Identify 6 Prospective High Court Nominees WASHINGTON (AP) - a Nent Assignment in This Re- California State Appeals Court Nixon
Cloudy and Mild Mostly cloudy, mild today. THEDAILY Clear, mild tonight; Sunny, pleasant tomorrow and Satur- FINAL day. EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home X«?wspa|»c*r 32 PAGES VOL. 94 NO. 77 BED BANK, IS J. THURSDAY, OCTOBEK M,1971 Draft Cards Rejected In War Moratorium By DOBIS KULMAN "Mr. Dilapo?" he inquired pleasantly as the two men 1 shook hands, "I'm Larry Erickson. I've wanted to meet you." RED BANK — Two young men turned in their draft cards "When you go home tonight, why not think about why you're at the Selective Service Board office on Broad St., here, as doing this?" Mr, prkkson .suggested to the board staff as he* part of 3 Moratorium Day observance yesterday while a group and Mr. Gurniak left to rejoin the demonstrators. of about 150 anti-war, anti-draft demonstrators picketed on the Mr. Erickson also, turned in the draft card of Bic Kcssler, sidewalk below. formerly of Fair Haven, which he said Mr. Kcssler had given The chant of the pickets - "no more Victnams, no more At- him for that purpose. He said Mr. Kessler is believed en route , ticas" -~ was audible through the closed windows of the board here from Boulder, Colo. offices as Lawrence D. Erickson, 22, of Long Branch, arid The draft board wasn't taken by surprise, Mr. Dilapo said. Greg Gurniak, 21, of Red Bank, dropped their draft cards on He said he had read nowspaper reports quoting Mr. Erick- the desk of Joan Dixon, a board secretary, son as saying he would return his own draft card and would j "There are demonstrators outside against the draft," Mr.
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