Telecom Service/Media (Overweight/ Maintain )

AT&T to acquire Time Warner

¢ US-based telco AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner will be an industry game changer ¢ Note growing investment in premium content (a growth driver for ICT ecosystem) Issue Comment ¢ Focus on CJ E&M’s efforts to improve original content and telcos’ media expansion October 27, 2016

Implications of AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. Last weekend, AT&T announced it intends to buy Time Warner for US$85.4bn (W97tr;

[Telecom Service / Media ] US$107.5/share), a 36% premium to Time Warner’s current share price. We believe the deal will be a game changer in the telecom service and media industry. Jee -hyun Moon +822 -768 -3615 1) We believe the information and communications technology (ICT) ecosystem is [email protected] entering a growth phase driven by content investment. In particular, vertical integration

Nu -ri Ha of infrastructure, platforms, and content is picking up speed. +822 -768 -4130 2) Not just any content, but premium video content holds the to success in the [email protected] evolving ICT ecosystem.

3) Telcos are taking diverse approaches to media investment. Currently, telcos are focused on the IPTV (platform) business, while content investments have generally been confined to individual projects and small firms. However, AT&T’s acquisition of media giant Time Warner would signify a much deeper penetration into the content business by a telecom operator.

Premium content to be a premium factor for stocks

1) Content industry: Companies providing premium content that can generate steady mobile video traffic are likely to receive a premium.

2) Telecom service industry: The mobile video business is anticipated to lift off. For telecom carriers, monetization of video traffic can be accomplished not just through data usage but also through advertising and subscription fees. In the past, telcos tended to languish after growing on network expansion.

3) AT&T: Purchasing Time Warner will enable AT&T to diversify revenue sources, save costs, and expand into the content business, which is less vulnerable to regulations. However, the company has to overcome disputes over the high acquisition price and financing burden.

4) Time Warner: The acquisition by AT&T will allow Time Warner to provide users with easier access to mobile content, diversify markets, and improve negotiating power. On the negative side, Time Warner could lose revenue-generating opportunities from other platforms due to overlapping interests.

Figure 1. AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner from perspective of industry and each company

Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

ICT/media ecosystem entering content investment phase

The global media ecosystem is now entering a content investment-driven growth phase, after building the necessary infrastructure and achieving scale through platforms. The same can be said for the ICT ecosystem. Amid waning consumer enthusiasm for more advanced hardware, software and content have now become the key differentiators.

AT&T, having completing its communication network infrastructure, has beefed up its platform business by expanding its IPTV service (U-Verse) and acquiring satellite-TV operator DirecTV last year. With its bid for Time Warner, the carrier is now setting its sights on the content business. Netflix, a major new media player, is also focusing on content. As an over-the-top (OTT) service, the company was able to bypass infrastructure spending, and has been focused on expanding its platform globally. It is now aiming to create the world’s most extensive original and UHD content lineup. China’s Wanda Group and Korea’s CJ Group have been following similar paths (infrastructure investment ‰ platform ‰ content), with both currently focusing on content.

Figure 2. Investment pattern in media ecosystem: Infrastructure → platform → content

Source: Respective companies’ data, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Not just any content is king; Focus on premium video content

The familiar adage that content is king may need a bit more nuanced reworking. In the mobile age, we believe those with premium video content—content that can create a spark in traffic and build customer loyalty—will win the battle for traffic. Video is the primary driver behind global mobile data traffic.

Figure 3. Global mobile video traffic trend and forecast

(EB/month) (%) 40 Mobile video traffic () 100 Proportion of video in total mobile data traffic (R) 80 30

60 20 40

10 20

0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16F 17F 18F 19F 20F 21F

Source: Ericsson, Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 2 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

Telcos taking diverse approaches to media investments

Telcos’ investments in media businesses are taking diverse forms. Many telcos have focused on the pay-TV market, including IPTV, as a platform in the media value chain. As for content, most telcos’ investments have been confined to individual projects and small firms.

For example, Verizon, AT&T’s major competitor in the US telecom service market, has been focusing on internet platform and digital ad solutions, as evidenced by its acquisitions of AOL and Yahoo. For content, Verizon has tried to appeal to the millennial generation (born from 1981-1996) by investing in small firms, including multi-channel networks (third-party service providers that manage internet content creators’ copyrights) such as Awesomeness TV, Vice, and Millennial Media.

Meanwhile, AT&T’s planned acquisition of Time Warner would signal a penetration into the traditional content market. We believe the company wants stable access to a massive reservoir of content, rather than just individual content supply contracts.

