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bladder wall/detrusor, 123 INDEX as novel molecular targets, 140 α-adrenoceptor, 126, 129 Indexer: Dr Laurence Errington bladder, 126, 129, 202 urethral, 127 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters and, 194 α-adrenoceptor agonists/stimulants, SUI, vs pelvic floor muscle Figures and tables are comprehensively referred to from the training, 1051 text. Therefore, significant material in figures and tables α-adrenoceptor antagonists, 657 has only been given a page reference in the absence of their multiple system atrophy, 884-5 concomitant mention in the text referring to that figure. neurogenic UI, 824-5 Abbreviations: AI (or FI), anal (faecal) incontinence; EMG, children, 743 older people, adverse urinary effects, 311 electromyography; LUT, lower urinary tract; LUTS, lower overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 657 urinary tract symptoms; POP, pelvic organ prolapse; QoL, overactive pelvic floor, children, 739 quality of life; SUI, stress urinary incontinence; UI, urinary overflow incontinence, 676 incontinence. UK and not US spellings have been used β-adrenoceptor, 140-1 throughout the index, although the text uses both. β3-adrenoceptor, 123, 658 agonists, 140, 141 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 657-8 A SUI, 673-4 antagonists, SUI, 673 A-δ fibres/axons, 176, 636 bladder, 129 abdominal approach see transabdominal approach as novel molecular targets, 140-1 abdominal examination, females with UI, 342 urethral, 127 abdominal leak point pressure, 419 advanced glycation end-products, 134 abdominal massage aiding defaecation, 868-9 advanced practice nurses, 1655 spinal cord injury, 907 collaboration with physicians in care of frail elderly, 1004 abdominoperineal resection of rectum, 802, 918 advocacy, continence, 1652-8 absorbent products (pads) for FI, 1530, 1556 aesthetics, pads, 1557 odour control, 1627 aetiology (incl. risk factors/pathogenesis), 1667-8 absorbent products (pads) for UI, 1538-57 AI/FI, 74-9, 137, 286, 354, 861-3, 877-922, 1323-41, 1364-7 capacity and user requirements, 1544 children, 764 categories, 1538-40 frail elderly, 1362, 1364-7 changing frequency, 1623, 1625 neurogenic, 861-3, 877-922, 1338-9, 1365-6 evaluation of different bodyworn designs, 1550-4 obstetric factors see childbirth females with light UI, 1527, 1544-6 physical examination in determination of cause, 354-5 general recommendations on selection, 1556-7 for light UI bladder dysfunction see bladder dysfunction females, 1527 bladder pain syndrome, 222, 1469-71 males, 1528, 1546-8 constipation, older people, 1356 materials, 1540-4 enuresis/wetting measuring usage, 336 day, 45-6 for moderate/heavy UI night, 41-2 females, 1528 fistulas see fistulas males, 1529 POP see pelvic organ prolapse ACET study, 647 UI (in general), 1667-8 acetaminophen, chronic pelvic pain, 1490 frail elderly, 965-75, 1009, 1739-40 acetohydroaxmic acid, 1597 men see males acetylcholine, 128, 131, 175, 639-41 neurological, 69, 799-802, 877-922 detrusor overactivity and, 263, 639-41 in primary prevention, 1667-8 urothelial stretch and, 118 research recommendations, 93 see also muscarinic receptors; nicotinic receptors women, 55-61, 83 acetylcholinesterase inhibitors see cholinesterase inhibitors see also pathophysiology Acticon Neosphincter® , 1396, 1398 afferents see sensory (afferent) /neurones actin in detrusor contraction, 121 African-American women see black and African-American women activities of daily living and frailty, 964 aganglionosis, colonic (Hirschsprung’s disease), 138 acupuncture age (and aging) male UI, 1093 AI/FI risk and, 74, 1330 nocturnal enuresis, 724 bowel, 1363-4 adenosine receptors, 131-2 of child, effects of incontinence and its treatment related, 1741 adenosine triphosphate see ATP LUT changes with, 965-70 ADH see vasopressin nocturnal enuresis prevalence and, 39-40, 41 adherence (compliance) non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity and, 260-1 children, 1741-2 outcome of female UI treatment related to electrical stimulation, 1067 bladder training, 1078 pelvic floor muscle training, 1044-5, 1045-6, 1047, 1651 electrical stimulation, 1066-7 adhesives, tissue, non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 pelvic floor muscle training, 1054-5 adjuvant radiotherapy in prostate cancer, 1139 outcome of male UI treatment related to, bladder training, adrenoceptor(s) (and adrenergic nerves/innervation), 129 1092-3 adverse urinary effects in older people of drugs acting at, 310, pharmacology and, 981-3 311 POP and, 283 surgical management of, 1275

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SUI surgical outcome and, 1220-1 imaging of abnormalities, 614-16 UI risk and, 965 innervation, 188-92 in men, 65-9 neurophysiological tests, 496-8 in men, post-prostatectomy, 70, 306, 1126-7 obstetric trauma, 288 in women, 55 assessment, 487 urethral pressures and, 432 pharmacology, 194-7 see also frail elderly; older people physiology, 475 aids and devices/appliances see continence devices repair see surgery AIDS and HIV disease, 801, 921-2 supraspinal activation, 193-4 air-charged catheters for pressure measurements, 419-20 training, 1353-9, 1375-6 airway obstruction, upper, children, 42 voluntary contraction, pressure on, 481-6 alarm see enuresis alarm anal sphincter, internal, 285, 475, 614-16 alcohol overconsumption/abuse, 801 anatomy, 475 FI and, 1347 imaging, 614-16 women, 1032-3 incisions (sphincterotomy), FI risk, 1338 Aldridge sling, 1211 obstetric trauma, 288, 612 all-in-ones see diapers physiology, 475 allograft slings, 1216 surgery see surgery alloplastic sphincter, historical accounts, 29-30 anal stool bag, 1614, 1617, 1618 alpha-adrenoceptors see adrenoceptors analgesia/analgesic drugs Altemeier procedure, 1308 in bladder pain syndrome, 1481-2 alternative medicine see complementary and alternative medicine in chronic pelvic pain, 1490 Alzheimer’s disease, 877-9 neuropathic, 1491-2 dementia with Lewy bodies comorbid with, 881 epidural, labour, 268-9 ambulatory urodynamics, 418 analytical epidemiology, 37 normal values, 426-8 anatomy reproducibility, 423-6, 426 anorectum, 285-6, 474 sensitivity and specificity, 440 LUT therapeutic response prediction, 442 paediatric (congenital) abnormalities see congenital/anatomic American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) FIQL anomalies scale, 1402 urothelium, 170 American Urological Association Foundation, 1682 see also specific parts amitriptyline pelvic floor, 184 bladder pain syndrome, 1481-2 pelvic organ prolapse surgical outcome related to, 1276 diarrhoea-associated FI, 1351 pelvic organ support-related see pelvic organs AMPA receptors, 183 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 310, 311 AMS Sphincter 800® , 1396 anismus, 499 anaemia and POP, 1096, 1097 anorectal incontinence, elderly, 1366 anaesthesia see general anaesthesia; local anaesthesia; regional treatment, 1371-2 anaesthesia anorectoplasty, posterior sagittal, 1153 anal canal, 139 anorectum, 137-40, 285-6, 289-90, 474-502 bulk-enhancing agents injected into, 1403-5, 1408 anatomy, 285-6, 474 length of high-pressure zone, 481 congenital malformations, 462-3 pressure and its measurement see manometry; pressure surgery for FI, 1406-7 sensation see sensation see also imperforate anus anal electrical stimulation, 1359, 1360 innervation, 137-8, 138-9, 286 anal incontinence see faecal incontinence physiology/function, 137-40, 285-6, 289-90, 474-502, 1363-4 anal plug, 869, 1530, 1612, 1615-16, 1617, 1618 brain interactions, 226, 227 anal pouch, 1530, 1614, 1617, 1618 older people with/without FI, 1363-4 anal sphincter (both muscles or unspecified), 285-6, 475, 612-16 physiology/function, studies/measurements, 474-502, 534 anatomy, 285-6, 475 in clinical practice, 502 artificial see artificial anal sphincter neuropathic patients, 864-5 digital examination, 355 pressure studies see manometry endurance and fatigability assessment, 485-6 recommendation and guidelines, 500-1, 502 in etiopathogenesis of FI, 288 sensation see sensation functional assessment, 475 symptoms in POP surgical outcome assessment, 1276-8 imaging, 612-16 antegrade continence enema (of Malone), 14-18, 871-2, 1406 obstetric/childbirth-related trauma, 291-7, 612, 1334-7 child, 1407 dynamic methods of assessment, 487 meningomyelocele, 915 instrumental delivery, 297-8 anterior pelvic compartment, ultrasonography, 567 recognised, 295-7 anterior transsphincteric transanal surgical approach to rectourethral repair, 295-7, 1390 fistula repair (ASTRA), 1158 unrecognised/occult, 291-5 antibiotics physiology, 137, 139, 285-6, 475 in bladder pain syndrome, 1485 pressure studies see manometry children with neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 743-4 repair see surgery diarrhoea associated with use in older people, 1366 anal sphincter, external (EAS; anal rhabdosphincter), 285, 614-16, with indwelling catheters, 1595-6 1353-9 antibiotic-impregnated catheters, 1593, 1594 anatomy, 475 prophylactic, 818, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1602-4 EMG, 497, 501, 527, 529, 532 therapeutic, 1595-6 in neuropathic patients, 866 with spinal cord injury, prophylactic, 904 vector manometry compared with, 486 anti-blow off features, sheaths, 1558

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anticholinergics see antimuscarinics arousal training, 724, 770 anticonvulsants, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 see also waking antidepressants, 660 artificial anal sphincter, 1396-8, 1408 bladder pain syndrome, 1482-3 neurogenic FI, 875-7 chronic pelvic pain, 1491 artificial bladder (prosthetic bladder), child, 750 diarrhoea-associated FI, 1351 artificial bowel sphincter, 1398 neurogenic UI, 821-2 artificial urethral/urinary sphincter (=AUS), 845, 847-9, 1160-8 nocturnal enuresis, 723 availability and cost, 1160 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 660 children, 751, 754 SUI, 674-5 complications see safety antidiarrhoeal drugs, 1350-1 component durability, 1164-5 antidiuretic hormone (ADH) see vasopressin historical accounts, 29-30 antiepileptics (anticonvulsants), chronic pelvic pain, 1491 men, 29-30, 1134-5, 1160-8 antihistamines, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 consensus protocol on follow-up, 1168 anti-incontinence devices see continence devices diagnostic evaluation of UI after placement, 1165-7 anti-kinking/twisting features indications, 1161 drainage bags, 1562 post-prostatectomy (for benign disease), 453, 1134-5 sheaths, 1558 post-prostatectomy (for cancer), 453, 1134-5 antimuscarinics (anticholinergics), 639-52 post-radiotherapy, 1139 enuresis, 736-40 technique, 1161-3 day and night-time, 729, 736-40 women, 29-30, 1255 night-time, 722, 771 ascending pathways/tracts, bladder control, 207 mechanism of action, 639-41 ASCRS (American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons) FIQL mixed smooth muscle relaxants and, 653 scale, 1402 neurogenic bladder, 821 ASERNIP-S (Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New as bladder relaxants, 821 Interventional Procedures - Surgical), 1754 in Parkinson’s disease, 888 Asia Pacific Continence Advisory Board (APCAB), 1658 in spinal cord injury, 903 Asian and Asian-American women, epidemiology neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction in children, 742, 743, POP, 83-4 744 UI, 53 older people (incl. frail persons), 681-2, 990-4 Asociacion de Enfermadades Uroginecologicas, 1681 adverse effects, 308, 310, 681-2, 982-3 assessment (evaluation) of patients and their conditions, 331-412 for nocturia, 1000 bladder pain syndrome, 1474-9, 1494-8, 1501, 1502, 1503, recommendations, 1008 1503-5 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 639-52 outcome, 1498-501 pharmacology, 641 childhood enuresis and UI, 706-12 rationale for use, 639, 640 day and night time enuresis, 728, 767-8 urge UI, 645, 681-2 nocturnal enuresis, 719-21 antiproliferative factor and bladder pain syndrome, 1470, 1478 continence products, 1524 antipyretics, in chronic pelvic pain, 1490 FI see faecal incontinence anti-twisting features see anti-kinking features fistulas anus non-obstetric, 1248-9 anatomy and function, 285-6 obstetric, in developing world, 1429-35, 1453 benign conditions associated with FI, 354 frail elderly, 975-7, 1005-7, 1009 endovascular cushions, 286 nocturia, 1000 fissure, chronic, 486 of outcome see outcome imperforate see imperforate anus UI stimulation with water streams see water children see subheading above see also anorectum; perianal examination and entries under anal; frail elderly see subheadings above transanal initial, 333-53 APCAB (Asia Pacific Continence Advisory Board), 1658 patient-reported outcome, 364-7, 377-403 apnoea, sleep see sleep apnoea post-fistula repair, 1448-9 apomorphine, 887 preoperative, men, 1124-6, 1169 aponeurotic bladder neck slings, neurogenic LUT dysfunction, see also diagnostic tests; history-taking; investigations; physical 846-7 examination apoptosis, detrusor smooth muscle cells, 148 Assessment of Quality of Life, 1696 appendix Association for Continence Advice (ACA), 1682 for antegrade continence enema, 1407 Association National de Ostomizados e Incontinentes (Spain), 1682 for continent urinary diversion, 856 Associazione Italiana Donne Medico, 1681 appliances see continence devices ASTRA (anterior transsphincteric transanal surgical approach) to aprepitant, 671-2 rectourethral fistula repair (ASTRA), 1158 AQoL (Assessment of Quality of Life), 1696 astrocytes, spinal cord, 183 Arabian medicine, 21 ATP, 118, 123 areflexia K+ channel gating by, 122 detrusor see underactive bladder/detrusor purinoceptors and, 123, 130, 174, 178-9 urethral sphincter see underactive urethral sphincter and non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity, 262-3 L-arginine, bladder pain syndrome, 1485 as urothelial stretch-released factor, 118 Argus sling, 1130-1, 1137 atrial natriuretic hormone and nocturia in the frail elderly, 999 arousal (from sleep), children atrophic vaginitis, 309 infants, 704 atrophy, urethral, with artificial urinary sphincter, 1163-4, 1167-8 nocturnal enuresis and, 42, 717-18 atropine (hyoscyamine), overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor over alarm facilitating arousal see enuresis alarm activity, 643, 822

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intravesical, 822-3 cuffing on deflation, 1600-1 attention and modulation of brain responses to visceral stimuli, 232 filling solution, 1589 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) inflation failure, 1605 daytime wetting and, 763-4 inflation leading to water loss from balloon over time, 1589 nocturnal enuresis and, 762-3 size, 1590 augmentation cystoplasty see cystoplasty intravaginal, for resistance treatment, 1044 Australia passive compression of urethra in men, 1131-3 continence awareness/promotion/services, 1648-9, 1650-1, rectum 1680 compliance estimates, 494-6 continence nurse advisors, 1654 distension, 488-9 professional education, 1660 expulsion test, 500 referral centres, 1655 retention test, 493 Continence Foundation of, 1655 sensitivity measurement, 488 family doctor education in, 1660 see also double balloon urethrography Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional barrier function, urothelium, 170 Procedures - Surgical, 1754 barrier products, 1623, 1624 Austria, continence organisation, 1680 Barrington’s nucleus, 209, 228 authorship, guidelines for, 1757-8, 1758 basal ganglia lesions, 800 auto-augmentation (bladder/detrusor myectomy or myotomy), 1149 Parkinson’s disease, 887 child, 749 baseline clinical and demographic data, ICS Standardization detrusor overactivity, 1240 Committee recommendations, 1730 men, 1149 baseline techniques in cognitive-behavioural therapy, 769 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 854 BBUS-Q (Birmingham Bowel and Urinary Symptoms autografts, for suburethral sling, 1216 Questionnaire), 394 autoimmune encephalomyelitis, 200 BCG, intravesical/intramural, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 autoimmune mechanisms in bladder pain syndrome pathogenesis, BCSQ (Bladder Control Self-Assessment Questionnaire), 385 1470 BE-DRI (Behavior Enhances Drug Reduction of Incontinence), automatic bladder see reflex bladder 1752 autonomic nervous system, 797 bed sores (pressure ulcers), 1620-1 bladder, 198-200, 200-2 bedpads see underpads in bladder pain syndrome aetiology, 1470-1 bedpans, 1526, 1535-7 dysfunction and neuropathy bedwetting see nocturnal enuresis in diabetes mellitus, 1339 Behavior Enhances Drug Reduction of Incontinence (BE-DRI), in Guillain-Barré syndrome, 911 1752 leading to FI, 289, 1339 behaviour tests (in generalised neuropathy), 537 health and treatment-seeking see help-seeking behaviour functional testing, 536-7 homeostatic emotions driving, 226-7 hyperreflexia/dysreflexia behavioural disturbances, 760-7 with catheters, 1607 FI and, 764-6 with digital rectal stimulation, 868 subclinical, 766-7 with sacral anterior root stimulation, 840 behavioural therapies and modifications, 813-15 see also enteric nervous system; ganglia; parasympathetic nerv bladder pain syndrome, 1480 ous system; sympathetic nervous system FI in children, 1349 autonomous hypothesis of spontaneous detrusor activity, 125 frail elderly, 984-8 autoplasty, vesical, 1446-7 nocturia, 1000 average volume voided, measurement, 336 recommendations, 1008 Avicenna, 21 neurogenic UI, 812, 813-15 axon(s) ( fibres) trials/research, 1748-9 C- see C-fibres/axons Belgium, continence organisation, 1680 terminal, bladder, 200 beneficence, 1756 azathioprine, bladder pain syndrome, 1484 Benefit, Satisfaction and Willingness Questionnaire (BSW), 383, 384 B benign prostatic hyperplasia/enlargement/obstruction - BPH/BPE/BPO (and benign prostatic disease in general), 302-3, Bacille Calmette-Guérin instillation in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 969-70 baclofen, detrusor overactivity, 668-70 age-related occurrence, 969-70, 983-4 bacterial infections, urothelium in, 117, 171 drug therapy of frail elderly, 1001 see also antibiotics nocturia, 263-4 bacteriuria, 337 prostatectomy for see prostatectomy asymptomatic, 338 PSA levels in, 352 children with neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 743-4 questionnaires, 379, 381, 396-7, 401 frail elderly, 468, 469, 970 UI, 302-3 indwelling catheters and, 1590, 1592, 1593 beta-adrenoceptors see adrenoceptors non-continent urinary diversion and, 859 bethanechol spinal cord injury, 902 supersensitivity test, 807-8 bags therapeutic use interanal (stool bag), 1614, 1617, 1618 in detrusor areflexia, 825 urine drainage see drainage bags frail elderly, 995 balloon systems/devices BFLUTS (Bristol female LUTS questionnaire), 377, 378 anal pressure measurement, 475 bias in trials, 1722 external urethral sphincter dilatation, 837 bilharziasis (schistosomiasis), contracted bladder, 746, 1151 of indwelling catheters bimanual examination in bladder pain syndrome, 1475

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biofeedback (BF) pressure-volume studies during see filling cystometry children, 770 fistula between vagina and see vesicovaginal fistulas day/night-time enuresis, 735 fistula repair using, 1446-7, 1447 neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 743 function (in general) FI, 1353-9, 1375-6 alterations see bladder dysfunction meningomyelocele, 915 brain and, 207-21 men (post-prostatectomy), pelvic floor muscle training plus, control see subheading above 1083, 1085-7 hypoxia see hypoxia with electrical stimulation, 1090 inflammation see bladder pain syndrome; schistosomiasis women/vaginal, pelvic floor muscle training plus interactions with other pelvic organs at efferent neural level, alone, 1045, 1046-7, 1047, 1065 203-5 with electrical stimulation, 1065-6 irrigation in spinal cord injury, 904 biofilms, indwelling catheters, 1590-2 morphological alterations in multiple sclerosis, 895 prevention, 1596-7 myectomy see autoaugmentation biomarkers, bladder pain syndrome, 1478 neuroactive agents, 128-32 biomaterials for bladder augmentation, 854 neurogenic see neurogenic LUT dysfunction biomechanical properties see mechanics obstruction at outlet see bladder outlet obstruction Bioplastique® see polydimethylsiloxane overactive see overactive bladder biopsies, bladder pain syndrome, 1477 preparation for enterocystoplasty, 849-50 Birmingham Bowel and Urinary Symptoms Questionnaire (BBUS- pressure within see intravesical pressure Q), 394 reconstructive surgery see cystoplasty birth see childbirth reflex see reflex bladder BISF-W (Brief Index of Sexual Function for Women), 398 sensations, 429 black and African-American women, epidemiology categorisation, 335 POP, 83-4 children (with enuresis), 712 UI, 53 in diabetes mellitus, 916-17 bladder in spinal cord injury, 900-1 afferent neurones see sensory nerves sensations, assessment agenesis, surgery, 745 in cystometry, 534 in aging see older people objective, 420 artificial see artificial bladder stones see stones augmentation see auto-augmentation; cystoplasty support/suspension, imaging (of normal and defective support), automatic/reflex see reflex bladder 552-3 bilharzia/schistosomal scarring, 746, 1151 surgery circumventing see urinary diversion capacity see bladder capacity tissue-engineered see tissue engineering compliance see compliance training see bladder training control (of function), 207-21 transient receptor potential cation channels, 146 disorders see bladder dysfunction trigone of, 125-6 control (of function), children botulinum toxin injection, 662 CNS role, 726 denervating agents injected through/below see denervating normal development, 703-4 agents (subheading above) damage underactive see underactive bladder endoplasmic reticulum stress-related damage, 148 urine leakage see leakage traumatic see injury urine reflux into ureter see vesicoureteric reflux denervating agents injected into, 838-9 volume women, 1238-9 bladder pressure and relationship to, measurement see filling distension (technique) see cystodistension cystometry duplication, surgery, 745 pad test and, 619 dysfunction see bladder dysfunction residual see residual urine efferent/motor pathways, 198-207 weight, ultrasound, 563-4 electrical stimulation see intravesical electrical stimulation see also entries under cyst-; intravesical; vesico- emptying Bladder and Bowel Health Foundation (UK), 1682 central control, 203 Bladder and Bowel Health website (Australia), 1649 feeling of incompleteness, 335 bladder cancer peripheral control, 634 neobladder for, 1141 see also micturition patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 401 emptying, facilitation risk with catheters see catheters with enterocystoplasty, 853 with drugs, 821, 824-5 with indwelling catheter use, 818, 1599-600 with spinal lesions, 812, 898 with multiple sclerosis, 895-6 with surgery, 833-8 with non-continent urinary diversion, 859 emptying, impairment/failure bladder capacity, 429 children, postoperative, 755 children, 704-5 see also overflow UI; urine retention maximum cystometric, 712 endoscopy males, reduced, 1151, 1161 diagnostic see endoscopy surgery, 1151, 1161 resection performed via, 1237 normal values, 429 epithelial Na+ channels, 144 bladder chart see frequency/volume chart exstrophy, 464 Bladder Control Self-Assessment Questionnaire (BCSQ), 385 surgery, 745, 1142-5 bladder-cooling reflex see ice water/ test filling bladder diary see frequency/volume diary central regulation, 211 bladder dysfunction (abnormal function and functional changes)

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aetiology and pathogenesis, 636 bladder retraining see bladder training neural mechanisms, 222-5, 636 Bladder Self-Assessment Questionnaire (B-SAQ), 385 with artificial urinary sphincter, 1163 bladder-sphincter dysfunction see bladder dysfunction; urethral treatment, 1167 sphincter dysfunction neurological patients with, non-continent urinary diversion, 858 bladder training (BT; bladder retraining/discipline/drill/re-educa POP comorbid with, 284-5 tion), 815 post-prostatectomy, 306-7 children, 734 bladder expression, 813-14 men, 1092, 1092-3 in spinal injury, 812 women, 1053, 1070-1, 1071-7, 1077-8 bladder flaps for urethral reconstruction (with fistulas), 1446 future research directions, 1082 bladder neck (urethrovesical junction; bladder outlet) other treatments combined with, 1053, 1076 endoscopic evaluation other treatments vs, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1074-5 female, 607-8 protocols, 1072-3 male, 609 recommendations for practice, 1080-1 interactions with other pelvic organs at efferent neural level, bladder wall 203-5 anatomy, 116 mobility (and hypermobility), assessment, 342-3 biomechanical properties, 132-7 needle suspension, 1202-3 smooth muscle see detrusor obstruction see bladder outlet obstruction thickness, ultrasonography, 562-4 open, causes and imaging, 601-2 bleeding/haemorrhage, SUI surgery, 1233-4 support devices/prosthesis, intravaginal, 1572-5 blinding in trials, 1716, 1722 surgery (incl. reconstruction), 1141-2 mistakes, 1719 ultrasonography, 561-2 block randomisation, 1720-1 see also detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia blood, urinary (haematuria), 337 bladder neck (urethrovesical junction; bladder outlet) surgery (incl. blood test, 626 reconstruction) preoperative, men, 1124 children, 750-5 blood vessels, SUI surgery-related damage, 1233-4 neck closure, 752 blowing off, sheaths, prevention, 1558 reconstructive, 752-3 BNDF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 181-2 with exstrophy/epispadias, 1143-4, 1161 body mass and UI risk, 1667 repeat/revision, 1145 women, 57 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 845-7 bodyworn continence devices, 1544-54 complete closure, 845-6 absorbent products (pads), 1538-40 in traumatic injuries, 1141-2 children with UI and/or FI, 1555-6 bladder outlet see bladder neck; bladder outlet obstruction evaluation of different designs, 1550-4 bladder outlet obstruction (outflow obstruction; BOO), 259-60 men, 1527, 1546-8 children, assessment, 712 women, 1528, 1544-6 endoplasmic reticulum stress involvement in damage caused by, leg bags, 1561-2, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566 148 urinals, 1567 men men, 1529, 1567 PSA levels and, 352-3 women, 1567 research, 1736 bone-anchored procedures urodynamic studies, 450 male sling pathophysiology, 259-60 post-prostatectomy, 1130 neural mechanisms, 224-5, 259-60, 260 post-radiotherapy, 1139 women, postoperative, 1234 SUI, 1203 bladder pain syndrome (BPS; interstitial cystitis), 222, 1459-518 complications, 1236 aetiology/pathogenesis, 222, 1469-71 Bonferroni correction, 1727 classification, 1480 Bonney’s original stress test, 342 subgrouping/phenotyping patients, 1474, 1502 bothersomeness clinical symptom scales, 1494-8 in outcomes research, 1731 co-morbid disorders, 225 questionnaires, 377, 387, 388-9 definition/nomenclature/taxonomy, 1461-2, 1464-6, 1503, 1745 ICI modular questionnaire, 371 diagnosis, 1474-9, 1502 Botox® see botulinum toxin A differential, 1479 botulinum toxin A (Botox® and Dysport® ), 661-6, 823-4, 1146, epidemiology, 1446-9, 1502 1148 outcome, assessment, 1498-501 bladder emptying facilitated by, 825 pathology, 1473-4 in bladder pain syndrome, 1488 report, 1478 children, 664, 739, 743 research, 1502-3, 1745-6 in detrusor overactivity, 662-8, 1146 treatment, 1480-8, 1492-4, 1501, 1503 economic analysis, 666, 1699 conservative, 1480-1, 1501 in GI tract spasticity, 138 drug, 1481-8 injection protocol, 662 refractoriness, recommended management, 1502, 1503 mechanism of action, 661 surgical, 1492-4 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 823-4, 825 bladder reflex see micturition reflex side-effects, 665-6 bladder rehabilitation (urotherapy), children, 734-6, 769-71 botulinum toxin B (Neurobloc® ), 666 bladder relaxants (incl. smooth muscle relaxants), 820, 821-2 bowel (intestine/lower GI tract), 137-40 mixed antimuscarinic and, 653 afferent projections to spinal cord, 182-4 in neurogenic UI, 821-2 ageing, 1363-4 spinal cord injury, 903 bladder reconstruction/augmentation using (=enterocystoplasty), see also specific (classes of) drugs 849-53, 1160, 1239-40

