•Sapping The^Limax
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.. .. -r-\-. •.-.. 10 Tins ST. PAUL GJUOHK, SUNDAY, .\u25a0. FEBRUARY 2, 1902. 1901, was not weakened at; all. - This, : on paper at least, : makes IPittsburg: a ~ sure PEACE TALK..... pennant winner next s season, and conse- STARTS quently AGAIN detracts - from the jjattractiveness NEVER WILL of the race for the National league flag On the other | hand; > several - American league teams that finished behind Chica- TERRY TAKE CHANCES END OF WESTERN BASEBALL go in 1901 have been strengthened until j they seem to be. about as formielablle as i, _, WAR REPORTED IN Comislcey's champions. and there doe-.** : Terry McGovern says every time he a* SIGHT not seem to be a really -weak team in the fights it's going to be a case of two list. " *.-."_ :. ."\u25a0..\u25a0'-\u25a0"•.\u25a0.. months of . hard training. ; Theatrical \u25a0* • IMMOM It was a bad mistake for National fame is to be cast, to the winds in the fa LIBRARYBUILDING WABASHA league club owners to permit their best campaign that '-the former champion GBBONSSEVENTH & players to be taken 1 away from them has planned. - • j STORY AN IMPROBABLE DREAM for the comparatively small difference "1 -pass up this idea about being a in salary that would have kept them. great actor,", says Terry. "After this i " McFarland, Delehanty, Flick, Orth, Wol- Mansfield guys Duggleby. Douglass, I'll"let Richard and them j Settlement of Deal Said to Hinge verton. Cross, Town- fihgt out the heavyweight champion- send and Donohue were worth as much ship among themselves. 1 let-up on try- Ownership of Omaha Club to the .Phillies as they possibly can be to ing to get into the 'Romeo and Juliet* Il'ponj_ —American to Get -Mil- to the/fißßshington team, to which five of class after this. What I-am going to •Sapping the^jifinTiber have gone. In New York land is in the the fighting line. See?" waukee Park. th^situation was even more marked, for His. first defeat has done the redoubt- the^limax a winning team in that city is -a tremen- able Terry more good than a score of dous money maker, while there is little victories. He realizes that the way to TO ALL ST. in a loser. In spite of this fact, the best retain a championship is to meet good PAUL SUIT SALES. MILWAUKEE, Feb. I.—Present indica- players Freedman ; had on his pay roll tions point an - men and keep up to date. No fighter to early settlement of the have been allowed to -go to other teams. can go on for months, not to say managers willing many Unquestionablythe most extraordinary row between the American association the of which were to years, matching his skill against men of clothing opportunity ever offered in St. winter styles pay higher Paul. New of stnctlv and the Western league, and a division them salaries. inferior class -? without underestimating hi^h-grade, fine.y finished, of territory will make The National league club owners, al- opponent perfect fitting Men s-Suits, worth $,8, $20, $22 and all the which both engaged may his when he at last meets a $25, included in our Bides equally satisfied and end the war though in a, wrangle'that man In his own class. The work that result in the disruption of the organiza- little ex-champion has in- •which threatened to injure both organ- tion, although the laid out that Ik hardly probable, dicates that he will be prepared to fight izations and make the disagreement a are now fact anything costly magnates. awake to the that without short of Jim Jeffries next time affair to the The set- good ball players they might as well get he goes into the ring. : tlement of the deal hinges upon the own- out of the business, and have set about McGovern'ls still one of the most won- ership of the Omaha club, it is said, and it to secure the best young players that derful fighters who ever resined a shoe. It the Western league will withdraw from can be secured. His strength is as great as ; it ever . .Kansas City Omaha will be given to the was and today he is as good a man as Manning crowd, and the American as- he was when he whipped Palmer, Dixon j and other crack fighters. : sociation will establish a team in Louis- dissipates. ; McGovern never He exer- ville under the ownership of Arden Buell, STORY ABOUT FREEDMAN cises regularly. He is of the right age • of Berlin and Aid. Corcoran, of Milwau- to be at his best. - "** ' ; kee. The agreement, so it la said, will "Terrible Terry" has