USAID WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Quarterly Progress Report Period 2nd – October 1 to December 31, 2018

Submission Date: January 2019, revised 3 February 2019

USAID Contract Number: AID-OAA-I-15-00047, Order: 72027818F00002 Contract/Agreement Period: July 16, 2018 to September 30, 2022 COR Name: Akram AlQhaiwi

Submitted by: Rick Minkwitz, Chief of Party CDM International Inc. 73 Al Mutanabi St, , Jordan Tel: 009626 4642720 Email: [email protected]

This document was produced for review and approval by the United States Agency for International Development / Jordan (USAID/Jordan).

July 2008 1


Contents ...... 3

Acronyms and Abbreviations ...... 5

1. Background ...... 7 a. Introduction ...... 7 b. Report Period ...... 7

2. Activity Overview ...... 7 a. Activity Details ...... 7 b. Executive Summary ...... 9

3. Activity Implementation ...... 10 a. Progress Narrative ...... 11 b. Reporting Data and DevResults ...... 15 c. Implementation Challenges and Modifications Made/Issues Addressed from Last Quarterly Report ...... 15

4. Collaborating and/or Knowledge Sharing ...... 15 a. Collaboration and/or Knowledge Sharing with Other USAID Activities and Partner Entities in Host Government and Other Donor Agencies ...... 15

5. Assessments / Evaluations / Lessons Learned ...... 16 a. List Major Assessments / Internal Evaluations and Lessons Learned and Actions and Way Forward ...... 16

6. Planned Activities for Next Quarter ...... 17 a. Proposed Tasks and Activities for the Next Quarter...... 17

7. Branding Communications and Dissemination ...... 19 a. Key Communication Activities - Specific Activities That Reflect Branding Awareness for USAID ...... 19 b. Branding ...... 19

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 3/37 January 2019 revised 8. Sustainability and Exit Strategy ...... 19

9. ANNEXES ...... 20 Annex I Indicator Performance Tracking Table and Critical Success Factor (CSF) and PAT Matrix ...... 20 Annex II Geographic Data Reporting – GIS Template ...... 28 Annex III Data Collection ...... 29 Annex IV Training Report ...... 32 Annex V Deliverables ...... 33 Annex VI Staff ...... 34 Annex VII Meetings ...... 35 Annex VIII Management and Administrative Issues ...... 36 Annex IX Sub-Award Details ...... 36 Annex X Schedule ...... 36

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 4/37 January 2019 revised ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

A&E Architect and Engineer ADS Automated Directives System AMELP Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan AWC Aqaba Water Company BEO Bureau Environmental Officer BOT Build, Operate, and Transfer CAD Computer-Aided Design CAPEX Capital Expenditure CD Compact Disc CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CDM Smith CDM International Inc. CIRS Context Indicator Reference Sheet CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting CRM Climate Risk Management CLIN Contract Line Item Number CMC Construction Management Contract CMS Construction Management Services COP Chief of Party COR Contract Officer Representative DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DDL Development Data Library DEC Development Experience Clearinghouse DESAL Desalination DLS Department of Land and Survey DO Development Objective DOS Department of Statistics DQA Data Quality Assessment EA Environmental Assessment EDCO Electricity Distribution Company EIA Environmental Impact Assessments EIB European Investment Bank EMMP Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation Plan ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESR Environmental Status Report FARA Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GIS Geographic Information System GOJ Government of Jordan HO Home Office IDIQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity IEE Initial Environmental Examination IM Implementing Mechanism IPs Implementing Partners IPS Intake Pump Station IPTT Indicator Performance Tracking Table

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 5/37 January 2019 revised IR Intermediate Result JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JVA Jordan Valley Authority KAC King Abdullah Canal KaMP Knowledge Management Portal LF Logical Framework LOE Level of Effort MCM Million Cubic Meter M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MEO Mission Environmental Officer MIS Management Information System MoEnv Ministry of Environment MOH Ministry of Health MPWH Ministry of Public Works and Housing MWI Ministry of Water and Irrigation NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement NEPCO National Electricity Power Company NICRA Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement NRW Non-Revenue Water O&M Operation and Maintenance OPEX Operational Expenditure PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet PMP Performance Management Plan PMU Programme Management Unit PPP Public Private Partnership PPR Performance Plan and Report PQM Project Quality Management PS Pump Station RF Results Framework RFP Request for Proposal RFTOP Request for Task Order Proposal RO Reverse Osmosis RSDS Red Sea Dead Sea Conveyance Project (also known as Jordan Red Sea Project) RSS Royal Scientific Society SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SOW Statement of Work SPC Special Purpose Company STC Special Tendering Committee SWRO Seawater Reverse Osmosis TDY Temporary Duty ToC Theory of Change TOR Terms of Reference USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government WAJ Water Authority of Jordan WIT Water Innovation Technologies WMI Water Management Initiative WTP Water Treatment Plant WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant YWC Yarmouk Water Company

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 6/37 January 2019 revised 1. BACKGROUND a. Introduction

USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure (the Project) is an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract awarded to CDM International Inc. (CDM Smith) by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to cover all architect and engineer (A&E) infrastructure development tasks that USAID, in cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI)/Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), water companies, municipalities and Ministry of Environment (MoEnv), plans to carry out during the project life span within selected areas of Jordan. The goal is to achieve USAID and Government of Jordan (GOJ) strategic goals. USAID supports the water sector activities through improved infrastructure and management. The objective is to help USAID partners better plan their resources to ensure best utilization of limited water resources, develop strategic planning, build capacity among their staff and improve environmental protection through improvements to the water and wastewater infrastructure based on the most feasible options to satisfy future growth. The scope of work to achieve the goals and objectives includes engineering assessments; studies; site investigations; network modeling; geographic information system (GIS) development; energy studies; designs; capacity building; and construction management in the water, wastewater and environment sectors. b. Report Period

Quarterly Report No. 2 covers the USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure activities from October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, and Figure 1-1 Project Locations reports on activities accomplished during the period and activities anticipated to be accomplished during the next quarter.

2. ACTIVITY OVERVIEW a. Activity Details

USAID JORDAN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE The Project commenced on July 16, 2018 and has an end date of September 30, 2022.The Project consists of a 4-year 2-month, multiple-site, multiple project infrastructure investment program to deliver specific improvements throughout Jordan. The Project is divided into the following nine tasks and the task’s locations are shown on Figure 1-1:

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 7/37 January 2019 revised ▪ Task 1 (Optional) - Red Sea Dead Sea (RSDS) Conveyance Project–Phase II: Providing services and support for the RSDS Conveyance Project – Phase II will consist of the development of a build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract and designs for RSDS Phase II which will include connections to Phase I, a seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) treatment facility in Aqaba, transmission pipelines to Amman and pump stations. Estimated start date to be exercised by USAID. ▪ Task 2 – Construction supervision – Shedeyyeh – Hasa Water Project Phase I: Located in central Jordan will consist of construction management services (CMS) for the well drilling contract, and precontract and CMS services for the design/build contract (water treatment plant (WTP), wellhead completion and pumps, wellfield pipelines). Estimated start date was November 2018 (currently not authorized to commence). ▪ Task 3 – Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project: Detailed engineering design and tender documents for expansion of Zai WTP Project located at Dair Alla in the Jordan Valley and continues through Governorate to Amman. The task will consist of a feasibility report for the expansion of the Zai WTP Project (WTP, pump stations, and transmission pipeline), existing conditions assessments, and design and tender documents for the water supply system expansion. Start date August 2018. ▪ Task 4 – Expansion of Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant: Feasibility study, design, and tender documents for expansion of Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will consist of a feasibility report for the expansion of the WWTP, a reuse plan, existing conditions assessments, and design and tender documents for WWTP expansion. Start date August 2018. ▪ Task 5 - Expansion of Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plant:Feasibility study, design, and tender documents for expansion of the Ramtha WWTP will consist of a feasibility report for the expansion of the WWTP, a reuse plan, existing conditions assessments, and design and tender documents for WWTP expansion. Start date August 2018. ▪ Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah: Located in the Jordan Valley and will consist of preparing detailed designs and tender documents based on a feasibility study prepared by others under a European Investment Bank (EIB) funded program. Start date November 2018. ▪ Task 7 - Water and Wastewater Project for Bani Kenanah in : Will consist of water and wastewater master planning, a feasibility report for the water and wastewater infrastructure, and design and tender documents for the immediate and short-term needs identified and agreed upon. Estimated start date February 2019. ▪ Task 8 (Optional) – Technical assistance to water utilities providing technical, financial, customer service, energy efficiency, operation and maintenance (O&M), and other services as requested. Estimated start date to be exercised by USAID. Activities under Task 8 could be country-wide and will be located on the project map once identified. ▪ Task 9 (Optional) - Additional Architect and Engineer (A&E) Services: Assessment of water and wastewater systems, feasibility studies, designs, tendering support and construction management services will cover additional A&E services as identified and requested by USAID and in coordination with WAJ. Estimated start date to be exercised by USAID. Activities under Task 9 could be country-wide and will be located on the project map once identified.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 8/37 January 2019 revised b. Executive Summary

(a) Short Introduction

The Project commenced on July 16, 2018 and has an end date of September 30, 2022. The goal is to achieve USAID and GOJ strategic goals. USAID supports water sector activities through improved infrastructure and management. The objective is to help USAID partners better plan their resources to ensure best utilization of limited water resources, develop strategic planning, build capacity among their staff and improve environmental protection through improvements to the water and wastewater infrastructure based on the most feasible options to satisfy future growth.

(b) Summary of Results for the Reporting Period and Key Achievements

Three of the nine tasks (Tasks 3, 4 and 5) were authorized for commencement on August 1, 2018. Task 6 was authorized to commence on November 1, 2018. Two activities under Task 9 were requested by USAID on September 13, 2018. The executive summary will provide results of the four tasks and the two activities under Task 9.

(i) Task 3 –Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project

Task 3 commenced on August 1, 2018 with the main objective being to evaluate the different options for increasing the capacity of the Zai water supply scheme which will allow for the anticipated additional water quantities that will be available as a result of the swap agreement between Jordan and Israel.

As agreed with MWI/WAJ and USAID, there are no additional available water quantities in the King Abdullah Canal (KAC) therefore currently there are no plans under Task 3 to expand the system.

A Zai water treatment system existing conditions report for identifying potential options to upgrade, rehabilitate and provide reliability to the system for the future was submitted on November 14, 2018. The report was reviewed with Miyahuna. A water quality report was submitted for review on November 8, 2018 and reviewed with Miyahuna staff at Zai WTP. Miyahuna comments were addressed and the report was submitted as final on December 18, 2018.

(ii) Tasks 4 and 5 –Expansion of Madaba and Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plants

These two tasks commenced on 1 August 2018. The two tasks aim at the expansion of the Madaba and Ramtha WWTPs to treat the projected wastewater flows until the year 2045. The tasks will consider population forecasts, and additional wastewater service areas planned to be connected to the sewer network for Madaba and for Ramtha including proposed connection of the localities of Torrah, Shajarah and Emrawah, within the planned horizon.

During the reporting period the planned approach was as follows:

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 9/37 January 2019 revised 1. Data collection continued 2. Facility and organizational assessments 3. Completion of the sampling and testing program at each WWTP and receipt of the report 4. Development of the feasibility study 5. Population and wastewater flow projections for currently served areas and for potential additional service areas. The assessment reports were under review at the end of the reporting period and will be submitted in January.

(iii) Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah

Task 6 commenced on November 1, 2018 with the main objective of taking forward into design the recommendations in a feasibility study prepared by SUEZ under an EIB funded program. The ongoing initial activity is to provide an evaluation report of the feasibility study. The purpose of the study is to ensure that MWI/WAJ and USAID understand the work required to take the design of the water and wastewater improvements forward. Submittal of the report is planned for early January.

(iv) Task 9 (Optional) - Additional Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. Two activities under Task 9 were requested by USAID on September 13, 2018 as follows:

1. Technical assistance to support the Phase III expansion of the As Samra WWTP. The Fichtner prepared feasibility study and annexes for the Phase III expansion of the As Samra WWTP was received in late November 2018. USAID and MWI/WAJ has requested CDM Smith to review the feasibility study and provide a due diligence report based on the study’s technical content, the construction cost estimate, and the financial model. An initial assessment was submitted to USAID and MWI/WAJ on December 20 and December 30, 2018, respectively, while the complete due diligence report will be submitted on January 20, 2019. 2. Technical assistance to analyze and design energy interventions to support the water sector. A draft field assessment – energy efficiency and renewable energy in the water sector was submitted on November 19, 2018. Comments provided by USAID on November 29, 2018 were being addressed at the end of the quarter.


The following provides an overview of the issues and activities completed during the reporting period that are either common to some or all of the tasks or are required to perform the overall works of the contract. Additionally, activities accomplished during the reporting period and specific to each of the nine tasks are discussed under each task heading. Three of the nine tasks (Tasks 3, 4 and 5) were authorized for

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 10/37 January 2019 revised commencement on August 1, 2018, Task 6 was authorized to commence on November 1, 2018, and two activities under Task 9 were requested by USAID on September 13, 2018 all of which are discussed below. a. Progress Narrative

(a) Mobilization

Long-term staff and short-term (temporary duty (TDY)) staff are listed in Annex VI. Philipp Stepan and Marieke Jenne were approved for a TDY to lead the review of the feasibility study for the second expansion of the As Samra WWTP activity. Meifa Chen was mobilized as Tasks 3, 6 and 7 leader and Ahmad Smadi and Faisal Hani Al Nouti were mobilized to assist with Task 6. A request for consent to subcontract with Arabtech Jardaneh was submitted to USAID on November 10, 2018. USAID provided comments on November 29 and December 10, 2018 which were responded to on December 15, 2018. Other subcontracts for our local partners Consolidated Consultants and consultant agreements are under development. A subcontract for the Task 4 and 5 sampling programs at the WWTPs was finalized.

Staff approvals and travel approvals have all proceeded well. Residency and work permits where required have been finalized or are in process.

(b) Data Collection

Requests for data including record drawings, specifications, population census, survey information, organization charts, condition and age of equipment and tax information were made to the responsible agencies. The data collection information received is included in Annex III.

