CSIRO Research Report 1985

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CSIRO Research Report 1985 CSIRO fDivision of Atrnospheric Research Research Report 1985 - 1988 CSIRO Divisionof AtmosphericResearch ResearchReport 1985- 1988 Contents Overview I Staffand finance 2 Externalfunding J TheDivisional Advisory Committee A Highlights1985 - 1988 , Global Atmospheric Change 7 Introduction Carbondioxide Impactof plantson carbondioxide 8 The greenhouseeffect l0 Sourcesof increasedmethane r2 Climate impacts l3 Sulfur cycle 13 BiogenicNOx emissions 14 Ozonedestruction 15 Nuclearwar 17 Climatic effects 17 Nuclearfireball modelling l8 TeleconnectiouDattems l9 AtmosphericPollution 2l Introduction 2l LatrobeValley Ailshed Study 2l Plumetracking studies 21 LatrobeValley smog precursor study ZJ Aerosol/Visibilitystudy 25 Air-flowin theSofia Vale 26 Acid rainin theNorthern Territory 27 Turbulentdispersion 28 Coldfronts modelling 30 Flowover complex terrain 3l Bushfiremeteorology 3l Remote Sensing 33 Introduction JJ Lidarapplications JJ Instrumentation JJ Lidar 5+ Cloudradiation studies 34 Supportstudies for a satellitewind lidar 36 Satelliteapplications 36 Introduction 36 Vegetationproperties 5t Flood rnonitoling 37 Antarctic satelliteremote sensins 3t Other applications 38 Satelliteatlas 38 Satellite instrumentatior.r 38 Along Track ScanningRadiometer 38 AnnosphericPressure Scanner 40 Other instrumentation 4l Satellitereception and commercial activities 41 Imageprocessing system A) Value-addedproducts ia Currentand futuredirections +J Water Resources 45 Introduction 45 Droughtstudies 45 El Niiio 47 Generalcirculation models A1 M iddle ahnospheremodelling 49 Surfacernoisture impact ou clirnate 50 Dynarnicsof mesoscaleconvective systems 50 EMEX 5l Australiansummer monsoon 52 The AustralianWinter StonnsExperiment 52 Geophysicalfl uid dynamics )J Geophysicalfluid dyuamicslaboratory 53 Fluid transportthrough Bass Strait 54 Oceancurrent transport 54 Coastalcurrents 55 Effectsof topographyon atmosphericflows 55 Activities 5/ Technologytransfer J/ Cornrnercialisation of CSIDA Ji Electricalread-out meteorological barometer )/ Cylindersfor thestable storage of referencegases )/ TV signaldistribution JI Laserceiliorneter 58 Mechanicalproducts 58 Consultantservices 58 FacilitiesGroup )6 Engineering 58 Computing 59 ScientificServices Group 60 Conferencesand Workshops 60 Greenhouse87 6l Conferencesand Workshops supported by theDivision 6l Administration 62 Foreword This researchreport is being issuedat an auspicioustime. The current popular and world-wide interest in atmosphericscience is unique. A generalawareness ofthe precious nature ofour environment not only encompassesimportant specific topics such as acid rain, air quality and stratosphericozone, it is now firmly focussedon climate - the synthesisof all atmosphericstudies. Over the last three years the Division of Atmospheric Research has.experienced a remarkableincrease in morale and in resources. Practically all the increasedfunding is from extemal sourcesand has been due to the enthusiasticadvocacy by membersof the Division of the skills residenthere and the scientific achievements The Chief of the that contribute strongly to national objectives.In the past eighteen CSIRO Division of extemal funding has significantly exceeded Aunospheric Research, months increased Dr G. B.Tucker further cuts in Treasury funding and the growth being experienced at the Division contrastsmarkedly with the overall trend within CSIRO. A major expansion,of course, has occurred in green- housetype research.However, this has beenparalleled by strong scientific advancesin drought prediction research,in aspectsof remote sensingand in the application of laboratory, field, theor- etical and computing skills to problems of atmosphericpollution. The Division hasbeen strongly involved in many national and international programsand is generally regardedas a leading agency in climate research,in atmosphericchemistry on both regional and global scalesand in boundary layer studies.This repoft details work in theseareas and describesother research achievementsbetween 1985 and 1988. Strong support for this resurgenceof atmosphericscience and the role of the Division in solving problems of major national relev- ancehas been shown by many who are involved in one way or anotherwith our activities.These include the Director of the Institute of Natural Resourcesand Environment; the Divisional Advisory Committee; the Australia and New Zealand Environment Council and associatedState agencies;several Governmentdepartments, particularly the Departmentof Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories; the Commission for the Future and the Australian ConservationFoundation. Fair and sympatheticreporting from the media has contributed to the new senseofpurpose and self-esteemthat has spreadthroughout