KRAKOW REAL ESTATE MARKET 2015 P.II KRAKOW 2016 Partners Instytut Analiz Monitor Rynku Nieruchomości e-mail: zarzą
[email protected] KRN Media e-mail:
[email protected] Krakowski Serwis Mieszkaniowy e-mail:
[email protected] Graphic Design: Advert Studio Photo: Beata Dal (pages: 53) Rafał Lewandowski (pages: 23, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, 49, 50, 55, 56) Marcin Sigmund (cover) Translation: Centrum Szkoleniowe IDEA Group 23 PRIMARY HOUSING MARKET 29 SECONDARY HOUSING MARKET – ASKING PRICES 32 SECONDARY HOUSING MARKET – TRANSACTION PRICES 35 RENTAL OF APARTMENTS AND HOUSES 39 TOWNHOUSES AND HISTORICAL AREAS 42 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES IN KRAKOW 45 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES IN THE SUBURBAN ZONE 50 LAND IN KRAKOW 53 LAND IN THE SUBURBAN ZONE PRIMARY According to data from the Office of Statistics Furthermore, 4 public apartments were com- HOUSING in Krakow, during the 12 months of 2015, missioned for use, whereas other forms of MARKET 6,521 completed apartments were ready for construction (cooperative, capital, tenement occupancy in the capital of the Małopolska housing) included not a single apartment Region, i.e. 11% less than in the previous being commissioned for use. year and more than 7% less than two years before. A total of over 32.5 thousand Distribution of investments apartments have been commissioned for use According to the portal, at over the past five years in Krakow. During the end of December 2015, the majority the same period, the construction of more of investments were offered within the than 47.3 thousand apartments was started.