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Word Processing Software Creche Documents Has'become Word Document

Word Processing Software Creche Documents Has'become Word Document

Like It or Not?

1: -Cre_at~and save a -_--:-_~~ ~c <>_ ~_-.4,~~- ••-•--,.•_-:r- .~-~~ ---;:-'~.-~_: _-'O~_",," ='"" . -_~o/":"';""~:-T_' .~_' .. ~,__ ~_~~ __. _ sing word processing software creche documents has'become Word document. -U' to a-.'-' common task for millions of people. One of the simplest tasks it can do 2. Retrieve a saved is also one of the greatest benefits of using such software-saving an existing document. document with a new name. Before word processing software, one would 3. Save an edited have to re-create an entire document, even if it required just a few small document with a changes from the original version. With programs like Microsoft Word, an new name (save as). entire document does not have to be re-created in order to make a copy with minor changes. The following activity illustrates how a Word document can be saved using one file name, editing that file, and saving it with a new file name.

INEW SKILL I ~ 1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12point Times New Roman. 2. On the first line of the document, type your first and last name, then hit ENTER. 3. Type the name of your favorite snack food, then hit ENTER. 4. Type the name of your favorite pizzatopping, then hit ENTER. 5. Type the name of your favorite movie, then hit ENTER, 6. Type the name of your favorite song, then hit ENTER. _7. Type the name of your favorite TV show, then hit ENTER. 8. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy,

INEW SKILL I ~ 9. Savethe document as LIKES. 10. Print the document if required by your instructor. 11. Closethe file, saving changes upon exiting,

INEW SKILL I ~ 12. Open the document LIKES. 13. Changeyour favorite snack food to your least favorite snack food. 14. Changeyour favorite pizzatopping to your least favorite pizzatopping. 15. Changeyour favorite movie to your least favorite movie. 16. Changeyour favorite song to your least favorite song. 17. Changeyour favorite TV show to your least favorite TV show. 18. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.

INEW SKilL I ~ 19. Savethe document as DISLIKES. 20. Print the document if required by your instructor.

Word It! Headers and Footers

1.I~ser{ headers and footers in a ere are ma ...... s• ~ iocurnent . at require t e same ...... ••.• .. / .. appear on every page. Open any of your favorite books or m'a:~a~inie·i;an';;d· document. you will notice page numbers-book titles, or chapter names on the top or . 2. Insert page bottom of each page. Another greatexample of this is a school assignment. A numbers in a document. typical assignment from your instructor may require your name to appear on your work. A great way to provide that information without altering the setup 3. Insert page of your document is with the use of a header or footer. breaks. 4. Print preview a Headers are areas of text that are typed once and appear at the top of document. each page within the document. Footers contain text that has been typed once and appear at the bottom of each page. Headers and footers may also contain page numbers, dates, and file names. They canbe very useful for long documents. In this activity, you will practice creating a header and footer in a document.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Select the headers and footers command.

I NEW SKIll I ~ 3. Create a header that contains the following information as shown in Figure 2-1: a. Typeyour name(inallcaps),then hit the TABkey.

b. Typethe text "ACTIVITY2: HEADERSANDFOOTERS"(inallcaps),then hitthe TABkey. c. Typethe current date (inallcaps). 4. Switch to the footer command.

INEW SKIll I ~ S. In the center of the footer, type the word "PAGE" (in all caps) and insert the page number as shown in Figure 2-2. 6. Closethe header and footer. 7. At the top of the page, type the text "My header/footer page 1."

INEW SKILL I ~ 8. Insert a page break by pressing CTRL+ENTER. 9. At the top of page two, type the text "My header/footer page 2."

I NEW SKILL , ~ 10. Print preview your document to be sure that both pagesshow the header and footer. Be sure the page number in the footer is correct as shown in Figure 2-3. 11. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 12. Savethe document as HEADFOOT. 13. Print the document if required by your instructor.

