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S U;;M~M~E-=-R~I-96~5--- Ac; ~ ,Q~ ~ ;sU;;M~M ~E-=-R ~I -96~5--- _ac; ~ ,q~ ~ All Hail the Queen! By Ginger Lansford, Tennessee Delta "All Hail the Queen" is an exclama­ tion we have heard many times. Bob­ bie Lynn Morrow, Tennessee Delta's pride and joy, has heard it many, many times. This summer, when Bobbie Lynn exchanges one of her many crowns for a mortar board and reaches for a di­ ploma instead of another loving cup, she will be climaxing a campus career that has brought honor to Pi Phi each semester she has attended Memphis State University. As a freshman, she was selected "Campus Cutie," by the student news­ paper and that year was invited to membership in Angel Flight and the dance honorary, Orchesis. She wore the AFROTC military queen crown as a sophomore_ After be­ ing selected AFROTC " Little General" by the MSU chapter, she was named "Little Colonel" at the National Angel Flight Convention. One of the most coveted MSU crowns, that of Homecoming Queen, was worn by Bobbie Lynn in the fall of her junior year. Later that fall she was selected Sigma Phi Epsilon Calendar girl and her picture appeared on the cover of the 1964 Sig Ep calendar. Other beauty honors that came to her outside of college have included reigning as Miss Savannah (Tenn.), and Miss Hardin County (Tenn.) One of the most exciting experiences in her queenly career came when she represented Tennessee in the Miss Universe Pageant and placed in the top ten finalists. Bobbie Lynn was a hostess in one of the New York World's Fair pavil­ ions last summer. She has crowned her beauty achievements with service to her chapter, having served as its program chairman, recording secretary and scholarship chairman_ Under her guidance the chapter attained one of its best scholas­ tic records. The memory Bobbie Lynn will leave with her Tennessee Delta sisters will be as sparkling as the crowns she has worn during her college career. Th. C••• r--aobbio Lynn Momaw conhmpkatu the futu,. ogoinst (II bocklrouftd ., 101M .f tho trophies s'" has won a. a campus beauty queen, THE Arrow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 81 SUMMER 1965 NUMBER 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY 1867 Offiu 01 Publica/ion: 112 S. Hanley Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 6310:; Attention AlumnlC ....... 2 STAFF Off the ARROW H ook .. ... ........ J Thirty-Three Years Behind Bars 4 Making Marriage Work ... .. ..... 6 Arrow Editor: DOROTHY DAVIS SroCK (Mrs. Howard C, Jr.). Box 490, Marked Tree, Pi Phi Finds 'World of Understanding' A,k. 72J6l in Africa ....... ... 9 News From Little Pigeon . 10 From Pi Phi Pens ...... 12 AII"nn~ Club Edilor: ADELE ALfORD HEINK. H34 Jewell St., San Diego, Calif. 92109 Arizona Beta Is On TIs Way .... 14 Features Section ............ 15 N ~WJ trom Liltl~ Pigeon: SALLY PAULINB Follow the ARRow- Membership Chair­ WILD GORDON (Mrs. Wilmot G .), 11n men and Alumna! Recommendation S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena 5, Calif. Chairmen listings .......... 29 Picture Section ... lO From Pi Phi Pent: MARY ELIZABETH LASHER Chapter Reports .. n BARNETI'E (Mrs. Kenneth A.), 8 Cloister Ct., Tonawanda, N .Y. In Memoriam ..... 96 Fraternity D irectory ....... 98 Active Chapter Directory ............ 100 Arrow Pile: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 112 S. Hanley Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63105 Alumn~ Adviso ry Committee Chairmen 102 Alumnr Depa rtment Directory .. ' 104 /11 Memoriam Notices: Send to Pi Beta Phi Official Calendars 109 Central Office, 112 S. Hanley Rd ., St. Louis, Mo. 6JIOl Supplies 112 ClTH! A RROW is Printed Fall Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Beta Phi Fraternit'l' It the press of George Bantl Company. Jnc .. Curtis Rced Plaza. Meoasha. Wis. Subscription price is $1. ,0 a year. 'O¢ lor single copies, SO.oo for life subscription. (lSend subscriPtions, chanae of address notice, and correspondence of a business nature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, I1 2 S. Hanley Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 6~IO'. (lCorrespondence of In ed itoria l nature is to be addresstd to the ed itor. Mrs. Howard C. Stuck, Jr., Box 490. Marked Tree. Ark. herru fo r publication should be addressed to the tditor to arrive not later than Jufy U, October 10, January I'. March ,. ClMember of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All mitten penlining to oational advertisin, should be directed to Fraternity Magazines AsSOCiated, 1'8~ Ridge Avenue, EVinston, III. CI,Second class pos(aae Plid at St. Louis. Missouri, and at additional mailing office. Printed in the United States of America Attention Alumnae • • • NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS This year deadlines for sending recommendations