Rutland County Council transferred its affordable homes to Spire Homes Housing Association in 2009. Spire Homes and other Housing Associations own around 1,900 homes in . To be considered for a Housing Association property you need to be on the Council’s Housing Register. The Council’s Housing Options Team nominates (puts forward) applicants to the Housing Associations from the Register (waiting list).

This booklet is designed to help you complete the application for the Housing Register. Please read it before filling in your application form, as it should help. The information is just a summary of our policy but a copy of the full policy is available on request. This information is also available in community languages, large print, Braille and in audio form. Please let us know if you need it in another format.

If you have any questions, or would like help filling in your application, please ask – we're here to help.

Contact us at: Rutland County Council Housing Options Team Catmose Rutland LE15 6HP Tel: 01572 722 577 E-mail: [email protected]


To qualify to join the Housing Register, you (or a joint applicant) will usually need to answer ‘yes’ to at least 1 of the 9 statements below. Please take some time to read these, before deciding whether to complete an application form: 1) I have lived in Rutland for the last year, or for 3 out of the last 5 years OR 2) I have worked in Rutland (for at least 16 hours per week on average) for the last year, or for 3 out of the last 5 years OR 3) I have an immediate family member who has lived in Rutland for the last 3 years (this does not have to be someone who lives with you) OR 4) I am a social housing tenant from outside Rutland who wishes to move here to take/keep a firm job in Rutland, to avoid hardship for myself or another family member (Right To Move) OR 5) I have been assessed by the Council as unintentionally homeless, in priority need and with a local connection (where required) under homelessness legislation OR 6) I have an urgent medical or social need to move and a strong Rutland connection OR 7) I am 16/17 years old and being looked after by Rutland County Council OR 8) I would like to move to lower demand supported/sheltered accommodation OR 9) I am already a social housing tenant in Rutland (and want/need to move), (subject to certain conditions, refer to page 3)

Qualification for MOD personnel and their families

• I am currently serving or have served in the Armed Forces and was discharged less than 5 years ago OR

• My spouse or civil partner passed away while serving in the regular Armed Forces and their death was as a result of their service; I can no longer live in the accommodation provided by the MOD OR

• I am serving or have served in the reserve forces and have a serious injury, illness or disability as a result of this service OR

• There are other exceptional reasons that I would like the Housing Options Team to consider (e.g. I moved to Rutland with my MoD ex- partner less than a year ago and I am in need of urgent housing). 2


If you are already a social housing (council or housing association) tenant you are only likely to qualify if you can answer yes to at least 1 of the 9 statements (or the MoD criteria above AND 1 of the following):

• my home is in very poor condition • my home is lacking facilities • my home is overcrowded, • my home is unsuitable on social or medical grounds • I am homeless • I have staying access to children and no space to accommodate them • my household cannot live together • I am a social housing tenant from outside Rutland who wishes to move here to take/keep a firm job in Rutland, to avoid hardship for myself or another family member. This is called the ‘Right to Move’. It is a right to be given a certain amount of priority if you meet the eligibility rules but is not a guarantee of housing.

We can only normally accept applications from other transfer applicants ONLY if: • You live in Rutland, are under-occupying a family type property and wish to downsize OR • You have children under 5 living in flats above the ground floor.

You would not be on the statutory Housing Register, but would be considered for properties alongside applicants on the Housing Register.

Social housing tenants who would like to move should also ask their landlord for advice.

OTHER INFORMATION • Some people from abroad or returning from abroad are not allowed to apply for social housing by law. • Most property owners cannot join the Housing Register, unless there are special circumstances, or the home is unsuitable/unadaptable for their need/s • Applicants and joint applicants with substantial social housing related debt or those guilty of serious unacceptable behaviour may also be excluded from the Housing Register. Time in prison does not count as local residence.