(c) Meetings, Collaboration and Site Visits

Meetings, collaboration and site visits conducted during the reporting period are included in Annex VII.

(d) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan

The draft MEL Plan was submitted on October 16, 2018. USAID provided comments on November 7, 2018 that were responded to on November 17, 2018. Additional comments were received on December 10, 2018 and were addressed but required a modified result framework. The modified result framework was received from USAID on December 20, 2018. The framework was incorporated, and the MEL Plan was submitted to USAID as final on December 23, 2018.

(e) Gender

Nothing to report this quarter.

(f) Task 1 (Optional) - Red Sea Dead Sea (RSDS) Conveyance Project – Phase II

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. This task has not been authorized

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 11/37 January 2019 revised by USAID. MWI/WAJ explained that the concept design of the Red Sea- Amman Water Supply project might replace the RSDS Phase II project. Final discussions towards preparation of BOT bid documents with priority for Component 1 of this new concept between USAID and MWI/WAJ will take place before this work is authorized.

(g) Task 2 – Construction supervision – Shedeyyeh–Hasa Water Project Phase I

This task had an estimated November 2018 start date but has not been authorized to start.

(h) Task 3 –Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project

This task commenced on 1 August 2018 with the main objective of the task being to evaluate the different options for increasing the capacity of the Zai water supply scheme which will allow for the anticipated additional water quantities that will be available as a result of the swap agreement between Jordan and Israel. Currently, the additional anticipated water quantities planned to be available in the KAC have not fully materialized. Therefore, currently expansion of the Zai water treatment system is not planned.

The agreed upon plan under task 3 is to complete the Zai water treatment system evaluation with the intent to identify potential options to upgrade, rehabilitate and provide reliability to the system for the future. The existing conditions report was submitted in November 2018. Based on agreed findings in the report, an options report will be developed to further define those findings for implementation. A water quality assessment report was prepared and submitted on November 8, 2018. A meeting was held on December 4, 2018 with Miyahuna to discuss both reports. Comments were received from Miyahuna on the water quality report and incorporated into the final report that was submitted on December 18, 2018. The existing conditions report was discussed at the same meeting with Miyahuna. Miyahuna provided their recommendations of the findings in the report to implement. This information was included in meeting minutes and will need to be discussed and agreed with MWI/WAJ and USAID prior to commencing the options report. A coordination meeting was held on October 9, 2018 with MWI/WAJ, Miyahuna and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) representatives to discuss JICA’s plans for the Zai water system. The purpose was to understand JICA’s interest in funding at the Zai system. JICA indicated they were considering upgrades to the pumps, chemical systems and settling basins near Pump Station (PS) 1. Agreement was reached to allow the existing conditions report to be finalized before JICA makes any funding decisions. MWI/WAJ provided JICA with the draft existing conditions report.

(i) Tasks 4 and 5 –Expansion of Madaba and Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plants

These two tasks commenced on August 1, 2018. The 2 tasks aim at the expansion of the Madaba and Ramtha WWTPs to treat the projected wastewater flows until the year 2045. The tasks will consider population forecasts, and additional wastewater service areas planned to be connected to the sewer network for Madaba and for Ramtha including proposed connection of the localities of Torrah, Shajarah and Emrawah within the planned horizon.

During the reporting period, the planned approach included:

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 12/37 January 2019 revised

1. Data collection – This has been achieved through requests from MWI/WAJ, Miyahuna (for Madaba) and Yarmouk Water Company (YWC) (for Ramtha). 2. Facility and organizational assessments – This was achieved with local staff and an O&M Specialist visiting each of the sites and working with local facility operators. 3. Sampling program – Based on each facility’s mode of operation, develop a 24/7 sampling and analysis program to determine and verify existing information on the influent and effluent quality and at locations internal to the facility. This was achieved with a subcontract with the RSS to provide these services. The sampling programs for each WWTP were performed during October 2018 and final reports were received in December 2018. The results will be reported in the assessment reports and will be used in modeling the facilities as part of the feasibility study. 4. Development of the feasibility study 5. Population and wastewater flow projections for currently served areas and for potential additional service areas. MWI/WAJ requested that the localities of Bwaidhah and Dnaibeh in Ramtha be included in the projections. For Madaba, there is interest on the part of MWI/WAJ to consider the South Amman WWTP in the overall planning for the Madaba WWTP expansion. At present, no decision has been made regarding this inclusion into the statement of work (SOW) for Task 4. However, a technical memorandum was submitted to MWI/WAJ and USAID to propose the Madaba WWTP catchment area and to provide initial feedback on our investigation into the scheme for the Madaba to South Amman WWTP force main and pump station. The assessment reports are under final review and will be submitted in mid-January 2019.

(j) Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah

Task 6 commenced, as estimated, on November 1, 2018 with the authorization to proceed. The EIB-funded feasibility study and other documentation developed under the EIB work was received in part during November and December 2018. At a meeting with USAID and MWI/WAJ, confirmation was received that the design effort would include those water and wastewater improvements for which EIB has construction funding. The improvements include the following:

▪ Component 1 – Alternative 4 for all proposed water improvements in Dair Alla and Al Karamah.

▪ Component 2 – The wastewater networks, pipelines and WWTP for Dair Alla only.

▪ Component 3 – The reclaimed water (reuse) facilities for the Dair Alla wastewater system.

The first activity under the task was to provide a review of the feasibility study and other documents. The initial review of the feasibility study resulted in requests for additional information and clarifications of information included in the study. Two site visits to meet MWI/WAJ Dair Alla staff provided insight into the study but also resulted in some differences regarding the location of the Dair Alla WWTP and other facilities as identified in the study.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 13/37 January 2019 revised Further meetings with MWI/WAJ in Amman and in Balqa provided clarifications to the Dair Alla WWTP location, Abu Ezzighan reverse osmosis (RO) plant, GIS information on the water pipelines, wellfield and well locations and record data on well water quality and yields currently available.

The feasibility study evaluation report is under final review and will be submitted in early- January 2019.

(k) Task 7 – Water and Wastewater Project for Bani Kenanah in Irbid Governorate

This task has an estimated February 2019 start date. The original scope included preparing water and wastewater planning, feasibility and design and tender documents for this district of Irbid Governorate. During the period of task order preparation and negotiation, MWI/WAJ contracted with Atkins and Engicon under EIB funding to prepare a feasibility study for water and wastewater improvements for the district of Bani Kenanah in the Irbid Governorate. Therefore, this task will use the feasibility study outcomes and other deliverables required under the EIB-funded work to advance design and implementation of new and upgraded water and wastewater facilities as agreed with USAID and MWI/WAJ.

(l) Task 8 (Optional) – Technical Assistance to Water Utilities

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. There have been no activities identified under this task.

(m) Task 9 (Optional) - Additional Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. Two activities under Task 9 were requested by USAID on 13 September 2018 as follows:

1. Technical assistance to support the Phase III expansion of the As Samra WWTP. The Fichtner-prepared feasibility study and annexes for the Phase III expansion of As Samra WWTP were received at the end of November 2018. USAID and MWI/WAJ has requested CDM Smith to review the feasibility study and provide a due diligence report based on the study’s technical content, the construction cost estimate, and the financial model. An initial assessment was submitted to USAID and MWI/WAJ on December 20 and December 30, 2018, respectively, while the completed due diligence report will be submitted on January 20, 2019. The feasibility study includes 2 options: 1) the expansion would be integrated with the existing WWTP and 2) the expansion would be on the same site as the existing WWTP but would standalone from the existing WWTP. The existing (original Phase I) WWTP and first expansion (Phase II) were constructed and are being operated by a Special Purpose Company (SPC) under a BOT contract with the MWI/WAJ. During the reporting period, the task leader and junior wastewater engineer were mobilized to Amman. A kick-off meeting was held on December 2, 2018 with USAID

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 14/37 January 2019 revised and MWI/WAJ to confirm the scope of this work and it resulted in term of reference (TORs) that were included with the meeting minutes. A site visit to the Ain Ghazal pretreatment facility and to As Samra WWTP was conducted with MWI/WAJ and SPC personnel. Additional information as a result of the site visit and was received late in December. Home office (HO) staff have been engaged to review the feasibility study technical content, to review the two construction cost estimates in the feasibility study (integrated and standalone), and review the financial model. This work will be ongoing until January 20, 2019 when the due diligence report is due. 2. Technical assistance to analyze and design energy interventions to support the water sector. We requested and received approval from USAID to have a renewable energy person on TDY status (October 6 to 27, 2018) come to Jordan to assist in scoping out the required technical assistance. Meetings held during the period of this activity are identified in Annex VII. A draft field assessment – (energy efficiency and renewable energy in the water sector) was submitted on November 19, 2018. Comments provided by USAID on November 29, 2018 were being addressed at the end of the quarter. b. Reporting Data and DevResults

Geographic information on Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 (As Samra WWTP) were included in DevResults following the Project being registered on 29 November 2018.

Task 3-Expansion of the Zai Water Treatment Plant Project -Water Quality Assessment Report, Task 3- Technical Memorandum-Availability of Additional Source Water in the KAC, First Quarterly Report, and First Annual Work Plan were submitted to the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC).

Deliverables to date are listed in Annex V. c. Implementation Challenges and Modifications Made/Issues Addressed from Last Quarterly Report

The implementation challenges and modifications, both actual and potential, have been discussed above under paragraph 3.a.

Modification no. 1 was issued by USAID to increase the obligated amount and to add and revise various task order clauses. The added clause was for compliance requirements under the USAID’s Climate Risk Management (CRM) program.

4. COLLABORATING AND/OR KNOWLEDGE SHARING a. Collaboration and/or Knowledge Sharing with Other USAID Activities and Partner Entities in Host Government and Other Donor Agencies

Meetings, collaboration and site visits conducted during the reporting period are included in Annex VII. In summary the following significant collaboration and knowledge sharing has taken place:

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 15/37 January 2019 revised • Coordination meeting with the implementing partner (IP) on the USAID Water Innovation Technologies (WIT) Project to share scopes of services. It was agreed to identify common areas, and one potential area was in Dair Alla.

• We met with MWI/WAJ and USAID to confirm the issues associated with and the scope for the review of the feasibility study for the second expansion of the As Samra WWTP.

• CDM Smith and subcontractor staff attended a fraud awareness briefing presented by the USAID Office of Inspector General on 6 November 2018.

• We attended the USAID IP meeting and presented the USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure to the IP attendees.

• A coordination meeting with MWI/WAJ, Miyahuna and USAID to discuss the USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure status, and scope of services and to receive input from MWI/WAJ on their priorities for the Project going forward.

• We coordinated with the USAID M&E staff and our M&E consultant on the draft MEL Plan, which was submitted to USAID in October 2018 for review and comment.

• We met with JICA and MWI/WAJ to coordinate activities that JICA has planned for the Zai water system to make sure we were not duplicating efforts.

• Similarly, we met with MWI/WAJ, USAID, and Dorsch on their KfW-funded energy project to understand what their outcomes might provide to opportunities under the USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure while making sure we were not duplicating efforts.

5. ASSESSMENTS / EVALUATIONS / LESSONS LEARNED a. List Major Assessments / Internal Evaluations and Lessons Learned and Actions and Way Forward

• Task 5 Expansion of the Ramtha WWTP: The population projections and resultant wastewater forecasts will include two localities, Bwaidhah and Dnaibeh, that were not included in the original Task 5 scope of work. Based on JWI’s Scope of Work Bwaidhah and Dnaibeh localities are parts of the areas that need to be connected to Ramtha WWTP, accordingly JWI needs to add the flows coming from those two localities to the projected flows to Ramtha WWTP

• Initial assessments and evaluations of the Task 6 feasibility study for Dair Alla and Al Karamah prepared by Suez have identified the need for specialized staff to perform investigations and review of the existing conditions of the wellfields, wells and existing RO plant at Abu Ezzighan to determine needs for rehabilitation and/or replacement. Additionally, decisions regarding the design horizon for both the water and wastewater improvements will require further discussion with MWI/WAJ and USAID.

• The work that JICA was considering funding at the Zai water supply system will be coordinated with MWI/WAJ based on the Task 3 existing conditions report.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 16/37 January 2019 revised 6. PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR NEXT QUARTER

The following provides an overview of the activities either common to some or all of the tasks or required to perform the overall works of the contract that are expected to be worked on during the next quarter. Additionally, engineering activities (specific to each of the nine tasks) to be worked on during the reporting period are discussed under each task heading. a. Proposed Tasks and Activities for the Next Quarter

(a) Mobilization

Staff mobilization will continue during the Project’s third quarter to meet the ongoing activities and task requirements. Resolution of the Arabtech Jardaneh consent to subcontract will require further discussion with USAID. Subcontract development for our local partners is ongoing and where required USAID consent to subcontract will be requested. The need for procuring the project vehicles will be reviewed – currently we have two project vehicles that were turned over to this Project from Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Phase II Project (WIP II). The secondment of WAJ, Miyahuna and YWC staff into the project team is planned to commence with a request to MWI/WAJ to identify staff.

(b) Data Collection

Data collection will be an ongoing activity for those tasks authorized and expected to commence in the third quarter.

(c) Meetings, Collaboration and Site Visits

Meetings, collaboration and site visits to project locations will continue to further define scopes, coordinate our work with others and ensure that our performance is aligned with USAID and our local client’s expectations. We expect a USAID IP meeting will be scheduled. We expect meetings to define the scope of services and/or receive agreed USAID and MWI/WAJ priority projects planned for implementation.

(d) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan

The draft MEL Plan has been submitted as final. Final approval from USAID is expected next quarter and it will be posted on DEC.

(e) Task 1 (Optional) - Red Sea Dead Sea (RSDS) Conveyance Project–Phase II

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID.

(f) Task 2 – Construction supervision – Shedeyyeh–Hasa Water Project Phase I

This task had an estimated November 2018 start date but did not commence during the quarter.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 17/37 January 2019 revised (g) Task 3 –Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project

A meeting will be arranged to discuss the draft existing conditions report with MWI/WAJ and USAID, as well as findings that Miyahuna requested to be implemented. The options report will be under development during the quarter based on the findings from the existing conditions report that are accepted and agreed by MWI/WAJ and USAID to be taken forward.