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alternatives to, 853-5 bladder control studies, 216 in bladder pain syndrome, 1493-4 bowel dysfunction due to, 799, 800-1 children, 458, 747-50 FI, 862-3, 893-4, 1339 complications, 755-9 LUT dysfunction caused by/associated with, 799, 800-1, 890-3 in detrusor overactivity, 1239-40 conservative management, 811 in exstrophy-epispadia complex, 1144 detrusor, 258 indications, 849 frail elderly, 972 neuropathic patients, 458 brainstem non-obstetric fistulas, 1251 bladder function and, 207-21 results, 850-1 homeostatic emotions and, 232 technical aspects, 849-53 lesions, and LUT problems, 892 bladder replacement using see neobladder Brazilian Foundation for Continence Promotion, 1680 brain interactions with, 225-34 Brief Index of Sexual Function for Women (BISF-W), 398 evacuation see defaecation Brief Sexual Function Inventory (BSFI), 398-9 fistula repair using, 1447 briefs see diapers interactions with other pelvic organs at efferent neural level, Bristol female LUTS (BFLUTS) questionnaire and short form ver 203-5 sion, 377, 378 irritable see irritable bowel syndrome Britain see United Kingdom LUT and, similarities/differences, 474, 797 B-SAQ (Bladder Self-Assessment Questionnaire), 385 neurological disorders affecting, and associated AI, 78 BSFI (Brief Sexual Function Inventory), 398-9 neuropathic patients, bladder surgery/augmentation using, 458 BSW (Benefit, Satisfaction and Willingness) Questionnaire, 383, non-continent cutaneous diversion risk to, 858-9 384 segment budget impact analysis, 1694-5 choice for enterocystoplasty, 850 bulbocavernosus muscle, innervation, 188 for continent diversion, 856 bulbocavernosus reflex evaluation, 809 SUI surgery-related damage, 1234 bulbourethral compression (device/procedures), 1130 surgery, as FI risk, 1337-8 historical accounts, 22, 24, 29-30 see also specific regions Bulkamid, 1405 bowel care/management and retraining programmes, 1348-50, 1375 bulking agents, anal canal injection, 1403-5, 1408 neurogenic FI, 867-9 bulking agents, periurethral injection, 571-2, 1209-11 spinal cord injury, 907-8 children, 750-1, 843, 1236-7 stroke, 893 cost-effectiveness, 1698-9 bowel habit/function, 1348 historical accounts, 29 achieving regularity/predictable patterns, 1348 men dysfunction/problems see bowel symptoms post-prostatectomy (for benign disease), 1136 intestinal segment removal affecting, 756 post-prostatectomy (for cancer), 1128-9 POP related to, 1096, 1097 post-radiotherapy, 1139 see also constipation neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 843-5 bowel symptoms (bowel habit/function problems) ultrasound techniques, 571-2 coexisting with urinary symptoms or UI women with SUI, 1209-11 child, 43-5 complications, 1236-7 females, 341 see also injection in FI Burch colposuspension, 1197, 1294, 1295 assessment, 1369 complications, 1231 as FI risk factor or coexisting with FI, 1333-4, 1339-40 rectus fascia sling vs, 1752 neurological disorders sacrocolpopexy with addition of, 1754 Guillain-Barré syndrome, 911 burden disease studies, longitudinal, 1706 meningomyelocele, 914-16 bypass procedures, urethral sphincter, children, 746-7 multiple sclerosis, 897-8 Parkinson’s disease, 888-9 spinal cord injury, 906-7 C in patient-reported outcome assessment, 364-7 C-fibres/axons POP and, 285 neurogenic detrusor overactivity and, 258-9 bowel training/retraining see bowel care/management and retraining non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity and, 260 programmes vanilloid therapy and, 666-7 boys, nocturnal enuresis in spinal cord injury/lesions, urine storage abnormalities and, physical examination, 720 224 prevalence, 714 C3 penile compression device, 1576 BPH-QOL, 396-7 caecum in bladder reconstruction, see also ileocaecal valve brachytherapy, prostate cancer, 307, 308, 1140 Caesarean delivery UI risk, 307, 308, 452-3, 1140 AI risk, 76-8 brain, 207-21, 225-34 fistula related to, 1422-4 in bladder control, 207-21 pelvic floor injury, 267-8 working models, 220-1 POP risk, 85, 282 deep (electrical) stimulation, 827-8 UI risk, 55-7, 264-5 gut interactions with, 225-34, 231-2 caffeine intake (and reduction) homeostatic reflexes and, 227-34 FI and, 1347 imaging see neuroimaging older people, 985 magnetic stimulation, 827 women, 1032 see also supraspinal pathways Cajal’s interstitial cells, 138, 139 brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF), 181-2 calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP), 132, 177, 180 brain lesions, 800-1, 890-4

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calcium ion (and Ca2+ channels), 118, 144 conservative treatment, 812 detrusor and, 122, 144 cauda equina stimulation see sacral neuromodulation, anterior contraction of, 121, 122 cauda equina syndrome, 908-9 as molecular targets (antagonists), 652 cause see aetiology in bladder pain syndrome, 1486 CCAAT enhancer-binding protein-homologous protein (CHOP), 148 novel agents, 144 cell(s) older people, adverse urinary effects, 310, 311 for tissue-engineered graft generation, 150-1 urethral smooth muscle, 127 functional control, 151 calcium ion-activated potassium channels (BKCa), 122, 129, 141, nutrient supply, 150-1 142 support mechanisms, 150 calculi see stones urothelial, in visceral sensation, 171-5 cancer cell biology, lower urinary tract, 113-66 loose stools in, 1366 Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 21 radiotherapy see radiotherapy central nervous system (and central pathways), 207-21, 634 risk with enterocystoplasty, 758 drugs acting on, in overactive bladder/detrusor overactivity, see also bladder cancer; prostate cancer; rectum 670-2 capsaicin, 118, 131, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 224 imaging see neuroimaging intravesical, therapeutic use, 667, 823, 1147 LUT function and role of, 207-21, 634 bladder pain syndrome, 1487-8 children, 726 Capsure, 1569, 1570 nocturnal enuresis and, 717-18 carbachol test, 456 see also brain; brainstem; spinal cord carbon-coated zirconium oxide beads, pyrolytic (Durasphere), 1404 cerebral cortex and bladder function, 207-21 cardiac disease, ischaemic, 61 cerebral palsy, 800 cardiovascular system neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 741 adverse effects urodynamic studies, children, 462 darifenacin, 649-50 cerebral pudendal somatosensory evoked potentials, 535 oxybutinin, 993 cerebrovascular accident (CVA incl. stroke), 800-1, 862-3, 890-4 solifenacin, 651 FI, 862-3, 893-4, 1339, 1365 in Guillain-Barré syndrome, 911 UI, 454, 800-1, 890-3 care (continence) frail elderly, 971, 973 education see education prognostic value of UI, 973 models, 1653-6 cerebrovascular disease, detrusor overactivity, 258 multidisciplinary see multidisciplinary care cervical damage in obstructed labour, 1432 organisations see organisations cetrorelix, 670-1 quality see quality of care CHAMMP (Continence, History, Assessment, Medications, seeking, behaviour related to see help-seeking behaviour Mobility, Plan) tool, 1656 see also continence care; health care; routine care; treatment chance node (decision tree), 1692 CARE trial see Colpopexy and Urinary Reduction Efforts change, responsiveness to, in questionnaires, 366-7 caregivers chemical stimuli, urothelial role in sensing of, 173-5 FI education, 1342-3, 1373 Child Behaviour Check List (CBCL), 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 767, of frail elderly, 983 767-8 interventions with, 988-9 childbirth (parturition incl. vaginal delivery), 264-71 preferences for UI care, 979 FI after, 76, 288, 290-9, 354, 1334-7 in nursing homes, training, 1664 delivery technique and, 297-8, 298 pads/absorbent products applied by, 1552-4 dynamic testing, 487 case series, 1716-17 episiotomy and, 269-70, 298, 1337 catheters, anal manometry, 475-6 training of health professionals about, 298-9 catheters, rectal, 1530, 1612-14, 1616-17, 1617, 1618 see also anal sphincter catheters, urinary tract (predominantly urethral), 815-20, 1576-612 fistulas associated with see fistula choices, 1578 patient-reported outcome assessment, 400 indwelling see indwelling catheters; suprapubic catheter pelvic floor and effects of, 264-71 intermittent see intermittent catheterisation , 266, 267, 565-7, 586-8 condom see condom MRI, 586-8 in fistula repair, 1440, 1441, 1443 pathophysiological mechanisms of injury, 264-71 neurogenic UI, 812, 815-20 prolapse, 272-3, 586 other care strategies compared with, 1606 ultrasound, 565-6 overall recommendations, 1610-11 perineal trauma see perineum post-prostatectomy pelvic floor muscle training immediately POP associated with, 84-5, 282-3 after removal, 1083, 1084 services in developing world, 1656 quality of life, 817, 1606-7, 1612 UI related to, 55-7, 264-71, 272-3 self-management, 1609 pathophysiology, 264-71 spinal cord lesions see spinal cord lesions prevention, 1036-42, 1668-9 in urodynamic studies research on, 93 air-charged catheters, 419-20 stress, 264, 265-6, 267, 272-3 children, 467 ultrasonography, 570-1 condom catheters, 421 see also Caesarean delivery; delivery; instrumental delivery; influence on voiding, 430 labour Caucasian women, epidemiology children, 701-92, 1741-2 POP, 83-4 assessment/evaluation see assessment UI, 53 bladder overactivity, prevalence, 74 cauda equina lesions/injury, 799, 898-9 bulking agents, 750-1, 843 children, urodynamic studies, 461 classification of UI, 713

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congenital/anatomic anomalies see congenital/anatomic anom indwelling catheter, 1589, 1593, 1594, 1596, 1597, 1602 alies intermittent catheter, 1580, 1581 constipation see constipation cognitive-behavioural therapy, children, 769-70 continence devices cognitive impairment (intellectual impairment) FI, 1555-6, 1615-16 antimuscarinic-induced UI, 1555-6 darifenacin, 649 digital rectal examination, 347 elderly (incl. frail persons), 681-2, 982, 993, 994 epidemiology of UI and enuresis, 38-46 oxybutinin, 655 behavioural disorders and, 761 FI risk, 1338 day and night time enuresis, 38, 43-5, 727-8 UI risk with (especially elderly), 970-2, 983 nocturnal enuresis see nocturnal enuresis in Alzheimer’s disease, 877, 878 FI, 764-6 drug-related, 982 assessment/investigations, 767 men, 69 continence devices, 1555-6, 1615-16 research, 1749 management, 769-70, 770, 1349, 1406-7, 1408 women, 59-60 parental impact, 766-7 see also learning disability psychological consequences, 764-6, 766 cognitive modulation of brain responses to visceral stimuli, 232 imaging, 709-10 cohort studies of SUI surgery, 1751 intermittent catheterisation, 1579 coitus see sexual intercourse management of UI, 718-26 cold sensation tests see ice water/ test; thermal testing non-pharmacological, 734-6 colectomy, FI risk, 1337-8 surgical, 744-59 colitis, ulcerative, and FI, 1334 neurogenic detrusor overactivity see neurogenic detrusor overac collagen, 133-4 tivity analysis, 627 normal (LUT) values, 704-6 POP and abnormalities of, 280-1 parental impact, 766-7 porcine dermal see dermal collagen psychological consequences of UI, 760-71 subtypes, 133-4 research see research collagen injections, anal canal, 1403, 1404, 1405 sexual abuse see sexual abuse collagen injections, periurethral (as bulking agent) urodynamics see urodynamic studies children, 750 wetting see daytime and night-time wetting; enuresis; nocturnal men enuresis post-prostatectomy, 1129 see also boys; girls; infants post-radiotherapy, 1139 chlorhexidine 0.2% (catheter maintenance solution), 1598 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 843, 844 cholera toxin B-labelling of levator ani motor neurones, 197 women with SUI, 1209 cholinergic drugs, neurogenic UI, 825 complications, 1237 cholinesterase inhibitors, UI risk coloanal sleeve anastomosis, 1160 Alzheimer’s disease, 878 colocystoplasty, seromuscular, 749 elderly, 682, 983 colon chondroitin sulfate, intravesical/intramural, in bladder pain syn aganglionosis (Hirschsprung’s disease), 138 drome, 1487 cystoplasty, child, 748 CHOP, 148 enema see enema chronic pelvic pain see pelvic pain neural cross-sensitisation of lower urinary tract and, in bladder cigarette smoking see smoking pain syndrome aetiology, 1471 cimetidine, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 transit time (CTT) cingulate gyrus and cortex, anterior (ACG), 217, 221 assessment, 864, 866 imaging, 606 in spinal cord injury, 864 circumcision, female, 1424 see also rectosigmoidoscopy; sigmoid resection; uterosigmoi circumferential fistulas, 1445 dostomy cisapride in FI, 1352 colostomy, 877, 1405-6, 1408 neurogenic patients, 868 rectourethral fistula, 1153, 1154, 1155, 1156 Parkinson’s disease, 890 colpectomy, 1292 clam cystoplasty, 849 Colpexin Sphere device, 1102, 1103 clamps, penile, 1575, 1576 colpoclesis, 1292 historical accounts, 29-30 concomitant continence procedure, 1299 cleaning/cleansing colpopexy commodes or bedpans, 1536 sacral see sacrocolpopexy intermittent catheters, 1583-4 sacrospinous see sacrospinous ligament suspension or colpopexy skin, 1622-4 Colpopexy and Urinary Reduction Efforts (CARE) trial, 448, 1279, clenbuterol 1286, 1287, 1294, 1754 overactive bladder, 658 outcome assessment, 1276, 1277, 1754 SUI, 673 colporrhaphy clinical data, baseline, ICS Standardization Committee recommenda anterior, 1195-7, 1288, 1289 tions, 1730 augmenting materials, 1300 clinical trials see trials posterior, 1289, 1290, 1291 clinicians observations in research, ICS Standardization Committee colposuspension, 1197-8, 1294-5 recommendations, 1731 concomitant to other surgical procedures, 1295, 1754 clitoral nerve, dorsal, electrical stimulation, 535 historical accounts, 29 cloacal exstrophy, 745 laparoscopic, 1205-9 Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea, 1347, 1366 cost-effectiveness compared to open colposuspension, 1208, management, 1372 1698-9 coatings mid-urethral tapes vs, 1218

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for recurrent SUI, 1225 in pregnancy, POP aetiology related to, 282 open, 1197-8 connexin, 124 Burch see Burch colposuspension conscious perception of input from body as aspects of homeostasis, cost-effectiveness compared to laparoscopic colposuspen 230-1 sion, 1208, 1698-9 consent, informed see informed consent Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure vs, 1202 conservative/medical management mid-urethral tapes vs, 1218 FI, 1341-50, 1353-61 for recurrent SUI, 1225 frail elderly, 1370-3 sling procedures vs, 1212 meningomyelocele, 914-15 rectus fascia sling vs, 1752 neurogenic, 867-70 tension-free vaginal tape compared with, 1752, 1753 surgery with failure of, 871 comfort fistulas in women, 1437-9 drainage bags, 1562 outpatient, economic analysis, 1700-2 indwelling catheters, 1600 research see research pads, 1556 surgical vs, decision tree, 1692 commodes, 1526, 1535-7 UI and LUT problems, 811-29, 1025-120 communication, continence promotion programmes, 1649 historical accounts, 23 community men, 1082-95, 1108 absorbent bodyworn products in, evaluation, 1550, 1551 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 811-29 acute or subacute care to, 1656 older people see older people fistula prevention in, 1436 trials see trials comorbid and pre-existing medical conditions women, 1027-82, 1107-8 bladder dysfunction and, 225 women with non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 FI associated with, 78, 1333-4, 1338-9, 1340, 1365-6, 1367-70 women with POP, 1095-107, 1108 frail elderly with UI, 970-5, 983 see also specific methods research, 1739 consistency, internal, questionnaires, 366 role in management, 978, 1000 Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials see CONSORT nocturnal enuresis and, 42 CONSORT statement/guideline, 1718, 1726, 1727-8, 1749, 1751, POP associated with see pelvic organ prolapse 1752, 1753 see also cost of illness; disabilities flow diagram, 1726, 1728, 1749, 1752 complementary and alternative medicine/therapy constipation, 1334 females assessment and quantification POP, 1105, 1106 children, 708 UI, 1079 older people, 1367-9 FI, 1343 children, 42, 765 male UI, 1093-4 with enuresis, 43 literature search strategies, 1108 management, 770 compliance (distensibility) quantification, 708 bladder/detrusor, 132, 133, 428-9 FI due to see overflow FI child, 712 neurological patients low, drug therapy, 820, 821-2 dementias, 882-3 normal values, 428-9 drug therapy, 868 obstructed labour adversely affecting, 1430 spinal cord injury, 862 rectal, assessment, 488, 493-6 women with compliance (with treatment) see adherence effect of lifestyle interventions on UI in, 1033 complications, of procedures see safety aspects POP and, 82, 283, 1096, 1097 compression devices, urethral (males) see males content validity of questionnaires, 366 computerised tomography (CT) Contilife® , 378 CNS, 605-7 continence upper urinary tract, 548 advocacy, 1652-8 COMS (Continence Outcomes Measures) Dissemination Project age-related changes affecting, 966 (Australia), 1649 awareness, promotion, 1645, 1646-58 concentric needle electromyography (CNEMG), 527-9 preventive aspects, 1666-7 condom catheters (penile sheaths; uridomes), 421, 820, 1529, factors maintaining, 137 1557-61 oestrogens, 676 applications, 421 males product categories and features, 1558 mechanisms, 300-2 results, 1558-9 post-prostatectomy recovery, 306 conduction see nerves organisations see organisations conduit urinary diversion see non-continent urinary POP surgery combined with treatment of, 1294-5 conflicts of interest post-fistula closure, status, 1449 in conduct and reporting of research, 1757-8 continence gap, 1448 financial, 1757 in sneezing, neural mechanisms, 194 congenital/anatomic anomalies urethral reconstruction to achieve, child, 752-3 anorectal see anorectum Continence Action Society (Japan), 1650, 1665, 1681 CNS, 459-61, 741, 912-16 Continence Association colonic aganglionosis (Hirschsprung’s disease), 138 Danish, 1680 LUT, 463-5 New Zealand, 1681 surgery, 745, 1153 South Africa, 1682 connective tissue continence care see care diseases, and POP, 280 Continence Care Pathways, 1662 injury in childbirth, 266 continence centre (L-region), pontine, 212, 220

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continence channels (surgical construction), 753-5 bladder function and, 207-21 continence devices in FI, 869-70, 1530, 1612-18 interoceptive, spino-thalamic input to, 230 categories of products, 1523, 1530 motor, spino-thalamic input to, 230 children, 1555-6 cost(s) (and economic/financial issues), 1685-712, 1735-6 continence devices in UI (and in general), external, incl. contain- analysis/measurement/determination, 1685-712, 1735-6 ment/collection/occluding devices, 1519-642, 1749-50 types, 1690-5 categories, 1522 artificial urinary sphincter, 1160 choosing between, 1524 barrier products preventing dermatitis, 1624 historical accounts, 22, 23-4, 29-30 conflicts of interest, 1757 indentifying needs, 1522 country-specific issues, 1689-90 main user groups, 1524 FI, 1707-8 neurogenic UI, 820 frail elderly UI treatment, 980-1 product evaluation methodology, 1531-3 future research priorities, 1708-9 research see research pads, 1557 selection/choice, 1524 washable, 1557 overall guidelines for, 1522-30 practical aspects of economic analysis, 1695-6 skin health and see skin summary of recent economic analysis, 1697-704 continence devices in UI (and in general), internal see catheters women with UI, 62 Continence Foundation outcome of surgery, 1254 Australia, 1655, 1660, 1680 see also funding; socioeconomic factors Korea, 1681 cost-benefit, 1691, 1736 Malaysia, 1681 antimicrobial-impregnated catheters, 1594-5 Philippines, 1681 frail elderly UI treatment, 980-1 continence nurse advisors (nurse continence advisors), 1004, 1652, sacral nerve stimulation in FI, 1402 1654-5 cost consequence analysis, 1691 costs vs urogynaecologist therapy, 1701 cost-effectiveness, 1691, 1695, 1735 continence nurse practitioners (CNPs), 1652-3, 1663 botulinum toxin A in neurogenic detrusor overactivity, 666 Continence Outcomes Measures (COMS) Dissemination Project, surgical treatment of SUI, 1208, 1697-8 1649 cost minimisation analysis, 1690 Continence Promotion Committee (CPC) of ICS, 1657 cost of illness studies, 1687, 1687-8, 1690, 1735 continence reflex (guarding reflex), 189, 192, 197, 215 FI, 1707 Continence Society cost-utility analysis, 1691, 1696-7, 1735 Hong Kong, 1680 cotton swab (Q-tip) test, 343, 343-4, 348, 1738 Indonesian, 1680 coughing, 60 Taiwan, 1682 smokers, 60 continent urinary diversion, 855-7 stress test (leak point pressure measurements), 433, 442, 443, child, 749 444 psychological consequences, 759 frail elderly, 977 in exstrophy-epispadia complex, 1144 in women after UI surgery, 1253 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 855-7 counselling, children, 769 continuing medical education (CME), 1660, 1665 CPC (Continence Promotion Committee) of ICS, 1657 continuous UI, definition, 334 cranberry supplement in UTI prevention, 904, 1597 ConTIPI, 1574 with indwelling catheters, 1596, 1597 contractile properties of LUT smooth muscle, 135-6 with intermittent catheters, 1582 detrusor, 132 creatinine, serum, measurement in men, 352 age-related changes, 967 Crédé manoeuvre, 813-14 changes in bladder outlet obstruction, 260 Crohn’s disease and FI, 1334 contraction, 637-8 cross-infection risk, urine drainage bags, 1564-5 detrusor (bladder) smooth muscle, 121-6, 637-8 crossover trials, 1717 physiology, 121-6, 132, 637-8 cross-sectional studies of surgery, 1751 spontaneous, 123-5, 262-3 cryoablation surgery of prostate, 1140 strength assessment in geriatric patients, 471 urethrorectal fistula after, 1153, 1155 surgery increasing contractility, 838 culdoplasty, Mayo, 1286 external anal sphincter, voluntary, pressure on, 481-5 cultural aspects pelvic floor muscle female UI, 47 ultrasound assessment, 564-5 nocturnal enuresis, 42 voluntary see pelvic floor muscle training patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 367 urethral smooth muscle, 127 Cunningham clamp, 1576 neuronal control, 127 current perception threshold tests, neuroselective, in spinal cord urethral sphincter see urethral sphincter injury, 901 Contrelle Activgard (Conveen Continence Guard), 1573, 1574 cutaneous care/problems etc. see skin controlled studies and trials cutaneous continent urinary diversion, 856 non-randomised, 1716 cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors see non-steroidal anti-inflammatory randomised see randomised controlled studies drugs conus (medullaris) lesions, 799, 898-9 cyclosporine, bladder pain syndrome, 1483-4 lesions, therapy, 812 cystectomy Conveen Continence Guard, 1573, 1574 radical, neobladder following see neobladder cooling test see ice water/ test subtrigonal, and cystoplasty in bladder pain syndrome, 1494 coordination training (in FI management), 1353 supratrigonal see supratrigonal cystectomy coronary heart disease, 61 and urethrectomy, urinary diversion with/without, in bladder correlation coefficient, 1694 pain syndrome, 1494 cortex (cerebral) cystitis (bladder inflammation)

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interstitial see bladder pain syndrome Data Safety Monitoring Board, 1722, 1757 reduced bladder capacity in, 1151 daytime and night-time wetting, co-existent (non-monosymptomatic cystocele see vaginal wall prolapse, anterior nocturnal enuresis), 38, 43-5, 726-40, 761, 763-4 cystodistension (hydrodistension; overdistension), 1237-8 assessment, 728 in bladder pain syndrome, 1477, 1502-3 causes/risk factors, 761 in chronic pelvic pain, 1492 classification, 729-34 cystolysis, bladder pain syndrome, 1492 confounding factors, 728-9 cystometric capacity, maximum, child, 712 epidemiology, 38, 43-5, 727-8, 761 cystometry, 419, 426-30 prevalence, 727-8 adjuncts to, 440 therapy, 734-40 bladder pain syndrome, 1475 voiding cystourethrography, 466 bladder sensation assessment during, 534 daytime frequency (=frequency of daytime micturition), measuring, filling see filling cystometry 336 frail elderly, 470, 471 daytime frequency (=frequent micturition), definition, 334-5 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 804-6 daytime wetting (diurnal enuresis), 763-4 normal values, 426-30 bladder training, 1078 spinal cord injury, 900 bowel problems and, association between, 43-5 voiding, 419 night-time and see daytime and night-time wetting cystopathy, diabetic, 916-17 risk factors and causes, 45-6 cystoplasty (bladder reconstruction/augmentation/enlargement - urodynamic studies, 465-6 reservoirs, pouches etc.), 747-50, 849-55, 1239-40 DDAVP see desmopressin in bladder pain syndrome, 1493-4 deaths/mortalities children, 747-50 enterocystoplasty, 850 in neurogenic dysfunction, 458, 459 obstetric fistula-related, 1446 psychological consequences, 759 SUI surgery-related, 1236 techniques, 748-9 decision analysis, 1691-4 in detrusor overactivity, 1239-40 decision tree, 1692-3 complications, 1242 decompression surgery, lumbar disc prolapse, 912 fistulas (non-obstetric), 1251 decubitus (pressure) ulcers, 1620-1 in neurogenic dysfunction, 849-55 deep brain stimulation, 827-8 children, 458, 459 defaecating proctography see defaecography see also auto-augmentation; neobladder defaecation (bowel/rectum evacuation) cystoscopy see endoscopy assistive techniques, 868-9, 1349 cystotomy, continent, 855-6 forces, 500 cystourethrography, voiding (VCUG), 550 inappropriate see faecal incontinence child, 710-11 physiology/mechanism, 137 with daytime and night-time wetting, 466 reflex-triggered, 868 combined with urodynamics see videourodynamics by mechanical stimulation, 867, 867-8 female, 551-7 training, 1349 methodology, 551-9 urgency see urgency non-obstetric fistulas, 1248, 1249 defaecography (defaecating/evacuation proctography), 612 urethral diverticulum, 1246 in POP, 285 see also urethrography definitions and terminology, 334-5 men, preoperative, 1124 bladder pain syndrome, 1461-2, 1464-6, 1503, 1745 other imaging methods compared, 557, 593 enuresis, 38-46 cystourethropexy, historical accounts, 29 nocturnal, 38-9, 713 cystourethroscopy see endoscopy in epidemiological studies, 38 cytology, urine, males, 352 differing/varying, 86-7, 93 Czech Republic, continence organisation, 1680 female UI, 46, 47 FI, 1323 frailty, 964 D male UI, 65 POP, 80, 1746, 1747 da Vinci, Leonardo, 22 storage symptoms, 334-5 Dacron® -reinforced silicon sling, 1212 degenerative joint disease, frail elderly, 971 Daily Living Self Management Project (Australia), 1697 deinfibulation, 1424 Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS), 377, 378 delirium, older people, 309 darifenacin, 648-50, 822, 1703 delivery, fistula numbers per 1000 deliveries, 1426 adverse effects, 649 see also Caesarean delivery; childbirth; instrumental delivery elderly, 682, 994 Delorme procedure, 1307-8 economic analysis, 1703 dementia, 877-83 elderly, 994 constipation and FI associated with, 882-3, 1338, 1365 adverse effects, 682, 994 caregiver education in prevention of, 1342-3 dartos flap, 1160 treatment, 1371 data LUT problems/UI risk, 800, 877-82, 970-2 baseline clinical and demographic, ICS Standardization with cholinesterase inhibitors, 682, 983 Committee recommendations, 1730 men, 69 collection, in trials, mistakes, 1719 women, 59, 60 interpretation/analysis, 1725-7 demographic data intention-to-treat vs per-protocol approaches to, 1724-5 baseline, ICS Standardization Committee recommendations, mistakes, 1719 1730 quality, transient UI in older people, 309 frail older and disabled people with UI/LUTS, 1739