to chapters have been set up. They are August 15, for fall and December 1, for spring. This procedure is on a trial basis and is an experiment in trying to solve some problems which have existed. So it behooves you to sit down now and write that important letter recommending your candidates for membership in Pi Beta Phi. In this issue of THE ARROW you will find the names and addresses of Chapter Membership Chairmen and the dates during which their chapter will be conducting rush. (These listings begin on page 29.) The names of cities and towns included in alumntr club areas are also listed according to provinces. Below these listings you will find the names of the Alumna! Club Recommendation Chairmen responsible for sending reference blanks to the chapters. If you are not a member of the club which will supply you with the blank for the young woman you wish to recommend to a chapter for consideration you may order Confidential Reference forms from central office or write a letter to the alumnre club chairman involved giving complete information including your name, address and chapter. State your maiden name if you are married. Send a copy to the c..'tapter, if you wish. If you arc writing a letter or recommendation be sure to include all pertinent information. If you are recommending a young woman living outside an area covered by an alumnz club, write to the Chapter Membership Chairman giving the same information mentioned above. Some of the most outstanding Pi Beta Phi~ come from rural areas. Yet, these are the areas from which we have the greatest difficulty obtaining information and recommendations. Consequently, a special plea is being made to those of you living in a rural community to help the chapters by sending recommendations to them. Daughters of service personnel also present a very real problem because many have recently lived in foreign countries or are new in the community in which they now live. If you know any of these young women, and wish to recommend them, do it now by sending recommendations according to the instructions mentioned above. It is impossible for alumnre club committees to know every young woman in a large city who is gradu­ ating from high school. Don't leave all of the responsibility to the committee. Your favorite candidate may be overlooked because you neglected to turn in her name. Some of you may be contacted by a chapter, club or State Membership Chairman and you are urged to cooperate with them and give them your prompt ass istance. Theirs is sometimes a difficult task and your servi ce to them will be greatly appreciated. The importance of personal acquaintance and detailed information ca nnot be over-emphasized. By recommendi ng someone for membership you assume the responsibility for them. But someone did this for you because they were desirous of sharing the privilege of wearing the arrow with you. Won't you do the same for some very deserving young woman today. Do it now. It is never too early to send a Pi Beta Phi recommendation to your Club Recommendation Committee Chairman or Chapter Membership Chairman. Order official Confidential Referellce Blanks from Central Office or from Club Recommendation Com­ mittee Chai rmen. HELENA DINGLE MOORE Director of Membership + + + off the SUMMER HANGS HEAVY ON THE ARROW HOOK and no doubt this issue of THE ARRow hangs a bit heavy on the postman's back as he makes ~is w:arm r~unds. Thanks to. an un~ua~ interest on the part of active and alumnz contributors OUI magaZIne IS a thICk, busy newsy Issue thiS time around. Such an issue means more work for the editor but it is welcome work for it means that we have a more interesting and readable magazine. Inevitably, though, this type of issue brings to mind the need for a few reminders to contributors on the preparation of copy and the type of pictures we can use. For attention to these details can mean a great deal to the editor in time saved when she sits down to her typewriter and layout table. Pi ctures add a great deal to the magazine but they can be real headaches too. Color pictures we cannot use-nor are photographers proofs useable. Engravers need a sharp contrast for good reproduction-and for this reason we just couldn't use some small, dim fuzzy photos that (arne in with stories for this issue. Other tips to remember that will help Central Office, your editor and you- all in Memoriam notices, address changes, officer changes or name changes should be mailed to Central Office-all pictures, feature stories or news items should be mailed to your editor in Marked Tree. And our next deadline is July 15, for the fall issue of THE ARROW. + + + MANY THANKS TO ALL PI PHIS WHO WROTE in regard to our first "Operations Brass Tacks" article, "Yes, you can still say No," which appeared in the spring magazine.
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