National Delegates At Large

Patricia Cafferata Patty Cafferata is a life-long Republican and has been active in the Republican and Washoe County parties since the 1970s. She is and has been a member of the Reno Republican Women's Club since that time. Cafferata was the first woman elected to constitutional office in Nevada, when she was elected State Treasurer in 1982. She was elected to the in 1980. She has also served as district attorney of Lincoln, Lander and Esmeralda counties. Her late mother Barbara Vucanovich became the first woman elected to federal office from Nevada in 1982, when she was elected to Congressional District 2.

Barbara Cagianese Barbara J Cagianese Mesquite Nevada Republican Affiliations: Mesquite Division of the National Republican Women's Federation (Events Chairwomen), Member of CCRP Community Affiliations: Board of Directors Mesquite Art Association & Gallery Board Member Local HOA About Me: My mouth is from New York State. " So I speak Trump Language." I started in 1964, working in the campaign office of ; also working for the campaign of . I was an entrepreneur owning a 7-11, a chain of video stores and running a Martial Arts School. I served as President of our city's Business Association. Leaving NY 23yrs ago I started a Legal Nurse Consulting Firm JUST CALL ME A FEMALE TRUMP! This barely 5 foot mother of 3 is a 3rd degree Black Belt that will: ● FIGHT FOR TRUMP ● FIGHT FOR NEVADA ● TURN NEVADA RED where it should be now and forever I believe in Law and Order, Capitalism, Improving education, Taking back our pride from foreign countries, taking advantage of us, and creating a strong economy. All men and women should be equal. I am a Conservative and Simply put I believe in God. In conclusion: Lets kick that Donkey in the "you Know what" when you send me as a delegate to the National Convention representing the Great State of Nevada.

Lois Choate This election is the most crucial of my lifetime. We have to re-elect our President and more Republicans to assist him in taking back our country. I am a lifelong Republican working every election no matter what state I have lived in and believe in our Party. Currently I hold the Clark County EBoard position of Community Relations director which is an honor and a privilege and my goal is to unite our communities, build our party and elect Republicans. My dream for this state is to see all counties united and our state being a RED state and will work to the best of my abilities to help achieve this dream. It would be an honor to represent Nevada and cast Nevada our vote for President Trump.

Juanita Cox***DJT Slate Member*** Dear 2020 Nevada Republican Convention Delegates, · President 2015-Present/Charter Member, Nevada Republican Assembly · Registered non-paid Citizen Lobbyist at the Nevada Legislature--35 years · Citizen Activist over 55 years—Constitutional Rights & Health Rights etc. · 2011--Nevada Eagle Forum’s Volunteer of the year Award · Many other lifetime achievement awards too numerous to list · Paralegal—Legal Assistant/graduate/several NV Judicial College programs · Member of the National Association of Parliamentarians & NV Sec 2016-Present · Past Chairman (2 terms)/Member--Storey Co. Republican CC 2007-present · Nevada Republican Central Committee--Member 2007-present · Republican National Convention—CD2-Alt/Delegate-Tampa, Florida 2012 · Republican Nat'l Convention--Delegate-Cleveland, Ohio 2016 · Republican Nat'l Convention--National Platform Committeewoman 2016 · Republican Nevada Electoral (6) Voter 2016 · Investigative Journalist/Researcher for several published authors (over 30 books) · Media/Television--Liberty and Justice for All, >12 Years; many published articles · Businesswoman for over 55 years--Multiple Corporations/Non-Profit Corps · Systems Analysist and Computer Programmer · HAM Radio – Licensed Operator · NRA--Patriot Life Member-Endowment Level · Gun Owners of America—Life Member · Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association--Life Member · Oath Keepers--Life Member · Nevada State Rifle and Pistol Association—Officer/Director nd · Graduate Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. 2 ​ Amend. Lobbyist/CCW ​ · Reno Rodeo Association--First Lady, 1995 · 40 Year Marriage—David E. Cox, CPA (deceased 2012) · Four Children, Eight Grandchildren, Two Great Grandchildren · United Kennel Club—former judge · Reno Kennel Club—former Officer/Show Chairman many years · Sierra Nevada Collie Club—Founder and former Officer · Comstock Arabian Association—Founder and former Officer · Community organizations—Officer/Director/Founder Please again elect me, Juanita Cox, delegate to the National Convention.