HOW DO I APPLY FOR HOUSING? The Council holds a list of people who want housing, called the ‘Housing Register’. It is used mainly to select tenants for rented housing association homes in Rutland. (There are no Council houses in Rutland.) It is also sometimes used to help select purchasers for shared ownership homes. To apply, please complete an application form - our contact details are on page 1. Alternately you can download the form at

WHO CAN APPLY? Anyone can join the Housing Register except: • Most people who have not lived or worked in Rutland for the last year, or for 3 years out of the last 5 years. This does not affect applicants who have an immediate family member who has lived in Rutland for the last 3 years, or current or recent regular members of the Armed Forces, nor does it apply for some lower demand properties, nor social housing tenants from outside Rutland applying under the Right to Move. (Immediate family means a parent, child or brother/sister. Step and half relatives count as full relatives.) • Some people who owe a lot of money from their current or previous tenancy. • People who are unsuitable to be a tenant because of their behaviour, or the behaviour of someone in their household. Examples include threatening behaviour or verbal or physical abuse, damage to a property that you have lived in, harassment or anti-social behaviour. The Council may either decide not to allow you to join the Housing Register, or to allow you to join the Housing Register with reduced or normal priority, depending on the circumstances. • Some people who are subject to immigration control or who live or have recently lived abroad. • Most people who already own a property. • Some people who are already social housing tenants with low needs according to the Government's 'reasonable preference' rules. We can advise on this, or let you know when you apply. In some cases, you may still be considered alongside other applicants by the Council even if you are not on the main Housing Register - this may apply to some Rutland tenants wishing to downsize or who have children under 5 in flats above the ground floor.

Once applicants are on the Register, they would normally still need to meet these criteria to have a chance of being rehoused. If there is a decision to refuse or remove your application from the Housing Register or to reduce your priority, you will be told the reason why and you will have an opportunity to appeal.


PEOPLE WHO ARE HOMELESS If you are homeless, or threatened with homelessness, you may be entitled to special assistance. Please speak to us about this as soon as possible. We check all applications, and contact those applicants who may be threatened with homelessness.

PEOPLE IN HM FORCES People in HM Forces who live in the UK can apply for housing in the same way as anyone else. However, if you are offered a property, you will be expected to move in straightaway. If you ask us to, we will not consider your application for vacant properties until you tell us that you would be ready to move.

APPLICANTS AGED UNDER 18 YEARS If you are aged 16 to 17 years old, you can apply for housing. However, you will not be re-housed until you reach the age of 18, unless you have the continuing support of a care package from Social Care or have been accepted as unintentionally homeless and in priority need. Applicants under 16 years will not be accepted onto the Housing Register.

UPDATING INFORMATION If your situation changes, let us know straightaway so we can update your application. This is important – it is a criminal offence to obtain a tenancy by giving false information or failing to declare information. The Council may also reduce your priority if it believes you have made your housing situation worse in order to be rehoused.

If we offer you a property and then find out that your situation has changed, we may withdraw the offer. If you have moved into a property when we discover the change, you may be evicted.

You should always let us know if:

• You move house or buy a property • Another person comes to live with you (including a new baby!) • A member of your household no longer lives with you • You change jobs or start or cease employment. Once a year, you will be asked to complete a new application to enable us to keep our records up to date. If you do not respond, your application will be cancelled.


INFORMATION AND ADVICE If you have any questions about your application, please ask. You can also obtain free independent legal advice on housing from Citizens Advice Rutland at 56 High Street, Oakham (Tel 01572 723494). You have the right to see almost all of the information we hold on you – again, just ask.

If you are already a social housing tenant, you should also contact your own landlord regarding whether you can swap homes with another tenant, transfer through your current social landlord, or whether they can help you in some other way.

CAN I CHOOSE WHERE I LIVE AND THE TYPE OF PROPERTY I WANT? HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? There is some social housing in many of the villages in Rutland, as well as in Oakham and , but the supply is limited. On pages 12-19 there is information about what types of property are in each town and village. You can include as many of these on your application as you wish.

You can also choose what type of property you would like to consider – see below for information on the options open to you. You can also tell us about any special preferences you have, such as a property without a garden. If you are accepted as legally homeless by the Council, you will not be given the same choice over where you live as other applicants. However, we will try to take your preferences into account.