(h) Tasks 4 and 5 –Expansion of Madaba and Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plants

The assessment reports for the two WWTPs will be submitted as draft and will be finalized during the quarter and meetings to review each assessment will be planned. The preliminary development of the feasibility studies will be ongoing. Resolution of the catchment areas for the Madaba WWTP expansion and whether additional work is required for reviewing the scheme for the Madaba to South Amman WWTP pump station and force main is needed will occur.

(i) Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah

The feasibility study evaluation report will be submitted to MWI/WAJ and USAID for their review and comment. Arrangements will be made for a presentation of the report with the objective of providing MWI/WAJ and USAID an overview of the report, to agree on those areas still in question, identify areas where further investigation is required, and commence design activities based on agreed water and wastewater infrastructure improvements.

(j) Task 7 – Water and Wastewater Project for Bani Kenanah in Irbid Governorate

Task 7 has an estimated February 2019 start date.

(k) Task 8 (Optional) – Technical Assistance to Water Utilities

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. There have been no activities identified under this task.

(l) Task 9 (Optional) - Additional Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services

This optional task will commence when exercised by USAID. Two activities under task 9 were requested by USAID on September 13, 2018 as follows:

1. Technical assistance to support the Phase III expansion of the As Samra WWTP. • The Fichtner-prepared feasibility study review will be ongoing, and a due diligence report based on the study’s technical content, the construction cost estimate, and the financial model will be submitted on January 20, 2019. It is expected that meetings will be arranged to review and discuss the report findings. 2. Technical assistance to analyze and design energy interventions to support the water sector. Resubmit the field assessment – energy efficiency and renewable energy in the water sector addressing USAID comments.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 18/37 January 2019 revised 7. BRANDING COMMUNICATIONS AND DISSEMINATION a. Key Communication Activities - Specific Activities That Reflect Branding Awareness for USAID

Nothing to report this quarter. b. Branding

Four portable posters have been developed: two have been provided to MWI/WAJ for their use and the remaining two will be located in our office ready to display at workshops and other events to show the USAID brand.


Nothing to report this quarter.

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 19/37 January 2019 revised 9. ANNEXES

Annex I Indicator Performance Tracking Table and Critical Success Factor (CSF) and PAT Matrix

As part of our draft MEL Plan this table has been finalized. Under IR 3.3.3b, 2 of 4 targets under Task 3 for 2018 and 2019 were achieved with an approved Water Quality Assessment Report and a TM for Available KAC Water Quantity, 2 of 3 targets under Task 4 for 2018 and 2019 were achieved with 2 TM and discussions on the TMs with MWI/WAJ and USAID, 1 of 3 targets under Task 5 for 2018 and 2019 were achieved with 1 TM and discussions on the TM with MWI/WAJ and USAID, and under Task 9 for 2018 and 2019 an Initial Assessment Report on the As Samra Second Expansion Feasibility Study and an Initial Field Report on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the water sector. No targets had been established for this Task to date.

TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC DO3 Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: T4- Expansion of the Female Female Female Female Female DO3d: Number of Madaba Wastewater people gaining Treatment Plant Male Male Male Male Male access to safely Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: managed sanitation T5- Expansion of the Ramtha District in Irbid Female Female Female Female Female services as a result Ramtha Wastewater Governorate of USG assistance Treatment Plan Male Male Male Male Male (Enter target only in year of expected Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: T6- Water and Dair Alla and Al Karamah in the completion of Female Female Female Female Female construction; Task Wastewater Project for Jordan Valley 9 TBD) Dair Alla and Al Karamah Male Male Male Male Male Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: T7- Water and Bani Kenanah District in Irbid Wastewater Project for Female Female Female Female Female Governorate Bani Kenanah/Irbid Male Male Male Male Male Governorate DO3 T1- Red Sea/Dead Sea Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: (RSDS) Conveyance Aqaba to Amman Governorates DO3e: Number of Project Phase II Female Female Female Female Female people receiving Male Male Male Male Male

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 20/37 January 2019 revised TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC improved service Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: quality from an T2- Construction Female Female Female Female Female Central Jordan along the Amman- existing basic or supervision for Male Male Male Male Male Aqaba Highway safely managed Shedeyyeh-Hasa Water drinking water Project, Phase I service as a result Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: of USG assistance T3- Expansion of the Zai Female Female Female Female Female Dair Alla in the Jordan valley (HL.8.1-3) Water Treatment Plant Male Male Male Male Male (Balqa Governorate) to Amman Project Governorate (Enter target only in year of expected T6- Water and Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: completion of Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah in the construction; Task Dair Alla and Al Karamah Female Female Female Female Female Jordan Valley 9 TBD) Male Male Male Male Male Total Total Total Total Total Geographic locations: T7- Water and Bani Kenanah District in Irbid Wastewater Project for Female Female Female Female Female Governorate Bani Kenanah/Irbid Male Male Male Male Male Governorate T1- Red Sea/Dead Sea 0 Geographic locations: IR 3.3 (RSDS) Conveyance TBD Aqaba to Amman Governorates Project Phase II IR3.3c: Cubic T2- Construction 0 Geographic locations: meters of water supervision for TBD Central Jordan along the Amman- provided or saved Shedeyyeh-Hasa Water Aqaba Highway as a result of USG Project, Phase I assistance T3- Expansion of the Zai 0 Geographic locations: Water Treatment Plant TBD Dair Alla in the Jordan valley (Task 9 TBD) Project (Balqa Governorate) to T4- Expansion of the 0 Geographic locations: Madaba Wastewater TBD Madaba Governorate Treatment Plant T5- Expansion of the 0 Geographic locations: Ramtha Wastewater TBD Ramtha District in Irbid Treatment Plan Governorate

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 21/37 January 2019 revised TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC T6- Water and 0 Geographic locations: Wastewater Project for TBD Dair Alla in the Jordan valley Dair Alla and Al Karamah (Balqa Governorate) to Amman Governorate T7- Water and 0 Geographic locations: Wastewater Project for TBD Bani Kenanah District in Irbid Bani Kenanah/Irbid Governorate Governorate Sub Sub-IR Training courses Total Total Total Total Total Facilities of participants: ArcGIS 1 0 Location provided by the vendor Sub Sub- ArcGIS 2 of the software IR3.3.2.1b: Number Building GeoDatabase Female Female Female Female Female of water and Geometric Network for TBD wastewater staff Utilities trained Editing Data ArcGIS Male Male Male Male Male Desktop Modeling Software Bently Other - TBD Seconded staff Total Total Total Total Total T1 – 1/Aqaba 0 T3 – 2/Miyahuna Female Female Female Female Female T7 – 3/Yarmouk, 1/WAJ Staff assigned to multiple TBD tasks: Male Male Male Male Male Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – 4/WAJ Other - TBD IR 3.3.3 T2- Construction 0 Geographic locations: supervision for 2018 TBD TBD 100 Expected construction completion IR3.3.3a: Percent of Shedeyyeh-Hasa Water 2021 construction Project, Phase I completion of water T4- Expansion of the 0 Geographic locations: and wastewater Madaba Wastewater 2021 TBD TBD Expected construction start 2021 Treatment Plant

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 22/37 January 2019 revised TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC infrastructure T5- Expansion of the 0 Geographic locations: systems by facility Ramtha Wastewater 2021 TBD TBD Expected construction start 2021 Treatment Plan T9 - TBD Geographic locations:

T1- Red Sea/Dead Sea S1 = 0 Reports will be prepared in CDM (RSDS) Conveyance year TBD Smith Amman office Project Phase II S2 = 0 Stage 1 Pre-Design year TBD Stage 2 Design S3 = TBD Stage 3 Pre-Contract TBD IR 3.3.3 T2- Construction S2 = 0

supervision Shedeyyeh- 2018 1 IR3.3.3b: Number Hasa Water Project, S3, P1&3 = 0 of approved Phase I 2019 engineering reports Stage 2 Design 4 and/or studies Stage 3 Pre-Contract (Phases 1 & 3 combined total) S1 = 0 2 T3- Expansion of the Zai 2018 4 Water Water Treatment Plant Quality Project Assessment Stage 1 Pre-Design TM-Water Stage 2 Design Quantity (Phases 1-3) S2/P1 = 0, 2018 2 4 S2/P3 = 0, (total S2) (S2, P3) 2019 T4- Expansion of the S1 = 0 2 Madaba Wastewater 2018 3 TM- WW Treatment Plant Catchment Stage 1 Pre-Design Area

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 23/37 January 2019 revised TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC Stage 2 Design TM- WW (Phases 1 – 3) Flow Stage 3 Pre-Contract TBD Projections S2 = 0 7 2019 (S2,P1+3)

S3 = TBD T5- Expansion of the S1 = 0 1 Ramtha Wastewater 2018 3 TM- WW Treatment Plan Flow Stage 1 Pre-Design Projections Stage 2 Design S2 = 0 7 (Phases 1 – 3) 2019 (S2,P1+3) Stage 3 Pre-Contract TBD S3 = TBD T6- Water and S2/P1 = 0 Wastewater Project for 2018 2 4 Dair Alla and Al S2/P3 = 0 Karamah 2019 (S2,P1+P3) (S2, P3) Stage 2 Design (Phases 1 – 3) T7- Water and S2/P1 = 0 Wastewater Project for 2019 2 4 Bani Kenanah/Irbid Governorate S2/P3 = 0 (S2,P1+P3) (S2, P3) Stage 2 Design 2019 (Phases 1 – 3) T9 – A&E services TBD 2 2018-2019: X task Initial reports Assessment TBD -As Samra WWTP Second Expansion FS Review

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 24/37 January 2019 revised TASK NUMBER, COMMENTS PROJECT BASELINE 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021- 2022 INFRASTRUCTURE INDICATORS & YEAR TARGET ACTUAL TARGET TARGET TARGET TYPE, STAGE, ETC Energy Efficiency Trip Report TBD Potential data - context, gender, etc. related to learning agenda

PROJECT TASKS & START DATES Task 1 – Red Sea/Dead Sea (RSDS) Conveyance Project, Phase II (optional, by USAID request) Task 2 – Construction supervision Shedeyyeh-Hasa Water Project, Phase I (Nov 2018- but has not been authorized to start) Task 3 – Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project (commenced Aug 2018) Task 4 – Expansion of Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant (commenced Aug 2018) Task 5 – Expansion of Ramtha Wastewater Treatment Plan (commenced Aug 2018) Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah (commenced Nov 2018) Task 7 – Water and Wastewater Project for Bani Kenanah/Irbid Governorate (Feb 2019) Task 8 – Technical Assistance and Training – water utilities (optional, by USAID request) Task 9 – Additional A&E Services (optional, by USAID request – two activities identified)

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 25/37 January 2019 revised Project Quality Management (PQM) – Critical Success Factors/Processes, Activities &Task Matrix Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 We must We must We must reconcile the We must We We must reach We must engage all conflict between engage all must receive the agreement have We must other donor the cost of stakeholders obtain support with excellent function We must organizations different levels including local and and ensure MWI/WAJ on program as an look for and their of service, while authorities and evaluate rapid criteria and Processes, Activities &Tasks (PATs) management effective innovative consultants Status meeting implement an existing decisions process for and meet project solutions to ensure a environmental effective data from WAJ determining time team coordinated requirements communications and and the financial schedules approach to and maximizing program studies utilities feasibility for all Tasks use of available recommended

water resources solutions Gather records and information on existing facilities to All information with few exceptions has been be expanded or upgraded including previous studies ie 1 X X X X X X X collected for Task 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 but will be Madaba WWTP to South Amman, Dorsch expansion of ongoing during project life Ramtha WWTP and JICA pumps for Zai system Assessments and existing conditions site visits included facility operation staff. Meetings to Engage the input of Water Company operators in 2 X X X X review Task 3 water quality and existing assessments & design conditions reports included facility operation staff. Coordinate with MWI/WAJ and USAID on additional Completed. No additional water in KAC for 3 X X X X X KAC Water Quantities Zai Expansion 1st Project Planning and Scope Review Meeting (PPSRM) held for Tasks 3, 4 and 5. 2nd meeting was held to understand JWI Conduct periodic team building / information transfer 4 X X X X X SOW and MEL Plan. 3rd to review CDM QMP meetings all for CDM staff. Meetings are regularly held monthly or more often as required with USAID and MWI/WAJ Identify most urgent needs as early in the Project as 5 X X X X X X X Ongoing possible in coordination with WAJ /USAID Establish design criteria parameters including providing 6 X X X X X X X X TBD in planning phase standards for system redundancy Evaluate cost-effective solutions focusing on maximum 7 and efficient use of water resources, energy efficiency X X X X X X X X X TBD in planning phase and renewable energy potential Ensure due diligence includes not only technical but 8 X X Will be ongoing during project life also legal, etc. Utilize the output of all pertinent reports, including the DOS info currently being used for population Department of Statistics (DOS) census information and forecasts and MWI/WAJ Water Reallocation 9 X X refugee status Policy for water demand and wastewater projections Met w/Dorsch on KfW funded energy project 10 Meet with other donor agencies and their consultants X X X X X & USAID WMI and WIT projects. Met with JICA on their planned funding for Task 3 Meet Jordanian reclaimed effluent water quality TBD in planning phase and in the EIA 11 standards for the intended reuse and for sludge X X X X X X preparation activities disposal Work with USAID to provide project info into their Provided GIS locations of Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6, and website 9 (As Samra WWTP site), USAID Fact Sheet, 12 X X X X provided approved reports to Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 26/37 January 2019 revised Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 We must We must We must reconcile the We must We We must reach We must engage all conflict between engage all must receive the agreement have We must other donor the cost of stakeholders obtain support with excellent function We must organizations different levels including local and and ensure MWI/WAJ on program as an look for and their of service, while authorities and evaluate rapid criteria and Processes, Activities &Tasks (PATs) management effective innovative consultants Status meeting implement an existing decisions process for and meet project solutions to ensure a environmental effective data from WAJ determining time team coordinated requirements communications and and the financial schedules approach to and maximizing program studies utilities feasibility for all Tasks use of available recommended

water resources solutions 1st Quarterly Report submitted and approved 13 Conduct quarterly project reporting X X by USAID and submitted to MWI/WAJ. 2nd Quarterly Report due January 15, 2019 PQM held 30 Aug 2018, Task 1 PQM will be 14 Conduct workshops at designated milestones X X X X X X scheduled and conducted upon task 1 start date 15 Use Microsoft Project for Project scheduling X In use Identify schedule impediments as early as possible in 16 the Project, and work to resolve issues that may cause X X X X X X TBD delays 17 Address stakeholder concerns to the MWI/WAJ X X Ongoing Coordinate with USAID and MWI/WAJ on SOW for TBD Several meetings w/MWI/WAJ and USAID to 18 X X X X and optional Tasks identify their priorities PQM held 30 Aug 2018 for Tasks 3, 4, 5 and subsequent meetings with MWI/WAJ and 19 Conduct kick-off meeting for each new task X X X X X USAID at commencing Tasks 6 and 9, PPSRM for Tasks 3, 4 & 5 held 29 August 2018, PPSRM will be scheduled for the new tasks Implement the plan to have WAJ and utility (Miyahuna 20 and Yarmouk Water) employees seconded to the X X X Planned for first Quarter 2019 Project team Define and assist MWI/WAJ with timely land 21 X X X X TBD in planning phase acquisition Define the power requirements for system expansions/upgrades and work the electrical agency 22 X X X TBD in planning phase responsible for providing new service to determine availability/cost 23 Perform rapid decision making X X X X X Ongoing as it relates to priority projects Integrate / coordinate individual task findings with all 24 X X X Ongoing other related tasks for consistency Get WAJ assistance when obtaining data from other Assistance was requested as needed and is 25 X X X X X agencies ongoing Obtain latest land use drawings for the cities covered Underway for Tasks 4 and 5, and TBD for 26 X X X X by the Project other tasks

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 27/37 January 2019 revised

Annex II Geographic Data Reporting – GIS Template

The following table shows the activity location data for Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9.

