Tauranga Moana Programme Highlights 2017/18
Tauranga Moana Programme Annual Report 2017/2018 Tauranga Moana Programme Highlights 2017/18 Approximately 3000 people attended the 1000kg of rubbish Happy Harbour collected during Fun Day 45 kindergartens 7 clean-ups involving participated in the 700 + students from 217 rat traps Great Waste Race 8 schools. 200kg given out for was recycled 24 harbour Predator Free wardens supported to educate boaties 18.5 km of wastewater and enforce bylaws pipelines across the city 25 catchment care were CCTV surveyed groups supported to help care for our land 80 pollution audits and waterways of industrial business 26 new Environmental and sites Management Plans implemented with landowners Additional 35 km to improve water quality and of river and stream wildlife habitat, with a total margins protected 1153 consented of 119 plans in place from stock activity inspections undertaken and 1582 service requests 31,000 native coastal responded to dune plants planted, using 4,200 volunteer hours, including 3,200 5 projects undertaken hours volunteered by 4,149 users to repair and stabilise school students 16 popular recorded at stream banks and swimming sites Kaiate Falls reduce erosion risks monitored during May 635 maritime for unsafe and June call centre calls bacteria levels 340 tonnes of sea lettuce received during summer removed from Tauranga Harbour beaches 12 Media 731 new followers inquiries for in 3 months answered Coast Care’s new Facebook page 9 commercial 2,940m3 of beach licences issued sand renourishment 6 abandoned at Maxwell’s Reserve vessels and Pilot Bay beaches disposed of 56 aquatic Summer season saw events 4161 interactions, managed 203 breaches issued and 55 infringements 43 maritime issued to boaties 20 oil spill signs 425 incidences maintained navigation aids responded to maintained 3144 vessel hulls, 100 km of pontoons, 560 swing moorings and associated concrete 365 moorings and 2,500 wharf/marina Key: Councils working in partnership.
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