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demyelinisation men, 1145 in Guillain-Barré syndrome, 801, 909-11 women, 1065 in multiple sclerosis, 801 men, 1145-9, 1161 denervation (pathological) see nerve injury electrical stimulation, 1088, 1089-90, 1149 denervation (technique) idiopathic, 1145-9 in bladder pain syndrome, 1493 men, surgery, 1149 in detrusor overactivity, 838-42 older men, 1138 women, 1238-9 neural mechanisms, 222-4 Denmark, continence organisation, 1680 see also neurogenic detrusor overactivity depression (and LUT dysfunction), 225, 1668 non-neurogenic, 259-64 spinal cord injury, 902 in normal subjects, 429 SUI surgical outcome in, 1224 pathogenesis, 636 UI risk, 60, 1668 and sphincter underactivity/areflexia, 812 frail elderly, 971, 972-3 children, 742, 744 dermal collagen, porcine conservative management, 812 anal canal injection, 1405 in spinal canal stenosis, 909 sub-urethral sling made from, 1216 SUI surgical outcome in patients with, 1226-7 dermatitis, perineal/incontinence-associated, 1618-26 surgery, 1237-45 dermatology see skin complications, 1242-5 dermatomes, lower spine, 803 denervation procedures, 838-42 descending pathways/tracts men see subheading above anal and urethral rhabdosphincters and, 189 women, 1237-45 homeostatic reflexes and feelings and, 231, 233-4 urodynamic studies, 434-8 descriptive epidemiology, 37 men, 450-1 desipramine, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 therapeutic response prediction, 441-2 desmopressin (dDAVP), 679-81 see also overactive bladder nocturia, older people, 1001 detrusor pressure measurement, neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 804 nocturnal enuresis, 721-2, 771 detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, neurogenic, children, 740-4 and alarm, 725 detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia non-responders, 725 children, 742 detrusor (bladder wall smooth muscle) EMG, 532 activation and contraction see contractile properties; contraction spinal cord injury, 901 biomechanics, 132-7 treatment, 904 botulinum toxin A injection, 661, 662, 663 surgery, 833 compliance see compliance urodynamic studies, 456 EMG in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 808-9 Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e.V., 1680 hyperreflexia see neurogenic detrusor overactivity developing world ion channels, 122, 144 obstetric fistula see fistula myectomy/myotomy see auto-augmentation services in, 1656 overactive see detrusor overactivity development preoperative functional assessment, men, 1125 bladder/sphincter control, 703-4 relaxation, 123 delayed urethral sphincter contraction and, disorders of see detru and daytime enuresis, 45 sor-sphincter dysfunction; detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia and nocturnal enuresis, 42 strengthening surgery, 838 developmental reflexes in Alzheimer’s disease, 878 underactive see underactive bladder devices see continence devices urothelial/suburothelial interactions with, 120 dextranomer-hyaluronic acid co-polymer see hyaluronic acid-dextra see also smooth muscle, bladder wall nomer co-polymer detrusor overactivity (hyperreflexia), 429, 434-8, 639-72, 1145-9, diabetes mellitus, 801, 916-17, 1667 1237-45 children, and nocturnal enuresis, 42 bladder training, 1075 FI, 917, 1339, 1365 children, 726, 727, 730, 742 UI, 801, 916-17 neurogenic see neurogenic detrusor overactivity frail elderly, 971 nocturnal, 717 lifestyle management of weight, 1029 resistance to therapy, 744 risk, 1667 and underactive sphincters, 742, 744 risk, women, 58 definition of outcome in women, 1738 Diablo™ , 836 diagnosis, 434-40 diacylglycerol (DAG), 128, 129 distinguishing and defining characteristics, 438-9 diagnostic tests drug therapy see drug therapy children, 707-12 electrical stimulation, men, 1088, 1089-90, 1149 invasive, 710-12 electrical stimulation, women, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, non-invasive, 707-10 1065 neurogenic FI, 864-6 and/or pelvic floor muscle training, 1066 neurogenic UI see neurogenic LUT dysfunction filling cystometry, 434-6 screening tools see screening idiopathic, 664-5 urodynamic studies as, 433, 434-40 botulinum toxin A, 664-5 see also assessment; investigations men, management, 1145-9 diamorphine, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 resiniferatoxin, 667-8 diaper(s)/briefs (adult/all-in-ones), 1540, 1553 incontinence due to, 434 frail elderly, vs other methods, 979-80 urodynamic studies, 434-5 with superabsorbent polymers, 1621-3 magnetic stimulation diaphragms, intravaginal bladder neck-supporting, 1572-3

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DIAPPERS mnemonic, 977 containers/pouches (males), 1528, 1567 diarrhoea and loose stools, 1333-4 post-micturition FI associated with, 78, 1333-4 definition, 335 drug therapy, 1350-1 pelvic floor muscle training for, men, 1087 frail elderly, 1366, 1372 rarity of UI in young/middle-aged men due to causes other reversible causes, 1366 than, 1737 Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich, 26 urodynamic studies in men, 455 dietary factors (and dietary modification), 1031-3 terminal bladder pain syndrome, 1481 definition, 335 FI, 354, 1340, 1343-8, 1374-5 urodynamic studies in men, 455 UI, 1667 drug-disease interactions in frail elderly, 983 women, 61, 1031-3 drug-drug interactions in frail elderly, 982-3 diffuse noxious inhibitory control (DNIC) systems, 233 drug history, frail older and disabled people, research, 1739 digital examination/palpation drug-induced incontinence in FI, 355 AI, 1340, 1342 anal resting pressure and, comparisons of measurement of, reversibility, 1366 480 UI older people, 1369 Alzheimer’s disease patients, 878 voluntary squeeze pressure and, comparisons of measure older people, 309-10, 682, 973, 974 ment of, 484-5 drug therapy, 631-99, 1750-1 pelvic floor muscles, 348 benign prostatic obstruction, frail elderly, 1001 rectum see rectum bladder pain syndrome, 1481-8 digital rectal stimulation, 867-8 refractoriness, recommended management, 1502, 1503 dimethylsulfoxide, intravesical, in bladder pain syndrome, 1486-7 children, 736-40, 771 diphenoxylate, 1350-1 neurogenic UI/bladder, 459, 664, 739, 742, 743 dipstick urinalysis, 337-8 nocturnal enuresis see subheading below males, 352 chronic pelvic pain, 1490-2 disabilities day and night-time enuresis, 729 physical see functional impairment detrusor overactivity/overactive bladder symptoms, 639-72, research on people with, 1739-41 1075 disc (intervertebral) disease, 801 children, 736-9 discounting in cost-utility analysis, 1696 men, 1146 discrete probability distribution, 1694 FI, 1350-2, 1375 discretion, pads, 1557 multiple system atrophy, 886 disease see comorbid and pre-existing medical conditions neurological patients with constipation, 868 disposable absorbent products older people, 1371 bodyworn, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1543, 1544, 1550-4 Parkinson’s disease, 890 intravaginal bladder beck-supporting devices, 1573, 1574 spinal cord injury, 907-8 light UI, females, 1544, 1545, 1546 historical accounts, 23 light UI, males, 1546, 1548, 1549 hormonal see hormone therapy moderate/heavy UI, 1550-4 multiple system atrophy, 884-5 underpads see underpads neurogenic UI/bladder, 643-5, 661-8, 820-5 distributions (statistical), 1694 as adjunct to catheterisation, 816 diuresis, older people, 311 children, 459, 664, 739, 742, 743 diurnal enuresis see daytime wetting Parkinson’s disease, 887 diverticula, urethral (women), 603, 968, 1245-7 spinal cord injury, 903-4 diagnosis/investigations, 968, 1245-7 nocturia, 679-81 imaging, 603, 1245-6 frail elderly, 1000-1 examination for, 344 nocturnal enuresis, 679, 721-3, 771 treatment, 1246-7 non-responders, 725 DMSO, intravesical, in bladder pain syndrome, 1486-7 novel molecular targets in LUT, 140-9 doctors/physicians older people (incl. frail persons), 681-2, 981-3, 989-95, 1740 advanced practice nurses and, collaboration in care of frail eld adverse effects, 681-2, 982-3, 993, 994 erly, 1004 benign prostatic obstruction, 1001 family/primary care see primary care diapers vs, 979-80 see also health care staff; surgeons FI, 1371 domperidone, 890 nocturia, 1000-1 donepezil, 878 recommendations, 1007, 1008 dopamine and bladder function, 213-14 research, 1740 dopaminergic agents in Parkinson’s disease, 998 overactive bladder see overactive bladder dorsal clitoral nerve, electrical stimulation, 535 overflow incontinence, 676 dorsal penile nerve, electrical stimulation, 535 SUI see stress incontinence dorsal root entry zone rhizotomy, 839 trials/research, 1718, 1750-1 dorsal sacral root rhizotomy, 839 adherence to design criteria, 1755 double balloon urethrography, diverticulum, 603, 1246 aiding economic evaluation, 1704, 1705 double blind trials, 1716, 1722-3 categories, 1718 doxepin, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 FI, 1352, 1375 drainage bags, 1561-7 older people, 1740 for indwelling catheters, 1564-6, 1602, 1608 women, 1076 males, 1529 bladder training vs, 1074-5, 1075 DREZotomy, 839 bladder training with, 1076 dribble electrical stimulation vs, 1065

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pelvic floor muscle training plus, 1053, 1053-4 post-prostatectomy, 1088-91 pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1049, 1050, 1051 recommendations for practice, 1094 dry bed training, 723-4, 770 pelvic floor, women, 1058-61 ”Dry Expectations” project, 1651 addition of/combination with other treatments, 1053, 1065-6 dryness, children, bladder outlet reconstructions for, 753 drug therapy vs, 1065 duloxetine, 660 future research directions, 1082 bladder pain syndrome, 1483 literature search strategies, 1107 frail elderly, 994 magnetic stimulation vs, 1065 with overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 660 pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1048-9, 1050, 1050-1, economic analysis, 1704 1051-2 pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1051 recommendations for practice, 1080 rhabdosphincter effects, 194-5, 660 vaginal cones vs, 1057, 1058 with SUI, 674-5 pelvic nerve afferents, 192-3 dummy variable, 1694 perception/sensation tests (LUT), 810 dura mater sling, 1216 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 810 Durasphere, 1404 perception/sensation tests, anorectal mucosa, 489-90 dye testing, 347-8 afferents see pudendal nerve dynamic MRI, 578, 579, 586 sacral see sacral neuromodulation pelvic floor, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592 sacral reflexes recorded on, 535-6 dynamic muscle transposition (stimulated muscle transposition) in electrocoagulation, non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 FI, 873, 1394-6, 1408 electrodiagnostic tests see neurophysiological studies dynamic testing, 413-540 electrofulguration, non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 dyspareunia, SUI surgery, 1236 electrolyte disturbances, intestinal reservoir-related disturbances, Dysport® see botulinum toxin A 755-6 electromyography (EMG), 527-33 biological correlates, 526 E clinical applications, 531-2 concentric needle, 527-9 kinesiological, 529-31 economic issues see cost needle see needle EMG ectopic ureter neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 804-6, 808-9 endoscopy, 609 single fibre, 529 imaging, 548 smooth muscle, 537 surgery, 745-6 urethral sphincter see urethral sphincter ectopic ureterocele see ureterocele in urodynamic studies, 440, 532 education and support see also biofeedback caregiver, FI, 1342-3, 1373 electron microscopy see ultrastructure patient electroneurography, sensory, 534 bowel training see bowel care Electronic Pelvic Floor Symptoms Questionnaire, 392-3 intermittent catheterisation, 1583, 1584 electrophysiological studies see neurophysiological studies patient, FI prevention, 1342-3, 1374 electrostimulation see electrical stimulation older people, 1373 elimination syndrome, 733-4 professional see health care staff embarrassment, 1647, 1648, 1655 public/consumer, 1646, 1649-50, 1650-1, 1657-8 catheters, 1607-8 see also information emepronium, 991, 994 efferent neurones see motor neurones and flavoxate, 991, 995 Egyptians, ancient, 21 EMG see electromyography elastin, vaginal and supportive tissues, alterations in POP, 280-1 emotions, homeostatic, 226-34 childbirth and, 282 encephalomyelitis, autoimmune, 200 elderly see older people encopresis, 765 electrical properties encrustation, indwelling catheter, 1596-9 detrusor, 122 recurrent/persistent, 1602, 1604 urethral smooth muscle, 127 endoanal see entries under transanal electrical stimulation (and neuromodulation), 526, 810, 812, 826-9, endopelvic fascia see fascia 1053, 1242-5 endoplasmic reticulum, stress response, 146-8 bladder see intravesical electrical stimulation endoscopic surgery bladder pain syndrome, 1488-9 detrusor overactivity (women), 1237-8 children, 735-6 rectourethral fistula, 1158-60 complications see safety aspects urethral diverticulum, 1247 in detrusor overactivity see detrusor overactivity urethral sphincter, 833-5, 837 dorsal penile/clitoral, 535 endoscopy (diagnostic), 607-10 FI, 1359-60, 1376, 1394-6, 1399-403 bowel, 355 neurogenic, 869-70, 871-2 LUT (cystoscopy/cystourethroscopy), 607-10 of transposed muscles (=dynamic/stimulated muscle transpo bladder pain syndrome, 1476-8 sition), 873, 1394-6, 1408 children, 712 historical accounts (=electrotherapy), 24 men, preoperative, 1124 neurogenic FI, 869-70, 871-2 endothelin and endothelin receptors, 141-2, 200 in neurogenic UI, 826-9 endovascular cushions, anal, 286 with spinal cord lesions, 812, 904 enemas, 1352, 1406 pelvic floor (in general), 828 antegrade continent see antegrade continence enema pelvic floor, men, 1088-91, 1149 children, 1407 future research directions, 1095 in meningomyelocele, 914-15

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older people, 1371 see also mucosa Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research EQ5D, 1696 (EQUATOR) Network project, 1718, 1720 EQUATOR Network project, 1718, 1720 enlargement cystoplasty see cystoplasty equivalence trials, 1717-18 enteric nervous system erectile dysfunction (impotence) enteric reflexes, 227 International Index of, 396 Parkinson’s disease, 889 PDE5 inhibitors, 659 enterocele ERIC (Enuresis Resource and Information Centre), 1682 MRI, 589 erosions ultrasound, 567 mesh (in sacrocolpopexy), 1279 enterocystoplasty see bowel urethral see urethra enuresis (wetting), 38-46 Escherichia coli, uropathogenic, 117, 171 diurnal/daytime see daytime wetting essential tremor, 827 epidemiology see children ESSIC (European Society for the Study of Interstitial Cystitis), evaluation see assessment 1464, 1465, 1476, 1492, 1503 nocturnal see nocturnal enuresis Estimated Percent Improvement (EPI), 384 parental impact, 766-7 estrogens see oestrogens psychological consequences for child, 760-4, 766-71 ethical considerations, 1756-8 therapy, 718-26 fistula surgery, 1451-2 non-responders, 725 in research, 1756-8 enuresis alarm, 723, 770 ethnicity see race day time, 736 European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), 1620, 1621 desmopressin and, 725 European Society for the Study of Interstitial Cystitis (ESSIC), non-responders, 725 1464, 1465, 1476, 1492, 1503 Enuresis Resource and Information Centre (ERIC), 1682 EuroQoL EQ5D, 1696 environmental factors associated with UI in frail elderly, 972, 975 evacuation see defaecation research, 1740 evaluation (of patients and their conditions) see assessment e-PAQ (Electronic Pelvic Floor Symptoms Questionnaire), 392-3 evoked potentials, 525 EPEUP (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), 1620, 1621 bulbocavernosus reflex, 809 ephedrine, SUI, 672, 673 correlation with biology, 525 EPI (Estimated Percent Improvement), 384 motor, 533, 809 epidemiology, 35-111 somatosensory, 534-5, 810 AI/FI, 73-9, 1323-41 spinal cord, epidural recording, 810 child, 764 examination, physical see physical examination frail elderly, 1362, 1365 excitatory mechanisms, peripheral, 205-7 research recommendations, 93-4 exclusion criteria in trials, 1721-2 analytical, 37 common mistakes, 1719 basic considerations, 27-8 exercise (therapeutic) bladder pain syndrome, 1466-9, 1502 in FI treatment and prevention, 1341, 1343, 1353-9, 1374 clinical work, important differences between, and their implica in pad testing, 618, 620, 623 tions, 88-9 pelvic floor see pelvic floor muscle training descriptive, 37 toileting combined with, frail elderly, 985 enuresis see children see also physical exercise neurological diseases causing UI or FI see specific diseases expectation of aversive visceral stimuli, 232-3 overactive bladder see overactive bladder explanatory trials, 1724-5 UI (in general), 38-72 exstrophy children see children bladder see bladder, exstrophy men, 64-72, 349-50 cloacal, 745 neurogenic, 69, 799-802 extended-release formulations research, and recommendations, 64, 92-3 oxybutinin, 646-7, 654-5, 1704 women, 46-64 economic analysis, 1702-3, 1704 worldwide estimates of numbers of individuals with UI, 89 frail elderly, 882 worldwide estimates of numbers of individuals with LUTS, 89 tolterodine, 646-7, 648 see also specific epidemiological parameters e.g. prevalence; external devices/appliances see continence devices risk factors extracellular matrix, pelvic floor-supporting tissues, 627, 628 Epidemiology of Prolapse and Incontinence Questionnaire (EPIQ), extra-urethral occluding devices 378 female, 1567-70 epidermoid carcinoma and multiple sclerosis, 895-6 male see males epididymo-orchitis, spinal cord injury patients, 902 epidural analgesia, labour, 268-9 epidural recording of evoked spinal cord potentials, 810 F EPINCONT study, 1030, 1032 EPIQ (Epidemiology of Prolapse and Incontinence Questionnaire), faecal incontinence (anal incontinence), 285-99, 475-500, 1321-86, 378 1612-18, 1707-8, 1744-5 episiotomy, 269-70, 298, 1337, 1668 assessment developing countries, 1424 initial, 353-5 epispadias, 745, 1142-5 in neuropathic patients, 864-6 surgery for persisting incontinence (later life), 745, 1142-5, older people, 1367-70 1169 of symptoms and QoL impact, 393-4, 866 epithelium causes/risk factors see aetiology + Na channels see sodium ion channels definitions, 1323 transitional see urothelium

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devices helping with see continence devices handheld urinals, 1526, 1534 economic consequences, 1707-8 indwelling catheters, 1528 epidemiology see epidemiology mechanical devices see mechanical continence devices family doctor knowledge of, 1660 pads/absorbent products for light UI, 1527, 1544-6 frail older people, 1362-73, 1376 pads/absorbent products for moderate/heavy UI, 1527, gastroenterological perspective, 285-90 1548-54 grades, 354 definitions of UI, 46, 47 help-seeking behaviour, 88 epidemiology of UI, 46-64 idiopathic, EMG, 532 fistulas see fistulas imaging see imaging LUTS see symptoms LUT dysfunction due to, 466 menopausal/postmenopausal see menopausal women management, 867-70, 1321-86 pathophysiology of UI, 271-8, 448-9 conservative see conservative/medical management pelvic floor older people, 1370-3 age-related changes, 968-9 pharmacological see drug therapy disorders/dysfunction/prolapse see pelvic floor; pelvic organ surgical see surgery prolapse neuropathic see neurogenic FI muscles, neural control, 184 odour control products, 1626-7 perineal cleansing/wiping from front to back, 1622 overflow see overflow FI physical examination see physical examination paediatric see children post-void residual urine, determination, 339 pathophysiology see pathophysiology risk factors for and causes of UI, 55-61, 83 physiology studies, 475-500 severity of UI and symptoms see severity primary FI, 475-98 sexual function/satisfaction assessment, 395, 396, 397-8, 398, secondary FI, 498-500 399, 1738 prevention/prophylaxis, 79, 1339-40, 1374, 1670, 1707-8 SUI see stress incontinence QoL, 870 surgery see surgery research see research treatment-seeking and treatment of UI in, 62-3, 64 severity, 354 urethra, diverticula see diverticula subcategories, determination, 1744 urethral sphincter, artificial, 30 types, 353 urodynamic studies, 442-50 UI associated with, 1333 non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 Faecal Incontinence QoL Scale, 394 pressure-flow studies see subheading above faeces (stools) recommendations, 449-50 discharge see defaecation; defaecography; encopresis UUI in see urge UI impaction in older people, 311 see also childbirth; gender; girls; pregnancy treatment, 1370-1 Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), 397-8 see also constipation FemAssist, 1569, 1571 leakage see leakage FemSoft, 1570-1, 1571 loose see diarrhoea fentanyl, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 skin soiling and irritation, 1618-19 fertility and obstetric fistulas, 1432-3 cleansing products, 1622 fesoterodine fumarate, 651-2 staining of washable pads, 1557 frail elderly, 993-4 falls and incontinence, 61-2, 973, 1670 fetus, head size in relation to maternal pelvis, obstructed labour due family doctors see primary care to, 1422 family history fibre, dietary (and FI risk), 1346, 1374, 1375 enuresis fibromyalgia and bladder pain syndrome, 1468 day and day/night, 45 fibulin and POP, 282 nocturnal, 42 filling, bladder see bladder POP, 83 filling cystometry, 419, 423-6 UI, as risk factor for development, 61 diagnostic performance, 433-40 fascia frail elderly, 470, 471 iliococcygeus, fixation, 1287 normal values, 426-8 plication, midline, 1290 in overactive bladder syndrome, sensitivity and specificity, fascia lata grafts, 1301 434-40 sacrocolpopexy, 1279 reproducibility, 423-6 slings, 1216 in therapeutic response prediction, 441 fascial slings, 1215-16 financial issues see cost children, 752 FIQoL (Faecal Incontinence QoL Scale), 394 women with SUI, 1211, 1212, 1215-16 fistulas (other than women) mid-urethral tapes vs, 1218 children, surgery, 1406-7 vs Burch colposuspension, 1752 men, 1151-60 Federazione Italiana INCOntinenti (FINCO), 1681 fistulas (women), urogenital, 24-7, 1419-58 feelings (emotions), homeostatic, 226-34 classification, 1437 Feemes pour Toujourns, 1680 complex, 1444-7, 1452, 1453 female(s), 1027-82, 1191-272 historical accounts, 24-7 assessment of UI, 340-9 non-obstetric, 1247-52 bladder neck, endoscopy, 607-8 in developing world, 1424 bladder pain syndrome, examination, 1474 evaluation, 1248-9 care-seeking behaviour and, 1648 girls, 746 conservative management see conservative/medical management iatrogenic aetiology, 1236, 1247-8 continence devices non-iatrogenic aetiology, 1248, 1424-5 bodyworn urinals, 1567 treatment, 1249-51

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obstetric (predominantly developing world), 24-7, 1419-58 FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index), 397-8 aetiology and epidemiology, 1422-9 full spectrum home training in nocturnal enuresis, 770-1 conservative management, 1437-9 functional brain imaging, 583 development, 1422-4 bladder control studies, 216-20 diagnosis, 1429-35 visceral stimuli, 231-3 organisation of care, 1450-2 functional control of tissue-engineered grafts, 151 predisposing factors, 1426-9 functional disorders of LUT see lower urinary tract dysfunction prevention, 1435-6 functional FI, older people, 1365 simple, 1439-44, 1452, 1453 functional impairment (mobility restriction; physical disability) surgery see surgery FI risk, 1331 flap(s) research, 1739 fistula repair, 1440, 1442, 1444, 1446, 1447 UI risk muscle transposition see muscle transposition men, 69 rectourethral fistula repair, 1160 older people, 311, 972, 973-5 flatus incontinence, 353 women, 59, 64 odour control, 1626, 1627 functional incidental training, 986 flavoxate, 657, 821-2 functional outcomes, enterocystoplasty, 853 frail elderly, 993 functional status in FI, assessment, 354 and emepronium, 991, 995 functional UI, children and propantheline, 992, 995 classification, 713 flow see urine flow prevalence, 42-5 fluid intake (and its management), 1667 funding, fistula care in developing world, 1450 FI and, 1343-8, 1374-5 older people, management, 985 women, 1033 G flurbiprofen, frail elderly, 992, 995 follow-up in trials, 1734 G-proteins and G-protein coupled receptors, 140, 142, 637 time, 1725, 1734 GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid - and its receptors), 201 Fondazione Italiana Continenza, 1681 GABA receptors, 142, 194 footdrop, 1434 B force(s), defaecation, 500 agonists in detrusor overactivity, 668-70 forceps delivery, trauma, 297-8 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, 194 forebrain interoceptive representation, 231 gabapentin four-dimensional ultrasonography, 559 bladder pain syndrome, 1481 frail elderly persons, 468-73, 961-1024, 1362-73 chronic pelvic pain, 1491 aetiology of UI, 965-75, 1009, 1739-40 UI, 671 assessment see assessment ·-galactosidase, oral, 1627 definition of frailty, 964 Galen, Claudius, 21 FI, 1362-73, 1376 gamma-aminobutyric acid see GABA impact of UI on morbidity and institutionalisation, 964-5 ganglia, bladder and, 198-200 LUT dysfunction, outcome measures, 1740 gastric augmentation see stomach management of UI, 977-97, 1010-12 gastrointestinal tract (gut) algorithm, 1010-12 brain interactions with, 225-34, 231-2 factors in, 977-84 disorders, intestinal segment removal causing, 756 models of care, 1001-5 in FI, 285-90 pharmacological see drug therapy lower see bowel recommendations, 1005-9 reconstruction using see neobladder special issues, 983-4 research recommendations, 151 surgical see surgery see also specific regions e.g. bowel nocturia see nocturia Gellhorn pessary, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106 prevention of UI, 1669-70 gender (sex) research see research AI and, 74 urodynamic studies, 468-73, 977 care-seeking behaviour and, 1647, 1648 France continence devices and, 1525 continence awareness and promotion, 1651 bodyworn absorbent, 1552 continence organisation, 1680 nocturnal enuresis and, 41, 715 Frank (German doctor in 1882), 27 see also females; males frequency (=frequency of micturition), measuring, 336 general anaesthesia for POP vs local anaesthesia, 1707 frequency (=frequent micturition) general practitioners see primary care daytime, definition, 334-5 genetic factors (in disease) see also urgency/frequency bladder pain syndrome, 1471 frequency/volume chart (bladder chart) nocturnal enuresis, 714-15 children, 707-8 POP, 83, 84, 280 nocturnal enuresis, 719 UI, women, 61, 64, 65, 83 frequency/volume diary (bladder/voiding diary), 337, 1733, 1734 SUI, 275-6 children, 706, 707 genital herpes, 801 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 802 genitalia/genital organs women, postoperative (after UI surgery), 1253 afferent projections to spinal cord, 182-4 frontal lobe, in bladder control, 216-17 female frontotemporal dementia, 881-2 injury in obstructed labour, 1431-3 fructose, dietary, 1347 mutilation, 1424-5 Frykman-Goldberg operation, 1308-9 physical examination, 342

