Christianity Today, Volume 1, Number 7

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Christianity Today, Volume 1, Number 7 .-. • ...._.: .... !Ii CHRISTIA TY TODAY --==S'5'5,'55' =~.J , .. ~. A PRESBYTERIAN JOURNAL DEVOTED TO STATING, DEFENDING .i III AND FURTHERING THE GOSPEL IN THE MODERN WORLD III SAMUEL G. CRAIG, Editor H. McALliSTER GRIFFITHS, Managing Editor Published monthly by THE PRESBYTERIAN AND MID-NOVEMBER, 1930 $1.00 A YEAR REFORMED PUBLISHING CO., 501 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila., Pa. Vol. 1 No.7 EVERYWHERE' The Present Age AGES differ. As generation succeeds it. Such, however, is no longer the case. fronting the non-Christian is not whether ft generation there is not sameness Today' there is scarcely a fundamental he will permit Christianity to have but continuous change and differentiation. idea about GOD, creation, sin, CHRIST, the practical sway over his life. He is No generation of men, of all those which atonement, regeneration, the ideal of con­ faced with the previous question: Is Chris­ have preceded us, has faced the same sit­ duct, life after death, future judgment­ tianity true? Does loyalty to truth and uation as that which confronts us. ideas which our fathers in general held as duty require the adoption of another and Whether we will or no we live in the common property-that is not denied in different confession of faith than that twentieth century and face the problems the name of science, that is not questioned known as Christian? Moreover, as al­ peculiar to the twentieth century. More­ in .academic circles, that is not uncertain ready intimated, if a non-Christian be­ over of our age as truly as of former ages in public opinion, that has not been comes a Christian he does not find that it can be said in the words of the banned as a proper subject for conversa­ public opinion is wholly or even predomi­ Psalmist: "It shall wax old as does a gar­ sation in many serious-minded circles. nantly on his side. Not only in schools ment and, shall be changed." Nay, more; that set of conceptions we call and colleges but in popular books and One of the most outstanding character­ Christian is being increasingly supplanted magazines a purely humanistic or a purely istic of our age as compared with the ages by a radically different set of conceptions. rationalistic interpretation of life and' that have immediately preceded us, is As a result the right of Christianity to destiny is being everywhere set forth as that the validity of the Christian life and dominate the thought and life .of the fu­ the only valid one. Instead of being car­ world view is not generally admitted. In ture is widely disputed, so true is it that ried along, as it were, by the prevailing the days of our fathers, broadly speaking, in many circles a non-Christian interpre­ tendencies in thought and life he must the Christian life' and world view was ac­ tation of life has superior standing to struggle against them. No doubt this sit­ cepted in scientific, literary, artistic and the Christian interpretation. As a con­ uation has its compensations. It tends to educational circles; and so by public opin­ sequence it jis becoming more and more separate those who are Christians in fact ion and in the better forms of social inter­ true that the immediate question con- from those who are Christians merely in course. In those days, therefore, it was name. Moreover those who maintain their not so much the theoretical as the practical Christian faith in the present situation acceptance of Christianity that was in­ IN THIS ISSUE: may be expected to develop a strength volved. Those who were not Christians and purity of Christian character that was \ had the feeling that they ought to be, and Robert Dick Wil;on. .• • • • . • . • . • 4 often lacking in those who lived in times expected to become such before they died. Oswald T. Allis when it was relatively easy to profess. and Or if they rejected Christianity as false The Modern Crucifixion. • • • . • • . • 6 call one's self a Christian-in the New and injurious, few had the temerity to F. Paul McConkey Testament sense of that word. confess it. On the other hand those who Fiftieth Anniversary of the Free Univ. What has been said explains why the were really Christians had the conscious­ of Amsterdam. • . • . • . • . • • . • • 9 situation confronting Christianity today ness of being in harmony with the general Books of Religious Significance ..••.•. 11 is so often compared with that which con­ bent and tendencies of the times, both fronted Christianity during the first three Letters to the Editor ................. 13 intellectual and practical. The spirit of centuries. During those centuries Chris­ the age acted as a support and protection, Questions Relative to Christian Faith tianity existed and had to make its way and Practice ..