The coordinates for Task 3 are the location of the WTP. This task includes an area from the intake structure in Dair Alla in the Jordan Valley, a transmission system from Dair Alla to the WTP, and a transmission system from the WTP to the Dabouq reservoir in Amman.

The coordinates for Tasks 4, 5, and 9 are the WWTP locations.

The coordinates for Task 6 are for the location of the WAJ office in Dair Alla. The water and wastewater improvements will cover the entire areas of Dair Alla and Al Karamah

Activity Sector Governorate Y X Note Location is the existing Zai WTP. The task USAID Jordan covers the entire Zai Water Expansion of Zai Water water supply system Balqa 32.104975 35.715224 Infrastructure Treatment Plant Project which includes the Task 3 WTP, pumping stations and the transmission pipelines USAID Jordan Water Expansion of Madaba Location is the existing Madaba 31.697554 35.806146 Infrastructure WWTP Madaba WWTP Task 4

USAID Jordan Water Expansion of Ramtha Location is the existing Irbid 32.593664 35.988541 Infrastructure WWTP Ramtha WWTP Task-5 Location is the WAJ office in Dair Alla. The USAID Jordan Water/Wastewater task covers the entire Water Project for Dair Alla Balqa 32.14964444 35.612894 Dair Alla and Al Infrastructure and Al Karamah Karamah area with Task-6 water and wastewater improvements. USAID Jordan As Samra WWTP Water Location is the existing Expansion Feasibility Mafraq 32.15043056 36.166328 Infrastructure As Samra WWTP Study Review Task-9

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 28/37 January 2019 revised

Annex III Data Collection

Task 1 – Red Sea Dead Sea (RSDS) Conveyance Project Phase II Item # Received Data 1 Consulting Services for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study (ESIA) 2 Revised Concept Design Report Task 3 – Expansion of Zai Water Treatment Plant Project Item # Received Data 1 Zai WTP as-built Drawings (1985) 2 Zai As-built Drawings (1997) 3 Zai Expansion as-built Drawings (2000) 4 Zai WTP Expansion 2001 5 New Intake Station - modification completed in 2018 6 UV Installation Project 7 Abu Al Zeigan Wells 8 Intake, Topography, Entrance and Streets 9 Water Quality 10 Water Quantities 11 Site Visits Photos and Multimedia 12 KFW – Energy Projects Reports 13 O&M Manuals from the WTP Task 4 – Expansion of Madaba WWTP Item # Received Data 1 Madaba Upgrade Record Drawings 1998 2 WWTP flow (in- Out) (quality and quantity) (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) 3 Madaba new PS and FM design (drawings and tender documents) 4 Organization Structure 5 Vehicle List 6 JICA Master Plan 7 Madaba WWTP O&M Manual 8 Report by RSS Treated Effluent & Biosolids Maize 9 Madaba Wastewater Collection System - GIS 10 Report by RSS Treated Effluent & Biosolids Maize 11 Meeting with employees & flow direction 12 Al-Dar Study report for Madaba transmission system 13 Madaba WWTP Daily Operation record data 2015 up to 2018 from site 14 Final Design Report Madaba 1996-WAJ Library 15 Miyahuna Labs tests results/external lab 2015-2017 16 Madaba Local Lab test results 17 Madaba operation and service manual 1989-WAJ library 18 Madaba operation and maintenance volumes; Mechanical, Process part1/2, Process part 2/2

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 29/37 January 2019 revised

19 Madaba operation and maintenance manual 1989-WAJ library 20 Meteorological Data for Madaba and Queen Alia Airport Stations 21 DOS (2015 Data) Population Projection, year book, population based on nationality population based on gender and DOS growth rates for Madaba governorate up to 2050. 22 Madaba Contour and google Image from Al Mehwar 23 National Water Strategy (2016-2025) 24 Water Master Plan Reports and studies 25 Jordanian Standards for Air Quality 26 As-built Sewer Network & Villages Boundaries /Miyahuna 27 Existing customers on sewer network (GIS Format) 28 Qasabah Madaba Localities Boundaries in Geodatabase and shapefile formats form DOS 29 South Amman WWTP Design Report and Record Drawings 30 Madaba Geological Map from The Ministry of Energy 31 WAJ annual books 2010, 2015 & 2016 32 Al Dar Arabia Networks Plans from WAJ 33 South Amman -stage 3 34 South Amman -stage 1 35 Madaba Land use Soft and Hard Copy Task 5 – Expansion of Ramtha WWTP Item # Received Data 1 Ramtha upgrade As-Built Drawings 2005 2 WWTP flow (quality and quantity) (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) 3 JICA Master Plan 4 Ramtha WWTP O&M Manual 5 Effects of the Upgrading of Al-Ramtha WWTP on Quality of the Effluent and Environment 6 Report by RSS Treated Effluent & Biosolids Maize Final w Akrum's Edits 7 Sahel Horan Record Drawings 8 National Strategic Wastewater Master Plan Prepared by USAID/Jordan (ISSP) 9 Ramtha meeting with employees & flow direction 10 Ramtha Vehicles 11 Organization chart & list of employees and qualifications 12 Expansion of Ramtha WWTP O&M manual 1999 from WAJ library 13 Monthly WWTP site reports: operation and lab tests 2015 up to 2018 14 Ramtha final design report 1996-WAJ Library 15 The only available lab tests for local lab in the plant 16 Complete scanned As-Built drawing from eng. Hisham Obidate/manager of the plant 17 EPG speed Control 1983 manual 18 National Strategic Wastewater Master Plan Report 2014 19 Meteorological Data for Ramtha and Irbid Stations

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20 DOS (2015 Data) Population Projection, year book, population based on nationality population based on gender and DOS growth rates for Ramtha governorate up to 2050. 21 Ramtha Contour and google Image from Al Mehwar 22 National Water Strategy (2016-2025) 23 Water Master Plan Reports and studies 24 Jordanian Standards for Air Quality 25 Ramtha Boundary -From DOS GIS Data 26 The Geology of Irbid and Ash Shuna report 27 Ramtha and Irbid Geological Maps from The Ministry of Energy 28 WAJ annual books 2010, 2015 & 2016 29 Ramtha land use Soft and Hard Copy 30 Expansion of Ramtha WWTP package 6 of Sahel Horan project (Dorsch Design) 31 Ramtha Existing Network shapefile -GIS Format Task 6 – Water and Wastewater Project for Dair Alla and Al Karamah Item # Received Data 1 Dair Alla Draft Feasibility Study Draft Report July 2018 2 Dair Alla Feasibility Study Draft and Final Report 2018 3 Dair Alla Feasibility Study Conceptual Report April 2018 4 Excel File – FS Population Model 5 Excel File – WWTP Process Design Calculations 6 Excel File – Project Costs 7 Excel File – Financial & Economic Analyses 8 Excel File – Water Use Categories 9 Google Earth File – Proposed Water and Wastewater Projects 10 GIS Data – Parcels/Lots 11 GIS Data - Dair Alla & Karamah Existing Water System (Pipes, Facilities & Fittings), Customer Points 12 GIS Data – Wells 13 GIS Data - Landmarks 14 GIS Data - Contours 15 Water System Model in EPANet format for Alt 4 16 Census 2004 and 2015 (DOS Data and Growth Rate Scenarios) 17 Jordan Statistical Yearbook 2016 18 WAJ Laboratory Data – Wells Water Quality Data 19 Water production data / Balqa governorate 20 NRW Data for 2015, 2016 and 2017 21 JICA 2014 Study Report 22 JICA 2017 Tender Document 23 2010 Dar Al-Omran Report and Tender Document for Water System Rehab 24 Tal- Al Mantah WWTP – Plant Description, Technical Specs & Some Effluent Quality Data

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25 Jordan Drinking Water Standards 26 MWI Water Reallocation Policy 27 1992 MWI General Specs for Water Mains & Distribution Systems & Appurtenances 28 Journal Paper - 2015 Dams in Jordan Current and Future Perspective 29 Water loss Reduction – Middle Governorates Balqa and Madaba Report by Dorsch,, 2013 30 Dair Alla Feasibility Study Draft and Final Report 2018 31 Dair Alla Feasibility Study Conceptual Report April 2018 Task 7 – Water and Wastewater Project for Bani Kenanah/Irbid Governorate Item # Received Data 1 Bani Kenanah Feasibilty Study Report Task 9 – Additional A&E Services Item # Received Data 1 Aqeb Wells / Basalt Report 2 Hallabat, Dullail and Khaldiya Detailed Design Drawings and Tender Documents 3 Feasibility Study: use of renewable energy in water sector 4 Jordan Water Energy Project Feasibility Study, October 2014 5 Renewable Energy Program in Jordan, 2018 Task 9.1- Energy Item # Received Data 1 Fichtner (KFW) Project Report 2 Energy Assessments in Jordanian Water Supply System Dorsch-KfW/GIZ 3 Final Report Assessment of pump efficiency – Hallabat PS Zarqa Desal Plant PS, Sharea PS, Azraq Spring PS Azraq PS, GTZ 4 Solar Projects in Water Sector – OST Energy-EBRD Task 9.2- As-Samra WWTP Item # Received Data 1 As-Samra WWTP Second Expansion Feasibility Study byFichtner, April 2017 2 Estimated Population of the Kingdom by Governorate, Locality, Sex and Households DOS 3 Daily inflow data As Samra WWTP from 18.12.2014 to 17.11.2018, from AGTP, WZPS and EZPS 4 Geotechnical Site Investigation for Samra Expansion Project- Phase IIb Al Zarqa-Jordan 5 As Samra Biosolids Monofill Feasibility Assessment and Environmental Considerations 6 Kingdom-Wide Biosolids Management Plan 7 Wastewater Reinforcement and Expansion - Engineering Design Report: Pump Stations 8 SPC – Projected WW Flow Chart, 2nd/3rd Expansion Planned Layout, Survey of Planned expansion area for integrated solution

Annex IV Training Report

Fraud Awareness Workshop – 6 November 2018: Staff from CDM Smith, USAID, and our proposed local subcontractors attended a Fraud Awareness Workshop presented by the USAID Office of the Inspector General. There were 21 persons in attendance (11 males and 10 females).

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Annex V Deliverables

Draft Final Deliverable To To To Submittal Submittal USAID Resubmitted DEC st 19 August USAID approved Work Plan 1 Year 2018 Comments 4 14 October 1 November 2018 18 November October 2018 2018 2018 Resubmitted USAID approved 15 October USAID Comments 29 October 4 November 2018 DEC 1st Quarterly Report and 4 Sent Final to 13 November 2018 23 October 2018 November MWI/WAJ 6 2018 2018 November 2018 USAID, USAID, 2nd Quarterly Report 14 January MWI/WAJ, USAID 3 February MWI/WAJ 2019 comments received 2019 USAID approved 31 January 2019 3 Feb 2019 Accruals 11 December USAID 1st N/A 2018 Quarter 2019 USAID Comments 7 November 2018 Resubmitted 17 November 2018 USAID Comments MEL Plan 10 December 2018 16 October submitted as USAID Draft MEL Plan Resubmitted 17 Final on 23 USAID approval 2018 November 2018 Dec 2018 to 9 January 2019 USAID Comments USAID 10 December 2018 and modified framework received 20 December 2018 Resubmitted PQM Workshop Report 1 October USAID Comments 6 October USAID approved 2018 4 October 2018 1 November 2018 2018 23 October USAID Fact Sheet USAID 2018 DevResults for Geographic Data 29 November Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6 Reporting 2018 and 9 Task 3 - Technical Memorandum- 20 September USAID, DEC Availability of 13 November Additional Source Water 2018 MWI/WAJ 2018 in the KAC DEC 31 October USAID approved 5 13 November 2018 November 2018 2018 Task 3 – Zai Water Treatment Plant Project USAID, – Water Quality MWI/WAJ, Assessment Report 8 November Miyahuna met with 17 December USAID, 2018 Miyahuna 4 2018 MWI/WAJ December 2018 to receive comments USAID, Task 3 – Zai Water Treatment Plant Project MWI/WAJ, 14 November Miyahuna met with – Existing Conditions 2014 Miyahuna 4 and Water Quantity Assessment Report December 2018 to receive comments Task 9 – Field 19 November USAID Comments Assessment-Energy Efficiency and 2018 29 November 2018

