Lambourn Valley Contacts Lambourn Valley Vicar: Welcome The Rev’d. Martin Cawte 73920 St James the Greater Eastbury
[email protected] All Saints East Garston Associate Clergy: St Michael & All Angels Lambourn The Rev’d. Martin Partridge 670281
[email protected] Sunday 18th December 2016 Advent 4 The Ven. Christine Allsopp 674108 Welcome to everyone!
[email protected] We are glad to have you join us Church Wardens: as we worship God in this church. Eastbury Paul Reynolds 71001 Merrita Jones 72858 The Week Ahead Today: East Garston Bob Briant 648646 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Lambourn Dawn Tonge 648370 11.00am Nativity Lambourn 6.00pm Carol Service Lambourn Lambourn Malcolm Rolfe 71396 Bruce Laurie 71294 Monday: 9.30am Prayers PCC Secretaries: 10.00am Parents & Toddlers Party Lambourn Eastbury Jenny Powell 72741 7.00pm Carol Singing Queen's Arms East Garston East Garston Karen Sperrey 648365 Lambourn Ruth Honey 71158 Christmas Eve: 4.00pm Nativity Eastbury 11.00pm Christmas Communion Lambourn Prayers for People We continue to pray for: Anthony Jefferson, Tony th Basden, Jan Reynolds and Daniel Gould. Next Sunday 25 December 2016 Christmas Day Deanery Prayer Cycle 9.00am Christmas Communion East Garston Walbury Beacon 10.30am Christmas Communion Eastbury Matthew Cookson, Sue Webster 10.30am Christmas Communion Lambourn St. Michael Inkpen, St. Swithin Combe, St. Michael Enborne St. Mary Hamstead Marshall, St. Readings Laurence West Woodhay Isaiah 52:7 - 10; Hebrews 1:1 - 4; St. Mary the Virgin Kintbury with Avington John 1:1- 14. Or Notices & Diary Dates Isaiah 62:6 - 12; Titus 3:4 - 7; Luke 2:1 - 20.