Word/t! I Headers and Footers






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My header/footer page L


My header/footer page 2.

J , " ,

c,- PAGE I ~. i


Word/t! Shortcut Keys

1. Use controlkeys veryone nows a as ane, ,clen .vprs S rare y e err ngers ea'(e for commonly used editing keyboard. Having to lift your hand to find the mouse, then point and click tasks. at an icon, only slows down typing speed. Becoming adept at using control key shortcuts will not only save time but will increase your knowledge of the power of your word processor. In this activity, you will practice using shortcuts for common editing tasks in Word. Before you begin, review the table below which lists common shortcut keys that can be used in Microsoft Word.

Common shortcut keys that can be used in Microsoft Word

CTRl+B To bold selected text CTRl+R To right align text

CTRl+1 To italicize selected text CTRl+L To left align text

CTRL+U To underline selected text CTRL+E To center align text

CTRL+[ To decrease font size of selected SHIFT+ARROW To select text text KEYS CTRL+] To increase font size of selected CTRl+A To select all text text

CTRL+C To copy selected text CTRL+S To save a file

CTRL+X To cut selected text F12 To save as a file

CTRL+V To paste selected text CTRL+P To print a document

CTRL+Z To undo AlT+F4 To close a document

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps.

3. Starting on the first line of the document, type responses to the statements provided below. Type one answer per line. Do not type the statements or preceding letters. a. Your first and last name.

b. The name of your school.

c. Your parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s).

d. Your birth date. Wotdlt! ~ ~ ;> ~ ~ ~ Shortcut Keys ~ ~ e. The college you might consider attending. ~ f. The career path you might take. ~ g. The kind of car you would like to own someday. ~ h, Your best friend's name. ~ ~ i. Your parent(s) or guardian(s) occupation. ~ j. One sentence explaining why you have chosen the career in 3f.

~ 4. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. ~ S. Save the document as SHORTCUTS. ~ ~ INEW SKllli ~ 6. Select the appropriate text and make the following changes using shortcut keys only: ~ ~ a. Italicize your name. ~ b. Bold the name of your school. ;) c. Underline your parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s).

:> d. Italicize, bold, and underline your birth date. ~ e. Increase the font size by 2 points of the college you might attend. ~ ;) f. Decrease the font size by 2 points of your possible career choice. !;} g. Center align your choice of car you might like to purchase.

:> h. Right align your best friend's name. ~ I, Copy your parent(s) or guardian(s) occupation and paste it under their name(s) ~ center aligned. ~ j. Cut the sentence explaining your career choice and paste it under your ~ possible career path. ~ 7. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. ~ ~ 8. Resave the document. ~ 9. Print the document if required by your instructor. iJ if ~ ~ iJ if -, ~ ~ j j if ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Word/t! • I I • Party Invitation

1. Format page ere ate many reasons why yOu may want to c ange t e layout or orientation. orientation of your page. Text may fit better or graphics may be more 2. Vertically center appealing to the eye if your page is printed in landscape format. Similarly, align text on a centering text vertically on a page may add to its appearance. Inevitably, there page. will be times when you will need to alter the page setup in a Word document. In this activity, you will create a party invitation and vertically and horizontally center it in a document.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. INEW SKilL I ~ 2. Changethe page orientation to landscape. 3. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps. 4. Starting on the first line of the document, type the name of the event in 14 pt. bold, italics, and all caps. For example: "16th Birthday Party" 5. Hit the ENTERkey two times and type "in honor of." 6. Hit the ENTERkey two times and type who the event is for. 7. Hit the ENTERkey two times and type the day, date, and time the event will take place. 8. Hit the ENTERkey two times and type where the event will take place including the address. 9. Hit the ENTERkey two times and type "RSVP:" (include your name, a "by" date, and phone number). 10. Center align and italicize all of the text on the invitation.

INEW SKILL I ~ 11. Changethe vertical alignment of the page to center. 12. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 13. Savethe document as INVITE. 14. Print the document if required by your instructor.