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Draft Final Deliverable To To To Submittal Submittal Renewable Energy in the Water Sector Tasks 4 and 5 – Technical USAID, MWI/WAJ met with Minutes of Memorandum-Madaba 28 November MWI/WAJ 13 Meeting dated 17 N/A and Ramtha WWTPs 2018 Wastewater Flow December 2018 to December 2018 discuss Projections Task 4 – Technical Memorandum-Madaba 17 December USAID, MWI/WAJ WWTP Wastewater 2018 Catchment Areas Task 9 - Initial 20 December 2018 USAID Assessment Report-As 30 December Samra WWTP Second USAID, MWI/WAJ Expansion Feasibility 2018 2 January MWI/WAJ Study Review 2018 Annex VI Staff

Long Term and Local Staff Assignments Name Function Start Date End Date Rick Minkwitz COP/Project Manager 17-Jul-18 Mehran Meserlian Deputy COP/Project Manager 17-Jul-18 Neveen Abdulghani Assistant Project Manager 17-Jul-18 John Crippen Task Manager 25-Aug-18 14-Sep-18 John Crippen Task Manager-Tasks 4 and 5 1-Oct-18 Meifa Chen Task Manager-Tasks 3,6 and 7 13 Nov-18 Bashar Al Hammouri Civil Engineer 17-Jul-18 Sawsan Bataineh Senior Civil Engineer/Deputy Task Manager 22-Jul-18 Luba Hamdi Senior Civil Engineer/Deputy Task Manager 22-Jul-18 Ali Yousef Civil Engineer 12-Aug-18 Muhannad Al Masri CAD Operator 17-Jul-18 Lana Masannat Administrative Manager 17-Jul-18 Siham Shaban Receptionist 13-Aug-18 Hala Mawajdeh Financial Manager 17-Jul-18 Emad Basal Accountant 2-Sep-18 Saif Ababseh Computer & Network Specialist 17-Jul-18 Maher Mezher Driver 17-Jul-18 Mohammed Shalan Office Helper 17-Jul-18 Ahmad Smadi Civil Engineer Task 6 18-Nov-18 Faisal Hani Al Nouti Civil Engineer-Task 6 18-Nov 18 Temporary Duty Assignments Name Function Start Date End Date Mark White WTP Process Engineer – Task 3 6-Aug-18 17-Aug-18 Richard Lof Mechanical Engineer – Task 3 24-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Stephen Fontneau Electrical Engineer – Task 3 24-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Saed Hussain Instrumentation Engineer – Task 3 24-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Christopher Oot Officer in Charge – PQM & PA Orientation 28-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Ammar Daoud Contract Sales Leader PQM & PA Orientation 28-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Charles Tellis Subcontract Manager PQM & PA Orientation 27-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Development Assistance Manager PQM & PA Jeffrey Montera Orientation 27-Aug-18 31-Aug-18

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Harold Gillam PQM Facilitator 25-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 Salem Ali Contract Administrator 8-Sep-18 13-Sep-18 Matt Antill O&M Specialist – Task 4 and 5 2-Sep-18 17-Sep-18 Margaret Harritt M&E Specialist – Consultant 19-Sep-18 05-Oct-18 Jeffery Dickinson Renewable Energy Specialist – Task 9 7-Oct-18 26-Oct-18 As Samra Expansion Feasibility Study Review- Philipp Stepan 1-Dec-18 7-Dec-18 Task 9 As Samra Expansion Feasibility Study Review- Mareike Jenne 1-Dec-18 7-Dec-18 Task 9 PA – Post Award

Annex VII Meetings

Representatives Date Purpose CDM, WAJ (Wael 7 October 2018 Task 9 - Technical assistance energy program Elayyam) CDM, MWI/WAJ, JICA 9 October 2018 Task 3 - JICA plans for Zai water system CDM and USAID 11 October 2018 Task 9 - Technical assistance energy program CDM, USAID, GIZ 15 October 2018 Task 9 - Technical assistance energy program CDM, PMU (Udo Kachel) 17 October 2018 Task 9 - Technical assistance energy program Task 9 - Dorsch contract and renewable energy/energy CDM, Dorsch 20 October 2018 efficiency in the water sector CDM, USAID 24 October 2018 Task 9 - Energy debrief with USAID CDM Staff 31 October 2018 Discuss the PQM and MEL plan and responsibilities CDM, USAID 1 November 2018 USAID progress meeting USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure H.E. WAJ SG, CDM, 4 November 2018 Progress meeting USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure MWI/WAJ, USAID H.E. WAJ SG, CDM, 5 November 2018 Task 2 - Drilling contract for Shedeyyeh-Hasa project MWI/WAJ, USAID CDM Team, USAID, and Fraud awareness briefing- USAID Office of Inspector 6 November 2018 Proposed Subcontractors General CDM, MWI/WAJ 6 November 2018 Tasks 4 & 5 - Madaba and Ramtha WWTPs coordination meeting Implementing Partners 7 November 2018 USAID Implementing Partners meeting 14 November IP meeting with USAID Water Innovation Technologies CDM, USAID, WIT 2018 (WIT) Project to compare SOW for potential collaboration 18 November CDM, MWI/WAJ, USAID Project Review Meeting USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure 2018 19 November CDM and WAJ Task 6 - Site visit to Dair Alla and Al Karamah 2018 19 November Task 5 - Site visit to Ramtha WWTP and localities to be CDM and Yarmouk 2018 connected to the WWTP 27 November Task 4 - Madaba WWTP current service area and proposed CDM and Miyahuna 2018 future service area 28 November Task 9 - KfW renewable energy project by Dorsch for CDM and Dorsch 2018 expansion of the Zai WTP Task 9 - As Samara WWTP second expansion - review of CDM, MWI/WAJ, USAID 2 December 2018 feasibility study CDM, MWI/WAJ, USAID 3 December 2018 Task 6 - Dair Alla/Al Karamah Kick-off meeting Task 3 – Water quality and existing conditions reports review CDM and Miyahuna 4 December 2018 with Miyahuna at Zai WTP CDM, MWI/WAJ, SPC 5 December 2018 Task 9 - Ain Ghazal and As Samra WWTP site visit CDM, MWI/WAJ 11 December Task 6 - Dair Alla/Al Karamah for well water quality 2018 information and RO plants

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 35/37 January 2019 revised

CDM, MWI/WAJ 13 December Task 5 – Madaba/Ramtha WWTP wastewater projections 2018 13 December CDM, MWI/WAJ, USAID Project Review Meeting USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure 2018

The above represents key meetings during the quarter. However, there were many more meetings by staff in the process of data collection from MWI/WAJ, the water companies, Department of Statistics (DOS), and site visits to the Zai water system, Dair Alla/Al Karamah, and the Ramtha and Madaba WWTPs during the quarter.

Annex VIII Management and Administrative Issues

Nothing to Report this quarter

Annex IX Sub-Award Details

Subcontractor Description Date Value Royal Scientific Society Wastewater Sampling and Testing Programs at US$ 3 Oct 2018 (RSS) Madaba and Ramtha WWTPs 104,022

Annex X Schedule

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 36/37 January 2019 revised Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 1 MANAGEMENT 1584 days Sun 15/07/18 Mon 14/11/22 2 Task Order Signed 0 days Sun 15/07/18 Sun 15/07/18 15/07/18 Task Order Signed 3 1‐Day PQM Workshop 2 days Wed 29/08/18 Thu 30/08/18 30/08/18 1‐Day PQM Workshop 4 Prepare Annual Workplan 1462 days Sun 15/07/18 Fri 15/07/22 10 Submit Annual Work Plan (for all project activities) 1403 days Thu 13/09/18 Sat 16/07/22 16 Prepare Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan 90 days Sun 15/07/18 Fri 12/10/18 17 Submit Monitoring, Evaluatio 0 days Mon 15/10/18 Mon 15/10/18 15/10/18 Submitted MEL Plan ‐ Approved 09/01/2019 18 Manage Resources in Terms of Work plan 1522 days Wed 01/08/18 Fri 30/09/22 19 Coordinate with USAID, MWI, WAJ, Miyahuna, JVA, AWC, YWC ‐ Track & Report Progress1538 days Mon 16/07/18 Fri 30/09/22 20 Quarterly Report (for Activities undertaken during the quarter n and Learning (MEL) Plan 850 days Mon 15/10/18 Sun 16/01/22 Approved work Plan) 32 Annual Progress Reports (for all activities) 735 days Thu 27/12/18 Thu 31/12/20 36 Annual Financial Reports 1111 days Tue 16/07/19 Sat 30/07/22 41 Quarterly Accruals Report 1384 days Mon 01/10/18 Fri 15/07/22 58 Annual Non‐Expendabl 1096 days Tue 30/07/19 Sat 30/07/22 63 Initial Environmenta 1 day Sun 15/07/18 Sun 15/07/18 IEE For Tasks to be Identified Compared with the 29/11/18 Provided Activity location Data for Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6 & 9 Location Data For Tasks to be Identified 64 Geographic Data Reportinge Property Report 0 days Thu 29/11/18 Thu 29/11/18 65 Draft Final Project Reportl Examination (IEE) 1 day Wed 31/08/22 Wed 31/08/22 Draft Final Project Report 31/08/22 66 Final Project Report 1 day Mon 14/11/22 Mon 14/11/22 Final Project Report 14/11/22 67 Close‐Out Plan & Equipment Disposition 1 day Thu 31/03/22 Thu 31/03/22 Close‐Out Plan & Equipment Disposition 31/03/22 68 TASK 1 ‐ RED SEA DEAD SEA CONVEYANCE PROJECT / PHASE II 1071 days Sat 01/12/18 Fri 05/11/21 69 Suggested USAID/MWI/WAJ Notice to Proceed 1 day Sat 01/12/18 Sat 01/12/18 01/12/18 Suggested USAID/MWI/WAJ Notice to Proceed 70 Task 1 PQM Workshop 1 day Tue 01/01/19 Tue 01/01/19 01/01/19 Task 1 PQM Workshop 71 Component I: Preliminary Services 517 days Tue 01/01/19 Mon 01/06/20 72 Component I: Preliminary Services 0 days Tue 01/01/19 Tue 01/01/19 01/01/19 Component I: Preliminary Services 73 Collect, Review and Analyze Data 60 days Wed 02/01/19 Sat 02/03/19 74 Establish Electronic Project Library on a GOJ website 1 day Fri 01/02/19 Fri 01/02/19 01/02/19 Establish Electronic Project Library on a GOJ website 75 Assess and Evaluate Different Scenarios & Options 210 days Sat 02/02/19 Fri 30/08/19 76 Evaluate Hydropower Production Potentials 120 days Wed 03/04/19 Wed 31/07/19 77 Evaluate, Recommend & Select Best Scenario 90 days Sun 02/06/19 Fri 30/08/19 78 Evaluate Different Technical, Legal and Financial Options 90 days Sun 02/06/19 Fri 30/08/19 79 Draft Evaluation and Recommendation Memo 1 day Sat 31/08/19 Sat 31/08/19 31/08/19 Draft Evaluation and Recommendation Memo 80 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 01/09/19 Sun 15/09/19 81 Final Evaluation and Recommendation Memo 1 day Tue 01/10/19 Tue 01/10/19 01/10/19 Final Evaluation and Recommendation Memo 82 Environmental Impact Assessment 275 days Sun 01/09/19 Mon 01/06/20 83 Review Previous Relevant ESIA Reports 120 days Mon 02/09/19 Mon 30/12/19 84 Perform Additional Environmental and Social Studies 200 days Mon 02/09/19 Thu 19/03/20 85 Prepare Environmental and Social Management Plan 120 days Thu 21/11/19 Thu 19/03/20 86 Conduct Scoping Sessions 173 days Sun 01/09/19 Thu 20/02/20 93 Draft Scoping Statement 1 day Fri 21/02/20 Fri 21/02/20 21/02/20 Draft Scoping Statement 94 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sat 22/02/20 Sat 07/03/20 95 Final Scoping Statement 1 day Mon 23/03/20 Mon 23/03/20 23/03/20 Final Scoping Statement 96 Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 1 day Thu 23/04/20 Thu 23/04/20 23/04/20 Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 97 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 24/04/20 Fri 08/05/20 98 Final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 24 days Sat 09/05/20 Mon 01/06/20 01/06/20 Final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 99 Financial and Legal Frameworks 122 days Sun 18/08/19 Tue 17/12/19 100 Evaluate Possible Legal Frameworks 90 days Sun 18/08/19 Fri 15/11/19 101 Prepare BOT Procurement Requirements 90 days Sun 18/08/19 Fri 15/11/19 102 Conduct Financial Affordability Analysis 90 days Sun 18/08/19 Fri 15/11/19 103 Prepare Financial Model for Debt & Equity Investment Analysis 90 days Sun 18/08/19 Fri 15/11/19 104 Draft Financial and Legal Memo 1 day Sat 16/11/19 Sat 16/11/19 16/11/19 Draft Financial and Legal Memo 105 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 17/11/19 Sun 01/12/19 106 Final Financial and Legal Memo 1 day Tue 17/12/19 Tue 17/12/19 17/12/19 Final Financial and Legal Memo 107 Preliminary Design 272 days Sat 02/02/19 Thu 31/10/19 108 Prepare Design Criteria 60 days Sat 02/02/19 Tue 02/04/19 109 Define, Alignments Locations & Land Requirements 90 days Sun 17/02/19 Fri 17/05/19 110 Prepare Suvey Requirements & Carry out Topo Surveys 90 days Tue 19/03/19 Sun 16/06/19 111 Prepare Requirements & Conduct Geothechnical Studies & Surveys 120 days Wed 03/04/19 Wed 31/07/19 112 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 90 days Fri 03/05/19 Wed 31/07/19 113 Conduct Concept Designs for Diffent Alignment Scenarios 180 days Mon 04/03/19 Fri 30/08/19 114 Provide Project Capital & Operating Expenditure Cost Estimates 60 days Wed 17/07/19 Sat 14/09/19 115 Conduct Comparative Analysis & Prioritize Scenarios 30 days Sat 31/08/19 Sun 29/09/19 116 Preliminary Design TRC 1 day Fri 16/08/19 Fri 16/08/19 16/08/19 Preliminary Design TRC 117 Draft Preliminary Design Rep 1 day Mon 30/09/19 Mon 30/09/19 30/09/19 Draft Preliminary Design Report for Least Cost Scenario

