1965 December, Oracle
,':--, r., cd " " <IJ ,c/" ••L" -"' 0-: ,~ c," [d r:; H "": c, q"" r~., " "'-',' oj G'" ::0.-; "0' -,-I ,..--1 (0 m -," h (71" I--J ,-0 0 ,r:; :1::; 1.":', 0 C'., 'J) r.:" '" ('J -cr; m -r-! r., !:-I ~"\ 'rJ " r~] ~.0 PJ '" ,-I H" "'''''(' OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY. Inc. I Notes J1J:om the Bditoi (Founded November 17, 1911) ReTURN OF PHOTOS FOUNDERS Deal' Brothel's: PROF. FRANK COLEMAN 1232 Girard Street, N.E., Wash., D.C, We receive numeroUs requests for return DR. OSCAR J, COOPER 1621 W. Jefferson St., Phila., Fa. DR. ERNEST E. JUST . .' .,........ • . .. Deceased of photos .. In most instances we make REV. EDGAR ~ LOVE ... 2416 Montebelo Terrace, BaIt., Md. an -all out effort to comply with your wishes. This however; entai'ls an expense GRAND OFFICERS that is not computible to our budget. With GEORGE E, MEARES, Grand BasUeus , .... 155 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N,Y. the continllous ell.pansion of the "Oracle", ELLIS F. CORBETT, 1st Vice G"and BasliellS IllZ Benbow Road, Greensboro, N.C, DORSEY C, MILLER, 2nd Vice Grand Baslleus .. 727 W. 5th Street, Ocala, Fla, we find that We can no lon-gel' absorb WALTER H. RIDDICK, Grand Keeper of ReeD rels & Seal 1038 Chapel St., Norfoll~, Va, this cost, Thus we are requesting. that JESSE B. BLA YTON, SR., Grand Keeper of Finance :3462 Del Mar Lane, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. in the future, requests for return of photos AUDREY PRUITT, Editor of the ORACLE.. 1123 N,E, 4th St., Oklahoma City, Olda. MARION W. GARNETT, Grand Counselor " 109 N.
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