ne. boat with Fourth Officer Boxha'.l. which ra« - < proof of the f I BtaSsSI war not sufficient the first to be the his cabin, where he remarked to hla m»'.a. the operators under the picked up by Carpitils. caaatty of placing because a t»o\ of mistaken i that he had ee«nv abe j of th» cantaln. rockets, fo« William Thoniaf. abeotttts control box of bi«ciilts, had been Into the tori« vessel, apparently German, going along at Delay Was Not Matsrisl. ¡ put Rockets Were Seen could DOt sleep an«! w»nt Says t-aid the "Th*1 aAcer fired some 0f these rv k*'« 's I full ineed. He was unf««rtunate," "Th»' «leluy off." said i/suari, "an«i the Can athia c.'in» back on deck to smoke a r-igarette. Tea Instance It was not i witness, "hut In this to us and na up ¦ hnif lion« iat»r be aaw a wMte rocket, ten Titanic got it thirty pioked Defers |aafautes at BraI material, for the «anybod] els.»." on but of No Avail 'mile« off to starboard, which be That was mor« than rive Californian; later He «aid »hey di«! not aleer for the ihoaght iva- a slMOting star A sscond ! ray*. hours before the ruildcnt." tertouo mom people «a«v. because rocket In the same place, seven or elgm at bett»r wages. Mght they Mor» experience^ men net sure whether it «area s l »iitlTJurd fr«wn first pa«» mln'Jte.-- later, he taw distinctly, and he re¬ fixed hours of duty, ¦ere licht, o be n ..-easel and With reasonable, man thought the light m'ah« »hare bei marked to lilmaelf: " mua', Smith, also would go far In seid S»:iator that of a sailing »raaaal from th.- I'.an!.- but wag not s that while he had no doubt that this dlstrcfci.'' solving the problem. He said ahip firing th* rucket*, I toward su«:h reforms L Womon Refused to Go Back. Lord had testified t vf-btigatiun would result in some cffectl Must Have Seen the Rockets. looking toward eeeaful Captain legisl-itlon smarting tinder Osman a«l«le«l .mother vrange «-»,.»,.,.,. had reported to 1 method of OontTOl of wireless opeiato H« did nr>t notify the bridge or lookout. would follow. Kvhlentlv t« his chief officer lbs Nrltish admisses , He ««aid t «a» n ould not "answer hi was not prepared to say what t h-acease, he aald, it «raa rot ids bualnesa j the criticism that ¡the that Um stranger s«»e detain«^ by th» commit¬ after his lifeboat sh'jve'i off lie attention best method would be. and they could not bava failed to ver.- being unduly «tagg-eStéd Morse lamp or pay nny would Smith ask»«! the witness If he going back »ahingride to »try to mvi ««lore had t the rocker«, ard he wpposed they tee, Senator accorded ».«." Evans admitted that Gill Franklin Denies »Discourtesy. aware that le then iatlsf|e«i with th» treatment people. The ofti««r ¡.greed, hm. th« WOmsa for pay attention. QUI was him bi exp* ctr-d to receive «?;>»0 One cable dispatch from a Briti turned In, and at ItH a. m. was awakened Mm diaegreed. They puiied »hack, got esteraV Mr, Franklin. Titanic anil la;. ..ii their oarg i'nd taw atory of the alleged failure of tho C« was read into the record with ardere to turn out to rentier a>si*t- "Bntlrely so." icsponded the newspaper witnesses fr«mi down. to a the Tltanlc's signup ano; iliat the Titanic had gon» down. The the ¿asa of the the ship go "She got e>ta|n fornlan to heed the ihairnitiii. It said; i quickly. "In horn« "she Californien then was proceeding at full abroad they are very anxious to get," he said; exploded, brok |g d'ftre.ia. "Complaints here that British su W- all halves, ami it seemed to as if all apeed, clear of the tec find, hut with plenty and naturally they arc restive. me the Tried Hi« Pistol. not sufficient consi on was . Officer jects n/e receiving ef lceneiii»3 about Hr h*ard Second OftVe; I | recognize that you have B big problem engines and everything that In tl Evana t rat i »i i. Would greatly appreciate d WcOttH If baltova our after part ii-i out into tl'« forward chairman Smith called F. O, J. C. Evans Fourth Otltoar your liamls, and FOU testl-jof part, whom he had nial." Presumably the denial wa« sei that the third officer had reported rOCkstS aid. you are the best Judge and th» «after part came np light agabt tnd »«saman of the Titanic, mony can it to I with a from Fran his watch, aini OUI s rl fea kne««- as soon as it came up, «lown went ¿gate. amined "in chambers" yesterday, probably quotation during that." if he w then it must have beerj the Titanic 1.» ha«l asked Mr. Franklin "The «jtoorage pnraongera were sH dowi to relate to the full sub-comm lin. who assured the chairman Senator Fletcher cross nwl stand seen. it for ships to below on the Titanic, after she «ank a certain facts to which he had tes being treated with every courtesy. be deemed practicable It It lo me trc Bvana, aecording to tha affidavit said in pain. The witness «aid certain Metano* seemed all th« pe** tcean - those being that Evana h Senator Smith heard to-day that L the impra« on flr«,t. second .