so that the peaks of the audio only reach as high as about minus 6 dB. You will also have to make sure that you don’t suddenly start shouting and also that you keep the same distance from the microphone during the whole of your recording. Remember that it is a good idea to keep close to the microphone with your mouth, but don’t talk directly into the microphone or you will have the plosives that occur from the sound of your breath hitting the microphone directly. I usually work it so that I am talking over the top of the microphone or to one side and sometimes I will actually put on a pop filter to make sure that I don’t record any pop sounds.

Adding Meta Data in Amadeus Pro Not many users of Amadeus Pro know that this excellent and easy recording software - audio recording software Mac application will also let you put in the meta data, including an image for the artwork for the sound file. If you know that you are going to be exporting your audio track out to put into iTunes, then it is very useful to include the meta data and also have artwork. Amadeus Pro is a full featured voice recording Program for the Mac which will allow you to do some high-quality sound recording that could be for podcasting, or it could equally be for making music. In this latest version of Amadeus Pro you can also edit a video file and see the audio for that video. You do the editing that you need to do and then it goes back into the video file without affecting the video track. You do have to be vigilant of course, if there is video of somebody talking, because if you chop out audio then it could be that the synchronisation of the voice to the lips will get messed up in later part of the video. In those situations it is better to record silence over areas that you want to delete, so that the length of the track is not changed.

Amadeus Pro - What’s new with Version 2 Editing your sound files using Amadeus Pro 2 If you are podcaster, then you’re undoubtedly going to want to edit your sound files when you are making recordings. You do have a number of choices for applications to do audio editing for Mac and if you are a Mac user then most probably, you will start by using Garageband. There are advantages to using Garageband in that if you want to make the enhanced podcasts with artwork embedded into the podcast and chapters, then Garageband is just the job for that. If you are using other systems or if you are

!6 GOOD AND GEEKY MAC20Q using a Mac and don’t like using Garageband for editing your audio for the podcast then quite likely you might look at Audacity. This is a free audio editing software that will work across all platforms. It’s been awhile since I tried it and it may have improved, but the last time I looked there were a couple of things I didn’t like about it. The application I prefer to use for professional audio editing software is Amadeus Pro Mac.

The scheduler feature It is now possible to tell Amadeus Pro audio edit software to quit and to launch automatically later, to start recording at a specific time and date. This could be very handy if you want to record an Internet radio program on at a specific time or perhaps there is a webinar that is taking place while you are out. You can set the time and date plus the duration and see whether you want to repeat the scheduled recording or not. You may say where you want the file to be saved to and the format you would like the recording to be made in. That could be in the native Amadeus Pro format, MP3, a wave file or any of the other file types possible within Amadeus Pro. The source for the recording can be from the line in, the internal microphone or if you have Soundflower installed, then you could set it so that it will record from whichever application you have on your computer.

Splitting Tracks on the same timeline Now we can split tracks into multiple clips on the same timeline. I think this is a very big change for Amadeus audio editor Mac and makes it work in a way that people might be used to working with in Garageband. What I used to do before was to insert areas of silence in between sound clips so that they were in the right position within the overall sound file. So this new feature of the multiple clips will be very valuable to me for organising sounds within a podcast. I can see that I will be using it an awful lot in this audio editing software Mac.


Smart editing There is a new thing called smart editing which will smooth out your sound for you. The smart editing feature is switched on by default, but you can switch it off if required. When you copy a clip of sound, the application will copy a slightly larger piece. Then when you paste it into another sound clip, the slight extra that was copied is used to create a smooth cross fade between the copied sound and the recipient sound. Without this smooth editing you can get a crack sound which is a result of a discontinuity in the waveform.

Editing soundtracks in movie files Previously with Amadeus Pro software audio editing, if I took a .MOV file, a movie file, to edit the sound, then I would first have to make a copy of the movie file because editing the sound would strip out the video. I have made a test of this new feature, editing the sound in a movie video file. I deleted sections of the sound from the video and I was still able to open up the video file in QuickTime. It is possible that I would have messed up the timings by deleting sections of sound. For example in a video of a person talking then the lip sync following that edit point might have been messed up. At least the video still is in a working video format, following the sound edit and steps can be taken during the editing of the sound to keep the synchronisation working properly.

Other improvements to Amadeus Pro Real-time audio effects. Automatic start or end of recording triggered by a volume change. Direct recording from Internet streams. Improved level meters. MP3 and M4a / AAC files are not re-encoded if only the meta data is changed. Amadeus Pro is fully 64-bit. Multiband denoising.

The non-destruction of the video in movie files while editing sound in Amadeus Pro is excellent as an addition to the software. The ability to have multiple clips on a single timeline will be extremely useful for when you want to add jingles and bumpers to your podcast. Smart editing will help you ensure that you get the best quality from your sound editing. It is very useful now to have the graphical interpretation of your sound wave files shown in the waveform in the timeline. Overall I would say that Amadeus Pro is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal of sound editing software. In fact, it might be the only sound editing software that you need if you don’t need to make the enhanced podcasts. If you are looking to do some audio recording Mac style then you can’t go wrong with Amadeus Pro 2 from Hairersoft.

Normalise Sound in Amadeus Pro Still undecided about this method or is it best to use Levelator to do this job. Levelator sometimes works perfectly and sometimes not. But is handy though to be able to do it directly in Amadeus. Another possiblility is to just the lower sound and amplify it by a few decibels. If it is only a few bits and you can select them easy then why not.


Amadeus Pro for multi track editing You know I like Amadeus Pro and here in this video I show you how to do some multi track editing and not mess up the synchronisation between the tracks. I use AmadeusPro to edit all of my audio podcasts and I will do a couple more tricks and tips videos about how to make good use of the software.

Batch processing There’s that whole collection of files that you wanted to convert to Mp3, but you first wanted to normalize them and make them fade in and out nicely. Several hours of work in perspective? Let Amadeus Pro do the work for you! The powerful batch processor allows you not only to convert large numbers of files between any of the supported formats, but you can also instruct Amadeus Pro to apply any sequence of sound effects.

Repair centre

The handy repair centre allows you to find and to repair cracks with a simple click of the mouse. Furthermore, Amadeus Pro’s powerful denoising functions allow you to easily get rid of that annoying hiss on your old tape recordings or of that 50Hz hum picked up by a badly insulated microphone.

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