Theresa DeGraffenreid***DJT Slate Member*** As a longtime supporter of , I’ve seen how hard the President has worked to keep Americans first, keep America moving forward and bring jobs back to American workers. I’ve always been a fighter for the rights of the unborn and have championed them since I was in middle school standing on the corner with my mother against abortion. Donald J. Trump is the first President that has actively supported this issue since Roe v. Wade was tragically voted on at the Supreme Court. For this and many other reasons I want to rise and have my voice counted for President Trump. My Republican activism includes: Precinct Captain - Douglas Precinct 18 since 2008, Timekeeper - NVGOP meetings since 2009, Timekeeper – State and County GOP Conventions since 2009, Member - NVGOP Credentials Committee since 2010, Assistant to Delegation Aide - 2012 National Convention, Tampa, FL, Member - State Central Committee 2012 - 2018, Co-Chair for Sponsorships and Silent Auction - Nevada GOP Convention 2014, Unpaid Lobbyist - Nevada Legislature 2015, 2017 and 2019, Co-Chair - NVGOP Boots and Rhinestone Gala 2016, Alternate Delegate - 2016 National Convention, Cleveland, OH, Chairperson - Douglas Lincoln Day Dinner 2018, 2019 and 2020, Red Dialer trained volunteer Trump 2020. I’ve always been a worker bee helping wherever I can to keep things moving forward for the Nevada GOP and keeping America’s eyes on the prize to get Donald J. Trump re-elected. I ask for your vote, and pledge that I’ll represent Nevada’s support for our President well!

Jill Dickman

Tom Dickman

Ronald Doumani***DJT Slate Member*** As a lifelong conservative and United States Citizen I am convinced that this is the most critical election of my lifetime. Almost all of our institutional structures, principles and norms face an existential threat from the Democratic Party. As a lifelong resident of Las Vegas, NV and member of the business community, our city and state face a greater uphill battle than the Great Recession. There is only one candidate that I believe that can pull the country, and in turn, my state, from the brink of economic ruin as quickly as possible. President Trump was the first President to unleash the real forces of our underlying economy with real wage growth for the middle and lower classes. We need his policies of pro-growth tax structures, continued sensible de-regulation, fair trade, immigration, and common sense business principles applied to our Federal Government. As a father of four teenagers I am very concerned at the future they face in this upside down world that the other party wants to implement. President Trump aligns with my views on how to handle the economy, less regulation, limited Government intrusion, second amendment rights, reforming sentencing laws in the criminal justice system, and many more critical issues. He has lived up to most of the promises he kept from his first election and I am sure he represents our best chance to move this country forward so that we can and re assert America as the true beacon of economic and social freedom. I am proud to declare my support for President Trump and cast my vote as a Nevada delegate for the Republican Party.

Kimberly “Kim” Fergus***DJT Slate Member*** President Trump Supporter Delegate since 2016 Membership to the CCRCC and Elected to the State in 2016 ! Never missed a Meeting! I Volunteered for all Parties Supporting Trump since Day one Support Nevada since Day one! Love to Give and will always be someone you can count on! Also Member of NvFed Republican Women, very active and supportive! You can Count on me to show up ! Thank you Kimberly Fergus

Janet Freixas***DJT Slate Member*** Janet is the current President of the Nevada Federation of Republican Women. She is a member of the Douglas County Executive Committee and is also on the NVGOP Credentials Committee. She has been active with both organizations for more than 15 years.

Benjamin Gaumond The rurals SHOULD be represented at the National Convention. I will represent the interests of the rurals. They are a part of this great state. I’ll never ever forget that!!

Breck Greninger***DJT Slate Member*** Breck Greninger, Secretary SRCCC, Nat'l Delegate 2016. I will stand up for NV Voters during this unusual election year. I will join our finest Veteran Delegates to accomplish a successful Republican Convention. It's not business as usual, 2020 will feature members who, not unlike our Anti Status Quo Candidate, have much more to bring to the game! Qualifications: Washoe Co Delegate 2008 & 2012. State CC since 2008. State Delegate since 2008. SRCC Treasurer 2012-2016. Vice Chair NVRA since 2012. Precinct Captain 2008-2020. NV State Delegate 2012-2020. Vice Chair SRCC 2016-2019. Secretary SRCC 2019-Present. Active Volunteer for local & state GOP Candidates as well as our POTUS. I will proudly represent NV at the National Convention. Fair, Honest, Dependable!