•...•.....••••••••• 14 carried them along as it were, so that they against a pagan culture and civilization. Were as those who swim with the current Current Views and Voices ......•.... 17 Then the great issue was whether Chris­ rather than as those who struggle against News of the Church ................. 19 tianity was to dominate the culture and 2 CHRISTIANITY TODAY November, 1930 civilization of what later came to be known few seem to be leaving the Church as a Princeton Seminary's New as Christendom. In that struggle Chris­ result of their rejection of the Christian tianity won" with the result that civiliza­ faith. Their policy seems rather to be Champion tion as we know it, with all its defects, to remain within the Church in order that OT long ago Princeton Seminary's rests on and is permeated with Christian they may use the Church itself as an in­ N literary output was mainly in de­ principles. All through the centuries strument in the service of a non-Chris­ fense of the Bible and the Reformed Faith. there have been, of course, those who have tian interpretation of life. There are those Of late, however, it has been mainly in regretted this victory and who wished that calling themselves Christians who reject defense of itself. Its latest effort in this Christianity had suffered, defeat. It is every fundamental Christian belief and direction is from the pen of Dr. ANDREW only in comparatively recent times, how­ even sermons are preached by the thou­ W. BLACKWOOD, Professor-elect of Homi­ ever, that they have so grown in number sand that lack' all that is distinctively letics in that institution, published both in that they have gained the C\ourage to Christian.' To such an extent- is this the The Christian Observer (October 1, 193'0) challenge the right of Christianity to con­ case that some of our ablest and most and in The Presbyterian of the South tinue to reap the fruits of that early vic­ consecrated believers fear that we are ap­ (October 8, 1930) under the title, "A Few tory. Today their number and influence proaching a situation when loyalty to the Facts About Princeton Seminary." Dr. is such that the issue is again raised Christian faith will require them to sep­ BLAOKWOOD assures his readers that he whether Christianity is to be allowed to arate themselves from existing Church "can provide adequate proof" of the continue to mould the thought and life organizations-as did our fathers in the "facts" which he relates. Be that as it of our wester:o. world. Hence the parallel days of the Reformation. Be that as it may, the evidence is not supplied in this between the age in which we live and that may, bold and determined confession in article. Those who are content with his of the first three centuries of the Christian word and deed is needed on the part of ipse dixit will be persuaded that all is well era. No doubt matters are not yet as every true believer if our' Christian at Princeton; but in the case of those who bad as at the beginning of the Christian heritage is to be passed on 'undiminished are not the article will leave them in very era. We still enjoy the benefit of the to those who shall come after us. much the same state of mind as that in momentum given to Christianity by the The situation being what it is, we are which it found them-unless it adds to ages more immediately preceding us; blit continually tempted to pare down our their fears about the future of the if present tendencies continue for long the Christianity so that we may as little as Seminary. .--\. situation may become even worse than in possible offend the world. Instead of boldly Dr. BLACKWOOD takes the position that the first three centuries. Humanly speak­ confessing all that CHRIST and His "the way to test the orthodoxy of' a theo­ ing, it is more difficult to succeed with a apostles taught we are tempted to ask how logical seminary is to determine the ortho­ life and world view that was once dis­ much of that confession we can give up doxy of her professors and instructors." -~ carded thim with one that has been pro­ without yielding our right to call ourselves As a consequence he omits any reference posed for the first time. Here too what Christians. Instead of trying to do all to the alleged unorthodoxy of the New we read in the Epistle to the HEBREWS that CHRIST would have us do we are Board of Control, though as a matter of 'applies in part: "For it is impossible for tempted to ask how far we can go in' the fact it must be obvious to everybody that as those who were once enlightened, and have world's ways and yet number ourselves far as the ultimate future of the Seminary tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made among His followers.
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