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prolapse see pelvic organ prolapse see also gynaecological surgery genitourinary fistula see fistula H geographical distribution of obstetric fistulas, 1422 geriatric syndrome, UI as, 965 habit see bowel habit; bowel symptoms; toileting see also older people haematuria, 337 Germany, continence organisation, 1680 males, 352 Gersuny R, 27 haemorrhage see bleeding giggle incontinence, 732-3, 764 haemorrhoids, FI risk, 1334 girls postoperative, 1338 bladder reconstruction and future pregnancy, 758 Hand JR, 1463 fistula surgery, 746 handheld urinals, 1526, 1533-5 nocturnal enuresis health (general) physical examination, 720 poor, as FI risk factor, 1331 prevalence, 714 promotion, 1646-7 vesicovaginal entrapment, 733 health care gishiri-cutting, 1424 organisation, fistulas in developing world, 1450 glial cells, spinal cord, 183 quality see quality of care glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), 184 health care staff/health professionals global assessment scales in women after UI surgery, 1254 education/training, 1645, 1658-65 global issues, see entries under international FI, obstetric pelvic floor anatomy and perineal repair, 298-9 Global Perception of Improvement (GPI), 384 frail elderly, 1373 Global Response Assessment, 1498 obstetric fistula prevention, 1436 glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), 148 recommendations, 1665-6 glucosuria, 337 in pelvic floor muscle training glutamate, 201 more vs less, 1045, 1046, 1047 micturition and role of, 183 supervision by, vs self-directed, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, 194 health-related QoL see quality of life glutamate metabotropic receptors, 142 Health Utilities Index, 1695 gluteus transposition Heart and Estrogens/Progestogen replacement study (HERS), 677-8 non-stimulated, 1394 heart disease, ischaemic, 61 stimulated, 1395 help-seeking behaviour (incl. treatment-seeking), 87-8, 1647-9 glycation end-products, 134 FI, 88 glycine POP, 88 bladder, 201 UI, 87-8 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, 194 women, 62-3, 64 glycoproteins (GPs), GP-51, 1478 heparin, intravesical/intramural, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 glycosaminoglycan layer defect in bladder pain syndrome, 1470 heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB- as therapeutic target, 1484, 1487 EGF), 1478 glycosuria (glucosuria), 337 hepatic metabolism of drugs, age-related changes, 981 Goebell-Frangenheim-Stoekel operation, 28 heredity see genetic factors Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction, 395-6 herpes genitalis, 801 gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists, 670-1 herpes zoster, 921 Gore-Tex® for slings, 1212-15 HERS (Heart and Estrogens/Progestogen replacement study), 677-8 GPI (Global Perception of Improvement), 384 hesitancy, definition, 335 GPs see glycoproteins; primary care Hiester, Lorenz, 22 gracilis muscle flaps in FI, 1394-6 high-intensity focused ultrasound, transrectal, 1140-1, 1155 artificial anal sphincter vs, 1398 Hildanus, Wilhelm Fabricius, 22 dynamic/stimulated, 873, 1394-6 Hippocrates, 21 neurogenic FI, 873 Hirschsprung’s disease, 138 grafts, 149-51 FI following surgery, 1407 fistula repair rectoanal inhibitory reflex, 498 non-obstetric, 1251 Hispanic women, epidemiology obstetric, 1440, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1449 POP, 83-4 in POP surgery, 1279 UI, 53 for suburethral sling, comparison of different donor materials, histamine H1 and H2 antagonists, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 1216 histopathology, bladder pain syndrome, 1473-4 tissue-engineered see tissue engineering and replacement history see also transplantation bladder pain syndrome, 1462, 1462-4 Greeks, ancient, 21 FI surgery, 1389 GRISS (Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction), 395-6 UI and its treatment, 19-34 growth, enterocystoplasty effects on, 758 history-taking growth factor and overactive bladder, see also nerve growth factor bladder pain syndrome, 1474, 1501, 1503 GRP78, 148 children, UI/enuresis, 706 guard(s), male (pouches/leafs), 1540, 1548, 1549 nocturnal enuresis, 719-20 guarding reflex, 189, 192, 197, 215 females, 340 guidelines for UI care, 1664-5 FI, 353, 354 Guillain-Barré syndrome, 801, 909-11 frail elderly, 1010-11 gut, see also gastrointestinal tract males, 350-1 GW427353, 658 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 802, 1743 gynaecological injury in obstructed labour, 1431-3 reproductive see reproductive history gynaecological surgery, urogenital fistulae following, 1248-9

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see also family history as risk factor for UI, 58-9, 802 HIV disease and AIDS, 801, 921-2 due to nerve damage, 918 Holland see Netherlands holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), transurethral, 1136 I home care of frail elderly at, 1004 iatrogenic damage, 917-20 full spectrum home training in nocturnal enuresis, 770-1 fistulas in women due to pad testing based at, 620-2 non-obstetric, 1236, 1247-8 pelvic floor muscle training, 1044 obstetric, 1422-4 plus biofeedback, 1045, 1046-7, 1047 to nerves, 802, 917-20 homeostatic emotions, 226-34 rectourethral fistula in men due to, 1153-4 Hong Kong Continence Society, 1680 SUI surgery, 1232-6 hormone therapy, 676-81 IBS (Incontinence Bothersome Scale), 378 POP risk and, 283 ICCRN (Interstitial Cystitis Collaborative Research Network), 1745, in UI, 676-81 1746 research in women, 1737 ice water/fluid (cooling) test, bladder, 180, 806-7 see also oestrogen; progestogens detrusor overactivity, 439-40 hormone (oestrogen) replacement therapy and UI, 57-8 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 806-7 hospitals children, 456, 458 charges and costs, US, 1688 diabetes mellitus, 916 FI and ice water/fluid (cooling) test, rectal, 499 costs of treatment, 1708 ICIQ, 369-76 FI risk related to admission to acute care, 1330-1 aims and objectives, 371-3 local/general, fistula care, 1450 guidance for use, 372 HOXA11 and POP, 280 implementation, 373-6 HUI (Health Utilities Index), 1695 modules, 371-2 human immunodeficiency virus disease and AIDS, 801, 921-2 FLUTSsex, (BFLUTSsex), 373, 397 Hungary, continence organisation, 1680 MLUTS, (ICSmale-SF), 350, 373, 379 Hunner, Guy, 1462, 1463, 1492, 1493 MLUTSsex, (ICSsex), 373, 396 Hunner’s lesion/ulcer, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1470, 1476, 1480 ICIQ - UI Short Form (International Consultation on Incontinence surgery with, 1492, 1493, 1505 Questionnaire - Urinary Incontinence Short Form), 378 hyaluronic acid, intravesical/intramural, in bladder pain syndrome, ICS (International Continence Society) 1487 Continence Promotion Committee, 1657 hyaluronic acid-dextranomer co-polymer (Zuidex), 1404 Standardisation Committee, on research methodology and termi cost-consequence analysis, 1699 nology, 1730-6 hydrocephalus, normal pressure, 800 ICSmale, 377-82 frail elderly, 971, 972 short form (ICImaleSF; ICIQMLUTS), 351, 373, 379 hydrodistension see cystodistension ICSPOP-Q, 344 hydrophilic coating ICSQoL, 379 indwelling catheters, 1589 IIEF (International Index of Erectile Dysfunction), 396 intermittent catheters, 1582, 1583, 1585 IIQ (Incontinence Impact Questionnaire) and IIQ-7, 379, 380 hydrostatic pressure, bladder distension using see cystodistension ileoanal anastomosis, FI risk, 1337-8 hydrotherapy, 23 ileocaecal valves and reservoirs, 857 8-hydroxy-dipropylaminotetraline (8-OH-DPAT8) and SUSRIC, 193 child, 754 5-hydroxytryptamine see serotonin ileovesicostomy, 859-60 hydroxyzine, bladder pain syndrome, 1483 ileum hygiene, personal, indwelling catheters, 1601 cystoplasty using hyoscyamine, overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, child, 748 643 intestinal complications, 756 hyperchloraemia, intestinal reservoir-related, 755-6 fistula repair using, 1447 hyperreflexia urinary diversion using, neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 858 autonomic see autonomic nervous system iliococcygeus fascia fixation, 1286 detrusor see detrusor overactivity illness see comorbid and pre-existing medical conditions; cost of ill sphincter see overactive urethral sphincter ness; disabilities hypertensive rat, spontaneously, 223 imaging in FI, 610-17 hyperthermia, transrectal prostatic, 1154, 1155 indications, 611 hypervigilance and aversive visceral stimuli, 233 modalities, 611-12 hypnotic/sedative-induced UI, 309, 310 pelvic floor in neuropathic patients, 865 hypogastric nerve, 203-5 imaging in UI and pelvic floor dysfunction, 546-610 continence in sneezing and, 194 brain/CNS see neuroimaging inflammation in neighbouring pelvic organs, 203-5 children, 709-10 hyponatraemia with desmopressin, 681 men, preoperative, 1024 hypothalamus, 219-20 neurogenic LUT dysfunction/incontinence see neurogenic LUT hypothesis testing, 1725 dysfunction hypoxia and hypoxic stress in bladder, 148, 149 prognostic value, 546 in bladder pain syndrome aetiology, 1471 special issues, 597-611 hysterectomy, 1293-4 SUI see stress incontinence continence surgery combined with, outcome, 1226 upper urinary tract see upper urinary tract fistulas associated with, 1247-8 urethral diverticulum, 603, 1245-6 POP following, 82-3, 283 urodynamics and see videourodynamics POP surgery combined with, 1293-4

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see also specific modalities infants (incl. neonates) imipramine bladder/sphincter control, development, 703-4 frail elderly, 991 intermittent catheterisation, 742 nocturnal enuresis, 723 size (at birth), and FI risk, 1337 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 660 infections SUI, 674-5 urinary see urinary tract infections IMMPACT recommendations, 1501, 1501 urothelium in, 117 immunosuppressants, bladder pain syndrome, 1483-4 wound, in SUI surgery, 1236 IMPACT study, 647 see also antibiotics imperforate anus, 462-3 infertility and obstetric fistulas, 1432-3 FI and, 1334 infibulation, 1424 neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 741 inflammation implants see grafts; prostheses and implants bladder dysfunction in, 222 impotence see erectile dysfunction in bladder pain syndrome aetiology, 222, 1469 incidence in neighbouring pelvic organs, 203-5 AI, 74 prostate, age-related occurrence, 970 definition, 38 inflammatory bowel disease and FI, 1334 POP, 80-2 information, public, 1650-1 UI media in dissemination of, 1649-50 men, 65 sources, 1680-3 women, 53-5 see also education inclusion criteria in trials, 1721-2 informed consent (in trials), 1722 common mistakes, 1719 for new surgical procedures, 1753 Inco Forum Ingelman-Sundberg denervation, 1238-9 Czech Republic, 1680 women, 838-9 Poland, 1681 inheritance see genetic factors Slovakia, 1682 Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in incontinence see faecal incontinence; urinary incontinence Clinical Trials (IMMPACT), 1501, 1501 Incontinence Action Group, 1660 injection Incontinence Bothersome Scale (IBS), 378 botulinum toxin see botulinum toxin incontinence devices and products see continence devices bulking agents/biomaterials Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ) and IIQ-7, 379, 380 anal canal, 1403-5, 1408 Incontinence Outcome Questionnaire, 379 urethral/periurethral see bulking agents Incontinence QoL (I-QOL) index, 379, 390 denervating agents see bladder, denervating agents Incontinence Screening Questionnaire (ISQ), 385 injury (predominantly traumatic/mechanical) incremental costs in SUI, 1701-2 bladder independence as factor with continence devices, 1525 in obstructed labour, 1429-30 pads, 1557 in SUI surgery, 1232-3 Indevus Urgency Severity Scale (IUSS), 389, 390 brain, FI, 863, 1339 India, obstetric fistulas cauda equina see cauda equina lesions fistula centres, 1446 childbirth-related see childbirth prevention, 1437 fistula due to Indian Continence Foundation, 1680 obstetric, 1422-5, 1429-31 Indiana system/pouch/reservoir, child, 754 rectourethral, 1153-4 Indonesian Continence Society, 1680 iatrogenic see iatrogenic damage indwelling catheters, suprapubic, 819-20, 1578, 1588, 1589, 1606 levator ani indwelling catheters, transurethral (and in general), 818-20, MRI, 583-6 1585-606, 1610 ultrasound, 565-7, 571 catheter characteristics, 1588-9 nerve see nerve injury catheter maintenance solutions, 1598, 1602, 1604 pelvic floor see pelvic floor catheter management strategies, 1600-2 renal, with obstructed labour, 1431 catheter materials, 1589-90 spinal see spinal cord lesions in prevention of encrustation, 1596-8 ureteric, with obstructed labour, 1431 catheter size, 1590 urethral complications, 818, 1590-600, 1602-6 incontinence after, men, 1141-2 infections see urinary tract infections with indwelling catheters, 1599 in spinal cord injury, 901 with intermittent catheterisation, 1582-3 drainage bags, 1564-6, 1602, 1608 with obstructed labour, 1430-1 females, 1528 with SUI surgery, 1232 infection risk, 818, 1564-6 urothelial response to, 170-1 intermittent catheters compared with, 1584-5 vaginal, with obstructed labour, 1431-2 long-term, 1578, 1585, 1587-8, 1599-600 Inko Forum, 1680 males, 1529 innervation see nerve supply neurogenic UI, 818-20 inositol trisphosphate (IP3), 128, 142-9 multiple sclerosis, 896 inserts spinal cord injury, 903 external (liners; shields), 1538-40 prevalence of use, 1587 light UI, females, 1545, 1547 research priorities, 1611 light UI, males, 1548, 1549 safety aspects see safety aspects moderate/heavy UI, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553 short-term, 1578, 1585, 1587 urethral, 1570-2 in urodynamic studies, children, 467 institutional care (elderly) see nursing home user characteristics, 1587-8 instrumental delivery, 297-8

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FI following, 297-8, 1337 in bladder pain syndrome, 1488 pelvic floor injury, 267 men, 1146 MRI, 587 chondroitin sulfate, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 pelvic organ prolapse associated with, 282 DMSO in bladder pain syndrome, 1486-7 insula, 217-19, 226, 227, 230, 231 heparin, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 intellectual impairment see cognitive impairment hyaluronic acid in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 intelligence tests, 768 lidocaine, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 intention-to-treat, 1724, 1725 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 822-4 intermittent catheterisation (incl. self-catheterisation), 815-17, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, 822 1577-85, 1610 oxybutinin, 655, 822 adjunctive therapy, 842 in bladder pain syndrome, 1488 catheter characteristics and materials, 1579-81, 1589 children, 743 catheter management, 1583-4 frail elderly, 992 children, 735, 742-3 pentosan sulfate, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 frail elderly, 998 phenol, 1238 indwelling catheters compared with, 1584-5 propantheline, 822 meningomyelocele, 913 vanilloids, 666-8, 823 overall recommendations, 1610 in bladder pain syndrome, 1487-8 research priorities, 1611 spinal cord injury, 903-4 risk and complications, 816-17, 1581-3 intravesical electrical stimulation (and neuromodulation), 24, 828-9 infections, 817, 1577, 1581-2 children, 743 in spinal cord injury, 903 in neurogenic FI, 869-70 and bacteriuria occurrence, 902 meningomyelocele, 915 in SUI due to sphincteric incompetence, surgery for patients not intravesical potassium chloride challenge, 1475-6 using or not prepared to use, 842-5, 855-7 intravesical pressure (bladder pressure) techniques and materials, 816 difference between urethral pressure and see urethral closure user characteristics, 1579 pressure intermittent stream, definition, 335 with involuntary leakage of urine see leak point pressure International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) classification of measuring, 419 LUT conditions, 729-30 urine flow rate and, relationship see pressure-flow studies International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (CMJE), 1757 see also filling cystometry International Consultation on Incontinence see ICI; ICIQ - UI Short intrinsic sphincter deficiency see urethral sphincter Form Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research (US Office of International Continence Society see ICS Research Integrity), 1756 International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal disorders, Introl, 1573-4 1682 invasive diagnostic procedures, enuresis, 710-12 International Index of erectile dysfunction, 396 investigations (sophisticated testing), 413-630 international issues (global/worldwide issues) correlation with symptoms in females, 340-1 continence organisations, 1657-8 fistula evaluation, 1435 costs, 1708 see also diagnostic tests different countries, 1689-90, 1708 ion channels, 145-9 estimated numbers of individuals with LUTS, 89 detrusor, 122, 144 International Painful Bladder Foundation, 1683 as molecular targets, 652-3 International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), 351, 352, 386, 400 novel agents, 144-9 internet, education resources, 1658 see also specific ions interoceptive cortex, 230 IOQ (Incontinence Outcome Questionnaire), 379 interoceptive representation, forebrain, 231 IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score), 351, 352, 386, 400 interrater reliability, 366 I-QOl (Urinary Incontinence QoL Scale), 379, 382 interstitial cells of Cajal, 138, 139 irritable bowel syndrome, 232, 233, 234 interstitial cystitis see bladder pain syndrome postpartum, 299 Interstitial Cystitis Association, 1682 irritative agents, bladder, animal studies, 223 Interstitial Cystitis Collaborative Research Network (ICCRN), 1745, ischaemic heart disease, 61 1746 ischiocavernosus muscle, innervation, 188 Interstitial Cystitis Database (ICDB), 1468, 1474, 1475, 1498 isotopic scans, upper urinary tract, 549 interstitial radiotherapy see brachytherapy ISQ (Incontinence Screening Questionnaire), 385 intervertebral disc disease/disorders, 801 Israel lumbar, 911-12 family physicians, 1656 intestine see bowel National Center for Continence, 1655, 1681 intramural drugs in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 Italian version of Female Sexual Function Index, 398 intraurethral (occluding) devices see occluding devices Italy, continence organisations, 1681 intravaginal devices, 1572-5 IUSS (Indevus Urgency Severity Scale), 389, 390 pessaries, 1100-5, 1106, 1108, 1572-3 resistance devices, 1044 pelvic floor muscle training plus, 1045, 1046 J rings, 1100-5, 1572-3, 1573 intravaginal sling procedure, 1219 Japan intravenous urography/pyelography, 548 Continence Action Society, 1650, 1665, 1681 intravesical drugs anc chemicals (transvesical instillation/injections), needs for services, 1653 822-4 joint disease, degenerative, frail elderly, 971 atropine, 822-3 justice, 1756 BCG, in bladder pain syndrome, 1487 botulinum toxin A, 661-2, 663, 665

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leak point pressure, 432-4 abdominal, 419 K in coughing see coughing detrusor see detrusor leak point pressure men, preoperative, 1124-5 kappa opioid receptor agonists, 181 reliability, 433-4 Kegel’s exercises see pelvic floor muscle training severity of UI and, correlation studies, 443 Kelly, Howard A, 28 in SUI, influencing surgical outcome, 446, 1228 Kerala, obstetric fistula prevention, 1437 Valsalva, 274, 422, 432, 433, 434, 443, 444, 446 KHQ (King’s Health Questionnaire), 380, 382 leakage kidneys stools function passive, 353 intestinal reservoir effects on, 756-7 products preventing or containing, 1612-18 paediatric neurogenic bladder and monitoring of, 744 urine imaging, 546, 548, 549 assessment with continence devices, 1533 injury with obstructed labour, 1431 bladder pressure with involuntary leakage of see leak point stones see stones pressure transplantation in myelodysplasia, 459 with pads, freedom from, 1552, 1556 kinesiological EMG, 529-31 learning disability/mental retardation, 800 King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), 380, 382 FI risk, 1338 kinking of external continence devices see anti-kinking features nocturnal enuresis and, 42 knowledge of nurses about incontinence, levels of, 1662-3 see also cognitive impairment Kock pouch leaves/leafs, male (pouches), 1540, 1548, 1549 child, 754 leg bags, 1561-2, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566 complications, 757 Leicester Impact Scale (LIS), 380, 382, 1735 Kontinensoreningen (Danish Continence Association), 1680 Leicester Urinary Symptom Questionnaire (LUSQ), 383, 385 Korea Continence Foundation, 1681 length-tension relationship in LUT smooth muscle, 135 Kropp procedure, 845 Leonardo da Vinci, 22 leucotomy and bladder control, 217 leukotriene antagonists, bladder pain syndrome, 1485-6 L levator ani muscles, 582-3, 583-6 female L-region (continence centre), pontine, 212, 220 childbirth effects, 266, 267, 565-7, 586-8 laboratory examination innervation, 184-8 bladder pain syndrome, 1475 myorrhaphy, 1286 nocturnal enuresis, 720-1 pelvic organ prolapse and, 187-8 labour racial differences, 588 epidural analgesia, 268-9 hiatus, size changes, imaging, 586 obstructed (and consequent injury and fistula development), innervation, 197 1422, 1429-34 female, 184-8 prevention of fistulas, 1436 MRI, 582-3 second stage defects/injury and bulk, 583-6 management affecting continence, 1668 plate angle change, imaging, 586 prolonged, FI risk, 1337 ultrasound of trauma, 565-7, 571 see also childbirth levator ani nerve, 184, 186 lactose, dietary, 1347 continence in sneezing and, 194 intolerance (and lactase deficiency), 1347 levodopa, 887, 890 older people, 1366 Lewy body dementia, 880-1 lamina 1 afferents, 227, 228, 230, 231 lidocaine, bladder pain syndrome, 1488 language life expectancy, remaining, treatment of frail elderly and role of, 978 in questionnaires, 367 lifestyle, continence devices, 1525 UI prevalence in women and, 47 pads, 1557 laparoscopic surgery lifestyle interventions non-obstetric fistula, 1251 FI, 1341-3, 1374 POP surgery, 1278 frail elderly, 984 colposuspension see colposuspension recommendations, 1007-8 sacrocolpopexy, 1286 men, 1083-4 ventral rectopexy, 1309 future research directions, 1094 radical prostatectomy, 1128 literature search strategies, 1108 laser surgery/resection recommendations for practice, 1094 prostate, and UI risk, 1136 women with POP, 1095-7 urodynamic studies, 451 literature search strategies, 1108 urethral sphincter, 837 recommendations for practice, 1106 latex catheters, 1589 women with UI, 1028-34 laughter (giggle) incontinence, 732-3, 764 future research directions, 1081 laundry facilities for continence devices, 1525, 1557 literature search strategies, 1107 laxatives, 1352, 1375 recommendations for practice, 1079 children with neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 743 ligaments (pelvic region) older people, 1371 sacrospinous see sacrospinous ligament suspension overuse, 1366 uterosacral, suspension, 1280, 1286 Le Fort colpoclesis, 1292 limbic behavioural motor cortex, spino-thalamic input to, 230 leafs/leaves, male (pouches), 1540, 1548, 1549 liners see inserts

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linguistic validation, patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 367 neurogenic see neurogenic LUT dysfunction and incontinence lipomeningocele, 458 older people/elderly, outcome measures, 1740 LIS (Leicester Impact Scale), 380, 382, 1735 lubricants for catheters literature/publications, general points on continence devices (inc. indwelling catheters, 1599, 1600 expert opinion) intermittent catheters, 817, 1580 handheld urinals, 1534-5 men, 1579 sheaths, 1560-1 lumbar spine urine drainage bags, 1566 disc prolapse, 911-12 literature/publications review, transient UI in older people, 309 imaging, 605 literature/publications searches lung disease see pulmonary disease conservative treatment lupus erythematosus, systemic, 801, 920 POP, 1108-9 LUSQ (Leicester Urinary Symptom Questionnaire), 383, 385 post-prostatectomy UI, 1082 luteinising hormone-releasing hormone antagonists, 670-1 UI in men, 1108 UI in women, 1107-8 continence awareness, 1646 M continence products, 1521 drug therapy, 633 Macroplastique® see polydimethylsiloxane economic analysis, 1708 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 550, 578-97 FI, 1323-30 brain (functional imaging), 605-7 biofeedback and anal sphincter/pelvic floor training, 1353-4 bladder function studies, 217, 219 bowel management and retraining programmes, 1348 pelvic floor muscle studies, 583 diet and fluid intake, 1343 dynamic see dynamic MRI electrical stimulation, 1360 FI, 612 frail elderly, 1362 methodology, 578-97 lifestyle interventions, 1341 other imaging modalities compared with, 593-4 neurogenic, 861-2 pelvic floor dysfunction, 578-97 prevention, 1341 SUI, 276 surgery, 1389-90 upper urinary tract, 548 fistulas in developing world, 1421 urethral diverticula, 603 frail elderly with UI, 964 urethral diverticulum, 1245-6, 1246 neurogenic UI, 800 magnetic stimulation patient-reported outcome assessment, 363-4 brain, 827 primary prevention, 1666 pelvic floor and sacral nerve roots, men, 1091-2, 1145 professional education, 1658 electrical stimulation compared with, 1089 SUI surgery in women, 1194 future research directions, 1095 lithiasis see stones pelvic floor and sacral nerve roots, women, 1067-70 liver metabolism of drugs, age-related changes, 981 electrical stimulation compared with, 1065 local anaesthesia future research directions, 1082 fistula surgery, 1439 literature search strategies, 1107 POP, vs general anaesthesia, 1707 recommendations for practice, 1080 locus coeruleus complex (LCC), pontine, 232 Mainz II pouch, child, 747 log-linear regression model, 1694 Malaysia, Continence Foundation, 1681 long-term care institutions see nursing home male(s), 299-308, 1121-90 loperamide, 1350-1 alloplastic sphincter, 29-30 lower motor neurone lesions, conservative treatment of LUT dys bladder outlet endoscopy, 609 function with, 812 bladder pain syndrome in, digital rectal examination, 1475 lower urinary tract care-seeking behaviour, 1647 age-related changes, 965-70 causes of/risk factors for UI, 65-70, 302-7 biomechanical properties, 133-5 prostatectomy see prostatectomy bowel and, similarities/differences, 474, 797 conservative treatment of UI, 1082-95, 1108 cell biology, 113-66 continence devices central pathways controlling see central nervous system bags, 1529 functional assessment see urodynamic studies bodyworn urinals, 1529 imaging see imaging dribble containers, 1528 innervation see nerve supply handheld urinals, 1526, 1534 neural cross-sensitisation of colon and, in bladder pain syn indwelling catheters, 1529 drome aetiology, 1471 mechanical devices see mechanical continence devices neuroactive agents, 128-32 pads for moderate/heavy UI, 1529 novel molecular targets, 140-9 pads/absorbent products for light UI, 1528, 1546-8 obstruction see benign prostatichyperplasia/enlargement/obstruc pads/absorbent products for moderate/heavy UI, 1548-54 tion; bladder obstruction; bladder outlet obstruction; ure recommendations, 1552 thral strictures sheaths see condom catheters pressure see pressure continence mechanisms, 300-2 research recommendations, 15 epidemiology of UI, 64-72, 349-50 symptoms see symptoms frail older, management of UI lower urinary tract dysfunction recommendations, 1007 assessment of see urodynamic studies surgical, 997 children, 728-9 indwelling catheters, lubrication, 1579 classification, 729-30 initial assessment of UI, 349-51 urodynamics, 465-7 LUTS see symptoms men, urodynamic studies, 450-1, 454

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pathophysiology of UI, 299-308 existing pelvic trauma, 1141-2, 1169 Medical, Epidemiological and Social Aspects of Aging (MESA) physical examination, 351-2 questionnaire, 385 digital rectal examination, 347, 351-2 medical education on incontinence, 1658-9 post-void residual urine, determination, 339-40 medical history sexual dysfunction in FI aetiology, 354 penile erection see erectile dysfunction taking see history-taking questionnaires in assessment of, 395, 396, 398-9 medical management see conservative/medical management SUI see stress incontinence medication see drug surgery see surgery Medizinische Geseelschaft fur Inkontinenhlife Osterreich, 1680 urethral occlusion devices, external (compressive), 1575-6 medullary cone see conus lesions historical accounts, 22, 24, 29-30 megacolon, congenital (Hirschsprung’s disease), 138 with sling, 1129-31 membrane, ion channels, see specific ions urethral occlusion devices, internal, adjustable balloons, 1131-3 Memokath™ , 836 urodynamic studies, 450-5 men see males UUI see urge UI meningomyelocele see myelomeningocele see also boys; gender menopausal/postmenopausal women, risk of UI, 60 Male Urinary Symptom Impact Questionnaire, 380 HRT and, 57-8 Male Urogenital Distress Inventory (MUDI), 380 menstrual pads, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547 malignancy see cancer mental disorders see psychiatric and psychological disorders Malone’s antegrade colonic enema see antegrade continence enema mental retardation see learning disability Manchester Health Questionnaire, 394 meperidine (pethidine), chronic pelvic pain, 1491 mandelic acid, 1598 Mersiline® sling, 1215 manometry, anorectal, 475-91, 501 MESA (Medical, Epidemiological and Social Aspects of Aging) devices, 475-6 questionnaire, 385 multiple sclerosis, 898 mesencephalon (midbrain) and bladder function, 202-14 Parkinson’s disease, 889 meshes, synthetic position, 476 anterior wall prolapse, 1300-1 resting pressure, 476-81 sacrocolpopexy, 1279 units of pressure in, 476 ultrasound aiding implantation, 571 vector, 486-8 metabolism, intestinal reservoir-related disturbances, children, Markov model, 1693-4 755-6 Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz (MMK) procedure, 1198-202 metabotropic receptors, 140-4 marsupialisation, open and transurethral, 1247 metalloproteinases, matrix (MMPs), 627, 628 Martius flaps/grafts, 1440, 1445, 1446 methadone, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 mass, body see body mass methenamine hippurate and indwelling catheters, 1595 massage see abdominal massage methotrexate, bladder pain syndrome, 1485 mast cells in bladder pain syndrome, 1473 methoxamine, 763 activation, 222, 1469, 1473 N-methyl-D-aspartate see NMDA counting, 1477-8 Mexico, continence organisation, 1681 maternal factors microglia, spinal cord, 183 FI, 1337 micturition, 209-13 POP, 282-3 central pathways controlling, 207, 209-11, 212-13, 214-17, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), 627, 628 220, 231, 634 maximum cystometric capacity, child, 712 control, development, 703-4 maximum urethral closure pressure see urethral closure pressure dribbling after see dribble maximum volume voided, measurement, 336 frequency of see frequency Mayo culdoplasty, 1286 inappropriate see urinary incontinence mechanical continence devices, 1567-76 off-switching, 212 females, 1567-75 on-switching, 209-11 light UI, 1527 see also post-micturition; voiding males, 1575-6 micturition reflex (bladder reflex; voiding reflex), 182-3 historical accounts, 22, 24, 29-30 circuitry/pathways, 212-13, 215 intra-urethral, 1131-3 supraspinal see supraspinal pathways light UI, 1528 in non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity, changes, 260 moderate/heavy UI, 1529 ORL receptors and, 180, 181 mechanical failure of artificial urinary sphincter, 1164 suppression, 212-13 treatment, 1168 triggering (triggered reflex voiding), 811, 813 mechanical stimulation micturition time chart, see also frequency/volume chart bowel evacuation triggered by, 867, 867-8 midbrain and bladder function, 202-14 sacral reflexes on, 536 midline fascial plication, 1290 urothelial role in sensing, 173-5 midrodrine, 672, 763 mechanical trauma see injury mid-urethral tapes see tension-free vaginal tape mechanics/biomechanics Miniguard, 1569 bladder wall, 132-7 minimal important difference of measure, 366-7 pelvic floor muscles Minimally Clinically Important Change (MCID), women after UI MRI assessment, 588 surgery, 1254 ultrasound assessment, 565 minimally invasive surgery of non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 media in continence promotion, 1649-50 see also endoscopic surgery; laparoscopic surgery medial prefrontal cortex, 221 misoprostol, bladder pain syndrome, 1486 medial reticular formation, 211 Mitrofanoff procedure, child, 753-4 medical conditions, comorbid/pre-existing see comorbid and pre- mixed (urge and stress) UI