Denise Hamada My name is Denise Hamada (McMahon). I come from a former WWII veteran family. My father fought in Normandy and my mother help make airplane seats for the fighter pilots. My father instill into me to always be proud of your American heritage, and find your destiny in life. I believe this is my destiny to give back to my country the way my father/mother did. This will be my chance to represent my community, and as Republican Nevadan. While living in Ca; I protested for our rights to be heard and went out to help particular GOP candidates and our soon to be POTUS to get elected. That night when President Donald Trump won the election it was a natural high to see a “bad wolf” being caught and brought down to size (meaning the Democrat Party). I moved to Mesquite, NV. in 2018. I got involved with the local Republican organization. A CCRP member and on the 2019-2020 Platform Committee. Special interest platform on security regarding our state, locally and nationally; since I am a mother to a Border Patrol Agent that I am very proud of his commitment to defend this country. I am the Publicity Chairperson for the Mesquite National Fed. Of Republican Women's Org. bringing awareness of our local organization. I stand for American heritage, flag, constitution, lower taxes, free market capitalism, restricted immigration, veterans/military, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, deregulation and to keep our country free from communism. Vote for me to represent Nevada.

Alexis Hansen***DJT Slate Member*** Alexis Hansen is a proud Nevada girl. Her great-grandfather, Jake Johnson, was the Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nevada in the late 1800s, and her grandfather, Alexander Lloyd, was Superintendent of Mines in Lincoln County. Her father, Johnson W. Lloyd, was also the youngest elected County Clerk in Lincoln County, the D.A. of Esmeralda County, and D.A. of Eureka county for over 30 years. She studied journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is married to her high school sweetheart, . Together they bought a home and started a plumbing business at the ripe old age of 20. They have raised eight amazing children and are the proud grandparents of 19. Alexis has an innate desire to learn and to serve. She is up for the challenge and would be honored to serve her fellow Nevadans.

Mark Hart

Barb Hawn***DJT Slate Member*** Barb has been a Republican since 1980 when, at 19, she cast her ballot for while participating in her first Presidential Election. Barb is currently Secretary of the Nevada Republican Party where she was elected in 2015 and re-elected in 2017 and 2019. She is currently President of Washoe Republican Women and 2nd Vice President of Nevada Federation of Republican Women (NvFRW). Barb served as NvFRW Secretary in 2018-19. In 2013 she successfully ran and was elected Secretary of Washoe County Republican Party and was re-elected in 2015. Barb is a candidate for Assembly District 27. In addition to her political involvement, Barb is active in the Reno Rodeo, Nevada Right to Life, American Heart Association Circle of Red and Our Lady of the Snows. In November 1991, Barb and her husband, Brian moved to Reno, NV. They celebrated their 32nd anniversary in 2020. Their son, Matthew is a graduate of University of Nevada and is a graduate student pursuing a PhD in Cellular Molecular Pharmacology Physiology. In her spare time Barb is learning Bridge and enjoys attending movies, playing Pinochle and Nevada Wolf Pack athletics.

Jim Hindle***DJT Slate Member*** Politics is a team sport. Leading by example, I build grassroots networks that elect Republican candidates by motivating teams to walk neighborhoods, make phone calls, organize events and, of course, march in Virginia City holiday parades. As Chairman of the Storey County Republicans, we’ve elected Republicans to every office in the County. As Vice Chair of the Nevada GOP Rural Caucus I’ve provided info, training, and onsite support to county Republican organizations. As Nevada GOP Finance Committee Chair I've led a team of talented people to generate record high fundraising totals for the State Party. I ask for your vote to be a National Convention Delegate so I can make sure we strongly support the re-nomination of Donald Trump for President and build an unstoppable team that wins Nevada in November for our President!

Paul Jackson***DJT Slate Member*** My name is Paul Jackson, and I'm asking to represent you as a Nat'l Delegate. I have been working, volunteering for both the Washoe and the Nevada GOP since 2006. Recently I was honored to be ask the head up the Nevada GOP youth out reach program. Which I’ve been doing for the past 6 months. I'm also working with the Trump campaign on coalition building. I'm proud of the work we have done with the Teens for Trump, 2 A (second amendment ) for Trump, and post 9/11 Veterans. Its my goal to keep these groups going long after the we win the white house, the State Assembly, and Senate. It would be my Honor if you would consider voting for me as your Nat'l Delegate. thank you.

