Fundaţia Soros-Moldova

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Fundaţia Soros-Moldova 2001 Soros Foundation - Moldova Report prepared by: Varvara Colibaba Editor: Varvara Colibaba Design: Simion Zamºa Photography: Iulian Sochircã, Octavian Eºanu, Valeriu Corcimari, Iurie Foca, Tudor Iovu, Oleg Kaneev Published by: ARC Publishing House Table of Contents Mission Statement....................................................................................4 Message from the Executive Director .......................................................5 Educational Programs Step by Step Educational Program............................................................8 Pro Didactica Educational Center............................................................11 Secondary School Student Exchange Program........................................17 Higher Education Support Program (HESP)............................................18 Invisible College Moldova .......................................................................27 Educational Advising Center...................................................................31 Participation in Scientific Conferences ....................................................33 Scholarship Programs.............................................................................35 International Language Training Center .................................................38 Youth Programs National High School Debate League......................................................40 Youth Development Center .....................................................................42 Youth Initiative Fund .............................................................................45 Information Programs Library....................................................................................................48 Internet...................................................................................................53 DNT ........................................................................................................56 Publishing ..............................................................................................58 Civil Society Programs Civil Society ............................................................................................62 CONTACT Center .....................................................................................74 Women’s Programs.................................................................................77 East East ................................................................................................81 Public Health Programs Public Health ..........................................................................................86 “MedNet” National Center for Medical Information ................................92 Economic Development Programs Rural Economic Development.................................................................98 Moldovan Microfinance Alliance...........................................................102 Arts, Culture and Mass Media Arts and Culture ...................................................................................106 Programs Center for Contemporary Art, Chiºinãu, KSA:K .....................................115 Independent Journalism Center.............................................................121 Public Administration Programs Public Administration...........................................................................126 Institute for Public Policy......................................................................133 Law Programs Law ......................................................................................................138 Legal Clinic...........................................................................................144 Financial Statements Independent Auditors’ Report...............................................................148 Statement of Expenditures ...................................................................149 Other Information SFM Boards ..........................................................................................152 SFM Staff..............................................................................................153 Contact Information..............................................................................153 List of Abbreviations ............................................................................155 t n e m e t a t S n o i s s i M The Soros Foundation – Moldova (SFM), is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political organiza- tion which was established by the philanthropist George Soros in 1992 to promote open society va- lues in Moldova. The Foundation contributes to the democratization of the society by developing and implementing a range of programs and activities that address specific areas of needs including arts and culture; education at all levels; rural economic development; legal reform and public administration; media and information; the stre- ngthening of civil society; and public health. Message from the Executive Director During the ten years of its activity, the Soros Foundation - Moldova has succeeded in many ways. Though opinions may be different, I dare to assert that things have advanced beyond our expectations. For the past decade the Foundation has granted over thirty six million dollars to pro- mote open society values in Moldova. The Foundation itself has radically changed. Starting with small but extraordinarily accessible programs, it has become an institution with a clear-cut strategy and with its own vision in all the areas of its activity. The programs of the Foundation have been dictated by both the situation in the country and its internal capacity. In 2001 the Foundation has focused strategically on the promotion of programs in rural areas and those that address social problems. One of these programs – Community Development – implemented during the last two years in partnership with the CONTACT Center, has been a great suc- cess. This Program, new for Moldova, was aimed at bringing investments, even though modest ones, to rural communities and at encouraging local initiatives. The same may be said about the Public Health Program which deals with health and social issues facing marginalized groups. The Harm Reduction Program contributes to fighting against HIV infection. Other components of the Public Health Program are targeted at mentally dis- abled people and those who need palliative care. During the last few years, the Rural Economic Development Program has considerably expanded its scope of activity. The reason is not that the Republic of Moldova is seen in the future as an exclusively agrarian coun- try. The Program was developed for social purposes. The reforms in agri- culture came late and at present are being regarded with much reticence by the authorities. In order to bridge this gap, the Foundation has launched itself in agriculture with micro-financing programs. At present, in collaboration with USAID and EWMI, it supports a complex program of post-privatization in agriculture as part of the PFAP project, aiming at developing an efficient private agribusiness. Another important priority area of the Foundation is the promotion of the local public administration reform that affirms the principles of decen- tralization and local autonomy. It would undoubtedly be easier to work in a stable environment or at least under predictable conditions. Under the present circumstances, we have to change the emphasis to activities aimed at professional development, research and access to information in the domain of public administration. I am confident that in future the Foundation should continue to sup- port programs that address the development of local human resources and capacity building. To this end, we will maintain support for educa- tional programs targeting young people. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the employees, expert committee members, the National Board of the Foundation, and particu- larly, our beneficiaries, whose contribution in the last ten years proved invaluable for building an open society in the country. Victor Ursu Executive Director The Step by Step Educational Program The Pro Didactica Educational Center The Secondary School Student Exchange Program The Higher Education Support Program (HESP) s m r a g o he Invisible College Moldova r T P l a n o i t a The Educational Advising Center c u d E Participation in Scientific Conferences The Scholarship Programs The International Language Training Center The Step by Step Educational Program 16A Puºkin Street, Chiºinãu 2012, Moldova Tel: (3732) 22-01-12, 21-27-70 Tel/Fax: (373 2) 22-01-13 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:; The Program’s mission is to promote the educational reform by changing teacher training practices and by re-training a critical number of teachers at preschool and primary school levels, that will ensure quality child-centered, democratic education in classrooms and a real partnership with family and community and by helping change teacher pre-service and in-service training practices. Program Developments in 2001 The basic Program activity was channeled towards enlarging, strengthen- ing and making durable the application basis of the Step by Step (SbS) model of developmental education, towards changing the school culture and making it more open and inclusive for all children regardless of their needs. This activity was materialized in the following: a) organizing initiation and follow-up trainings for crèches, kindergartens and schools
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