|:ir«1 fled, chiif of that the captain had teen notified of th- would only be a commercial senders left »board, and commanded by Fli wh«> was expected to testl not danger to the class, climbed to th- «ie. k. th« been in the boat Quitaran, rockets by the apprentice orfflcer, thought tl« ability, but on element of top «op Officer Low«, that after distributing that the steamship Mount Temple e to have been named Gibson. Th« etdppwr ships ihemsslTes poop." first load of passengers among the otl within easy roach of the Titanio and hi or-l^ere'l Moras atguala 10 the dlatransed ves- Boat«. "l»id you see them?" Babies Tosaed Into hl-i«-k. ft looked like » lifeboats Low» had selected a crew a älar«egarded the latters signala of di sel sent up. «;ths«;ti again reported the "It looked v» t«> for women and ehtfdren » rowd of to th« point where the Tltai tress, had only hearsay evidence to off« rock«-t« to the captain, who told oii-son i It cas necessary people." returned the« «iistr«-«-.*.! vessel Titanic to Jump a three-foot Senator N'-wlinds examined »Mvggd lo ''Marro'' ..- the sinking down: ihat after picking up fc and h>« telegraphed thai h continua 1 [on lifeboats, and went Quitaran untll «;.«t reply. No repl* was r chasm from the deck to the wiieeiton. of ! first rtoM (tow¬ was testified to by Lo\ not desired. of the Titanic and the «Californian at the | boats, accoid- passengers, as teatlmony wag oslvod. Map showing approximate »position! I labiés were UaSSSd Into the ard Of 'he Titanic Whe»ltop testified that officer had the sinki Lord of Ihe Cal Iiit the iceberg, to »before the Senate ' to Senator Smith, bv all of th» that approached Captain Stanley QUI ,-aid the next remark he heard Bran«, time thr tonner according testimony ing (n t.-stlmony given P J, »Bruce Ismay "stood np -oat« collapsible and had fired four shois fr« fornlan tl stifled that he had been r make waa "Why In »h« d»\|] didn't they «rommtttee chairman of the Senate committee, by that I saw ret nwav." He eotTOOOi it- : .'.. to her; ti¬ The satire yeaterday. of the Titanic« sreW. Brans testimony that Herold >', his pistol before going up »«¦';» ing advices of Ice for several da: wake up th-i ".¡r»d*5s man?" ¡ O. F.vans, one liOats previous \jemt close and tak to talked among them« ' Ho rreell eel this method Of loading the fifth "oftlcer. lol«l Ismay "t«-> §*A th» h»tl be bad then gone in before seejnc It and that on Sundi crew, according GUI, a this morning that there ha«l I United .States »Ifarahal M«artebt«e, at worn- the of the róchate. report the loss of Ufa amon* the out of here" *rhen they »were on nersona from th« eollapsib of dlsa selves r.bout dlaregard j-oni" to from con The marshal reported that In COmpI ! with heavy we»rktag twenty«nv»» evening, the day the Titanic officer, attempt prevent you Evans was examined by lifeboat No. ;. was bar gunwale.«, bel Mr. stone, the second navigating here to te«tlfv 0«) yon know of any I with orders from Washington he en aid children, which sinking, ter, he had dr.uhled hi? lookout ami 111 at the ihn«« last and the purport was Mr. lsni.iv «n.» '.n th« Callforolen's bridge served suhptenas on th» captain ami BsaiajtOf Smith night, "What «Jolng?^ i«ksd «lmoat awash. remained on the himself until 1 attempts?" waa made public to-day bridge ol the rocket sU'nal«. "1 don't tl wireless operator of the i alifornlan, of his te«tlmony Senator Newlands. In tha estimation r«f Senator Sml h un' "No," Mid Cap»taJfl »Lord. Smith that when the aft and on sighted the ¡ce. He then stoppt»! "What time aid the Ceilfernlan g«t wh« were from comli. Brans told Senator "He was standing going Ilk»» to there »as »anything of thai kind, ¡that they prevented were at least * ÏX)we's firing of hla pistol, first pi to for and retire steamT' Benator PI« -h»r. boat» w«ro swung out they this: 'Lower! Lower Lower" lowering fli» »-rigides wall daylight Inquired .