Penny Kaul I am a 66 year old mother of 3 boys, grandmother to 10 grandchildren and great grandmother to 3 great grandchildren. I am a lifetime Republican and have been a member of the CCRCC since 2010 and a delegate to the NRCC since 2012. I have been totally dedicated to supporting President Trump since he first announced his becoming a candidate for his first term. The reason for my becoming actively involved in the political process is my concern about the direction the country is going and how it will affect all of my children and their children. I also have both the time and resources to dedicate to this effort.

Robert Kaul I am a 66 year old lifetime Republican. I retired 10 years ago from L. A. City Department of Water and Power as an Electric Stations Manager after 31 years of service. I have been a member CCRCC since 2010 also a Trustee for Commission district for about 4 years. I have been a delegate from Clark county to the NRCC since 2012. My political involvement is driven by the concern over the direction the country has been going and how it will affect my children and grandchildren. Also being retired I have the time and the resources required to attend the National Convention.

James "Scott" Keller ***DJT Slate Member*** My name is James “Scott” Keller and I am asking you for the privilege to represent You, the Republican Party, and the State of Nevada at the 2020 Republican National Convention. I have been continually active in the Republican party for several years. From being a Chairman for the largest rural county in Nevada to actively running successful campaigns resulting in several Republicans being elected into public office. Those of you that know me, know my dedication to the Republican Party. If I have not had the pleasure to meet you, I look forward to doing so, as we all are part of an extended family with the goal of getting Donald J. Trump re-elected and protecting our rights and the values of the Republican party. I have over 36 combined years as a volunteer in the position of Chairman or President of non-profit or advisory boards, which only happens when you have the trust of the community. I was born in Reno and graduated from Wooster high school. My family came to Nevada before gambling was legalized and my ties to Nevada are extremely deep and strong. I have the passion and determination to be your ambassador at the National Convention and promote Donald J. Trump to continue to be our President of the United States. Please cast your vote for James “Scott” Keller as delegate to the Republican National Convention.

Sam Kumar Executive Summary: • Former President Pro-tem, Associated Students of Montana State University • Former Chairman of Washoe County Republican Party • Conservative columnist for the Reno Gazette Journal with over 80 columns • Several appearances on Nevada Newsmakers TV show • Owner of two U.S. Patents • Education: M.S (Electrical Engineering), MBA (University of Nevada) I have served the party in various capacities: Secretary of the Conservative Nevada Republican Assembly (NVRA), PR Chair, First Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Washoe County Republican Party. Currently, I am a columnist for the Reno Gazette Journal representing the Conservative Viewpoint. I have been a regular columnist for over three years and have written over 80 columns. My columns have been carried by many newspapers around the country including Cincinnati Enquirer, Burlington Free Press, Shreveport Times, Wisconsin’s Mansfield News Herald. All my columns can be found at Muckrack website. It will be an honor to represent Nevada in nominating President Trump for reelection. I ask for your vote. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] via email or on my cell at (775) 525-1726.

Scott LaFata As a well known vocal conservative that represents the NFAA, and, as original proud Trump supporter, and former primary candidate for Lt. Governor, I would be honored to represent Nevadan Republicans at the 2020 National Convention as a delegate at large.

Edmund Levy It is no secret that there is much at stake in the upcoming election: our earnings, our future prosperity, indeed, our very freedoms are all at risk. To protect these precious rights, our new campaign priorities must include countering the false narratives that the left constantly broadcasts, and informing Americans of the true nature of our Republican policies. For too long, the radical left has had free rein to make claims about the value of their offerings, without acknowledging the costs associated with them. They have also been free to mischaracterize Republican efforts to protect us from ever-growing encroachment by big government into our lives. We have unnecessarily lost much ground, as well as many key offices, because of our inattention to the mischaracterizations of the Republican platforms and actions promoted by the Democratic party. From now on, we must focus far greater attention on countering the falsehoods, and promoting the true value of our work in protecting our fellow Americans from the constant and increasing erosion of the Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees us. We must also continue to inform the electorate that there truly is no free lunch, and that the cost of government favors almost always exceeds their value. I intend to devote myself fully to these efforts.