However, you will only be eligible for properties that we believe are the right type and size for you and your household. This takes into account Government rules regarding property size and benefit entitlement, whilst also allowing for the size of properties available locally. See the tables below for details of the Council's usual rules, but these can vary depending on individual circumstances, housing associations' own rules and demand for properties.

It is important to understand that the more limited your choices are, the longer you will probably have to wait to be housed. If your situation is urgent, make sure that your choices reflect this and be as flexible as you can. However, the number of properties available is very limited. Whilst we appreciate that many applicants may have quite high needs or need to downsize, unfortunately we are not able to rehouse everyone, even in these situations.


parent(s) over 50 with underhousing both this and the following table. also See applications). joint for applicant one 60least years (at under generally Applicants OF HOUSING TYPES DIFFERENT FOR OF HOUSEHOLDS ELIGIBILITY Parent(s) with 2 children Parent(s) with 3 children Parent(s) with 2 children Single person or couple (different sexes or one Parent(s) with 1 child with access to child / Parent(s)with 4+ Applicant Type Applicant Single Person (same sex) (same

over 16) children children Couple second table for applicants with some special needs. Single people and couples aged 50

child / (not justchildren staying contact) can usually be considered for suitable Studio X

house house flat or 1 bed bed 1 X X X

maisonette ing Contact X (if eldest X (ifX Stay 2 bed flat under 16) X (if both under 9) points) or or X X


under 16) X (if both under 9) house eldest 2 bed bed 2 X (if (if X X

maisonette 3 bed flat / X (if eldest over 16) X(if one over 8) X

X (if eldest over 16) X(if one over 8) house 3 bed bed 3 X X

4 bed house (or bed 4 over 16s to have X (if needed for ‘parlour type’) ‘parlour suitablebed 3

‘X’ means eligible. own room) X

59 and- 59

excep 5/6 bed families X (very (very X cases) house large nal in in

t io


Applicants generally over 50 years

Single people and couples aged 50-59 can usually be considered for suitable housing under both the table below and the table above. Parent(s) over 50 with child / children (not just staying contact) can usually be considered for suitable housing under both this and the first table.

1 bedroom bungalow, ground floor or first floor flat Single Person or studio flat (either supported, or older people / specialist without support)

1 or 2 bedroom bungalow / ground floor or first Couple floor flat (either supported, or older people / specialist without support)

Two or more persons (for example single person or couple and carer, or parent(s) with 2 bedroom bungalow / ground floor flat (either a child over 50, or supported, or older people / specialist without parent(s) with access to support) child / children and Staying Contact points)

In the case of a joint application, only one party need be over 50 to qualify for accommodation. In the case of sole applications, the applicant must be aged 50 plus unless there are special circumstances, medical needs and/or the housing association has a flexible policy.


We aim to assess all fully complete applications within 4 weeks. Please answer every question as fully as possible, and provide all the information requested, as it may delay your registration if we have to contact you for this. Your application will be awarded points to reflect how urgently you need to be re-housed. We will write to you when your application has been registered and tell you your total number of points. The vast majority of people are honest, but action may be taken against applicants who deliberately make their situation worse in order to be rehoused or who provide misleading information in the application process.


WHAT IF I HAVE A MEDICAL NEED? IS THIS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? If you need to move for medical reasons, please complete a medical form which is available from us on request. Your situation will then be assessed and you may be awarded extra priority. You should also complete a medical form if you need an extra bedroom on medical grounds. Any letters we get from your GP, Health Visitor or other support worker will be assessed.

HOW MANY POINTS WILL MY APPLICATION BE AWARDED? The table below sets out the points that are awarded. If you need further details of whether you are entitled to specific points, please ask.