«i- aerved with ihe subpcs«na T asked Washington by offleUl« ,,f t\,a Whit«. -lech, .sent panic stricken steerage passeng« whi< "I don't know, raid lbs wit« three feet out from »he stemme/'- bout«. He slond right bv- thfl davit, »l»h He described the mysterious ship, exactly," assistant geiteral manager for panules Une. se«. The Into htr as, fully load« "but was .some time after '.o'clock." was seventy feet above the on» hand on the davit snd one iand !ti mo¬ from Jumping he believed was a «arg«) vessel, as it hi ne-ss. it t couldn't get the general manager, f'1 "What do you »know about tl ts, ¡whici women re- se.eoi mdtred lbs dis- was so terrifying that tion to the officer to let him know how tnr ithe was being lowered away, and. and which stopp« From the rockets GUI ¦wss to come." Franklin*" asked the Senator. height were only one mast light, not more than twenty permitt»sd fnf.c to att«-mpt th. jump. Several h» wan'«! him to g«> in lowering the life¬ lo as Evans explained, the pa miles awa trosacd «hi;« tí tx "Do yo'i know whether jour wireless thl«." replied the witness. said. prevent, within sight, hut several off. HI* of th-- rockets "JUSl thrown bodily aero--*- the gap. Kvans boat to »he water, «»vniv feet below." in the "from rua mil»e deecrlptten erator «was "r. duty K'indny night ¡ifter tween S:30 !» o'elo, k last I truv aengers collapsible up rockets, but refusing to at that Fotirth OfBeer an«! night .me »¦h- pr jielled with such fore "HI»! Ismay do anvthlng beoldoi hoir» a offen sending tallied with alvea by lent the from our and an«! I tug Lowe's boat," was heinous the Callfornlan who sent t'n«-m warning message?" Cerrad a telephone message -vent over th»- far side ot the boat the lowerina of the boats?" awer the signals of RoxbaU, of the Titanic, "I »hink not. I went his io.h t± sh«. I lagUlOfO .md a display of Inexcusable brutale by Bee In ijoston »announcing that »the from into the »»>a only women aloft I' *»< wa- aeved plunging "He he)pe«I th* and Children Into nautic "Service Signals," He Thought. 11:13, and ther* was no llgn;. men had he»n summoned to Waahlni In an oarloe-k. In tha estimation of men with his affidavit " her shoe, which 'aught the boat and t«»l«l the men to make «;iii da-iar*«-' that In makina In Heats he had gone «o »>at e*rlou«ly - said Brans, experience both acts were wise Captain Lord said they had no m will toward any officer of the I this might "Hi!.; and children," .utrera] Wlieeltnn told of pulling tn»o th» boa» . di ¡he »ráptala »Lord said that if th« opeM the steamer*a sailing on Beturda; like sack* of grain and Lowe's entire coursa w tress re.kets, which could be easily «^sllfomlan.that th» California« certainly | with t««s?f«l Into the bouts | woman who did not want t«> ge» lr.. , .proper, had »i<-»n on duty he «arouM have caught Smith's olTW «»n the and ho assumed they we w-s« 1«.«« than .11»* rro.-i »»., »f| calle.i up Senator was no other way." "When you left the ship there were a'oo'i» highly commendable. tlnguished, twenty Tl!.«ni«'s Am operator on dn'v touch There that a Senate other sh which the Catlfornlan*« ofnecra bad signal phone. a»id ilnally got In «with f-'enator Smith further anncunced 1.."..»0 still on the ship. Hav» you gay "The better thought" of the "service signals" to iume |t»nt«\ the day. b< said, tv;,s of more «ervlce II S»nat<«r Smith whom h«j ex- I people sa a« ti-,p;r 11» «aid that th». through his secretary. trimmer on lbs Titanic, l«lea what pa«-t of the shir «h»v we-, n that this wh! same company. He reportad position. ' on at «baraeeo th lamp determined Investigation, owned by the who was to remain duty night. that »he men must come and nicht, declared that there ueroj wit skipper and the quartermaster t i?» r piled amir c«! last when you I*»ft?"* It describes as an Inquest being h< he had never supplied his lookout fb«. wer» many one-operator ships ¡««ri«» In taken In Boi ih» lUeboata. H« said that l on duty during the- digiharge of rot-k- than no deposit W«9ttld no lights in "They were all around the ship all over over the death of fifteen hundred p« but once. That was tht? mon con¬ got more tnformntlon »n the «lay to that the men r bouts had cleared the ship he ylas»ses cts had a three-quarters of an hour .»