Sue Lowden ***DJT Slate Member*** I have diligently worked to elect Republican Candidates. I am the founder and President of the ‘Nevada Conservative PAC’ thousands of dollars to candidates who represent conservative Republican ideals. I am Nevada’s Chairman of Maggie’s List and Vice Chairman of the National Maggie’s List Federal PAC which serves to help support and elect female Congressional and Senate candidates throughout the country. We’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars to elect Republican Women. I have opened our Las Vegas businesses to hold rallies & raise money for President Trump and many other candidates. I am the former Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party and the Chairman who brought the 1st in the West Caucus to Nevada. I’ve been a precinct captain and caucus site director. I’ve received numerous awards from Republican organizations such as the Ronald Reagan Lifetime Achievement Award from Citizens Outreach and the Republican of the Year from the State and County Parties. The Republican Women of Henderson and Pahrump presented me a Lifetime Achievement Award. I’ve been the official spokesperson for the state party and for various national and local campaigns. I am a former Nevada State Senator and Majority Whip of the . I am the Founder of the Laughlin Republican Women’s Club and I’ve been a Board Member of the Republican Women’s Federation. I am a strong believer in the 2nd Amendment and have a concealed carry license. I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I would be honored to be selected as a Trump delegate to the National Convention.

Bonnie McDaniel

David McGowan***DJT Slate Member*** I have been a party activist here in Nevada going back to 2004. Having worked with every presidential campaign during that time period and have had the privilege of attending 3 national conventions.

Lorrie Olson***DJT Slate Member*** My political career began the same day that Donald Trump’s began. He descended the golden escalator and I jumped on the Trump Train! I attended “Trump Training” and caucused for the first time ever. My precinct chose TRUMP! I located and joined the Lyon County Central Committee and have been very active in fund-raising and voter registration events. I currently chair their Finance Committee. I served as President in 2018 and 2019 of the Fernley Republican Women and continue to be active with the club. I am also an associate member of 6 other Republican women’s clubs as I believe it is critical we support each other. In January, I began serving my two-year term as Treasurer of the Nevada Federation of Republican Women. In February, I talked my way onto the State GOP Finance Committee because there was no Republican woman on that committee. There is now! I am an ardent supporter of President Trump and will be honored to attend the GOP National Convention so that we can re-elect #45! Please vote for Lorrie Olson, Delegate at Large!

Rudy Pamintuan Greetings, I am Rudy Pamintuan. Like most of you, I’m a Pro-Trump/Anti-Sisolak Republican. I started when I was young – having volunteered for “Teens for Reagan,” and “Teens for Bush.” I later interned for President George H.W. Bush and 10 years later was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on his Administration. More recently, I served on President Donald J. Trump’s Transition Team and currently volunteer for the Trump Administration on foreign policy and trade issues. Between my time serving and volunteering for Republican Administrations, I volunteer time assisting local campaigns for good Conservative candidates. With your support and as your Republican National Convention National Delegate At-Large, I will carry out my duty with enthusiasm and hard work – making you proud and using the opportunity to not only ensure a Trump Re-Election Victory, but also work to bring attention and awareness to the need for Republicans to win Nevada Legislative seats. With a Trump Re-Election Victory and by picking up a few Legislative seats in Nevada this election cycle, we will have momentum to take on Governor Sisolak and his Majority in 2022. Nevada deserves better. I humbly ask for your vote, support and look forward to our collaboration in making sure Team Trump wins a second term and turn Nevada Red. Thank you for your consideration.

Sam Peters As a candidate for NV CD4, I’m well engaged with the issues facing the Republican Party, our state, and our Nation. I am a staunch Constitutional Conservative and Supporter of President Trump. As a retired military officer I’ve proudly and boldly fought for our country and as a Candidate AND delegate I will continue that charge. I will represent NV with honor and dignity.

