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A CATALOGUE OF MAPS, HISTORIES, PRINTS, OLD BALLADS COPY-BOOKS, Broad-Sheet and DRAWING BOOKS other PATTERS, &c. GARLANDS, &c. PRINTED and SOLD by WILLIAM and CLUER DICEY, At their WAREHOUSE, Opposite the South Door of Bow-Church in Bow- Church-Yard, LONDON. Printed in the Year M.D.CC.LIV. Besides many other Sorts of MAPS and PRINTS not herein mentioned, which may be had of WILLIAM and CLUER DICEY in Bow- Church-Yard, LONDON, with good Allowance for Sale or Exportation, they are continually En- graving NEW DESIGNS in the best Manner, as well as Copying New Sorts, from the various In- ventions of the best French, Dutch, and Italian Prints. [3] A CATALOGUE OF MAPS, PRINTS, &c. MAPS on Two Sheets of Elephant Paper. Curious Map of the World; being the best and neatest ever finished in Europe; on which is render’d familiar to the meanest Capacity, all the Constellations of the Cælestial Globe, and Schemes of the most celebrated Philosophers: Approv’d of, and Pub- lished at the Request of several of the Royal Society of London, and Royal Academy of Paris. For the Use not only of the Learned, by saving the Trouble of turning over their Volumes, but likewise for the Help and Satisfaction of such curious Gentlemen, Ladies, Tradesmen, School-Masters or Farmers, that are de- sirous to inform themselves or Families with the most wonderful Works of their Creator: For in Words at Length you have, The Sun’s Diameter, Distance, Magnitude, Heat, and Revolution. A 2 The 4 Two-Sheet MAPS. The Moon’s Revolution, Synodical-Month, Distance from the Earth, Diameter, Magnitude, and Reason of its Eclipse. Venus, its Diameter, Distance from the Sun, Revo- lution, Light, and Heat. Mercury, its Diameter, Distance from the Sun, and Time of its Revolution, with an Account of its Light and Heat. The Earth, its Revolution round the Sun, its Dia- meter, and the Time of its Diurnal Rotation round its own Axis. Mars, The Time it makes its Revolution round the Sun, its Diameter and Distance from it, its Light and Heat. Jupiter, With its Four Moons or Satellites, its Re- volution about the Sun, its middle Distance from it, its Light and Heat. Saturn, with its Five Moons and Ring; its Diameter, the time of its Revolution round the Sun, its Distance, Light, and Heat. The Fixed Stars, their Distance from the Sun, and their Annual Parrallax. Comets, their Number and Nature, Meridians, their Use and Number. The Zodiac, with an Account of the Clime, Climates, Zone and Zones, the Ecliptic, and how it shews the Places and Limits of the Eclipses, both Solar and Lunar, Degrees, what they are; the Year Solar, Year Lunar, Geography and Astronomy, with an Account of the Poles, Tropicks, Antipodes, the Antartic and Artic Circles: With a Description of the Horizon, Zenith, and Nadir, Longitude, Latitude, Parallels, and Co- lures, with Observations on the Aphelion and Periheli- on:The Whole being beautify’d with the Systems of Ptolomy, Tychoe-Brahe, and Copernicus. To which is added, A curious Solar System, a System of the different Com- Two-Sheet MAPS. 5 Computations, a System of the Planets, Hours of the Planets, and the Moon’s System. 2. EUROPE. A Map laid down according to the latest and best Observations. 3. ASIA. Ditto. 4. AFRICA. Ditto. And 5. AMERICA. Ditto. 6. A New and Correct Map of ENGLAND and WALES, laid down from the latest and best Observa- tions; containing all the Cities, County and Market Towns, with the Road and Distances in computed Miles between Town and Town, with the Market- Days, &c. Whereunto is annexed, The Traveller’s Guide; or Ogilby’s Roads Epitomiz’, being a Sett of Tables describing all the Direct and principal Cross Roads of ENGLAND and WALES, the progressive Distance between every Town on the Road being express’d in measur’d and computed Miles, and the Sum total of the Whole of each Road inserted at the Head of every Road; which, together with several other useful Improvements, are not to be found in any Map of the kind extant. 7. A Map of ENGLAND and WALES laid down as above; whereunto are added the Arms of all the Incor- porated Cities and County Towns; as also of several of the principal Boroughs in ENGLAND and WALES; to- gether with an Alphabetical Table of all the Market- Towns therein contained, shewing their Market-Days and Distances from London in measured and computed Miles, &c. Also an Account of the fixed and moveable Fairs held in Places of most Note throughout South- Britain. 