Thesis Presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy University
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X3 01 THE STRUCTURE AND RELIABILITY OF THE CODEX WINTONIENSIS (BRITISH MUSEUM, ADDITIONAL ITS 15350; THE CARTULARY OF WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL PRIORY) ALEXANDER RICHARD RUMBLE 4 Thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of London ' University College London October 1979 VOLUME TWO APPENDICES 1-4 BIBLIOGRAPHY I 2 APPENDIX'l A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF THE CONTENTS OF THE CODEX WINTONIENSIS, WITH AN INDEX -__'ýHe present appendix is no more than a summary guide to the contents of the Codex Wintoniensis. The information included in it is that necessary to the understanding of the general discussion of the cartulary, in relation to its various scribes$- contained in the main part of the. thesis. It is hoped$ however$ that it will also prove useful as an aid to the further study of the cartulary and of its constituent documents. Information in the Descriptive List.. falls into three categories - bibliographical references;. textual informatioý; and historical information. a) Bibliographical references each document has been numbered in the order of its present occurrence in the Codex; a separate number has usually been allocated where the cartulary-document possibly represents one distinct single-sheet exemplar, but, in the case of probable pre-existing files or sub- documents, individual records have been allocated separate numbers (e. g., a6-12, L4-70); documonts have been sub- divided etc. ), either where more than one closely' related transaction or record were. probab. ly written, from the beginning of their associationj_on the same single- sheet exemplar or (in the case of 140ab) where two in- ' tegral parts of the same transaction seem to have been recorded on separate single-sheets of' parchment; -the location of each document in the Codex has been shown by means of folio references to the MS., together with a note of-its association with either Cod. Wint. I II$ or III; a reference has also been given to any Plates, in- eluded in*the present-thesis,, on which the document is shown; -the scribe(s) who added particular documents to the Codex have been distinguished by the letters allocated to them I in the main part of the thesis, together with the date at which they wrote (see above, Table 3. for a key to the description of each scribe); -the number afforded any document in the lists edited by P. H. Sawyer; H. P. R. Finberg (ECDC, ECWt ECWM); C. (Code and R. Hart , ECE, ECEE, ECNE); or in Regest i-iii, has-been indicated; -references to the best available modern brinted edition(s) of each document have been placed in order of the date of publication. In general, these are references-to BCS; Harmer., EHD and ASWrits; R6bertsonj ASCharters; Whitelock, ASWrits; and Regesta ii and iiij' but KCD (an unreliable edition) and other more minor editions have also been Aoted if nothing else is available; -.-references have been given to translations of OE documents by F. E. Harmer (EHD. and ASWrits)2 A. J. Robertson (ASCharters), and D. Whitelock (ASWills and EHD); -any information about the later whereabouts of the exemplars has been noted;,. -notes have been made of other ESS., apart from exemplars, which contain other texts of documents in the Codex; these MSS. are listed in chronological order under each document. b) Textual* information -the rubric to each document has been quoted in full; -the text of each document has been briefly described in English but the MS. form of place-names and of irregularly spe2t personal-nam6s have been given within round brackets; the names of witnesses have been omitted, but the gonsistency of- their subscriptions in relation to each. other and to the stated date of the transaction has been checked and a note has been made of any. anachronisms; 158, Z,3-4-2; -a full edition has been give, t of 122% and for Which'there is no mo'dern printed edition and which 14. / do not (in contrast to 1, =, and 242) appear on Plates in the present thesis; -the spelling, word-diVision, and capitalisation of the MISS. have been followed in all quotations from them. Although this would be impractical in a full edition, it is useful in a List of the present sort for the impression it gives of the usage adppted by each scribe in thiý respect. In these quotationsg the tironian nota has been retained for OE and, but has been expande. d to et in Latin except where-its use caused a copying error. Technical terms in OE or Latin-have been given in the nominative case except where they are governed by a pýopositionwhich has also been quoted; -where a. document has been described as being in English, this includes Old