Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Environmental Department

June 2017

Inside this issue:

Program Update 1 Program Update By: Karis Porcincula

PSP Update 1 Summertime is here! The who are 60 years or older, closer. Qagan Tayagungin Tribe En- classes are free. There will Environmental Staff have vironmental Department has also be a language class Earth Day Fair 2 been digging each been working on getting the taught by Liza Mack which is month to send samples to the Graveyard Clean-up on the go an additional cost through the Environmental Health Labor- Green Walk 2 and getting ready for Culture University. atory for testing. The June Camp. The Environmental Depart- sample was sent out on Mon- Culture Camp 2017 3 The 4th Annual Graveyard ment held their 10th Annual day, June 26, 2017. Clean-up will take place on Earth Day Fair on April 22, The Environmental staff are July 31st - August 4th, 2017. 2017 at the Qagan Taya- working to update their envi- EYG Update 3 There will be a prize raffle at gungin Tribe Community ronmental curriculum to add the end of the event. You get Center along with their Green at least two new sections, one ETG Update 3 at ticket with your name on it Walk. Both events turned out will be on Military Debris and each day you attend. great. another on Climate Change. The 18th Annual Sand Point Environmental staff have Graveyard Clean Up 4 The environmental staff are Culture Camp will take place been working with the US working with the youth al- from July 17– July 27, 2017 Army Corps of Engineers to Best Time to Fish in most every week for at least 4 at the Community Center. get the Sand Point Military Alaska an hour on Environmental There will be classes for the Auxiliary Site mapped by issues. We are hoping to have youth during the day and clas- conducting a Geophysical Bee & Wasp Venom 4 more youth show up in the ses for adults in the evening. Survey and Strategic Project future. Adult classes are a one-time Implementation Plan. More Climate Change 5 charge of $100. For those information as the dates get Research Cancelled

QTT Council & Staff 5 Paralytic Poisoning Update

By: Karis Porcincula Road Closure Notice 6 The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe crograms. The preliminary vides this information for the Environmental Department report came back at 90.9 mi- community to make an edu- has been doing Paralytic crograms. Both tests came cated decision regarding Shellfish Toxin testing each back above the FDA ap- shellfish consumption. month where they go down to proved limit of 80 mi- the Spit Beach and dig crograms. These are unsafe to send to the Environmental PSP levels. Number of Months Clams Health Lab in Anchorage, AK The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Haven’t Been Safe: for testing. neither encourages nor dis- The May sample final report courages the consumption of 36 Months came back at 135 mi- the local shellfish, but pro- Pa ge 2 Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Environmental Department Earth Day Fair By: Karis Porcincula

The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Race: Ages 3-5, Whitney Gardner , Quadcopter Drone Environmental Department Smith & Lyra Rosete ; Ages w/ Camera: Liz Nielsen , Pres- held their 10th Annual Earth 6-10, Leah Rosete & Xavier to Pressure Cooker/Canner w/ Day Fair on April 22, 2017 at Gundersen ; Ages 11 -14, Canning Set & Jars: Sheadon the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Josh Masa & Acey Buena- & Grandma , Tupperware: Community Center. ventura ; Ages 15 +, Edmond Henry Nielsen Jr ., Chil- Cumberlidge & Joseph Or- The day started off with the dren’s Gardening Set: Randy tega . 3– Legged Spoon Race: Annual Green Walk. After the Dushkin , 100lbs Freight on Ages 6-10, Ariana Wilson & Green walk was finished, the ACE: Cyrus Johansen , Xavier Gundersen ; Ages 11 - Earth Day Fair started. There 100lbs of Freight on ACE: 14, Emmanuel Krone & were many booths to choose Edmond Cumberlidge , $50 Josh Masa ; Ages 15+, Jo- from: gold fish toss, plastic Gift Card: Ashlyn seph Ortega and Dantezza bottle ring toss, water jug Jackson , $50 AC Gift Card: Pangilinan . The winner of bowling, balloon dart pop, Dick Cumberlidge , $50 Tri- the Plastic Bottle Lid Guess- face painting, plinko, flower dent Gift Card: Elizabeth ing Game was: John Gard- planting and craft corner. Porcincula , Peter Pan Sweat- ner . The winner of the Pop Many attendees enjoyed the shirt: Julianne Parami . Can Tab Guessing Game was: games and fun. There were The winner of the Earth Day Ariana Wilson . also relay races: water balloon Fair Poster contest, winning a toss, egg balance/3-legged There were also food vendors new Kindle and Kindle Case: race, egg balance for 3-5 year at the Earth Day Fair. Daisy Leah Rosete . A bag was olds, potato sack relay, plastic Martinez, Elizabeth Porcin- made for the Earth Day Fair bottle lid guessing game and cula and Dantezza Pangili- with the winning contest post- pop can tab guessing game. nan . Thank you all for the er. wonderful food. There were winners for each. Each year the Earth Day Fair Water Balloon Toss: Ages 3- There was also a raffle for the keeps growing. Flower Plant- 5, Whitney Smith & Lyra Earth Day Fair: Winners are ing is still one of the biggest Rosete ; Ages 6 -10, Mia as follows. 20-piece BBQ attractions along with the Cromer & Ian Merrifield ; Grill Set: Ashlyn Jackson , Gold Fish Toss. Ages 11-14, Josh Masa & Fujifilm Camera w/ Case & Please let us know if you Emmanuel Krone ; Ages 15 Film: Linda Cruden , Coolers would like to see anything +, Edmond Cumberlidge Rapid Rider Inflatable: Ingrid else at the Earth Day Fair. and Andrew Foster . Egg Cumberlidge , Fitbit Charge: Feedback is much appreciat- Balance Race: Ages 3-5: Ashlyn Jackson , Presto Piz- ed. Thank you all for attend- Whitney Smith. Potato Sack zazz Rotating Oven: John ing.

