LAMBOURN PARISH COUNCIL The Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Lambourn, Berkshire. RG17 8XP Telephone: 01488 72400 Clerk: Mrs Karen Wilson Assistant Clerk: Mrs Ann McMath email: [email protected] SUMMONS TO A VIRTUAL MEETING OF THE FULL COUNCIL ON WEDNESDAY 6th MAY 2020 AT 7:30 PM VIA ZOOM. Present: Cllr Billinge-Jones, Cllr Riggall, Cllr Cocker, Cllr Bulbeck Reynolds, Cllr Rowlinson, Cllr McKay, Cllr Nims, Cllr Snowden, Cllr Jones, Cllr Rees, Cllr N. Spence and Mrs Wilson (clerk). 17 Members of the public. 19:32 start. Cllr Billinge-Jones welcomed everyone to the first virtual meeting of the Parish Council. 1 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN LGA S4 (1) Following the Coronavirus Act 2020 and subsequent Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections and Referendums) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, no elections will take place in 2020. The elected official will remain in their posts until 2021. Acceptance of apologies for absence Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted. Apologies: Cllr E. Spence, Cllr J. Bracey and Cllr Marks. Cllr Billinge-Jones assumed that by councillors connecting, this indicated acceptance of the first virtual meeting [Prior to the meeting the Clerk raised concerns over validity of this meeting, with both the Chairman and vice-chairman, due not constitutional changes being made by Council. She was assured this would be addressed in the meeting.] Cllr Billinge-Jones declared that he will be stepping down as Chairman at next year’s election. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Regulation 2012 (SI 2012/1464). No declarations of interests. 2 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1) The minutes of the 4th March 2020 approved and will signed when the Chairman is next in the office. 3 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960. Cllr Billinge-Jones stated that Lambourn Parish Council has been attempting to operate as usual (subject to Government guidelines) during the Covid-19 lock down. We have cancelled all hall bookings and provided access to the volunteer Lambourn Junction group to facilitate their much needed support activities. The children’s play areas are closed for now. We have kept our other open spaces available and maintained so that daily exercise can be taken. We have suspended litter picking and we ask all parishioners to take their litter home, or use the bins provided. We also ask dog owners to clear up after their dogs. We cancelled Council meetings for April. At time of writing we are planning May’s full council meeting to be held via Zoom video conferencing. Depending how long Lockdown lasts we may be using this method to meet for a while yet. Parishioners are welcome to join these meetings. We continue to communicate with Thames Water, Laura Farris MP and local residents to progress the sewerage issues in Lambourn. Many of you may have seen the temporary filter system installed outside the fire station. This ensures that less foul water reaches the river. Cllr Rees asked whether this information was being filtered down to parishioners. Cllr Billinge-Jones Confirmed that information was being passed on the Mr Noll’s to be updated on the website. He also confirmed that West Berkshire Hub was the main source of information and that all parishioners were being sign posted to them, rather than create an additional stream. 19:39 Dist. Cllr Woollaston joined. Cllr Bulbeck Reynolds proposed the recruitment of additonal Village wardens as Eastbury currently have 2. Dist. Cllr Woollaston praised the work of volunteers. Mrs Field thanked Dist. Cllr Woollaston and noted the volunteer’s appreciation for the use of the venue, but raised concerns over what the Parish Council are doing? The Lambourn Junction is run by volunteers, supported by volunteers (donations) and are sign posting residence to The West Berkshire Council Hub, but practical help is needed. Moist people don’t have internet access (with the libraries being shut), they are unable to use their voucher and this is a huge concern during this unprecedented event. Cllr Billinge-Jones confirmed this will be discussed under item 8. 4 FINANCE LGA 1972 s150 (5) Salaries LGA 1972 s111 (March) £4248.82 Salaries (April) £3781.94 Lambourn Universal Stores £34.78 SSE (Oxford St) £704.18 SSE (Oxford St) £1111.54 Scofell £2598.96 SSE (S/L Power) £513.81 Viking £277.47 BT £504.29 WBC (Dog Bins) £607.55 Mrs McMath (keys cut) £17.00 SSE (S/L repairs) £317.76 WBC (Lambourn Centre) £13436.04 Lambourn Universal Stores £47.89 HMRC £2309.45 Scofell Landscapes £3078.96 SSE (S/L Power) £550.01 Scofell (burial) £312.00 Eastbury Furze £411.65 WBC (Rates) £301.86 Smart Integration £1602.00 Standing Orders: LGPS (Pension) £1031.25 Castle Water (Hall Water) £22.54 Castle Water (outstanding) £28.17 Southern Electric (Hall electric) £94.00 LNDP: Mr Mills £129.90 Bluestone Planning £2203.20 Bluestone Planning £1101.60 Lepus £3791.24 5 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority. The Principal Authority being the deciding body). 