English, late Old English, early Middle English, and Middle English; -a brief note has been made of copying errors dis- cerned in those cartulary-te: kts, for which the exemplars have not survivedý particularly where they throw some light on the nature of the lost exemplars. In these notes, the term 'altered' has been used in r6lation to the elimination of an error where this appears to have been pffected by the scribe of the text, an d the term 'corrected' where this appears to have been, th: e work of/separate corrector more explicit of the notes by a series of -the , annotators have been quoted in full in relation to the documents upon which they were commenting (apart-from that by annotator 8 which has been put under the nearest document$ as it bears no relation to the text at-that point). These annotators have been numbered in roughly chronological order and their appearance in the Codex may be slmmari, sed as follows -r- 9 5 Annotator I (s. xiii; mid-brown ink): fos. ;2V (table of contents; X. Plate IVý and 10v both con- cerning Taunton, Somerset. Annotator 2 (s. xiii; lead): fos. 13 (.ý2), 14 (41)9 22 (54), and 23 (56); all associated with restitutions of Winchester cathedral estates. Annotator 3 (s. xiii/xiv): fos. 13 (39) and 16 (44) in . le ad; fos. 37V Y- Plate VII), 66 and 113 (217) in ink; ? also the glosses on fos. 13 (1-17; and 39 (1-1; 84) and alterations to the punctuation of Possibly associated with the quarrbl over the cathedral endowment in the late thirteenth centuryq settled in 1284-5 (v. Cal Chart R 1257-13009 pp. 273-41 288; Goodmang Chartulai7 451)-. Annotator 4 ex.; greenish ink): fos. 2v (table of contents; X. Plate IV), 45 (ý-Dq 5"r (10-12; y. Plate XII), 6 Plate XV), ýv (12)9 10 (?3)9 115ýv ('229) and 12e (247; y. Plate XXIV). This annotator was also the medieval foliator of the Codex (y. sbovdq Part Aq section 1, e) and the second scribe of the index to WCL, St. Swithun's Cartulary (y. Goodman, Chartular , Plate 2). Annotator 5 (s. xiv; lead): fo. lýv (1.12 up; ý0)., marginal gloss. Annotator 60s. xiv; lead): fo-79v (157). Annotator 7 (? s. xiv; lead): fo*113 (219)- Annotator 8 (s. xiv/xv; brown ink): fo. 119v (M. sub L42; and Plate XXIII). Annotator 9 (s. xv; dark brown ink): fos. 2v (table of contents; v. Plate IV), 20(ýO)q 97 (190)- Annotator 10 (s. xv; brown ink): fOb- 9v (27)9 33V (78)9 47 (97), 57 (113)9 59 (117)9 64 (128)9 91V (179)9 92V (181)9 94- (183), 97 (190)9 11.2 (213; y. Plate XIV)q and 114Y (224). Four instances (fos.. 94,97, . 1129 114y) are acc ompanied by an imperious pointing hand; the same hand occurs on its own on fo. 71V(140a). This annotator was the scribe of the ecclesiastical chronicle in BL, Add. MS. 2943ý9 fos. 4_qv, '&nd of th6 fifteenth-century qathedral-priory cartulary (ibid., fos. 49-70v).. He also added rubrics and S. underlining. to the thirteenth-century cathedral priory cartulary (ibid., fos. 43v, 44vj 4-5-6) and was the second scribe of a roll of transcripts of papal bulls dating from 1144. to 1399 (BL, Cotton R. xiii. 16, mm. 6-7)- From the date and content of the notes in the Codex, it is possible that annotator 10 was Thomas Rudborne, the priory chronicler, who copiecl ý2 from the Codex. into his Historia majo Wintoniensis*(book ii, chapter xii). Annotator 11 (s. xv; light brown ink): ' fo, '. *13rv Q2), and 1ýv (43). Annotator 12 (s. xv; mid brown ink): fo. 0,4v'(18ý)- He also annotated documents in the thirteenth-century cathedral priory cartýlary (BLI Add. MS. 29436, fos. 25ýv:, 32v, 36,3ýv, and passi to fo-71v)-' Annotator 13. (s. xvi; dark broum ink): fos. 2'7 (table of contents; v. Plate IV), 67. (jZ)j 1157 (228), and 116 (230). ýv Annotator 14 (s. xvii; dark brown ink): fos. 2? (67), 43V (a)s 50 (102), and 59 (117); also the gloss on fo. 47 (1.8 up; 97). This annotator was almost certainly John Chase, the chapter clerk of Winchester Cathedral temp. King Charles I and during the Commonwealth (cf. the facsimile of his'handwriting, Sýephens and Madge, ECD, plate,. opposite P-5-7)- c) Historical information (i) Estates -the identification of estates is the same as that in Sawyer except where argued qýherwise; boundaries have no t all been fully worked out but have been taken into consideration in checking identifications. All definitely-identified estates: have been called by the modern form of their name with the MS. forms and their county location, in round brackets; completely unidentified estates have been called by the name under which they are recorded in the Codeý; tentatively-identified estates have been called by the name under which theyare recorded in 7 .! the Codex, with the modern name of the suggested place in round brackets; .1 -the later recorded history of all Winchester cathedral estates named in the Codex has been noted prior to A.