Constitution & Canons

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Constitution & Canons Constitution and Canons Constitution and Canons together with The Rules of Order For the governance of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, otherwise known as The Episcopal Church Adopted and Revised in General Conventions 1789–2018 Copyright 2018. The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of The Episcopal Church Edited by The Office of the General Convention Episcopal Church Center 815 Second Avenue New York, New York 10017 Table of contents Constitution of the General Convention Preamble Article I. Of the General Convention............................................................ 1 II. Of Bishops.................................................................................. 4 III. Of Bishops Consecrated for Foreign Lands..................................... 6 IV. Of the Standing Committees........................................................ 6 V. Of Admission of New Dioceses..................................................... 7 VI. Of Missionary Dioceses............................................................... 9 VII. Of Provinces............................................................................. 10 VIII. Of Requisites for Ordination....................................................... 10 IX. Of Courts.................................................................................. 11 X. Of The Book of Common Prayer.................................................. 12 XI. Of Dioceses and Missionary Dioceses........................................... 13 XII. Of Amendments to the Constitution............................................ 13 Canons of the General Convention Title I: Organization and Administration Canon 1. Of the General Convention.......................................................... 15 2. Of the Presiding Bishop.............................................................. 36 3. Of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society........................... 43 4. Of the Executive Council............................................................. 45 5. Of the Archives of The Episcopal Church...................................... 56 6. Of the Mode of Securing an Accurate View of the State of This Church...................................................................................... 58 7. Of Business Methods in Church Affairs........................................ 60 CONTENTS (2018 revision) v 8. Of The Church Pension Fund....................................................... 63 9. Of Provinces.............................................................................. 67 10. Of New Dioceses......................................................................... 71 11. Of Missionary Jurisdictions......................................................... 73 12. Of Standing Committees............................................................. 77 13. Of Parishes and Congregations.................................................... 78 14. Of Parish Vestries....................................................................... 79 15. Of Congregations in Foreign Lands.............................................. 80 16. Of Clergy and Congregations Seeking Affiliation with This Church.. 84 17. Of Regulations Respecting the Laity............................................. 85 18. Of the Celebration and Blessing of Marriage............................,.... 88 19. Of Regulations Respecting Holy Matrimony: Concerning Preservation of Marriage, Dissolution of Marriage, and Remarriage................... 90 20. Of Churches in Full Communion...................................................92 Title II: Worship Canon 1. Of the Due Celebration of Sundays............................................... 93 2. Of Translations of the Bible........................................................ 93 3. Of the Standard Book of Common Prayer..................................... 94 4. Of the Authorization of Special Forms of Service.......................... 97 5. Of the Music of the Church......................................................... 98 6. Of Dedicated and Consecrated Churches...................................... 98 Title III: Ministry Canon 1. Of the Ministry of All Baptized Persons....................................... 99 2. Of Commissions on Ministry...................................................... 99 3. Of Discernment........................................................................ 100 4. Of Licensed Ministries.............................................................. 101 5. Of General Provisions Respecting Ordination.............................. 104 6. Of the Ordination of Deacons..................................................... 105 vi (2018 revision) CONTENTS 7. Of the Life and Work of Deacons................................................. 113 8. Of the Ordination of Priests....................................................... 120 9. Of the Life and Work of Priests................................................... 131 10. Of Reception of Clergy from other Churches................................ 153 11. Of the Ordination of Bishops...................................................... 162 12. Of the Life and Work of a Bishop................................................ 173 13. Of Dioceses without Bishops...................................................... 192 14. Of Religious Orders and Other Christian Communities................. 192 15. Of the General Board of Examining Chaplains............................. 196 16. Of the Board for Transition Ministry.......................................... 198 Title IV: Ecclesiastical Discipline Canon 1. Of Accountability and Ecclesiastical Discipline............................ 200 2. Of Terminology Used in This Title............................................. 200 3. Of Accountability..................................................................... 205 4. Of Standards of Conduct........................................................... 206 5. Of Disciplinary Structures......................................................... 208 6. Of Intake and Referral of Information Concerning Offenses.......... 212 7. Of Pastoral Direction, Restricted Ministry and Administrative Leave....................................................................................... 215 8. Of Pastoral Response................................................................ 219 9. Of Agreements Between Bishops Diocesan and Respondents for Discipline................................................................................ 220 10. Of Conciliation......................................................................... 221 11. Of Investigations...................................................................... 222 12. Of Conference Panels................................................................ 223 13. Of Hearing Panels..................................................................... 225 14. Of Accords and Orders............................................................... 233 15. Of Review................................................................................ 238 16. Of Abandonment of The Episcopal Church.................................. 243 17. Of Proceedings for Bishops........................................................ 246 18. Of Modification and Remission of Orders.................................... 253 CONTENTS (2018 revision) vii 19. Of General Provisions............................................................... 254 20. Of Transitional Provisions and Conforming Amendments to Other Canons.................................................................................... 269 Title V: General Provisions Canon 1. Of Enactment, Amendment, and Repeal...................................... 273 2. Of Terminology Used in These Canons........................................ 275 3. Of Bodies of General Convention; Quorum................................... 275 4. Of Vacancies on Canonical Bodies............................................... 276 Rules of Order House of Bishops I. Services and Devotions............................................................. 278 II. First Day of Session.................................................................. 279 III. Daily Orders............................................................................ 280 IV. Appointment of Committees..................................................... 283 V. General Rules for Meetings of This House.................................. 284 VI. The Presiding Bishop................................................................ 297 VII. Missionary Bishops.................................................................. 297 VIII. Standing Orders....................................................................... 300 IX. Standing Resolutions................................................................ 302 House of Deputies I. The Holy Scriptures.................................................................. 304 II. General Rules........................................................................... 304 III. Deputations............................................................................. 306 IV. Floor Privileges and Arrangements............................................ 307 V. Officers................................................................................... 309 VI. Regular Session Schedule........................................................... 311 viii (2018 revision) CONTENTS VII. Resolutions and Memorials.......................................................
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