-I Then <.'umr. tht' Drulu1s lmtiJ,,. f<'or fl"c inninrrl" Jc1rno11 moved THR[[ HOT B~ll I down thl' vh..iling battcr1s in 01w, I two, lhrcl• ord(•J', bul in the sixth 1 u walk nnd a couple oh hit.~ · hrnughl two l'Ull~ nermi;,1 the pan. GAM[S SU~Ja~r ! But in the meantime hh: tPam male~ hucJ givc•n .l,:,p!(on a good 'lead of thrnm wr,n Conteiat from Pelltton in i from tlw fu:-t l'c•ll:-;lon tcum Sun­ Pltche.-.1' Bnttle d11y, h)· th<• .-:(·Ot'<' of -1 to ::, It wns t Ill• old Conway fighling­ 'l'he Michigan Tanning & gx. l-ll'iril Llrnt pul:l'd lht• J.!11111(• uut of tract company hnnebull team of tht firl' in tlw ninth. With Lht· ! thh; city won n double hoador at­ :-icnre :i tc1 :: HJ'.{Uinst Lhl'm l{olinski traction at It• Oc!rl In Kcgomlc' ~ing-lP.d t.h1·c,u1.d1 :-tb,rt, and i-:tul<' Sunday afte1·noon. The home boys :;N·OIHJ uncl took third on un l'ITur. won from Harbor Spl'lngB 6 to 5 The :-iquC't!Ze play then came in ln the openet' nnil from· BrutuB lrnnclv when KcnnC!th Truman 3 to 2 In the nightcap affair. Tha IJunt~d lrnd J{oli,rnki (·amt· in, tr· !(econd 1.ramf'! was a pitchm·n' battla ing- tho score, K. Ball then sacrn­ ·.ill the wny between J~pson for the fkcd Truman to :mcond. He tlH!n M, T. & K and Sydow for Bt·utw;. ~tole third uncl wlwn th<.• hall f!M 'fhe former nllowed three hili-1 and , uwa.v from th(! thil'