Of note, we believe AT&T’s purpose in acquiring Time Warner was revealed in its statement that “the future of video is mobile and the future of mobile is video.” Among Korean telcos, KT appears similar to AT&T, given that AT&T is dominant in the fixed-line telecom market and owns a satellite broadcasting network. In the wireless telecom market, the company ranks second after Verizon. We think AT&T is betting on video content via Time Warner to achieve growth in the mobile era.

Figure 4. AT&T’s approach to and status of media business investment: Infra structure → platform → acquisition of large content company

Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Figure 5. Verizon ’s approach to and status of media business investment: Infra structure → platform → digital ad solution s + content investments in relatively small firms

Source: Verizon, media reports, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 3 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

Merger to be a win-win

The acquisition deal’s roots can be traced in the recent business trends of AT&T and Time Warner.

At AT&T, the media business has been driving up earnings. Since the acquisition of DirecTV in 2H15, the company has been enjoying growth in both revenue and operating profit. We attribute the growth to the bolstering of platform businesses (satellite TV in addition to IPTV) based on the fixed-line unit’s expansive broadband internet coverage (infrastructure). Recently, the company established infrastructure for the mobile unit’s 4G LTE services. In an effort to enhance the added value of the mobile businesses, AT&T will likely shift its attention to digital video content.

Time Warner’s 2015 revenue was broken down into broadcast (56%) and film (44%). The film unit posted sizable revenue despite the highly volatile nature of the business. In 1H16, however, film revenue contracted and the broadcast unit recorded only single-digit growth in revenue. The merger with AT&T should boost the company’s digital revenue via mobile distribution of its content and also push up overseas revenue thanks to DirecTV’s coverage of Latin America.

Table 1. AT&T’s major businesses’ status and income statement: Simultaneous rise in revenue and OP after acquiring satellite broadcast service provider DirecTV in 2H15 (US$mn) 2014 2015 YoY 1H15 1H16 YoY

Total revenue 132,447 146,801 11% 65,591 81,055 24% 1) Telecom service/B2B solutions 70,606 71,127 1% 35,221 35,188 0% Wireless 37,223 38,640 4% 18,957 19,364 2% Fixed-line 33,383 32,487 -3% 16,264 15,824 -3% 2) Entertainment/internet 22,233 35,294 59% 11,442 25,369 122% 3) B2C telecom service 36,744 35,066 -5% 17,533 16,514 -6% 4) International telecom service/video - 4,102 - 727 3,495 381% 5) Other 2,839 1,212 -57% 668 489 -27% OP 11,827 24,785 110% 11,330 13,691 21% Note: Satellite broadcaster DirecTV has been incorporated into consolidated basis since 2H15 after it was acquired. Source: AT&T, Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Table 2. Time Warner’s major businesses’ status and income statement: Film unit makes a sizable revenue contribution, but has been contracting recently; Broadcasting revenue displays low growth, with a low proportion of overseas revenue (US$mn) 2014 2015 YoY 1H15 1H16 YoY Total revenue 28,320 29,203 3% 14,475 14,260 -1% 1) Film: Warner Bros. 12,526 12,992 4% 6,497 5,767 -11% 1-1) Theater content 5,839 5,143 -12% 2,728 2,321 -15% Theater revenue 1,969 1,578 -20% 1,043 809 -22% DVD, VOD 1,913 1,717 -10% 830 542 -35% TV license fee 1,686 1,579 -6% 747 838 12% Merchandise and other 271 269 -1% 108 132 22% 1-2) TV content 5,099 5,635 11% 2,656 2,628 -1% 1-3) Game and other 1,588 2,214 39% 1,113 818 -27% 2) Broadcasting: Networks 15,794 16,211 3% 8,373 8,889 6% Subscription fee 9,841 10,054 2% 5,050 5,464 8% Advertising 4,568 4,637 2% 2,451 2,580 5% Content 1,183 1,315 11% 761 731 -4% 2-1) Turner Network 10,396 10,596 2% 5,537 5,916 7% Subscription fee 5,263 5,306 1% 2,690 2,975 11% Advertising 4,568 4,637 2% 2,451 2,580 5% Content 370 455 23% 289 251 -13% 2-2) HBO Network 5,398 5,615 4% 2,836 2,973 5% Subscription fee 4,578 4,748 4% 2,360 2,489 5% Content 813 860 6% 472 480 2% * Domestic revenue from broadcast 12,336 12,789 4% 6,568 7,130 9% subscription fee /advertising * Overseas revenue from broadcast 2,073 1,902 -8% 933 914 -2% subscription fee/advertising Total OP 5,833 6,923 19% 3,676 3,772 3% 1) Film: Warner Bros. 1,248 1,435 15% 674 643 -5% 2) Broadcasting: Networks 4,896 5,988 22% 3,224 3,339 4% Removal of internal transaction and loss -311 -500 61% -222 -210 -5% Note: Excluding “other” revenue within broadcasting unit, due to its small scale; Source: Time Warner, Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 4 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

Future outlook and main points

Through the deal, AT&T is expected to further diversify its portfolio, reduce expenses, and expand into the content business, which is less vulnerable to regulations. The company is highly dependent on the slowing telecom business. Indeed, telecom services accounted for 68% of revenue in 1H16, with IPTV/satellite TV contributing 31%. The acquisition of Time Warner is anticipated to lessen the percentage of the telecom business in revenue by 10%p to 58%, with the contribution of media rising to 42% (IPTV/satellite TV 27%; content 15%). Risks include the high acquisition cost, financing burden, and uncertainties over the deal’s regulatory approval.

