Volume 40, Number 2
SPRING ISSUE 1961 Vol.XL No. 2 THE ALEMBIC P u b lish e d Q u a r te r ly by THE STUDENTS OF PROVIDENCE COLLEGE P ro v id en c e, R. I. The ALEMBIC is published bi-monthly by the students of Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, Providence, Rhode Island, December 18, 1920, under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription $2.00 the year. “ Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917; authorized April 9, 1932.” Printed at the Oxford Press, Providence, Rhode Island. THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF G. Brian S ulliv a n ....................................................Letters ’61 EDITORIAL STAFF Essay Editor C harles Caley ............... ..................................................Letters ’61 Fiction Editor Brian M ullaney ......... ..................................................Letters ’61 Poetry Editor R ichard L eidig ........... ................................................. Letters ’62 A R T E D IT O R D avid C a ley .................. ................................................. Letters ’61 BUSINESS MANAGER St e p h e n O eh m se n .......... ................................................. Letters ’62 Assistant M ic h a e l S u lliv a n ........ ........................................................Letters ’64 FACULTY MODERATOR R ev eren d R o bert L in u s W a l k e r , O. P. ALEMBIC CONTENTS Vol. XL March, 1961 No. 2 Page Letter from the Holy Father................. ................................... ..... 5 Cover Design.........................................................David Caley, ’61 The End of the Day.............................................. David Grace, ’64 6 Euripides as a Skeptic of Greek Polytheism Maurice H. Bosse, ’64 9 Sunday Thoughts....................................................... D. Barrett, ’61 10 Meaning of Spring.............................................Mike Sullivan, ’64 12 A Brief History of the Fate of Newtonian Certitude Brian A.
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