C'nC announces Si4t?m spring offerings Referendum date fixed by Patsy Moir by Jan Kubicki (See related editorial, page 2) that this policy will help to bring to the senate, which will have the Cue 'n Curtain announced this week enhead is designing the lighting, and Student Government, in cooperation about the long hoped for student-fac- authority to expel a student from the bill one- Jan Kubicki is that it will present a double of designing and executing with the Administration, has initiated ulty-administration cooperation. Dr. College by a three-fourths vote. The acts in co-operation with the music the set. Nancy Leland is in charge of an Academic Integrity Committee. The Cox is head of the committee and decision of the senate is subject to consists of a props: ma George, ushering; and Den- department. Each bill committee wishes to establish a sys- Matt Fuss is the representative for review by the President of the Col- treatment of the problems and nis English, program and tickets. different tem of academic integrity among the Student Government, lege. complications that one can encounter The one-acts will be presented at faculty and students whereby they The initiation of this policy will in using the telephone. The first, a Any trials by the senate are to be the Center for the Performing Arts on will take upon themselves the respon- bring about the creation of a student comic opera by Gian Carlo Menotti, known only to the accuser, the Friday and Sunday, February 24 and sibility of reporting any cases of lying, senate consisting of a maximum of called simply, The Telephone, deals accused, and the senate itself. The 26, at 8:30 p.m. with a special matinee stealing and cheating among students. 25 senators from the freshman and with a young man named Ben, played trial proceedings cannot be discussed on Saturday, February 25, at 2:30 p.m. The issue was debated at yesterday's sophomore classes, There will be one by Bob Sokoloski, who tries to propose by any of these individuals outside There will be a slight charge for non- assembly in order to present the refer- representative for each 100 male and marriage to his sweetheart, Lucy, the courtroom. students of the College will endum to the students. They will be each 100 female non-resident students. played by Barbara Liberaski, who will students; be admitted free. Tickets will be avail- asked to vote on the issue on Feb- These senators will have two - year The Academic Integrity Committee not get off the telephone long enough able at the box-office of the Fine Arts ruary 16, and their decision will deter- alternating terms. realizes that its success depends on to listen. The opera will be directed Center from February 14. Students mine whether or not the policy of It will be the duty of all students the students' approval and their by Mr. Richard Chapline. K a r I must present their identity cards in academic integrity will go into effect. and faculty to report any second promise to abide by the policy of Knoecklein is in charge of the lighting, order to receive their tickets. The members of the committee hope offenses of lying, cheating or stealing academic integrity. and Dana Voorhees is designing and constructing the set. The second one-act play is a sus- pense thriller by Lucille Fletcher, en- titled Sorry, Wrong Number. It con- cerns a neurotic, self-centered woman, Mrs. Stevenson, played by Liz Slaugh- ter, who overhears two gangsters plot- ting the murder of a woman on the THE BEACON telephone. The tension builds as Mrs. VOL. XXVI, NO. 13 Friday, February 10, 1967 Stevenson tries in vain to have the call traced and to inform the police, only to have her story fall on deaf ears. Others in the cast, to be directed by Jan Kubicki, are David Frey, Hazel Flulsizer, Vivian Ronan, Diane Alfaro, Lynne Mallory, Cecilia Rosen, Mary- Valentine dance tonight ann Konczinski, Dennis English, Eliot Rosenbaum and Ed Liskey. John Birk- by Carol Okrasinski The Women of Theta Delta Rho the affair. President Toni Supchak has will conduct their annual semi-formal, also invited the past presidents of the entitled "The Sweetheart Dance," to- sorority to be the honored guests of AWS revumps night at the Manfleld Ballroom. The T.D.R. Symphonettes will provide music from Tickets may be purchased from any 9 p.m. until midnight. Highlighting T.D.R. member or at the Bookstore the evening will rules for contesi be the crowning for $3. Chairman Alicia Ramsey em- of the Valentine Queen by Toni phasizes that the affair is not Applications have been posted in limited Supchak, sorority president and Valen- to sorority members and that all stu- central locations on Campus for the tine Queen of 1966. The queen will be dents of the College are held invited to Best Dressed Coed Contest to be presented with a nosegay of red