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definition, 334 and specific named muscles electrical stimulation in women, 1060, 1061, 1063 muscle relaxants see bladder relaxants magnetic stimulation, 1069, 1070 muscle transposition in FI (augmenting anal sphincter action), pathophysiology, 261 1394-6 pelvic floor muscle training, 1039 artificial anal sphincter compared with, 1398 recommendations for practice, 1080 dynamic/stimulated, 873, 1394-6, 1408 prevalence in men, 65 neurogenic FI, 873 solifenacin, 651 non-stimulated, 873, 1394-6, 1408 vaginal cones, 1080 MUSIQ (Male Urinary Symptom Impact Questionnaire), 380 mobility, impaired see functional impairment myectomy, bladder see autoaugmentation moisturising products, 1623, 1624 myelin loss see demyelinisation molecular targets in LUT, novel, 140-9 myelinated afferents, 636 montelukast, bladder pain syndrome, 1485-6 bladder, 176, 636 morphine, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 myelodysplasia (neural tube closure defects), 457-9, 740, 741, mortalities see death 912-16 mosapride myelomeningocele (meningomyelocele), 460, 804, 805, 863, multiple system atrophy, 886 912-16, 1741 Parkinson’s disease, 890 FI, 863 motor cortex, limbic behavioural, spino-thalamic input to, 230 neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 741 motor evoked potentials, 533, 809 see also spina bifida motor neurones/innervation (efferents) myocytes, trigone, 125, 126 anal rhabdosphincter, 188-9 myofascial release treatment, bladder pain syndrome, 1480-1 bladder, 198-207 myofibroblasts, 118, 120 inhibitory, 205 myogenic basis/hypothesis of spontaneous detrusor activity, 124, lesions, lower see conus lesions 262 levator ani myopathies, EMG, 531-2 cholera toxin-B labelling, 197 myorrhaphy, levator, 1286 females, 186-7 myosin, in detrusor contraction, 121 urethral rhabdosphincter, 188-9 myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), 121 neurochemical anatomy, 194 myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP), 121, 122 motor system, somatic see somatic motor system myotomy, bladder see autoaugmentation motor unit, 526 potentials (MUPs) in concentric needle EMG, 527-9 moxifloxacin, 649-50 N mucosa anorectal, sensitivity testing, 489-91 NAFC (National Association For Continence), 1646, 1647, 1650, bladder, fistula repair using graft of, 1447 1658, 1682 intestinal, intestinal segments free of, 749 National Association For Continence (NAFC), 1646, 1647, 1650, mucus from intestinal reservoirs 1658, 1682 children, 755 National Center for Continence (Israel), 1655, 1681 infections and stones and, 757 National Continence Management Strategy (NCMS), Australia, seromuscular patches in avoidance of, 749 1648-9 MUDI (Male Urogenital Distress Inventory), 380 National Family Health Survey (India) and obstetric fistulas, 1437 multi-attribute utility instruments, 1695-6 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in multidisciplinary care, 1653 US, FI prevalence estimates, 1330 bladder pain syndrome, 1503 National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney resources, 1655 Disorders/NIDDK (on bladder pain syndrome), 1462, 1464 multiple sclerosis, 801, 894-8 classification, 1480 detrusor overactivity, 439 definitions, 1462, 1464 FI, 1339 diagnosis/assessment, 1475, 1475-6 ice water test, 807 drug therapy, 1483, 1484 nocturia, 680 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome), 800, 863, 883-6 pharmacotherapy of overactive bladder, 1702 FI, 863, 885-6 sacral nerve stimulation, 1244-5 urodynamic studies, 472-3 on surgical interventions, 1752 combined with imaging, 552 new procedures, 1754 multivariate regression analysis, 1694 National Institutes of Health (NIH), research on incontinence in muscarinic (M) receptors (for ACh), 118, 120, 123, 128, 129, 140, children, 1741, 1742 175, 637-8 National Men’s Continence Awareness Project (Australia), 1649 agonists national organisations, 1657, 1658, 1680-3 multiple system atrophy, 885 National Overactive Bladder Evaluation (NOBLE), 349 overflow incontinence, 676 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), 1620 antagonists see antimuscarinics natural history of UI in frail older and disabled people, research, detrusor overactivity and, 262 1739 as novel molecular targets, 140 NCMS (National Continence Management Strategy), Australia, spinal cord injury-related LUT problems and, 899 1648-9 muscle(s) Nd/YAG laser sphincterotomy, 837 bioelectrical activity recording see electromyography NEAT device, 1571 denervation see denervation (technique); nerve injury needle EMG, 527-9 excision (myectomy) see autoaugmentation external anal sphincter, 497, 527, 529, 532 primary disease, EMG, 531 needle suspension (bladder neck), 1202-3 see also pelvic floor muscle; skeletal muscle; smooth muscle

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sling procedure vs, 1212 neuroactive agents, lower urinary tract, 128-32, 912-16 negative binomial distribution, 1694 Neurobloc® (botulinum toxin B), 666 Nelaton intermittent catheter, 1580 neurogenic bladder see neurogenic LUT dysfunction neobladder, orthotopic (reconstruction using other tissue e.g. gas neurogenic detrusor overactivity, 258-9 trointestinal segments), 150 children for bladder cancer, 1141 botulinum toxin A, 664, 739 nocturnal enuresis with, 454 urodynamic studies, 456 tissue-engineered see tissue engineering drug therapy, 643-5, 820, 821-2 see also bowel, bladder reconstruction/augmentation using toxins, 661-8 neodymium/YAG laser sphincterotomy, 837 pathophysiology, 258-9 neonates see infants urodynamic studies, 456 neoplasms see cancer; tumours children, 457-62 neosphincter, anal see artificial anal sphincter; muscle transposition distinguishing and defining characteristics, 438-9 in FI neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, children, 740-4 neostigmine in spinal cord injury, 907-8 neurogenic FI (neuropathic FI), 861-77 neourethra see urethra, construction aetiology, 861-3, 877-922, 1338-9, 1365-6 nerve(s) (peripheral) conservative management, 867-70 afferent/sensory see sensory nerves surgery following failure of, 870 conduction studies, 525, 809 epidemiology, 78, 861-3 correlation with biology, 525 management neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 809 conservative see subheading above pudendal nerve see pudendal nerve conduction tests in specific neurological diseases, 878-922 see also neurography surgical, 870-7 efferent/motor see motor neurones special diagnosis, 864-6 electrical stimulation (therapeutic) see electrical stimulation neurogenic hypotheses neurophysiological studies see neurophysiological studies bladder pain syndrome aetiology, 1470-1 nerve growth factor (NGF), 181 spontaneous detrusor activity, 124 bladder dysfunction/disorders, 223 neurogenic inflammation and bladder pain syndrome, 222 inflammatory, 222 neurogenic LUT dysfunction and incontinence (incl. neurogenic Na+ channels resistant to, 182 bladder), 455-7, 799-861 nerve injury/lesions, peripheral (incl. denervation of pelvic floor), children, classification, 713 799 classification, 1702-3 in bladder outlet obstruction, 259-60 diagnostics and investigations, 802-11, 1743 childbirth-related, 266, 290-1 imaging, 552 FI due to, 290-1 urodynamic studies see urodynamic studies concentric needle EMG, 528-9 epidemiology and aetiology, 69, 799-802, 877-922 conservative treatment, 812 management, 1741 iatrogenic, 802, 917-20 conservative, 811-29 in obstructed labour, 1434 surgery see surgery patient-reported outcome assessment, 400-1 research see research in POP aetiology, 281 neurogenic sphincter dysfunction or deficiency, drug therapy, 820, SUI surgery-related, 1235-6 824-5 see also neuropathy; reinnervated muscle neurography, sensory, 534 nerve roots, sacral see sacral nerve roots neuroimaging, 605-7 nerve supply (innervation) to LUT, 634-6 bladder control studies, 216-20 anal rhabdosphincter, 188-92 functional see functional brain imaging anorectum, 137-8, 138-9, 286 visceral stimuli, 231-3 bladder/bladder wall neurokinins (NKs) bladder base and trigone, 126 neurokinin A, 132, 179-80 detrusor contraction and, 123-4 neurokinin B, 179-80 denervation (technique) see denervation (technique) receptors (and agonists/antagonists), 132, 179-80 lesions see nerve injury NK-1, 132 levator ani see levator ani NK-1 antagonists, 671-2 urethra, 127 NK-2, 132, 179-80 urethral sphincter see urethral sphincter NK-3, 179-80 see also nervous system neurological disorders/diseases, 793-960 nerve supply (innervation) to pelvic floor in FI pathogenesis, 289 AI/FI due to see neurogenic FI nervous system, 167-253, 634-6, 797 bowel in see bowel autonomic see autonomic nervous system; parasympathetic comorbid, frail elderly with UI, 970-2 nervous system; sympathetic nervous system minor, children, associated with day wetting, 45 central see central nervous system UI due to see neurogenic LUT dysfunction and incontinence enteric see enteric nervous system see also central nervous system; nerve supply and entries under regulation by, 167-253, 634-6 neurogenic see also nerve supply and entries under neuro- neurological examination, female IU, 342 Netherlands (Holland) neurological injury see nerve injury continence organisations, 1681 neuromodulation, electrical see electrical stimulation costs, 1690 neuromodulators in brainstem controlling bladder function, 213-14 networking, continence organisations, 1658 neural pathways and control see autonomic nervous system; central neurones nervous system; enteric nervous system; nerve supply; nervous sys afferent/sensory see sensory nerves/neurones tem; parasympathetic nervous system; sympathetic nerv continence centre, in brain, 211 ous system efferent/motor see motor neurones neural tube closure defects (myelodysplasia), 457-9, 740, 741 `filling’, in brain, 211

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signalling see signalling NOCTOPUS programme, 680 urothelial-neuronal signalling, 173 nocturia (waking to void), 335, 1747-8 neuropathic analgesics, chronic pelvic pain, 1491-2 bladder training, 1078 neuropathy, autonomic see autonomic nervous system definition, 335 neuropathy, peripheral, 801 drug therapy see drug therapy diabetic, 916 frail elderly, 999-1001 FI risk, 1339, 1365 recommended management, 1009 iatrogenic, 802, 917-20 pathophysiology see pathophysiology neuropeptide(s), 132 research, 1747-8 neuropeptide Y (NPY), 199, 199-200, 200 see also nocturnal diuresis; nocturnal frequency neuropharmacology see drug therapy; pharmacology Nocturia Quality of Life Questionnaire, 380 neurophysiological studies and tests (incl. electrophysiology), nocturnal detrusor overactivity, children, 717 523-40, 808-11 nocturnal diuresis, older people, 311 biological correlates, 525-7 see also nocturia; nocturnal frequency classification of tests, 525 nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), 38-42, 466-7, 714-26, 761, 762-3, evidence-based use, 537-8 769, 770 in FI, 496-8 adult males, 454, 456 neuropathic patients Non-continent cutaneous diversion, classification, 715-16 865-6 primary vs secondary, 715 methodological considerations, 526-7 definitions and terminology, 38-9, 714 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 808-11 diurnal and see daytime and night-time wetting spinal cord injury, 899-900 epidemiology incl. prevalence, 39-41, 714, 761 recommendations, 538-9 behavioural disorders, 762-3 in research, usefulness, 538 gender and, 41, 715 tests used, see also specific tests management/therapy, 718-26, 763 urethral function, 275 evidence-based recommendations, 721-6 urethral sphincter see urethral sphincter non-responders, 725 neurophysiology pharmacological see drug therapy clinical see neurophysiological studies urotherapy, 769, 770 research in see research monosymptomatic (MNE), 38, 41, 714, 715, 715-16 neurospinal dysraphism see spinal dysraphism pathophysiology, 716-18 neuroticism and SUI surgical outcome, 1224 non-monosymptomatic (NMNE), 38, 43-5, 715 neurotoxin see botulinum toxin A risk factors, 41-2 neurotransmitters, 128-31 severity, 714 bladder, 200-2 urodynamic studies, 466-7 in brainstem controlling bladder function, 213-14 nocturnal frequency (frequency of night-time micturition), measure urethral and anal rhabdosphincters and, 194-5 ment, 336 neurotrophins, 181-2 nocturnal frequency, older people, drug therapy, see also nocturia; see also specific types nocturnal diuresis neurourology, 803 nocturnal polyuria New Zealand children, 716-17 Continence Association, 1681 measurement, 336 family doctor services, 1656 multiple system atrophy, 884 newborns see infants NOFUS (Norwegian Society for Patients with Urologic Diseases), NGF see nerve growth factor 1681 NHANES (US), FI prevalence estimates, 1330 non-blinded (unblinded) trials, 1716, 1722 NICE see National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence non-compliance see compliance nicotine (from smoking), 1031 non-continent (conduit) urinary diversion, neurogenic LUT dysfunc nicotinic receptors, 131, 198 tion, 858-61 NIDDK see National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney non-inferiority trials, 1717-18 Disorders non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity, 259-64 nifedipine in bladder pain syndrome, 1486 non-neurogenic LUT dysfunction in children, 730 night drainage bags, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565 non-parametric studies, 1725 see also entries under nocturnal non-randomised controlled trials, 1716 NIH, research on incontinence in children, 1741, 1742 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (COX inhibitors; nitrergic (NOS-containing) mechanisms, 131 prostaglandin synthase inhibitors; NSAIDs) nitric oxide (NO), 126, 131, 179, 659 chronic pelvic pain, 1490 bladder base and trigone and, 126 nocturnal enuresis, 723 bladder pain syndrome pathogenesis, 1471 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 660-1 urethral smooth muscle relaxation, 127 noradrenaline see norepinephrine nitric oxide synthase, 131 norephedrine (phenylpropanolamine; PPA), SUI, 672, 673 NKs see neurokinins norepinephrine (noradrenaline), urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, 183 194 antagonists, in chronic pelvic pain, 1492 norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors see serotonin and cerebrovascular accidents and LUT problems and, 891-2 norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors urethral and anal rhabdosphincters and, 194 normalised micturition frequency, measuring, 336 N-methyl-D-aspartate see NMDA Norwegian Society for Patients with Urologic Diseases (NOFUS), NO see nitric oxide 1681 NOBLE (National Overactive Bladder Evaluation), 349 NPUAP (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), 1620 nociceptin/orphanin FQ, 180-1 N-Qol, 380 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 822 NTM (Inco) Forum, Poland, 1681 nociception see pain nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), 210, 227, 228, 230, 231

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nurse(s), 1652-3, 1661-3, 1704-6 frail elderly, 992, 994-5 advanced practice see advanced practice nurses tissue analysis, 628 as continence advisors see continence nurse advisors UI aetiology, 57-8, 64 education/training, 1661-3 urethral smooth muscle relaxation and, 127 specialist, 1654-5, 1661-2, 1663 see also hormone replacement therapy; selective oestrogen nurse practitioners, continence, 1652-3, 1663 receptor modulators Nurses Health Study, 678 office evaluation physical activity in, 1030 economic aspects, 1687, 1707 nursing assistants and aides, 1664 pad testing, 618-20 nursing home (and other long-term care institutions for elderly), Office of Research Integrity (US), Introduction to Responsible 1004-5 Conduct of Research, 1756 absorbent bodyworn products in, evaluation, 1550, 1551 older people/elderly, 961-1024, 1362-73 AI/FI in, 78, 1362 AI/FI in, 1362-73, 1376 management, 1370-1 antimuscarinics see antimuscarinics residency as risk factor, 1331 bladder, 965-8 caregivers in, training, 1664 dysfunction, 260-1 constipation in, 1365 conservative treatment, 984-95 costs of care, 1704-6 drugs see drug therapy nocturia, drug therapy, 680 continence services, 1656 staff in, interventions with, 988-9, 1009 frail see frail elderly UI as risk factor for admission, 964-5 LUT dysfunction, outcome measures, 1740 UI in women in, 51, 61-2 nocturia see nocturia nutrient supply for tissue-engineered grafts, 150-1 nursing homes see nursing home nutritional factors see dietary factors patient-reported outcome assessment, 400 physiological/pathological changes, detrusor overactivity, 261 prevention of UI, 987, 1669-70 O research see research surgery see surgery transient incontinence, causes, 308-11 OAB-Q (Overactive Bladder Questionnaire), 381, 382 see also age Short Form, 380, 382 O’Leary-Sant (OLS) questionnaire, 1467-8, 1475, 1495, 1496, 1498 OAB-S (Overactive Bladder Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire), OLS (O’Leary-Sant) questionnaire, 1467-8, 1475, 1495, 1496, 1498 383, 384 omental grafts in non-obstetric fistula repair, 1251 OAB-SS (Overactive Bladder Symptom Score), 385, 387 one-hour pad test, 619-20 OAB-V8/OAB Awareness Tool, 383-4, 385 Onuf’s nucleus, 187, 194, 636 obesity and overweight, 1667 OPERA trial, 646, 654 female, 1028-9 operant behavioural strategies, 986 as risk factor for POP, 283 operating theatre time, fistula in developing world, 1450-1 as risk factor for UI (in general), 57, 64, 1028-9, 1667 opiate (opioid) receptor(s), agonists, 181 SUI surgical outcome and, 1223-4, 1232 opioid(s) (opioid receptor agonists), 181 FI and, 74-6, 1331 bladder pain syndrome, 1482 see also weight chronic pelvic pain, 1490-1 OBJECT trial, 646 opioid receptor-like 1 receptor, 180-1 observation(s), in research, ICS Standardization Committee recom OPTIMAL trial, 1754 mendations, 1730-1 OPUS trial, 1754 observation techniques in cognitive-behavioural therapy, 769 organisations, continence, 1657-8 surgery, 1751 directory of, 1680 observational studies, 1717 networking, 1658 obstetrics see childbirth; pregnancy ORL1 receptor, 180-1 obstruction (LUT), bladder see benign prostatic hyperplasia/enlarge orphanin FQ see nociceptin ment/obstruction; bladder obstruction; bladder outlet Orr-Loygue rectopexy, 1309 obstruction; urethral strictures orthopaedic trauma in obstructed labour, 1433-4 occluding devices, 1567-72 orthotopic neobladder see neobladder extra-urethral outcome(s) females, 1567-70 of catheterisation (intermittent vs indwelling), 1584 males see males of conservative interventions for female UI, factors affecting intra-urethral electrical stimulation, 1066-7 female, 1570-2 lifestyle modification, 1034 males, 1131-3 magnetic stimulation, 1070 occupational risk factors, 1668 pelvic floor muscle training, 1054-5 FI, 1341 scheduled voiding incl. bladder training, 1078-9 women, POP, 85, 1096 vaginal cones, 1058 interventions related to, 1096 of conservative interventions for male UI, factors affecting see also physical exercise electrical stimulation, 1091 O’Connor repair, 1447 magnetic stimulation, 1092 odds ratio, definition, 38 pelvic floor muscle training, 1087 odour control products, 1626-8 scheduled voiding, 1092-3 oestrogens, 676-8 continence devices continence mechanisms and, 676 external devices, 1532-3 deficiency, and overactive bladder, 261 internal devices (catheters), 1592-3 POP risk associated with, 283 in economic analysis, 1695-6 therapeutic use in incontinence, 676-8 in cost-utility analysis, 1696

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in FI intervention neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, children, 743 resting anal pressure and prediction of, 479-80 neurogenic UI, 821 sacral nerve stimulation, 1402 intravesical, 822 voluntary squeeze pressure, 484 in spinal cord injury, 903 in frail elderly nocturnal enuresis, 722 measures, 1740 women, pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1051 treated for UI, defining, 978 oxyphencyclimine, 821-2 functional, enterocystoplasty, 853 measurement, 1729-36 LUTS, 1729-36 P MRI assessment of treatment outcome, 592-3 patient-reported see patient-reported outcome assessment pad(s), absorbent surgery for SUI in women see subheading below containment with see absorbent products in trials, 1721, 1727 testing with (pad weighting), 347, 618-25, 1733, 1734 of POP surgery definition, 618 anatomical aspects, 1276 home-based, 620-2 MRI, 592 indications and methodology, 618 primary, 1721, 1727 office-based, 618-20 research see research postoperative after UI surgery in women, 1253 secondary, 1721, 1727 see also bedpads of SUI surgery, measurement, 1252-5 paediatrics see children confounding variables affecting, 1220-8 pain urodynamic studies in geriatric patients and effects on, 472 in bladder pain syndrome outpatient conservative management, economic analysis, 1700-2 assessment, 1475, 1489-90 overactive bladder (OAB; bladder overactivity; urge syndrome; mapping, 1475 urgency ± UI) and OAB syndrome, 258-64, 639-72, see also bladder pain syndrome 677-8, 1702-4 catheter-related, 1608 children, 730-1 indwelling, 1600 prevalence, 43 pelvic see pelvic pain therapy, 731, 735 sensation/nociception definition, 334 spinal glia and, 183 drug therapy, 630-72, 1702-4 tachykinins and, 183 continence awareness and promotion, 1702-4 treatment hormonal, 677-8 chronic pelvic pain, 1490-2 trials aiding economic evaluation, 1705 pharmacological see analgesia; drug therapy economic burden of disease, 1706 PAIS (Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale), 398 epidemiology, 72, 349 pants, washable absorbent worldwide estimates of numbers of individuals, 89 evaluation, 1550, 1551, 1552 filling cystometry in diagnosis of, 434-40 men, 1546, 1548 neural mechanisms, 222-4 women, 1545, 1546 pathophysiology and pathogenesis, 258-64, 636 paracetamol, chronic pelvic pain, 1490 patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 377-403 parallel trials, 1717 screening tools, 383-8 parametric studies, 1725 urodynamic studies in, 436-8 parasacrococcygeal transsphincteric incision, rectourethral fistula with coexisting SUI, 436 repair, 1156 see also detrusor overactivity; National Overactive Bladder parasympathetic nervous system, 797 Evaluation anorectum, 137 overactive pelvic floor, children, treatment, 739 denervation in bladder pain syndrome, 1493 overactive urethral sphincters, children LUT, 634 detrusor overactivity with, 742 bladder, 198 detrusor underactivity with, 742 bladder neck and base, 126 surgery, 745 urethra, 127 overdistension, bladder see cystodistension see also autonomic nervous system overflow FI (FI due to constipation and stool impaction) paravaginal defect repair, 1203, 1288, 1288-90 drug therapy, 676, 1351-2, 1371, 1375 Paré, Ambroise, 22 older people, 1351, 1364-5, 1370-1 parents, impact of UI/enuresis on, 766-7 prevalence, 1365 parity treatment, 1351, 1370-1 and FI risk, 1334 see also faeces, impaction and UI risk, 55 overflow UI, urodynamic studies, 456 Parkinson’s disease, 863, 881, 886-90 overlearning, 771 detrusor overactivity, 258 overweight see obesity and overweight FI, 863, 888-90 Oxford Guidelines (levels of evidence) multiple system atrophy and, differential diagnosis, 884 clinical drug recommendations, 633 UI and LUT dysfunction (in general) in, 454, 800, 881, 884, research recommendations, 1716 886-8 oxybutinin, 653-5, 992-3, 1704 combined urodynamics and imaging, 552 bladder/detrusor overactivity, 646-7, 653-5, 656, 821, 822 frail elderly, 971, 972 children, 738, 738-9 urodynamic studies, 454-5, 472-3 bladder pain syndrome, 1488 Parrish, Joseph, 1462 economic analysis, 1702, 1704 parturition see childbirth extended-release see extended-release formulations pathogenesis see aetiology frail elderly, 990-3

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pathophysiology, 257-330 strength evaluation, 348 of FI, 799 strength-increasing programmes, 1353 older adults, 1363-4 women, 1035-6 of nocturia, 263-4 supraspinal activation, 193-4 in the frail elderly, 999 tissue analysis, 627-9 of nocturnal enuresis, 716-18 ultrasound, 564-5 of POP, 278-84 weakness and fatigue, definition, 348 of UI see urinary incontinence pelvic floor muscle training/rehabilitation (PFMT; pelvic floor exer see also aetiology cises), 1034-55, 1079-80, 1353-9 patient(s) adherence (compliance), 1044-5, 1045-6, 1047, 1651 adherence see adherence costs, 1689 assessment see assessment in FI management, 1353-9, 1375-6 FI risk factors related to, 1330-3, 1339 frail elderly, 985 frail elderly, preferences for UI care, 979 men (incl. post-prostatectomy), 1083-6 history see history-taking combined with other treatments, 1085-7, 1090-1 obstetric fistula risk factors (and prevention) related to, 1435 compared with electrical stimulation, 1089 satisfaction with treatment see treatment future research directions, 1095 SUI surgery risk factors related to, 1231-2 literature search strategies, 1108 in trials/research recommendations for practice, 1094 informed consent see informed consent MRI assessment of outcome, 593 observations, ICS Standardization Committee recommenda women, 1034-55, 1076, 1079-80, 1097-100 tions, 1730-1 combined with other treatments, 1044-8, 1052-4, 1058, Patient Global Impression of Severity and of Improvement (PGI-I 1065-6, 1076 and PGI-S), 388 compared with other treatments, 1048-52, 1057, 1058 Patient Perception of Bladder Condition (PPBC), 387, 388 evidence for, 1036 patient-reported outcome (PRO) assessment, 363-412 future research directions, 1081 for clinical trials and practice, 401-2 literature search strategies, 1107 literature search strategy, 363 pregnancy and postnatal period, 1036-42, 1079-80, 1668-9 questionnaires see questionnaires preventive use, 1037, 1668-9 research recommendations, 403-4 recommendations for practice, 1079-80 types of PRO measures, 402-3 women with POP, 1097-100 Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), 384 future research directions, 1106 Pawlik, Karl, 27 recommendations for practice, 1106 PD-1151T, bladder pain syndrome, 1484 Pelvic Floor Netherlands, 1681 pelvic floor, 135 Pelvic Floor Patients Foundation, 1681 age-related changes, women, 968-9 pelvic nerve afferents, electrical stimulation, 192-3 anatomy, 184 pelvic organ(s) (and tissues/viscera) obstetric, training of health professionals, 298-9 anatomical/structural aspects, 184, 278, 279, 1278-9 chronic stress, 283 MRI, 579-82 electrical stimulation, 828 supporting structures, 278, 279, 579-82 electromyography see electromyography bimanual examination in bladder pain syndrome, 1475 imaging in neurogenic FI, 865 interactions at efferent neural levels, 203-5 innervation, in FI pathogenesis, 289 quantifying support, 1731 magnetic stimulation see magnetic stimulation sensation obstetrics and see childbirth; pregnancy brain circuits activated by, 231-3 in POP, associated conditions, 284-5 urothelial cell role in, 171-5 properties, 135 see also specific organs relaxation, MRI grading, 590-2 pelvic organ prolapse (POP), 80-6, 278-85, 344-7, 579-88, 589-92, research recommendations, 197 1095-7, 1273-320, 1706-7, 1737-8, 1746-7 surgery, ultrasound, 571 aetiology/risk factors, 82-5, 274-84, 1096-7 trauma levator innervation, 187-8 in men, incontinence after, 1141-2, 1169 obstetric, 272-3, 586 in women, due to childbirth, 266-8 related to choice of surgical route, 1295-300 Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory (PFDI), 391-2, 1746 classification/staging, 344-7, 1731 intravaginal rings and pessaries and, 1103 comorbid conditions, 85, 284-5 pelvic floor dysfunction/disorders FI, 1333 birth injury, 266-8 UI see subheading below children, treatment, 739 definitions, 80, 1746, 1747 detrusor overactivity, 261 epidemiology, 80-6 FI relating to, 354 research recommendations, 93-4 imaging see imaging help-seeking behaviour, 88 symptoms of, 341 imaging, 579-88 Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Network (PFDN), 1754 in grading of relaxation, 590-2 Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire (PFIQ), 391-2, 1746 MRI, 579-88, 589-92, 593 intravaginal rings and pessaries and, 1103 quantitative assessment, 567-70 pelvic floor muscle (and pelvic organ-supporting tissues) ultrasound, 567-70 deinnervation see nerve injury management, 1095-107, 1273-320 electrical stimulation see electrical stimulation anatomical aspects of surgical outcome, 1276 EMG see electromyography conservative, 1095-107, 1108 MRI, 579-82 costs, 1698, 1706-7 neural control in females, 184-8 MRI assessment of surgical outcome, 592 remodelling, in POP aetiology, 282 surgical see surgery