• Word It! I Texting Phrases

1. Use common ~_"'_""''''-'-'' "-_ ".X ~,...- -_.:-~ •.• ~-'.,-_~<;;.,,- __"!:~ ~-t~-c-.•..~~-_:._~-- -:'~'";...~.. - =, __ ~i".\",",X~ _-:--.__ ~_~-.-. '-i;i<-=~--.e' -"__~~>':'_ • _ ~_ .f~'~ "" egardless of what version of Word you are using, formatting text on a formatting features. R page is a snap. With just a click of the mouse, you can apply changes to a document, making it more appealing and professional looking. In this activity, you will type answers to the meaning of 20 texting phrases, then format and edit your responses accordingly.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps. 3. Starting on the first line of the document, type the answers to the questions provided in the "20 Texting Phrases" column shown in Figure 5-1. Single space your answers, do not number them, and do not type the questions. 4. Savethe document asTEXTPHRASES.

I NEW SKILL I ~ 5. Apply the corresponding changes to your answer given in the "Formatting Changesto Apply" column shown in Figure 5-1. 6. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 7. Resavethe document .. 8. Print the document if required by your-instructor.

Word/t! I Texting Phrases


20 Texting Phrases Formatting Changes to Apply

1. What does 101mean? Right align the text.

2. -What does b4 mean? Change the text color to blue.

3. What does 18r mean? Underline the text.

4. What does ruok mean? Insert a standard bullet before the text.

5. What does 2moro mean? Change the font size to 18 point.

6. What does <3 mean? Bold the text.

7. What does bb4n mean? Center align the text.

8. What does bbl mean? Insert a black border around the text.

9. What does cm mean? Double underline the text.

10. What does def mean? Change the font size to 10 point.

11. What does gal mean? Change the text to all capital letters.

12. What does gn mean? Change the font to a style of your choice (other than Times New Roman) then make it 14 point bold.

13. What does idk mean? Use numbering to insert the number 1. infront of the text.

14. What does inbd mean? Italicize the text.

15. What does kit mean? Insert a registered trademark symbol after the text.

16. What does Imk mean? Insert a customized bullet before the text.

17. What does nth mean? Change the text to small caps.

18. What does rus mean? Add a double strikethrough through the text.

19. What does sup mean? Copy and paste the text one time under your answer on a separate line. 20. What does ttyl mean? Make the first letter '7" a drop cap.

Source: www.netlingo.com

I) Word/t! I Symbols

1. Use common symbols and special characters in a document.

§'£iih""'~t~'i\lfr*il>'$¥MF"'V~'" a different country, you can find it in Word's Symbol dialog box. Word can also automatically convert some commonly used symbols as you type them. For instance, numeric fractions such as ]I, or X appear correctly when typed as 1/2 or 1/4. Even frequently used emoticons like :) will appear as ©. In this activity, you will use symbols to insert characters that do not appear on the keyboard.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps.

I NEW SKILL I ~ 3. Starting on the first line of the document, type the e-mall text exactly as shown in Figure 6-1. Insert the correct symbols and special characters where shown in the e-rnail,

4. Select all the text and change the font to Verdana or Arial, the font size to 12 point. , S. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.

6. Save the document as SYMBOLS.

7. Print the document if required by your instructor. ,-,

Word/t! • I Symbols


To: [email protected] From: Subject: England bargain shopping Date:

Hello Fellow PTO members,

I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that, while on a recent vacation to England, my family and I came across a new book called Secret Shopping for the American Tourist (Copyright © 2010, Publications), which included many coupons and ideas on how to travel through England. The book not only explained how to change the American $ to the English £, but it also listed a fabulous Web site that I wanted to share with all of you (www. notatruesite.com) where you can find many bargains and, best of all, the shipping is free.