Green Walk

By: Karis Porcincula

The day started off with the the Green Walk attendees. If you have any suggestions Green Walk where communi- The winners for the Green for future Green Walk ideas, ty members walked around walk were: Grace Audette please let us know at the and picked up trash. There $50 gift card, Cynthina Inno- Qagan Tayagungin Tribe En- were only 10 attendees for the centi $25 Trident Gift Card, vironmental Department. green walk, but we picked up Randy Dushkin $25 Trident Thank you to all of those who 28 bags of trash left along the Gift Card, and Alice Dushkin attended and we look forward side of the road. There were Eastern Aleutian Tribes Gift to seeing you again next year. quite a few places cleaned up. Bag. There was a prize raffle for Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Pa ge 3 Environmental Department Culture Camp 2017 By: Karis Porcincula The 18th Annual Culture Full Crown Headdress In- and Beverly Johansen , Pho- Camp will take place from structor; Ingrid Cumber- tographer. July 17– July 27, 2017 at the lidge , Net Mending; Peter Adult classes will be in the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Devine Jr ., Traditional Foods evening from 7-9pm. Adult Community Center. and Bentwood Hat Instructor; classes are a one-time charge There are set times for each Anne Morris , Cook & Tradi- of $100. The evening classes grade for campers. Kindergar- tional Foods; Jasmine Ma- are free for those who are 60 ten will attend from 1:00pm - ligaya & Alaina Kuchenoff , years or older. 3:00pm. 1st and 2nd Grades Classroom Teachers; Marcel- la DeCosta , Glass Balls; There will also be a language from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. 3rd class offered by the Universi- and 4th Grades from 9:00am - Keomi Chrim , Bering Sea Style Headdress; Andrew ty, taught by Liza Mack for an 12:00pm. 5th - 12th grades additional cost for the Univer- from 9:00am - 5:00pm. Lunch Abyo , Bentwood Hat Maker & Mask Maker; Liza Mack sity. The class costs: $188, will be provided for the 5th - and the book for the class 12th grade students. & Bobbi Dushkin , Language Instructors; Anne Nielsen , costs: $85. Camp staff this year are: Car- Dreamcatcher Instructor; Culture Camp applications are la Chebetnoy , Camp Direc- Johnathon Rotter , laborer; available at the Post Office or tor; Karis Porcincula , Dance Marieana Larsen , Weaving/ on our website at: Instructor; Elizabeth Brown , Fish & Wildlife Instructor; Environmental Youth Group Update By: Jasmine Maligaya

The Qagan Tayagungin Sand Point with an opportuni- cy. Tribe’s Environmental Assis- ty to participate in environ- They have also participated tant has been holding Envi- mental friendly activities, and in the Earth Day Fair events. ronmental Youth Group to gain knowledge so they can EYG coordinator has plans to (EYG) almost every Friday at share with their peers and do more outdoor activities for 3pm over at the Boys and parents. this summer, such as clean up Girls Club. EYG has completed the Earth the flower box in front of the Since its summertime, EYG Day Poster Contest for the city building and pick up trash has been relocated to the City 10th Annual Earth Day Fair; around the playground. Building in the Tribal office. this year’s theme was Envi- We hope to see more youth EYG provides the youth of ronmental and Climate Litera- involvement in EYG each Environmental Teen Group Update

By: Karis Porcincula

The Qagan Tayagungin projects, and talked about the this to change. If your teenag- Tribe’s Environmental Coor- Environment. The Environ- er is free on Wednesday eve- dinator has been holding En- mental Coordinator is hoping nings between 8:00 pm and vironmental Teen Group to move towards doing more 9:00pm, encourage them to (ETG) almost every Wednes- out of the environmental cur- come down to the Teen Cen- day evening at the Sand Point riculum. ter for ETG. Teen Center from 8-9pm. Because of other opportuni- We will discuss more projects The Teens did posters for the ties, the Environmental Teen and what types of projects the Earth Day Fair Poster Con- Group hasn’t had many par- teens would like to see done test, worked on Road Dust ticipants. We are hoping for in the future. Pa ge 4 Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Environmental Department Graveyard Clean-Up