Reinier "Antonio" Prijten It was 40 years ago today that I wrote a letter to President Ronald Reagan from a remote village in my home country Holland (The Netherlands). As an 11-year-old boy I expressed my concerns about the rise of Communism in Europe and asked President Reagan for help. It marked the beginning of my American journey that brings me here today. Coming to America as an immigrant was not easy. I had to wait in line for nearly 20 years to get my beloved American Citizenship and along the way I struggled. My first day in America I was homeless. A family of 5 was sitting out on the street this midsummer night to escape the heat from their one-bedroom apartment and noticed me walking around with my suitcase. “You looked very scared” the mother said the next morning as she prepared me breakfast and offered me to stay longer. Today I am just an ordinary American citizen who lives pay check to pay check but I have a story to tell. I have lived life and made mistakes but what sets me apart is my intense and deep love for this country and the American people that brought me here by choice and legally at a very young age. Dear friends of the Nevada State Republican Party, I am seeking to become a National Delegate. That is the least I can do to thank America. I am asking for your vote. Antonio

Eileen Rice***DJT Slate Member*** It has been my honor to have served as your State Credentials Chair and your Rural Caucus Secretary for several years. In addition I have attended three National Conventions. I am also a Representative to the State Party from Douglas County. I am planning to attend the National Convention with my husband and it would be a privilege to be a National Delegate.

Brenda Robertson***DJT Slate Member*** Brenda Robertson is the current President of Douglas County Republican Women and has been a member for over twenty years. She is a member of the Douglas County Republican Central Committee for over twenty years and has served on the Executive Board during that time. She is a member of the Nevada Republican Party for over 15 years and is a member of the Credential Committee, Solutions, and is the Treasurer of the Rural Caucus for over thirteen years. Thank you for your consideration.

Dan Schwartz Dan completed his term as Nevada State Treasurer (2015-2019) last year and is currently a Republican candidate for the Congressional seat in CD 3. During his 4 years in office, Dan fought for the Nevada taxpayer and middle class by revamping the State’s investment program, quintupling (5x) returns on the General Fund; was the first to question the $1.2 billion commerce tax, the largest tax increase in Nevada history; successfully defeated a scheme to fund the Faraday Future project in North Las Vegas, sparing Nevada taxpayers $175 million in defaulted bonds; and, led the charge on parental choice (ESAs), registering 10,000 students before the program fell to political bickering. He launched a College Savings Program aimed at creating a “culture of education” in the state; and, reduced the processing period in unclaimed property from 120 to 25 days. Dan grew up in suburban Chicago, and received his undergraduate degree from Princeton; J.D. from Boston University; and his MBA from Columbia. He enlisted in the United States Army during the Cold War and was stationed on a Pershing missile nuclear base in Europe. Dan has over 40 years’ experience in the financial and publishing industries. An innovative entrepreneur, he turned around a struggling financial publication and founded the world’s first digital media delivery platform for print publications. He is also a member of the Illinois bar. Dan is married, the father of two daughters, and resides with his wife, Yanan, in Las Vegas.

Angelina Sedlmeyer Keep Mr. Trump in the Office and keep Nevada Red, again.

Juliet Smith Hello fellow Republicans, Nevadans, Neighbors & Friends! You may remember us, Leonard "Romeo" & Juliet Smith, running in 2016. Our National Convention in Cleveland was an amazing experience. So, we are running again and I, JULIET SMITH, am asking for your vote for NATIONAL DELEGATE AT-LARGE and the privilege to represent you, Nevada's Republican voters and President Trump at our 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC. We have been loyal Trump supporters since his first event at Treasure Island in 2011 and were on his 2016 National Delegate voting slate. We are members of our Clark County Central Committee, have volunteered for candidates/rallies/events and have been delegates to our County & State Conventions since 2008. We look forward to continuing to serve you, our party, and our president. I thank you for your consideration in voting for me. Warm Regards, Juliet Smith

Leonard Smith Hello fellow Republicans, Nevadans, Neighbors & Friends! You may remember us, Leonard "Romeo" & Juliet Smith, running in 2016. Our National Convention in Cleveland was an amazing experience. So, we are running again and I, LEONARD SMITH, am asking for your vote for NATIONAL DELEGATE AT-LARGE and the privilege to represent you, Nevada's Republican voters and President Trump at our 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC. We have been loyal Trump supporters since his first event at Treasure Island in 2011 and were on his 2016 National Delegate voting slate. We are members of our Clark County Central Committee, have volunteered for candidates/rallies/events and have been delegates to our County & State Conventions since 2008. We look forward to continuing to serve you, our party, and our president. I thank you for your consideration in voting for me. Warm Regards, Leonard Smith