20/00913/HOUSE – The Hare Restaurant, Ermin Street, Lambourn Woodlands – Retrospective replacement sewerage treatment plant. No Objection, but would like to note that the map is incorrect. 20/00917/FULD – The Old Malt House, Upper Lambourn – Construction of detached 3 bedroom chalet style dwelling at existing racehorse training yard with associated works. Construction of two stable blocks containing 6 and 10 stables respectively. No Objection, request house is tied to the yard. 20/00920/FUL – 27 Child Street, Lambourn – Proposed single storey side extension to provide a private apartment (rented in the short term to local residents) to be used by elderly residents once a multi storey home becomes unusable. Objection. Over development of the site as this is a separate dwelling, not an extension. Tree survey is required. 20/00967/OUTMAJ – Linkslade Stables, Wantage Road, Lambourn – Outline Application for demolition of existing stable boxes, indoor school, trainers house and remaining infrastructure and erection of 15 dwellings for residential sale, new trainers house, staff hostel, new 50 stable boxes, horse spa, tack room, wash area, forge and indoor school and barn. Matters to be considered: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale. Contrary to CS12. “Redevelopment away from uses essential to the horseracing industry will be subject to the tests of suitability and necessity” No documentation (the Rural Enterprise Appraisal prepared by Kernon Countryside Consultants) has been published to justify this development. Visual impact on, and harm done to, the AONB. The housing development is of an inappropriate scale and design in a rural area, outside the settlement boundary. The new yard will be higher up the hillside, above the houses. All will be very visible. Unsustainable development. No public transport or pavements into the village. All residents of the housing would use cars to travel anywhere, thereby a substantial increase in traffic close to a difficult road junction” Risk of groundwater flooding. Flood Zone only accounts for river and sea flooding. This site is in an at risk area for groundwater flooding. Design of racing yard inappropriate. No room for large vehicles to manoeuvre. There is also no provision made for existing racehorses during construction 20/00946/COMIND + 20/00947/LBC2 – Park Farm, Upper Lambourn – Change of use to convert ban and tack room adjacent to Katie’s Cottage to Home Office with meeting room on 1st floor –pursuant to permission 11/02388/FUL. No Objection. 20/00981/HOUSE – Hyde Farm Cottage, Sheepdrove, Lambourn – Removal of existing garden room and erection of single storey extension. External alternations to existing dwelling. No Objection 20/01035/HOUSE – Fairfield, Mill Lane, Lambourn –Extension to create ground floor shower room and enclosed entrance porch. No Objection. 6 PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE Weekly Lists 19/01847/FULD – Land South of Copping Stables, Green Gate, Greenways, Lambourn – Conversion of existing barn to single store dwelling with associated landscaping. Application withdrawn. 19/02188/COMIND – Hadley Farm, Ermin St, Lambourn Woodlands – Proposed demolition of 8 Former Agricultural Buildings (of which 4 consent for B1 Use) and Proposal for Commercial Redevelopment Units totalling 1.678sqm, together with land restoration and new hedgerows, amenity grassland and proposed tree planting (woodland area totalling 20 076sqm), refurbishment of existing former agricultural barn for B1 use. No Objection but request conditions restricting operating hours. APPROVED. 19/02596/FULD – Land North of Whitcombe House stables, Upper Lambourn – Pre- commencement conditioned agreed with applicant. 19/02727/HOUSE – Hyde Farm Cottage, Sheepdrove, Lambourn – Extension to existing stable building. No Objection. APPROVED. 19/0031485/FUL – Inholmes House, Woodlands St Mary – Change of use from agricultural storage to residential car parking with internal and external alterations to the storage barn. APPROVED. 20/00185/COND1 – The Outhouse, Middle Farm, Eastbury – Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 – window and door details, of planning permission 19/02665/LBC2 (Conversion of existing store to extend existing residential accommodation). APPROVED. 20/00040/FULD – Delamere House, Baydon Road, Lambourn – Section 73: variation of condition 2 –Approved Plans of planning permission 17/03562/FULD. No Objection. APPROVED. 20/00214/COMIND – Lodge Down Stables, Ermin St, Lambourn Woodlands – Section 73A: variation of condition 2 – Approved Plans, of planning permission 17/02847/COMIND (two stable buildings, extension to existing hat barn, two staff lodges).
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