By consulting our book, we discovered a huge shopping outlet. The outlet was filled with an 00 of stores. My son had a great time shopping in the Nike® outlet and my daughter found many great bargains in the GAP® outlet. She found a lot of clothing not available in the states, and we noticed the quality to be 2:the clothing found at for 50% of the price.

Although the weather was quite rainy ®, as it always is in England, we had a wonderful vacation ©. The biggest disappointment was that when we returned home, only % of our luggage came home with us and the other ~ was sept to us the next day.

P.S. If any of you are planning a trip to England and would like to purchase a copy of the book prior to your vacation, you can mail a check in the amount of$10.95 to:

The England Bookmakers % Old London Square 10 Prince Charles Blvd. Buckinghamshire, England

See you all at our next meeting. Jackie

CD Word It! r

1. Find and ".,._iE~ _ •..•.. ,~~ "~,:';~<:,"",'~!i_~:".~~"'~-,,-:;:~_t,~.":'~ ·~.':.;----·~""--:-~~-_'Y-';"~':?";~"'-:'c~~·_-~~"-i~ .. ~"'i'_? ,_",,~,"'-_. _:.:. _ ,-7t .~ .._~~ ~•• he find and replace feature in Word is one of those elements that make's replace text in a document. Tword processing so great. Editing a first draft is often tough enough without having to find recurring text throughout a document, With find and replace, your computer does the searching and replacing for you. In this activity, you will type a summary from one of today's hottest TV shows, Glee, and replace text within the document.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps. 3. Starting on the first line of the document, type the article text exactly as shown in Figure 7-1. 4. Savethe document as GLEE.

INEW SKILL I ~ 5. Find and replace the words provided in the table below. When complete, you should have 20 replacements. * Note: Be careful not to replace "" with "Ms. Lynch."

Find ReplaceWith


Lynch Ms. Lynch

Cheerios "Cheerios"

glee club Glee Club

6. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 7. Resavethe document. 8. Print the document if required by your instructor.

Word It! Glee


Jane Lynch Portrays in TV's Hottest Show Glee

Jane Lynch was born and raised in Dolton, Illinois, the daughter of a housewife mother and a banker father. She was raised in an Irish Catholic family and attended . She received her bachelor's degree in theatre from Illinois State University and her MFA from , also in theatre. She lived in Chelsea for a year and a half. Lynch began her career in the theatre but quickly moved on to TV. She starred with MDs, and has made guest appearances in numerous television series, including L.A. Law, Judging Amy, , 7th Heaven, Friends, Felicity, , the cult hit Lovespring International, , Weeds, Legal, , Help Me Help You, , The New Adventures of Old Christine, , and , among others. She also appeared in the crime drama as 's schizophrenic mother. As of2009, Lynch currently appears on the Fox series Glee. Glee is a musical comedy- drama television series that airs on Fox. It focuses on a high school show choir (a modem glee club) called "," at the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. Lynch has won glowing reviews for her role as the aggressive cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester. Sue is part of the William McKinley High School staff and is the coach of the cheerleading squad, the Cheerios. She detests the glee club and their teacher, and attempts to bring them down at any cost. She is jealous ofthe glee club's talent and also holds grudges to unhealthy, almost super-villain levels, particularly her desire to destroy the glee club for getting money that had once been promised to her Cheerios. However, Sue is not completely without her soft-side. She is very loving towards her sister Jean, who suffers from Down Syndrome and who Sue visits as often as she can. This love for her sister caused Sue to donate money to the school to help disabled kids, and to allow a ( student with Down Syndrome to join the Cheerios. Mary McNamara ofthe LA Times wrote, "Lynch alone makes Glee worth watching." On August 29, 2010, Lynch won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress - Comedy Series. Lynch recently helped unveil a wax figure of her famous character Sue 'Sylvester from the Fox hit series at Madame Tussaud's in Hollywood. While Lynch commented that it was an amazing honor, she also compared the experience to seeing herself in a coffin. Glee can be seen on Fox on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m., and the show's public relations department has recently launched a facebook page at www.facebook.comiGlee.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org • Word/t! America's Got Talent

