JULY 2004 TRANSREPORT TRANSPORTATION NEWS FROM THE BOSTON REGION METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Planning for the DNC: Challenges and Solutions A World War on the use of airspace over the site and II “victory on water travel within Boston Harbor. Pase la voz!! Siguiendo con el compro- poster,” Since early March, security experts have miso que la MPO de la región de Boston prominent at been working with state planners and tiene al informar al mayor numero posi- train stations, consultants to schedule detours, restric- ble de personas, acerca de asuntos rela- proclaimed: tions, and closures of air, surface, subsur- cionados con el transporte que pudieran “Millions of face, and water travel modes extending afectarle y dar a conocer las oportu- troops are on from Braintree and Allston to Woburn nidades en todo lo relacionado con la the move . and Saugus. The restrictions, while tem- toma de decisiones, TRANSREPORT está is YOUR trip porary, are significant and numerous, and también disponible en Español. Si estu- necessary?” call upon government, business, and indi- viera interesado en pedir una subscription Sixty years later, planners, pundits, and viduals to completely rethink their travel a nuestro boletin, contacte Daniel Per- the public at large are asking the same choices. alta empleado de la MPO llamando al question as it pertains to the Democratic (671) 973-7116 o mandando un e-mail a National Convention (DNC), which will While the 190,000 vehicles that use I-93
[email protected]. be held at the FleetCenter between July north of the FleetCenter each weekday and the 24,000 weekday travelers going Además de poner a su disposición 26 and July 29.