-,* I t»!eph«>ne<1 BOOtOU after four the place." as to l nigi ». when the other operators w-r- i and dlscoveied the >">le, shall not be so prolonged after the sinking of the Tltanl a day or two be-fore the <"ali- «some «m an»l for them to take the went t" the storeroom Wheelton was unable to say Whether air* ing sultation "But your passengers are at.lf-«»j> at nlgt Rv orders of com« ludicrous, but apparently no seei when he hauled a man up to the c. reached port and that th" Quarter- ni«; I train If putsstbia, atid that I w« lampa, flares and oil there effort was made to awaken the passent'- fornian »Smator Smith. "WouMn'l It he equlppe.i of it to a close h in a coal haske d»r-lHr«'d tha» he did rnt ?.'» th« suggeoted i.n the committee their «»«.ai.i the aptaln, he said, hurriedly "out of a total of fgg p saved, there ly method bringing treme top of th« mast master r««ti.«r to have four operator i»itk» Wl urge boats as he eagle eve tion as a«- mo that t maní' of tin» remaining were who belonged to the t»w lf>w yet been devised. Yesterday providing him with a glass, notwitl ro'-kPt». other e>ea are chased?" qulekly possible, 110 return to-nlçhl in 'une lo »all." for M * member of the sub-commltteo was pi standing which fact he discovered ti Lord's Sweeping Denial. "It vrouM." might do you account »large props».UM Captain probably The v Itness offered to t«*i«.pi,onn to J Would Not Reply. of the crew ?" pared to adopt a motion discharging which was on the scene, froi ('Hptain Stanley of the- CaHfatnlan, The captain was n«tk»»l by >ena». SlM Carpsthis Carpathla, of the ton to learn the time tii« two witti«? record the! "I would think the men took a riMMMS reluctantly consent he was seer, by ti to »n»»r a »w-f-eplng estadal whether he b.i«i teen any dlstreai slgni -. Smith read into the the witnesses and the bridge before prepared Stor of I overboard and «were piek« d »in when Senat Statements by Gill, followed the 1st»«- r.n and he said no. left. following note, from Opoeatoi Toting, and jumped to abandon their purpose lookout. foil j "Never mind, thank you," said the I New York n." by boats. We have ver.- powerful swim¬ at tha witness stand. He said he had »wed th« airslsss atatlon at ths j «Smith agreed to the method of cxami Captain Lord was examined grei Not the Titanic. He Says. ator. "J have :he Information." mers aboard the ship." the *ea for twenty years. H» had brought Tard: members of the crew in chambers, length regarding his estimate of tli "When I ram«- ta» «bridga .»' Tío» men left Boston e«»rly io-«Uy. Wheelton paid special tribute to th* brav¬ «ng the log of the «''allfomlan with him \ upon wouM at no time aeknowledgi to conduct t' the t « en¬ I/"«r»l Smith asked If Franklin M Carpathls ship« rl ery of First «officer Murdock. who. he aalJ. to speak, and promised al». 'he color and appearance Boston, mid rea«! from the re-i-ord T' Sunday night." 'apiain Mid, Senator o« a meesage from navy h» saw- was lo-t at receipt «'.Mied th-.m at 5:.«> coo\ and very calm, and waa ». Inquiry with the utmost exp»dlti< Icebergs, the relative proportion abov tries lnclu«i»r Lurton, command*! to every wttneaa fa ¡with the Tttaal« on Runda] Mssl.t that time, as no other Ot course, dealing with a subject of su< practically come m« ami I asked the aperat» t if he h lection I« that ihe «nip waa never be could work at the llftiboat In whUh J Bru^e laggaj He gald lie und«;rsiood that an ictber Benator Smith had t n could hear her. the Itowe was mt- gravity, there Is every desire not to pr "Ve*. sir, about Id 1 that night, heard anything, and h«> *a;d ha hnd from after the time sh« left port, No VOUNtJ. Operator OMtfmu from linking ship. was m submerge» Th In of the boat--the ninth te contest or struggle whi«. genero ly ren-Olghtha time, we told it 1» wen surrounded by Titanic an»! glv-sn tho lee message. knows when» she weal down." dered charge cipitate any Sfnator Smith Bskeri. "Thet and Wtthltl f"-«r Version of the Sinking. leave.he said, by »aptaln Smt'h H* rt!i eouJd be regarded as unseemly, and y. whereupon ie-e. >,«|ii h«d Mopped." t'ni- Ship cam< up lay Th» Nar«»tile was owned by th» Ocm New the savv extende»! 1«M f«M that meo- seven mile« of us. ^h» lay there neai of Southampton, no one aafcrad Ismay to get In. It Is felt that many futures of the it if irebei'g you "Did th-- rítanle- acknowledge Steam and Navigation »'ompany, wh Georae Frederick *"row-e. it extended 1Ô9 fr«- all night, h:t we could not heai from h' Senator Bourne, ¡ "When »Jhlef Officer Weyl ask«*«] tf ther» as now are extreme! above the water, n.l«rt owns the White Star Une. a steward, examine«! by O.uiry conducted or 'Keep v.