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ne. boat with Fourth Officer Boxha'.l. which ra« - < proof of the f I BtaSsSI war not sufficient the first to be the his cabin, where he remarked to hla m»'.a. the operators under the picked up by Carpitils. caaatty of placing because a t»o\ of mistaken i that he had ee«nv abe j of th» cantaln. rockets, fo« William Thoniaf. abeotttts control box of bi«ciilts, had been Into the tori« vessel, apparently German, going along at Delay Was Not Matsrisl. ¡ put Rockets Were Seen could DOt sleep an«! w»nt Says t-aid the "Th*1 aAcer fired some 0f these rv k*'« Titanic's I full ineed. He was unf««rtunate," "Th»' «leluy off." said i/suari, "an«i the Can athia c.'in» back on deck to smoke a r-igarette. Tea Instance It was not i witness, "hut In this to us and na up ¦ hnif lion« iat»r be aaw a wMte rocket, ten Titanic got it thirty pioked Defers |aafautes at BraI material, for the «anybod] els.»." on but of No Avail 'mile« off to starboard, which be That was mor« than rive Californian; later He «aid »hey di«! not aleer for the ihoaght iva- a slMOting star A sscond ! ray*. hours before the ruildcnt." tertouo mom people «a«v. because rocket In the same place, seven or elgm at bett»r wages. Mght they Mor» experience^ men net sure whether it «area s l »iitlTJurd fr«wn first pa«» mln'Jte.-- later, he taw distinctly, and he re¬ fixed hours of duty, ¦ere licht, o be n ..-easel and With reasonable, man thought the light m'ah« »hare bei marked to lilmaelf: " mua', Smith, also would go far In seid S»:iator that of a sailing »raaaal from th.- I'.an!.- but wag not s that while he had no doubt that this dlstrcfci.'' solving the problem. He said ahip firing th* rucket*, I toward su«:h reforms L Womon Refused to Go Back. Lord had testified t vf-btigatiun would result in some cffectl Must Have Seen the Rockets. looking toward eeeaful Captain legisl-itlon smarting tinder Osman a«l«le«l .mother vrange «-»,.»,.,.,. had reported to 1 method of OontTOl of wireless opeiato H« did nr>t notify the bridge or lookout. would follow. Kvhlentlv t« his chief officer lbs Nrltish admisses sinking of the Titanic, He ««aid t «a» n ould not "answer hi was not prepared to say what t h-acease, he aald, it «raa rot ids bualnesa j the criticism that ¡the that Um stranger s«»e detain«^ by th» commit¬ after his lifeboat sh'jve'i off lie attention best method would be. and they could not bava failed to ver.- being unduly «tagg-eStéd Morse lamp or pay nny would Smith ask»«! the witness If he going back »ahingride to »try to mvi ««lore had t the rocker«, ard he wpposed they tee, Senator accorded ».«." Evans admitted that Gill Franklin Denies »Discourtesy. aware that le then iatlsf|e«i with th» treatment people. The ofti««r ¡.greed, hm. th« WOmsa for pay attention. QUI was him bi exp* ctr-d to receive «?;>»0 One cable dispatch from a Briti turned In, and at ItH a. m. was awakened Mm diaegreed. They puiied »hack, got esteraV Mr, Franklin. Titanic anil la;. ..ii their oarg i'nd taw atory of the alleged failure of tho C« was read into the record with ardere to turn out to rentier a>si*t- "Bntlrely so." icsponded the newspaper witnesses fr«mi down. to a the Tltanlc's signup ano; iliat the Titanic had gon» down. The the ¿asa of the the ship go "She got e>ta|n fornlan to heed the ihairnitiii. It said; i quickly. "In horn« "she Californien then was proceeding at full abroad they are very anxious to get," he said; exploded, brok |g d'ftre.ia. "Complaints here that British su W- all halves, ami it seemed to as if all apeed, clear of the tec find, hut with plenty and naturally they arc restive. me the Tried Hi« Pistol. not sufficient consi on was . Officer jects n/e receiving ef lceneiii»3 about Hr h*ard Second OftVe; I | recognize that you have B big problem engines and everything that In tl Evana t rat i »i i. Would greatly appreciate d WcOttH If baltova our after part ii-i out into tl'« forward chairman Smith called F. O, J. C. Evans Fourth Otltoar your liamls, and FOU testl-jof part, whom he had nial." Presumably the denial wa« sei that the third officer had reported rOCkstS aid. you are the best Judge and th» «after part came np light agabt tnd »«saman of the Titanic, mony can it to I with a from Fran his watch, aini OUI s rl fea