the Division. It is a great pleasureto acknowledge the fine spirit and pride in achievementshown by all staff members. G. B. Tucker November 1989 Chief of Division Overview While the thrustof the Division's researcheffort hasremained the same,there has been a redefinition of the four major research programs.Each program is made up of a number of research projectsand the projectslisted are currentforJuly 1988.The new programs and componentresearch projects are: Global Atmospheric Change Researchseeks to discover why the chemistry of the atmosphereis changing,how it will changein the future and how our climate is influencedby thesechanges. The aim is to provide a predictive capabilityof atmosphericand climatic changeand to put this in a specific Australianperspective. The mechanismsand causesof increasesin non-reactivetrace gases(carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons)in the global atmosphere . Scientificsupport for the CapeGrim BaselineAtmospheric Pollution Station(CGBAPS) . Chemical,physical and biological mechanismsregulating reactivegases and aerosolsin the global atmosphere . Studiesof the dynamicsand physicsof global and regional climatechange . Studiesof dynamicaland physicalmechanisms producing anomalousatmospheric circulations . Climateimpact and assessment Atmospheric Pollution and Bushfi re Meteorology This programstudies factors which influenceair pollution and bushfires.The focus is on identifying sourcesofpollution and understandingthe way in which it is formed, transportedand dispersed.The aim is to assistindustry and regulatorybodies which areconcemed with atmosphericpollution and the implementation of control strategies. Theoretical and experimental studiesof turbulent dispersion in the atmosphericboundary laYer . Air quality dynamics:research and applications . Regionalstudies of visibility reducingaerosols and oxidant precursorsin the Latrobe Valley . Bushfire meteorology research Remote Sensing A precise understandingof the way solar radiation interacts with the atmosphereis essentialto our understandingof many physical processeswhich determinethe natureof our weatherand climate. Remote sensingtechniques are usedto collect information about the earth'satmosphere, oceans, land and ice surfaces.The aim is to useour improvedunderstanding of thesephysical processes to provideaccurate information for the managementof the natural environment. Satellitedata applications . Commercialisationof CSIDA . New instrumentsfor meteorologicalsatellites . Developmentof new lidar technologyfor atmosphericresearch Water Resources The programfocuses on the way in which regionaland global weatherand climateprocesses influence the waterbudget. The aim is to providepractical means of forecastingdroughts and to carry out researchto improve our understandingof stormsand rain-bearingsystems. Drought studies . Dynamicsof mesoscaleconvective systems . Surfacemoisture impact on climate . Winter stormsand cloud seeding,quantitative precipitation forecastins Staffand finance The Division of AtmosphericResearch has some I l5 staff, approximatelytwo-thirds of whom areResearch and Experimental Scientists.Expenditure in eachofthe financial years1985-86, 1986-87and 1987-88was $6.2 million. In 1985-86the non-appropriationfunding was3.5Voof the total expenditure,but by 1987-88this had risen to ll%o.TheDivision is steadily increasingits level offunding from externalsources and expects The Dit,ision of Atnutspheric Rcscarc'lt thesesources to providb over 3OVoof its budgetwithin two years. Externalfunding Project Lead scientist Grant Deptof ForeignAffairs 1985-86 B. Pittock $140000 Clinwticeffec'tsort Austalia of a nuclearu,ar itt theNortlrcrn Hemisphere Departmentof Science/Bureauof G. Pearman $420000 Meteorology1985-88 BaselineAir PollutiortStqtion EPA(V)1987-88 I. Galbally $15000 Anilient organics EPA(V)1987-88 I. Galbally $5 000 No n - nrc th a ttich yd roca rbort st u dy MMBW 1987-88 A. Long $230000 CIoudseeding cottsulting cotltt'act MMBW 1987-88 A. Long $60000 CSIROF27 hire NERDDC1987-88 R. Francev $13500 Meridionqlcarbon isotope variations NERDDC1985-88 G. Ayers, $81000 LatroheValley Aerosol J. Gras Visibility Srudy SEC(V)1986-88 B. Sawford $140000 Researc'hFellou,ship VictorianDepartment of T. Beer $4 000 Conservation,Forests and Lands (NBRU)1987-88 WheatIndustry Research I. Galbally $20000 Council1986-88 Gase ou s nitro ge n entission fi'om it't'igatedwheat in SouthAusn'alia Revenueearned by the Division Anemometercalibrations 1986-88 $35000 CSIDA Images1986-88 $50000 Massspectrometry analysis 1987-88 $5 m0 Workshop/Conferencefundin g: AVHRR Workshop1986-87 COSSA $5 000 Bureauof Meteorology $10000 CSIRO(GroundwaterResearch) $3 000 Asia AustraliaAssociation via COSSA $2 000 GAGEMeeting 1986-87 Bureau of Meteorology $3 000 AerosolAssociation
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