and attend. on February 27, in the Center for Per- white flowers, The candidates are Officers of the sorority are Toni forming Arts. Any girls interested in members of the Junior Class and are Supchak, president; Alicia Ramsey, entering the contest should fill out the chosen by the sorority on a basis of vice-president; Sandy Cardoni, secre- required information and submit it their activities and contributions to tary; Marilyn Moffatt, along with a picture for identification treasurer; and T.D.R. Ruth mailbox in the Kachauskas, social chairman. purposes to the AWS The decor of the semi-formal will must be in Bookstore. All applications be dominated by red hearts and cupids. at 5 p.m. by Wednesday, February 15, James Kozemchak will photograph in- On Sunday. February 19, the girls dividual couples in front of a backdrop Cox attempts will meet with the judges who will of a six-foot-high red heart and a three select the ten finalists for the contest. and one half foot high white cupid. to regain title These girls will then have 48 hours to Crested goblets bearing the T.D.R. in- The dance committee chairmen are: seated, Alicia Ramsey, general chairman; and Pat decide what they will wear. signia will be given as souvenirs of the Next Friday the Lettermen's Club DeMeo, refreshments. Standing are Beverly Shamun, co.chairman, decorations; Gretchen memorable evening. Refreshments con- will hold their annual Cherry Tree Along with the seven judges from Hohn, publicity; Toni Supchak, TDR president; and Sandy Cardoni, invitations. sisting of punch and cookies will be Chop at the gym from 9 to 12 p.m. faculty there will be a representa. the served. Music will be provided by the Rising from the Beacon, the AWS. TDR, tive General chairman of the dance and Son's. Pie eating and log sawing con- Student Government so that the and chairman of favors is Alicia Ramsey. tests, the traditional highlight of the body will be represented in the student Committee heads are Beverly and affair, will take place during the in- judging. Students polled Shirley Shamun, decorations; Sandi termission. Dr. Harold "The South Anyone interested in becoming a Cardoni, tickets and program: Pat Dc- shall rise again" Cox will pit his member of the AWS or in helping on draft Meo, invitations; and Gretchen Hohn, stomach against that of Jay Holliday question publicity. with the contest should attend the in the pie eating bout. In the log saw- AWS meeting to be held Tuesday at Polls of college and university stu- to the Draft and on various alterna- Dean Ahlborn, who is sorority ad- ing contest, it will be Bill Layden 11 a.m. Circulars will be distributed dent opinion regarding the Draft were tives to the Selective Service System. visor, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Michelini, and Bruce Comstock of the Letter- Friday to announce the meeting place. released by the United States National "We worked especially hard to assure Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Rapisardi, men's Club versus Dean Ralston and Student Association (USNSA). Last a wide diversity of types of colleges and Mr. Peter Nitchie will chaperone Mr. Evangelista of the faculty. weekend in Washington, D.C., the re- and universities in the polling sample," sults were presented to a closed-door said Groves. "In this regard we were Baker, Grace conference of leaders from a wide successful. The diversity of the schools variety of youth and student organiza- responding makes the consistency of Munuscript to present tions who are looking for a unified the results even more impressive." in support for an alternative to the pres- show work Campus-wide held ent Selective Service System. referenda were at: Harvard University, Simmons Col- uccluimed French film senior exhibit The results of a campus-wide refer- lege, City College of New York, Uni- by Chris Sulat enda on over twenty campuses were versity of Minnesota, Goucher College, Manuscript will present its fourth love become the symbol of the The final senior exhibit of the school strikingly consistent." announced Mr. Brown University, San Francisco Col- - film of the year a week from tonight in countess' pride, without which she can- year is now on display in Conyngham Eugene Groves, president of USNSA. lege for Women, Valparaiso Univer- the Fine Arts Center. The film, entitled not live. Of the film, Time has said, "A Annex. Composed of the works of Su- sity, Stetson College, Marquette Uni- More than 90 percent of American The Earrings of Madame Dr new cinema classic . san Baker and Michael Grace, this ex- versity, Westmar College, Edgewood not since students feel that a nation can be just- produced and directed by Max Ophuls, Jacques Feyder's Carnival in hibit, scheduled to close on Sunday.
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