Lie Bans Nine U:S. Workers
■■'J- ; . Jil/ \ \ ./ ", . 1. ■ ■•■; ■f ■ V#; : / I ‘ / THURSDAV. DECEMBER 4, 19S2 . The W wthcr i |a g e t w e n t y -p o u r • iianrhPBtfr StoPtiing l^pralii AYerage Daily Net Press Ran rerechut of U. •. Weather ■w aoo . ^ For the Week Eaded I Nov. SS, ISBt 'recently at a linen ahower given by K iln tonight, Satnrdajf morning. Jean Garlinghouse Mias Patricia Wllaon at the home Partly cloudy Saturday., attemeoB. About Town o f‘her mother, Mrs. John Wilson, 10,812 Minimum tonight 40. Has m ien Shower on Woodland atreet. '-Member of the Audit The decorations used were pink ~ Bnreoa of Clrcnlatlona, Manche$ter-^A City of Village ^Charm t il* Looml* School Press Club, and white streamers and the bride- Windsor. InsdvertenUy omitted the elect opened her gift/whlle-Seated of two Manchester boys at- Miss Jean A. of 895 Center street, who will be mar under s watering can decorated MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY., DECEMBER 5, 1952 tending the school In the story ried to Charles Baldwin of Tor with the same colors. A buffet wMch appeared In last night's Is- rence. Calif., on Dec. 27 at St. Brid Itincheon was served by the host Boa of The Herald. The two are get's ChurCh. was guest of honor ess. Jtoiii C. Reed, a senior, and Thomas Milton Reed, a sophomore, sons of Mr. and Mra. Harold M. Reed of 5 ? South Mahi-streefe-----^.... ‘ The Manchester Garden Club WiU hold .lU anrtusl Christmas, puty Mofitey nif^ht At 9 ociock | 6» the RcAbins Room of Center ^ Church house.
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