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pathophysiology, 278-84 trauma in childbirth, 270-1 physical examination, 344-7 repair, training, 298-9 prevention see prevention ultrasound for mesh implantation, 571 questionnaires assessing symptoms and health-related QoL peripenile strap, 1575 impact, 389-93, 397, 1746 peripheral excitatory mechanisms, 205-7 research see research peripheral nerves see nerve supply; neuropathy symptoms see symptoms peripherally active drugs in overactive bladder/detrusor overactivity, UI and urinary tract dysfunction comorbid with, 347, 1228-9 670 surgical considerations, 1228-9 Peristeen Anal Irrigation system, 869 see also specific organs/tissues periurethral adjustable balloons, 1131-3 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Distress Inventory (POPDI) and intravaginal periurethral bulking agents see bulking agents rings and pessaries, 1103 Permacol® Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Quantification (POP-Q), 344-5, 1731, anal canal injections, 1217, 1405 1746, 1747 sling made from, 1216 ICS, 344 per-protocol approaches to data analysis, 1724-5 modified, 344 personal hygiene, indwelling catheters, 1601 Q-tip test and, 343-4 personal preferences and priorities for continence devices, 1525, simplified, 344 1557 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification Index (POP-Q-I), 345 personalisation of products, 1557 Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire, pessaries, 1100-5, 1106, 1108, 1572-3, 1670 397 PET see positron emission tomography pelvic pain, chronic pethidine, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 conceptual diagram, 1466 Peyronie’s disease, 150 management, 1490-2 PFDI see Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory Pelvic Pain and Urgency/Frequency (PUF) questionnaire, 385, 1467, PFDN (Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Network), 1754 1468, 1495, 1498 PFIQ see Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire pelvic radiation see radiation PGI-I and PGI-S (Patient Global Impression of Severity and of pelvic surgery (in general) Improvement), 388 nerve damage due to, 802, 918 pharmacists, 1663 Parkinson’s disease patients, 888 pharmacology previous history of, pelvic organ (incl. vaginal) prolapse risk age-related changes, 981-3 with, 82-3, 283 antimuscarinics, 641 pelvic viscera see pelvic organs urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, 194-7 pelvis, bony see also drug history; drug therapy MRI studies of racial differences, 588-9 Pharmacy Continence Care Project (Australia), 1649 POP risk related to, 283 phase I-IV trials, 1718 trauma in obstructed labour, 1433-4 phenol injection, transvesical, 1238 penile nerve, dorsal, electrical stimulation, 535 phenylephrine, FI, 1351 penis phenylpropanolamine (PPA; norephedrine), SUI, 672, 673 compression devices see males Philippines, Continence Foundation, 1681 cuff device for pressure-volume measurements, 420-1 phosphodiesterase, 131, 658-9 erectile dysfunction see erectile dysfunction inhibition, 658-9 sheaths see condom catheters PDE5, 659 tissue engineering, 150 phospholipase C, 128-9 pentosan polysulfate, sodium (PPS), in bladder pain syndrome, physical consequence of obstetric fistulas, 1429 1484-5 physical disability see functional impairment intravesical/intramural, 1487 physical examination peranal surgical approaches see transanal approach bladder pain syndrome, 1474-5 perception, conscious, of input from body as aspects of homeostasis, child, 706-7 230-1 nocturnal enuresis, 720 percutaneous procedures female, 341-4 electrical stimulation, children, 735 non-obstetric fistulas, 1248 sacral root block, 839-40 in FI, 354-5 perianal examination in FI, 354 male see male periaqueductal grey (PAG), 207, 212-13, 215, 216, 220 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 803 lesion and imaging studies, 219 physical exercise/activity perineal approach ordinary levels of, 1667-8 artificial urinary sphincter implantation, 1161 SUI surgical outcome and, 1224 prostatectomy, 1128 stressful/strenuous, 1667 rectal prolapse surgery, 1307-8 FI risk and, 1331-3, 1341 rectourethral fistula repair, 1156, 1157 POP and, 85 SUI surgery, historical accounts, 28-9 UI risk in men, 69 perineal fistula, surgery, 1406-7 UI risk in women, 60, 1029-30 perineal pad testing see pads, testing with see also exercise perineometers, 348 physical therapy see physiotherapists; physiotherapy perineum physicians see doctors cleansing/wiping from front to back (women), 1622 physiology see neurophysiology; pathophysiology compression (of bulbar urethra), historical account, 22, 24 physiotherapists, 1654, 1663 dermatitis (=incontinence-associated dermatitis), 1618-26 physiotherapy (physical therapy) descent, correlation with anal mucosal sensitivity, 490 continence awareness and promotion, 1700 examination, females with UI, 342 trials/research, 1748-9 surgical incision see episiotomy women with POP, 1097-100, 1108

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combined with surgery, 1295-300 posterior urethrovesical angle, 553 Pippi-Salle technique, 845 post-marketing surveillance (phase IV) trials, 1718 PISQ (Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual postmenopausal women see menopausal/postmenopausal women Questionnaire), 397 post-micturition/post-void pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, 132, 198 dribble see dribble placebos, 1750 residual urine see residual urine in bladder pain syndrome, 1499 symptoms, definitions, 335 in UI postnatal (postpartum) period, UI bladder training vs, 1073-4 pelvic floor muscle training in prevention and treatment, drug therapy vs, 638-82, 1750 1036-42, 1080, 1668-9 electrical stimulation vs, men, 1088 prevalence, 51-3 electrical stimulation vs, women, 1088-9 postpartum period see postnatal period pelvic floor muscle training vs (women), 1042-3 post-void see post-micturition weighted vaginal cones vs, 1056-7 potassium chloride challenge, intravesical, 1475-6 plain X-rays, 551-9 potassium ions (and channels), 144-6 plastic catheters see polyvinyl chloride catheters blocker, novel, 146 plugs detrusor function and, 122, 144-5 anal, 869, 1530, 1612, 1615-16, 1617, 1618 openers, 652-3 urethral, 1450 see also calcium ion-activated potassium channels Poisson distribution, 1694 pouches Polish Continence Organisation, 1681 FI (anal pouch), 1530, 1614, 1617, 1618 polyacrylamide hydrogel (Bulkamid), 1405 UI, males polydimethylsiloxane® (Bioplastique® ; Macroplastique® ) as guards/leafs, 1540, 1548, 1549 bulking agent pouches/containers, 1528, 1567 anal canal, 1404 power in trials, 1723, 1724 periurethral, men, 1129, 1136 PPBC (Patient Perception of Bladder Condition), 387, 388 polyester sling, 1215 PQRST characteristics, pain evaluation, 1489 polyethylene glycol, 1371 PRAFAB, 381 polyethylene terephthalate-reinforced silicon sling, 1212 pragmatic trials, 1724-5 polypharmacy, frail elderly, inappropriate, 982 prebiotics and FI risk, 1346-7 polypropylene mesh prefrontal cortex, medial, 221 anterior wall surgery, 1300-1 pregabalin sacrocolpopexy, 1279 bladder pain syndrome, 1481-2 polytetrafluoroethylene see PTFE chronic pelvic pain, 1491 polyuria, 337 preganglionic neurones (PGN), parasympathetic, 198 measurement, 336 pregnancy nocturnal see nocturnal polyuria as FI risk factor, 1334-7, 1340 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) catheters fistulas related to see fistulas, obstetric indwelling, 1589 future/subsequent intermittent, 816, 1580 bladder reconstruction and, 758 polyvinyl sponge, intravaginal, 1574 with obstetric anal sphincter injuries, management, 297 pons, 209-12, 220 history see reproductive history continence centre/L-region, 212, 220 pelvic floor and effects of, 264-71 `filling neurones’, 211 pelvic floor muscle training, 1036-42, 1079-80, 1688-9 lesion and imaging studies, 220 pelvic organ prolapse and, 84-5, 282 locus coeruleus complex (LCC), 232 UI related to, 51-3, 55-7, 264-71 micturition centre (MC), 207, 209-11, 215, 216, 220, 228 pathophysiology, 264-71 see also suprapontine lesions prevention, 1036-42, 1668-9 POPDI (Pelvic Organ Prolapse Distress Inventory) and intravaginal research recommendations, 93 rings and pessaries, 1103 ultrasound, 570-1 POP-Q exam see Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Quantification see also childbirth; labour; parity; postnatal period population, target, in continence promotion programmes, 1649-52 preoperative evaluation, men, 1124-6, 1169 population-based epidemiological studies pressure bladder pain syndrome, 1466-8 anorectal, 475-91 FI, 1323-30 increasing, in patients with passive FI, 1351 obstetric fistulas, 1425 length of high pressure zone, 481 population-based prevention, 1666-7 measurement see manometry porcine dermal collagen see dermal collagen on voluntary contraction, 481-6 positive-pressure urethrography, 550 LUT urethral diverticula, 603 air-charged catheters for, 419-20 positron emission tomography (PET) of brain, 605-7 children, normal voiding pressure, 707 bladder control, 217, 219 detrusor, measurement in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 804 homeostatic emotions, 234 intravesical see intravesical pressure postanal repair, 1392-4, 1408 leak point see leak point pressure posterior pelvic compartment, ultrasonography, 567 urethral see urethral pressure posterior sacral rhizotomy combined with anterior root stimulation, see also pubic pressure urinals 840 pressure-flow studies posterior sagittal approach frail elderly, 471, 472 anorectoplasty, 1153 non-invasive methods, 420-1 rectourethral fistula, 1156 pressure ulcers, 1620-1 posterior transsphincteric incision, rectourethral fistula repair, 1156 pressure-volume studies see cystometry posterior urethral valves, 463-4 prevalence (of disorders)

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AI/FI, 74, 1323-41 neurogenic patients, 868 frail elderly, 1362, 1365 spinal cord injury, 907-8 definition, 38 prolapse enuresis/wetting, night see nocturnal enuresis lumbar disc, 911-12 obstetric fistulas, 1425 pelvic organs see pelvic organ prolapse and specific organs/tis perineal dermatitis, 1619-20 sues POP, 80 prolene tape see tension-free vaginal tape UI (in general) promotion frail older and disabled persons, research, 1739 of continence care/awareness see continence measurement issues, 86-7, 93 health (in general), 1646-7 men, 65 prompted voiding, 815 post-radical prostatectomy, 1126 prompted voiding see prompted voiding reasons for differences in estimates, 86-7 prompted voiding research recommendations, 93 frail elderly, 985, 986, 987 women, 46-53 diapers vs, 979 prevention/prophylaxis, 1645, 1666-71 recommendations, 1008 FI, 79, 1339-40, 1374, 1670, 1707-8 staff attitudes, 988-9 fistulas in women in vascular dementia, 880 of fistula, 1435 propantheline of postoperative UI, 1449 frail elderly, 991, 995 POP, 1670 and flavoxate, 992, 995 lifestyle interventions, 1096-7 neurogenic UI, 821-2 pelvic floor muscle training in, 1098 intravesical, 822 UI, 1666-70 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 643 older people, 987, 1669-70 prophylaxis see prevention POP surgery combined with, 1294-5 propiverine, 655-7 primary see primary prevention children, 459, 739 research recommendations, 93 frail elderly, 991, 994 UI, men neurogenic UI, 821 electrical stimulation, 1088 prosencephalon (forebrain) interoceptive representation, 231 magnetic stimulation, 1091 prospective studies of SUI surgery, 1751 pelvic floor muscle training in, 1083-4 prostaglandin(s) post-prostatectomy, 1669 receptors, 142-4 scheduled voiding, 1092 synthesis inhibitors see non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs UI, women prostaglandin analogue, bladder pain syndrome, 1486 bladder training, 1071 prostanoid receptors, 142-4 in childbirth/postnatal, 1036-42, 1668-9 prostate cancer, 984 electrical stimulation, 1059 post-treatment UI lifestyle interventions, 1028 after radiotherapy see radiotherapy magnetic stimulation, 1068 after surgery see prostatectomy, radical pelvic floor muscle training in non-obstetric patients, 1042 after other treatment, 1140-1 pelvic floor muscle training in obstetric patients, 1036-42 PSA levels, 352 weighted vaginal cones, 1056 QoL questionnaires, 401 urinary tract infection prostate gland cranberry juice see cranberry supplement age-related changes, 969-70, 983-4 indwelling catheter-related, 1593-5, 1602-4 benign disease/hyperplasia see benign prostatic hyperplasia intermittent catheter-related, 1582 cryosurgical ablation see cryoablation surgery in spinal cord injury, 904 inflammation (prostatitis), age-related occurrence, 970 PRIDE (Program to Reduce Incontinence by Diet and Exercise) LUTS research complicated by presence of, 1736 trial, 1748 palpation, 351-2 primary care (and general practitioners/GPs/family doctors), 1655-6 prostate-specific antigen, measurement, 352-3 education of physicians, 1658-60 Prostate Symptom Score, International (I-PSS), 386 frail elderly assessment, 975 prostatectomy (for BPH and cancer, and associated UI), 64, 302-3, primary outcomes in trials, 1721, 1727 303-6, 1123, 1126-35, 1169 primary prevention, 1666-71 causes and risk factors for incontinence, 65, 69-70, 306-7, 350, FI, 1340, 1374, 1645, 1666-71 1082 recommendations, 1671 radical prostatectomy, 303-7, 452, 1126-7 UI, 1666-70 TURP see transurethral resection of prostate pelvic floor muscle training in, 1037, 1668-9 conservative treatment of UI, 1082-95 proACT™ , 1131-3 endoscopic assessment in UI following, 609 probiotics and FI risk, 1346-7 Parkinson’s disease patients, 888 procaine haematoporphyrin, 992, 995 prevention of UI, 1669 Procon anal plug, 1613, 1615 radical (for cancer), 70, 303-7, 452, 1123, 1126-35, 1169 proctography, defaecating see defaecography elderly, 1137-8 proctopexy (rectopexy), 1308-9 pathophysiology of UI, 1128 proctoscopy, 355 prevalence, 1126 professionals, health see health care staff radiotherapy and, 1138-40 progestogens/progestins (incl. progesterone), 678 recovery of continence after, 306 prognostic value of imaging studies, 546 risk of UI, 303-7, 452, 1126-7 Program to Reduce Incontinence by Diet and Exercise (PRIDE) surgery for UI, 1126-35 trial, 1748 technique, 70 prokinetic drugs (motility stimulants) in FI, 1352 sphincter dysfunction following see urethral sphincter dysfunc

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tion PUF patient symptom scale, 385, 1467, 1468, 1495, 1498 surgery after, in benign prostate disease, 1136-7 pull-ups, 1540, 1542, 1553 urodynamic studies for UI after, 451-4 evaluation, 1550 see also transurethral resection pulmonary disease, chronic, 60-1 prostheses and implants frail elderly, 971 bladder neck slings/support, 846-7 purinoceptors (and puringergic nerves/innervation), 118, 130, 174, historical accounts, 30 178-80 of tissue replacement materials, 149-50 ATP and see ATP see also grafts; meshes; stents and entries under artificial bladder, 130, 637 proteoglycans, pelvic floor-supporting tissues, 627, 628 wall, and detrusor, 118 provocative stress testing see stress testing detrusor overactivity and, 262-3 PSQ (Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire), 384 P2X family, 130 psychiatric and psychological disorders, 1668 P2X1, 123, 130, 636 assessment of children for, 767-8 P2X2/3, 118, 130, 178-9, 637 comorbid, frail elderly with UI, 970-2 P2Y family, 118, 130 enuresis/wetting purple urine drainage bag syndrome, 1566 day, 45 PVC catheters see polyvinyl chloride catheters night, 42 pyelography, intravenous, 548 SUI surgical outcome with, 1224 pyridostigmine in multiple system atrophy, 885 treatment of children with, 768-9 pyrolytic carbon-coated zirconium oxide beads (Durasphere), 1404 UI risk, 1668 women, 60 psychological consequences, 1647-8 Q of catheter use, 1607-8 adjustment over time, 1608-9 Q-tip test, 343, 343-4, 348, 1738 children, 760-71 QT/QTc intervals FI, 764-6, 766 darifenacin effects, 649-50 reconstructive surgery, 759 solifenacin effects, 651 UI and enuresis, 760-4, 766-71 QUADAS (Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Studies), 445 obstetric fistulas, 1429, 1434 quality-adjusted life years (QALY), 402-3, 1691, 1693, 1695, 1735 psychological management, nocturnal enuresis, see also specific Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Studies (QUADAS), 445 methods quality of care psychological stress reduction in bladder pain syndrome, 1481 obstetric fistula management, 1425 psychometric properties, questionnaires, 365-7 obstetric fistula prevention, 1436 Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS), 398 quality of life/QoL (and its assessment incl. health-related quality of psychotherapy, children, 768-9, 769 life), 363, 377-83 PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) catheter-related, 817, 1606-7, 1617 as bulking agent children with UI, 766, 767 anal canal, 1403 continence devices, 1533 periurethral, 844 enterocystoplasty, 853 indwelling catheters, 1589 in FI, assessment, 393-4, 866, 1402, 1744 as mesh for sacrocolpopexy, 1279 in FI, in neurogenic patients, 866, 870 as sling, 1212-15 meningomyelocele, 915 PTP (PTQ) implants, 1404 frail elderly with UI, assessing, 978 pubic pressure urinals, 1567 neurogenic UI (incl. detrusor overactivity) pubic symphysis botulinum toxin A effects, 665 distance between urethral orifice and, 533 in spinal cord injury, 902 trauma in obstructed labour, 1433-4 in overactive bladder public/consumer education and awareness, 1646, 1649-50, 1650-1, darifenacin impact on, 649 1657-8 fesoterodine fumarate impact on, 651-2 publications see literature in POP surgical outcome assessment, 1277 PubMed, neurogenic UI, 800 tools incl. questionnaires assessing impact, 371, 373-83, puborectalis muscle, 290, 475 1695-6, 1734-5 anatomy and physiology, 475 children, 767 FI and, 281-2 in FI, 393-4, 866 assessment of muscle function, 355 in POP, 389-93, 397, 1746 pubovaginal sling, historical accounts, 28 recommendations, 1735 pudendal nerve, 186, 188 specific patient groups, 400-1 continence in sneezing and, 194 women after UI surgery, 1254 electrical stimulation of pudendal nerve afferents, 192-3 Quality of Well-Being Index, 1695-6 therapeutic use, 826, 830 Qualiveen, 400-1 injury see nerve injury quantitative sensory testing, 534 innervation by, 186, 188 quercetin, bladder pain syndrome, 1485 anal and urethral rhabdosphincters, 188, 189 questionnaire(s), 377-83 levator ani, 186, 188, 197 bladder pain syndrome, 1467-8, 1494-8 nucleus of (Onuf’s nucleus), 187, 194, 636 continence devices, 1533 pudendal nerve conduction tests (incl. terminal motor neurogenic FI, 864 latency/PDTML), 532-3 patient-reported outcome, 377-403 FI investigation, 496-7, 501 development and validation, 364-7 postpartum, 290, 291 recommended, 368-9 pudendal somatosensory evoked potentials, 535 specific patient groups, 399-401 puerperium see postnatal period

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QoL see quality of life vector manometry, 487 Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), 386, 387 prosthetic bowel sphincter implanted around, 1398 QUID (Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence sensation see sensation Diagnosis), 386, 387 see also anorectum and entries under transrectal QWB (Quality of Well-Being) Index, 1695-6 rectus fascia sling, 1211, 1212, 1215-16 vs Burch colposuspension, 1752 referral R centres, 1655 LUTS symptoms requiring, 337 reflex(es), 525 race/ethnicity biological correlates with studies of, 525 FI risk and, 1331 bladder-cooling see ice water/ test men, UI and, 65 bulbocavernosus, evaluation, 809 nocturnal enuresis and, 41 continence/guarding, 189, 192, 197, 215 women developmental, in Alzheimer’s disease, 878 pelvic dimensions and, MRI studies, 588-9 homeostatic, 227-30, 231 POP and, 83-4 micturition see micturition reflex SUI surgical outcome, 1223 rectoanal inhibitory, 498-9 UI and, 53, 64 sacral see bulbocavernosus reflex; sacral reflexes radiation-induced conditions, pelvic spinal see spinal reflexes cystitis and reduced bladder capacity, 1152 spinobulbospinal, 215 FI, 354, 1338 urine storage, 192-4 radiography, plain film, 551-9 reflex bladder (automatic bladder; reflex voiding; reflex inconti radioisotope scans, upper urinary tract, 549 nence), 838-42 radiology see imaging management, 849-55 radiotherapy, prostate cancer (and associated UI), 307-8, 452-3, denervation, 838-42 1138-40 sacral neuromodulation, 830 interstitial see brachytherapy reflex-triggered defaecation see defaecation prostate surgery and, 1138-40 reflex voiding (therapeutic use) see also brachytherapy; radiation-induced conditions, pelvic spontaneous, 811 random sampling, 1720 triggered, 811, 813 randomisation, 1720-1 see also reflex bladder randomised controlled studies (RCTs), 1716 reflux, vesicoureteric see vesicoureteric reflux data analysis, 1725-6 regional anaesthesia, 802 reporting, 1727-8 fistula surgery, 1439 surgery, 1751-2 labour, 268-9 rape, traumatic fistulas, 1424 regression analysis, 1694 RCN (Royal College of Nursing) Continence Care Forum, 1682 regulatory issues, questionnaires and, 367 real-time three-dimensional ultrasonography, 559 rehabilitation, bladder, children, 734-6, 769-71 rectoanal inhibitory reflex, 498-9 reinnervated muscle, concentric needle EMG, 528-9 rectocele see vaginal wall prolapse, posterior relative risk, definition, 38 rectopexy, 1308-9 relaxation rectosigmoidoscopy, 355 detrusor see detrusor rectourethral fistula, men, 1151, 1153-60, 1169 pelvic floor, MRI grading, 590-2 rectovaginal fistula, obstetric, 1433 urethral smooth muscle, 127 repair, 1447 reliability rectum neurophysiological tests, 526 abdominoperineal resection, 802, 918 urodynamic studies accommodation and reservoir function, 289 children, 467-8 balloons see balloon systems leak point pressure measurement, 433 as bladder reservoir, 747 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 456-7 brain and, interactions, 226, 227, 231 urethral pressure measurements, 430-2 cancer, 918 reliability of patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 366 anal mucosal sensitivity following anterior resection, 491 Reliance device, 1571 compliance, assessment, 488, 493-6 REMEEX, 1130, 1131, 1137 continence devices, 1530, 1612-14, 1616-17, 1617, 1618 remission, UI cooling test, 499 men, 65 digital stimulation, 867-8 women, 53-5 distension, 286 Renacidin, 1598 evacuation see defaecation; defaecography renal problems/imaging/transplantation etc. see kidney examination (incl. digital examination) renography, 549 bladder pain syndrome in men, 1475 reporting of research child, 347 conflict of interest, 1757-8 in FI, 355 randomised controlled studies, 1727-8 older people, 1369 reproducibility women, 347 anal manometry examination (incl. digital examination), male, 347, 348-9 resting pressure, 476 pelvic floor muscle training using feedback via, 1085 squeeze pressure, 482 irrigation with water, 869, 1349 cystourethrography, 555-7 oxybutinin administration via, 655 neurophysiological tests, 526 prolapse, 1307-9 pad testing, 610, 618-19, 620 surgery, 1307-9 urodynamic studies, 423-7, 430-2

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children, 467-8 MRI, 594 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 456-7 open bladder neck and proximal urethra, 602 reproductive history (pregnancy/obstetric history), research relating residual urine evaluation, 599 to, 1737 urethral diverticula, 604 frail older and disabled people, 1739 LUT (in general), 151 reproductive organs see genitalia/genital organs LUTS (in general), 337, 1736-9 reproductive performance and obstetric fistulas, 1432-3 men, 1736-7 research (incl. future/further research needs and recommendations), outcomes measurement, 1729-36 1713-65 women, 1737-9 bladder pain syndrome, 1502-3, 1744-5 neurogenic UI, 1742-4 catheters intermittent catheterisation, 817 indwelling, 1611 neurological disorders causing see subheading below intermittent, 817, 1611 triggered reflex bladder, 811 children, 1741-2 neurological disorders (FI or UI due to) continence devices (UI and FI), 1556 cerebral lesions and cerebrovascular accidents, 892 urodynamic studies, 468 dementia see subheading above conservative treatment in diabetes mellitus, 917 with continence devices see subheading below Guillain-Barré syndrome, 910-11, 911 men, 1094-5 HIV disease, 922 women, 1081-2 iatrogenic, 919 continence awareness and promotion, 1651-2, 1658 meningomyelocele, 914 continence devices, FI, 1618 multiple system atrophy, 885, 886 children, 1556 Parkinson’s disease, 888, 890 continence devices, UI, 1749-50 spinal cord injury, 904-5, 908 absorbent products for light UI in females, 1546 neurophysiological tests, 538 absorbent products for light UI in males, 1548 nocturia, 1747-8 absorbent products for moderate/heavy UI, 1554 odour control products, 1628 adherence to trial design criteria, 1755 older people (incl. frail persons) bodyworn urinals, 1567 with FI, 1373 children with UI and/or FI, 1556 with UI, 311, 1006-7, 1009-10, 1739 commodes and bedpans, 1537 outcomes, 1658 handheld urinals, 1535 LUTS, 1729-36 mechanical devices for females, 1570, 1572, 1575 patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 403 mechanical devices for males, 1576 pad testing, 623 penile sheaths, 1561 pelvic floor, 197 product evaluation methodology, 1531-3 pharmacotherapy see drug therapy underpads, disposable, 1555 physical examination underpads, washable, 1555 females, 349 urine drainage bags, 1566-7 males, 353 dementia and UI POP, 1746-7 Alzheimer’s disease, 879 epidemiology, 93-4 frontotemporal dementia, 882 treatment, 1310-11 Lewy body dementia, 881 post-void residual volume testing, 340 vascular dementia, 880 professional education, 1665 on economic analysis, 1708-9 skin care products, 1626 endoscopy, 610 surgery, 1751-5 epidemiological, 92-4 adherence to trial design criteria, 1755 FI, 93-4 frail older people, 1740 POP, 93-4 men, 1170 UI, 64, 92-3 in new procedures, 1753-4 ethical considerations, 1756-8 women with POP, 1310-11 FI, 1744-5 tissue replacement/engineering, 149-51 assessment of FI, 355 translational, 149 biofeedback and anal sphincter/pelvic floor training, 1359, urinalysis, 338 1375-6 urodynamic studies bowel training, 1350, 1375 air-charged catheters for pressure measurements, 420 continence devices see FI (subheading above) children, 468 diet and fluid intake, 1348, 1375 detrusor overactivity, 439, 441, 442 drug therapy, 1352, 1375 geriatric patients, 471, 473 electrical stimulation, 1360, 1376 men, 453-4 epidemiological studies, 93-4 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 457, 1743 imaging, 616-17 reproducibility of results, 426 lifestyle factors and education, 1343, 1374 in therapeutic response prediction, 442 in neurological disease see subheading below women, 445, 446, 449-50 older people, 1373 see also literature; trials prevention of FI, 1341, 1374 Resident Assessment Instrument and Resident Assessment Protocol, QoL, 870 1005 general recommendations, 1716-29 residential care see nursing home goals, 1715 residual urine (post-void; PVR), evaluation, 338-40, 562-4, 597-9 imaging, 549 children, 709-10 cystourethrography, 557 imaging, 597-9 FI, 616-17 ultrasound see ultrasound