As for Time Warner, the merger should improve users’ access to mobile content, diversify the company’s overseas markets, and enhance its bargaining power. Based on AT&T’s mobile service subscribers, the company should be able to boost digital revenue. Its overseas revenue is also likely to increase thanks to DirecTV’s coverage of the Latin American market. After acquiring DirecTV, AT&T introduced products bundled with satellite TV services to its existing subscribers. Time Warner should also be able to bundle its TV channels and mobile apps, including HBO NOW, with AT&T services. However, the deal might depress opportunities to increase revenue by expanding into other platforms, as being a subsidiary of AT&T might cause conflicts of interest.

Figure 6. Expected change in AT&T ’s revenue breakdown: Lower dependency o n telecom service revenue , with contribution of media revenue rising to 42%

Notes: Based on sum of each company’s revenue in 1H16; Expecting IPTV (entertainment and high-speed internet) to include revenue from DirecTV and U-Verse; Media revenue includes IPTV/satellite and content Source: Respective companies’ data; Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Figure 7. Traffic trends of major Korean for -pay mobile video app s: Apps provided by telcos rank ed highly overall → App business es to take off if AT&T acquires Time Warner

(mn minutes) 1,000 oksusu (SK Telecom) pooq (pooq, terrestrial) LG U+ LTE video portal KT Olleh tv mobile Tving (CJ E&M) 800




0 10/15 12/15 2/16 4/16 6/16 8/16

Note: Based on total amount of monthly usage time Source: KoreanClick, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 5 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

CJ E&M’s original content business and telcos’ media business expansion deserve attention

The AT&T-Time Warner deal is anticipated to help boost the valuation premiums of companies that produce/distribute premium content capable of generating steady mobile video traffic. In Korea, CJ E&M is strengthening its presence in the premium content segment, splitting off its drama unit, , to focus on drama production. Studio Dragon is planning an IPO to expand its business.

We should also note telcos’ growing focus on the media business. Previously, a telco’s role in the mobile video business was limited to providing a telecom network. However, telcos are now taking better advantage of mobile video traffic, with the monetization model expanding from telecom networks to advertising and subscription fees. Indeed, all three major Korean telcos—SK Telecom (017670), KT (030200), and LG Uplus (032640)—have strengthened their mobile video services since the introduction of LTE. Looking ahead, we expect to see more investments in their media businesses, including M&As.

Figure 8. CJ E&M split off its drama unit, Studio Dragon, to focus on original drama production; Studio Dragon is planning an IPO

Source: Company data, media reports, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Table 3. Korean telcos’ media business status SK Telecom KT LG Uplus

∙ SK B tv, oksusu (mobile) ∙ KT Olleh tv, Olleh tv mobile ∙ U+ tv G, LTE video portal ∙ 3.77mn IPTV subscribers ∙ 6.81mn IPTV subscribers ∙ 2.42mn IPTV subscribers Service (pay-TV market share: About 13%) + 4.34mn Skylife subscribers (pay-TV market share: About 8%) (pay-TV market share: About 30%)

∙ B tv kidzone: Animation ∙ Secured 4,000 D reamWorks titles (includi ng ∙ Uflix provides around 22,000 recent movies VOD) and popular HBO dramas ∙ All genres, including movies/dramas, sports/leisure, documentaries, foreign content ∙ Broadest full HD channel lineup 160,000 VODs ∙ 20,000 animations, 12,000 kids’ programs, etc. (real-time broadcasting on around 80 Exclusive distributor of Disney and Star Wars ∙ Children’s and educational content channels) Content ∙ Exclusive distributor of seven major US ∙ Most free movie content ∙ Channel-specific content (CJ E&M, JTBC, etc.) studios’ content including NBC Universal ∙ Exclusive contract with Sony Pictures; content in Korea (simultaneous broadcast) ∙ Broadcasting 60 Disney programs Simultaneous broadcasting of US dramas ∙ Providing popular Japanese (in partnership with Fuji Television) and Chinese dramas Multi - ∙ Launching mobile MCN platform Hotzil ∙ Providing in -house content produced in ∙ Launched Power YouTuber service channel partnership with DIA TV network (MCN) ∙ Providing 360 -degree VR services ∙ Providing 360 -degree VR real -time content for ∙ Operating VR game promotion center Planning in-house production of VR movies KT Wiz baseball team Virtual ∙ Working to provide VR VODs reality ∙ Providing AR and VR integrated content for ∙ Planning to provide 200 pieces of VR mobile ∙ Planning to produce VR content for adults (VR) production and T Real platform content this year