-»«« not tli« Tltanl--. I am s«ir«* abo how Tltanhi were any more women and children, ther» below the"" Before the surprise "Tea air. it told u« to shut up It Senator Smith asked tr«-> «srltneM if. a new version Of the It is impossible to foret« gave was no said »Row*. "So Mr temar mortifying. the chair out' or somstbtna 11k» that.' tiiat. messages v« 1th J. Hru^e I»m reply." but it is that a wltneaa could reply, however, too eX'-haiiKlng want down, her aboard the boat.'' the outcome, certain Perkim ¦Did you have further »ramtnuateatloa j "About i o'clo i« i toi'i the «aperator hea«! of »he White Star Une, Inward l«oi "After ws got clear of the ship j came i.«- 1 .man, prompted by Senator She lent severa', r«»c ¦»'an you My there were no more ssegMB possible pressure b«ing Vought Wltll the Titanic that sventag?" this ship ^galn Up on the Carpathla. he had enjoined »MOT lights wer«, oui burning very brightly. added, "In bulk, of courfie." «t«. on» not answer. I mid hi away she i ami children?" Senator Burton a«.ked bear on th'- chairman *o end the affai ¦Not «t all" ih« would or "sllem«" with r'-f-r-'ne« to the m said Crowe, "but as «re g»«; eontmunl« to who ah. waa ¡ beard "I could not see. hut there were ner« which not the Senate alona but all otb« Mistook Stars for Lights. Did the Titanio hare further ,ii-k her sage«. seemed to go lower and lower. She almos' her WhM I wen» t» he«l, b-it she <1 her forthcoming'' of mb-committee feel nn »h* cation with you?' Ing r.o. Nothing of th«-- s stood up p«".pendlcuhirly. and lights ¦tambera the Aaked to what be attributed dil « re«ollectl "Emphatkally, there any men passengers bej'.le« Vim at all." not ansv«er I havi faint Presently she broke clean m "Were served every uaaful purpoae and shoui to Titanic, Lord Ml« e>loi wa« e\»n attempted." went dim. and the nther man, a Mr. «"ar- «gâter the Captain "How far were *he Californien a.n«i th» of 1.faring tin cabin I¦<.¦¦ about t two-thirds of th» length of Mr. Ismay n. >. be terminated There ai v* at two, probably promptly. it was s 11« ar night, bul ry deceiving Titani«- apart wli»n you s*nt your nie.-«»R. saving t«'«m'4thlnR about th» ship Reporter Told Him Firat. two-third.- In 'lie water, one- ter"" '->. numbei of aurvlvora la Waablni war" after that she rt«\»;n Ul ship "1 did not see any, sir." that he himself saw ihr let only Whei te the Titanic telling her ; ou Mochad staadlag »by. Soin Mr. Franklin rel»»rate r Then there was an santosles*. and ¡ r.a :.-»." ^the "Yes, sir." den of in- physician to return to Xe' w« «rere about ïv? mil- apart." -it his honM at ««;. end and sunk." lighti the Titan- a' porter awakened hhn part turned "In going íiiong on the water did he gir« a*- and ii the Californien reeelv« Captain I.or.l said that tl impact with Fork at promptly poaaible, Among thi sailors who teatifled y«eater 'Did mil1 O'clock Monday morning Crowe told of the Titanic j dlre.-tlons'.'" '1 r> Xi' oallT" nlan's »position nIn "Star hi« hunk, and that "the stewards it apprt dated thai Smtt the lifeboat in which -I of the" or the api rliiyht t<» off, and that when h< .aptair. Senat on the at the time of the crash, the ninth put the Tit« had Officiais «>f the White Un«?. ter bridge j "N«». sir," said Rowe tima when he tateomo« Interested In th non« when ws were golna to Callfornlan just »»merged message from for more women or children me of tl Smith tii.-n ha«l th- witness read a caí told of taking s mysterious j "Did s»e Officer Weyl «peak to »vitneas. Hut it ¡called 'Were yon under f";i aposd then."' "The fli>t news that »reached It yon examination of r« and none could b< .«een. "S> which he sen! to Um line's i.iv. Captain Smith to the ehief engineer. j «¿ponded ai! w« OOUld -.i -.. r," mM the eScer, "waa short! mswgs them?" icaüred that h«-- attaches to various d« .Ws were driving |«.,i| «I was a message that h» «lid not I Mr. Ismay came aboard the »boat," h< told the Titanic ye.«: were after r. o'clock Monday mornl:i«. when t! p..r«l «,f»W telling of th» ai'ctilent. Written "No, sir." mort Im 'turben >oii vv, htm to take It I velopments of ihe affair far Ho s.'.jd W. IS. Carter also »vim, .