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men, 339-40 in detrusor overactivity, 1149 neurogenic incontinence FI, 1359, 1399-402, 1408 multiple sclerosis, 896 cost-benefit, 1402 multiple system atrophy, 884 mechanism of action, 1400 older people (incl. frail elderly), 469-70, 471, 472, 977 neurogenic see subheading below recommendations, 1011 outcome, 1400-2 women, 339 patient selection and indications, 1399-400 residual urine (post-void), elevated, frail elderly, 982 safety, 1402 resiniferatoxin, 180, 1146 technique, 1399 therapeutic use, 667-8, 823, 1147 neurogenic FI, 871-2 bladder pain syndrome, 1487 meningomyelocele, 915 men, 1146 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 829-32 respect for persons, 1756 hypotheses on mode of action, 829-30 responsiveness to change in questionnaires, 366-7 posterior/dorsal, section see sacral rhizotomy reticular formation, medial, 211 in spinal cord injury, 904 retrograde colonic enema, meningomyelocele, 914-15 sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN), 198, 202 retropubic approach to urethral diverticulum, 1247 sacral reflexes, 525-6 retropubic prostatectomy, incidence of UI, 304, 305 see also bulbocavernosus reflex retropubic sling, historical accounts, 28 sacral rhizotomy, 839, 1239 retropubic suspension (Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure), combined with anterior root stimulation, 840 1198-202 sacral spinal cord dysfunction, FI, 1366 retropubic tape placement, 1218, 1219 sacral spine, imaging, 605 retro-resistance pressure, urethral, 422 sacrocolpopexy, 1277, 1278, 1279-86 predicting surgical failure in SUI, 446 Burch colposuspension added to, 1754 retrospective studies of conservative vs surgical management of outcomes, 1281-5 SUI, 1701-2 sacroperineal-sacroabdominoperineal pull-through, 1153 reusable/washable continence products, 1557 sacrospinous ligament suspension or colpopexy, 1280, 1286, 1287, intravaginal bladder beck-supporting devices, 1573, 1573-4 1754 pads (bodyworn absorbent), 1540, 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544 vs sacral colpopexy, 1707 light UI in men, 1546, 1548, 1549 safety aspects (incl. adverse effects and complications) light UI in women, 1545, 1546 adjustable balloons (for urethral compression), 1133 moderate/heavy UI, 1550-1, 1552, 1553 antegrade continence enemas, 1407 recommendations, 1557 artificial urinary sphincter, 1161-3 underpads, 1555 child, 751 rhabdosphincter, urethral and anal see anal sphincter; urethral treatment of complications, 1165-8, 1169-70 sphincter bladder reconstruction, 755-9 rhizotomy, sacral see sacral rhizotomy continence devices, 1750 rho-associated kinase (ROK/ROCK), 121-2 cryosurgical ablation of prostate, 1140, 1141 anal sphincter and, 139 drugs in older persons, 681-2, 982-3, 993, 994 rings, intravaginal, 1100-5, 1572-3, 1573 fistula repair, 1448, 1452 risk indwelling suprapubic catheters, 819 of disorders, factors affecting see aetiology indwelling urethral catheters see indwelling catheters of procedures see safety intermittent catheterisation see intermittent catheterisation relative, definition, 38 male sling, 1131 robotic surgery, POP, 1278 neuromodulation (sacral nerve stimulation) ROCK see rho-associated kinase in FI, 1402 ROK see rho-associated kinase in UI, 1244 Romans, ancient, 21 POP surgery routine care costs, 1700-1 with concomitant hysterectomy, 1294 Royal College of Nursing Continence Care Forum, 1682 related to route, 1278 rupture, reservoir, 755 surgery (in general), 1754 children, 755-9 fin detrusor overactivity in women, 1242-5 S new procedures, 1754 for SUI in women, 1222, 1223, 1229-37 in trials, 1757 sacral agenesis, 460-1 monitoring, 1722 neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 741 triggered reflex voiding, 811 urodynamic studies, 461-2 urinary diversion sacral cord dysfunction and FI, 1366 continent, 856 sacral nerve root(s) non-continent, 858-9, 859-60 afferent nerve recording from, 810 see also drug-induced incontinence electrical stimulation see sacral neuromodulation saline 0.9% (catheter maintenance solution), 1598 magnetic stimulation see magnetic stimulation saline retention test, 493 surgery, 839-42 sampling sacral neuromodulation (therapeutic electrical nerve root stimula methods/strategies, 1720 tion), 829-32, 1242-5 sample size considerations, 1723-4 anterior (cauda equina stimulation), 533 in UI prevalence estimation, 47 with posterior sacral rhizotomy, 840 satisfaction with treatment see treatment bladder pain syndrome, 1488-9 scaffold for tissue-engineered grafts, 150, 750 children, 736 scheduled voiding complications see safety aspects men, 1092-3

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future research directions, 1095 serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NSRI; SNRI), 660 women, 1070-8 with overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 660 future research directions, 1082 economic analysis, 1704 literature search strategies, 1107-8 rhabdosphincter effects, 194-5, 660 scheduled voiding, women, see also timed voiding with SUI, 674-5 scheduled waking, 724 serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 schistosomiasis (bilharziasis), contracted bladder, 746, 1151 services Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Blasenschwache (Switzerland), continence, 1652-8 1682 delivery, 1652-3 scintigraphy (isotope scans), upper urinary tract, 549 need, 1653 Scott intermittent catheter, 1580 obstetric fistulas, delivery, 1425 screening seven transmembrane (7TM) family of receptors, 140 for FI in high-risk groups, active, 1324 severity tools and questionnaires, 383-8 FI, assessment, 354 children, 767-8 nocturnal enuresis, 714 scrotal approach, artificial urinary sphincter implantation, 1161-3 symptoms second messengers and signal transduction, LUT, 117-18, 140 measuring, 335-7 secondary outcomes in trials, 1721, 1727 questionnaires regarding, 388, 389 secondary prevention SUI surgical outcome and, 1226 FI, 1340, 1374 UI in men, 65 UI UI in women pelvic floor muscle training in, 1037 SUI, 443-4 post-prostatectomy, 1669 UUI, 448-9 secretory properties, urothelium/suburothelium, 117-19 sex see gender sedative/hypnotic-induced UI, 309, 310 sex hormones/steroids segmental pathways (and activation) in UI treatment, 676-9 bladder, 200-2 urethral smooth muscle relaxation, 127 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters, 189-90 see also oestrogen; progestogens selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), 628, 679 sexual abuse (children/women) UI risk and, 58 fistula related to, 1424 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, chronic pelvic pain, 1491 urinary symptoms, 740 self-esteem and childhood incontinence, 766, 767 sexual dysfunction, 1738 self-management with catheters, 1609 assessment/evaluation for see sexual function/satisfaction see also intermittent catheterisation mode of delivery and, 267 sensation, 533-5 POP and, 285 anorectal, 286, 289-90, 489-92 surgical management of, 1276 impaired, 289-90 SUI surgery-related, 1236 measurement, 488-91, 534 symptoms associated with, 341 training (in FI therapy), 1353 sexual function/satisfaction, evaluation, 395-9 bladder see bladder men, 395, 396, 398-9 pain see pain questionnaires in, 371, 395-9 urethral, age-related changes, 968 women, 395, 396, 397-8, 398, 399, 1738 visceral, urothelial cell role in, 171-5 sexual intercourse (coitus) sensitivity in cost-utility analysis, 1696 pain in (dyspareunia), SUI surgery, 1236 Sensor Q™ , 343 urinary incontinence, 334 sensory (afferent) nerves/neurones/nerve supply, 171-8, 636 Sexual Quality of Life-Female Questionnaire (SQOL-F), 399 anal rhabdosphincter, 188-9 sexuality bladder, 175-82, 207, 636 catheters and, 1608 properties, 175-82 children with detrusor-sphincter dysfunction and, 744 detrusor overactivity relating to, 262-3 SF6D, 1696 endings, sensitivity, 177-82 sheaths, penile see condom catheters homeostatic afferent network, 232-3 shields see inserts; pouches levator ani (females), 186-7 shingles (herpes zoster), 921 recording of activity on sacral roots, 810 Shy-Drager syndrome see multiple system atrophy spinal cord/spinal projections, 182-4, 227 sigma-rectum pouch, child, 747 urethral rhabdosphincter, 188-9 sigmoid resection with rectopexy, 1308-9 visceral sensation and see pelvic organs see also rectosigmoidoscopy; uterosigmoidostomy sensory neurography, 534 sign(s), correlation with investigations in females, 340-1 sensory system tests, 533-5 signalling quantitative, 534 neuronal seromuscular patch, 749 spinal cord glia modulation of, 183-4 serotonin (5-HT), 201-2, 213 urothelial and, 173 bladder function and, 201-2, 213 urothelium/suburothelium, 117-19 serotonin (5-HT) receptors, 195-7 neuronal and, 173 5-HT1A, 195-7, 202, 213 see also second messengers agonists, 202 significance (statistical), 1723, 1724 spinal urine-storage-reflex inhibitory center and, 193 SII (Symptom Impact Index), 388 sildenafil, 659 5-HT2, 195, 202 silicone biomaterial agonists, 202 injectable see polydimethylsiloxane® 5-HT , anorectum, 139 4 for slings, 1212 urethral and anal rhabdosphincters and, 195-7 silicone indwelling catheters, 1589

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silicone urethral inserts, 1570-2 see also cultural aspects silver alloy-coated indwelling catheters, 1586, 1589, 1593, 1594, Society for Continence, Singapore, 1681 1597, 1601, 1602 Society of Urologic Nurses see specific Associates, 1683 Simon, Gustav, 26 socioeconomic factors, POP, 85 Simon Foundation for Continence, 1683 sociomedical factors, obstetric fistulas, 1426, 1428 Sims, Marion, 26 sodium ion channels Singapore, Society for Continence, 1681 epithelial, 144 single blind trial, 1722 non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity and, 260 single fibre EMG, 529 NGF and TTX-resistant, 182 single photon emission tomography (SPECT), CNS, 605-7 sodium pentosan polysulfate see pentosan polysulfate Sinoba (Sweden), 1682 solabegron, 658 SISTEr (Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial), solifenacin (YM905), 650-1, 822, 1703 1752 economic analysis, 1702, 1703 six transmembrane (6TM) family of receptors, 144-6 frail elderly, 993-4 skeletal muscle soluble N-ethyl maleimide sensitive-factor attachment protein recep anal sphincter see anal sphincter, external tors (SNAREs), 661 disease, EMG, 531-2 Solution G, 1598 urethral see urethral sphincter, external Solution R, 1598 see also muscle somatic motor system and somatic innervation, 636, 797 Skene AJC, 1462, 1463 tests, 527-33 skin somatosensory evoked potentials, 534-5, 818 fistula between, and urethra, men, 1151-3, 1169 sonography see ultrasound health (and continence products), 1618-26 sorbitol, dietary, 1347 pads, 1556 South Africa, Continence Association, 1682 obstetric fistula-related injury, 1434 South Korea, continence organisation, 1681 sympathetic response see sympathetic nervous system Spain, continence organisation, 1682 urinary diversion to SPARC (suprapubic arc sling), 1218, 1219 continent, 855-7 specialists (and specialist centers) non-continent 860-1, 855-7 in continence care sleep, children nurses, 1654-5, 1661-2, 1663 arousal from see arousal; waking single specialist model, 1654 nocturnal enuresis and, 42 training of physicians, 1661 sleep apnoea fistula care in developing world, 1450 children, 42 referral, LUTS symptoms requiring, 337 frail elderly, 971 SPECT, CNS, 605-7 sling procedures (sub-urethral), 1211-17 SpediCath, 816 children, 752 Spence technique, 1247 historical accounts, 28-9 sphincter see anal sphincter; urethral sphincter materials, 1211-12, 1212-16 sphincteroplasty, anal, 1391-3, 1408 men sphincterotomy post-prostatectomy, 453, 1129-31, 1132, 1136-7 internal anal, FI risk, 1338 post-radiotherapy, 1139 urethral, 833-8 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 846-7 endoscopic, 833-5, 837 ultrasound, 571 prosthetic, 835-7, 838 women, 1211-17, 1289, 1290 SPI (Symptom Problem Index), 388 Burch colposuspension vs, 1752 spina bifida, 912-16 concomitant to other surgery, 1295 FI, 863 mid-urethral tapes vs, 1218 occult, 741 vaginal extrusion of sling material, 1235 urodynamic studies, 458-9, 913 Slovakia, continence organisation, 1682 see also myelomeningocele slow stream, definition, 335 spinal anaesthesia, fistula surgery, 1439 smells, masking products, 1626-8 spinal canal stenosis, 801, 908-9 smoking, 1031, 1668 spinal cord as FI risk factor, 1341-2 afferent neurones, 182-4, 227 as UI risk factor, 1668 developmental abnormalities (myelodysplasia), 457-9, 740, 741, women, 60-1, 1031 912-16 smooth muscle (LUT) efferent pathways to bladder, 198, 200-2 active properties, 135-6 evoked potentials, epidural recording, 810 anorectum, 138-9 glial cells, 183-4 bladder wall/detrusor see detrusor sacral see sacral spinal cord EMG, 537 see also ascending pathways; descending pathways urethral, 127 spinal cord lesions (incl. injury/SCI), 799, 801, 862, 898-908 vaginal wall/supportive tissues, alterations in POP, 280-1 catheters and, 1606-7 smooth muscle myosin (SM) in detrusor contraction, 121 indwelling, 901, 903, 1606-7 smooth muscle relaxants see bladder relaxants intermittent, 902, 903 SNARES (soluble N-ethyl maleimide sensitive-factor attachment conservative treatment, 811-12 protein receptors), 661 detrusor overactivity, 258-9 sneezing, continence in, neural mechanisms, 194 electrical stimulation with, 24 Soave procedure, 1160 FI due to, 799, 862, 906-7, 1338-9, 1366 social consequences, obstetric fistula, 1429 colostomy, 877 social factors diagnosis, 864 nocturnal enuresis, 42 patient-reported outcome assessment, 400-1

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urine storage abnormalities, 223 surgery, 745, 746 urodynamic studies, 900-1 neural mechanisms, 222-4, 636 children, 461-2 storage reflexes (urine), 192-4 spinal dysraphism, 459-60 storage symptoms, definitions, 334-5 detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 740 strain-softening phenomenon, 134-5 imaging, 605, 606 straining (defaecation), chronic, 354 occult, 459-60 straining (voiding) physical examination, 707 definition, 335 urodynamic studies, 459-60 urethral axis during, 553 spinal reflexes, 227-8, 803 stratification/stratified sampling, 1721 anal and urethral rhabdosphincters and, 189, 192 stream assessment, 803 intermittent, definition, 335 lamina I afferent input to, 227 slow, definition, 335 spinal urine-storage-reflex inhibitory center (SUSRIC), 192-4 strength, pelvic floor muscle see pelvic floor muscle spine strength-duration test, external anal sphincter, 497-8 discs see intervertebral disc disease Strengthening of the Reporting of OBservational studies in imaging, 605-6 Epidemiology (STROBE) statement, 92 `spinning-top’ configuration, 711 stress spinobulbospinal reflex, 215 pelvic floor, chronic, 283 spino-thalamic input psychological, reduction in bladder pain syndrome, 1481 to interoceptive cortex, 230 stress incontinence (SUI - females), 27-9, 1193-237, 1701-2 to limbic behavioural motor cortex, 230 conservative treatment, economic analysis, 1700-1 sponge, intravaginal polyvinyl, 1574 definition of, 334 spontaneously hypertensive rat, 223 drug therapy, 672-5 SQOL-F (Sexual Quality of Life-Female Questionnaire), 399 hormonal, 676-7, 678 squeeze pressure measurements (external anal sphincter), 481-5 electrical stimulation in SSI (Symptom Severity Index), 388 men, 1088 staff women, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063-4, 1065, 1066 health care see health care staff EMG changes, 531-2 nursing home see nursing home frail elderly, 470 staining with washable pads, faecal, 1557 imaging, 276-8 Stamey grading scale, 1749 initial assessment, 342 Stamey needle suspension/colposuspension, 1202, 1203, 1212, 1216 magnetic stimulation in, 1065, 1069, 1070 standard error of the coefficient, 1694 mixed UUI and see mixed UI standard setting for nurses, 1662 neural mechanisms, 224 Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD), 545 obstetric causes/risk factors, 264, 265-6, 267, 272-3 STAR trial, 651 pathophysiology, 271-8 statistical analysis, 1694 pelvic floor muscle training, 1042, 1066 trials, 1718-29 biological rationales for, 1034-5 recommendations, 1729 recommendations for practice, 1080 stem cells, transurethral injection pelvic floor properties and, 135 post-radical prostatectomy, 1129 POP comorbid with, surgical considerations, 1228-9 ultrasonography-guided, 572 POP surgery and prevention or treatment of, 1294-5, 1296-9 stents, urethral sphincter, 835-7, 838 postoperative, in POP patients, 448 steroid hormone therapy in UI, 676-9 selection of treatment, leak point pressure in, 433-4 stoma, continent severity, assessment, 443-4 child, 754-5 surgery, 842-9, 1193-237, 1701-2, 1751, 1754 complications complications, 1222, 1223, 1229-37 continent urinary diversion, 856 concomitant urethral diverticulectomy, 1246 non-continent urinary diversion, 859 confounding variables, 1220-8 cutaneous site, 855-7 economic analysis, 1697-8, 1701-2 other types, 857 historical accounts, 27-9 stomach, bladder reconstruction/augmentation using (gastrocysto men, 1161 plasty), 853-4 predicting failure, 446 child, 748 for recurrence, outcome, 1224-6 malignancy complications, 758-9 in sphincteric incompetence, 842-9 stones (calculi/lithiasis), urinary (incl. kidney/bladder) trials, 1751, 1754 cystoplasty and, 757-8 urgency after, 447 indwelling catheters and, 1599 voiding difficulties after, 446-7 intermittent catheters and, 1583 urodynamic studies, 442-8 multiple sclerosis, 896 with coexisting overactive bladder, 436 non-continent urinary diversion and, 859 diagnostic and therapeutic vale, 433-4 spinal cord injury, 901-2 leak point pressure, 433 vesicovaginal fistula-associated, 1430 women, 442-8 stools see faeces vaginal cones, 1080 storage (urine) stress incontinence (SUI - males) capability, intravesical pressure measurements in assessment of, drug therapy, 675 419 stem cell therapy, 572 peripheral control, 634 Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial (SISTEr), storage dysfunction/failure, 222-4, 633, 636 1752 children stress response, endoplasmic reticulum, 146-8 postoperative, 755 stress testing (provocation tests)

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in detrusor overactivity, 439-40 consensus statement, 759 frail elderly, 977 indications, 746-7 women, 342 decision tree, vs medical management, 1692 after UI surgery, 1253 detrusor overactivity see detrusor overactivity Stress/Urge Incontinence Questionnaire, 390 endoscopy of LUT during, 609 stretch, urothelial response to, 117, 118, 120, 122, 134 fistulas (not specifically in women) strictures, urethral see urethral strictures children, 1406-7 STROBE (Strengthening of the Reporting of OBservational studies men, 1155-60 in Epidemiology) statement, 92 fistulas in women, non-obstetric, 1249-51 stroke see cerebrovascular accident fistulas in women, obstetric primarily and incl. vesicovaginal subcortical areas in bladder control, 216-20 fistula, 1439-52, 1453 subjective measures in outcomes research, ICS Standardization complex, 1444-7, 1452, 1453 Committee recommendations, 1730-1 complications, 1448-50 subsacral lesions, 799 ethical considerations, 1451-2 substance P (SP), 179, 182, 195, 202 historical accounts, 24-7 subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation, 827 repeat, 1449 subtrigonal cystectomy in bladder pain syndrome, cystoplasty with, simple, 1439-44, 1452, 1453 1494 iatrogenic damage see iatrogenic damage suburethral slings see sling procedures large bowel, resting anal pressure and prediction of outcome, suburethral tapes, 842-3 479-80 suburothelium, 116-20 men, prostate, and associated UI see prostatectomy detrusor interactions with, 120 men, for UI, 1121-90 signalling and secretory properties, 117-19 evaluation before, 1124-6, 1169 Suby G, 1598 new technologies, 1170 sucralfate, diarrhoea-associated FI, 1351 older people, 1137-8 Sudocrem, 1624 post-prostatectomy in benign disease, 1136-7, 1169 SUIQ (Stress/Urge Incontinence Questionnaire), 390 post-prostatectomy in cancer, 1128-35, 1137-8, 1169 superabsorbent polymers (SAPs), products with, 1540-1, 1621 post-radiotherapy, 1139-40 suplatast tosilate, bladder pain syndrome, 1484 nerve damage due to, 802, 918 suprapontine lesions, LUT and bowel dysfunction due to, 799 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 829-61 detrusor overactivity, 258 meningomyelocele, 913-14 suprapubic arc sling (SPARC), 1218, 1219 new procedures, development and assessment, 1753-4 suprapubic catheters, 819-20, 1578, 1588, 1589, 1606 older people/frail elderly, 995-7, 1008-9 suprapubic urethral tapes, complications, 1231 complications in SUI surgery, 1232 suprasacral spinal lesions, 799 men, 1137-8 supraspinal lesions, LUT dysfunction, conservative management, recommendations, 1008-9 811 research, 1740 see also specific lesions pelvic see pelvic surgery supraspinal pathways pelvic floor (in general), ultrasound, 571 pelvic floor muscle activation, 193-4 pelvic organ (incl. vaginal) prolapse, 1273-320, 1706-7 urethral and anal rhabdosphincter activation, 193-4 augmenting materials, 1300-7 supraspinal reflexes, 227-8 concomitant/combined procedures, 1293-300 lamina I afferent input to, 227 economic analysis, 1698, 1706-7 supratrigonal cystectomy efficacy of specific procedures, 1278-92 and cystoplasty in bladder pain syndrome, 1493-4 modifications to traditional methods, 1291 neurogenic UI, 850 obliterative procedures, 1292 supra-urethral meatus approach to diverticulum, 1247 outcome see outcome surgeons and pelvic floor muscle training, 1098-9, 1099, 1100 fistula predicting SUI risk, 448 dedicated, 1450 recommendations, 1309-10 ethical considerations, 1451-2 reconstructive procedures, 1278-91 in SUI surgery, experience affecting outcome or causing compli research, 1310-11 cations, 1228, 1231 safety issues relating to route, 1278 surgery, 24-7, 529-32, 744-59, 829-61, 1121-272, 1387-417, selection of routes, 1277-8 1751-5 previous (for UI) affecting SUI surgical outcome, 1224-6 AI/FI following, 78, 1337-8, 1340 in prostatectomised patients see prostatectomy for Hirschsprung’s disease, 1407 prostatic see prostatectomy for AI/FI incontinence, 870-7, 1387-417 research see research children, 1406-7, 1408 SUI see stress incontinence costs, 1708 women history, 1389 obstetric fistula see subheading above in meningomyelocele, 915 for POP, see subheading above neuropathic patients, 1387-417 women, for UI in general, 1191-272 anal sphincter (external/internal) repair/reconstruction, 1390-1, confounding variables, 1220-8 1408 pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1049, 1050, 1051 obstetric, 295-7, 1390 SUI see stress incontinence problems after, 616-17 see also specific procedures secondary/delayed (=sphincteroplasty), 1391-3, 1408 survey studies, UI bladder pain syndrome, 1492-4 general problems with, 86 children with FI, 1406-7, 1408 in women, 47 children with UI, 744-59 suspension systems, urine drainage bags, 1564 complications, 755-9 SUSRIC (spinal urine-storage-reflex inhibitory center), 192-4

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Sweden see also specific types Enuresis Trial (SWEET) Group, 722 tadalafil, 659 patient-reported outcome assessment in older patients, 400 Taiwan Continence Society, 1682 Swedish Urotherapists, 1682 tampon-type bladder neck support devices, 1572 SWEET study, 722 tamsulosin, 657, 824 Switzerland, continence organisation, 1682 tap(s), drainage bags, 1562, 1563 sympathetic nervous system, 797 see also valves cutaneous, response and its assessment, 537 tape diabetes mellitus, 916-17 suburethral, 842-3 neurogenic LUT dysfunction (in general), 811 tension-free vaginal see tension-free vaginal tape denervation in bladder pain syndrome, 1493 target difference, 1723-4 LUT, 634 TBS (Treatment Benefit Scale), 384 anorectum, 138 temperature sensation tests see ice water/ test; thermal testing bladder base and trigone, 126 10-Item Scale to Measure Urinary Urgency, 391 urethra, 127 tension, bladder wall/detrusor, and its generation, 132, 136-7 see also autonomic nervous system tension-free vaginal tape (TVT; mid-urethral tapes), 842-3, 1217-20 symphysis pubis see pubic symphysis alternative procedures to, 1193-217 symptom(s) alternative procedures vs, 1218-20 in bladder pain syndrome, assessment, 1475, 1494-8 cost-effectiveness of, 1697-8 bowel see bowel symptoms randomised controlled trials, 1217, 1219, 1752, 1753 FI complications, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234 older people, 1369 obesity-related, 1223-4 questionnaires assessing, 393-4 for POP with SUI, 1229 in POP, 285, 341, 1276-8 for recurrent SUI, 1225 in outcome assessment, 1276, 1746 tension-free vaginal tape-obturator (TVT-O), 1219, 1220 symptom(s), LUT, 334-7 terbutaline assessment/quantification, 335-7 overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor overactivity, 658 females, 340-1 SUI, 673 frail older people, 1010-11 terminal dribble see dribble frequency and severity of symptoms, 335-7 terminal node (decision tree), 1692 in ICI modular questionnaire, 371 terminology see definitions and terminology males, 351 terodiline, 653 in patient-reported outcome assessment, 364-7, 377-403 children, 739 in POP, 389-93, 397, 1746 tertiary prevention of UI, 1037 postoperatively in women having UI surgery, 1253-4 test-retest reliability in QoL studies see subheading below questionnaires, 366 men urodynamic studies, 423-4 age-related occurrence, 970 tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ channels, 182 assessment, 351 Thailand, continence organisation, 1682 research, 1736-7 thalamic deep brain stimulation, 827 as risk factor for UI, 69 thalamocortical relay units (ventromedial thalamic nuclei), 230, 231 in POP surgical outcome assessment, 1276 therapy see treatment requiring specialist referral, 337 thermal ablation of prostate, UI risk, urodynamic studies, 451 research see research thermal testing, anorectal, 492-3 screening tools, 383-8 see also ice water/ test severity see severity three-dimensional MRI, 579 UI categorised by, 336 three-dimensional ultrasonography, 559 urinalysis, 337-8 Three Incontinence Questions Questionnaire, 386 women three-state Markov model, 1693 in pregnancy, 265 thromboxane A2 receptors, 142 in prolapse, 341, 1737-8 stimulation, posterior, 826, 1402-3, 1408 research, 1737-9 tic doloureux, 1462, 1463 as risk factor for UI, 59 timed voiding, 815 worldwide estimates of numbers of individuals with, 89 frail elderly, 985, 986, 987 see also bothersomeness men, 1092 Symptom Impact Index (SII), 388 women, 1077 Symptom Problem Index (SPI), 388 recommendations for practice, 1081 Symptom Severity Index (SSI), 388 Timms C3 penile compression device, 1576 synbiotics and FI risk, 1346-7 tissue adhesives, non-obstetric fistulas, 1249 synthetic materials tissue analysis, 627-9 anterior wall prolapse repair, 1300-1 tissue engineering and replacement, 149-51, 750 apical prolapse repair (by sacrocolpopexy), 1279 bladder (tissue-engineered neobladder), 150, 750 slings, 1212-15 child, 150 systemic lupus erythematosus, 801, 920 in detrusor overactivity, 1240 tobacco smoking see smoking toilet facilities and FI risk, 1342 T older people, 1369 toilet training, children, 1349 T-shaped pads/diaper, 1542, 1553 toileting (and toileting assistance incl. habit training) tachykinin(s), 132, 179-80 devices/products assisting with, 1522, 1526, 1533-7 micturition and, 183 FI, neurogenic, 868-9, 907 neurogenic UI, 814-15