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 1 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 ort for Least Cost Scenario Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 118 Preliminary Design 1 day Tue 08/10/19 Tue 08/10/19 08/10/19 Preliminary Design Stage Workshop 119 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Tue 01/10/19 Tue 15/10/19 120 Final Preliminary Design Report Stage Workshop 1 day Thu 31/10/19 Thu 31/10/19 31/10/19 Final Preliminary Design Report 121 Component II: Procurement Services 558 days Thu 02/05/19 Mon 09/11/20 122 Prepare Pre‐Qualifications Documents 60 days Thu 02/05/19 Sun 30/06/19 123 Obtain Pre‐Qualification Proposals 90 days Mon 01/07/19 Sat 28/09/19 124 Assist USAID/MWI/WAJ with Evaluation of Prequalification Proposals 60 days Sun 29/09/19 Wed 27/11/19 125 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Thu 28/11/19 Thu 28/11/19 28/11/19 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 126 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and approval 15 days Fri 29/11/19 Fri 13/12/19 127 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Sun 29/12/19 Sun 29/12/19 29/12/19 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 128 Develop BOT Tender Documents for the Approved Option 210 days Fri 31/05/19 Thu 26/12/19 129 BOT Tender Documents TRC 1 day Sat 16/11/19 Sat 16/11/19 16/11/19 BOT Tender Documents TRC 130 Draft BOT Tender Documents 1 day Fri 27/12/19 Fri 27/12/19 27/12/19 Draft BOT Tender Documents 131 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and approval 15 days Sat 28/12/19 Sat 11/01/20 132 Final BOT Tender Documents 1 day Tue 11/02/20 Tue 11/02/20 11/02/20 Final BOT Tender Documents 133 Pre‐Bid Meeting & Site Visits 114 days Sun 01/03/20 Mon 22/06/20 138 Obtain Bids 150 days Wed 12/02/20 Fri 10/07/20 139 Assist USAID/MWI/WAJ With the Bids Evaluation 90 days Sat 11/07/20 Thu 08/10/20 140 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Fri 09/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 09/10/20 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 141 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and approval 15 days Sat 10/10/20 Sat 24/10/20 142 Final Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Mon 09/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 09/11/20 Final Tender Evaluation Report 143 Component III: Negotiation Support 150 days Tue 10/11/20 Thu 08/04/21 144 Provide Technical, Legal & Financial Support To MWI/WAJ During Contract Negotiation120 days Tue 10/11/20 Tue 09/03/21 145 Execute Final Contract Documents 30 days Wed 10/03/21 Thu 08/04/21 146 Component IV: Transaction Support (if the project is implemented during the 241 days Wed 10/03/21 Fri 05/11/21 contract period of performance) 147 Provide Technical, Legal & Financial Support To MWI/WAJ During The Implementation180 days Fri 09/04/21 Tue 05/10/21 Of The Project Through Financial Close 148 Prepare and Implement Project Execution Plan 180 days Fri 09/04/21 Tue 05/10/21 149 Provide General Project Coordination 175 days Wed 10/03/21 Tue 31/08/21 156 Provide Supplemental Services 175 days Wed 10/03/21 Tue 31/08/21 163 Monthly Progress Reports 154 days Mon 15/03/21 Sun 15/08/21 170 Annual Progress Reports 1 day Fri 05/11/21 Fri 05/11/21 05/11/21 Annual Progress Reports 171 Task 1 Executive Summary & Summary Report 1 day Fri 05/11/21 Fri 05/11/21 05/11/21 Task 1 Executive Summary & Summary Report 172 TASK 2 ‐ SHEDEYYEH ‐ HASA WATER PROJECT / PHASE I 1053 days Sun 28/10/18 Tue 14/09/21 173 Submit Annual Work Plan to USAID 769 days Sat 01/12/18 Thu 07/01/21 177 Pre‐Contract Services (For Hasa DBO Contract) 316 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 12/09/19 178 Prepare Invitations, Advertisements & Pre‐qualification Questionnaire 30 days Thu 01/11/18 Fri 30/11/18 179 Assist WAJ in Responding to Bidders' Questions 30 days Sat 01/12/18 Sun 30/12/18 180 Participate in the Evaluation of Qualification Applications 30 days Mon 31/12/18 Tue 29/01/19 181 Draft Evaluation Report with Recommendations 1 day Wed 30/01/19 Wed 30/01/19 30/01/19 Draft Evaluation Report with Recommendations 182 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 31/01/19 Thu 14/02/19 183 Final Evaluation Report 1 day Tue 19/02/19 Tue 19/02/19 19/02/19 Final Evaluation Report 184 Assist WAJ in Preparing Invitation Letters 15 days Wed 20/02/19 Wed 06/03/19 185 Pre‐bid Meeting & Site Visit 1 day Thu 14/03/19 Thu 14/03/19 14/03/19 Pre‐bid Meeting & Site Visit 186 Assist WAJ in Preparing Addenda 60 days Fri 15/03/19 Mon 13/05/19 187 Bids Evaluation 60 days Tue 14/05/19 Fri 12/07/19 188 Draft Evaluation Reports 1 day Sat 13/07/19 Sat 13/07/19 13/07/19 Draft Evaluation Reports 189 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 14/07/19 Sun 28/07/19 190 Final Evaluation Reports 1 day Mon 05/08/19 Mon 05/08/19 05/08/19 Final Evaluation Reports 191 Assist WAJ in Preparing Letters and Reports for Approval 21 days Tue 06/08/19 Mon 26/08/19 192 Draft Documents for Contract Signing 1 day Tue 27/08/19 Tue 27/08/19 27/08/19 Draft Documents for Contract Signing 193 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Wed 28/08/19 Wed 11/09/19 194 Final Documents for Contract Signing 1 day Thu 12/09/19 Thu 12/09/19 12/09/19 Final Documents for Contract Signing 195 Construction Supervision (FIDIC Base Contract) 1037 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 02/09/21 196 Assist USAID/WAJ to Issue the Notice to Proceed for DBO Contrac 1 day Fri 13/09/19 Fri 13/09/19 13/09/19 Assist USAID/WAJ to Issue the Notice to Proceed for DBO Contract 197 Provide Field Staff & Home Office Support 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 198 Advise & Provide Assistance to USAID/WAJ 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 199 Reviews and Monitoring 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 200 Review, Provide Comments & Approve Contractor's Submittals 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 201 Verify Contractor's Shop & As‐Built Drawings 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 202 Verify Contractor Quality Control / Assurance Plan 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 t 203 Monitor the Contractor's Progress & Performance 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 204 Review Contractor's Subcontracting Plans 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 2 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 205 Monitor Contractor's Firm for Special Investigations 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 206 Conduct and Lead the Monthly Progress Meetings 973 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 01/07/21 240 Construction Supervision 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 241 Monitor the Construction Work 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 242 Review & Approve Construction Field & Laboratory Test Results 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 243 Provide Instructions to the Contractor 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 244 Advise & Assist USAID/WAJ on Need for Inspection of Equipment Manufacturing 617 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 09/07/20 252 Practice in Material Acceptance Committee 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 253 Certification, Reporting, and Compliance 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/2 254 Tax Exemption Certification 435 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 09/01/20 260 Ensure Implementation of EA Mitigation Measures 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 261 Conduct/Attend Inspections & Acceptance Operation, Testing & Warranty Initiation 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 262 Verify Warranties of Equipment & System Guarantees 1002 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 29/07/21 274 Quarterly Progress Report 821 days Fri 01/02/19 Sat 01/05/21 285 Quarterly accruals 821 days Fri 01/02/19 Sat 01/05/21 296 Submittal of Technical Memoranda as Necessary 982 days Thu 01/11/18 Fri 09/07/21 308 Final Project Report 1 day Thu 02/09/21 Thu 02/09/21 02/09/21 Final Project Report 309 Measurements, Payments and Modifications 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 310 Conduct Detailed Measurment & Quantity Surveying 1006 days Thu 01/11/18 Mon 02/08/21 311 Review & Approve/Disapprove Contractor's Payment Vouchers 1005 days Thu 01/11/18 Sun 01/08/21 312 Examine Contractor's Claims & Make Recommendations 982 days Thu 01/11/18 Fri 09/07/21 324 Study & Assisst USAID/WAJ in Variation Oreders 982 days Thu 01/11/18 Fri 09/07/21 336 Start‐Up and Commissioning of the Constructed Facilities 180 days Mon 01/02/21 Fri 30/07/21 337 Review & Approve Contractor's Start‐up & Operating Plans 60 days Mon 01/02/21 Thu 01/04/21 338 Conduct Final Inspection on Completed Work 150 days Mon 01/02/21 Wed 30/06/21 339 Project Taking Over 90 days Sun 02/05/21 Fri 30/07/21 340 Testing & Commissioning 30 days Thu 01/07/21 Fri 30/07/21 341 Verify Contractor As‐Built Documents & Coordinate Requisite Submittals to WAJ 120 days Fri 02/04/21 Fri 30/07/21 342 Task 2 Summary Report 1 day Tue 14/09/21 Tue 14/09/21 14/09/21 Task 2 Summary Report 343 Well Drilling Contract Duration 732 days Sun 28/10/18 Wed 28/10/20 347 Hasa DBO (Pre‐contract Services & Construction Supervision) Contract Duration 1003 days Thu 01/11/18 Fri 30/07/21 353 TASK 3 – ZAI WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 577 days Wed 01/08/18 Fri 28/02/20 354 Preliminary Design 301 days Wed 01/08/18 Tue 28/05/19 355 Collect and Analyze Data 86 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 356 Estimate Zai Water System Anticipated Water Quantities 86 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 TM Submitted 20/9/2018 357 Review Previous Studies 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 358 Draft Existing Conditions & Water Quantities Assessment Report 1 day Wed 14/11/18 Wed 14/11/18 14/11/18 Draft Existing Conditions & Water Quantities Assessment Report 359 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 15/11/18 Thu 29/11/18 360 Final Existing Conditions & Water Quantities Assessment Report 1 day Sun 30/12/18 Sun 30/12/18 30/12/18 Final Existing Conditions & Water Quantities Assessment Report 361 Study, Analyze & Test (if needed) KAC Water Quality 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 362 Draft Water Quality Assessment Report 1 day Thu 08/11/18 Thu 08/11/18 08/11/18 Draft Water Quality Assessment Report 363 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 09/11/18 Fri 23/11/18 364 Final Water Quality 1 day Mon 17/12/18 Mon 17/12/18 17/12/18 Final Water Quality Assessment Report 365 Zai Water System Components Evaluation 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 366 Zai Water System OptionsAssessment Report 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 367 Draft Evaluation & Options Report 1 day Thu 29/11/18 Thu 29/11/18 29/11/18 Draft Evaluation & Options Report 368 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 30/11/18 Fri 14/12/18 369 Final Evaluation & Options Report 1 day Sat 29/12/18 Sat 29/12/18 29/12/18 Final Evaluation & Options Report 370 Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sat 01/09/18 Tue 28/05/19 371 Perform Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sat 01/09/18 Tue 28/05/19 372 Review Previous Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Reports 90 days Sat 01/09/18 Thu 29/11/18 373 Conduct Scoping Session 1 day Fri 30/11/18 Fri 30/11/18 30/11/18 Conduct Scoping Session 374 Draft Scoping Statement 1 day Mon 31/12/18 Mon 31/12/18 31/12/18 Draft Scoping Statement 375 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Tue 01/01/19 Tue 15/01/19 376 Final Scoping Statement 1 day Wed 30/01/19 Wed 30/01/19 30/01/19 Final Scoping Statement 377 Draft EIA Report 1 day Fri 12/04/19 Fri 12/04/19 12/04/19 Draft EIA Report 378 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sat 13/04/19 Sat 27/04/19 379 Final EIA Report 1 day Tue 28/05/19 Tue 28/05/19 28/05/19 Final EIA Report 380 Preliminary Engineering Designs & Cost Estimate 271 days Wed 01/08/18 Sun 28/04/19 381 Existing System Energy Efficiency Evaluation 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 382 Draft Energy Efficiency Report 1 day Thu 29/11/18 Thu 29/11/18 29/11/18 Draft Energy Efficiency Report 383 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 30/11/18 Fri 14/12/18 384 Final Energy Efficiency Report 1 day Sun 30/12/18 Sun 30/12/18 30/12/18 Final Energy Efficiency Report 385 Preliminary Design (30%) TRC 1 day Wed 13/02/19 Wed 13/02/19 13/02/19 Preliminary Design (30%) TRC