«.ere you ''a' the Tltanl» ho curing that the Virgulan «»as <>n the read. The engineer told "If he hnd spoken to then» would ;ci add«sd. surrounded by lea how badly Frankfurt reported th«« than is warranted from th an i« i>- rt" tO the Tltanl.-s n.sslHtai»«'«'., TIM cable DM ba k to «aplati have known It." portance aboard. surrounded?" sunk after hitting -«.hs ? had nautl *er .¦.hi!» iras sent 1:11 inornlBg, "What kind of a message ut" Mind "I so." tandpoint of those who have » ;,]r raid in» field wai about At i:i') that morning the Virginian at MiMtday think Asked If Wild« ordered r made The «rltnass smit Burton. of tiren:IM n- -. ead several mile« word >«f the <«,lilsl««n. .«plain Lord s;«!« "Do ; «..n not think," aak«'«l Senator Senator W. H. Taylor, Southampton, Xpert« Ismay »get In, which Swond Offlcei twanty-Dv« miles lona "I «a* as to the meesage. it wa.< I of the ere"' .-aid. wai 1 it a «jsKond rneasage, «"-kit, "thai If the Information you cabled ahr<« cannot ori tl;»« Titanic, said a majority Smith with Witness. he had heard on the «ride. The Californien, he followlog i>> was sink. Argues Llghtoller Raid Car« ihe e,|K. of the of tli«- eatenl of »;.« damage t was worth leporting t«> i.iv-rp«»««; it m on a piece of paper and the paper [ did not r«»allze that the Titanic would a quarter o! a mils from tjiat word " During tha examination of Vioa-Pras Ipathla, »Rowe «-aid no, ati«) lhat if suet Lord was then aaeuaa wes Important enough to glee to ti lo ted ' "How do y«>u know?" a«ked Senator Kew« floe. s'-'i.i her Captain lalnly. the chief Ment TrankMn Sor.ot .r Ebnltb r^ad int' order had been given ho could havi th» ibtl .-" "Where did ><>u find engineer?" land--. I rTbat did you notify Titanic forî" No Distress Signal, Says Operator. p I I the record the Jl ted Proaa dlapatcl h«eard ¡t. Be »«aid Wilde did not spe,«k entirely, I Mr. Franklin sn;«l h< base,', hi rape "Dowt In the engine room." "Because they were all skylarklne "As a rnatter of oourtesy, Evans, wireless operator of th "Were the engines running?' about It." 'mm a Montana newspaper ot April 16 t«, either «nrt.-r or Ismay. know whew ah« was. As a rrmtter .Cyril entirely on a telephone Mmmttnicattoii ail Joking didn't testlfled thai he turned in .¦ r were ne.i running, the a'-etdent?' the witness that if th< Alfred aleo íx..mli¡o»i i«.« ¡«Vn- she was eighteen r,i!1»s C'altromian, th«- lit:«--« agent In Montreal and on "The engine« they "After ..rsiiins «vltb Oliver, lot fa«-i. I though! 11-28 o'clock Bundes Ight, and nev.-r hear» were I delivered the m«Mage and air." Titanic «ouït Purton. confirmed the of us." p«jrts re,-eiv»d by Tio Associated Prei «topped. "Yes. news of the sinking of the ator testimony ot south snv distress ^igual from the Titanic 1 waited for an anawer I waited tor i«u said h» realized that the Tltanl" "Do know regarding the an«l the newapai ei a Taylor have ren^lini :i point far W »"»fficer Pitman, saying that when you anything "iri the evening ihe Titanic »called me u or minute... he saw me was when obserrt-d »kef ¡Third ol roui own Kim-«; l| Mr. Franklin said lo« .»..> tl three Then stand-! sinking only ha there «rat tht to return to tn« Titanic disaster ati'i -Una!«,'' sa»d Kvur.- i th» Montana by Monday morning Pitman ga order ' exchanged rocrivlng reporta from M«u Ing end he asked me what wanted. i\ polna down "by nose." n«»' Nothing. "i a >*aeeaage for yo»i ab-m telephonic i an t«. no excu>c for tbe Whll Star Line I «pot whor* the Titanic I'.ad sunk practl- .. Mid, Hera's ' of the rumen. »aid was waiting for auswar the "DM loij ae< anv of her «igual« my« «had »heart me end eel Informinii liverp»aol Lookouts Praise the Women. îis.i'.g authentic Information by thai I »calls all the women In th« «boat wen Ice,' an«! he aid »he .Senator Smith franklin had n massage l took to him. He told m«- to »hing of the- »hip heraetf." to the nther ships." luggMted tak» ir tell the that he I Three Titanic lookouts, each of whom fifi time ani glvtBa It I 'be public. Th« greatly frightened »and protested, rn "No." catead thr information »from Montreal t within a- .' i« :, 'a't'r ol t Xp> «lien' j . It to time between London ^n«l tft '. rra«l !'.«.. follows: "Keep Yourselves." their breast*. «5od bles» of "Vef. till' llf 0 Kvam mrSMgi fr««m for hi gol«l ni-lals on miles the Titanic Cabled laqutrlM BnglOIld .»e of when tha to ¦.«,« ¦. will then first to sho^v H, .'.-<.'