Circumstances Points Awarded Category 1 Property Hazards (Band A and 150 vulnerable group) Category 1 Property Hazards - other 50

Children aged under 5 living in flats, excluding ground floor: 1st Floor or basement 20 2nd Floor 30 Employment in Rutland (not awarded with 20 (if working in Rutland) points for the Right to Move) 40 (if working permanently in Rutland but living outside) Family connection with Rutland (applicant not living in Rutland, but has immediate family 10 there) Homelessness

Unintentionally homeless and where the 500 Council owes a full homelessness duty under the Housing Act 1996

Other households who have reasonable preference as homeless under the Housing Act 1996. (They must still meet the Housing 100 Register qualification criteria including residence.) Insecure/Temporary Accommodation Category A 150 (not awarded with Homelessness points - Category B 100 reviewed at least every 2 months)


Circumstances Points Awarded Lacking Amenities 20 per facility (where also eligible under Category 1 Property Hazards, points will only be awarded for the highest scoring category) Local Connection - Same Rural Parish 50 (at point of nomination only) Lodging with Family or Friends 30 (if meet criteria) Medical Grounds Category A 250 Medical Grounds Category B 150 Medical Grounds Category C 50 Overcrowding 100 per bedroom lacking Residence in Rutland 10 per year (up to a maximum of 50 points) and a residency qualification to join the Register Separated Families (specific criteria) 100 Social Need Category A (inc Careleavers) 250 Social Need Category B (inc Right to Move 150 substantial hardship) 50 Social Need Category C (inc Right to Move medium hardship) Staying Contact with Children 60 (if meet criteria) Time on the Register 5 per year (up to a maximum of 50 points) Under Occupation of family type housing 130 per bedroom surplus to need

WHAT IF I AM NOT HAPPY WITH MY ASSESSMENT? If you think that we have not assessed your application correctly, contact the Senior Housing Options Officer at the address given on the front page, explaining what your concerns about the assessment are.

HOW ARE HOMES ALLOCATED? Usually, when a vacancy arises, the housing association asks the Council to ‘nominate’ (put forward) the applicant(s) with the highest priority for that size and type of home. We would normally nominate the applicant(s) with the highest number of points. Occasionally, where a home has a special feature such as a stair lift, we may bypass the highest-pointed applicant to nominate someone who requires that facility. The Council also sometimes uses local lettings policies which give local people more priority, such as with rural exception sites. In some cases, the Council may set a minimum number of properties to be nominated to people who are not homeless, or who are homeless.

If we are able to nominate you for a property, we will let you know in writing. The housing association will then decide on whether to offer you the tenancy.


CAN I VIEW A PROPERTY BEFORE MAKING MY DECISION? Yes. If you are offered a property, contact the housing association immediately and tell them whether you want to view it, or have decided to refuse the offer. If you want to view the property, they will contact you when it is available for you to do this. Once you have viewed it, you will have a short period of time to decide whether you want to take the tenancy or not. Please note that housing association properties are let unfurnished (without carpets/curtains etc.).

RENT UP FRONT All Housing Associations ask a prospective tenant to provide up to a month’s rent in advance. This is to secure any tenancy you are offered. There are some general exceptions to this but these would be discussed with you by the Housing Association. Affordability checks will also be carried out by the Housing Association. Please note that any future Welfare Benefit changes may be taken into account.

WHAT HAPPENS IF I TURN DOWN AN OFFER? If an applicant refuses 2 offers of suitable accommodation, their application will normally be deferred for 6 months. This will not be the case if the Council considers the reasons for refusal are reasonable. It may be a long time before you are nominated to another property, so make sure you are certain before you refuse.

The situation is different for homeless people. If Rutland County Council has a duty to find housing for you, we might only secure you one reasonable offer of housing. If you refuse this, you will probably have to find your own accommodation.

If a homelessness assessment on your situation has not yet been carried out and you refuse an offer of tenancy, this may affect what help you are entitled to – ask us for more information.

REVIEW OF DECISIONS You have the right to ask us to review some of the decisions we make about your application. You will be informed of this right when we write to you with our decision. Any review will be carried out by Rutland County Council.


Rutland County Council is committed to preventing all types of discrimination and ensuring fair treatment for everyone regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. This policy complies with the Council’s Equality and Diversity Policy and the Equality Act 2010.