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 3 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 386 Draft Preliminary Design Report (BODR) 150 days Wed 31/10/18 Fri 29/03/19 Draft Preliminary Design Report (BODR) 387 USAID/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sat 30/03/19 Sat 13/04/19 388 Final Preliminary De 1 day Sun 28/04/19 Sun 28/04/19 28/04/19 Final Preliminary Design Report (BODR) 389 Detailed Design 336 days Sat 30/03/19 Fri 28/02/20 390 Topo Survey, Soil Investigatsign Report (BODR)ion & Field Verifications 120 days Sat 30/03/19 Sat 27/07/19 391 Geotechnical Investigation Report 1 day Mon 12/08/19 Mon 12/08/19 12/08/19 Geotechnical Investigation Report 392 Zai Transmission Hydraulic Analysis 180 days Mon 29/04/19 Fri 25/10/19 393 Assist WAJ in Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 120 days Wed 29/05/19 Wed 25/09/19 394 Detailed Designs & Tender Documents 198 days Wed 01/05/19 Thu 14/11/19 395 60% Design TRC 1 day Mon 15/07/19 Mon 15/07/19 15/07/19 60% Design TRC 396 90% Design TRC 1 day Mon 14/10/19 Mon 14/10/19 14/10/19 90% Design TRC 397 Confidential Cost Estimate 60 days Mon 30/09/19 Thu 28/11/19 398 Packaging Evaluation 30 days Wed 30/10/19 Thu 28/11/19 399 Draft Tender Documents 1 day Fri 29/11/19 Fri 29/11/19 29/11/19 Draft Tender Documents 400 USAID/WAJ Review and Approval 30 days Sat 30/11/19 Sun 29/12/19 401 Final Zai WTP & Transmissi 1 day Tue 28/01/20 Tue 28/01/20 28/01/20 Final Zai WTP & Transmission System Tender Documents 402 Task 3 Summary Report 1 day Fri 28/02/20 Fri 28/02/20 28/02/20 Task 3 Summary Report 403 TASK 4 – EXPANSION OF MADABA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 1692 days Wed 01/08/18 Sun 19/03/23 on System Tender Documents 404 Feasibility Study & Environmental Impact Assessment 421 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 25/09/19 405 Collect, Review and Analyze All Available Data 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 406 Conduct Tests of Wastewater Quality 90 days Sun 28/10/18 Fri 25/01/19 407 Conduct Survey Work for Critical Locations needed to Conduct the Feasibility Study 60 days Fri 31/08/18 Mon 29/10/18 408 Assess & Evaluate Conditions, Serviceability & Capacity of the Existing Systems 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 409 Assess Staff and Equipment & Recommend improvements 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 410 Assess & Describe the Operational Aspects of the WWTP 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 411 Establish Appropriate O&M Procedures 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 412 Evaluation of Existing Facilities Rehabilitation, Upgrading & Expansion 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 2‐TMs Submitted 28/11/2018 and 17/12/2018 413 Draft Madaba WWTP Assessment Report 1 day Sat 29/12/18 Sat 29/12/18 29/12/18 Draft Madaba WWTP Assessment Report 414 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 30/12/18 Sun 13/01/19 415 Final Madaba WWTP Assessment Report 1 day Tue 29/01/19 Tue 29/01/19 29/01/19 Final Madaba WWTP Assessment Report 416 Study Agricultural Practices, Determine the Suitable Crops & Identify Effluent Reuse 120 days Wed 30/01/19 Wed 29/05/19 Areas & Sludge Disposal Facilities 417 Perform Feasibility Study, Analysis & Cost Estimates 150 days Wed 30/01/19 Fri 28/06/19 418 Perform Energy Efficiency Study 120 days Fri 01/03/19 Fri 28/06/19 419 Perform Economic, Financial, & Socio Economic Analysis 120 days Fri 01/03/19 Fri 28/06/19 420 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Sat 29/06/19 Sat 29/06/19 29/06/19 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 421 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 30/06/19 Sun 14/07/19 422 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Tue 30/07/19 Tue 30/07/19 30/07/19 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 423 Feasibility Study Workshop 1 day Thu 15/08/19 Thu 15/08/19 15/08/19 Feasibility Study Workshop 424 Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sun 30/12/18 Wed 25/09/19 425 Perform Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sun 30/12/18 Wed 25/09/19 426 Review Previous Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Reports 90 days Sun 30/12/18 Fri 29/03/19 427 Conduct Scoping Session 1 day Thu 28/02/19 Thu 28/02/19 28/02/19 Conduct Scoping Session 428 Draft Scoping Statement 1 day Thu 14/03/19 Thu 14/03/19 14/03/19 Draft Scoping Statement 429 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 10 days Fri 15/03/19 Sun 24/03/19 430 Final Scoping Statement 1 day Wed 03/04/19 Wed 03/04/19 03/04/19 Final Scoping Statement 431 Draft EIA Report 1 day Sun 11/08/19 Sun 11/08/19 11/08/19 Draft EIA Report 432 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 30 days Mon 12/08/19 Tue 10/09/19 433 Final EIA Report 1 day Wed 25/09/19 Wed 25/09/19 25/09/19 Final EIA Report 434 Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents 394 days Wed 17/07/19 Thu 13/08/20 435 Conduct Topo survey and soil investigation 90 days Fri 16/08/19 Wed 13/11/19 436 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 1 day Wed 17/07/19 Wed 17/07/19 17/07/19 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 437 Soil Investigation Report 1 day Sat 14/12/19 Sat 14/12/19 14/12/19 Soil Investigation Report 438 Prepare Basis of Design Report 120 days Wed 31/07/19 Wed 27/11/19 439 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 1 day Thu 28/11/19 Thu 28/11/19 28/11/19 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 440 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Sat 14/12/19 Sat 14/12/19 14/12/19 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 441 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 15/12/19 Sun 29/12/19 442 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Tue 14/01/20 Tue 14/01/20 14/01/20 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 443 Preparation of Detailed Designs, Tender Documents & BOQ 180 days Wed 15/01/20 Sun 12/07/20 444 60% TRC 1 day Sun 15/03/20 Sun 15/03/20 15/03/20 60% TRC 445 90% TRC 1 day Sat 13/06/20 Sat 13/06/20 13/06/20 90% TRC 446 Define Locations and Land Requirements 30 days Thu 14/05/20 Fri 12/06/20 447 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 90 days Thu 14/05/20 Tue 11/08/20 448 Prepare Confidential Cost Estimate 60 days Thu 14/05/20 Sun 12/07/20

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 4 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 449 Draft Madaba WWTP Construction Tender Documents 1 day Mon 13/07/20 Mon 13/07/20 13/07/20 Draft Madaba WWTP Construction Tender Documents 450 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Tue 14/07/20 Tue 28/07/20 451 Final Madaba WWTP Constr 1 day Thu 13/08/20 Thu 13/08/20 13/08/20 Final Madaba WWTP Construction Tender Documents 452 Pre‐contract Services & Construction Supervision (if WAJ Secures funds) 1084 days Sat 29/02/20 Thu 16/02/23 453 Pre‐Contract Services 364 days Sat 29/02/20 Fri 26/02/21 454 Assist in prequalification uction Tender Documents 150 days Sat 29/02/20 Mon 27/07/20 455 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Tue 28/07/20 Tue 28/07/20 28/07/20 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 456 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review & Approval 15 days Wed 29/07/20 Wed 12/08/20 457 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Fri 28/08/20 Fri 28/08/20 28/08/20 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 458 Assist in Tendering 150 days Sat 29/08/20 Mon 25/01/21 459 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Tue 26/01/21 Tue 26/01/21 26/01/21 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 460 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review & Approval 15 days Wed 27/01/21 Wed 10/02/21 461 Final Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Fri 26/02/21 Fri 26/02/21 26/02/21 Final Tender Evaluation Report 462 Construction Supervision (The Construction Period Ends Beyond the End of the 720 days Sat 27/02/21 Thu 16/02/23 Project) 463 Act as the Engineer under the contract 720 days Sat 27/02/21 Thu 16/02/23 464 Post Contract Closeout Activities 150 days Tue 20/09/22 Thu 16/02/23 465 Certified As‐Built & Substantial Completion Certificate 150 days Tue 20/09/22 Thu 16/02/23 466 Task 4 Summary Report 1 day Sun 19/03/23 Sun 19/03/23 19/03/23 Task 4 Summary Report 467 TASK 5 – EXPANSION OF RAMTHA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 1692 days Wed 01/08/18 Sun 19/03/23 468 Feasibility Study & Environmental Impact Assessment 421 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 25/09/19 469 Collect, Review and Analyze All Available Data 120 days Wed 01/08/18 Wed 28/11/18 470 Conduct Tests of Wastewater Quality 90 days Wed 10/10/18 Mon 07/01/19 471 Conduct Survey Work for Critical Locations needed to Conduct the Feasibility Study 60 days Fri 31/08/18 Mon 29/10/18 472 Assess & Evaluate Conditions, Serviceability & Capacity of the Existing Systems 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 473 Assess Staff and Equipment & Recommend improvements 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 474 Assess & Describe the Operational Aspects of the WWTP 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 475 Establish Appropriate O&M Procedures 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 476 Evaluation of Existing Facilities Rehabilitation, Upgrading & Expansion 120 days Fri 31/08/18 Fri 28/12/18 TM Submitted 28/11/2018 477 Draft Ramtha WWTP Assessment Report 1 day Sat 29/12/18 Sat 29/12/18 29/12/18 Draft Ramtha WWTP Assessment Report 478 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 30/12/18 Sun 13/01/19 479 Final Ramtha WWTP Assessment Report 1 day Tue 29/01/19 Tue 29/01/19 29/01/19 Final Ramtha WWTP Assessment Report 480 Study Agricultural Practices, Determine the Suitable Crops & Identify Effluent Reuse 120 days Wed 30/01/19 Wed 29/05/19 Areas & Sludge Disposal Facilities 481 Perform Feasibility Study, Analysis & Cost Estimates 150 days Wed 30/01/19 Fri 28/06/19 482 Perform Energy Efficiency Study 120 days Fri 01/03/19 Fri 28/06/19 483 Perform Economic, Financial, & Socio Economic Analysis 120 days Fri 01/03/19 Fri 28/06/19 484 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Sat 29/06/19 Sat 29/06/19 29/06/19 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 485 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 30/06/19 Sun 14/07/19 486 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Tue 30/07/19 Tue 30/07/19 30/07/19 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 487 Feasibility Study Workshop 1 day Thu 15/08/19 Thu 15/08/19 15/08/19 Feasibility Study Workshop 488 Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sun 30/12/18 Wed 25/09/19 489 Perform Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sun 30/12/18 Wed 25/09/19 490 Review Previous Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Reports 90 days Sun 30/12/18 Fri 29/03/19 491 Conduct Scoping Session 1 day Thu 28/02/19 Thu 28/02/19 28/02/19 Conduct Scoping Session 492 Draft Scoping Statement 1 day Thu 14/03/19 Thu 14/03/19 14/03/19 Draft Scoping Statement 493 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 10 days Fri 15/03/19 Sun 24/03/19 494 Final Scoping Statement 0 days Wed 03/04/19 Wed 03/04/19 03/04/19 Final Scoping Statement 495 Draft EIA Report 1 day Sun 11/08/19 Sun 11/08/19 11/08/19 Draft EIA Report 496 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 30 days Mon 12/08/19 Tue 10/09/19 497 Final EIA Report 1 day Wed 25/09/19 Wed 25/09/19 25/09/19 Final EIA Report 498 Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents 394 days Wed 17/07/19 Thu 13/08/20 499 Conduct Topo survey and soil investigation 90 days Fri 16/08/19 Wed 13/11/19 500 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 1 day Wed 17/07/19 Wed 17/07/19 17/07/19 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 501 Soil Investigation Report 1 day Sat 14/12/19 Sat 14/12/19 14/12/19 Soil Investigation Report 502 Prepare Basis of Design Report (BODR) 120 days Wed 31/07/19 Wed 27/11/19 503 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 1 day Thu 28/11/19 Thu 28/11/19 28/11/19 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 504 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Sat 14/12/19 Sat 14/12/19 14/12/19 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 505 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 15/12/19 Sun 29/12/19 506 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Tue 14/01/20 Tue 14/01/20 14/01/20 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 507 Preparation of Detailed Designs, Tender Documents & BOQ 180 days Wed 15/01/20 Sun 12/07/20 508 60% TRC 1 day Sun 15/03/20 Sun 15/03/20 15/03/20 60% TRC 509 90% TRC 1 day Sat 13/06/20 Sat 13/06/20 13/06/20 90% TRC 510 Define Locations and Land Requirements 30 days Thu 14/05/20 Fri 12/06/20