Elizabeth Tom I have participated in community service organizations since high school in San Francisco. I was elected President for the University of California, Davis (UCD) chapter of Alpha Phi Omega (APO), National Collegiate Coeducational Service Fraternity. In 1998, I was elected to APO National Board of Directors and continued for 16 years, including 2 years as the Leadership Development Director. I have taught leadership seminars at college campuses across the United States, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. I moved to Elko in 1991 after completing a surgical residency at San Joaquin General Hospital in Stockton, California. I had previously received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Biophysics and Doctor of Medicine degree from UCD. Locally, I have served on the boards of the Great Basin College Nursing School, the Elko Branch of the American Association of University Women, the Great Basin Surgical Center and Ruby Mountain Hot Air Balloon Club. I was a founding member of the Elko Committee of the Friends of the NRA, continuing as co-chair for 10 years. I was elected President of the Elko Area Chamber of Commerce, and Chair of Cowboy Country Territory (a volunteer marketing committee through the Nevada Commission on Tourism). I currently serve as President of the Board of Directors for the Northeastern Nevada Museum. My hobbies include hot air ballooning, hunting, scuba diving and photography. I have traveled to all seven continents. I would be proud to represent our state and party at the Republican National Convention.

Robert Tyree***DJT Slate Member*** Rob Tyree has been a dedicated grassroots activist involved with the Nevada GOP for more than 10 years. During that time, he has served in many roles within the Clark County Republican Party and the Nevada GOP. He served as a delegate to nominate President Trump in 2016, and would be honored to represent Nevada again in 2020.

Bonnie Weber ***DJT Slate Member*** Hi, I’m Bonnie Weber and I would be honored to represent Nevada as a Delegate to the Republican National Convention. I have been a proud supporter of President Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015. I’ve been actively involved at all levels of the Republican Party since 1987. I have volunteered countless hours walking precincts, making phone calls, and licking envelopes to support Republican candidates at all levels. I have served as a delegate to Washoe County and Nevada Republican Conventions for more than 30 years, working behind the scenes to help organize the meetings. In 2002, my service supporting Republican principles evolved to serving in elective office as a Washoe County Commissioner. I was privileged to serve for 12 years. In 2018, I was elected to the Reno City Council. This newest experience has presented a daunting challenge as I am only one of two Republicans on the Council. I have gained a new perspective in how to work toward our common Republican goals when facing a Democrat majority. In this we have made significant progress by attracting bees with honey instead of vinegar. It is with experience that I would like to represent Nevada at the Republican National Convention. Most folks don’t understand that national conventions demand work. If elected, I would be happy to help the State Party make sure that the Nevada Delegation has a great experience as we work to re-elect our President! I ask for your Vote.

Shana Weir ***DJT Slate Member*** I served as general counsel to the Clark County Republican Party under two chairmen. I have also served as a special counsel to the Nevada State Republican party. As an early supporter of Donald Trump, I began to advise the Nevada Trump campaign on legal issues throughout the primary; and then into the general election. I worked election day operations to oversee and legally advise poll watchers; and I filed a lawsuit on election day on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President. I am a member of the Republican National Lawyers Association wherein I regularly attend conferences on policy and election law. After 15 years of practicing law in Nevada, I recently opened my own firm wherein I engage in the practice of election law, estate planning and corporate transactions.

John Ying***DJT Slate Member*** John Ying is focused on getting Donald J. Trump re-elected as President, Michael R. Pence re-elected as Vice President, retaining the GOP majority in the Senate and regaining the majority in the House. He was an Underwriter of the 58th Presidential ​ Inaugural Committee in 2017. John has served as Asia Finance Chairman and on the Republican National Finance Committee in 2012 and on the Finance Committees for Congressman since 2012, for Senator in 2012 and 2018 and for Attorney General Adam Laxalt in 2018. He has enthusiastically supported in 2016 and 2018. Additionally, John has focused on broadening the base of the party as Chairman of the Asian Republican Coalition. In business, John is the founder and Managing Director of Peak Capital, a private investment firm, and a Director of Tai Ping Carpets International, a publicly-listed global luxury carpet company. Previously, he served as a Managing Director of Arctic Capital, a Managing Director—Asia of The Carlyle Group and a Director of Merrill Lynch & Co. John received an M.B.A. in Finance from The Wharton School, an M.A. in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the Chairman Emeritus of The Hong Kong Ballet and Director Emeritus of the Graduate Executive Board of The Wharton School. John has been married to his wife, Lisa, for 27 years. They have two children and have been at Lake Tahoe since 2003.