LIST OF HOUSING ASSOCIATION PROPERTIES OAKHAM – GENERALLY OVER 50s ACCOMMODATION No. of Property Type Road Name Total no. of bedrooms properties 0 Studio West Road 6 1 Flat Barlow Road 8 Dean Street 3 Finkey Street 4 Grampian Way 4 Malvern Walk 6 South Street (5 are 9 wheelchair standard) St Anne’s Close 27 The Lodge 10 West Road 3 William Dalby Walk 2 Willow Crescent 6 1 Bungalow Brooke Road 4 Derwent Drive 9 The Lodge 14 Stables Court 1 West Road 4 Willow Crescent 4 2 Flat Barlow Road 4 Dean Street 3 Finkey Street 4 South Street 28 The Lodge 2 William Dalby Walk 2 Graffham Drive 2 2 Bungalow Hectors Way 1 Willow Crescent 4

UPPINGHAM – GENERALLY OVER 50s ACCOMMODATION No. of Property Type Road Name Total no. of bedrooms properties 0 Studio Mount Pleasant 3 Valley Court 4 1 Flat Dolphin Court 1 Johnson Road 23 1 Bungalow Adderley Street 4 Gerard Court 6 Johnson Road 15 Newtown Road 4 Queens Street 3 Wilkes Gardens 12 2 Flat Dolphin Court 3 Gerard Court 4 2 Bungalow Branston Road 5 Newtown Crescent 3 Newtown Road 2 12


No. of Property Type Road Name Total no. of bedrooms properties 1 House Alpine Close 7 Cheviot Close 4 Snowden Avenue 16 1 Flat Willow Crescent 6 Kilburn End 8 Kings Close 10 Purdy Court 10 Prince George Avenue 10 Stables Court 4 2 Flat Brooke Road 12 Chestnut Road 11 Coleridge Way 12 Derwent Drive 36 Gaol Street 4 Graffham Drive 6 Purdy Court 10 The Sidings 8 West Road 23 Willow Crescent 10 2 Maisonette West Road 6 2 House Beech Road 1 Burley Road 1 Graffham Drive 3 Hectors Way 4 Kilburn End 4 Ladywell 5 New Street 1 Prince George Avenue 5 Stables Court 6 Willoughby Gardens 16 Woodland View 6 Brooke Road 6 3 Flat Derwent Drive 15 West Road 6



3 House Alpine Close 4 Ashwell Road 6 Beech Road 5

Brooke Road 6

Bullfinch Close 1 Burley Road 9 Chestnut Road 5 Cheviot Close 2 Cold Overton Road 10

Coleridge Way 1

College Close 2 Cotswold Walk 1 Elm Close 4 Graffham Drive 2 Grampian Way 11 Hectors Way 3 Heron Road 2 Hill Road 11 Malvern Walk 2 Nightingale Way 4 Parkfield Road 36 Pentland Court 8 Plover Close 3 Princess Avenue 4 Queens Road 13 Redwing Close 1 School Road 2 Snowden Avenue 3 South Street 2 Stables Court 3 Westfield Avenue 6 Willoughby Gardens 6 Willow Crescent 6 Woodland View 16 4 House Coleridge Way 2 College Close 3 Cotswold Walk 1 Hectors Way 1 Kilburn End 2



No. of Property Type Road Name Total no. of bedrooms properties 1 Flat Samuel Close 4 1 House Hornbeam Lane 5

Wades Terrace 10 2 Flat Branston Road 35 Cottesmore Road 9 Dolphin Court 6 Gerard Court 6 Linnet Court 14 Metcalfe Crescent 7 Samuel Close 2 Thring Terrace 1 Queens Road 7 2 House Blackthorn Close 2 Branston Road 1 Hornbeam Lane 14 Johnson Road 1 Metcalfe Crescent 7 Newtown Crescent 1 Samuel Close 5 Seaton Road 15 Thring Terrace 8 Willow Close 4 Wilkes Gardens 15 3 Bungalow Blackthorn Close 2 3 Flat Branston Road 1 3 Maisonette Hillside 6 Mount Pleasant 1 Valley Court 3 3 House Blackthorn Close 9 Branston Road 5 Cottesmore Road 2 Glaston Road 2 Hornbeam Lane 4 Johnson Road 8 Metcalfe Crescent 4 Newtown Crescent 15 North Street East 1 Queens Road 3 The Beeches 4 The Quadrant 13 4 House Blackthorn Close 1 Branston Road 1 6 Flat Branston Road 1


