Center for Information and Documentation in Child's Rights from Moldova (Cidcr) 2002 Annual Report

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Center for Information and Documentation in Child's Rights from Moldova (Cidcr) 2002 Annual Report CENTER FOR INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION IN CHILD’S RIGHTS FROM MOLDOVA (CIDCR) 2002 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS: CIDCR. Organization’s Aim and Objectives. Evaluation of the Needs of Children and Young People from Moldova National Campaign “Say YES for Children” Children’s and Youth Forum „A Better World for Children” Fields of Intervention and Main Programs in 2002 Dissemination of Information on Child’s Rights and Child’s Rights Promotion Consulting, seminars, training courses and summer schools for children, young people and adults working with and for them Publication of informative and didactic materials on Child’s Rights Children’s and Youth Participation Children’s Parliament Local Children’s and Youth Councils Small Grants for Local Youth Initiative Groups Creation of the Network of NGOs Active in Promoting Children and Youth Participation HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention Creation of the National Network of Peer-Trainers and Peer-Educators in HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention Theatrical Forum “Act Against AIDS: Today on Scene, Tomorrow in Life!” Assessment of School HIV/AIDS Preventive Education Curriculum 2002 Summary Financial Report Extracts from 2003 Audit Report Donors and Partners CIDCR Team Contact details CIDCR. ORGANIZATION’S AIMS AND OBJECTIVES. Center for Information and Documentation in Child’s Rights from Moldova (CIDCR) is a non- governmental, independent and non-political organization created in October 1998. It became a juridical entity in August 12, 1999, being registered at the Ministry of Justice under nr. 1099. Aim: To promote the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international and national documents on Human Rights. Objectives: - To monitor the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international and national documents on Human Rights. - To make a change, favorable to the respect of Child’s Rights, in the population’s way of thinking. - To facilitate the realization of the Child’s Rights to participation, free expression of opinion and information. EVALUATION OF THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE FROM MOLDOVA Children and youngsters must be involved in the processes of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of actions addressing them. CIDCR uses different methods and means to identify children’s and youth needs and interests in order to develop and implement projects that would offer children and youngsters real benefits. One of the most successful means of assessing main priorities for children and young people in our country was the National Campaign “Say YES for Children!”, organized as a part of the World Movement for Children. The Campaign officially ended with the Children’s and Youth Forum „A Better World for Children” held in Chişinău in April 2002. National Campaign “Say YES for Children!” The Campaign went on in the period May 2001 – April 2002. 312 065 people from Moldova pleaded for the 10 imperatives within the „Say YES for Children!” Campaign. Identified priority actions for children from Moldova: I. Fighting poverty by investing in children – 14,3 % II. HIV/AIDS Prevention – 14% III. Education for every child – 11,2 % Children’s and Youth Forum „A Better World for Children” About 220 children and young people (members of the Children’s Parliament; representatives of the Youth Parliament; Local Councils of Children and Youth, and school newspapers) from different regions of the country represented their peers and colleagues at the Forum. Participants to the Forum analyzed the situation of children and young people in Moldova and formulated the main problems and obstacles faced by them: - Poverty affects young people by causing limited access to medical and social assistance, education, and free time activities, and by reducing opportunities for integration in social life; - Increased number of marginalized youth (those in institutions, those with disabilities, street children, abused children, children and young people in conflict with law, etc.); - Reduced possibilities of affirmation and participation to the processes of solving their own problems; - Limited access to information and consultation on their rights, problems and risks; - There are few examples of effective collaboration between young people and adults responsible for the survival, development and protection of youngsters (governmental structures, local public administration, NGOs, economical agents); - Adults do not trust young people’s potential and forces. Participants to the Forum declared that the above-mentioned problems could be solved by: - Direct children and youth participation at all levels (local, national, international) to making decisions affecting them; - An essential increase of budget allocations for social protection of children; - Promoting programs for social integration of disabled and institutionalized children and youth; - Creating centers of social assistance, information and counseling for youth; - Promoting adults’ education for a better collaboration between them and children and for their involvement in children’s and youth activities; - Raising public awareness by mediatization of children’s problems and their successful experiences; - Implementing joint projects by groups of children and NGOs, governmental structures and economic agents. Voicing the opinions of children and young people represented by them, participants to the Forum have also declared that they want to and can become more involved in solving their own problems. All they need is the opportunity to do it and adults’ trust. The results of the National campaign „Say YES for Children” as well as the final document of the Forum (Declaration of Children and Youth of Moldova) have been presented to governmental structures, international organizations, NGOs and mass-media. Governmental delegation of the Republic of Moldova reported on these results at the UN General Assembly Special Session on Children which took place in New-York in May 2002. FIELDS OF INTERVENTION AND MAIN PROGRAMS IN 2002 Taking into consideration the results of the National Campaign “Say YES for Children!” and the recommendations of Children’s and Youth Forum, as well as the results of assessing children’s and youth needs during different activities, in 2002 CIDCR worked in 4 fields of intervention: - Children and youth participation; - Influencing decisions and policies on youth; - Promotion of voluntary work and partnerships; - HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Prevention. In this respect 3 main programs were developed: I. Dissemination of Information on Child’s Rights and Child’s Rights Promotion, including: Ø Consulting, seminars, training courses and summer schools for children, young people and adults working with and for them Ø Publication of informative and didactic materials on Child’s Rights II. Children and Youth Participation: Ø Children’s Parliament Ø Local Children and Youth Councils Ø Small Grants for Local Youth Initiative Groups Ø Creation of the Network of NGOs Active in Promoting Children and Youth Participation III. HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention: Ø Creation of the National Network of Peer-Trainers and Peer-Educators in HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention Ø Act Against AIDS: Today on Scene, Tomorrow in Life! (Theatrical Forum) Ø Assessment of School HIV/AIDS Preventive Education Curriculum DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON CHILD’S RIGHTS AND CHILD’S RIGHTS PROMOTION Consulting, seminars, training courses and summer schools for children, young people and adults working with and for them. Results: - 6 330 children and adolescents attended informative seminars „Know Your Rights”, held by CIDCR volunteers in schools from different regions of Moldova in 2002. During those seminars students were informed about the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international and national structures and mechanisms of Child’s Rights protection, and children’s and youth participation in a democratic society. - Within the informative seminars and training course for adults working with and for children and young people, about 250 teachers, educators, youth workers and public servants were trained in the following fields: Child’s Rights, interactive methods of work with children and youth, education for democracy and Human Rights, children’s and youth participation to decision-making and to solving problems directly affecting them. - In 2002 training of volunteers recruited in previous years continued. In September a new team of 20 volunteers was recruited. The volunteers of other organizations (especially, local youth NGOs) were trained in Child’s Rights, animations and interactive teaching/learning methods. - 2 Summer Schools were organized (June 29-July 6: Children’s and Youth Participation; July 7-14: Democracy and Interculturality) to which a total number of 323 adolescents and volunteers participated. Participants learnt more about Child’s Rights and democracy; developed their advocacy, communication and team-work skills; exchanged experience and established partnership relations in order to promote active participation of children and youth. Publication of informative and didactic materials on Child’s Rights Results: - In 2002, 4 issues (2 000 copies each) of the Informative Bulletin „DeCe? Drepturile Copilului” („Why? The Rights of the Child”) were published and distributed. The Bulletin is based on materials written by children and young people, thus it is a tribune for young people and children to express their opinions, to tell about their successes and problems. - Didactic
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