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 5 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 511 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 90 days Thu 14/05/20 Tue 11/08/20 512 Prepare Confidential Cost Estimate 60 days Thu 14/05/20 Sun 12/07/20 513 Draft Ramtha WWTP Construction Tender Documents 1 day Mon 13/07/20 Mon 13/07/20 13/07/20 Draft Ramtha WWTP Construction Tender Documents 514 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Tue 14/07/20 Tue 28/07/20 515 Final Ramtha WWTP Construction Tender Documents 1 day Thu 13/08/20 Thu 13/08/20 13/08/20 Final Ramtha WWTP Construction Tender Documents 516 Pre‐contract Services & Construction Supervision (if WAJ Secures funds) 1084 days Sat 29/02/20 Thu 16/02/23 517 Pre‐Contract Services 364 days Sat 29/02/20 Fri 26/02/21 518 Assist in prequalification 150 days Sat 29/02/20 Mon 27/07/20 519 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Tue 28/07/20 Tue 28/07/20 28/07/20 Draft Prequalification Evaluation Report 520 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review & Approval 15 days Wed 29/07/20 Wed 12/08/20 521 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 1 day Fri 28/08/20 Fri 28/08/20 28/08/20 Final Prequalification Evaluation Report 522 Assist in Tendering 150 days Sat 29/08/20 Mon 25/01/21 523 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Tue 26/01/21 Tue 26/01/21 26/01/21 Draft Tender Evaluation Report 524 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review & Approval 15 days Wed 27/01/21 Wed 10/02/21 525 Final Tender Evaluation Report 1 day Fri 26/02/21 Fri 26/02/21 26/02/21 Final Tender Evaluation Report 526 Construction Supervision (The Construction Period Ends Beyond the End of the 720 days Sat 27/02/21 Thu 16/02/23 Project) 527 Act as the Engineer under the contract 720 days Sat 27/02/21 Thu 16/02/23 528 Post Contract Closeout Activities 150 days Tue 20/09/22 Thu 16/02/23 529 Certified As‐Built & Substantial Completion Certificate 150 days Tue 20/09/22 Thu 16/02/23 530 Task 5 Summary Report 1 day Sun 19/03/23 Sun 19/03/23 19/03/23 Task 5 Summary Report 531 TASK 6 ‐ WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS 665 days Thu 01/11/18 Wed 26/08/20 532 Collect, Review and Analyze All Available Data 90 days Thu 01/11/18 Tue 29/01/19 533 Assess & Evaluate Feasibility Study Documents to Proceed with the BODR ‐ FS 71 days Thu 01/11/18 Thu 10/01/19 F.S. Evaluation Report Submitted on 10/1/2019 Evaluation Report 534 Evaluate Existing Systems Adequacy 90 days Sat 01/12/18 Thu 28/02/19 535 Conduct Topo Surveys & Soil Investigations 90 days Sat 01/12/18 Thu 28/02/19 536 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 1 day Tue 15/01/19 Tue 15/01/19 15/01/19 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 537 Soil Investigation Report 1 day Fri 01/03/19 Fri 01/03/19 01/03/19 Soil Investigation Report 538 Water System Modeling & Design 559 days Mon 31/12/18 Sat 11/07/20 539 Prepare Basis of Design Report (BODR) 150 days Mon 31/12/18 Wed 29/05/19 540 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 1 day Thu 30/05/19 Thu 30/05/19 30/05/19 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 541 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Fri 14/06/19 Fri 14/06/19 14/06/19 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 542 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sat 15/06/19 Sat 29/06/19 543 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Mon 15/07/19 Mon 15/07/19 15/07/19 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 544 Prepare Detailed Design & Tender Documents 330 days Tue 16/07/19 Tue 09/06/20 545 60% TRC 1 day Thu 24/10/19 Thu 24/10/19 24/10/19 60% TRC 546 90% TRC 1 day Thu 12/03/20 Thu 12/03/20 12/03/20 90% TRC 547 Define Locations and Land Requirements 60 days Mon 13/01/20 Thu 12/03/20 548 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 120 days Tue 11/02/20 Tue 09/06/20 549 Prepare Confidential Cost Estimate 120 days Tue 11/02/20 Tue 09/06/20 550 Packaging Evaluation 90 days Thu 12/03/20 Tue 09/06/20 551 Draft Deir Allah & Al‐ Water System Pre‐Contract & Tende 1 day Wed 10/06/20 Wed 10/06/20 10/06/20 Draft Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Water System Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 552 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 11/06/20 Thu 25/06/20 553 Final Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Wat 1 day Sat 11/07/20 Sat 11/07/20 11/07/20 Final Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Water System Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 554 Wastewater System Modeling & Design 559 days Mon 31/12/18 Sat 11/07/20 555 Prepare Basis of Design Report (BODR) 150 days Mon 31/12/18 Wed 29/05/19 556 Basis of Design (30%) TRC 1 day Thu 30/05/19 Thu 30/05/19 30/05/19 Basis of Design (30%) TRC er System Pre‐Contract & Tende 557 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Fri 14/06/19 Fri 14/06/19 14/06/19 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) r Documents 558 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sat 15/06/19 Sat 29/06/19 559 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Mon 15/07/19 Mon 15/07/19 15/07/19 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) r Documents 560 Prepare Detailed Design & Tender Documents 330 days Tue 16/07/19 Tue 09/06/20 561 60% TRC 1 day Thu 24/10/19 Thu 24/10/19 24/10/19 60% TRC 562 90% TRC 1 day Thu 12/03/20 Thu 12/03/20 12/03/20 90% TRC 563 Define Locations and Land Requirements 60 days Mon 13/01/20 Thu 12/03/20 564 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 120 days Tue 11/02/20 Tue 09/06/20 565 Prepare Confidential Cost Estimate 120 days Tue 11/02/20 Tue 09/06/20 566 Packaging Evaluation 90 days Thu 12/03/20 Tue 09/06/20 567 Draft Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Wastewater System Pre‐Contract & 1 day Wed 10/06/20 Wed 10/06/20 10/06/20 Draft Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Wastewater System Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 568 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 11/06/20 Thu 25/06/20 569 Final Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Wastewater System Pre‐Contract & 1 day Sat 11/07/20 Sat 11/07/20 11/07/20 Final Deir Allah & Al‐Karameh Wastewater System Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 570 Task 6 Summary Report 1 day Wed 26/08/20 Wed 26/08/20 26/08/20 Task 6 Summary Report 571 Task 6 Executive Summary Report 1 day Wed 26/08/20 Wed 26/08/20 26/08/20 Task 6 Executive Summary Report 572 TASK 7 ‐ BANI KENANAH WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEMS 1014 days Fri 01/02/19 Wed 10/11/21

Legend: Tender Documents Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 6 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Tender Documents Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 573 Assessment of Water/Wastewater Systems & Preparation of Master Plan 428 days Fri 01/02/19 Fri 03/04/20 574 Collect, Review and Analyze All Available Data 150 days Fri 01/02/19 Sun 30/06/19 575 Collect & Update Information about Existing & Future Water Resources 150 days Fri 01/02/19 Sun 30/06/19 576 Conduct Tests of Water & Wastewater Quality 90 days Tue 02/04/19 Sun 30/06/19 577 Assess & Evaluate Conditions, Serviceability & Capacity of the Existing Systems 120 days Sun 03/03/19 Sun 30/06/19 578 Evaluate Existing Systems Adequacy 150 days Sun 03/03/19 Tue 30/07/19 579 Assess Staff and Equipment & Recommend improvements 150 days Sun 03/03/19 Tue 30/07/19 580 Establish Appropriate O&M Procedures 120 days Tue 02/04/19 Tue 30/07/19 581 Draft Water & Wastewater Systems Assessment Report 1 day Wed 31/07/19 Wed 31/07/19 31/07/19 Draft Water & Wastewater Systems Assessment Report 582 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 01/08/19 Thu 15/08/19 583 Final Water & Wastewater Systems Assessment Report 1 day Sat 31/08/19 Sat 31/08/19 31/08/19 Final Water & Wastewater Systems Assessment Report 584 Prepare & Apply W/WW Hydraulic Models 270 days Tue 02/04/19 Fri 27/12/19 585 W/WW Systems Hydraulic Models & User's Manuals 1 day Sat 28/12/19 Sat 28/12/19 28/12/19 W/WW Systems Hydraulic Models & User's Manuals 586 Conduct Flow & Pressure Measurements 120 days Sat 01/06/19 Sat 28/09/19 587 Land Use, Population, Water Demand & Wastewater Generation Projections 180 days Tue 02/04/19 Sat 28/09/19 588 Prepare Analysis, Rehabilitation & Restructuring 180 days Tue 02/04/19 Sat 28/09/19 589 Prepare Prioritization & Cost Estimate 180 days Tue 02/04/19 Sat 28/09/19 590 Draft Water & Wastewater Master Plan 1 day Sat 28/12/19 Sat 28/12/19 28/12/19 Draft Water & Wastewater Master Plan 591 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Sun 29/12/19 Sun 12/01/20 592 Final Water & Wastewater Master Plan 1 day Tue 28/01/20 Tue 28/01/20 28/01/20 Final Water & Wastewater Master Plan 593 Develop/Update GIS Database 428 days Fri 01/02/19 Fri 03/04/20 594 Assess Conditions, Prepare Work & Staffing Plan & Collect Data 120 days Fri 01/02/19 Fri 31/05/19 595 Draft GIS Work & Staffing Plan 1 day Sun 03/03/19 Sun 03/03/19 03/03/19 Draft GIS Work & Staffing Plan 596 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Mon 04/03/19 Mon 18/03/19 597 Final GIS Work & Staffing Plan 1 day Wed 03/04/19 Wed 03/04/19 03/04/19 Final GIS Work & Staffing Plan 598 GIS Database Preparation 365 days Thu 04/04/19 Thu 02/04/20 599 GIS Database Submittal 1 day Fri 03/04/20 Fri 03/04/20 03/04/20 GIS Database Submittal 600 GIS Training & Support 365 days Thu 04/04/19 Thu 02/04/20 601 Assist MWI/WAJ Staff to Develop & Apply GIS System 365 days Thu 04/04/19 Thu 02/04/20 602 Water & Wastewater Feasibility Study & Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sat 05/10/19 Tue 30/06/20 603 Identify, Evaluate & Recommend the Rehabilitation, Upgrading & Expansion of Water 120 days Wed 29/01/20 Wed 27/05/20 & Wastewater systems 604 Conduct Survey Work for Critical Locations needed to Conduct the Feasibility Study 60 days Wed 29/01/20 Sat 28/03/20 605 Study Agricultural Practices, Determine the Suitable Crops & Identify Effluent Reuse 120 days Wed 29/01/20 Wed 27/05/20 Areas & Sludge Disposal Facilities 606 Perform Feasibility Study, Analysis & Cost Estimates 120 days Wed 29/01/20 Wed 27/05/20 607 Perform Energy Efficiency Study & Recommend Solutions 120 days Wed 29/01/20 Wed 27/05/20 608 Perform Economic, Financial, & Socio Economic Analysis 120 days Wed 29/01/20 Wed 27/05/20 609 10% TRC 1 day Mon 13/04/20 Mon 13/04/20 13/04/20 10% TRC 610 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Thu 28/05/20 Thu 28/05/20 28/05/20 Draft Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 611 Feasibility Study Workshop 1 day Fri 05/06/20 Fri 05/06/20 05/06/20 Feasibility Study Workshop 612 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 29/05/20 Fri 12/06/20 613 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 1 day Sun 28/06/20 Sun 28/06/20 28/06/20 Final Feasibility Study & Analysis Report 614 Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sat 05/10/19 Tue 30/06/20 615 Perform Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment 270 days Sat 05/10/19 Tue 30/06/20 616 Review Previous Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Reports 90 days Sat 05/10/19 Thu 02/01/20 617 Conduct Scoping Session 1 day Fri 03/01/20 Fri 03/01/20 03/01/20 Conduct Scoping Session 618 Draft Scoping Statement 1 day Mon 03/02/20 Mon 03/02/20 03/02/20 Draft Scoping Statement 619 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Tue 04/02/20 Tue 18/02/20 620 Final Scoping Statement 1 day Wed 04/03/20 Wed 04/03/20 04/03/20 Final Scoping Statement 621 Draft EIA Report 1 day Sat 02/05/20 Sat 02/05/20 02/05/20 Draft EIA Report 622 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 30 days Sun 03/05/20 Mon 01/06/20 623 Final EIA Report 1 day Tue 30/06/20 Tue 30/06/20 30/06/20 Final EIA Report 624 Water & Wastewater Systems Detailed Design & Tender Documents 469 days Mon 29/06/20 Sun 10/10/21 625 Conduct Topo Surveys & Soil Investigations 120 days Mon 29/06/20 Mon 26/10/20 626 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 1 day Wed 29/07/20 Wed 29/07/20 29/07/20 Soil Investigation Tender Documents 627 Soil Investigation Report 1 day Tue 27/10/20 Tue 27/10/20 27/10/20 Soil Investigation Report 628 Prepare Basis of Design Report (BODR) 120 days Mon 29/06/20 Mon 26/10/20 629 Prepare Basis of Design (30%) TRC 1 day Tue 27/10/20 Tue 27/10/20 27/10/20 Prepare Basis of Design (30%) TRC 630 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Wed 11/11/20 Wed 11/11/20 11/11/20 Draft Basis of Design Report (BODR) 631 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Thu 12/11/20 Thu 26/11/20 632 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 1 day Sat 12/12/20 Sat 12/12/20 12/12/20 Final Basis of Design Report (BODR) 633 Prepare Detailed Design & Tender Documents 270 days Sun 13/12/20 Wed 08/09/21 634 60% TRC 1 day Tue 23/03/21 Tue 23/03/21 23/03/21 60% TRC

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 7 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022 Jordan Water Infrastructure (JWI) Workplan Schedule

ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19 Q3 '19 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Q4 '21 Q1 '22 Q2 '22 Q3 '22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 Q3 '23 Q4 '23 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 635 90% TRC 1 day Tue 10/08/21 Tue 10/08/21 10/08/21 90% TRC 636 Define Locations and Land Requirements 60 days Sat 12/06/21 Tue 10/08/21 637 Assist MWI/WAJ Prepare Land Acquisition Documents 120 days Wed 12/05/21 Wed 08/09/21 638 Prepare Confidential Cost Estimate 120 days Wed 12/05/21 Wed 08/09/21 639 Packaging Evaluation 90 days Fri 11/06/21 Wed 08/09/21 640 Draft Water & Wastewater Systems 1 day Thu 09/09/21 Thu 09/09/21 09/09/21 Draft Water & Wastewater Systems Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 641 USAID/MWI/WAJ Review and Approval 15 days Fri 10/09/21 Fri 24/09/21 642 Final Water & Wastewater Systems 1 day Sun 10/10/21 Sun 10/10/21 10/10/21 Final Water & Wastewater Systems Pre‐Contract & Tender Documents 643 Task 7 Summary Report 1 day Wed 10/11/21 Wed 10/11/21 10/11/21 Task 7 Summary Report Pre‐Contract & Tender Document 644 Task 7 Executive Summary Report 1 day Wed 10/11/21 Wed 10/11/21 10/11/21 Task 7 Executive Summary Report 645 TASK 8 ‐ TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO WATER UTILITIES 1448 days Sun 14/10/18 Fri 30/09/22 Pre‐Contract & Tender Document 646 Review all Previous Related Studies, Reports, and Data 1448 days Sun 14/10/18 Fri 30/09/22 663 Identify Entities that Need Technical Support s 1448 days Sun 14/10/18 Fri 30/09/22 680 Evaluate the Entities Situation & Prepare Findings & Solutions Report 1448 days Sun 14/10/18 Fri 30/09/22 697 TASK 9 ‐ W/WW SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT, FEASIBILITY STUDIES, DESIGNS,s 1455 days Sun 07/10/18 Fri 30/09/22 TENDER’G, & CMS 698 As‐Samra WWTP Second Expansion 51 days Sat 01/12/18 Sun 20/01/19 699 Review Existing Information 50 days Sat 01/12/18 Sat 19/01/19 700 Initial Assessment Report 0 days Wed 19/12/18 Wed 19/12/18 19/12/18 Initial Assessment Report 701 Draft Feasibility Study Assessment Report 0 days Sun 20/01/19 Sun 20/01/19 20/01/19 Draft Feasibility Study Assessment Report 702 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 99 days Sun 07/10/18 Sun 13/01/19 703 Collect all Data 44 days Sun 07/10/18 Mon 19/11/18 704 Draft Field Assessment Report 0 days Mon 19/11/18 Mon 19/11/18 19/11/18 Draft Field Assessment Report 705 USAID Review 10 days Tue 20/11/18 Thu 29/11/18 706 Final Field Assessment Report 45 days Fri 30/11/18 Sun 13/01/19 Final Field Assessment Report

Legend: Task Order Signed: July. 15 2018 TRC: Technical Review Committee Tasks 3, 4 & 5 Start Date: Aug. 1 2018 PQM: Project Quality Management Page 8 Task 6 Start Date: Nov. 1 2018 Project End Date: Sep. 30 2022

2nd Quarterly Report: USAID Jordan Water Infrastructure P 37/37 January 2019 revised