« p. m..Cailfomlsn ¦ 'aK. .« said G. A. of Hull. "I rbt chairmen sought iway." April Mr. Franklin j¡.l!> W.¡ thr?« «.»inpaiiy. raise hat to .. woman aft»* that tbe new« had been to th« yaaael wfeoea Benator Bmitr a-K'¦) the .»¡»n»-« Titanic: paaaed eni thi cable, bu silera bv individual membera of the Sen- always my . ir. New York before b» mcithead miles te southward of us lf« »a -i was te two lights were plainly vis- to the larg« bergi committes "as Incorporated in the rec« hat I at, . Biitiih publ given ¡oh¿ it took the Californien to get not delivered at his office until after h All who had don» duty in th* dit il«le. Waa mad» by Edward John Buley, 'he disaster. He -e-:,ii 1 r< gardi ««r«i of the hearings to-da* An Interesting three, the «Vberk in i-res-, and. having Ol Titanic **v * « ; - nt ins tneusi,«;.. s.», it«,r »Smith «asked eromft nest before the collision, regrettel an a'«lc seaman. at s 'When did : "'i neal «somraunlcata hit of testimony was ,,f Samuel S. Titanic did not have for «osared thin .t reached London ;it a of Southampton, Buley from the log ta ihow thai o'clock th« r he had directed the «sable companies not «hat the ¿lasses »«stifled that this f-.r rieared the tl kk kl th TitanteT' ! lemming, a seaman, who sah] ha was the i...«kouts. to Intimate tha It ship wag In sighl -tar»«-«! the scene, ra«se>aag«ra .... night. v\e the said H«->g*. iattr hour, aeomed "Mne-nv. Nev y«»rk time, that mitm deliver Important "If had had glasses, ' Titanic an«l hdir ah hour latei and under full «teen astaep when the ship struck, and that ifter so aa not to affect whan the rtruck that "th« Evans said 'The captain ¦:¦¦¦.- \o. sir. They would be doilvering mes "we might have seen the bers before had been auppraaaed dre* arpathta ai evening," ho liad looked out he «rent ha.-k io bad \ (J Simons, of Wevmouth, England, m* I--.-ed right by" without any signal. alonasld« tv» an e«seount ««f ...¦ all night if they -.«,,.r«- to deliver I the London marken. The chairman Im« o'clock «ver« g«.ing lo atop MiReH fi.rekeeper d|,l the same Later th(. poat'. his lifeboat "eouM have a/*ccmmc>dated x ;.. "Wa thought she was coming to us, te advise th«» Titanic, i did, as they c«ine In." ten more." when it was ordered plied se- com* Leord aid on tin Ke told me swain came «nd said: really his boa» and If she had every one could have Captai bridge and Mid: Mr Franklin denied that the «able com ,mav Hogg ha»l foiiy-W'raa in panic*, accordlna to Mr. Franklin, did II 'intii 10* o'clock on aundi y "Turn out. roa fellow-: you haven't half one of the "big ones." which was meas¬ l"«ard«d her." «¿aid him« nlahl " oi«; maa, we are surrounded 1 > ere un«ler en] control by th not deliver n re reived during Buley. 'She had her thai lh< eat« h as d.Mjbi*ej, 'Say. penltfl an hour to live. That hi from Mr. An¬ ured to carry sixty-five. and '.shut up; l am working .. of Isle of -t.r<)« r. for« of the preaenc« 1« head." " had over wire from the by him. v hat authority hie company wa« light, which kepi th« »v.ats together. "and we took Mr. Andrews, Kmmtng «aid. of the later. . "You mean to aay that It la th« cus¬ precautl .After that l «heart Mm sending private !'i«i op-- atora «>n their .-«IiIi>h. The Senate «ub-committee adiourneo un¬ For about three hums, he grom r.'liom did you reoeive those re-- Arm of Harland . Wolff, the buUdera ot tom of th ibl« eoanpanlea not to de¬ .s«j;d, ah« was lo 'ape Rai e?" ii any o.v«- »vas ««bieciionabV til |0 ovlock K'-ii'.orrow. when It expects te and made mensagea "I presume the ship. hear testimony of » apt am Thomas H. until it suits stationary then M«h« tracks" ports'.' "What v« ..!. they?" be the liver Important measagea I ths «'.ironía, is a he could removed." Frank its man. I «eaman. w,is In the HJa» I M»vore of the steamer Mount Templa. ;.ti«i disappeared. "Captain Barr, fare "I «ion t »know, i didn't tak« them," »«tin of the custom whtd the comrnii tv >. <«f both men to open -aid "Po y»>u approve She not but see our report on April It, the di,y before," an« the Senator, in -\. could help rock« »Evana has laten rev«aaled i»y Biuns. «Cottan their Ofllcea inquired «aptain Lord. at - She waa close enough to *H our Kvans -ai»l lie »*aa awak«-iie*ecerrins peeimiary reward fo toaa of aniaaeanettt "What fui tner adrlc «»if", -.-;.. ami to see the o'«'!