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older people (incl. frail persons), 985, 987, 989 radiotherapy after, 1139 tolterodine, 646-7, 1703-4 as risk factor for UI, 302-3, 308, 350, 452, 1135-6 child, 738, 738-9 urodynamic studies, 451 economic analysis, 1702-3 transvaginal approach elderly (incl. frail persons), 993 fistula (non-obstetric) repair, 1250-1 adverse effects, 682, 983 fistula (obstetric) repair, 1447 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 821 combined with abdominal approach, 1447 spinal cord injury, 903 POP surgery, 1277-8 topical skin care products, 1623 augmenting materials, 1302 toxic agents in bladder pain syndrome aetiology, 1471 paravaginal repair, 1288, 1288-9 toxins, therapeutic use in overactive bladder symptoms/detrusor posterior vaginal wall prolapse, 1290-1 overactivity, 661-8 sacrocolpopexy, 1286 traditional birth attendants, 1656 transversus abdominus contraction, pelvic floor muscle activated by, training of professionals see health care staff 1035 tramadol transvesical injection of drugs/chemicals see intravesical drugs chronic pelvic pain, 1491 trauma see injury UI, 671 treatment transabdominal approach compliance issues see compliance fistula repair (non-obstetric), 1251 MRI assessment of outcome, 592-3 fistula repair (obstetric), 1446 research on see research; trials combined with vaginal approach, 1447 satisfaction with, assessment, 383, 384 POP surgery, 1277-8 in ICI modular questionnaire, 372 paravaginal repair, 1288, 1288-9 women after UI surgery, 1254 posterior extension of colpopexy mesh, 1292 seeking see help-seeking behaviour for rectal prolapse, 1307, 1308-9 urodynamic tests and their relevance to, 445 sacrocolpopexy, 1286 aiding selection, 433-4 transanal approaches predicting response, 441-2 posterior vaginal wall prolapse repair, 1291 of SUI, 445 rectourethral fistula, 1157, 1158 see also care and specific modes of treatment and specific con transanal irrigation, 869, 1349 ditions transanal ultrasonography (endoanal ultrasonography; EAUS), 480, Treatment Benefit Scale (TBS), 384 487, 498, 611, 614, 616 tremor, essential, 827 transcranial magnetic stimulation, 827 Trendelenburg, Freidreich, 26 transcrotal approach, artificial urinary sphincter implantation, trials (clinical studies), 1704, 1716-29 1161-3 conduct, 1718-29 transcutaneous electrical stimulation common mistakes and pitfalls during, 1719 of anterior sacral roots see sacral neuromodulation, anterior ethical considerations, 1756, 1757 children, 735 recommendations, 1729 men, 1089 design, 1716-18 transdermal oxybutinin, 653, 655 adherence to design criteria, 1755 frail elderly, 992 common mistakes and pitfalls during, 1719 transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels, 146, 174, 180 economic analysis, 1704 botulinum toxin A and, 661 patient-reported outcome measures in, 401-2 transient UI planning, 1716, 1719 in older adults, 308-11 ethical considerations, 1756-7 in pregnancy, 264 statistics see statistical analysis transitional epithelium see urothelium surgery for UI in men, 1170 translational research, 149 types, see also specific types transmembrane family of receptors see also research and specific conditions and their treatments seven (7TM), 140 triclosan-impregnated indwelling catheters, 1597 six (6TM), 144 tricyclic antidepressants transobturator slings (transobturator route of tape placement; TOT), bladder pain syndrome, 1482-3 1130, 1137, 1218, 1219-20 chronic pelvic pain, 1491 complications, 1231, 1233, 1234 diarrhoea-associated FI, 1351 transplantation, renal, in myelodysplasia, 459 neurogenic UI, 821-2 see also grafts nocturnal enuresis, 723 transrectal high-intensity focused ultrasound, 1140-1, 1155 triggered reflex evacuation see defaecation transrectal irrigation, 869, 1349 triggered reflex voiding, 811, 813 transrectal prostatic hyperthermia, 1154, 1155 triple blind trials, 1733 transsphincteric incision to rectourethral fistula repair trospium, 643-6, 821, 1703 anterior, 1158 children, 739 posterior, 1156 economic analysis, 1703 transurethral catheters see catheters frail elderly, 994 transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), trumpets, rectal, 1530, 1614, 1616, 1617 1136 tuberculous cystitis, reduced bladder capacity, 1152 transurethral injection of stem cells see stem cells tumours transurethral marsupialisation, 1247 brain, 800, 892 transurethral resection of bladder in bladder pain syndrome, 1492 malignant see cancer transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) or incision (TUIP) TURP see transurethral resection of prostate endoscopic assessment of urethral sphincter following, 609 12-hour pad test, 620 frail elderly, 997 24-hour frequency, measurement, 336 pelvic floor muscle training after, 1087 24-hour pad tests, 347, 620-2

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24-hour production, measurement, 336 economic analysis in, 1688-9 twin studies, POP, 84 nurse specialist, 1654-5, 1661-2, 1663 twisting of external continence devices see anti-kinking features Office of Research Integrity, Introduction to Responsible two-hour pad test, 620 Conduct of Research, 1756 routine care costs, 1700-1 University of Wisconsin IC Scale, 1495, 1496, 1498 U unmyelinated afferents, 636 bladder, 176-7, 636 upper urinary tract U-Control vzw, 1680 in bladder neck reconstruction for exstrophy and epispadias, UDI (Urogenital Distress Inventory) and UDI-6, 382, 382-3, 387, fate, 1144 389, 390 imaging, 546-610 UIHI( Urinary Incontinence Handicap Inventory), 381 children, 709-10 UIS (Urinary Incontinence Score), 381 indications, 546-60 UISS (Urinary Incontinence Severity Score), 381 injury in obstructed labour, 1431 UITN (Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network), 1752, 1754 multiple sclerosis-associated complications, 896 UK see United Kingdom in non-continent urinary diversion, complications, 859 ulcer(s), pressure, 1620-1 UPS (Urgency Perception Scale/Score), 387-9, 390 ulcerative colitis and FI, 1334 UQ (Urgency Questionnaire), 381 ultrafast image acquisition in MRI, 578 urease inhibitors preventing catheter encrustation, 1597 Ultralife™ , 835, 836 ureter ultrasound, anal (in FI), 486, 487 bladder augmentation using (ureterocystoplasty) endoanal/transanal (EAUS), 480, 487, 498, 611, 614, 616 child, 750 ultrasound, transrectal high-intensity focused, 1140-1, 1155 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 853-4 ultrasound, urinary tract (and pelvic floor and its dysfunction), 557, ectopic see ectopic ureter 559-77 injury bladder neck, 561-2 with obstructed labour, 1431 children, 709-10 with SUI surgery, 1233 cystourethrography compared with, 557 reimplantation (in enterocystoplasty), 850 men, preoperative, 1124 urine reflux see vesicoureteric reflux obstetric patients, 565-6, 570-1 ureterocele, ectopic, 464 residual urine evaluation, 562-4, 598-9 surgery, 745 children, 709 ureterostomy, cutaneous, 860-1 standardisation, 559-61 urethra, 127-32 SUI, real-time, 276-8 afferent projections to spinal cord, 182-3 types, 559 age-related changes, 968 upper urinary tract, 548 anatomy and location/position children, 709-10 females, 271-2 urethra, 561 females, childbirth effects, and effects on urinary continence, ultrastructure (electron microscopy), bladder 272-3 age-related changes, 967-8 studies of, 275 in bladder pain syndrome, 1473 atrophy with artificial urinary sphincter, 1163-5, 1167-8 umbrella cells, 117, 170 bulking agents in/around see bulking agents unblinded (non-blinded) trials, 1716, 1722 closure see urethral closure uncoated intermittent catheters, 1580, 1581 compression (therapeutic in males) see males underactive bladder/detrusor (areflexia) construction/reconstruction (neourethra), 1446 child, 732, 742 child, 752 behavioural disorders and, 764 diverticula see diverticula management, 732, 735 duplications, surgery, 746 with overactive/hyperreflexic sphincter, 812 enhancement surgery, child, 750 child, 742 erosions with underactive/areflexic sphincter, 742 with artificial urinary sphincter, 1168 underactive urethral sphincters (areflexia/incompetence) postoperative (for SUI), 1235 children, 744 fistulas and the surgery, 745 surgical procedures, 1444-5, 1445-6 and overactive/hyperreflexic detrusor see detrusor overactivity urethral catheterisation, 1440, 1441, 1443 surgery, 842-9 see also rectourethral fistula; urethrocutaneous fistula; ure children, 745 throperineal fistula and underactive detrusor, 742 inclination, 553 undergraduate medical curriculum, incontinence, 1658-9 injury see injury underpads (bedpads), 1540, 1543, 1554-5 innervation, 127 disposable, 1554-5 mobility and possible hypermobility, 274-8 reusable, 1555 assessment, 343, 344, 1738 unfolded protein response, 148 SUI surgical outcome related to, 1222, 1228 United Kingdom/Britain (UK) occluding devices see occluding devices continence organisations, 1682 occluding forces confounding SUI surgical outcome, 1228 guidelines for UI in, 1664-5 physiology, 127-32 nurse continence advisors, 1654 position see subheading above nurse specialist education, 1662, 1663 prostatectomy-related injury see injury United States (USA) proximal, and open bladder neck at rest, imaging, 601-2 continence awareness promotion, 1651 role/function, direct studies, 274-5 continence organisations, 1682-3 smooth muscle, 127

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tapes supporting middle portion see tension-free vaginal tape bladder pain syndrome, 1494 tissue engineering, 149-50 urethrocutaneous fistula, men, 1151-3, 1169 torsion (procedure), historical account, 27-8 urethrography ultrasound, 561 diverticula, 603, 1246 weakness, concepts of, 273-4 positive-pressure, 550 see also entries under transurethral see also cystourethrography urethral axis at rest and during straining, 553 urethropelvic angle, 553 urethral closure pressure urethroperineal fistula, surgery, 1406-7 age-related changes, 968 urethrorectal fistula, men, 1151, 1153-60, 1169 child, 712 urethroscopy, Q-tip test and, 343 maximum (MUCP), 430-1 see also endoscopy factors affecting measurement, 432 urethrovaginal fistula, non-obstetric, 1251-2 normative and comparative data, 430-1 evaluation, 1248 SUI surgical outcome related to, 446, 1228 repair, 1252 urethral meatus see urethral orifice urethrovesical angle, posterior, 553 urethral orifice/opening/meatus urethrovesical junction see bladder neck diverticulum approach above, 1247 urge FI, 353 external, occluding devices see extra-urethral occluding devices Urge Impact Scale (URIS) and URIS-24, 390, 400 internal, distance from symphysis to, 553 urge syndrome see overactive bladder urethral plugs, 1450 urge UI (UUI; urgency UI), 448-9 urethral pressure, 422-3 children closure pressure see urethral closure pressure behavioural disorders and, 764 measurements/studies, 419, 422-3 urotherapy, 769 reproducibility/reliability/normal values, 430-2 definition, 334 retrograde see retro-resistance pressure depression and see depression urethral pressure profile (UPP) and its assessment, 419, 423 detrusor overactivity and, association between, 436 urethral pressure reflectometry, 422-3 drug therapy urethral resistance studies, 275 antimuscarinics, 645 urethral sphincter, external/distal (rhabdosphincter; urethral skeletal oestrogens, 677-8 muscle), 128 frail older people, 469-70 areflexia see underactive urethral sphincters gender and, see also men; women (subheadings below) artificial see artificial sphincter magnetic stimulation, 1069, 1070 bypass procedures, children, 746-7 men contraction, detrusor relaxation and, co-ordination, abnormalities conservative treatment, 1088 see detrusor-sphincter dysfunction; detrusor-sphincter prevalence, 65 dyssynergia refractory, management, 1145-9, 1169 control, development, 703-4 mixed SUI and see mixed UI EMG, 275 pathophysiology, 448-9 in multiple system atrophy, 884 severity, 448-9 in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 808 women, 448-9 in spinal urine-storage-reflex inhibitory center characterisa electrical stimulation, 1060, 1061 tion, 192-3 pelvic floor muscle training, 1035, 1080 females, anatomy/location, 271 and POP, surgical considerations, 1229 function, mechanism, 300-2 urodynamic studies, 448 incompetence see underactive urethral sphincters urgency (to defaecate) innervation, 188-92, 301 FI risk related to, 1334 neurochemical anatomy of motor neurones, 194 resisting, 1348-9 intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD), 273-8 urgency (to urinate) concept of, 273-4 bladder training, 1078 hypermobility vs, 274-8 definition, 334 urodynamics in the frail elderly, 470-1 drug therapy neurogenic deficiency, drug therapy, 820, 824-5 antimuscarinics, 647, 649, 651 neurophysiological studies, 275 resiniferatoxin, 668 EMG see subheading above electrical stimulation, 1061, 1062 overactive see overactive urethral sphincters measurement, 336 pharmacology, 194-7 measurement of impact of, 381, 387-9, 389, 390-1 supraspinal activation, 193-4 postoperative, in SUI, prediction, 447 surgery, 833-8 ± UI see overactive bladder underactive see underactive urethral sphincters urgency/frequency (U/F), sacral nerve stimulation, 1242-4 see also vesicosphincteric disorders Urgency Perception Scale/Score (UPS), 387-9, 390 urethral sphincter, internal/proximal, 300, 301 Urgency Questionnaire (UQ), 381 urethral sphincter dysfunction (incl. incompetence) Urgency Rating Scale (URS), 389, 390 men, rarity of UI due to, 1736 urgency UI see urge UI neurogenic see neurogenic sphincter dysfunction uridine triphosphate (UTP), 120 paediatric/congenital causes, surgery, 745-6, 746 uridomes see condom catheters post-prostatectomy, 306-7, 1124 urinals (devices), 23, 25, 1533-5 endoscopic assessment for, 609 bodyworn see bodyworn continence devices urethral strictures, 465 handheld, 1526, 1533-5 with intermittent catheterisation, 1582-3 urinalysis, 337-8, 625-6 urodynamics in children, 465 children, 707 urethral valves, posterior, 463-4 males, 352 urethrectomy and cystectomy, urinary diversion with/without, in urinary diary see frequency/volume diary

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urinary diversion differential diagnosis, 1479 in bladder pain syndrome, cystectomy and urethrectomy UTI in aetiology, 1470 with/without, 1494 children continent see continent urinary diversion bladder reconstruction/augmentation and, 757-8 in detrusor overactivity, 1240 with neurogenic detrusor-sphincter dysfunction, 743-4 in developing world (in fistula management), 1447-8 recurrent, day and night enuresis and, 728-9 with exstrophy/epispadia complex, 1144-5 indwelling catheter-related, 818, 1564-6, 1590-6 historical accounts, 29 personal hygiene in prevention of, 1601 non-continent see non-continent urinary diversion intermittent catheter-related, 817, 1577, 1581-2 with rectourethral fistula, 1155 men, UI risk, 69 urinary incontinence (UI - major refs only) multiple sclerosis, 895 aetiology see aetiology in neurogenic detrusor overactivity patients, botulinum toxin A artificial urinary sphincter complicated by, 1163 effects on incidence of, 663-4 assessment see assessment older people, 309 children see children spinal cord injury, 898 classification by symptoms, 336 prevention, 904 conservative management see conservative/medical management treatment, 904 definition, 334 SUI surgery-related, 1236 devices for see continence devices urine drainage bag-related, 1564-8 drug therapy see drug therapy urothelial response, 171 epidemiology see epidemiology women, UI risk, 59 episode frequency, assessment, 336 see also antibiotics; bacteriuria; cross-infection extra-urethral, endoscopy, 609 urination see micturition; voiding FI and, association, 1333 urine guidelines, 1664-5 analysis see urinalysis help-seeking see help-seeking behaviour collection historical perspectives, 19-34 in drainage bags see drainage bags imaging see imaging from indwelling catheters, 1601-2 impact and consequences, 61-2 see also valves LUTS with, urodynamic studies in men, 450-1 cytology, males, 352 men see males flow see urine flow neurological causes see neurogenic LUT dysfunction and incon leakage see leakage tinence loss (in enuresis), quantification, 708 obstetric see childbirth; pregnancy production/output odour control products, 1626 24-hour, measurement, 336 older people see frail elderly; older people excessive see nocturia; polyuria overactive bladder with (OABwet), 72 nocturnal, children, 716-17 residual volume see residual urine overactive bladder without (OABdry), 72 skin soiling and irritation, 1618-19 overflow, urodynamic studies, 456 cleansing products, 1622 pathophysiology, 257-78, 299-311, 799 storage see storage men, 299-308 vaginal entrapment, 733 men, post-prostatectomy, 1128 voided volume see volume women, 271-8, 448-9 see also glucosuria; haematuria women, post-fistula repair, 1448 urine flow (and flow rate) POP comorbid with see pelvic organ prolapse bladder pressure and, relationship see pressure-flow studies post-fistula repair, 1448-50 measuring rate of see uroflowmetry prevention see prevention normal rate in children, 706 reflex see reflex bladder urine retention (UR) screening tools, 383-8 botulinum toxin A and risk of, 666 severity see severity frail elderly, 984, 987-9 surgery see surgery products helping with, 1523 transient see transient UI with sacral neuromodulation in neurogenic LUT dysfunction, types, 334 832 continuous, definition, 334 women mixed see mixed UI idiopathic, EMG, 532 urinalysis, 337-8 postoperative (in SUI), 1234-5 women see females sacral nerve stimulation, 1243 see also stress incontinence; urge UI URIS (Urge Impact Scale) and URIS-24, 390, 400 Urinary Incontinence Handicap Inventory (UIHI), 381 Urobel Belgian association for urological nurses and associates, Urinary Incontinence Score (UIS), 381 1680 Urinary Incontinence Severity Score (UISS), 381 urodynamic studies, 417-74 Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network (UITN), 1752, 1754 ambulatory see ambulatory urodynamics Urinary Incontinence-4 Questionnaire, 388 in bladder neck reconstruction for exstrophy and epispadias, Urinary Sensation Scale (USS), 389, 390 1144 urinary sphincter bladder pain syndrome, 1475 artificial see artificial sphincter children, 457-68, 710 natural see urethral sphincter enuresis, 708-9, 710 Urinary Symptom Profile (USP), 381 clinical applications/practice, 442-73 urinary tract, lower/upper see lower urinary tract; upper urinary tract recommendations, 474 urinary tract infections (UTIs) therapeutic relevance see treatment artificial urinary sphincter-related, 1168 conventional, 418-19 bladder pain syndrome and

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definition, 417-18 UU scale (10-Item Scale to Measure Urinary Urgency), 391 EMG with, 440, 532 females see females frail elderly, 468-73, 977 V imaging combined with see videourodynamics males, 450-5 VACTERL association, 463 preoperative, 1124-6 vacuum (ventouse) delivery, trauma due to, 297, 298, 1337 methods used, see also specific methods MRI, 587 neurogenic LUT dysfunction, 455-7, 804-6, 1743 vagina multiple sclerosis, 896-7 age-related changes, 969 spina bifida (incl. myelomeningocele), 458-9, 913 damage/injury in obstructed labour, 1431-2 spinal cord injury see spinal cord lesions delivery via see childbirth in outcomes measurement devices in see intravaginal devices in LUTS, 1733-4 examination in UI surgery in women, 1252-3 in bladder pain syndrome, 1474 post-prostatectomy UI, 451-4 in UI, 344 preoperative fistulas involving, aetiology and epidemiology in developing cost-effectiveness, 1707 world, 1422-9 males, 1124-6 see also rectourethral fistula; rectovaginal fistula; ure reproducibility, 423-6 throvaginal fistula; vesicovaginal fistula research see research pain in bladder pain syndrome, 1475 role, 418 POP pathophysiology related to alterations of vaginal tissues, technological innovations, 419-23 280-1 training in, 1661 sling material extruded into, 1235 uroflowmetry, 418-19 urine entrapment (girls), 733 children, 708-9 vault prolapse, surgery, 1280 geriatric patients, 469, 472 see also pubovaginal sling and entries under colpo- urogenital diaphragm, female, 271-2 vaginal approach see transvaginal approach Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI) and UDI-6, 382, 382-3, 387, vaginal biofeedback see biofeedback 389, 390 vaginal cones, weighted, 1052-3, 1056-8, 1080 urogenital fistula see fistula combined with other treatments, 1058 urogenital sinus malformation, 745 pelvic floor muscle training, 1052, 1053, 1058 urography, intravenous, 548 future research directions, 1081 Urolife, 381 literature search strategies, 1107 Urolume™ , 835, 836, 837 pelvic floor muscle training vs, 1048, 1050, 1051 uropathogenic Escherichia coli, 117, 171 recommendations for practice, 1080 uroplakins, 170 vaginal prolapse urotheliogenic hypothesis of spontaneous detrusor activity, 124, childbirth and, 272-3 124-5 SUI surgery-related, 1236 urothelium (transitional epithelium), 116-20, 170-5 vaginal tape, tension-free see tension-free vaginal tape afferent nerves, 177 vaginal wall, apical, as key to pelvic organ support, 1278-9 anatomy, 170 vaginal wall prolapse barrier function, 170 anterior (cystocele) in bladder pain syndrome aetiology cystourethrography, 556 cell proliferation, 1470 materials augmenting surgery, 1300-1, 1303-4 dysfunction, 1470 physical examination, 345 cells, role in visceral sensation, 171-5 SUI risk following surgery, 448 detrusor interactions with, 120 surgery, 1280, 1288-90 in disease and infection, 117 apical, 1278-86 heterogeneity, 171 materials augmenting surgery, 1306 muscarinic receptors, 638 physical examination, 345 in paediatric surgery, colocystoplasty lined with urothelium surgery (support procedures), 1278-86 (=seromuscular patch), 749 posterior (rectocele) secretory properties, 117-19 imaging, 567, 589-90, 593 signalling properties see signalling materials augmenting surgery, 1305 urotherapy (bladder rehabilitation), children, 734-6, 769-71 physical examination, 345 URS (Urgency Rating Scale), 389, 390 surgery, 1280, 1290-1 USA see United States vaginitis, atrophic, 390 USP (Urinary Symptom Profile), 381 validity USS (Urinary Sensation Scale), 389, 390 pad test, 619 uterosacral ligament suspension, 1280, 1286 patient-reported outcome questionnaires, 366, 367 uterosacral vault suspension, 1288, 1754 trials, bias and blinding effects on, 1722-3 uterosigmoidostomy, children, 747 valproate sodium, 1351 uterus Valsalva manoeuvre damage in obstructed labour, 1432 bladder expression using, 813-14 interactions with other pelvic organs at efferent neural level, leak point pressure in, 274, 422, 432, 433, 434, 443, 444, 446 203-5 preoperative, men, 1124-5 prolapse in Q-tip test, 343 MRI, 590 in ultrasound, 559, 561, 565, 567, 571 surgery, 1280 valves U-Tex male adjustable tension band, 1576 catheter, 1601-2, 1606, 1610 UTP, 120

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research priorities, 1611-12 symptoms, definitions, 445 invaginated, for continent urinary diversion, 857 triggered, 811, 813 posterior urethral, 463-4 see also micturition vanilloids, intravesical see intravesical drugs voiding cystometry, 419 vascular dementia, 879-80 voiding cystourethrography see cystourethrography vasculature see blood vessels voiding diary see frequency/volume diary vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), 132, 200 voiding postponement, 39, 732, 764 vasopressin (ADH), 679 urotherapy, 769 analogues see desmopressin voiding reflex see micturition reflex; reflex voiding nocturnal release, children, 716-17 volume VATER association, 463 bladder see bladder, volume vector manometry, 486-8 residual see residual urine ventouse delivery see vacuum delivery voided ventral sacral rhizotomy, 839 average, measurement, 336 ventromedial thalamic nuclei (VMpo), 230, 231 maximum, measurement, 336 verapamil, 652 nocturnal, measurement, 336 Vereniging Nederlandse Incontinentie Verpleegkundigen (VNIV), see also frequency/volume chart; frequency/volume diary 1681 voluntary contraction of external anal sphincter, pressure on, 481-6 vertebral (spinal) canal stenosis, 801, 908-9 Vulnerable Elders Survey, 975, 976 vertebral column see spine vulval pain in bladder pain syndrome, 1475 vesical autoplasty, 1446-7 vesicosphincteric disorders in multiple sclerosis, 894-6 vesicostomy, 860 W child, 754 vesicoureteric reflux waking botulinum toxin A and risk of, 666 scheduled, 724 children, 464, 744 to void see nocturia day and night time enuresis and, 728-9 see also arousal spinal cord injury, 901 Waldeyer’s sheath, 125 vesicovaginal entrapment, 733 washable continence products see reusable/washable continence vesicovaginal fistulas, 24-7 products children, surgery see surgery water non-obstetric, 1247-52 anal stimulation with water streams, 868-9 aetiology, 1247-8, 1424 spinal cord injury, 907 complicated, 1251 barrier products preventing skin penetration by, 1623, 1624 evaluation, 1248-9 transanal and transrectal irrigation with, 868-9, 1349 treatment, 1249-51 water-perfused catheter in anal manometry, 475-6 obstetric (in developing world), 1430 see also ice water/ test combined with rectovaginal fistula, 1433 water-tight fistula closure, 1440, 1443 conservative management, 1437, 1438 waveform analysis in neurophysiological tests, 527 reproductive consequences, 1432 websites, education resources, 1658 surgery, 1446, 1447 weight see also fistulas (women) bladder, ultrasound, 563-4 videourodynamics (urodynamics + imaging incl. videocys body, 1667 tourethrography), 440, 551-2 women, POP related to, 1096, 1096-7 children (enuresis), 710, 711-12 see also weight reduction urethral diverticula, 603 body, reduction, 1667 viscera, pelvic see pelvic organs FI prevention by, 1341 visceral pelvic fascia see fascia women, 1028-9 visco-elasticity, LUT, 134 pad see pads Visual Analogue Scale, symptoms in bladder pain syndrome, 1475 see also obesity vitamin B deficiency, intestinal reservoir-related, 756 12 weighted vaginal cones see vaginal cones voided volume see volume wetting see enuresis voiding white matter structural lesions, frail elderly, 972 catheter influence on, in urodynamic studies, 430 WHO see World Health Organization cerebral control, 214-21 Winckel F, 27 children women see females normal, 705 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), 677, 678 postponement see voiding postponement work see occupational risk factors children, dysfunctional, 39, 731-2 World Federation of Incontinent Patients, 1683 behavioural disorders and, 764 World Health Organization (WHO) on fistulas treatment, 731-2, 735, 770 Fistula Surgeons Experts Meeting in Geneva (2004), 1439-40 disorders/dysfunction/difficulty, 633, 636 geographical distribution data, 1422 children see subheading above indicators for monitoring programmes, 1425 neural mechanisms, 224-5, 636 worldwide issues, see entries under international in Parkinson’s disease, 887 wound infection in SUI surgery, 1236 postoperative (in SUI), affecting outcome, 1222, 1234-5 postoperative difficulties in SUI, 446-7 pressure, in children, normal, 706 X pressure-flow studies see pressure-flow studies reflex see reflex bladder scheduled see scheduled voiding; timed voiding X-ray radiography (plain films), 551-9

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xenograft slings, 1216 Y

YIPS (York Incontinence Perceptions Scale), 381 YM178, 658 YM905 see solifenacin yogurt, 1347 York Incontinence Perceptions Scale (YIPS), 381 York-Mason approach to rectourethral fistula, 1156 Young, Hugh H, 28 Z

ZD0947, 653 zinc cream BP, 1624 zirconium oxide beads, pyrolytic carbon coated (Durasphere), 1404 zoster, 921 Zuidex see hyaluronic acid-dextranomer co-polymer