all the attri- I also provide for the transfer of the lease DUCKY HOLMES HAS POOR OPINION* butes of a successful fighter. He is strong, quick game, recupera- ! of Milwaukee park to the association OF NEW YORK MAGNATE, as a flash, I -magnates here, which will prevent the tive from the effects of a blow almost in- league breaking stantly; scientific and above all is without | National from in if It doubt the most in wants to. Ducky Holmes in a reminiscent mood aggressive fighter the told some characteristic stories of ring today. Secretary Havenor, Freed- "fighting fighters of the Milwaukee man and the ways he has of treating ball The- face" of other is .club, last night said he was not aware players. Says Ducky: an impassive mask compared to that of • that any deal of that kind was pending, "The year joined Terry McGovern when he is in the ring, before I the New and to • and President Quin stated that every- York team Jimmy Stafford was playing anxious finish his man and get left field, one home to dinner and Jerry Jr. Many men thing pertaining to the circuit was in and day in Chicago he who might have made a fair, showing the hands of the circuit committee, which made a home run ana won a tight game against for the Giants. Freedman was tickled McGovern have lost their nerve ;Is composed of Hickey, Watkins and to when they have been confronted with the The death and that night went out and almost Terry's Tebeau. members of the committee bought a $25 diamond pin presented maniacal glare of blue are now together in Louisville, Tebeau and eyes in the moment of his Bersarker rage. • it to Jimmy. Of course Jimmy was all In fact, Terry came j having joined Hickey and Watkins yes- swelled up on himself and thought he to regard that as a terday. mag- thing. kind of patent appliance of his own for The American association was the whole Mike Tiernan, the undoing cf his rival pugilists, playing \u25a0 and nates have so far , found it impossible then with New York, made a seemed much put out at Hartford when . to bet with Stafford that the pin would have the street which divides their cost Young Corbett dared to respond with a ' park at Omaha closed by the council in him twice as much as it was worth grin. --; prepare grounds before the trip was over. Jimmy took In action the Brooklyn terror never • time to the for play- the bet. The-next*- day he was caught ing, and there is no likelihood of their napping on rest's. He rushes from the start and first, and that night he had a never lets up a moment until the finish j being able to do so. At the same time fine plastered on by Freedman. next comes. day The Lately he has been fighting wide ' Rourke, the holder of the Omaha frari- he missed a thrown ball and was open, as Fitz did when he lost the cham- . chise and players, is obdurate and has soaked $25 more. He called the bet off pionship to Jeffries, seeming contented . declined to sell to the association men with Tiernan for he was afraid he would to risk having to take a dangerous blow owe Freedman money when he got back landing quick ,' except at an exorbitant figure, and the to New for the sake of a knock- American York. out. After this he will probably go back j association, practically with- "I was in Freedman's office day old In regard. players, grounds the to his style this No one out and to play on in before I left New York that season, and accused him of fighting unprotected when l the Nebraska city, is tied hand and foot he offered me a contract for the next he met Frank Erne. so long as it persists in trying to break year, calling for the same salary that No fighter of his weight has any ad- In there. I had been getting in 1897. I told him vantage over McGovern in regard to to come again but he wouldn't listen and strength. He is built on the symmetrical said I could sign that or nothing. I lines of a Greek athlete. And the an- left and went home, and the first thing cient sculptors of Greece more got got knew Every I when I home was an envelope about a physically perfect man than mod- . Suit modish in make-every Suit perfect in flt-and fully up to the standard of the leading mailed the same night I left New York, ern modelers ever dreamed of. The merchant tailor*. KELLY HAS SIGNED BEAN calling lit- with a contract in it for $50 a tle scrappper's arms, legs and body are month less than I had drawn the year perfectly proportioned to get the greatest NEW STYLES JUST RECEIVED.