«»ck in the morning by the «hlef of He then sought to show the existence; lights ship Itself, anf] ais0 "Barr'a massags told as that westbound «v;in'.e«i Information SlaiaetemT' rockets:. She whs bound to who said he ha«l seen rockets and "I think It la rather unfartuaate. Never .« the »see them." steamer* add le« on the i;-.«,. " ef oammunlty of interest between th reported t«» g«;t soni«" Information. natura to Have he aaid. was theleae, it I« only human ea! e companies and tho International That two days befare." Titanic's Fate ¡Before the Arrange Hears of atercaniii«: .latnu bul auc« it developed to-day thai on«- »reform "«Thal was th« next turning?' Senator Smith Gets Testy. Company, and ami the it.» ..< <-nly In «-li« the information that Is certain to spring from the pre«. 'Ths I'atislar. was lar ahead ol U I 'I nia«ie ready «sailed, What kind of human nature?" inappe« reeded Hing asked th« furt with the news «,i the sink- that Mr. >anklin believed John I. ent investigation will txt enforced in the Partatfagron April It, In the «lay- aaaweied Senator smith. j tlme, and she tM she had 1.. ol th« Ti'ai.ic. The Virginian called wireless rooms of or leav- pa--«- ln. tanic's wireless operator. »pedal ship company .should employ its own Senator Smith announced publicly to- their hours, to whom they reporte«! and bv dication of the proalmity of ire. th» ¦i»iils- on oui way tu UM scene of the wreck, I operator on the Titanic refused to Dally an«! Sunday, six month«. 4.00 Gill, of Californian's Liner from the one 8.00 Crew, Says Saw Distress Signals rrsaa call Sunday evening, after vour «on.- heard the mm »ay ro.'keta had been -nt warning of th«. presence of Ice Daily and Sunday, year. New-York Tribune. ne was busy Dally only, one month.80 municatlon with the Titanic, h.iw long would up in th« night an«j t lat the aptain hail Bteamahlp «"alifornlan oecius" fix months. 3.00 »" If there Daily only, 154 Nassau New fork. .Operator Swears He Got Rebuff. it have taken you to reach her?" been roused." with his a'-counts." I Mk y Daily only, one year. 8.00 St., "At th» very ]»»M two un4or thf The witties? ;alut not be s.»nic »rutea »and «?ega1atlona Sunday only, six months. 1.88 Washington. April H..When Ernest Gill, lose their Jobs." He said h» mw 1(0urs got should 8.80 Mai! The Tribune for ¡"to thei Ice vondltlons." and triM to In of Sunday only. «>ne year. s-îniiy, wenty-nlne years old. ef Llverpcol, a don- Titanic very plainly. th- Mors«- signals get cum- for th. governing operators?" man on "When ye,«, KOt t., ths s,-»ne tl i.iiinl' itloti with the dlfltreused vessel. So The witness agreed most emphatically «ulisi-rlpiions to all countries ley engine the .'.íliforrlan, to'k »llll »aid he was on hi«- third in Foreign . month to the following voyage did ass wes made to use rt»ck«.t« on th» ,uch rules aii»ar.88,14 Name. »Ire that no captain v ho refuses or neglects ¡drifting amid floe Ice that «MU expeled to get »« for t'le ro-" k««t "No doubt thii- investigation «ill bring DAILY ONLY. "«.^ee any bodies?" some to give aid to a vassal In distress abauM From the starboard nil. Gill nald. he ItOry from newspap.r when h» got out Some legisle Mon settling the problem. One month. ..|1.0* <>n» year.81920 So, .»ither deir -«,.. be enacted 1>« abl« to hush up the matfr." He saw the broadside light» of a am all«e.' ,h. ¦¦hora I twlieve that a law should very large «.ap'.iln the t«res- Cunatlian /Y.ffe«: Address- '.largad that »*vr»ra! members ef the «retr I steamer, watched her at leaM two mlnut«"*, Ftar.klin Otnies Holdinn Witneai. eo'mpelllng. among other things, ¦vhoni lie had urged t«j join v It !» him In 'and »hat »hose or the Lord »main».! »earchinf from «¦nc«- of an operator et the Instrument all DAILY AND SUNDAY: Callfornlan's bridge. Cáptala'n .Senator »Smith, when p, .\. g. On« month....8 .80 On« year.... 810.08 . prot«B«tlng against the conduct of me «a.l- ofTic«r ¿nd lookout, could u-.i have ,,Jl1:/)»'^-»nd aawaofor, »|taalttln.| the time." said Mr. Prartkllp. helped therr ; oi »i».- \v ),.<.. Lin». tw>k eg th. firal witness of tl». genator year.80.00 tanic s rocketa refused became« they faaiad I A» mi'lriislit, »lili rontlniied. he w.-nt to seem lagsjagll. «ap- th» Tltanhr's opera»«- In receiving an Ice STJgTJAT ONLY: 10 '"¦". r nq'ilry r«ad a On» TO «Jne rnsrJ A4 «senator Smith, "but th»re «rai »prapag. telegram from message, and aiked whe'.h'r mix one In- month... .8 year.84.88