1. Use the spelling ..•.~•.-,O~~*_-,.::.-<~ .. /_;.;~"f'~•..•• ~';!r __", _ '",,~ ·~="":,,~':''-''''~_~__r ~c~<;~~~,",-=~_ -:"~·,._'--7kr_.~~-t:~-,,,,~-~.-.~.:' ..._.:o. ••~L~;~..;"- __ ;;$ .~~1 pon completion of anyaoc:ument, it is veYy important to always proofread' and grammar checker. Uyour work for errors. In addition, you may want to find alternative words to better describe what you are writing. In this activity, you will use 2. Use the Word's spell check tool to find misspelled words and the thesaurus tool to thesaurus. find alternative words in a document. Remember to proofread your work carefully ...the spell check does not always pick up everything.

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps. 3. Starting on the first line ofthe document, type in the press release exactly as shown in Figure 8-1 Do not bold the words appearing in bold. 4. Savethe document as AMERICATALENT.

INEW SKILL I ~ S. Runthe spell check to replace the misspelled words. * Hint: There are five misspelled words. INEW SKILL I ~ 6. Usethe thesaurus tool to find alternative words for the ten words in bold. 7. Underline each of the new replaced words. 8. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 9. Resavethe document. 10. Print the document if required by your instructor.

Word It! • FIGURE 8-1


CONTACT: Susanna Stitches Talent Agency of America Phone: 555-456-7890 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.igottalent.com


Warwick, RI, - Could you be the next winner of America's Got Talent? Do you think you have what it takes to be a star? The only way to find out is to come down and audition. The producers and judges of America's Got Talent are searching the country to find the most talended person in America. The talent show features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, and other performers of all ages who compete for the advertised grand prize of a million dollars.

You've got nothing to lose and a million dollars to gain-it's your time to shine. Come down to the Warwick Mall this weekend, October 17 and 18, from 8 am to 5 pm, and show off your talent.

Be sure to plan accordingly ... it may be a very long day. When you arrive you will proceed to the check-in booth and receive a wristband and an audition number. It is very important not to luse your number, otherwise you'll be sent to the back of the line. Also, keep in mind the lines may be long. We never know exactly how many people wil show up.

So, come down, give it ur best shot, and see if you'll be the one to go home a million dollors richer!


Word/t! I Homonyms j ..

Manually '_7" '-'--.--L .:_ •.. _~--:!_ >,-:"-__ ,.".~. =x- .~., "'-'..__.".::=.~_ ._i: '~-'-:';::","",'._'_-~7 ~ -!..-.~-~~";~.. ,.~_"~- ..,_,,~-~~.;.. __" ....;c- 0_ __ ~'.--"'. ,,:;~, '~~ ••• _.,:J~-' ~ 11. 'O'neaf the most valuable tools in'Word is the spell checktool.' '.' ' proofread for , grammatical Unfortunately, many users rely on this tool to find misspelled words ; errors. without realizing that a word may be spelled correctly out it is not I, grammatically correct. For example, spell check will not find the following ,. 2. Use the auto mistake: What is the whether for today? Two words that sound the same .~ numbering .~ feature. but are spelled differently are known as homonyms. In this case the word "whether" is not used correctly and should be replaced with "weather." In this 1 activity, you will use your proofreading skills to find a series of words that are 1,'::it~!'l'€§~¥k¥*,-S¥iWJ~F¥:"" not grammatically correct.

1. Carefully read the letter shown in Figure 9-1 and locate the words incorrectly used. * Hint: There are a total of 30 incorrectly used words. 2. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 3. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps.

I NEW SKILL I ~ 4. Starting on the first line of the document, type a list of the words used incorrectly, separating each by hitting the ENTERkey. Next to each incorrectly used word, type the correct word, separating the two words by a comma.