By: Karis Porcincula The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe so. We will not be cleaning There will be a prize raffle at Environmental Department off graves. the end. Each day you show will be holding the 4th Annu- If you have any tools we can up to help with the Graveyard al Graveyard Clean Up from use during this time, such as: Clean Up, your name will be July 31st - August 4th, 2017. weed whackers, hedge trim- entered into the prize draw- The Graveyard Clean Up will mers/loppers for alders, wheel ing. If you attend every day, be from 1:00pm - 5:00pm, barrels, chainsaws (for the you will have a total of 5 tick- Monday - Friday. overgrown big alders), and ets in the prize raffle. We will be cutting down the rakes; it would be greatly Cold refreshments will be overgrown grass and weeds, appreciated. provided daily, along with a removing alders, picking up We are also looking for more light snack. trash, and a general clean up volunteers to help with the We hope to see you there! of the graveyard. If you graveyard clean up. We will This is a great clean up pro- would like to clean off and or be making dump runs each ject and we would like as fix up graves of your family day to rid the graveyard of the many volunteers as possible! members, please come and do trash bags and alders. The Best Time to Fish in Alaska

By: Jasmine Maligaya

Alaska does not only provide fish in the Interior lakes and through July, Silver Salmon beautiful scenery, but also streams with Arctic Grayling, would be July through Sep- provides year round . or Dolly Varden and Rainbow tember, Red Salmon is June You can go in the Trout in the southcentral lakes through August, and Pink & winter while lakes remain and streams. Northen Pike, Chum Salmon is July and frozen or fish for salmon in Burbot, and Arctic Char are August. the summer. found in numerous locations For more information, please along the Alaska road system. Alaska offers world class hal- visit: ibut and lingcod fishing with The best times to fish for Hal- advice/best-time-to-fish-in- different opportunities for ibut would be May through alaska rockfish and shark. You can September, fish for King salmon would be May Bee and Wasp Venom By: Jasmine Maligaya Bee and wasp venom can be known as venom immuno- injects small doses of venom dangerous to people with al- therapy (VIT). under the skin to reduce sensi- lergies. Allergists across the The shortage happened due to tivity to allergens which can Bee U.S. are warning of a shortage the production of the product trigger dangerous symptoms. of a product which contains being contaminated. A manufacture in Denmark honeybee, hornet, and wasp has been shut down due to six venom used in shots to pre- Doctors are hoping it will be resolved soon, because people types of contaminated venom vent life-threatening reac- proteins. tions. with allergies are suffering and needing the shot. For more information, please Supplies of the product are The doctors are rationing dos- visit: http:// made from venom gathered Wasp by hand from millions of indi- es or even stopping treatment for some patients. The VIT health/insect-venom-shortage- vidual insects. This product is partner/index.html Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Pa ge 5 Environmental Department Climate Change Research Cancelled

By: Jasmine Maligaya

Climate change research ex- temperature in the Arctic has any of it can happen, climate pedition has been canceled in caused the ice to shrink. The change has already force them the Arctic due to climate hazardous ice movements not to cancel the study on the change. only delayed the research, but impact of climate change. A Canadian research boat was also pose serious safety con- For more information, please set to depart for the Strait of cerns. visit: https:// Belle Isle and the northeast The monitoring of observa- coast of Newfoundland. The tions is to understand how arctic-study-cut-short-by- expedition was too dangerous climate change is impacting climate-change.html to travel because of the serve the marine and coastal eco- ice conditions. The warm systems of the Arctic. Before

QTT Tribal Council & Staff

Council Members Staff

David O Osterback Tiffany Jackson Executive Director President, Seat E Nikki Gundersen Finance Director Dennis Gundersen Vice-President, Seat B Wendy Gardner Administrative Assistant

Glen Gardner Jr. Alaina Kuchenoff Finance Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Seat D Marieana Larsen

Tribal Intern Peter Devine Jr Carla Chebetnoy Council Member, Seat A ETR Case Manager

Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Heidi Jacobsen Alvin Osterback Jr P.O Box 447 Tribal Court Clerk Council Member, Seat C Sand Point, AK 99661 Karis Porcincula Environmental Coordinator Jason Bjornstad Phone: (907)383-5616 Environmental: (907)383-6968 Jasmine Maligaya Council Member, Seat F Environmental Assistant Agate: (907)383-5833

Fax: (907)383-5814 Dylan Jacobsen Dick Jacobsen Web: Gaming Manager

Council Member, Seat G Cynthina Innocenti Janitor Road Closure Notice

By: Tiffany Jackson

The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe is completed. closed in August and September for partnering with the Unga Tribe to Work on the project is scheduled to road work and paving. bring Brechan Construction, LLC start in July. While Brechan is here to Sand Point this summer to pave The detour route is marked in map in working on the road, they will be clos- the Sand Point Boat Harbor Road. green. ing the boat harbor road. This project has been in the works For more information, contact the for many years, and the tribe is The Boat Harbor Road, from where it Qagan Tayagungin Tribe by pleased to see everyone’s efforts meets the airport road to just before phone at: (907) 383-5616. coming together to have the project where it crosses the bridge, will be

Qagan Tayagungin Tribe

P.O Box 447 Sand Point, AK 99661

Phone: (907)383-5616 Environmental: (907)383-6968 Agate : (907)383-5833 Fax : (907)383-5814 Web:

Box Holder Sand Point, AK 99661