8. Se- 6. MAPS 8. Several other Maps of ENGLAND, adorned with perspective Views of the Royal Palace, Hospitals, and other publick Buildings. 9. A Plan of LONDON, SOUTHWARK, and WESTMINSTER, with the New Bridge, &c. to the present Year. MAPS, each on a Sheet of Elephant Paper. Map of ENGLAND and WALES, with the Direct and Cross Roads; with the Distances between Town and Town, and the Market-Days. 2. Ogilby’s Roads: Or, A Set of Tables, of all the principal Direct and Cross Road of ENGLAND and WALES, with their Distances in measured and com- puted Miles. 3. A Sett of Tables, shewing Alphabettically at one View, a List of all the Incorporated Cities, Towns and Boroughs in ENGLAND and WALES; with their Counties, Situation, and Distances in measured and computed Miles from London, their Market-Days and Fairs, whether fixed or moveable; also the Number of Members each Place sends to Parliament [sic]; and whether Navigable [sic], and for what Kind of Vessels; with the Arms of all the Incorporated Cities and other Towns and Boroughs. 4. A Map of EUROPE. 5. Ditto of ASIA. 6. Ditto of AFRICA. 7. Ditto of AMERICA. Two Pocket Globes Cælestial and Terrestial. MAPS; MAPS. 7 MAPS done up in a Manner suitable for the POCKET. HE Travellers sure Guide; a Map of ENGLAND and WALES; with computed Distances be- Ttween Town and Town; with Ogilby’s Table of Di rect and Cross Roads, and Distances measured and computed Miles. Another Map of ENGLAND; with an Alphabetical Table of all the Market-Towns, with their Market- Days, and Distances from London in computed and measured Miles. Also a List of the fixed and moveable Fairs throughout South-Britain; with the Arms of all the Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Boroughs: Very necessary for all Persons who keep the Fairs of England. Six Curious Small MAPS in Quarto. Viz. NGLAND and WALES divided into Counties; with the County Towns, and a Table of the Length, Breadth and Area of each County. 2. A Map of the Cross Roads from one Great Town to another, throughout ENGLAND and WALES; with the Distance of Principal Cities and Towns on the Cross Roads in measured and computed Miles from each other. 3. A Map of the great Roads from London to all Parts of South-Britain; with the Distance of each City and County Town in measured and computed Miles from London. 4. A 8. PRINTS. 4. A Chart, shewing the Sea Coasts of ENGLAND and WALES; with the Fortifications, Royal Docks, Harbours, Sands, & c. 5. A Map of Middlesex; with the Roads &c. divided into Hundreds. 6. An Hemisphere: Or, Map of the World; drawn according to the truest Description, and the latest Dis- coveries that have been made. Large PRINTS, each on Two Sheets of Elephant Paper Representation of the Creation of the WORLD, with the general DELUGE; beautifully des- crib’d, in Eight several Parts, viz. 1. The Creation of the World. 2. Creation of Man, and Formation of Woman. 3. The Fall of Adam, by eating of the Tree of Life. 4. The Punishment of Adam and Eve, in being driven out of the Garden of Paradise. 5. The Murder of ABEL by his Brother CAIN. 6. The Building of the Ark by Noah. 7. The General De- luge, and Entry into the Ark. 8. The Return out of the Ark, and the setting up of the Rainbow. 2. A Representation of the Miracles of our Saviour Jesus Christ, in Eight Parts, as follows. 1. The Marriage in Cana. 2. He appeaseth the Tempest. 3. The Possess’d Man healed. 4. The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. 5. The Widow’s Son of Naim restor’d to Life. 6. St. Peter’s Faith failing him on the Water. 7. The Ten Lepers Cleansed. Curing the Man born Blind. 3. DA PRINTS 9 3. DAVID pacified by Abigail for NABAL’S Churlishness; as in the 1st Book of Samuel, chap. xxv. Being a Print very beautifully design’d and engrav’d; representing the Coming of DAVID and all his Hosts, to correct the Affront received from NABAL’S Churlish- ness; when he is met by ABIGAIL and her Servants, loaded with Refreshments; who by her submissive and graceful Carriage, and with the charming Accents of her Tongue, disarms the Hero of his just Indignation against her Husband NABAL; when he, with a Smile, receives the grateful Present of ABIGAIL, and forgives the Churlishness of NABAL. 4. The Life and Acts of SAMPSON, in Twelve se- veral Parts; with an Historical Account of each, viz. 1. His Birth. 2. Slaying the young Lyon in the Vineyard of Timnath. 3. Killing 1000 Philistians with the Jaw-bone of an Ass. 4. Letting loose Amongst the standing Corn of the Philistians 300 Foxes with lighted Firebrands at their Tails. 5. Quenching his Thirst with the Jaw-bone of an Ass. 6.