INEW SKILL I, 5. Number the list using the auto numbering feature. 6. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 7. Savethe document as HOMONYMS. 8. , Print the document if required by your instructor.

Word It! e: ,,~~

~'" Homonyms ~ ® t, ~ FIGURE 9-1 ~ ,.--~''S ~""'f"

',~ ~ ,;" ~ "" c


'~ i" 100 Whatever Street ~ c ~ Wherever, FL 01234 -~~ c I'1 .••~ Current Date e ,~ '11 i' e

~Vi, ~I e 1 Samuel Hicks c '~I Hamilton High School ~t c ;~ 30 Boston Neck Road ,-

'~ ): North Kingstown, Rl 02852 ," V

·AI ~ ~~ Dear Sam: .~; , .~I .•.•~! !'~ii Congratulations on your upcoming hi school graduation. Halve you decided weather ~~, • '~I you'll be going on to college? Do you no what you're next step will be? Let us hear at ~i ,•; * Florida State University aide you with that search. We offer more than 100 degrees and "~ certificates witch will lead you down the path of your dreams. With all of our offerings, ,l we no they're is a program here maid just for you. " '1 A representative from Florida State will be meeting with students from Hamilton Hi on Monday of next weak, and we wood like to schedule an appointment too meat with you c;..'. ._~i to discuss you're future. Sum of the things our representative will go over with you are

i,,~;, your interests, hour program degrees and certificates, our admissions policies, our lone ;;1. programs including financial aid, and he will leave you with packets of information to bring home four you and your family to brows threw. ~ ~ ,\ You should have already received an appointment request form in the male. We will ti J knead you to fill out the form and return it to your guidance counselor as soon as

" possible. We will schedule your appointment around your class schedule. Please dew not ~ weight. ..your future depends on it.

~ii If eye can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at 555-888-1234

~i oar by email at: [email protected]. You will knot be sorry you took the ~~: time to meet with our representative. Florida State can make all of your dreams come 't1jj true. *'. t)( ,;;~ Sincerely, ,j '.:.l :1",1

'il Andrew Coyne '( Admissions Counselor ~t: ,~ r

';1 ~·r~k.:;' ~~"yn( "'T~i,.r • Word/t! r Movie Ratings 'O®

~ ,,'0:"6,--::';-;;, ,l.,-~'o~:"':c-·-:" ::."-~-,;,.,f--"";'.:"" '-';.:/"rS·-::-:-:""'·-;~~-2·~·-.:1~..·~..--

1. Open a NEW document in Word. * Unless otherwise stated, the font should be 12 point Times New Roman. 2. Insert a header that includes the activity number and title left aligned, and your name right aligned. Type the header in all caps.

) INEWSKILl! ~ 3. Set the page margins to 1" on all sides.

INEW SKILL I ~ 4. To show the formatting marks on your screen, turn on the Show/Hide (~) button.

INEW SKILL I ~ 5. Set the following tabs: a. Left aligned tab at .75" b. Center aligned tab at'3.25" c. Right aligned tab at 5.75" 6. Starting on the first line of the document, type the text as shown in Figure 10-1. Center align and bold the title, then hit ENTERtwo times. Separate each column using the TAB key. * Note: Hit the TAB key before typing the text in the first column. 7. Select all text in the document and center it vertically on the page. 8. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy. 9. Savethe document as MOVIERATINGS. 10. Print the document if required by your instructor. Word It! • I 1J® Movie Ratings



TAB'" Rank TAB'" Movie Name TAB'" Gross $ 1 Toy Story 3 $1,063,084,173 2 Alice in Wonderland (2010) $1,024,299,722 3 Inception $823,368,082 4 Forever After $737,433,086 5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 $716,636,701 6 The Twilight Sage: Eclipse $692,921,112 7 Iron Man 2 $621,751,988 8 Despicable Me $534,687,065 9 Clash of the Titans $493,214,993 10 How to Train Your Dragon $493,202,818

www.wikipedia.org as of 1217110

• Word It!