VILLAGE PROPERTIES – GENERALLY OVER 50s ACCOMMODATION No. of Property Type Village Total no. of bedrooms properties 1 Bungalow 10

Belton 4 Braunston 3 Cottesmore 5 3 12 Exton 12 Great Casterton 6 Greetham 8 26 Langham 9 Manton 4 Market Overton 7 North Luffenham 8 Preston 3 Ryhall 20 10 Wing 4 1 Flat Cottesmore 21 Ketton 22 Ryhall 22 2 Bungalow Braunston 5 Caldecott 3 Glaston 5 Greetham 1 Hambleton 4 Langham 4 Manton 3 Market Overton 2 North Luffenham 7 Preston 1 Ryhall 8 South Luffenham 4 Whissendine 5 2 Flat Cottesmore 1 Ketton 5 Ryhall 2 3 Flat Cottesmore 1 Empingham 1 Ryhall 1



No. of bedrooms Property Type Village Total no. of properties 1 House Langham 2 1 Flat North Luffenham 2 Market Overton 2 2 House 24 Belton 2 Braunston 1 Cottesmore 5 Empingham 4 Essendine 5 Exton 2 Great Casterton 5 Greetham 12 Ketton 2 Langham 8 Lyddington 4 Manton 3 Market Overton 9 North Luffenham 5 Ryhall 7 Whissendine 11 2 Flat Barleythorpe 6 Caldecott 6 Wing 8 3 House Ashwell 4 Barleythorpe 11 Barrowden 4 Belton 2 Bisbrooke 1 Braunston 12 Caldecott 3 Cottesmore 15 Empingham 7 Essendine 9 Exton 22 Glaston 1 Great Casterton 17 Greetham 16 Hambleton 4 Ketton 38



3 House Langham 7 Manton 8 Market Overton 5 Morcott 2 North Luffenham 15 Pickworth 2 Preston 1 Ridlington 4 Ryhall 35 Seaton 2 South Luffenham 1 Thistleton 2 Tinwell 5 Whissendine 31 Whitwell 1 Wing 5 4 House Barleythorpe 4 Empingham 1 Exton 1 Manton 2 Ryhall 3 Whissendine 1

New affordable housing is being developed all the time, therefore the lists above may not be 100% accurate. We do however update this booklet at least once a year.


HOUSING ASSOCIATION CONTACT DETAILS Housing Association Address Telephone Number Email Accent Manor House 01733 295 400 [email protected] 57 Lincoln Road PE1 2RR Asra Housing Group 3 Bede Island Road 0116 257 6716 PE1 2SN Memorial House 0300 123 1877 Housing Association Stenson Road Whitwick Business Park Coalville Leicestershire LE67 4JP Cross Keys Homes Shrewsbury Ave 01733 385071 Woodston Peterborough PE2 7BZ Lincolnshire Rural Marktime House 01790 754 219 Housing Association ’s Lane Spilsby Lincs PE23 5EY 12/14 Pelham Road 0115 844 3246 [email protected] Community Housing Sherwood Rise Association Nottingham NG5 1AP Stonewater Grange Business Park 0800 011 6420 [email protected] Enderby Park Whetstone Leicester LE8 6EP Spire Homes Rutland VAR 0300 123 6611 spirehomes@longhurst- Lands’ End Way Oakham Rutland LE15 6RB St John & St Anne South Street 01572 756 950 [email protected] (for persons over state Oakham retirement age). Rutland LE15 6HY

The Hyde Group Jubilee House 01733 349 800 or 92 Lincoln Road 0800 345 7540 [email protected] Peterborough PE1 2SN Waterloo Housing 1700 Solihull Parkway, 0116 223 3700 Birmingham Business Park, Solihull, West Midlands, B37 7YD