kne««- as soon as it came up, «lown went ¿gate. amined "in chambers" yesterday, probably quotation during that." if he w then it must have beerj the Titanic 1.» ha«l asked Mr. Franklin "The «jtoorage pnraongera were sH dowi to relate to the full sub-comm lin. who assured the chairman Senator Fletcher cross nwl stand seen. it for ships to below on the Titanic, after she «ank a certain facts to which he had tes being treated with every courtesy. be deemed practicable It It lo me trc Bvana, aecording to tha affidavit said in pain. The witness «aid certain Metano* seemed all th« pe** tcean - those being that Evana h Senator Smith heard to-day that L the impra« on flr«,t. second .|:ir«1 fled, chiif of that the captain had teen notified of th- would only be a commercial senders left »board, and commanded by Fli wh«> was expected to testl not danger to the class, climbed to th- «ie. k. th« been in the boat Quitaran, rockets by the apprentice orfflcer, thought tl« ability, but on element of top «op Officer Low«, that after distributing that the steamship Mount Temple e to have been named Gibson. Th« etdppwr ships ihemsslTes poop." first load of passengers among the otl within easy roach of the Titanio and hi or-l^ere'l Moras atguala 10 the dlatransed ves- Boat«. "l»id you see them?" Babies Tosaed Into hl-i«-k. ft looked like » lifeboats Low» had selected a crew a älar«egarded the latters signala of di sel sent up. «;ths«;ti again reported the "It looked v» t«> for women and ehtfdren » rowd of to th« point where the Tltai tress, had only hearsay evidence to off« rock«-t« to the captain, who told oii-son i It cas necessary people." returned the« «iistr«-«-.*.! vessel Titanic to Jump a three-foot Senator N'-wlinds examined »Mvggd lo ''Marro'' ..- the sinking down: ihat after picking up fc and h>« telegraphed thai h continua 1 [on lifeboats, and went Quitaran untll «;.«t reply. No repl* was r chasm from the deck to the wiieeiton. of Southampton! first rtoM (tow¬ was testified to by Lo\ not desired. of the Titanic and the «Californian at the | boats, accoid- passengers, as teatlmony wag oslvod. Map showing approximate »position! I labiés were UaSSSd Into the ard Of 'he Titanic Whe»ltop testified that officer had the sinki Lord of Ihe Cal Iiit the iceberg, to »before the Senate ' to Senator Smith, bv all of th» that approached Captain Stanley QUI ,-aid the next remark he heard Bran«, time thr tonner according testimony ing (n t.-stlmony given P J, »Bruce Ismay "stood np -oat« collapsible and had fired four shois fr« fornlan tl stifled that he had been r make waa "Why In »h« d»\|] didn't they «rommtttee chairman of the Senate committee, by that I saw ret nwav." He eotTOOOi it- : .'.. to her; ti¬ The satire yeaterday. of the Titanic« sreW. Brans testimony that Herold >', his pistol before going up »«¦';» ing advices of Ice for several da: wake up th-i ".¡r»d*5s man?" ¡ O. F.vans, one liOats previous \jemt close and tak to talked among them« ' Ho rreell eel this method Of loading the fifth "oftlcer. lol«l Ismay "t«-> §*A th» h»tl be bad then gone in before seejnc It and that on Sundi crew, according GUI, a this morning that there ha«l I United .States »Ifarahal M«artebt«e, at worn- the of the róchate. report the loss of Ufa amon* the out of here" *rhen they »were on nersona from th« eollapsib of dlsa selves r.bout dlaregard j-oni" to from con The marshal reported that In COmpI ! with heavy we»rktag twenty«nv»» evening, the day the Titanic officer, attempt prevent you Evans was examined by lifeboat No. ;. was bar gunwale.«, bel Mr. stone, the second navigating here to te«tlfv 0«) yon know of any I with orders from Washington he en aid children, which sinking, ter, he had dr.uhled hi? lookout ami 111 at the ihn«« last and the purport was Mr. lsni.iv «n.» '.n th« Callforolen's bridge served suhptenas on th» captain ami BsaiajtOf Smith night, "What «Jolng?^ i«ksd «lmoat awash. remained on the himself until 1 attempts?" waa made public to-day bridge ol the rocket sU'nal«. "1 don't tl wireless operator of the i alifornlan, of his te«tlmony Senator Newlands. In tha estimation r«f Senator Sml h un' "No," Mid Cap»taJfl »Lord. Smith that when the aft and on sighted the ¡ce. He then stoppt»! "What time aid the Ceilfernlan g«t wh« were from comli.