Instructor's Manual: Development of Higher Level Thinking Abilities. INSTITUTION Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, Oreg
DOCURIBT RESUME ED 146 125 95 SP 011 730 AUTHOR McCollum, John A.; Davis, Rose Marie TITLE Instructor's Manual: Development of Higher Level Thinking Abilities. INSTITUTION Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, Oreg. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEN), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 72 NOTE 611p.; Some pages may not reproduce well due to the paper color EARS T4ICE MF-$1.t6 HC-$32.81 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Institutes (Training Programs); Instructional Materials; *Leaders Guides; *Learning Processes; Manuals; Research Utilization; Skill Development; *Teacher Education; *Thought Processes ABSTRACT This training manual is designed for use by instructional leaders conducting a workshop on the translationand application of research on *thinking processes* into implemented programs of instruction. The objectives of such a program is to develop teacher skills in relating thinkingprocesses to a structure of knowledge (factual base -- concepts-- generalizations). Specific objectives for instructional leaders are the development of leadership skills in the areas of (1)open, active learning processes;(2) human relations; (3) conduct of simulation, laboratory, and application activities; (4) curriculum development; and (5) self-evaluation. Content of the manual includesa participant materials list, description of instructional format, preinstructional arrangements, orientation, rationale for change, and overview of the training procedure. All participant materials are also included. Processes discussed are: curriculum development, concept formation, sensitivity to data interpretation, learning experiences, interpretation of information displays, and application of knowledge. A review of materials coveree concludes the program:a bibliography and glossary of terms are appended. (MJB) ******************************************* *************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include aauy informal unpublished * .terials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available.
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