∙ Expanding subscribers of B tv and oksusu ∙ Offer ing premium services (GIGA UHD) ∙ Increas ing ARPU by launching video data Strategy targeting high-end customers plans ∙ Increasing original content production

Note: Number of subscribers is based on end-2Q16. Source: Respective companies’ data, media reports, Mirae Asset Daewoo Research

Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 6 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media


Important Disclosures & Disclaimers 2-Year Rating and Target Price History

Company (Code) Date Rating Target Price Company (Code) Date Rating Target Price CJ E&M(130960) 08/11/2015 Buy 110,000 05/02/2016 Buy 37,000 07/26/2015 Buy 100,000 01/31/2016 Buy 35,000 05/11/2015 Buy 80,000 11/01/2015 Trading Buy 35,000 03/29/2015 Buy 70,000 08/02/2015 Buy 39,000 02/06/2015 Buy 51,000 01/20/2015 Buy 40,000 11/26/2014 Buy 48,000 10/01/2014 Buy 42,000 No Coverage LG Uplus(032640) 04/05/2016 Buy 14,000 SK Telecom(017670) 04/29/2016 Buy 280,000 02/01/2016 Buy 13,000 02/02/2016 Buy 300,000 07/31/2015 Buy 15,000 07/31/2015 Buy 350,000 04/28/2015 Buy 14,000 05/06/2015 Buy 360,000 01/25/2015 Buy 16,000 10/01/2014 Buy 380,000 10/01/2014 Buy 15,000 KT(030200) 06/03/2016 Buy 40,000

(W) CJ E&M (W) SK Telecom (W) KT (W) LG Uplus 120,000 400,000 50,000 20,000

100,000 40,000 300,000 15,000 80,000 30,000 60,000 200,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 100,000 5,000 20,000 10,000

0 0 0 0 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16

Stock Ratings Industry Ratings Buy : Relative performance of 20% or greater Overweight : Fundamentals are favorable or improving Trading Buy : Relative performance of 10% or greater, but with volatility Neutral : Fundamentals are steady without any material changes Hold : Relative performance of -10% and 10% Underweight : Fundamentals are unfavorable or worsening Sell : Relative performance of -10% Ratings and Target Price History (Share price ( ─), Target price (▬), Not covered ( ■), Buy ( ▲), Trading Buy ( ■), Hold ( ●), Sell ( ◆)) * Our investment rating is a guide to the relative return of the stock versus the market over the next 12 months. * Although it is not part of the official ratings at Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd., we may call a trading opportunity in case there is a technical or short-term material development. * The target price was determined by the research analyst through valuation methods discussed in this report, in part based on the analyst’s estimate of future earnings. * The achievement of the target price may be impeded by risks related to the subject securities and companies, as well as general market and economic conditions.

Equity Ratings Distribution Buy Trading Buy Hold Sell 69.27% 17.07% 13.66% 0.00% * Based on recommendations in the last 12-months (as of September 30, 2016)

Disclosures As of the publication date, Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliates own 1% or more of KT`s shares outstanding.

Analyst Certification The research analysts who prepared this report (the “Analysts”) are registered with the Korea Financial Investment Association and are subject to Korean securities regulations. They are neither registered as research analysts in any other jurisdiction nor subject to the laws and regulations thereof. Opinions expressed in this publication about the subject securities and companies accurately reflect the personal views of the Analysts primarily responsible for this report. Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (“Mirae Asset Daewoo”) policy prohibits its Analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the Analyst’s area of coverage, and the Analysts do not serve as an officer, director or advisory board member of the subject companies. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Analysts have not received any compensation or any other benefits from the subject companies in the past 12 months and have not been promised the same in connection with this report. No part of the compensation of the Analysts was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this report but, like all employees of Mirae Asset Daewoo, the Analysts receive compensation that is impacted by overall firm profitability, which includes revenues from, among other business units, the institutional equities, investment banking, proprietary trading and private client division. At the time of publication of this report, the Analysts do not know or have reason to know of any actual, material conflict of interest of the Analyst or Mirae Asset Daewoo except as otherwise stated herein.


Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 7 October 27, 2016 Telecom Service/Media

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Mirae Asset Daewoo Research 8